Reply to the daily telegraph post, Libs say the tide has turned: It will be the same as the WA…
Reply to the daily telegraph post, Libs say the tide has turned: It will be the same as the WA…
I just don’t believe the above, Winston. I’ve seen no plausible evidence of it anywhere.
And how many riches are in the Vatican (gold, jewels, silver, diamonds, etc.) ? And why have them? This applies…
Hopefully they discover that the meteorite killed the Wagyl and we can all just get on with fixing bridges over…
Both sprang from, and were nurtured to adulthood, by the same Marxist whore.
Apology if already posted. Been busy doing stuff. Worth a read about the traitorous pollies and bureaucrats that hate us and our family values.
NSW hate speech legislation lets off the worst of the offenders
Chris Merritt
It’s hard to identify the worst aspect of the recently enacted hate speech legislation in NSW.
But let’s have a crack, because there is a real chance the greatest achievement of this shocking law will be to let hate preachers off the hook. It is worse than doing nothing.
First consider that this law, which is supposed to criminalise incitement of racial hatred, actually includes an exemption for hate preachers.
They will be free to continue to incite racial hate as long as they cite a religious text and spew their bile while engaging in religious teaching or discussion.
That exemption means the new law in NSW against inciting racial hatred amounts to appeasement for those who believe they have a religious duty to promote the hatred of Jews.
It means repugnant conduct by religious leaders that has contributed to the rise in anti-Semitism has effectively been protected by the parliament of NSW.
And that endorsement followed a legislative procedure that minimised parliamentary scrutiny and ignored the findings of an independent inquiry.
One month after the world witnessed the disastrous display of anti-Semitism outside the Sydney Opera House on October 9, 2023, the state opposition tried to establish a parliamentary inquiry into the incitement of violence.
That was blocked by the Labor government of Premier Chris Minns, which instead commissioned an inquiry by former chief justice Tom Bathurst and the NSW Law Reform Commission – which it then ignored.
Bathurst had recommended against changing the Crimes Act and warned about the “imprecision and subjectivity” that would be part of a law that attempted to criminalise incitement to hate.
Yet that is exactly what Minns and his Attorney-General, Michael Daley, have just done.
The exemption for hate preachers is outlined in schedule 1 of the Crimes Amendment (Inciting Racial Hatred) Bill which contains provisions that will be inserted into the Crimes Act.
After Daley introduced this scheme to parliament on February 18, the opposition complained that it had only been presented with the bill the week before – 15 months after the government blocked its proposed parliamentary inquiry.
This bill was rushed through parliament in four days and will come into force at some future date after police and the community have been educated about the new approach.
In a rational world, a law aimed at eliminating the incitement of racial hate would have targeted the hate preachers who have used their positions to foster racial hatred – including those who cite religious texts.
Instead, this law does the reverse. It targets everyone except those who have been the prime movers of the sickness that has shamed this nation in the eyes of the world. Yet Daley believes the exemption for hate preachers is justified because it will protect what he considers to be their “religious freedom”.
This is what the Attorney-General said about the exemption in his second reading speech on the new law:
“New section 93ZAA (2) provides for a statutory exemption that will apply to acts that consist only of directly quoting from or otherwise referencing a religious text for the purpose of religious teaching.
“This exemption is intended to protect freedom of religion, and to recognise that some historical religious texts may contain archaic language or historical ‘calls to arms’ that, when part of religious teachings, should not come within the purview of the offence.”
The exemption is not the only problem with this law.
One of the key points in Bathurst’s report – which did not hit home with the government – is that one of the core requirements of criminal law is precision so it can be consistently understood across the community.
But hatred is a feeling, not an act.
And that feeling has different meanings to different people which is why Bathurst, unlike Minns and Daley, considered it an inappropriate standard for criminal law.
Yet it looks like this has opened the door for something that could be much worse.
Daley intends to conduct a review of the new law and has not ruled out expanding its scope to criminalise the incitement of hatred on grounds such as religion, which is currently covered by civil penalties.
Keep in mind that civil tribunals have explained that hatred can merely mean violent dislike, detestation, hostility or strong aversion.
If that is what the government is considering, it could amount to a form of blasphemy law, which would further appease those who believe their religion should be beyond criticism.
It’s bad enough that NSW has already sided with those who preach racial hate from their religious books, but criminal law has no business jailing people for criticising aspects of a particular religion – even if that amounts to inciting hostility, strong aversion or violent dislike.
All these issues arise from the fact that Daley and Minns failed to heed Bathurst’s warning: inciting hate is too vague a term to become the basis for sending people to prison. It has been left undefined by the new law.
The Liberal Party’s Damien Tudehope nailed the problem during debate in the Legislative Council: “The opposition is reluctant in its support of this bill because the criminalisation of speech, in the absence of a direct incitement to engage in an act of violence, is deeply problematic.”
Yet Daley has big ambitions for hate speech: “Criminalising hate speech on the grounds of all attributes that are protected by civil vilification regimes is challenging and complex … The introduction of this bill does not preclude the government from bringing forward legislation to address hate speech on other attributes.”
The obvious solution is to find in the bible passages where Christians preachers can legally hate against the usual subjects and start preaching. A sane government will repeal in response.
What makes you think we have same government?
Grate – the Beetrooter’s Thursday evening stream of incoherence on Blot.
Off switch utilised.
Blot is unwatchable. I watch Outback Truckers instead.
I don’t “watch” it, Tom. Have it on in an adjoining room and listen to it with one ear while eating dinner and reading the Cat.
Watched Wheeler Dealers on Ch 96. A lot more fun and informative. An Australian made Mini Moke,
Unlike leftist ideologies, Trump is interested in results.
As I’ve said before in another context, he’s an experimentalist, not a dogmatist.
Correct. Unlike us, Trump spends 18 hours a day thinking about DOING stuff, not thinking about it.
ideologues, that should have been.
Here’s Jeffrey Sachs testifying that right after the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected government, he was personally flown to Kiev and told as he was walked around the Maidan Square “how the US paid all the money” for the protesters who overthrew the government
Fuking blot; still oozing TDS.
Yes, and he has some tinpot academic (a Doctor no less) declaiming his superior understanding of international relations than the Trump Administration. “They are out of their mind”. A Wong advisor no doubt.
I saw ten seconds of that git, pontificating about the “tewwible, tewwible bwunder Orange Hitler has made”.
Fat bastard.
Could have been m0nster.
Big legal win here today. This California law was specifically designed to go after “disinformation” online. It being struck down in the 9th Circuit is a massive relief, given you have to presume Amy Coney Barrett will approve any censorship law she sees at SCOTUS.
Someone close to Trump warned him at the time that it would be a big mistake to appoint Amy Coney Barrett to SCOTUS.
I assume he means that it’s now gone beyond the realm of theory.
In a big blow to the conspiracy theory that Maria Ressa and her global Internet censorship advocacy were being backed by the State Dept, CIA, USAID, NED network, she was recruited to join Columbia’s SIPA spook institute alongside Hillary Clinton, Mike Pompeo & Victoria Nuland
There’s nothing the “democracy” Blob loves more than depriving people of the right to vote
NATO exists to engineer wars much like the WHO exists to engineer pandemics. The former sells weapons, the latter sells fake vaccines. Both are ways to steal most of the shared wealth of the masses and hand it to a small group of oligarchs while virtue signaling fake empathy.
If that is the case it has a pretty poor track record.
If winning is the measure
I’m sure this is a quote, but it’s worth reposting “While there is religion in the world, there will never be peace”.
Were you of that era?
Don’t worry, of course you were. I knew many like you in my university days.
Communism and islam aren’t religions.
If Islam isn’t, why are there mass prostrations in the streets?
Cm’on buddy, it’s not a hard question.
Its a cult, cults do the worship thing too
Have you told an islamist his religion is a cult?
They BOTH have “saints and apostles”, holy books, holy places, rituals, and HARD-CORE doctrine, with detailed punishments for “infidels” / back-sliders.
In searching for the facts I found this in Wikipedia:
…nineteenth century prime minister William Gladstone, who was said to have told the House of Commons, while holding up a copy of the Qur’an, that there would be “no peace for the empire . . as long as this book exists.”
Quite different to the assumption in your quote that Christianity is partly to blame for all wars.
I neither said, nor assumed, any such thing.
Religions like “socialism”? Then, demonstrably true.
See also: The moon-god worshiping sand pirates.
Depends on the religion
Australian Tesla sales in February PLUNGE over 70% | MGUY Australia
Bjorn Lomborg @BjornLomborg 19h
They don’t need the USA taxpayer, they just need to reallocate current budgets.
But that would de-rail the current “spillage” train.
this is for Top Ender
Lots of fun! I don’t know who gets the next move but Black can nail the white queen if they move first. Or if White has the move they can chase down the black king.
I can only do three or four moves ahead in my brain, I will never be a chess master.
… and nor will I
it’s black to play
Black Q up and right check. Protected by the knight (I wish I could do the nomenclature, sorry I can’t).
White king moves up left or up right. Up left knight takes pawn check, king moves left and black queen takes white queen.
Up right black knight checks king, white queen takes knight, black queen takes white queen.
After all that you have Black with a queen and pawns vs White with a bishop and a knight.
I loved this puzzle … in the real puzzle the king actually goes right (Kd2)
the hardest part is recognizing that the black’s queen falls no matter what the king does
and then the h-pawn comes alive
as in real-life … the white knight is always too late
The above is from The Mockers article upthread.
No wonder Trump doesn’t want to talk to Albo, it would be a come-down. If Xi can ignore Albo and Australian government while his navy is sailing in our waters then Trump need not take any notice of Albo either.
One more thing, what was a Chinese ship doing in the Baltic Sea? Some guy on Bolt says that these incursions all over the world mean that the CCP are preparing for war. If that were to happen then there is only one way to respond in order to break them – stop all trading with them, import and export. No engagement is necessary, just complete isolation.
The China experiment is over – shut it down, isolate it completely and re-build the nations who thought trading with China would bring it out of communism
What other navies in the world have done in past years.
DEI for Chinese navy.
A Jetstar passenger and pilot have been hailed heroes after taking down a teenager with a shotgun on an Avalon Airport plane on Thursday afternoon.
A 17-year-old boy is now in custody after attempting to take a firearm on a Sydney-bound commercial flight.
It’s reported he also had a jerry can in his possession and may have cut through the fence to get into the airport.
Passenger Daniel Defino said the man he was sitting next to on the flight tackled the teen.
Mr Defino told 7News he had just boarded the plane when a young man “came on saying he needed to do maintenance work”.
“That’s when the flight crew started to get nervous because there wasn’t any planned,” Mr Defino said.
“Then the pilot saw the shotgun and leapt on to him. There was a guy next to us named Barry, he got him in a headlock.”
Daniel said he had been sitting in seat 1B, in the front row of the plane and saw it all unfold.
“He (the teen with the gun) was dead silent, there was no emotion in his eyes at all, it was scary,” he said.
“Barry and the pilot saved us, 100 per cent.”
Video shows the moment the teen – wearing a tool belt – was restrained, with a passenger placing his hand over his throat, and a nearby pilot appearing to be holding a gun.
Witnesses who were on the plane said the teen was wearing a high-visibility vest, white shirt and black pants and walked calmly across the tarmac.
Police praise brave passengers
Superintendent Michael Reid at Avalon airport said a male acting alone breached the airport’s security fence.
“It is very concerning that a person can firstly, breach security, approach an aircraft and make his way, potentially close to being inside an aircraft with a firearm,” Mr Reid said.
“He’s made his way to a Jetstar flight that was bound for Sydney.
“As he’s approached the plane, he’s mounted to apply the front stairs to the front of the plane.
“At that point, passengers have identified that male was carrying a firearm.
“The male was overpowered by three of the passengers at least,
“Shortly afterwards, police arrived and took the male into custody.
“No doubt this would have been a very terrifying incident for the passengers of that plane.
“Victoria Police really commend the bravery of those passengers who were over to able to overpower the male at that moment.”
“It would have been a very frightening experience for those passengers involved.
“I really do commend the bravery of those civilian passengers.
The plane had around 160 passengers on-board at the time of the incident.
Following the incident, all Jetstar flights and airport operations have been cancelled for the evening.
Superintendent Reid confirmed that a hole had been made in the airport’s outer fence but it is unconfirmed whether the male had breached it himself or if it was already there.
The male is a 17-year-old Victorian who was unknown to police.
According to Mr Reid it was too early to establish if it would be treated as a terrorism incident.
The Oz cites “Barry” as being a shearer, from Victoria – bet he never has to buy another beer, in any pub, as long as he lives…
The old Australia still lives.
I want to know about the kid.
Another “wind-up toy”?
Cassie, are you familiar with Flynn Goldstein?
If so, is this legit?
The reason I ask is I watched a bit today where super secular comic Aaron Berg said Flynn was made up so Jewish comics could make gags about him.
It’s pretty funny to watch.
Dover appears to think that everyone operates in the same way as Klepto central – Russia.
The Story: As everyone knows, Trump has been aggressively highlighting a Chinese entity—Hutchison, a Hong Kong-based company—having ownership over ports around the Panama Canal. Whether it’s a long-term leasehold or outright ownership is beside the point; the structural details of that ownership aren’t critical here. Regardless, Hutchison may not have appreciated the hostility from the U.S. president and, perceiving it as a risk, decided to sell the ports and related assets to a U.S.-led consortium, with BlackRock’s infrastructure fund spearheading the acquisition. The sale is valued at approximately $26 billion—significant by any measure—and the proceeds go directly to Hutchison. This was a private transaction between two entities, so the idea that Trump “sold” it or had his pal buy is delusional. Trump may have endorsed the deal, but that’s likely the extent of his involvement. As long as it’s now in US hands, Trump wouldn’t give a hoot is Blackrock bought. Fink and Trump would not be friends.
Fink, Gates & Buffett all besties.
And all hate Trump.
So Trump ‘aggressively highlighting’ Hutchinson’s ownership of the two ports only unwittingly assisted BlackRock in acquiring the two ports. Also, strange you make a point of this being a ‘private’ transaction but its now in US hands. And you couldn’t even bring this up without first raising Russia. You are even more obsessed with Russia than Rachel Maddow.
Well you’re telling us how Trump handed over the Panama ports to his so called pal. Perhaps you could explain where I went wrong instead of coming up with some delusional nonsense..
The reason I bought up Wussia is that it appears you’re very confused with how such a transaction would move forward in klepto central vs the US.
When this came up in the news in the OOT I said this: Two winners here, the seller that just got 26B for the ports, and BlackRock, that used Trump to get the HK firm to sell. None of that is wrong.
Re your comment, I already touched on two aspects which you’ve avoided. Doesn’t really matter if he meant BlackRock to come to the rescue, that was the outcome of his ‘aggressive highlighting’.
There’s nothing I avoided. You made it appear that Trump was doing Fink a favour but it was nothing of the sort. Trumo got what he wanted, which was to get the ports out of Chinese ownership and into US hands. Trump didn’t do any favours for Blackrock nor Fink. The US isn’t wussia and there is nothing underhanded about this transaction. Was the deal below what people would consider to be below market?
If it were a typical Russian transaction, the local CEO would’ve accidentally fallen out of a hotel window.
It’s amusing how this is characterised as a huge win for Trump re Panama Canal but also that he had nothing to do with it falling into BlackRock’s hands.
Pure delusion.
Hutchinson saw the writing on the wall and put it up for sale. Naturally, BlackRock, the world’s largest fund—which has recently become aggressive in the area of infrastructure—eyed a valuable asset like the canal ports and stepped in. This now morphs into a conspiracy theory of sorts.
And why was the writing on the wall, because Trump was leaning on the Panamanians. So, to repeat: two winners from this situation, Hutchinson who now have 28BUS$ in the bag and BlackRock. US were never going to lose access to Panama Canal because they would control it in the event of a conflict between China and US.
The foreign minister of PNG was, however, given a heads up by the Chinese.
Which he didn’t think to pass on to Canberra.
How much are we spending on that rugby league team again?
Oh, yes…$600m.
Every time Albosleazy opens the nation’s purse strings the Aussie taxpayer is down several hundred million dollars and sometimes well over a billion.
And to what lasting end?
For a man who’s reportedly been very careful with his own taxpayer funded salary he’s been very profligate with taxpayer funds generally.
Other People’s Money.
If its anything to do with ‘green’ industry, the opening bid is 2 bill.
Why would the PNG foreign minister think he needed to advise Albo? I’m sure he would have simply assumed that Australians would have been advised just like he had been. The contempt is coming straight from the CCP.
“Advise Australia”, perhaps not but a worried phone call to your newest $600m footy partner saying “wow, what about this; what’s your take?” may have stirred the henhouse.
Flynn Goldstein is a teenager who was raised in a secular household and he’s become orthodox.
So much so, Aaron Berg called him the Super-Jew similar to Dr Manhattan in Watchmen but not blue.
You dont get that kind of humour with the religion of peace.
wivenhoe – Your shirt is here.
Contact me here. [email protected]
No other email is monitored.
NZ gets it.
Sacks their representative in the UK after he couldn’t keep his mouth shut about Trump.
You can not penalise your economies by playing 2017 games with the US in 2025.
Besties with Helen Clarke apparently. Says everything.
Meanwhile, Albanese has been getting tetchy over Trump admin criticism of our defence expenditure overnight.
I guess the question is, why didn’t they rissole the idiot day 1?
Because they would have known this was on the cards.
I mean, I get why Luigi has left Kokoda Kev in place.
Firstly, he doesn’t care what damage he does to Australia and secondly, he doesn’t want the moron back here “helping” during an election campaign.
But why Mr Potato would say Kev is “doing a good job” is beyond me.
Rosie, don’t pick a fight with me. I have a long memory, and you won’t win.
Rosie’s got 12 friends. LOL
Rudd just has to go.
Peter Thiel has told the world repeatedly.
You do not have to take everything Trump says seriously.
But you do have to take Trump very seriously.
By not replacing Rudd Australia is demonstrating how it does not take Trump seriously.
To our economic detriment.
Bang on the money.
The True Brilliance Of Trump’s Speech Last Night
North Burleigh Surf Cam
Weather just turned nasty here
As the cyclone has remained a sub tropical hybrid the strong wind fields will be further out from the core than a tropical one where the strongest winds are in the eye wall.
It will be nasty on Gold Coast and exposed coastal areas of the barrier islands round Brisbane for probably the better part of a day then will be windy and wet all weekend by the looks of it. Coolangatta is getting to not far off Cat 1 thresholds already.
The NSW North Coast will be battered by the very strong winds generated by the southern part of the Cyclone. And the very heavy rain.
A timely look into the history of Qld / NSW cyclones:
Wow, wow, wow, wowwowow:
Eutelsat share price went 1.20 to 9 in the last week.
Rheinmetall also surged this year.
No one has done more for German arms production since Albert Speer in 1943 than Donald J. Trump.
Really? They have thousands of sats in low Earth orbit?
Heavy rain and very strong winds have struck Gold Coast. Another large rain band is following and will be with us for a couple of days at least. If this is an entree I’ll skip the main course please. Major damage from winds already felt – lots without power. This will cost billions.
Stay safe, just remember Ergon will shut off grids before damages happen. Very common in the north now during these systems.
Government info without the interference from downs south blow ins has been quite measured, if you have followed that you’ll be good.
Been debunked on the news tonight. No precautionary blackouts.
fasten your seat belt if your an OAP .. Getz really exciting come March 20 .. your getting approx $4 a fortnight rise .. $1148 up from $1144 (single) to help you combat inflation ……
& Colesworths to help you celebrate will only be increasing your overall weekly shop by, around, $10 to show they care ……..
If you think the rise is insufficient perhaps you may try to seek a better deal from the NDIS.
I’m in that really horrible place , too young for OAP. Too old for NDIS.
Supposedly qualify for Qld Home Assist, but local mob will only do OAP.
Too young for Federal home care package, but qualify for the next thing down which doesn’t meet our needs.
Thankfully my GP has given me one of the new long term exemptions from mutual obligations, expires the day after I qualify for the OAP.
Government induced inflation
Regardless if you liked or disliked the series, this was a great scene. Kudos to the scriptors and actors.
“Ahh gentleman” ….”each of us must dance to their own tune.”
Winchester restores music to a musician who has lost his hand
MASH Morale Victory Left Hand
Jeez they must be fragile, or the people flicking switches must be very risk-averse.
80% of D-Town has above ground power, and every time a cyclone swings past (or over) here the Jacana/PowerWater people just let it run until the power forcibly goes out.
The ex-Mrs KD and I were on the balcony when Cyclone Helen gave us some biff in 2008, and the juice stayed on until a tree fell onto a transformer over the back fence. KaBANG. That was about 11 pm, and power was back on before dawn.
In 2017 I was in a different joint (with underground power) when Marcus, a high Cat 2 went right over the top. No loss of power at all.
Till Yasi same here. I agree, too risk adverse but that’s SEQ who call the shots for you these days.
Yasi I remember the purple flash and bang with the blackout when the main transformer a couple of blocks over went kaboom at 5pm when Yasi was really kicking into gear. Where I live is underground but supplied from a grid on older blocks which is power poles still.
Tessie didn’t lose power at Cat 2, was over in Annandale for that one.
Ita, Kiralee and any I’ve missed, power gonesky.
Okay, the longer these national parks remain closed the easier it will be to declassify them and make them available for logging. The “indigenese” think that they have pulled fast ones over us but that is just now when they have the government on their side. Governments do change and our time will come.
It’s a form of eco zealotry called preservationism. We learned about it at Uni in my environmental science classes but never expected it would become ascendant. Think lock up and throw away the key.
It is the reason for catastrophic bushfires fed from woody weed infestation. The reason for allowing use and management of forests parks is we have altered Australia’s environment whether it be logging, weeds, feral pests or even pollution. The onus is on us to manage the bush.
I have some mates who are good Enviro’s, balanced and try to work both ways. Unfortunately when the lot of us from that era retire things will become unworkable.
Just think for Victorians, the Tallarook, Mt Disappointment and Murindindi state forests used to have rotating blocks of timber available to be logged and that was native hardwoods. All managed by Dept of Conservation Forests and lands. This supplied employment to Seymour, Yea, Broadford and any number of smaller towns through logging gangs or sawmills. Now from my recent trip there’s not 1 mill in operation but the old APM plant in Broadford has a barista cafe though with some other businesses of sorts…
Cody Anthony Green: Broome man jailed for more than 16 years for rape of two backpackersKatya MinnsBroome Advertiser
Thu, 6 March 2025 4:38PM
A 28-year-old man who raped two backpackers in Broome after celebrating his release from prison has been sentenced to more than 16 years behind bars.
Cody Anthony Green appeared before Perth District Court on February 28 after pleading guilty to 14 charges, including impeding another person’s breathing, threatening to kill and aggravated sexual penetration without consent.
Green approached his first victim “with some speed” at the popular Gantheaume Point, knocking her to the ground before choking and sexually assaulting her as she screamed for help.
Just over five hours later, a second woman awoke to find Green inside her campervan at Town Beach.
After realising her bag was missing and ordering him to leave, she fled, but Green chased the woman and sexually assaulted her on a nearby grassy area.
Both women were transported to Broome Regional Hospital where they were treated for lacerations, bruises and a bite marks.
Green was “speedily identified” and arrested the following day, with his DNA, CCTV footage, and the victim’s stolen bag found at his residence linking him to the crimes.
While handing down his sentencing remarks, District Court Judge David MacLean highlighted Green’s previous offending, including violence against women, and his recent release from prison.
“Each of the victims was alone. Each was attacked at night. Each was vulnerable,” he said.
“Each was overpowered by you and you were prepared to and did use considerable violence and threats in order to overpower them.
“The offending in each instance can only be described as very serious offending.”
It was revealed Green had been excessively drinking and smoking cannabis for a week straight leading up to the attack, ending up at Gantheaume Point to watch the sunset.
The court was told Green was exposed to extreme violence and alcohol abuse as a child, resulting in aggressive reactions and substance abuse issues, but Judge MacLean was not satisfied those choices reduced his moral culpability.
“Your lack of family support, the instability, the unemployment, the substance abuse and issues with self-control are relevant with respect to recidivism. That means continuing to commit offences,” Judge MacLean said.
“So you’re likely to continue to commit offences if you don’t have support from your family, if you don’t have a place to live, if you don’t have a job, and if you continue to abuse substances . . . and that those issues work to make it harder for you to control yourself.”
Judge MacLean took into account Green’s early plea of guilty and sentenced him to 16½ years, backdated to September 17, 2023.
Throw away the key time.
Another fuking idiot judge.
Who knows EXACTLY what he is doing.
About effin time!
Good questions from Malcolm. The evidence was out so early on this that these sh*t shots were useless, experimental and dangerous.
And don’t forget the drugs midazolam and remdesivir. These combined with opiates coupled with ventilators killed so many people. Still largely overlooked today.
That entire panel Malcolm is adressing are c-bombs. The one fat chick that is wearing a dress nicked from a hippee commune….geez.
There should be dress standards.
Malcolm Roberts:
Federal Police Drop Vaccine Mandate
I haven’t heard that the vaccine requirement has been dropped for prospective transplant recipients yet either. Wonderful if you are lying there waiting for a heart or lung or liver, and get told you must have your ninth Covid jab.
Still compulsory, HZ.
Well, you can talk up your Cat 2s and Cat 3s all you like, but we had serious fog here this morning.
Not just a bit misty, but a real pea-souper. It was a long slow drive down to get my soy latte, but I soldiered on.
Then on top of everything we got drizzle this afternoon. Two whole hours of it.
Golf ruined.
What next?
A heavy dew?
Oh, the humanity!
Memo to Peter Garret – it’s just not going away!
I have an artistic comment. Let’s all dance on Garret’s grave after we have buried him alive.
May I have leave to pizz on that grave first?
Pre or post digestion?
Just because,
Wyatt Erp at home in Los Angeles, 1923.
At least he’s not off his rocker.
These Questions On Notice BS has to stop. If you don’t know the damn anwser when you should, they should be sacked ….within reason.
I didn’t like Malcolm getting chummy with her. His response should been ….you think this funny? It is not! It would have shut her up real quick.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2025 9:58 pm
Memo to Peter Garret – it’s just not going away!
All my Midight Oil CD’s ended up as drink coasters many years ago.
I never owned any Midnight Oil C.D’s in the first place. I despised the whole ratbag mob of them.
I loved the music, hated most of the words.
OK with ‘the’, and ‘and’.
I waste nothing – I just sing the songs to different words.
Ergon were on the news tonight. No they don’t turn the power of as a precaution.
If you’ve lost power before, something must have taken it out elsewhere. We had many many blackouts in Stanthorpe caused by problems with our line between Clifton & Toowoomba ( ie glorious sunshine in Stanthorpe, storm goes through 2 hours north of us)
Sorry disagree with them after recent experiences compared to before Yasi.
Might be their party line though.
I think Energex look after SEQ and Ergon look after the rest of QLD. I don’t know if they are the same management or whether they are totally separate entities.
I would think it would make more sense to fix the broken bits it if it goes down (like the rep said on tv) rather than have everything turned off pre-emptively. That would mean they couldn’t turn it back on until the whole grid is checked, in case there is some damage, leaving people who could have had power the whole time without it because some have lost power.
Anyway, I’m sure the Top Men have it all in hand.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 6, 2025 10:22 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
I never owned any Midnight Oil C.D’s in the first place. I despised the whole ratbag mob of them.
I’ll be honest with you Zulu. If the music was just intrumental with no lyrics from any of them, especially from the bald headed racial divder, the musical production was pretty good.
Punishing the single malt, and watching “Sharpe’s Waterloo.”
“Stand up, Guards. Now, Maitland! Now’s your time!”
Cop this one, you Froggie bastards.
Read the book many times. You might also like a book by Ian gale. I think it is called four days in June. It tells of Waterloo through the eyes of Darcy. Wellingtons chief aide. McDonnell of judgement fame and some others. Cracking read especially regarding the defence of hugemont.
In case anyone missed my solution to Klimate Khange earlier:
The project is Called Methane to Moon (M2M in the marketing lingo) and is open for private investors now.
Where’s the Investment Memorandum?
Abbey Gate mastermind seen in exclusive photo as he arrives in US to face justice for bombing that killed 13 Americans
Fed up with Zelinsky’s lies?
A MAJOR SHAKE-UP IN UKRAINE’S LEADERSHIP COULD BE UNDERWAY! Senior members of President Donald Trump’s team have reportedly met with key Ukrainian opposition leaders to discuss the future of the country and the potential for early elections to replace President Volodymyr Zelensky.
With ongoing conflict, economic struggles, and political fatigue setting in, Ukraine’s future leadership is now a central topic of discussion. The meetings suggest that a new path forward is being explored—one that may involve a ceasefire and a vital minerals agreement with the U.S.
RESHAPING UKRAINE’S LEADERSHIP: With growing dissatisfaction over Zelensky’s handling of the war, opposition forces are gaining traction.
POTENTIAL CEASEFIRE AGREEMENT: Talks of a negotiated settlement could mean a shift in strategy—one that prioritizes stability over endless conflict.
SECURING UKRAINE’S FUTURE WITH U.S. SUPPORT: The Trump administration’s involvement signals that Ukraine’s future could be forged through stronger U.S.-backed leadership.
The coming weeks could define the future of Ukraine. Will a new leader emerge to bring peace and prosperity? Or will Zelensky cling to power despite growing calls for change?
many areas are now inaccessible due to closures enforced by government bodies like the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service. Despite reasons given for these closures, such as road repairs or safety, many areas remain closed indefinitely.
Just go stealth camping. Get dropped and stay of the trails. Plenty of gullies to hide yourself in for a least a couple of days. Only start your fires ( in season )….take a small gas stove for cooking. These stone age advocates have no right to point the finger and tell us otherwise.
With taxes and charges forking out close to 40 billion, those advocating for them can f*ck off…..note I said advocates, not average black fella. The white blokes prentending to be them a sporting events., you are part of them problem.
Put the orignals in charge and they will burn the National Parks place down. The idiots would claim a pool of pond scum as Park worthy.
As for Utbers paying respects to the stone age, past present and future, no sub from me, no revenue for you. Just eff you virtuous bastards.
CNN just quietly edited their “fact check” article after they reported that Trump’s statement on spending $8 million for making mice transgender was “false.”
It sounds so crazy that they thought Trump made it up…
It’s 100% true and now even CNN is forced to admit it
Breaking News: President Trump will sign an executive order this week to abolish the Department of Education
Via: The Wall Street Journal
Biden Awarded $28 Million to Mysterious ‘Vaccine Company’ Run by His COVID Adviser and Based out of a Maryland PO Box
Don’t miss this one with Ezra Levant. Under 10 minutes and very worthwhile.
What Is Happening In The WEF? – Jordan Peterson
The UK’s race toward Islam continues
Good work from the team. 3 x 330 foot stabs from the team and no KABOOM from the nitromethane powered motor and drive train. 1000 feet is the norm for the nitro class these days. Components in the motor after that distance potenially give up the ghost.
Kevlar nappies on the motor keep the crowd safe.*
*It would be fun seeing someone take a modern F1 car and fuel the tank with Nitromethane. For a few moments they would soung good again. All that green shit makes them sound like crap Today. The racing is shit dictated by the budget.
Put them behind bullet proof glass and enjoy the show. A the motor blows up under idle. It would be fun to watch. A classic case of mucking around.
I digress.
Testing 12,000 Horsepower Top Fuel Dragster
Apart from exploding, what would a cup of nitro in the Patrols diesel fuel tank do?
(Yes – I am not a mechanic, nor am I a Injunear. but I am curious.)
Just a cup? A little more power, I guess, not much difference.
Steve T might know more – I understand that Nitromethane breaks down in the combustion chamber and releases oxygen – so the mixture can’t be too rich. The issue is stuffing enough fuel in and then lighting it – top fuel engines run multiple sets of injectors and fuel flow is measured in litres per second at full throttle.
The ignition is like an arc welder.
At half track the spark plugs have eroded and the top fuel engine is running as a diesel- cylinder heat and pressure igniting the fresh charge.
Nitromethane burns slowly hence the spectacular header flames and the intense noise – it is still combusting as it comes out the exhaust.
Nitromethane is not particularly dangerous as a fuel – hydrazine, on the other hand…..
Over to you, Steve…
Too true.
The Guy Who Decides Formula 1
His name is Cash.
Cash 2.0 Great Dane in Chinatown downtown Los Angeles 20
Oh dear.
It was great who voted to say, eff of with daylight sayings on the West Coast. Those wanting to say, I want to run on a beach in the morning in like NSW in the morning, Really.? Buy a head torch. We had the same cranks from Cottesloe over here.
Piss off you effin twerps.
There, i said it.
We had three daylight saving trials followed by three referendums.
The first two times I voted for rationality, keeping time zone gap sensible for Aus-wide business.
The third time I voted the other way because I could not believe the EFFRONTERY of Government to ask again when we had told them twice.
What do three black eyes look like?
Another memory pops into the head. Not from the algo.
The Romantics – What I Like About You (Video)
Johannes Leak.
Brillo !!!!
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Peter Broelman.
Brett Lethbridge.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel. Brilliant.
Tom Stiglich.
Henry Payne.
Matt Margolis.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom.
Gary Varvel indeed gets it accurately.
A big prick Jimmy Saville and pedo supporters are on the ship. A disgusting, horrible famiy
Inrbead. Probaly beind told to folow orders.
?The King on the carrier – Charles visits HMS Prince of Wales at sea
?The King on the carrier – Charles visits HMS Prince of Wales at sea
I dunno who writes his speeches. Perhaps he does them himself. Donald Trump he ain’t.
“Inrbead. Probaly beind told to folow orders.”
the pot calling the kettle black
“Most Democrats reject democracy. It is either their way or no way. They have become so deep in their own lies and CORRUPTION that it is embarrassing internationally. The computer will be correct. It has never been wrong because it is not biased. I have warned that it is forecasting the collapse of the Democratic Party. Like the Federalists who also tried desperately to impose dictatorial power from a centralized government commanding and overruling local state culture and policies, this is their fate.
They are too stupid and too wrapped up in the demonic hatred of anyone who opposes them; they have become a cancer eating away at the unity of the United States. Sadly, this behavior leads to at least the collapse of their political party and the breakup of the United States, for they are too blind to see their own actions. In the worst-case scenario, we end up in a civil war. Their best days were when they advocated slavery.
They then turned to Marxism for FDR; then they tried civil rights with LBJ: all great labels but no substance. It has always been about just retaining personal power and the flow of money into their pockets, like USAID.
What are they fighting for? Transgender opera they were funding in Columbia?
They Are In A Bear Market!”
I’m sure there won’t be a shortage of home grown talent, such as it is. Daily Telegraph:
Pretty sure there are many preachers in mosques around this country that have the exact same views as this bloke.
Speaking tour eh? No doubt organised with dates and times and locations, should be easy enough to have plod monitor.
Who am I kidding, will see myself out.
By pager?
Germany has changed, about time we did.
Why does GERMANY NO LONGER WANT IMMIGRANTS? | ?@VisualPolitikEN? – YouTube
How about they can no longer afford them?
“Unofficial no2 in the US Government = Elon Musk”?
Yeah, nah.
Shame the Israeli Air Force only buzzed the funeral. Might have been many visas not needed, now and in the future.
Pro Investigation Tip: Now, work out who invited him, because they may share his views…
With all the people on the net, a big shout to Doomy.
Dover needs a mass meal too.
On thar note. Sleep well folks.
Good food hits the table.
The Death of Superman PART 1 [Ultimate edition] | Batman v Superman
Full blown food are on the menus. No dehrated shit.
What is it with Poms and Indian food? Stick your curry up your Arse. Dickheads!
Indian food is muck!
Never had english cooking, have you?
When the Normans invaded in 1066 it was the Pom’s resisting decent food that drew the Battle of Hastings out. Can you imagine the crap they were eating before the French arrived.
Overcooked swill.
Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding, Bangers and Mash, Steak and Kidney Pie, Spotted Dick, Tripe and Onions (NO WAY), Liver and Onions, Cottage Pie, Shepherd’s Pie and lots more. YUMMY.
kippers too. double yum
I’m sure I read about 1066 (and all that), and the Romans – who pronounced the Brits to be Weenie, Weedie and Weekie.
Some of the best Curry I’ve ever had was in Glasgow, Scotland.
UK curries are one of the best things about the place. And the gardens. Most of it is rubbish, eh Rotten?
News website: top two items right now are Climate Porn about Alfred, and another piece that’s TDS pure and simple.
Why does Sky persist with Michael Ware’s commentary on the USA, which is usually why Trump is wrong again and Michael knows better? Too many critics have morphed effortlessly from criticising Trump before he was elected (while not criticising much that happened from 2021-2024) to now dumping on Trump at every opportunity.
As a general commentary – by me – on much of the media, it has been noticeable that they have
1. Not criticised the 2020 election
2. Not criticised the Biden Puppetocracy
3. Not criticised the nature of the lawfare against Trump
4. Not asked who was pulling the strings
5. Not had a problem with the mad policies over the last four years
6. Not had a problem with the covid scam and the Big Pharma types
Notes: Rep. Pete Sessions is introducing a bill to ban machines and go back to paper ballots.
Rep. Pete Sessions to Introduce Make Elections Secure Act – Would Eliminate Voting Machines and Ensure Hand-Marked Paper Ballots – Severely Restrict Mail-in Voting | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo
There is also movement to find out who was running Biden and making it look like he was in charge. Heads should roll.
Our own AEC needs looking into also. A complete change of bureaucratic personnel every three years would be good, the boundary changes always appear rigged.
Ware looks and dresses like a homeless alkie.
And the Mass Immigration at the southern border. the MSM looked the other way.
Bit of bitching this morning over the news that the Trump administration has been speaking to various bigwigs in Ukrainian opposition parties.
Apparently that’s either illegal or against convention according to the CNN & twitterX scholars.
I refer back to the Jen Psaki video I posted yesterday when they were all over the Ukrainian opposition during the Obama years.
I’m sure a wannabe DNC surrogate will have an explanation why it was different when they did it.
Can Dudzy grow a set ..? Yesterday he was presented with the perfect opportunity to wipe-out Burka’s citizenship ceromony vote grabs when ‘dimmi jimmy” & the Treasury “joke” decided OAPs aren’t worth supporting ..Yep, to offset the, usual, $10 week grocery shop that ColesWorths have no probs handing to everyone, including OAPS, the gummint, come March 20, is gonna give, single, OAPs $4 a fortnight extra to cover all the additional expenses of the last 6 months .. Apparently, the RBA worries are well & truly over cos we doesn’t have “inflation” anymore .. Whoopee ..!
So Dudzy the ball is in your court .. want a vote winna ..? then lob that ace over the net .. Guarantee (single) OAPs a minimum $10 increase every 6 months .. After all that’s just a bit more paper printing & nowhere near the amounts OPM “plenty wrong” happily gifts to terrorist organizations .. AND remember musso OAPs are voters too and the pull of the mosque will never equal the pull of extra money even for a musso …….
SOooo ready to grow a set, Dudzy, and prove you can govern or do you prefer the overpaid extravaganza of Opposition leader .. Lotza money but little responsibility ..
Oooh! .. & OAPS plan ahead & spend your increase wisely .. no sudden splurges .. maybe an extra loaf/litre of milk per f/n or even treat the cat to an “upmarket” tin instead of the, usual “homebrand”. LOL!
Do you reckon Luigi thinks OAPS are $2 hookers.
I’ve never sold my arse before.
Well, not for $2.
Really BOM?
Is this a game of chess which could end with Fed Reserve ceasing to buy/support cryptocurrencies, which would collapse crypto money, and whose consequences will be blamed onto Trump?
Crypto is not regulated. Invest at your peril and don’t get hacked.
And don’t lose your password.
US jobs report in and it’s terrible, of course. Not just government, precipitous falls in the private sector too.
Off to troll the Doomlord about stagflation.
Could’ve fooled me, the jobs report on WSJ Markets page this morning was pretty good:
I was surprised that the number was so low given all the doggie firings. Maybe the public serpents all found immediate jobs at NGOs or something.
I doubt the NGOs are hiring since DOGE knocked out their funding.
A lot of Doggie firings are, in fact, eight months notice on pay.
They all got 8 month payouts, so won’t appear in the unemployment claims data for a while, if ever.
They already had second jobs, so no need for unemployment.
It’s fine. We know that if the American economy is booming in a year’s time it will be because of the solid foundation put down by President Biden.
Piss off, Nazi.
You are not supposed to say that part out loud.
What a busy and fulfilling life you lead, Monster.
Today’s Tele:
7 Mar 2025
The last time a major cyclone hit southeast Queensland the world’s scientists were warning of global cooling.
In 1974, Cyclone Wanda hit Brisbane, and its aftermath caused one of the biggest floods the city has ever seen. Later that year, Time Magazine published a front-page story titled “Another Ice Age?”.
The scientific environment is different today with scares about global warming replacing global cooling. Even before the cyclone’s impact the Climate Council has been online scaring everyone about Cyclone Alfred saying that “The relentless burning of fossil fuels means we’re witnessing a rise in extreme weather events that impact us all.”
The claims of the climate alarmists do not square with the historical record. Since cyclones began to be named in the 1950s, five cyclones have hit southeast Queensland. Cyclones are more frequent in the tropics but Cyclone Alfred’s track towards Brisbane is not uncommon.
And Australia-wide there is a clear declining trend in cyclones.
From 1970 to 2000, Australia was hit by an average of 12 cyclones a year, with six of them being severe. Since 2000, the average has just been nine cyclones a year with just four of them being severe.
In 2014, scientists published in Nature magazine estimates of a longer trend in Australian cyclonic activity using the carbonate concentrations in stalagmites.
They found that “the Australian region seems to be experiencing the most pronounced phase of tropical cyclone inactivity for the past 550–1,500 years.”
The declining trend in Australian cyclones is curiously not mentioned by those who scream the loudest for us to “listen to the science.”
None of this is to minimise the impact that may be felt by the people of southeast Queensland, and northern NSW, in coming days.
Let us pray that the worst of the predictions is avoided. But if the worst does happen what the people of Brisbane will need is help, not a political lecture. Just as the nation did in 2011 and 2022, I am sure the vast majority of Australians will pull together to help Queensland and NSW clean up any mess and rebuild anything that was destroyed.
But thankfully, and despite what you might hear from the climate fearmongers, natural disasters cause much fewer deaths than they used to. In the 1920s, a shocking 500,000 people a year died, on average, due to natural disasters.
In the 2020s, fewer than 40,000 people globally a year die from natural disasters, and just 12 a year in Australia.
When we hear the refrain to “listen to the science”, it is often to only listen to some scientists, like the climate scientists.
The people chanting this rarely want to listen to the civil engineering scientists or the petroleum scientists who know how the modern world works.
Matt Canavan is LNP Senator for Queensland
I’ve no luv or good wordz for the “burka” but .. Geez! .. “our” ABC spruiking for is terrorist luvvin’ opponent in the upcoming federal election takes the biscuit .. FFS!
Now this is funny…
Just wait until they get distracted and decide to tramp through France and the rest of Europe as well.
mUnty approves of this message
To those in the Alfred rotation
opera 1
Neil – you are like a hurrican
Dylan – hurricane
for those in the Alfred rotation
Trump Eyes 65 Percent Staff Cut at EPA (6 Mar)
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of climate nutters.
I think the 80/20 rule needs more observance!
Tale of woe…
Hunter Biden: Too Broke to Keep Lawsuit Going (6 Mar)
Funny that. I wonder why his incredibly popular works of art suddenly aren’t incredibly popular anymore. It’s a mystery.
He’s not broke … not yet.
He was hoping to shake down the guy with an out of court settlement, which no doubt he might have got away with under a Kamal-toe regime.
Now he faces going to court with the myths of “Wussian planted evidence” totally busted. He knows the laptop contents will be admitted as evidence and he will lose the case, with costs.
Proof that Poms have their taste buds removed at birth.
The two most disgusting things I’ve eaten were in London. A tepid Pork pie and a tandoori fish that hadn’t been gutted prior to cooking.
I had a hamburger in Birmingham and a Maccas burger in Marble Arch which were respectively the worst two burgers I’ve ever eaten. Poms have a natural anti-talent with this.
Fortunately the B&B in London I was staying at had two nice young Spanish ladies doing breakfast for us, so I lived on bacon and eggs plus fruit from the fruit barrows for the rest of my stay.
No one does better breakfasts than the Brits.
At its worst it can be bad. A chicken curry with a few feathers still attached was a low point for me.
I’ve been everywhere, man. Only two places on earth I’ve ever had food poisoning.
Berber camp in Jordan. I suspect the goat was off.
London hotel. Prawns had seen their useby date. And it only takes one.
India was interesting for me. In the fortnight I spent there, I was careful with food and bottled water. The last day I was a little relaxed. By the time I got to Mumbai airport, there was activity rather like Jeff Daniels’ toilet episode in Dumb and Dumber. Great for weight loss, though.
Just unlucky, calli. Only case of food poisoning I’ve had was from the reheated rice at my local TAFE college canteen.
Survived Jordan and London unscathed. Brought low by the northern suburbs of Melbournibad.
Proof that Mrs Stencho Pantyhose has no Effing idea about very much at all. Probably doesn’t even like fish and chips. And as for meat pies, Sweeny Todd had a very good line in those..
Please feel free to over react
Stefanovic and Ware call Trump’s approach on tariffs “whiplash”.
I think carrot and stick might be more appropriate.
If Trump screws around with visa status of Ukrainians in the US it would be a stupid move.
There’s allegedly 200k there on temporary visas.
A lot of these are the smart ones who bolted to the US when the war started.
And a lot are skilled and have their own capital.
Ie not a drain on the taxpayer.
Has he made that suggestion?
According to a legacy media rag, yes.
The daily mail…so clearly the most trustworthy of publications
Bit confused right now.
Report — Trump Fast-Tracks Deportations: Revokes Legal Status for 240,000+ Ukrainians Who Fled to U.S. (6 Mar)
Leavitt Calls Reuters ‘Fake News’ for Ukraine Deportation Story (6 Mar)
Given the proclivities of Reuters you’d have to go with what Ms Leavitt said I think.
TwitterX has a function where you can block content containing certain words and subjects.
I tried it out with Tate.
It really works.
Tis a good function.
So you want me to repost any info I see on the curiously small cerebellumed brothers here then?
Trump on staff cutbacks
FINALLY: Trump announces he plans to release a report regarding the person who tried to k*ll him in Butler, PA.
“And the second one with all of the cell phones… I want to find the answers… They are giving me a report next week sometime. I want to release the report.”
BREAKING: President Trump and @SecScottBessent plan to FREEZE the IRS for 90 days to find fraud in addition to FIRING 45,000 IRS Agents.
This is a genius idea.
And then he started crying.
#WATCH: Trudeau admits he’s not stepping down as PM on Sunday, but will stay on to negotiate with Donald Trump and support Canadians.
This POS never had any intentions of resigning.
F*CK Trudeau
JUST IN: Trump administration to meet with Ukrainian officials in Saudi Arabia next week – Fox
The team is set to be Sec. of State Marco Rubio, envoy Steve Witkoff and NSA Mike Waltz.
Is there a way to track Witkoff 24/7?
That tell’s you how serious anything is.
A bit like the days of Kissinger and Alexander Haig.
Mark Zuckerberg helped China develop censorship tools, hid CCP ties from Congress, ex-employee’s memoir alleges
Damn Albanese had to give Rudd back his gum boots.
Nah. They’re handy when managing the sheep.
Rear legs down the front of gummies.
…….and don’t forget the velcro gloves.
you need to explain that to me.
A couple of people here have said that services must be paid for, which is obviously true. However, this was simply a request for a stay, until the matter was fully litigated because once the money is gone, it’s gone. And she supported unvetted payment.
ACB Shows Her True Biased Colors
New Ben Garrison cartoon
Justice Amy Coney Barrett, a conservative appointed by former President Donald Trump, has been letting her liberal side show recently. She has been voting with the Supreme Court’s liberal justices—Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson—against Trump’s cases that have made it to the Supreme Court.
President Trump had high hopes for ACB when he appointed her, thinking a younger conservative woman would ensure a conservative tilt for SCOTUS. We are disappointed in her and so is President Trump.
Though she remains a reliable conservative on major issues such as abortion and gun rights, but she seems to be transitioning toward the left on other matters. President Trump wants to cancel the fraud-riddled USAID foreign aid funds to the tune of 2 billion. Her decision makes us wonder what the Deep State has on her….
She has always been Karenish.
One of Trump’s senior advisors warned him not to appoint ACB to SCOTUS.
He called Canadians names for over 9 years. He arrested peaceful protesters. He has numerous ethics violations and coverups of his corruption. Today, he digs deep into his drama class training and manages fake tears on his way out the door. NAUSEATING.
Wall to wall cyclone coverage on morning television. What election?
Most of the family will be in the hotspots should it make a dramatic landfall. The Beloved is having a sly chuckle about his sister’s much boasted about EV. She’ll be grounded if the power goes out.
Surf’s up even down here. I can hear it roaring in over at One Mile. Should have some interesting flotsam and jetsam when it’s all over. Amazing the stuff that washes up.
I hope her EV doesn’t get flooded. They really really don’t like being immersed in water.
Cocaine in black blocks.
We have a daughter and her husband and their 3 little chldren in Brisbane. So far, they haven’t thought it worth contacting us about this ‘cyclone’.
Not worried.
Ohio State Senator labels @libsoftiktok “bigoted terrorists” after they exposed a school in his district that changed the name of their DEI director to “coordinator of engagement and achievement.”
Nice set of moobs on that senator.
THE DRUMS OF WAR GROW LOUDER! As Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin move toward a historic peace agreement, European globalists are doing everything in their power to keep the war machine running—and Zelensky is cheering them on!
In a chilling statement, Ukraine’s leader thanked European leaders for pushing the war and standing against negotiations. The EU is doubling down on its commitment to keep Ukraine fighting, pouring in billions more to fuel the conflict, even as the world inches toward a peaceful resolution.
Trump and Putin are working toward an end to the bloodshed—Europe is BLOCKING it.
The EU has made it clear: This was NEVER about defending Ukraine—it was about using Ukraine to weaken Russia.
With U.S. support fading, Europe is desperate to escalate before peace becomes inevitable.
This isn’t about protecting Ukraine—it’s about globalist control. The people don’t want war, but the elites do—and they will stop at nothing to keep it going. Will the world wake up before it’s too late?
So when the Chinese take over part of Australia, you will be there whining on about peace?
They keep saying Russia is not a democracy.
So I hereby issue this challenge for Democrats:
Prove that Putin/United Russia were not validity elected to the same standard of proof that you require of those claiming Biden was not validly elected.
Be a shame if this study went viral
re the food fight upstream
Did English cuisine suffer due to them being the first to completely industrialise, thereby wiping out or marginalising indigenous produce? I can’t remember where I read it, but continental travellers to England prior to the industrial revolution are said to have marvelled at the beauty of the place, not just the landscape but the buildings. Why didn’t that extend to the table? They certainly knew their cheeses and have bequeathed us rather edible sheep. Pigs. British cattle are far tastier than the European breeds…. Why did pre-industrial farmers go to the bother of making or breeding such first rate ingredients?
I am sure English cooking was just fine.The French won the PR battle.
Sleazy on the box. While I have little time for Christwhatafool, the difference in the way they present information is stark. Christwhatafool, well structured, important information that requires action first. Sleazy a meandering talkfest
Who was the idiot reporter as the very first question asked about climate change
The ‘fooli has been a stand out with this. Calm, measured and informative.
I am the same as you with his term so far, I have been disappointed so far. However on this well done.
Morning Rockdoctor, how do you see the cyclone tracking going forward?
Tracking as per BOM’s path. That one fairly well matches US models. Usually when all the reputable models line up they aren’t wrong.
Personally I think Brisbane dodged a bullet wind wise. Flooding could be different though.
Probably from the ABC, SBS, The Age, Stupid Moaning Herald, etc, etc, etc……….
And planted.
This is the U.S.
What $3,000 could buy you in the 1967
This is the U.S.
What $3,000 could buy you in the 1967
For Cats who like such things Elon’s enormous rocket looks to be go for launch.
The link has the coverage live stream, which is due to start in half an hour.
Apparently did not all go to plan but caught the booster.
British cuisine.
Oysters and single malt.
Porridge and single malt.
Single malt and chips.
Single malt and smoked fish.
Lotsa good stuff.
You left out cockles, mussels, jellied eels and whelks.
Alive, alive-o!
Hello Mr. Newton Dunn,
You posted a tweet attempting to diminish the military service of the Vice President of the United States. In response, let’s take a moment to examine your own background.
You are the son of Bill Newton Dunn, a Liberal Democrat Member of the European Parliament, and Anna Arki, who led a pro-European NGO. You were raised in a world of connections and influence. Unlike @JDVance, who came from a humble background and served in the U.S. Marine Corps, you never served in the military. Instead, you built a journalism career from a privileged starting point, with access to elite institutions and high-profile media roles.
Let’s look at your full biography:
So before you condescend to someone who actually served, perhaps you should reflect on the privileged path that placed you behind a desk instead of on the battlefield.
Respectfully: sit down.
HEAD OF The CHURCH, King Charles, Fails to Observe Lent, While Celebrating Ramadan in Windsor Castle
It’s time for Charles to go – to step down from a role he has no intention of fulfilling.
And if he won’t go, he needs to be removed.
Preferably the head from the body.
My reading of the Act of Settlement 1701 is that he needed to be a Protestant as the time he became king, but that subsequently only conversion to be a Roman Catholic would be cause to remove him – he could convert to Islam while king and still hold the crown.
Arabism has appealed to many poms. A culture of laziness, living in tents, attractive camels.
And buggery. Ask Lawrence of Arabia.
the Whitehall types are attracted to what’s under the caftans
Alfred looking better today convection wise. Too little too late to transition back to a warm cored tropical system. Now interacting with land and the system is still mostly on sea temps below 26 deg (26 to sustain a TC & 28 deg to form one).
Wind speeds on the coast barring Cape Byron all below Cat 1 standards. Inside Moreton Bay max gust seem to be about 40km/h. The low level centre of circulation will cross later today (In bigger storm the eye).
I can’t believe BOM still have it at a Cat 2, JTWC & other US agencies have the estimated winds firmly in the Cat 1 range. Go figure.
BOM have been overegging Alfred for days. It’s another relatively quiet morning here in Brisbane, yet businesses are shut up like Covid. Local café owners have opened for take aways and doing roaring trade. Its almost as if the BOM have some assumptions built into their modelling that don’t match reality.
My local forecast is still for 90kmh gusts and 60km steady yet the curtains are barely moving.
Today’s Tele:
7 Mar 2025
Cyclone Alfred may well end up being the costliest cyclone in our history by virtue of it hitting a huge population centre.
Various groups that make a living out of climate catastrophism will be drooling at the prospect of smashed and flooded houses.
To them, Alfred is an opportunity. But the reality is that cyclones are far less of a problem today than they were a century ago.
This will come as cold comfort to those who will suffer over the coming days and weeks. There has been a long history of cyclones in southeast Queensland.
Between 1883 and 1898, 24 intense tropical cyclones and extra tropical cyclones impacted the region with at least 200 fatalities.
There is not much evidence that cyclones are getting greatly worse, but there is a plausible argument that a warmer climate could make more energy available to cyclones – about 7 per cent more for every degree increase in temperature.
But even if one accepts the dubious evidence that cyclones are now a bit more intense than 100 years ago, and that this is caused by humans, cyclones are not nearly as dangerous.
First, the Bureau of Meteorology does a remarkable job of predicting the path of cyclones giving people days of warning.
It predicted Alfred would make a sharp right turn and make a beeline towards Brisbane – and got it dead right.
It shows how far cyclone track prediction has come.
Contrast this with Cyclone Mahina, one of the world’s most intense cyclones ever, and by far Queensland’s most intense storm that hit north of Cooktown in 1899.
By the time the warnings were first sent out to shipping, the cyclone had already crossed the coast and killed about 400 people.
Second, the disaster response is something that we do very well in Australia. In the bad old days, you were on your own, or just with the help of your neighbours.
Being a north Queenslander, I have seen the emergency response to a few cyclones and it literally brought a tear to my eye.
Convoys of electricity trucks – literally a hundred of them – moving north to sort out Cairns in 2003. Or convoys carrying dozens of emergency generators travelling to Innisfail after Tropical Cyclone Larry in 2006, and again after Yasi.
That level of organisation is taken for granted but it does not happen by accident, and makes a huge difference.
It is like the cavalry coming to the rescue.
But the main reason cyclones are far less of a problem nowadays is that our houses are much stronger than 100 years ago.
In 1918, a cyclone hit Innisfail and destroyed all but a dozen buildings in a town of thousands. The incredible destruction was largely due to the fact that houses then were very flimsy.
Cyclone building codes did not start until after Cyclone Althea cleaned up Townsville in 1971.
Even the incredibly intense Cyclone Tracy, that obliterated Darwin in 1974, was made far worse because few of the buildings were built to a code that could withstand a cyclone.
“Cyclone bolts” tying down roofs were not mandated, and it was common for the entire top of a highset house to be blown away leaving only the floor remaining and a terrified family hiding in a car underneath the house.
And this brings me to the final point. Let us say you believe that the warming over the past century is caused by human carbon dioxide.
And ignore the fact that big emitters like China, India and USA have NOT committed to reduce emissions.
Is it better to adapt to the changes, such as a possibly slightly increased cyclone intensity?
Or should we destroy the economy and pretend we can “decarbonise”? Should we fantasise that we can power our steel and aluminium industry using windmills, and that we can run our truck fleet, and mining and agricultural machinery, on batteries?
Our houses are already far stronger than those built even 50 years ago, and adaptation, by upgrading existing homes and updating the codes for new homes, is relatively easy.
And there is no great rush as climate change, however it is caused, is happening slowly.
But in the meantime, ignore the doom-mongers who circle any disaster like flies around a wound, and spare a thought for the people about to be sweeping floodwater from their house, or salvaging personal treasures from wrecked houses.
It would be insensitive to tell them that cyclones were worse 100 years ago. But for the rest of us, they certainly were.
Peter Ridd is a former professor at James Cook University and an adjunct fellow at the Institute of Public Affairs
Yes. Better building and Infrastructure is the key.
My response to all the ‘Climate Alarmists’ is just do what Mother Nature does and adapt.
It’s a heck of a lot cheaper than the current Transition to Bankruptcy.
The joke was on America and the whole world.
Could a Bombshell Discovery Render All of Biden’s Presidential Actions ‘Null and Void’?
And yet the Democrats have no one to blame but themselves.
To quote Hillary, what difference at this point does it make? They got away with it.
Not if things like pardons are null and void.
Big beautiful wall.
Trump Begins Construction of Texas Border Wall Canceled by Biden (6 Mar)
Steve trickler March 6, 2025 9:15 pm
That’s one of the few episodes I remember with some feeling – that one and the Aged Korean Cavalry General in his uniform and on Potters horse.
And Hawkeye in a bus where a “chicken” (actually a baby) is strangled so all the passengers wouldn’t get caught by the enemy.
Goodbye, Farewell and Amen.
Mostly Nasdaq, down 2.61% overnight. I haven’t seen a reason yet.
As per usual. More sellers than buyers.
Will be interesting seeing the EV vehicles in the south-east Qld streets, unable to charge, once Cyclone Alfie has taken out all the electrickery.
There’s a job for Albo right there, driving a semi with huge gen-set on the back, going around putting some electrons into those batteries.
Great point. Someone should ring Chris Smith on 2SM. He hates EVs and is one of the few media hacks who calls bullshit on global boiling and ruinables.
You are assuming the electricity will be down for any length of time. SEQ isn’t North Queensland. Priorities and voters, people!
And of course when power is lost, the EV driving suburbs will be the first to be restored
Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions to Trump’s masterful speech is superb: 11 minutes:
Greg Gutfeld says Trump ‘crushed’ joint address, Democrats chose to walk the plank – Main Stream Videos
SpaceX can really do a good show. So far the live coverage has been glorious.
Emerites A380 about to depart BNE, saw a chopper flying around at 300ft too before near Archerfield:
David Pocock on X lecturing Queenslanders about cyclones:
Climate change = more intense and further south.
Someone tell him about the early 1970s please!
Yup like I’m going to listen to someone with a Mickey Mouse degree like sustainable Ag Systems on cyclones. Stick to commenting on Rugby mate.
Better yet, get out of politics, buy a proper farm and prove that your agricultural theories can be productive and profitable.
Then get back to us.
Ah, sustainable ag systems. Reduced profits with a side order of preachiness.
oh, and claiming BAU for most producers is a new discovery.
There is a group called Farmers for Climate (based in Carlton) pushing wind turbines on the TeeVee.
Inevitably these “Farmers” are either having a yuuuge collect from turbines on their property, or are those “Farmers” favoured by their ABC for climate commentary … when you scratch the surface you find they have twenty almond trees and a few goats on ten acres in the Yarra Valley.
Weekly Times letters about Klimate are all from Kew, Ivanhoe or Brunswick.
I assume they’re all suburban cat ladies who think milk comes from the supermarket.
Yes, no doubt full of this totally new thing called “regenerative agriculture” like they have secret insight. The more rational parts are why Australia can continuously increase grain production and produce yields in years that pre green revolution would have been a total wipe out, but those productivity enhancing bits didn’t need some greenie label. The more whacky parts are what proponents actually get off on.
A front group set up to take-over as the voice of farmers. Carlton address suggests uni students. Just like Doctors for the Environment which was set up by a failed old commo Greens candidate from Gippsland and comprised mainly of students from areas peripheral to medicine. The VEF needs to jump on these creeps ASAP.
Someone tell him to grow a cock
If you hit the lump on his head, his cock grows. 😀
I pointed out yesterday that Waltz was lining up a meeting with the Ukrainians while it was being reported here, on the basis of X commentary, that Zelensky had turned his back on them.
Always go to the source…and regard second-hand commentary with even more suspicion. 😀
Waltz needs to change his surname , I get confused.
Latest on Cyclone Alfred from Weather Watch TV –
Best coverage so far.
They know their stuff.
So, she “cares” for everybody who thinks like her and hates everyone else.
“I am a proud woke Democrat. What does that mean? It means I care about everybody.”
2 seconds later…
“Except those MAGA people. They are racist bigots.”
What is your message to this ‘woke Democrat’?
Typical demorat skank: looks like the arse of a pig.
“I am a proud woke Democrat. What does that mean? It means I am an idiot and or mentally ill”.
Grow Up and Get a Life.
Damn Indo,
a bit of warning would have been nice.
She looks like Nadler had sat on face and farted.
We all know it’s because the rainbow serpent is angry.
Ironically, this is more like an east coast low.
Perfect catch of the booster! Surreal video.
But then the second stage engines started to die. Looks like another kaboom, but in near orbit this time.
Needs more work on the second stage…
Is this the stranded astronaut pick-up launch?
No, the 8th Starship/Superheavy test. The Dragon capsule launch is next week.
Footage of the booster catch.
One of Trump’s great picks is Lee Zeldin who is now in charge of the EPA. He is abolishing the endangerment context of CO2 emissions and here is a good analysis of why he is sending the global boilists into paroxysms of rage:
Trump Turns Conventional Wisdom on Its Head by Ignoring the Climate Cult and Going in the Opposite Direction!
I’ve always liked Led Zeplin –
Whoops – Led Zeppelin.
Perfect catch of the booster! Surreal video.
Spectacular watching the booster descent and catch.
Thanks for the link BoN.
Visual clarity is unreal!
Tony burqa has cancelled the visa of hezbellah thug makke:
Home Affairs Minister cancels visa of pro-Hezbollah preacher Hussain Makke, who was due to arrive in Australia within days for a speaking tour | Sky News Australia
Chris Smith advised yesterday for all his listeners to ring tone and complain about the makke visa and apparently his office received 100s.
This group was reportedly his sponsor.
Be interesting to know how much government funding they receive.
Rapid unscheduled disassemblies are a common issue with spaceflight.
I suspect it will be revealed it will be the result of the test of firing up the starship engines while the second stage was still connected and powered.
Actually the second stage engines started to fail with about 90% of the propellant consumed. One engine died and then the vehicle started to do gymnastics all over the place due to off-centre thrust. It was interesting to watch the video feed. Several seconds later the feed cut off.
The engine which failed was of the Mvac ones. I don’t know what that means, although maybe it is in the liquid methane system. The Falcon 9 Mvac engines have been extremely reliable, although they use kerosene not liquid methane.
Actually Raptor Vac, Rvac. Completely different engine from Merlin. Raptor is the first full flow staged combustion engine to fly. Tim Dodd (Everyday astronaut) has a really good Youtube vid on the different rocket engine cycles.
Required for their hot staging scheme. They turn off all booster engines except the 3 middle ones, the second stage fires and separates. The idea is not to have the booster unpowered as it can cause issues with fuel supply during restart for the boost back burn.
Are they being too ambitious Bruce?
They’re very close to nailing this. So I would say no.
The best thing is we have Trump in the WH and he will back Elon for the next several years. So if SpaceX can make the hardware work we, as a civilization, will be seriously in space.
That’s the one item on my bucket list:
A Mars colony.
All else is irrelevant and immaterial.
A Mars colony is the start of the Human Race’s colonisation of the Galaxy.
They will make it work. Sounds like they didn’t nail the root cause of the Flight 7 failure. There will be some very intense video discussions going on between SpaceX engineers right now.
Gov needs a rapid unscheduled disassembly
So have we lost any cats to Alfredaggeddon yet?
Its hysteria on the radio this morning.
Predictions: It will not cause huge amount of wind damage.
It will cause massive flooding and erosion because it slow moving and dumping enormous amounts of water.
Can i have my grant now?
Under the forecast path about 8kms from the coast. Current 27°, pressure 1002, rain since midnight 8.7mm and wind speed 8.6KMH. Today’s peak 25kmh so far after 35kmh yesaterday. It is squally weather basically.
thankfully not northern rivers or Gold Coast.
But big picture I suspect you, are right. It will be the rain wot does us in.
Up here 10 mins from Nambour, and 20k west of Maroochydore, ATM there is bugger all rain, and the odd stiff breeze.
Looking at the rain radar, I looks like the top of the ridge is getting it (Maleney & Montville – 15 & 10 minute drives) and the big new mini city (Aura) south of Caloundra are getting something.
It looks like heavy rain for us tomorrow and Sunday (see link to weather watch tv above), but thanfully not too windy. We will either cop a drenching or bugger all depending on exactly where Alfred crosses.
I am quite happy fiddling around around the model railway and creating files for 3d printing & laser cutting on the computer, but Mrs D has cabin fever & wants to go for a drive.
The modelling seems to indicate that the area south of Brisbane to Coffs will be most affected.
Tidal surge will be nasty if it hovers off the coast for long.
Meloni is all over the shop. No Italian troops earlier in the week and now the above.
Not at all…she sees Article 5 as an effective deterrent and therefore a viable alternative to troops on the ground.
That’s her argument; whatever one thinks of it, there is at least a rationale behind it.
About as brain dead as Dr Mutton.
It’s an existential issue for Europe/NATO.
She can hardly not have a view.
Meanwhile, where’s that Chinese flotilla at.
Come on, Roger. Brave attempt to steel-man her argument but it still stinks.
If the great Barbara Tuchman were still alive she would be revelling in the material provided by the Democrats for a further chapter to her great work ‘The March of Folly’. Although even Tuchman would struggle to make sense of the Dems’ behaviour during Trump’s speech.
The infantile behaviour during an august State occasion by an entity presenting itself as an alternative government is incomprehensible. It is of cause the end product of the Obama conspiracy focused on tearing down national values to be replaced by directed anarchy.
They can persist in pissing on the electorate only because of guaranteed funding.
Hopefully Musk will remove the funding crutch which is why the criminal thugs are trying so hard to have him murdered. They are on the rocks but still very dangerous as their murder of Seth Rich attests.
Stay safe Mr Trump.
The Dems’ main problem is that the mainstream media is their protection racket and writes all their scripts. But that system ended when the Dems lost the November 5 election and, without any media groupthink guidance, they’re running around like headless chooks and making up the script themselves — hence Tuesday night’s fiasco during President Trump’s speech to Congress.
The Democratic Party is headless and defeated and doesn’t know what to think. It will be lucky to avoid deregistration as a political party someone in the next decade.
the great Barbara Tuchman were still alive she would be revelling in the material provided by the Democrats for a further chapter to her great work ‘The March of Folly’
Its one my bookshelf in the ‘already read’ section
Looks like Elbow has made a tactical retreat to Sydney.
People here are shaking their heads at his idiotic remark that Brisbane should not experience cyclones because it’s not a tropical city.
Queensssland cyclones are for Queenssslanders.
Far from it.
We’re sharing freely with northern NSW. We’re big like that.
I suspect that the advisors have worked out that his odious presence was costing votes.
From being a ‘Wrongonologist’ he is now a Climate egg spurt. Time to go Albo and out the back door you go at Erection time. A ‘tug and rub’ beckons.
Where are we on tariffs now? The constant exaggeration and then walking things back is not helpful.
One might assume there are negotiations going on behind the scenes, which was always the goal.
Trump overnight announced exemptions on a range of Mexican and Canadian goods that were part of the NAFTA agreement he signed in his first term – about half of Mexico’s exports and a third of Canada’s. He namechecked Sheinbaum in his Truth Social post about it.
But the exemption only lasts another month. Plenty more chances for him to take wet his beak.
Why are you hanging around dickless. It’s because you expect rub and tug to win, isn’t it. Or has the milko come to pick up the kiddies and you have time on your dirty hands.
I have lost a lot of weight recently – albeit some it through a nasty bout of gastro – and am feeling better about the world. I am just here to bring the sunshine to your dank, damp lives, cohenite. YW!
Yet another mUntard failure.
You definitely shouldn’t eat out of date cream donuts, M0nty, no matter how great your need, or how deeply the addiction runs.
Turns into another sort of runs.
Oh Lizzie, I thought fat jokes were beneath you as a lady of taste.
Piss off, Nazi.
the rubber suits in which the Gimp spends most of his time, suspended from the ceiling, are simmering Petrie dishes if not hosed out occasionally.
So how much do you weigh now? Happy Friday and keep eating the shite food that gave you the gastro. Home cooking I guess. Keep it up.
LOL no you don’t get that info, Jonathan. Suffice it to say that acquaintances have been noticing.
Hopefully it fuels a strong year of veterans hockey.
Dank you.
How are the ankles? Back?
You obviously haven’t lost enough if you’re still breathing.
You suffer from nasty gastro every day.
Piss off, Nazi.
Trump negotiation tactics. I mentioned this yesterday.
First scare their socks off, then offer a deal that they can live with.
Remarkable how well it works.
‘take wet his beak’? Please converse in English as this is Australia’s Official Language.
While you’re here, how about you try my challenge below:
Prove that Putin/United Russia were not validity elected to the same standard of proof that you require of those claiming Biden was not validly elected.
Piss off, Nazi.
Anticlimatic cyclone. So far where we live on the Gold Coast the wind has not exceeded about 40 km/h and rain has been steady but light. We caught the Xmas tornado in 2023 and were fortunate to only lose a fence that got flattened and tree branches blown off. No electricity for 4 days and multiple roads blocked. Many houses in our suburb had trees blown onto them totally trashed. Now that was scary. So far this is less than a normal summer storm.
Cyclone update – the sprinklers are on at Longreach Airport and at Ilfracombe!
It’s happening!
Hopefully someone will be out sandbagging Machinery Mile. A National Treasure.
There’s some interesting stuff there.
I’ve made a list of machinery that Barcy will snaffle when the grid goes tits up and can’t be repaired.
Not enough Horsies to pull it though.
Question: How many Solicitors and Judges does it take to pull a 12 disc plough?
Answer: All of them!
Have a look at what is raping eighty year old ladies in Merrylands.
No punishment could be gruesome enough for this filthy scrote.
Sud or 3rd nations. Possibly muzzie.
Well, there’s one thing for sure – he be blak and dangerous.
I call Sud.
Welcome to the religion of peace.
Dear Leader has spoken, in third person for some reason. Glory to Him, even if Steven Miller wrote it! Now the droogs don’t have to think for themselves, what a relief.
Wot’ are you crapping on about now?
I tried posting this screenshot from TS but it didn’t go up the first time. How about this time?
Dang it, didn’t go that time either. Anyway, the post I am referencing is here.
The Cat is fine with .jpg and .png, but doesn’t like .jpeg. Go figure.
Um, Bruce – don’t help out the gimp.
Especially when he egregiously scorns Christianity.
I don’t really care, Gimp.
Looks like more Demorat BS to me. Try harder Monty Pox Virus. And have a good shite at the same time.
Can you please explain what metrics you judge all the Presidents by and tell us how each of the really good ones and the really bad ones far against said metrics?
Piss off, Nazi.
Another scammer this one claiming to be Jane from Commbank security (don’t have an account) claiming to be very anxious and wanting me to contact them on whatsapp.
243 country code. That’s Democrat Republic of Congo.
Not happy Jane.
Just attended an inservice about cyber crime. It is everywhere and millions are going to Asia, Pakistan, wussia and other shitholes. Lawyers are the main professional focus of the scammers with the government being the biggest target. Almost impossible to defend against.
Yes – I got one “Confirm your details” which I could do by visiting my local branch, or if it’s easier, by ‘just following the links’ in this email.
Had a call couple of years ago from a bloke who said he was from Westpac.Wanted me to ID myself but wouldn’t tell me what it was about.Wouldnt provide any proof where he was from.So I told him no dice. Turned out he was from Westpac and I had missed a credit card payment of about $5.
Blood suckers.
I like this guy’s technique with telephone scams
“It’s Gupta from Microsoft, your version of windows is not registered.”
“Wow, really? I don’t have any computers with Windows on it”
When I was doing domain name registration, I wrote some scripting to check for “dodgy” names like “Combank-au.com” and so on.
I then talked the boss into NOT de-registering them, (which costs more money), but instead making them “unusable” (no nameservers, transfer-prohibited status, customer portal login disabled). After about 2 weeks, the number of dodgy names we registered fell through the floor and never came back. See, when they go to all the trouble to register a domain name with fake credit cards, they expect the registrar to de-register the name when the CC charge-back comes in, then they move to the next one and so on. But we left the name registered for 12 months, but unusable by them – all that careful scam work down the drain for a year! Saved us thousands in the first 2 months.
A few years ago I had an elderly client being pestered by phone scammers, so one day when they called while I was there, I took the phone from her, listened for a few seconds to confirm it was a scammer, and then asked the bloke what he was wearing.
It took longer than I had expected, but as I persevered, I increased the pitch of my voice and made guesses as to what he was wearing. i.e. ‘I bet you’re wearing something TIGHT, aren’t you? Oh, you little minx, you!’ You get the idea. I had fun with it, though I quickly ran out of phrases I thought someone like the character I was channeling would use.
Eventually, he answered my question with: “No! I’m not telling you what I’m wearing!” and hung up. I believe she didn’t receive any similar calls for quite some time.
My goal was to throw this bloke sufficiently off his routine to hopefully be noted as ‘Don’t waste your time on this one’ in their database.
I tell them to hold while I get my details.
Then put Kevin Bloody Wilson on the stereo full burst then blow the umpires whistle into the phone.
They usually fcuk off then.
On British food, after semi air dried service station sausages (cooked medium rare) the ‘must try’ speciality is traditional Glasgow deep fried mini-pizzas.
At a specialist outlet, a skilled chef will ensure that sufficient frying oil soaks through the batter to flavour the base. Those with a refined palate will be able to pick hints of haddock, chicken tikka, pickled onion, and Mars Bar.
Mem’s ungutted fish curry is a contender with cinema-eaten Kentucky Fried Rat. (However, regarding reckless and offensive criticism of pork pies, I should point out that there are Hate Speech laws and ASIO has time on its hands.)
I was about to say that pork pies are shithouse.
Under the threat of being Immam-Granted, I will revert to code.
Pork pies are an “acquired taste”.
Just like you then Stencho.
U.S. Special Forces Veteran DESTROYS the ‘Genocide’ Lie About Gaza with PROOF.
A hyperbolic headline, yes, but this bloke gets straight to the point, which is that the 7th of October was DESIGNED to lure Israel into messy, publicly-unwinnable, attrition-based urban combat, with G@z@n citizens as the bait.
Let me repeat:
The 7th of October was designed to lure Israel into messy, publicly-unwinnable, attrition-based urban combat, with G@z@n citizens as the bait.
From this perspective, h@m@s’s goal has been absolutely attained. The attrition of their forces on the ground is acceptable collateral damage.
It didn’t work with me. I support Israel doing whatever to protect her citizens and reclaim the portion of her land that is currently called Gaza.
I’m perplexed by your statement, Perplexed. Genuinely.
Oh, do you mean the genocide propaganda?
didnt work, Israel needs to raze every single building and turn it into desert warfare. Hamas needs to be exterminated
My point, however, was to highlight that h@m@s’s plan HAS worked: They provoked Israel to attack, knowing the latter had little other choice, and then used civilians as human shields to win the PR campaign, which they arguably HAVE won. I don’t write this as a criticism of Israel, but to emphasise that the G@z@n civilian casualties (whatever the true number) have been INTENTIONAL on the part of h@m@s, p.i.g. (sic), etc.
Granted, the number of civilian casualties has been fewer than h@m@s probably wanted, due to an almost unbelievable restraint on the part of Israel.
To reiterate: The antagonists’ primary goal was to sacrifice as many of their own population as possible.
I agree, I argued from the start that there is no winning hand here for Israel. Disappointingly, most replies refused to counter my argument, resorting instead to suggesting I *wanted* Israel wiped. The converse is true, I want them to stop throwing resources at a lost cause.
The British do breakfast and afternoon tea. Sandwiches and Sunday roast.
All fine fare.
The big mistake is being too fancy…and any sort of vegetables other than the ones that go in the oven. I won’t say chip fryer, as I loathe fish and chips cooked in lard – this apparently is the only “proper” way to cook them, but they leave a hideous aftertaste.
As for dessert, just go straight to cheese and crackers. And maybe a nice crisp apple.
Rhubarb crumble with custard?
I have to admit the English do produce good chrese.
Hard to go past good Stilton.
“Oh the cat’s eaten it.!”
“Not much of a cheese shop is it!”
“Finest in the district squire!”
Poms love their UK fish and chips. They are about as good as deep fried NHS.
The best fish and chips in Sydney are done by the Greeks.
Don’t want to lose your gravitational field.
Roast beef cooked with potatoes in the pan.
Yorkshire pudding.
Bangers and mash.
Minted peas.
Bread and butter pudding.
Bubble and squeak.
Fish and chips with potato scallops.
The full English breakfast washed down with copious amounts of tea.
Shepherd’s pie.
Lancashire hotpot.
Devonshire tea.
Scotch eggs.
Christmas pudding (with sixpence coins hidden within).
Cornish pasties.
Welsh rarebit.
British food is what we grew up on as I recall. Plus a lot of lamb!
And the only “ethnic” takeaway was Chinese.
These are all good foods, Roger.
You just need to ensure they are not prepared by an English cook.
In a motorway cafe.
Yes, I was going to mention that!
Mrs Stencho Pantyhose, you are letting your side down. You never said the word ‘Pom’. Tut, tut.
Australia was built on this stuff. Same as Pomgolia.
Just ask your Parents if they are still alive.
My Mum is 93 years and still cooks a lovely lemon meringue pie and makes custard from scratch.
After decimal currency came in my gran kept a stash of sixpence coins esp. for the Christmas pudding. Shops would still take them in those days.
Stargazy Pie?
Yikes! I can do whole fish, but not an entire school looking at me!
Corned beef with veggies and cheesy white sauce.
I like corned beef with a mustard sauce which is made from the cooking liquid. Exceptional.
Hairy loves corned beef cooked as a pot roast and with white sauce and vegies. Reminds me. I must do it again for him sometime.
His mother used to make it. Way to a man’s heart.
Farmer Gez might be interested in this one.
Attorney General Andrew Bailey
I am here to report $5 BILLION in wasted taxpayer dollars allocated to fund a green energy scam and massive land grab from Missouri farmers and landowners.
I’m urging DOGE to immediately identify and cancel any DOE loan guarantees for the Grain Belt Express project.
I note with interest that Alfred is slowly,slowly making its way towards land.
Very slow indeed.
Perhaps he’s waiting for a Welcome to Country.
Or Batman.
Cyclone special on now! $10k a throw.
Downgraded to cat 1.
Has anybody told the BOM? Still CAT 2 with 100 km winds instead of 90km and 140km gusts instead of 120km.
This sensationalism by the BOM and the media is disgraceful. The number of people freaking out in BrisVegas is terrible.
If we ever get a real cyclone, there could be a spate of heart attacks. People are just going to lose it.
I’ve been watching Windy.com. Around 40kts off South Stradbroke.
Unpleasant, but not devastating. The rain is the other story. Looks like another huge, slow moving cell will hit later this evening.
Why hasn’t Kevni been called back for suitcase duty? His people need him!
clearly BOM need a few hundred million more to do the job
downgraded to tropical storm this morning
Quite so.
There was never any doubt that the first swing of the baseball bat was to get their attention.
Mission accomplished.
Now the fine tuning starts.
Think about the alternative.
In the past this would have taken 1-2 years minimum, with lots of to-ing and fro-ing (and trade talks held in highly desirable locales btw) and every interest group lobbying furiously from the sidelines.
This will be done and dusted in under three months.
Ah yes, a masterful gambit to spook the markets and destroy business and consumer confidence.
Hand typed out from my copy of The New MAGA Deal, Peter Navarro, 2024:
*revanchist: (my bolding)
The noun revanchist was coined in the 1920s to describe Germans who were focused on reclaiming territory lost during World War I. As an adjective, it’s used to talk about the political idea of revanche, or revenge in the form of taking back land that was lost in an earlier military conflict. Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait is an example of a revanchist policy; the government claimed that Kuwait, autonomous since 1913, was actually part of Iraq.
I suggest anyone wanting to understand MAGA from a slightly deeper point of view than just listening to a thousand near identical Trump rallies, gets a hold of Peters book and keeps it as a handy guide to whatever news is occurring.
I have learned a new word. Thanks.
Iraq did not become an independent country until 1932.
Britain granted independence to the Kingdom of Iraq in 1932, on the urging of King Faisal, though the British retained military bases and local militia in the form of Assyrian Levies. King Ghazi ruled as a figurehead after King Faisal’s death in 1933. His rule, which lasted until his death in 1939, was undermined by numerous attempted military coups until his death in 1939. His underage son, Faisal II succeeded him, with ‘Abd al-Ilah as Regent.
If they sound incredibly concerned for your financial welfare they probably aren’t from Commbank.
The killer test is asking them to call you back at 9pm AEST on a Friday. If they return the call they are definitely not from Commbank.
Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and I need to click the link to confirm.I don’t have a pension but except for the email address it looks pretty kosher.
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Centrelink will only contact you via MyGov. Everything else is BS.
According to the current energex outage map there are just under 37,000 people without power. The storm hasn’t hit propper yet and I doubt that most of these outages will be restored before the storm hits. If you go nowhere in your EV at least you have something to charge your phone with…
Excellent find by Michael Smith.
Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves.
The clip has sub titles. Only a couple of minutes long.
Too soon?
Shirley that should be “We will build back better”?
Hi Cats
I received the daily email from teh Free Press which has an article by Douglas Murray – “How MAGA Lost It Way on Ukraine” – its paywalled but has anyone eard the article and are able to summarise what Douglas arguement is.
I’ll tell you how MAGA lost it’s way.
Trump is a populist.
Ukraine is unpopular, in part due to the information war waged by Russia.
You can’t expect a populist to do unpopular things.
But there are second and third order outcomes to popular policies that end up not being so popular.
Trump actually gets a ceasefire, all good. Trump manages to shift blame for a failure to ceasefire off on the Europeans- still good. World War three ensues, not too good.
As long as they confine WW3 to Europe, have at it, guys.
Screw Europe, screw the EU, screw NATO and screw all the Eurotrash.
That’s allota rooting.
That’s not really how that might work.
Once the ICBMs start flying, they all go, because that’s the logic of MAD.
If France’s are in the air about to take out some of Russias silos, Russia will launch all of hers at whatever. Likewise everyone else.
Then the second and third strikes from the other various triads, mopping up whoever is left with a chance of doing any damage, coming to a city or region near you. All of this preprogrammed, locked in, and with every adversary knowing that is the procedure.
Now imagine the USA, Europe and China are all launching, India and Pakistan have to figure the other side might go too, so they both probably go almost simultaneously.
Israel probably has to take out Iran, before the Russians take out Israel.
World War three ensues, not too good.
My body is ready…
last try
Famous last words:
“This Humungus seems like a reasonable chap.”
Raising immunity?
You have been exposing yourself to low doses of radiation and fallout by eating servo sausage rolls?
2AM last pie in the roadhouse bain-marie retard strength.
Those following me will find death a blessing.
Rubbish analysis.
Not an argument.
Try harder.
In a nuclear exchange between France and Russia, which will extinct both countries, and in which Russia must have the targets for it’s nuclear triad pre dialled in, because within an hour it ceases to exist, it will allow America to remain.
Good luck with that.
I’d be interested to see how someone could say Trump has “lost his way on Ukraine.
A total blunder.
Keep me up to date with the new weapons shipments, Sancho.
You still think the Euros are going to build a pop-up armaments factory?
Have you heard of Rheimetall, Saab, and the like? They could certainly service their requirements.
The question remains.
If they didn’t rebuild or maintain inventory which was being used in a hot war, and with the prospect of an incoming POTUS who might not be amenable to continuing supply, isn’t that a tiny bit “asleep at the wheel”.
Quite apart from hardware, there is intel and comms support the US has which Zelenskyyy and the Euros absolutely need.
Even that swivel-eyed moron Starmer has said as much.
They can’t do it without Orange Hitler.
What do you think he meant by that?
Answered below. Re comms/ intel, they will have to supplement their own but that was always the case if NATO dissolved and that dependency was built into the system to give the US the stronger hand.
You said the other day that the Euros had “used up the bulk of their inventory”.
If they have the capability and capacity, why didn’t they replenish, given they were in the midst of a conflict?
How are they going to fill the gap left by the US AND rebuild inventory to prudent levels?
Because neither the Europeans or the US currently has the capacity to replace what has been lost quickly enough given the burn rate of this war. The US cannot even get its production of 155mm shells to 100K/month yet.
Correct, history has repeatedly shown that wartime munitions are consumed at *prodigious* rates, often 5 or 10x whatcwas predicted. This is why cutting your enemies supply lines by encirclement usually defeats them within days.
define populist
Gray Connolly @GrayConnolly 8h
Thanks Colonel
I’m buying up sandbags and iodine.
I’m buying frenchies and canned veges.
I dare not ask how the two are related.
Never use a public lav if a carrot has been there first.
I’m having fish and chips and bread and butter pudding. Maybe pork scratchings as a snack with a pint and a roast lamb dinner on Sunday with red wine.
Saturday, will be egg and chips. With a cup of tea.
What about kippers? And herrings.
Good chap, die of heart disease before the starvation hits.
Looks like things are heating up in Syria. Seems to be quite a bit of pushback against Jolani’s goons on the coast.
Maybe seeing a body being dragged behind a car in Latakia was the last straw.
People seemed to like this one I made.
I have such sights to show you….
Steve T, you might be onto something about Indian curry being crap. Waiting at the airport there is an Indian family eating Hungry Jacks. They ate half, screwed up their noses and turfed it
The elected European Parliament has NO power.
The power is with the unelected Euro Trash rabble in Brussels.
Wot’ a farce. Democracy? LOL.
March 7, 2025 10:04 am
Gutfeld is the best political commentator. His opening last night about the demorats reactions to Trump’s masterful speech is superb: 11 minutes:
I respectfully disagree, cohenite.
That trophy goes to Mark Dice. If he appeared on Fox ( He will not, he’s fiercely indepedant ), Gutfield would be a like a Deer in the headlights …blindsided. The amount of factual books Dice has written about the Media Industrial Complex is mind numbing …with a kick ass memory to boot.
Anyway, both are good in their own right.
Have a good day bloke.
Mark Dice:
Okay second best.
Well well well. Gold Coast Mayor is Las Vegas on a NRL junket but Dutton going to a fundraiser in Sydney makes him the devil incarnate…
Thought it was strange the deputy was making all the statements, noticed too the media running cover for him by referring to the deputy as “acting” mayor in all reports. Technically correct but a subtle play on word which actually attracted my attention to begin with. I was thinking where is Tate.
Just have a ‘Double’ and you can get away with it. Easy peasy.
Mayors love their junkets. It’s what ultimately tripped up Scaffidi here in the West. Olympics on BHP.
But the NRL games were played last Sunday.
He must be sailing back.
The Bee. Again, nothing much to laugh about.
U.K. Imam Opens Service With Land Acknowledgment Of Indigenous Britons That Once Inhabited London
I like the video on the page. If you post in support of Ukraine you are automatically drafted
And then the Romans turned up.
Just love the fact that a tough shearer from NSW put the 17 year old would be terrorist in a stranglehold when the kid boarded an aircraft in Avalon with loaded rifle. Great stuff.
Kudos to the bloke who sat him on his arse (a phrase I haven’t heard in a while).
Having said that, I am not sure this kid is the sharpest tool in the shed.
It looked like an over and under shotty, so would be limited to two shots at a time before he has to break it and reload.
Full stock and full barrel.
Looking at ten years or being ventilated by the cops, but doesn’t want to get into trouble for sawing down dad’s 12 gauge.
I’ve been wondering if the idiot did this on a dare.
You really are a thickhead, you honestly think after he had blown two passengers to bits with blood & gore all over the place you think people would rush to bring him down? most people would be in a state of terror.
If they were lucky you would be on board to save the day…..
BREAKING NEWS: The South African National Assembly announced that they will be confiscating the land, assets and money from White people that live on their land in response to Conservatives and DOGE pushing to cut their funding.
They also mentioned the people that they claim US intelligence agencies assassinated including Gaddafi, MLK and Malcom X in addition to claims that’s the US is embracing a ‘golden age of imperialism’ with Elon Musk.
“We will expropriate without compensation whether they (white Afrikaners) like it or not. If they object, they can seek refugee in America.”
So I guess the next famine is going to be in Sth Africa.
And rub and tug’s pack of shits won’t take in White SA farmers. We should take them all and see how long before SA ends up like Rhodesia.
Where the women till the ground, with hoes, in the same fashion as their grandmothers, while their menfolk sit in the shade, swilling beer, and telling each other how brave they were in the “bush war” – which ended before most of them were even born..
They can’t even run an Electricity Grid. It is crashing with Blackouts galore. Maybe they need Blackout Bowen to advise them. Ruin-A-Balls are the way to go – LOL.
And like Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), get rid of all the White Farmers and ‘Crash and Burn’.
No Power and no Food. Sounds like a good Plan.
Hyperinflation awaits.
UK pension funds may soon be directed towards military spending under revised code
Better that solar and wind generators.
Confirmed: Biden Spiked Rescuing Astronauts Stranded at ISS
State Department to deploy AI-powered ‘catch and revoke’ tools against Hamas sympathizers: report
A nice metaphor for the gravitas of your opinions and Nov 5th 2024.
He’s full of it.
Not anymore apparently. Poor toilet system.
Slightly less full it would seem.
Must make it difficult to talk.
and walk. He probably did a Nadler.
News.com.au headline of the day has to reference the cyclone.
“Sex worker exposes wild cyclone emergency.”
Europe fails to reach deal on Ukraine, rearmament after emergency talks end without agreement
Don’t know the provenance, but with any luck we may soon see the back of the little mountebank.
BREAKING: Ukrainian opposition leaders meet with Team Trump to discuss the replacement of Zelensky through emergency elections.
our brand is (even more) cringe
Brilliant meme in this article. I wish I knew how to show it here.
See if this works.
The Science of Why Gingers Convert to Islam
I’m not reading the link, but my guess is that it boils down to: they aren’t getting any.
Was I right?
DOGE effort to sell off federal properties inadvertently exposes CIA black site in Northern Virginia — Bloomberg TV
John Podesta, who should’ve been in jail on RICO charges for an insurrection conspiracy by the Biden DOJ’s own definition over his role in the Transition Integrity Project to stop Trump’s inauguration if there was a “Clear Trump Win,” [in 2020] was instead promoted to head this very scam
Another Democrat jumping ship for good.
“You lost me, Democrats, farewell. Donald Trump, welcome.”
Has King Charles Converted to Islam?
Germany Has Been Brought to Its Knees by NGOs
BREAKING: Ukrainian opposition leaders meet with Team Trump to discuss the replacement of Zelensky through emergency elections.
Praise the Lord, if this is true. It has always mystified me (I am easily mystified these days) why, if people truly want to reach a fair outcome for ALL Ukrainians, UN supervised elections were not held in the Donbas and other disputed regions. I can only guess that the Ukrainian oligarchs could guess the outcome.
‘We don’t want another Lidia Thorpe’: Indigenous activist accuses Greens of racismBy Hamish HastieMarch 7, 2025 — 10.56am
Listen to this article
4 min
One of Western Australia’s most prominent indigenous advocates has accused the WA Greens of being racist after her nomination to run for the party in the looming federal election was blocked over concerns she would become “another Lidia Thorpe”.
Menang Noongar woman Megan Krakouer has lodged a human rights complaint against the party over the preselection process for the federal seat of Fremantle, which she said mischaracterised and “humiliated” her.
A Greens staffer vetting Krakouer’s nomination made the “we don’t want another Lidia Thorpe” comment to one of her referees, who was so offended by that and two other questions about her race that she made official complaints to the party.
“He asked how Megan would respond if she didn’t agree with a Greens position on an issue and it could possibly impact on her integrity how would she react/respond,” the referee’s complaint states.
“… he went on to say ‘we don’t want another Lidia Thorpe’.”
The other questions asked by the staffer at the centre of the complaint included whether Krakouer had endorsement from Aboriginal elders and whether her referee was related to her in a “blackfella way”.
“Another question asked was whether I am related to Megan, my response was no I’m not. He then asked if I was related to Megan ‘blackfella way’,” the complaint says.
Krakouer also lodged her own complaint to the party.
WA Greens director Dean Smith said the vetter had been spoken to and had acknowledged that mentioning Lidia Thorp was inappropriate, as was his question about her referee’s relationship with her.
Krakouer has been an activist om Indigenous issues for decades and is director of the National Suicide Prevention and Trauma Recovery Project and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council. She made national headlines in 2023 when she reversed her opposition to the Voice referendum.
She left the Greens in January to run in the senate for Fatima Payman’s Australia’s Voice party.
Krakouer told this masthead she was deeply offended by the line of questioning her referee experienced – particularly over the question of endorsement from elders.
“In a way, it becomes a veiled attempt to question the candidate’s true identity, asking, ‘Is she really Aboriginal?’,” she said.
“The process was incredibly frustrating and, in my opinion, was deeply influenced by racism, discrimination, and prejudice.”
Krakouer said the Thorpe comment was totally inappropriate.
“I am not Lidia Thorpe, and while I deeply respect her, my approach to politics is different,” she said.
“The question posed by the [vetter] assumed a far-left alignment to my political views, which was not only an oversimplification but also mischaracterised my political stance.
“It reduced a well-respected and accomplished Indigenous leader to a negative stereotype, and made an unfair assumption about my own political approach.”
A horrid cynic might think a Human Rights complaint, against a party she was hoping to represent, kinda sorta suggests that her political stance may possibly be slightly open to unfortunate mischaracterising.
Too funny.
Email from a mate in Thailand.
Red Roo slaps customers of certain routes again. Mate & his mrs doing trip back to Thailand, booked Qantas out of Sydney. Turns up at gate, Finnair aircraft at gate. Asks questions and told that’s the plane and it’s a codeshare.
He pursues and asks why at the booking wasn’t this made clear, the booking potrtal had it as a qantas flight number, qantas tag and no mention of it being operated by another carrier (like when Jetstar is used you get a warning), which could be construed as deceptive conduct. A couple of scratches of the head he just lets it go never mind.
He says he can’t wait to get back and give the complaints department both barrels. He had no idea till at the airport. The service onboard is rubbish apparently, menu isn’t QF and planes are so old there’s lots of broken fittings unrepaired. Cabin crew is Asian and they didn’t see the pilots ethnic background.
Byer beware I suppose, red roo is shunting passengers of routes it doesn’t care about anymore to smaller Eurotrash operators with overseas crews and b grade rolling stock being leased. Apparently the Singapore route is similar.
It’s called a wet lease. Finnair cut back routes with closure of Russian airspace. Your mate is wrong, the Qantas catering is being provided. Finnair uses Singapore and Bangkok based crews on the wet lease flights, with Finnish aircrew.
I’ve just flown around the world on a combined Qantas/Finnair ticket and found Finnair to be a good airline.
I’d agree. I flew QANTAS/Finnair to Europe last September – perfectly fine service.
Doing JAL to Haneda then Finnair to Helsinki and on to Paris in a few weeks.
I’m looking forward to testing those DIY beds! 😀
calli, I did the Haneda to Helsinki flight and on to Munich. There’s a very good chance that you’ll go over the North Pole, so you might get to see the Northern Lights. The beds are good if you’re a side sleeper as you can bend your knees.
I am! Foetal position…but I definitely don’t suck my thumb! 😀
I do hope I see the Lights again. Had a glimpse in 2023, the night before we rushed back to dad’s bedside.
If you do go the North Pole route make sure you ask the purser for one of these:
We have flown with a number of European carriers – Swiss, Austrian, AirFrog, Luftwaffe – they are all fine.
And a fair bit cheaper than Qaintarse.
My last “fleeting exposure” to Qaintarse was using their lounge on a shared basis with another airline we were flying with.
Freakin’ atrocious.
Grubby furnishings, fittings broken, connections not working and discarded plates and glasses left uncollected.
A very basic drinks list and food which could easily have been made by a Pom.
Is this a good thing?
i was trying to defend Finnair, it’s their aircraft and crew but not their catering.
Not from any experience I’ve had lately with Qantas.
Even in Business Class. Very ordinary. A couple of times two years ago really bad.
Take your word for it but I’m going on what I’m told. I honestly have never noticed Finnair in my travels. He and mrs weren’t impressed as you can tell.
Only part I tend to agree with him being annoyed if booked with one carrier and being put onto another carrier without being told before purchase. Why not be upfront about it?
I believe that about Qantas catering. It’s hideous.
Just got back from Bali – only 5.5 hours so did cattle class exit row. Horrible plane, screens are the tablet type. Food so awful I decided not to eat at all.
The food on the way out wasn’t much better. Plane a little less elderly but distinctly venerable.
The toxic leprechaun turned the show into a budget carrier at premium prices and protected sectors. It’s intolerable. Fortunately the FFPs can be used on other carriers, JAL for preference.
Bangers and Mash, Cottage Pie, Leek Soup, Tripe and onions, Toad in the Hole?
All good grub on Quaintarse.
I’ve taken to flying Jetstar a lot these days, cheap ‘n nasty and you get the no service you pay for. Also I can access the lounge in most places.
I’ve done Jetstar (or as the New Broom calls it – the Orange Gamble) BC.
It’s surprisingly good. Sydney – Narita.
I used to do it up and down the coast from Melbourne or Hobart to Sydney when Hairy was work based down that way more than ten years ago and I had family matters regularly to attend to.
I called it getting the bus. Econony. Clean and you could buy snacks for the short trip. No problems.
Yikes. Forgot to say, hope it was obvious, I was talking about Jetstar. My daughter used to call it Sh*tstar, but they also used it for a couple of longer trips, to Bali and Japan I think.
Live fire exercises are no joke.
It looks like rai.
Lots of it!
I’ll get to the pub before I get flooded in.
Ciao, baby!
I see the Nazi is loitering here.
Ignore him, Cassie. I get a sense that he has his tail between his legs like the sad puppy he is on this site because he’s been so wrong (re Trump and everything else) and so nasty (re women’s real rights). Still coming in for the occasional thrown bone.
A cruel, genderabusive and probably illegally misleading cyclone meme:
Yep. What a loiterer.
Roger asked earlier if the Miraj Institute received any government monies. This article from Daily Telegraph at the start of the year would suggest yes. Jesus wept:
Under the Home Affairs office which I believe has Tony Burqa as minister. I look forward to seeing them deported.
And you see guys they are just normal everyday people who aren’t harming anyone! Except when they are. FMD
Thanks, BB.
That $33K will be only the most recent grant, I suspect.
What a hideous creature this teak is..
Good lord.
The French Au Pair hasnt got her visa yet and Im stuck looking after young Tarquin and Claissa myself!!
And Maocolm has had to turn away 3 potential employees because they wanted more than minimum wage for his whale foreskin removal business.
universal suffrage was a fatal mistake
Quite so …
I’m not sure what the down tickers think they’re accomplishing.
I first came to Catalaxy many, many years ago to argue against almost everyone here about de-industrialisation.
Almost a lone voice of opposition except for a handful of brain dead leftist trolls. That was the fight that no one saw coming in the early 2000s.
Johnny come latelies with an engorgement for Trump aren’t impressing me,
Or in other words, try making an argument.
You might have a good one, who knows?
I am an almost single issue person.
I want to live in a world where our young men get to have what I had: a career in industries that made stuff.
Not a world where they want to cut their dicks off in despair.
The vast majority do. Too many people over-exaggerate the impact of trans. It is a very small number of sad outcomes that has no relevant to the rest.
I have taken away the downticks because they aren’t arguments. They’re petty, lazy waaaaahhhhhhs from brainless snots.
I’m wearing my RayBans and I’m on a mission from God.
The Blues Brothers. They were on a mission from God. For the Penguin.
Upticks and downticks balance and cancel in some way – you don’t know where you are with them Arky, so ignore them. I will often uptick a lonely downtick on my mates like you to bring the scales of opinion back to a meaningless 0. If it’s important I do a reply function.
I just use upticks as a reflex action to mumble to myself that I agree with someone. I don’t expect it to mean anything except to me, because a storm of downticks can take my view right away.
I think that has changed. I used to get multiple downticks all the time and obviously some were pure spite from some enemies here.
I tried looking further into some issues with Miraj Institute but I was taken to a website run by Shia Muslim Council of Australia. They wrote a letter to the Wong Chap about some grievances in Pakistan. Here tis
And the the Wong Chap’s response. FMD
Civic duty discharged. Commies last.
Well done.