Open Thread – Mon 10 March 2025

The Voyage of Life: Youth, Thomas Cole, 1842

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March 10, 2025 12:09 am

A very long time since I was first!!

March 10, 2025 12:09 am

Goodnight all. Just waiting for the forecast rain to hit…the garden’s gasping.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
March 10, 2025 12:29 am

Phew, just had my 3rd day this summer at 35C. (Rarely gets that hot here) Clearly this is climate change & we should all purchase carbon credits or somesuch, to reduce the temperature.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
March 10, 2025 12:35 am

Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West?
-I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring. They knelt for the Batflu Scam-demic, they seem totally unaware of the ever-iescalating Ambulance Ramping crisis, they’ve had nothing to say about the live export ban, and despite being the natural heirs of Barney’s native title settlement, they’ve had nothing to say about the Juukan Gorge bait-and-switch and the shameful extended prosecution of Tony Maddox.
Plus, the Messiah- Basil Zempilas- has under-played his hand, stalled his run, and now looks like a shallow shirker hoping to fall into power by inevitable gravity.

Salvatore - Iron Publican
March 10, 2025 12:50 am
Reply to  Wally Dalí

Thank you Wally.

March 10, 2025 2:56 am

I hadn’t heard about this until now.


·Mar 5

The future of aerospace & defense manufacturing is fully digital – The Divergent Adaptive Production System (DAPS™) – 10x faster, rapidly scalable, and dramatically more cost effective.

This tech revolutionizes manufacturing by multiplies. No, it’s not Chinese. It’s American.

March 10, 2025 4:00 am
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Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 4:18 am

Thanks Tom.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 4:20 am

comment image

March 10, 2025 4:58 am

Mark Steyn.

A taboo, nobody talks about openly but everyone knows it’s wrong.
Because ‘culture’.

March 10, 2025 5:44 am
Reply to  Gabor

I wonder what will happen when Britain is a Muslim country. Most Muslim countries only survive because their economies are based on oil. Britain doesn’t have much. When they’ve ruined the place, perhaps they’ll all try to emigrate to Qatar.

For our survival, Australia should deport all Muslims. But having a population which is ignorant and retarded suits our political class very well, so it won’t happen.

March 10, 2025 6:05 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan

The UK’s muslim transformation is all but complete.
The Mail has a story about the capitulation if any Cats care to read it.
The London School of Economics is happily on board with outrageous anti-semitism.

I still can’t believe what I have just now read.

March 10, 2025 5:59 am

Green Breakdown

The Coming Renewable Energy Failure

By Steve Goreham
Renewable energy is generally very costly, unreliable, and not a sensible solution to society’s worries about climate change. If we continue to overdo the push for renewable energy, we are headed for trouble. It is a huge misallocation of resources, as its marginal costs substantially outweigh its marginal benefits.
The review is here at the link. Well worth reading.

March 10, 2025 6:12 am
Reply to  mem

Link failure.

Last edited 2 hours ago by DrBeauGan
March 10, 2025 6:25 am
Reply to  DrBeauGan
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 8:04 am
Reply to  mem

That works.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2025 6:28 am

Battery news:

Google Pixel 4a smartphones recalled from stores across Australia and online over fears battery could overheat and pose fire risk (Sky News, 9 Mar)

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission warned an overheating phone battery could present a fire danger. 

“An automatic firmware update to Android 13 was rolled out to Pixel 4a devices in Australia on January 8, 2025,” the product safety recall notice stated on March 7. 

“The firmware update provides new battery management features to mitigate the risk of overheating.

“An overheating battery could pose a risk of fire and or burns to a user.”

The recall, being conducted by Google, is relevant for its Pixel 4a smartphones carrying the model number G025N, purchased between August 1, 2020 and September 30, 2022.

Impacted consumers may be eligible for an appeasement from Google, such as a refund or replacement, the ACCC said.

Putting this up in case any Cats have one of this model. A common feature between EVs and phones is a need to cram in as much energy into the battery as possible, especially as phones get more powerful.

Bear Necessities
Bear Necessities
March 10, 2025 6:30 am

Working under a Greens Energy policy at the moment. That is NO Power. Using Power Packs at the moment until Energex restores. Also have a drainage issue downstairs in our Rumpus Room. Nearly all the carpet is wet. I think it was due to too much water but I need a drainage expert to confirm if we can do anything in the long term. Stay dry my fellow Brissie Cats.

Black Ball
Black Ball
March 10, 2025 6:36 am

Andrew Bolt:

Well, that was embarrassing. Cyclone Alfred sure let down the Prime Minister and the other climate catastrophists trying to turn weather into politics.

The warmist Sydney Morning Herald summed up this slavering with this headline: “‘More frequent, intense’: PM puts climate front and centre for election.”

Oh, how funny.

See, just hours after Anthony Albanese linked Alfred to global warming and postponed calling the election because of this “tropical cyclone crossing over and hitting land where over four million Australians live”, Alf decided to … disappear.

Before it even hit the mainland, Cyclone Alfred became ex-Cyclone Alfred instead – not a Category 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 cyclone, but just a tropical low. Very blowy, very rainy, but no cyclone.

So, yes, let’s make this an election issue, Prime Minister.

Let’s discuss how politicians beat up global warming scares and use climate “emergencies” to belt voters and businesses – Covid style – to show their strength and concern.

For a week, Albanese and the Queensland and NSW premiers hogged TV cameras to issue grim warnings of the hell to come when Alfred, then over the Pacific, eventually hit our eastern coast.

The media, hooked on disaster porn and climate scares, joined in and combined the two.

The Guardian Australia gasped: “Is climate change supercharging Tropical Cyclone Alfred as it powers towards Australia?”

The SMH whimpered: “Why cyclones are growing deadlier and heading our way.”

By Wednesday evening we’d already hit peak panic, as Alfred itself peaked as a Category 2 cyclone (the worst is Category 5).

Alfred was still more than two days from hitting land, but schools were closed, public transport shut and people warned to take shelter.

Now, I get it. Notice was needed, the warnings helped people to protect themselves, and the cyclone dawdled unexpectedly, but that seems an excessive period of economic disruption.

Then warmist politicians exploited the growing panic to promote their global warming religion and scare up more votes.

Adam Bandt, unprincipled leader of the vulturous Greens, was naturally the worst, tweeting a political advertisement as the winds picked up: “To prevent these disasters getting worse, we need to take strong climate action. That means no new coal and gas.

“This election the Greens will keep Dutton out and get Labor to act on climate.”

Is the man a liar or just a moron? Australia banning new coal mines and gas wells would make about zero difference to our climate – we’re too small – but would very much hurt poorer Australians especially as we run out of cheap power and money from exports.

Scumbag politics, but for sheer stupidity, Victoria’s vacuous Premier, Jacinta Allan, took the prize.

Get her nonsense from last Tuesday: “In Queensland we are seeing repeat extreme weather patterns that we’ve not seen the likes of which, now massive floods and storms and fires all happening almost simultaneously.

“Now the way to address those challenges is not to go down an ideological pathway which Peter Dutton and the Liberal Party want to do, a nuclear pathway, for goodness sake!”

Could someone tell this clueless premier of a busted state that nuclear power actually generates zero emissions? Unlike her wind and solar, it’s green power than actually works. All the time.

And then came the PM, also exploiting Alfred to preach global warming, although without quite the crass politicking.

“You can’t say this event is just because of climate change,” Albanese declared.

“What you can say is that climate change is having an impact on our weather patterns.”

But then Alfred, as if it had been waiting for the cue to make a fool of Albanese, instantly quit being a cyclone.

Even so, these fearmongers who’d linked Alfred to the supposed horrors of global warming had already exposed themselves as scientifically illiterate. And I include Teal MP Zali Steggall.

Fact: global warming actually means fewer cyclones, not more.

Even the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change admits Australia has had “fewer tropical cyclones since 1982” and “most (climate) models project fewer cyclones” to come if the world keeps warming.

A paper published in the journal Nature even concluded Australia’s “present low levels of storm activity on the mid west and northeast coasts of Australia are unprecedented over the past 550 to 1500 years”.

If global warming actually means fewer cyclones, then what were these politicians babbling about last week?

And why is Albanese promising to spend tens of billions of dollars to stop a warming that saves us from cyclones?

That would be because he is a knobhead Mr Bolt. As for Jacinta Allan, FMD. Worse than Andrews, which takes quite an effort to do.

March 10, 2025 7:26 am
Reply to  Black Ball

I’ve thought the same about the Allan abomination with all the secret ‘treaty’ treachery and changing names of places.

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 7:59 am
Reply to  Black Ball

Climate Alarmism on steroids.

An alarmed populace is much easier to control and up the propaganda to.

March 10, 2025 8:13 am
Reply to  Black Ball

That would be because he is a knobhead 

From now on, thanks to WA premier Cook, every Labor politician should be known as a knob.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2025 6:59 am


Israel Cutting Off Its Electricity Supply to Gaza (9 Mar)

Israel says it is cutting off its electricity supply to Gaza. The full effects of that are not immediately clear, but the territory’s desalination plants receive power for producing drinking water.

Sunday’s announcement comes a week after Israel cut off all supplies of goods to the territory to over 2 million people. It has sought to press Hamas to accept an extension of the first phase of their ceasefire. That phase ended last weekend. Israel wants Hamas to release half of the remaining hostages in return for a promise to negotiate a lasting truce.

Gaza has been largely devastated by the war, and generators and solar panels are used for some of the power supply.

Hamas will have first dibs on the solar panels and generators. The fuel for the latter must be in short supply though and solar panels would make for a fine and easily spotted target for the IAF.

March 10, 2025 7:42 am

Hamas will have to repurpose fuel used to drive around in their new hiluxs and rocket manufacturing and desalinate their own water.
Release the hostages.

March 10, 2025 8:11 am

They should have done that on October 8 2013

Bungonia Bee
Bungonia Bee
March 10, 2025 7:11 am

Daytime Sky delighted to report a poll that has 55% who don’t think Dutton’s mob are “ready to govern”. After three years of Albo’s mob I certainly don’t think they were/have been/are ready to govern, so who are these pollsters talking to?

March 10, 2025 7:24 am

This has to be a joke as there’s no source apart from a tweet but it’s kind of believable too.
The E Commissioner has said that no pictures of bacon and egg rolls should be posted during ramadan.
Given her history it wouldn’t surprise me.

March 10, 2025 7:44 am
Reply to  Ceres

Bacon is always haram.
Grok says with love heart
‘The claim about the E Safety commissioner banning bacon and egg roll pics during Ramadan is unverified. No official statement from the Australian E Safety Commissioner supports this. Ramadan cultural sensitivity often focuses on not eating publicly, not on posting food images. Check primary sources, not just X posts. ?? for bacon and egg rolls anyway!’

Last edited 27 minutes ago by Rosie
Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 7:50 am
Reply to  Ceres

How about pictures of Peppa Pig?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2025 7:39 am

Paging a Margaret Atwood, will the author of Handmaid’s Tale come to the red courtesy phone please?

China Considers Premarital Fertility Tests to Fight Birth Rate Collapse (7 Mar)

The dire birth rate situation has led the Communist Party to take invasive measures into people’s personal lives in the hope of pressuring couples into having children. In one alarming example, the South China Morning Post reported in October that Chinese women were using social media to complain that local Communist Party officials were calling them unexpectedly to ask them invasive questions about their menstrual cycle and other private bodily details, a practice referred to as “fertility call checks.” One woman relayed that a government worker called her, asked if she was pregnant, and began to ask for details of her last menstrual cycle when she said she was not. The worker suggesting setting up a reminder call from the government for when she is believed to be ovulating.

“Some people believe that marriage and childbirth are only private matters, and up to each individual. This view is wrong and one-sided,” a Chinese propaganda post declared.

How do you spell “dystopian” in Chinese?

Johnny Rotten
Johnny Rotten
March 10, 2025 7:47 am

Happy ‘Flucking’ Comrades.

March 10, 2025 7:41 am

How times change ..! media in an uproar cos Israel has cut off the elecricity to Gaza .. No one said a word when the Germans cut off the electric in Warsaw ……..

I’m more surprised the electric to Gaza hasn’t been cut off since Oct 7 ..

Last edited 32 minutes ago by shatterzzz
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
March 10, 2025 8:12 am


 March 10, 2025 12:57 am

The Spectator Index


EUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for decades of US arms purchases that have left them dependent on Washington’

Which was the point I was making the other day.
There will be no “pop-up” armaments factories available to meet their needs if they want to take on Pukin.
Orange Hitler holds the cards.

  1. That would be because he is a knobhead  From now on, thanks to WA premier Cook, every Labor politician should…

  2. dover0beach March 10, 2025 12:57 amThe Spectator Index@spectatorindexEUROPE: The Financial Times reports that many European governments are feeling ‘buyers remorse for…

  3. Climate Alarmism on steroids. An alarmed populace is much easier to control and up the propaganda to.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x