Open Thread – Mon 14 Oct 2024

Rainy Day in Paris, Gustave Caillebotte, 1877

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October 14, 2024 12:41 am

Good morning!

October 14, 2024 1:00 am


Can’t remember the last time I had a podium.

October 14, 2024 4:00 am
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October 14, 2024 4:11 am

Thanks Tom.

October 14, 2024 4:13 am

Thanks, Tom.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 14, 2024 4:37 am

Stupid Forking Liberals. Again. Herald Sun sez:

Former premier Jeff Kennett has come under fire from Liberal Party members after calling a woman a “rude little bitch” while giving a keynote address.

Mr Kennett was the guest speaker at a gala ball for Young Liberals at the Arts Centre on Saturday night.

But he stunned guests after he lashed out at the woman during the speech, saying she had repeatedly interrupted him.

Guests said they were left shocked by the bizarre attack from the former leader.

After the speech, Young Liberals president Dean Dell’Orso quickly took to the microphone to apologise, while other members tried to have Mr Kennett kicked out of the black-tie event.

“With all due respect to Mr Kennett I want to deeply apologise to my friend on the front table,” he said.

“I’m against political correctness but we want to change the culture in the Liberal Party.

“We want to do politics differently. I want everyone to feel safe and respected in this room”.

One attendee called Mr Dell’Orso’s apology “brave”.

“Jeff was not happy about it,” he said.

“Having myself been at the receiving end of black-tie tirade a decade ago, Jeff’s taste for verbally abusing Young Liberals at their own events is well established,” one young Liberal said.

“Jeff’s love of the sound of his own voice is matched in intensity only by his sheer desperation to prop up John Pesutto, lest the Victorian Party find electoral success – causing his legacy, such that it is, to pass over the horizon of political irrelevance.”

When contacted by the Herald Sun, Mr Kennett apologised “profusely” for the blow up but went on to say it was born out of frustration at continual interruptions to his speech.

“I apologise profusely,” Mr Kennett said.

“I’m not going to try and make excuses but you can understand it was in response to something that happened and I was very disappointed (with the interruption).”?

Mr Kennett said the woman had been talking to someone on her table in front of him and he had asked several times for the “very distracting” conversation to stop.?

“Her comments were not at me, it was a discussion she was having at the table, which was right in front of where I was speaking,” Mr Kennett said.

“It was a great distraction and I had asked her or mentioned (it) several times and she’d ignored it, and unfortunately, I made that comment which was inappropriate but as you can understand, I was very disappointed.

“It was very distracting.”

An eyewitness said: “(His outburst) was disgusting. The woman was right next to me and she wasn’t even interjecting. Others were and she just laughed.”

Another Young Liberal who was at the event on Saturday night said the former premier’s comments “shocked everyone”.

“He’s dishonoured himself and his legacy.

“Young Liberals look up to someone like Jeff. He should have known better.”

Another free kick to the idiot from Bendigo in Mzzz Allen.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 14, 2024 4:46 am

Andrew Bolt on Mzzz Allan:

Victoria’s Premier has a secret she really should share with all Australians. Or she’s a dupe who can’t be trusted to run our busted state.

Last Thursday Jacinta Allan made an extraordinary apology to the “stolen generations” – to children she claimed “were forcibly removed from their families.”

It was extraordinary for two reasons.

First, it was held in secret, at a private gathering with no media invited.

That already smells off, given, Allan was not offering a personal apology but one supposedly on behalf of all Victorians.

Why would the Premier sneak off to do that away from the media, announcing it only later in a brief Instagram post?

Allan later implied it was at the request of “stolen” children, telling reporters that given our “shameful past” they “absolutely deserve the respect, to be able to determine the safe, appropriate way that that apology is delivered to them”.

But Allan’s apology affects all voters, of whatever race, since it implies a collective view with possibly collective obligations. Apologising privately to who-knows-who is what’s not “safe” in a democracy.

That brings me to a more serious problem with her apology, which might also help to explain that secrecy.

Who were the “stolen” children Allan apologised to?

Those names could be crucial because two decades ago I challenged “stolen generations” activists to name even just 10 of the 100,000 children the Human Rights Commission claimed were stolen from their families by racist officials just because they were Aboriginal.

None succeeded, naming instead neglected or abandoned, children, including young girls who’d been found pregnant, or children sent away by their parents to get a schooling.

And here’s the weirdest thing about Allan, a Victorian Premier, apologising to the “stolen generation”.

Two decades ago another Victorian Labor Premier, Steve Bracks, had a Stolen Generations Taskforce, chaired by Aboriginal spokesman Jim Berg, looking for “stolen” children.

It searched all Victoria but only 16 “stolen” children came forward, but the only ones its report mentioned hadn’t been “stolen” but adopted out by their single mothers, or sent to boarding schools.

The report admitted Victoria in fact had had “no formal policy for removing children” from Aboriginal parents. Yet Victoria had 36 organisations supposedly helping “stolen” children.

So who did Allan apologise to last Thursday? Do we at last have 10 children truly stolen just for being Aboriginal, or do we have a dangerously gullible Premier falsely smearing our “shameful” past?

And yet despite any polling that suggests the Coalition are somehow on equal footing with this current mob turning Victoria into a totalitarian regime, Labor will be re-elected.

Black Ball
Black Ball
October 14, 2024 4:55 am

And your daily chuckle comes courtesy of the Daily Telegraph:

Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has joined the Board of one of Australia’s most ambitious space industry companies.

Space Centre Australia, which is building Australia’s first permanent spaceport at Cape York in far north Queensland, has appointed Mr Morrison non-executive chair of the company.

Mr Morrison, who served as Prime Minister from 2018-2022, said he would use the appointment to elevate the country’s budding space sector.

“I’m thrilled to be taking on this new role with the team at SCA as they implement their plans to become not just the premier permanent spaceport with the most comprehensive launch service offering in Australia but a leading player in the space launch sector globally,” he said in a statement on Sunday.

“(CEO) James Palmer and the team at SCA have already garnered the respect of space sector leaders such as NASA and are building the commercial and international partnerships needed to realise their comprehensive, long term and detailed plans.

“I believe SCA will present a unique offering to global investors, providing both exposure to the fast growing global space sector, while providing the stability and durability associated with a traditional infrastructure investment.”

Mr Morrison’s appointment comes as the federal government relaxes restrictions on US companies launching rockets from Australian soil through the Technology Safeguards Agreement, which means giants like Elon Musk’s SpaceX could one day shoot rockets into space from Australian launch pads.

Mr Morrison said Australia held advantages in space industry development through its alliance system with like-minded democracies, international partnerships and AUKUS pursuits.

“I was passionate about the Australian space sector’s potential, from a commercial, scientific and strategic perspective, especially when it comes to security and Defence,” he said.

“Our AUKUS, Quad and bilateral partnerships are all ideal vehicles to enable Australia to achieve this potential. I am excited to be able to follow through on these initiatives in this new role in the private space industry with SCA.”

Mr Palmer said Mr Morrison’s “vast experience” in international governance and diplomacy would help the company develop a “world-class spaceport facility”.

“Scott’s deep understanding of both Australia’s strategic position in the global space industry and the importance of fostering strong international partnerships will be instrumental as we advance our ambitious plans to support the future of space exploration and industry,” he said.

SCA is headquartered in Cairns and the company plans to support low earth, medium earth and high earth orbit launches and deep space exploration services from its spaceport.

I mean really Mr Morrison? If you really had passion for the space industry then Australia under your stewardship would be firing rockets from all directions.
I suppose it could be worse, he isn’t on the taxpayer teat so beloved of former parliamentary figures.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 14, 2024 6:09 am

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu urges removal of UN peacekeepers from Lebanon, claiming they are ‘hostages of Hezbollah’

Benjamin Netanyahu has urged the United Nations to remove its peacekeepers from Lebanon, claiming they are becoming “human shields” and “hostages of Hezbollah”.

The Israeli prime minister said he had asked for their removal “repeatedly” and been “met with repeated refusals”.

For 18 years the useless UNIFIL has been failing to stop Hezbollah firing at will into Israel. Now they are embedded in Hezbollah’s military infrastructure.

Cringing when Israel starts taking out the bad guys who have surprisingly somehow become located close to U.N. facilities. And appalled that the IDF is rudely shoving their concrete security blocks around with bulldozers and knocking HQ gates down with reversing tanks.

  1. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu urges removal of UN peacekeepers from Lebanon, claiming they are ‘hostages of Hezbollah’ Benjamin Netanyahu has…

  2. And your daily chuckle comes courtesy of the Daily Telegraph: Former Prime Minister Scott Morrison has joined the Board of…

  3. Andrew Bolt on Mzzz Allan: Victoria’s Premier has a secret she really should share with all Australians. Or she’s a…

  4. Sacred duty.

  5. Stupid Forking Liberals. Again. Herald Sun sez: Former premier Jeff Kennett has come under fire from Liberal Party members after…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x