Gonna be a bit hard for Elbow to cope with voter priorities: What is the most important issue of the…
Gonna be a bit hard for Elbow to cope with voter priorities: What is the most important issue of the…
All arrivals into Oz: Ten men have been slammed for the “gangster bravado and bloodlust” they displayed as they killed…
Unfortunately, the Senate allows itself to insider trade. So President Trump will have to cancel the legislation that does this…
How Albanese plans to win over WA again, as he accuses Peter Dutton of being a PM for Sydney West…
In a letter to the ECAJ, Mr Albanese said he would “like to reiterate my public statements – anti-Semitism has…
Victor Davis Hanson: The Left’s Tesla Terrorism Agenda
Some would aver that the test for a free market is the absence of government intervention.
The problem then is how to deal with distortions created by monopolies and other economic privileges which disrupt the economic equilibrium required for a free market to function efficiently.
So, some minimum level of government intervention seems necessary.
The problem is that governments have an innate tendency to over-extend their regulatory reach, introducing their own distortions into the marketplace.
There are entire industries and parts of industries that only exist because of government, which are a direct drain on the real, productive economy.
There are entire fake jobs that only exist to inflate employment rates and get governments re-elected.
There are entire systems in place to direct people into activities that only occur because of governments. Large chunks of education, health and law exist only because of these stupidities.
Yes; needless to say, if we were governed properly they wouldn’t exist.
The simplest way to address it is to cut the money supply off.
Reduce income tax to less than 20% and trim the federal government accordingly. Regulate government expenditure through legislated set rates: 5% of GDP for defence, and so on.
Encourage people to voluntarily take out health and unemployment insurance with the extra money in their pockets. and maintain a basic safety net for the truly indigent.
Don’t tax overtime or interest on investments.
Abolish all government excises.
Structure the tax system to favour families with children and enable the mother (or the father) to stay home and raise the children rather than entrusting that role to state subsidised child care.
I could go on…
Why would you tax income?
Don’t you want people to earn incomes?
A tax is a disincentive for whatever behaviour you are taxing.
Income tax is an historically recent thing.
Because our forefathers knew that productive work made everyone richer.
Encourage people to voluntarily take out health and unemployment insurance with the extra money in their pockets.
and maintain a basic safety net for the truly indigent.Encourage people to be self sufficient adults by NOT having government bail them out if they make bad choices and end up in difficulty.
This does NOT mean ‘no help for those in need’, it means those in need EARN that help from other citizens voluntarily assisting them because they see that their misfortune is truly that … misfortune… not the result of bad choices.
Private welfare imposes a requirement that the recipient be a decent person who earns it.
Government welfare increasingly tends to be ‘charity for arseholes’ which rewards ever more bad behaviour.
Just been down at the Police Station renewing shooters licence.
You quickly learn the difference between applicant and supplicant.
You mean, like subsidising the most inefficient means of energy production, then subsidising consumer energy bills when they inevitably sky-rocket?
Yes, we’ve long since reached the point of absurdity.
It takes wisdom and discipline for a parliament to stay its regulatory hand. Such virtues would appear to be in short supply among our political caste.
And their advisors and bureaucracy.
Let’s take a teacher.
A really, really good teacher.
Those skills are valuable. Industries need trained workforces, people with training and communication skills are therefore very, very valuable. The government steps in, says “education is a universal good, a “right” (f*cking “rights” again), and thus cannot be left to industries to pay for the education of their own workforces”.
It is industry that has the most to gain from an educated population, and industries which would directly pay for it if left alone to do so, at the rate at which those educations are worth, and at the pay rate each teacher is worth.
Instead, every teacher gets the same regardless of skill, the education is a very, very poor and inefficient one, and industries don’t even get the skilled workforce they require for the taxes they pay.
It’s all very, very stupid.
Have to admit , I’ve never understood how footy players (of any code) co-exist when you “work” alonside others getting far more than you win or lose ………!
Want the big bucks, performance better than your team mates.
Right again, Arky. There is no remuneration award for good teachers with outstanding results ( eg HSC results) or even award recognition of postgraduate degrees. To make things worse, the profession is adversely affected by the power of the Teachers Federation, which is remarkably influential over curricula. It should not be surprising to hear that Federation is dominated by left wing ideologues. Thank goodness, the identity of schools is not available in marking centres, otherwise private schools and colleges would probably be affected. The malice of these people is remarkable.
BTW Parents & Citizens Associations do nothing to combat the insidious influence of Federation over their children’s education.
Bettina Arndt, Politicom, 16 March 2025
Australia’s Family Law Court is known as “the married woman’s protection agency” for a very good reason..
I remember as a kid watching “Divorce Court” on the teev. Seems a lot more sensible than the farce that is the Family Court
I read that piece by her a couple of weeks ago – it is a magnificent polemic flaying one of the most absurd destructive hives of scum and villainy in this country.
Highly recommended.
Nephew is going through the process, against a former wife who is really angry that she can’t sit on her arse at home doing nothing.
He’s now nearly broke, and at the age of 50+ realises he will never own his own home while the Lady Lard owns the one he paid off.
But he has his kids, and that’s what matters to him.
Last year, before she passed away, my mother was at St Vincent’s Private Hospital followed by a Jewish care facility. I cannot fault the nursing staff in either hospital/care facility. They were exceptional.
That Sunday morning Mum died I rushed to the care facility but sadly I arrived too late. Mum had died 15 minutes before I arrived. I was and remain deeply upset by the fact I was not with her at the end but I was and am comforted knowing that when she passed away she wasn’t alone, two nurses sat with her at the end.
The staff there were probably frightened senseless of you as the rest of us are.
Put a Cassie in every hospital and watch them nurses start gliding, whispering and putting cool hands on brows like they should.
My elder son was the one who alerted us to the fact that my father was fading fast. Once he knew that his younger brother and I were on the way to him, he began a 3.5 hour drive to collect my mother so she could say her goodbyes. My dad passed away before he even got there.
Watching my son struggle with having not been present has been a heart-wrenching experience. He also remains deeply upset despite having loved and nursed my father up until his death with as much tenderness as a mother would a child and spending countless hours driving Perth to Albany to visit over the preceding months.
Cassie, I hope you can be comforted with a belief that your mother’s death was peaceful. You are very blessed to have loved one another so deeply.
The Albotross hasnt just jumped the shark
Not content to merely knit the kangaroo.
He jumped into the retard-is and set controlls for the heart of the mongniverse in a quest to find his remaining braincell.
Albotreck 4- The wrath of ACTU
Albanese says Coalition ‘delulu with no solulu’The prime minister has gone Gen Z …
What’s that, you may ask? To translate, he says the Coalition is delusional with no solution.
A truly repulsive twot
His language chip has finally gone rogue.
Happened to Rudd too.
Stand by for edgy references to Judu and Tutu.
Fair shake of the sauce bottle, mate!
There are few more tragic spectacles in the mongniverse than a sixty two year old intellectually disabled communist with a speech impediment trying to be hip to da yoof.
Yet here we are.
Because the slackers at the Paywallian didn’t post it until sometime in the past six hours, a bonus John Spooner.
Too kind.
Doghouse. Six months. Kibble and water.
Love her fan!
She looks like a petulant child throwing a tanty. Most appropriate. I almost feel sorry for that poor fellow next to her.
Nah, not really. They deserve each other.
And they have the hide to suggest that Hegseth should resign.
Reminder ….
The Biden regime got 13 service members killed in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, left 84 billion dollars of weaponry behind, left Americans behind and didn’t even care – and not a single person was fired.
Our big gripe about current governments relates to the incredible waste that we observe in local Council and state government roadworks. We travel constantly between Sydney and our farm in the NSW Central West.. As a example, we are constantly held up by elaborate grass cutting. These exercises involve an astonishing number of workers for fairly straightforward works. This morning we counted about 15 workers for an exercise that my husband does on a ride-on mower on the extensive and deep grass verge along the frontage to our farm. We are maddened every time we see copious workers employed for minimal exercises,
My comment to husband is that this is what occurs in socialist regimes. The public service grows to hideous numbers, with minimal productivity.
God help us, it is happening in Oz, and no one seems to notice.
It’s everywhere Vicki along with the ridiculously oversized reduced speed areas and grossly overpaid lolly pop people.
Vicki – they’re most likely NDIS participants.
You know you live in a Communist state when you have to queue to buy eggs.
And us “outliers” secretly supply friends and family with the produce of our hard working girls.
The bird flu thingy is a farce. But then no one should buy eggs from these hell houses. Seek out eggs from companies who free range their chookies.
Classic repeats.
Here’s the result of the government inserting itself in the market financially and morally.
Roach motels.
Transforming tourism: A simple solution to tackling hotel emissions (Phys.org, 25 Mar)
Well it’d certainly be a game change for the tourism industry. We would no longer have one. Yet another UQ drone we could do without.
That’s why I have nothing but contempt for dons
There is no reason the shampoo/conditioner/body wash couldn’t be in refillable bottles.
Towels need to be fresh but for short stays, if the same people are in the rooms, sheets could be washed only on check out. Who of us washes our sheets daily?
Sheet washing daily?
Once a month is more than adequate, unless you’ve been doing a lot of horizontal entertaining.
These already exist.
Perhaps these “experts” only travel 5 Star, poor waifs.
Emma Garlett: Australia can learn from New Zealand’s benchmark treaty
Emma Garlett The West Australian
Wed, 26 March 2025 2:00AM
I just got back to Boorloo after spending some time in Aotearoa.
I am shocked and disappointed in the State and Federal Government’s lack of progress to implement a treaty as a part of the Uluru Statement of the Heart.
We are one of the few Commonwealth countries who do not have a national treaty with Indigenous peoples. It is appalling.
New Zealand’s laws, policies and their Treaty of Waitangi, which was signed in 1840 between Maori chiefs and the British Crown, puts us to shame.
Despite being colonised by the same person, Captain Cook, there is a stark difference in terms of the relationship between the way the two countries have treated their Indigenous peoples.
Treaty discussions are not new, it was back in 1991 that Yothu Yindi released the hit song, Treaty. Thirty-four years later and Australia is no further forward.
The New Zealand Government’s treatment of Maori people, the First People of New Zealand, is something we should aspire to emanate, but in order to so do First Nations peoples need to be a priority for both the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments.
Maori people are celebrated, with place names everywhere in Maori language, schools for Maori people, allocated seats in Parliament, and land handed back as a part of the Treaty of Waitangi. This only scratches the surface, there are also resource management laws which require decision makers to recognise the relationship of Maori, culture and traditions with their lands.
New Zealand has a lot to celebrate when it comes to Maori people and we can learn a lot from the way the cultures intertwine.
It is not my first trip to the land of the long white cloud, I have had the fortune of travelling their many times, but this time, I went with purpose, to deep dive into the differences between how Maori people have been treated compared to First Nations Australians.
I was saddened to realise how far behind we are in Australia, and some of the progress we have made over the years has been reversed.
Moving forward we need stronger laws for future resource management and clean energy to include First Nations people in governance and as partners, and a State and national treaty between First Nations peoples and the WA and Commonwealth Government.
“Boorloo?” Where the Hell is that?
It’s where j’lists with verbal diarrhoea hang out.
This one has a particularly bad case.
Maori have a treaty because they had the guts and skills to fight the British army to a stalemate at that time.
And the South Island and North island are two seperate cases really.
The South was denuded of the southern tribes by Te Rapraha killing and eating most of them.
One of the memorable ( and now disappeared) lines from Dame Edna when introduced to Tiri Te Kanawa ” You not feeling peckish are you darling?”
There’s no such place… I think the legal name she is talking about is the country New Zealand.
Interestingly I have read the arguments on Kiwiblog about the origins of this name and found surprise surprise not all maori recognise it as well. Also could be of questionable origin.
“Emanate”? Does this individual mean “imitate”?
That such a person should have their work published is laughable.
Australia was colonised by Captain Cook?
He was long dead by then.
How can a country have a treaty with its own people?
I’m just seeing any “Treaty” as leading to a legal dogfight of monumental proportions – cite you the example of the Barnett Government’s “de facto” treaty, with the Noongar people, which spent years before the Courts, as SEVEN Noongars claimed they hadn’t been properly consulted, and demanding billions of dollars in compensation.
I nor my ancestors had any say in the Treaty of Union between Scotland and England. Most Treaties are agreed by leaders whether elected or inherited. Why are the Courts agreeing that all tribal members get a say rather than just the leaders??
Logic is not their strong point.
As soon as all 300+ tribes can form a nation, we will consider some kind of agreement with them. It will not involve money, because to date we have given them far more than we have received.
It should absolutely involve money – they can repay whitey for improved health, sanitation, lifespan, technology, etc, etc.
She appears to be completely unaware of the current debate about Waitangi in NZ and how if fits into a democratic polity where all citizens are meant to be equal before the law.
That very significant lacuna aside, her argument appears to be that she’s very sad about all this and we should attend to every item on her list posthaste lest we be accused of latent racism and subject to the opprobrium of our Commonwealth cousins, none of whom – I’d wager – spends anything close to what we do attempting to improve the lot of their indigenous folk (Canada aside, perhaps).
Last time I checked the tribe in the south island had three full and final settlement payments. Let that sink in for a while and imagine how many times the humbuggers would be holding their hands out here.
Is it fair to say that Maori are the descendants of War criminals who ate the previous inhabitants when they arrived in the 14th Century???. Hardly indigenous.
Anyone noticed the anti-nuclear Liberal ads !!! WTF !
Yet another splinter group like the Teals and the Fat Bastard Party designed to split the Stupid Frigging Liberal primary vote.
What’s the betting it’s an astroturf operation financed by USAID out of Washington DC?
More likely funded by SHORE – Silvertails Holding Oodles of Renewballs Equity.
Underwritten by Turdbull likely?
Astroturfing? Shirley not:
It’s not immediately clear where the advertising funds come from.
Online, Mr Gregson appears be an agent of Big Tonic Water and self-identifies as a Muppet.
I noticed it and thought Dutton is gone if he doesn’t chuck these people out of the party. It is that bad that I thought it was a Labor or a Greens ad.
Classic repeats,
Chris Rea “The Blue Cafe”
hmmm pic didnt link
last try.
Avalon Air Show trade day today, just outside of Geelong and the usual moronic rent a crowd “palestinian” mob are causing traffic chaos.
Cops saying, “Police have issued a stern warning to protesters seeking to disrupt Victoria’s Avalon International Airshow, vowing any demonstrations will “not be tolerated”.
Can we please dispense with the stern warnings which are code for “pretty please don’t do anything disruptive”. Anything to avoid throwing the book at them with an arrest. We’re all sick of these never ending parasites and time to grow a spine and arrest the lot.
There are aircraft there with missiles, no?
The aviation industry could surely provide them with a helicopter ride. Say to a point 20nm south of Portsea.
Again…if the Liberals can’t exploit this they’re not worth their salt.
Feet of Clay.
Oh, the Humanity! The Oppression of Nonbinary… Feet (24 Mar)
He looks to be male although that is uncertain. But if he is he’s going to have a problem trying to squeeze into women’s shoes. Maybe trannies will need foot biosculpting as well as nips and tucks.
Does he buy mens or womens shirts? The buttons on a male shirt are on the right and Vice versa for woman. Not sure what it is for a trans human?? Or non binary. Or whatever.
Bwah ha ha ha.
Sheffield Shield crickit final.
Queensssland vs SA.
The Paki injury faker and terrorism apologist Usman Khawaja out for 2, having been dropped twice.
Self proclaimed best batterer in the world 2023/24 Marnus Labushagnee out first ball to a very obvious leg side trap.
And this is why the Test luminaries avoid Sheffield Shield. Not because they want a rest, but because they know that the best of the Sheffield Shield line-ups are better than a good many national Test teams.
Which means they will be shown up as no better than 15-20 other blokes going around in Shield crickit.
Which, in turn, puts pressure on the ACB at contract time when they are coming up against real competition in the next 12 months (not Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, West Indies or Sri Lanka) and they’ve got a couple of geriatric duds in the top order.
Was listening to the cricket over summer. They asked Glenn McGrath how he got his baggy green,
”I was sent a NSW state cap and when I moved it, it was underneath.”
Heston Russell is releasing his memoirs “Forging the Will to Fight.”
Should make interesting reading.
$20 of that shipping.
Sorry, I’ll donate money – I already have – but that’s excessive.
Elbow has declared “upcoming election is a referendum on the economy.”
So….Liebor will lose all seats?
This ought to be a gift to the Opposition.
Labor has no plans to improve productivity which lies at the heart of our economic woes. In fact, they have introduced laws to stymie economic growth. Every Australian household has felt the effects as their standard of living declines, the one metric in which we lead OECD countries.
Males here can scroll. Women will understand completely.
I have just returned from David Jones where I went to buy a bra. I had a foggy moment and I could not remember my bra size. The kind and patient DJs woman serving me looked at my breasts and told me my size. I disputed her, she then asked if she could use her hands to measure my cup size, I said yes, of course, and she measured and again confirmed the size she’d originally told me. I then realised she was right. Now imagine any woman having to go into a department store and have some creepy fetishist and all round pervert in a wig ask if HE could use his hands to measure my breasts.
I don’t think so! That is just one example of why women need safe spaces away from creepy males.
On a lighter note, imagine men being asked by other men in a department store if they could use their hands to measure a penis? LOL.
Reminds me of the men’s tailor in London where you got an inside leg measurement even if you were buying a hat.
Imagine if it was Mr. “I’m free” Humphries?
Wally walks into DJs.
Mens underwear department.
Finds a till filly.
“Hello, I need to get me some Bonds…. but I can’t remember my size.”
*holds gaze, raises a Moore-ish eyebrow
At a social do, recently, a rather confused young lady wanted to know why there was a man in the ladies loo. He claimed “transgender” status. Father and brother of the young lady involved told him they had a set of sheep castorating gear in the work ute, parked outside.
Lol. Of course not. When was the last time one of these stories was true?
Why is it that last time I, (a male) bought a t shirt the salesperson wanted my breast size?
I think I need a diet.
The clue is in the name …
I detest buying bras. I find a nice brand and size, next time I look it’s discontinued.
Like the Quest for the Grail – get your hands on it and it vanishes (male fantasy?)
Last time I bought a job lot. If I’m run over by a bus, the pathologist will say “nice bra” and the family will be scratching their heads as they sort through my stuff. Was she going to start a shop? 😀
I understand completely. 😀
I am not creepy.
I’m just catching up on this morning’s Fox News where the US National Security Advisor Mike Waltz refuses to name the staffer who added the Atlantic editor to the classified chat. He keeps insisting that it’s just a glitch. Is that staffer so important to him that he would sacrifice his career for him/her? Something like this indicates an unreliable person.
It was Waltz.
Piss off, Nazi.
Look up “canary trap”.
This ought to be a gift to the Opposition.
Labor has no plans to improve productivity, which problem lies at the heart of our economic woes.
In fact, they have introduced laws to stymie economic growth.
Every Australian household has felt the effects as their standard of living declines, the one metric in which we lead OECD countries.
To be opened in a few years time when it’s useless.
Emergency services set to investigate structure fire at Aboriginal Legal Service of WA
The West Australian. Wasn’t me, I’ve got an alibi!
That should get rid of a few potentially embarrassing files.
Smoking ceremony gone wrong?
I happened to walk past this morning (it had already happened), and the fakenews were all there… lots of undesirables in that area; could’ve been anyone or anything…
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Watch the reaction!
Elbow has declared “upcoming election is a referendum on the economy.”
Now, as per George Christensen of Nation First’s latest News Letter –
“This budget is a masterclass in what happens when a government stops believing in its own country. It’s globalism over nationalism, appearances over outcomes, quantity of growth over quality of life.
Australia doesn’t need more spin. It needs a complete political and economic reset.
If the Liberal National Coalition is to successfully sell itself to the Australian people in the upcoming election, then they need to outline a vision that contains the following:
A government that builds for our own people—our families, our farmers, our future.
After all, we built this country. We’re not just going to sit back while they dismantle it.”
9minutes of pure delusion.
Why is Gen-Z So Anti-Military?
From the EU establishment is always right you stupid pleb YouTube channel otherwise known as TLDR News EU.
The comments are glorious.
This’ll be fun & games for umpires calling umpire abuse – haha.
Wish Dutton had Tourettes at question time for Albaloney and the smirker.
Port Adelaide’s Tom Cochrane will become the first player with Tourette syndrome to feature in the AFL when making his debut against Essendon.
The 19-year-old’s first appearance at the elite level is being hailed by Power coach Ken Hinkley as a “great story for the AFL”.
Cochrane, the son for former Port and North Melbourne utility Stuart, has been picked for Thursday night’s clash against the Bombers after strong returns in state league trial games.
Lemme guess- verbal outbursts, no physical tics.
In other words, Clayton’s Tourette’s, subclinical diagnosis- perpetual adolescence. He’ll fit right in at the AFL.
It seems no disorder is too objectionable not to be embraced by the AFL. New Richmond guy had his old-fella flopping out of his strides the other week with the excitement of scoring his first goal.
Reaction – crickets.
The words ‘hoist’ and ‘petard’ spring to mind.
I read that as “moist”.
Only chicks are threatened by a moist petard.
“He was moist by his own petard”.
The etymology of “petard” makes that horrendously worse.
but this is what californis voted for. its the will of the people ……supposedly,
My mate was doing sabatical at UC Davis. Loathed California, everyone on the make, no matter what their employment was. This was from one of the most easy going blokes I’ve known.
Do it just do it
I don’t know the details, but can the President direct the Treasury Dept not to pay District Courts any money?
Now THAT would be amusing – can the judiciary sue the Government? Can the feds sue District Court for operating when insolvent?
Imagine the Gordian know that would create! Popcorn prices would sky-rocket!
Congress has the power over the lower courts as they set them up and fund them. In this case the Speaker does have an awful lot of power provided he has the numbers.
Rivers, Katies, and Rockmans, Myer downsize, Sheikie, Toys ‘R’ Us, Babies ‘R’ Us, Michel’s Patisserie, kikki.K, Hudsons Coffee, Pie Face, Ramsay Pharmacy ,H&M, Bardot, Best and Less…
Now JeansWest out of business:
Clothing retailer Jeanswest collapses, with 90 stores to close and hundreds of jobs lost – ABC News
Jimbonomics powered by Bowenarrows.
Let me fix that list up of major companies gone bust since 2022:
Rivers, Katies, and Rockmans, Myer downsize, Sheikie, Toys ‘R’ Us, Babies ‘R’ Us, Michel’s Patisserie, kikki.K, Hudsons Coffee, Pie Face, Ramsay Pharmacy ,H&M, Bardot, Best and Less, JeansWest, AllyGirl, Godfreys, Harolds, Clough, ProBuild, Rork Projects, PBS Building, Porter Davis, FIRM, Loyd Group, Dyldam, Millers, Noni B,
The list goes on. And on.
Console yourself with the thought that we’re saving the planet.
All part of Albosleazy’s and Dim Chalmers’ cunning plan to turn Australia into a public serpent/bureaucrat economy.
I know of at least one major cottage builder who is no longer taking on any more contracts.
Once the last one is finished, they will shut up shop. One of the more reputable, moral ones in a game now dominated by shonks.
JeansWest and Alastair Norwood were huge in the 80s. Had Australia’s most expensive house for a while. I think one of the girls from primary school married his son. Came unstuck with the Burswood casino.
That’s what happens when you destroy the economy and people’s disposable income. All of these firms can thank Abalone for importing millions of immigrants and Chris Bowen for making power unaffordable for businesses.
Herald-Sun readers not impressed with Budget:
How do you score the federal budget and its impact on you?
Poor 42 %
Very poor 43 %
Adequate 8 %
Good 4 %
Very good 3 %
13,464 votes
“It doesn’t matter if you’re joint standing assistant minister for the NDIS… even earning a ministerial salary and all the perks and servants that come with it doesn’t mean I could possibly pay for my own kid’s care” she said.
“It doesn’t matter how well you know the scheme and understand the scheme. We all know it’s meant to grow evermore bigger and broader and more generous with the proles’ money.
“Participants who need support, participants with permanent and significant and lifelong disabilities, are having their supports cut. Buggered if I’m going to spend any money- or time, LOL!- at all with him when I’m collecting my parliamentary super. That’s what Phillipino nurses getting paid with Australian taxes via Pakistani “service provider” shell companies are for.”
Guess which bits I added in.
Memo to Hughes- if you’re crying poor when gurning into the microphone, best not to wear the XXXL pearl set.
I’m only guessing, but is this the bit you added:
“Participants who need support, participants with permanent and significant and lifelong disabilities, are having their supports cut.”
It’s plain that Dutton is offering us nothing. Whether this is because of the lefties who have infiltrated his party, or because he doesn’t want to isn’t clear, but it doesn’t matter. The libs are useless.
Jumped the gun BG. Dutton hasn’t released his response yet.
He’s had plenty of time to offer sane policies and the best he’s got is to say the word ‘nuclear’ very quietly.
If he wants my vote he needs to get out of Paris, get out of net zero, go back to coal, damn the woke crap, and stop the censorship of speech. I’ve seen no indication he’ll go near these options.
And if he declared that AGW is a scam and likewise the idea that Australia can save the planet unilaterally, I’d start to think he might be more than a leader’s bootlace.
I’m not disagreeing with you.
Another way of looking at it is what can he offer that the electorate will like and be beneficial for the country?
The place has become so wedded to handouts and freebies that withdrawing anything, however small, will be met with howls of protest. Akin to an addict deprived of their fix.
If he loses the election because he’s too gutless to ignore the shrieks from the hopeless, then he’ll deserve to. If he loses the election because Australia wants freebies, and won’t give up their delusions, then at least he’ll have tried to save the country from going around the S bend. And that’s where the country deserves to go if it’s that full of the hopeless.
No, that is not what I’m saying.
I fear the electorate has reached the dependency tipping point.
Correction for my speed reading and lack of paragraphs…your second point is on the money.
I blame an afternoon in the garden and a hearty G&T for my error.
I thought this was very funny:
Not my video but i thought it was funny. Instant karma https://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f602.svg #foryou #kamalaharris #trump #jdvance
“Look what they did!”
No, dipstick – look what YOU did.
If only that corflute batten had whacked Ryan’s soyboi partner in the chops.
>snorkity snork<
That’s an old one Lee.
Still funny though.
I have ask.
Who would do something that stupid and then release the video?
Ex wife? 😀
Hopefully a trend has been initiated.
A new self governing islamic township in Texas featuring Sharia law has encountered a degree of resistance from authorities.
The D9 type of redistance.
C5 resistance is even betterer.
Is that an improved version of C4?
Yeah you’re right.
Too proud to edit my post, tho.
D11 would be quicker
Redfern Mosque members speak out over expansion plans by nearby brothel in fight over religious morals, ethicsMembers of a Sydney mosque have hit out over expansion plans by a nearby brothel amid fears it will have a detrimental “moral and ethical” impact on the community.
Easy way to get mosque approval would be to offer properly Koranic one hour marriages. I suspect they’d be popular, especially amongst the imans getting the wedding fee.
I was told they are offering good looking goats to cater for the locals.
An extract rom The Spectator Australia –
Budget 2025: out of ideas and full of fiscal analgesics
Keating predicted a Banana Republic and it is gradually coming true
Graham Young –
“While spending has continued their is no attempt to find genuine savings. A prime example of this is that the NDIS is projected to continue to rise at 8 per cent per annum against growth in the economy of only 2.25 per cent (including population growth). What is the cause of this? Are we expecting more disability? Will fraudsters find more ways to profit? Will legitimate businesses find more ways to profit?
A rational government would cap and means test benefits. That’s what a young Paul Keating would have done, and it was that approach that set Australia on a course which made us the 12th richest country in the world, equal to Russia, which has five and a half times as many people.
This government has no courage, and no honesty. Instead of cleaning-up their own mess they’re hoping someone else will do it, and if they’re lucky it won’t be until after the election after this, because they hope to win this election, and maintain themselves in power.”
My sister and brother-in-law are shutting down their business at the end of this year. They’ve had enough.
This country is NOT the country I grew up in. Once it was a marvellous land of opportunity, where you could take a risk, where you could have a good laugh and where there was little to no Jew hatred. No more.
I reckon Argentina is looking good.
How ironic!
BREAKING: Dr Jay Bhattacharya confirmed as NIH Director (25 Mar)
Five senior CDC serpents resigned “unexpectedly” overnight. Maybe they have guilty consciences.
So pleased for this. I hope the resignees can still be brought to account.
George’s dad in Seinfeld was a bra salesman. In fact, he and Kramer developed the ‘mansiere,’ a bra for men.
Kramer wanted to call it the Bro.
That looks like a major political failure.
Jimbo tried to bribe the normies with their own money and the normies have figured out what’s going on.
Jimbo is shocked the normies aren’t as stupid as his strategy had assumed.
Don’t worry. There’s no cap on borrowings so the bribery has yet to begin in earnest.
Jimbo’s secret weapon is the Stupid Frigging Liberal wets who have Peter “small target” Dutton running scared of his own shadow (and Donald Trump).
My confidence in Dutton has evaporated. Australia is heading for three years of Rich Bitches-Greens-:Liars chaos — democracy good and hard.
Plibbers squibs the North West Shelf approval. Albo and the Liars running scared. Regulatory risk alive and well in Australia. Woodside will be making some awkward phone calls today.
Plibs is getting very fruity. Albo had to take the salmon farm portfolio off her yesterday before she did something especially dumb.
SHY has been having fun with fish in Parliament today.
More of that labore/greenfilth “nature positive” goodness.
I heard albansleazy blathering on about how the Taxmanian Skate was in robust health, just the other day.
There’s a Wall Street story about something that sounds similar. Argentina was in its usual despair in the 1980s, owing a ton of money. Then things began to look up for a short time because the Bush Sr. administration wrapped a guarantee around the South American bond markets, and conditions improved. These were called Brady Bonds (after Treasury Secretary Nick Brady).
A guy went to George Soros with a proposal: buy up lots of distressed real estate (warehouses) around Argentinian ports that were going for a song. Uncle George liked the proposal and agreed to a 70/30 split—Soros would keep 70% of any gains, and the other party would get 30% for scouting around and finding properties. They loaded up, and at the end of the period, the gain was around US$300 million. The guy walked away with $90 million and began living a life of leisure.
Here’s the IPA’s take:
Tonight’s budget confirms the federal government’s fiscal footprint is inexcusably on track to rise to 27 per cent of GDP for the first time in 40 years outside of the pandemic. Productivity and economic growth will ultimately suffer as more of the economy’s resources are diverted to unproductive ends.
The 2025 federal budget signals more of the same for Australians suffering from a cost-of-living crisis and per capita recession. The budget locks in higher spending, debt, and interest repayments for future generations. The budget papers show:
The budget confirms the pernicious effect debt will have on Australians, with interest costs this year already exceeding federal government spending on schools, childcare, family support and pharmaceutical benefits.
Australians can have little faith that the federal government intends to limit spending rises to only 0.5 per cent in the 2027 financial year, as forecast in this budget, after it has presided over a cumulative 9 percentage points in spending, in real terms, over the last two years.
A budget night shock included the Albanese government’s secret plan to revive its Nature Positive agenda. Tonight’s budget confirms this agenda is set to cost taxpayers $786 million in expenses next year to deliver it, in addition to the $767 million the government spent this year.
The Prime Minister promised to shelve his destructive Nature Positive agenda, but its back in a big way. Australians should rightfully be concerned that $262 million is being spent to advance the plan to lock up 30 per cent of Australia’s land and marine areas by 2030.
Worst still, with a high likelihood that the next federal election will return a minority government, the delivery of the Nature Positive agenda will no doubt see a ‘climate trigger’ used as a bargaining chip in negotiations, which would threaten over $227 billion in potential investment.
While many Australians will welcome any form of tax relief, the changes are limited to effectively handing back some of the bracket creep gouged from the pockets of taxpayers. Also, there was no further tax relief for Australian pensioners, veterans and students locked out of work.
The federal government is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of Australia with its paltry tax cuts that are little more than the partial return of bracket creep and do nothing to make up for the first two-year per capita economic contraction in 41 years.
Today, IPA research shows Australians $5,400 worse off as real GDP per capita has fallen behind the pre-pandemic growth trend during the term of the Albanese government.
The Treasurer has shirked the decision to permanently index the income tax scales, as many observers have rightly demanded in this new high inflation world.
In fairness, the federal government deserves credit for cutting the tax rate rather than simply fiddling with the thresholds, but the Treasurer should have done the right thing by indexing tax brackets to end this rort once and for all.
In addition, with Australian pensioners, veterans, and students locked out of employment opportunities due to regressive red tape and taxes, and job vacancies remaining 51 per cent higher than before the pandemic, the budget is a missed opportunity to tackle Australia’s worker shortage crisis.
Recent IPA research showed that 57 per cent of Australians want the federal government to cut spending, and four times as many believed the federal government is too big, rather than too small. Tonight’s budget does little to allay these concerns.
With the revenue tide bound to go out in the coming years, this will expose the fiscal wreckage of social programs that were never affordable outside boom years. As a nation, we will be required to make serious inroads into spending on health, welfare, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
The bottom line is tonight’s budget shows the federal government continues to irresponsibly assume torrents of revenue will continue into the future, even as Australia’s once in a century resource boom begins to fade.
True, but gently understated.
Multiple strands of data tell us that nominal growth in productivity and economic growth is about one parliament from the end of the pier.
The forward estimates already has Australia borrowing to pay its interest bill. A puppet Labor Government, with the hands of Bandt and Holmes à Court up Albanese’s back passage, will see Australia in, or near, structural recession.
To borrow a talking point from Amanda Vanstone, not even a coffee, much less a cake to go with it.
So massive amounts of immigration, but employers still can’t fill positions? I leave it to the reader to use their imagination…
Just when I thought I couldn’t absolutely loathe this Labor government enough.
The Daytime Sky Team are enjoying the Trump Admin’s Signal chat blooper way too much. These people didn’t say boo to so much that happened in the four years of the Biden Puppetocracy, most of which was a lot worse.
Wait until they find out that it was a HOAX.
The NSW Liberal party has long been known for its dysfunctionality, its deviancy and for being a ‘conservative free zone’. Remember how last year flatulent whale Don Harwin, now harpooned, deliberately stalled on nominations for council pre-selections, mostly of conservative councils. How convenient. The result was that many council across the state have zero Liberal representation. I hear that the federal Liberal Party has now taken over the state executive. Should have happened years ago.
If you want an insight into how Harwin and other Green left wets who dominate the NSW Liberal Party operate, get a load of this, no doubt Harwin approved this pre-selection for the state election back in 2023.
Ex-MP Rory Amon and alleged child r*pist met victim on gay ‘hook-up’ website
Former NSW Liberal MP and alleged child r*pist Rory Amon met his alleged victim on a gay “hook-up” website called squirt.org while pretending to be a 17-year-old boy, a court has heard.
The former Pittwater MP is facing multiple child sex charges amid allegations he repeatedly sexually abused the then-13-year-old boy on two occasions in 2017 while Amon was an elected councillor for Northern Beaches Council.
It is alleged he told the teen he was 17 years old during their initial communication, when in fact, he was in his late 20s.
Full details of the police allegations against Amon can be revealed for the first time after The Daily Telegraph on Wednesday won a legal fight to have the information released to the media, despite objections by prosecutors and Amon’s legal team.
The seat of Pittwater is now a Teal seat, and given this situation I can hardly blame the voters of Pittwater.
Perhaps his phone was hacked like Christopher Pynes?
Everything looks pretty normal at Dallas airport. Just another quiet day.
Walking around barefoot in an airport is a really bad look.
I’m getting “this page doesn’t exist.”
Lee, it’s a good thing you are. An mentally deranged sheila in the ‘nud” is causing havoc at the airport.
Albo with a zinger today.
“All delulu with no solulu…”
Er, wut? Whichever scriptwriter came up with that needs to be tarred and feathered. Truly awful stuff.
How the ALP must be missing Bill Shorten’s soaring zingers.
Peanut Head was the zinger master.
Reading about last night’s budget I am now convinced that there is a money tree.
Where’s my money tree?
You are the money tree.
We are about at the point where the Liars resort to Magic Pudding economics.
Where is Paul Keating?
They’re wrecking his legacy.
As was USAID. And other branches.
The gummint is the plunderer,
You’re the plunderee.
you’re the farm
best we can offer is drenched or de-horned
Now that Port Adelaide is given a kid with Tourette’s a run in the ones, the kiddies in the Libs social media team should be working over time to splice footage of him playing with Albo’s abusive Tourette’s from a few months back.
For Perth Cats.
Perth traffic March 28: Hundreds of farmers to flood major CBD roads in protest of live sheep ban
Chatter persists about not voting for duttie because he is a typical lnp pissant and derkit. This hum humphing and disdain is frankly self indulgent and stupid. Political choice never involves absolutes and pure solutions. It is always the choice of the lessor of 2 evils. Or, given there are some lnp members who are as good as you can get, the choice between Jacinta and that hideous slag faruqi.
In most electorates, unless you vote cock and balls 1, your vote either ends up with the Liars or the Lieborals.
It pains me to say it, but you are absolutely correct.
Whoever you vote for in the lower house, under a preferential system, you are ultimately making a choice between two blocs:-
1. The LNP (maybe with a dash of KAP); or
2. The ALP/Greens/Teals.
The question you gotta ask isn’t “Which party matches my views 100%?”. It is along the lines of “Who is more likely to [insert pet cause here]?”.
I have the misfortune to be in a safe Labor seat. The second choice seems to be Greens. I’m not even all that sure the Liberals bothered to run anyone last time, I don’t remember the ballot paper, and if they did they made no impact.
If it wasn’t for family and having a secure job, I’d lose my shit with the dribbling idiocy here.
People in Gaza protesting against Hamas? Really?
I mean, it’s not as if Hamas wouldn’t put on a show that distracts from their own evil deeds.
Every now and then i ask myself why i bother working when I could just be a full time scammer instead?
Alleged claim farm kingpin used law firm to get fraudulent $650,000 sexual abuse payout, police allegeFotis Frank Antonios facing 21 charges, including inciting individuals into making fraudulent claims of historical child sexual assault
An alleged kingpin of a fraudulent claims farming ring used a prestigious law firm to submit an allegedly fraudulent historical sexual abuse compensation claim worth more than $650,000 against the New South Wales government, a court will hear.
Fotis Frank Antonios, 54, was arrested in February and is facing 21 charges, including multiple charges of inciting people to make fraudulent claims of historical child sexual assault and dishonestly obtaining a financial advantage.
Antonios also faces a charge of dishonestly obtaining financial advantage by deception. Police will allege he made a fraudulent historical child sexual abuse compensation claim against the Department of Communities and Justice between 2020 and 2022 for alleged sexual abuse at Mount Penang Boys Home between 1987 and 1988.
Police allege the claims resulted in fees of approximately $415,000 paid to Slater and Gordon Lawyers, with a settlement of $244,303.29 paid to Antonios after legal fees, according to the court documents.
Antonios is also charged with submitting a fraudulent application for compensation to the national redress scheme and gaining financial compensation up to $150,000 from the government. He has been refused bail.
Police allege in court documents that Antonios received multiple payments of about $2,200 referrals of individuals to the law firm AJB Stevens Lawyers Sydney, after allegedly inciting people to make fraudulent statements of historical child sexual assault or abuse.
No charges have been laid against any of the law firms and police have not suggested the law firms knew the claims were allegedly false.
Charges have been laid against 10 people in relation to an alleged fraudulent “claims farming” ring.
New South Wales and Queensland police made the arrests through Strike Force Veritas in February. Det Supt Gordon Arbinja alleged that “claim farmers” approached former young offenders, inmates and public school students, and encouraged them to file fraudulent compensation claims for historic child sexual abuse while in care.
The claims were brought against the NSW Department of Communities and Justice and the NSW Department of Education.
Slater and Gordon
Ain’t it always.
Slugs and Grubs.
Slapper and Drongo.
Cassie of Sydney
March 26, 2025 2:08 pm
Males here can scroll. Women will understand completely.
I have just returned from David Jones where I went to buy a bra.
Pics please ….just joking. ( :
A voice in my head says you are a stunner. Call it a hunch.
Im jurnalisting!!!
From the gruinaid…
And over in the Senate we had this incredibly dramatic moment when Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young brought a fish (yes a FISH!) into the chamber when she absconded the government over their legislation to protect salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour, Tasmania.
“absconded”? How did grauniad get away with that? Shirley they meant “excoriated,” or simply “scolded’? Spellcheck is not your friend.
Simple solution to the heat. Take the garden hose and drench yourself. I know I’ll be dry again in about 30 minutes.
2 beach towels on my chair coupled with a fan. Feeling good. I am sick of the heat over here.
Steve…wet a sheet and wring it out. Place on clothes rack (once known as a clothes horse). Fan behind, you sit in front.
Instant air conditioning. Believe me, it works.
One prominent TheirABC journo asks (and I fear it is a message that Dutton is going to have to negotiate with the Morons):
It is a totally erroneous question and makes no sense whatsoever but it’s the kind that I fear will stick with centre, centre-left types and it’ll have some Libs doing argumentative loop-da-loops (or is that loo-d’-loos?).
The answer is actually quite easy:
Front page of The Worst Australian newspaper pretty funny:
Treasurer Jim Chalmers describes The West Australian’s Nirvana-inspired front page as ‘confronting’ | PerthNow
That’s pretty good for the Worst. At least it wasn’t lost in a Hardly Normal wrap around.
I don’t think Dr Jim would have had a grunge phase.
This is beyond disgusting.
UK PM Keir Starmer blasted for extreme pro-Islam stance as Britain is overrun by Muslims
No sympathy.
The proles weren’t asked, just forced to bear the pain.
“Jordan Peterson: Something BIG is About to Happen in Canada!!”
Kenny believes the Anti-Hamas protests is Gaza.
I’m less certain. I’ve seen so much Palliwood I wonder if it’s a ruse to halt the IDF’s recent activities, including killing leaders.
Perhaps information about the whereabouts and condition of the remaining hostages would convince me.
Pics I saw show nobody in masks.
I would have thought that necessary to avoid identification and retribution.
Spot on Roger. Series 27 of Paliwood.
Sarah 2 dads holds up her monthly vaginal detritus in senate:
Dead fish in question time: Sarah Hanson-Young holds salmon to highlight environment controversy
The fish was the more intelligent of the two.
A full salmon. Left to rot in Parliament.
There are Aussies who would really relish a meal of fresh salmon. That fish would have fed a good many of them who are doing it tough.
Sarah, next time try a different stunt. Throw yourself into Macquarie Harbour.
Quite a big one too. Not cheap. I wonder if SHY expensed it?
Bet the fish was fresher than the flaps.
Liz Storer can’t even get Hanson’s Senate stunt right.
No Liz, it wasn’t a “hijab”. It was a full burqa.
And she gave an excellent reason for wearing it. The bullsh*t response was worth bottling.
To balance the cosmos after that sarah 2 dads monstrosity here is a venerable Trump cute owl:
Mmm. Can’t connect. No more cute owls.
“I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of owls suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.”
Tooowhit tooowhoo!
That’s a damn shame.
This hum humphing and disdain is frankly self indulgent and stupid. Political choice never involves absolutes and pure solutions. It is always the choice of the lessor of 2 evils
Agree 100%- at least put the LNP at No 2. We can’t survive another 3 years of this evil trash. I admit to voting informal in lower houses on two occasions in the past. But this time around these evil people Anal, Wong, O’Neil, Dreyfus, Burke, Giles etc have to go. They have actively sought to damage safety and prosperity.
We can survive it and we will.
It’s the next three years after when the camps will have been built* that are looking quite dodgy.
*IF they can be built – Labors incompetence may just be our salvation.
The BRUTAL Truth About the Snow White DISASTER – Thomas Sowell Today
Zegler’s promotional videos are not only insulting to generations of Americans who are reverential in their love of the original story, but she succeeds in unleashing an ABC’s worth of smug.
Mx Zegler does display a certainty that the future is not going to bight her on her bony arse, as it assuredly will. Poor choices idiot.
I told Tim Wilson that unless he commits to net-zero immigration, my first preference will go elsewhere.
No response was forthcoming.
Kennedy questions Franks on radical beliefs in Judiciary
Have you ever heard anything more patronising?
Harry Sisson once said: “Critical thinking is dangerous when you’re not an expert.”
You deserve better voices than this NPC.
Here are 23 truth-speakers Harry would never follow—so you should.
Covid was the death of the expert. If it was needed.
Alas, it would seem none of them have suffered any professional consequences. Some have even been promoted.
They are still there…waiting for the next souped-up virus to pop out of a Chinese lab.
Try again: Trump cute owl
Fuk it.
What the hell are you doing, Cronkite?
The tech ain’t working. Cute owls have been relegated to the taut abs of history.
Check your tranny folder.
I’m sure he’s got some tucked away somewhere.
I met Tim yesterday and I sent him a donation. I like Tim and he should be in Parliament – not that ABC clown, Zoe Daniel. I did tell him I wasn’t voting Lib though because of Dutton.
It is dangerous to propose (yet again) that a “Lib government would take a Net Zero policy to the people?” Take it to a vote! Given it bl00dy permeates every single f/ing area of policy they people should have a vote on it.
Give them options:
-Go full r-tard 100% CO2 free;
-Go 50/50;
-Go 0%;
-Increase CO2 50%
-Increase CO2 100%.
I reckon most Aussies would vote pretty low (and you could “stage” it to get the lowest result possible).
Idealistic? Yes, but after 60% rejected the IVoice, could get a good outcome.
At the very least a 50% reduction is much more palatable than 85% or whatever the f it is!
Yeah nah.
Afuera the lot of it.
It might look like benevolent scientific illiteracy, but it’s plainly a Lizard People plot to sieze all industry and private property, so it’s idiotic to concede them a single inch.
Ask people how much they’re prepared to sacrifice in dollars per annum for net zero.
Then do the calculations as to its viability.
My guess: zero viability.
Kemi Badenoch has dropped it from Tory policy, btw, saying the UK cannot affords it. And they have nine nuclear reactors!
March 26, 2025 6:17 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
Steve…wet a sheet and wring it out. Place on clothes rack (once known as a clothes horse). Fan behind, you sit in front.
Instant air conditioning. Believe me, it works.
Noted dear lady. Thanks. This heat is playing havoc with my psoriasis.
A terrible ailment. I hope my recommendation is effective. It was for my babies in Sydney heatwaves back in the day.
And, oddly enough, for my own Mum out in the heat of Western Sydney in the 50’s.
Here’s the history of the method, Aussie style.
I once was covered in psoriasis. The nasty ugly sort. Took the advice of a Chinese chemist. No cheese, only lactose free milk, raw carrots for snacks and oily fish eg sardines twice a week and bananas at breakfast, otherwise normal diet. Took a month to start to work. Have been free of it now for 15 years.
Oh f*ck.
They just invented Marvin the paranoid android.
Could there be anything more excruciating, sad and pathetic than coming home alone in a shitty mood to a robot that then attempts to cheer you up?
No one tell them about the toaster from Red Dwarf.
Glad to be of service.
Theme from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (1978)
ABC RN had it when it first came out, which I listened to with relish, but the best was when they repeated it in 1982 at 11:30pm of a night. I was on night shift at a gold mine so there was just time to wake up, listen to Hitchhikers’ Guide then go on shift until dawn. It was a great way to go to work!
They ran it on National radio in NZ the year it came out.
It really was a radio script and best as such.
The books and TV and film versions weren’t anywhere as good as that first listen.
I’ve liked all the movie/tv show versions. The last scene of the tv series with the scrabble set was the best. Wonderfully underemphasized, which is why it worked so well.
Journey of the Sorcerer – Eagles (1975)
Michelle Pfeiffer in Catwoman enters her apartment: ‘Hi honey, I’m home! Ooh I forgot.
I’m not married.’
We thought the future would be cool.
That car off Logan’s Run.
Robot off Lost in Space.
Those talking apes off Planet of the Apes.
Instead all we get is this stupid social media and artificial dumbness shit.
What the hell happened?
Why didn’t you warn us Robot?
Can’t wait for Canadia to ramp up it’s euthanasia into something more cheerful and spectacular:
I see a pattern forming Arky.
First an AI whatever, then Robot. And finally a scene from Logan’s Run.
Confess – this all ends with a very lovely Jenny Agutter. 😀
Get you mind out of a gutter!
Yer wicked, frolicking!
Was this her in Red Dwarf, Psirens?
The heading is a reference to an opinion expressed by one of the Supreme Court judges – one of the liberal ones.
BREAKING Supreme Court AGREES with Trump on Activist Judges Nationwide Injunctions!!
Well, there’s a way to go yet.
But SCOTUS judges might be coming to the conclusion that, if they provide a blanket delegation of matters of national importance to the Federal Court in Upper Bumfeck Missouri, they are effectively making themselves redundant and irrelevant.
Yeah so the heat’s a bit hot, but not as bad as last year.
Just witnessed something verrrry odd, tho- a little grey teal maned gooselet, going wonk wonk wonk wonkwonkwonkwonk as it went through the unmistakeable real estate inspection combined mating ritual of showing a mate his nesting hollow.
Does he know something i don’t? Late cyclone, early winter break?
I wonder if housing cost inflation is stinging them like its burning our species’ kids.
With Rita
‘Blistering defeat’: Douglas Murray on Democrats’ favourability plummeting
Used 3 brass screws from the shed today, that my dad had in a jar, just in case they were needed one day!
Jar is basically still full.
He was like, a prophet!
I’m watching another Yes Minister re-run.
It will give me insight on the Budget. And government in general.
Surprising it hasn’t been cancelled. Probably because so utterly unbelievable.
It was removed for some time. It’s back now based on the V for Vendetta principle that there’s nothing so blatantly applicable to the left that they can’t pretend is only about the right.
I have the complete set, including Yes, Prime Minister, on DVD.
Very handy at parties when a reference is needed! 😀
The Blessed Saint Hilda considered “Yes Minister” her favourite television programme.
I used to have the two books of scripts on the book shelf at work. I told the more staid types that they were manuals of public administration.
And The Magic Pudding as a manual of government budget processes.
It was the moderate MPs in the party room who pushed Scumbag to sign up to net zero and without a doubt those moderates were Dave Sharma, Trent Zimmerman, Fiona Martin, Katie Allan, Jason Falinsky and most likely Tim Wilson. And so what happened? All of the above lost their seats.
If you didn’t laugh, you’d cry…….best to laugh.
Timmy Wilson showed promise as a true Liberal conservative with common sense.
Then he turned out to be all puff with no wind.
Just after he made a goose of himself by “marrying” his poof mate in the Federal Parliament.
Wonder if the giver/taker had an influence.
Hey JC.
I am not sure what “grasshopper” means.
It couldn’t be an insult, could it?
You’d have to ask the person who posted the “grasshopper” comment because it wasn’t me.
It was Kwai Chang Kane’s nickname in the seventies series “Kung Fu”.
His master used to call him Grasshopper.
Fast Forward had a great send up of Kung Fu where he was called “aaah, little Cockroach”! 😀
A workmate is Australian born of Chinese parents. He does Kung Fu. Another workmate nicknamed him ‘Locust,’ the Australian Grasshopper.
Also ‘Banana,’ yellow on the outside, white on the inside.
In the Mad satire, it went like:
Why do they call me mosquito, master?
Because you are small and annoying.
Let’s hope RFK is successful.
“Liz Wheeler @Liz_Wheeler
If reports are true–and I pray they are–that RFK Jr. is gonna ban Big Pharma ads on TV, a massive society earthquake is about to happen on two fronts.
#1: The corporate media will fail. You will watch before your very eyes as highly paid MSM anchors are fired, networks panic & some shut down, and paychecks aren’t paid. The entire business of MSM is a fake business. It’s artificially propped up by massive ad dollars from Pharma ads. Not because of the return on investment that Pharma sees peddling their drugs on TV, but rather because of WHY Pharma buys so many TV ads in the first place, which is to prevent reporting on Pharma corruption.
#2: Accordingly, when the gravy chain of Pharma ad dollars to TV networks stops, we will suddenly see reporting on the corruption of Big Pharma, drugs, vaccines, medical associations like AAP & AMA, and govt regulation agencies like CDC & FDA–reporting that was previously prohibited because the ad money Pharma paid networks was really just a pay off for silence. Pharma knew they didn’t sell drugs off those commercials, it was a money laundering scheme to keep reporters silent about the abuses coming out of Pharma. Even Roger Ailes once admitted he didn’t let his people on Fox report negatively on Pharma because it would destroy their bottom line.
If reports are true–and I pray they are–that RFK Jr. is gonna ban Pharma ads on TV, the double revolution of Big Pharma & MSM is about to begin.
Can’t wait.”
Using RFKjr to gut the lefty MSM is perfect 5D chess.
it works in a similar way here
not big pharma as such,
but the media cock-heads here clearly get paid to shut-up, obfuscate, and lie
‘Pure’ EVs are plug-ins. Do you mean BEVs v PHEVs? It’s about 41.5% v 58.5% in 2024. That’s because PHEVs are the favoured entry vehicle for ICE owners wanting to give EVs a try.
Your comment about BYD taking ownership of the EV market against Tesla is grossly misleading and no amount of sidestepping will work.
Tesla is a pure EV plug-in carmaker and consequently you would need to compare apples with apples. Tesla and BYD comparison doesn’t show BYD gaining ascendancy in the plug-in sector, the way you described. It’s neck and neck.
Considering the hostility towards Musk in the US and Europe (something as important as this, that you neglected to mention) Tesla is keeping up as the figures suggest.
Don’t try and finagle an argument that hybrids should be included in the mix because that’s nonsense. Tesla has never gone near hybrid production.
Come on, you’re just being silly now. BEVs and PHEVs both fall under the general category of EV, so this attempt to argue that PHEVs aren’t EVs, or that they aren’t included in EV stats is simply bumpkin. If you actually believe the above, write a letter to Bloomberg, given that I simply quoted them, and argue the toss with them.
best own-goal ever JC
Here’s Fredo!
The plastic pollution in INDO is INSANE! It all floats down to FNQ, NT and WA. All you can do is shake your head when looking at these islands. Just as bad with the vindaloo street sh*tters.
You’ll see.
They need a boot up the arse! With that said, cool clip.
Back to Basics – Strick and Fran:
Camping & Exploring Remote Tropical Islandshttps://s.w.org/images/core/emoji/15.0.3/svg/1f3dd.svg(The Last Paradise?)
Mate there’s eff all plastic pollution in NQ.
These chick is another Eurotrash environmentalist.
Jack studied as an engineer but never has done a days work in the field.
Plenty of plastic pollution in Asia due to poor tipping practises Australia didn’t have before our virtue signalling bag ban but sea currents don’t really channel it this way…
March 26, 2025 9:06 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
Mate there’s eff all plastic pollution in NQ.
These chick is another Eurotrash environmentalist.
Jack studied as an engineer but never has done a days work in the field.
Plenty of plastic pollution in Asia due to poor tipping practises Australia didn’t have before our virtue signalling bag ban but sea currents don’t really channel it this way…
Back to Basics have clip after clip showing it all. Don’t start that sh*t with me.
So a sandgroper telling me an NQ local and live here for decades about NQ?
Nice. You are wrong.
I’ll say what I want. Don’t like it don’t respond…
From the Oz.
A Royal Australian Air Force bomber lost during the Second World War has been discovered off the coast of Greece, bringing an end to 82 years of mystery about the final resting place of three of its crew.
The wreck of the Baltimore bomber aircraft, shot down during a marine reconnaissance mission on December 3, 1943, was located 61 metres under water off the island of Antikythera by Greek technical diving group AegeanTec.
You should apply for the head analyst position at JPMorgan or Morgan Stanley seeing every major financial research firm segregates comparisons between EVs, Hybrid and ICE. Good luck.
For someone claiming they walked from MSM and MSM related “news’ organizations recommending Bloomberg has to be your best retreat yet, because Bloomberg would rank at the top of legacy type media. Bloomberg hates Musk with a passion and any damage they can do to Musk and Tesla they will.
Tesla is always measured in terms of the EV market and how the EV market is responding.
That’s wonderful, but I see in this report by JPM, hybrids are referred to as HEVs, so as a type of EV.
So what? HEVs have both ICE engine and electric motors.
Tesla is in the pure plug-in market whereas BYD produces both types. You suggested BYD was racing ahead of Tesla but you included both pure plug-in and hybrid. BYD is not racing ahead of Tesla in the pure plug-in market, which is the only market Tesla contests.
BYD is ahead of Tesla in the hybrid sector by 100% in every quarter.
Keep up with the curve balls as it’s amusing.
Hang on. The original claim per Bloomberg quote is that BYD just surpassed Tesla in worldwide EVs sales. Your first curve ball was that 90% of those sales were in China. Not surprising that dominating the largest EV market in the world will help you led worldwide sales. Your second curve ball is the claim that you can’t incl. PHEVs because Tesla doesn’t produce that type of EV. My answer to that is, so what? BEVs and PHEVs are electric vehicles. Too bad for Tesla that it’s not competing in that portion of the EV market.
No attempt to distinguish between pure plug-in and hybrid sectors.
Correct. Highlighting lack of global penetration seeing you referred to BYD world wide sales
10% of its sales are outside of China. Hardly global .
Yep. I’m right.
Undoubtedly as apples and oranges are the same things.
No, plug in and hybrid satisfy different market sectors.
BYD is outselling Tesla in EVs. Too bad for Tesla.
Classic avoidance..
BYD is outselling Tesla by 100% in hybrids because Tesla doesn’t build hybrids.
Going with Grok’s stats the two are neck and neck in pure plug-in.
Classic avoidance? Not at all. BEVs and PHEVs are EVs. BYD recently surpassed Tesla in EV sales. You can cry to heaven that this is unfair because Tesla doesn’t make PHEVs. Too bad for Tesla.
BYD didn’t recently surpass Tesla. It was always ahead if you count the hybrid category. You’re not fooling anyone, except Fredo.
I must admit
this is the best ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy I’ve heard for a while
just for clarity, they are all cars, correct?
Fredo’s back
oh, sorry
I guess it’s a No True Italian fallacy
same, same
Fredo’s drunk.
actually Fredo thinks yr a belligerent lying retard
Fredo’s projecting.
‘night dick-head
It most certainly does not float down to the NT, which is far closer to Indonesia than WA and FNQ.
If it had (also taking into account Indo placcy bags would have to float from Indonesia, against prevailing currents – as mentioned – and winds either across the top of PNG and down, or through the Arafura Sea and the Torres Strait before taking a right hand 90 degree turn to get to FNQ at least), then alllll the RAN and ABF ships doing the illegal migrant runs would have been able to ditch the boats and walk across these apparent mountains of crap.
Indonesia produces a lot of that shit, and almost all of it washes up in…. Indonesia.
I don’t know if it’s true or not because you just can’t believe these people. Some are suggesting the garbage island in the Pacific is as big as Alaska.
That video is taken in Manila Harbour.
5 years ago today they locked YOU UP!!!
“Scomo Sunday” was the 22nd of March 2020
Knuckle Dragger
March 26, 2025 9:31 pm
It most certainly does not float down to the NT, which is far closer to Indonesia than WA and FNQ.
If it had (also taking into account Indo placcy bags would have to float from Indonesia, against prevailing currents – as mentioned – and winds either across the top of PNG and down, or through the Arafura Sea and the Torres Strait before taking a right hand 90 degree turn to get to FNQ at least), then alllll the RAN and ABF ships doing the illegal migrant runs would have been able to ditch the boats and walk across these apparent mountains of crap.
Indonesia produces a lot of that shit, and almost all of it washes up in…. Indonesia.
Nope, a lot ends up down here. B2B clips show it all for the world to see.
I’m calling bullshit on that.
I am here, at the exact point where all this stuff is apparently rocking up.
It is most assuredly not.
Any plastic wreckage on WA beaches is undoubtedly from the tsunami of half-English derros that infest Perf.
You are aware that B2B clips are in fact marketing devices.
Aren’t you?
I think I’ll rely on the knowledge of the Knuckle and the Publican on this one.Steve.
Knuckle Dragger
March 26, 2025 9:47 pm
I am here, at the exact point where all this stuff is apparently rocking up.
It is most assuredly not.
Any plastic wreckage on WA beaches is undoubtedly from the tsunami of half-English derros that infest Perf.
You are aware that B2B clips are in fact marketing devices.
Aren’t you?
You’re ignorance is not my problem.
HUGE WIN: 9th Circuit Overturns Judge’s Ruling Requiring Trump to Continue Refugee Admissions – Geller Report
Did the B2B clips show the effect of this carnage on Tartaria?
Salvatore – Iron Publican
March 26, 2025 9:45 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
I’m calling bullshit on that.
Easy to say. Can you back it up?
It works the other way around, show us where all this plastic is washing up in the north.
On Indonesian/PNG scale.
I challenge anybody to exhibit “Pacific garbage island” type plastic washing up in the north.
I’m done for the night but tomorrow I’ll dig for some pics of coastal areas from the ‘ville to level with Mossman to back my claim for Queensland anyway.
I could even wander down Pallarenda and Bushland or Tomulla Beach tomorrow and take a few pics there. We have the monsoon in action at the moment and that usually washes everything ashore for nautical miles…
March 26, 2025 9:34 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
So a sandgroper telling me an NQ local and live here for decades about NQ?
Nice. You are wrong.
I’ll say what I want. Don’t like it don’t respond…
B2B live up and travel in FNQ, dickhead,
You can see how they went for the Nazis. They appear to get all the big things wrong.
Apparently they just killed off a 6 year old coal plant. It was their most advanced plant costing €3 billion. Mindless destruction.
Knuckle Dragger
March 26, 2025 9:59 pm
Did the B2B clips show the effect of this carnage on Tartaria?
Smart arse chimes in on the end.
Plastic, rope, watter bottles etc … it is mental what is going on out there.
Solution? I do not have one.
I have one.
Stop watching B2B marketing clips.
Did they ask you for a ‘donation’? Thought so.
Salvatore – Iron Publican
March 26, 2025 10:04 pm
Reply to Steve trickler
It works the other way around, show us where all this plastic is washing up in the north.
On Indonesian/PNG scale.
I challenge anybody to exhibit “Pacific garbage island” type plastic washing up in the north.
OMG. B2B have shown it. Good debate folks. Good drinks and food for all here.
You’re free to link, so’s that we all may see.
Got a quick opinion on why nobody else – apart from these B2B yokels – has noticed or photographed any mountain of plastic debris on Qld coast?
Without a doubt.
Just a reminder…
The government did more to stop the distribution of Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine than it did to stop the distribution of Fentanyl.
Wonderful news.
4 years ago, Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was on a COVID blacklist on Twitter. Today, he was confirmed for Director of the NIH.
Malicious Imbeciles
Obama’s ‘rent-a-riot’ scam just revealed…
ADAM CAROLLA WAS RIGHT: 75 Days After CA Wildfires, FOUR Building Permits Have Been Issued in the Palisades
Trump has blown up the world order – and left Europe’s leaders scrabbling
From the BBC; it’s predictable that the political will or ability of Europe to defend itself is discussed, but not the fact that net zero and AGW hysteria have buggered their economies, so they won’t be able to afford it.
How about doing the same here!
Great news! Arkansas makes ivermectin over-the-counter!