Meme of the Day #33
Weekend Reading #1
Fake Gay History, River Page, Compact A Fidesz Earthquake Shakes Europe, Gladden Pappin, The Postliberal Order The Boy Who Cried Wolfsangel, Currency Lad, The Currency Lad Explosive Pennsylvania Testimony Explains How Leftist Money Infiltrated Election Offices In 2020, Margot Cleveland, The Federalist The Military Situation In The Ukraine, Jacques Baud, Unz Review
Meme of the Day #32
Open Thread – Weekend 9 April
Donbass (2016)
This is an extraordinary documentary. People would do well to keep this in mind when considering the unfolding of events presently in the Russ0-Ukraine conflict. On the ‘age-restriction’ above, having viewed the video, I have no idea why it is instituted apart from making the dissemination of this documentary more difficult.
Weekday Reading #19
After the Clash of Civilizations, Christopher Caldwell, Compact Biden’s Folly In Ukraine, Douglas Macgregor, The American Conservative After the End of Globalization, Gladden Pappin, The Postliberal Order David Bentley Hart’s Post-Christian Pantheism, Edward Feser, Public Discourse The Latest Republican Muddle, Alexander Voltz, Quadrant
Meme of the Day #31
Open Thread – Tues 5 April 2022
Rabz’ Radio Show April 2022: Disco
Cats, due to popular demand, here we are. I’m not even going to pretend that it’s one of my favourite musical genres, but nonetheless, there are some diamonds in the dirt. To truly understand the rise and (seeming) fall of disco, one needs to understand the Seventies as the era that taste forgot. Following on…
Open Thread – Weekend 2 April 2022