Guest Post: Cassie of Sydney – The progressive politicisation of everything
A friend of mine, whom I’ll call “Anna” (not her real name) is on Facebook. Anna uses the platform for work (she runs a small business) as well as to engage in Facebook groups with parents of disabled children (she is the mother of a severely disabled son). Anna is a member of a Facebook…
Open Thread-Mon 15 Nov 2021
Guest Post: Hugh – Jungle survival: What the SAS Manual doesn’t Teach
Christ in the House of Mary and Martha, Velázquez, 1618 Incredible story. One of our two great pastors, Fr Wee, told us in his Sunday sermon of the few months he spent with a living saint priest on the Thai/Malaysian border. Thick jungle. No food except boiled rice and vegetables. No salt, pepper, tea, coffee,…
Guest Post: Muddy – Remembrances
Tired of Killing – Mont Brehain, October, 1918. The price of victory was paid with the lives of many very gallant officers, N.C.O.s and men whose loss in the closing stages of the war – perhaps in our last battle all regret. So wrote the philosophical war diarist of the 24th Australian Infantry Battalion, 6th…
Open Thread – Weekend 13 Nov 2021
Weekday Reading #6
C. S Lewis: Talking about Bicycles If someone is complaining, it makes a good deal of difference whether they are complaining because they have never been Enchanted by the thing, or if they are complaining because they have been Disenchanted. [Suppose] you read an author in whom love is treated as lust and all war…
Weekday Reading #5
Protect Children – Do Not Allow Them to Medically Transition (Natural Selections) In our lineage, we have had two sexes, with endocrinological systems that regulate our form, function, and development, for hundreds of millions of years. It is a system that is both ancient and complex. But hormones are now being pushed by doctors and…
Weekday Reading #4
In Defense Of Cultural Christianity: As liberalism falters, the vestigial religious practices of post-Christian cultures could become functional parts of Christian politics once again A European politician, known to cohabit with his girlfriend out of wedlock, triumphantly waves a rosary at a political rally. Another European leader, who presides over a deeply secularized post-Communist society,…
Weekday Reading #3
How Sweden swerved Covid disaster (UnHerd) But the experiment didn’t end there. During the year that followed, the virus continued to ravage the world and, one by one, the death tolls in countries that had locked down began to surpass Sweden’s. Britain, the US, France, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Spain, Argentina, Belgium —…