Author: Peter Smith

  • When words don’t count, God’s on your side, and privilege equals equality

    “As I have pointed out repeatedly the only point of contention is constitutional enshrinement, the rest is noise.” So says Chris Kenny in the Weekend Australian. The only point? Yes, that’s right. That is the whole and complete point of the referendum. All kinds of stupid legislation is routinely enacted – net zero, for example.…

  • Men Ain’t Women and Vice Versa

    The Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, published the results of some research in 2017 which was directed to try to explain the different incidences of particular diseases in men and women. Researchers analysed 20,000 different genes, sorting them by sex and for differences in expression in each body tissue. They found that around 6,500 of…

  • Trump’s a rotter, the Libs are far right, and the voice is the bee’s knees?

    From today’s (4/4) op-ed in the Australian newspaper. Greg Sheridan: “…his [Trump’s] style was chaotic and he told countless lies. Nonetheless, he did do some good things.” Countless lies? Pray tell, when you’re hurling ad hominem insults, what are the most egregious of those lies? Give at least one example surely. As usual for Sheridan,…

  • Graphic to be sure, but a capital offence?

    I’m not on Twitter. Don’t follow anybody therefore, including Mark Latham. But I was watching Andrew Bolt this evening (Thursday) and he said he was banning Latham from ever again appearing on his show for something he tweeted. I forget exactly how he described it; something like a disgraceful homophobic slur, which Latham had since…

  • The times are bad not Minns

    Chris Minns replacing Dominic Perrottet fazes me not at all. Apparently, Minns is on the right side of things within the Labor Party. Those on the right in the Labor Party are generally pragmatists. I think of Hawke and Keating on the federal stage and Neville Wran in NSW. I have done no thoroughgoing analysis…

  • Pride cometh before the fall into dissolution

    I read today (20 March) in the UK Telegraph that an 81-year-old Tory councillor of Witham town council in Essex England, Angela Kilmartin, has been stood down for a Facebook post. This what she wrote: “I don’t want Pride sex flags along my high street. I don’t even want heterosexual flags along my high street.…

  • The subs, a small price for having a big brother

    I am not onside with much of what Paul Keating said about China and the subs. Nonetheless, the idea of making UK-designed nuclear subs in South Australia from the 2040s onwards seems like pie-in-the-sky. Ironically, they will need to made from electricity produced by the wind and sun; both ends of the evolutionary progress of…

  • Despicable or Disastrous. That’s the choice

    It’s never been about the Marxist thugs on the left. The Daniel Andrews types. It’s always been about the growing number of rats on the right. The rats have taken over. So now it’s take your pick between the awful and bloody awful. Not giving up, but it’s time to be realistic. Nothing is in…

  • Evil, lunacy, stupidity. Take your pick

    This is the BBC News today (11 march), commenting on the tragic shootings in Hamburg: “Seven people, including an unborn baby, were killed in Thursday’s attack which unfolded at a Jehovah’s Witness meeting hall in the city.” An unborn baby killed. What do you make of that? An unborn baby. A contradiction in terms, surely.…

  • Lying occasionally or for all seasons?

    I was with some friends on Friday. We had difficulty on agreeing what the proposed superannuation changes were, who they affected and by how much. Consolation came via the view that Chalmers appeared not to understand them either. The Prime Minister, of course, was caught lying.  I don’t make the charge lightly. Politicians often renege…