Author: Rafe Champion

  • A good call on Twiggy Forest

    This journo has got Twiggy’s number Joe Aston of the Fin Review has written two killer articles on Twiggy Forest in recent times. On Sunday he wrote an account of the meeting last week when Fortescue reported their interim earnings. On Aston’s account there was a disturbing lack of connection with people who wanted to…

  • The debacle of Snowy2.0

    Lets be clear that the quest for net zero emissions has turned into the most disastrous policy bungle in our national history, wartime included, whether you go back to 1900 or 1788. That can be explained by reference to the Iron Triangle of Power Supply in the electricity grid, bearing in mind to the logic…

  • Looking at RE through the wrong end of the telescope

    Parallel universes and the revised energy story. According to the official narrative we are accelerating the move from dirty fossil power to clean and green power from sun and wind. That is the story in the developed nations of the west. In the other universe described by Mark Mills, we have gone as far as…

  • Barbarians in smart suits and uniforms

    Impact of lockdown on babies This is a disturbing account of the way babies were denied normal human contacts during lockdown. Of course they were not the only ones, it is just another chapter in the ghastly story. Civilisation has a thin crust that normally restrains tendencies to barbarism until it gives way in times…

  • Saving the planet with solar panels?

    You have got to be joking. INCREDIBLY ENERGY INTENSIVE TECHNOLOGY How do we make things?

  • Gigi Foster fires up

    A powerful conversation with a hero of the resistance to Covid insanity. At the end of the day, power is with the people’ — Gigi Foster and Rinat Strahlhofer take viewers to Australia for a look at pandemic policies and their impacts. They explore concepts related to the building of a parallel society and consider…

  • Energy News

    Wind and solar, brown scum The picture below shows unreliable energy as a thin, dirty brown scum on top of all the other cleaner and cheaper energy sources. A comprehensive account of the failure of the Energiewende, the so-called green energy dream, not new, just a very good piece for people who want a single…

  • What is this shift to wind & solar?

    How many times have you read something like this? Written by an experienced member of the press corps. The shift to renewable energy is unstoppable and accelerating. The role for gas and coal will rapidly diminish as renewable technology advances to ensure a cheap, clean and reliable supply of power. Fact checking: Where in the…

  • Greens mugged by reality

    In north Queensland the useful idiots of the not-so-green environmental movement have been mugged by reality at Chalumbin. After spending years closing down forest-related industries and putting their neighbours out of work they find that the not-so-green wind industry is coming to get their trees and wildlife. You could say it serves them right. Short…


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