Author: Rafe Champion

  • Good News Everybody!

    The banks are here to help with the multi-trillion dollar transition to carbon neutrality by 2050! Commonwealth Bank head of institutional banking and markets Andrew Hinchliff said there was a wall of funds looking to finance the transition, not just because it was the moral and ethical thing to do but also for the business…

  • Things you could not make up

    Kerry and Biden, the gift to China that just keeps giving. Xie said Beijing and Washington would work together on emissions reductions, and share technology and expertise on clean energy, decarbonisation and electrification to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement. In 2020, according to The Guardian, the FBI identified Chinese technology theft as the biggest…

  • More farce at COP

    China is not the only country that is playing the useful green idiots of the west for suckers. China has done a great job of getting them on side by meaningless green gestures and now India has got into the game. First Mr Modi played hard to get, threatening to boycott the meeting, then he…

  • Tom Switzer guest post. Russia and China copout

    Net Zero By 2050? Don’t Plan on It Politicians promise an unrealistic transformation that would deny poor countries a chance to grow. As leaders prepare to gather in Glasgow for the United Nations climate-change conference, you may think the world has agreed to reduce and eventually eliminate its dependency on fossil fuels, stepping up its…

  • Campion’s primer on atmospheric physics

    “Net Zero” is pointless. There is no CO2 “greenhouse effect.” Basic physics proves that. CO2 absorbs outgoing longwave infrared radiation (heat) as photons at the 14.8 microns frequency (Planck’s Law). The temperature of absorption at 14.8 microns is -80 degrees Celsius (Wien’s Displacement Law). Minus 80 degrees Celsius is 95 degrees lower than average atmospheric…

  • China saves COP and the world

    I was waiting for this because the Chinese have been playing the wokies of the west like trout with displays of RE installations and the distant promise of peak emissions. Update. Playing the wokies like a trout is quite wrong, the trout have the good sense to resist. The wokies are not resisting, they are…

  • Trouble at mill

    The Tories are not united on the eve of COP. With just over a week to go before Boris Johnson hosts the largest ever gathering of world leaders in Britain, tensions are rising and tempers fraying in Downing Street. The prime minister is said to be “irritated” by Alok Sharma, the man he appointed to chair the Cop26…

  • Self-destruction of the west

    This is not entirely new but it is a very concise and compelling overview of the way things are going as climate and RE lunacy rule the western world at present. See the story in the file attached. Six fallacies One: There is a ‘green’ energy transitionTwo: Energy is like other commoditiesThree: Energy efficiency will…

  • The progress of the climate crusade

    Sign up here to get regular updates from the IPA about the disgraceful buildup towards COP26. For the duration of the global climate meeting in Glasgow, from 31 October to 12 November, this update will come in a daily email with research from the IPA and commentary from our Special Correspondent who will be reporting…

  • A sign of the times