Category: Uncategorized

  • A sign of the times

  • Open Thread-Mon 18 Oct 2021

  • The continued failure of Official Science and Public Health

    Dr. John Campbell talks with Dr. Pieter Gaillard about the importance of aspirating when injecting mRNA (Pfizer/ Moderna)/ viral vector (AstraZeneca) vaccines and the role of lipid ‘nanoparticles’ in each of them. None of the clinical trials investigated this aspect. They just treated them as classical vaccines. This is without doubt an experiment conducted en…

  • RE fails in SA as usual

    DINNERTIME UPDATE Checking at 6.30 Sydney time, South Australia has turned the corner as the sun went down in the mid to late afternoon after exporting power since late morning and is now importing bigtime. Check the live display and the dispatch summary. The wind across the South East has been at drought level all…

  • Was the 2009 Swin flu pandemic a milk run?

    Yesterday, twostix posted on the OOT this very interesting study, WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”, published in the British Medical Journal over a decade ago. It looked at the many connections between research scientists, national and international public health officials, and BigPharma, and how they were implicated in the development of responses to future…

  • Open Thread- Weekend 16 Oct 2021

  • The socialist takeover of the American economy

    What we are getting is an economy that will be increasingly shaped and driven by government decisions rather than by business decisions. The size of the public sector will increase relative to the private sector, but that is the very aim of what is being done. Taxes replace business revenue as the means to finance these…

  • The stolen climate debate

    Richard Lindzen is probably the dean of climate science. In this very short video he explains how the real science of climate was stolen by three groups of people in defiance of the majority opinion of genuine scientists associated with the IPPC. The reputable scientists who contribute to deliberations of the IPCC agree on the…

  • Why so keen?

    Why are so many Australian’s so keen to be part of a medical trial? A question for the ages, right? The answer is simple: they probably don’t know they are. Let’s start with the mother of all lies from our very own Health Department. What utter bullshit! A ‘Full Assessment’ (as most people would understand…

  • Opportunity cost

    I received a letter from an old friend who asked: I have a friend who is a writer and artist. One of his current projects is a novel. At one point he needs to explain opportunity cost. It recalled for me that you wrote a book for kids explaining the fundamental principles of economics. Would…