Category: Uncategorized

  • Australia First

    I was at my church’s parish council meeting, via Zoom of course, on Monday when our minister referred to the call by Sydney’s Anglican Archbishop Kanishka Raffel for the government to accept more Afghan refugees. I admit to going off a little. In part I said that it would be compassionate if the archbishop was…

  • Guest post: Thefrollickingmole- Do we save the administrative state?

    The thoughts in this article were triggered by one of the most RTWT pieces produced over the last week or so since it was shown that EVERY agency, military, civilian and NGO involved in Afghanistan was worse than clueless. Hundreds of thousands of experts, top in their respective fields, all failed to see 20 years…

  • Mater’s Musings #11: 2020…a Round-Up (or Round-Down)

    So let’s have a look at the scoreboard on 3 January 2021, having passed through two waves of Covid in this Country. Let’s call it a belated New Years Eve party! That’s right folks. Despite all the panic and carry on, according to their own figures and table, if you are under the age of…

  • Mater’s Musings #10: Australia…moving forward!

    My son asked me recently: “Is it true that the Kangaroo and Emu were chosen for our coat of arms because they can’t move backwards?” “Why yes, yes it is”, was my answer. That’s the official reasoning, anyway, and clearly the answer the teacher was after. The shield is held up by the native Australian…

  • Lockdowns good, freedom bad

    I see that cases reached a new record or something in NSW today and Victorian cases continue to defy Daniel Andrews.  Clearly the lockdowns are working. Case numbers would be ever so much higher without lockdowns. Rising cases show that lockdowns work because they would be higher without them; just as falling cases some months…

  • Guest Post: C.L. – Afghanistan: Perversity, Culpability and Just Deserts

    AS nobody ever said, “when we win the war in Afghanistan…” Think about it. At no time in the last 20 years did any ‘leader’ of the defunct Coalition of the Willing – political, military or otherwise – ever speak of victory. Nor did they encourage their publics to believe victory was even desirable. It…

  • How will this Covid business ever end?

    I’m not sure which is more unreal, the portrayal of Australia as a dystopian nightmare or local presenters not seeing why it looks that way to everyone else. There is this as well which you might also have a read of: Fox News host Tucker Carlson slams Australia’s lockdown ‘lunacy’. The Carlson presentation is also shown…

  • There are still two sides to the debate over vaxxination

    The most amazing part about the vaxxines to me is how trusting most people are about governments. I appreciate how difficult it is to get contrary information in the wave of covid terror-tactics that have been applied for the last year and a half, but even so, there are other sources of information that might…

  • Mater’s Musings #9: “Literally a War!”

    “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the…

  • Solzhenitsyn: The Bluecaps – #1

    – The Gulag Archipelago, Vol 1, Part 1, Chapter 4 – The Bluecaps, p146/47 “What prompted them all to slip into harness and pursue so zealously not truth but totals of the processed and condemned? Because it was most comfortable for them not to be different from the others. And because these totals meant an…