The Unnecessary War?
Tucker Carlson’s interview (full interview here with timestamps) with Darryl Cooper (aka Martyr Made) caused a stir following the latter’s claim that WW2 well may have been avoidable had different decisions been made by Churchill. In this post, I want to simply address a ‘revisionist’ claim – made by Patrick Buchanan (former political advisor to…
No, Your Holiness, killing babies and border control are not the same
Saw on Sky News that Pope Francis has urged US voters to consider the “lesser of two evils.” Namely, between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Said that he couldn’t tell Catholics how to vote but that they should look to their consciences. That’s good advice for everything. He might have stopped there. He didn’t. He…
Hydrocarbons are not dispensable
I have just watched a presentation by Mark Mills on the absence of any profound energy transition from hydrocarbon fuels, despite the trillions of dollars spent, and on the impossibility of it ever happening. It is worth a view, if you have the time. One hour and sixteen minutes. Of course Mills makes the point…
Victoriastan finances are a real issue, potentially for Australia as a whole. The State has limited revenue sources, plenty of…