• Looney Tunes

    Spy balloons over Barbados in 2016! Not quite a Chinese Spy Balloon (hereafter CSB), but a very good illustration of the principles involved in this kind of spying. It’s a product of the Google Loon project, development of which commenced in 2011 as a cheap alternative to satellites to provide worldwide internet connectivity by using…

  • A Summary of Hersh’s ‘How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline’

    Overnight, Seymour Hersh published How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline. Here are the key points. The explosives were allegedly planted months earlier, during a mid-summer NATO exercise: Last June, the Navy divers, operating under the cover of a widely publicized mid-summer NATO exercise known as BALTOPS 22, planted the remotely triggered explosives that, three…

  • Gigi Foster fires up

    A powerful conversation with a hero of the resistance to Covid insanity. At the end of the day, power is with the people’ — Gigi Foster and Rinat Strahlhofer take viewers to Australia for a look at pandemic policies and their impacts. They explore concepts related to the building of a parallel society and consider…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #57

    A love caught in the fire of revolution A couple of weeks ago on the Weekend Open Thread there was a some discussion in regards to David Lean’s film Doctor Zhivago. I had briefly touched upon the movie on my post on David Lean a few couple of months ago but given the interest in…

  • Energy News

    Wind and solar, brown scum The picture below shows unreliable energy as a thin, dirty brown scum on top of all the other cleaner and cheaper energy sources. A comprehensive account of the failure of the Energiewende, the so-called green energy dream, not new, just a very good piece for people who want a single…

  • Targa rallying and the death of Peter Brock

    Targa rallying is a unique form of motorsport where purpose-built rally cars compete on (normally public) bitumen roads that have been closed for competition.  Starting at 30-second intervals, the cars race against the clock with the winner being the fastest car over all the special (closed road) competition stages.  A typical Targa event will usually…

  • Open Thread – Tues 7 Feb 2023

    Daedalus and Icarus, Charles Le Brun, 1645

  • What is this shift to wind & solar?

    How many times have you read something like this? Written by an experienced member of the press corps. The shift to renewable energy is unstoppable and accelerating. The role for gas and coal will rapidly diminish as renewable technology advances to ensure a cheap, clean and reliable supply of power. Fact checking: Where in the…

  • Greens mugged by reality

    In north Queensland the useful idiots of the not-so-green environmental movement have been mugged by reality at Chalumbin. After spending years closing down forest-related industries and putting their neighbours out of work they find that the not-so-green wind industry is coming to get their trees and wildlife. You could say it serves them right. Short…

  • Rabz’ Radio Show February 2023: Electronica

    The term “electronica” is used in this thread to define music that largely utilises electronic instruments, as opposed to placing it in any particular timeframe or referring specifically to any group of artists (as Wikipedia does). The use of electronic instruments and the creation of synthesised music has it roots in the early twentieth century.…

  1. It’s not collective punishment of course to drive hundreds of thousands of Israelis from their homes under Hezzie bombardment in…

  2. People – do not use the dot points function – it’s a joke – here’s the list in correct format:…

  3. Dennis McKenna: One of Western Australia’s worst paedophiles to be considered for parole in NovemberPhil HickeyThe West Australian Tue, 24…