Traitors to Everything Australians Love. Discuss.

  • Open Thread – Weekend 4 Feb 2023

    The Bazincourt Steeple, Camille Pissarro, 1895

  • Meme of the Day #64

    h/t: The Middle-earth mixer Also, if you’re unware of the reference, the outline and elaboration provided of the scene here is wonderful. It puts Tolkien’s genius on full display. He really understood how far to go and what to leave hidden. An absolute master.

  • The death of “old Australia”? Perhaps that’s premature.

    ‘Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated,’ is a well known quote from Mark Twain. This quote came to mind while reading Craig Emerson’s column – Why Australia Day will just die of old age – in Monday’s edition of the Australian Financial Review. Emerson’s column argues that the Grim Reaper of demographics is stalking…

  • Popper on Rules and Orders

    The catastrophic state of the gas market in Australia demonstrates the failure of Labor’s new economics practically before the ink is dry on Jim Chalmers’s forthcoming manifesto in The Weekly. A piece in the Fin Review today tells the grisly tale. If you think we had problems with power prices last year, you ain’t seen…

  • WolfmanOz at the Movies #56

    The Man in Lincoln’s Nose Was the original title that Alfred Hitchcock initially thought of for his spy thriller North By Northwest where he envisaged the leading man hiding from the villains in Lincoln’s nose at Mount Rushmore and being given away when he sneezes. Although I have already written about Hitch very early in…

  • Real Liberal Leadership

    Shame on Liberal leaders Who didn’t have the balls to say this. Something strange has been happening in conservative politics. TheLiberal Party is being told that the only way it can cling onto power(or win it back) is if the party panders to the demands of women.Women are out. Women are the reason Morrison lost…

  • Sensible Centre on The Voice

    This is another take on the situation, some of it I find agreeable and some I don’t. What about you? END THE CIVIL WAR 1. Set an end date for the culture wars on race and culture;2. Complete land claims, truth-telling exercises, and place name changes by this date;3. End the divisive practice of ‘Welcome to / Acknowledgement of Country’;4.…

  • Rafe’s Roundup 1 Feb

    Drop in and see what they are up to! The Energy Realists of Australia Jo Nova Quadrant on line IPA         Climate and energy program  CIS          The Sydney Institute Menzies Research Centre  Mannkal Economics Education Foundation           Advance Australia  Taxpayers Alliance  Australian Inst for Progress The Conservative Vagabond The Rathouse and The Site of Kilmeny Niland The menace of…

  • Open Thread – Tue 31 Jan 2023

    The Surrender of Granada, Francisco Pradilla Ortiz, 1882

  1. Dennis McKenna: One of Western Australia’s worst paedophiles to be considered for parole in NovemberPhil HickeyThe West Australian Tue, 24…

  2. It’s not just them, it’s the whole Democrat Party. It’s a rite of passage for them, like abortion.

  3. Jacko 2 hours ago “Now remember son, if you go into the attic don’t mess with Dad’s rocket, I need…