So they should bend over? Retaliatory tariffs from several nations will do the USA more harm than the tariffs it…
So they should bend over? Retaliatory tariffs from several nations will do the USA more harm than the tariffs it…
The tariff war is mostly at a political level at this stage, not economic. Trump bluffed, his bluff has been…
Apart from vacuous 20 something girls, does anyone else watch this manure?
Sky News has made an effort to render Friday night’s viewing bearable: Steve Price standing in for Peta Credlin at…
1 Samuel 17:46This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This…
Lincoln went to war to keep the country together, not to free the slaves.
It was arguably a war to determine which culture – North or South -would determine the nature of the Western territories that were then being opened up under the doctrine of Manifest Destiny. The institution of slavery was far from being the only difference in culture between North & South and tension sbetween the two sections had been brewing for years, if not decades. In so far as slavery was a catalyst for the war, it was in the question of whether Southern settlers could take their slaves west with them and keep them. As distasteful as it is to our moral sensibilities, the Southern argument was that of property rights, which was at the time a sound legal argument.
Worth noting both the North and the South reached for the conscription stick pretty quick.
The most Perverse bit would have to be blokes with more than 30 slaves could be exempted… So poor Billy Cottonsmoke scratching on the margins gets conscripted but the bloke whos going to benefit is exempted.
One person, either as owner, agent or overseer, on each plantation on which one white person is required to be kept by laws of any state, or in states no such laws, one person as owner, agent or overseer, on each plantation of twenty negroes, and for every twenty negroes on two or more plantations within five miles of each other, each having less than twenty negroes, the oldest of owners of overseers of such plantations (provided there is no white adult male not liable to military service on the plantations)
And Lincoln was a man of his time, he saw the Negro as a brother, but not really an equal.
In August 1862, Lincoln stated: “If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.” In fact, by that time, immense pressure was building to end slavery and Lincoln had privately concluded that he could save the Union only by issuing an emancipation proclamation, which he had already drafted.
And of course his opinion changed as the war went on….
Thank you for posting that JC.
Oh Jeez.
A diversionary question thrown at Bird on Dash-Cat.
The answer is, of course, Israel, as an attempt to frame Putin with heavy involvement from Tony Abbott and … ta-dah … the Rothschilds.
I’ve heard that argument before but it just doesn’t reconcile.
Lincoln became an abolitionist after a couple of steamboat rides down the Mississippi where he witnessed degenerate behavior from slave owners.
It would be very hard to reconcile his speeches and writings supporting abolition as anything but the end of slavery. I half agree with you argument, but I would put it this way. Lincoln saw that the only way to continue with the Union was to end slavery.
Like most of the issues surrounding wars, what causes them, what prolongs them, it isn’t an either/or issue. Abolition made a great emotive wedge, but it can’t have been the only reason.
There were other deep seated issues, including interference by foreign powers, especially England.
The “send them back to Africa” was not Lincolns decision alone, it was a wartime congress dealing with the fears that Norther labour would see the sudden flood of a million ex-slaves competing for the same low wage jobs as them and finding a way to make the problem go away…
Section 12 of the Second Confiscation Act stated:
“And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States is hereby authorized to make provision for the transportation, colonization, and settlement, in some tropical country beyond the limits of the United States, of such persons of the African race, made free by the provisions of this act, as may be willing to emigrate, having first obtained the consent of the government of said country to their protection and settlement within the same, with all the rights and privileges of freemen.”
And as I mentioned above, what he thought, what he could actually do politically and what he ended up doing changed through the war.
Revolting j*ws:
Another source tension was that the northern Republicans favoured high tariffs to protect their growing industrial base in the north east wheras the southern Democrats were free traders.
No, I haven’t turned into Bird.
I just hadn’t read about the Maccabeans before.
Did you know that AFL (A class citizens) aren’t vaccinated and yet they jetted across Australia for months?
Truckies carrying out vital freight jobs are threatened with mandatory vaccination, though many are already vaccinated, while the rich glamour boys get to choose an after season time slot.
Lincoln saw that the only way to continue with the Union was to end slavery.
But don’t underestimate the amount of northerners who were more than happy for the Confederates to go their separate way.
The ‘Businesses ALL Welcome Jabbed or NOT Jabbed Australia Wide’ is nearing 145,000 members, and still climbing.
That’s 65,000 extra just in the last couple of days.
Good to see. I’d guess the support it’s gathering is surprising a few.
The States, that great experiment only a few decades old, was also at the end of the great tide of reform that swept through England. Wilberforce, Shaftesbury and many others on the wave of philanthropy in an old, established system. Little model villages for workers were springing up, offering a life that a hundred years before would have been considered impossible.
The south still clinging to the old and busted, the north pitched headlong into the new and cool industrial age. It’s a fascinating subject.
And now I hear the dulcet tones of Shelby Foote, describing the horrors of the Battle of the Wilderness.
Yea, naaa. It wasn’t really about property rights. It was about owning another human being as property. The property rights angle simply doesn’t wash because humans aren’t property and the old discussions about property rights was never about human beings being owned. The South knew it was wrong then.
In that they can look forward to the same ratings as CNN.
When they become too tedious I will simply unsubscribe from Foxtel.
Did you know that AFL (A class citizens) aren’t vaccinated and yet they jetted across Australia for months?
That’s right.
And most NRL players were not vaccinated during the season with the expectation from the NRL that they all line up post getting kicked out of the comp.
Speculation from a lot of NRL insiders was that the vax take up on mad monday was lower than what they hoped.
When Britain abolished slavery they paid out the owners for the overnight loss of their capital investment.
I’ve seen it suggested that if the United States had done likewise it might have averted the Civil War.
Real estate porn
Cronkite, I think it’s slightly overpriced as you’d need to do some heavy duty renovations. Position is great though.
Meaning that it had only just reached them in a meaningful way, not that they had experienced the process. It would have been far better had that taken place over a few decades, rather than accelerated into outright war.
You’re overlooking my main point: it was a sound legal argument at the time.
The law isn’t always moral (we’re living through our own version of that atm).
We’re talking just a few years after the Dred Scott decision, after all.
When even the Grigsock Puppet-Master himself is bitching and moaning about Bird (albeit by clumsily attempting to grief and annoy the few actually daring to try to chase him off), you know things have taken a bad turn…
And not just outright war, calli, but total war.
Revolting j*ws:
Telling me, they stink on ice..
Monthly taxes JC, $26,470
Anthony Cumia has sold his place on Long Island & is buying a place in South Carolina near Greenville.
Property tax drops from $55k to $5k per year.
Cotton farming at the time was the most profitable enterprise in the South. The trade with Britain was huge, consequently the South was never going to relinquish slavery.
I’ve read what if scenarios – if slavery had held on in the South and what may have occurred. Conventional wisdom has maintained that slavery would have gone eventually because the relative productivity between paid worker and a slave supports the paid worker as he’s more motivated.
But… hold on.
The argument is that the old fashioned production lines thought up by Ford would have been very conducive to holding slaves to work on production lines. In fact, there’s a good argument that the South could have industrialized very quickly with slavery.
Most of them weren’t far off slaves themselves. On either side.
Perhaps they were fighting to not be on the very bottom rung.
And the point, Bern? At least the neighborhood is riff raff free, no? 🙂 The fact it has no garage for the sports cars is problematic too.
I think so. I suspect he had in mind the geopolitical landscape as well. A divided America would remain a chew-toy for the European nations whereas a United States would not. And so it proved, at least until Joe came along.
Whoever wins tonight between Manly & the Storm will win the Grand Final.
European nations
& the Mexicans.
Heh. Since DashCat has been brought up. Disagreements…
FlashCat – Parliament…throwing bits of paper in the air in disgust
DashCat – Congress…beating the stuffing out of each other with canes
What’s not to love about either of them? 😀
Here’s a story of Jewish history….as spoken by a Liberal Jew….
First they came for the religious (Haredi) Jews and I said and did nothing because they’re just soooo embarrassing….they dress funny, they speak funny, they eat funny and they actually believe in God and observe the Sabbath and all laws of Torah.
Then they came for the regular Jews who don’t dress funny and I said and did nothing because they’re observant, keep kashrut and can you believe it…..they also actually believe in God!
Then they came for me! I’m a Liberal secular Jew…and I thought everybody liked me, I blend in, I don’t dress funny or speak funny, I even eat pork and shellfish and I might even celebrate Christmas….why oh why are they coming for me.
Because that is our history for thousands of years. It’s a tale of Jewish history. Theodore Herzl recognised this, one of the most Liberal secular Jews in Jewish history, who after the Dreyfus Affair and the hate that ensued knew that no Jew is safe anywhere apart from their homeland…..and that homeland is Eretz Israel.
In the meantime…here are some pesky outrageous Jews singing after Shabbat…
Thanks again for the link.
I looked at it yesterday but lost it.
I need to join.
Do not kid yourself that politicians are not watching this closely.
Aww! The media are concerned for older people will miss out on vital information now that there will be no more Gladys show each morning. The lament is that older people don’t use the internet so how will they be in the know?
I have news for them, the only people who watched those performances were the karens.
I thought it was the media’s job to attend those meetings and scour the govt websites then report the important info during the evening news. Are they insinuating they will no longer do that?
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
September 10, 2021 at 12:03 pm
Quiggers is back!!
Yes, it is entirely possible for Australia to phase out thermal coal within a decade (9 Sep)
by John Quiggin
Physorg used to be a reasonable source; when they publish gibberish like this from the bastard quiggin, they’re gone.
Why should it surprise anyone? Business is there to do business. One customer’s money is as good as another’s vaxxed or not. Why should they do the government’s dirty work, and lose by it? Not to mention all the ill will and possibly even abuse.
Any smart business would simply avoid the whole thing.
Not then, although there were plenty of abolitionists about.
Have you ever been to Boston? That memorial to the black regiment is a beautiful thing. Established to much opposition too.
I believe numpty BLMs or Antifas defaced it, the ahistorical morons.
Could have, hypothetically, but in fact agrarianism was basic to Southern culture and identity.
This worked against them in the war, of course, as they had little industrial base, although they managed to produce some pioneering “ironclad” naval vessels nonetheless.
Speaking of the navy, the “rebel raider” CSS Shenandoah, which targetted New England whaling ships and which fired the last shot in the Civil War, docked in Melbourne in 1865 and took on half a dozen or so Australian crew.
In a word … Bird.
An interesting article by Paul Collits
“There is, at last, a book-length account of Australia’s eighteen months of madness that will either warm the hearts of Covid realists, remind us of all the Covid policy absurdities or perhaps simply provide yet more chilling evidence of the sinister forces at work that are changing us irrevocably.”
Exactly. They’re already tax collectors (GST). Enough!
You stay here, Sancho. Then you don’t have to look.
Why, oh why, is there no “crying/laughing face emoji when you need one?
I can’t believe what we have become. On the news a handcuffed man has a heart attack while handcuffed and he is still handcuffed while a doctor is applying a defibrillator and performing CPR. His crime? Not wearing a mask in a shopping centre.
“When they become too tedious I will simply unsubscribe from Foxtel.”
As will I….but I find it hard to believe that Sky will change its format in the evening. They’re on a winner.
For a treat and to get an idea where ” Peoples front of Judea/ Judean peoples front” comes from its worth reading .
Written by a turncoat on the winning side (at that time)
Basically the Jews pissed of the Romans so much (by simultaneously slaughtering a lot of garrison/Romans in one night) that they maintained the war/sieges even through the Romans own civil wars.
Gladys and her troupe of clowns.
Oh, how we will miss their lectures at 11:00am each day.
It’s funny when what we have been saying on the Cat for a decade at least comes true.
California’s Top Grid Operator Asks Feds To Burn More Fossil Fuels To Avert Blackouts (9 Sep)
Very much doubt the Cali press will be covering this one with Newsom in a recall election fight. But it does underline the story last week how Canberra announced they may have to subsidize coal plants to keep the lights on. That cause the usual screeching. Which was also funny.
I believe it is very moving, calli, but my travels in the eastern US involved family history, which means a focus on Virginia and the Carolinas rather than Yankee territory 🙂
A great grandfather many generations back settled in Virginia in the 1600s. They did well, too; to this day I have many more 4th cousins in the US than in the UK.
It’s like squishy roadkill.
I can’t look away.
I see Channel 7 failed to humour Greece by referring to a tragic fire in just Macedonia, not Northern Macedonia.
That’s interesting, Roger. My own grandfather told Mum that a branch of the family settled in the States very early too – they were Puritans, so that’s waaay back. And then another lot of family chancers went over for the gold rush and stayed there on the West coast.
He didn’t speak with forked tongue either – the family name is extremely unusual i.e. if you have it then you’re related. And sure enough there they are in the States. And…they have reunions every so often.
Cohenite – The place is a festering mess of climate crazies. And pretty much every article on that subject I can falsify in a minute or so, with primary data. But it has a few good stories mainly in astronomy which make it worth a read. Some of the politically neutral med sci stories are OK too.
But it shows starkly how science is dying. A decade and it’ll be effectively dead. I’d say it’s mostly dead now except from some rare pockets. I’m glad I had my career just at the end of the era when you could do practically useful stuff. These days I wouldn’t bother.
They’ve given up I reckon.
Surprise! The Douma gas attack was a White Helmets false flag op.
Srr, thanks for putting up the Podcasts of the Lotus Eaters. I came across them on the Discord site and I’ve mostly really enjoyed their Gen X sorts of discussions. I am thinking of subscribing simply for their book reviews and their ancient history takes.
They’ve given up I reckon.
We can only hope.
Dear ‘Leaders.’
I see you in the darkness, squatting
on the plinth beneath names you could
never measure up to, let alone stand in front of
in the daylight. I smell your excreta,
hear your cowardly sniggers, see
you wiping yourselves on a wreath laid
in memory of those who contributed something
of themselves. I know that your oilers and
scrapers will work their strigils with finesse and
many will inhale your vapors.
But not I.
I would strike you to pumice had I the chance;
pumice I would not even apply to my callouses.
What a bigot! He should have worn his mask!
Some arsehat (ah that’s right, Princess Trudeau) called out people who didn’t wear masks as misogynist and “anti science”!
If fat black women die off more easily, shouldn’t we help them out by telling them to their face – “you are fat, we love you but it is very unhealthy and you need to make friends with salad”.
Doubtless he was feeling breathless that day too.
This sort of police invigilation is quite evil. How do they sleep at night?
Also almost funny: zero understanding of how coal plants operate in the real world. All the way from the economics of hot starts to high temperature steel metallurgy.
Y’canna defy the laws of physics, Cap’n.
Cap,n? Captaaain?
They just had to spin a narrative that they were bold warriors against the evil virus.
They could not walk it back…”we fucked up guys”.
You can’t talk your way out of what was already done to us by July this year.
A set day for freedom really ruined their narrative.
“We can only hope.”
Except the “health” experts will find it hard to lose their grip of power.
The Mandible Moustache will only be dragged out kicking
The illusory nature of our rights and freedoms have been blown apart.
Virginia was an Anglican settlement.
The missing link I haven’t been able to find is what brought one of that line to Australia. Perhaps it was someone seeking their fortune in the gold rush?
Anyway, I have seen the site of the original Virginia plantation but it has long been covered by an interstate.
This is New York. I doubt it would be any different here. I put this link about window poster up earlier.
and you need to make friends with salad
I have ruminant animals for that.
I only eat refined salad.
Ninety per cent vaccine rates.
What, even with moral objections to cell lines, age restrictions, clotting, allergies/anaphylaxis, myocarditis and obesity knocking options off as screening questions?
Full blown florid psychosis, is what the dream of 90% vaccine rates is with these rushed, unproven, unefficative and sub par pseudo vaccines.
calli says:
September 10, 2021 at 5:39 pm
There were other deep seated issues, including interference by foreign powers, especially England.
And France.
The French supported the American colonialists win the War of Independence, and they later supported the Confederation against the Union.
The French (the Gauls and the Reubenite Franks) are the descendants of Reuben, and the Americans are primarily composed of the sons of Joseph, Manasseh (the majority) in north-east USA and Ephraim in the Bible-belt states in the south.
Reuben has, as the Bible says, a mercurial nature, and he’s pissed off as he’s the eldest son of Jacob (Israel), yet the right to rule went to his younger brother Judah, and his half-brother Joseph “got the farm”.
So Reuben will always interfere with Joseph, though Joseph will always go to the aid of Reuben, even though Reuben will never be thankful.
About time.
And never underestimate the the benevolent effects of apathy.
Ooookay. So that kinda just popped out of nowhere.
Carry on.
It was also the aristocracy’s hangout for those fleeing the civil war.
Bacon is just distilled salad.
On that keto note, this product seems revolting.
Bruce of Newc. – does this mean I can just drink sweat, urine and deep fryer oil that’s past it?
and he is still handcuffed while a doctor is applying a defibrillator and performing CPR.
So compromising the effectiveness of both the CPR and the defib…
Well done spastic blues.
I hope you get sent to jail.
What state, Ill see if I can find their procedures for cuffing in a medical emergency.
I wonder if any of the plod or pollies et al who make and enforce these insane “rules” might stop and wonder…
“Are we the…. baddies???”
Simeon Whatsisname (Aussie Cossack) said in a recent YouTube that he’s having discussions with the LDP regarding standing for Parliament. Do you have any news about this, has he been preselected as a LDP candidate?
He’s an interesting bloke though I’d have some concerns regarding his man-crush on Putin.
That was bound to happen when so much of public funding for research went on climate change applications. It wouldn’t be so bad if negative findings were reported when proof couldn’t be found though those who did failed to get any more funding. In the end it’s all about the money, researchers and scientists are smart enough to know where it comes from.
That we needed up in this mess is the fault of governments, of politicians. So few of them, if any, know science and are only too happy to preen for the media about caring for the environment.
Now the COVID vandals are going after the medical profession with equal success.
Muddy has a guest post at AdamCat. Feel free to compliment copiously.
Same here. The name is scattered widely but we can all trace a direct shared ancestry. Which is why my family name caused a small sensation in the famous Church of Notre Dame in Bruges and I was allowed through the silken barriers to be photographed next to a painting of my ancestors in the C16th and was placed for a photo next to a big brass plaque near the Michaelangelo Madonna where my natal surname and its Coat of Arms was prominently featured, this family recognised as contributing to its purchase. There was a family tradition that these things were ‘in the Cathedral’ but it was Hairy’s persistence in an internet search and speaking to a curator at Notre Dame that finally found them in this lovely cathedral-like church. Ancestry are always pulling up cousins or other close rellies in East Anglia, where my father’s ancestral family finally settled. My father’s is said to be the senior line, falling on cruel hard times as slum dwellers by the nineteenth century.
It would be funny Calli if we were both holders of the same weird name. lol. I hated it as a child as it was long and difficult to copy out. I wanted so much to be a Judy Jones like my friend. In the event though, I decided in early adolescence to become Elizabeth, which I kept as a private secret for a long time. It is actually the name of the ancestress in Bruges. I didn’t know that of course. 🙂
I liked it Muddy.
That was poetry that was!
He’s an interesting bloke though I’d have some concerns regarding his man-crush on Putin.
The Putin that isn’t mandating vaccines because Russia is a free country?
Look to the upside. Putin got Trump elected.
Nope. Communist street militias, both of them.
The stooges on the ground might not have had a full idea of the enormity of their acts. But their ringleaders and paymasters did.
The 54th Massachusetts Regiment (and their Civil War predecessors the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry) represent an emphatic historical repudiation of their entire Narrative. That single example (before you look at individual Black Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. And complete [albeit segregated] fighting units like WW2’s 332nd Fighter Group and 477th Bombardment Groups- Collectively known as the ‘Tuskegee Airmen’ – 92nd and 93rd Infantry Divisions, 555th Parachite Infantry Regiment and the 761st Tank Battalion ‘Black Panthers’ ) demonstrate that despite every social disadvantage and prejudice they suffered (In some cases, the ‘tolerant’ North was more segregationist than the South), Black Americans were willing to fight and die for the US and its values.
The Racial Marxism that characterises 1960s-2020s American Leftism, kinda falls flat in the face of such mass effort by so many for so long.
Hence the frantic efforts to obliterate it en-masse from the cultural memory of all Americans…
No Lizzie. I don’t think so. A long line of misfits and dissenters. No Frenchies.
Its Aussie iteration came out in chains. Then made several fortunes, lost them, made them again. The US ones are probably just as rambunctious.
I wonder if any of the plod or pollies et al who make and enforce these insane “rules” might stop and wonder…
“Are we the…. baddies???”
No. They haven’t been recruiting that sort of people. No reflection, no regret, I’m saving people from COVID, even if it kills them!
Thanks, calli.
I had a flash of anger, then realised my sausages were about to burn.
So, you know…
In all seriousnessness, though, I do feel as though that’s what our so-called leaders have been doing: defecating on the memories of those whose sacrifices (on various levels) built what they are now destroying.
I have learned to make quite a creative salad, depending on what’s lingering in the fridge.
But we have never become friends. 🙂
Shadow-sh!tters, if I may be somewhat crude about it.
Even Marge Simpson sang….
“You don’t make friends with salad”
True, Dot. I bought another kilo of salad today at Coles, only to find they’ve changed their preferred supplier from Primo to a thing called Thompson’s Deli. Well if it oinks I’ll eat it.
Ketone-esters are cool if you want to add a sigma-bonded carbon bond at the alpha position. I might’ve done a PhD on that once. But I wouldn’t drink one. Some of the barbiturates I made might be an exception, except they’re diesters.
My ancestors were Scottish Episcopalians of noble heritage, which might explain why they went to Virginia in the 1600s.
I heard earlier Morrison saying that vax passpotts will lapse if you fail to keep up-to-date with boosters. Going to be a lot of buyers remorse re the jab.
Me also, except the wider family name is my middle name given me as firstborn of my mum, whose middle name it also is. It was the subject of much teasing in school, as is wont to occur. It dates from at least the 900’s in Scotland, and for which I’ve met in three nations quite a few distant relations whose family name or middle name it is. One young member of the family immigrated to Australia because of our family connection, he’s doing well last I heard. There’re at least two websites devoted to us, one in Canada (run by a relo I’ve met) which I’ve contributed to and one in Scotland that I know my mum has been in contact with. It’s all a lot of fun!
D’Orsogna or bust, baby!
(WA Death Bacon- Just as deliciously lethal and lethally delicious as WA Death Gluten. And their hams and Salamis are pretty damn good, too! 😉 )
The disgusting old zombie biden is mandating vaccines while admitting they are not effective.
It’s hard to maintain faith in Western democracy when such a corrupt, stupid, arrogant old pedophile like biden was fraudulently elected. Sorry, that was what biden was before he became senile; but since senility accentuates such characteristics I guess it still applies. I also still think biden has input into what is happening in his swamp administration; scary.
It’s amazing once you do family history and find a great many people couldn’t even spell their own names and the current form is only someone’s best guess on a certificate or log.
Kinda throws the grand forebears into question.
Lol, Gez! Mine were as grand as muck. Hard workers though.
I only wish the two Tickets of Leave had been passed down. I could flash them at the QR coder.
Nice little holiday/beach house at Casuarina. No price but around $4 mill will get you in the front door:
The endorsement of Scotland Isand resident KKK for multicultural Fowler, statistically the most disadvanted electorate in Australia, is reportedly not going down well in the Labor heartland.
There’s a reason there’s no “u” in Labor, people.
Name spelling.
Mine was on a convict ship in 1818 – they fucked up the spelling of his 5 letter surname.
Took some research to sort it out.
Time to revisit KK as Nobody’s Girl:
Good year to be a tractor salesman as well.
Yeah, we’re selling plenty of the parts we make for precision agriculture except the tractors will be lucky to have the GPS/autosteer because of a shortage of electronics parts. We are having difficulties sourcing parts.
Friend ordered a new John Deere and they can deliver in February but no GPS/autosteer so it’s useless.
One of my forebears left her parents names off her wedding certificate…
Abe Lincoln was a mass murderer. Ghastly creature.
The outcome reminds me of a joke/anecdote I once remember reading about small twin-engine aircraft flying overnight freight in Victoria. Typically single-crewed and no autopilot, and sometimes in crap weather…
Melbourne Centre: “Alpha Bravo Charlie, errr….Confirm you are tracking direct to Jacob’s Well?”
ABC: Melbourne Centre, yes. And I’m also trying to write my name on your radar screen. How am I doing?”
Oh, fiddle-de-dee, Eyrie!
This is Howard Springs Covid Quarantine Camp for all the “dangerous” people to society.
This is not in China however.
This is in AUSTRALIA.
Anyone still voting Liberal is plain old brain dead.
Not one to brag, but I’ve managed to trace a direct line back to an ancestor who died in 1142.
It helps immensely when your ancestors are getting born and dying in castles.
Needless to say, none of the titles came down to me, much to the dissapointment of my two sons.
That German interloper Prince Charles holds one of them.
There needs to be a shit rain of black propaganda to combat this lilywhite tyranny.
We need to eject these deceitful betrayers from Parliament and their enablers from the public purse.
It’s a mining camp more or less.
Did he possess a Runefang?
* disappointment
I must get that family tree finished before senility takes hold.
I’ve no idea what that is, dot.
Sounds Norwegian.
I’m c. 4% Norwegian according to DNA.
Ancestors from Caithness & the Hebrides.
With no masks in sight, buzzing offices and concerts drawing tens of thousands, Denmark on Friday ditched vaccine passports in nightclubs, ending its last Covid curb.
The vaccine passports were introduced in March 2021 when Copenhagen slowly started easing restrictions.
They were abolished at all venues on September 1, except in nightclubs, where they will be no longer necessary from Friday.
“We are definitely at the forefront in Denmark as we have no restrictions, and we are now on the other side of the pandemic thanks to the vaccination rollout,” Ulrik Orum-Petersen, a promoter at event organiser Live Nation, told AFP.
On Saturday, a sold-out concert in Copenhagen will welcome 50,000 people, a first in Europe.
Already on September 4, Live Nation organised a first open-air festival, aptly named “Back to Live”, which gathered 15,000 people in Copenhagen.
“Being in the crowd, singing like before, it almost made me forget Covid and everything we’ve been through these past months,” said Emilie Bendix, 26, a concert-goer.
Denmark’s vaccination campaign has gone swiftly, with 73 per cent of the 5.8 million population fully vaccinated, and 96 per cent of those 65 and older.
“We’re aiming for free movement … What will happen now is that the virus will circulate and it will find the ones who are not vaccinated,” epidemiologist Lone Simonsen told AFP.
“Now the virus is no longer a societal threat, thanks to the vaccine,” said Simonsen, who works at the University of Roskilde.
According to the World Health Organisation, the Scandinavian country has benefited from public compliance with government guidelines and the Covid strategy adopted.
“Like many countries, Denmark has, throughout the pandemic, implemented public health and social measures to reduce transmission. But at the same time it has greatly relied on individuals and communities to comply voluntarily,” said Catherine Smallwood, WHO Europe’s emergency officer.
With around 500 daily Covid cases and a reproduction rate of 0.7, Danish authorities say they have the virus under control.
Thoe Stemmer and the Topper
“You sir, are scum; and truly elected scum at that!”
I heard an interesting comment made by Musk recently.
Musk reckons that fusion isn’t a science issue any longer. It’s become an engineering problem.
This means we may not be that far from fusion energy, which means we’ll be awash with unlimited energy.
I thought it was the media’s job to attend those meetings and scour the govt websites then report the important info during the evening news. Are they insinuating they will no longer do that?
That is far too complex a task for the stenographers of PC talking points who graduate from modern universities.
Did he possess a Runefang?
I’ve no idea what that is, dot.
I got you, man… 😉
If there’s a shortage how can there be an increase in prescriptions? How long does it take to make/import ivermectin?
Yes, it is entirely possible for Australia to phase out thermal coal within a decade (9 Sep)
by John Quiggin
Perhaps, but it might not then be possible to fund all of Australia’s universities without that revenue.
This means we may not be that far from fusion energy, which means we’ll be awash with unlimited energy.
Pull your finger out, GM. You are already 18 months late…
(Start from 04:14 to understand this reference… 😉 )
“Musk reckons that fusion isn’t a science issue any longer. It’s become an engineering problem.
How so? I’m intrigued.
Musk must surely know about the Jevons Paradox.
But of course, we’d all be much better off.
Solid state LENR coupled with fissile material (possibly even waste) and weak beta decay; moderated with transistors would be my pick.
If you think LENR is a joke, look at Widom & Larsen.
If anyone thinks this isn’t being researched, look here:
About the Editor
Jean-Paul Biberian
Jean-Paul Biberian has authored more than 80 research papers in the field of surface science and low energy nuclear reactions (LENR). He is the editor-in-chief of the peer reviewed journal devoted to LENR, the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. Dr. Biberian received the Preparata medal in 2016.
Affiliations and Expertise
Professor, Department of Physics, University of Aix-Marseille – Marseille, France
Fleischman and Pons were highly credentialed. One was a professor of physical chem. They’re weren’t just a pair of idiots with degree mill diplomas.
Hey Bruce in WA! Spent my day picking olives and putting them into soak using the method you recommended last year on Dead Cat. Last years were such a hit, I’ve been under pressure to repeat the process.
I did hold back a kilo of ripe black olives to salt cure them outside Portugese style. Planning to flavour them with fennel and lime when done and bottled in about three weeks.
Just wanted to say thanks for making what I previously thought was a difficult job, so easy and successful.
It’s inconceivable that all Australia’s Universities won’t be funded. Monstrous thought!
I am thinking that perhaps takes too much salt out and makes the water hypotonic.
Dot Dot Dot…
Isaac Arthur has done an episode on Thorium Reactors.
Your thoughts?
Found this Swiss watch company. Like a few of their styles, though not all. The price is a killer though.
I’d guess all the ivermectin is brewed in India.
If you Google “Ivermectin made in India” and look in shopping, there are tons of Indian companies listed.
Substitute any another country in that search–> none.
Invented in Japan.
Fermented in India with precursors manufactured in China.
Could it be that our sole strategy for combatting covid is in part motivated by what we can and can’t synthesise after exporting all our chemical industries to the CCP?
Musk reckons that fusion isn’t a science issue any longer. It’s become an engineering problem.
This means we may not be that far from fusion energy, which means we’ll be awash with unlimited energy.
There are never any problems with theoretical science; the only problems are engineering problems. Fusion processes cannot be contained by plasma fields, the only way of containing them, for more than milliseconds. Other then that fusion is entirely possible and has been for the last 30 years. Fusion is like alarmist predictions of doom; they’re always a decade or so down the road. Hot fission and Ultra SuperCritical coal are the only viable power sources.
Dot, LENR is the domain of magicians and fraudsters.
I believe the issues related to the strength of magnets and this largely solved. Patience, my son.
LENR was observed before hot fusion (in a non-splodey way).
LENR might be a random event and useless. The field might be plagued by charlatans but you can’t just handwave it away. Like how plasma physics makes cosmologists sweat bullets.
Cassie, here.
Don’t listen to Cronkite. He’s just a massive pessimist.
I’m a Queenslander, Milton.
Waddayagunna do about it?
Not one to brag, but I’ve managed to trace a direct line back to an ancestor who died in 1142.
It helps immensely when your ancestors are getting born and dying in castles.
Being well-born is about the only way you could get back to 1142 .. The parish registers weren’t made compulsory until 1538 and it wasn’t until 1558 that fines were introduced for failure to keep them up to date ..
So, prior to 1558 anyone who’s birth was recorded was , generally, upper class …….!
If not for the anti nuclear movement, we would not use coal anymore.
We still might use liquid fuel, but thermal coal would be pretty rare.
A golf ball size hunk of metal has all of your energy needs over a lifetime.
Energy density drives the economics. Its why wind is a joke.
Sure, coal is great. A gift for humanity. If nuke wasn’t legally discriminated against, there is no way since the 1950s we wouldn’t have eclipsed the coal and oil age.
Criminal what this human garbage did to that wonderful technology.
I understand that anal violation is not about comfort, young feller.
I have stumbled upon some viral “street”” vids reminiscent of the UFC, WWF, arcade games and fairgrounds with travelling shows.
Hard to believe she’s 52.
All right.
I’ve given this some thought. Not a lot of thought, but some.
I cannot work out who the Mandible Moustache is.
This is most excellent.
Melbin up by 30 points against Geewrong at half time.
Third quarter starts. Four goals in four minutes to the Dees. Now ahead by 52 points.
Joel Selwood screeching his carefully coiffed head off. Beautiful. Just beautiful.
No it’s fucking not.
I can’t work, so why the fuck is a bunch of fairy boys chasing a ball “essential”?
Technocrats Are Determined To Reduce Every Human To A QR Code
Dees now 70 points up.
It’s murder, beautiful murder.
Thermal coal is still king where the technological base and education levels cannot support the mass uptake of atomics. For a time, at least. ?
And it does produce a lot of very necessary chemical precursors.
True energy self-sufficiency in Australia would look like a network of nuclear plants, with coal reserves providing the basis of a liquid hydrocarbon industry for land, air and sea transportation.
Mass railway electrification is expensive and inefficient over Australian distances (though nuke locos would be kinda hilarious, albeit dangerous in a collision or derailment).
Dangerfield’s injured now.
Of course he is.
I believe the issues related to the strength of magnets and this largely solved. Patience, my son.
Yeah, I’m familiar with Skunkworks, the brave new hope of fusion. Nothing ever happens; no doubt there’s a political and swamp dimension. Same with cold fusion. David Stockwell and I were going to meet Rossi; same old bullshit: secret handshakes, deposit money into the Swiss bank account and we’ll be in touch.
The thing about coal is people forget its also an ingredient; no reactor made of steel, cement and aluminium can be made without coal. Thorium, IFRs Ultra coal, masses of gas, we’re spoilt for choices without worrying about exotics. I wonder whether the exotics, I mean let’s go Casimir, are merely a distraction for the stupefying greenies.
Hard to believe she’s 52.
She isn’t; she’s 110, a miracle of the surgeon’s knife.
Bar Beach Swimmer says:
September 9, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Thanks, BBS. Your word has been recorded.
If anyone else has a contribution for the Catictionary, please let me know whenever you see me comment about something. I don’t always have the time to read the entirety of the open threads, so please persist.
Fusion energy?
Nano-energy is the future.
Uh … uh … wait.
Gary Rohan has ice on the hammy and mopping the injured brow.
In the future, energy will be harvested from the screams of unvaccinated souls as they are ritually crushed.
Dragger at 9:29.
There is an (allegedly) female CHO with a prominent jaw and an upper lip which needs a fire-break cut through it.
Muddy. Vaxatious commentary of that nature will not be permitted in polite society.
One reason why I don’t trust experts:
We might see exotics before fusion! Strange old world.
Of all the things I hate that weaselly Dickhead Dan for, not getting to see the Dees in the Grand Final is at the top of the list.
September 10, 2021 at 9:47 pm
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!”
(S)he chortled in
hisher joy.I’ve been watching the footy; Melbourne are flogging Geelong – a great thing – and I’ve got a word into the Catictionary!
September 10, 2021 at 9:02 pm
Cassie, here.”
Thanks JC…I’m fascinated by fusion energy.
Knuckles: Fantasies about polite society? Nostalgia is a dangerous drug, is it not?
88 points.
Hilarious. Fuck you, Geelong.
It’s over; Geelong is gonnnne!
I know I’m being shallow but I would kill for a haircut and a manicure.
Bar Beach Swimmer, in answer to your query last night:
June Street, near the golf course, Merewether West.
I know where exactly where you mean.
There is an (allegedly) female CHO with a prominent jaw and an upper lip which needs a fire-break cut through it.
That Pfizer guy who’s banging her must really love his company…..
I’ve never owned a house in Merewether, West, East or otherwise. Almost every other suburb but not in Merewether. Strange, innit?
Tony Abbott fined $500 after being photographed in Manly without a mask
88 points? Is that all?
Damn you, Geelong. You couldn’t even manage a 100+ defeat.
We’re friggin stuck with Chris Scott forever.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Imported Gee-Long superstars.
G Rohan – 1 touch
J Cameron – 3
S Higgins – 13 (including a heap of cheapies in the last quarter).
I’ve never owned a house in Merewether, West, East or otherwise. Almost every other suburb but not in Merewether. Strange, innit?
Maybe; maybe not.
JC, your moser watch is a nice one, but nobody’s paying <$A50K for a watch.
This one is a similar looker and a top end US brand at about $A 2.5K.
Ball Engineer Marvelight Chronometer
Tony Abbott fined $500 after being photographed in Manly without a mask
If he had any balls he’d fight it but since he didn’t punch the shit out of mark riley when he had every right to, we know he won’t.
Maybe not.
See my stats on his “big recruits” above.
He owns that.
Peeples! 🙂
“….needs a firebreak cut through it…”
Hahaha – nice one Sancho
“If he had any balls he’d fight it but since he didn’t punch the shit out of mark riley when he had every right to, we know he won’t.”
Correct….he should refuse to pay…..he should be a “refusenik”….but he has no balls.
Your point is?
Please please please show the Chris Scott aka Lord Farquaad presser.
His solution will be more of those recruits.
When ten old, broken down, front running hacks just isn’t enough.
Existing in the most bizarre totalitarian state in human history. 🙁
“You vill own nuzzink unt you vill be Happeee!”
States the Standartenführer Schwab … 🙁
So back in March 2020, if health bureaucrats, Scummo and the premiers had said that we’re going to aim for Covid zero in Australia and that you’ll be subjected to on and off lockdowns for eighteen months, how many of us would have agreed?. Who remembers “flattening the curve”?
Trust in Australia in dead.
We’ll never get our freedoms back until we take to the streets and build the pyres.
… to live in fear isn’t to live at all …
+1 on “Dan!”
I think I unintentionally guaranteed the aetherphile’s presence on DashCat for the next decade.
It wasn’t supposed to be this way.
In all fairness Farquaads team got more touches thanGelong.
Please don’t stoke the fire.
That is very poor form.
Thor would go quietly into the night if it wasn’t for Rex, Higgins, Carpe, Peter Bundy … and now you.
Your point is?
Must I have one? Do you have one? Why this interest in fucking points.
In Shrek anyway
The Band – The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down
tick, tick, tick….