Open Thread – Weekend 2 Oct 2021

The Calling of Saint Matthew, Caravaggio, 1600

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Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2021 5:33 pm

Ask Mother Russia, Bambi and Carmen Lawrence.

The same Carmen Lawrence who was found by a Royal Commission to have misled Parliament over the Penny Easton scandal, but, from memory, was found “Not Guilty” on a technicality?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2021 5:37 pm

Oops, meant “tautology” although “oxymoron” works sort of too.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 2, 2021 5:39 pm

incoherent rambler says:
October 2, 2021 at 5:23 pm
nano wriggler infestation

After 2 or 3 slabs, I have noticed that there are things that I don’t remember eating.
Could this be a sign of an infestation?

I could never remember eating those carrots…….

October 2, 2021 5:39 pm

Nicholas Reece was adamant earlier this week that a cervix makes a woman. Ha ha , that was an hilarious argument, best night of the week. I don’t know of any surgeons who give blokes who want a vagina a cervix as an added accessory, but perhaps they do!

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 5:39 pm

Two really fat arsed cop shelias dressed in combat garb… getting coffee and a Danish (of course).

Bit of a cliche really. Cinnamon scrolls are the social media pastry du jour (in the West at least).

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 5:41 pm

I like the sound of a kouign amann.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 2, 2021 5:42 pm

It’s the personal invective that pisses me off.

Yes Winston.
Calling people Nazis and “good little Germans” because they exercise a personal choice is out of order.
Allow me to summarise last evening’s shenanigans.
A person started throwing the Nazi word around in relation to anyone who might use a vax passport. Extending this hyper-bowl to the point where vax conscientious objectors were the equivalent of Warsaw ghetto Jews, and anyone using a vax pass was cast in the role of a Nazi box-car loader.
Finally directing this vitriol at someone here who is known to be Jewish and, further, has repeatedly supported the right to choose not to vax.
The ultimate hypocrisy is that this person has spent the last 18 months happily working in an allegedly essential industry and enjoying a degree of freedom not available to others by dint of two pieces of accreditation he carries in his wallet.
To wit, a building industry OHS card and a building industry union card.

Winston Smith
October 2, 2021 5:42 pm


‘Soft’ because they didn’t need to put tanks on the streets to achieve it.

Interesting scenario.
They would certainly need to provide lots of infantry cover on them if they did.
And it would be a dramatic lesson in the power of the Molotov cocktail against a hard target.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 2, 2021 5:45 pm


October 2, 2021 at 5:26 pm

SBS has a documentary on the invasion of Normandy on at 5:30pm.

There is also a Battle ‘o Britain one one later.
8:30 I think.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 5:46 pm

I’m guessing Nicholas Reece doesn’t even get his leg over an National Conference, unlike Craig Emerson.

October 2, 2021 5:48 pm

And it would be a dramatic lesson in the power of the Molotov cocktail against a hard target.

Just remember, if you ever have to launch a Molotov cocktail, a straight arm is recommended.

Scroll down for the very amusing video.

October 2, 2021 5:50 pm

Moe. Correct pronunciation “Mo-Wee”. ABC pronunciation “Mow”.
Stawell. Correct pronunciation “Stall”. ABC pronunciation “Stay-Well”.

Not many people know that.

October 2, 2021 5:50 pm
October 2, 2021 5:55 pm

Calling people Nazis and “good little Germans” because they exercise a personal choice is out of order.

Thats just the sort of thing Hitler would have said.

local oaf
October 2, 2021 5:55 pm

P says:
October 2, 2021 at 4:01 pm

Emerald Robinson ??
I think we have finally located the official spokesman for the free world.
Quote Tweet
BristolBlues ????
· Sep 26
This guy is dropping truth bombs ? ?????? Australia ???
(Warning: bad language)

New favourite for Australian of the Year!

October 2, 2021 5:56 pm

Perrottet is a politician, true. But he seems to have some core principles, good ones, and that in itself recommends him.

How does his ‘core principles’ stand with choosing Kean as his running mate?

October 2, 2021 5:57 pm

I recommend all people here discombobulated by the response to the cov, and put out by the varied responses from fellow contributers here, watch the vid I just posted on the main page.
To me, it explains a lot.

October 2, 2021 6:01 pm

Speaking of unrepresentative swill..

Unions have welcomed the Victorian government’s decision to expand vaccine mandates to more than 1 million workers.

The shame is part of the kink for them…

The extensive list includes professional sportspeople, faith leaders and workers in frontline services, hospitality, media and the government. Under the rule, authorised workers must be fully vaccinated by 26 November.

The new deadlines will not apply to Victorian workers in aged care, healthcare, freight, construction and education, sectors that have existing mandatory vaccination timelines.

Guardian Australia understands key unions were not informed of the expanded mandate ahead of the announcement being made on Friday.

Tim Kennedy, the national secretary of the United Workers Union, said the mandate was a matter of “protecting people from Covid-19 and ending lockdowns as soon as possible to protect people’s mental health and well-being”.

Mandatory vaccinations have been opposed by some, including veteran Liberal MP Russell Broadbent, who told the South Gippsland Sentinel-Times he was unvaccinated. Under the Victorian rules, Broadbent would not be able to attend his electorate or ministerial offices after 15 October.

Followed by “please daddy, can i have another”…
The position of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, whose members include journalists and sportspeople, is that “workers in our industries should be vaccinated where it is reasonable and safe to do so”.

“MEAA believes that the collective good and the vibrant future of our industries are best served by vaccination and the expert guidance of the Australian medical community.”

October 2, 2021 6:03 pm

How does his ‘core principles’ stand with choosing Kean as his running mate?

Looks like my premonition is confirmed.

And Perrottet is just another enabler of the Left.

October 2, 2021 6:07 pm
October 2, 2021 6:09 pm

ending lockdowns

Which can be done immediately, you raging dickhead.

October 2, 2021 6:10 pm

Perrottet is just another enabler

While appearing to be a harmless li’l accountant type.

The gliberals must burn. Until there is nothing left, but a charcoal husk.

Then we attempt to rebuild, if that’s still possible.

Winston Smith
October 2, 2021 6:10 pm


Your link on Thermageddon

Well, that’s us fucked.
Did anyone else know about this Thermageddon?
…and that the Moon is now the same size as the planet Earth?

October 2, 2021 6:11 pm

Pol – five years ago, did any of us envisage this monstrous hysterical idiocy?

For my sins, I certainly did not.

October 2, 2021 6:12 pm

Winston Smithsays:
October 2, 2021 at 5:03 pm
The FBI has a conveniently short memory.
One day the truth will come out, but I’m not holding my breath.

I think it’s one of those things that the public is better off not knowing the truth of, especially now we’ve seen how insane people get when they realise just how vulnerable everyone is to people committed to the mass murder of human beings.

I remember listening to reports as they came in live in Australia.

The official story of what happened meant doing away with a great deal of that in order to fix the timelines being sold as official and also scrubbing live reports being given by people hiding while shots we could clearly hear where being fired from & into other areas.

In the end some of the ‘best’ & most trusted ‘debunkers’ had to narrow the whole event to, ‘one mad moment of a madman’, and angrily shout down everyone who dared remember other key details, for raising what was “irrelevant” or the “lies” of “evil conspiracy theorists”.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 2, 2021 6:14 pm

Ok cats, kittehs and lurkers, here’s a fun memory test for a rainy saturday evening.
What is every WuFlu news item, press conference announcement, meme or rumour which you can recall, which was used to justify the interventions into civil life over the last two years?
I’ll go first, because I had a bit of a primer rant the other day, and I’ve since recalled a lot of others-

-Chinese dropping dead on the street
-Chinese lockdowns
-Chinese New Year travel superspreading
-Chinese welding proles into their apartments
-the Italians are all dying
-infected Chinese students returning for the uni year
-reconfiguring industry, building respirators to saave each infected prole
-reconfiguring industry to make tissue paper masks
-the Americans are all dying
-flatten the curve to stop EDs imploding
-disinfect all surfaces in schools
-disinfect all surfaces in public transport and infrastructure
-get the “R” number below 1
-set up building tower lockdowns
-the Brazillians are all dying
-set up region lockdowns
-set up LGA lockdowns
-the South Africans are all dying
-Zero Covid!
-set up mobile phone apps
-set up shop door check-ins
-protect the “vulnerable regional populations”
-the Indians are all dying
-set up testing clinics
-set up quarantine facilities
-children are killing their elderly relatives, so stop it
-elderly are killing their young relatives, so stop it
-social distance between 1.5 and 3 metres
-give contact tracers time to do their jobs
-the South Africa variant is worse
-the UK variant is worse
-the Indian variant is worse
-the beta variant is worse
-the gamma variant is worse
-the Indonesians are all dying
-the delta variant is worse
-the delta variant is more virulent
-the delta variant kills more kids
-the delta variant kills more everybody
-we need “doughnut days”
-5/10/14/21/28 days of isolation
-develop “vaccines”
-distribute “vaccines”
-set up infrastructure to handle delicate “vaccines”
-wait wait wait, different “vaccines” do different things
-40-70-80-90-98% of proles need to be vaccinated
-stop down superspreader protests
-stop picnics
-stop supermarket aisle chats
-stop HCQ, it’s a false hope
-stop Ivermectin, it’s horse wormer
-set up “G2G” passes
-set up “health certificates”
-“vaccinate” 12-year olds.
…I know I’ve missed some…

October 2, 2021 6:16 pm

Alan Moran’s article on the subsidies given to fucking renewables: $19 billion PA; by 2030 over $200 billion will have been wasted. That is probably a gross under-estimate since when kean replaces galdys that will accelerate in NSW:

October 2, 2021 6:16 pm

Pol – five years ago, did any of us envisage this monstrous hysterical idiocy?

Leonard Peikoff, formerly of the Ayn Rand Institute did.

So did Alex Jones.

Everyone who rubbished them needs to punch themselves in the groin.

October 2, 2021 6:16 pm

Lots and lots and lots of water in the paddocks , dams, creeks gullies, wetlands , dry lands in my perfectly legal tour around south west Victoria today. It is very wet green and muddy. Was climate change going to make things hotter, wetter ,dryer or colder? I can’t keep up.

October 2, 2021 6:22 pm


Two weeks to flatten the curve

October 2, 2021 6:23 pm

We’re all in this together

October 2, 2021 6:27 pm

Don’t shake hands, bump elbows instead

Don’t talk to your neighbours and friends if you meet them

My personal favourite. A whole cottage industry grew up around them and now factories are tooled up to produce them, even “bridal” ones.

October 2, 2021 6:28 pm

two pieces of accreditation he carries

his two hands?

October 2, 2021 6:28 pm

Supply chains reversing to hoover up all the PPE early 2020.

October 2, 2021 6:28 pm

Whoops! Forgot to close the link.

October 2, 2021 6:30 pm

Weddings with no dancing

October 2, 2021 6:32 pm

Weddings with no dancing

You may NOT kiss the bride.

October 2, 2021 6:33 pm

Masked orchestras, including brass and woodwind. 😀

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 2, 2021 6:34 pm

Winston Smith says:
October 2, 2021 at 3:25 pm
Sometimes mums have to remind their adult children that they are doing things the wrong way. Not harshly, but with parental gravitas.
…and a threat to send them to their rooms if they get out of line.

The best threat is to tell them that you plan to outlive them.

October 2, 2021 6:36 pm

We’re all in this together

, but not the ‘together’ you used to know. It’s been redefined now, in the name of hair nets and a wallaby. Oh, and ‘we’ has been redefined as well, due to dropkick salinity. You might want to erase ‘in’ also. But not with white-out. So what remains is ‘all this.’ What more do you people want?

October 2, 2021 6:37 pm

I thought it was old Italians dying, (and the odd younger one) because they have a lot of old people, second only to Japan, who tend to live in small crowded multi family households.

October 2, 2021 6:38 pm

Weddings with no dancing

Gaolbird Beryl G loudly upscreeching “there will be no singing or dancing, I tells YA!” 🙁

October 2, 2021 6:38 pm

More essential reading for the jaded:

G-Strings and Strippers: the story of two strippers: Margot who teased men but loved women; and Lula who tantalised both but loved neither.

Women of Evil: a confidential report on women who in another age would have been burnt as witches.

The Cruel Touch: she was a savage in satin set on sending him to hell.

Girls in Trouble: all it took was one moment of passion and then they were trapped by those who trade their illegitimate children

October 2, 2021 6:39 pm

Masks good
Masks bad
Masks good again
Two masks!
Change masks regularly
Mask children
Mask toddlers
Mask Fido*

* I made that up….hang on…

Zoo animals test positive! Mask zoo animals!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2021 6:41 pm

The best threat is to tell them that you plan to outlive them.

“You know the large inheritance you were counting on? Bad luck, there won’t be one.”

October 2, 2021 6:44 pm

I thought it was ol’ Italians dying …

Why would anyone give a rodent’s? All that loud braindead lamestream meeja screechiness was an immediate giveaway.

“Peoples are dropping dead en masse in Wuhan, we tells ya – oh – and the sky is blue”

The latter inevitably results in a march into the backyard and looking skyward.

Never forget what those evil imbeciles have stolen from us.

October 2, 2021 6:49 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2021 6:51 pm

Hi Zulu! Did you catch the link about the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry this morning? It looked like something you might like.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2021 6:53 pm

Hi Zulu! Did you catch the link about the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry this morning? It looked like something you might like.

I did, thank you – I’ve ordered a copy,

October 2, 2021 6:54 pm

Jack Posobiec Flag of United States
In the original Greek text, the word used for sorcery was pharmakeia.

Thomas Sowell
What does “economic justice” mean, except that you want something that someone else produced, without having to produce anything yourself in return?

Shy Ted
Shy Ted
October 2, 2021 6:54 pm

Pharmageddon. The end of mankind courtesy of big pharma.
Sorry, Muddy and thanks.
Busy too. These mad max vehicles don’t build themselves.

October 2, 2021 6:55 pm

if you haven’t exhausted your free articles at nyt this one on how Portugal got to the end of the covid road might interest. Beware! involves vaccines

israel’s stats are starting to come down

October 2, 2021 6:58 pm

This link to some funnies won’t work at the other Cat for some reason so here it is:

October 2, 2021 7:04 pm

These mad max vehicles don’t build themselves.

Tell me about it!!

October 2, 2021 7:11 pm

Zipster says:
October 2, 2021 at 6:49 pm
deliberate collapse
The Cargo Ship Crisis is Manufactured – Creating Supply Chain Nightmare

Interesting so far thanks Zipster.

October 2, 2021 7:16 pm

Shy Ted says:
October 2, 2021 at 6:54 pm

Thanks Ted. Sorry if I seemed abrupt. Lotsa liquid faecal matter swirling around life right now (same with many people I guess).

I’m hoping the next Catictionary post will appear on AdamCat soonish.

October 2, 2021 7:22 pm

Just caught up with the Chinese playing funny buggers with Taiwan posts this afternoon had me think of the below:

Seriously how long before a fatigued pilot or missile operator misinterprets something and fires? Know the Chinese wouldn’t care, probably give them an excuse. Fun and games hey.

October 2, 2021 7:24 pm

Like many amateur observers of China, I had assumed that Xi Jinping’s iron-fist policies at home and abroad were a break with the more emollient approach from Deng to Hu Jintao (if you can call the Tiananmen Square massacre emollient), when China seemed to be softening from a totalitarian to an authoritarian regime. Cai Xia makes clear that the fundamental character of the CCP has been unchanging.

The party has merely dropped the facade and dispensed with Deng Xiaoping’s tactical dictum: “bide your time, and hide your strength” (????). It has also acquired the means of totalitarian control that Hitler and Stalin could only dream of, whether face recognition technology or digital tracking through the Social Credit System.

The long list of Xi’s affronts, from the Nine Dash Line to the South China Sea, to the pitiless asphyxiation of Hong Kong, to the intimidation of Australia, to the Uighur camps, are by now well-known, culminating in wolf warrior diplomacy and state-sponsored disinformation on Covid-19.

We are so inured to it that President Xi’s “wall of steel” speech at the 100th birthday party almost seems banal. We know what the party thinks. The Fifth Plenum text setting out China’s strategy until 2035 revives the term “prepare for war” (??), not used for over half a century.

it’s a phrase that the tyrant has been using for years, is it waiting for the right moment?

October 2, 2021 7:26 pm

So did Alex Jones.

I hate Alex Jones.

Every shit thing he predicted came true.

October 2, 2021 7:28 pm


If you’re about….thanks for this blog. Many thanks.

October 2, 2021 7:29 pm

A comment from Zipster’s link regarding the shipping crisis:

Bit Kong
1 day ago
In UK 14 smaller power suppliers are gone under during last weeks. Someone ordered maintenance of 3 gas rigs at the same time and a power cable from france has been damaged.. all at the same time but I’m sure it’s just coincidence

October 2, 2021 7:30 pm

Real Rukshan needs another provider for his live streams, I can’t see his facebook feeds without a log in. Got the jist with Avi’s coverage though.

Not a shot but facebook are obviously playing games they didn’t when he was a nobody. How much more of an audience is he missing due to their soft censorship?

October 2, 2021 7:30 pm

BTW, does anyone have any videos & news on today’s anti-forced jab protests, that are accessible to people not on facebook or twitter?

I saw one snippet of a mob of police stalking a largish group near the Sidney Meyer Music Bowl on facebook and another of the black clad wallopers stepping back from another group that were marching down a road on twitter, but both those platforms soon put you on a dead end loop if you aren’t with them.

October 2, 2021 7:37 pm

BRUCE of NEWCASTLE don’t know if you read fiction but this one might interest you, being a chemist,
an alternate history of the making of the atom bomb in time to be used on Germany .. I’m trying to enjoy it, cos it’s well written, but he spends a lot of time on actual equations and the technicalities of manufacture (with illustrations) not being chemistry/physics minded, most of it is going over my head & getting skim-read, but I’m guessing it would be a lot more enjoyable to someone who does understand the hieroglyphics & technicalities of scientific equations.

October 2, 2021 7:37 pm

From Cohenite’s link to the Dad’s Deadpool blog:

It is not the responsibility of the unvaccinated to protect the vaccinated.
That’s the vaccine’s job.

October 2, 2021 7:39 pm

The Roman Empire wanted to destroy Christianity but ended up taking it on as a State religion and it was the official religion in one of the biggest Empires known to man.

Diocletian got very close to achieving the goal.

October 2, 2021 7:40 pm

Not a shot but facebook are obviously playing games they didn’t when he was a nobody. How much more of an audience is he missing due to their soft censorship?
I believe he switched to his FB account for live streaming because he was/is getting blacked out on the other media channels, especially Twitter ………

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 2, 2021 7:44 pm

justify the interventions into civil life over the last two years?

The virus can live on plastic, door knobs and bench tops for 2hrs, 4 hrs, 8 hrs, 11 hours , 1 day , 2 days, 1 week….and still infect you!!!
There’s plenty of toilet paper.
There is no toilet paper
Someone under 50 died from Covid. Hoorah!
Nurse drove to Gladstone to see the sunset and became a super spreader.
Grand Prix drivers abandon Melbourne GP with less than 24 hours notice. Lewis Hamilton ‘I can’t believe we are here!’
Covid can be spread by nebulisers
Masks will not protect you!
You must wear a mask to be safe…outdoors !
We may look to close down takeaway coffee in Melbourne.
We need to explore all options to protect the community….except ivermectin, hydroxyclorquine, zinc, getting outdoors, going to the beach, getting some sun, watching a sunset, going on a holiday.

October 2, 2021 7:46 pm

Anecdotally confirmed … I know several buildings in Melb that were dumped by their asian owners

Must make them very angry to have invested in a “stable western democracy” only to find out that it’s an “unstable Soviet mongocracy”.

October 2, 2021 7:46 pm

Cheers shatteraz. Age old problem, six of one or half a dozen of the other. Still a tad annoying though.

October 2, 2021 7:46 pm

The best threat is to tell them that you plan to outlive them.

I’ve told ’em .. it’s a, bloody, big backyard and if you want the treasure map marked X .. be nice .. LOL!
I took it all out of the bank a coupla years ago & buried it in the garden only left myself with a few bob .. in case .. LOL!

October 2, 2021 7:49 pm

Rockdoctor says:
October 2, 2021 at 7:30 pm

Real Rukshan needs another provider for his live streams, I can’t see his facebook feeds without a log in. Got the jist with Avi’s coverage though.

Not a shot but facebook are obviously playing games they didn’t when he was a nobody. How much more of an audience is he missing due to their soft censorship?

Yes, I can’t help but wonder why Michael Smith stopped hosting Rukshan’s live feeds and wish Rukshan would stream on something like Rumble, that is super easy to use, on the side of those who The Left Rejects and doesn’t have those frustrating slow loading & buffering problems of the likes of BitChute.

October 2, 2021 7:53 pm

I’ve told ’em .. it’s a, bloody, big backyard and if you want the treasure map marked X .. be nice .. LOL!
I took it all out of the bank a coupla years ago & buried it in the garden only left myself with a few bob .. in case .. LOL!

Good lord are you serious? That’s hilarious.

October 2, 2021 7:54 pm

A thanx call out to whoever it was that recommended watching GOLIATH the other day .. had never heard of it before but downloaded all 4 seasons yesterday .. just finished season one and thoroughly enjoyed it …

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 7:59 pm

Dot, at 3.29:

No one in a back room declared “let’s outlaw Christianity” in 1945 in their process to create the UN.

The UN was formed to prevent another Hitler, who executed people like Saint Fr Maximillian Kolbe.

It did some good stuff but it was a net failure and we should withdraw now.


There is no continual temporal power that plots to destroy Christianity.

Especially yes.

October 2, 2021 8:04 pm

Not here to pump up the man’s tyres, because he certainly doesn’t need it, but Avi is a good ol’ fashioned Ozzie piss taker. In his own unique way, he’s channelling heroes like Normie Gunstan.

While doing a very good job of making scum like that monstrous grotesque jug eared imbecile and his vikpol mutant ninja turtles look like the vile petty jumped up little hitlerists they are.

More power to his arm.

October 2, 2021 8:04 pm

Good lord are you serious? That’s hilarious.
Yep, it isn’t a world fortune but well worth 5 minutes shovelling .. with interest rates at next to nothing and living in a drug addled SW Sydney suburb I figured the garden is safer than the mattress .. tin box inside a lidded plastic bucket works well .. I dig it up every coupla months to make sure it’s AOK and everything is fine .. it’s not for the kids anyway, more for the grandees to share tho with the count at 8 so far someone is gonna have to start liking stamps & coins .. don’t worry about them being in the house as the dope-heads around here wouldn’t have a clue what they are worth or how to move them .. LOL!
I get by quite easily on my OAP especially with lockdowns .. LOL!

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2021 8:06 pm

In UK 14 smaller power suppliers are gone under during last weeks. Someone ordered maintenance of 3 gas rigs at the same time and a power cable from france has been damaged.. all at the same time but I’m sure it’s just coincidence

The issue in the UK is gas prices have hockeysticked. Quadrupled this year. Thus wholesale electricity has also hockeysticked. That’s because they and the EU now have so many gas turbines that when gas runs short and the wind isn’t blowing (eg. now) the whole grid is imperiled. So gas has to be obtained whatever the price.

The wholesale electricity price has been skyhigh, but the price the retailers get has been unchanged. So they’ve all gone bankrupt.

The biggest reason for the skyhigh gas price is that Gazprom had a fire in one of their facilities and gas deliveries to Europe have fallen significantly. Down 75% as of yesterday.

There’s been some political wrangling about the Nordstream 2 pipeline also, since the US still has sanctions on Russia over it. I suspect Putin is using this gas outage at Gazprom to get Biden to overturn the sanctions, with agonized EU and UK support.

We Cats have talked about this for years, and now it’s happening. Schadenfreude. I’m sorry for the poor pensioners in the UK who can’t heat their houses though.

European Gas Hits A Record 100 Euros As Russian Gas Flows Collapse By 77% (1 Oct)

October 2, 2021 8:07 pm

A comment from Zipster’s link regarding the shipping crisis:

unrestricted warfare, posted on discord. makes an interesting read.

Hacking, biological, financial are just rounds fired in a discreet war.

This idea that china is going through mass blackouts or companies are collapsing on mass is bullshit, it’s just staged propaganda to spread financial contagion, just like hospitals full of dying fuckwits and morgues running overtime was propaganda to scare the bejesus out of the west.

Old bloke
Old bloke
October 2, 2021 8:07 pm

P says:
October 2, 2021 at 4:01 pm

Emerald Robinson ??
I think we have finally located the official spokesman for the free world.
Quote Tweet
BristolBlues ????
· Sep 26
This guy is dropping truth bombs ? ?????? Australia ???
(Warning: bad language)

I wonder what he really thinks.

October 2, 2021 8:07 pm

unstable Soviet mongocracy

prices are up
they’ll just move to a better revenue stream

building managers
asset managers
quantity surveyors

they’re just costs

October 2, 2021 8:08 pm

Yes, I can’t help but wonder why Michael Smith stopped hosting Rukshan’s live feeds

I think it might be a copyright issue for michaelsmithnews now it’s on a FB page .. not sure if you can run live feeds off FB onto other sites without problems ……..

October 2, 2021 8:09 pm

More power to his arm.


He clearly has put in a lot of effort and has taken feedback. His content is now top notch.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 8:10 pm

tin box inside a lidded plastic bucket works well

Just hang on a sec Shatterzzz, while I Google ‘dingo hire in SW Sydney’…..

October 2, 2021 8:12 pm

Just spoke to a mate in Guam. He’s at a restaurant with his family for his birthday.

How fucked is Australia?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2021 8:16 pm

Shatterzzz – I’ve read a couple of Benford’s SFs. Timescape, which is a fine and somewhat bleak story where nuclear magnetic resonance spectronomy is used to communicate through time (I did a lot of NMR work at uni). And Artifact, which is about a tiny black hole that was captured by the Minoans on Crete. Good stories. But I haven’t been attracted to his other stuff since then, for some reason.

Right now I’m reading (in between Cat refreshes) a SF called Into the Looking Glass by John Ringo, since I found it sitting in a bookcase unread for years. My bookcases are like that. Ninety pages in and it is good fun, in a chaotic sort of way. 😀

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 8:18 pm

The best threat is to tell them that you plan to outlive them.

Only really requires that the estate not be finalised in their lifetime. Used to laugh at cases like The Estate of X v The Estate of Y with orders that costs be reserved. You used to know who the only winners were going to be.

October 2, 2021 8:24 pm

John Ringo

Age quod agis.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 8:25 pm

Bruce of Newcastle at 8:06 pm – Poot calling in favours from his oligarch billionaire mates. I suspect most would be taking the call on their new yacht after the Monte Carlo boat show wrapped up.

October 2, 2021 8:30 pm

This idea that china is going through mass blackouts or companies are collapsing on mass is bullshit, it’s just staged propaganda to spread financial contagion, just like hospitals full of dying fuckwits and morgues running overtime was propaganda to scare the bejesus out of the west.

Bloody good comment. Look what the arseholes did with a sniffle that’s just as bad as the flu.

October 2, 2021 8:33 pm

Free and informed consent?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 2, 2021 8:39 pm

Age quod agis

Dot – Yes. I’d just reread Hells Faire, which is a superb mil SF – lots of action and lots of fun. I had an urge to after rereading a few of his he’d written with Weber in the 1632 series. Whereupon I found this one that I’d never gotten around to.

If you find you are good at doing something it can be a blessing and a curse. The blessing is you make money filling the demand of your readers. The curse is you have to keep on filling the demand of your readers, and not branch out into other stuff you would like to do. I can see why so many authors used pen names to escape their fans!

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 2, 2021 8:55 pm

John Ringo- March Upcountry? Couldn’t get into it, I think it’s gone to the paperback dry-composting joint on main st. I think I was trying to cheat my way into reading Exegesis.

On the memories of Coof scares, thanks calli et al. The big three which I think have gone from major headlines to the memory-hole are-
1. The need to deep-clean schools and train stations; because the efil virus can live for fourteen days on stainless steel in a vacuum at zero Kelvin:
2. The need to make a respirator for every household; the ol’ auto plants in Elizabeth were coming out of mothballs, and corporate preeners like Dyson and Musk blew their horns about redirecting their factories, whatever happened?:
3. The R-number brain fart. Whether it was too nebulous and imprecise to stick around, or it was overtaken by “double donut (sic) days” which is obviously more hard sciencey, it bears remembering.

Use a gentle reminder of any, or all, of these three to put noses out of joint at your next dinner party or citizens’ checkpoint.
I put $50 on the table for anyone who could name WA’s “CHO” a week or two ago. The company were all brainy, successful, content and collected catholic school parents- I’m embarrassed to say that they’re probably at the top here for intellectually curious peeps we know- and anyone who was vocal (that is, bar the demure Demoiselle Dalí and me gently kicking some heads) was pro-lockdown, pro-jab, it’s-a-once-in-a-million-years-freak-deadly-virus-which-our-wonderful-pollies-have-got-bang-to-rights-in-their-sights, and forward in saying so.
Kept the $50.

October 2, 2021 8:59 pm

a SF called Into the Looking Glass by John Ringo

First of a good series.

I just re-read Ilium/Olympos by Dan Simmons. It’s a well travelled theme whereby advanced humans reinvent themselves as Gods and/or in this case Shakespearean characters from The Tempest, something one of the best S-F movies, Forbidden Planet also did. Simmons 2 volume opus is a tour de force and he throws in the battle of Troy for good measure.

Lord of Light (and the Amber series) by Roger Zelazny is possibly the best example of humans turning themselves into Gods, in this case Hindu ones. But Simmons’ effort is its equal.

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 2, 2021 9:02 pm

How fucked is Australia?


Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 2, 2021 9:05 pm

If anyone is browsing for books-
Roadside Picnic, by Boris and Arkady Strugatsky.
Unlike anything else which I have ever read. Discombobulating. The SF Masterworks edition has a good intro, which puts iron curtain samizdat literature into the frame.

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
October 2, 2021 9:06 pm

SF writer John Ringo is a weirdo.
Not unusual in SF writers, but he has a long running thread in almost all of his work of gratuitous bashing and torturing women.

A shrink would have a field day with him.

October 2, 2021 9:06 pm

Ta for who posted that DW TV doco from last year on China/Taiwan a few days back. Very informative, I think the last minute said more than the preceding 55minutes.

October 2, 2021 9:06 pm

The Elites are Looting America

The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
5 hours ago

October 2, 2021 9:13 pm

Here’s prediction I hope won’t come true.

Emergency Broadcast – Martial Law To Be Implemented Between Oct. 8-16 In Canada! Australia, USA, World To Follow?!

Isn’t there’s already a law in place enabling the use of foreign military to maintain order in Australia? This is pretty frightening.

October 2, 2021 9:20 pm

A bit dated now, but still worth a couple of minutes of your time:
Gary Sinise:
Injured Marine Surprises Lt. Dan as ESPN Cameras Rol

October 2, 2021 9:20 pm

Jesus Christ, man.

Jesus Christ.

Pelosi Can’t Seem to Lay Off The Booze
9,048 viewsOct 2, 2021

Memology 102
214K subscribers

Drinking on the job, huh?

October 2, 2021 9:23 pm


Not above The Law:

October 2, 2021 9:25 pm

Emergency Broadcast – Martial Law To Be Implemented Between Oct. 8-16 In Canada! Australia, USA, World To Follow?!

we are already in martial

October 2, 2021 9:32 pm

Forced Vaccination Was Always the End Game

Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president, National Vaccine Information Center, describes the move toward authoritarianism in U.S. public health policies during the COVID-19 pandemic, which threatens civil liberties and the human right to informed consent to medical risk-taking.

Very relevant to us. She makes the point that the U.S., just like Australia, has never fought off an enemy on their own soil. What she describes is exactly what is happening here.

October 2, 2021 9:32 pm

real Rukshan @therealrukshan · 3h

Protest at the Royal Botanical Gardens & The Tan in Melbourne – Raw Footage Highlights – 02.10.21 (Part 1)

Protest was against mandatory vaccination, lockdowns and the the State Government.

Footage may be used for news & commentary purposes.

Why does Cassie want people to believe the lie that Totalitarian Govts want us to believe, that being the lie that Australians are NOT Gathering, Marching & Talking Face To Face about their Govts Totalitarian behaviour?

Is it that neither of them want us to see yet more Jackboot behaviour towards truth loving Australians by Totalitarian Govt Serving Police?

real Rukshan @therealrukshan · 3h

Protest at the Royal Botanical Gardens & The Tan in Melbourne – Raw Footage Highlights – 02.10.21 (Part 2)

Protest was against mandatory vaccination, lockdowns and the the State Government.

Footage may be used for news & commentary purposes.

October 2, 2021 9:36 pm

Isn’t there’s already a law in place enabling the use of foreign military to maintain order in Australia?

Does anyone else know of former ADF personnel who have been contacted by the ADF and have subsequently commenced having their security clearances re-established?

October 2, 2021 9:37 pm

Bloody good comment. Look what the arseholes did with a sniffle that’s just as bad as the flu.

china has america in a corner. The USA printed their way out of 2008 and with covid have printed so much debt that they can’t raise rates to inflate their way out of it.
Financial contagion will be another below the belt blow from the dictator. Interesting how the virus gave china the opportunity to just suffocate Hong Kong with barely a moan from the west. What awaits Taiwan? I am stocking up on PPE, while it’s heavily discounted. Better a year or two early than a day late.

Crash, inflation or war seem to be the only options on the table. Biden’s puppeteers have bitten off more than they can chew.

October 2, 2021 9:44 pm

I am stocking up on PPE, while it’s heavily discounted. Better a year or two early than a day late.

I have a stock of Soviet GP7 and GP9 gas masks, as well as some children’s versions. Good enough? If anyone’s buying, the GP9’s are the go, the canister is out the left side so you can shoulder a rifle. 🙂

October 2, 2021 9:44 pm

Crash, inflation or war seem to be the only options on the table.

We’ll get all three between now and 2027.

October 2, 2021 9:48 pm

Australia is so famous for being shit that they whole world knows that Glady’s resigned over corruption allegations.

October 2, 2021 9:53 pm
October 2, 2021 10:11 pm
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 2, 2021 10:12 pm

Re the list of the shifting sands of the Kung Flu narrative.
Monday. Screaming headline … Worrying New Trend. Three Cases Result From ‘Fleeting Contact’.
Thursday. Page 16 of DHHS press pack. “Three cases from Monday have been reclassified as false positives”.

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
October 2, 2021 10:20 pm

That’s a good get Sancho.
Fleeting contact, ie surveillance sez you walked past someone.
Also separate entries for-
False positive PCR
The thru-the-looking-glass False negative PCR
and here in WA we had WEAK positive too wtf that means. (it means a lockdown, btw)
Long COVID, kinda hard to distinguish from non-clinical depression or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (remember how very active people seem to get that when injury or setbacks lead them to sitting around a lot all of a sudden?)
asymptomatic COVID, which by no means shows that it’s a largely harmless disease.

October 2, 2021 10:22 pm

I just jizzed in my wranglers.
Not a Tarantino fan, but holy shit.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, that Bruce Lee scene, Brad Pitt, Kurt Russel, the car, the wife. Uhhhhh,uh,unggr. Damn , I did it again.

October 2, 2021 10:23 pm

Normally I’d be dismissive about martial law but last year, a reservist I knew told me he was being trained in urban unarmed HTH combat and if deployed, it would be in Melbin.

From August or Sep 2020 IIRC.

October 2, 2021 10:25 pm

What white man hasn’t wanted to pick Bruce lee up and smash him into the side of a car?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 2, 2021 10:25 pm

Long COVID, kinda hard to distinguish from non-clinical depression or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Long Covid.
Or, as we used to call it … getting old.

October 2, 2021 10:26 pm

“Three cases from Monday have been reclassified as false positives”.

I wasn’t infected, but The Science! changed.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 2, 2021 10:32 pm

Just watched a doco on the Battle ‘o Britain.
I was waiting for the bit where Winston comes out the front of No 10 and says, “Look, our frontline RAF boys (and girls) have been working solidly for a week now, but I am fearful that they might be overwhelmed if we ask them to do their duty. So, as of 11:59 tonight, we will be going into a short sharp five day lockdown until the Hun runs out of munitions. For those without a bomb shelter, the CHO advises that a knotted hanky on the head provides acceptable protection.”

October 2, 2021 10:35 pm

VW Beetles everywhere.
Who remembers that?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 10:41 pm

New Zealand sports woman of the year

Ahahaha haha.

I was going to make a Raelene Castle joke, but the actual winner is even funnier.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 10:43 pm

A distinct lack of Hitlerish activity today.

October 2, 2021 10:45 pm
October 2, 2021 10:46 pm

A distinct lack of Hitlerish activity today.

Does withholding newborns from their parents count?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2021 10:47 pm

I was waiting for the bit where Winston comes out the front of No 10 and says, “Look, our frontline RAF boys (and girls) have been working solidly for a week now, but I am fearful that they might be overwhelmed if we ask them to do their duty. So, as of 11:59 tonight, we will be going into a short sharp five day lockdown until the Hun runs out of munition

Could you imagine Churchill, speaking today? “Forget all that confrontational talk about fighting on the hills, and on the landing grounds, and never surrendering? We shall get the best terms we can, at the first opportunity, as long as the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender citizens are respected?”

October 2, 2021 10:47 pm

These TERFs are as bad as the Nayzees.

October 2, 2021 10:53 pm

Leonardo DiCaprio acting the shit out of this movie.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 10:54 pm

TERFs are literally Hitler.

There we go.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 2, 2021 10:55 pm

Don’t spoil it Arky. It’s the only Tarantino movie I haven’t seen yet.

I hope nobody dies.

October 2, 2021 10:57 pm

I wonder if the Rones has seen this about the Dylan Voller case? The reason is that around 2019, the Rones was posting crap about the kid almost each the day. In fact, a genius type partially named a blog after the Rones and his Voller affliction.

Ronery’s Aboriginal, Dylan Voller and Military History Tourettes, Big Noting & Ancestor Worship Blog

Now this:

High Court finds media outlets are responsible for Facebook comments in Dylan Voller defamation case

I wonder if the Rones posted any comments about Voller on the media’s Facebook pages that eventually got them into trouble. The idiot was posting “vollerisms” at the old Cat almost every day. Hilarious.

October 2, 2021 10:58 pm

Watch it right now KD.
Don’t waste another second of your life without this movie in your brain.

October 2, 2021 10:58 pm


October 2, 2021 10:58 pm

October 2, 2021 at 10:36 pm
New Zealand sports woman of the year. Really good choice.

I like the comments.

She is an incredible competitor. I have never seen such strength in a female athlete. Well done to her for her many achievements.
Well done young lady. A beautiful sexy darling

.. unless they’re serious.

vlad redux
vlad redux
October 2, 2021 11:01 pm

It was on free-to-air last night, Arky.

October 2, 2021 11:01 pm

Leonardo DiCaprio acting the shit out of this movie.

Are you saying Di Caprio did well? I can’t support that because of the carpark scene when he began crying to Brad Pitt and Pitt told him to stop.

I think Pitt ran off with the movie. He was great.

October 2, 2021 11:02 pm

vlad reduxsays:
October 2, 2021 at 11:01 pm
It was on free-to-air last night, Arky.

Let me get my time machine.

October 2, 2021 11:05 pm

I think Pitt ran off with the movie. He was great.

Pitt was being Pitt.
Dicaprio brought something new into the world with this.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 2, 2021 11:10 pm

New Zealand sports woman of the year


October 2, 2021 11:14 pm

I didn’t like the movie that much.
Seemed to be wishcasting that if Mansons freaks hadn’t happened Hollyweird would have not further degenerated into a puddle of AIDS infected junkies who diddled kids.
Had some nice bits but really just boomer bait.

October 2, 2021 11:19 pm

“ failed to make a lift in the snatch”

This almost restores my faith in journalism.
Except it’s odds on the editor didn’t notice the obvious inferences there.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 2, 2021 11:23 pm

I wonder if the Rones has seen this about the Dylan Voller case?

The boring old fool is back, obsessed with “Rones”, whoever that is. Isn’t it time the boring old fool just got a life?

October 2, 2021 11:31 pm

Does anyone know who is this Rones? I can’t think who it is. Rones, do you know?

October 2, 2021 11:38 pm


Come on, tell us?

Were you vollering on their Facebook pages?

October 2, 2021 11:44 pm

What white man hasn’t wanted to pick Bruce lee up and smash him into the side of a car?

That scene is hilarious. Great movie, Tarantino’s best.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 3, 2021 12:07 am

Does anyone know who is this Rones? I can’t think who it is. Rones, do you know?

JC, you made the claim that you began your trading career with either ” A Frog bank, where everyone wanted to be, because of the benefits” or “with the trading wing of Elders”, where you made the deals that lobbed John Elliot in the manure. Which was it? Inquiring minds want to know.

October 3, 2021 12:23 am
October 3, 2021 1:56 am

Probably not the most exiting thing you could be doing early Sunday morning but hey.

October 3, 2021 3:01 am

It’s that time of year again when they start fiddling with the clocks …

October 3, 2021 3:03 am

… and, unlike the old Cat, Dover Cat is in tune with our fickle timelords.

October 3, 2021 3:25 am


Tell the inquiring minds it was the same bank you started with after graduation. Oh that’s right, you only went to 8th grade.

If I lied about my background, I’d be a fraudulent, worthless piece of shot like you. And if I was like you… like most people here I’d end it very quickly.

Now fuck and don’t ever imply I or anyone else here has lied after what you’ve done, you fraud.

October 3, 2021 4:00 am
October 3, 2021 6:54 am

Bzzzzt……wake up!

It’s a beautiful new day

If only there was an internet version of this.

October 3, 2021 7:27 am
October 3, 2021 7:36 am
October 3, 2021 7:38 am
October 3, 2021 7:41 am
October 3, 2021 7:57 am
October 3, 2021 7:57 am

It looks like The Many Saints of Newark is an abomination.
Most Sopranos fans are panning it this weekend in the US.

October 3, 2021 8:00 am
Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2021 8:01 am

“Why does Cassie want people to believe the lie that Totalitarian Govts want us to believe, that being the lie that Australians are NOT Gathering, Marching & Talking Face To Face about their Govts Totalitarian behaviour?”

I see the low IQ Nongbat is making stuff about me again. I somewhat pity her….she has no idea about truth and reality.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 3, 2021 8:05 am

Thanks Rosie. Painful for the owners. I wonder if insurers will insure them? Maybe they dare not reject EVs because of the political and social pain they’d get from the woke.

These incidents are rare now because EVs are rare. If everyone were driving them it’d be a fireman’s nightmare due to simple statistics.

The replier who said CO2 is good for electrical fires is wrong since these fires are more like solid fuel rocket engines – the fuel and oxidizer are both intimately mixed together, separated only by a thin polymer barrier. Once heat breaks down the polymer literally nothing will stop the fire since you cannot separate the fuel from the oxidizer.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 3, 2021 8:09 am


October 3, 2021 at 7:38 am

Lyle Shelton would like to see Dom Perrottet as NSW premier

Had a bottle of Dom Perrottet 1996 last night.

October 3, 2021 8:15 am

Had a bottle of Dom Perrottet 1996 last night.

Remember that glorious day with Grigs the sommelier tried to tell the Old Cat that he was drinking non vintage Dom?

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2021 8:18 am

So the NZ “Sportwoman of the Year” is a man.

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

October 3, 2021 8:19 am

Finally found the Soy Face of his.

Anyway, strong men are doormats who don’t want a family and try to make their wife the next Hillary Clinton.

October 3, 2021 8:23 am

I love daylight savings.
NSW should remain on this time permanently.

October 3, 2021 8:23 am

Funny how that feminist bloke looks like he has huge arms then you notice his hand size and he fits in a very skinny suit and has shoulders as narrow as a brown snake.

October 3, 2021 8:28 am

Sorry to start the day off with bad news:

Nuclear Armed Iran More Dangerous Than North Korea

The Iranian regime is nearing an atomic milestone in acquiring nuclear weapons. In the meantime, the Biden administration does not seem to have a clear agenda to prevent the mullahs from going nuclear. Even the New York Times reported that the Islamic Republic is “within roughly a month of having enough material to fuel a single nuclear weapon”.

Ever since the Biden administration assumed office, the Iranian regime has been accelerating its enrichment of uranium to “near weapons grade”. As the International Atomic Energy Agency pointed out:

“Since 23 February 2021 the Agency’s verification and monitoring activities have been seriously undermined as a result of Iran’s decision to stop the implementation of its nuclear-related commitments”.

October 3, 2021 8:29 am

It looks like The Many Saints of Newark is an abomination.
Most Sopranos fans are panning it this weekend in the US.

Damn. If that’s true, you know what this means.

Let there be no mistake.

No more of this butchie.

The mixing of the sacred and the propane.

October 3, 2021 8:32 am

I love daylight savings.
NSW should remain on this time permanently.

Fine, but we need to quarantine the clock bothering virus so it doesn’t make it to Queensland.

October 3, 2021 8:33 am

Just another bizarre allegation manufactured out of whole cloth.

October 3, 2021 8:35 am
Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 3, 2021 8:35 am

‘bern, are you suggesting my Dom Perrottet 1996 is a knock-off?
I also remember Googlery saying how much he was enjoying some red wine or other at only $29 a bottle.
Only to be told it is $15 in Dan Murphy’s.

October 3, 2021 8:35 am

Dot, for a long time my view has been that The Sopranos was the bookend to the genre.

Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
October 3, 2021 8:36 am

Dont’t know if this has been put up previously apologies if it has:

October 3, 2021 8:39 am

The Bee

Satire is hard when reality is so crazy.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2021 8:45 am

“Dom Perrottet “

Perrottet will likely be useless however I wouldn’t mind seeing him get up as leader just to annoy the anti-Catholic maggoty activists that infest Twitter…..all because Dom is a devout Catholic and happily married with six (?) children.

Speaking of maggots, I’m suddenly reminded of someone. I await a Grace Tame announcement on Perrottet however Tame would be well advised to choose her words carefully when tweeting about Perrottet and his family.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2021 8:46 am

So the NZ “Sportwoman of the Year” is a man.
I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

The sportsperson concerned probably feels the exactly same way:

Transgender athlete Laurel Hubbard says she wants to ‘descend into graceful obscurity’ after finishing LAST in the women’s weightlifting at the Tokyo Olympics

The 43-year-old, who transitioned in 2012, bombed out on Monday after failing to register a single valid snatch lift.

‘I’m looking forward to my career as a pub quiz question or a trivial pursuit card,’ she told a roomful of reporters last night.

So, probably not fair to mock her/him. More a case of wondering why the farkingfark the University of Otago gets to nominate the winner.

(Valerie Adams was unavailable for comment.)

October 3, 2021 8:52 am

Is Tame the new Battie? I call them media anti heros. So so many of our social and economic problems are thanks to the lying, propagandizing, marxist media.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2021 8:56 am

“So, probably not fair to mock her/him. “

There’s no “her” in Laurel Hubbard. Laurel Hubbard is a HE. An adult human male. And my sympathy lies with the women who missed out on a place in the NZ Olympic team because the woke selectors chose a man pretending to be a woman over biological women. It’s a disgrace.

Cassie of Sydney
October 3, 2021 8:57 am

October 3, 2021 at 8:52 am
Is Tame the new Battie? I call them media anti heros. So so many of our social and economic problems are thanks to the lying, propagandizing, marxist media.”

I think Tame is worse than Battie.

October 3, 2021 9:00 am

The ABC was quick to point out that Perrottet and Stokes, the Anglican father of three, both voted against the abortion legislation.

Both men are bad, very bad.

October 3, 2021 9:00 am

Indolent says:
October 2, 2021 at 10:11 pm
Our future if we don’t stand up.

New Forced Control: NYU Langone and other Hospitals in New York and Long Island are Forcing that if the Parent is not VAXXED they will not release Babies From NICU to Parents or after birth as per CDC Guidelines. You Need to Show VAX-Passport to see your own New Born Baby.

I think we can all now agree that there is no end to this evil. There is no way to placate this monster.

Just catching up a bit before I have to go out. Just wanted to repost this from Indolent last night.

It warrants some morning prominence. If true, this is absolute bastadry.

October 3, 2021 9:01 am

My French friends are sending me this:

(Marche Australie!)

October 3, 2021 9:02 am

jupes says:
October 3, 2021 at 1:55 am

Oddly enough, last September Xxxxx wasn’t accepting watches for servicing because of the Maximum Leader’s ChiComPox lockdown.
This September – FU Dan.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2021 9:03 am

And my sympathy lies with the women who missed out on a place in the NZ Olympic team because the woke selectors chose a man pretending to be a woman over biological women. It’s a disgrace.

Yes it certainly is.
And a kick in the balls for women everywhere.

October 3, 2021 9:04 am

Most Sopranos fans are panning it this weekend in the US.

Yep, 2 thumbs down.

October 3, 2021 9:05 am

This is so true for much of the world:

comment image?w=612&ssl=1

October 3, 2021 9:12 am

It’s worth remembering the leaked papers from the early years of the bLIAR bomb dropper filth administration- ‘rub the rights nose in diversity’. That’s what this trans poison is all about. Make normal believe say they believe something absurd.

October 3, 2021 9:13 am

The bLIAR war criminal, bomb dropper filth administration I meant.

October 3, 2021 9:14 am

Remember the three amigos- bLIAR, hoWARd and Dubya.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 3, 2021 9:16 am

Another Stan Grant tour de force:

Macron’s submarine spat is a reminder of why Australia ought to be getting closer to France, not alienating it

France led Europe in devising an Indo-Pacific strategy. Until recently, the EU had no plan for the region. Remarkable when you consider how our neighbourhood will determine peace and prosperity for the 21st century. Now, the 27 EU foreign ministers have signed on to a security blueprint.

The EU is cautious. There is no talk, though, of confronting or containing China. Where the US names China as a “strategic rival”, European nations prefer the word “inclusivity”. They want to incorporate China — it is all about cooperation.

So Stan would prefer us to depend on a submarine supplier with an overarching national strategy of ‘inclusivity’ and ‘cooperation’ with China. Because “The EU has a lot at stake; China has surpassed the US as the European bloc’s biggest trade partner.

To lesser intellects that would be a signal to run away, run away.

October 3, 2021 9:18 am

Wow, Cooper Cronk is calling for a Panthers blowout tonight.
He’s one of the genuine good footy brains.
I wonder if Channel Nein will have Andrew Johns in the commentary box or will they restrict him to 30 second grabs at half time.
Tonight will be the fourth time this year I’ve watched FTA tv (but I fell asleep during origin 3, so really only 3 & and half).

  1. Likely German Chancellor Rejects Trump, Alleges Election Interference just another eurotrash pollimuppet

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x