Kid Rock was playing golf with President Trump in Florida on Sunday and Elon Musk showed up with his mum…
Kid Rock was playing golf with President Trump in Florida on Sunday and Elon Musk showed up with his mum…
Hahaha (Not in a bad way) I’ve stopped doing it for anything BOM has at a Cat 2 or below.…
Bruce O’Nuke: Prime Minister Anthony Albanese says he is open to Australia sending peacekeeping troops to Ukraine in a bid…
Dopey activist judge walked straight into that one. Rat goes for cheese…slammo!
He reacts to the moment without thinking of consequences. This is not a good quality in a national leader -…
Victor Tothsays:
October 22, 2021 at 9:07 pm
Now that we know that virology is more controlled junk science, it’s time to look at the failed logic of what the priesthood was trying to tell us.
Hello again Graeme, persistent, aren’t you?
Wasn’t there supposed to be some sort of announcement today in NSW? It must have been a real doozy if it doesn’t even rate a mention here.
I’ve been listening to a great interview on Discernable the last hour with Prof Nickolai Petrovsky, Prof of Medicine at Flinders. He’s behind the development of COVAX-19, a traditional protein-based COVID vaccine that is being rolled out in Iran as we speak. Likely no chance we’ll see it here because they compete with CSL and the latter’s connection to the Dept of Health is long-standing. He had a lot to say about adverse events and their systematic downplaying, vaccine mandates, among other things. What he said about viral vector vaccines was interesting because it explains why production of AZ will cease in November. He said that the body becomes immune to the viral vector and this makes viral vector boosters useless.
Anyway. “Sliante” to all on the Cat. Memsahib’s out of day surgery at the local hospital, with an almost clean bill of health . The condition that stated it all – misdiagnosed three times, FFS – is almost eradicated after being prescribed the correct medication……..
Your reply:
I put in a clarification:
The bet – One clarification and one non negotiable demand:
1. “Anyone care to bet on the growth * in the Western World economy halving in the next 6 months and the inflation rate doubling?
Measured by G7 & inclusion of Australia, India and South Korea.
*Insert growth rate as a clarification, which is inferred if not explicitly stated.
2. You stop calling me childish names -this is serious business.
3. The bet is for the usual – $1. (Thanks Trading Places.)
Tell you what – I’ll even remove the “stop calling me childish names” because you’re obviously incapable of reaching an adult level of interaction.
Nowhere did you put an amount of money on the wager.
So I did. $1.
Fuck off, Bird.
Okay, but why wouldn’t that principle also apply to flu boosters? These days they recommend booster shots for the flu a few months after.
I’ve been listening to a great interview on Discernable the last hour with Prof Nickolai Petrovsky, Prof of Medicine at Flinders.
Dover, I caught the end of it, why is there this ongoing obsession that you need to “do” something about pandemics? This fucking thing has killed less than the 2017 flu and yet how many has the “doing” killed?
When these motherfuckers can produce a vaccine that performs as advertised then I will listen, for the moment they’re no better than fucking snake oil salesman.
Turtle Head you were quite okay with those making racist slurs against me . In fact you joined them in pile on attempts, you clown. When the posse was destroyed you then threatened Sinclair with legal action because it was being mean to you , you ridiculous clown.
You made an assertion about the economies, offered a bet, which I took up and you came back wanting to bet a dollar. You subsequently raised that to 2 dollars. In other words you’re a joke.. a buffoon.
For wanting to make bet, you’re calling me lying piece of shit.
You shouldn’t just disgust me, but everyone else here who’s halfway normal.
In these very troubled times, peoples, we need some loud and unrepentant Rock ‘n’ Roll, I tells ya! 🙂
“Your freedom don’t come cheap
I’m bartering hard with no room to give
Living my life as if my head ain’t a complete sieve“
I think “booster” is the wrong word in some respects, because the flu vax each year is an amalgam of the 3, 4 or 5 most likely candidates, and it differs each year.
I don’t know how long it’s protective qualities last. Maybe months, maybe a year.
A moot point because in a temperate climate, flu is mostly a winter thing.
I patched enough Figure 11s between range shoot serials to agree with you wholehertedly on this.
Rolls and rolls of Orange and Black sticky dots…
And lo, he disappeareth.
My compliments to Dover on a deft and timely smiting…
Just call me Sanford, Sanchez, Sandman, whatever.
I really don’t care.
I’m not upset.
Really, I’m not.
And that is how it is done.
Let me spell out how clever the “awful shot” line was.
Was there any point in the prosecution further pressing why the chap closest to danger was unarmed?
All the jury and public remember is that line.
Perfectly dropped at the perfect time.
I was advised of a flu booster shot in June after having the first shot around April. The booster for both the flu and Covid would broadly be working the same way in terms of offering stronger immunity as it’s waning and perhaps offer defense against variants.
What are you saying?
Bruce of Newcastle says: Zeroes were a match for just about anything until the Mustang.
Hmm….dunno about that Bruce.
I’d rather be flying in a Hurricane or a P-40 Kittyhawk in the Pacific against the Zero.
Either would get you home when damaged as opposed to the Zero which could be pretty frail. Also no armour or self-sealing tanks.
In a dogfight the Zero would win. The trick was not to get into such a fight. Get up high; swoop on the bombers; zoom and have another go, and then bugger off before the Zeroes could catch you.
err, people, it’s a Friday night – cerebral concepts do not need to be discoursed about. However, these do:
– Rock ‘n’ Roll
– Hyperfemmes
– The need for a long overdue administration of good ol’ HOP Time™ 🙂
Yes Sancho, I have used the same.
Ramset ones are very loud. They have different colour paint dots for different power applications.
Was it a booster?
That is, a repeat of the original dose?
Or was it a different vax?
When all this stuff started, I looked up my vax record on Medicare.
It’s a different one each year, aimed at the flu strains they think might be prevalent.
Maybe they got word that they backed the wrong horse in April and put together a new shot in June.
My doc is normally hot to trot on the flu vax, but he hasn’t mentioned a second one.
Maybe the second one was full of nano wriggler reinforcements.
I don’t know. They call it a booster and the doc once told me it was needed because the first shot loses potency pretty quickly.
Nothing wrong with a good dose of the flu.
WA police officer ‘not guilty’ of killing Aboriginal woman Ms Clarke
Why didn’t he shoot her in the leg?
Remember Biden at one of the debates?
Shoot ’em in the leg.
Oh yea.., my compliments.
When I’m not extra loudlee shouting at peoples, it’s time for some poor ol’ Kanye … 🙂
I will ask my doc next appointment.
I am keen to get as many vaccines into me as I can.
Even the one they give teenage girls to prevent ovarian cancer.
I want that one too.
Either your doctor is an utter genius or a complete idiot.
At around 6pm I walked from the office to where I park the car.
5 of the 6 bars I walked past were open & appeared to be heaving.
The one that wasn’t is a hole in the wall wine bar that might be brown bread.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
Except what most people call “the flu” is actually a cold or mild throat infection.
What if you test positive for COVID in Australia? What to do? Let’s call the government help line! They’ll know!
Why didn’t he shoot her in the leg?
Because she was dancing the welcome to country.
Claimed. Those deserving of it do not and will not escape the consequences of their inexcusable fascist grounding down of those of us who weren’t deemed to be in that special class, however the former might seek to redefine themselves.
We know who you are. 🙂
I’d rather be flying in a Hurricane or a P-40 Kittyhawk in the Pacific against the Zero.
F4F Hellcat would be my choice, simple to fly, built like a tank, plenty of firepower and could mix it with them on turn fight.
That’s the same Brandon that declared all you had to do to defend your home was “buy a shotgun.”
I reckon the doc has accidentally given him the wrong one in April (anthrax, diptheria, rabies, thrip, whatever) then given him the flu vax in June and called it a “booster”.
rickw says:
October 22, 2021 at 9:43 pm
Rick, there’s an interesting vid I referred to earlier tonight – for some reason I couldn’t put up the link. 8 top doctors & scientists talking about how to deal with the virus – early intervention is the key – ivermectin etc-
Why is that, Dot?
You walked past a bar?
That is very gay.
I wonder what would have happened if Trump had said, “Ivermectin is shit. I am going to ban it.”
I’m watching Diamonds are Forever.
Hey, young peoples – if you want to know everything about collectivism and the many, many evils it has visited on humanitee (and will continue to do so), then you only need to read Animal Farm and 1984.
Then pray that you don’t have to exist through those monstrous scenarios.
Is this about the bit where one of the girls called you the “Italian Stallion” and you strutted around here for a week like a rooster with it’s first erection crowing “Check this out girlies?”
That wasn’t racist – it was speciest.
I think it was the poor girl who was abused by her dad and was a psychological mess. Ellie?
I wasn’t the only one who noticed that.
Counterfactuals Squire, are wonderful, except that they will never exist.
Ivermectin has been demonised purely because Fattee Trump advocated it.
We are no better than the Aztecs, sacrificing virgins into a volcano.
Take your pills, Turtle Head and try to make sure she hasn’t gone to bed drunk like every night, according to you.
And seriously, just fuck off .
Too late.
Indo – young people have no idea what has hit them. They can still resist this fascist idiocy (BIRM)
Are they capable of doing so?
How common are three monthly booster shots for the flu?
Never heard of that before today.
Prof Petrovesky also said that the efficacy/safety numbers they gave from the clinical trials were inflated and that the number of participants used are simply unable to diagnose adverse events because not enough people are involved. If you have X occurring 1 in 30,000 and you enrol only 20,000 you aren’t going to capture that adverse event. Re efficacy, the difference between the active and placebo is tiny too, and you can’t say anything re hospitalization and death, merely infection.
I think we now know why medicare costs so much. It’s all these weirdos running to the doctor to get shots every three minutes.
Pol – your controversial views do not look like they’ve been vindicated, except when they do, Squire. 😕
My package that took 3 days to get from the US to Oz has now been at Sydney Airport for 3 weeks.
Great country we have here.
No he didn’t. As far as I’m aware, he never even mentioned it. It was HCQ which he advocated as, by the way, Fauci did way back in 2005 but, of course, that’s been memory holed.
However, as regards both HCQ and Ivermectin they had to be discredited by any and every means (including fake studies) to enable the experimental drugs they were pushing to get emergency approval. To get the money rolling and the worldwide population control reset started. Apart from anything else, how could they possibly have ginned up the necessary fear level if there were cheap and effective therapeutics available – which there were and still are. I think it was in 2019 – pre-Covid – that the Canadian couple who owned the largest HCQ manufacturing company were murder/suicided. What a coincidence. Nothing whatever to do with Trump, they simply used his comment to their ends and, of course, to abuse him as always.
What a song …
Heaven or Las Vegas
Trump said a many things we forgave but thought dumb nonetheless. Some of his SCOTUS picks for instance. His choice of A-Gs. And so on.
Oh yes. Exhbit A: The young bloke. Comes home from his job last night. A bit snuffly and weary.
‘I think I have influenza.’
Not looking up from the teev: ‘No you don’t.’
‘How can you tell?’
‘You are alive.’
interesting this has been known for quite a while
Progress and Prospects: Immune Responses to Viral Vectors. Mar 2010
Viral vectors are potent gene delivery platforms for treatment of genetic and acquired diseases. However, just as viruses have evolved to infect cells efficiently, the immune system has evolved to fight off what it perceives as invading pathogens. Therefore, innate immunity and antigen-specific adaptive immune responses against vector-derived antigens reduce the efficacy and stability of in vivo gene transfer.
Kelly Slater up thread (thanks DB).
What would really push some boundaries in that sub-group would be declaring it’s time to start culling sharks, especially great whites.
Look at this confrontation between Vic Stasi and business owner and his patrons.
COVID and Medical Ethics
Excellent article from American Thinker on what was discussed above, the deliberate effort to prevent timely and effective treatment of Covid.
“LET’S GO BRANDON!” Why Did Anti-Biden Viral Meme EXPLODE?!
Russell Brand
Just read the comments underneath. The scales have certainly fallen.
The French.
Very wrong people. Except on the odd (and very rare) occasion, when they aren’t 😕
‘Dr. Fauci May Have Committed Perjury’: AG Asked If Fauci Will Be Investigated For Lying To Congress
A Frenchman referring to an Englishman. 🙁
Lawmaker To Garland: ‘Will You Appoint A Special Counsel To Investigate Hunter Biden?’
‘Like Having The Fox Guard The Henhouse’: Gaetz Grills Garland On DOJ Hiring Former Activists
Good news for me.
Oil Prices Could Explode As U.S.’ Largest Storage Hub Nears Empty
JC will love the byline of the author.
The leading economics blog online covering financial issues, geopolitics and trading.
More Info
When they aren’t referring to English Roses as “Snobbish badlee dressed women who look like horses”.
Yet they wonder why most people on this planet regard them as arrogant insufferable pigs.
Sacre bleu, froggees, let’s have a contretemps … 🙂
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) ripped into a judicial nominee during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Wednesday.
I fart in their general direction.
Someone upthread mentioned “Alexa”.
Reminded me I must pay a few visits to get some Alexas to play horror movies theme songs from midnight on Halloween.
The scotch bonnets are coming along nicely to be put out as mini pumpkins.
American holidays. They can kiss my arse.
Sydney Tech in 1963 where I did the Day Matric was just around the corner in Harris Street. I used to often go to the small tech library to study and then walk home to my basement room in a seedy part of town. Before setting off I would call into the Orion Cafe (we called it the Onion) next to the pub on the corner and have my evening meal of their sausages, tomato, mashed potato, peas and two slices of bread and butter with a cup of tea – around two or three shillings. I liked the area. Used to work copywriting in an advertising agency in lower Sussex Street before that so was also familiar with Dixon Street but it was in another life to tech. I found the Malaya Restaurant early on, but my best memories are of going there with the thesis year honours class at SU for my u/grad degree in 1967.
In the days at tech in 1963, sometimes I’d pick up a Chinese meal from a hole-in-the-wall shop down at Circula Quay close by to where I lived and eat it when I got in – always the same, chicken, rice and tomato sauce with onions – always delicious. I made some good friends at the tech, but at around four or five years younger than me they all lived at home, so my weeknight evenings were often very lonely; I’d moved away from the advertising crowd by then. Weekends though, the Day Matric had parties and good times, not often, but fun. They put on a rip-roaring twenty-first birthday for me. Their card said ‘we were always told to respect our elders’. I hope you realise, I told them, that until I met youse lot I put my age up two years so anyone knowing me before would think I was now 23. They were mainly wayward North Shore and Eastern Suburbs kids from private schools having another go at the Leaving Certificate. More big homes and another world, just like the advertising crowd, but I had no pretending to do with them about being educated and sophisticated. They were all agape at my ‘independent living’ and impressed with some original artworks in my room which some previous friends had loaned to me.
Greece Bows to Beijing, Arrests Olympic Protesters
Not to mention the Crystal Palace Hotel, essentially a Malaya pre drinks. There were also a couple of gun shops if I recall rightly.
no, they’re all-in
She’ll carry on through it all and don’t stop … 🙂
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Someone get Lizzie somewhere she can write a travelogue stat.
There is a new thread.
Get there before the vaxxers spoil it with buyers remorse.
Mick Smith’s Gun Shop.
Historian Richard Raxworthy, noted for his skilled interviews with tradespeople, & author of (amongst other things) a book on John Bradfield* recorded this 50 minutes of interview with him.
For those who read faster than they listen, transcript of the interview is in .pdf form, 22 pages.
For those who have an interest in:
Gunshops, guns & politics of the gun trade.
History of Sydney/Australia (post war)
Charming Australiana & Australians in general.
I thoroughly recommend listening to this interview.
*The John Bradfield, of Sydney Harbour Bridge, Brisbane Storey Bridge, proponent of Bradfield scheme, & etc
Historian Richard Raxworthy is a subject almost as interesting as Mick Smith:
What was it about?
I couldn’t understand much. And what the Hell sort of uniform is that?
I mentioned several days ago that the supply issues affecting the West may be a deliberate ploy to force the US and Europe to continue to draw down their oil stocks to cripple the US economy.
So two questions to be answered:
1. Will/can the Canadians make up for the shortfall via the pipelines – and can the cancelled pipeline be built/filled quickly enough to make a difference?
2. Is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve able to fulfill the demand for fuel, and can it be drawn down quickly enough to make a difference?
3. According to the chart here, the Reserve is authorised to hold 727 million barrels, but is currently at 615 million barrels.
4. …aaand – our reserves of diesel are safely stored in the US.
Trump was cured of COVID by a treatment protocol based on Invermectin.
It’s probably safe to say he supports it.
Winston Smith says:
October 23, 2021 at 6:20 am
I missed that, not around often, but you may have your finger on it.
As to our reserve diesel is stored in the US?
That has to be a deliberate piss take by the government, nobody and I mean nobody, not even a politician can be that stupid as to call that a “strategic reserve” to be drawn upon in an emergency.
Why would he care about Virginia voters? Manchin is a Senator for the great state of West Virginia.
There are no state-wide votes scheduled for West Virginia this year.
That part of old Sydney stirred some memories last night for a lot of people, Arky.
Don’t be so Melbourne about it. 🙂
Healthcare Workers & Teachers Protest against mandates – 22.10.21
Oct 22, 2021
Real Rukshan
31.8K subscribers
A group of healthcare workers and teachers protested against mandatory vaccinations and job losses on the first day of eased restrictions and greater “freedoms” in Melbourne, Victoria.
FlyingPigs says:
October 23, 2021 at 4:25 am
Now that Australia is a proven fascist economy can we get the oligarch food dispensers to cook some decent chips???
Make your own Triple Cooked Chips & you’ll never buy chips again.
Fork pierce one side of a few decent sized spuds, zap ’em 5 minutes forked side down then another fork side up.
Meanwhile have the oven heating to top heat.
After zapping give ’em another 5 minutes in the oven, just enough to crisp the skin.
Get ’em out, cut in half to speed the cooling to a heat you can handle.
Meanwhile get the oil heated in a fryer or pot.
Peel the crispy skin off (or not; I like the skin fried quickly, separately), and cut into about 6 to chunky chips per spud.
Don’t over crowd, cook in smaller batches until literally golden brown.
The rough surface browns super crisp, with that crispy roast potato flavour, the inside is a fluffy delight.
Salt. Devour.
It’s sounds more fiddly than normal peeled & fried chips but isn’t.
Most of the work is done by the microwave & oven & the hands on work is quick & easy.