Open Thread-Mon 25 Oct 2021

Stratford Mill, John Constable, 1820

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October 27, 2021 8:20 am

Victorian residents are being discriminated against by the application of Victorian laws therefore they can sue in the High Court and the Prime Minister could support the case. Scott Morrison is not that man as he has proved by not supporting Palmer against McGowan. We will have to wait for a different leader and a different party.

Which case though? The border dispute or the mineralogy one? He was arguably discriminated against in both!

October 27, 2021 8:21 am

I’ve seen some things, man. Done some stuff.

Coffee snorted/sprayed.
Well done.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 8:22 am

KD – want to hear about the time I sat at the Bond Corporation board table?

Fair Shake
Fair Shake
October 27, 2021 8:24 am

Scomo missed another opportunity to corner Labor. His net zero plan should have included Nuclear power and present it at Glasgow. Then if Albo doesn’t support the plan you hang net zero around the labor party’s neck and drag them to the next election.

October 27, 2021 8:24 am

“Yeah I was in NY in mid 2001, can’t say too much, nudge nudge wink wink”.

October 27, 2021 8:25 am

“Think you’re doing it hard? Be thankful you’re not in Kabul!”

I’d take Kabul. No vax mandates there.

October 27, 2021 8:26 am

Moloch lives!

Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) Tweeted:
FDA Voting Member:

“We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”


Video HT @politicalwilli

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 8:28 am

We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.

My beagle’s dead.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 8:30 am

Which Cat is ScaredyCat?

I know DashCat, and FlashCat, and even FatCat.

October 27, 2021 8:30 am

I used to know a bloke who delivered a package once to AFP HQ. As he was walking in, Twiggy Forrest walked out.
I let His Highness the Lord Goff share a lift with me .. State Bank, Elizabeth Street, 1987 … swoons .. LOL!

October 27, 2021 8:31 am

Let’s get this right. There is no Morrison, there is no LNP, there is only Photios.
There is no politics, there is no ideology, there is only The Scam and the Photios cronies.
There is no media, there’s only the ABC and extorted taxpayer bribing of the herd media to demand the scam.
Of course there is no nuclear, cronies can’t scam nuclear.
There is no people, only minimum cost work units who should be forced into the Public Service.
The is no Labor, only union scammers who are in league with Photios scammers.
Photios wants his LNP to disappear. Democracy is time consuming.
The corruption is controlled at such a high level there can never be a revolution, only the little people fighting over scraps. The cronies see this situation as ideal.
Nothing else is relevant.
I hate them, but you have to admire them, East Germany won so easily and so quickly.

October 27, 2021 8:32 am

rickw, shouldn’t you be enjoying a sleep in?

Flat out on operation batten down hatches. 🙂

October 27, 2021 8:33 am

I’d take Kabul. No vax mandates there.

Plus I alway wanted a hummer and an M2!

October 27, 2021 8:37 am
H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 8:41 am

And I don’t even have to put my AK-47 in a gun safe. Just don’t use the tap water to wash your teeth.

October 27, 2021 8:49 am

CNN with pommy accents.

Thanks, Calli. Brilliant definition of the BBC.

October 27, 2021 8:50 am

Over reaction intended to signal the pack, while repeating the same bullshit you & the pack made up = the behaviour of a panicked person.
Dot says:
October 27, 2021 at 8:17 am
‘The thing that gets me, with all the ANTI-Science that’s been used to force experimental concoctions into vulnerable, powerless people, is that The Catholic Church used to be the great educator of the world, not in the least in the field of medicine, yet now when we needed Her the most, She sat schtum, let the anti-Christs run amok and then joined in selling The Spirit of Fear for The Children of The Father of The Lie, The First Murderer.’


Not only are you anti semetic fake Jew, you’re a know nothing anti Catholic zealot fake Catholic too.

Just fuck off with your Jack Chick evangelical Nazi bullshit.

So Dot, where were The Pope & His Bishops during all this Govt Closing of The Churches?

Not where the Amish & other Christians were, keeping their Faith in God First.

Simple fact is all the UN ‘World Council of Churches’ have bent the knee to Covid Madness.

People who NEED to sell ‘The Churches’ support for it, get super angry at Christian’s & others who fear God more than anything their religious hierarchy or any other man can do to them.

The world is not short of Catholics, Jews, Muslims etc. who chose to ignore their religious leaders cajoling into bowing to Govts Anti-Science.

Now you want people to believe they have no faith in God if they reject the wolves amongst them.

No wonder you all pine for your atheist Doom Lord.

October 27, 2021 8:50 am

How is this not tracking very close to the incitement path. Where’s the self appointed chief regulator, thought leader and “valued contributor”? Surely he’s not asleep at the wheel. Surely not.

DrBeauGan says:
October 26, 2021 at 4:21 pm

Executing those who have deliberately destroyed Australia for ideological reasons looks quite reasonable to me.

Not to go hard on folks…two idiots claiming a science background.
I suspect one has a family tradition of going around pissing on graves on weekends and this one is veering towards incitement. And you really need incitement during these charged up times, right? I left that other blog because of Bird’s bullshit like this.

October 27, 2021 8:51 am

There was a reduction in human generated CO2 in 2020 but it seems to have made no difference:

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 8:57 am

Of course there is no nuclear, cronies can’t scam nuclear.

This is a significant observation.

The introduction of nuclear energy into Australia would completely dispossess the subsidy farmers and oligarchs feasting on the Australian economy. A dark cloud would instantly fall over the future of renewables and hydrogen and batteries and pumped hydro – as well as gas and exotic infrastructure.

There would be no place at the table for AGL, Origin, Energy Australia, Snowy, FMG, Santos, and all the smaller players – or all the supporting service providers and enablers.

Gone. Relegated to watching through the window. The happy pipeline of Lo-risk hi-return projects squeezed. Easy share price growth banished. Uncertainty back in play.

It might be good for Australia. But the howls and fear mongering and political point scoring would be next level.

Scrotty can’t contemplate that.

October 27, 2021 8:59 am

Just fuck off SRR, you loon.

What are this week? Polish? Asian? Ukrainian? Worked for ASIO, but can’t say? Catholic? Jewish? Anti Semitic? A know nothing spewing bile about the church?

October 27, 2021 9:01 am

Good friend is a GP. His wife is the receptionist.
My missus has booked her stabbbing appointment there.
His wife and my wife chat most days on the phone.
However, the doctor’s wife wasn’t happy about being asked if they aspirate the shots.
Apparently everyone who actually wanted to get injected with useless crap have long since had it, and NOW the only people coming through the surgery doors are people who have been coerced, are very unhappy about it, and often taking it out on the staff there.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 9:01 am

There was a reduction in human generated CO2 in 2020 but it seems to have made no difference:

It is not enough to abstain from sin.

We must repent! Repent of our transgressions against sacred Gaia! We must smash machinery of convenience; our cars, our TVs, our electric lights, our medicines! We must grind into dust our fortresses that divide up Gaia’s surface; our houses, our fences, our nations! We must turn away from those who cloud our relationship with Gaia: our families, our friends, even ourselves that listen to ourselves!

Let us praise Gaia! Let us worship Gaia! Let us adorn Gaia!

October 27, 2021 9:02 am

by George Cardinal Pell
10 . 26 . 21

“Can the achievements of the modern West survive the eclipse of Christianity? A recent book argues that they cannot.

This book is useful because it wrestles with the consequences of the decline of Christianity outside the Church—the hearts and minds of the recently lapsed and the long-term pagans, atheists, or agnostics. This game is now on, most visibly with the woke activists, cancel culture, and perhaps more dangerously with radical individualism. Claims to personal autonomy, the assertion that ‘I am the source of all valid claims about what I should and should not do,’ damage the common good.

I believe that both democracy and religious freedom are at the heart of the good life. Philosophical discussion is indispensable for their survival, but democracy and religious freedom can only be defended by determined citizens who recognize the issues and have the political will to act. Christians everywhere in the West, with fellow religious believers, should be organizing now to prevent future encroachments on our freedom.”

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 9:04 am

As an experiment, enter ‘Ricardo Bosi’ first into Google, then into DuckDuckGo.

Remarkable display of The Algorithm at work.

October 27, 2021 9:06 am

The introduction of nuclear energy into Australia
Once you build nukes there is no need for the unicorn fart/sunbeam unreliable energy generation at all.

If you put in high temperature LFTRs you can also directly split water to hydrogen and oxygen if you want. Or build enough power capacity to desalinate water during times of low demand.

Unfortunately we won’t do this so will decline, slowly at first then quickly to the level of Argentina if we are lucky and Venezuela if we aren’t. Our governments will sit around bemoaning this and lamenting our “bad luck”.

October 27, 2021 9:08 am


You Tube personality Jon Tron dares to question Fauci.

Blue check mark trans fur suit baby fetishists (and “make pedo legal” trash like “Vaush”) tell him to go and kill himself.

Twitter really is a sewer.

“Question Dr Fauci or the current mandates? You must be racist, homophobic and a genuine anti-vaxxxxer! Go and kill yourself now, sweetie!”

October 27, 2021 9:13 am

This game is now on, most visibly with the woke activists, cancel culture, and perhaps more dangerously with radical individualism. Claims to personal autonomy, the assertion that ‘I am the source of all valid claims about what I should and should not do,’ damage the common good.

I would call that solipism. I think individuals should be treated as sovereign – you need to respect the autonomy of others.

Cancel culture, health mandates, etc certainly do not respect the autonomy of all individuals.

October 27, 2021 9:15 am

Maybe Christians could make a difference by attending only the unvaxxed liturgies.

That would be very much in keeping with the Good Samaritan choosing to not cross the road but instead identifying with the ritually unclean.

I think the question was and remains, who is my neighbour.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 9:19 am

All this talk reminds me of when I was working in Langley VA.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 9:20 am

Oh, I’ve said too much.
Dover can you please delete my comment about working in Langley.

John of Mel
John of Mel
October 27, 2021 9:22 am

Why else is Dan Andrews conceding ground if he’s not concerned about polling?

Could be for a few reasons, including:
1) To distract attention from his power grab (or to soften up the public) with the permanent pandemic laws.
2) To blame unvaxxed on the resulting rise in cases (which I’m sure they can organise if it doesn’t eventuate naturally) and use it as an excuse to push the jabs even harder (phrasing) and to justify pushing them on our kids.

Many reasons

October 27, 2021 9:23 am

If a citizen does not demand his rights, he is no longer a citizen. He becomes a slave.

– Bishop Wyszynski, Catholic Bishop of Poland imprisoned by the communists.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 9:25 am

Despite stronger promises, the world is set to overshoot climate targets, UN gap report finds


Particularly when the UN invents entirely new physics:

Global warming is close to linearly proportional to the total net amount of CO2 that has ever been emitted in the atmosphere as a result of human activities.

The Science has evolved and no longer needs to pretend .

October 27, 2021 9:25 am

Why else is Dan Andrews conceding ground

What has Andrews conceded exactly?

October 27, 2021 9:26 am

Letter to Physicians: Have You Checked Your 1947 Nuremberg Code Today?

Long letter by Patrick Byrne with some historical background, especially about the banality of evil.

An excerpt:

Look at the vials of the vaccine: they all say “EUA” on them. “Experimental Use Authorization”. You have been led to believe that they have since been authorized even with the “EUA” label, but this is not clearly the truth. In fact, the FDA’s letter on the matter is surprisingly opaque and poorly-drafted, and from my eye, that may have been done just to create ambiguity on this point.

Now look again at the opening of Principle #1 of the Nuremberg Code:

The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision

Nuremberg Code Principle #1
Given our understanding of the decaying short-term benefits of vaccination along with our total lack of understanding of long or even mid-term risks (and our fast-evolving understanding of the short-term risks), there is simply no chance in hell you can say that you are administering this vaccine to people who are properly informed. No one is properly informed (which is why the new results appearing about ADE are shocking to so many).

And you know that your patients are not making this decision voluntarily. People coming in now are people who are having their lives and livelihoods threatened. They are being coerced.

Which means it is not voluntary.

Which means you are participating in a medical experiment where the subjects are not truly informed of the risks and the subject’s involvement has been coerced. So you are violating the Nuremberg Code of 1947.

Which is a crime against humanity, Doctor.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 9:26 am

It is pleasing to see those beseeching us not to talk about Bosi are talking about Bosi.
I will assume it is a Trump 5D media manipulation masterstroke and play along by continuing to mention him.
Even bagging the shit out of him is good publicity, right?
You’re welcome, Ricardo.

October 27, 2021 9:28 am

There was a reduction in human generated CO2 in 2020 but it seems to have made no difference:

Of course there was a reduction, you genius. The industrialised world was locked up. If you’re an almarmist or for that matter someone who thinks co2 has zero impact, why wouldn’t you attribute the falloff as a consequence of the lockdown and therefore should be ignored because it’s temporary and will be made while later on?


October 27, 2021 9:29 am

Went to grab a coffee this morning, shop shut, my guess not to reopen.

Owner was unvaxxed and on the weekend had mentioned that she had already been shaken down by Dan’s goons.

Welcome to the vaccinated economy!

This country makes me want to puke.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 9:29 am

Riddle me this.
If a person believes in absolute individual sovereignty where no law has validity unless accepted collectively by “The People”, why is he running for the legislature?

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 9:33 am

The Chairman should be in awe of capitalism that there is still small businesses left to shut after all this time.

October 27, 2021 9:36 am

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth

If that’s okay with everybody else.

October 27, 2021 9:41 am

If significantly reducing human CO2 production has no measurable effect why are we trying to reduce human produced CO2?

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 27, 2021 9:42 am

Meanwhile in socialist nirvana Melbourne:

Climate activists have glued themselves to a bridge in Melbourne’s CBD, blocking peak hour traffic on a major road as the city emerges from lockdown.

At least five Extinction Rebellion ‘rebels’ glued themselves to Princes Bridge near Flinders Street train station on Wednesday morning.

Dozens of protesters were also in attendance about 7.30am holding signs, chanting and showing support to the activists glued to the road.

Specialist public order police were working to free the protesters and return traffic and trams to normal.

October 27, 2021 9:43 am

NOW the only people coming through the surgery doors are people who have been coerced, are very unhappy about it, and often taking it out on the staff there.

Yes. I noticed that the other day when I fronted up, bristling with anger and coerced-ness. You have to see the person behind the mask. So I demanded a jellybean from the harassed pharmacist for being good – it must have been his first laugh for the day as the joke was so lame.

Which concoction is your missus subjecting herself to? Mine was Moderna. Zero side affects…so far. Apart from still having the sh*ts at caving and being injected with it.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2021 9:45 am

“Apart from still having the sh*ts at caving and being injected with it.”

You’re not alone Calli.

October 27, 2021 9:46 am

Calli, Cassie – can you tell me what Andrews has conceded? I’ve looked up thread but can’t find what Cats were talking about.

John of Mel
John of Mel
October 27, 2021 9:47 am

Maybe Christians could make a difference by attending only the unvaxxed liturgies.

Only 20 people allowed for unvaxxed service and you still need to register before attending, I believe.
Plus many Christians are as fearful of WuFlu as the rest of the society. Another problem is “respecting authorities” goes very far without questioning the authorities. I have a feeling that Dietrich Bonhoeffer type character would be universally condemned in today’s church.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 9:48 am
October 27, 2021 9:49 am

Cassie, I’m angry with everyone at different levels of intensity. Top of the pops is our government (all levels, all stripes). And my family, particularly the Beloved who really got stuck in about risk and the like (thinly veiled because he wants to travel).

But, most of all, I’m angry at me.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2021 9:49 am

October 27, 2021 at 9:46 am
Calli, Cassie – can you tell me what Andrews has conceded? I’ve looked up thread but can’t find what Cats were talking about.”

I haven’t read the whole thread….so I’m not sure.

October 27, 2021 9:50 am

Eyrie says:
October 27, 2021 at 9:41 am
If significantly reducing human CO2 production has no measurable effect why are we trying to reduce human produced CO2?

That’s something entirely different to what you implying, Bill Nye.

The reduction in 2020 is both observable , explainable and likely temporary. No side of the co2 argument could make any hay from what occurred in 2020. Only an idiot would try yet you did and it’s embarrassing to even post it here.

October 27, 2021 9:52 am

Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth

That was always bullshit. 🙂

Always be escalating .

October 27, 2021 9:53 am

Gab, I haven’t followed closely, being in NSW.

However, I believe he’s “allowing” non vaxxed to enter all retail by 1 Dec. Previously, he had rumbled about vaxxed and unvaxxed economies, which seemed to me to prohibit the unvaxxed from shopping anywhere but essential stores.

This might be because NSW is relaxing requirements by that date. The ironing for me is that by then I’ll be fully glow-in-the-dark anyway.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 9:53 am

Betty probably doesn’t want to spend any more time with that Green Loon than she absolutely has to but he IS family.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 9:53 am

Apart from still having the sh*ts at caving and being injected with it.

Caving? Doubt it.
Remember the CalliTip.
You do whatever you find necessary.

October 27, 2021 9:55 am

Thanks, Calli.

Look at the upside. If there’s a power blackout, you’ll be the beacon of light!

October 27, 2021 9:56 am

I caved. My CalliTip was to do whatever was necessary to protect yourself.

That’s always going to be a balance between different factors, including sanity.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2021 9:56 am

“But, most of all, I’m angry at me.”

You shouldn’t be.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 9:57 am

For the benefit of the Sneakers hermit kingdom, is coffee regarded as “essential shopping”? I have my own answer but I am not a CHO.

October 27, 2021 9:57 am

This is what passes for a shocking incident in weimar America..
New book from ‘Íllarys laplady trying to gin up a few sales.
Then, after describing a Washington dinner attended by “a few senators and their aides” but not Clinton, Abedin writes: “I ended up walking out with one of the senators, and soon we stopped in front of his building and he invited me in for coffee. Once inside, he told me to make myself comfortable on the couch.”

She says the senator took off his blazer, rolled up his sleeves and made coffee while they continued to talk.

“Then, in an instant, it all changed. He plopped down to my right, put his left arm around my shoulder, and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, pressing me back on the sofa.

“I was so utterly shocked, I pushed him away. All I wanted was for the last 10 seconds to be erased.”

Abedin writes that the senator seemed surprised but apologized and said he had “misread” her “all this time”. As she considered how to leave “without this ending badly”, she writes, the senator asked if she wanted to stay.

“Then I said something only the twentysomething version of me would have come up with – ‘I am so sorry’ – and walked out, trying to appear as nonchalant as possible.”

Im sure the perp has been named and shamed…

Abedin does not name the senator or his party or give any other clues as to his identity.

Let me try, Democrat, Bill Clinton???

October 27, 2021 9:58 am

Good Tom’s Toons. But rowe is a weirdo, sick in the head, twisted and perverted. Speaking of which here is the latest of biden fondling kids:

And here is an old one which is barely watcheable:

Biden is a sick, twisted weirdo. Good on you all you fuckwits who did vote for this creep. And all those who support him.

October 27, 2021 10:00 am

October 27, 2021 at 9:56 am
I caved. My CalliTip was to do whatever was necessary to protect yourself.

That’s always going to be a balance between different factors, including sanity.

I haven’t caved yet! Have lots of sympathy for those who feel bad about caving in. No disrespect at all. All this will leave is millions of people (that’s right) with simmering resentment that will show up all over the place.

Cassie of Sydney
October 27, 2021 10:01 am

“Climate activists have glued themselves to a bridge in Melbourne’s CBD, blocking peak hour traffic on a major road as the city emerges from lockdown.”

Hmm…wonder what fines they’ll cop?

October 27, 2021 10:02 am

All this talk reminds me of when I was working in Langley VA.

Thanks, Sancho. Roared laughing.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
October 27, 2021 10:04 am

All this talk reminds me of when I was working in Langley VA.

You would have been exposed to classified material – you’ll have to destroy yourself.

October 27, 2021 10:07 am

But to just dismiss his statement, which was correct in every way

Oh. Was it now? What’s going to happen in four days, St. Ruth? Big Things? Very Big Things?

How would I know, ya bloody frooooot loooop?
Maybe something is, who knows.
But he’s right about the magistrate.
And you know it.

Riddle me this.
If a person believes in absolute individual sovereignty where no law has validity unless accepted collectively by “The People”, why is he running for the legislature?

Holy shit.
Democracy is law accepted collectively by the people.

October 27, 2021 10:07 am

How bugmen journalists measure government success:

The Courier Mail is aghast that the Palaszczuk government has only introduced 20 pieces of new legislation this year compared to an average of 50 annually since the start of the century.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
October 27, 2021 10:09 am

Alec Baldwin’s ‘Rust’ shooting being independently investigated by Gloria Allred: ‘Many unanswered questions’

The “Rust” movie shooting incident will be investigated by high-power attorney Gloria Allred’s firm, Allred, Maroko & Goldberg.

The famed lawyer confirmed to Fox News via email that she is representing Mamie Mitchell, a script supervisor for the film who placed the 911 call after a firearm was discharged.

The attorney concluded by explaining that Mitchell has been “traumatized”…

One unanswered question: Will there be enough in the Baldwin tin to pay for all this?

October 27, 2021 10:14 am

And I’ve mentioned many times that I worked for Pine Gap on these blogs, for years, and although I am not at liberty to tell you what I did there, I can assure you it wasn’t anything 007 like.

However there are different levels of security and it’s just routine to know of everyone’s sexual leanings and all sorts of invasive style questioning because only a moron would think people with something to hide can’t be manipulated and coerced.
What Bosi knows about pedos in high places is probably absolutely correct, but it’s bad politics to come out with that as he’s trying to establish himself. I gave him away when he did that.
However his points made regards the magistrate either being a traitor or an imbecile are spot on.

October 27, 2021 10:15 am

Specialist public order police were working to free the protesters

But not with rubber bullets and pepper spray I’m willing to wager.

October 27, 2021 10:16 am

According to the Dapto Dog Caller, infected unpricked NRL players would
infect pricked NRL players, bringing the league to its knees.
I didn’t listen long enough to find out what cataclysm would ensue if
infected pricked players infected uninfected players, pricked or otherwise.

October 27, 2021 10:17 am

Milligan has been nominated for a Walkley. Journos will give it to her as a F U to the great unwashed. Wanna bet Dan has been nominated for Aussie of the Year?

Hey girl! Hope you’re well, HzHousewife.

If he hasn’t been, someone is surely thinking of it…

October 27, 2021 10:19 am

What Bosi knows about pedos in high places is probably absolutely correct, but it’s bad politics to come out with that as he’s trying to establish himself.

I disagree. If you could prove your political opponents had all abused children and could be prosecuted for it with incontrovertible evidence, you are not only morally obligated to do something, you could be Caesar tomorrow.

October 27, 2021 10:20 am

probably absolutely


October 27, 2021 10:21 am

he invited me in for coffee

nothing like a wyminses pretending to be stupid

October 27, 2021 10:21 am

My submission.

Wish I had more time to spend on it.


The Digital Identity framework does not pass any reasonable cost-benefit analysis. Nor does the framework show any understanding of how e-commerce or digital currencies work.

-The PPSR is a white elephant, why won’t this be?
-Service providers have engaged in e-commerce for over two decades.
-Why can’t banks and shops collaborate to use QR codes? Why is government involvement necessary at all?
-How is one document or key, less vulnerable than many?
-We already have consumer protections.
-This system is not compatible with cryptocurrencies or crypto wallets which are arguably more secure.
-If I am buying something online, why do I need to prove who I am? Aren’t there laws already in place?
-If the idea is to prevent fraud, it will not prevent fraud. Not unless we make simple transactions more complex. Having one “key” or document is secure until that key is no longer secure.
-Would we ban people overseas gifting Australians with goods from Australian shops? If we are not, then we are not going to stop Australians from trying to get around this.
-Who has asked for this and if it is a business, how do they demand being taxpayer subsidised?

Legally, and from a human rights perspective, this proposal is flawed on its own and considering the confluence of increasingly more repressive laws in Australia.

The Bill is flawed. The below being used in good faith is contingent on those with political, bureaucratic and judicial power always acting with unquestionable morals. Unfortunately, angels do not govern us.

The proposed system is to be managed by the Oversight Authority. Sections 87 and 88 give the Oversight Authority complete control of the implementation of the system. Furthermore, section 89 provides that the Oversight Authority “is not subject to direction”.

Section 156 allows the Oversight Authority to delegate “all or any of the Oversight Authority’s powers” to members of the Australian Public Service. Section 153 protects the Oversight Authority and delegates against civil legal action for damages caused by the “good faith” implementation of the powers under the Act. No one in the private sector is immune to the consequences of their own incompetence like this. This belies the lack of understanding of cryptocurrencies noted before. This legislation has been drafted with minimal understanding of the private sector.

The phrase “is not subject to direction” may result in an unaccountable parallel government, like the National Cabinet and would only have limited Parliamentary oversight. Possibly, any Australian Public Servant can be made an officer of the Oversight Authority and have immunity to all actions.

This Bill cannot become Australia’s Enabling Act – for a parallel, unelected Government with no control by the citizenry. We cannot assume angelic politicians, public servants or judicial officers will save us. We are better off not having this law at all. It is too open to abuse.

The confluence of other laws contrary to Australia’s human rights obligations and common law heritage along with the Digital ID proposal is very worrying. The data retention laws have already been misused for trivial matters like dog registrations with local councils. There is currently a cybercrime Bill before Parliament that would allow law enforcement to change the online details of targets. Abuse of this power under the aegis of a Digital ID economy would possibly lead to people being unable to engage in basic retail sales. The cybercrime bill would only require a member of the AAT, not a judicial officer to issue an authorisation.

The Digital ID concept along with the cybercrime bill in the context of absolute liability offences is terrifying. There is essentially no recourse if these powers were abused to contrive a crime existing. Australia also has very weak protections against multiple prosecutions for the same offence. There is also a trend to weaken common law rights, such as civil penalties, trials not on indictment, ex officio indictment and trials for indictments heard summarily.

Furthermore, recent constitutional law cases have strengthened the position of the States and Commonwealth against the individual where the monopoly on commercial proofs of identity and abuses of the above laws effectively destroy the rule of law.

Specifically, the Pape case had the High Court surrender the legitimacy of any controversial decisions of the executive (as a “nationhood” power) to Parliament. This diminishes the claim at all that Westminster democracies operate as “crowned republics”. The nationhood power is loosely defined and politicians are want to find a sufficient villain or cause whenever necessary.

The recent cases lost by Clive Palmer potentially: 1. Limit the right of appeal (civil or criminal) against any government, contrary to the Kable cases. 2. Following the case of Wootton v Queensland (2012), delegated legislation in Australia is “untouchable” if the enabling legislation is found valid; which gives delegated legislation the potential to be abused. “States of emergency” have been demonstrated to be enough to lose the concept of proportionality. The concept of the delegated legislation not being validly made from the enabling legislation is almost an anachronism. Keep in mind the new “emergency powers” sought by the Victorian Government.

Specifically, the Palmer cases possibly allow the powers of the Oversight Authority to become absurd and near impossible to challenge.

The cases regarding Peter Spencer implicitly overturned precedent from the WWII era that prevented the States acting for the Commonwealth to derogate rights on behalf of the Commonwealth for a quid pro quo.

These cases and the overwhelming potential for abuse of the Digital ID outlined above are alarming. Australians should keep in mind the secretive nature of the “National Cabinet”, (and once again) the new emergency powers desired by the Victorian government and that our State Parliaments did not sit for months this year whilst the executives were making delegated legislation at pace.

Finally, reference to Hart v Commissioner of Taxation is noted, where rules of evidence and reasoning used successfully by the ATO would amount to fraud in normal commerce; made common law. Under such a circumstance and the prior arguments laid above, the Digital ID Bill should not be countenanced. Even if dishonesty by law enforcement (legal, illegal, authorised or unauthorised) can be proven regarding abuse of the Digital ID and cybercrime Bill, that is not sufficient under tax law to prove innocence, which is, anyway, contrary to the principles of our common law system is meant to be grounded on. Reiterating the point regarding absolute liability and the derogation of our rights in a criminal trial diminishing in recent decades, this Digital Identity Bill can only be described as dystopian.

The bill is an anathema to our human and common law rights. The potential for abuse on its own, and with the combination of other laws is great.

This Bill therefore potentially creates a “social credit” system like used in the oppressive People’s Republic of China.

It is un-Australian and it should be killed before it goes any further. It should never be raised in Parliament again.

October 27, 2021 10:21 am

From the link I posted earlier:
Greenhouse gas concentrations hit a new record high last year and increased at a faster rate than the annual average for the last decade despite a temporary reduction during pandemic lockdowns

For the comprehension challenged, there was a significant reduction in the rate of human produced greenhouse gas emissions because of reduced fossil fuel use in 2020 i.e humans emitted less *but* it made no difference to the rate of rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. It should have.

October 27, 2021 10:23 am

Magistrate is what dull Labor lawyers too introverted to run for parliament aspire to.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 10:32 am

And, just like that, shunted from jury service.
Prosecution objected.
Carrying my Windschuttle George Pell book with me everywhere might have had an impact.
I had a great address to the court prepared.
It was about The People.

October 27, 2021 10:32 am

But, most of all, I’m angry at me.

That’s what I’m most afraid of.
Regret is really the only thing worth fearing in this life. It’ll kill you a thousand times, by a million cuts, before you’re ever plant in the ground.

I swore, once upon a time, that I’d never again compromise myself, and do something I knew I’d regret. I’m trying really hard to live up to that oath, because I know what comes with other side (because the first one still haunts me).

October 27, 2021 10:34 am

One unanswered question: Will there be enough in the Baldwin tin to pay for all this?

The script editor’s suit will be small beer compared to that of the cinematographer’s family, which will include loss of future earnings.

October 27, 2021 10:34 am

Not reporting criminal behaviour for political reasons sounds like more like something
a Deep State swamp monster would do, not a self declared man of honour.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 10:37 am


October 27, 2021 at 10:02 am

All this talk reminds me of when I was working in Langley VA.

Thanks, Sancho. Roared laughing.

You laugh at my service defending the free world?
Which I can neither confirm nor deny.
I’ve already said too much.

October 27, 2021 10:40 am

For the comprehension challenged, there was a significant reduction in the rate of human produced greenhouse gas emissions because of reduced fossil fuel use in 2020 i.e humans emitted less *but* it made no difference to the rate of rise of CO2 in the atmosphere. It should have.

This was your first comment.

There was a reduction in human generated CO2 in 2020 but it seems to have made no difference:

… to which I responded to. I don’t bother going any of your links because they’re crap. Market link and zero hedge are now science journals.

It’s also noticeable you’ve changed your tune now, Bill.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 10:43 am

I let His Highness the Lord Goff share a lift with me .. State Bank, Elizabeth Street, 1987 … swoons .. LOL!

I shared a lift once with Sir Frank Packer in an advertising agency in 1962.
He was double-scarey, but he looked rather kindly upon me.

October 27, 2021 10:44 am

Okay submitting now, with a minor change:


The bill is an anathema to our human and common law rights. The potential for abuse on its own, and with the combination of other laws is simply too large to be acceptable.

October 27, 2021 10:48 am

October 27, 2021 at 10:21 am
My submission.

Wish I had more time to spend on it.

Excellent work Dot.

Dover could Dot’s submission be given a separate post?

October 27, 2021 10:52 am

WTF are you talking about head prefect?

Humans are not responsible for the increase in CO2 over the last 150 years. The fact that human emissions fell by 30% in 2020 without any effect on atmospheric concentrations or their rate of increase is merely the icing on the cake of this fact.

October 27, 2021 10:53 am

I disagree. If you could prove your political opponents had all abused children and could be prosecuted for it with incontrovertible evidence, you are not only morally obligated to do something, you could be Caesar tomorrow.

And then there is the real world……………………….

October 27, 2021 10:55 am

Okay submitting now, with a minor change:

But Dot, the only question is… you have standing?

October 27, 2021 10:55 am


Had to cut it down to < 1000 words.

October 27, 2021 10:58 am

Blaming the death of a 99 year old on the vaccine several months after he was vaccinated?
And let’s just ignore the tens of thousands of frail aged who died of or ‘with’ covid.
Ninety five year olds are allowed to die.

October 27, 2021 10:59 am

Final run.

Excellent work Dot.

No joke, I truly appreciate that.


The Digital Identity framework fails any reasonable cost-benefit analysis and an understanding of how e-commerce or digital currencies work.

-The PPSR is a white elephant, why won’t this be?
-Service providers have engaged in e-commerce for over two decades.
-Why can’t banks and shops collaborate to use QR codes?
-How is one document or key, less vulnerable than many?
-We already have consumer protections.
-This system is not compatible with cryptocurrencies or crypto wallets which are more secure.
-If I am buying something online, why do I need to prove who I am? Aren’t there laws already in place?
-It will not prevent fraud unless we make simple transactions more complex.
-Having one “key” or document is secure until that key is no longer secure.
-Would we ban people overseas gifting Australians with goods from Australian shops?
-Who has asked for this and how do they demand being taxpayer subsidised?

Legally, and from a human rights perspective, this proposal is flawed on its own and considering the confluence of increasingly more repressive laws in Australia.

The Bill is flawed. The below being used in good faith is contingent on those with political, bureaucratic and judicial power always acting with unquestionable morals.

Sections 87 and 88 give the Oversight Authority complete control of the implementation of the system. Section 89 provides that the Oversight Authority “is not subject to direction”.

Section 156 allows the Oversight Authority to delegate “all or any of the Oversight Authority’s powers” to members of the Australian Public Service. Section 153 protects the Oversight Authority and delegates against civil legal action for damages caused by the “good faith” implementation of the powers under the Act. No one in the private sector is immune to the consequences of their own incompetence like this.

The phrase “is not subject to direction” may result in an unaccountable parallel government, like the National Cabinet and would only have limited Parliamentary oversight. Possibly, any Australian Public Servant can be made an officer of the Oversight Authority and have immunity to all actions.

This Bill cannot become Australia’s Enabling Act – for a parallel, unelected Government with no control by the citizenry. We cannot assume angelic politicians, public servants or judicial officers will save us.

The confluence of other laws contrary to Australia’s human rights obligations and common law heritage along with the Digital ID proposal is very worrying. The data retention laws have already been misused for trivial matters like dog registrations with local councils. There is currently a cybercrime Bill before Parliament that would allow law enforcement to change the online details of targets. Abuse of this power under the aegis of a Digital ID economy would possibly lead to people being unable to engage in basic retail sales. The cybercrime bill would only require a member of the AAT, not a judicial officer to issue an authorisation.

The Digital ID concept along with the cybercrime bill in the context of absolute liability offences is terrifying. There is essentially no recourse if these powers were abused to contrive a crime existing. There is also a trend to weaken common law rights, such as the imposition of civil penalties, weak defences to being tried multiple times for the same crime, trials not on indictment, ex officio indictment and trials for indictments heard summarily.

Furthermore, recent constitutional law cases have strengthened the position of the States and Commonwealth against the individual where abuses of the above laws effectively destroy the rule of law.

Specifically, the Pape case had the High Court surrender the legitimacy of any controversial decisions of the executive (as a “nationhood” power) to Parliament. This diminishes the claim at all that Westminster democracies operate as “crowned republics”. The nationhood power is loosely defined and politicians are want to find a sufficient villain or cause whenever necessary.

The recent Palmer cases potentially: 1. Limit the right of appeal (civil or criminal) against any government, contrary to the Kable cases. 2. Following the case of Wootton v Queensland (2012), delegated legislation in Australia is “untouchable” if the enabling legislation is found valid; which gives delegated legislation the potential to be abused. “States of emergency” have been demonstrated to be enough to lose the concept of proportionality. The concept of the delegated legislation not being validly made from the enabling legislation is almost an anachronism. Keep in mind the new “emergency powers” sought by the Victorian Government. These cases possibly allow the powers of the Oversight Authority to become absurd and near impossible to challenge.

The cases regarding Peter Spencer implicitly overturned precedent from the WWII era that prevented the States acting for the Commonwealth to derogate rights on behalf of the Commonwealth for a quid pro quo.

These cases and the overwhelming potential for abuse of the Digital ID outlined above are alarming. Australians should keep in mind the secretive nature of the “National Cabinet”, the new emergency powers desired by the Victorian government and that our State Parliaments did not sit for months this year whilst the executives were making delegated legislation at pace.

Finally, reference to Hart v Commissioner of Taxation is noted, where rules of evidence and reasoning used successfully by the ATO would amount to fraud in normal commerce; were used to make common law. Under such a circumstance and the prior arguments laid above, the Digital ID Bill should not be countenanced. Reiterating the point regarding absolute liability and the derogation of our rights in a criminal trial diminishing in recent decades, this Digital Identity Bill can only be described as dystopian.

The Bill is an anathema to our human and common law rights. The potential for abuse on its own, and with the combination of other laws is simply too large to be acceptable.

This Bill therefore potentially creates a “social credit” system like used in the oppressive People’s Republic of China.

It is un-Australian and it should be killed before it goes any further. It should never be raised in Parliament again.

October 27, 2021 11:00 am

October 27, 2021 at 10:53 am
I disagree. If you could prove your political opponents had all abused children and could be prosecuted for it with incontrovertible evidence, you are not only morally obligated to do something, you could be Caesar tomorrow.

And then there is the real world……………………….

No. That is what would happen in the real world.

Bosi and you are engaging in a sick, paranoid fantasy.

October 27, 2021 11:03 am

Looks like the submission got through.

Oh shit, what’s that blackhawk helicopter doing here now!?

October 27, 2021 11:03 am


If humans are creating emissions isn’t that a positive contribution even if it’s not observable later on. Human emissions can be roughly estimated, right?

Let me try to explain it so even a lawyer would understand.

You have a jar of coins and it’s observed you threw another one in. Even though it’s not material , is it observable that you’ve thrown in the additional coin?

I think what you’re attempting to say is that human emissions have had no noticeable impact.

October 27, 2021 11:06 am

I had a great address to the court prepared.
It was about The People.

I didn’t realise you were at uni, Sancho. Is Demagoguery still a three-year undergrad degree or are you doing a PhD?

October 27, 2021 11:06 am


Humans are not responsible for the increase in CO2 over the last 150 years. The fact that human emissions fell by 30% in 2020 without any effect on atmospheric concentrations or their rate of increase is merely the icing on the cake of this fact.

Also, it’s not what our science guy suggested in his first stupid comment.

It took him two other goes to explain himself along with the cheap slur.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 11:06 am

Claims to personal autonomy, the assertion that ‘I am the source of all valid claims about what I should and should not do,’ damage the common good.

That is actually the weakness of ‘common good’.

That and the fact that ‘common good’ is an abstraction – there is no entity that corresponds to it – so it must be deciphered and interpreted by someone or ones. Ah, back to individuals again. Only this time it is individuals claiming to speak for others.

The anti-individualist dodge however works in this: While we would consider the right of the individual to be to take responsibility for one’s own decisions (right or wrong), the other side argues that individualists believe only an individual can be correct. Proceeding from this it is absurd that someone not trained in medicine will make better health decisions than someone else who is medically trained. Same for any other science, or mathematics, etc.* And therefore, if an individual is wrong but the consequence of their being wrong impacts other people who were not wrong then it is an injustice. So individualism promotes injustice.

Moreover, alcoholics will grant themselves permission to drink, gamblers will let themselves gamble, and smokers puff.


Sure people are entitled to say or think what they want, but they are not entitled to be wrong. You can have any colour you want as long as it’s black.

So, for medicine, science, mathematics, and then politics, society, culture, economics, history etc we need a band of experts. We need institutions. And they need coercive powers. For the common good.

As it is now, we have all manner of people weighing in on matters like AGW, even though most of them have never scratched about a dried river bed looking for ancient mammal fossils. People who think they know socialism will fail even though they have never even seen the inside of a political science tutorial room.

And all this from the simple substitution: ‘Individualists believe they are always right’ instead of ‘Individualists believe they should have personal responsibility’. It is a strawman.

So what makes individualism better? Speaking for myself I can more easily live with my own errors than errors that others have forced me to. I learn from the former. I grow stronger. I adapt. The soul of someone content to live according to others’ rules paying the price for their error must be like being abandoned on top of a mountain where the air is tenuous, the ground treacherous, the winds bitter, nowhere to retreat to, nowhere to go to, isolated and forgotten. And knowing that the only future will be painful, terrifying, and drawn out. And no one is listening, and no one will ever know.

Individualism means I look for information from more than one source and make sense of it. I listen to others. I learn from their lessons and I impart mine. I am witness to countless decisions and choices by other individuals, all of them information. Lifetimes of experience beyond mine. I can calibrate my decisions. While the elites in the institutions might decree some course of action spanning a decade, applying to millions, and costing billions, it is remarkable how rarely they work. Individuals don’t think that way. The smaller steps they take are the secret to success. At each step my circumstances can inform a more effective modification of plan or even goal.

The one I can live with.

Huh, and all that rant started from just first sneering at ‘Da Komon Gud’.

*This is all particularly risible considering the entire point of PoMo is that everyone has their own truths and their own reality which must not be infringed upon. They don’t actually believe this because they have absolutely no doubt as to their right to impose their beliefs on others.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
October 27, 2021 11:07 am

Blaming the death of a 99 year old on the vaccine several months after he was vaccinated?
And let’s just ignore the tens of thousands of frail aged who died of or ‘with’ covid.

But they aren’t ignored. Every single one of them is recorded in the covid death stats.
That’s the point – stats for deaths “from” covid and stats for deaths “from” the vaxxes should be compiled on the basis of criteria that are as nearly the same as practicable.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 11:07 am

What Bosi knows about pedos in high places is probably absolutely correct, but it’s bad politics to come out with that as he’s trying to establish himself. I gave him away when he did that.

Does Bosi get pineapple on his Comet Pizza? We The People have a right to know.

October 27, 2021 11:10 am

Common good includes the freedom of conscience of the individual. Otherwise there is no freedom and therefore no ”common good”.

Change my mind.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 11:10 am

From Top Ender’s link:

Dozens of protesters were also in attendance about 7.30am holding signs, chanting and showing support to the activists glued to the road.

Specialist public order police were working to free the protesters and return traffic and trams to normal.

Using automatic pepperballing via lookalike M4s, along with baton rounds and OC foam in party packs, I trust. They’re the same public order jacks from a few weeks back.

If not, why not?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 11:15 am

St. Ruth, apropos of the four-day countdown:

How would I know, ya bloody frooooot loooop?
Maybe something is, who knows.

You will hear rumours. Some will be true, others not.

But he’s right about the magistrate.
And you know it.

Which bits? The secret oaths bit, the six days to repent bit or the bit about how the magistrate will submit to him along with the millions of Australians?

October 27, 2021 11:16 am
October 27, 2021 11:18 am

JC, the easy, facile answer to “CO2 content in the atmosphere is rising since the industrial revolution” is that it is caused only by human burning of fossil fuels. Then the assumption has been made that this is bad because it will cause significant average temperature rise of the Earth’s surface, sea level rise, ice all melts, cats and dogs living together etc, etc etc. It is then assumed that humans should reduce CO2 emissions by reducing and/or ceasing to burn fossil fuels (effectively they want to ban fire, a key human technology).
However, CO2 concentration in the atmosphere has varied widely in the past as has been driven at least in large part by temperature change, not the other way around and in 2020 we’ve run the experiment of significantly reducing fossil fuel burning and found that atmospheric CO2 didn’t even blip. In science history this is a “that’s funny” moment and would merit deeper investigation of other hypotheses for the rise.
If indeed human CO2 emissions make little to no difference then there is no need to upend our technological civilisation and destroy our existing infrastructure in pursuit of a pointless goal.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 11:21 am

Thanks for your good wishes regarding my health last nite, Zulu. As you know with your own wife’s diagnostic issues, the pathway to a correct diagnosis is not always straightforward, but I have to work at it now getting ultrasounds etc so that we can travel without worries next year. I have had two very painful weeks, antibiotics help, but there may be more to the story. Last nite I hit the Palexia IR, ‘controlled drug’ opioids given to me when I left hospital in May, and totally untouched until I woke at dawn today in agony. Hairy jumping around in extreme concern, I’m seeing docs again tomorrow.

Panadol Plus, quite a find, which has a massive hit of caffeine, seems to work well this mid-morning though and I’m on the mend sufficient to sit and read. They say once past 75 it’s a constant battle to keep active and well, and I second that; most of my current problems seem to stem from peritonitis as a child, and various abdominal operations, with proliferating adhesions caused. Now we can leave Australia (at last!) we are heartened once more to stay on the let’s-go-in-March side of the ledger for the Panama Cruise. We’ve been shilly-shallying on that, and probably will continue to do so depending on current Aussie politics.

By the way, the IPA have a Glasgow Daily Newsletter from correspondent Gideon Rosner, which you can subscribe to. It will provide info on this gabfest that you won’t get on the MSM.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 11:22 am


And I’ve mentioned many times that I worked for Pine Gap on these blogs, for years, and although I am not at liberty to tell you what I did there

St. Ruth. All sorts of local Alice Springs muppets ‘worked at Pine Gap’. They still do.

This is not striking, nor impressive – except, of course, if you were one of the alien wranglers doing the run to Wycliffe Well and back. Those blokes are well hard.

October 27, 2021 11:26 am

Avi on Viva.
Live streaming now.
No doubt the replay will be up later today.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
October 27, 2021 11:26 am

Climate activists have glued themselves to a bridge in Melbourne’s CBD, blocking peak hour traffic on a major road as the city emerges from lockdown.

At least five Extinction Rebellion ‘rebels’ glued themselves to Princes Bridge near Flinders Street train station on Wednesday morning.

Dozens of protesters were also in attendance about 7.30am holding signs, chanting and showing support to the activists glued to the road.

Tim Blair:

Your Taxes at Work Stopping Other People Working

Extinction Rebellion gluebacks, including an ABC staffer, were celebrated in court as “good citizens” last week for pointlessly blocking Melbourne traffic.

Victoria is an absolute garbage state:

An ABC producer and five other “good citizens” have avoided convictions for obstructing traffic after gluing themselves to a busy Melbourne CBD road during a climate protest, a court has heard.

Gardening Australia field producer Rachel Coffey was among five protesters who were arrested and charged after gluing their bodies to the intersection of Flinders and Swanson St on March 25.

Ms Coffey, education consultant Rosemary Gooch, chair of the Women’s Mental Health Alliance Mischa Barr, Roberta Lynn Atkinson, Bronwyn Plarre and Manu Urruty Weisfelt said they shared a common goal of highlighting the “drastic need for action on climate change”.

They seem unaware that causing traffic jams increases carbon dioxide emissions.

The ABC was contacted for comment but did not respond to questions on whether any action would be taken against Ms Coffey.

It’s a tough call. Promotion, pay rise, or both?

Prosecuting Sergeant Eva Semertzidis told the court the women were charged over the “excessive use of the highway” which forced police to stop trams, buses and cars from going about their normal business …

She said it took police more than an hour to remove the women safely from the road which required deployment of “significant” resources including Ambulance Victoria.

Those resources cost money. Lots of money. But Rachel Coffey and her friends were ordered only to “donate $100 to the court fund – a charitable endeavour which distributes money to welfare organisations”.

Worse was to come:

Handing down the notice, magistrate Pauline Spencer said it was in the public interest that these “good citizens” did not have convictions recorded against them.

“Bearing in mind these are good citizens giving their time to the community in terms of their activism,” she said.

They gave their time by wasting everybody else’s. Very generous of them.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 11:27 am

What Bosi knows about pedos in high places is probably absolutely correct, but it’s bad politics to come out with that as he’s trying to establish himself.

You know that failing to report child abuse is a crime in itself, right?
Are you accusing him of concealing knowledge of a crime to further his career?
My theory is that he is a blustering Faulty looking for a political gravy train career.

H B Bear
H B Bear
October 27, 2021 11:33 am

The CIA were interrogating aliens at Pine Gap? So Jo Vallentine was right.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 11:33 am

I just saw something hilarious in a company email.

It was the usual guff – the company praising itself on ruinables and some other stuff. Might have included molesting goats. Maybe not. Nothing much surprises me any more.

Or so I thought.

There was a paragraph about building STEAM talent.

I thought it might have been a typo. WTF is STEAM. STEM, surely. STEM talent for an engineering firm.


This acronym (I believe it really is one, not just an initialism) stands for:

“Science. Technology. Engineering. Arts. Mathematics.”

Considering the hunchbacked, bandy-legged, botched and coarse-skinned changeling the arts have become – vestiges of literature reduced to a checklist of social issues and sculpture a crucifix in a jar of urine, overgrown by random eruptions like Marxist philosophy, poli-sci, queer studies etc, be prepared for some real bizarre engineering in the future.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 11:34 am

blotched, not botched.

Entire point ruined.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
October 27, 2021 11:37 am

I have been a bit busy but has Scummo come out publicly and denounced what Dan XiMan is doing in Victoria?

If he hasn’t, then he must support it.

If this is the case, Dan XiMan is doing to Victoria what is planned for the rest of Australia, state by state.

Can someone convince me otherwise please?

October 27, 2021 11:37 am

Blaming the death of a 99 year old on the vaccine several months after he was vaccinated?
And let’s just ignore the tens of thousands of frail aged who died of or ‘with’ covid.
Ninety five year olds are allowed to die.

Literally the exact opposite of what you were saying last year when you were smugly virtue signalling and blackmailing everyone crying out about being locked up, about not caring if your ‘mum’ lived or died.

Are you even real? Or are you a sockpuppet troll? Honestly, what difference is there between you and m0nty? More slippery than an eel.

October 27, 2021 11:39 am
October 27, 2021 11:41 am


Social work, teaching, english, anthropology, liberal arts.

October 27, 2021 11:43 am

Extinction Rebellion gluebacks

Gerald Broiflofski was right about the gluebacks.

October 27, 2021 11:44 am

If only you were as hard on the globalist traitors as you are on Bosi.

Frank, are you aware that in a communist country, reporting the criminal elites as pedos to other criminal elites might not get you anywhere?
Are you aware that most Australian people still think this is about a virus?
So as I stated, in the real world scenario, you need a little bit of power before exposing them would do any good.
He could prove Scomo fucks goats and whaddaya think would happen.
Think you’d hear about it?
We might here, but no one else will and he kills off any chance of attracting votes from the morons like yourself, so he then can win an election and actually do something about the pedo stuff.
He’s relegated himself to nut job in the eyes of the denialists, which seems to be a majority of this dumb , naive, nation.
As a war tactic, I’d have hoped an SAS officer would be more switched on.

“It’s a crime not to report it”………………..a denialist’s mind of delusion.
Who are you going to report it to?
Whaddaya think would happen?
But he is right about this.
The Magistrate is either a traitor or an imbecile.
That can’t be argued.

So quite simply, he lost me.

October 27, 2021 11:44 am

has Scummo come out publicly and denounced what Dan XiMan is doing

Of course not. If anything, he’s jealous.

October 27, 2021 11:45 am

It’s still a democracy

Not it isn’t. Not when the government is breaking every rule on the statute books and getting away with it and making arbitrary decisions about our lives with no redress. When our Constitution clearly states that Australia is one country with no internal borders and we shut up like cattle at their whim. That is not a democracy.

October 27, 2021 11:48 am

I mention Pine Gap because of the strict security clearances to work there and that they go right into sexual histories and preferences, amongst other things, because it’s obvious someone who has something to hide can be easily blackmail and coerced, obviously.
So with government corruption it is not a far stretch to consider he is probably onto something.
Especially as we have all seen over the years the leniency of courts toward such behaviour.

October 27, 2021 11:49 am

Interesting that the BBC has been caught faking Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit blog posts.

Steve McIntyre is the wrong person to have a stoush with. A bulldog is ever there was one and a brilliant one at that.

October 27, 2021 11:50 am

The Common Good
Catechism of the Catholic Church

October 27, 2021 11:50 am

Only Chinese spectators will be present/Why are the more strict measures than the Tokyo Olympics?
From February 4th to 20th, 2022, Beijing will host the 24th Winter Olympic Games. It will be the first city to have held both the Summer and Winter Olympics. On October 20th, the Olympic Torch arrived in Beijing, starting the countdown to the Winter Games.
China has announced more strict hygiene standards than those of the 2021 Summer Games in Tokyo – why? We will explain later in the episode.

October 27, 2021 11:50 am

Can someone convince me otherwise please?

Keep reading here Tony.
There is no Great reset, the traitors doing this to us a re just stupid and scared and looking for a way out!!!!!

October 27, 2021 11:54 am

Common good includes the freedom of conscience of the individual. Otherwise there is no freedom and therefore no ”common good”.

Change my mind.

If we take the Aristotelian line that common good is vested in what is good for individuals, which in turn contributes to collective human flourishing, then the thesis is sound enough.

But freedom is never absolute; even the libertarian places a limit on it when he or she acknolwedges that in the pursuit of individual liberty the rights of others must be respected.

That suggests that freedom of conscience can have some limitations placed upon it in the public sphere that are just. For example, the community enacts laws against polygamy, believing that it does not serve the common good. There is nothing to prevent an individual holding the belief that polygamy is right in his conscience, but his duty to respect the rights of others in the community trumps his personal belief.

Of course, no community is perfect, so we won’t always get the balance between personal liberty and the common good right. And, as we have seen, it is not beyond politicians and others to use the notion of the common good to encroach upon individual liberty with nefarious motivations. Our democratic polity and the freedoms it aspires to protect is a fragile thing. As Benjamin Franklin reportedly said to a bystander who asked what sort of government the just constituted United States was to have, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
October 27, 2021 11:55 am

WTF are you talking about head prefect?

Lord knows.
Thirty plus years of failed predictions, impossible arithmetic and not understanding what 0.04% means.
Still some fail the basics.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 11:55 am


October 27, 2021 at 11:44 am

If only you were as hard on the globalist traitors as you are on Bosi.

Frank, are you aware that in a communist country, reporting the criminal elites as pedos to other criminal elites might not get you anywhere?

So why does Bosi insist on a Federal Government Working With Children Check for anyone wishing to join Australia 1?
If the pedo cabal is so all-pervasive, surely they have captured the WWC authorities and are using it to infiltrate organisations and exclude their class enemies, right?
I mean, that’s what I would do if I was a member of Red Shoe Pizza Inc.

Boambee John
Boambee John
October 27, 2021 11:56 am

Cassie of Sydneysays:
October 27, 2021 at 10:01 am
“Climate activists have glued themselves to a bridge in Melbourne’s CBD, blocking peak hour traffic on a major road as the city emerges from lockdown.”

Hmm…wonder what fines they’ll cop?

Were they pepper sprayed and shot at with rubber bullets?

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
October 27, 2021 11:59 am

Extinction Rebellion gluebacks

Further from Tim Blair:

The founder of radical climate activist group Extinction Rebellion has admitted that she drives a diesel car.

Dr Gail Bradbrook, 49, who helped to set up the protest group in 2018, made the revelation in an angry interview with TalkRadio presenter Cristo Foufas on Monday.

After revealing that she drives a car, she admitted that she does not own an electric vehicle because she cannot afford one.

When pressed further by Foufas about what type of car it was, she admitted it is powered by diesel, which is considered by experts to be even more harmful to the environment than petrol.

She said that she needs the car to take her children to football and rugby fixtures because her home is not served by ‘buses that run on a Sunday.’

You know what else doesn’t run in the UK? The road system, when it’s clogged up with Extinction Rebellion garbage babies:

The interview came as Extinction Rebellion’s climate activists brought London to a standstill today after they erected a giant pink table in the middle of the capital’s West End.

The impromptu stunt – which started just after midday today – forced police to close off several roads around the area which would normally be thronged with tourists and families sightseeing.

As long as Gail got her kids to their games, what’s the problem?

October 27, 2021 12:02 pm

I wonder how long it will be before a black market in consumer goods comes to life like in the old Soviet Union.

If this system is ever bedded down, it’s inevitable. Having come from a communist country, I can clearly state that the mantra in such places is always “not what you know, but who you know”.

October 27, 2021 12:02 pm

Dr Gail Bradbrook, 49, who helped to set up the protest group in 2018, made the revelation in an angry interview with TalkRadio presenter Cristo Foufas on Monday.

After revealing that she drives a car, she admitted that she does not own an electric vehicle because she cannot afford one.

When pressed further by Foufas about what type of car it was, she admitted it is powered by diesel, which is considered by experts to be even more harmful to the environment than petrol.

She said that she needs the car to take her children to football and rugby fixtures because her home is not served by ‘buses that run on a Sunday.’

You know what else doesn’t run in the UK? The road system, when it’s clogged up with Extinction Rebellion garbage babies:


…and these commie deadshits say nothing about China/Chinese:

Building nuke,
Cadmium poisoning making solar UV panels,
Building coal plants faster than we can decommission them; and,
Using coking coal, not ridiculous hydrogen.

October 27, 2021 12:06 pm

So why does Bosi insist on a Federal Government Working With Children Check for anyone wishing to join Australia 1?
If the pedo cabal is so all-pervasive, surely they have captured the WWC authorities and are using it to infiltrate organisations and exclude their class enemies, right?
I mean, that’s what I would do if I was a member of Red Shoe Pizza Inc.

if you can’t answer that yourself, you’re thicker than I thought.

I’ll answer it later, there’s a very simple answer.
Just let’s give you time to work out that besides being a pompous ol’ twat, you really are fucking hopeless when it comes to politics.

October 27, 2021 12:11 pm

Bill Nye

Excellent. This is now the third attempt (to cover the first boneheaded comment) that I don’t disagree with.

What’s this eloquence have to do the first?

October 27, 2021 12:12 pm

How about you tell us right now struth.

October 27, 2021 12:16 pm

I can clearly state that the mantra in such places is always “not what you know, but who you know”.

Which is why (apart from the great company) I’m developing an extensive and diverse network of like-minded individuals here in Victoria, including a vast number of Cats.

The network has already been used for a great many things, using the skills, knowledge and professions available. It’s not a selfish endeavour, either. I’ve ‘hooked people up’ when the need became evident on the Cat.

October 27, 2021 12:17 pm

I wonder how long it will be before a black market in consumer goods comes to life like in the old Soviet Union.

Forget consumer goods, there’s a coal staith up the road.
Wink wink, nudge nudge.

October 27, 2021 12:25 pm

October 27, 2021 at 11:54 am
For example, the community enacts laws against polygamy, believing that it does not serve the common good. There is nothing to prevent an individual holding the belief that polygamy is right in his conscience, but his duty to respect the rights of others in the community trumps his personal belief.

Laws againt coercion im fine with but if they are aduilts it’s there life. If it turns out shit then that is the eample to the rest of us. We have gone to far protecting the dumb from them selves.

October 27, 2021 12:30 pm

This is the advisory from the parish priest who wouldn’t say the prayer for the dead over Mum because COVID, also wouldn’t let her have a funeral in the church she attended for 30-odd years:

Read the last three paragraphs. He wants the faithful to reserve a pew by phone, intends to lock the doors after Mass begins, and warns congregants not to get up and allow latecomers to enter.

And at the very end, the crowning obscenity:

“The safety of all parishioners is out high priority”

Jeez, Father, I thought the highest priority was ministering to the faithful and saving souls.

What surprises me most is that the priest is Polish. You’d think he’d know a bit about State tyranny.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 12:35 pm


October 27, 2021 at 11:48 am

I mention Pine Gap because of the strict security clearances to work there and that they go right into sexual histories and preferences

Oh, Jesus wept.
Get over yourself.
Just reading this blog, I would guess that maybe 10% – 20% of the people posting here have had high level security checks.
I had one.
The very highest.
The one you are not supposed to even confirm or deny that you have.
I can only talk about it now because the danger of being run off the road in my bread van or being stabbed with a poison umbrella tip has probably passed.

October 27, 2021 12:36 pm

areff, if any one puts a penny in the plate for that prick again, they need their head read.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 12:39 pm

This is good.
Very good.
The defence of Bosi 5D chess continues.
We could get all the way to Day Six at this rate.

October 27, 2021 12:41 pm

You have a jar of coins and it’s observed you threw another one in. Even though it’s not material , is it observable that you’ve thrown in the additional coin?

Are these coins Doubloons, 1930 pennies, what? Be specific head prefect. This is serious, you’re not shorting old ladies and RSL clubs. The future of the world may depend on this conversation

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2021 12:41 pm

There was a paragraph about building STEAM talent.

Maybe they mean Steam talent.

Using game technology to help adolescents on the autism spectrum (, 26 Oct)

Action video games make players better learners of visual and memory tasks (, 26 Oct)

I suspect if you surveyed e-Sports millionaires you’d find a lot of them are on the autism spectrum. (Steam, for those who don’t know, is the computer gaming equivalent of Amazon.)

Wally Dali
Wally Dali
October 27, 2021 12:43 pm

Our local primary school is flat-out getting kids into STEAM.
Or is it STEM?
At any rate, they’re flat out grafting kids onto “computer learning”, same same.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 12:45 pm

Just reading this blog, I would guess that maybe 10% – 20% of the people posting here have had high level security checks.
I had one.
The very highest.

So far, so goo-

The one you are not supposed to even confirm or deny that you have.

Sancho, you fool! You’re not supposed to talk about Omega Delta Four Highway! The one that gets you high-side intel from the hi-vis industry! Dammit man, what have you done?

Ah, shit.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 12:48 pm

Pine Gap-cide is real. It’s a thing.

Don’t let anyone tell you different.

October 27, 2021 12:48 pm

If significantly reducing human CO2 production has no measurable effect why are we trying to reduce human produced CO2?

Human production of CO2 has never been more than 3% of the whole. Yet they are selling the chimera that that 3% is what control the weather. It’s never been anything other than a lie and a scam and, just like the scamdemic, actually has nothing whatever to do with the weather and everything to do with human exploitation and control. They literally sat down to a meeting in the mid-1960s and decided that CO2 was the best method to achieve their goal of overthrowing capitalism. Maurice Strong chaired it. I had an article about it which, unfortunately, I have long since misplaced.

October 27, 2021 12:48 pm

JC don’t judge me for posting a zh link.

There has been an alarming decrease in the average sperm count of Western men over the last few decades.
As Statista’s Martin Armstring shows in the infographic below, from their ‘Then & Now’ series, research has revealed a 59 percent fall between 1973 and 2011 – from 337.5 million to just 137.5 million.

October 27, 2021 12:49 pm

politicians are want to find a sufficient villain or cause whenever necessary.

You don’t mean want. You mean wont.

October 27, 2021 12:49 pm

If there is one thing that should be getting peoples attention as too, not sure which word suits BAT FLU descriptor(s), pathetic, disgusting, rubbish ect, ect … the number of memes emerging using HOLOCAUST pix as illustrations.. before BAT FLU those pix very rarely appeared to illustrate jokes …!

October 27, 2021 12:51 pm
Top Ender
Top Ender
October 27, 2021 12:52 pm

The account of the fatal shooting on the movie set of “Rust” in affidavits prepared by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office suggests that some industry-standard safety precautions weren’t followed, say film-weapons experts and industry veterans.

Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the movie’s 24-year-old firearms expert, who had recently completed her first film as head armorer, wasn’t the person who handed the gun that was fired to actor Alec Baldwin, according to the affidavits. That deviates from standard practice, say other armorers and film-industry veterans.

Dave Halls, the assistant director who handed Mr. Baldwin the gun, according to the affidavits, shouldn’t have been the one to do so, the experts say. Mr. Halls, Ms. Gutierrez Reed and Mr. Baldwin didn’t follow the typical standard protocols to ensure a gun’s safety on set, according to film-weapons experts and people with industry experience who reviewed the public details.

“Every time we hand off a gun on set to talent, we show the chamber, bore and magazine,” said Chandler Cornblum, vice president of Movie Armaments Group, a Toronto-based weapons supplier. “The actor has to signal they accept the gun is empty. Only then do I hand the gun off.”

A call sheet viewed by The Wall Street Journal for the set of “Rust” on October 21, the day the shooting occurred, provides details of the guns on set assigned to different characters: a Colt that Mr. Baldwin’s character uses, a Remington and two other guns whose makes and models aren’t specified. The call sheet also lists a “Sharp rifle,” which likely refers to a Sharps rifle, according to an industry veteran.

A person familiar with the set confirmed Mr. Baldwin was using a Colt revolver when the incident occurred.


October 27, 2021 12:53 pm

Careful KD, sarcasm get you deleted. Unless you get a pass from management.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
October 27, 2021 12:57 pm

KD, sarcasm get you deleted.

Yeah. Sure it does.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 12:58 pm

Sancho, you fool! You’re not supposed to talk about Omega Delta Four Highway! The one that gets you high-side intel from the hi-vis industry! Dammit man, what have you done?

I don’t care any more!
It’s over.
They are taking me to the Gulag anyway.
How much worse can it get?
I remember my first security clearance interview and the questions about sexual history.
I asked if I should include masturbation.
The interviewer gave a little smile and then played it with a Geoffrey Boycott straight bat:-
“You should disclose anything which could expose you to compromise”.

October 27, 2021 1:00 pm

politicians are want to find a sufficient villain or cause whenever necessary.

You don’t mean want. You mean wont.

Shit shit shit.

October 27, 2021 1:01 pm

Can someone ask Bosi what time Saturday “Big Things” happen?
Just looking at the fields and need to know whether there’s any point continuing.

October 27, 2021 1:03 pm

The Lexus is a 1pm so tossing up whether to have a couple of all in bets on the Melbourne Cup on one or two of them.
No point if all the jockeys will be wearing red shoes, if you know what I mean.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2021 1:04 pm

Argentina to suspend Moderna and Pfizer vaccines until 2023

They’ve ordered 10 million Covaxin doses from Bharat Biotech in India. It’s a conventional killed-virus vaccine. But what do Indians know? It’s not as if they stopped Covid in its tracks using horse paste. Oh wait, they did.

October 27, 2021 1:05 pm

I remember my first security clearance interview and the questions about sexual history.
I asked if I should include masturbation.
The interviewer gave a little smile and then played it with a Geoffrey Boycott straight bat:-
“You should disclose anything which could expose you to compromise”.

I find this whole thing bizarre.

1. Puritans.
2. They want to invite you to a swinger party, mostly full of ugly people.

Great system until it gets infiltrated. Then the compromising starts, and we’re off to the treason races.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:06 pm

Hannah Gutierrez Reed, the movie’s 24-year-old firearms expert, who had recently completed her first film as head armorer,

She also recently adopted her mother’s maiden name (Gutierrez) into her own name.
You don’t think she was using the Hispanic name to open doors by any chance?
Nothing pisses me off more than fake Hispanics.

October 27, 2021 1:06 pm

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue has recommended that the Australian Tax Office develop a Bill of Rights for taxpayers.
The committee made 19 recommendations in response to the Commissioner of Taxation’s Annual Report.

Anyone who’s tangled with the ATO would cheer this.
But realistically, nothing will change.

October 27, 2021 1:08 pm

We were always slightly in awe of the wife of a friend who spent a considerable time at Pine Gap.
Of course we didn’t ask.
Eventually her husband spilled the beans.
She drove the bus from the Alice and worked in stores.
So many exciting fantasies dashed.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:09 pm

Great system until it gets infiltrated. Then the compromising starts, and we’re off to the treason races.

Bwah ha ha ha ha.
I wonder if they have replaced the gay question on the security clearance …
“Are you now, or have you ever been, a coal miner?”
“Have you ever put landfill waste in the green recycle bin?”

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
October 27, 2021 1:11 pm

The House of Representatives Standing Committee on Tax and Revenue has recommended that the Australian Tax Office develop a Bill of Rights for taxpayers.

It’ll be the shortest government document ever, consisting of two words: ‘bend over’.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:11 pm

Dover, can we please have a “Time Until Bosi Armageddon” countdown clock in the open thread header?

October 27, 2021 1:12 pm

“Have you ever put an R2 droid in the exhaust port…”

Oh my!

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:13 pm

Eventually her husband spilled the beans.
She drove the bus from the Alice and worked in stores.
So many exciting fantasies dashed.

But that’s not the same as the bread-van guy, right?
I hear that’s how the alien bodies were transported.

October 27, 2021 1:13 pm

I purchased a washing machine at the Womera auctions, do I get a gold star?

October 27, 2021 1:13 pm

I did some quick searches to see if there was some Qanon predictions for this weekend but couldn’t find anything.

PS, the Lizard People are now tracking me.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
October 27, 2021 1:15 pm

Just reading this blog, I would guess that maybe 10% – 20% of the people posting here have had high level security checks.

I can’t be trusted.

Believe me.

October 27, 2021 1:16 pm

Isn’t the installation in WA bigger & more important that Pine Gap.
That is, the DoD is more than happy for Aussies to think Pine Gap is key, when it’s not?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:16 pm

I think I’ll write an outback crime novel/spy thriller.
It will involve Pine Gap, little red cars, saggy men, inscrutable bread-van men and a retired Lt Col who knows stuff.
Oh, and a disbarred lawyer who still has a penchant for nose candy, but no income.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 1:18 pm

If indeed human CO2 emissions make little to no difference then there is no need to upend our technological civilisation and destroy our existing infrastructure in pursuit of a pointless goal.

An honest political discussion of ‘the science’ rather than the panic is long overdue but I don’t hold out any hope for it coming forth any time soon. We should push for it as much as we can though. I would accept nuclear energy as a ‘good thing’ which would stop coal particulate pollution, but nothing more. Volcanos produce most of the world’s CO2, if that is even considered as a problem. Australia is not suited to electric vehicles over long distances, we don’t need to plant any more petrol-tree gums, famland should remain cleared, and meat and dairy are part of the good life in this country. ScoMo will have to face a population who will resist net zero 50.

October 27, 2021 1:19 pm

NOW the only people coming through the surgery doors are people who have been coerced, are very unhappy about it, and often taking it out on the staff there.

Sneakers McClown went off his nut yesterday in Parliament because a Lib actually dared accuse him of coercing people to get vaccinations

Which he denied.

.WA’s lagging jab rate prompts McGowan to mandate vaccines for 75 per cent of workers
Premier Mark McGowan has issued a broad vaccine mandate for up to 75 per cent of Western Australia’s workforce in response to lagging jab rates across the state.

see its not coercion, its a mandate you big silly goose. they arent even spelled the same.

Cant get past Worst Australian paywall.

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
October 27, 2021 1:20 pm

I think I’ll write an outback crime novel/spy thriller.

From the advance warning, I think I will not be buying it. 😀

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

<<<She also recently adopted her mother’s maiden name (Gutierrez) into her own name.
You don’t think she was using the Hispanic name to open doors by any chance?
Nothing pisses me off more than fake Hispanics.>>>

Fake hispanics is a touchy subject in the Baldwin household.

October 27, 2021 1:20 pm

This is the beak who let off the extinction rebellion fucktards; so the message is if you are supporting a cause the judiciary also supports you escape the legal consequences. This beak should be pulled immediately but since it’s victoristan it won’t happen.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:21 pm


October 27, 2021 at 1:16 pm

Isn’t the installation in WA bigger & more important that Pine Gap.

They’re reading this.

October 27, 2021 1:21 pm

October 27, 2021 at 1:13 pm
I purchased a washing machine at the Womera auctions, do I get a gold star?

I can spell wombera.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:24 pm

From the advance warning, I think I will not be buying it. 

I don’t care.
My brother is on the Victorian Education Department curriculum board.
He reckons if I throw in a couple of aboriginal activists and an Alice Springs lezzo town sheriff with a crusty exterior but a heart of gold, it will be a motza for the HSC reading list.
That’s where the real literary money is.

October 27, 2021 1:26 pm


Cheers Ranga

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure

The crime novel will be a snorefest.
Coz we all know that at the end the killer will turn out to be the cisgender Australian-born white bloke in a blue collar job.

Top Ender
Top Ender
October 27, 2021 1:30 pm

Nothing pisses me off more than fake Hispanics.

Ethnic groups people want to be: Italians, Frogs

Ethnic groups people don’t want to be: Russians

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
October 27, 2021 1:32 pm

Serious question.
Bosi is a retired Lt Col.
He is aged 61.
I am guessing that the typical retiring age as a Lt Col might be mid 40’s*.
Does anyone know what he has been doing for a job since retiring from the army?
* Just my guess. Can military cats (ducks to avoid swipe from JC) confirm?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
October 27, 2021 1:34 pm

Nothing pisses me off more than fake Hispanics.

Next you’ll be telling me Lola Montez was a fake.

October 27, 2021 1:34 pm

Coz we all know that at the end the killer will turn out to be the cisgender Australian-born white bloke in a blue collar job.

A white South African stepdad and ex-mercenary tumps all other villens.

Ivan Denisovich
Ivan Denisovich
October 27, 2021 1:35 pm

This is the beak who let off the extinction rebellion fucktards

A Hulls’ appointee.

October 27, 2021 1:35 pm

This is what evil looks like.

Matt Couch

JUST IN: FDA Panel votes 17-0 to approve vaccines for children ages 5-11…

Dr. Ruben on the FDA panel: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That’s the way it goes.”

1 7 8 9 10 11 18
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Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x