‘So much winning, you will get tired of all the winning!’ Can The Donald call it?
‘So much winning, you will get tired of all the winning!’ Can The Donald call it?
Being able to spool through an interview at x3 and find it comprehensible is a knack you pick up over…
No. Can’t see any joke. The site is simply a useful one on which to consolidate anything you write into…
Now it’s the turn of the climate grifters. It’s Surreal: Trump’s Freeze on Climate Money Sows Fear and Confusion” (paywalled…
What great sport it is watching Elizabeth Warren take the terminal swan dive off the cliff of sanity. There must…
It certainly is. The crows here have been busy all day robbing nests.
In better news the black moorhens have hatched a clutch. The little flotilla sailed by, smaller craft in the centre, while the gunships patrolled the perimeter. Sadly, what lurks beneath will get some – the lake is full of enormous eels.
Yes, Rosie is snarky. But unlike the Queen Bees who do nothing other than throw shade on patriotic triers and jape with each other, Rosie does bless the Cat with pertinent links and a determined scepticism which invites further investigation.
It’s a little ambiguous, but I think the gay warrior isn’t suggesting they’re going after the kids sexually. I think he saying they’re trying to convert the kids to being more tolerant of gays. He supports this by saying he believes the kids will then convert the parents. I don’t think “conversion” is means the kids and the parents are going to become shirt lifters, pillow biters and carpet munchers through persuasion.
I need a lesson in how to put in a link to a clip; thank you to anyone/everyone who answers.
Lizzie – Yes the channel bills have been raising a ruckus here too. Two fruiting Port Jackson fig trees in neighbours’ yards are channel-bill heaven. My local southern lady magpie was looking at a second nesting (since her fledgling vanished) but with all the channel bills I think she’s given up.
Kid lorikeet is now working on a second jar lid of honey-mush.
Talking about carpet munchers, pillow biters and shirt lifters…
Black men are obviously way down the woke totem pole compared to trannies after what happened to black comedian, Dave Chappelle.
For those who follow his blog, Arthur Chrenkoff (dailychrenk) has a good post on “Envy – the deadly sin of radical politics.
Great protest in Melbourne today. I will be at the next one with bells on.
Sounds like you have a lodger for a time, then…
That pathetic faggot dweeb in NSW has extended the restrictions on our new class of lepers past 1 December.
Gee, what a surprise (not) 🙁
How darest thou mock the jape, Baba!
Satisfaction is demanded!
@ BBS-
Copy your link URL from the top of your browser, then use the ‘link’ button above. Paste your URL into the box provided, then press ‘OK.’ The html bit will pop up with the link ibcluded. Type your intended text, then click the ‘/link’ at the end.
For Advanced Users, type the text you want to hyperlink to, then select it with your cursor, and press the ‘link’ button and paste your URL. Wjen you press ‘OK,’ it will apply the whole lot
Rabz, the idiot is a Coddiwompler.
Disgusting but predictable.
Back when we used to religiously observe the many rituals of that wondrous meadow game (Saturdays, usually), this mighty useful piece of kit was monikered “Ashley“. 🙂
You’ve got to love the Brits. It’s sad they’re on the way out. Still 12000 years wasn’t a bad innings I suppose.
calli – they’ve actually done it? A mate texted me about 30 minutes ago saying they had … 🙁
Fun police.
China Summons Four TV Broadcasters For “Excessive Entertainment” (29 Oct)
I think that’s a prime reason the Soviet regime fell: communism is really really boring. Not a problem here because the stuff on FTA is so unwatchable no one could call it “entertainment”.
Heheh. Even funnier is that the Spooky Men’s Chorale is Australian, from the Blue Mountains. And like to sing Georgian folk songs, the Glagolitic Mass and other goodies.
So multiculturalist, it’s a wonder they haven’t been made compulsory yet… 🙂
This means many, many contretemps … 🙁
Thick skulls will be caved in (repeatedly).
Pikes will be staked.
Heads will be removed from their erstwhile bodies.
After many, many lengthy public floggings in town squares across this continent.
This is not a threat, GAYSIO, it’s a promise.
You monstrous fascist imbeciles.
Roya News:
Take home points:
1. Wasn’t even living in France; and
2. Advanced the view that covid is spread by 5G towers.
Next. Also, he was pinched on 22 October, three days before the secret oaths repentance speech that wasn’t made.
Rabz, they ran it up the flagpole yesterday via the usual suspects including Sky and the ghastly Ray Hadley.
As I said, the twit is “moving purposefully” but hasn’t a clue where he’s going. Subletting vague announcements to third parties is stock standard stuff for weak leaders.
Stunning and bwave by proxy.
When is it?
Their answers to Stayin’ Alive and Dancing Queen are pretty damn funny too.
But this Anger humbly submits that their absolute very best so far is this rendition of Tennyson’s Crossing the Bar. Dehydrate hard before you listen, or have a couple very large boxes of tissues to hand…
heroes dont wear capes.
Merciful heavens.
I managed to give someone 13 likes. And they thoroughly deserved them.
This power is capricious though.
Rabz been talk around for a couple of days:
I don’t normally go near the news.com sewer anymore but if true they were softening it up 2 days ago. More clues Dom isn’t running the show by the looks. I have been saying from the get go he is another Keneally, a puppet that looks good.
Oh no!
So my charmed life as an unrepentant dilettante is over. 🙁
It was wonderful while it lasted.
The highlights?
Sweet li’l hyper femmes. There is something magnificent and yet utterly undefinable about beauty.
Rock ‘n’ Roll – the louder and more out of it, the better
Pool – the game is so simple yet so bloody difficult
Fenders – pure yart, capable of making a lot of noise, pleasant or otherwise
The ability to express oneself – blogs such as these have provided a handy platform to vent many, many frustrations with life as we know it …
Everyone else on this blogue – yeah, yeah, yeah … 😕
Someone in the crowd said that the next protest would be Tuesday outside the Melbourne Club and they want to get 10,000 because that’s the number of vaccinated who will be allowed at the Cup.
It’s a little ambiguous, but I think the gay warrior isn’t suggesting they’re going after the kids sexually.
Don’t be naive.
They’re off to a good start. 500 cops rostered on and deployed already.
I am incensed that Ray Hadley seems to be ruining the state.
We elected a Liberal government to do that.
“Rabz says:
October 30, 2021 at 6:22 pm
So my charmed life as an unrepentant dilettante is over. ?
It was wonderful while it lasted.
The highlights?
Pool – the game is so simple yet so bloody difficult
Chess on wheels.
It is, The Beautiful Game … ignore the blood & gore caused by the sad & sorry losers.
Excellent thread.
“The French clampdown might have something to do with Bossi’s beliefs in a ‘big event’ for the linkages to a currency of thought are obvious?”
Nothing would surprise me Lizzie. I just can’t understand how people fall for such conspiratorial codswallop.
Trying to verify the rumour mill, I found this…
The fix is in.
Ray! Hadley! and the Guardianistas, eroticising a police state to compensate for their lack point & purpose in life and sickening physical health.
St. Elon is a smart man. A very, very, very smart man.
Your products may be pretty okay, but there is always more money to be made from taxpayers than consumers.
Subsidise and tax credit it, and they will come…
lack of…
Damn iPad!
Tusday is no good for for me.
Got stuff on up country wednesday.
Next Saturday?
Bluddee hell – I left out adidas, Levi’s, Fred Perry‘s and Dr Martens’ mighty boots! 🙂
Fuck me.
When did this fat deadshit take over the country?
fat fascist deadshit
Dot not sure whether it was city lawyers or voice for Victoria but one of them retweeted the other day some hearsay that PCR tests are designed to be run at around 30 cycles and the ones being run during the panic have been at around 50. Says it all really.
I’ll go looking & link it.
If they can prove this or get a whistleblower, that would be great.
When you sat by idly vaping and perving at some hot young women that were strolling by, Pol.
That’s when.
Yup, just need the whistleblower in Vic:
Hey Pol – it’s the Baldwin calling – he needs some firearms advice! 🙂
JC’s favourite song, evah … 🙂
All of the sudden, I am very pro euthanasia.
Firstly, I will need some stilettos and a pick axe.
*It was a mercy killing…*
I’m not. The fag suggested they would work on the kids and they in turn would work on the parents. I didn’t read it as though he wanted to convert the parents and the kids to faggotry. I read it as attempting to move more toward tolerance. In Sam Fran though?
Yes, there are pedos in the homo community, but what connection do those repulsive links you posted have to do with the San Fran idiot?
Cronkers., we’re not mind readers here.
Garbage instruments that don’t even get close to a Gretsch.
Jimmy Choos, Wangs or Burberrys?
You’ll not have any luck blagging Sancho’s Nikes…
Rabz , was it you who said Bruce Springsteen would have been nothing without the Chicago Dutch guitarist?
What’s his name… not the dude out of the Sopranos. Not van zandt
Don’t get me started on the grevious boliy harm horrors of the Loboutin…
Bodily– Dammit!
Carpes – I’m not having it, I tells ya!
Yo. 🙂
We are being lied to constantly and are getting angry but are disenfranchised.
I can’t see this Hadley idea getting up because of the Council elections.
The only way out of this mire is hundreds of thousands of megatonnes or the darkest kinds of black propaganda.
JC – Springsteen’s band has many mighty alumni – I think you’re referring to the teen prodigy (as he was back then) Nils Lofgren.
Bill Ackman Says “Fed Must Hike Rates!!” (What Happens If They Do?)
Yes, he’s not Dutch by sound of his name, but that’s him.
“Firstly, I will need some stilettos and a pick axe.
*It was a mercy killing…*”
You’re a transphobe!
That’s nice, but it won’t lull a babby to sleep.
These do.
Some other members of the E Street Band:
Clarence Clemons
Patty Scialfa
JC! Cohenite!
Real estate porn. The downside-up arch.
Which reminds me, I’m sure the film Dressed to Kill has now been cancelled……transphobic.
Bluddee hell – I’ve just witnessed an ad featuring big Cloive, talking about how his vanity project, the UAP is now the largest political pardee in Oz by membership.
Make those votes count, people. Mine will be getting the Arks treatment.
And while my Crimes Against Huge Manatees (Honk!) are multiplying,
Here is some Gratuitous [Boxcar] Willie!
Baba, what the fuck, seriously what the fuck?
Using Rosellas or Lorikeets?
Walking to the polling booth, next feral erection … 🙂
Rex – look up the man’s musings on voting.
Probably the gayest guitar on the intermong, hang your head in shame.
Just shows all these BAT FLU money making theories are just envy ……. LOL!
I don’t know. But you have to admit the windows would look very stupid installed sideways.
According to your good self, carpes – care to post a pic of your preferred axe?
Inflation Hits Milestone…Yellen Says Cure Is More Money Printing!!
Rebel Capitalist
Dan Brown has a lot to answer for.
I’ve seen Arky’s musings on voting, Rabz.
Perhaps I should rephrase to-
Do you draw the dickinballz with lorikeet shit? Or Rosella?
Gosh, I went off to read Muddy and a whole hour and a half vanished.
Now you’re talking about guitars. Ok then, let’s have a bit of Jeff Buckley.
But not necessarily so:
Fact Check-No evidence newborn babies died after exposure to COVID-19 vaccine
Sounds like he might be a medic, but Dr Scott McLachlan turns out to be a computer scientist.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
October 30, 2021 at 7:26 pm
Which reminds me, I’m sure the film Dressed to Kill has now been cancelled……transphobic.
And as for Some Like it Hot …!!
Better yet- Footage of his last big jam session…
Kid lorikeet is asleep in cage just inside my front door. Long day for a kiddie. I tried for a photo short while ago but all I got was a lot of bars and a miserable incarcerated inmate. Sorry kid, it’s better than being eaten by the local feral grey tomcat.
Hey, Hitlerists – I will not kneel … 🙂
Reuters Fact Check
Viral social media posts claim some newborn babies in Britain died of pulmonary haemorrhage shortly after birth due to mothers being vaccinated against COVID-19 during pregnancy. However, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) told Reuters there is no available data showing that.
Go back to shatterzzz link at 1934, and scan down to Reuters.
October 30, 2021 at 3:25 pm
What have we as a country – a first world country – become? sfw, while this dreadful lack of care and concern you experienced today at hospital did not start with the China Pestilence, it’s found its feet there now.
A few years back under ” having a safe working environment” signs started to appear in A&Es advising?/ warning? patients and their supporters not to abuse hospital staff, because it may see the person ejected from the hospital.
Few people would set out to abuse nurses or doctors, especially when they’re overwhelmed with patients. However, there are times when the length of stay and the numbers of sick people waiting while ill and in pain endlessly goes on. In this context what is abuse? Asking for some help?, wanting an update and becoming frustrated because of worry and pain?, painkillers? Whatever it is the mere present of these signs can cower people at their most vulnerable.
There are some fine nurses and doctors and, like in other walks of life, there are some unfeeling bastards too. Protocols and “behaviours” that do not offer much support to sick people are the antithesis of care but seem to be at the forefront of how the patient is treated, especially now.
sfw, hope all goes well after your mishap, and very sorry that was your experience of quality care /sarc under the new regime of Covid-19 in that Victorian hospital.
The Anger family were semi-willing caretakers for one of these cheeky little Normans for a time, so based on that experience, I’d vouch for defacing your ballot paper with Rosella shit…
Guitar preferences need not be a zero sum game.
Professional guitarists who earn a living from session work will tend to own a number of different brands in order to get just the right sound as required by the producer. A Gretsch sounds different to a Fender which in turn sounds different to a Gibson. The end user, i.e. the consumer, might not be able to tell you which guitar was used but he certainly knows the sound he likes.
That being said, I notice a lot of great older players – Mark Knofler, Eric Clapton for e.g. – settle on a Strat in their later years. I figure this is because the nut width, neck radius and scale length offer a more comfortable playing experience when your fingers and wrists aren’t as dexterous as they once were. Mind you, Jimi Hendrix & Rory Gallagher, both guitar luminaries, settled on Strats in their 20s.
Different strokes for different folks. Enjoy the music!
Springsteen is the third best banjo player in the E Street ensemble.
Lofgren first.
Daylight second.
Van Zandt next.
Springsteen trailing.
No third dividend.
Grate – my millionaire collectivist sister has denounced me via a text message.
How the f*ck did this happen? We were too busy contemplating our navels?
Silvio rocks.
Zip, stop worrying. High inflation will only become systemic if the Fed supports it. They don’t, or at least it doesn’t support inflation above the target over a prolonged period of time. (Target is 2% to 2.5%).
The bond market’s expectation closed yesterday at 2.62%.
DO NOT confuse a change in relative prices caused by covid shortages as inflation. The Fed watches Personal Income Expenditure (PCE) as their inflation marker.
Let me repeat, inflation is always an monetary issue and the central banks can set nominal GDP wherever the fuck it wants.
Up to now the Fed had a credibility problem in not being able to maintain the target remaining below for the past 12 years or so by an average of .25%.
Dan Brown has a lot to answer for.
One of the worst writers evah! (Only lasted 1o pages in).
Rex/Top Ender et al;
The visit of the British submarine brings about a question:
What about a mix of the Virginia and Astute Classes?
Say 6 of each? I don’t know the difference of missions they are designed to fulfill and their capabilities at each, but a degree of specialisation seems to be a good thing.
Moreover, the research revealed that framing COVID-19 as a high risk significantly increased support for anti-COVID measures, which, in the researchers’ opinion, could promote support for anti-democratic policies across the globe.
Oh yea that was you who said that, Not Rabz.
Just blasted my (millionaire collectivist) sister – this is what this fascist idiocy has reduced us to 🙁
Pretty Pink, Baybee Blue …
WTF? 🙁
Best Fender evah.
I concur (it’s always good when you can concur).
Lofgren had a budding solo career back in the late ’70s.
It’s a pity it never took off.
You didn’t get to the secret thousand-year-old conspiracies by the papal-led elites then.
And how some random idiot savant unravels the mysterious mysteries, secrets and plans for world domination that tens of thousands of people, some with entire actual armies behind them couldn’t, for all those centuries. And did it all on his own.
Describes quite a few people going around today. Quite a few.
Here’s the breakeven inflation rate expressed by the regular 10 year bond and the inflation indexed bond of the same duration.
Springsteen just recently agreed with his new bestie Barack Obama that his fans were racists.
A truly horrible person.
93.1% of the goodness in the E Street ensemble came from the woodwind section (Mr Clemons), the piano (Mr Bittan) and Mr Lofgren on guitar.
The bass player always looked like a geography teacher on mogadon.
Grate – just sent another text to my sister thanking her for my new found leper status.
Collectivism – it never rests.
Came across a music story today with photo of the guy with a National. Alas I can’t recall what the story was or where I done seen it. Grr.
So now I haves to give a National songy thingie.
(Ok, I don’t know if this track was done on a National, a Gibson or a Strat. He uses all three.)
Tell me to fuck off if you like.
Maybe park the return of fire for a few hours.
If it is worth saying, it will still be worth saying tomorrow.
Burnt bridges are a bitch to rebuild.
f*ck this – here’s the text – -the only one of my siblings who ever looked out for me when I was growing up …
Choice, Liz? Are you trying to be funny? Coercion is the reality – I will not kneel – look up the groove armada song, if you could be bothered from your position of moral superiority . Thanks for leaving your brother in it (again).
Roger, stop worrying about what artists think of this or that. Just worry about their art, that’s all. Everything else about them is just idiotic, especially what they think about politics.
err – thanks Panzer – she hasn’t replied and hopefully won’t.
What a gift bat flu has proven to be.
Certainly seems to be in his purview:
Bluddee hell – not sounding like a sanctimonious blowhard in that missive at all. 🙁
You might like this version Rabz. She’s hot.
Its all over now baby blue
They’ve done a very fine version of Hallelujah too.
Noo Joisey – apart from JC and meself, has anyone here had the misfortune to have actually been there*?
Describing it as a “Cultural wasteland” is way too prosaic.
*No, watching some (or many) excerpts from the Sopranos does not count.
Heated text messages on a Sat’dy evenin’ can be a little like a Colt 45 in the hands of a Trump impersonator.
Face to face comms rule in these matters.
Clever use of the word available in that little missive.
I like the fact that it has massively cut down the time it takes to identify the truly stupid around me.
In 2016.
For some reason, hire cars were way cheaper to pick up in NJ than Manhattan.
Even the chap who sucked a flock of geese into his jet engines took the Hudson option rather than go to Noo Joisey.
“Noo Joisey – apart from JC and meself, has anyone here had the misfortune to have actually been there*?”
I have.
Got disinvited from a craft group meet-up in person today because of vax status. 20 years of friendship shot down in one simple email. Have a list of several other things I can do with my Saturday afternoons and my hard earned money and will choose learn a new skill in the future.
Disappointed but not at all surprised.
What about a mix of the Virginia and Astute Classes?
I wouldn’t go for that. It means more training; more spares, more tactical procedures etc etc.
I’m supposed to be writing an article on where we are for a few magazines – but thinking I will say in it a) we have to buy now, and b) if we insist on building more then copy what we’ve bought without fiddling with it – eg: as we did with the Collins.
The Astutes are less displacement and need a smaller crew so probably easier to adjust to. However we train and fight more with the Americans so there’s that.
“Sorry, but your choice
Choice, Liz? Are you trying to be funny? Coercion is the reality – I will not kneel – look up the groove armada song, if you could be bothered from your position of moral superiority . Thanks for leaving your brother in it (again).”
Rabz…I’m lucky to know you and I’ve met your sister. Sancho is right, try not to burn bridges with family, especially your sister…she and her hubby are delightful, yes they’re collectivist millionaire ABC watchers….similar to my brother in the UK, who’s a rich collectivist BBC watcher. Despite the monstrous times we’re living in, we need to protect and preserve some important things, like family.
This is what happens when you imbibe massive quantities of the demon drink on a Saturday night. 🙂
Real by Reel … 🙁
Cass – she has a hide like a rhino.
Just don’t mention that fact within her earshot. 🙁
Rex, followed your points (carefully?).
1) copied the url
2) clicked on link
3) ok
4) put in my words
5) no worky
On the other hand, my two regular groups of tennis tragics, don’t give a stuff about whether I have a passport or not. I can’t join them inside for coffee afterwards but they’ve already offered to sit outside with me after bringing collecting the coffee.
And at my favourite library this morning, the lovely librarian did not bat an eye when I said I wouldn’t provide a vax pass. We are still continuing our contactless click and collect even after we reopen, she said. Good to know that this library’s stated mission of free and open access to everyone has been respected in the doing, and not just in the workshopping,
Megan – That reminded me of this song. Make of it what you will. I see bad things arising! I like the tenor and bass registers.
Delete bringing from that sentence. I’m fading fast!
@ BBS-
Lemme try this a little differently. It is hard to mimic the html closely in this box, so I will try it with square brackets:
[a href=”http://Your Hyperlink goes into here”]This is your text.[/a]
Sweet! It worked!
Bert Newton dead.
I’ve stayed in Secaucus, New Jersey in a big hotel near a stadium. The Sheraton?
Was interesting experience, only one train station from Madison Square Gardens, we spent our days in NYC and got to admire the skyline at night . While we were there the hotel hosted a massive Jewish wedding party, we chit chatted to some of the guests, they had booked an entire floor of the hotel, and there was a big baseball convention , people crowding around for autographs, I didn’t recognise anyone, naturally.
We accidentally caught the express to Newark one night, lots of abandoned factories, looked very depressed.
I hope to visit the US in maybe late 2022 but will be heading mid west and south, one of my friends there had a stroke last September, I’d like to visit her, would have gone already except for you know what.
Not surprised areff, he never went home after that leg operation.
Sorry all – the self indulgence is gettin’ a bit full on.
So we are all really loving this new fascist paradigm, I asks ya? 🙁
Knuckle Draggersays:
October 30, 2021 at 8:13 pm
(Only lasted 1o pages in)
You didn’t get to the secret thousand-year-old conspiracies by the papal-led elites then.
Hard to get passed the beginning and the main character ‘Robert Langdon entered his hotel(?) room, wearing a tweed jacket, which he dropped on the bed…’ it’s even more prosaic that that little bit of a remembrance.
Most of it is a shithole, but there are some very nice parts of NJ. Summit is nice town.
Short Hills, Allentown , Princeton (is beautiful).
“Just don’t mention that fact within her earshot. ?”
Cass – gloating does not become yourself.
Wot Top Ender said.
Besides, both are designed and work as hunter-killers, with a subsidiary cruise-missile and minelaying role.
If you want to mix, you should be looking at Astute SSNs and Dreadnought boomers, or Virginias and Ohios.
Though I suspect having our own deterrent is a bridge too far for most outside of Cats and the most Jackie Fisher- or Hyman J. Rickover-ish senior Naval types.
Yep. It shows very clearly just who has sane levels of scepticism and who is a gullible nong.
The circling vultures at the beginning of that clip add a certain air of menace to what is to come.
The Pharisees are back in charge. In today’s version of JCS the harlot whose tears washed Jesus feet would be a pitifully wicked unvaxxed conspiracy theorist. The harlots would be too busy enjoying their new decriminalised workplace.
BBS – this is how I do it:
1. Highlight text in your comment you want to link to
2. Copy url of document you want to link (F6 is foolproof for highlighting urls)
3. Click on link box
4. Press delete to get rid of http stuff in there
5. Paste link
6. Press OK.
Good luck! 🙂
I was referring to Bruce’s very appropriate musical link at 8.57pm.
Fine work, sir, over much of a century. Bert was a trouper.
Bert Newton has died age 83 (News.com)
Sounds like he might be a medic, but Dr Scott McLachlan turns out to be a computer scientist.
Certainly seems to be in his purview:
Bloke reports conversation with midwife. What does it matter what his field of expertise is?
Also lack of evidence is not evidence of lack.
JC – thankfully, we were only physically there for a very short time. Left the Ford in the hotel carpark and caught the greyhound into Manhattan – with a sexy rock chick – who knew they’d be catching a bus into that mighty island? 🙂
What a view. The entire island laid out before you – with the Twin Towers dominating it all.
I think, sadly, Rex, you’re right about Australians not wanting to go for a nuclear deterrent.
Although one selling point is that it might be cheaper. Six ICBM-carrying subs, with two always at sea, might be less expensive than three aircraft carriers, which is what I’d like to see.
Not having a shot at you at all, but discussion and policy on Covid public health issues is crippled by credentialism and unsound ‘facts’.
On the provax side, ‘purview’ is what gives us CMO-driven claims about the possibility of herd immunity and 95% vaccination rates.
Couldn’t one do both?
RAN did very well for itself with its single WW2-vintage escort carrier for the longest time- Perceived and actual punch well in excess of its size
Johanna & Rex, thank you.
Yesterday, my brother told me about a friend of his who’s new baby had to have a blood transfusion because of a lack of platelets (the mother had been vaccinated, not sure when that was but given the time frame probably while pregnant; but it seems the vaccine came through the mother’s milk). Don’t know anymore.
Megan, I disinvited myself from mine until next year hoping the dust settles by then.
Burning bridges is easier than building them.
They’re all the same guy. Found this video somehow. It’s epic.
I love the internet. It’s amazing what’s on it.
WEF Pushes “Metaverse” Day After Facebook Changes It’s Name To “Meta”
Alice In Chains dedicate “Nutshell” to Pantera’s Vinnie Paul in Clisson, France (June 24, 2018)I My favourite version of Nutshell. Jerry on guitar just nails it. The last two minutes are just sublime.
Or…you can always take up a new hobby. Just not patchwork. It’s highly addictive.
And dangerous. Those rotary cutters are deadly.
You also have to find “x”… a lot. 😀
Good stuff, Squire. Halleluiah is just one of those anthems.
Need three carriers to ensure one is always available. After a while one goes in for a refit, which takes it out for about a year or two; one is used for workups and training and so on, and one is available.
The Buckley …
This is Tim Buckley …
Burning bridges.
From when movies were movies.
Can’t ignore this one also. Saw it as a kid in Nambucca Heads Cinema. Breathtaking.
Just finished base prep, edge beam prep and half the formwork for a 64m2 slab. Last bit of concreting to be done.
Tempus fugit. Sad he drowned.
Just re-watched How The West Was Won. There is no way such a movie could be made today. White pioneers battling the elements and beating nature. The injuns were presented as noble luddites also beaten not so much by the white-man’s treachery but by their inability to change. Not an LGBTIQA fuckwit or woke turd in sight just good old pioneering spirit, guts and grit, from both the men and women.. The set pieces were remarkable, no blue screens just stunt men doing amazing things. Highly recommended.
Just a little thing; when I click on links here, no problems, I go straight to them, but when I click the back button to return to the thread I just clicked away from, it only returns me for a moment but then instantly overrides and takes me back to the link I just tried to leave. A second back click sends me back to the previous page of the thread, skipping everything else.
It only happens here and it only started a short while ago.
Probably something my end as I’ve not notice anyone else mention such a problem.
Kelly’s Heroes irritated me to bits. What was a 70’s era peacenik/hippie doing in the middle of WWII?
Son is selling his house in Sackville St Kew . A beautiful large victorian on nearly an acre with swimming pool and tennis court . First pictures on internet with more to follow,
exactly same here srr…………………………glitchy……………………
A Song to the Siren
Protest footage, good stuff!
one of the best artists to submerge in the 90’s
Kelly’s Heroes irritated me to bits. What was a 70’s era peacenik/hippie doing in the middle of WWII?
It was intended to be pure entertainment, not a documentary. The phrase is “the willing suspension of disbelief”.
On a related subject, it was on (yet again) a few nights ago. After the Baldwin incident, I noted that when Clint was carrying his Tommy Gun, his finger was outside the trigger guard, and pointed straight along the line of the barrel. No chance of an AD there!
Dutton should order the Jeff Buckley class of attack submarine.
Guaranteed to hit a surface vessel’s prop.
Baba – Kelly’s Heroes is by Troy Kennedy Martin. Who wrote the BBC series Edge of Darkness. Beyond masterful. And how can you dislike a movie with Clint Eastwood as the hero in it?
But is it a vaxxed slab ™???
Protest Advance Australia Fair on violin:
Brings up memories of a big overnight concrete pour not too far south of PNG. At about 8:00am the concreter, who had a fondness for Strongbow Dry was nonchalantly operating the helicopter one-handed while cradling one of the last of a slab of stubbies. A moment of inattention and the blades dug in.
Helicopter handle swings around at high speed.
What to do? So obvious. Catch helicopter handle with slurry hoe.
Oops! Slurry hoe ripped from grasp and now swinging around hooked to helicopter handle.
Fun times. You had to be there.
Kelly’s Heroes irritated me to bits. What was a 70’s era peacenik/hippie doing in the middle of WWII?
This is Eastwood’s second best war movie, after Where Eagles Dare. Basically it’s the optimistic version of Catch-22 where the average Joe is just a cog in the war machine. Here good old fashioned American enterprise beats the war machine; even the Krauts got into the spirit of it. And they weren’t hippies but beatniks or at least beatnik pre-cursers; but you really shouldn’t over-analyse it.
Guess who’s going to gaol tonite?
Here’s a hint – those that deserve to, but of course, won’t.
Yeah, I get it. I’m not blameless. But still.
Yep. Watched that live on “Real Rushkan” but from a different camera angle.
The dude speaking quit his job as copper over this.
But is it a vaxxed slab ™???
It’s an unvaxxed slab! The Bat Eared Mong’s not going to be happy!
Country Bunnings as opposed to Melbournistan Bunnings:
I go to hire compactor, I want the big one, but they reckon it keeps cutting out. I said I’ll take it because I know what’s wrong with it, it has a low oil kill switch. I go and get my stuff and come back to the check out. The checkout bloke spots 250ml of 4 stroke oil, is that for the compactor, yep. No problem, I won’t charge you for it. Turns out that was exactly the problem with it, oil level off end of dip stick.
Returned a now running compactor and a half empty bottle of oil to the hire section.
The best war movie ever was the Dirty Dozen. Prove me wrong.
Btw – Edge of Darkness theme was done by Eric Clapton, on a strat. Six episodes of awesome.
just how deep did you dig the footings?
Can’t beat Patton.
Not in a million years.
Dirty Dozen is good but.
A “Project Veritas” type scenario won’t be far away for Vic Pol.
It’s possibly already in the making.
Bunnings is great. Squadrons of clueless nubile chicks in boots and shorts. What’s not to love?
Dr. Lacy Hunt, an expert on monetary policy and econometrics, is warning that over indebtedness is the biggest risk to the economy which will lead to disinflation and possibly deflation.
Ok, Bruce, I’ll settle for a draw
The most terrifying war cry in human history, peoples … 🙁
We Got Hairy Legs!
Bluddee hell, that’s dying and going to heaven stuff. Are most of them brunettes?
It only takes a couple of “brave souls” to end the Victorian madness.
My feeling is that someone in the Premiers office will “spill their guts”. Dan is a deadman walking, surrounded by vultures.
Dan won’t be Premier at Christmas time. It’s over.
I love Yard Act – The Overload
it isnt just the music, the visuals and the phrasing.
It’s all of that and the poetry …
In my youtube stalk-list that our friends at Meta think sums me up, the next vid was by Colter Wall — Cowpoke
it may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I think it’s brilliant raw talent.
Megan says:
October 30, 2021 at 8:45 pm
Probably had some kind of clotting for some time prior to birth in the lungs/ pulmonary circulation. I guess it’s not so much of a problem until the baby has to breathe for itself.
Easy. “The Odd Angry Shot.”
Jim Caviezel, one heck of a speech: