As in…..
As in…..
Meanwhile Sicktoria has effectively crippled its gas industry with its ban/no ban/ we probably wont ban again” bullcrap. Punishing states…
That is why any comparisons between the criminal cases brought against US citizens for J6 and the administrative matter of…
I wasn’t comparing J6 protestors with Khalil, I was comparing those that supported the J6 protestors with Khalil. As to…
aka ‘hit with the cluebat’, aka ‘has to get worse before it gets better’
Top Ender’s Medieval book featuring at this military bookseller in the UK!
@ OCO,
I liked the ‘Top Stories’ section beneath it, in which SA Power trumpeted its solar panels achieving a world record this week of generating more power than the panels’ local demand consumed for periods of time over the last five days.
Their best result was on Tuesday, for two and a half hours.
Not much of an achievement, when your world-record ‘zero demand’ events are measured in minutes…
*Cough*Party.*Cough Apparatchik*Cough*
Is there a copy of Custer’s part at the Alamo?
I just scanned it but I think not. Can’t understand how he missed it. The Basil Rathbone bits were there though…
Sancho Panzer says:
November 4, 2021 at 11:38 pm
Not in rural Australia Fat Tony.
Ox, Bullocks, Oxen is a castrated male.
No-one who has been anywhere near a cattleyard in Australia refers to female bovines as anything but cows or heifers.
Sorry – should have put my reference:
But, no doubt, Encyclopaedia Britannica is wrong…….
It has the broadest of broad European-based descriptions.
Something that someone not familiar with common usage in rural Australia might mistakenly rely upon.
How’s the JobKeeper return going Fat Tony?
Now Ontario has pulled back from vaxx mandates for health workers. We got played for fools here.
Snap lockdown for Darwin and Katherine for 72 hours, starting at midnight ACST.
No idea why.
Sancho Panzer says:
November 5, 2021 at 12:15 am
How’s the JobKeeper return going Fat Tony?
Nice insulting little side step there Sancho Panzer/Professor Higgins/Leigh Lowe.
I have a full-time engineering job plus I do my own engineering consultancy work in my spare time – as I have stated here previously. You should know that….
It has the broadest of broad European-based descriptions.
Something that someone not familiar with common usage in rural Australia might mistakenly rely upon.
It also is the definition used in various references in the Bible.
I also grew up in western Qld – spent many years on farms etc.
Your sophistry grows wearisome Sancho Panzer/Professor Higgins/Leigh Lowe. It would be good if you could come up with some original, non-smartarse/snide shit sometimes.
Knuckle Dragger says:
November 5, 2021 at 12:31 am
Snap lockdown for Darwin and Katherine for 72 hours, starting at midnight ACST.
No idea why.
Simple – because they can.
Australia is to be ground into the dirt by these scum.
Their politicians and senior bureaucrats were brave enough to set about checking the inertia of the millstone that is their State apparatus.
You can’t run a Health System without Health Workers. All the sacked ones are functionally irreplaceable (particularly at short notice and in an artifically depressed labour market of their own making), and most will not come back to be burned a second time.
Unfortunately, it will not come in time to stop the boosterism for boosters. Nor the mandates on people like me who were happy to ride it out until it either calmed down or something less shitty like Novavax came out. And the corresponding abuse and marginalisation of refuseniks and other folk with options beyond losing their professional lives for the temporary appeasement of the swarms of bugmen driving this thing…
This should read:
Unfortunately for most jurisdictions, incliding Australia’s, it will not come in time to stop the boosterism for boosters. Nor the mandates…
I’ve always wondered, how do you calculate the receipts on bets for BAS?
A splendid idea, Your DoverLordship.
PS: after a six-week red meat abstinence, my medium rare pub porterhouse last night with chips, crispy-fresh rabbit food salad and Dijon mustard was to die for.
All this food talk.
Words to live by.
Zipster says:
November 4, 2021 at 10:59 pm
At today’s Senate Homeland Security Committee, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) threw his support behind an amendment introduced by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) to complete the border wall.
Romney’s running in 2024.
I had an appointment today for the Neurologist and a couple of days ago they sent me a txt saying that they wont treat me unless I’m waxxed.
I let it go
Didn’t show
They rang
I blonked the call
around midday today I also had an Osteo appointment
and now my back feels great
What happens when this roving contractor, this journeyman, asks for VX passports?
so I go somewhere into a building in the city for some idiotic emergency.
You know … omg the chillers have stopped and now my sister’s cat has heat-stroke
I guess I’ll need to see everybody in the entire building’s wax certificate, right?
fucking mongs
turn the tables … require vaxx compliance everywhere you go
every time some retard demands vaxx-proof … demand it right back
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight. Brilliant.
Warren Brown.
Warren Brown #2.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe. Trump Derangement, Abbott Derangement, AJ Derangement.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Steve Breen.
Matt Margolis. Haha.
Al Goodwyn.
Robert Ariail.
Henry Payne.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Don’t worry about posting meat recipes…………
That will be cruel while people munch on bugs.
Made your will out Frank?
Try to keep the heart rate down until you do.
Family Guy
Possibly not that sciency
no nsw holidays for recalcitrant Victorians
Great cartoons, thank you Tom though I don’t get Johannes this morning. Have I missed out on some news?
I thought Tasmania was horny in Broelman’s cartoon.
I’m reading some stuff this morning on Scotland.
That shit hole has some problems, worse than Japan.
That is, low birth rate (like Japan) but so many young have left especially over the past 20 years (unlike Japan).
The age/population tables essentially spell the end of the place unless they do something like having a baby bonus or massive immigration.
Scotland’s problem is they speak English.
If you put some metrics around all English speaking countries in the world, I’d bet Scotland’s would rank the lowest.
That is, when you have a transferrable skill & speak the language, most Scots that can, get out.
Scotland to the English speaking world is similar to Illinois to the US.
If you can get out, you do.
As it turns out from real life … no.
But it was an excellent explanation of how they should work.
I enjoyed watching the green “protection” juice flowing from one person to another by hand-holding.
It seems that Chloe’s abductor has a fetish for dolls…..
From The Daily Telegraph….
“Cleo Smith’s alleged abductor collects Bratz dolls and is pictured on social media wearing a shirt with cartoons on it.
Terence Darrell Kelly, 36, was arrested in the early hours of Wednesday morning, after the four-year-old girl was allegedly found locked away at his house.
Kelly’s identity was revealed later on Wednesday as the alleged abductor spent time in hospital for medical treatment.
It is understood he injured himself in his cell again overnight and was returned to hospital on Thursday.
Social media posts reveal photos of Kelly holding two Bratz toy dolls.
Another picture shows a room full of toy dolls.
Mr Kelly was questioned by detectives for several hours and was later charged, including one count of forcibly taking a child under 16.
During an appearance in Carnarvon Magistrate’s Court on Thursday, the Magistrate described Mr Kelly’s case as “notorious”.
Dressed in a black T-shirt, he appeared stern when he sat in the dock, manned by two police officers.
The French Ambassador is taking over from the Chinese Ambassador in using the National Press Club to tip a bucket of poo over Australia.
“The age/population tables essentially spell the end of the place unless they do something like having a baby bonus or massive immigration.”
The far-left socialist scum currently governing Scotland, who pretend to be “Scottish nationalists”, are in fact just Marxist totalitarians, and they will choose massive immigration from the countries far away such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and Somalia. It’s funny how these same “nationalists” have spent decades complaining about the English and agitating for separation from England, a country and people they do have historical ties with, only to deliberately import people from cultures that have nothing whatsoever in common with Scottish/Celtic culture.
“The French Ambassador is taking over from the Chinese Ambassador in using the National Press Club to tip a bucket of poo over Australia.”
Aided and abetted by MSM scum.
Yes. Is that La Tingle in the front row?
Word for the day….
The meaning (according to the Cambridge dictionary)…
“a layer of unpleasant or unwanted material that has formed on the top of a liquid:”
A perfect description of….
The Greens
The Liberal Party of Australia
Scumbag Morrison
Inevitably going to get caught.
vicpol in the news again
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 5, 2021 at 6:59 am
It seems that Chloe’s abductor has a fetish for dolls…..
Carnarvon’s Michael Jackson?
frustrated qantas customers wait up to 20 hours on hold
24-Year-Old Hockey Star Boris Sadecky Dies After Collapsing on Ice in Cardiac Arrest Last Friday – 80% of League is Vaccinated.
Don’t know if he was vaxxinated…
Here’s one copper who won’t put up with lying swine Democrats…
Matrix Transform@ 1.59am
Re refusal of Neurologist to consult if unvaxxed:
This, I confess, is my only real fear in remaining unvaxxed. Will we be refused medical treatment per se? At the moment husband & I are in excellent health, but of course accidents, together with normal aging problems will occur. It really is a shocking situation. What about the Hippocratic Oath?
Pfizer released this disturbing ad telling children they’ll get superpowers if the get the COVID jab.
God, what sick, evil people.
rosie says:
Lol! Now you know I wasn’t exaggerating the other day. At five hours, I gave up.
Tip – ring the main switchboard very early and leave your number for a call-back. Don’t bother with the customer service line, it’s shyte.
Those who have taken the jabs……
Now we know the jabs don’t work (unless it’s purpose is to kill and injure), and you’ll need a booster shot every six months to keep your Nazi-passes valid, how many are you willing to have?
Oh yes you tossed and turned on whether to have the jab or not Frank, but it’s multiple Jabs isn’t it Frank…..until you drop, apparently.
How many before a) It kills you.
or b) You say enough and then become part of the great unvaxxed and off to Toowoomba?
As we are finding out, you may not have much of a choice in any of it as c) “a” seems most likely.
Rugbyskier, thanks for the info.
Cassie, National Press Club and MSM, one and the same.
Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes
Because of what he thinks, a man in a dress can use a woman’s change rooms and not be stopped.
Because of what he thinks, an unvaccinated man cannot enter shops or travel interstate.
Sick minds in charge.
Vicki, from what I understand it is no longer pledged which apparently has relaxed all sorts of obligations.
Hold the line.
There are thousands of unjabbed doctors and nurses in this country.
They’ll organise themselves soon enough.
Just hold the line.
They are already speaking out now, like the Adelaide nurses, regarding the hospitals actually being filled with the vaccinated and their self inflicted side effects, like death.
They are de-registered for all intensive purposes, so opening their mouths now is not a problem.
And the USA is not gone yet.
Hold the line.
From The Epoch Times:
Mainstream Media Has Abandoned the American Working Class: Newsweek Editor
Yeah. That bit’s easy, with the bucket of merde. But – who is that who lit the fuse that burned up Australia? Hairy, a couple of drinks in, asks me. It’s Macron, I say. It’s Rupert, says Hairy.
It’s an odd toon anyway.
I thought it was rules undemocratically imposed that were stopping people from doing this and that.
Someone I know, nearly 93, in aged care, is now once again allowed fully vaccinated visitors only, that excludes too young to be vaccinated great grandchildren, also allowed to go on excursions but the price of those would be three days confined to their room, in isolation, so not happening.
Another has just spent 12 days in hospital after major surgery, and will be in rehab for two weeks more, no visitors allowed at all.
The Victorian misery continues.
On Leak – Chinese guy is Cheng Jinge who left Oz last month in a flurry of ruffled feathers.
French guy is Jean Thebault, who gave an address at the NPC which was highly critical of Australia.
The moo applauding from the front row on behalf of the ABC is La Tingle, that bastion of patriotism and even-handed reportage.
It will continue until a Romanov moment.
I’m hoping it will be resolved at the ballot box.
The Chinese have “burned” Australia in any number of ways, and with the help of our greedy political class. All of them.
The merde chucked by the froggy howler monkeys is a mere distraction from the main game.
If it was Murdoch depicted there as the person who set Australia on fire with all the climate nonsense, and then passed us over to the French Ambassador for a final shot, the Leak would be out of a job, I suggest to Hairy. But I honestly thought the one with the lighter was Macron, who has certainly caused a lot of French trouble for us and he’s the one who set the Ambassador loose. Leak needs to make his Chinese character more identifiably Chinese – maybe with a red star badge or something – if the character was the one Callil suggests.
Leak doesn’t often confuse and is generally very direct.
The line doesn’t exist anymore. A few individuals, in the random foxhole, which have all been bypassed, is pretty much all that remains.
Any thing that can be done, will be too late to prevent the vast majority having to endure the first round of doses, especially here in Victoria. The pressure is immense, and they leveraging the well being of children to force compliance. Too many went voluntarily, and even if they now realise their mistake, they can’t change it.
The line which can be now held is the one refusing to accept boosters. Numbers of the unclean will swell as the six months passes (hell, quite a number of the early group are already physically unclean, if not legally so…yet).
That is where the fight is now at down here. It’s unfortunate, but those who are now toppling can forever hold their heads high, because (ironically) their vax certificate with forever show (by the recorded date) that they didn’t contribute to the unofficial plebiscite which facilitated the two-tier system, which came into effect a couple of weeks ago. That date is etched in history.
When boosters become mandatory, people will have the chance to make amends. Hopefully, with better insight into where this is headed, they will grasp the opportunity. That is the new line, and the only one where we get stronger as time passes.
Everyone has unique circumstances and vulnerabilities, which are currently being exploited by the government in respect to the first doses. No one can resist indefinitely, not whilst they have your family in the same interrogation room.
lol. Don’t know who that Callil person is there.
Yes Cassie the cream rises to the top and the scum sits on top of the cream. We now have a situation where the scum is thicker than the cream in more ways than one.
Lizzie, if you’ve seen a photograph of the outgoing Chinese Ambassador you would see that Johannes has drawn a very good caricature of him.
As the action seems, just seems though, to be taking place in Glasgow, then I suspect your interpretation is the correct one, Calli. But a loose cartoon is always open to question.
Rigbyskier, I haven’t seen a photo so have no idea. See my comment to Calli, above.
Yes, Mater. Particularly those front-liners who accepted a Pfizer shot early in the piece. Many will know better now and will be leery of taking the risk for a third time.
Although my last conversation with youngest daughter…she quite accepted the prospect of bi-annual boosters, as in Israel. It’s hard to get past that kind of thinking.
From the Bee. Brilliant.
10 Reasons You’d Be Crazy Not To Get Your Kids Vaccinated
It would appear that the latest NT lockdown (Katherine locked down, Darwin has something called a ‘lock-out’) was sparked by a contractor at RAAF Tindal who wandered around D and K-towns for a bit before feeling a bit poorly.
Then he made the mistake of being tested, which resulted in the boffins/pollies claiming him as the first ever case of NT community transmission because he hadn’t been anywhere else recently.
I think there’s a couple of much larger Captain Obvious moments here they may have missed.
Article in the Oz:
Teaching of ‘white privilege’ turned Virginia election
The race for governor in Virginia won by Republican Glenn Youngkin was, to all intents and purposes, a critical race theory election. It should provide valuable insight for Australian politicians into the real concerns of mainstream Australians, as well as an opportunity for the government to use education to shape the next election.
Virginia is incredibly significant because it is a Democrat-supporting state that voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden at the 2020 presidential election.
Critical race theory has become one the biggest political issues in the US, where its devotees have been pushing the theory and its tenets with such force on the population that parents’ groups have been resorting to legal action against boards of education.
Several states have even passed legislation banning it from their schools.
Across the country, parents of all races are uniting to reject CRT’s diabolical claims that the defining principle of the structure of Western societies is race, and that “whiteness” is the dominant system of power. They are dismissing the idea that white people are born with “white guilt” and “inherited guilt”, and they are repudiating the narrative that all black people are victims. They are refusing to allow schools to push this pessimistic, regressive and anti-materialist view that society’s default setting is racism.
According to the exit polls conducted by CBS following the election, education and the school curriculum were the top issues for half of all voters, from Democrat and Republican camps.
Fox News contributor Judge Jeanine Pirro says the US mainstream media is “melting down” after the Democrats’ electoral loss in Virginia, where the party was defeated in all the major state-wide races.
Recent polling commissioned by the Institute of Public Affairs (data collected by Dynata) reveals that Australians do not support radical ideologies that are infiltrating classrooms. The polling shows that 82 per cent of Australians disagree with the statement that school students should be forced to apologise for their skin colour. And 86 per cent disagree that schools should make boys ashamed of being male. Meanwhile, 69 per cent do not believe that school students should be taught that Australia is a racist country. These statements refer to events that have all occurred in Australian classrooms.
Yet, those on the left have chosen to ignore their concerns as legitimate because they are now denying that CRT even exists. Initially, they defended CRT as a good thing; then they claimed any attack on CRT was itself racist. Now they are saying that it is merely a figment of conservatives’ febrile imaginations. Indeed, the fatal mistake made by Democrat Terry McAuliffe during the campaign was to say that he didn’t think “parents should be telling schools what they should teach”.
Although he later claimed that the audience had applauded his statement, it appears that it was the final nail in McAuliffe’s coffin. As it turns out, American parents believe they should be able to tell schools what they should teach and they certainly don’t want their children being taught CRT and radical gender theory. The Republicans in Virginia campaigned hard against such woke teaching in schools and were richly rewarded in the suburbs.
CRT has already insinuated itself into the Australian education system. Many members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander advisory committee, who were called on to consult on all learning areas of the proposed national curriculum, believe that Australia was founded on white supremacy and that the teaching of maths is systemically racist. Thus, CRT has been embedded into the draft health and physical education syllabus, as well as the proposed history curriculum.
Students studying the year 10 strand “Rights and freedoms (1945 to the present)” will be taught about “the background and causes, such as discriminatory legislation and policies, to the struggle of First Nations Peoples of Australia for rights and freedoms”. Meanwhile, the NSW Education Department’s “Racism. No Way!” initiative teaches children that Australia’s history and its institutions are racist. A classroom activity for years 9 and 10 asks children to put together a “privilege sale list” so that they can “achieve an understanding of privilege and oppression”.
In Sydney’s Lindfield Learning Village, students in years 5 and 6 decorated the classroom with an array of Black Lives Matter-inspired signs such as End White Supremacy, White Lives Matter Too Much and Stop Killer Cops. In Melbourne’s Parkdale Secondary College, a youth worker humiliated 15-year-old boys in front of their classmates by making them stand up and apologise for being white, male and Christian.
Education Minister Alan Tudge has said he will not be endorsing the draft National Curriculum as it stands.
Meanwhile, the left is still defending CRT. The co-vice-president of the Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies Association, Sandy O’Sullivan, commented that “those of us who apply critical race theory to our work do so because we hope to locate race-based ideas and practices and reveal them”.
Like American parents, Australian parents want none of it. This presents an opportunity for the Morrison government to frame the election on back-to-basics education, rejecting woke teaching fads and CRT in our schools. The Liberals would be wise to take note of what is happening in the US. All they need to do is to listen to the parents.
Dr Bella d’Abrera is the director of the Foundations of Western Civilisation Program at the Institute of Public Affairs.
Because they can.
Scroll down on that Bee link and get an hilarious take on the Let’s Go Brandon meme as applied to a Biden supporting dad with a son called Brandon.
I missed it.
Tim Pool announced yesterday that he had COVID.
He essentially had the Joe Rogan treatment.
People talk ivermectin & that’s great, but no one is concentrating on NAD/NMN.
This should be the game changer for everything.
What about it? They’re not even obliged to take it any more.
Ask your daughter why Fizzer put graphene in the Hoaxine and why are they taking patents out on the use of graphine in Hoaxines? Little steps Calli. We can see you struggling along with many others here. The support you get here hopefully goes somewhere in your ability to cope.
Currently having a bit of difficulty with a good friend who is getting a little despondent at the whole Covid thingy.
She’s a bit isolated – more from depression than anything else, and the kids are stopping her from seeing her grandies and she refuses to get the “vaccine”.
A week or so ago someone put up a link to an article that explains what the nudge politicians are doing in terms of emotional manipulation of the citizenry to achieve their aims. There was something about a constant series of crises, the next one arriving before the last has been dealt with as a means of destabilising people.
If anyone could repost articles that may help me explain to her why she is feeling hopeless/helpless, that would be great.
Moderna down 20% overnight.
Boosters forever will be phased out in the US before the mid-terms.
In There Must Be An Election Coming Up news:
Australia labelled untrustworthy, a climate change ‘pariah’ after stoush with French President, COP26
Labelled by whom?
M. Micron? Boris? Greta Trollsdottir? Lu Kewen? Miserable Ghost?
Why no:
For most of Australia, Matt Who?
ABC lovin’ it.
No Cambridge dictionary.
The one true reference is Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Find someone in your street over 80 wearing slippers and a grey cardigan and they might have a set.
Just remembered Virginia’s motto is Sic Semper Tyrannis – “Thus always to Tyrants.”
I just need to know where the line is.
The one we are holding.
rosie -‘I’m hoping it will be resolved at the ballot box.’
We need assurance that there will in fact be a ballot box November 2022, a ballot not reserved for those who have had a booster jab and who also have a booking for the fourth jab.
I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours.
I just need to know where the line is.
The one we are holding
I’m sure one of the shrill, spiteful, hysterical scolds will inform us soon.
So it looks like I’ve lost another friend- godmother to my kids, no less- because she can’t tolerate my lighthearted mockery of The Jab.
A while ago I realized that I had to mentally divide everyone I know into people who want to think about the world around them, and people who simply do not want to know. Now I’ve realized that if I divided people into the tolerant and those who cannot tolerate dissent, it’s the same result.
Rex A’s comment on the earlier thread piqued my interest and I found this on Mises.org-
Managerialism, not socialism or capitalism, dominated the West in the latter half of the 20th century. Nobody explained this better than James Burnham in his seminal 1941 book The Managerial Revolution: What is Happening in the World. Burnham challenges both Marxist orthodoxy on class (exploitation happens without capitalism) and libertarian orthodoxy on market firms (managerial control overtakes “owners”). This is hugely important book, and prescient to put it mildly: Burnham’s thesis explains both the populist Trump revolution and the Deep State response. To understand modern politics and bureaucracy, and especially the DC Beltway, you need to read this book.
And then reinstated straight after the election.
The Green=Left Weekly (now Half) Hour formerly known as AM – Australia needs to work harder to close the abducted child gap.
For additional dramatic effect hold your belt buckle and say: “let me whip it out! now!”
As for where the line’ might be, it is the one that demarcates what is right from what is wrong. Holding to the existence of that line is a start.
Tip – ring the main switchboard very early and leave your number for a call-back. Don’t bother with the customer service line, it’s shyte.
Tip, dump QANTAS. Virgin is much improved, friendly, and doesn’t impose faggot and race pimp propaganda.
OS go Emirates or Singapore for genuine service and no short tempered menopausal stewards.
Falling passenger numbers is the only way to get rid of the rainbow striped leprechaunian POS.
That sound that you hear is Hudson Fish screaming from the grave “let me at the little fenian traitor”.
Cheers JC.
Pancho swaggered into the saloon, waving his corona menacingly.
They would argue they are broadly following the “do no harm” mantra by not allowing the unclean in their rooms.
In any case, this is likely to become a moot point. Many specialists will require a scan and/or some pathology before the consultation.
The consultation can be done via Zoom in a lot of cases, but will be of limited use without the pathology/scans.
And pathology/imaging companies can set any conditions they like for entry to their facilities.
Sad but true.
I have a regular scan due in March. I will be using a vax passport to attend if I have to.
Sorry St Ruth.
Not standing (or falling unnecessarily) with a possible undetected cancer to keep you happy.
Yes I’ve had enough of Qantas and seeing I’ll my FF points have evaporated there’s no reason to fly with them ever again.
You talkin’ to me, hombre?
I am Sancho.
Cisco is my brother and his (possibly) gay friend is Pancho.
We went O/S several times over the last ten years.
Just picked the best airline for the route we wanted. The only repeat booking was Austrian Airlines.
Rarely even bother registering with the various FF programs.
Qantas is always too expensive.
It’s an A1 key catchphrase (and also indirectly referenced in Braveheart).
The latest ‘despatch’ is a seminar with weirdly religious overtones. From the online glossy pamphlet:
Resilience, structure, goal setting – fine.
Ultimate centre of creation – not so much.
Will the blue paint be supplied?
Is it made in Chai-nerr?
Now there’s a word I can get behind.
Suggested it as an alternative for the Liberal Democrats, but they never got back to me.
Come to think of it, where’s my bloody t-shirt?
Re Qantas- TBH without all the offensive PC/Cultural Marxism/Hatred of Anglo Australia I found them quite good – staff were always helpful and obliging, get pissed free of charge on Friday night Sydney to Melbourne sort of thing. But if they are going to lecture and insult me they can get fucked.
Sandy O ‘Sullivan trawling for race based practices to reveal .Why are we funding these Morons.
Why are we funding these Morons.
To destroy Western Civilization.
You must realize that a Canbra shiny bum with defined benefit super knows how to spend your money better than you ever would.
Taxing the sun into quiescence can’t save us, only
Marxism-Leninism can.
I’m not certain how the workers throwing in their lot with those bourgeois hobbyists
known as climate activists fits within the dialectic.
Surely the workers would need to cut their own throats to fulfil the climate dream
and the climate activists’ parasitism wouldn’t be tolerated in a worker’s paradise.
If you find yourself on a QANTAS flight you’ve done something wrong.
I am acquainted with quite a few ex Qantas employees and they tell me it was a poisonous work culture. Only heard good things about working for Ansett but that’s ancient history.
November 5, 2021 at 9:37 am
Sandy O ‘Sullivan trawling for race based practices to reveal .Why are we funding these Morons.
Who is Sandy O’Sullivan, and why should we care about his/her/zer opinions?
November 5, 2021 at 9:42 am
You must realize that a Canbra shiny bum with defined benefit super
Probably not too many left in defined benefit schemes now.
In their heyday encyclopaedia salesthings were the very definition of scum.
Preying on the lo-info by suggesting that the mere presence in the house of all 24 volumes (at only $50/ big thick book) would guarantee learning and future wealth for the kiddies.
I guess they’ve moved on to solar panels and tooth straighteners.
Do they realise that a lot of people would consider pissing off the Chinese, and many also the French, to be a good thing? Especially as the French are siding with the Chinese.
Is there anyone not already Green for left Labor who have a problem with ditching the French diesels and getting nuclear instead?
With that flatworm level of consciousness (which allows its undulating ribbon-like charge to eventually find its way through a maze if provided prompting with electric zaps) that Morrison possesses (on a good day), even he should be able to discern the blurred image against a blurred background of this being a good thing for him.
Don’t forget the mindfulness.
One further question – will one of you be allowed to visit the sick better half? In my current experience in Sydney, the answer is an unequivocal no.
they’ve changed it.
now called the Hypocritic Oath
post-modern health care = neglect
Virginia was a great result with a candidate, Youngkin, who strongly espoused conservative values, but the GOP missed NJ where it seems voting crap was done again by the demorats:
The Republican Party had only two governor races to protect from Democrat voter fraud this 2021 Election. They couldn’t get it done. The Republican Party ignored one of those races. They failed.
Gone. It died of Covid.
“I will remember that I do not treat a fever chart, a cancerous growth, but a sick human being, whose illness may affect the person’s family and economic stability. My responsibility includes these related problems, if I am to care adequately for the sick.”
“I will respect the privacy of my patients, for their problems are not disclosed to me that the world may know. Most especially must I tread with care in matters of life and death. If it is given me to save a life, all thanks. But it may also be within my power to take a life; this awesome responsibility must be faced with great humbleness and awareness of my own frailty. Above all, I must not play at God.”
Sad;y, he was.
Ive still got the paperwork from the old NAB defined benefit scheme when I joined in the late 80s. Rolled it over somewhere along the line when it became apparent I was not going to be another Nobby Clark. Hypothetically I guess I could still be a member. Not much talk of retiring at 55 anymore.
That’s why I had a bit of a laugh when it got trotted out last night.
“Every time I use them it is proof positive that Dad didn’t piss away $499.95 back in 1968”.
The promise was one of sort of “education by osmosis” if the kids were in close proximity with the red bound volumes.
Still a lucky few.
But Servants of Canberra do get to enjoy 15.4% employer contributions – on top of salaries pitched at private sector levels because ‘skills retention’.
With job security running at 11 because ‘strategic continuity of critical services’.
Australia as we know it wouldn’t exist if the British hadn’t lied to the French several times.
I wonder if anyone at the NPC will be cheeky enough to bring that up?
Probs not.
Simple question St Ruth.
Is it, or is it not, an individual’s right to make that decision?
Because any argument that one should resist solely because of the “greater good” sounds a bit like … you know … that thing.
He has no standing.
From NSW gov: Entry restrictions for people who are not fully vaccinated
From 1 November 2021, people who live in Victoria will not be able to travel to NSW for a holiday or recreation if they are over 16 years of age and not fully vaccinated.
I assume that means if my excuse is ‘relocation’ or ‘moving to NSW’, then I can travel for that purpose?
Mater, can you prove that there are only a few down there not jabbed?
Thousands walked out of just health care and people felt strongly enough about it to march all over the Westgate.
4000 health workers in this state alone refused the jab and lost their jobs.
I think it’s bluff and bullshit regarding numbers.
But I read on other social media plenty saying they won’t get the booster because they’ve “done their bit”
Stupid reasoning but there you have it.
Getting yourself vaccinated helps no one else, and in this case helps tyrants take control and clogs up beds in hospitals other more deserving patients could be using.
Remember, that was their logic regarding the unvaxxed.
like this
Methinks St Ruth is a scold.
Against the Tide
By Adam Wesselinoff -November 5, 2021
“Concepts like the inherent dignity of the person, the right to liberty and freedom and a commitment to social justice and the common good arose as a result of Christ’s teachings detailed in the New Testament,” Donnelly writes in his introduction to Christianity Is Good For Us.
Without Christianity, cultures risk degenerating into totalitarianism by denying the sacredness of human beings, and instead giving way to what Del Noce argues are the hallmarks of the emerging Western post-Christian world: scientism, eroticism and secularism.
Donnelly believes Australian Christians are beginning to feel the consequences of secularisation through an increasing number of legal and cultural imposts on religious freedom, such as the trial of Cardinal George Pell, the Safe Schools programme, the withering treatment of Israel Folau and Margaret Court.
All these episodes are part of a concerted campaign to marginalise and ultimately banish religious practice from the public sphere, the author argues.
Can’t see why not.
You are staying in temporary accommodation until you get sorted.
Then maybe you change your mind after three weeks.
I assume that means if my excuse is ‘relocation’ or ‘moving to NSW’, then I can travel for that purpose?
Toss in the word “employment”, Perrotet is keen to at least appear to be re-building the state economy. What skills do you have o offer?
Rib eyes to impress guests. Hanger steak — aka ‘Butcher’s steak’ because they’d hang em up behind the counter to take home — the tastiest cut for personal consumption. The vein down the center is visually unappealing but no impediment to good eating.
People figured out months ago that your relentless mocking of struth isn’t because his ideas are dumb, or even anything to do with struth – other than you hate him because he’s a dumb working class Queenslander. It’s because he makes you feel like you’re being exposed as a coward having to explain to everyone why you fully intend on doing nothing and embracing everything while pretending that there is no other option.
Groogs have you finished those tapes? Brittany matter is going to trial. Chop chop.
other than you hate him because he’s a dumb working class Queenslander.
I love these gratuitous via Internet diagnoses of others.
friendlyjordies says sorry
I’m a mechanical engineer, with permission from the boss to start an office in NSW.
I better answer you while you are still here.
And will once you answer my questions.
I repeat, how many jabs will you be willing to take, seeing they don’t work?
No, even though I have already answered your question, I’ll do so again now.
Time may be of the essence.
You have a right to do whatever you like.
You can stick the whole vile up your arse for all I care.
However, you do not have the right to participate in activities that will cause misery, starvation, imprisonment and death of your fellow countrymen and country.
It’s quite simple really.
The code we used to all agree on before the coup d’etat.
Free to do whatever you like unless it harms others.
Submitting to tyranny, harms others.
I’m a mechanical engineer, with permission from the boss to start an office in NSW.
Great stuff!
Milton doesn’t like being reminded of civic duty and duty to your fellow man.
It’s called scolding.
That’s a few, Struth.
We’ve got kids down here that have been locked up for near on two years. Dan has promised to put the unvaccinated ones back into effective lockdown come the 24th.
If his new bill passes, that will mean another 12 months (at least) for them, and it may even mean they can’t be schooled. They have given down to 12 year olds the ability to consent to vaccination, and most are/will give it under such threats, regardless of parental views.
I refuse to allow my children to be stabbed, without me also partaking in the risk…it’s an old fashioned Officer thing. Anyway, if they’ve coerced all my immediate family into it (and they will have shortly), what will I have to live for if things go astray with these vaxxes?
One in, all in, as they say.
I encourage those who’s circumstances allow them to resist, until the booster issue emerges, to do so. Unfortunately I’m not in such a position. I am likely to be forced into it prior to the end of this year. I’ve pushed it nearly as far as I can without it costing me everything…and Dan would love to see a person like me in that predicament. I won’t give him that satisfaction by dogmatically defending a defensive line that is untenable and no longer really exists.
It’ll be the vaxxed group who disagree with compulsion and passports (alongside the refuseniks) that will defeat Dan and his edicts. He’s already discarded the holdouts as irrelevant and expendable.
Oh Lord
He is?
So how big will the line ups at the borders be while all the jabbed work out what their new freedom is…..flashing their Nazi passes everywhere and wondering if they’ll be permitted to cross ven qvestioned by ze stasi.
I’ve been a good Nazi, master!
COP26: 40 countries agree to phase out coal-fired power
The palluder converts:
Ukraine and Canada currently operate nuclear power stations (50% of Ukraine’s generating capacity).
Poland has just announced plans to develop 6+GW of nuclear generation by 2043 – as part of a ‘hydrogen economy’ strategy.
Vietnam is currently fiddling around looking for aid from Japan and Korea to establish nuclear generation. Possibly modular nukes.
Meanwhile, Australia has shitcanned nuclear because of 1960’s CND politics, and instead is thrashing around, knee-deep in troughers and thieves and rent seekers, with solar panels and long cables and unfunded network infrastructure.
Very lucky, My Country.
From 1 November 2021, people who live in Victoria will not be able to travel to NSW for a holiday or recreation if they are over 16 years of age and not fully vaccinated.
Can Parrot Rot stop me from returning to the state I was born in?
Civic duty!
Yes, I’ve got that on my bingo card.
Imagine the gall of someone who spent months and months viciously hen-pecking, piling on and mocking struth about his quite brave lonely little protest of walking out of his house and down to his Anzac memorial in the depths of the ‘pandemic’ hysteria last year, then sitting here quietly 18 months later when Victorian protestors turned up en-masse at the Victorian ‘Shrine’ (sans-him, of course) and everyone here was rooting for them and raging against the media and state for persecuting and mocking and lying about them thinking: “oh shit, please nobody remember my 30,000 vicious comments last year mocking and lying about Struth for doing and urging everyone to do that very thing“.
It’s not just that you’re a coward leigh-lowe, it’s that you’re completely useless politically. You’re the mediocre player who dances around the scrum and the ball every match but strangely never seems to touch it, who occasionally tries to ‘tackle’ people but never actually brings anyone to the ground, whose ideas are shit and instincts are non-existent and who covers for all that by aggressively mouthing off loudly at everyone on the field. Everyone rolls their eyes, it’s all a farce, everyone knows it.
I would say abusing them as Nazi traitors who have no standing isn’t terribly productive.
When I was a kid there was a saying supposedly beloved by parents to the effect of “You shouldn’t pull faces – if the wind changes direction it’ll stay that way.”
I can only vaguely recall hearing it but, strangely enough, I have a clearer recollection of feeling of the absurdity.
And yet absurd though those exhortations to propriety for, at the very least, the preservation of facial malleability, I think we have seen something akin to it in our own times in the form of large companies.
So many companies years ago were content to go about their own business making sprockets or widgets etc. After being pestered everywhere they looked by loud but ignorant letter writers and activists the pragmatic souls who ran these enterprises would set up token panels and charters committing to whatever would shut the letters up. But eventually the people who treated these ostentatious sideshows for what they were would move on, and be replaced by true believers, and the sideshows would slowly work its way toward the core.
And not just at the lower levels. Someone in senior management who knew he had to pay lip service to AGW would be replaced by someone who would not shut up.
Thus once respectable businesses have become hobbled and bent little gnomes lecturing their customers on topics that have nothing to do with what the customers want.
Would be interested in reports from any Darwin cats on how this “lockout” trial works out over the next few days.
As one of the unvaccinated, I am now locked down until midnight Sunday. Doesn’t really bother me much as hubby and I are retired and live on a small acreage an hour or so out of town. I go into town once or twice a week for dance/exercise classes, lunch with friends and shopping. Hubby avoids going in at all as much as he possibly can.
Will have to miss lunch with friends planned for today. While I can still grocery shop, I’m not sure if I need to bother before Monday. Will be interested to see what happens with dancing.
Meanwhile, Australia has shitcanned nuclear because of 1960’s CND politics, and instead is thrashing around, knee-deep in troughers and thieves and rent seekers, with solar panels and long cables and unfunded network infrastructure.
Yep and what blows my mind is how these filthy lawyers have decided they know all about electrical engineering. At least people like Askin and Menzies and Bolte would leave to the likes of Harold Conde. Again it’s managerialism.
The Hero of The Highways and Warrior of The Resistance is working two jobs (one self-employed). While simultaneously screaming at everyone else working and trying to maintain their lives.
When he ensures his potential tax take is not being used to perpetuate TyRaNnY by denying to the Queensland and Federal governments (like he is demanding the rest of us do), then I will maybe consider possibly thinking about taking him and his pronouncements seriously. Perhaps.
A dumb Queenslander is surely redundant? Choose one.
Sancho Panzer says:
November 5, 2021 at 9:00 am
Cassie of Sydneysays:
No Cambridge dictionary.
The one true reference is Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Find someone in your street over 80 wearing slippers and a grey cardigan and they might have a set.
Sancho Panzer/Professor Higgins/Leigh Lowe – back to your snide shit this early in the morning?
Just asking for a friend – do you ever post on the other threads where you might actually have to make a point?
I spose it’s easier for the feeble-minded to be a smart-arse on the OT.
Hang on- You’re supposed to be defending Struth. Not sticking the boot in, too…
Aren’t you?
But at least I’m not a boomer, hey stix?
Imagine the gall of someone who 18 months ago aggressively hen-pecked mocked and piled on someone who was saying “we need to do something now otherwise we will never be free again” for being a stupid conspiracy theorist loon, 18 months later being here HA.HA.HAing to that person: “sorry dummy, I’m going to use the new government licence to be out of my house that gives me the privilege of seeing a doctor so I don’t die like a dog in the street, so take that, stupid guy who lives in my head.”.
The tide is turning mater.
The pro jabbed are falling silent.
It’s so blatantly obvious now.
These vaccines are killers.
Anyone denying that now is a) obviously jabbed and intent on kidding themselves at all costs.
b) living under a rock.
My son has submitted and I’m devastated.
This is a war.
And the tide is turning.
Here’s what I am predicting.
Covid theatre continues thus…..
A big outbreak because they loosened the reigns and of course it will be caused by the unjabbed.
The unjabbed will force the closures again.
It’s pure propaganda theatre and can quite comfortably be predicted.
Turning us against each other is obviously the goal.
History shows us this.
Hold on, because they changed the demographic down in Sydney and Melbourne.
There’s hardly any of the old colonials (white Australians), left.
You can’t even get a few independent journalists who are on the right side that are not ethnics.
And then you’ve got the likes of Frank and Co, who are your typical chip on the shoulder Victorian first, Australian second types, which make up a fair remainder of those who are white and understand how their freedom came about.
That’s why we saw such tedious parochialism regarding vaccine performance and case numbers between them and NSW.
You don’t have a lot to work with, agreed.
All the whites moved north.
Remember the term white flight?
Just hold out a bit longer if you can.
Fight this as if they are trying to kill you.
Because they are trying to kill you.
Dr Faustus, one of those Canadian nuclear power stations is located less than 25km from the Toronto CBD and the communities adjacent to the power station, Pickering and Ajax, are amongst the fastest growing cities in Canada. I can only imagine the screeching if an 8 reactor power station was located 25km from the centre of Melbourne or Sydney.
And BTW Struth, if you haven’t worked out how evil I think this stuff is, how appalled I am at mandatory Covid vaccination (especially the kids), or how fervent I am about how the numbers of vaccinated facilitated this crappy situation, you clearly haven’t been reading my threads or posts.
Unfortunately, since our constitution appears to provide any protection, Australia is now governed by mob rule. We are not going to change a thing until ‘our mob’ is of sufficient numbers to influence change. That’s not going to be until boosters are mandated, and that will be too late for most. The war not over, but this battle is close to done. We must refocus on what is realistic, not idealistic.
Hanger steak — aka ‘Butcher’s steak’ because they’d hang em up behind the counter to take home — the tastiest cut for personal consumption.
Yes, very tasty.
Must never be cooked from cold.
If you can get your hands on a cheapy sous vide thingo, try six hours at 55°C – then salt and a quick sear on a superheated grill.
Slice and a quick splash of melted butter.
It is what lefties call ‘a living document’. That is why the likes of RBG and other progressives (but worst from a Supreme Court Judge) are able to discover the right to abortion in the US’ founding document.
‘Do no harm’ in the modern context naturally becomes ‘Do what you are told’.
Funny thing is that lefties in the US are originalists when it comes to the Second Amendment, insisting that the ‘Founding Male Parental Units Who May Or Not Be Biologically Male But Chose To Identify As One’ did not have in mind the right to any weapon later than a musket.
They are, of course, reading ‘into’ the constitution on the basis that Founding Blah-Blahs cannot have meant an modern firearms because they had never encountered one. (The Constitution does refer to free speech, and you can be sure the free speech they had in mind was far broader than the straitened than leftists could countenance.)
The Founders intended for citizens to be armed to be able to defend themselves from tyranny, and in a time when tyrants and their armies have machine guns then restricting citizens to muskets is not allowing them to defend themselves.
All this is pretty well know. Even to progressives. They just have this stupid theatre they like to play where they imagine they have trapped their opponents in their own arguments. It has been so long since they have engaged in debate don’t even know what it looks like. All they know is that there is a lot of backslapping and ‘everybody else is wrong’. And that is all they care about.
Utter bastard.
Beneath contemplate.
St Ruth.
The patron saint of the scolds.
I am double vaxxed and with you 100%, Mater. My local pub last night threatened to deny me entry because I don’t have a vax document from the Victorian police state. The staff say they are being threatened with fines of up $100,000 for letting in the unvaxxed, which would force the hotel to close.
Nothing better expresses the Andrews government’s hatred of small business than the punishment it is handing out over Kung Flu. None of the Andrews cabinet has ever had a real job in the real economy.
Meanwhile, I’ll try to get a vax passport today from my local health centre to comply with the coercion of the Andrews pig state. Like most people, I can’t afford an expensive legal fight.
The Andrews regime is the worst example imaginable of criminal misbehaviour by a government monopoly.
Who decides what “civic duty” is?
Is it … The People?
It’s bloody hard trying to talk sense to a bloke who gets confused looking at a steering wheel.
But we’ll give it a go.
The jobs requiring me to get jabbed, or even wear a mask, I gave away. .
I have a job now which doesn’t require me to do any complying with any of it and I have NEVER submitted to any of it.
I get paid SFA compared to what I was on, and this will be gone and so will the gigs by mid December when the unjabbed in Queensland become the new Jews.
And your argument is I am paying taxes so I have no right to have a view on the issue!!!!!
A few of the Instagram bbq dudes (are there any other type?) rate hanger steak. I’ve not tried it.
Say what you want and you’re likely correct. I’m talking on a relative basis and NOT absolute. The short, gay, autistic little prick is the best airline CEO in the world. No one else comes close.
He runs that airline like a well tuned Porsche. Never underestimate him.
Helen, my dance group meet in a public hall where vaxx is mandatory. Coffee and other social meet ups no-one cares and so far dance is still online due to mask requirements in the hall which are impossible.
The fines for dance leaders who don’t comply are horrendous. Maybe you could meet in a private home for a few classes or go online if your class is vaxx affected?
These sorts of women’s social and health activities are being so disrupted by stupid Covid mandates.
Good to hear from you about how you are faring.
social justice has a very clearly defined current meaning and to use it in any context involving christianity is a travesty of logic and common sense.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Promises to File Suit Against Dept of Labor and OSHA Rule Tomorrow
November 4, 2021 | Sundance
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced a lawsuit against the Biden Administration’s unconstitutional Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) employer vaccine mandate. As soon as the unlawful emergency temporary standard (ETS) is published in the Federal Register tomorrow, the lawsuit will be immediately filed with the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit.
Any chance of dipping into that bowl of hyper for a Bravo Zulu?
Last year I was at the local Memorial when the polis drove by.
I haven’t seen it mandated for kids as yet. I’m expecting it to though.
Only half right.
I will use the vax passport to access medical specialists.
I think even Mater declared this an ‘acceptable’ use of a passport.
But, truth is, I am not much fussed what anyone outside my immediate circle thinks.
Winston, you were looking for an article from a week back for a friend. I don’t recall it but this one from Arky is worth passing on, particularly the video, which is excellent.
The gay leprechaun may run a great airline. I just never want to fly it.
A masterclass in brutal. Thanks.
This video just appeared in my Youtube notifications.
The lady is discussing the same video about mass formation, but in a more accessible and compressed format. And she looks much-much better, than the two blokes in the original video.
As if her visage alone wasn’t frightening enough, Palaszczuk has now issuing dire warnings to regional Queenslanders that “covid will hunt you down”.
Truth be told there’s a better chance of Queensland Health killing you by malpractice or neglect than covid.
And here we go. A few months tops before this (and every other) vaccine is mandated for work in the US.
And then it will be the same here (if not before).