Particularly free “transitions”?
Particularly free “transitions”?
Nope another out of touch twat. North face seems bit out of date if he’s trying to project an image.
Listen to the terrible ‘mistake’ that caused DC plane crash, according to air traffic controller
I didn’t like it, far too much fat.
Who gives a f@ck? I don’t feel safe with their presence in this country.
Yappy chihuahua about ready for an afternoon nap.
And as far as that quip about St. Louis of the 8th Crusade goes…
Was Louis such an insufferable Cannot, that in the heat of battle his fellow Crusaders abandoned him to the Turks?
Who in turn mistook his querulousness and tendentiousness for actual charisma?
And who, after having brutally tortured the man to (an honestly undeserved) death and decapitated his corpse, presented his head to the beseiged Crusaders in an attempt to demoralise them? Only to have it flung back at them by the enraged Crusaders amid cries of “And may ye Frotting keepeth he! Yon pipsqueaks!”
Thus costing Saladin the siege of Bumstantinople in 1495?
Ahahaha! Page podium with a stupidity.
*pats self on back*
Sometimes bird hits the nail on the head, it has to be said.
And anyone that disagrees is a fucking boofhead.
Just looking. Don’t really like Rolex although I respect the brand. I never knew Rolex owned Tudor watches. I always thought Tudor was a prissy brand found in cheap Australian Jewelry stories. Doesn’t mean it’s not a nasty brand, but Rolex isn’t cheap and nasty.
Owner: Hans Wilsdorf
Founded: 1905, London, United Kingdom
CEO: Jean-Frederic Dufour (2014–)
Headquarters: Geneva, Switzerland
Revenue: 5.2 billion USD (2019)
Subsidiaries: Tudor Watches, Gay Frères SA, Rolex Italia S.p.A., MORE
Nothing seemed to fit so I wrote “Christian” in the “other” field.
St. Struth of the Vexing, Patron Saint of Bings, Bongs and Cartes…
I thinketh I can, I thinketh I can. toot toot.
I’m also getting a sense of something else in among all the posturing one way or the other.
A growing desire to see the vaccinated fall sick and succumb. It’s just a few hints here and there, but it isn’t healthy.
Oh Bless.
Struth is so desperate for approval now, that he is accepting headpats from a Schizophrenic…
You may not have that long.
A D E.
Yes, Bruce. There was no Anglican identifying as Presbyterian either.
So much for diversity.
I’m not entirely sure why you think this gets under my skin, Struth.
I embrace my nature.
By comparison, someone you don’t like (or worse, made you look bad) need only type “Hello,” and your tyres explode…
You mean something like “I hope you get a bloodclot. You deserve it.”
That sort of thing?
Hard to present yourself as a patriot, standing (and falling if necessary) for your countrymen, but at the same time wishing plague and pestilence upon them.
Passing strange, one might say.
Unless … nah, surely not.
Bird reminds me of a channel-bill cuckoo. Lots of them about Cafe Bruce right now, in flights of three or four, sounding like flying donkeys. They’re very loud, incredibly obnoxious, parasitize other birds’ nests, and all the local Cafe denizens totally hate their guts whenever they arrive. My currawong pairs turn up with attached cuckoo kiddies from time to time, although I’ve never had a chance to become friendly with one of them.
Sorry Graeme. 😀
Heyt Choo choo.
You failed psych 101 didn’t you?
Remember, the next step is to say something mean about my mother.
You know.
“Thou art Mother is a train driver”
Stuff like that.
Choo choooooooooooooo
So there won’t be any examples of Joh, Beattie, Newman, or Pauline advocating the use of state force to keep out non-residents.
Probably wasn’t any reason then to pretend that’s what they said.
A colour-blind schizophrenic no less.
One who takes the red tablet when he should take the green one (and vice-versa), and two of the green and white capsules when he really should take the brown and yellow capsules.
St. Ruth’s biggest fan to date, just upthread:
Oh, ho-kay then.
I’m sure he is. Until someone doesn’t do what he wants in exactly the way he wants it.
The sociopath blowhard is back.
In the past week he’s been in denial of everything. I wonder if it means Harry the liquidator is starting him out in a new life…. in a witness protection program sort of thing against the debtors.
Has Arky got the jab yet?
Your conduct and character is indictment enough.
Oh God.
We’ve been told like she’s really really smart because she owned a fish&chip shop in Queensland.
Who could do better than this.
No, Sancho. I didn’t mean the overt stuff – that can be taken with a grain of salt. It’s the same as wishing piles or extreme dandruff.
A bit deeper than that – a type of confirmation bias and smug satisfaction. I won’t say more, but it’s sad. Also, the ones who have lost the most are the least judgemental, and they have my utmost respect.
Hey, Joh – regarding the Farlowe’s magnificent cover of “Out of Time”, I wish Tarantino had used it instead of the Stones’ version in “Once Upon a Time in Hollyweird”.
Farlowe’s cover is a note perfect rendition of this Stones’ version, apart from the vocals.
Having said that, I love both Stones’ versions. It just would have been nice to see the Farlowe get some belated recognition.
Hey St Ruth.
You know how Victorians should have just gone out and copped $5k fines one after another to wear Hunchback down?
It’s just money, right?
Which means nothing in the fight against TyRaNny.
Have you sold the bread van yet and put the money towards a campaign against PalaceChook?
I mean you gave Victorians shit this morning for their “too little, too late” protest.
How about you put some cash where the cavernous mouth is?
You don’t want to miss the boat like we did, eh?
Or does Bakers Delight actually own the van?
Yet I get denounced as the “truculent ol’ bastard”. 🙁
It’s not fair, I tells ya!
But, but … there’s guns at the border.
(Or possibly broomsticks).
Topper alert!
I have just read an earlier post of Struth… which has led to a bit of name calling. But he is right.
Mea Culpa. I confess I was one of those in early 2020 who was totally spooked by the virus as it spread into Europe, and then elsewhere, and finally appeared, as I recall, in Oz with a Chinese tourist in the Gold Coast.
I was calling loudly for a vaccine, welcoming lockdowns, fleeing to our farm, growing veges……yep, all of that. This state of affairs continued into early this year when vaccines were developed AZ & Pfizer, & vaccinations got underway in the US, and Europe. And then… of adverse vax events came thick & fast…..
As is my wont, I then immersed myself in vaccine research…..discovered dissenting immunologists & virologists, watched the now famous meeting of Robert Malone, Bret Weinstein & Steve Kirsch, & have not since stopped daily updates on the sorry saga of Big Pharma & their medical negligence. The more recent cross linking the exploits of WHO, the digital moghuls, & assorted mongrels who are intent upon ruling this planet, has further supercharged my anguish.
So, Struth, in a nutshell – you were right all along, as so many others (e.g. Adam Creighton & Steve Waterson of The Australian) were as well. I have since grasped how the authorities “massaged” the COVID statistics to exaggerate the fatalities. It was only after I read Prof. Foster’s (et al) book “The Great COVID Panic” that I understood how, to immunologists, “cases” actually mean “hospitalisations”. But the MSM and the medical bureaucracy have used “cases” to mean “infections”. The difference is INCREDIBLY significant, in the same way as the reporting of deaths “of COVID” is very different from deaths “with COVID”. The latter is now acknowledged in Italy, where the “COVID deaths” have been revised down by 97%!!!
The 10,000 plus physicians and scientists who have signed the “Rome Declaration” proves how very wrong I was in 2020. I now have a list of the most prominent of these experts, many Nobel prize winners & leaders in vaccinology, who I give to those who continue to believe the Great Lie, as I once did.
It’s the eye for the good things in life wot does it…
Stinkfist. An anthem. I’m going to look at Bullet Train to Iowa next, which is a totally trippy.
(I’ve never tripped, I’m a chemist: rule #1 never eat your product.)
Thank you.
(You are being an excellent Bert to my Graeme today, I must say).
It is impertinent.
That is my point.
The vaccination status of others seems to occupy many tiny minds here, when it is none of their business.
Get the Falls Mat!
I wonder if her husband was found hanged wearing a smile? It wouldn’t surprise me.
Ed Durr, the truck driver who beat the demorat shit in NJ is coping flak for twitter posts calling islam a religion of hate and that men identifying as women should not be in female jails. Looks like he is rolling over:
It certainly isn’t healthy.
Don’t get the jab.
The hospitals are full of ADE victims.
My bloody son took the jab.
How much do you think I want to be wrong?
You and I both know if it isn’t this cold season it will be soon.
Wherever the spike lands.
Blood clots, kidneys, strokes, heart problems and all the rest.
What after the boosters.?
It’s all insane and what floors me is the people on this blog would have known that covid would not have killed them, anymore than a normal flu would and yet after exposing all of this months ago they still went and did this!
I posted many many months ago that the America’s front line doctors said this would happen, and so did the bloke who invented the genetic modifier.
But it was all dismissed as conspiracy theories….as the hospitals filled.
There was never a reason for anyone to take it because fear of the virus was long ago proven to be completely insane, and yet they rushed out and got it.
I could not be more serious in trying to get others not to take the jab.
Especially my grandson.
Why am I like this , you ask?
I already said I don’t want to keep on about it to JC because he knows what he has done and stopped telling people to take it.
Scroll back and see what I said to him.
I’m devastated he’s taken it, and also Lizzie and the girls here.
But you note I never bring it up to them.
But a smart arse like Frank, who is obviously as dumb as a box of rocks has been scoffing at all that has been said here and disregarded it, went in just the other day and got his first reality headache.
After everything that has been explained to him.
Conspiracy theories from hicks……..
Not much more you can do for a prime Darwin award candidate like that.
And I’ll say this only once.
Lizzie has a little bit of knowledge about this, which is a dangerous thing.
But she uses it to try to explain away the reality .
And the reality is the hospitals are filling with the jabbed.
And not from covid.
With ADE and reactions from a killer drug.
I would seriously suggest to the jabbed to get as many tests for all various diseases and instead of being a smart arse like Frank is being here, to spend time researching possible cures, although as far as I know, there isn’t any.
Well, there wouldn’t be , would there?
JC – just be thankful you’ve never lived in Sydney’s inner west. The denizens existing there are all that and more.
Noa Tishby, an Israeli activist and movie star on Outsiders this morning. I will concede Noa, as a modern actress, can hold her own against the stars of yesteryear.
Yeah, it didn ‘t take Ed Durr long to cuck.
Youngkin will be groveling by the end of next week.
Hell, Trump was cucking 5 minutes after he was sworn in.
“There are good people on both sides.”
Talking about Antifa, remember that?
The toppers are those pulling $15-$16k an acre on volcanic soil closer to the coast.
But I imagine that’s nothing compared with what a top banana ranch would pull, eh Ted?
Are they actually called banana ranches?
Remain silent and please inform the orderly to move you back to your cell.
Talking about Antifa, remember that?
Trump wasn’t talking about antifa. Don’t be fucking stupid.
Absolutely mental.
Not enough, evidently.
Squire, give it a rest, please. Railing interminably against the monumental hitlerist imbeciles that have consigned us to this bizarre half life, via this blog, will not make you feel any better. We are not your perceived enemies.
It’s good to vent and I understand your disgruntlement, I really do.
To use an awful cliche, try to channel your anger in some more positive way.
Fuck off Grigory.
That bullshit meme has been done to death for over 5 years now.
Go give Struth a headpat.
Lost the will to live halfway through a phone call from Dad?
If you want a Moonface, enlist Bespoke.
And Vicky, thanks for that. I was worried too. Who, with a functioning brain, wouldn’t have been?
As the OldCat is no longer accessible (some is, but it’s patchy) it’s hard to check up on exactly who was panicking and “hysterical” and who was not. I know that on the 16th March I had lunch with a number of people who also had contacts with one of the nursing homes that had become a “hotspot”. A week later, NSW locked down. There was a lot of talk about ANZAC Day and what individuals would do to commemorate the day.
That, too, was a point of difference of opinion.
Not too long after that, when “flattening the curve” became a nonsense, most of us twigged. By then, the great juggernaut of the US elections and the usefulness of the virus had become painfully apparent.
The correct term is Python and Wild Dog Sanctuary.
Fuck off!!!
Oh, that’s not it?
Leave it with me.
I’ll try something else.
This re-chanelling anger thing isn’t as easy as it sounds.
“Noa Tishby, an Israeli activist and movie star on Outsiders this morning. I will concede Noa, as a modern actress, can hold her own against the stars of yesteryear.”
She was good….and 100% spot on. To think she was once married to that wanker moron Osher Gunsburg.
You could watch, listen to and enjoy this video for starters and do not miss Ellie’s indescribably cute li’l shimmy at the end. 🙂
BTW Struth – my husband & I are still unvaccinated.
As I noted earlier, we realised the problem with the vaccines as the reactions mounted. Fortunately, we have the ability to retreat to the country, where we are able to live in relative isolation. We have returned on occasion to the city to retrieve computers, documents & other necessities, & recently, to see family in restricted circumstances.
Even so, we now find we cannot purchase electrical goods etc (except click-n-collect), get our hair cut or visit a vineyard in our local town & area.
So be it. We are in for the long haul. Sadly, our family have all been vaccinated in Sydney. They are in our prayers constantly.
Phwoooaaarrrr … 🙂
I know, right?
I never thought we’d sell, but when morons are lining up with barrows full of cash, you have to consider it.
My brother in SA has already suggested it because it would clear his debt and then some.
The others I am not so sure about.
I am not fussed either way.
No, that is the name of my proposed pub.
Alternatives are ‘The Gypsum Arms.’
Or, ‘The Crystalline Salty’
Or the best of the straw-polls, ‘The Reactor Chamber.’ It’s gonna be themed with lotsa dry-ice-belching ‘steam’ pipes and heavy bulkhead doors, and cocktails that glow in the dark like radiation! And I’ll have cocktails like ‘Polaris’ and an all-you-can-eat-challenge involving an 18kg Mutton meatloaf shaped like a Typhoon-class SSBN.
And I’ll even invite you in for a tour! 😀
Bluddee hell – I’m objectifying young women (again) … 🙁
This comment was of course rejected in @australian but now the Worst Australian is reporting it as true.
Mr McGowan and Twiggy will be on a private jet to China.
To think she was once married to that wanker moron Osher Gunsburg.
According to the beauteous Noa the dickhead was a pisspot.
How do we make sure they stay awhile?
[Not an Arbitrary Border Closure Threat]
No Rabz.
If you let this shit go and leave it, and as you dam well know, the old member of the Liberal party, Frank tries his best to normalise and rationalise taking the jab.
He just did it again.
That can’t be left unchallenged.
Ok, sidetracked (from Iowa) by a marvelous animation attached to a music video by an anonymous YT guy called Tyler Durden. Not the Tyler Durden, obviously, nor the Tyler Durden at ZH. Dunno where the animation short film comes from but it’s mesmerising. The track fits totally also.
Right in two (Tyler Durden cover)
California Governor Gavin Newsome disappears from public life after receiving his booster
No, that’s just you being a stooge.
NT pepper sprayers crack the sads.
Precision. Provide independent medical assessments or we assume blue on blue incompetence. Plus lies.
Thanks Cohenite! Liberty Pictures!
No, it can. We are individuals, not some amorphous collectivist mass.
People were free to make their own decisions until their livelihoods were threatened.
I cannot and will not even attempt to speak for someone who was given no choice by big stupid government. Which as you know, we both love, long time.
If you have been able to get away with not being compelled to take those useless, unnecessary toxic chemical cocktails (as I have) then be thankful for your good fortune.
Denouncing others on this blog denied that choice reflects very poorly on you.
Third generation?
Here are the details for the next Melbourne protests:
Saturday Nov. 13 – 12pm, Melbourne State Library
Saturday Nov. 20 – 12pm, Parliament House.
Victor Davis Hanson Diagnoses The Dying Citizen
Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution. His new book is The Dying Citizen: How Progressive Elites, Tribalism, and Globalization Are Destroying the Idea of America. As is typical whenever Dr. Hanson joins us, this interview covers a wide spectrum of topics and references, including the Acts of the Apostles, immigration, Jim Crow laws, primary tribal identities, the suburban everyman, the shrinking middle class, and JFK’s “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech. It’s a bracing conversation with a scholar who has an incredible breadth of interests and knowledge.
Something for the Star Wars Fans
The Last Padawan
So are we, but the moll up here has already told us we’ll be going to a camp.
But I will have some fun before that happens, and when and if it does happen, I know that I have not been one of those who complied causing you not to be able to get a haircut etc.
All people had to do was nothing, but enough lined up willingly , which then allowed them to force those who were vulnerable and in debt etc, or needed to see loved ones , and that leads to the small few million to go to the camps.
I can’t have those fellow Australians lives on my conscience, because I complied.
Frank again above, argues that it’s everyone’s personal free choice.
But not when it comes with a passport.
That means that choice can have detrimental and even horrific consequences for your fellow Australians.
And our western freedom does not include being free to hurt others.
Good on you Vicki, keep your chin up.
We sold a property at Hastings on the Mornington Peninsula 3 years ago, i got 360K it wouold be 500K now.
We still have the house at Flinders but for the right offer we would part with it.
“No, it can. We are individuals, not some amorphous collectivist mass.”
Liberty quote Rabz.
so was Nancy Pelosi.
Don’t forget your – Lets Go BranDan signs
Rowan Dean highlights of COP26: fucking terrible; it looked and sounded like a Z rate, Hillsong event. And prince charles is an inbred kunt. But he was in like company.
Vicki I am so sorry to hear of how your own medical choices have led to your near abandonnment and isolation. This should not be happening. Perrottet should be acting now to fix it not extend it.
The Week in Pictures today had a toon that said pretty much how I feel about Covid and Net Zero:
As in Soviet times, a bitter humour is all that we have left right now, so let’s at least share that.
You might be pleased to know that I am now heading towards wellness again, very much on the mend with the miracle of antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. All praise to a decent doctor who took my concerns seriously. Might even risk a celebratory drink tonight. I will toast to you and your husband who are standing by your principles and beliefs, like so many others. Being able to do so without the penalties you are incurring is what freedom really means. 🙂
That would be a perfect time to demonstrate your cred.
3:00am knock on the front door, “Hey boys, it’s big stupid government calling” and then you get to go all medieval on their house sized backsides.
I look forward to reading your blow by blow description of that monstrous outrage, the following morning.
Biggles, you never answered my question about you still flying the A340?
Also how is the groovy gang going, is beyonce still a member?
No I denounce the attitude near two years ago that brought us to this point.
No one can compel me.
They are punishing me already, I’m unjabbed.
I can’t leave the country, cross state borders to see my family etc etc.
I’ve lost thousands in work refusing to submit etc etc.
I haven’t got away with anything, and it’s only going to get worse, because we let it get to this point.
But that’s enough for today.
I see the Italian fake news is getting another run.
When Italy’s frail elderly were dying in droves the meme was ‘who cares about people with one foot in the grave ‘.
Apparently it’s possible to continue to claim that the average age of people dying of covid is 84 while out of the other side of your mouth say that Italians, in the early stages, when little was known about covid or how to treat it, and with the second oldest population in the world didn’t have thousands of frail elderly people getting an early exit because they contracted covid.
As they continue to do around the world, even if they are vaccinated.
“Italy’s death toll exceeds 132,000
About 132,000 people have died due to COVID-19 in Italy – not 3,783, as the post claims.
In an interactive map, the Italian Department of Civil Protection monitors and updates daily data regarding COVID-19 cases and deaths. The death total was 131,585 as of Oct. 18, when this post was made.”
Italy did not lower its covid 19 death toll
It’s always difficult to know what to sell and whether to sell it when it comes to property. TV home show makers know this and are capitalising on the angst of whether to renovate or sell.
We watched ‘Love it or List It’ last night and had a brief discussion re our Vaucluse property.
We decided to love it, in spite of a huge capital appreciation from our renos that now most likely will not go much further in comparison with other things we could buy with the proceeds.
But inertia and the reclusive benefits of living here in this peace and quiet win out.
Absolutely mental.
32k per hectare for cropping country.
300 hectares is nearly 10 million dollars…
APH2 gets…about 290/tonne in NSW dryland at the moment.
Even at 7 tonnes a hectare, how on earth…etc???
Let’s say you only crop once and have no costs other than initial outlay. 2%, over 10 years.
You cannot use that cashflow to borrow enough to buy the land (no one will lend you that) and it has a negative NPV and an IRR of -7%.
Well, boo bloody hoo.
Have you ever heard of the concept of picking your moment (as opposed to your hooter)?
We will prevail. These things take time. Our cause is righteous and history bears that out.
Second if it is of any business of yours.
Dad and his brother built it from zero post war.
My brother and two cousins took it from there and grew it further.
Most of the family have a passive interest, but are very successful at what they do outside ag, and are not piss-it-away-on-polo types, if that is what you mean.
Those who still work properties earn a separate living for that.
Here’s the thing.
The family consensus is that Beetrooter’s convenient little net-zero deal is going to fuck rural properties over.
Maybe not now, but in 10-15 years.
When that opportunistic fuck-stick says he is looking after “rural Straya” he means a cabinet seat for the Nats, lots of Cert IV make work schemes in regional towns and lotsa renewballs for maaaates.
Nothing for actual farmers and landholders.
In fact, they will get the pineapple.
But, hey, those private school fees for Beetrooters family 2.0 will be paid and he will be racking up the Deputy PM pension riding around in C*2 for a bit longer.
So, with sellout fuckwits like Bananaby on your side, why not divest whilst the market is red-hot?
And that is why we love the blog rabbi.
DR. DAVID MARTIN – Arming The Public With Important Information – Nov 2021
Truth bombs galore. A conspiracy going back decades with aims clearly stated in 2015 which are being implemented today. In other words, it was all planned and, unfortunately, as far as I can see still going to plan.
From back in August. From the ABC. Look at the compelling logic of these fear mongers.
Um, how many people died? Let me guess? Close to zero?
From the State government.
Western NSW District District Data Profile
Population – Western NSW The population in the Western NSW was estimated at 272,699 in the 2016 Census (see Figure 1). This district is made up of twenty-two local government…
What a crisis. Less than a tenth of half a per cent of people infected at any one time.
Why is it that whenever Struth tries to show us all how much better he is than the rest of us, he diminishes himself even further?
did Ed Case write this or is Sancho on the cactus juice again?
This entire “year net zero” idiocy is the sound of our beloved expedient quisling suckholes selling our country down the toilet. To these monstrous imbeciles.
I’m sure his hideously uglee visage became slightly less purple after he was bought off.
Anything more and I’ll end up sounding like a truck driving saint from Queensland.
I know Dot.
With a tail wind on weather, yields, market prices, input costs every year that is still to rich.
Most smart money currently works on $9-$10 k to be viable.
Who thinks that, in Beetrooter’s post zero world, that fuel, chemicals and fertilizer input prices aren’t going to go through the roof, and available land won’t be crimped by green wedge bullshit?
Nah, they’re just Shorting the $.
It’s literally The Lancet.
Invest in Gypsum, Grigory.
It’ll be impossible to get soon…
Rex, observations like that aren’t helpful either. He is a man who is justifiably angree and seeking to lash out. Yes it’s undignified, not that most of us haven’t found ourselves furiously lashing out over the last twenty months.
Our righteous anger needs to be directed where it is due – and we all know were that is.
“Sancho Panzersays:
November 7, 2021 at 6:34 pm”
Great post SP.
A Catholic priest, an Anglican rector and a rabbit walk into a bar.
The rabbit says, “I think I might be a typo”.
Thank you.
I’ll be here all week.
Try the veal.
It’s very good.
I’ve said here many times how disgusting Fraser was but he was a man of decency compared to the likes of Summo and Beetroot face.
Oh dear, it seems that Mrs Cane Toad Wilkinson doesn’t believe in gender equity between herself and her Project peers.
“Poor ratings bad news for The Project co-hosts Lisa Wilkinson and Carrie Bickmore
Plummeting ratings at The Project have spawned rumours that star hosts Lisa Wilkinson and Carrie Bickmore are facing pay cuts to their seven-figure contracts.
With ratings plummeting to an all-time low, television circles are buzzing with talk The Project’s most high-profile hosts will be asked to take pay cuts.
Ratings for the Channel 10 evening news panel show are down 20 per cent year on year, luring just 367,000 viewers (five city metro) this week, having shed almost 30 per cent of its 2011 audience of 538,000.
Nationally, the show is recording similar percentage drops, from 725,000 in 2011 to 490,000 now. The program made its debut to 1.2 million viewers in 2009.
Sunday Confidential has heard hosts Carrie Bickmore and Lisa Wilkinson face pay cuts as executives try to give the show a lifeline.
Wilkinson, who joined the program in 2017 after leaving Network Nine, is believed to be on $1.7 million, while Bickmore, who has been on the show since its inception, is said to be earning $1.5 million.
It is believed co-host Waleed Aly’s $900,000 salary is safe.
Ten has denied the pay talk but there is no denying the show’s ratings challenge.
“This claim is nonsense,” a Network 10 spokesman said.
“The Project has just celebrated its 12th birthday and is here to stay.”
However, one TV insider told Sunday Confidential: “The Project would now have the unwanted title of commercial TV’s worst-performing regular nightly premium program.
“East coast is where the audience has deserted in droves over this period.
“In Sydney it’s bottomed out to just 96,000 per night from a high of 130,000 in 2011.
“In Melbourne (its celebrated home) it’s also bad. Down to 133,000 from a high of 180,000 in 2011.
“But Brisbane has seen the worst of the worst decline, shedding almost half its audience, from 120,000 in 2011 to just 68,000 in 2021.”
Another source heard whispers the show was heading for the chopping board.
“The show is definitely in trouble and I have no idea how Ten could afford to pay such ludicrous salaries,” they said.
Network 10’s parent company, Viacom CBS, bought Ten in August 2017 after the Australian network was placed into receivership.
Despite the likes of Kerri-Anne Kennerley, Tim Bailey and Natarsha Belling losing their jobs in 2020 following a “restructuring” of its news division, The Project is yet to be affected.”
You’ve got some Italian newspaper putting a slant on things to suit an odd agenda.
Meanwhile every reputable site recording Italian covid stats still says 130,000 plus, not to mention the government department actually responsible for providing the
information but sure only 3000 Italians died of covid.
Now explain away the UK, the US, Spain etc.
Twiggy will be on a private jet to China.
Fortescue has quite the fleet.
As you’d expect, one of the largest in Australia.
This has been pointed out many times Rabz. Struth has knocked over to many red flags to dismiss it as frustrated rant. If you can find it read the manifest of NZ Mosque shooter.
It could make money if it was only infomercials, anime with subtitles and cats and dogs being dumb/funny.
Sancho, I have been around long enough to remember a previous Gravatar featuring that rondel. 🙂
Carpe, the fan fiction universe of Star Wars is immense.
I was reading how the new Boba Fett show is based on some fan fiction from years ago.
Hopefully unviable farmers use the strength in property prices to sell at least some land.
Rex, observations like that aren’t helpful either. He is a man who is justifiably angree and seeking to lash out. Yes it’s undignified, not that most of us haven’t found ourselves furiously lashing out over the last twenty months.
I acknowledge and accept the rebuke in the spirit in which you intended it, Rabz.
But a person whose sole method of relating to others is to abuse and belittle them to demonstrate to them their relative status, will never be treated with the respect they feel they deserve.
Travis Scott’s response
After all of our movie reviews this afternoon, Stargate is now showing on Go. Another reminder of Hollywood’s fall from greatness.
Now they’d do it “woke”.
Amazing what 25 years of technological progress can do. Kirk Douglas was a crap admiral but.
F-14s vs Mitsubishi Zeroes
A fine but much unwatched movie, which I saw at a cinema once. Dunno when, dunno where. The best thing about it is the aerial scenes are real: no CGI in 1980, they’re real Zeroes (ok, replicas).
Daisy Cousens is outstanding. When I set up a media outlet she and Jacinta will be first on the list as presenters.
calli, every time I see Stargate on, I remember eating shitty popcorn when I first watched it at Fays Twin Cinema in Taree.
Daisy Cousens is outstanding.
You are a sucker.
thanks for the link bespoke.
just too another 6hr roast of the barbie.
doing the veggies now
broccoli from ze garden today
Is this true JC?
Glorious movie and very fine TV series. Having ditched my TV what I miss most are the random movies which appear out of nowhere, like Stargate with Kurt Russell, and Final Countdown with Kirk Douglas. On the other hand I don’t think Final Countdown has ever been on Australian television. Guys, it’s good stuff (if slightly jingoistic).
She is abysmal.
You may as well declare all current Liberal leaders, Barnaby and Malcolm T as the epitome of classically liberal and principled conservative thought.
Please stop. I can’t take the cringe. Your cringe level is over 9000.
You are a sucker.
Of beautiful, suckable things.
She is abysmal.
Your judgment of and taste in women is worse then head prefect’s dot. Daisy is the Jane Austen of the 21st century.
Teenagers and tweens.
May have involved snacks bought upon rental.
there is reckoning coming.
In my lifetime, the only decent presenters/analysts/commentators have been Paul Lyneham, Andrew Olle & Jana Wendt (when she was on 60 mins).
Sickening that is it.
And none during this century.
Most are viable on their original investment, but buying in at current prices is something else.
Some buyers are corporates, so who knows?
Is it a combination of naive shareholders and managers “buying themselves a job” with other people’s money?
Who cares I guess?
Time for some unrepentant psychedelia.
The Partridge’s guitar solo from 1:30 on is an aural journey into worlds never before heard, much less seen.
Those unlovely hitlerist imbeciles tormenting us can’t reach through this mole hole. 🙂
I write Norse Viking. Still no church.
Well I’d only loot it.
Just got stung on the hand by a fucking bee or wasp sitting outside eating pizza.
Thought it was a blowie and it didn’t take kindly to being swatted away.
At least bees are suicide bombers, so I’ll give them that.
Paul Lyneham, Andrew Olle & Jana Wendt
FMD. Lefties all of them. Wendt started at the fucking abc.
I have never seen more bees in my back yard as I have this spring.
I’m not allergic to bees but can’t walk around the back bare foot.
A couple of weeks ago I stepped on a couple.
Little buggers.
… a young woman out of time and depth.
The only time I’ve ever found her remotely zeexee was when she bunged on a cockney accent.
For some strange reason. 🙁
FMD. Lefties all of them.
Who kept their views to themselves.
Surely you can see how that’s different to now.
I’ve been on the annual wasps’ nest removal crusade, bern.
Bees, sheesh, we should be so lucky.
Dystopia Down Under: Thousands of Australians With Unpaid Fines for Breaking Covid Rules Have Bank Accounts Raided and Property Siezed As Tyrannical Government Chases Millions in Fees
… a young woman out of time and depth.
Another loud mouth who appeals to the water heads.
That’s a very good sign.
The bane of my garden atm is snails.
The price we pay for La Nina.
Worth a repeat:-
I know we are too late, there won’t be enough of us and we will do it all wrong, but, hey let’s do it anyway.
I’ll be easy to spot, wearing my suit made of white feathers posted to me by a grateful nation.
Brian Henderson, Roger Climpson and James Dibble.
Yes, I am that old.
Half an hour of “news”. That’s all, even during the height of Vietnam and the “Troubles”. Four Corners was a bit extra on Mondays.
And that was it. Apart from morning and evening papers – The Sun, The Mirror and The Telegraph. The Herald for the posh.
Last weekend I thought there must have been a dead possum out back because of the noise.
Nope bees, everywhere.
It died down yesterday & nothing today because of the rain.
Wendt is a Sorb surname, the Germans call them Wends.
Sorbs use to be a sizeable minority in Germany, some say they were the original inhabitants.
They left in laarge numbers at the 1848 Revolution, some settled in Serbin, Texas, many settled the Barossa Valley.
FAILURE – Highest risk of Covid-19 hospitalisation and death is in the most vaccinated nations worldwide according to official data
Is there any other sort? 😕
November 7, 2021 at 7:35 pm
Paul Lyneham, Andrew Olle & Jana Wendt
FMD. Lefties all of them. Wendt started at the fucking abc.”
I have never thought Jana Wendt is a leftie.
…were just taught that government is their enemy, not their friend.
Well played, politicians & bureaucrats.
Great way to devalue social capital.
It’ll come back to bite you on the arse when you next plead for public cooperation & trust.
Pretty sure it was a bee.
Left the sting behind.
I still have my wasp kit.
Homemade bee-keeper hat with gauze stapled to brim of gat.
Bicycle clips to prevent trouser ingress.
Long rubber gloves with elastic bands.
Red cellophane.
Gypsum dust.
Looks totally professional.
The Reject.
“… a young woman out of time and depth.”
I don’t regard her seriously…she’s tabloid and not a patch on Rita.
Urban beekeeping is the most hipster thing you can do.
“Just got stung on the hand by a fucking bee or wasp sitting outside eating pizza.”
A Queensland bee?
Hopefully it was a homemade, gourmet pizza.
NewsCorp is conducting a jihad against Lisa.
Albrechtsen was at it again yesterday.
Basically, The Swamp Australia is running Kevin Rudd at the election and anyone who’s not a Rudd Toady, well, they don’t want them.
That’s the story with The Project and the reason Wally is still on the Telly.
It’s times like this we miss Artisanal Tiger.
I have never thought Jana Wendt is a leftie.
Started at the abc and finished at the SBS. Yeah, typical arch conservative.
Another loud mouth who appeals to the water heads.
You’re a dickhead bernie; but we had that talk a while ago.
I still maintain my dad used to religiously read the Silly Moaning Haemorrhoid and watch the ALPBC because he was cursed with low blood pressure.
There is no other logical explanation.
I am getting all nostalgic for the times when we could call vaxxed people Nazi prison guards and talk about them herding the unvaxxed into cattle railcars.
Good times.
Also from the article
I still haven’t got my bill – got out 12 weeks ago today !
Iberian jamon, no less.
Buffalo mozzarella (organic).
Sourdough base.
What else would a Vicco pooftah-pansy eat?
Did she get a tour of the Reactor Compartment of a US Navy Submarine?
I mean, I’d be jealous enough to run a smear campaign if I didn’t…
Well, it was droning on quite a bit.
You know.
That thing.
Bzzzzzzzz Bzzzzzzzz Bzzzzzzzz.
Theartisanal, plant-based Organic Cup their Soy Latté was served in…
(Now With 37.2% More Soy!)
Waleed Aly is clearly passé.
What they need to do is make Karen Wilkinson the primary host (while boosting her salary, of course, and leaking the details to the media) and have that indigenous chap who called Quinton De Kock a racist as her charming side-kick.
A sure fire ratings winner!
Rosie you are still at it. 132,000 with. 3,783 of. Big difference, but not to you.
What else would a Vicco pooftah-pansy eat?
Hopefully when eating it, your little finger was raised as if you were drinking tea from fine china.
Maybe the vaccines just don’t work very well?
Other diseases get wiped out at these vaccination rates.
Mrs Cane Toad Wilkinson
I unfortunately caught a couple of minutes of “the Sunday project” just now
Lisa appears to be testing the limits of the makeup artist’s skills. She’s only 61. Sad.
I am annoyed. This weekend was to be a little gathering of my eldest son, his eighteen year old son, and my ex-husband, their father and grandfather, all double vaxxed, in an Airbnb house rented by ex-hubby for the purpose of a rare get-together in a country town. Now my grandson has been whacked by Health with a stay at home order because he was in a Newtown pub with ‘a Covid case’ so he can’t go on this small yet rare and important family holiday. This for a kid who hasn’t had much ‘family’ in his life and who is currently living with his girlfriend’s people, a kid who was so much looking forward to the stay. I’ve only found out or I would have told him to go anyway and I’d pay any fine if they caught him. This contact tracing is overkill when we are supposed to be letting Covid spread naturally especially amongst the young.
A newspaper produced by the pretentious to be read by the pretentious…
That’s really interesting. It’s like a western movie set – all front and no buildings.
All the force is up the front, with nothing at the back. We seem to be fighting a chimera.
“NewsCorp is conducting a jihad against Lisa.”
Oh dear, Lisa’s problem is that she can dish it out but she wails “victim” when it’s thrown back. She also likes to tell porkies. Oh and how many jihads has Lisa and her grubby other half engaged in? Quite a few actually.
Bickmore, who has been on the show since its inception, is said to be earning $1.5 million.
Fake news. Even if that’s what she’s getting paid.
I don’t think he was even a close contact, just a ‘casual’ one, as the order was only for 7 days.
A Queensland C (17) – still getting the grit out of my eye.
Got to ride the Mary Valley Rattler today (early Christmas present from Mrs D & Pileoshit(Queensland explorer voucher).
Richard Morecroft with a fruitbat up his shirt.
No one would do that now, what with hendravirus.
“Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
November 7, 2021 at 8:04 pm”
Sorry to hear Lizzie….it’s just ridiculous.
I’ve been persevering with Midnight Mass on Netflix as it’s from Mike Flanagan who’s done some pretty decent work in the past.
It’s like he had enough for two hours & is stretching it out over a seven show series.
I suppose the Netflix money was enough for him to sell out.
Grown to like EVP. Bit of a change from my Western Suburbs stomping grounds. I was back in Claremont the other day for lunch and it felt like being on the set of one of those French farce movies.
Starting to sting a bit and swell.
Time to load up on the anti-histamines I think.
“Just got stung on the hand by a fucking bee or wasp sitting outside eating pizza.”
A wasp sting feels like a nail hammered into you.
Onya, Squire.
Maybe there was no bee.
Maybe it’s an adverse reaction ?
I think that’s been established.
But going by tonight’s TV news ( which my wife was watching whilst I exercised my culinary skills in the kitchen) this evidently hasn’t seeped into the dim consciousness of state politicians yet.
This in particular, springs out at me from GAB’s excellent post
Other doctors have said something similar but this is very clearly put. Most people have natural immunity to corona viruses through past contact.
You have to wonder what the effect of these injections have been on that natural immunity.
Okay, but that’s not the issue.
The issue is that Lisa has stood up to Rudd before, he can’t be kept in the basement like Joe Biden, so Lisa’s gotta go.
Wally, well he’s an A Grade suckhole so he can stay.
Carrie Bickmore?
Has she ever been anything less than servile to Rudd?
you will own nothing.
I see there was a protest rally on the Gold Coast today.
With no impediment to Queenssslanders attending, I look forward to the on-the-spot reports from twostix and St Ruth.
Four Corners used to on on Saturday nights and repeated Sunday lunchtime.
Sounds like a WhiteTail Spider bite.
The venom is Necrotising, but other than that, there’s nothing to worry about.
Definitely a bee bite.
Jeez we live in a dangerous country.
It’s tragic to see how Paul Barry has gone from being a top shelf investigative reporter to being a brainwashed global warming cuck.
Lovely to hear, Lizzie!
We had our “end of week” drinks last night – so dry tonight! All part of the health regime to keep COVID at bay! Husband has lost a kilo or so, and looks great – although I know he would rather have been a bit overweight & have a more regular tipple!
I see there was a protest rally on the Gold Coast today.
Remember the border protest a couple months back with the fuckwit riding his horse at speed for the cameras on the asphalt?
Some retards should not be allowed near animals.
Cobra more likely. Very necrotising.
Man’s penis ROTS after cobra bites his privates as he used toilet on safari (5 Nov)
Time for a song…
Speaking of animal cruelty, a NFP has offered to take over the animal shelter in Bourke.
But for some reason the council doesn’t want to give it up.
Something fishy is going on out there.
November 6, 2021 at 3:22 pm
great vid, egg, the same presenter as cohenite’s Ames room vid, which was also well done.
Our Jacaranda outside the terrace is a most wonderful sight at present, in full bell bloom, and scented to the heavens this year too. It is alive and buzzing with bees. When I was feeling so sick and low, like Clive James in his last poem, Sentenced to Life, I also ‘counted the bees’. I knew what he meant too when he spoke of walking as ‘wading through mud’. Sometimes it is hard to recognise how sick you are until you are better.
To celebrate my proper treatment we went looking on Friday for a special pot plant tree for the new terrace conservatory – a Cumquat would be nice, I thought – but the traffic was awful and we ended up just looking at the small nursery at the back of the Rose Bay florists. Their cut flowers are remarkable, a team of girls assembling the most beautiful of blooms for elegant homes and other premises, but their plant supply is very limited. No cumquats and nothing else like. However, I spotted an advanced Gardenia just about to flower and fell in love with it. You love it you are going to have it, says Hairy, although it is not what we’d agreed upon, so home it came with us.
Calli, it was full of thrips or some other insect infectation. I did it over immediately with white oil, which seems to have killed them off, but it is dropping its small leaves quite badly, they are yellow with only some green spots. Online they say iron shortage, or more water, or less water, or repot and trim roots. The beautiful large buds of flowers are just starting to open and the aroma blends with the Jacaranda already. Like the birdies, it is another thing now that I have to worry over and to tend. My fate it seems.