Insert “beware the ides of March” reference here ….apart from that, goodnight all
Insert “beware the ides of March” reference here ….apart from that, goodnight all
Sleep well, Ladies and Gents.
Classic repeats! That Ford 302- Windsor just purrs like a kitten. SICKO WINS THE BURNOUT MASTERS AT SUMMERNATS 32
For all that cannot sleep it is ‘Saving Private Ryan on World Movies now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXgkuM2NhYI
Yep, put the car into a Meusem. It’s a shame they didn’t go to the States. That small block Ford…
Did you see my Catictionary offering a couple of days ago?
Tyrnanny: A particularly harsh and cruel nanny.
I didn’t, Boambee, John, so many thanks for the repetition. It made me smile.
I pleaded on AdamCat a few weeks ago for words for the Catictionary, but the audience there seems to be a bit down, so perhaps I’ll have to repeat my begging here?
Time to switch on those wordbrains?
This is a great liberty quote (just taken off the main page).
If you can feel that staying human is worth while, even when it can’t have any result whatever, you’ve beaten them
— George Orwell
If they asked the COVID recovered to donate … now that would be super useful. Convalescent plasma is one of the better treatments [but only in India!!!!]
If you’re still about, haven’t received anything – did you want to wait or alternatively ask DB?
Tinta when things turn to shit we tend to think we’re alone when in fact there are lots of us. I live a fairly solitary life by choice. My family knows if they pull any stunts its bye bye. One lot tried it years ago, they still discust me. They tried the social pressure trick. Didn’t go well for them, brought more attension to their behaviour.I don’t tell others how to live, don’t tell me. I couldn’t live with myself having to live down to others expectations. Go along to get along is having no standards at all.
Martin Iles / ACL on the current train wreck:
My original definition was worded a bit differently, but with the same sentiments.
Bar Beach Swimmer.
Adam hasn’t yet acknowledged receiving several posts of mine in the last five days either, so I’d say he’s still distracted by life. Six kids! I’m happy to wait for a bit longer (I have plenty of other tasks to occupy my time!). If we haven’t heard anything by this time next week, I’ll email the same to Dover.
(I remain committed to supporting the two cats, but I suspect there will be a point not far away when Adam may have to decide to let AdamCat hibernate for a bit to give himself more time in his family and business life. Cats apparently have nine lives, and we’re only up to three, so there is always the possibility of a rebirth).
my Dad was able to shoot yesterday. Wasn’t asked about his vax status at all.
November 8, 2021 at 8:15 pm
I’m surprised that you don’t feel like killing someone. I know I would.
Prayers that your son makes a full and speedy recovery.
Damn, Yellowstone is one tough show. It edges out Deadwood as the ballsiest show ever.
Why does the militia want the family dead?
Sen. Ted Cruz Introduces Bill to Block Vaccine Mandates for Children
A really good analysis of the developments with the Russia Dossier lie:
Why does the militia want the family dead?
I’m only on the first series. Don’t talk about later episodes.
Then say so instead of making it sound as though you’re current. This evening was the start of season 4 so trust you to confuse everything.
I read that as : When asked about his vaxx status my Dad was able to shoot yesterday.
Dad out for a shoot. How many politicians did he get?
Dover: Qld’s Worker compensation dept is not remotely interested in hearing about my staffer who did not show up for work coz of vaxx reaction.
As soon as they ascertained the absence from work was due to a “private medical procedure” that was administered in the employee’s own time, they lost interest.
No different to any other sick day, apparently.
Awful, Rorschach.
The vaccination risk-reward equation certainly makes no sense for kids. A huge moral trap for those insisting on transferring risk from the elderly to the young.
Sincere condolences.
OK … good news. The doc just came back with the Troponin I levels. <2ng/L so unlikely any heart damage.
I have an old bottle of Belvenie that may get topped tonight. A dram or two of uisge beatha will make the night easier…
Oh, it’s a ‘private medical procedure’ now.
On PML some kunt called linda scott, a leftie hack on Sydney Council supporting zero emissions; against her is Gideon from the IPA; he tries to be rational while she rabbits on about the soul of the fucking planet and LED lights. It’ll be easy she vomits. Gideon should call her a fucking moron because there is no point engaging in dialogue with these brain dead rats. But I don’t think fat guts PML will allow Gideon to do that.
A couple of drams helps grind the edges off a shithouse day.
Just tell her a new nuke plant every 1.5 days until 2050 for net zero.
She’d have conniptions.
It looks like Sydney Airport is (ahem) “Gonski” at $8.45 a share.
$8.75 a share.
Gideon should call her a fucking moron because there is no point engaging in dialogue with these brain dead rats. But I don’t think fat guts PML will allow Gideon to do that
cohenite, that could easily be a precis of your 2SM forays.
Good, well paid jobs, for the “wukkas” in South Australia take precedence over national security…
From: A GP wishing to remain anonymous
Attention: To the People of Australia
Do you know anyone who has had a significant post Covid vaccination injury or suspicious death?
A legal team is looking for Covid Vaccine Injured Patients who are:
1. Willing to share their medical details publicly
2. Willing to make a Statement as an Affidavit
3. Willing to appear, if called upon, in a Supreme Court matter on a ZOOM call to confirm their affidavit and present their story
If so, please contact me on
[email protected]
as soon as possible with your complete contact details which will be forwarded to the legal team who will then touch base with you.
Please share this around to enable as many injured people come forward.
Thank you
China’s military has built replicas of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier and other U.S. warships, in an effort to possibly ramp up its military capabilities against Washington, satellite images by Maxar has pointed out these mockups.
countdown to war
Yea, the board has agreed. meaning the swamp creature (Gonski) and the weak board has essentially accepted the offer. I’m so fucking upset you don’t believe.
There are two more hurdles now with regard to the vote.
1. majority of 75% of the top shareholders have to accept
2. 50% of the shareholders by share ownership have to accept the offer.
I’ve written a letter and today I spoke to the Investor dude there, angry as hell at what that piece of shit Gonski has done. He suggested I write another letter and this time to the board, but I think it’s useless.
Gonski should be sued as he’s a disgrace of a Chairman.
In the first letter I suggested the entire board reject sitting on a new board of the new acquisition.That was ignored by Gonski in his reply, which means that’s exactly what he’s going to do.
Investors in this country are fucking worthless. It’s like they have no fight about them. There was a piece, a while ago, in the AFR written about a fund manager who opposes the deal. I tried to contact several times but he won’t return a call. It appears the dickhead was happy to just get his stupid name in the AFR rather than really oppose.
There are 150,000 shareholders and I can’t possibly contact each one properly and would require some assistance. The dick couldn’t even call me back.
I want to fucking sue Gonski.
This is legitimately funny.
My sentiments too re my darling Hairy.
This is definitely the best version, the most true to the book, and the class system of the period. The tableaux of the walks at Pemberley could be taken from paintings of those days.
The later movie, with Keira Knightley, does draw Elizabeth Bennet as less of a girl of her times, and more as a wayward proto-feminist. Matthew MacFadyen is also more of a Georgette Heyer hero, a very handsome sensualist come to take what is his. Heyer’s novels always ‘modernised’ Austin’s Regency world. That version however does put an interesting spin on the relationships of Mr and Mrs Bennet; for the first time I felt sympathy with Mrs. Bennet, played with a special insight by Brenda Blethyn (an in-law of Hairy’s btw), for it is on her that the responsibility for her daughter’s futures fully rested. It may overplay the rustic nature of the Bennet premises, which Calli objects to, while admitting that we do rather tend to idealise times past when paintings didn’t show the underside of dirty clothing and scraggy hair.
This second movie also foregrounds female sensuality. Keira’s Elizabeth doesn’t does not slightly simper in facial expression, as the version with Colin Firth does allow her to do, as women did in her day.
Of course, everyday is a shithouse day for you, Rones.
Gonski is an archetypal elite swamp person JC. No hesitation dabbling in stuff he has no idea about, such as Chancellor of UNSW, since he is a superior being.
JC, just humor me.
You spent fifteen years working on Wall Street. What years were they? Inquiring minds want to know.
The third episode of Succession was good again, the scripting is outstanding, the acting pretty good too, and the plot of course is simply more of the same; I guess that comes with the territory of the series, for succession is the name of the game here and the tension is constant as the squabbles with the old man and between his four children reshape constantly. Things move on, he tells his daughter Shiv, get used to it. And move on they did – for this episode anyway. The helicopter shots, the pacing and the musical motifs were all up to scratch tonight too.
And that’s it from me for tonight. Sleep tight.
He’s sucking up to the funds making the bid. He will stay on as chairman of the privatized company and I bet the rest of the board will too. It’s a fucking disgrace what’s going on.
Look, it’s a solid bid, but it’s not enough for a superior assets like that sitting 9 k from the CBD. It’s worth 12 bucks a share.
This is the letter I wrote back in Sept.
Tell you what we’ll do Rones. Man up and release the cuckold from you. Tell me what it is that you doubt about me and my previous work. In other words, we formulate a bet around what it is… a decent bet. We then take it from there.
How’s Ivy Fund Management going? You know, the family investment vehicle in which you own 345,000 shares in BHP. You big noting fuckwit.
A very considered position JC.
I think Logan Roy’s position from Succession would be simpler: get fucked.
It’s not really that many shares.
It can buy you about 8 crack dens in Redfern/Surrey Hills.
That would be aimed at Gonski, not you, JC.
up, up and away
or … how shareholders are now epidemiologists
“E-petition Number 402
Reject the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021”
“Total signatures including previously tabled
I just Refreshed to see the current update and got –
“Total signatures including previously tabled
So now it’s going backwards as well as not letting people sign.
Here’s the bet. I arrived in the US on St Patricks Day 1987 and we left in April 2003. 100K bet.
I also bet that you did not receive 600,000 in special dividend from BHP when you had to tell me that time. 100K bet.
We escrow.
1. I’m happy to disclose my original Social Security statement showing the amounts and the history of the pay-ins.
2. I want to see your original dividend disclosure that shows you received the lied about.
Grow a set, you fucking coward, and make both bets.
whoops.. you received the amount I believe you lied about.
I forgot to mention. You’re a cuckold and I don’t blame her. I blame you!
I am glad my eighteen year old grandson chose the AZ. He’s had no problems. Pfizer certainly has problems with the young boys and cardiac issues. Using it on children is not yet at all safe, imho. Much more testing needed and best to consider new and upcoming vaxxes in lieu if any are used at all, as vaxxing them is not in their best interests which should be the deciding factor. Under 12’s are at no risk from Covid, 12 to 18’s have minimal risk too.
Hairy and I discussed how to approach the issue of Vaxxes with the parents of our four grandchildren under 12. We can only let them know how we feel and make sure they have received a range of information, we decided. We cannot insist. Many families are now facing this trial.
OUr 18 yo grandson made his own decision. Our 12 yo grandson will not escape his mother’s determination to vaxx him. We’ve gently suggested caution, but his school will insist on it too.
You have to give way.
Just in case my reputation here as a vaxx Queen has gained traction. I have many concerns about the mRNA vaxxes and have always said so here. But every adult has the right to their own assessment of their circumstances and the right to make their own decision.
Funny how often cats rage against the lack of investigative journalists yet rage even more bitterly at someone pointing out some seriously dodgy shit being pulled by their seriously dodgy Govt that warrants some serious questioning at the very least.
“Half the MCG” attending just the latest protest against Daniel Andrews Govt’s Covid overreaches, with nearly two years of hundreds of thousands getting clued up on Nuremberg Code & other Human Rights Violations being inflicted against them, but only 6 & 1/2 thousand people (AND GOING DOWN), know about & care to sign the petition against giving Daniel Andrews even more Hitler-esque powers?
We’re supposed to buy that as the believable number of Victorians who want Daniel Andrews head pulled in?
After what we learned about Online Voting from the US 2020 Election and after our Govt bragged about THEIR Police being allowed to hack into & change our online content, no one wants to even consider that the lying bastards haven’t dodgied up E-Petition Results to make them look like they have popular support?
I’m sure Daniel Andrews is grateful for all those working to make people believe it to be plausible that only a few thousand aren’t 100% behind him “Legally” becoming a full blown Dictator.
But every adult has the right to their own assessment of their circumstances and the right to make their own decision.
It’s a pity that the various governments in league with Pharma & the Tech companies have done everything they can to suppress all relevant information to that decision-making process.
And now they’re coming after the kids.
When I was much younger and read about Moloch, it was a really WTF moment – how could they sacrifice the young so easily? Now I know.
This is fun. No, I said that my family company, of which I’m one of the directors, received that dividend.
It’s been most amusing, watching you, raving on, ever since.
Let me remind you,
Neither you nor a company you purport to own received a combined total of over $600,000 in dividends, you laughable clown. You complete buffoon.
The only thing you’ve ever said that wasn’t made up bullshit was that she cheated on you with the next door farmer. Everything else is a fraud, Ronery.
I actually don’t believe you were even in the military. It wouldn’t be that far fetched that you’ve taken over someone’s identity. You’re a complete fraud Ronery. And the “old money” schtick makes the observation even more compelling, you clown.
Signs of what Dan Xiaoping has done to Victoria:
Had an outta the blue phone call today from an “03” landline number.
It was my “personal banker” (didn’t know I had one) “reaching out” to me from his office Melbourne.
He pretended to care about my “banking experience”, said they were “ramping up” their services to remote area clients & then waffled on until I pulled him up.
“If you really want to help, buck, send some staff” spake I.
…. brief pause….
“That’s the first thing everybody says to me, it’s the only thing anybody wants to talk about”
As part of a wide ranging discussion, revolving around the evils of Dan Xiaoping, the total stuff-up of Covid response by all govts, etc. ….
….. he did drop one nugget….
Half of his department’s business clients in Victoria no longer exist.
(Allow some hyperbole & scattergun approach to statistical precision)
Yep, which is why some spend most of their time posting the same BS about individuals rather than any counters to their content that they don’t want anyone else to even bother thinking about.
Smear the source and the source remains smeared even when content they post is supported by those smearing them or by other ‘approved’ posters.
When that happens it only needs the smearers to post the same content and have replies primarily credit the ‘approved’ posters and make the content only of secondary importance.
e.g. –
Stoush Queen alert.
More rosie bullshit relying on no one outside notafan’s current circle remembering what went down at Sinc’s cat –
JC kept pushing Biotech stocks.
You to bragged about being happy with your investment in them.
I asked if you were aware of the Big Baby Parts connection to the industry (as you also kept boasting of how much more Catholic than other Catholics you are), and you went off tap.
You said you’d look into the company you’re invested in and gave them the all clear.
I looked further & let you know that basically the whole industry is contaminated to some degree.
You went nuts because you couldn’t let go of your personal investment and put it into something, anything, a little less Big Baby Parts For Profits.
You also went hell for leather in support of the NHS & EU court denying parents their right & duty to save their children from a Death Panel Death Sentence for their children.
And here you are, still four square in support of Big Pharma Killing Children For Profit, (but of course that’s not what you call it, it’s just what it is), while crying how badly done by you are because one person won’t let some get away with tag-team attacks then calling, ‘No Returns’, like spoiled primary school brats.
I just refreshed again –
“Total signatures including previously tabled
It still hasn’t made it back up to what it was hours ago –
“E-petition Number 402
Reject the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021”
“Total signatures including previously tabled
A complete falsification.
The involvement of planned parenthood in the sale of the product of abortion was a huge story at the time and much discussed at old cat.
You were not the bearer of those tidings just again a piece of work out to attack those you dislike.
You attacked JC because he separately and with no ill intent was enthusiastic about the biotech industry and I merely pointed out that not all biotech companies were involved in this sinister practice and mentioned I had a small investment in an Australian biotechnology company.
You continued to lie about me and JC until you were mercifully booted and since your return picked up where you left off.
You could not possibly be in a position to know which companies in the entire world are ‘tainted’.
If what you say were true there is no drug or medical treatment you could have in good faith, but you do don’t you?
As for my position on that poor little boy, it was my view and still is, in his particular circumstances, that his doctors were right, he was effectively dead on life support, his parents had lost all objectivity and I believe that turned out to the case.
Like all of these trials by media reality was clouded by emotion.
There have been several similar stories re the NHS since then but you haven’t been the slightest bit interested, have you?
On the other hand it seems you have conveniently discarded your view on parent’s rights in relation to medical treatments for their children and would deny parents the right to get their children vaccinated against covid, should they wish to do so.
That btw isn’t me endorsing covid vaccination for children, personally I think it unwarranted.
Now stop directing comments at me you miserable uncharitable faux Christian
Female Faulty, it is neither practical nor effective to ‘counter’ people by proving their analysis about you 100% correct:
[You go Full Bird] when you start spouting vehement but incoherent rage at everyone around you, blame the machinations of shadowy cabals for everything and everyone you dislike and immediately conflate everyone who pokes fun at your rage or argues you to a standstill into the Big Bad Bundle of Bad Things. And then scream and point at them for a bit.
Please keep in mind also, that Struth is a Strong, Independent Queenslander, who don’t need no [wee] man or woman to acting his behalf. He doesn’t like fools…
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
A.F. Branco.
Gary Varvel.
Matt Margolis.
Patrick Cross.
Tom Stiglich.
A.F. Branco #2.
Ben Garrison.
I saw that too Bar Beach Swimmer – let’s just stay human – and being truly human means not losing our capacity to love and care for others irrespective of whether they appear to lose their capacity to do likewise.
Sometimes it’s better to cut ties rather than be dragged into the personal nightmares of other even if they are relatives. Told my little manic depressant brother in the UK never to contact me again recently. I have more pressing priorities to deal with. Compassion isn’t limitless.
In today’s Oz. I am white hot with anger at these dangerous and duplicitous fools. I will never, ever vote for them again.
Is that the same prime minister that said there would be no vaccine mandates?
Ha ha ha, Garrison draws Biden as a fart!
is that the same prime minister who promised no-one would be forced to take the vaccine? loathsome spineless craven coward
Sometimes it’s the best and only way
Blame the manufacturers.
Scotty has a plan, which is more than Labor ever will.
Is that the prime minister the little French twerp called a liar?
Sorry Tom in my enthusiasm I reported your Ben Garrison cartoon instead of liking it — sorry for the trouble Dover
So as I’m at home and not on my work computer I can’t access the whole story from the Oz but just looking at the Oz’s headlines…..it reads as follows…
“PM fuels electric vehicles on road to Damascus
Scott Morrison’s electric vehicle strategy will accelerate the rollout of charging and hydrogen refuelling stations to support 1.7 million electric cars on the road by 2030”
I remember Bill Shorten spruiking similar nonsense before May 2019. So why is Scumbag Morrison doing the same? Can someone tell me what was the point of voting Liberal in 2019?
So all the existing infrastructure for fueling vehicles was installed and is maintained by private resources, yet the gov wants me to pay for the installation and maintenance etc of charging stations for other peoples electric cars? I’m being ripped off again.
Re harvest.
Half way through the wheat here with chickpeas not quite ready.
Will get going again today and if the moisture doesn’t come up tonight we stand a chance of getting 24hrs in before it storms again tomorrow.
Weasel words. They’ll find a way to achieve the desired ‘motivation’:
The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health: Thanks, PM, and thanks David. So the immunisation register already exists. Think of it as a digital yellow book. Many of you would have had the World Health Organisation yellow books growing up and, like me, you’ve probably lost it over the years. And so this is an online version that actually exists already. And the change here is simply that whilst we maintain as an absolute article of faith voluntary but strongly encouraged vaccination, we have mandatory reporting of vaccinations for flu, for the National Immunisation Programme, for diseases such as mumps, rubella, pertussis and for COVID-19 vaccines. That’s very important, whole of nation public health information. But it’s also critically important information for individuals.
Journalist: Can companies get access to it?
The Hon. Greg Hunt MP, Minister for Health: No, no, it’s private. It’s your- it’s your medical record and it’s nobody else’s.
Sure companies can’t get access to it…they’ll just sack you if you don’t give it to them voluntarily.
Did Dick Ed get booted off somewhere that he now infests this blog like a cockroach?
‘Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules
At last someone is making a stand. Is this the first official body that has made such a ruling? I can’t think of another.
We have supposedly religious conservatives in Scott Morrison and Dom Perrottet.
They say you are known by the company you keep, so God must be saying to them out the side of his mouth, “Will you two go away and stop saying we’re friends?”
Actually, chances are that neither are particularly religious. It is just that the MSM is not very inventive and if you robotically go to a church service they will interpret that as being a religious fanatic.
Just a quick hint to the aphid problem – one of my aunties used to regularly chuck the dishwashing water over the fruit trees in her backyard.
Worked OK for her.
“Did Dick Ed get booted off somewhere that he now infests this blog like a cockroach?”
Yep…..although he’s not the only roach here.
Lode, the “Christian” tag is part of the schtick. It’s a lulling device, designed to quell that sudden disquiet a Christian feels when something they do or say isn’t “quite right”.
Rudd used it too.
They’re frauds. They may have once had convictions, but have been gobbled up by the world. The worm is almost all bird now.
I remember Bill Shorten spruiking similar nonsense before May 2019. So why is Scumbag Morrison doing the same? Can someone tell me what was the point of voting Liberal in 2019?
It’s another of the BRADBURY cunning stunts .. following the same policies as Labor may confuse the vote-herd into voting Lib thinking they are voting Lab ……. LOL!
November 8, 2021 at 10:41 pm
“private medical procedure”
Oh, it’s a ‘private medical procedure’ now.
The bureaucratic tap dancing commences.
“It was never mandatory.” “Strictly a personal, private decision.” “Data on the risks were available”, in the basement, in a cabinet labelled “Beware of the leopard”.
Am off to my sons Year 12 Graduation today in Melburnistan. As my wife is unvaxed she cannot attend. Yes the event will be zoomed. The anger is strong in this one. However I just found out the Year 12 students who are not vaxed also cannot attend. There are a number of kids who will not be there. WTF is going on?
Aphids don’t like soap. Instant death.
Getting back to P&P, Elizabeth was always a proto-feminist, Austen’s autobiographical “self”. Outspoken, raw, impulsive, intelligent, valued. The mired gown and flushed face from walking miles across the fields is taken directly from the book, as is the sometimes brittle repartee. No shrinking violet stuff from her.
Jane, on the other hand, comes up for criticism – she is too aloof, too guarded. And that’s why she nearly loses the man she ardently admires – his friend doesn’t really believe she cares for him.
On balance, the 1995 mini-series is pleasant to look at (especially Mr D 😀 ) but the 2005 movie captures the grubby and widely contrasting reality of the times. I also preferred the obsequious Mr Collins too, and Dench’s Lady Catherine.
The Hun:
I am well aware that this entire exercise is lying liars lying about conversations and activities with other lying liars to a body that will ultimately do nothing about it. If it wasn’t for the gargantuan damage the people involved have deliberately done to Victoria and its people, it would be faintly amusing.
I also note that both Andrews and Somyurek have the same habit (or condition) that apparently requires them to get about with their shoulders drawn up to their earlobes.
I was unaware of that, mainly because I hadn’t even thought about it.
The worst thing about the whole Pericarditis/Heart failure thing was that apart from adding extra fluid to the system, you didn’t look sick.
I later found out that my friends at the airport at Barcaldine were ready to run out to the plane in case I didn’t manage to make it up the five steps into the aircraft after a 25 meter walk.
Getting out of bed and showering was the limit for the day while my Ejection Fraction was 22%.
It looks like the tide is turning. The media are losing control of the narrative with protests happening all over the western world.
The other Winston.
Just think, the jabbed are donating blood. Red Cross says hey, no problem.
I was unaware of that, mainly because I hadn’t even thought about it.
Yep, apparently, 3 weeks after the jab your blood is, once again, considered safe to donate .. why 3 weeks I have no idea ..!
must be the SCIENCE .. LOL!
Beautifully put calli: Titus 1:16 said it well too:
“They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.’
Senex Energy, a QLD based up and coming gas producer which is increasingly successful with expanding cash flow and great potential has been sold out by the Directors at well below fair value to a foreign company.
Of course the deal which is a disaster for national energy sovereignty and which screws over long term shareholders will be approved without scrutiny by the “Flog Off Australia’s Strategic Assets to Foreigners Review Board”.
Just like the sale of QLD Gas to BG who are happily exporting our gas while we face an ‘East Coast gas shortage’.
There are no words adequate to describe our stupidity. Naughty words don’t help.
Hold The Line. Wait Out The Insanity.
Our strategy also.
2020 the year the world lost its mind
2021 the year the world failed to find it.
2022 still looking.
It will be interesting to see how long a technological society can hang together when vast majorities of people have abandoned science, logic and rationality.
The first ten minutes quite revealing.
The Australian Red Cross site says 1 week.
Pride and Prejudice-
Maybe- just maybe- it’s simply a bloody good pageturner. With heartbreaking bits and funny bits too.
The plot ducks and dives, and climbs up in moments of redemption. Just about every character has a believeable arc where they are forced to examine themselves and their prejudices, their decisions and choices and opinions.
Some cracking observations, and these are off the top of my head-
Darcy, when explaining his reluctance to get involved with the Bennetts-
“Your father’s complete lack of tact, in exposing your mother to the ridicule of her children, is something up with which I shall not put!” (sic)
Lizzie, simpering in her will to side with the bounder W-
“Besides- there was truth in his looks.”
I think that the filmmaker of the Knightley/McFadden version was looking in the right places when he/she wholly invented the line “Don’t judge me, Lizzie” (sic) spoken by her closest friend who marries the toady pastor bloke.
Knightley played Lizzie on the wrong note though, leading with her chin throughout, and hardly taking a backward step in any contrition.
Dench played DeBurgh as Dench.
Look, JC, that letter to Sydney Airports board is not bad, but these things really need to go through the Cat form letter approval process.
We need something a bit more like St Ruth’s missive to Senator Stoker.
Shared to my FB page…
Hippies of the insect world.
Well, yes. Both Lady Catherine and Mr Collins are caricatures. Pronouncedly so. Most of the subordinate characters are fairly one-dimensional, representing various failures of character/breeding.
The title gives it away. You are invited to place them in either camp. It’s only with the principals that the lines become blurred.
But we see Mr Collins played very differently in miniseries v movie.
Hugh Poate has the moral authority of a parent of a son murdered by an Afghan ‘ally’. Seems he has been talking to a few people and doing a bit of research. What he has to say is very interesting, both about the cover up of the inquiry into his sons murder and the disgraceful Brereton inquiry:
So, of the 19 diggers being investigated for murder by the Office of the Special Investigator, NONE are being investigated for murdering an Australian. At least 50 ‘investigators’ are working on their case every working day. Yet the bloke who did murder three Australians is free as bird, while the culpability of ADF officers in the systemic issues that led to his murder, is being covered up by the ADF.
What a fucking disgrace.
To : David Gonski
From : JC
Re : Sydney Airports takeover
Mr GonskiDavidGet fucked.
Rude letter following.
Kind regards
Groogs is a much loved Cat character. Sort of like Hammy … only stupider.
No, and I didn’t. Had a few alternatives and put the sitting Liberal member last.
This appears to be the UAP’s strategy headinginto the next election – maximum disruption.
Except we are talking about the ‘justice’ system of the United States.
“M” in a powdered wig.
You fully expect her to tell Lizzie “Say one more word and I’ll have you killed!”
We need something a bit more like St Ruth’s missive to Senator Stoker.
Yes what an obnoxious screed that was.
I remember reading an article on how soap killed the Covid virus, reproduced by Bolt I think. The chemistry was quite sophisticated. Left me with new respect for soap. I have never be able to find it again.
Tintarella di Lunasays:
November 9, 2021 at 8:17 am
They’re frauds. They may have once had convictions, but have been gobbled up by the world. The worm is almost all bird now.
Beautifully put calli: Titus 1:16 said it well too:
“They profess to know God, but they deny him by their works. They are detestable, disobedient, unfit for any good work.’
The media spin on Perrotet’s “Catholicism” seems to be six kids plus another on the way, goes to Mass, must be a strong Catholic.
Perhaps he just enjoys sex?
They haven’t made much progress since the Salem witch trials really.
Or his wife is unorganised?
Warren Brown today. With those four words she became the most important person in the world. Police doing what they are supposed to be doing instead of supporting Fascist govts. The other 3 in the drawing big noting themselves, pulling everything down around them in the attempt to be in the spotlight. Those four words, “My name is Cleo”, bring a tear to my eye. Did she give up waiting for someone to find her, I think not. Those despicable 3 are no better than the scum that took Cleo. The majority are “Cleo” waiting to be saved by those who would bury us. Imagine what it would be like if Donald John Trump had not become President and exposed true nature of the left and even he did not know the depth of the swamp. We owe him a depth of gratitude similar to Winston Churchill and look where that got him in the next election. In the moment we heard “My name is Cleo” our hearts momentarily lifted to dispel the events of the last 18 months.
Not this old chestnut again?
The immortal Les Patterson….
Researching a bit of satire…this is totally unusable and would be also so on TV these days….
Fair Shake:
We are being segregated.
For an example of how propaganda works, I give you Leni Riefenstahl “Triumph of the Will.” Just change the word “Jew” to “Unvaccinated.”
It is looking more and more like it will be a directed verdict, as in the Judge blows the whistle and ends the game because the prosecution has totally failed to prove any element of its case.
Antifa and BLM Rioters are now on-call.
Poor old Peanut Head. SloMo is stealing all his policies. Chloe will be pissed.
Shouldn’t that be As some car manufacturers?
Sorry, that would be ‘Antifa and BLM Rioters Inc.’
Not as pissed as she’ll be if Albo lands in The Lodge next year.
In Climate Target news:
Barack Obama tells COP26 the world is ‘nowhere near’ climate targets, takes aim at Russia, China
Actually you can see why China and Russia aren’t on the piss in Glasgow.
The choice of vaccine is irrelevant. With all three brands the biggest problem is the same – quality control. It doesn’t even seem to make much of a difference as to the types of injuries that the different brands cause. If you get a vaccine from a “good” batch then you will probably be ok (long term effects are still unknown of course). If you get a vaccine from a “hot lot” then you almost certainly *will* get a non-trivial injury of some kind. And “hot lots” appear to account for around 10-20 per cent of the vaccines.
Karl Denninger’s analysis on his Market Ticker is extremely instructive. The quality control doesn’t appear to be improving and is essentially as bad for all three brands which suggests that there is something intrinsic to the making of spike protein vaccines that doesn’t allow consistency of product (the fact that heart problems are appearing consistently for all three brands backs this up). Of course, quality control or not, all vaccines are useless but if you’re going to get one, you should hope that yours is just saline.
TheirABC has found one farmer who is worried about climate change – so of course this is the headline for their story about storms in SA:
Well, that settles it then.
Between TheirABC and its ability to find a person who agrees with their predetermined views, the chances of boring fact ever appearing in a headline are very slim indeed.
I don’t think she’s got anything to worry about. Australia’s run of crap government looks set to continue.
Says the man who was so afeared of rising sea levels, he put money on the table for waterfront property.
Morrison’s approval in QLD has fallen from 60% to 46% according to polling taken while he was in Glasgow.
Spruiking electric vehicles will go down about as well as his net-zero conversion in Australia’s most decentralised state.
Not sure what’s going on here, but the government/FBI interest sure looks dodgy.
Agreed Gab. I avoid them like the plague. Arks’ piece last week about quacks was spot on.
Rorschach – my sympathies and good to hear your son is somewhat better.
Been waiting twenty months so far, so what’s another ten or so (hopefully less, but most likely more).
Perhaps he should give up farming and “rewild” his property then.
That’s the plan, isn’t it?
It seems the federal government is planning more electric car subsidies.
These vehicles are already subsidised by not paying road tax by not paying fuel excise. Plus the electricity to charge them is subsidised through subsidised rooftop solar, subsidised renewable energy and/or the subsidies to coal fired power I keep reading about.
I don’t see why electric cars need more subsidies. If a buyer thinks they are cleaner for the environment and want to go that way then they shouldn’t expect handouts. Fuel vehicles never required government funded fuel stations if electric vehicles are the future supply will meet demand.
This School Board is looking more and more dysfunctional.
Hell, it looks like they ALL need to be investigated!
Witness Gaige Grosskreutz Forced to Admit He Pointed Gun at Kyle Rittenhouse Before He Got His Arm Blown Off (VIDEO)
If only it were about economics, Racer.
I heard last night on one of the Sky talk shows that the end is nigh, so to speak. I don’t know if it was wishful thinking or they actually had some other knowledge.
The Biden regime is threatening to shut down another gas pipeline as winter approaches, this time in Michigan. This means that Americans may be without heat this winter.
November 9, 2021 at 9:54 am
An SA farmer is fed up with climate change denial after his property incurred significant crop damage
Perhaps he should give up farming and “rewild” his property then.
He could always convert it into a solar or wind farm, and harvest the subsidies?
“And next on our show, calling from an undisclosed location, is a Mr. Pell who suggest he has some insight into legal systems, pots, kettles, and blackness.”
bullshit. you can’t even get access to your own medical records on mygov. of the 109 documents, only 2 are accessible to me.
For months, in the aftermath of Biden’s Afghanistan DISASTER, Poland and many other European countries have been bombarded by thousands of Muslim migrants who are illegally crossing their borders into Europe.
Sounds like he is shit at farming.
The Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica – 9th November 2021
It’s a simple fact of life for the commercial trucking industry: Without replacement parts, the big semis stop rolling.
And when the trucks stop rolling, store shelves across the United States won’t be refilled with products.
Not looking real good.
Calli, I think Knightley overdid it with the ‘independent you-go-girl’ stuff, which is what I meant by proto-feminist, so it depends what you mean by the term. Her Elizabeth comes across as someone who could happily inhabit a millenials’ book club and did not strike me at all as true to the period, too chirpy and too arch. There is an element of caution in Austin’s Elizabeth, and a reflective nature Knightley did not convey as well as a genuine independence of spirit – the long walks alone as the motif for that.
Elizabeth played by Jennifer Ehle to Colin Firth’s Mr. Darcy was much more the independent thinking gentleman’s daughter of the Regency period, very concerned with proprieties and not willing to give way to her own attraction until she was satisfied Darcy was indeed an honest man. That she was also a young woman trying to sort out her own life given the cards handed out to her by fate in a time when women were expected to marry or remain ‘old maids’, well, tell me about it. We can certainly read Austin’s own desire for freedom of thought writ large in her Elizabeth. Tell me about it. Recall that I left school at the end of 1956 in rural area where an independent woman knew to take due care if, under-age especially, she was flouting any of the multitude of conventions of that time. You-go-girls didn’t get far then.
useful idiots or traitors?
Daszak Admits Gain-of-Function Research Continued, CCP Censoring Data | Truth Over News
toss another virgin into the volcano
Cassie, it’s like we have to vote for them to find out what’s in them, courtesy of Nancy Pelosi.
“Don’t use or accept the Moronic Language changes.
“Anti Vax” now (in dictionaries) includes people that support Vaccines, and oppose Vaccine Mandates.
And lets not discuss “Gain of Function”.”
Loki the Cat
1 hour ago
How the Left Weaponises Language
Nov 9, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
This is a refreshing & edifying refresher for everyone wading through the cat/s these days and wondering why some spend most of their time attacking those who dare mention any of Govts many overreaches.
You shall know them by the venom they spit at the messengers & excuses they make for the dictators.
(12.01 am)
Lizzie is like that annoying guest at a party who announces that they are leaving and then keeps the host(s) talking at the door or outside the car for the next half hour.
Sure enough, half an hour later:
1. Nobody cares at what time you go to bed. Plus, you lie about it, every time.
2. As someone else said, what is this, your personal diary? I don’t give a rat’s what you did or didn’t discuss with your henpecked spouse.
I note that the not-very-subtle attempts to garner sympathy for your medical woes have fallen on stony ground. Perhaps it is because, over the years, many contributors have had much worse problems. (RIP Rudiau and others)
You are a comparatively rich old woman with medical problems.
Hold the front page!
How’s the book coming? You know, the one you have been talking about for years and years to prove that you are an interlecsual.
P.S. – I got 100/100 in third class for arithmetic in the 1960s, and have the school report to prove it. I am sure that you will agree that this information is immensely relevant. 🙂
I will never let up, you flash rat with a gold tooth.
DeSantis to Unveil New Legislation Banning Employers From Requiring Vaccination ‘As Soon as the End of Today’
A State govt protecting its people from tyrannical, unconstitutional, unscientific and dangerous edicts, what a wild concept. Only a Florida man could come up with something that crazy.
ps. I didn’t much like Judy Dench’s portrayal of Lady Catherine de Burgh. It was too much like Judy Dench’s Queen Elizabeth and other grandees. Dench often fails to depict the essence of her characters, never getting inside their heads; it’s mostly outward buff and style. Barbara Leigh-Hunt’s interpretation in the TV series with Colin Firth was much more believable to my mind – a rat-faced haughty woman excessively sharp in her own opinions and making claims for social worth based purely on position, dismissive of Elizabeth’s right to stand up to her, and even in the terms of the day, thoroughly ridiculous in her assumption of superiority.
In favour of the later movie though, the dynamics of the Bennet household were more closely examined than in either Austin’s rendition of Mr and Mrs Bennet and of the other teenage girls.
And you could almost smell the living standards, a smell which would have been pervasive in most places.
You’ve been at it for years. Serious mental derangement. I had thought you improved, but not so.
Missing sleep, or missed your tablets?
If that was the only thing it wouldn’t be so bad, we’ve paid enormously for other stupidities in the past. What this presages is that ICE cars will be illegal by 2030 except for the elite and the police.
Who knew Mad Max movies were prophetic?
Biden encourages businesses to violate vaccine court order
The White House on Monday urged businesses to move forward with implementing rules for coronavirus vaccines in violation of a federal court which stayed President Biden’s vaccine-or-test mandate for private companies.
‘The three-judge panel on the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals cited “grave statutory and constitutional issues” with Biden’s rule in issuing the stay on Saturday.’
Don’t come on here telling people what to do and screaming like a banshee going all Bird on us.
Ask the bedwetters.
It’s a personal decision that should not be influenced by anyone else.
(unless it is the government).
There’s a good article mover at Adam’s cat for those brave enough to venture over, but if not here it is .
But compliance is not a virtue; it isn’t neutral, and it certainly isn’t harmless.
It’s good to see I live rent free in Choo choo man’s head.
Hey Choo choo man, show me one bird like comment I made!
It’s one way to make kids hate their society and turn them into dissidents.
It also shows how a lot of people who are tasked with teaching children should never be allowed near them.
I thought teachers had to take courses in child psychology yet they demonstrate that they have learned nothing from them.
Time for a Bex and a lie down.
This is so bloody typical of these incompetent, evil and infuriating imbeciles. Force the replacement of something that works perfectly well, with something that is useless, dangerous and horrendously expensive.
Of course the real agenda is simply to stop the proles being able to drive and ruthlessly restricting their freedom of movement.
johanna says:
November 9, 2021 at 9:47 am
TheirABC has found one farmer who is worried about climate change – so of course this is the headline for their story about storms in SA:
He has a storm pass through with hail which is a crop insurance claim for prudent farmers.
SA farmers have had a dream run of seasons over the last five years, so are hardly in a position to complain about the weather.
He’s had one storm this bad in sixty years which is hardly an indicator of increased frequency resulting from extreme climate change. I’ve seen strip storm damage that threw trees metres away in one part of the farm but no damage elsewhere.
Silly article by silly people.
Barbara Leigh-Hunt as Lady Catherine de Burgh also managed to convey very well the underlying fear that this appalling woman had of things going wrong for her plans for Darcy. Lady Catherine emerges from this interpretation as both foiled and made to look both foolish and desperate by Elizabeth’s initially calm but increasingly pointed delivery of a few home truths to this silly aristocrat.
The very same Barack Obama who sat next to President Xi prior to them both signing the Paris climate agreement. In Obama’s case, he vowed to ruin the US economy by making energy more expensive and in Xi’s case, to improve China’s economy by vowing to stop increasing CO2 emissions in about 30 years time.
Seriously. Obama thought that was a good deal.
Eyre, I put my faith in the Israelis getting it right after trying everything along the way. The others are too arrogant to admit they were wrong.
Yep. No one can doubt this now.
I expect SloMo has the appeal of a Lets Go Brandon in a lift. That is not really the end of it. He is a good campaigner (works after lunch) and Albo has the electoral appeal of sludge. It will be close.
Forget Western Sydney, Queensland is where Federal elections are won and lost.
Maybe time to revisit this great overview which is now proven by history.
Farmer Gezsays:
November 9, 2021 at 11:07 am
Some really well off farmers I know do a few essential things during the good years.
Salt away a few quid in shares (easy to sell if you need them)
Usually a bunch of investment houses to rent out…
Also a mix that works ok when the old man dies, theres enough ‘not farm” to pay out the kids who wont get it.
If they have had 6 good years and this dork is saying ” well all be ruined”.. well, hes a mediocre farmer or on marginal sized/fertility property.
Ours is no better than theirs, see Cardinal Pell trial and appeal.
KRudd’s policy of requiring 75% (or whatever) to change leaders could cost the Liars another election. Maybe you could argue for it where the incumbent had won a general election, in Opposition it’s madness.
An entirely unconfirmed rumour told me at the club on Sunday:
Mark McGowan’s Department of Sport and Recreation offered a $10,000 grant to the Smallbore shooting club.
Fine. As qualifications and experience for the position are not regarded, then where do I apply? I am female so I should be the best candidate.
Given that the WA Heath Department cancelled a sponsorship because a play contained a smoking scene -entirely plausible. They are relentless.
You’re in Gab.
AGM follows the Christmas fun shoot, when novelty targets of white male historic figures will be spattered with blueberries by shooters wearing high heels for a running race.
Hey Johanna and your ridiculous uptickers, here are just a few of the women here who comment about their own lives and experiences as part of the general discourse in no significant way different from the way in which I do:
Calli, Cassie, Tinta, Vicki, Rosie, Min, and others on the Old Cat, oh, and you yourself.
Have a go at them for a change or do some self-examination. You are a fraud. Tell us again about your geraniums. And your house sale. And your marvellous one-time management of the whole of Jervis Bay Naval Station. And your work in Premiers in NSW… all of which I actually don’t object to, in spite of some of its hyperbole, but I do object when you have the hide to disparage me on a pathetically regular basis for no real reason except that I exist and comment here.
“If you have a good year, invest off farm, in something that’s nothing to do with farming.”
Worked for three generations of the clan….
That was one right there…
SOme pics and videos of the Melbourne protest last Saturday.
The video showing the reception the mainstream media got was priceless. ”Tell the truth, you maggots”.
Directed verdict is the only way to protect jurors who have already been threatened if they don’t deliver a guilty verdict but I don’t think the judge will do it.
Rittenhouse is a political prisoner of a corrupt regime.
And anyway Struth, what is up with the Hurr Durr, choo choo man gag?
Did your Mummy not let you have a train set when you were little?
Mine did.
Maybe that’s why you’re such an angry, incoherent and bitter cuss and I’m not?
[Totally not a pre-Christmas plug. Nor an attempt at recruiting children. Totally not… :)]
This Saturday 12pm at State Library.
It’s on. I’m even making my own sign this time.
I agree Rabz, that’s all this is about. Our prosperity of the last 50 years has democratised the world and made the elites almost irrelevant, this is their way of fighting back. The hoi polloi were able to afford international travel and holidays in previously exclusive destinations and spoiled the experience for the elite.
Those 400 private jets said everything that needed to be said about COP26, once again the elites can travel where they please while the common herds are penned up at home.