BAM. This thread dedicated to Penelope Wong and her astute ability to read the room. Oh wait.
BAM. This thread dedicated to Penelope Wong and her astute ability to read the room. Oh wait.
With Putin being such a Dickhead let’s have some War of the Worlds – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9DISbQKTTM
Gorgeous painting!
And I just love this – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yOZEiHLuVU
I like Desmond Black and Dekker. He did a good line in Irons in Brixton.
That will be the advanced, deeply spiritual culture that professor Pascoe tells us about.
Yes, my admiring little fawn?
In remoter parts of the wide brown land we used to give the expired antivenines and stuff like atropine, adrenaline and the like to the local vets.
The cost of sending them back via the Cold Chain process were prohibitive.
It was either that or high temperature incineration which was also prohibitively expensive.
And don’t get me started on the bloody rigmarole of dealing with contaminated sharps…
Bloody administrators who think up amazing protocols for hospitals and think the problem is solved by adding an extra line:
“Sharps are to be high temperature incinerated at the local facility.”
Yeah the local facility that incinerates at this high a temp is 800 km away and no carrier will touch it.
Will do Delta, thanks.
Only in National Parks and other designated ‘Wilderness’ areas.
How else would they generate Climate Change-blameable catastrophic bushfires? 😉
I expect second hand personal anecdotes on Covid vaxx reactions are the best we will get. I also expect them to be dismissed as double counted, unrepresentative and irrelevant.
just a coincidence
California Gov. Gavin Newsom disappears for more than a week
Newsom’s press secretary said the governor’s absence is not related to his recent COVID-19 booster
God knows how many hours will be consumed by the Cloe Smith abductor. It sounds like they might even have trouble getting a plea out of him. I expect there will be plenty of pressure to do so.
Surely there MUST be some way to fight this????? What gives her the right to make such decisions? Silly question, I guess after what has happened elsewhere, but whatever happened to A FREE COUNTRY?
Lizzie – I think one of the currawongs might’ve eaten sibling of kid. An eggshell was on the lawn underneath the nest box, with a currawong beak-sized hole in it. The currawongs just can’t help themselves, they as well fed as kings and queens but if they spot a genetically programmed dinner they will go for it, alas.
looks like Ill be forced to download it
‘Dune’ May Be Fascist, but Its Focus on Islam Is Groundbreaking
The future won’t look like a Facebook boardroom, but like an Islamic caliphate
I wouldn’t want to be an investor.
Just had a storm go through – double rainbow, both complete and luvverly!
I think there is a value in collecting anecdotes from a population cross-section such as found here. Too many in ICU for instance or with genuine auto-immune issues would raise some queries, which is all such an indicative survey can do. Data collection in Arky’s survey has some problems. Some are offering hearsay, others personally known sufferers. You’d have to do a proper sampling and accounting of the ‘damages’ to reach any conclusions. Some fairly intensive investigations are already being done anyway with the Vaers data.
My point was a psychological one: people focus more on vaccine injury when asked in the context of a non-existent local pandemic. In an environment that was covid-rich there may be less worry about, say, tinnitus from the vaxx, and far more nuance in reporting, balancing vaxx effects against empirical Covid effects that were also troubling people.
the article is written by a leftoid complaining the alt-right love the movie.
Don’t tell me this! As I may have posted, I encountered 4 snakes in the first 4 weeks of Spring this year. Two were blacks – one huge one almost as thick as my forearm who cruised past me when I was brush cutting; and the other a regular size one on the way towards our barn. Not much to be worried about as they are generally only interested in fleeing.
The other 2 were Eastern Browns (nasty buggers) – one in the cattle grid that I pass over every day on my walk, & the other in the creek flat at 90 degrees to the path I was taking. The first had to be “disposed of”, as I cross that grid on foot. The other felt the vibrations of my footsteps long before me, which allowed me to sight him & change the direction of my walk!
I now take a compression bandage & “walkie-talkie” with me, as we are 45 minutes from the nearest hospital & I am generally kms from the house.
So “not happy” to hear that some hospitals may not have up-to-date anti-venene!
And COVID has sent everyone into a tizz!! Geez!!!!
We were never really free.
Our freedoms were always based on political grant rather than natural right and curtailed further by less than optimal judicial interpretation of the constitution.
For a brief window of time, when John Howard held a majority in both houses, we had the opportunity to establish a Bill of Rights which could have gone some way to recognising certain freedoms as innate and inalienable. It wouldn’t have been a panacea, but if properly drafted it would have been a protective buffer between citizens and the three branches of government at federal and state levels. But Howard refused to go down that path on the grounds that it would have reduced the power of politicians. Second worst prime minister after Whitlam, made worse by the same pretence to elder statesmanship after he was rightly booted out.
ps. I have been getting tinnitus for years, but only when I think about it.
It sets up a treat then, dingling away.
Until something on a blog or elsewhere takes my attention. Pfft. It’s gone. 🙂
Wow! Didn’t know any of that. Thanks.
Sheesh. Anyone with two braincells to rub together knows that Islam was heavily drawn upon for Herbert’s cultural landscape. Yet only now these wankers notice? But also don’t actually twig that Islam was fascist long before Mussolini invented the word? Well I’m not surprised by this Haaretz kiddie, they’re a bunch of dripping wet lefties. If you said “Netanyahu” within hearing distance they’d run away in terror.
I’ll bet good money the defence cites “intergenerational trauma” and “the effects of colonialisation” as mitigating circumstances.
Space Force Detects Mystery Object in Orbit Alongside Chinese Satellite
They’re calling it an “apogee kick motor,” but the object’s true identity and purpose remain unknown.
should quietly kick it out of orbit
My MIL uses snakes as hair ties.
Oh, actually – I certainly did know that. At 11 years of age I had a hockey stick strike on my face that left gaping wound. Off to the hospital for stitches & tetanus shot. Two weeks later woke in the morning to have terrific itching & a swollen face. This was quickly followed by a rapidly swelling tongue. Was absolutely terrifying. never forgotten it. I don’t think they use horse serum for vaccines anymore.
I did wonder about the singlton compared to the two last year, Bruce.
Nature red in too and claw, the way it is.
Our Currawong nest only had two eggs in it this year – compared to last year’s nest with four eggs – so maybe a couple of eggs were already lost by the time we’d found it hidden in the Ptossporum. This year’s parents had an easier job of it than last years, where one frazzled single mum (useless cad of a partner) was left to raise all four, and did so with great success given our help. This year’s nest was nothing like as crowded and so the chicks really grew well and both parents are very attentive still.
I get that, Zipster. I was amused by the huffing and puffing about “neo feudalism”.
Isn’t that what commenters here are predicting…imposed by the Left?
in tooth. Must proof read.
Not to mention the morally corrupting influence of Bratz dolls.
Roger – things have certainly swung too far in favour of the Executive. Hopefully (that’s all we’ve got) it will swing back at some point. I’m not sure I would try to accelerate the process, particularly if it involved SloMo and the Lieborals.
And, I forgot to mention, after the jab, they ask you to sit down for 15 to 20 minutes in case of any early onset side effects burst out.
They do that for the flu vax or any other, Captain Obvious.
Ethical AI Trained on Reddit Posts Said Genocide Is OK If It Makes People Happy
Aboriginal tourettes has broken through and like the honey badger the Rones don’t give a shit. So courageous.
Not true, but in any event how does that comment have any fucking relevance to your very first comment.
They possibly ask you to sit down for 15 minutes because you appear unhealthy and unsteady on your feet. I get a flu jab every year and never been asked.
We were never really free.
We are considered to be cattle and they are farming us. Not much different from slavery really. And you thought that had been abolished.
I get a flu jab every year and never been asked.
Better change your clinic. They are meant to sit you down within observation range for 15 minutes.
Mrs Eyrie is a former RN .
Our polity is broken, Bear; for several reasons, but that is chief among them and covid has exacerbated and exposed it.
That is why Amanda Stoker’s relative indifference to the nation’s plight – as reported here yesterday, presumably representing the position of Cabinet – is so infuriating.
To borrow a slogan from the late 1960s – the Liberal Party is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
Roger, they’ve slithered along under the radar for so many years they don’t notice the scales on their bellies.
Mainly because Labor has been worse. Until now.
What is “worse”? A liar that you know will lie? Or a deceiver hidden behind a friendly smile?
Personally, I have packed my bags and left. No more bruises. Even if I have to sleep in the car.
Any Victorians lurking on this site –
Come on guys, it closes on the 15th Nov, let’s push those numbers.
The below petition only has 7252 signatures, and by rights it should have at the very least, 10s of thousands, if not over 100,000. Needs 100,000 signatures to get it tabled in Parliament.
Please sign and share far and wide throughout all your Victorian friends, family and contacts. (Only Victorians can sign.)
This is in regards to the Pandemic Management amendment to our state’s Public Health and Wellbeing act.
In the week leading up to the final vote on this bill, it’s crucial that the people of Victoria do absolutely everything we can to try and ensure that our supposed “representatives” hear our voices and our outrage over this legislation. Even if you think petitions are a waste of time, sign it anyway. It costs you nothing but 30 seconds.
Petitions to the Legislative Council (the Upper House) can only be tabled if they are sponsored by an MP in the Legislative Council. This one is sponsored by Melina Bath MP.
Morrison’s net-zero is a watershed moment.
His polling in QLD fell by 14% within a week.
Today he annoucned a conversion on electric vehicles.
Won’t drive in Australia’s most decentralised and electorally crucial state.
Would be nice if you thought that a few people at least noticed it.
Presumably his last words before this regrettable incident were, “Don’t taze me, bro!”
I think the numbers are growing but they are a long way from where they will make a difference.
Bolta astounded that the climate protestors at GOP26 are fucking commies and that the wussia dossier was based on shrillary and swamp lies. He interviews that dreg of the media, annelise nielsen who opines that nothing has been proved yet and no one is reporting on the Durham charges because it is all speculative. God, she’s a smug little bitch who can barely conceal her contempt for Trump or his supporters and is barely polite with Bolta.
Bolta was also very good on the scomo debacle, replaying scomo’s coal moment and comparing it with his now EV and hydrogen shitstain duplication of the alp’s policies from the last election, with the liars now gloating that scomo is admitting they were right and he has stolen their policies.
I reckon the fed libs are aiming to beat the WA result for these cowards and fools.
That’s the advice given in Australia.
I’ve read that bushwalkers in Americaq take a kit of injectable Vitamin C, that stuff neutralises any snakebite.
Australian Governments tell a lot of lies about snakes and downplay the danger.
That didn’t happen at training.
They reckoned Scotty was toast a week out from the last Election.
It’s bullshit.
Singapore to bill unvaccinated COVID-19 patients as fresh infections surge across island
Deeply unlikely that anything like this would happen in Australia.
Except perhaps Queensland Heslth might apply a token charge to non-Queenslanders.
RickW, if you are out there, what do you think of these
My wife wants to buy me one. How much would I regret not having a DRO or power feed?
mc, better check if they have stock for starters. Was going to buy a less expensive one and was quoted some time first quarter 2022. Bought the one rickw recommended.
Yeah nah.
My doc usually gives it to me last thing in the consult.
I then pay his outrageous bill and walk.
Gone in sixty seconds.
You think? It’s in Palaszczuk’s toolkit. On top.
Another case of medical malpractice. If you fell over and turned into a vegetable (BIRM) on the way to your car, the doc might have to call on his insurance.
China builds mockups of U.S. Navy ships in area used for missile target practice
Snakebite doesn’t sound as much fun as I thought it might be.
I might try to avoid it.
Particularly given that a bee flattened me.
nothing to do with his booster ok.
wtf is domestic inequity?
Worked in the SA desert on and off for a while about 20 years ago.
When it’s hot, we used to sleep on an open trampoline type of bunk and I got pestered by sneks a few times but never bitten
Unlike some workmates.
Two of them bitten on the same night
Both fine and airlifted out to Alice though one of them near lost his thumb
Mulga snek or, as the local guy told me one day, “that snek. that snek was a brown one”
Last time I was in thailand, I was standing waist deep in the ocean, I felt something touch my leg, I looked down and this stripy sea snake literally swam between my legs. Didn’t go back in the ocean after that one.
Thanks Eyrie, was looking at floor stock at a regional store
you know, just in case america attacks.
BloJo filth strikes again…
The UK government will reportedly change the definition of “fully vaccinated” to mean having had three shots and reimpose travel restrictions on people with only two doses.
It’s almost like he’s punishing the demo for Brexit. Kunt.
Harvard or Cornell?
Doofus, I’ve never been told to sit down for a flu shot. I even had one in the US three or four years ago and they never told me to sit down. It could be that they don’t think you’ll make it through without falling over… as I said.
In any event, what does this have to do with what you incorrectly said about the rarity of covid shot side effects?
wtf is domestic inequity?
Who gets the wet spot?
I looked down and this stripy sea snake literally swam between my legs.
That was your dick. It’s well known that when you swim in the Thai ocean your dick becomes multi-coloured.
Newspoll is lefty. They’re like Essential. If ScoMo’s polling has fallen 14% in a week it’s real.
As for me I’m inclined to take an Artline marker with me next election so that my voting paper will not magically preference either major. I won’t draw penises though since I’m not sufficiently arty. But I do no wish to be even a tiny bit morally complicit in any state or federal government, given the lies they’re all pushing.
Be polite, Cronkite. FFS, you’re always so fucking rude to people.
JC, my local medical center makes you sit there for 15 minutes after a shot. SOP.
If yours doesn’t, they are clueless or careless. Anyway it’s your funeral.
In the desert. That’s where the Chinese built the fake ships. At least the Iranians built a real fake American ship on actual water. A whole aircraft carrier built of wood. It rolled over and sank before they could shoot at it.
WTF, I was talking about sea snakes and dicks. It’s a cottage industry in Thailand.
As I said, that would be quite likely for an unhealthy, skeletal patient.
It’s my funeral because I’m not asked to sit down after a flu shot? LOL.
Sit down after a flu shot?
Fucking harden up people!
FFS, do you have nap after a Vitamin C tablet?
Target: Western Media.
Objective: Ooooh! They’re really, really serious about sinking US carriers. Perhaps the Pacific Strategy needs a rethink…
November 9, 2021 at 6:20 am
… the Prime Minister said the government’s strategy would not force Australians out of their family sedans, utes and trucks.
Is that the same prime minister that said there would be no vaccine mandates?
Should be repeated every day until polling day.
He’s wrong about some of those numbers.
Just watched a Stanflix doco on David Geffen.
What an interesting and enigmatic guy.
It is called anaphylactic shock, people. Clueless fools. But then it’s Sanchez and JC (BIRM).
RickW, if you are out there, what do you think of these
My wife wants to buy me one. How much would I regret not having a DRO or power feed?
What I would do:
1). Get the power feed, you really would regret not having it.
2). If you can option in the scale type readout on the quill, that would be a big benefit. On these you will normally do the depth of cut feed off the quill, doing it accurately without the readout on the quill takes a bit of care.
3). Third on the list would be full DRO.
Don’t forget the tooling, you will need:
– T slot clamping kit.
– 4” or 5” K type vice or Anglock vice.
– Face mill – normally a standard accessory.
– ER32 collet Chuck with main sizes.
– End mills.
Let me look at some other options for you to consider in that size or price range.
The good thing about that, Faustus, is it implies they don’t dare attempt actual conquest of Taiwan. Trying a fait accompli tends not to work when the marks are wised-up to the bullshit.
The coup de main in Crimea worked because Ukraine was asleep.
They ain’t now, but it’s now too late.
Crimea forever a part of Russia, says Putin (5 Nov)
A used one on Gummie, you could probably negotiate, it’s been on there for a while:
That’s a weird term, how can Shock be anaphylactic?
I’m prepared to admit that Snakebite or drinking blended Scotch might be anaphylactic.
An alternative to H&F. Realistically I wouldn’t be to concerned about buying an unbranded one, most probably they all came out of the same factory:
Faulty2, fuck off . You’re a waste of oxygen.
Hi all.
First timer comment. Just seeing how it works as officially now sick of death of sitting on the sidelines watching the country crumble.
Was sitting peacefully at my computer earlier today when my son came up and told me about the Queensland Labor Government’s vaccine mandate announcements. Right hand palmed the screen so hard against the wall that Bruce Lee would have admired the technique.
I can now highly recommend Dell computer screens. Took a licking and kept on ticking.
Now if I could just do it to Annastacia’s face….just as an experiment to see if she has the same durability.
Thanks RickW.
Looks good but picking up from Melbourne not possible at the moment. Proceeding with caution. Last time she bought me a rifle I also had to get a dog.
At between 84-88& of the population double jabbed? I’m not buying it.
Watched the 1st episode of the new DEXTER .. set 10 years after the original ended .. not bad and looks promising ..
Also watched 2 episodes of AMERICAN RUST ( Paramount streamer) police/detective/murder set in the poorer section of back country, Pennsylvania with Jeff Daniels in the lead well worth a squizz ……..
And for the, luvvers of fitba … Western Sydney Wanderers have their 1st serious game of the season in the FFA Cup v. Broadmeadow Magic tomorrow night live on 10play at 7.25pm
Socceroos v. Saudi Arabia in an Asian World Cup qualifier, also on 10 .. 8.00pm Thursday …….
You’d think that was the case.
I’m a million miles from anything military, but as a peaceful engineer, if building a full-scale mock-up was a necessary preparation for anything complicated – you’d be back in the 1950’s.
Slightly smaller machine but maybe worth considering:
Watched the 1st episode of the new DEXTER .. set 10 years after the original ended .. not bad and looks promising ..
What channel is it on?
Where on earth is Governor Gavin Newsom?
Tucker Carlson
Just had one.
Totally overrated.
Push on through it.
Thanks again RickW,
I think as Eyrie experienced, stock is going to be a problem.
Daily Mail reported of significant protests at the NZ parliament, today, Tuesday 9th.
The article has now disappeared, effectively replaced by a scoop of her adorbs daughter trotting in to a “zoom” conference.
No one seems to sell these new any more, but if you can pick one of these up used they are great (I got my dad one of these). They have basically the same capacity as the mill you are looking at, but have some advantages:
1) Belt drive is bullet proof.
2) They feed accurately off the knee, so you tend to only use the quill for drilling.
3) You can pivot the head, so potentially you can machine something hanging off the end or side of the table.
what’s a channel?
Watched the 1st episode of the new DEXTER .. set 10 years after the original ended .. not bad and looks promising ..
What channel is it on?
No idea .. I downloaded it ……. may not be in Oz yet ……
Not if the the vaxx knocked out the natural immunity, which several highly qualified doctors have suggested.
Not sure how much space you have, but for that money you could get into a used Bridgeport turret mill clone:
At a council emergency services meeting.
Apparently “insurance” will be the next “ I can’t believe it’s not fascist” cab off the rank to persecute the pure bloods.
Via the St Johns rep.
Candace Owens: We are not building back anything better under Biden
Tucker Carlson
Grigory has now graduated from mere gypsum-fulled wrongology to disingenuous and lethal misinformation.
Not a single C, let alone a Vitamin in any of this:
And actual survival instructors point out extractor-based ‘kits’ are functionally useless anyway.
Fuck off Grigory, before your moronic attempts to grief-troll others with sheer malignant stupidity get some lurker killed.
The Chinese carrier mock up is a flat, one dimensional outline in the desert. As far as being a target for anti-ship missiles, torpedoes, gunnery, etc. It’s worthless. Which leaves just a few military purposes – practicing traditional horizontal or dive bombing, targeting from a space vehicle, or shite stirring.
Since horizontal or dive bombing a US carrier isn’t going to happen that leaves either shite stirring or practicing hitting a stationary ship sized target from space.
Since you don’t need the painfully obvious outline of a US carrier to practice hitting something from space it would seem to boil down to shite stirring.
Tonight Bolt had clearly just about had enough of her. I’m older than you and maybe wiser, he said in as many words, and suggested he would have to agree to disagree with her assessment. In other words, she’s absolutely useless as a go-to for information from Washington and he only has her on because he has to. She is so smug you want to smack her one.
Not a threat, just an aspiration thought in the clouds about how nice it would be to do so.
Dexter New Blood is on Amazon Prime. Fuck it, I waste enough money on Fox, Netflix and Stan.
Always wanted a Bridgeport but unfortunately I don’t think I would have the room in my shed. That one you bought for your dad looks like a mini Bridgeport.
Why do the ends of some of my words disappear? Aspirational.
I blame this keyboard because it can’t possibly be me. 😀
Good job.
Gabbard sounds off on Democrats ‘racialization’ of politics, society
Tucker Carlson
‘Don’t get mad at us’: Bartenders worry about unruly customers, lost tips as L.A. vaccine proof mandate goes into effect
Sound familiar –
“We Will Not Comply” – Thousands – Including City Workers, LAPD Officers, and Firefighters – Gather Outside Los Angeles City Hall to Protest Upcoming Deadline for Covid Vaccine Mandates
“We Will Not Comply” – Thousands – Including City Workers, LAPD Officers, and Firefighters – Gather Outside Los Angeles City Hall to Protest Upcoming Deadline for Covid Vaccine Mandates
ends? I get whole words disappearing
Well said!
Has everybody suffered a bad vaxx reaction & slipped into a coma?
JC’s usually raving on about “Rones”, whoever that is, at this hour of the night. Has he finally been kicked off?
I’m putting this up here, a comment I made in return to Eyrie’s one below, just in case Arky wields his anti-free speech axe on my neck on the Vaxx effects thread. Dover is the only one who in my opinion can wield a moderating axe and if he takes my comment out here, that’s his prerogative:
TUCKER ON FBI RAIDING PV: “This is totally third world and it’s an attack on press freedom.”
still trying to work out what a channel is
Victoria’s enabling acts are about to fall
these fucks already achieved destruction of the middle class, the home detention of everybody, and capture of all institutions with just the health act
when this shit Permanent Pandemic Legislation goes down, the rest of youse go down to.
Im a bit sick and tired of listening to idiotic posturing about trucks v trains
or about what Struth said that made Sanchez’s balls shrivel
Tucker: This is Joe Biden’s main problem
DeSantis reacts to Biden secretly forcing illegals into Florida
Tucker Carlson
Well, I’m off to bed. Goodnight all.
I wonder if it has ever crossed Johanna’s mind that people signal when they are leaving the site to indicate they will no longer be around to engage in further debate. I think that is preferable to her modus operandi of coming in all sweetness and light, only to throw a vile untruth bomb at me (her fixated target), and then disappear into wherever until the dust settles, whereupon Ms. Dripping Innocent emerges once more to appear civil and normal; till Fixation Rinse and Repeat.
I find it extraordinary that so many people here appear to approve of this deranged behaviour.
that’s total shit Betty
… if Arky had an axe, he’d use it on your keyboard
Snakebite. The fullbloods have a traditional way to deal with this that seems to work*.
When bitten, by anything up to and including an eastern brown or taipan, they just lie down where they are and stay there. Very calmly. For about three days.
If they can get up after three days, the body hasn’t absorbed the full whack of venom it would have of the victim wasn’t hyperventilating and arm waving while sprinting in circles, and they’re through the worst. Not 100%, granted, but they get over it.
*Caveat – I have only ever spoken to people that have tried this and lived. Full data sets are unavailable.
Wow, they could all be watching Dexter & too enthralled to log in.
Sir Francis Chichester had a very similar theory.
Major bust-up to the body like falling out of a tree or getting hit hard by the boom of your boat? Lay where you fell, very still, for a few hours. Move very slowly at the end of the “recuperation period” and all will be well.
N=1 but it worked for him.
Suit yourself, Matrix. Go and cook something.
November 9, 2021 at 11:59 pm
Perhaps the roundups have commenced.
Vikstasi is loading wrongthinkers onto cattle cars to be transported to Koo Wee Rup … or some other remote hellhole that gives the shivers to urbane ALP types.
This would explain the sudden quiet on the Cat.
More likely the Electricity Interconnector’s failed and mighty Viktoristan is in literal blackout…
Wouldn’t they simply switch over to solar……… ?
didn’t you flounce off go to bed?
try a chamomile tea
see if that helps
Soviet Union … 22,402,200 square km
Queensland … 1,729,742 square km
Western Aus … 2,527,013 square km
youse big state fellas
you’re absolutely sure this shit couldn’t possibly get to youse, aren’t ya?
read the Vik legislation
listen to the shit dripping from your state premiers lips
Can’t speak for anybody else.
There’s been no reason to feel that way.
We’ve not had the bending over & un-lubed reaming that Victorian businesses have. However we’ve had sufficient pump & dump used on us.
Keep in mind the first government to pull any rot was the Commonwealth, pulling it on all of Australia.
There’s a reason the day it all kicked off is known as “Scomo Sunday”
Anyway, we’ve nothing to worry about.
Nanny Pallachak says it’s for our own benefit, & we’re being granted some freeeeedoms.
The police commissioner lady says police will do the policing of the vaxx mandate, businesses will not have to.
… I almost believed her, … then managed a few minutes ago to find the fine print.
It is not as the Commissioner & Premier have assured me.
70-ish years
the soviet union lasted
just fucking saying
These numbers are unrealistically low.
With the multiple attempts need by people to sign and the numbers even going backwards, I think people should let the petitioner & sponsor know.
“Legislative Council E-Petitions
E-petition Number
Reject the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the community opposes the Andrews Government’s Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
The Bill hands enormous power to the Premier of Victoria, possibly perpetuating a pandemic dictatorship. It is undemocratic and a complete tyrannical overreach of political power. It inhibits proper Parliamentary scrutiny, transparency and potentially impacts scheduled state elections.
The Andrews Government has not consulted with the public on its powers.
The community specifically objects to the Bill granting the Premier wide sweeping powers to declare a pandemic despite low case numbers in the state of Victoria and potentially in the absence of cases, issuing pandemic orders for a period of time without the support of state parliament, and having the power to apply pandemic orders to classes of persons who can be identified by their characteristics or attributes, including but not limited to race, gender, religious, political belief or activity.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council reject the flawed Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
Closing Date
Not tabled signatures
Total signatures including previously tabled
Click here to sign
Contact principal petitioner
[email protected]
Ms Melina Bath“
I can spot a problem there already:
The Soviet Union was brought down after 70 years only by the USA powerhouse economy.
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Paul Thomas.
Brian Adcock.
A.F. Branco.
Michael Ramirez.
Gary Varvel.
Chip Bok.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
“Understaffing at Perth Children’s Hospital had left doctors and nurses “exhausted and demoralised” before the death of seven-year-old Aishwarya Aswath, a report has found.
Aishwarya succumbed to a fatal infection on Easter Saturday, her condition having deteriorated while her parents pleaded for her care to be elevated.”
Appears Perth hospitals have been having problems for a while.
hospital stretched on night WA girl died, at Canberra times
Rumour is that Newsome has developed Bells Palsy. Apparently the only politician dumb enough to actually get injected with this shit:
“The number of patients seen in ACT emergency departments within four hours has declined since 2016-17, when more than 70 per cent of presentations were completed in the timeframe. Fewer than 60 per cent of admissions were completed within four hours in 2019-20.
The president of the Australian Medical Association ACT, Professor Walter Abhayaratna, said poor performance in ACT hospitals had been evident for a number of years, but the problem needed to be recognised in order to fix it.”
Wait times in Canberra hospitals have been escalating since 2016/2017.
The ACT is getting very close to 99 percent fully vaccinated over 16 and even 12 to 15s are now 98.97% fully vaxxed 90.36 part vaxxed. Clearly public service country.
reduce demand in hospitals in Canberra hospitals, also Canberra times
No such thing as free speech on a private blog.
Rones, the other day someone said your stupid, senseless comments remind them of “The Major” in Faulty Towers. I disagree as you’re too dopey to sound as stupid as the Major.
Earlier someone mentioned their “Barn”, do we have barns in Australia? I’ve never heard anyone call their haysheds or any other structure on the farm a barn? Maybe it’s a South Australian thing or just someone who was edjucated properly.
pandemic of the vaccinated
They really tortured the data for the article to get that spurious headline…
Why You Should Assume Everyone Is Stupid, Lazy, and Possibly Insane (Including You)
And he actually provides the point with his conclusion.
Lol, Indolent. The article title and your screen name go hand in glove!
How much of my day is spent on abstract gain? I wonder if weeding the garden or creative pursuits fit that as a “Mode 2” type of thinking? Or when a big decision comes along, making up the “decision list” of pros and cons?
Tempting to think one is smarter than everyone else. That’s when you find yourself doing something really…really…dumb.
And he offers a perfectly rational explanation for the Cats movie, too. 😀
Of course, their treatment in hospital may have had something to do with it. Ivermectin for me but not for thee.
Should be “proves the point”.
Are we sure that’s supposed to be a yank carrier in the Chinese desert? Looks more like a bottle of Australian wine… they wouldn’t dare!
Like the author, coming to the conclusion that what is happening to us today is just happenstance through idiocy. Or perhaps that’s the purpose of the whole thing.
Article is for US where novavax has yet to submit to fda.
Already submitted to TGA
“Novavax is preparing to seek approval of their protein-based vaccine for COVID-19. And, in a user-friendly development, it comes with no major side effects.
That means no headaches, fevers, nausea or chills associated with mRNA vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer.”
another recent article on novavax
People in NSW who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 were 16 times more likely to die, or end up in intensive care during the state’s Delta outbreak, new government data has revealed.
Fact check: true.
But typical of the ABC, lying by omission.
Looking at the CDC site, the 64+ age group had a 0.2% probability of being hospitalised if unvaccinated, compared to 0.014% if vaccinated. Dying would be an even smaller percentage.
What is the probability of death for 64+? about 1.4% for a 64 year old, so at least 7 times more likely to die from other causes, and no doubt even more likely to be hospitalised.
Masked-Up California Reporting 4x More Daily Cases than Florida
How good is life as a State gummint employee? .. I live in NSW Housing Commission &, these days, water rates are part of the rent billed weekly based on a quarterly meter read .. sooo yesterday I getz the latest bill stating the new charge is $5.25 a week up from $3.55 last quarter .. nothing has changed in 3 months sooo how do I suddenly start using a hell of a lot more water?
Pops out to the water meter (which is right at the front fence, easily visible) and takes a reading .. ‘course this is where reading meters & gummint effort getz fairly complex cos it’s a 4 digit reading, nuttin’ else involved! just 4, bloody, numbers on adigital read-out .. turns out the meter sez .. 0526 .. but the bill sez 0538 ..
Whoever reads the meter only has one job FFS! .. and this is the same gummint that sez JABBING is good fer you! .. Trust gummint .. SURE CAN! …
Amazon (US) appears to be down. Someone might like to check whether the problem is just at my end.
RE local councils and ‘grass’ improved pasture.
The professional disruptors on local councils hate improved pasture and get at producers through the endless protocols contained in the limitless State Govt environmental regulations as interpreted by the Shire level fascists.
Protection of native grasslands, fertiliser regimes, run-off analysis (a killer), weed regimes, spray regimes, or water off-take are just a few of the toys that ‘Mr and Ms barely educated, couldn’t get a job in commerce, council bureaucrats’ can play with to make your enterprise non-viable.
Complaining to your actual elected councilor is a wate of time, they are powerless. You need to pay a consultant or have experienced neighbours to get through.
I can’t imagine how the ‘turf farms’ on the coast survive all this.
In the light of the recent edicts by Queensland’s PluckaChook, Dover might like to use this next time.
Holman Hunt. Those who know their Bibles will know exactly what it means.
If course. Can’t let those useless degrees go to waste.
My daughter’s DA sat on the Environmental Officer’s desk for over two months because removal of four trees on part bushland acres.
Meanwhile a developer, who clearly had employed the right “consultants”, had a massive bushland sub-division in the same shire cleared in weeks.
Latest UKHSA report shows the Covid-19 Vaccines have an average real world effectiveness of MINUS 73%
“Amazon (US) appears to be down. Someone might like to check whether the problem is just at my end.”
Why are you using Amazon?
If you go through the link at the top of the page, FlashCat gets a cut.
Baldwin seems to think police officers are weapons experts:
Alec Baldwin has taken to social media, calling for police presence on film sets after the accidental shooting on set of his film “Rust” killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Baldwin called for gun safety on set and said police officers should be present when weapons are being used.
He wrote, “Every film/TV set that uses guns, fake or otherwise, should have a police officer on set, hired by the production, to specifically monitor weapons safety.” The actor also shared the post on his Instagram page.
In Ironing news:
Cop26: ‘Little Amal’ takes centre stage on Gender Day – video
Little Amal: when Greta is not enough.
If he really wanted this Baldwin as producer could have made this happen. Or employ an experienced competent armourer to ensure proper processes are in place.
..but alas horse bolting away, closes gate.
They have also cherry-picked. They use NSW stats from 16 June to 7 Oct. There were a lot less people vaxxed in June, so it stands to reason that a higher proportion of cases would be unvaxxed.
Why are they hiding the last month’s stats? I’m guessing the “ten times more likely” call is now ancient history. UK and Israeli data seems to suggest this would likely be the case.
I though Little Amal was George Clooney’s wife. Would make more sense. I hope Little Amal flew in on a private jet.
Ha ha, a puppet! Perfect.
What is Luciferase?
How a firefly enzyme that glows might herald the end of the world
Emerald Robinson (Newsmax)
Emerald Robinson is the Whitehouse correspondent for Newmax. She was temporarily banned from twitter for investigating the contents of the vaccines and discussing her finding of luciferase in one of their patents. She describes her findings with this conclusion (which, unfortunately, will not come as too much of a shock to many here) –
November 10, 2021 at 7:10 am
Why You Should Assume Everyone Is Stupid, Lazy, and Possibly Insane (Including You)
Thanks for the link. People do many things which aren’t rational but give them pleasure. The problems are when people decide to do these things but go about achieving them using irrational methods.
Engineering tends to sort these things out: bridge falls down, aircraft prototype will not takeoff (yes it has been done, pre WW2 in France) etc.
Most “conspiracies” actually are “confluence of interests” where disparate groups each gain power/profit etc by subscribing to a common world view without actually communicating. Apparently this is known in game theory. Explains global warming, government policy regarding the coof and lots more.
In We’re Doooomed news:
COP26: World headed for 2.4C warming despite climate summit – report
And the living will envy the dead…
[Modelled with a 97.3 CI]
Now that’s how you protest. Awesome.
Once all those climate destroying domestic appliances are banned,
they’ll be too busy to worry about empowerment.
Reading the list of jab problems on the Vax Reaction thread and am stunned by the amount of symptoms following on .. as an OAP (73) living alone I have very little contact/socializing outside the family circle so have/had no real idea of the medical problems, other than what I read, being experienced ..
One of my daughter’s did say she had headaches & night sweats for a coupla days after her 1st jab but nothing after the 2nd .. all the others (3) are jabbed but haven’t said anything ..
Me. I’m starting to think I’m glad I haven’t been interested in being vaxxed .. haven’t been sick, don’t feel sick and don’t go anywhere, other than the supermarket, mixing with other folk .. I generally, shop at 7 in the morning so not many wandering the aisles, anyway …. Haven’t been near a quack in years so going for no specific reason just ain’t me .. LOL!
I just love what the cartoonists have done with the Democrat donkey over the years.
Deserves its own gallery.
Correct, Bespoke.
Worth mulling over blog policies in that case.
I’ve always hoped for at least relatively civil speech.
Despite? Or because? The amount of gas those spivs emitted will keep the world heated for months. And I’m not just talking about Biden’s arse.
But seriously, 2.4 degree warming would be good thing. The toastier the better.
The numbers for NSW are misleading and deceptive. Exceptionally so.
Have a tree in my backyard over the powerlines. Power company inspects every five years, with us having to trim offending branches. Well a few years back we had remove a large branch that had always been there but a new inspector deemed it too close. Got authorised tree surgeon too remove it for $2,000, except every time he went to do it it rained. This went on for 18 months, the power company sent me nasty letters demanding to have it removed even though the woodchuck organised through the power company to turn the power off in the area. Woodchuck casually mentioned he thought it was the power companies responsibility as the tree was there before the powerlines. Woodchuck was most helpful and applied to have whole tree removed which introduced the Environuts. The guy that came round to look was really good and explained yes the tree was old, 120 yrs. But and a bloody big but, it was endangered, very rare in our neighbourhood. I think it should come down but my boss won’t. It only lives 120 -140 yrs and we have been taking them out in public areas not because someone might get killed, that doesn’t matter, it would give the public a way of beating the system and we can’t have that. Anyway we didn’t pay, they are responsible, branch came down and later on same enviro guy comes to have a look. Good job, pity its ruined the tree and it only looks ok from your place. By the way what happened to the tree beside it in the neighbours place. Que? The neighbours tree? Got hit by lightning. Tree gone, lovely neighbour knew a bloke who knew a bloke. Shiny new garage sits proudly in its spot. Amazing how cash works.
Ross Eastgate did a good job in the Speccie arguing that: “LNP is terrible but Labor is much worse”.
Morrisson sure overturned that thesis quickly. Charging stations! Which LNP crony trougher will score on that scam.
The cronies don’t care if the LNP is destroyed. They have got what they want and will do even better under Labor.
It has happened so quickly. The ‘Moderates’ coup in Mossman was less than 20 years ago.
From the Political Leaders thread.
Cassie wrote
Here’s a classic example of the rot that’s infesting both parties…..the Liberal “frontrunner” for Tim Smith’s Kew seat…
Seriously, it makes you want to reach for the bucket.
Did you scan down that thread?
Look at the bit on Sutton leaving Parliament House, and the police escort (around a dozen) physically shoving pedestrians out of the way.
If he gets this treatment, what does TaliDan get?
Yes. I think we need to read between the lines when comparing “fast track” developments to those of the canaille.
Did they try tossing the Nordic Doom Goblin into a volcano?