About 100 percent?
About 100 percent?
Refurbish coal plants, don’t close them. Of course, only where the governments retained ownership of the power stations is this…
Too many bad actors in too many places. “Never in the 236-year political history of the United States has there…
Hopefully a grid wide blackout before the election. It’s the only thing that’ll smack reality into people.
Embedded in this piece on possible election manipulation in Wisconsin you’ll find a disturbing bit about the left never sleeping…
Fair comment, though superfluous.
Even if all the Planets align, and they won’t, we won’t be getting the nukes until the 2040s, by which time the China caravan will’ve rolled on and Keating will be 99 not out.
And where was Tim Mathieson last seen?
The putrid Paul Keating…….has anyone bothered to ask him about his daughter’s friendship with the pedophile Epstein and his pimp Maxwell?
I note that also today the eternally putrid Keating rambled on about how awful the USA is and cited the country’s numerous school shootings as an example however he didn’t say anything about China’s concentration camps. Funny though, two of his daughters choose to reside in the USA…..they’re not living in China…why not?
msnbc spin hard
Legal Expert: Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Judge Statements Call Into Question Possible Bias
The Kyle Rittenhouse trial judge’s statements about the people shot and killed by the teenager call into ‘question his judgement, if not his bias,’ MSNBC legal analyst Paul Butler says.
“Top Endersays:
November 10, 2021 at 7:41 pm
So whose Paul Keating’s latest squeeze then?
(He asked innocently….)”
The love of his life died….he was a musician.
That’s not right.
All opposition is dismissed as AntiVaxxers.
You are right about the Unions though
Foucault says that power is capillary rather than top-down
I can tell you first-hand, that the cultural marxists have been onto this sort of shit since last century
the state of emergency, the tweaks, the new legislation, the ignoring of things like privacy acts and human rights acts … are by design
so Foucault was wrong … power is BOTH top-down and capillary
I swear that at least 5 times this week Iv’e brought up the topic of The Bat Eared Mong’s permanent pandemic legislation only to be met with blank fucking stares.
These commies shits have already taken control and theyre gonna bring to bear the power of a thousand cuts.
and Nanna, is only just waking up.
While cooking dinner before, I’m lecturing the missus
she’s horrified at the Sunbury Authorised Covid Cvnts incident.
watched it live I believe
She also saw a tearful Vietamese nanna saying to somebody … I came here to Aus to get away from this.
I says, “you know, for about 18 months I’ve saying dead-pan that the commies are making their play.
You know what’s going on … youre just not ready to admit it.”
Well … when I said it 18 mo ago, you laughed
When I said it 6mo ago you only smiled that tin-foil-hat-tolerant-smile
When I say it today in exactly the same dry manner I said it every other times … this time, you’re not even fucking smiling.
It’s not a joke anymore
Not sure what “Gladys’ tramway problem” could be in her current circumstances.
Hopefully this is not some revolting train driver’s euphemism…
The “Daily Mail” ran the story of Keating’s comments regarding war with China over Taiwan. Comments were unmoderated until that subject subject arose, suddenly all comments go into moderation..
How much money you got to lose, Grigory?
Probably not much, given your investment in snakebite kits and injectable Vitamin C…
That’s not right.
All opposition is dismissed as AntiVaxxers.
Perhaps you could direct me to, or link, the comments to that effect from anti-GMO campaigners?
Didn’t Annita Keating give an interview to the Press, saying that Paul told her, in front of friends at a dinner party, that their marriage was over?
Upthread, DrBG, Bruce of Newcastle linked a report that one of Sydney’s tramlines is facing an issue- Their lovely new trams have vibrated themselves to bits, and serious structural cracking has occurred across the fleet.
This led to his coining of the term battery powered plastic pleasurisers.
And as far as horrible train driver euphemisms go, I am not taking that tunnel, no sir…
(Though Getting Railed sounds like a great title for some $2 nasty or bodice-ripper from the usual suspects. 🙂 )
“Didn’t Annita Keating give an interview to the Press, saying that Paul told her, in front of friends at a dinner party, that their marriage was over?”
Sorry Doc, got the accounts mixed up.
I would have told them to fuck off and come back with a warrant or guns
Anti GMO campaigners aren’t given coverage anymore, it doesn’t jive with the Narrative.
Haven’t you been paying attention these last 20 months?
Top Endersays:
November 10, 2021 at 7:43 pm
And where was Tim Mathieson last seen?
Took me a while to work out what you were on about.
All I could think of was “hi, I’m Eric Stratton, Rush Chairman, and I’m damn glad to meet you”.
Rita Panahi, hosting “Inside the News” on Sky lambasts the Victorian Liberals for being missing in action…as always. So much for Groundhog Guy making a difference.
Here is a 5 minute version of the “what’s going on” vid with the football and other players going down with cardiac issues. Really – it is just TOO BIG to hide. [Yet it is]
I’d wager the vic ‘liberals’ are on the take. Vic is going full communist and nothing can stop it.
Andrews has had 8 years, that’s long enough, and he has no obvious successor.
Kennett pulled the same stunt after the 1988 Vic election, stood down for some nobody, then returned when Kirner was on her last legs and streeted them.
Guy will do the same.
No- Everyone’s been busy kicking you over your gypsum-fuelled wrongology…
Outstanding post, ML!
Here’s a Romanian MEP smashing it out of the ballpark on transparency of Pharma Vaxxine contracts.
The contracts are provided to the MEPs – who demanded to see them in full – with literally pages and pages of redaction. Apparently it was the Pharmas that demanded that!
This is insane! You have companies essentially having the final say in running the business of nations and entities like the European Parliament!!!
Sorry – link for the preceding:
Romanian MEP Cristian Terhe? speaking at the European Parliament
November 10, 2021 at 8:01 pm
This is the inclination of most remotely self-starting type people.
Hence they usually bring along a cop or two to establish the bona fides of the search, seizure, or whatever jackboot is being planted on your neck.
The “authorised officers” don’t like the rough stuff, & aren’t keen being manhandled or copping a shiner or two from an outraged innocent citizen.
(I’m no stranger to being on the receiving end of such raids)
Fool doctor opened door for unknowns, stupid on his part. I dont open my door to anyone if I am not expecting someone.
I so miss being with people.
Pigs arse.
Ed Casesays:
November 10, 2021 at 8:05 pm
Perhaps you could direct me to, or link, the comments to that effect from anti-GMO campaigners?
Anti GMO campaigners aren’t given coverage anymore, it doesn’t jive with the Narrative.
Thank you for confirming my point about the silence of the previously incessantly noisy.
So are you cool with GMOs or not, Boambee John?
Dude looks like a Laidley news:
Dean/Danny/Danielle Laidley went for an afternoon at the nags. Glammed up, too. Someone took her photo. The end, you would think, but no (the Hun):
Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen? Go out and about in a public, social environment aka the track and have your picture taken?
Dean Laidley is now a private citizen and is entitled to have his privacy respected.
Haven’t the Victorian cops got anything better to do in working hours?
If they haven’t, then perhaps the numbers ought to be reduced to the point they do have something worthwhile to do during working hours.
‘Victorian cops’ what are they? Dont you mean the Fascist Hunchback’s hired Stazi goons?
Craig Kelly –
Coles will not mandate vaccination for staff, instead relying on health orders in some states
Also note the position in Darwin. If enough people rebel, they HAVE to back down.
Ed Casesays:
November 10, 2021 at 8:52 pm
So are you cool with GMOs or not, Boambee John?
Irrelevant to the discussion. My point was the silence of the previously noisy. You confirmed that point.
DR Mark Hobart, whose medical practice was raided today by maggots from the Vic department of ”health” who took his patient files, interviewed here. https://rumble.com/vozzgo-mcj-report-133.html
Why was he raided? Because a couple of weeks ago he refused to hand over private and sensitive patient information. The Privacy Act in Australia is as worthless as the paper it is written on.
Who said they were working?
Coles doesn’t want to beb on the end of a Classc Action so they’re relying on the States to do their dirty work.
Not sure what “Gladys’ tramway problem” could be in her current circumstances.
Hopefully this is not some revolting train driver’s euphemism…
Errrr….shouldn’t that be “some train driver’s revolting euphemism”??
Unless, of course, you are referring to our Rex……
The Media doesn’t publish anything critical of GMOs anymore.
Where have you been the last 20 months?
Ed Casesays:
November 10, 2021 at 8:59 pm
Dean Laidley is now a private citizen and is entitled to have his privacy respected.
Thanks for reminding me.
The usually noisy privacy lobby groups have also been notably silent about the gross invasions of personal privacy involved in QR code tracking of movements and vaccine “passports”.
The usually noisy privacy loobby groups have usually been very closely aligned with State Labor politics.
Labor’s on top in the States now, so they’re very quiet.
As you’d expect.
You are either as thick as two short planks, or deliberately ignoring my point. There used to be active anti-GMO groups, we no longer hear from them. Are you claiming that they no longer exist? If so, please provide evidence. The reprehensible actions of the media do not destroy the point.
Nowt revolting about me.
Not yet, anyways…
This is absolutely appalling.
The Prosecution Against Kyle Rittenhouse Tried to Tamper With a Witness’ Statement
Dick Ed
Labor’s on top in the States now, so they’re very quiet.
As you’d expect.
I must have missed the election of Labor governments in NSW, Tassie and SA in the last couple of days.
Your just building strawmen to attack now.
Some might ask you to lift your game, but building and attacking strawmen appears to be the extent of your game.
UPDATE: NYT Motion for Stay GRANTED in Veritas Defamation Lawsuit, NYT Deposition tapes TOMORROW
Nov 10, 2021
Project Veritas
Fuck off Grigory.
You started the bullshit.
Do you want your mutton shipments witheld again?
You know how much you suffer without your mutton…
Ever heard of the Fashion Police, Googlery?
Grade Cricket results haven’t been published in the Capital Cities Sunday Papers for decades.
Does that mean Grade Cricket isn’t played any more?
Here’s a random sample for you.
Burns J. … bowled Trundler … 0.
Ed Casesays:
November 10, 2021 at 9:22 pm
Your just building strawmen to attack now.
Some might ask you to lift your game, but building and attacking strawmen appears to be the extent of your game.
I’ll take that as your admission of defeat.
Ed Casesays:
November 10, 2021 at 9:25 pm
Grade Cricket results haven’t been published in the Capital Cities Sunday Papers for decades.
Does that mean Grade Cricket isn’t played any more?
A particularly pathetic strawman.
Our place (daughter’s place) doesn’t have a barn but does have a wonderfully preserved wool shed with beautiful lanolin impregnated floors.
It still fulfilles its role at a very reduced rate but its most significant use was as a social venue.
Twenty firsts, family events, rural youth dances, local dances, schoolies etc, it was great.
It was also the venue for one, and only one, B&S Ball. We were picking up human wreckage for days. They travelled huge distances to get there and were great folks, if more than normally uninhibited.
The kids claimed that it was memorable, but I doubt that our insurance would cover the liability.
The State of Emegency orders expire in December and if the changes to the PHWB Act are rejected, does that mean we are back to normal? Do you think Victorians would support a ‘Let’s get back to normal’ campaign.
shut up Ed … or I’ll set fire to all your strawmen
November 10, 2021 at 8:41 pm
Great speech from that Romanian MEP! That is the 64mill$ question: what’s in the contract?
A couple of weeks ago I saw a vid on Wion of an Indian journalist reporting on Pfizer and the contracts signed with South American Countries and what happened in relation to Argentina and Brazil.
How Pfizer tried to bully Argentina and Brazil in exchange for vaccines
Edited By: Gravitas desk WION
New Delhi, India Published: Feb 24, 2021, 11:01 PM(IST)
While countries like India are sending free vaccines to poorer nations, there are companies like Pfizer which are bullying governments. The US-based company Pfizer is holding governments to ransom, interfering with their legislation, and even demanding military bases as guarantee.
Pfizer has vaccine deals with 9 latin American and Caribbean countries – Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Yurug-waae. Two major latin American nations are missing from this list are Argentina and Brazil.
What happened in Argentina?
Talks between Argentina and Pfizer began in June 2020. In July, President Alberto Fernandez held a meeting with Pfizer’s Argentina CEO.
Then, Pfizer asked to be compensated for the cost of any future civil lawsuits. If someone files a civil lawsuit against Pfizer in Argentina and wins that case, the government of Argentina and not Pfizer would pay the compensation. So, Argentina’s parliament passed a new law in October 2020, but Pfizer was unhappy with its phrasing. The law said Pfizer needs to at least pay for negligence, for its own mistakes if it happens to make any in the future.
Pfizer rejected this, after which Argentina offered to amend the law to define negligence more clearly – to include only vaccine distribution and delivery under negligence.
Pfizer was still not happy and demanded the law be amended through a new decree, which Argentina refused. Pfizer then asked Argentina to buy an international insurance to pay for potential future cases against Pfizer, to which the country agreed.
In December 2020, Pfizer came back with more demands, and demanded sovereign assets as collateral. Pfizer wanted Argentina to put its bank reserves, military bases and embassy buildings at stake. Vaccine manufacturers have always enjoyed a certain amount of liability waiver. Say you receive a vaccine from Pfizer and then you have adverse effects because of the jab.
You can always go ahead and file a lawsuit against Pfizer. If you win that lawsuit – instead of Pfizer, the government will compensate you. This is normal. In the United States for example, the PREP Act (Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness act) gives total immunity to companies like Pfizer and Moderna. But only if something goes wrong unintentionally, and this does not apply to negligence. But Pfizer wanted more – Not just sovereign assets but a fraud insurance, something with which Argentina did not agree with.
What happened in Brazil?
Pfizer went a step ahead and asked Brazil to create a guarantee fund, and deposit money in a foreign bank account. On January 23, 2021 – Brazil’s Health Ministry put out a statement citing excerpts from Pfizer’s pre-contract clauses.
Here’s a list of Pfizer’s demands – Brazil waives the sovereignty of its assets abroad in favour of Pfizer, that the rules of the land – be not applied on Pfizer, that Brazil take into consideration a delay in delivery, that Pfizer is not penalised for a delayed delivery, and that in case of any side effects, Pfizer be exempted from all civil liability. The government of Brazil calls these clauses abusive. The Pfizer deal with Brazil failed too. What’s Pfizer’s game?
Another report by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism spoke about another country whose deal with Pfizer was reportedly pushed back by three months because the company made similar, bizarre demands.
The company has just 2 billion doses to deliver this year on a first come, first serve basis. A delay of 3 months could cost a whole year, and could cost lives. Pfizer is playing with life-saving drugs and abusing its position after having developed a vaccine with the help of government funding.
Pfizer’s German partner – BioNTech was given $445 million by the government of Germany. The US paid Pfizer 2 billion dollars as early as July 2020 for pre-orders. Pfizer is looking at making 15 billion dollars from vaccine sales this year, and is in talks with 100 countries and organisations. On January 22, Pfizer signed an agreement with Covax and committed 40 million doses to poor countries this year.
Here’s what an excerpt from a press release by the company said. “At Pfizer, we believe that every person deserves to be seen, heard and cared for. That’s why from the very beginning of our vaccine development program, Pfizer and BioNTech have been firmly committed to working toward equitable and affordable access of COVID-19 vaccines for people around the world”, it read
The foul msm was like a biden fart today, full of the bullshit from a green activist group’s rankings of the nations in terms of their response to global warming, with Australia coming last. The mob, the CCPI, is a kraut based green bunch of commies but such is the mystique of the climate change/global warming crap their propaganda was treated like Moses coming down the mountain. Sick.
I’m happy with ‘train driver’s euphemism’ as a compound noun.
There must be someone within our festering gov that will leak the contracts to wikileaks or project veritas etc.
My sister has an appointment next week with her podiatrist and received a sms reminder, which also advised that she would need to wear a mask. She rang them to explain that she has an exemption, which they didn’t want to recognise, so she said she’d cancel because she didn’t want to comply. They caved in.
Fobbed off here
“We have supply agreements in place for the following vaccines. The contract documents/supply agreements themselves are not appropriate for release as they contain confidential and commercially sensitive information.”
Some of the “goings on” at, and after, B&S balls, would have made the Emperor Caligula blush…I know a bloke who never got over the shock of discovering he had been conceived after a B&S, in the back of a car, with the aid of a bottle of Jack Daniels…
Mostly gay sex and bestiality at B&S balls.
So speaketh anybody who has provided the venue for a B&S ball.
Somewhere there may be a slow learner who has provided a venue a second time.
If I remember correctly, this is the same doctor who almost lost his license a few years ago under the VIC extreme abortion laws. He refused to recommend a doctor, who doesn’t mind killing babies in a sex selection abortion, to one couple.
Middle-Eastern Migrants try to Invade Poland
Nov 10, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
Evergrande’s billionaire founder has been bailing out the business with personal cash
As an alternative to a visit to the Beijing No.23 Organ Transplant Centre…
Speaking from experience?
Just reports from disappointed ladies who attended with high hopes only to find they ran a bad third to singlet lifters and sheep shaggers.
Govts to Doctors – “You’re all our Mengele’s now, or you’re Nothing!”
Huh? Someone went to a B&S seriously expecting to meet Prince Charming & be swept off her feet by a nice chap?
For real?
Bwahahhaha… hahahaha. .hahahaha. hahahahaha. hhaaaaa. haaaa (hold tummy to prevent pain)… hahaha.. hahaha. bwahwhawhahahah…
Rebel News has a piece on Dr. Hobart, with video from the livestreamed raid.
Stopped again near Walgett. Very frustrating as yields are so high and quality up to now has been APW or H2 with some APH2.
Hope this weather clears out quickly because downgrading is now a real possibility.
Down at home base it’s only canola and field peas coming off so far and big dumps of rain due in the next 24hrs.
Yes using the footage from my original post upthread, by MorganCJonas,
Handy to know. Thanks.
Wasn’t sure, coz;
Alas your link wasn’t able to open video for me.
I was reduced to consulting Rebel News. * sob *
Much as I dislike Keating his point about Australia not jumping in to help Taiwan against China has a Machiavellian logic.
Would you willingly put your own child in harm’s way for Taiwan ?
Let them sort it out themselves. It’s a family quarrel.
Will Taiwans’ sons sacrifice their lives for Australian interests ?
East India Company 2.0. But without the modicum of oversight from a sovereign government…
No, but we should still buy the best subs and nukes money can buy,
Sounds like an actual piece of in-cab equipment. Almost as important as a working kettle,* microwave or bing-bong kit of the nature that so enraged Struth the last time he felt compelled to get behind the wheel…
(* We laugh about it but there are folks out on the network who will refuse to take a locomotive out if the kettle does not work. We may put up with not having a working toilet, but the brews must flow.)
November 10, 2021 at 10:43 pm
Okay, nix to joining in the China-Taiwan family squabble.
Where would your line be?
The China-Malaysia ‘family spat’? Or the “family squabble betwixt China & ‘cousin PNG’”?
There are kettles in locomotives?
Like it is some sort of tea-room on rails?
There are those naive young ladies, from the “Big Smoke” who do these things…
“Former colony of a colony, PNG”
Keating is right that China is more likely looking West for opportunities. Many weak “stan” countries, belt and road established, corrupt governance, and largely immune from Western interference.
BTW sneaked pictures of two new China stealth jets. One is a 2 seater variant of the J20, the second pilot presumably for drone control. The other is a carrier capable stealth aircraft that looks so much like the F 35.
And in turn, if the PLA decides it wants to receive a good kicking, where should it be?
On their doorstep? Ours? India’s? Vietnam’s? The Philippines’?
That scrappy bastard Leon Trotsky was reputed (though, sadly, not confirmed) to have said “You may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you.” As such, there will be a fight. And the nature of our various regional alliances and agreements is such that there will inevitably be some degree of Australian involvement. Whether it be actual troop and deployments of troops, aircraft and ships, data-sharing and logistical support from a location beyond the PLA’s reach or merely shouting support from the sidelines.
Why else the huge efforts to demoralise and economically diminish or cripple Australia beforehand?
But you have to bring your own sandwiches.
We even get air conditioning, too. 😀
Welcome to Pfiztralia……
Rex Angersays:
November 10, 2021 at 11:03 pm
Things sure have changed in that game since I rode with Casey Jones on a cane train as a kid. *toot *tooooot *
My sister met her ( now ex) husband at a b&s
Fond memories of watching a bloke doing some circle work who decided to mow down some saplings.
About the 5th one stopped the ute dead with steam hissing out the front.
Surely 20,000 lawyers can do more than write a letter.
That’s a B&S.
(“Booze” & “Spewing”)
that’s wrongthink, wrongspeak and wrongaction all rolled into one
Looks like things are swinging towards trains. Tough luck struth.
It’s $3million if they charge $150 each letter.
Harvest time.
Still twiddling thumbs here with the wheat moisture content still a bit high.
Boss reckons he might start in about 3-4 days if predicted sunshine and warm winds persist.
In the meantime I have resurrected my long forgotten skills in welding various bits of machinery back together.
Extremely ugly runs, but unlikely to break before Armageddon.
‘If we don’t stop them there we’ll have to fight them here.’
You don’t really think Australia is seen as a strategic prize so valuable to the Chinese that they would fight their way over 5000 miles to secure it and then try to hold it ever afterwards do you ?
Keating understands the Chinese. Kowtow. Now, can we do business little Australian mosquito.
Who do you use?
I’ve been paying too much.
I’ve never had a letter written for under $550
And a toilet?
Encouraging to think you could be thundering along, with the driver hands off (as it were) pointing Percy, or enjoying a satisfying poo.
<<<A GP operating out of North Sunshine Surgery is being investigated over claims that he issued fraudulent vaccine exemptions and lied about administering COVID-19 vaccinations to his patients.>>>
Hmm… story here.
I suspect the “lied about administering vaccinations” is a piece of sophistry designed to “other-ise” Dr. Hobart.
If the search & closure of his practice is about “fake” covid exemptions, they’re waaaay outta line.
Keating understands the Communists.
Reagan understood the Russians.
Isn’t he on the board of a major Chinese Bank?
Keating is leading the cavalcade of Labor politicians, up to and including Prime Ministers who magically became multi-mega-millionaires on the teat of the actual working men of this country, and on that of potential and/or actual hostile foreign interests.
Italian suits, Swiss clocks, grandiose cars and a lifetime attachment to the inscrutable dry cleaners who fed him cash for decades – evidenced by his attempts to this very day to tell the Australian voter not to offend the pangolin-munching crybullies.
Keating’s a fucking traitor who should be dragged through the streets and then, as the centrepiece of the AFL Grand Final, marched into the centre square at the MCG and shot in front of 100,000 people and an audience of millions.
After that he should be torn to pieces by dogs, and the remains buried for a week before being exhumed, shot again and set on fire. He is a seditious coward and should be treated as such.
All walls fall. Eventually.
Fact check status: True
Also I used a time machine to go back to the 1980s & 1990s. Factcheck of your claim at that time: True
Hadrian’s Wall? The Walls of Jerusalem? The Great Wall of China? The Border Wall? All failures.
Put me in the “ditch camp”. It keeps us separated from New Zealand.
And Tasmania.
he’s a cocktail communist
Fortunately/unfortunately, history will repeat itself.
Our time here is merely a “blink” in the scheme of things.
Chinese emancipation will be the coming big milestone of this century.
It will make the American Revolution look like child’s play.
Armadillo says:
November 11, 2021 at 12:39 am
Chinese emancipation will be the coming big milestone of this century.
It will make the American Revolution look like child’s play.
Arma – the CCP would willingly kill one billion + of their own people to keep in power.
The Chinese haven’t managed to beat anyone in history yet.
Perhaps a few minor victories in Vietnam and Korea in a supporting role. Other than that, they have gotten their arses kicked by the Mongolians, Japanese, British, Vietnamese, Americans and quite possibly the Eskimos.
They don’t have a strong record when not slaughtering their own.
Tibet doesn’t count. Defeating bald blokes dressed in orange dresses without weapons is hardly a victory.
So would the Democrats. What’s your point?
Oh wait. Now I get it.
The communists countries have always had a thing about weird drugs.
Who can forget about that Chinese “sheliah” diving into the pool with shoulders on her like a battle axe. Or the Russians and East Germans.
No one should be surprised that they came up with the “bat virus” thingy.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not suggesting they don’t eat bats in “wet markets” and stuff. They do.
It’s just all a bit weird how COVID came about. Win at any cost.
China is pretty much fucked the minute middle America finds out what’s actually been going on.
Look to the East.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Christian Adams.
Peter Brookes. More here.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Gary Varvel.
Lisa Benson.
Ben Garrison.
Tucker Carlson found the weirdest video he’s seen in a while
Funny but there is a deeper problem. We have seen what happens when small insular groups (cults) can do locally. But these have global reach. Tucker should reach out to the families of the employees working in tech campuses to find out if they have become estranged.
Ha ha ha. I defy anyone to read this and not laugh. Just check out the footballer formerly known as the junkyard dog.
Looking like your partner is on another level.
Yeah. We got those.
But since most mainline companies (including mine) run with 2 man crews in Australia, it’s not so much of an issue. One guy goes, while the other takes over.
In WA, there are still some provisions for Driver Only Operation. Some companies use it as a standard procedure, so it’s a bit harder. You can only go when stopped and stationary, and certain other procedures like attaching ‘dump clamps’ (Literally a Glad Hand that is clamped to the rail and then attached to one of the loco’s brake hoses, so if it moves off without youbat the controls cos you done fucked up, the connection breaks and the emergency brakes come on) must be conducted.
I’ve driven down Victoria st/parade a couple of times recently, residential towers in the RMIT precinct looking fabulous.
proposal to rename Melbourne Meijing
here’s the offending photo, along with all my cares.
Time for Australia to introduce dowry and impotence laws
dud divorce deport dowry
monoclonal antibodies is insanely effective
I still can’t get over reporters calling him “her” or “Ms”. It’s Dean Laidley in a dress you fucking morons!
Is there a symbiotic relationship between Victoria Police BLM and ANTIFA ?
Johannes wins again, ScoMo gives car salespeople a bad name. Thank you for the toons Tom.
“I still can’t get over reporters calling him “her” or “Ms”. It’s Dean Laidley in a dress you fucking morons!”
Yep…it’s deliberate gaslighting by the MSM. Dean Laidley is a MAN who likes to put on a dress and lipstick and pretend HE is a woman and everyone else is forced to go along with this lie.
Re China, you may not care about Taiwan but it’s in much the same position as Sudetenland was in WW2. If England and the other European countries had stood hard and forced him to a fight then the course of history would’ve been much different. They didn’t and by the time he got to Poland (Sth Korea? Phillipines? Vietnam?) it was too late. Appeasing the beast never works in the long term.
Also, thanks to all for the various advice re my daughter and where to put some money, lots to think about.
On that note, converted my smol BTC holding to Chainlink yesterday.
Damn, wish my put my money in it two years ago, from 0.17 USD to 34 USD on two years (IIRC).
No one will ever use these ceyptocurrencies though…
I made the mistake of turning on the TV this morning. What a dismal world! Weather porn on Sky and in US a political show trial of a teenager on Fox.
Weezer wrote a song about Kyle Rittenhouse.
Sad morning .. ! struggling to come to terms with the reality it’s time to let the old bloke, dog, go .. was hoping he’d be lucky enough to go quietly at home but with his appetite unaffected he doesn’t seem anything other than old .. got himself filthy & soaked yesterday whilst I got caught in the storm with a flat tyre so brought him in cleaned him up him as best I could and blanketed him up on the kitchen floor .. slept the night away but starting to realise he doesn’t seem to know who I am anymore ..
He’s old for a golden Lab (12) and I’m feeling guilty I may have prolonged it out of misplaced luv ..!
No idea how I go about it but I’ll get onto the youngest daughter to find out about making arrangements .. he’s 45kg & I don’t drive …….
I can’t believe Dean Laidley would go out like that. Everyone knows that shade of red nail polish is not bright enough for black.
Three years is an eternity for lefties.
France to close 14 nuclear reactors by 2035: Macron (Nov 2018)
France to build new nuclear reactors: Macron (Nov 2021)
I think Putin’s gas play is starting to force a bit of reality into the minds of some pollies.
Grief for you, shatterzzz.
The Anger family had a Maltese for 13 years, but we had never clicked that he had had both Cushing’s Syndrome (only diagnosed at the end of his life) and luxating patellas. In effect, the overdose of cortisone he had in his system counteracted his knees. The only suggestion we got that something was not right, was that sometimes he would just hide away and not want to talk to us- Unusual behaviour in the perpetual puppy that is a Maltese.
So when he finally went down with a urinary tract infection and collapsed on Mama Anger’s feet one Friday night and couldn’t get up, the whole family was distraught.
We felt much of the same kind of guilt at our unawareness of his symptoms and having let him go for so long.
But 12-13 years of doggy love and good memories is nothing to ever regret.
The only thing you missed Knuckles with Keating is, he should be made to watch his clock collection getting smashed.
National Conservatism is a think tank run by Yoram Hazony and last week they had a conference in Florida. They produce great stuff. DB, it would be great if you could provide a link on the side bar to their website?
The speaker list at their conference last week was fantastic…it included our very own Miranda Devine, the videos are steadily being uploaded onto Youtube. Here’s the always superb Rod Dreher’s speech……it’s fantastic, he talks about Hungary…..please listen.
Dreher advocates the need for a “conservative deep state”. Dreher is, of course, 100% right…..we on the right need to start infiltrating our way through organisations, private and public. We can no longer shrug our shoulders and say to ourselves that everything will be okay…..because it isn’t and it won’t be…unless we start to take action. Our traditional ambivalence to such activism has caused even major businesses to fall to the cult of wokeness.
Oh and as Dreher points out, whilst Jews are under attack in western Europe (and we all know what from, suffice to say that the major threats aren’t coming from pimply adolescent white supremacists) and even now in cities like New York and Los Angeles Jews are under attack, the Jews of Budapest walk freely and don’t require security (hmm, why could that be?). Yet Victor Orban is smeared by the western MSM as a far-right anti-Semite, which he most certainly is not.
Here are the reasons why Orban is loathed by the MSM and progressive scum…..
Firstly, Victor Orban is a proud and unapologetic Christian;
Secondly, Victor Orban is a proud conservative;
Thirdly, Victor Orban is a proud Hungarian and nationalist,
but the most important reason why Victor Orban is loathed is because he does something few conservatives are willing to do…..
The Pandemic is Over. Long Live the Pandemic.
A hard winter and no heating should do the trick.
From Indolent’s link:
Always the danger. The power vacuum will be filled with something. Probably something worse.
Thanks for that.
Stuff you don’t know unless you have someone to ask.
Crosstie @7.18am
Breakfast TV is not good for your psyche for the rest of the day. This morning, like every morning these days, is all about catastrophe – today – the rain “bomb” that is about to destroy eastern Australia!
Fear…fear…fear – they are addicted to it.
The headline says “Coronavirus Australia: Covid jab for children as young as six”.
Do Australian journalists check the news?
The French just canned this brand for the under 30’s.
Also, thanks to all for the various advice re my daughter and where to put some money, lots to think about.
Sfw can you summarise the advice?
“Coronavirus Australia: Covid jab for children as young as six”.
The one the French just banned for the under 30’s.
Ours must be the junior burger, not the whopper…
Apologies for double up.
Erratic wireless connection.
It’s The Science.
My impression too.
At that time of the morning people should still be waking up. What sort of an aberrant freak is in full swing in the morning? They are askew with nature and resent natural us for it.
They hate you.
In Hurrah, We’re Surprisingly Saved news:
China and the US announce plan to work together on cutting emissions
But not quite, just exactly yet:
Coming up: A decisive decade of accelerated green and low carbon transition.
Building Xi’s Summer Palace.
What a time to be an American taxpayer.
Remember back in the day when we had storms?
And in news just in from London….more confirmation that anti-Semitism in 2021 is at home on the progressive left.
I doubt very much that we’ll read about this in the MSM…..this is from the Jewish Chronicle…..
“On the anniversary of Kristallnacht, a Jew hunting mob on the streets of London
The JC leader
On 9 November 1938, the Nazis instigated a pogrom in Germany which became known as Kristallnacht.
Eighty three years later to the day, the Israeli Ambassador, Tzipi Hotovely, was forced out of the LSE by violent racists on the hunt for a Jew to attack. Social media posts make their aim very clear, with one from @lseclasswar calling for her car window to be smashed. “Let’s fuckin frighten her”, it continued. “Let’s make her shake.”
Footage of last night’s scenes has now been widely circulated. They shame the LSE. But they also shame our nation, because although the scale and extent of the violence last night may have been greater than usual, it is only a matter of scale. On campuses across the UK, Israeli spokespeople are always subject to attack when they appear. But the crucial point is it is not just official Israeli spokespeople who are targeted – it is Jews, and Jewish students.
The anti-Jewish racism is even institutionalised, with organised hate-fests such as the so-called “Israel Apartheid Week”, which provides an annual umbrella for some of the most open and virulent antisemitism.
Whether it is Israel Apartheid Week, last night’s violence or any of the other instances in which Jews are attacked, both verbally and physically, those responsible seem to think that the insertion of the word ‘Israel’ into their plans somehow obscures their targeting. It does not. No one is fooled.
Those responsible for last night’s violence must be prosecuted. But that should be just the start.
Eighty three years after Kristallnacht, the ambassador of the world’s only Jewish state was attacked by a hate-filled mob on the streets of London. History is alive. “
All stoked by the progressive left.
Thinking seriously about getting the eyes lazed. Any Cats care to share their experience of this procedure?
I’m massively short sighted but my script hasn’t changed in about 10 years.
Many thanks to oz lotto for providing the funds.
No, because inconsistency between what they are about to write and information that is found everywhere else would require investigation – so best avoid it.
Remember journalists are really nothing more than pen pushers who transcribe press releases from politicians, government departments, and activist groups. Part of the persona is to pretend that that they are intrepid newshounds battered, worn, but unbowed, and that each bit of news they possess is like a rough diamond pried from miserly ground.
It is a sham but we get to watch the convinced but unconvincing histrionics every day.
Even on breakfast television.
By The People?
Hope they’re not relying upon those prognosticators of prognosticators at the BoM.
Monday – forecast 8-15mm came in at 35.6mm
Tuesday – forecast 6-25mm came in at 1.6mm.
Wednesday – forecast 10-25mm came in at 0.0mm.
I still can NOT accept that this petition is kosher.
The many attempts by many just to sign, is a good enough indicator that many who wanted to, would give up, but the numbers also going backwards, well add that into the mix and it’s that’s where we need serious investigative journalist with wide & popular reach digging deeper –
E-petition Number 402
Reject the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021
The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council that the community opposes the Andrews Government’s Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
The Bill hands enormous power to the Premier of Victoria, possibly perpetuating a pandemic dictatorship. It is undemocratic and a complete tyrannical overreach of political power. It inhibits proper Parliamentary scrutiny, transparency and potentially impacts scheduled state elections.
The Andrews Government has not consulted with the public on its powers.
The community specifically objects to the Bill granting the Premier wide sweeping powers to declare a pandemic despite low case numbers in the state of Victoria and potentially in the absence of cases, issuing pandemic orders for a period of time without the support of state parliament, and having the power to apply pandemic orders to classes of persons who can be identified by their characteristics or attributes, including but not limited to race, gender, religious, political belief or activity.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council reject the flawed Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021.
Closing Date
Not tabled signatures
Total signatures including previously tabled
Click here to sign
Contact principal petitioner
[email protected]
Ms Melina Bath
No, Garrison takes the cake today. The only problem is where’s the joke when what he’s showing entirely accurate.
Is this like when Dimocrats and Labor say they are looking for unity – that is, for their opponents to abandon their positions and echo them?
“President Xi and President Biden have agreed to a plan to dismantle the American economy!”
I got 5 out of the 6 numbers on the Saturday lotto a few years ago. Only won $1600. So close, but yet so far.
Sounds about how they describe the covid scamdemic.
As always Yes Minister gets there first
There’s a poster for the next demo:
On 24/8 I jagged 6 numbers and a bonus to win division 2.
Those Christmas toy train sets.
You do know they will be delivered by trucks, right?
In Bugger Off Gran, We Can’t All Quarantine for Two Weeks news:
‘Start booking’: Qld home quarantine rules go live as health jab mandate widens
Easy peasy.
Keating typifies today’s Labor politician, as does Julia Gilliard, Bill Shorten and as did Bob Hawke. “These are the sacrifices we make for you – we are forced to live in harbor side mansions, accumulate millions of dollars and collect French clocks. It’s all for YOUR good!”
How is this for one…ahem…view?
And this!
The 3rd World is now the Climate Vulnerable World.
Nice rebranding.
Razey says: I got 5 out of the 6 numbers on the Saturday lotto a few years ago. Only won $1600. So close, but yet so far.
That’s what keeps people betting mate.
My first job was as a croupier at Wrest Point Casino too many moons ago. Learnt to calculate odds.
Your chance of getting five out of six numbers is about 200-1. Your chances of getting all six numbers are about 1600-1. But as they cunningly say, the more you play, the more your chances of winning are.
Keating’s a fucking traitor who should be dragged through the streets and… shot in front of 100,000 people and an audience of millions
Mr Panzer:
By Sam Kekovich, with the blessing of a grateful nation.
Craig Kelly is planning to attend Melbourne’s protest this Saturday.
I am happy with Sam Kekovich as executioner.
But only if The People deliver the verdict.
One thing the organisers need to improve on is the sound system. If you’re not close to the Spring St/Bourke St intersection, you can’t hear much. And by close I mean that exact intersection boundaries. You need to get to the place in a bit earlier to “reserve” the spot.
Bee stings hard.
USNS Harvey Milk
Were they written by Hollywood scriptwriters?
A friend told me he was enjoying an old TV show, Z Nation. (2014 – 2018)
Thought I’d check it out so I downloaded Series 1 Episode one and started watching.
2:45 into episode 1
Prisoners strapped down screaming in terror and forcibly injected with experimental vaccine.
Soldier to Dr: We don’t have time for this
Dr: We can’t stop yet! This is our last chance to test the new strains.
More screams from prisoners.
Soldier to Dr: They don’t look like volunteers to me.
Dr: Millions of people are dying for no reason. These men are gonna die to help us find a vaccine.
Dr: Should the test fail, all efforts will be made to contact your next of kin.
Various prisoners injected ……..
Prisoners having bad reactions are immediately shot through the head by soldier.
Dr runs away.
The left now has a cute new excuse for destroying sovereign nations with open borders: poor little Third World petals are climate refugees, doncha know!
Keating typifies today’s Labor politician, as does Julia Gilliard, Bill Shorten and as did Bob Hawke. “These are the sacrifices we make for you – we are forced to live in harbor side mansions, accumulate millions of dollars and collect French clocks. It’s all for YOUR good!”
Labor was started as the party of the rural and urban working class. It is now the party of the inner urban dwelling, tertiary qualified (but not educated), taxpayer salaried upper middle class.