Too soon?
Too soon?
Pension not passion.No hope of that increasing
Excellent find by Michael Smith. Listen to the Saudi tell the filthy Pallies the truth about themselves. The clip has…
Top Ender March 7, 2025 10:04 amWill be interesting seeing the EV vehicles in the south-east Qld streets, unable to charge,…
Scam email today which could be very effective in the right age group telling me my passion has increased and…
Frankly, I’m appalled at the eagerness with which political leaders are setting citizen against citizen for the sake of their own political advantage.
They are no better than those in the past who’ve used race to divide and rule.
Carpe Jugulumsays:
November 21, 2021 at 11:15 am
Good Morning Troops
Just a quick update on my citizenship journey.
Some very good conditions there. Pity that our Immigration Department seems to have been taken over by nominal citizens with different objectives to the mass of birthright citizens here (including the indigenous ones).
Already dubbed neo-feudalism by observant social commentators.
Boosters for all adults, conflicting advice
Dr. John Campbell
90% of scientists say that 90% of people are good.
90% of fact checkers agree.
Despatches from shopping in Melburnistan after being assimilated by the Borg Vax last Thursday.
Pandora – No mask or Vax required. Nice people, recommended.
House – See above
Harris Scarfe – No mask required. Door Nazi insisting on seeing Vax passport. Showed them and then refused to shop there. I wasn’t abusive, in case Leigh Lowe wants to White Knight, but told her I didn’t shop with discriminators.
It would appear that the bigger stores are going to be difficult for Pure Bloods to shop at, but smaller places seem to want the business.
As always, your value may vary,
note how they are using small test samples to avoid side effect showing up
90% of catallaxians do not belong to the 90% of good people.
This is the part where the old Communist Regimes would double down.
Dan hasn’t enough common sense, and way too much hubris to not follow their example.
squelchy tank tracks through the crowd will make them like us.
It’s like sitting a job interview.
The process is done through the Justice Department and it pays to have more documentation than what they asked for because as Lady Jugulum informed me i need to come with everything or they will send me away and request more paperwork.
The additional paperwork we added was our banking and financial history & my work and military service, it paid off. It just demonstrated that i wasn’t a chancer with a Japanese wife.
PS – Aust should implement this level of scrutiny for potential citizens to weed out the welfare leeches.
Winston is right.
Dan will be convinced that the way to end the demonstrations is to crack down, hard.
Vikstasi will agree and load up with the heavy stuff.
Looking at the history of the bat eared mong it sounds exactly like what that petty little shit would do.
His rhetoric suggests that could be his plan – demonise the protesters as “far right extremists” with the assistance of the msm, plant some agents provocateurs among them to cause trouble and then set his goon squads on to the innocent with public approval.
I’d like to criticize this claim, where can I find it’s strongest formulation? But before doing that, what our current elites want to lock in is technocracy, not ‘neofeudalism’. Technocratic rule is one of poles of modern politics, the other being civil rule. What we are seeing presently are forces aligning to the former. This has no antecedent in the ancient or medieval world.
I respectfully disagree.
They are hiving of their fiefdoms, whether large or small.
They owe service to the kingpins.
The hoi polloi are there to serve their masters.
The hoi polloi have only what freedoms are allowed by their masters.
The hoi polloi get punished at whim by their masters.
I seem to have seen this a number of times in my history studies and readings.
Then again I am no whale of erudition and reserve the right to be mistaken.
And like a peasant girl, I think I have been fucked over by our so called protectors
Both Andrews and Palachook will be returned. If I remember correctly Peter Beattie put in charge of electoral reform the person caught out organising votes from factory estates and other nefarious methods of vote stacking for Labor in Qld which will allow almost a never ending Labor government no matter how incompetent and ignorant. Like Biden they are just the front for the faceless string pullers.
Dan will be convinced that the way to end the demonstrations is to crack down, hard.
Of course – those 700 military grade assault rifles are not going to shoot themselves.
Once the Enabling Act is law, then those 2 year gaol penalties will mean that demonstrating is a grievous crime, so real bullets will be used.
Carpe Jugulumsays:
November 21, 2021 at 1:13 pm
PS – Aust should implement this level of scrutiny for potential citizens to weed out the welfare leeches.
That was the point of my coment.
Shopping in big W today.
‘Covid security’ at the entry, single person.
simply waited for them to be distracted checking others and slipped behind her.
Not wearing a mask either, nobody in the store seems to care.
Neo-Feudalism: The Great Reset Is Not Great And Not New
Hey Carpe, my cousin lives in Japan. IIRR he got there in the mid-70s and had to present to the local cop shop every month with his passport.
Eventually got citizenship after 10 years.
Dan Andrews really needs to be carted off under Mental Health Act and forgotten about.
He’s a literal megalomaniac. Is that recognised under the DSM V?
I can’t wait until he coronates himself, donning pearl slippers and antelope skin gloves.
May his Empire as Bokassa II not outshine Bokassa I.
He’s a literal megalomaniac. Is that recognised under the DSM V?
Agree. I think most of our current pollimuppets has narcissistic/psychopathic tendencies but some are better at hiding it than others.
“He’s a literal megalomaniac. “
He’s in the process of destroying Victoria so to deflect and Andrews is the master of deflection, he’s now accusing Morrison of “cuddling up to extremists”.
Pleased to read that what you’ve decided on appears to be closer than what was originally thought.
But I can’t let this moment go unremarked on.
Though I do wish you the very best, I am truly sorry that having served this country, you’ll be no more fully a part of it.
And yet here, in this big Feline Family, where no one is (ever) an island, our Cat bonds will hold and keep us. (h/t Donne).
best regards,
Don’t over think it, dover.
It’s simply a description of a society where the super rich few lord it over the poor multitudes, who are increasingly limited in their options for life. In between is the class administrative functionaries.
John H.says:
November 21, 2021 at 11:59 am
Don’t train to failure? They can get stuffed, I’m not satisfied if I don’t train to failure.
The One Thing Most of Us Get Wrong When Lifting Weights
I get best results when I go heavy and low reps. Alternatively the Matrix 21 system involving very light weights and high reps and partial and complete movements is useful. It was invented by Ron Laura the professor of education at Newcastle Uni in the 1970s.
@ Carpe-
Wot Bar Beach Swimmer said.
The Nano-Wrigglers shall conquer all! 😀
(Lemme know if you catch up with Gojira. He owes me $3.50 for a bus fare back to Okinawa…)
Agree. P’s ‘Technocracy.news’ link is helpful.
I just think that it is the historical plight of the plebs unless they fight to maintain freedom. The powerful will always seek to take total control if they can. Tyrants will use whatever technology is available to them at the time. They’re excited now because surveillance has never been more complete and inexpensive for them.
The Bible warns so often about tyrants, you’d think at least Christians would be more aware.
At the chemist recently, there was the obligatory sign in sheet for people that don’t have or want to use their phones to get in. Last name on the list was Vlad the Inhaler with phone number N/A. Small victories.
It’s not intended to be a slight on the medieval world, which was itself an improvement on the ancient world and the dark ages. What the use of the term means, I think, is that, seen in the context of the historical development of the West, large numbers of people (a generation or more?) are, for the first time, experiencing regress rather than progress in many areas of their life. I think it’s no coincidence that this development is happening in tandem with the decline of Western Christianity, which bequeathed us the conditions necessary for modern democracies to thrive (cf, Larry Seidentop’s ‘Inventing the Individual’ (bad title, great book!).
I use my maiden name and land line phone number, hence I am completely traceable, my advancing years can explain away my forgetfulness, should I ever be challenged.
Bendigo was a hit and miss on the TaliDan Tags.
Bunnings naturally but many smaller shops couldn’t be bothered or just asked without wanting to look.
Some bloke took a swing at a Bunnings staffer who was on Stasi check but it sounded like a drugged up idiot as he went for a run through the shop yelling all the way.
Eateries didn’t seem busy and quite a few have stayed takeaway only to avoid paying staff to act as health commissars.
No cops about. If you don’t see it, it didn’t happen.
Matrix is great. I had the first edition book. I agree with heavy\low weights. Big emphasis on timing. One thing I’ve noticed in the gym is most simply drop the weight after the contraction phase when they should go for a much longer relaxation(eccentric) phase of the movement. It is laughable to watch so many do a set then pick up their phone and start scrolling because it indicates they don’t appreciate the value of timing.
Farmer Gez,
Did you need Vacc Passport for Bunnings in Bendigo?
A valid question.
Has anyone see Sancho Panzer and St. Ruth in the same room, at the same time?
Ellen, I am surprised there has not been more opposition from the churches on this. Neil Oliver mentions this in his monologue this weekend:
I was approached by a retired minister this morning, concerned with my stance. Two weeks ago I got up and left in the middle of his exhortation to get vaccinated as a Christian thing to do. He wanted to know if I needed to talk to someone about it to be better educated on why to get vaccinated. I took him through all the data that shows at best the vaccines are a treatment to prevent the worst outcome in the individuals that take them and that there is not much “greater good” argument for taking them and then went through all the known and unknown risks the vaccines pose to the young people that have next to know adverse outcomes to covid. He claimed that children were not been forced to have the vaccine, so I asked him if he thought kids over 12 were not considered children. He then pointed out to me that many scientists dissagreed with my views so I told him that I knew that but that there are scientists that agree with my views. After conceding that I had thought about it more than him he said he wears a seat belt because it is the law and as good Christians we should obey the law. So I asked him if he thought I was not a good Christian for not taking the vaccine and putting the health of my family before the vaccine mandate. I added to that, that I thought good Christians might be a bit more concerned with the introduction of mechanisms to prevent people who did not bow to the authorities from buying and selling, particularly since today’s reading was from Revelations.
He said he would pray for me and we parted ways. I tried to stay as calm as I could but don’t know how successful I was. I might have concealed my rage better than I thought. Expecting a bollocking from wife as we got in the car she just said. “It is hard for these older people, they only get information from the ABC”
Bill Starr on Isometrics:
Isometrics was big for a little while in the 1960s until Steroids took off.
Well, well well.
Looky at what we have here.
So we learn that all the ‘modelling‘ our retarded little backwater medical agencies are working off (Burnett Inst, etc) is built on Covasim.
Who develops Covasim?
Who is IDM?
Our entire lives in QLD and Victoria, at least, are being run by ‘models’ produced by software built by the Bill and Gates Melinda foundation, written in Python.
Welcome to hell.
Let’s just say that I know the look of it and where there’s plenty to be found.
I expect that will be the bipartisan approach.
This Covid modelling is dead. It has ceased to be.
Check out the Burnett Institutes ‘assumptions’ that they say they’re working on:
“For example, compliance with vaccine mandates in Australian settings is as yet unknown; in the roadmap scenario 95% compliance has been assumed”
“Optimistic assumptions
The results could be optimistic (meaning the real world will be worse than estimated) because we have assumed:
Schools and childcare can achieve a 50% reduction in transmission risk through ventilation and other mechanisms
No waning of vaccine immunity over time
No quarantine or testing exemptions have been included for vaccinated people (i.e. vaccinated people continue to be required to quarantine for 14 days if they are identified as contacts)
Compliance does not further reduce over time (33% of people are assumed to have had between household contacts in the current lockdown / model calibration period)
95% compliance with vaccine mandates
Schools and childcare are able to conduct their own contact tracing
Vaccines are delivered equally across all sub-population groups. It is possible that people who are more concerned about COVID-19 and are minimising their number of contacts to lower their COVID-19 risk may be getting vaccinated before people who and less concerned about COVID-19 and are at higher risk.
“Pessimistic assumptions
Conversely, the results could be pessimistic (meaning the real world will be better than estimated) because we have assumed:
No impact of seasonality, when it is possible that warmer weather may reduce transmission (but unquantified at the moment).
The current epidemic growth rate will continue (with the exception of declines due to vaccine immunity)”
What a dogs breakfast.
This is half the problem. The view of the ancient and medieval world that this gains its plausibility from is exaggerated. None of the lords or royals could have dreamed of the managerial control that is exercised over the populace by today’s mandarin class and it’s not even close. This is what is lost when you view this retrospectively. What is going on now is not a return to the old but something new, latent within modernity, Baconian. We are in New Atlantis territory.
Farmer Gezsays:
November 21, 2021 at 3:38 pm
Let’s just say that I know the look of it and where there’s plenty to be found.
Went to Dryland Botanical Garden in Whyalla a lot of years ago. The guide commented that one plane had been thought to be endangered until a farmer pointed out that it was infesting the roadside verges and was usually treated as a pest. He chuckled a bit while telling the tale.
State Govt Dept is demanding that my employer provide a copy of our company’s vvaxx status of each employee.
Else no more business from State Govt.
This will be interesting. I sniff a GGF email in the wind.
So The Burnett Inst. is ‘assuming’ the vaccines are perfect (known wrong), don’t reduce in efficacy over time (known wrong), and that Covid isn’t seasonal (known wrong).
Based on those assumptions, and many others, Victorians were locked up for a few months, and unvaccinated people are being banned from life in December.
Why December. Why are are QLD and Victoria are moving lock step on this now?
Here’s why:
Their modelling, based on the assumptions above, ‘predicts’ an epidemic peak over mid-December.
And that is why unvaccinated people are being banned from life.
DB perhaps you can help me with this. I’ve read that under feudalism the peasants were not as bad off as if often portrayed. There were historical periods when they had it rough but equally if not moreso they had a life that was not constantly subject to lordship and deprivation.
Mate, if you believe there’s only 5% unjabbed, you need to stop reading The Australian ande listening to the ABC.
The figures in Aboriginal Communities is under 20% necked and needled, and the cops and “Health Workers” are going door to door there.
I’d put it at no more than 25%, but remember they’re only testing compliance at the moment.
The Iron Fist isn’t far away though, yesterday I paid $2.11/litre for juice in Brisbane and they had a sign in book at the counter for persons without SmartPhones.
“oooh, there’s some lovely filth down here…”
h/t Monty Python
Speaking of models.
How is the Staircase model coming along?
There’s a very limited public demo of covasim here.
You too can be a Big Brained Disease Modeller for an afternoon randomly tweaking numbers based on ‘assumptions’ and controlling millions of people’s lives with the click of a button.
I’m going to put it out there though and say that the “hide the decline” scandal in Climate Change modelling is going to look minor compared to what is going behind closed doors with this shit.
That’s the saddest thing. Once you know to do so you can easily verify that what the ABC reports is usually a lie whenever it has any hint of political tone to it. But you can’t even raise that with fellow Christians without causing division. It’s so outside the worldview of many who’ve trusted the ABC their whole lives (and tend to be lefty anyway, so it feeds their inclinations) that it produces anger.
I’d had some small tangles over CAGW, which showed to me how entrenched emotionally people can be on a supposed scientific issue. I now don’t talk about anything even slightly political amongst the people in our church and by and large that sentiment has percolated throughout I think.
Delayed Reactions to being Vaccinated, you mean?
Get a grip.
Not being able to attend the Test at the Gabba, where you’ll pay $100 for a decent seat, be eyeballed by itchy boncers every eight feet, pay $15 bucks for a beer, $10 for a bucket of chips and $9 for a stale Pie, isn’t being Banned From Life.
It’s doing you a favor.
so much for diversity and inclusion
We haven’t been in the way of a chevauchee.
No one I know of has been literally burnt for heresy.
No dismembering, brandings or hangings for theft.
Just capricious treatment and contempt from the elite.
Those old time people had it great.
Ask a Spartan helot. Or a galley slave.
Throughout history the more powerful have enslaved, one way or the other, those without power.
Though the Athenian practice of exiling by popular vote those that got too big for their boots has a lot going for it.
Unvaccinated people in hospitality, etc all lose their jobs in December dummy.
This is why.
Let’s start with the number of “cases”.
One positive about being Double Vaxxed is you won’t be much use as an Organ Donor, since most or your Organs will be fucked.
Unless your life’s ambition was to become an Organ Donor.
Then it’s bad news.
Peter Thiel: Nationalism Breaks the Dogma Machine – National Conservatism Conference II
I’m banned from public life until December 15th. If I ever get close to that fascist arsewipe General running the vaccine mandate in NSW I shall endeavour to rip his head off and shit down his neck. But he is indicative of the sort of officer getting on since I left the army.
Anyway he is an amateur. I had it worse in boarding school.
Oh. Pairotits better watch himself near me too.
The Carol Burnet TaliDan plan that is holy writ.
The fact is that after two months the numbers are out by miles.
The estimate for hospitalisation and ICU patients is five times the actual number and Victoria has done a shit job.
Estimates for NSW would be cloud cuckoo land stuff.
Plough on regardless.
What’s that got to do with iron fists and compliance books, Grigory?
Juice is expensive when you buy name brands. You’d get far more value out of squeezing your own. As well as having a useful mangle for your skinsuit-tanning endeavours.
Besides, Australian Mutton prices have just hit their highest in the last year, 615 cents per kilo. And 80 cent jump.
Amd here you were, confidently declaring that the nebulous ‘elites’ were conspiring to destroy the mutton industry…
Skin is an organ too, Grigory. You might be in a spot of trouble there…
That is exactly it, JohnH. And really, you have to distinguish between the managerial control exercised by a lord and the authority exercised by a king. Feudalism was much more prominent in the early medieval period, particularly in the West, because of the collapse of political authority in the WRE. As national centres of authority emerge in the high middle ages, the tensions between lords and kings does as well because the latter is the locus of that authority. Oakeshott’s third essay in On Human Conduct is a great bird’s eye view of this transition from the medieval to modern period is concerned.
I reckon delayed Vaccine Casualties will track the Rollout.
Hospitals will record those people as Covid/19 Casualties rather than Vaccine Injured, but it’ll be a Deluge just the same.
Not long to go..
A ban on Cash isn’t far away either, so if there’s something you think you might need, like a Swag and a good pair of leather soled boots, buy it now while you still can.
The Victorian Roadmap form is like having a horse finishing last in a 1200 maiden at Manangatang and entering it in the Melbourne Cup.
The Cat should publish a book!
It doesn’t need to be written, it’s already written here, it just needs to be compiled and edited.
“Two Years In A Mongocracy”
Picture of all the moron premiers and Scumo on the cover, Brady bunch style.
Muddy’s covid related cationary at the front, then into top rated stand alone comments relating to covid from all threads.
Make Cat Wisdom accessible!
Pics and vids from Melbourne Freedom March, 20 Nov 2021 now up.
Its not only the Aboriginal communities with vaxinators going door to door. At the BCH yesterday some one poked his head around the door to ask if i would like the vaccine. Much in the same manner as the tea ladies asking the kids if they want flavoured milk and biscuits.
Here’s some footage from the Peter Melville Twitter feed showing the March down Adelaide St Brisbane from outside the Reserve Bank Building.
At the start, i’m seeing 2 podgy Labor Party types in black Shirts reading Revolution and Just Do It.
Then there’s someone carrying the Red Flag.
All the Marchers are podgy Labor Party types.
I’d like to see a list of the Speakers at the Rally following the March.
Labor and Socialist Alliance to a man, i’d guess.
And “Diverse”?
Not seeing it.
Whether in Brisbane, Melbourne or London those Marchers are overwhelmingly, soft Middle Aged/Older Whites.
Scotty is playing a straight bat at the moment, he just needs to hold the line for a few more weeks.
Regarding your point:
There is something odd I have noticed about my phone. When I go into Settings\Additional Settings\Process Manager I often find apps running in the background that I didn’t fire up. Perhaps that is another Android bug or perhaps it is the apps mining information on me to send to a server.
There are reports that W 11 is exerting more control over people than W 10.
How many have experienced spam calls? I had a run of those recently but have no idea how they got my phone number.
We provide personal information without knowing if that information will not be sold on. If it is sold on we have no way of knowing who sold the information. The government is making noise about the dangers of social media but not a word about the absent security of our personal information. The Privacy Act is near useless against these modern means of information sharing.
‘Cancerous to the West’: Kyle Bass on the risks of China’s digital currency rollout | China in Focus
On 19 Sept the Burnet forecast was for 2900 daily cases at the end October (actually 1500).
They predicted a peak of 4500 in mid December (we shall see)
They predicted “deaths will peak at 2200 in January” – I don’t know if this is daily or for the whole month. Even if for the whole month, that would be 70 per day – 10 times what we see now.
On this basis I am stuck at home, and my employment on a knife edge.
Craig Kelly MP
What a surprise ?
The Guardian gets funding from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
“To support The Guardian to produce regular reporting on global health and development topics in its Global Development section”
Gates Foundation gives MILLIONS of $$ to The Guardian
A question for the ages. Trigger warning – some mighty self indulgence on the way.
We are residents of the most mighty land on the planet. The Jewel in the British Empire’s Crown. A continent, not just any ol’ island. Populated by folk from northern Europe and then many from other parts of that exhausted continent. A beacon of civilization in an ocean of mediocrity.
Continually (allegedly) trying to shake off its ‘umble beginnings as a prison colony.
Once I became compis mentis, from about the age of three (those mighty tantrums in Fiji don’t forget themselves) I realised how blessed one was to have been born here in this day and age.
We have rapidly sold our heritage down the toilet in the last twenty years. What’s worse is that it was done without any of our consent. When was the last time any stinking politician asked you if you wanted to live in Calcutta or Beijing?
The same pieces of excrement who greedily gathered their thirty pieces of silver fifty years ago are the same ones subjecting us to the hitlerist insanity we’re now unwillingly existing through.
Our blessed fortune will be the cause of our downfall. Going out with barely a whimper.
Just a few thousand according to the media.
Ed Case says:
November 21, 2021 at 5:01 pm
And “Diverse”?
Not seeing it.
Obviously, you were not there then
Sheesh – it’s enough to make you wanna do that li’l D Thang … 🙂
Watching the Vids, Tony.
There’s a guy in Hi Viz and Dreads, does he count as “Diversity”?
Other than that it’s all white.
Ed Casesays:
November 21, 2021 at 5:01 pm
And “Diverse”?
Not seeing it.
Whether in Brisbane, Melbourne or London those Marchers are overwhelmingly, soft Middle Aged/Older Whites.
Scotty is playing a straight bat at the moment, he just needs to hold the line for a few more weeks.
Not sure what you are smoking Mr Ed, but you should be able to get a good price for it around the Greens, Labor and universities.
Well said, Squire!
Spack off, Grigory.
You are such an utter failure as a troll, that you have tried to resort to race-baiting.
The Cat truly deserves better.
Ed Case says:
November 21, 2021 at 5:25 pm
Watching the Vids, Tony.
There’s a guy in Hi Viz and Dreads, does he count as “Diversity”?
Other than that it’s all white.
I was actually there, Ed. You obviously were not.
Ditching boys and girls from children’s clothing, at last
At last! It’s the change we’ve all been waiting for. What better way to ensure a growing supply of Amazing Desmonds than by ramming the radical trans agenda down the throats of toddlers?
This is sick. And the mother of the two year old is reprehensible.
Oh come on says:
November 21, 2021 at 5:33 pm
At last! It’s the change we’ve all been waiting for. What better way to ensure a growing supply of Amazing Desmonds than by ramming the radical trans agenda down the throats of toddlers?
I think they want to ram down more than an agenda 🙁
Bloody hell – so my collectivist mates are occasionally good for something …
The Cave, N. – tonight on 22 from 10:30pm.
That was amazing, Joanna. Thanks for posting.
You can’t ignore those numbers. Bigger than the moratorium demos? I think so.
I met my 12 yo grandson for the first time in nearly six months today. Big hugs and we both burst into tears, big sooks that we are.
November 21, 2021 at 5:16 pm
Great post, Rabz.
Thanks for posting.
Calli, my heart aches for you.
Never forget what THEY have done to us.
Normal personages that you are. 🙂
Dot, and/or any other constitutional law experts here, I’d appreciate your views on this video. It’s dated June 2021 so it may have been discussed here already in the past.
The most important UK High Court case in the history of the Commonwealth
According to the person who brought the case, none of our state governors, nor the Governor General, have been legitimately appointed. Downstream from that, none of the ministers or supreme court judges in all states and the Commonwealth, appointed by the governors and the Governor General, hold their positions legitimately, and haven’t done so since 1973.
The gist of this blokes argument, as best as I understand it, is that when Gough Whitlam passed the legislation to make ER-II Queen of Australia, he didn’t take into account the state’s nor the Commonwealth constitutions which say that the respective governors must be appointed by the Queen of the UK. The present governors have been appointed by ER-II in her role of Queen of Australia, and are therefore illegitimately in their present roles, and their appointments are therefore invalid.
In darker moments, these facts weigh heavily in my thoughts.
In lighter moments, I remember how the Ceau?escus celebrated Christmas 1989, with enthusiastic help from their fellow citizens.
“Picture of all the moron premiers and Scumo on the cover, Brady bunch style”.
Gotta be called ” The Shady Bunch”.
Anyhows to cheer everyone up the French smashed the All Blacks, and to hear Les Marseillaise sung by 60,000 at Stade de France was spine tingling. Marchons indeed you magnificent bastards!
Happy tears with big smiles, calli.
Glenn Loury: The Case for Black Patriotism – National Conservatism Conference II
Sacré bleu! 🙂
you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
you may find yourself in another part of the woild
you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful woife
and yet, you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”
And don’t be afraid to point out to your children – when they’re old enough to understand, of course – what is being stolen from them, and also the people responsible for this unforgivable crime. Never before have we sacrificed the health and well-being of our children in order to protect the very old and frail.
My other grandson asked me if I liked mullets!
Cats who have been following my DIY hairdressing adventures will understand. 😀
Adam Goodes: ‘We can’t shy away from things when telling history’
Jane Rocca
By Jane Rocca
November 21, 2021 — 7.35am
What a bunch of fucking bullshit.
Again. 🙂
For poor ol’ Tails – who needs to stop sulking and make some long overdue attempt to redeem himself.
Get over yourself, Squire. Some of us are prone to the odd regrettable outburst, it happens.
The First? It better be the last too.
Rabz, perhaps if you remade that video featuring late-model Holden V8 wagons…
LOL all good, Nelson K-P.
I was only feigning offense 😀
Dr Mark Hobart
The worse thing is Daniel Andrews is making it mandatory that all of your health records get centralised in the Vic Dept of Health. You cannot opt out ! Exploding head #Killthebill #MelbourneProtest
Mandatory vaxx and Fauci creaming himself over needling babies.
I am starting to feel rather fucking angry.
No no no no no.
Read clause 2 of the provisions table of the constitution.
“Heirs and successors”.
Furthermore, if something is de facto for long enough, it becomes de jure.
Mater et al:
This will be the overreach I spoke of earlier. Tyrants never know where the limits to their authority are because they typically surround themselves with sycophants. We see this so often in history it’s as if it’s an immutable Law.*
If Dan decides to put his stooges on the street, backed up with his 700 Armalites, I reckon that will be the point it gets out of control.
*Can we call it “Winstons Law of Overreach”?
Oh come on says:
November 21, 2021 at 5:59 pm
Never forget what THEY have done to us.
… Never before have we sacrificed the health and well-being of our children in order to protect the very old and frail.
Errr…No – it is being done to transfer wealth to the pockets of billionaires.
Protecting anyones health is the last thíng on their minds.
John H:
The period after the Black Death saw such shortages of labour that the peasants lot improved markedly.
I read it on Wikipaedia so it must be true.
Does he mention the accounts of William Buckley concerning cannibalism, infanticide, and inter-tribal warfare? Does he mention how so much of aboriginal history has been sanitized for modern political purposes?
Being an Ozzie, part eleventy gazillion …
Soho, 2:30am on a Sunday Morning, about fifteen years ago … 🙂
Aaron says:
November 21, 2021 at 6:15 pm
Mandatory vaxx and Fauci creaming himself over needling babies.
I am starting to feel rather fucking angry.
With all the corruption involved with these “vaxxines”, there is no way these arseholes are going to back down. They would be looking at long prison terms and/or death sentences.
Unfortunately, it is looking more and more likely that the people are going to have to shoot their way out of this.
OCO, you’re right. Our children who, when young, tend towards feel-good, green ideals, need to know how they have been deprived by authorities who are paid handsomely to protect them.
However, I don’t agree entirely with
The oldies of my acqaintance are of two opinions:
1. The covid believers, who are vaxed up and content with their protection, and
2. The disbelievers, who go where they want, shop and visit where they want and don’t expect any special considerations.
I am of the second group, as are many that I know. It is the governmant, not the ‘old and frail’, who are violating your children’s freedoms.
Thanks, NKP – I have neither the time nor the skills to do so.
Although I do note that Sancho is still pretending to be “no longer among us” so to speak. 🙂
Have you finished those Brittany tapes Groogs? Going to trial now. We’re relying on you little buddy.
Rukshan’s video of the “anti-racism” demonstrators attacking him.
Avi Yemini’s video of “anti-racism” demonstrators attacking him,
Anybody else notice that some of them are the same people?
No, Rabz.
The pendulum has slowed to a near stop and it will – as at always has – start on its journey to freedom yet again.
Keep your powder dry and your sword sharp because we are living in momentous times.
So you don’t think we are currently robbing our children of a normal childhood in order to contain a virus that is dangerous to a tiny fragment of society, which mostly consists of people at the very end of their natural lives?
Um, no, we’re not shooting our way oput of this.
That’s just stupid talking.
In many countries despite high vax rates governments are bringing back restrictions. What I find so frustrating is the research on Vitamin D which indicates governments should be promoting vitamin D supplementation because it appears to very much reduce the severity of infection, and, I speculate, will reduce the deleterious impacts of the vaccines. They won’t promote D though because for decades the medical authorities have ranted and raved against any form of supplementation and done so in spite of multiple studies finding Type B malnutrition(nutrient deficiencies despite good\high caloric intake) prevalent in the population. The governments won’t support the message because it detracts from the vax imperative.
Don’t get me wrong, Delta. I am not suggesting that those who are the most vulnerable to Covid are responsible for the government’s Covid policies – they are being used by the state to justify its colossal power-grab from the citizenry.
That’s just stupid talking.
Said by an expert….
Oh come on says:
November 21, 2021 at 6:39 pm
Errr…No – it is being done to transfer wealth to the pockets of billionaires.
Protecting anyones health is the last thíng on their minds.
So you don’t think we are currently robbing our children of a normal childhood in order to contain a virus that is dangerous to a tiny fragment of society, which mostly consists of people at the very end of their natural lives?
We certainly are robbing our children of a normal childhood and healthy lives.
But I don’t think our governments are doing this to protect anyone – it’s all about corruption / dollars and whatever other deals have been made by our “Leaders”.
We’ll be HOP Timing instead.
Mighty, it will be. As for the (allegedly) unfortunate subsequent shortage of piano wire, pitchforks and sativa rope, no one will give a rodent’s.
We’ll be too busy feasting on much yummy Cake. 🙂
Um, no, we’re not shooting our way out of this.
Let’s hear your way.
The lockdowns serve another purpose, they kill the small and medium businesses which eliminates the up and coming entrepreneurs who could be competition for the billionaires.
John H. says:
November 21, 2021 at 6:48 pm
Thanks for that explanation – no slabs of medical jargon and easy to understand
From his beloved tribal elders, Ben Dover and Phil McCavitee.
No one ever “won” their freedom by submitting to their oppressors, Ed, you irredeemable imbecile.
flyingduk might like to comment.
I was under the misapprehension that the notes my GP put onto my file in his computer were HIS. Not the Department of Health’s. So, in reality these notes belong to the Health Department and can be used in evidence against me in the future?
Rabz says:
November 21, 2021 at 6:55 pm
we’re not shooting our way oput of this
We’ll be HOP Timing instead.
My preference is crucifixion – bang ém up in the cooler months so they last a few more days…
If pollies here thought the protests were over the top …
Violent protests erupt as Europe tightens Covid-19 restrictions amid surging case numbers
Ah, the good ol’ EU. World’s best practice governance (again) … 🙁
But wait, there’s more…
The Queen gave no instructions in 1973. The Queen also wrote to the governor general saying she had no power to intervene in 1975.
So what if the appointments are invalid…okay, what are we now? What laws do we follow? Do the election results matter? The UK does not want us back.
After the Australia Acts were passed by the Commonwealth and UK Parliament, our sovereignty is unquestioned. We have a monarchy and we (so far) share the line of succession with our former colonial masters.
The Queen has also had a separate title in Australia since 1953. Interestingly, The Queen herself signed the new styles and titles Act into law in 1973 in person in Australia.
The Queen retains some antiquated personal prerogatives in each State if she is in Australia, in that State, physically in person. IIRC she can refuse to sign bills into law and can sit as the presiding officer over Houses of Parliament if she wants to (at least in NSW).
The thing is, check s 51 xxxviii – arguably there could be the appointment of a new royal line or to simply abolish the constitution. The saving grace to prevent this is State consent requires unanimity and to abolish this would require a referendum.
This is a paper tiger. A Federal government might claim to simply abolish the 1900 Act and then after a new one is made, then simply abolish the States (which might be ipso facto).
Given the bizarre way the constitution has been interpreted in the Palmer cases and the infamous Cole v Whitfield case, I do not expect morality, gentlemen’s agreements or civic nationalism to save us.
Let me just explain this statement in more detail.
After nearly two years isolated at home, right minded people have started doubting themselves, but more importantly, everyone around them.
“Am I the only sane person left? Is the Cat community the sum total of commonsense remaining?”
The people who took that MASSIVE step (for conservatives) and tentatively and cautiously turn up to the protests, turned from despondent to determined, almost instantaneously upon seeing the crowd and drinking in the friendliness and sense of purpose. The loathing of other Australians (most of whom, we were told, supported these mandates and lockdowns) turned to pride, and a sense of community once more. It happened to me last week. I saw it happen to a number of Cats who attended yesterday. It was the injection of hope that everyone needed. Hundreds of thousands around the country got it yesterday…voluntarily.
People now know they are not alone, or crazy, or out of touch.
“A man without spirit is whipped. But a Preacher…he could give them faith. One ounce of faith and they’ll be dug in deeper than ticks on a hound!”
A goodly portion of Victorians won’t be fooled again, nor will they be suppressed so easily. We now know what they are up to, and their angle. Resistance is going to be a whole lot more determined and vocal. You can count on it. Dissidents know they’ll have support, and the networks are now well established.
Interesting link, thank you.
Hey guys,
Stop making sense.
Re the Herald Sun.
The narrative is it perpetually cheerleads for Andrews and there was zero coverage of the March
It doesn’t. There was.
The Sunday print edition was wall to wall Paine though.
Yes. Correct.
To the best of my knowledge and belief, after the “Dismissal”, Whitlam had the Speaker of the House write to the Queen, demanding that she sack the caretaker Fraser Government, re – install the Whitlam Government and cancel the forthcoming elections. The Queen replied, saying that she would not interfere – she regarded it as a matter for Australians to settle, under Sect 51 of the Constitution.
My preference is crucifixion – bang ém up in the cooler months so they last a few more days…
See S.M. Stirling’s Draka trilogy “The Domination”.
Went out for lunch with friends, no qr code and no-one asked for a passport.
Did qr at the hospital though.
Apparently they can see your vaxx status on the qr code? But it is quicker to get people to show their passports at retail outlets according to very helpful Victoria government website.
In another surprising twist there can now be up to 50 people at religious services for the great unwashed so more people can attend one of the five Sunday masses a certain dedicated to medical privacy PP offers.
In other words the unvaxxed are now more dangerous spending 20 minutes wandering around Bunnings but less dangerous attending one hour services.
I don’t think so OCO, but They (whoever or whatever they be), i.e., not “we” are robbing from the young for the old for numerous reasons.
Anyone can see that the vaxxines don’t do anything apart from collateral damage so firstly it doesn’t “contain a virus”. Therefore it offers no protection to anyone of any age.
This is all about control, they have to get everyone acquainted to the digital world for a range of things, a pandemic followed by a passport system is the only way they can get it. This tied in with the digital id system, get everyone using the passport system which then merges with the next layer of tyranny.
The pandemic (was it really?) was to introduce the vaxxines which were to bring in a passport system, it had nothing to do with getting jabbed to protect the oldies.
Resist, and protect your children.
Furthermore, I expect a disproportionate number of those who most fiercely insist that our children grow up in a world free of Covid tyranny are also in the high risk category due to their age. They too are the victims of a monstrous crime. I doubt the ‘you want to kill grandma’ brigade has spent a single second considering what grandma might actually want.
I don’t follow you Dot, are you saying that ER-II Queen of Australia, is the successor of ER-II Queen of the United Kingdom?
OSHA Blocked & Public Health Efforts Get an “F”
We don’t have a disagreement, but I will not delegate responsibility to ‘them’ or ‘they’ for what is being done – they can only succeed if we let them.
The Dusty … 🙂
Pauline Hanson gives PM ultimatum over vaccine mandates
Don’t trouble the water, Cats …
I was shocked just before the last election to find that we had 1.2 million citizens of Chinese origin when only a decade ago it was 100,000 to 200,000. We can’t lay the whole debacle at our universities’ door when the politicians and bureaucrats had to change rules to allow international students to stay on completion of their studies.
We have been voting for vipers for some time.
Just saw Dan laying into Morrison on the TV news bulletin my wife is watching.
He appears to be angling to take over from Palaszczuk as the de facto Opposition leader.
Albo’s priorities – most recently a promise to increase funding to the ABC – appear to be entirely driven by the exigency of the Green threat to his own seat.
If Morrison is the PM for NSW, Albo will be the PM for Sydney’s inner city south. His last tweet was datelined Marrickville. Still, it’s good to see a local member out and about in his electorate.
Nothing will come of it, the ER-II is simultaneously the Queen of UK and Australia so still has and had the required power.
answers to common questions
Well, the Queen of Soul had something to say about that …
OK you cats with a far more worldly bent than mine, explain me this:
In the local shopping centre carpark I espied a large shiny black hearse parked across several spaces longitudinally. The doors were all open — including the rest door — and the bonnet up. In the rear, where the dearly departed normally reposes, was a very large, in fact, coffin-sized, white shiny plastic Esky with rope handles at the end.
Someone please tell me it was just for their Christmas beer ….
… rear door …
November 21, 2021 at 7:42 pm
So a free vote for his members – what’s the odds it goes down.
Exactly. The monarch of the UK is also the monarch of Australia, until we decide otherwise.
Rog – as a personage who existed for many moons in Albo’s* (and his erstwhile wiofe’s) seat, it ain’t going to be falling to the greenfilth any time soon.
Unlike Plibber’s – which could conceivably go full greenfilth, a la Adam Bum Bandit, next election.
*The only time I’ve accidently voted labore** in the last twenty years.
**Very long story. I’ve posted about it here previously. 🙁
we have been taken for a ride
Elvis, if you’re around, and your interested and you didn’t know about it, the other half joined that legal action in w.a. against the mandates for FIFO mining workers – it’s on telegram.
Typical Leftwit ‘born-to-rule’ mentality- Waste any popular mandate and public goodwill they may have had by trashing the place and wilfully pissing off everyone but their mates and voteherds. And then throw massive tantrums and seek extralegal redress from some sort of higher authority (and/or invent one to justify their doing so) when the proles declare ENOUGH!
There’s nothing like administering a long overdue and mighty thumping upon one of these, I tells ya!
Because we’re not into wasting any effort at all, are we Cats? 😕
With 23% of the primary vote all they need is a rock star candidate to win it, Rabz.
Given that Albo has all the charisma of a snail, the prospect is the stuff of his nightmares.
Spread the word.
We pineappleers will not go quietly into the night…
(Unless there’s a noise curfew at your place and you ask us nicely…)
not only are the vaccine short lived but the harm from side effects far exceeds any good they do
Albo isn’t worried about The Greens anymore, he’s worried about exiting his Seat before the election.
So far Sharon Bird, Julie Owens and Chris Hayes have announced their retirements, and Tanya may be feeling nervous.
Bird said in the Oz that she hoped a local would be preselected.
Jut rolled through coastal town with a medium famous “leavers” event. Attendance is averaging 8000.
Beachfront van set up for mobile protein jabs, I reckon 400 kids snaking through the tape maze and waiting. The event is “no jabs, no play”.
The event is a “safe space” sort, with fences around and paramedics within… drug and alchohol free. Usually have about ten collapses during each of the three nights, and a few through the days. I wonder how many freshly punctured boys might hit the dancefloor, literally, with pericarditis?
That’s some truly montyesque wrongology there, Ed.
Lifting way beyond their last pair, Rog. The Mayorette and her hubby*. Lacklustre does not even come close to describing their “absence of charisma”.
*With whom I had an unfortunate contretemps outside of Lewisham station on a Monday morning back in 2010. So much for civility in politics. In my family, it’s always been a blood sport. 🙂
fauci is now talking about vaccinating babies. there is something sinister and really evil going on here
If you have a problem with the Queen of Australia being different to the Queen of the UK, then yes.
Anyway, this is from the monarchists, including a silent rebuke of Whitlam. (Nothing about the CIA or the Deakin Telecom exchange, unfortunately, this is rather boring…).
Letter From The Palace
17 November 1975
This is the reply to Sir John’s letter informing the Queen via Sir Martin of the Dismissal of Gough Whitlam and his government. Sir Martin commends Sir John on not letting the Queen know prior to his action. “If I may say so with the greatest respect, I believe that in NOT informing The Queen what you intended to do before doing it, you acted not only with perfect constitutional propriety but also with admirable consideration for Her Majesty’s position.”
17th November, 1975.
Personal and Confidential
My Dear Governor-General
Thank you very much for your letter of 11th November which I, of course, showed to The Queen as soon as possible after it arrived.
Her Majesty read your statement with close attention as she has also the opinion of Sir Garfield Barwick, as given in his letter to you of 10th November.
You may be sure that the confidentiality of Sir Garfield’s letter and, indeed, everything you have written to me about the crisis for The Queen’s information, will be strictly observed.
It seems to me, as a very interested observer, though one not very well versed in the Australian Constitution, that your action, buttressed as it is by the opinion of the Chief Justice, cannot easily be challenged from a constitutional point of view however much the politicians will, of course, rage.
I have no doubt that Mr. Whitlam will try to make the constitutional issue the heart and soul of his campaign but as an extremely shrewd politician who does not live very far away from this house said to me on 11th November “It is never possible to fight an election on one issue.”
David Smith will have reported to you that Mr. Whitlam telephoned to me at 4.15 a.m. (our time) on 11th November.
I had been out and had not heard the news which David passed to Bill Heseltine sometime before. Mr. Whitlam prefaced his remarks by saying that he was speaking as a “private citizen”; he rehearsed what had happened, the withdrawal of his Commission, the passing of Supply and the votes of no confidence in Mr. Fraser and of confidence in the Member for Werriwa, which had been passed by the House of Representatives, and said that now Supply had been passed he should be re-commissioned as Prime Minister so that he could choose his own time to call an election.
He spoke calmly and did not ask me to make any approach to The Queen, or indeed to do anything other than the suggestion that I should speak to you to find out what was going on. I said I knew you would be reporting what had happened, to The Queen, not realising at that time that you had already done so. I understand that a letter from him is on the way and I shall, of course, consult you through David Smith before replying to it.
I have, as I expect you know , consulted David on how best to reply to Mr. Schole’s [the former Speaker] letter. I enclose a copy of my reply to him. I have sent the letter itself to David with instructions not to deliver it without your approval. If, therefore , there is anything in my reply which you think inappropriate, please do not hesitate to say so.
As you can imagine the crisis in Australia has been in everybody’s mind and on everybody’s lips here during the last day or two. There have been some who have questioned what you have done but I have as yet found no one who has been able to tell me what you ought to have done instead to resolve the crisis: and this is something which I think your critics have an obligation to do.
If I may say so with the greatest respect, I believe that in NOT informing The Queen what you intended to do before doing it, you acted not only with perfect constitutional propriety but also with admirable consideration for Her Majesty’s position.
If I may permit myself a last reflection it is that should the Member for Werriwa be returned to power he ought to be extremely grateful to you!
The Queen sends you her best wishes in this difficult time.
Yours sincerely
SIGNED: Martin Charteris
His Excellency the Governor-General of Australia.
Rub ‘n’ Tug revelations – or am I missing something here?
Link didn’t work
Look at Corbettreport.com ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’
Trialsitenews.com/videos ‘How did we get here. One doctor’s view on shocking Covid 19 Issues in Australia.
Yep, Albo won’t be sleeping too well at night. Hope he has paid those teeth off.
Gab says:
November 21, 2021 at 6:12 pm
As soon as I saw the group I was wondering if it was yours. 🙂
David Smith was the secretary to the Governor General – he read the Governor General’s proclamation dissolving Parliament in 1975. His memoirs make interesting reading.
In a speech, in the Senate, on 18th June, 1970, Senator Lionel Murphy tabled a list of 169 occasions where Labor Oppositions had attempted to oppose money bills, in the Senate, for the sole purpose of forcing the Government of the day to an early election…….
Notes payable will have been signed to preclude any such revelations.
Otherwise he wouldn’t be Labor leader.
We’re not dealing with Cricket Australia here.
So what? Adverserialism is the only way a two party system works properly in a Parliamentary government.
I would much prefer this than the Liberals and ALP voting together to dissolve my civil liberties and common law rights.
Remember when the Liberals and old far leftists cared about rights?
Those are pleasant and now quaint memories.
Emoji for laughing inserted here.
He’s a dud, and Labor are HellBent on winning the forthcoming election, so he’s going, whether by the Tim Paine method or not, who knows.
Ambo clearly intends to remain Member for Grayndler for some time yet so he’s going back to the GrassRoots to shore up support.
Not even remotely the same as being injected with something unwillingly. And Christians have a long traditions of disobeying unjust laws.
We can agree on that!
That’s a High Water mark for the Greens, they’ll never get close to that again.
Particularly since their Covid/19 Policy is to repeatedly Vaxx everything that moves and issue the survivors with a passport.
Fiona Byrne’s Hubby, myself and an unfortunate contretemps outside of Lewisham Station, one Monday morning shortly before the 2010 feral erection.
He just automatically assumed I was a collectivist!
Yes, because every forty something wage slave in a tailored made pin stripe suit heading to the station that morning was rolled gold greenfilth.
Yeah, well not this truculent ol’ grouch 🙂
Even with a proven perfectly safe and effective vaccine, the best and fastest way to neutralise COVID is for all children to get the virus repeatedly throughout their childhood, shed it around their houses, and generally stimulate the immune system of everyone. Then they grow up into a world where COVID19 is just a cold.
Like the use of low interest rates to prevent a depression – only prolonging the eventual disaster, the strategy of attempting to create herd immunity with a blunt tool like a vaccine only extends and deepens the pain.
Rip off that Band-aid now!
Fat Tony
Ed Casesays:
November 21, 2021 at 4:56 pm
Here’s some footage from the Peter Melville Twitter feed showing the March down Adelaide St Brisbane from outside the Reserve Bank Building.
At the start, i’m seeing 2 podgy Labor Party types in black Shirts reading Revolution and Just Do It.
Then there’s someone carrying the Red Flag.
All the Marchers are podgy Labor Party types.
I’d like to see a list of the Speakers at the Rally following the March.
Labor and Socialist Alliance to a man, i’d guess.
Ed Casesays:
November 21, 2021 at 5:25 pm
Watching the Vids, Tony.
There’s a guy in Hi Viz and Dreads, does he count as “Diversity”?
Other than that it’s all white.
Looking at what Mr Ed said, I suspect that he was in the Ante-Fa march.
Wage slaves, heading to the train station on a Monday morning … 😕
I’m cwoss. Vewy cwoss.
I have been watching the Adele special on Channel 7. She should only sing and not speak a word when not singing. The interview with Oprah is revealing her as an absolute ditz.