True, but it’s caused by your incessant narcissistic pubbling and you mentioned the hospitality sector. You posted this in highlight:
(This is 100% of the available facts, as per the hospitality industry delegates to the govt)
Drills, you’re a simple creature, consequently I didn’t read any further as I believed it was going to be another bout of narcissistic pubbling. Forgive me, if it’s not pubbling it could only be those like Croc dundeeing, outbacking etc and you did mention hospitality, so naturally I went for the regular narcissism, (or NP for short).
Let’s start again.. what were you trying to say. I can’t be fucked scrolling back. so just post what you were attempting to convey here?
It affects the lives of all people who may find themselves in Qld.
Sure. Even Whitsundays as we’re thinking of heading that way if the weather clears up? Do you know?
November 26, 2021 5:36 pm
Re some comments earlier this arvo.
Struth has been more right than wrong about this whole shitshow.
IOC medical director Richard Budgett said, “You don’t need to use testosterone [to decide who can compete] at all.” “We really want to make sure that athletes are not pressured or coerced into making a harmful decision about their bodies,” said IOC head of human rights Magali Martowicz.
What a circus!
November 26, 2021 5:39 pm
I know, I get it. I get what you mean, but outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
Not so JC, the sum total around our Major Hazardous Facility compliance was A$1M.
The site was arbitrarily designated one despite only meeting 50% of the volume threshold.
Then there is the whole bureaucracy monitoring and checking on us.
November 26, 2021 5:39 pm
Bruce in WAsays:
November 26, 2021 at 4:14 pm
There is exactly zero point zero percent chance this is “Unintended”.
A lot of serious recreational/professional shooters reload their own because otherwise decent ammo (centrefire) is very expensive.
Next will be an “accidental” tobacco style tax on ammo to ratchet the price to buggery.
When announcing the changes, WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson pledged to review the move in 12 months, but firearms industry figures say action needs to be taken now.
November 26, 2021 5:42 pm
If Covid doesn’t kill us all, imagine when biology ignores “feelings”.
Wards full of old women with prostate cancer and old men with ovarian cancer.
In early 2020, after the Black Summer fires had incinerated thousands of hectares of forests in south-east NSW, I drove the back roads inland from Eden. It was hard to comprehend the devastation: biologically diverse, dry sclerophyll forests had become charred wastelands overnight. The fires burned with such ferocity that they consumed everything in their path. Hillsides already scarred from woodchip logging were completely bare – you could see the sea from 10 kilometres inland.
2 frauds fellating each other…
Delta A
November 26, 2021 5:44 pm
November 26, 2021 at 4:15 pm
Good post, JC.
Amid all the doom and gloom here lately it’s great to read such positivity from an expert in the field.
November 26, 2021 5:45 pm
Just an observation but you JC & Beyonce don’t get as many upvotes as Struth, I wonder why?
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 5:48 pm
I know, I get it. I get what you mean, but outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
Errr…. Not as unburdensome as you might think.
Ask anybody who worked for Brindabella Airlines back in the day, before CASA really got their claws in.
And the Rail Regulator here knows how vicious it can be, that it introduced the concept of So Far As Is Reasonably Practical into all its rules and regs and Elements, and all but babysits everyone other than the big commercial players who can afford entire Compliance Departments.
Today, is Black Friday, which is a shopping extravaganza day with origins in the US. My Dad said to me that in the Australian context, days named as Black refer to catastrophic bush fires rather than hyped up shopping mall experiences. However unintentional, trivialising what is some of the most shocking of human experiences is unfortunate.
I think Dad’s right, we should remember what Black means to Australians, despite at the moment that other great Australian catastrophe – major flooding – being to the fore.
(Below is part of a letter I wrote to a very small local paper last year in response to another correspondent attempting to link the 2019-20 bushfires to climate change).
Australia has suffered major bush fires over many decades, the worst of which occurred in the years 1851, 1926, 1939, 1944, 1967, 1974-75, 1983, 1993-94, 2009, 2019-20 with numerous inquiries enacted to examine the causes and find ways to mitigate the risks.
The Victorian Stretton Royal Commission of 1939 reports thus, ‘it appeared the whole State of Victoria was alight on [Black] Friday, 13 January 1939,’ while in NSW (from wikipedia), ‘The fires burned from the South Coast across the ranges inland to Bathurst, while Sydney was ringed by fires which entered the outer suburbs, [and fires] raged towards the new capital at Canberra [and] in the Adelaide Hills…’
The 1939 Royal Commission found that the fires, like in other years, were the result primarily of arson and were due to campfires etc, which were ‘…allowed to burn “under control” as it was falsely and dangerously called.’
Following the 1943-44 Victorian fires the Second Stretton Royal Commission brought about the Country Fire Authority.
As with all the most devastating fires, the 1851 Black Thursday fires must have been horrendous. (Wikipedia),’Twelve human lives were lost, along with one million sheep, thousands of cattle and countless native animals.’
The temperatures, conditions and behaviour of the fires in 1851 mirror the latter disasters. Very dry conditions, extremely high temperatures and an ignition source (whether deliberate, accidental or natural), were the major factors. (From Wikipedia) ‘…the air which blew down from the north resembled the breath of a furnace. A fierce wind arose, gathering strength and velocity…until about noon it blew with the violence of a tornado…wrapp[ing] the whole country in a sheet of flame…By eleven it was about 47 degrees in the shade…The hot north wind was so strong that thick black smoke reached northern Tasmania creating a murky mist…[all] was consumed by the rushing fire leaving a quarter of Victoria in a heap of desolate ruins…The intense heat could be felt 32 klms out to sea where a ship came under burning ember attack…’
These accounts and others are what a Black Day means in Australia.
November 26, 2021 5:51 pm
Just an observation but you JC & Beyonce don’t get as many upvotes as Struth, I wonder why?
Maybe, unlike Struth, I don’t get all the other workers at Baker’s Delight to upvote for me.
November 26, 2021 5:51 pm
I know, I get it. I get what you mean, but outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
If you are a small startup it can be crippling.
If you are Bunnings then its great, cripple competition before it starts.
Basically the biggest tech boom happened because it was unregulated and ignored.
Now its a huge scale it still ‘booms” but generally through a handful of very large blobs “acquiring” what they see as potential competitors.
November 26, 2021 5:52 pm
Meh! only a looser worries about popularity. Only ones that matter are close family and friends.
A meeting of minds: Bill Gammage and Bruce Pascoe on Indigenous life
By Mark McKenna
AUSTRALIA: Country: Future Fire, Future Farming, Bill Gammage & Bruce Pascoe, Thames & Hudson, $21.99
In early 2020, after the Black Summer fires had incinerated thousands of hectares of forests in south-east NSW, I drove the back roads inland from Eden. It was hard to comprehend the devastation: biologically diverse, dry sclerophyll forests had become charred wastelands overnight. The fires burned with such ferocity that they consumed everything in their path. Hillsides already scarred from woodchip logging were completely bare – you could see the sea from 10 kilometres inland.
2 frauds fellating each other…
Jennifer Marohasy is a big fan of gammage. Gammage’s thesis is that the 3rd nations deliberately eschewed technological development and chose a more natural life so as to minimise their footprint on nature. Gammage ignores the fact that each of the 3 nations tried to exterminate each other, burnt the whole continent changing it from rainforest to arid and semi-arid vegetation and exterminated the Mega Fauna, the biggest man made animal extinction ever. Gammage is a fucking idiot.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
November 26, 2021 5:56 pm
Gammage is a fucking idiot.
Harsh, but fair!
November 26, 2021 5:56 pm
Hey Beyonce you are a member of the Biggles fan club, maybe you can give us an update on his whereabouts?
November 26, 2021 at 5:45 pm
Just an observation but you JC & Beyonce don’t get as many upvotes as Struth, I wonder why?”
Just an observation but JC generally gets more upvotes than you, I wonder why?
November 26, 2021 6:01 pm
November 26, 2021 at 5:38 pm
IOC medical director Richard Budgett said, “You don’t need to use testosterone [to decide who can compete] at all.” “We really want to make sure that athletes are not pressured or coerced into making a harmful decision about their bodies,” said IOC head of human rights Magali Martowicz.
What a circus!
So human rights are negotiable. What about applying the same logic to the clot shot.
November 26, 2021 6:03 pm
You Cassie don’t wonder why there may be a conflict of interest between your Premier & his old man being a member of the world bank..
Doesn’t get any dumber than that.
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2021 6:04 pm
UKHSA Efficacy Stats Death Watch: Week 47: still a pandemic of the vaccinated.
Wow, Dover, won’t the very last graph knock the socks off the pollies and their pet CHOs. If they ever see it (unlikely as I think it will be buried deep by the health weenies) they’ll be soiling their trousers in huge amount.
November 26, 2021 6:05 pm
Thanks delta…
Thanks Rickw for that stuff about compliance. One of these days get my email address from you know who and tell me the industry as I’m interested. I don’t dox.:-)
November 26, 2021 6:08 pm
Scooting over to Wagga for tomorrows march/rally.
The harvest has been effectively ruined for most of NSW grain growers west of the Newell Hwy and I’m guessing a lot on the eastern side too, given the volume of rain.
Some northern growers were able to get a lot of their cereals off but only some.
Down here, hardly anyone had a chance to do much wheat.
World milling wheat stocks are very tight and about to get tighter.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 6:11 pm
Struth has been more right than wrong about this whole shitshow.
Except that the rest of the free-thinking world (and the Cat) has long moved on to Action.
Struth is still stuck at Awareness, and now abusing us all because we haven’t kissed his diesel-splashed Blunnies enough for his internet-derived insights…
November 26, 2021 6:12 pm
The harvest has been effectively ruined for most of NSW grain growers west of the Newell Hwy and I’m guessing a lot on the eastern side too, given the volume of rain.
This mean a lot of fodder grade grains, or will it be too mouldy/shot to be any good?
November 26, 2021 at 6:03 pm
You Cassie don’t wonder why there may be a conflict of interest between your Premier & his old man being a member of the world bank..
Doesn’t get any dumber than that.”
And what exactly is the conflict of interest Dummybum?
…outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
This could be written only by someone who has never had to cook for themselves in the tangle of pointless compliance (the Australia dead pair of hands of regulation) that constricts business in Australia.
Fat Tony
November 26, 2021 6:12 pm
November 26, 2021 6:13 pm
Angry Rex, Struth is still only trying to warn people, you have a personal fight with him, that is your only reasoning.
CMD Longtime Lurker
November 26, 2021 6:15 pm
JC is the common denominator in all stoushes.
If he could be muted the thread clogging would end.
November 26, 2021 6:16 pm
No one can stake a claim to an original thought especially in the internet age.
November 26, 2021 6:17 pm
132andBush says:
November 26, 2021 at 5:36 pm
Re some comments earlier this arvo.
Struth has been more right than wrong about this whole shitshow.
Most others have been more wrong than right.
The end.
I wish it were the end, but the, ‘Relax, all Vacs have some side effects, you’re still better off with these untested Wu Flu Jabs, err, Vacs (that are being tested, on you and kids), than without; trust the Govts, Big Pharma & the Quacks they have over a barrel & between a rock & a hard place, to only be doing the very best for you & yours, whether you want it or not …’, Mobsters, will never quit pushing what it pays them to push.
I love the way the Queenslanders here are so dismissive and sneering about other states’ premiers yet they say nothing about the grotesque dumb arse who’s currently premier of QLD and who was elected for a third term in another landslide last year.
I’ll take Perrottet any day over Palaszczuk.
November 26, 2021 6:19 pm
Cassie have you ever read anything about the evolution of the banking industry?
I suggest videos like all wars are bankers wars, or the sellout of the USA with Woodrow Wilson in 1913.
I mostly like your posts but you are a one track poster.
Now insult me some more please.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 6:19 pm
JC is the common denominator in all stoushes.
If he could be muted the thread clogging would end.
Have you run that past JC?
November 26, 2021 6:22 pm
This mean a lot of fodder grade grains, or will it be too mouldy/shot to be any good?
We had 40mm earlier in the week and got the water cart bogged the week before trying to do a burn off. (Got it out with 200L left in the utes water tank!)
Great looking crops, but they’re all still in the paddock down our way.
November 26, 2021 6:22 pm
Time for some more dad jokes, Bear. My online wife is late with his cooking tips.
Dr. Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology whistleblower found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine. ‘They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money from Big Pharma.’”
“H B Bearsays:
November 26, 2021 at 6:24 pm
I’ll take Perrottet any day over Palaszczuk.
He’s less worser.”
Yes, I’m not saying he’s perfect, although as I live in NSW I actually prefer him over Gladys although it isn’t a high bar. However but I don’t think Perrottet is some Soros plant just because his father worked (or still works) for the World Bank.
November 26, 2021 6:27 pm
No buyer for the crops down my way so rain isn’t going to make a difference.
Delta A
November 26, 2021 6:27 pm
Tony, why on earth would you ban JC.
He has his finger on the pulse of monetary activity and I’m sure there’s more than one Cat who has made a motza from his stock market tips.
…Ooh, does that make me a bff, to be banned?
As for the stoushes: scroll if they annoy you.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 6:28 pm
That’d be a strange thing to do.
Not in NSW.
November 26, 2021 6:30 pm
Cassie you don’t think there is some influence between father & son?
Give me a break, the western world is run by bankers,lawyers & politicians & if you can’t see that then yes you are a dumb poster & I was wrong liking your posts.
I did like the Morrison is an arsehole stuff though.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 6:31 pm
Gladys seems to be having trouble with the low bar herself.
“Give me a break, the western world is run by bankers,lawyers & politicians & if you can’t see that then yes you are a dumb poster & I was wrong liking your posts”
Cassie have you ever read anything about the evolution of the banking industry?
I suggest videos like all wars are bankers wars, or the sellout of the USA with Woodrow Wilson in 1913.
You mouth breathing imbecile.
Delta A
November 26, 2021 6:38 pm
I mostly like your posts but you are a one track poster.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Cassie is one of the most informed and articulate posters on this blog. I am constantly amazed at the extent of her knowledge, and her recall ability. The Cat would be bereft without her input.
You, OTOH, are very good at abuse, and little else.
November 26, 2021 6:40 pm
Australian troops and federal police have been deployed to the Solomon Islands amid violent protests that have rocked the Pacific island country.
There has been rioting and damage to property as angry demonstrators call for the resignation of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare over his recent strengthening of ties with China.
Chinese officials say they’re “seriously concerned” about attacks on some Chinese citizens and institutions and warned any attempt to interfere with its relationship with the Solomon Islands government is “useless”.
Gammage’s thesis is that the 3rd nations deliberately eschewed technological development and chose a more natural life so as to minimise their footprint on nature.
What a fantasist.
This fabricated nonsense hurts Aborigines. It does not help them.
Cassie you assumed all of us in Qld support the duck, we don’t, we all in Australia are influenced by the media, not me or many others.
But the media is influenced & paid for by your banking friends.
The info about corrupt media & bankers is freely available, go look for it.
Hey & insult me, that may make you feel better.
November 26, 2021 6:45 pm
You, OTOH, are very good at abuse, and little else.
I really have to disagree on that Delta. Bundy has always been low energy snark at best.
“But the media is influenced & paid for by your banking friends.
The info about corrupt media & bankers is freely available, go look for it.
Hey & insult me, that may make you feel better.”
Oh…gosh, who are my banking friends? I don’t know anyone who works in banking. What are you inferring? These banking conspiracy theories are straight out of League of Rights and Lyndon La Rot booklets.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 6:49 pm
Angry Rex, Struth is still only trying to warn people
About what, Shit Dribbler?
It’s only the same redigested, recycled memes of agony and woe that have been circulating since forever.
As I said, the rest of the free-thinking world (including me) have moved on to Doing Something About It. No matter how seemingly insignificant.
Struth has not. And neither have you, as his sycophant and toady.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 6:51 pm
But the media is influenced & paid for by your banking friends.
Uh-oh. Shit Dribbler’s attempting to go full Bird.
You never go full Bird…
November 26, 2021 6:52 pm
Always leads to that, alway.
November 26, 2021 6:53 pm
CMD Longtime Lurker says:
November 26, 2021 at 6:15 pm
JC is the common denominator in all stoushes.
If he could be muted the thread clogging would end.
Driller was suggesting people to scroll past comments one doesn’t like. Follow driller’s suggestion as it’s the only 10% worthwhile comment in a decade.
Here’s the thing, CMD. I generally am not okay with either stupid comments or stupid commenters. I do accuse moronic commenters of being moronic and moronic comments being moronic and I 98.56% explain why.
It doesn’t deter you from lurking, so I don’t quite get the point of your complaint.
Shit is happening and politics etc is a hot chilli subject at the moment. If arguments upset you can I suggest perhaps where the gals talk about how to suckle a hungry kid and how their hubbies are mean at times.
I find people who simply lurk and then offer instructions on how others can be more entertaining to them really weird and kind of cowardly. If you’re demanding free entertainment then go watch The Block on free to air. Otherwise you could participate and entertain Bear, who appears sick of playing bingo these days and comes on here to annoy me. 🙂 I love Bear though.
November 26, 2021 6:55 pm
You spend your time here saying nothing worthwhile and oozing sanctimony. Is there any possibility you can improve on your comments or at least get a ghost writer to write them for you?
I 2nd tht
November 26, 2021 7:01 pm
When is Dan Andrews being put in gaol for interference with the police process to get his wife off a DUI charge?
Same time as the SA Attorney General, Josh Teague does for corruptly using SAPOL to silence his critics?
Fat Tony
November 26, 2021 7:02 pm
Delta A says:
November 26, 2021 at 6:27 pm
Tony, why on earth would you ban JC.
He has his finger on the pulse of monetary activity and I’m sure there’s more than one Cat who has made a motza from his stock market tips.
…Ooh, does that make me a bff, to be banned?
As for the stoushes: scroll if they annoy you
Delta A – I asked for them to have their own thread, not banned from the Cat – only from the OT.
And it takes 2 to tango as they say. His BFFs could just ignore if they want…so it’s the lot of them.
I too like JC and his posts on general & financial matters – can be very interesting.
I have a bit of arthritis in my hands and last night I was getting cramps in my scrolling finger.
Check it out – I gave up after a while & did something else.
Scary news if true, I don’t know what order Father Bugnolo belongs too, nor the accuracy of his projections.
Delta A
November 26, 2021 7:14 pm
I asked for them to have their own thread, not banned from the Cat
Tony, I agree; the stoushing is endless and annoying, and very rarely entertaining. A scrolling challenge – as you point out – for an arthritis sufferer. But Zk2A and Pub Steve are as much to blame as JC… moreso, in fact, because their comebacks are never as witty as his.
November 26, 2021 7:14 pm
Before Rabz gets in with the evening’s music. I just discovered the band Fanny from the US in the early seventies. As one wag in the comments section mentioned, “four girls, one bra”. Probably a hate crime. Still they do a pretty good job of it, odd that they flew under the radar for so long.
Bernardi and Canavan are discussing medical treatment being withheld from people unvaxxed. Leads me to wonder the worth of keeping Private Medical Insurance if one is unvaxxed, since it seems the medical establishments are writing the rules to ban 10% of the population.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:18 pm
But Zk2A and Pub Steve are as much to blame as JC… moreso, in fact, because their comebacks are never as witty as his.
That sounds more like a challenge than a criticism…
One of the commenters referred to being informed that a doctor (not sure what type) has refused to provide medical treatment/service because of his/her unvaxxed status. Reignite Democracy Australia has put up on its website a letter for people to use in such circumstances.
CMD Longtime Lurkersays: November 26, 2021 at 6:15 pm
18 words observing that JC is in all stoushes.
JCsays: November 26, 2021 at 6:53 pm
Responds by starting a fresh stoush to prove he doesn’t stoush.
Uh… huh.
November 26, 2021 7:19 pm
I’m lurking and dicklessly upticking.
November 26, 2021 7:20 pm
Fat Tony
Trust me, I’d be fine if the Touretting and narcissistic pubbling could be sent to the tourette’s and narcissistic pubbling thread. I’d also give some serious thought about Hallward Hughes and a couple of other no-hopers. There are about six of the imbeciles.
How about the imbeciles and morons thread?
November 26, 2021 7:21 pm
Scrolled the stoush, but enjoyed JC’s upbeat outlook.
All the best for the intrepid demonstrators tomorrow.
JC is free to lay off the personal abuse.
(His abuse wouldn’t be tolerated anywhere else.)
His choice.
He has no special right to use cheap sarcasm & not be called the same names in return.
(He seems to not like taking it, apparently that’s not as much fun as giving it)
His choice.
November 26, 2021 7:23 pm
Scooting over to Wagga for tomorrows march/rally.
The harvest has been effectively ruined for most of NSW grain growers west of the Newell Hwy and I’m guessing a lot on the eastern side too, given the volume of rain.
Some northern growers were able to get a lot of their cereals off but only some.
Down here, hardly anyone had a chance to do much wheat.
See you there! Actually, I hope that you are lost in a huge crowd..
135mm here, but the canola has yet to be windrowed and the wheat is still gree enough to not be harmed. These are later-than-average crops about 1/2 way between Wagga and Albury, so I’m still hoping.
The most immediate concern is how to get trucks in and out of the paddocks. Had an earthmoving contractor in yesterday for some estimates, but there is no good gravel close to, that can be accessed with things this wet.
November 26, 2021 7:24 pm
Thanks, Calli, at 7.19pm. Laughed out loud.
PS, Cassie: “friend of bankers” sounds like rhyming slang. Who gives a pharque.
Fat Tony
November 26, 2021 7:25 pm
Delta A says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:14 pm
I asked for them to have their own thread, not banned from the Cat
Tony, I agree; the stoushing is endless and annoying, and very rarely entertaining. A scrolling challenge – as you point out – for an arthritis sufferer. But Zk2A and Pub Steve are as much to blame as JC… moreso, in fact, because their comebacks are never as witty as his.
I agree – but JC needs to lift his game. He is capable of much better…
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2021 7:26 pm
He’s less worser.”
Yes, I’m not saying he’s perfect
Cassie – He hasn’t booted Matt Kean. That is a big tell. His Covid policies are also childish and ignorant of reality at best, lies at worst (eg we all still have to wear stupid masks in church after 15 Dec).
As soon as there’s a seasonal rise in cases on the back of depleted immunity after 8 months or so he will go right to water.
Trust me, I’d be fine if the Touretting and narcissistic pubbling could be sent to the tourette’s and narcissistic pubbling thread. I’d also give some serious thought about Hallward Hughes and a couple of other no-hopers. There are about six of the imbeciles.
I’ve been accused of being a “one track poster”…….LOL….so I’ve looked back at my comments today and they’re quite varied…I try to be varied most days.
1. This morning I posted a comment which was about Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s piece in Unherd about how the left want to normalise pedophilia and polygamy.
2. My second comment was about seeing anti-News Corporation posters plastered on a bus stop here in Paddington…which I tore off with my fingernails. I suspect that this is the beginning of a GetUp campaign here in Wentworth.
3. This afternoon I posted a comment about how last week it was Meddick’s weirdo sprog claiming to be targeted because of who his father is and how today Martin Foley apparently has received a bomb threat.
So I think that I’ve been more than a one trick poster today……oh I know, apologies everyone, I haven’t posted anything about……..banking conspiracies. Sorry, but I don’t have any.
November 26, 2021 7:29 pm
It’s the science Bruce.
As best I can tell religious services for the unvaxxed in Victoria, while limited to max 50 are mask free.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
November 26, 2021 at 7:26 pm
He’s less worser.”
Yes, I’m not saying he’s perfect
Cassie – He hasn’t booted Matt Kean. “
I know BoN….but at least he’s put Chant back into the box.
Fat Tony
November 26, 2021 7:30 pm
calli says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:21 pm Scrolled the stoush, but enjoyed JC’s upbeat outlook.
All the best for the intrepid demonstrators tomorrow.
Hi calli – I’m planning on going to the Toowoomba one tomorrow – been pretty wet around here.
I’m not really sure on what it will be like – even though I have lived there over 55 years.
CMD Longtime Lurker
November 26, 2021 7:32 pm
JC needs to lift his game. He is capable of much better
That remains to be seen.
Ban who you like.
If you want to stop stoushing you all know there is only one ban that will do it.
November 26, 2021 7:33 pm
Bernardi and Canavan are discussing medical treatment being withheld from people unvaxxed. Leads me to wonder the worth of keeping Private Medical Insurance if one is unvaxxed, since it seems the medical establishments are writing the rules to ban 10% of the population.
Good reason to stop paying tax too….
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:33 pm
I’ve been accused of being a “one track poster”…….LOL….so I’ve looked back at my comments today and they’re quite varied…I try to be varied most days.
At least you didn’t distract half the Cat into ever-wilder Civil War anecdotes yesterday…
One of my better ones, I must admit.
Fat Tony
November 26, 2021 7:34 pm
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:29 pm
Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??
Just tell them to get fucked and ignore them.
November 26, 2021 7:34 pm
JC is free to lay off the personal abuse.
Driller is free to lay off attacking people parents and making racist sledges
(His abuse wouldn’t be tolerated anywhere else.)
Racist sledging is actually illegal.
He has no special right to use cheap sarcasm & not be called the same names in return.
Driller has no special right to either sledge people families . Also, Driller has no special right to lie as that is a disgusting form of abuse.
(He seems to not like taking it, apparently that’s not as much fun as giving it)
Doesn’t worry me in the least. However, the doxing shouldn’t be tolerated.
His choice.
No, it’s his choice.
Question, it’s Friday night. Is Queensland hospitality very quite or hopping busy? I ask because one particular third level hospitality service provider appears to be more interested in lying on a blog and posting general dishonesty. Does anyone know if pubs and restaurants are busy up there?
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 7:34 pm
I’ve been accused of being a “one track poster” …
Don’t worry about it. Give yourself a dickless uptick. That’s what I do.
November 26, 2021 7:34 pm
Is there a new open thread at midnight on Saturday morning?
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:35 pm
If you want to stop stoushing you all know there is only one ban that will do it.
Yeah, but Bird hasn’t turned up in over a month.
How is Dover supposed to ban him when he is not around to be banned? Heck, the fruit loop hasn’t even turned up at the Dash Cat since September or October.
I fear one of my nano-wrigglers has eaten him…
November 26, 2021 7:36 pm
Reignite Democracy Australia has put up on its website a letter for people to use in such circumstances.
Thanks BBS, I will check that out, very handy.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:37 pm
I’m not really sure on what it will be like – even though I have lived there over 55 years.
You will probably only see violence if the CWA does not provide tea and scones…
November 26, 2021 7:38 pm
Yet another anecdotal reason to doubt vaccine adverse event reporting.
Super-fit young woman – she runs up mountains for enjoyment – collapses within 24hrs of her second shot. She’s medically-trained and is in a very good position to state categorically that she had no previous signs of this condition. Has gone from being able to climb 8000m – the equivalent of Everest – in a day, to being hardly able to walk to the mailbox.
Hospital staff cannot identify any other potential cause, but refuse to report this reaction as a potential vaccine reaction.
Whistleblowing nurses report that Drs are extremely reluctant to sign VAE reports… doing so is regarded as evidence that you are “anti-vaxx”.
Driller is free to lay off attacking people parents and making racist sledges
Examples of both… now!
Anytime over the past couple of months will do………. GO!!
Driller has no special right to lie as that is a disgusting form of abuse.
You do judge people by your own standards.
You’re not able to point to even one lie I’ve told.
You’re squibbing (several times each day) when required to back up a falsified comemnt.
“Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??”
What does that mean? And no, I’m not going anywhere. I’m catching up with Lizzie tomorrow night, I wish she’d come back.
November 26, 2021 7:39 pm
“Lurker” is talking about me, not Bird.
The lurker appears to be Adonis as I can smell that decaying carcass from a couple of miles away. He tried to have me banned for no reason at all from Zipster’s blog/chat board. I’d actually love to see Adonis back because he does incredibly good face plants. The best in the business.
November 26, 2021 7:39 pm
He’s got you needing to prove yourself Cassie, totally unnecessary.
November 26, 2021 7:40 pm
Drove through torrential rain to another Port – the Macquarie one. On my way to see rellos at the Qld border.
Interesting comments today, and chimed oddly but not surprisingly with my day. This morning I was advising some of my (more) elderly friends not to rely on the vaccines or boosters completely – they must look after their general health, particularly weight.
We are all going to get it, one way or the other.
They were surprised. In all the deluge of “signalling” not a word of this simple, yet effective countermeasure. It’s as if the very idea of being “healthy” has disappeared.
November 26, 2021 7:41 pm
I think Phon has something that will work with these cartoons. Entertaining snippets of how badly government is fucking people:
Yes bespoke. Never be cornered by a nark. You are who you are. All the profiling and lies will not change that one iota.
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2021 7:42 pm
Rosie – I also think the masks in “religious services” thing may be due to a certain other religion where the guys are check-by jowl on their faces during prayers. But have to extend the restriction to everyone else too because it wouldn’t do to say that.
I’d be less annoyed if they actually work, but they don’t. Which always makes me feel like I’m encouraging a lie. But I doubt Perrottet has enough science to know why they don’t.
I do wear masks because of Mt 17:24-27, that I avoid offending those who also don’t. But it always leaves me annoyed.
Check out this insane level of skill and hand eye coordination:
Absolutely brilliant.
November 26, 2021 7:43 pm
You’re not able to point to even one lie I’ve told.
Just one, right. There are many, many others, but just one?
Defending Marcus Adonis by denying his blatant plagiarism on the other blog is a good straight example and should get you a lifetime ban from every blog in Australia.
Anyway fuck off and stop talking to me or about me, as Dover wants that to happen.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 7:44 pm
I don’t think Perrottet is some Soros plant just because his father worked (or still works) for the World Bank.
No. NO!
Don’t you sEe? It’s thousands of years in the making!
The Knights Templar! Wake up sheeple!!1!!!11!
Seriously – as with the health department simpleton overlords, some people are using this genuine, genuine covid/vax/mandate nonsense to spout so much shit, to be desperately looked up to as the harbingers of doom that you have to wonder what else they have in their lives.
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:39 pm
“Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??”
What does that mean? And no, I’m not going anywhere. I’m catching up with Lizzie tomorrow night, I wish she’d come back.
It means that Lizzie took the shit personal instead of just telling them to get fucked – as I suggested to her.
You don’t need to explain yourself to wankers – if anything, a hearty get fucked will do.
This blog started out really well, then as Bird trashed the other one, a few of the usual suspects dribbled in, slumped into the settees and decided that “New Catallaxy” had to have all the same stupid crap as old Catallaxy, and they continued on as if the old one had not been abandoned by it’s owner as events globally prove his libertarian fantasies to be the deluded crap they always were.
This tiny, tony minority of posters then decided tgst this was their new libertarian clubhouse and began haranguing anyone on the OT, including mild and decent guys like BON if they don’t genuflect to those lame libertarian sacred scripts.
I reckon the rot that will kill the joint wafted in with them.
November 26, 2021 7:45 pm
Good reason to stop paying tax too….
Just got my most recent rates notice. Going to request a re-assessment, now I can’t officially use 90% of the BS services that you provide…..
November 26, 2021 7:45 pm
We have those in Victoria too BoN
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:46 pm
Yet another anecdotal reason to doubt vaccine adverse event reporting.
Between Chantal Uren of WAPOL, your example and the Australian nursing whistleblower reddit page somebody linked to a few months back, I’d say that there is an organisational culture that is a far bigger problem than any mere conspiracist could dream up.
The problem being, nobody can overcome it. The system is too big and too many egos and careers are too deeply entrenched in this thing, to allow the truth out.
As unpopular as this will sound (and please Uptick to indicate your utter displeasure at my most unpopular opinion), the only way it can ever be lanced at all is to let it continue to fail. No amount of Struth-speaking or demands that somebody act for us all will achieve anything. We know what is happening. So do they. And we know that they are aware of their system, regardless of how furiously individuals in it may agree with us and desperately desire to do something.
So we keep rolling our eyes at the official Narrative, we keep going out and demonstrating. We keep up our conscionable acts of quiet, personal resistance and keep looking out for each other. The natural ebb and flow of public opinion will do the rest…
My guess is “mentally disabled” is now also hate speech.
Probably call them something like “fabulously cognitive wonderpersons” now.
But in five years time whatever it is they call them now will also be extremely rude and you’ll be locked up for accidentally calling one whatever that is.
The soon to be current descriptor will be “Challenge Overcome.”
See Kurt Schlicter’s latest effort – “Crisis”.
Bruce of Newcastle
November 26, 2021 7:52 pm
We have those in Victoria too BoN
Same principle. If the people in such establishments don’t like masks then the statewide policy would be that no one would wear masks. Which is more likely in a Labor state than a LNP state, since Labor are careful not to annoy one of their important vote sources.
November 26, 2021 7:53 pm
No. NO!
Don’t you sEe? It’s thousands of years in the making!
The soon to be current descriptor will be “Challenge Overcome.”
See Kurt Schlicter’s latest effort – “Crisis”.
Ooo! Thanks for the reminder!
I just got myself a new Kindle (after my last device was purchased some nine years ago and it’s been dead for at least six…). I need to go load up on his series.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 7:53 pm
Calling Grace Tame. Grace Tame to the podium, please (the NT News):
WHEN an Alice Springs mother was burnt to death by her partner her community was left with a single question: “Where was the national outrage?”.
On Thursday Federal Women’s Safety Minister Senator Anne Ruston described her visit to the Hidden Valley town camp where two weeks earlier a 34-year-old woman was murdered, on November 5.
Police Commissioner Jamie Chalker revealed the woman was seeking shelter from her violent 36-year-old parner when he poured accelerant over the door and set it alight.
The 34-year-old woman suffered significant burns, and passed away in hospital two days later. The alleged offender died as a result of the burns seven days later.
Mr Chalker said only hours earlier she texted her young daughter: “Today your dad is going to kill me. I love you, please don’t cry for me”.
The lady was hiding in the dunny, or trying to. The house was in the camps, of course.
“It means that Lizzie took the shit personal instead of just telling them to get fucked – as I suggested to her.
You don’t need to explain yourself to wankers – if anything, a hearty get fucked will do.”
I don’t take it personally FT…..certainly not anything Runnybum writes. I’ve only ever taken one thing personally and that was a long time ago. But yes, one should never be too sensitive.
November 26, 2021 7:54 pm
I reckon the rot that will kill the joint wafted in with them.
What a debbie downer. Your depressing comments and the way you suppress commenting at your silly threads is what would actually kill a blog.
You were unable to understand that frightening people from commenting to those thought leader threads of yours was actually 100% libertarian. It’s your property and therefore your rules. Also would end having .001% chance of ever succeeding.
As for the other blog, stop hallucinating that it was somehow not doing well. It was pulling in at times 30K readers a day. The fact that you didn’t like aspects of how it operated is neither here or there. You didn’t like its libertarian instincts? No one forced you to post there.
I bet if you started a blog and didn’t hide behind Dover’s coattails , then pretending you owned the place, you would get a single visitor each day. You! Thought leader.
November 26, 2021 7:55 pm
Bernardi and Canavan are discussing medical treatment being withheld from people unvaxxed.
Given the quality of care that is being inflicted on everyone, that’s not necessarily a bad thing!
I’m starting to think the only thing that the medical profession can actually do properly is replace ball joints, clean pipes and patch up holes, gashes and dents in the bodywork and frame.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:55 pm
And we know that they know we are aware of their system,
Slight correction to my post above.
November 26, 2021 7:55 pm
Just read the history of the banking industry, it isn’t hard.
“WHEN an Alice Springs mother was burnt to death by her partner “
Ms Tame, along with the always outraged feminist hag squad…….Skanky Keneally, Franky Wong, Plibbers and co won’t be interested because the “partner” isn’t white, isn’t Anglo-Saxon, isn’t a private school boy and isn’t a Liberal voter or staffer.
It’s Remarkable
November 26, 2021 7:58 pm
Currently in central NSW it is 13 degrees, with wind chill 11C.
Where is this Global Warming, whoops… I mean Climate Change, that is so much talked about.
And wet as….. so much for the crops this year, most will now be feed quality only.
And this Covid madness is all pervasive and making people (i.e. me) even more antsy. I am so over the whole thing.
Vaccinated – nup, never.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 7:59 pm
That’s right Cats, I said MOIST…
November 26, 2021 7:59 pm
This safe space idea sounds very ‘progressive’ , tell me more.
November 26, 2021 8:00 pm
Has never happened.
You prepared to bet on this one? How much? Escrowed.
Okay then maybe I’m wrong, do it now. Tell us just how shocked you were and how the act was unforgivably terrible.
You feel you have a right to cheap shot people all day every day without any blowback?
Dearie me.
Nope, I don’t have that right but you’ve never laid a glove. Is the pub busy, Drills? How’s it going on Friday night?
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:00 pm
Just read the history of the banking industry, it isn’t hard.
‘I’m not doing quite as well as my inherent genius tells me I should be. Therefore, it is someone else’s fault.’
November 26, 2021 8:02 pm
Answer the questions.
Is the American Federal Reserve a private bank?
Is the Bank of England a private bank?
Is the Australian federal reserve a private bank?
November 26, 2021 8:03 pm
I’m lurking and dicklessly upticking.
Small oversight on behalf of the code monkeys, you can upvote your own posts.
November 26, 2021 8:03 pm
Drove through torrential rain to another Port…
I was wondering where my torrential rain went.
Forecast 30-60mm.
So far today 1.8mm.
If only the BoM’s modelling for short range forecasts was as good
as the one they use for next century’s climate catastrophe.
November 26, 2021 8:03 pm
This safe space idea sounds very ‘progressive’ , tell me more.
It’s wonderful idea. No one’s views should ever be criticized, no one should ever feel pain and hurt and everyone should know that feeling comfortable about the most ridiculous idea or view is more important than being interesting.
That is the sound of Mr. “Big Bet” demanding people put up “serious money” as a bet on something, squibbing out of a bet on something he’s long mouthed off about.
When it came time to show the cards, he folded.
No choice, he was .. er.. mistaken… all along.
do it now. Tell us just how shocked you were and how the act was unforgivably terrible.
No. I’ve never commented, or even acknowledged. I’ve no idea if this event ever happened.
Your word is hardly credible enough for any sane person to commit themselves to the belief that something actually happened.
This one posted comment someone may or may not have made, years ago, seems to be an obsession with you.
This is unhealthy. Get over yourself…. or seek professional therapy.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:07 pm
And more importantly Shit Dribbler, what is the common thread you, in your brilliantly internet-derived ‘original thinking,’ wish to draw through all three institutions?
It does not happen to involve a certain Rocky Feller, or someone whose name starts with ‘Roth’ and ends in ‘Child,’ perchance?
If so, you can take your Protocols and jam them up your arse. And your tinfoil hat, too.
November 26, 2021 8:08 pm
In other news, the tap water in Port Mac is so highly chlorinated I can smell it.
I blame Covid. Nothing untoward could survive it.
H B Bear
November 26, 2021 8:09 pm
Keep an eye on you shoes.
If you know what I mean …
November 26, 2021 8:09 pm
Honest question and this really isn’t like one of those reverse, reverse and reverse insults I now have to do in order to pretend I’m nice to you so that it doesn’t upset snowflakes.
Tell me honestly, are you reading up at some blog about the Rothschilds. If you are, I beg you, literally beg you to stop as it always ends up at “Jew watch” and become just like Bird.
This blog started out really well, then as Bird trashed the other one, a few of the usual suspects dribbled in, slumped into the settees and decided that “New Catallaxy” had to have all the same stupid crap as old Catallaxy, and they continued on as if the old one had not been abandoned by it’s owner as events globally prove his libertarian fantasies to be the deluded crap they always were.
What are you arguing squire?
To fight to retain our liberties, the default position should be; liberty is bad? That will truly give us liberty?
To Newspeakian for me. You’re meant to learn from modern Chinese history, not imitate it.
Can you us how “recent events” (???) at all show us that Nozick, Rand, Mill, Freidman were all wrong?
November 26, 2021 8:09 pm
I haven’t watched Titanic a first time.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:10 pm
In all seriousness, Leonardo could have fit nicely on that raft at the end.
I would have pushed the chick off after pinching her jewellery.
Is the American Federal Reserve a private bank?
Is the Bank of England a private bank?
Is the Australian federal reserve a private bank?
No they are not you gullible imbecile.
November 26, 2021 8:11 pm
The replies to the banking question shows how dumb most here are.
To explain this system shows how stupid people on this site are.
Instead of giving me a hard time go do some research, but you will go JC info.
The banks have been fucking us over for years.
November 26, 2021 8:11 pm
When it came time to show the cards, he folded.
No choice, he was .. er.. mistaken… all along.
Lifting an entire thread, denying it to the end and then walking off was mistaken? Mistaken? FMD. That’s not mistaken, it’s thieving and lying to people!
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:12 pm
In other news, the tap water in Port Mac is so highly chlorinated I can smell it.
Seems to be a Perth thing at the moment, too.
Got any empty demineralised water or cordial bottles? If you fill them up from your sink and let them sit for a couple of hours with the lid off, the chloride ions seem to settle sufficently to make it drinkable. Also gives the tapwater time enough to cool down as well… 🙂
To fight to retain our liberties, the default position should be; liberty is bad? That will truly give us liberty?
You are a libertarian.
As such you have certain priorities and beliefs that I don’t share.
In other words, the world we want to arrive at is different.
That’s fine.
Accept it. If you want to know what I want and what I believe, I reckon in the many comments and posts I have made over the years it’s all there.
November 26, 2021 8:15 pm
Dothead, who owns the US federal reserve, it ain’t the US Government.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:16 pm
Instead of giving me a hard time go do some research
Here we go.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:16 pm
The banks have been fucking us over for years.
Remember how I was telling you before that most people (including the Cat) had long moved on from Awareness to Action? I.E. Doing Something About It.
Here is yet another example, Shit Dribbler. Catch the hell up!
Now go away and sulk.
November 26, 2021 8:16 pm
Don’t buy into this crap and save yourself.
Banks are particualrly unique entities because they are highly leveraged and as Dot once eloquently described it, they are uniquely vulnerable to sudden changes in inflation expectations.
Industrial companies may have perhaps 25% of their working capital as debt. Tech companies almost zero. Banks are perhaps around 12 to 1 leveraged. That is 12 dollars of debt to one of equity. They can go broke very easily relatively speaking.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:17 pm
The beauty of this blog.
Custard, had you scrolled back momentarily you would have been informed that it’s shit.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:17 pm
Dothead, who owns the US federal reserve, it ain’t the US Government.
Instead of giving me a hard time go do some research
Telling people to “research it yourself” is not discussion tactic that achieves a helluva lot.
For a stark example of how effective this lazy tactic is, try using it in a formal team-debate.
Pro-tip: For the least damage to your case, use this trick only when you’re the third speaker on the rebuttal team.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:19 pm
Instead of giving me a hard time go do some research
Dothead, who owns the US federal reserve, it ain’t the US Government.
The US government does have the controlling interesting by far. The government owns nearly all the stock and dictates everything about the place. The government controls the board by approving all board members including the chair.
Stop talking shit.
November 26, 2021 8:20 pm
Angry nobody, that shows your brain development, I made no baiting you total fuckwit.
Go get a truck.
” If you are, I beg you, literally beg you to stop as it always ends up at “Jew watch” and become just like Bird.”
Many years ago I went to a drasha once (a sermon) given by a rabbi…the rabbi said that anyone who reads the Protocols goes stark raving mad. He was right. You go down a rabbit hole from which you can never get out.
November 26, 2021 8:22 pm
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Border Closure says:
November 26, 2021 at 8:13 pm
Mistaken? FMD. That’s not mistaken, it’s thieving and lying to people!
I was being kind. (not want to scare you in this new safe space you’ve lobbied so hard for)
Okay,,, I’ll go with your version – You were lying.
LOl. Go away driller. You’re just pathetic and a sociopath.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:23 pm
Angry nobody, that shows your brain development, I made no baiting you total fuckwit.
So why have you gone Full Struth, then?
November 26, 2021 8:23 pm
JC, knowing the USA senate & government has control of the fed makes me feel real comfortable.
You absolute cunt.
Knuckle Dragger
November 26, 2021 8:23 pm
We’re All In This Together News (the Hun):
Disgraced MP Tim Smith has left Melbourne and gone overseas, as the Liberal Party prepares for a potentially damaging by-election in his Kew electorate.
The Saturday Herald Sun has confirmed Mr Smith, who hasn’t been seen publicly since a trainwreck press conference this month, has quietly slipped out of town.
Senior Liberals confirmed Mr Smith was overseas and say he is in Britain, where he has a large professional and social network.
November 26, 2021 8:24 pm
Many years ago I went to a drasha once (a sermon) given by a rabbi…the rabbi said that anyone who reads the Protocols goes stark raving mad. He was right. You go down a rabbit hole from which you can never get out.
It’s so true.
Anchor What
November 26, 2021 8:24 pm
Arky is right – again.
Rex Anger
November 26, 2021 8:25 pm
Go get a truck
Errr… No.
I quite like trucks and most truckies and want them to prosper at their jobs and lives.
‘Getting’ a truck for me means something terrible has happened. Something I would much prefer to avoid.
November 26, 2021 8:26 pm
JC, knowing the USA senate & government has control of the fed makes me feel real comfortable.
You absolute cunt.
No one is trying to place you in a safe space, Ted. I was answering your dimwitted question about the ownership of the Fed.
Have you got to the Rothschilds yet? If so, stop and go to a shrink asap to clear your head.
The science is settled pt34.
Come here and kiss Mummy’s bleach,yuk. Put it away you deviate.
True, but it’s caused by your incessant narcissistic pubbling and you mentioned the hospitality sector. You posted this in highlight:
Drills, you’re a simple creature, consequently I didn’t read any further as I believed it was going to be another bout of narcissistic pubbling. Forgive me, if it’s not pubbling it could only be those like Croc dundeeing, outbacking etc and you did mention hospitality, so naturally I went for the regular narcissism, (or NP for short).
Let’s start again.. what were you trying to say. I can’t be fucked scrolling back. so just post what you were attempting to convey here?
Sure. Even Whitsundays as we’re thinking of heading that way if the weather clears up? Do you know?
Re some comments earlier this arvo.
Struth has been more right than wrong about this whole shitshow.
Most others have been more wrong than right.
The end.
UKHSA Efficacy Stats Death Watch: Week 47: still a pandemic of the vaccinated.
What a circus!
I know, I get it. I get what you mean, but outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
Not so JC, the sum total around our Major Hazardous Facility compliance was A$1M.
The site was arbitrarily designated one despite only meeting 50% of the volume threshold.
Then there is the whole bureaucracy monitoring and checking on us.
Bruce in WAsays:
November 26, 2021 at 4:14 pm
There is exactly zero point zero percent chance this is “Unintended”.
A lot of serious recreational/professional shooters reload their own because otherwise decent ammo (centrefire) is very expensive.
Next will be an “accidental” tobacco style tax on ammo to ratchet the price to buggery.
As “accidental” as this one.
“A used firearm say worth $500, to advertise that on the Australian market to sell it to get rid of it out of WA, where before it cost you before $40-$100 to transport it east … it now costs you over $300 to transport it,” he said.
When announcing the changes, WA Police Commissioner Chris Dawson pledged to review the move in 12 months, but firearms industry figures say action needs to be taken now.
If Covid doesn’t kill us all, imagine when biology ignores “feelings”.
Wards full of old women with prostate cancer and old men with ovarian cancer.
I suppose the non- binary get both or neither.
Blairs law strikes again…
A meeting of minds: Bill Gammage and Bruce Pascoe on Indigenous life
By Mark McKenna
AUSTRALIA: Country: Future Fire, Future Farming, Bill Gammage & Bruce Pascoe, Thames & Hudson, $21.99
In early 2020, after the Black Summer fires had incinerated thousands of hectares of forests in south-east NSW, I drove the back roads inland from Eden. It was hard to comprehend the devastation: biologically diverse, dry sclerophyll forests had become charred wastelands overnight. The fires burned with such ferocity that they consumed everything in their path. Hillsides already scarred from woodchip logging were completely bare – you could see the sea from 10 kilometres inland.
2 frauds fellating each other…
November 26, 2021 at 4:15 pm
Good post, JC.
Amid all the doom and gloom here lately it’s great to read such positivity from an expert in the field.
Just an observation but you JC & Beyonce don’t get as many upvotes as Struth, I wonder why?
Errr…. Not as unburdensome as you might think.
Ask anybody who worked for Brindabella Airlines back in the day, before CASA really got their claws in.
And the Rail Regulator here knows how vicious it can be, that it introduced the concept of So Far As Is Reasonably Practical into all its rules and regs and Elements, and all but babysits everyone other than the big commercial players who can afford entire Compliance Departments.
Today, is Black Friday, which is a shopping extravaganza day with origins in the US. My Dad said to me that in the Australian context, days named as Black refer to catastrophic bush fires rather than hyped up shopping mall experiences. However unintentional, trivialising what is some of the most shocking of human experiences is unfortunate.
I think Dad’s right, we should remember what Black means to Australians, despite at the moment that other great Australian catastrophe – major flooding – being to the fore.
(Below is part of a letter I wrote to a very small local paper last year in response to another correspondent attempting to link the 2019-20 bushfires to climate change).
Australia has suffered major bush fires over many decades, the worst of which occurred in the years 1851, 1926, 1939, 1944, 1967, 1974-75, 1983, 1993-94, 2009, 2019-20 with numerous inquiries enacted to examine the causes and find ways to mitigate the risks.
The Victorian Stretton Royal Commission of 1939 reports thus, ‘it appeared the whole State of Victoria was alight on [Black] Friday, 13 January 1939,’ while in NSW (from wikipedia), ‘The fires burned from the South Coast across the ranges inland to Bathurst, while Sydney was ringed by fires which entered the outer suburbs, [and fires] raged towards the new capital at Canberra [and] in the Adelaide Hills…’
The 1939 Royal Commission found that the fires, like in other years, were the result primarily of arson and were due to campfires etc, which were ‘…allowed to burn “under control” as it was falsely and dangerously called.’
Following the 1943-44 Victorian fires the Second Stretton Royal Commission brought about the Country Fire Authority.
As with all the most devastating fires, the 1851 Black Thursday fires must have been horrendous. (Wikipedia),’Twelve human lives were lost, along with one million sheep, thousands of cattle and countless native animals.’
The temperatures, conditions and behaviour of the fires in 1851 mirror the latter disasters. Very dry conditions, extremely high temperatures and an ignition source (whether deliberate, accidental or natural), were the major factors. (From Wikipedia) ‘…the air which blew down from the north resembled the breath of a furnace. A fierce wind arose, gathering strength and velocity…until about noon it blew with the violence of a tornado…wrapp[ing] the whole country in a sheet of flame…By eleven it was about 47 degrees in the shade…The hot north wind was so strong that thick black smoke reached northern Tasmania creating a murky mist…[all] was consumed by the rushing fire leaving a quarter of Victoria in a heap of desolate ruins…The intense heat could be felt 32 klms out to sea where a ship came under burning ember attack…’
These accounts and others are what a Black Day means in Australia.
Maybe, unlike Struth, I don’t get all the other workers at Baker’s Delight to upvote for me.
I know, I get it. I get what you mean, but outside of banking, broking and insurance compliance isn’t as burdensome.
If you are a small startup it can be crippling.
If you are Bunnings then its great, cripple competition before it starts.
Basically the biggest tech boom happened because it was unregulated and ignored.
Now its a huge scale it still ‘booms” but generally through a handful of very large blobs “acquiring” what they see as potential competitors.
Meh! only a looser worries about popularity. Only ones that matter are close family and friends.
Rex & Mole, +1 re compliance.
A meeting of minds: Bill Gammage and Bruce Pascoe on Indigenous life
By Mark McKenna
AUSTRALIA: Country: Future Fire, Future Farming, Bill Gammage & Bruce Pascoe, Thames & Hudson, $21.99
In early 2020, after the Black Summer fires had incinerated thousands of hectares of forests in south-east NSW, I drove the back roads inland from Eden. It was hard to comprehend the devastation: biologically diverse, dry sclerophyll forests had become charred wastelands overnight. The fires burned with such ferocity that they consumed everything in their path. Hillsides already scarred from woodchip logging were completely bare – you could see the sea from 10 kilometres inland.
2 frauds fellating each other…
Jennifer Marohasy is a big fan of gammage. Gammage’s thesis is that the 3rd nations deliberately eschewed technological development and chose a more natural life so as to minimise their footprint on nature. Gammage ignores the fact that each of the 3 nations tried to exterminate each other, burnt the whole continent changing it from rainforest to arid and semi-arid vegetation and exterminated the Mega Fauna, the biggest man made animal extinction ever. Gammage is a fucking idiot.
Harsh, but fair!
Hey Beyonce you are a member of the Biggles fan club, maybe you can give us an update on his whereabouts?
November 26, 2021 at 5:45 pm
Just an observation but you JC & Beyonce don’t get as many upvotes as Struth, I wonder why?”
Just an observation but JC generally gets more upvotes than you, I wonder why?
So human rights are negotiable. What about applying the same logic to the clot shot.
You Cassie don’t wonder why there may be a conflict of interest between your Premier & his old man being a member of the world bank..
Doesn’t get any dumber than that.
Wow, Dover, won’t the very last graph knock the socks off the pollies and their pet CHOs. If they ever see it (unlikely as I think it will be buried deep by the health weenies) they’ll be soiling their trousers in huge amount.
Thanks delta…
Thanks Rickw for that stuff about compliance. One of these days get my email address from you know who and tell me the industry as I’m interested. I don’t dox.:-)
Scooting over to Wagga for tomorrows march/rally.
The harvest has been effectively ruined for most of NSW grain growers west of the Newell Hwy and I’m guessing a lot on the eastern side too, given the volume of rain.
Some northern growers were able to get a lot of their cereals off but only some.
Down here, hardly anyone had a chance to do much wheat.
World milling wheat stocks are very tight and about to get tighter.
Except that the rest of the free-thinking world (and the Cat) has long moved on to Action.
Struth is still stuck at Awareness, and now abusing us all because we haven’t kissed his diesel-splashed Blunnies enough for his internet-derived insights…
The harvest has been effectively ruined for most of NSW grain growers west of the Newell Hwy and I’m guessing a lot on the eastern side too, given the volume of rain.
This mean a lot of fodder grade grains, or will it be too mouldy/shot to be any good?
Hope a lot of them had some decent insurance.
November 26, 2021 at 6:03 pm
You Cassie don’t wonder why there may be a conflict of interest between your Premier & his old man being a member of the world bank..
Doesn’t get any dumber than that.”
And what exactly is the conflict of interest Dummybum?
This could be written only by someone who has never had to cook for themselves in the tangle of pointless compliance (the Australia dead pair of hands of regulation) that constricts business in Australia.
Angry Rex, Struth is still only trying to warn people, you have a personal fight with him, that is your only reasoning.
JC is the common denominator in all stoushes.
If he could be muted the thread clogging would end.
No one can stake a claim to an original thought especially in the internet age.
I wish it were the end, but the, ‘Relax, all Vacs have some side effects, you’re still better off with these untested Wu Flu Jabs, err, Vacs (that are being tested, on you and kids), than without; trust the Govts, Big Pharma & the Quacks they have over a barrel & between a rock & a hard place, to only be doing the very best for you & yours, whether you want it or not …’, Mobsters, will never quit pushing what it pays them to push.
I love the way the Queenslanders here are so dismissive and sneering about other states’ premiers yet they say nothing about the grotesque dumb arse who’s currently premier of QLD and who was elected for a third term in another landslide last year.
I’ll take Perrottet any day over Palaszczuk.
Cassie have you ever read anything about the evolution of the banking industry?
I suggest videos like all wars are bankers wars, or the sellout of the USA with Woodrow Wilson in 1913.
I mostly like your posts but you are a one track poster.
Now insult me some more please.
Have you run that past JC?
This mean a lot of fodder grade grains, or will it be too mouldy/shot to be any good?
We had 40mm earlier in the week and got the water cart bogged the week before trying to do a burn off. (Got it out with 200L left in the utes water tank!)
Great looking crops, but they’re all still in the paddock down our way.
Time for some more dad jokes, Bear. My online wife is late with his cooking tips.
So because Perottet’s dad was high up in the World Bank, he must take instructions from Soros…is that it? Spare me.
He’s less worser. The Chook would be out of her depth running a tuckshop (despite having the arms for it). Leak’s Chooks have her nailed.
“kaysee says:
November 26, 2021 at 5:08 pm
Heart attacks caused by the Covid vaccine.
‘They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money’
Dr. Aseem Malhotra reveals a cardiology whistleblower found similar results to a new report showing an increase in risk of heart attack following the mRNA COVID vaccine. ‘They aren’t going to publish their findings, they are concerned about losing research money from Big Pharma.’”
“I mostly like your posts but you are a one track poster.”
LOL. I don’t think so.
That’d be a strange thing to do.
despite having the arms for it
Who knew NRL players liked tuck shop arms and a face like a Picasso?!
So no pineapple on your Comet Pizza?
“H B Bearsays:
November 26, 2021 at 6:24 pm
I’ll take Perrottet any day over Palaszczuk.
He’s less worser.”
Yes, I’m not saying he’s perfect, although as I live in NSW I actually prefer him over Gladys although it isn’t a high bar. However but I don’t think Perrottet is some Soros plant just because his father worked (or still works) for the World Bank.
No buyer for the crops down my way so rain isn’t going to make a difference.
Tony, why on earth would you ban JC.
He has his finger on the pulse of monetary activity and I’m sure there’s more than one Cat who has made a motza from his stock market tips.
…Ooh, does that make me a bff, to be banned?
As for the stoushes: scroll if they annoy you.
Not in NSW.
Cassie you don’t think there is some influence between father & son?
Give me a break, the western world is run by bankers,lawyers & politicians & if you can’t see that then yes you are a dumb poster & I was wrong liking your posts.
I did like the Morrison is an arsehole stuff though.
Gladys seems to be having trouble with the low bar herself.
“Give me a break, the western world is run by bankers,lawyers & politicians & if you can’t see that then yes you are a dumb poster & I was wrong liking your posts”
No…I am not a dumb poster.
You mouth breathing imbecile.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Cassie is one of the most informed and articulate posters on this blog. I am constantly amazed at the extent of her knowledge, and her recall ability. The Cat would be bereft without her input.
You, OTOH, are very good at abuse, and little else.
the borg has spoken
What a fantasist.
This fabricated nonsense hurts Aborigines. It does not help them.
“Delta Asays:
November 26, 2021 at 6:38 pm”
Thank you Delta.
headmaster Dan on the warpath
Cassie you assumed all of us in Qld support the duck, we don’t, we all in Australia are influenced by the media, not me or many others.
But the media is influenced & paid for by your banking friends.
The info about corrupt media & bankers is freely available, go look for it.
Hey & insult me, that may make you feel better.
I really have to disagree on that Delta. Bundy has always been low energy snark at best.
Just a reminder:
When is Dan Andrews being put in gaol for interference with the police process to get his wife off a DUI charge?
“But the media is influenced & paid for by your banking friends.
The info about corrupt media & bankers is freely available, go look for it.
Hey & insult me, that may make you feel better.”
Oh…gosh, who are my banking friends? I don’t know anyone who works in banking. What are you inferring? These banking conspiracy theories are straight out of League of Rights and Lyndon La Rot booklets.
About what, Shit Dribbler?
It’s only the same redigested, recycled memes of agony and woe that have been circulating since forever.
As I said, the rest of the free-thinking world (including me) have moved on to Doing Something About It. No matter how seemingly insignificant.
Struth has not. And neither have you, as his sycophant and toady.
Uh-oh. Shit Dribbler’s attempting to go full Bird.
You never go full Bird…
Always leads to that, alway.
Driller was suggesting people to scroll past comments one doesn’t like. Follow driller’s suggestion as it’s the only 10% worthwhile comment in a decade.
Here’s the thing, CMD. I generally am not okay with either stupid comments or stupid commenters. I do accuse moronic commenters of being moronic and moronic comments being moronic and I 98.56% explain why.
It doesn’t deter you from lurking, so I don’t quite get the point of your complaint.
Shit is happening and politics etc is a hot chilli subject at the moment. If arguments upset you can I suggest perhaps where the gals talk about how to suckle a hungry kid and how their hubbies are mean at times.
I find people who simply lurk and then offer instructions on how others can be more entertaining to them really weird and kind of cowardly. If you’re demanding free entertainment then go watch The Block on free to air. Otherwise you could participate and entertain Bear, who appears sick of playing bingo these days and comes on here to annoy me. 🙂 I love Bear though.
You spend your time here saying nothing worthwhile and oozing sanctimony. Is there any possibility you can improve on your comments or at least get a ghost writer to write them for you?
Who doesn’t?
The missus tells the Bat Eared Mong has call all the cross-benchers in for a meeting.
personally if I was a cross-bencher I’d be telling him to stick it fair and square up his arse.
not meeting with you ya mong
… guess what I’m gonna do and say next you commie shit-fer-brains
Ruh roh.
This week I’m accused of being “a friend of bankers”, last week I was accused of being one of Dan’s mates.
Geez Louise.
“I love Bear though.”
We all do.
I 2nd tht
Same time as the SA Attorney General, Josh Teague does for corruptly using SAPOL to silence his critics?
Delta A says:
November 26, 2021 at 6:27 pm
Tony, why on earth would you ban JC.
He has his finger on the pulse of monetary activity and I’m sure there’s more than one Cat who has made a motza from his stock market tips.
…Ooh, does that make me a bff, to be banned?
As for the stoushes: scroll if they annoy you
Delta A – I asked for them to have their own thread, not banned from the Cat – only from the OT.
And it takes 2 to tango as they say. His BFFs could just ignore if they want…so it’s the lot of them.
I too like JC and his posts on general & financial matters – can be very interesting.
I have a bit of arthritis in my hands and last night I was getting cramps in my scrolling finger.
Check it out – I gave up after a while & did something else.
Wanna bet?
Why would you need to interfere with VicPlod procedures with all those Rob Hulls appointments on the bench?
I sound like that Kangaroo Court guy. Time for a walk on the ice.
I have no more enthusiasm for parrotee than I have for the dicktator or pleasurechook.
Father Alexis Bugnolo says 2 billion dead in the next year. Are you ready?
Scary news if true, I don’t know what order Father Bugnolo belongs too, nor the accuracy of his projections.
Tony, I agree; the stoushing is endless and annoying, and very rarely entertaining. A scrolling challenge – as you point out – for an arthritis sufferer. But Zk2A and Pub Steve are as much to blame as JC… moreso, in fact, because their comebacks are never as witty as his.
Before Rabz gets in with the evening’s music. I just discovered the band Fanny from the US in the early seventies. As one wag in the comments section mentioned, “four girls, one bra”. Probably a hate crime. Still they do a pretty good job of it, odd that they flew under the radar for so long.
Bernardi and Canavan are discussing medical treatment being withheld from people unvaxxed. Leads me to wonder the worth of keeping Private Medical Insurance if one is unvaxxed, since it seems the medical establishments are writing the rules to ban 10% of the population.
That sounds more like a challenge than a criticism…
One of the commenters referred to being informed that a doctor (not sure what type) has refused to provide medical treatment/service because of his/her unvaxxed status. Reignite Democracy Australia has put up on its website a letter for people to use in such circumstances.
18 words observing that JC is in all stoushes.
Responds by starting a fresh stoush to prove he doesn’t stoush.
Uh… huh.
I’m lurking and dicklessly upticking.
Fat Tony
Trust me, I’d be fine if the Touretting and narcissistic pubbling could be sent to the tourette’s and narcissistic pubbling thread. I’d also give some serious thought about Hallward Hughes and a couple of other no-hopers. There are about six of the imbeciles.
How about the imbeciles and morons thread?
Scrolled the stoush, but enjoyed JC’s upbeat outlook.
All the best for the intrepid demonstrators tomorrow.
JC is free to lay off the personal abuse.
(His abuse wouldn’t be tolerated anywhere else.)
His choice.
He has no special right to use cheap sarcasm & not be called the same names in return.
(He seems to not like taking it, apparently that’s not as much fun as giving it)
His choice.
See you there! Actually, I hope that you are lost in a huge crowd..
135mm here, but the canola has yet to be windrowed and the wheat is still gree enough to not be harmed. These are later-than-average crops about 1/2 way between Wagga and Albury, so I’m still hoping.
The most immediate concern is how to get trucks in and out of the paddocks. Had an earthmoving contractor in yesterday for some estimates, but there is no good gravel close to, that can be accessed with things this wet.
Thanks, Calli, at 7.19pm. Laughed out loud.
PS, Cassie: “friend of bankers” sounds like rhyming slang. Who gives a pharque.
Delta A says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:14 pm
I asked for them to have their own thread, not banned from the Cat
Tony, I agree; the stoushing is endless and annoying, and very rarely entertaining. A scrolling challenge – as you point out – for an arthritis sufferer. But Zk2A and Pub Steve are as much to blame as JC… moreso, in fact, because their comebacks are never as witty as his.
I agree – but JC needs to lift his game. He is capable of much better…
Cassie – He hasn’t booted Matt Kean. That is a big tell. His Covid policies are also childish and ignorant of reality at best, lies at worst (eg we all still have to wear stupid masks in church after 15 Dec).
As soon as there’s a seasonal rise in cases on the back of depleted immunity after 8 months or so he will go right to water.
apparently ‘brother ‘ bugnolo originally made his 2 billion dead prediction for 2021 and according to this long article at Patheos he is not a religious, nor can I understand why claiming to be a Catholic religious makes his outlandish claims any more credible
JC says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:20 pm
Fat Tony
Trust me, I’d be fine if the Touretting and narcissistic pubbling could be sent to the tourette’s and narcissistic pubbling thread. I’d also give some serious thought about Hallward Hughes and a couple of other no-hopers. There are about six of the imbeciles.
How about the imbeciles and morons thread?
Now that would be a good idea…
I’ve been accused of being a “one track poster”…….LOL….so I’ve looked back at my comments today and they’re quite varied…I try to be varied most days.
1. This morning I posted a comment which was about Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s piece in Unherd about how the left want to normalise pedophilia and polygamy.
2. My second comment was about seeing anti-News Corporation posters plastered on a bus stop here in Paddington…which I tore off with my fingernails. I suspect that this is the beginning of a GetUp campaign here in Wentworth.
3. This afternoon I posted a comment about how last week it was Meddick’s weirdo sprog claiming to be targeted because of who his father is and how today Martin Foley apparently has received a bomb threat.
So I think that I’ve been more than a one trick poster today……oh I know, apologies everyone, I haven’t posted anything about……..banking conspiracies. Sorry, but I don’t have any.
It’s the science Bruce.
As best I can tell religious services for the unvaxxed in Victoria, while limited to max 50 are mask free.
“Bruce of Newcastlesays:
November 26, 2021 at 7:26 pm
He’s less worser.”
Yes, I’m not saying he’s perfect
Cassie – He hasn’t booted Matt Kean. “
I know BoN….but at least he’s put Chant back into the box.
calli says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:21 pm
Scrolled the stoush, but enjoyed JC’s upbeat outlook.
All the best for the intrepid demonstrators tomorrow.
Hi calli – I’m planning on going to the Toowoomba one tomorrow – been pretty wet around here.
I’m not really sure on what it will be like – even though I have lived there over 55 years.
That remains to be seen.
Ban who you like.
If you want to stop stoushing you all know there is only one ban that will do it.
Good reason to stop paying tax too….
At least you didn’t distract half the Cat into ever-wilder Civil War anecdotes yesterday…
One of my better ones, I must admit.
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:29 pm
Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??
Just tell them to get fucked and ignore them.
Driller is free to lay off attacking people parents and making racist sledges
Racist sledging is actually illegal.
Driller has no special right to either sledge people families . Also, Driller has no special right to lie as that is a disgusting form of abuse.
Doesn’t worry me in the least. However, the doxing shouldn’t be tolerated.
No, it’s his choice.
Question, it’s Friday night. Is Queensland hospitality very quite or hopping busy? I ask because one particular third level hospitality service provider appears to be more interested in lying on a blog and posting general dishonesty. Does anyone know if pubs and restaurants are busy up there?
Don’t worry about it. Give yourself a dickless uptick. That’s what I do.
Is there a new open thread at midnight on Saturday morning?
Yeah, but Bird hasn’t turned up in over a month.
How is Dover supposed to ban him when he is not around to be banned? Heck, the fruit loop hasn’t even turned up at the Dash Cat since September or October.
I fear one of my nano-wrigglers has eaten him…
Thanks BBS, I will check that out, very handy.
You will probably only see violence if the CWA does not provide tea and scones…
Yet another anecdotal reason to doubt vaccine adverse event reporting.
Super-fit young woman – she runs up mountains for enjoyment – collapses within 24hrs of her second shot. She’s medically-trained and is in a very good position to state categorically that she had no previous signs of this condition. Has gone from being able to climb 8000m – the equivalent of Everest – in a day, to being hardly able to walk to the mailbox.
Hospital staff cannot identify any other potential cause, but refuse to report this reaction as a potential vaccine reaction.
Whistleblowing nurses report that Drs are extremely reluctant to sign VAE reports… doing so is regarded as evidence that you are “anti-vaxx”.
We cannot trust the statistics.
Examples of both… now!
Anytime over the past couple of months will do………. GO!!
You do judge people by your own standards.
You’re not able to point to even one lie I’ve told.
You’re squibbing (several times each day) when required to back up a falsified comemnt.
Seek help. Professional help.
“Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??”
What does that mean? And no, I’m not going anywhere. I’m catching up with Lizzie tomorrow night, I wish she’d come back.
“Lurker” is talking about me, not Bird.
The lurker appears to be Adonis as I can smell that decaying carcass from a couple of miles away. He tried to have me banned for no reason at all from Zipster’s blog/chat board. I’d actually love to see Adonis back because he does incredibly good face plants. The best in the business.
He’s got you needing to prove yourself Cassie, totally unnecessary.
Drove through torrential rain to another Port – the Macquarie one. On my way to see rellos at the Qld border.
Interesting comments today, and chimed oddly but not surprisingly with my day. This morning I was advising some of my (more) elderly friends not to rely on the vaccines or boosters completely – they must look after their general health, particularly weight.
We are all going to get it, one way or the other.
They were surprised. In all the deluge of “signalling” not a word of this simple, yet effective countermeasure. It’s as if the very idea of being “healthy” has disappeared.
I think Phon has something that will work with these cartoons. Entertaining snippets of how badly government is fucking people:
Yes bespoke. Never be cornered by a nark. You are who you are. All the profiling and lies will not change that one iota.
Rosie – I also think the masks in “religious services” thing may be due to a certain other religion where the guys are check-by jowl on their faces during prayers. But have to extend the restriction to everyone else too because it wouldn’t do to say that.
I’d be less annoyed if they actually work, but they don’t. Which always makes me feel like I’m encouraging a lie. But I doubt Perrottet has enough science to know why they don’t.
I do wear masks because of Mt 17:24-27, that I avoid offending those who also don’t. But it always leaves me annoyed.
I know BoN….but at least he’s put Chant back into the box
Cassie, she’s lurking, just like Cat lurkers do.
And on being a one-trick pony, tell ’em they’re dreaming!
Absolutely brilliant.
Just one, right. There are many, many others, but just one?
Defending Marcus Adonis by denying his blatant plagiarism on the other blog is a good straight example and should get you a lifetime ban from every blog in Australia.
Anyway fuck off and stop talking to me or about me, as Dover wants that to happen.
No. NO!
Don’t you sEe? It’s thousands of years in the making!
The Knights Templar! Wake up sheeple!!1!!!11!
Seriously – as with the health department simpleton overlords, some people are using this genuine, genuine covid/vax/mandate nonsense to spout so much shit, to be desperately looked up to as the harbingers of doom that you have to wonder what else they have in their lives.
Freak-site-scouring insecure worthless dunderheads.
Cassie of Sydney says:
November 26, 2021 at 7:39 pm
“Cassie – you’re doing a Lizzie here – are you going to flounce too??”
What does that mean? And no, I’m not going anywhere. I’m catching up with Lizzie tomorrow night, I wish she’d come back.
It means that Lizzie took the shit personal instead of just telling them to get fucked – as I suggested to her.
You don’t need to explain yourself to wankers – if anything, a hearty get fucked will do.
This blog started out really well, then as Bird trashed the other one, a few of the usual suspects dribbled in, slumped into the settees and decided that “New Catallaxy” had to have all the same stupid crap as old Catallaxy, and they continued on as if the old one had not been abandoned by it’s owner as events globally prove his libertarian fantasies to be the deluded crap they always were.
This tiny, tony minority of posters then decided tgst this was their new libertarian clubhouse and began haranguing anyone on the OT, including mild and decent guys like BON if they don’t genuflect to those lame libertarian sacred scripts.
I reckon the rot that will kill the joint wafted in with them.
Good reason to stop paying tax too….
Just got my most recent rates notice. Going to request a re-assessment, now I can’t officially use 90% of the BS services that you provide…..
We have those in Victoria too BoN
Between Chantal Uren of WAPOL, your example and the Australian nursing whistleblower reddit page somebody linked to a few months back, I’d say that there is an organisational culture that is a far bigger problem than any mere conspiracist could dream up.
The problem being, nobody can overcome it. The system is too big and too many egos and careers are too deeply entrenched in this thing, to allow the truth out.
As unpopular as this will sound (and please Uptick to indicate your utter displeasure at my most unpopular opinion), the only way it can ever be lanced at all is to let it continue to fail. No amount of Struth-speaking or demands that somebody act for us all will achieve anything. We know what is happening. So do they. And we know that they are aware of their system, regardless of how furiously individuals in it may agree with us and desperately desire to do something.
So we keep rolling our eyes at the official Narrative, we keep going out and demonstrating. We keep up our conscionable acts of quiet, personal resistance and keep looking out for each other. The natural ebb and flow of public opinion will do the rest…
Has never happened.
You prepared to bet on this one? How much? Escrowed.
Serious money. Back your mouth.
that choice is yours.
You feel you have a right to cheap shot people all day every day without any blowback?
Dearie me.
JC, earlier:
We’re just dancing freaks for the amusement of others.
‘Are you not entertained?’
– Maximus Decimus Meridius
I got that bit, JC.
I figured I’d engage in a clever and witty derailment…
The soon to be current descriptor will be “Challenge Overcome.”
See Kurt Schlicter’s latest effort – “Crisis”.
Same principle. If the people in such establishments don’t like masks then the statewide policy would be that no one would wear masks. Which is more likely in a Labor state than a LNP state, since Labor are careful not to annoy one of their important vote sources.
No. NO!
Don’t you sEe? It’s thousands of years in the making!
The Knights Templar! Wake up sheeple!!1!!!11!
2 Minutes after this post…
/ cilice tightening intensifies…
Ooo! Thanks for the reminder!
I just got myself a new Kindle (after my last device was purchased some nine years ago and it’s been dead for at least six…). I need to go load up on his series.
Calling Grace Tame. Grace Tame to the podium, please (the NT News):
The lady was hiding in the dunny, or trying to. The house was in the camps, of course.
“It means that Lizzie took the shit personal instead of just telling them to get fucked – as I suggested to her.
You don’t need to explain yourself to wankers – if anything, a hearty get fucked will do.”
I don’t take it personally FT…..certainly not anything Runnybum writes. I’ve only ever taken one thing personally and that was a long time ago. But yes, one should never be too sensitive.
What a debbie downer. Your depressing comments and the way you suppress commenting at your silly threads is what would actually kill a blog.
You were unable to understand that frightening people from commenting to those thought leader threads of yours was actually 100% libertarian. It’s your property and therefore your rules. Also would end having .001% chance of ever succeeding.
As for the other blog, stop hallucinating that it was somehow not doing well. It was pulling in at times 30K readers a day. The fact that you didn’t like aspects of how it operated is neither here or there. You didn’t like its libertarian instincts? No one forced you to post there.
I bet if you started a blog and didn’t hide behind Dover’s coattails , then pretending you owned the place, you would get a single visitor each day. You! Thought leader.
Bernardi and Canavan are discussing medical treatment being withheld from people unvaxxed.
Given the quality of care that is being inflicted on everyone, that’s not necessarily a bad thing!
I’m starting to think the only thing that the medical profession can actually do properly is replace ball joints, clean pipes and patch up holes, gashes and dents in the bodywork and frame.
And we know that they know we are aware of their system,
Slight correction to my post above.
Just read the history of the banking industry, it isn’t hard.
yr safe … ‘spoke doesn’t even know what a colander is
Silas approves.
But it’s more interesting insulting me I suppose.
Then you wonder why we are fucked.
Fuck off with the J-baiting, Dribbler.
Also, tinfoil is for keeping casseroles moist, sandwiches fresh and model railway folk to make tarpaulins for their little wagons.
Stop wearing it on your head.
“WHEN an Alice Springs mother was burnt to death by her partner “
Ms Tame, along with the always outraged feminist hag squad…….Skanky Keneally, Franky Wong, Plibbers and co won’t be interested because the “partner” isn’t white, isn’t Anglo-Saxon, isn’t a private school boy and isn’t a Liberal voter or staffer.
Currently in central NSW it is 13 degrees, with wind chill 11C.
Where is this Global Warming, whoops… I mean Climate Change, that is so much talked about.
And wet as….. so much for the crops this year, most will now be feed quality only.
And this Covid madness is all pervasive and making people (i.e. me) even more antsy. I am so over the whole thing.
Vaccinated – nup, never.
That’s right Cats, I said MOIST…
This safe space idea sounds very ‘progressive’ , tell me more.
Okay then maybe I’m wrong, do it now. Tell us just how shocked you were and how the act was unforgivably terrible.
Nope, I don’t have that right but you’ve never laid a glove. Is the pub busy, Drills? How’s it going on Friday night?
‘I’m not doing quite as well as my inherent genius tells me I should be. Therefore, it is someone else’s fault.’
Answer the questions.
Is the American Federal Reserve a private bank?
Is the Bank of England a private bank?
Is the Australian federal reserve a private bank?
Small oversight on behalf of the code monkeys, you can upvote your own posts.
I was wondering where my torrential rain went.
Forecast 30-60mm.
So far today 1.8mm.
If only the BoM’s modelling for short range forecasts was as good
as the one they use for next century’s climate catastrophe.
It’s wonderful idea. No one’s views should ever be criticized, no one should ever feel pain and hurt and everyone should know that feeling comfortable about the most ridiculous idea or view is more important than being interesting.
Boring is now the new interesting.
Does it matter?
Does it matter?
Does it matter?
No, you provide some evidence, bozo.
No you idiot. Whoops I’m sorry. Did I hurt your feeling, Ted?
bugnolo apparently it’s the masons wot dunnit
Readers of AFL columns, take fright (the Hun):
Wait, wait. She got better and is ‘resting’:
That is the sound of Mr. “Big Bet” demanding people put up “serious money” as a bet on something, squibbing out of a bet on something he’s long mouthed off about.
When it came time to show the cards, he folded.
No choice, he was .. er.. mistaken… all along.
No. I’ve never commented, or even acknowledged. I’ve no idea if this event ever happened.
Your word is hardly credible enough for any sane person to commit themselves to the belief that something actually happened.
This one posted comment someone may or may not have made, years ago, seems to be an obsession with you.
This is unhealthy. Get over yourself…. or seek professional therapy.
And more importantly Shit Dribbler, what is the common thread you, in your brilliantly internet-derived ‘original thinking,’ wish to draw through all three institutions?
It does not happen to involve a certain Rocky Feller, or someone whose name starts with ‘Roth’ and ends in ‘Child,’ perchance?
If so, you can take your Protocols and jam them up your arse. And your tinfoil hat, too.
In other news, the tap water in Port Mac is so highly chlorinated I can smell it.
I blame Covid. Nothing untoward could survive it.
Keep an eye on you shoes.
If you know what I mean …
Honest question and this really isn’t like one of those reverse, reverse and reverse insults I now have to do in order to pretend I’m nice to you so that it doesn’t upset snowflakes.
Tell me honestly, are you reading up at some blog about the Rothschilds. If you are, I beg you, literally beg you to stop as it always ends up at “Jew watch” and become just like Bird.
What are you arguing squire?
To fight to retain our liberties, the default position should be; liberty is bad? That will truly give us liberty?
To Newspeakian for me. You’re meant to learn from modern Chinese history, not imitate it.
Can you us how “recent events” (???) at all show us that Nozick, Rand, Mill, Freidman were all wrong?
I haven’t watched Titanic a first time.
In all seriousness, Leonardo could have fit nicely on that raft at the end.
I would have pushed the chick off after pinching her jewellery.
No they are not you gullible imbecile.
The replies to the banking question shows how dumb most here are.
To explain this system shows how stupid people on this site are.
Instead of giving me a hard time go do some research, but you will go JC info.
The banks have been fucking us over for years.
Lifting an entire thread, denying it to the end and then walking off was mistaken? Mistaken? FMD. That’s not mistaken, it’s thieving and lying to people!
Seems to be a Perth thing at the moment, too.
Got any empty demineralised water or cordial bottles? If you fill them up from your sink and let them sit for a couple of hours with the lid off, the chloride ions seem to settle sufficently to make it drinkable. Also gives the tapwater time enough to cool down as well… 🙂
I was being kind. (not want to scare you in this new safe space you’ve lobbied so hard for)
Okay,,, I’ll go with your version – You were lying.
So you were trying to talk to us about the perfidy of certain Rocky Fellers and blokes whose names start with ‘Roth’ and end in ‘Child!’
I take it the Furniture Store had neither time nor patience for your Faulty-esque rantings, and you felt you had to try for a different audience then?
That made me swollow my niceret gum.
Hello Cats
Just drifting thru, checking out what’s happening.
The beauty of this blog.
You are a libertarian.
As such you have certain priorities and beliefs that I don’t share.
In other words, the world we want to arrive at is different.
That’s fine.
Accept it. If you want to know what I want and what I believe, I reckon in the many comments and posts I have made over the years it’s all there.
Dothead, who owns the US federal reserve, it ain’t the US Government.
Here we go.
Remember how I was telling you before that most people (including the Cat) had long moved on from Awareness to Action? I.E. Doing Something About It.
Here is yet another example, Shit Dribbler. Catch the hell up!
Now go away and sulk.
Don’t buy into this crap and save yourself.
Banks are particualrly unique entities because they are highly leveraged and as Dot once eloquently described it, they are uniquely vulnerable to sudden changes in inflation expectations.
Industrial companies may have perhaps 25% of their working capital as debt. Tech companies almost zero. Banks are perhaps around 12 to 1 leveraged. That is 12 dollars of debt to one of equity. They can go broke very easily relatively speaking.
Custard, had you scrolled back momentarily you would have been informed that it’s shit.
What did I tell you before, Shit Dribbler?
Fuck off with the J-baiting.
Angry fuckhead, who owns the FED?
Telling people to “research it yourself” is not discussion tactic that achieves a helluva lot.
For a stark example of how effective this lazy tactic is, try using it in a formal team-debate.
Pro-tip: For the least damage to your case, use this trick only when you’re the third speaker on the rebuttal team.
Like I said.
Freak-site-scouring insecure worthless dunderheads.
The US government does have the controlling interesting by far. The government owns nearly all the stock and dictates everything about the place. The government controls the board by approving all board members including the chair.
Stop talking shit.
Angry nobody, that shows your brain development, I made no baiting you total fuckwit.
Go get a truck.
” If you are, I beg you, literally beg you to stop as it always ends up at “Jew watch” and become just like Bird.”
Many years ago I went to a drasha once (a sermon) given by a rabbi…the rabbi said that anyone who reads the Protocols goes stark raving mad. He was right. You go down a rabbit hole from which you can never get out.
LOl. Go away driller. You’re just pathetic and a sociopath.
So why have you gone Full Struth, then?
JC, knowing the USA senate & government has control of the fed makes me feel real comfortable.
You absolute cunt.
We’re All In This Together News (the Hun):
It’s so true.
Arky is right – again.
Errr… No.
I quite like trucks and most truckies and want them to prosper at their jobs and lives.
‘Getting’ a truck for me means something terrible has happened. Something I would much prefer to avoid.
No one is trying to place you in a safe space, Ted. I was answering your dimwitted question about the ownership of the Fed.
Have you got to the Rothschilds yet? If so, stop and go to a shrink asap to clear your head.
Understandably you’re smarting at being called & having to fold.
You’ll get over it.
Regards to Lizzie