Mater’s Musings #43: Attention ‘Purebloods’

Really Guys? Some of the moral posturing here of late is not only unnecessary, but it’s also largely unwarranted…and unseemly.

What follows is not me changing sides because I’m now on my way to being ‘vaxxed’, what follows is me laying out a few facts for the good of the cause.

The moment the ‘Vaccinated Economy’ took effect, the people holding out against it become irrelevant to the politicians, especially Dan. He has moved on. He has the directions and structure in place to freeze you out of society (providing the Pandemic Bill passes) and he is happy to see you slowly sink and drown below the mud of the battlefield.

Continuing to hold out is a personal health choice, based on what I believe to be very sound reasoning, but it’s not causing Dan a single night of lost sleep. It’s gone from being a political, principle and moral battleline, to a personal health choice, and it did so (at least in Victoria) at 23:59 18 Nov 2021…when the vaccine economy kicked off. If I was to use a military analogy, you are still manning a Machine Gun post in Normandy, when the battle is being waged in Arnhem.

I don’t say this to be disparaging, or to discourage you, or to encourage you to get the jab. Heaven forbid, no. Would to God I was still in your position, if only for the peace of mind. I most certainly wish my kids were. I hope you make it to the end of this unscathed. No, I’m saying this because I’m talking purely strategically in the fight against this abhorrent turn of events we are experiencing in this country. It would do us all well to refocus on this rather than polishing our respective ‘moral’ laurels, and how we fared in the recent battle.

Last weekend, I carpooled into the Melbourne protest with six individuals from the country. Of those individuals, only two were not vaccinated. None of the other four had taken the vaccine willingly. They were resolute enough to travel two hours each way, and waste a complete Saturday, to protest this mandate and Bill. It wasn’t the first Saturday that they’d wasted, and it likely won’t be the last. I suspect this sort of ratio would hold true throughout all the attendees. The ‘vaxxed’ likely outnumbered the ‘unvaxxed’, significantly.

Why am I telling you this? Because alienating them is stoopid! They are fellow travellers on this journey. I won’t even call them ‘Allies’, because that infers that they are in a different camp…THEY ARE NOT! There are only two sides in this battle, those who support mandates (and the associated shit), and those who don’t. Fragmenting your own team is a regrettable trait of the Right, and I’d advise against it in this instance. We need all the help we can get.

Not one of the vaccinated people in my car last weekend suffers from ‘buyers regret’. None of them ‘bought’. They had the vaccine foisted on them. They walked into the cubicle with their eyes wide open, knowing that it was unnecessary and they didn’t want it, aware of the fact that it lacked safety data, and suspecting that it might cause problems in the short, medium and long term. They suffer ‘victims contempt’, not ‘buyers regret’.

Dan’s stormtroopers are currently packing up the various vaccination hub tents all around Melbourne. He knows THIS battle is over. The one-time stream of victims entering these tents has slowed to a trickle. He is moving on to the next battle. For the self-labelled ‘purebloods’ resolutely waving your fist in the air, claiming victory because you survived this onslaught, can I suggest you pack up YOUR tent and move to where the battle is NOW actually being fought? And that is, standing side-by-side with your team (many of whom are vaccinated) in opposing the Pandemic Bill and mandated boosters. Standing around preening yourself, admiring your skill in dodging the bullet, and bad-mouthing the fallen, will see you eventually fall victim also.

The Battle of the vaccinations is over: the Battle of the boosters is about to begin. 

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December 2, 2021 6:35 am

None of them ‘bought’. They had the vaccine foisted on them. They walked into the cubicle with their eyes wide open, knowing that it was unnecessary and they didn’t want it, aware of the fact that it lacked safety data, and suspecting that it might cause problems in the short, medium and long term. They suffer ‘victims contempt’, not ‘buyers regret’.

Pretty much sums it up.

Another analogy could be a gaslighted and brutalised wife just waiting for her moment to get out of Dodge. We are in an unhealthy relationship with our governments and for some of us, they are holding our children and grandchildren hostage.

I enjoyed the Churchillian final sentence. Posted before but a good reminder:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

December 2, 2021 7:00 am

Amongst my circle of acquaintances were quite a few who took the vaccine willingly and then tried to convince the rest of us of our duty to the community. I and a few others have been telling them that the vaccine is not the answer and that boosters are coming. They scoffed and called us names. Now a number of the believers have come to their senses and realise that boosters are coming. They have been shocked at the small length of time the vaccines provide immunity and are openly wondering how the boosters can stop Omnicron when they couldn’t stop people getting Delta.

Some, but sadly not all, are waking up.

December 2, 2021 7:06 am

Excellent post Mater. Deserves much wider coverage.

Mark M
Mark M
December 2, 2021 7:08 am

I have said to ‘friends’ who are pro-jab, fully jabbed and keen for a ‘booster’, and despise the unjabbed, that the government is the enemy, not your unjabbed friend.

But I am surprised at their response.

“I hope the unjabbed hurry up and get the virus and end up in icu”, or “next time they should use real bullets”, or “yes, papers should be checked” … “lock the idiots up” … so much hate.

I remind them I would be one they want shot, and they say “I didn’t say you, just them.”

I’m sure many could recount a similar interaction.

Sadly there will be no Christmas cards this year between old friends.
Curse the government and their deliberate dividing of our society.

I have used the word ‘pureblood’ here at newcat, but it was not used to offend, more me ‘venting’ because I could.

I apologise and encourage us all to join together irrespective of your jab status and fight the tyranny that is upon us.

Good call mater.

Cassie of Sydney
December 2, 2021 7:18 am

Thank you Mater. Superb piece and it echoes my feelings totally.

“Standing around preening yourself, admiring your skill in dodging the bullet, and bad-mouthing the fallen, will see you eventually fall victim also.”

Since August I have always made it clear that I respect an individual’s choice to either be jabbed or not to be jabbed. However lately I’ve noticed one or two commentators here (thankfully not many) who seem to enjoy making snide and belittling comments towards those of us who’ve made the decision to be jabbed. FFS, I’ve even been called a “mate of Dan’s” by some nasty Johnny come lately here. Yeah, sure….me a mate of Dan Andrews…….and I don’t even live in NSW!

I’ve never bad-mouthed anyone’s decision either way. I have made clear why I was compelled to have the jab…all valid reasons, for work and to hopefully travel to Perth one day to see my father…..although the mad low IQ clown ruling WA keeps preventing me from doing so. I know I succumbed, I never wanted to have the jab but it is what is is. I have to have surgery next week (I’m in a lot of pain) and I cannot have that surgery unless I’m jabbed.

I am resolutely opposed to lockdowns, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. Last week I wanted to join the protest in the CBD here in Sydney but I couldn’t because of my leg pain. However several Cats did protest….Tinta, Dragnet, Rabz and others. I stand with them. We met up on Saturday night at Lizzie and Hairy’s place for a meal.

I have to say that whilst I’ve never minded the robust debates here about Covid and the jab, I’ve been increasingly put off by the snide and personal invective used by some here, invective that’s been increasingly sanctimonious and cruel directed against those of us who have acquiesced… the point where I stopped discussing the issue altogether on these pages……however I won’t stand by and be smeared as a “mate of Dan Andrews” and not reply……I have standards!

As for being “pure blood”….nobody is pure blood.

Kol hakavod Mater.

Mak Siccar
Mak Siccar
December 2, 2021 7:26 am

Here it comes! In today’s Oz.

World Health Organisation member states have agreed to start drafting a historic global convention to prevent and tackle the world’s next pandemic.

The agreement was made during a three-day meeting of the World Health Assembly comprising all 194 member states in Geneva on how to handle the next pandemic.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the agreement and said it signalled a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global model to help protect the wellbeing of all people.


December 2, 2021 7:27 am

On the other hand the jab might be a sensible precaution* against a potentially serious illness and people might actually have gotten it for that reason alone and couldn’t care less if they have to get a booster.
And at the same time despise every aspect of lockdowns, mandates and passports.
I look at the people driving alone in masks and think, the government really doesn’t need to interfere in people’s lives, each of us can made our own decisions, just have the necessary investment in hospitals but instead billions wasted on quarantine and lockdown payments etc.
Ldp has had the right idea for a long time, pro vaxx, pro freedom, taking people a long time to get close to that.
*yes some people have bad side effects from vaccines, pretty pointless trying to convince the already vaxxed they shouldn’t get boosters when you’ve already declared them dead men walking.

December 2, 2021 7:30 am

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus welcomed the agreement and said it signalled a once-in-a-generation opportunity to strengthen the global model to help protect the wellbeing of all people.

In a rational world, the WHO would have been relegated to the dustbin and its leaders would be rotting in jail. Unfortunately we live in an entirely different world.

December 2, 2021 7:36 am

The people displaying that attitude badly need to read on 4th generation war by Martin van Creveld. Alienating people like that is a losing proposition, this is now an insurgency that need to demonstrate the government cannot provide the services a government should.
For that to work, you need the population to support your side, not think you’re a pack of flogs.

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
December 2, 2021 7:48 am

It’s gone from being a political, principle and moral battleline, to a personal health choice

No, this is all those things. It always was and always will be. This is spiritual warfare.

The rhetoric of “purebloods” is powerful as it disarms the rhetoric of the wicked media and authorities in shaming those that are making a stand to be unvaxxed. For every person who has unwillingly been jabbed, there’s 2 others who will happily throw you into a unvaxxed detention camp if they could because you’re deemed as “unclean” in their eyes.

This is a religious war, not a personal health war.

I am a pureblood and I will stand with others who fight the Good fight, vaxed or unvaxed.

December 2, 2021 7:59 am

Exceedingly well said, Mater! I find the term ‘purebloods’ totally obnoxious since it exacerbates the whole us and them situation that our pathetic politicians and bureaucrats have foisted upon us.

We are not powerless, we can refuse to comply if we stand together and call this medical segregation exactly what it is, yet another attempt to divide society into tribes and groups in order to support an agenda of spite and dissipate our combined strength. All to ensure they can keep their own misbegotten power.

The history of the world is a chronicle of oppression. ~Chief Odumegwu Ojukwu~

I never expected to fight it here.

WolfmanOz (just existing in Melb. now)
December 2, 2021 8:00 am

Brilliant article Mater !

December 2, 2021 8:06 am

Well done Mater, I particularly like your final line

The Battle of the vaccinations is over: the Battle of the boosters is about to begin.

There are three cohorts which we can consider allies who don’t agree with segregation or ‘passports’
– willingly jabbed for medical or age reasons. Looked at the figures and said yes.
– those who unwillingly went along to make their lives easy.
– those who stand fast and won’t get it.

I have most respect for the third group. I’m somewhere between the first and second.

December 2, 2021 8:13 am

If I was to use a military analogy, you are still manning a Machine Gun post in Normandy, when the battle is being waged in Arnhem.

Here is another analogy: Guerilla war. Insurgents ALWAYS beat Government forces (I saw them do it in Iraq and Afghanistan). They do so because their resolve is higher (for insurgents, they are fighting for their way of life – government soldiers are fighting for a paycheck) and because the victory conditions are different. Insurgents win by not losing (ie by staying alive and unjabbed) and Governments lose by not winning (ie by subduing the population into compliance).

I am very much fighting for my way of life here – hence my very life is on the line. Are the government forces really prepared to go all the way as well?

December 2, 2021 8:14 am

The Battle of the vaccinations is over: the Battle of the boosters is about to begin.

The battle for political survival has just begun. As the percentage of people vaccinated around the world approaches 90-100% and the deaths, injuries, prolonged health issues, especially in the young (like young athletes now with increasing heart issues), become evident and irrefutable, those who ‘forced’ the vaccines on their people, encouraged the lies about the vaccines and disallowed any contrary voices, will have their day of reckoning.

They won’t have the defence that they ‘followed the science’.

December 2, 2021 8:18 am

Well said Mater.

We must be absolutely focused on the real enemy: Government.

Let’s rip these arseholes from the trough at each and every opportunity, relegating them to irrelevant and pointless jobs, what they’re truly qualified for.

December 2, 2021 8:37 am

What an absolute load of shit.

We are only in this position because all of you vaxtards bowed down to the government. Danny owns you, and he knows it, and YOU know it.

December 2, 2021 8:38 am

While I agree logically on what you have said, I fear the psychological aspects of this run much deeper than people realise.
I fear losing another friend to this completely artificial and manufactured divide.
We have discussed this all in great detail over and over again, you and I. You have foreseen things I did not and clarified my own thoughts.
I greatly fear that this is the first small step in a pivot.
That the stupidity from one or two raving loons becomes the justification for an attitude change.
Yes. I agree with your reasoning. But I fear the motivation for making this argument now.
God damn these utter bastards and what they have done to us.
If we few here cannot resolve these differences, in full knowing that they are stupid and made to order, what chance is there out there in idiot land?

December 2, 2021 8:41 am

Is there a rally in Melbourne this Saturday now that Andrews’ useful idiots in the Legislative Council have done his dirty work?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
December 2, 2021 8:51 am

Mater, I don’t think that this stage in the battle is, in any way, signposted by the word “pureblood”. There are many words and terms in the spectrum of public dialogue, from the melodramatic pureblood (could it be a plant from the Left, with its obvious N#zi racial overtones?) to the Harry Potter mudbloods (kids love this one, and gleefully go all-in with an amateur Lucius Malfoy impersonation, to the horror of their woke parents). A spectrum from right to bodily autonomy to flat-earth vaccine denier. A spectrum from I hear and respect the concerns of dissenters during this debate to I’ve recieved death threats from these neo-N#zis, the debate is over.
Does the appearance of “purebloods”- shocking though it may be to some- mean that the debate is declared over and won? No, and I’d caution Cats to look at the dubious appearance of “robodebt”, “misogynist” and “# I’ll Ride With You” as an example of how a neologism can be used as a gag, and come to signal eternal victory for the shrews.
If anyone thinks that acquiescing to a needle strengthens their position in resisting further treatments, they need their head read. Think of Thatcher’s eternal line against quislings, Churchill’s thoughts on appeasement. Think of what the Alinskyists have done to the words “consensus” and “breastfeeding mother”. Look at the banner ads in the Oz about “fully passed rigorous testing to highest standards”, then read “emergency use authorization” on the vial, and then sign the bit that says the gov and the company accept no liability. Repeat the words “I consent”, see if you don’t choke.
The word consent has now changed forever.
I give my full support to anyone who holds the line against any jab, or any treatment, FOREVER. Christ, I really don’t care if they are Potters House rapturists, Nuremburg Code fundamentalists, conscientious objectors or anything in between. It might seem kamikaze, but if not now, then when?
If not us, then who?
The Devil’s greatest manouevre has been convincing man that he does not exist.
The fight goes on.
Hold the line.
And stick around, we need you all.
Don’t be divided and conquered by the word “pureblood”, christ, what are we, grade four?

December 2, 2021 8:52 am

December 2, 2021 at 8:38 am
While I agree logically on what you have said, I fear the psychological aspects of this run much deeper than people realise.
I fear losing another friend to this completely artificial and manufactured divide.
We have discussed this all in great detail over and over again, you and I. You have foreseen things I did not and clarified my own thoughts.
I greatly fear that this is the first small step in a pivot.
That the stupidity from one or two raving loons becomes the justification for an attitude change.
Yes. I agree with your reasoning. But I fear the motivation for making this argument now.
God damn these utter bastards and what they have done to us.
If we few here cannot resolve these differences, in full knowing that they are stupid and made to order, what chance is there out there in idiot land?

You on the right track. Let me spell it out.

They HAVE WON. They forced MILLIONS of people into getting a medical procedure they didnt want. Those people have been broken and the rulers know it and WILL exploit it. You wait and see what they have coming.

There is no line to hold, its long gone. All the pure bloods should be looking at overseas options (no ‘Western’ country) and try to get your families out while the loophole is still there.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
December 2, 2021 8:53 am

Great post Mater.

December 2, 2021 8:56 am

You cannot appease your way out of tyranny.

December 2, 2021 9:04 am

You cannot appease your way out of tyranny.

But you are proposing to run away from it.

You won’t run far. It has the habit of catching up.

Mater is proposing to turn and fight it. How that fight will present itself remains to be seen, but he has indicated a couple of ways.

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 2, 2021 9:15 am

How about “freebloods”? Too cheesy?

December 2, 2021 9:15 am

December 2, 2021 at 9:04 am
You cannot appease your way out of tyranny.

But you are proposing to run away from it.

You won’t run far. It has the habit of catching up.

Mater is proposing to turn and fight it. How that fight will present itself remains to be seen, but he has indicated a couple of ways.

Why not runaway from tyranny? Ironically, people use to come to the ‘West’ to flee tyranny.

You’re fighting over a corpse. Australia is finished. I’m just venting my absolute frustration over 95% of peoples failure.

You had a chance to stand with me and fellow unvax’d when it actually mattered, and now it’s too late.

December 2, 2021 9:17 am

Off you go then.

You may find that tyranny will be in another form or well disguised. Or you take it with you between your ears.

December 2, 2021 9:18 am

This useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktail imbroglio has been the most infuriating and frightening one I’ve ever had to face in my time on this planet. To have been rendered a second class citizen overnight on the basis of one of the most obscene frauds ever visited on humanity in modern times often leaves me wondering if I’m not having some horrendous nightmare. Unfortunately not, it seems.

However, I will simply not kneel to these evil grotesque staggeringly hypocritical incompetent and dishonest imbeciles. There is a line I will not allow them to cross and that is the one that involves my submitting to those useless unnecessary toxic chemical cocktails. I renounced collectivism as a matter of principle, if I became one of the jabbed I would be completely bereft of any principles or integrity, as well as deeply ashamed of my expediency and cowardice. I never want to feel that way again, ever.

And where exactly, does this monstrous fascist insanity end? What further indignities are these illegitimate power crazed totalitarian shitheads going to foist on us? Remember, I’ve been under house arrest now for nearly five and half months. I still can’t leave my LGA of obsession (yeah, f*ck that, you knobheads) or even go into my office for work. Can’t visit friends or family, can’t go into certain shops or businesses.

Those disgusting hitlerist deadshits have been emboldened by what they’ve gotten away with since March last year. What they now have in store for us will be even worse.

They must be held accountable and soon. This unrelenting totalitarian insanity simply cannot be allowed to go on for much longer.

Never forgive and never forget what they have done to you, your family and your friends.

Our vengeance needs to be mighty and we need to ensure they don’t see it coming and or even know what hit them. Until they regain consciousness in the most infernal recesses of Hell, enjoying the company of various totalitarian monsters they have unashamedly sought to emulate.

December 2, 2021 9:22 am

‘If I was to use a military analogy, you are still manning a Machine Gun post in Normandy, when the battle is being waged in Arnhem.’

Wrong analogy (and wrong side, for that matter). Your take would be more like George Patton saying,”Oh? Bastogne’s surrounded? Then stand down everyone. Adolf won.”

The battleline is not between “vaxxed” and “unvaxxed”, it is between Freedom and Tyranny, Good and Evil (and no, that is not hyperbole).

THE fight is with the thugs (political and moral), “vaxx-zealots*”, that presume to impose their tyranny on others. It is not with those that chose (for whatever reason, health or otherwise) to be injected with something that has not been sufficiently tested, and where preliminary tests on previous incarnations demonstrated (very) alarmingly safety data.

The decision to inject was and is their call, and I support their right to make that call for themselves (unreservedly).

* It takes much more than being “stabbed” to be a vaxx-zealot; it is a state of mind(lessness). If it was not for Covid-19, these obnoxious nanny-babies would be busy banning meat, destroying cheap power, rationing your water, and promoting a myriad of other invasive tyrannies to completely and utterly control your “life” and destroy any semblance of personal autonomy.

And since we’re quoting, here’s a few of relevance:
– “Fear kills more people than death”
– “Better to fight for something than live for nothing”
– “Moral courage is the most valuable and usually the most absent characteristic in men”
– “The supreme measure of a man, is what he would risk his life for.”

Much respect to all (“vaxxed” and “unvaxxed”) that have taken to the streets to stand against tyranny.

December 2, 2021 9:22 am

Bravo Rabz.
You said it all.

December 2, 2021 9:23 am

December 2, 2021 at 9:17 am
Off you go then.

You may find that tyranny will be in another form or well disguised. Or you take it with you between your ears.

Ok vaxtard.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 2, 2021 9:26 am

The ‘vaxxed’ likely outnumbered the ‘unvaxxed’, significantly.

One would hope that the anti-mandate crowd will continue to do so – we need the numbers.

Of course, in six months, all the vaxxed people will be unvaxxed again. I am guessing that, with the terror campaigns easing off, that is when it will really start to bite.

“Again? But I had the vaxx! How many more times will I have to have this done?”

December 2, 2021 9:31 am

Mother Lodesays:
December 2, 2021 at 9:26 am
The ‘vaxxed’ likely outnumbered the ‘unvaxxed’, significantly.

One would hope that the anti-mandate crowd will continue to do so – we need the numbers.

Of course, in six months, all the vaxxed people will be unvaxxed again. I am guessing that, with the terror campaigns easing off, that is when it will really start to bite.

“Again? But I had the vaxx! How many more times will I have to have this done?”

The vax’d cowards WILL get it done however many times they are told. The first time to get someone to do the wrong thing is the hardest. After that, smooth sailing.

December 2, 2021 9:35 am

Parliament adjourned as former premier catches Covid. Jay Weatherill has tested positive for Covid after visiting an exposure site, prompting parliament to shut down today. He is understood to be in quarantine in Tom’s Court medi-hotel.

Given the Jaybird lives in WA now, he *must* have been ‘fully vaxxed’ (sic) to get into SA, and i would be surprised if there wasnt a mandatory vax policy at the venue too.

When will people wake up to the fact that THE. VAX. DO. NOT. WORK.

December 2, 2021 9:38 am

I reckon it’s a much better analogy that the army against army fight is over. It is now an insurgency, and to win the insurgency you need to have support from the population.

The ranting over “pureblood only” “vaxxed are dead to me” attitude will not get that support. All it’s doing is alienating the majority that’s needed to actually win. Dan Andrews, for example, is currently doing a fantastic job of delegitimizing the government, but unless the insurgency capitalizes on that it doesn’t matter. So far as I can see, the liberal democrat MPs have done a great job of taking the high moral ground, with Dan Andrews digging himself in deeper. Can you imagine where it leads if there’s an even bigger protest this weekend that he crushes and images of police smashing families, children, etc. go viral?
Something like this x10?

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 2, 2021 9:39 am

the Battle of the boosters

A mate in London says “everyone” over there is talking about the boosters being moved to a 3-month timeframe.
And talking in a resigned way. Not for it, not against it, just downbeaten acceptance.
Morale for the battle is low.

December 2, 2021 9:39 am

“PureBlood” but not anti-vax – waiting for Novavax as it is similar to Pneumococcal Vaccines, of which I have had 3, as well as Senior’s Flu Vax late April, every year for the past 11 years.

However the Pressure/Coercion to have Covid Vax is enormous – at hospital every 3 weeks for past 2 years, last time “Pure Blood” – ie Unvaccinated myself and another lady who came in at the same time who was also unvaccinated were put into private rooms

When I asked Cancer Nurse who was looking after me re logic she said “Bloody Stupid don’t get me started on the idiocy of the Administrators on this”

For next round next Tuesday, for the first time ever I have to have a PCR Test Sunday (72 hours before) (notwithstanding living in a blended 3 generation family with Grandkids 7/8/9 – 5-8-10 Years who are always ill and getting PCR Tests – all negative – I am the healthiest person in the family and have been taking antivirals for over 1 1/2 years) – Interesting that Hospital Pre Op Admissions on Monday, only said to get tested if in critical area.

HiFi shop notified me X Box Series X Console available yesterday (have been chasing for over a year) but unable to enter shop as unvaccinated, so my wife kindly came along and entered shop and purchased for me.

My elder sister passed away on weekend – had been only able to facetime with her in Hospital through Nephew and Brother-in-law, as unvaccinated unable to visit – her daughter is totally Anti-Vax and was unable to visit.

Nephew has been keeping my wife up to date re Funeral, as only 10 people allowed in unvaccinated present, I have said, as my Sister and her Husband had many friends, to go ahead with full funeral without myself – Nephew had been looking at deferring till 15 Dec when in theory Unvaccinated in NSW unlocked, but Funeral homes and Churches said unvaccinated rules will probably continue.

Her Daughter similarly is unable to attend Funeral.

I second what Mark M said above

I apologise and encourage us all to join together irrespective of your jab status and fight the tyranny that is upon us.

Good call mater.

December 2, 2021 9:40 am
December 2, 2021 9:46 am

Can you imagine where it leads if there’s an even bigger protest this weekend that he crushes and images of police smashing families, children, etc. go viral?

Ceausescu Time.

Cassie of Sydney
December 2, 2021 9:47 am

“My elder sister passed away on weekend”

Am sorry to hear OO. Take care. It’s always nice to see you here.

And I also second...”I apologise and encourage us all to join together irrespective of your jab status and fight the tyranny that is upon us.”

December 2, 2021 9:48 am

Why not runaway from tyranny?

I have turned my mind to this a good deal, for it was certainly the right approach for the Jews in Germany – PROVIDED they ran to the right place.

The puzzle here, is, where to run?

This is a world war and for the first time in history, I can see no obvious geographic bolthole. Even in Australia, where to go? The rules change frequently and ‘open’ states like SA might turn on a dime when they get their real dose next winter. Alternately, Fascist dictatorships like Victoria might be close to a peoples revolt which changes the government.

At present, I am concentrating on 3 things
1) Preserving my health, and that of others by avoiding the jab and maximising lifestyle choices that boost immunity
2) Converting as much of my physical wealth into portable and non seizeable forms like PMs and BTC*
3) Weathering any amount of pain and coercion up the point of actual physical compulsion to take the shot – that will be met with violent resistance.


I find it interesting that the first time in history that there is no physical place to escape to, is also the first time in history there is at least a financial digital bolt hole – bitcoin.

December 2, 2021 9:50 am

My elder sister passed away on weekend

My sincere condolences, Ozzie.

December 2, 2021 9:50 am

As someone who is UNCLEAN, simply because I wasn’t sick, didn’t feel threatened and as time wore on reralised if you NEEDED this jab the gummints, State & Federal, wouldn’t need to make threats just appeal to commonsense .. But, of course, being gummint appealing to voteherd commonsense is dangerous politics and doesn’t raise much money .. LOL!
I feel sympathy with those who are vaxxed, not those that followed the gummint,
“I say so therefore you will, or else!” method but those who, reluctantly, got jabbed because .. work, travel or anything else that wasn’t allowed if you weren’t jabbed ensured a lot of hesitant obedience ..!
For you folk were never told of the bigger picture were you?
When they gummint said, “2 jabs will set you free “, they were doing what gummints do and ALWAYS fool sooooo many .. LYING! .. They knew that boosters were gonna be introduced but they also knew that if they mentioned them too early it MIGHT cause hiccups in the overall scheme of gummint things ….
You can fool some of the vote-herd some of the time .. BUT gummint knows .. you can fool LOTZA the voteherd .. EVERYTIME ..

December 2, 2021 9:51 am

The vax’d cowards WILL get it done however many times they are told. The first time to get someone to do the wrong thing is the hardest. After that, smooth sailing.

Until they notice

1) They didn’t get what they were promised (immunity and return of freedoms)
2) They or people they know get vax injuries

December 2, 2021 9:57 am

Mater, apart from those we know personally, we know nothing about the true circumstances of anyone who posts here. Nothing.

Everything we read is based on trust.

So I take a good proportion of the posturing and preening with a grain of salt. Having been around these parts for a good few years, you get to know the genuine article from the glowies, simply on commenting history. Also, you know when to cut someone some slack because they’re under tremendous pressure, and not necessarily from the latest round of government b/s.

I want to resist the growing pressure to have a wretched booster. Already I see family members lining up because time’s up. They just don’t see this as being an endless requirement for a normal life.

December 2, 2021 10:04 am

There are three cohorts which we can consider allies who don’t agree with segregation or ‘passports’
– willingly jabbed for medical or age reasons. Looked at the figures and said yes.
– those who unwillingly went along to make their lives easy.
– those who stand fast and won’t get it.

So just how large is the raving collectivist nutbag “lock ’em all up in a concentration camp” cohort?

30%, 40%?

December 2, 2021 10:04 am

‘Your ground is not vital or key to Dan (or the other Premiers).
Bastogne was.’
…similarly bypassed, not because it was unimportant but because some very courageous bastards refused to yield.

‘He’s bypassed you and moving on. You’ll starve if you don’t withdraw and join the second defensive position.’
Fortunately, I am not in Bastogne. I’m with 4th Armored and we’re already on the move 😉

Roger W
Roger W
December 2, 2021 10:06 am

Time to re-read a little document called The Declaration of Independence?
Has a lot of useful advice…

December 2, 2021 10:07 am

Can you imagine where it leads if there’s an even bigger protest this weekend that he crushes and images of police smashing families, children, etc. go viral?

Sadly, this is necessary. Guerilla wars are essentially won by publicity stunts (strategically insignificant but highly publicised attacks) which generate an over – reaction from the authorities which damages the authorities by

1) Hurting innocent parties – which creates more insurgents
2) Inducing them to introduce ever more intrusive control measures – which feeds back into point #1

Classically, ‘the people’ do NOT blame the guerillas for the chaos, but instead blame the authorities for failing to prevent it – ultimately, the government loses authority and falls

December 2, 2021 10:11 am

Anyone who says “never”, just hasn’t been put in the right predicament.

This might be true for me, I don’t know for sure until it is tested.
But people DO sacrifice everything for principles.
Such people do exist.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 2, 2021 10:12 am

No, I’m saying this because I’m talking purely strategically in the fight against this abhorrent turn of events we are experiencing in this country. It would do us all well to refocus on this rather than polishing our respective ‘moral’ laurels, and how we fared in the recent battle.

+ lots, Mater.

The fight against the tyranny of the political class should be the motivation during this terrible time. And it has been heartening to see so many Australians, people from every walk of life and from every state and locale, whatever their “vaccine status” standing up against medical tyranny and the medicalisation of citizenship, with the next phase – the boosters – about to commence. This is the new battle line and the new war and the only way to win that battle and the war is not to divide from with in.

December 2, 2021 10:13 am

flyingduk, I’m glad I’m not shouting into the aether, there’s someone who’s getting what I’m talking about.

Of course a truly ruthless insurgency will perform the acts themselves in a way that’s setup to blame the government, but I don’t think that’s going to happen here. I’d expect an arrogant prick like Andrews will manage to do the job on his own.

December 2, 2021 10:15 am

My condolences, OldOzzie.
May your sister rest in peace.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 2, 2021 10:16 am


Wrong analogy (and wrong side, for that matter). Your take would be more like George Patton saying,”Oh? Bastogne’s surrounded? Then stand down everyone. Adolf won.”


Your ground is not vital or key to Dan (or the other Premiers). Bastogne was.
Dan couldn’t give a shit whether you’re vaxxed or not. He’s bypassed you and moving on. You’ll starve if you don’t withdraw and join the second defensive position.


Superb piece, by the way.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 2, 2021 10:18 am

The vax’d cowards WILL get it done however many times they are told

They are not cowards. Not every challenge in life is symbolic.

For a lot of people the choice was get the jab or you can’t feed your family, or you cannot see your parents, or you will lose your job. These are not little things.

What kind of a person can sneer at them as not having made the symbolic act of defiance as if the only choice was jab or no jab, somehow in isolation and without consequence?

Botswana O'Hooligan
Botswana O’Hooligan
December 2, 2021 10:21 am

From the perspective of an 80 year old who bears no malice to anyone. Our Australia became no more when we started importing waves of immigrants for they brought some nice things in the culinary line along with their different mores. In short, they think differently and as a result our culture has changed for both good and bad. Our Anglo Saxon forebears in the main would tell these petty bureaucrats and politicians to go to buggery or run them out of town. Most of the population, country towns and some pockets in cities excepted, meekly take whatever is dished out so we are experiencing the start of the thirties and their aftermath all over again. The bureaucrats et al call it progress without asking themselves “progress to where?” Poor fellow my country.

December 2, 2021 10:27 am

Warm feeling, nobody notices, nothing changes.

I notice. I know what I did or didn’t do.
I know if I back down from a fight if it was because the other bloke was a monster, but if he was my equal I would have fronted him. I know if my actions are motivate by cowardice or sense.
I know that I’d prefer to take a hiding, lose all my friends or my job than back down from a bully.
I know.

December 2, 2021 10:31 am

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing

High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated). 12 of 31 infections in fully vaccinated household contacts (39%) arose from fully vaccinated epidemiologically linked index cases. Peak viral load did not differ by vaccination status or variant type [[1]]. In Germany, the rate of symptomatic COVID-19 cases among the fully vaccinated (“breakthrough infections”) is reported weekly since 21. July 2021 and was 16.9% at that time among patients of 60 years and older [[2]]. This proportion is increasing week by week and was 58.9% on 27. October 2021 (Figure 1) providing clear evidence of the increasing relevance of the fully vaccinated as a possible source of transmission.

December 2, 2021 10:33 am

Bully’s and gangsters go after your family.
Bully’s and gangsters will use leverage.
Bully’s and gangsters will put you in an impossible position.
Bully’s and gangsters will wreck your life,
Bully’s and gangsters will cover their threats and intimidation’s with euphemisms to allow you to think you are taking the easy way as they systematically rob you of everything.
This is not complicated.
The “offer you can’t refuse” the “be sensible about this, we’re taking it all anyway”.
The only control you have IS HOW YOU GO DOWN.

Wyndham Dix
Wyndham Dix
December 2, 2021 10:33 am

Flyingduk says:
December 2, 2021 at 9:35 am

Parliament adjourned as former premier catches Covid.

Well and quickly spotted Flyingduk. The reaction of SA Parliament is almost as if a death sentence had been pronounced on Mr Weatherill. Unless he has life-threatening co-morbidities, at age 57 he can be expected to recover and in all likelihood gain natural immunity in so doing.

The panic of at least one-half of 69 SA parliamentarians further suggests we live in times of rampant hypochondria.

December 2, 2021 10:34 am

Dan doesn’t give a shit about your personal satisfaction.

And I don’t give a shit about Dan.
He will be gone soon enough.
The clown show will roll on.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 2, 2021 10:37 am

And the beauty is, I’m not even asking people to give up their principles or personal battles…just to stop shitting on people who were forced down a different path by circumstance.


Bar Beach Swimmer
December 2, 2021 10:45 am

Old Ozzie, sorry to read your sad news.

The government wants us separated; a missing face at a funeral and the distance between the grieving and bereaved, only show the work of the political class. But we are not really separated by them, because within us is our spirit and the love and care we feel for our own loved ones.
Take care,

December 2, 2021 10:47 am

flyingduk, I’m glad I’m not shouting into the aether, there’s someone who’s getting what I’m talking about.

I’ve had 20 years of practical and theoretical learning about insurgencies

December 2, 2021 10:49 am

December 2, 2021 at 9:48 am
Why not runaway from tyranny?

I have turned my mind to this a good deal, for it was certainly the right approach for the Jews in Germany – PROVIDED they ran to the right place.

The puzzle here, is, where to run?

Japan is viable. The Americans wrote their constitution after WW2 and it is ILEGAL for the government to lockdown or mandate vaccines. They may ‘request’ and typically Japanese will comply. Generally the gov treats their people like adults, unlike the West.

While they may change the constitution, it is a big barrier to change.

Other than that, there is only 3rd World type countries where you can simply bribe your way out.

December 2, 2021 10:52 am

Man, 73, gets COVID, ends up on respirator. Family sues Illinois hospital for ivermectin treatment and wins. Man gets better.

All the arguments pro and con getting vaxxed seem beside the point. Key is that safe, cheap and effective treatments are available and the Establishment is suppressing them.

December 2, 2021 10:52 am

Other than that, there is only 3rd World type countries where you can simply bribe your way out.

Australia is already ticking a lot of ‘3rd world country ‘ boxes

December 2, 2021 10:56 am

Mother Lodesays:
December 2, 2021 at 10:18 am
The vax’d cowards WILL get it done however many times they are told

They are not cowards. Not every challenge in life is symbolic.

For a lot of people the choice was get the jab or you can’t feed your family, or you cannot see your parents, or you will lose your job. These are not little things.

What kind of a person can sneer at them as not having made the symbolic act of defiance as if the only choice was jab or no jab, somehow in isolation and without consequence?

I don’t feel like I’m sneering. Just absolutely gutted that I’ve been left behind, and lashing out.

At this point I don’t see any hope of recovery, so need to make plans to get out.

December 2, 2021 11:00 am

At this point I don’t see any hope of recovery, so need to make plans to get out.

This is what you do with tyrants.
You wait them out.
Because the chances are, they come a cropper.
No one has any right to condemn any other person for how they have responded to the tyrant.
Give advice is one thing.
Condemnation another.

December 2, 2021 11:02 am

I have been very fortunate. My wife and both our (unattached) adult kids have also resisted the vaxx, so no family ructions like so many others here.
Living in the ACT, the lefties in charge here never imposed vaccine passports. Can go to Bunnings and eat at restaurants no questions asked. No threat to my job or our kids jobs for being un-vaxxed.
Wife and I could go down the South Coast, but wouldn’t be able to go out, so incentive to travel there is gone. That is our only real downside.
I totally agree with what Rabz said; no lame brain idiot politician or bureaucrat is going to force me to take an experimental drug to treat a disease no more serious than a bad flu. If I had serious health concerns my view may be different, but the wife and I are still pretty fit for our age and we see little to no benefit in the jab, and plenty of possible downside.
Every individual must make there own decision on what to do given the circumstances they are confronted with. I will not condemn anyone for their personal choice, as I would expect the same regard in return.
I joined the small protest march in Canberra last weekend, and saw what seemed a very disparate group of people coming to together for a common cause. This totalitarian grab for power must be resisted, and we must seek allies where we can. This is no time for ideological purity. Fully agree with Mater’s post!

December 2, 2021 11:02 am

From the outset, well before the jab, it was, simply, about freedom.

The jab hijacked the struggle, and at the same time became the site, the weapon, and the enemy.

The protest at the vic market mid last year, before the jab was on the horizon, was a resistance to authoritarianism, loudly so. The voices were stopped with helmets, batons, and horses. Still, the protest did not rate, anywhere. I’m not sure, but it seems the ‘right’ people were not involved at the time. I think that has changed a bit. But the divisions in society at the time are the same as those of today. Those who were derogatory of the protestors continue to be derogatory towards any resistance to the enforced status quo.

I used to think that the people who were satisfied with brutal authority were fearful of dying, were pleased enough to ‘stay safe’.
I now wonder.
Because rather than fearing death, there is something of a death wish all around.
Faces are dead behind black asphyxiating, strangulating masks.
Entombment is a chosen way of life, locked in little boxes, as Seeger had it.
The jab is Russian roulette, meaning enhancing boosters are longed-for.
And so on.

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 2, 2021 11:02 am

Australia is already ticking a lot of ‘3rd world country ‘ boxes

The worst kind – the one where you can’t bribe your way out.

December 2, 2021 11:06 am

Good piece Mater, stimulated some good discussion.

I have used the term “Pure Blood” but mainly in defiance to people that are treating me and my family as diseased for not being vaccinated, but not to undermine those who have chosen to be vaccinated for what ever reason. It should be a personal choice and there are reasons to do it and reasons not to.

Time is running out for me and I will soon have to take the stuff. I won’t be happy about it but it is the government overreach that upsets me the most.

As for moving to another state or country, I am not sure any jurisdiction is going to be better off in the long run. We have already spent a few years living oversees and made the choice to come back to Australia to be with extended family……choices…ah the good old days!

December 2, 2021 11:07 am

I’m a ‘pureblood’ and I live in the fascist state run by The Criminal.

I’ve been to the last 2 Saturday marches in Melbourne. My job is under threat, I’m treated like a leper in society at large, but I will not risk ruining my health and become a medical slave to these fukers.

I assume there is about 20% or so of the vaxxed that didn’t want it but felt they had no choice and had to take it. I have a few relations like that, and we are on the same side.

There is probably another 20% of the vaxxed that took it happily, but have no issue with people deciding to stay unvaxxed. I am ‘neutral’ with those people. Why? Because they are not caring to fight for what’s at stake here. They still think the world is run by rational people, they are sheep-like and go on with their lives as if its all going to be normal again…..boy are they in for a surprise.

Then there is the rest of the vaxxed, and they feel that we should be forced to be as well. These are the same level of idiots as the German majority in the 1930s, who fully embraced the treatment of the Jews. They are my enemy, they are people that would support The Criminal sending us off to camps to be forcibly injected.

December 2, 2021 11:16 am

This is what you do with tyrants.
You wait them out.

Yep, that’s my strategy…. unless they physically come for me, in which case I will fight

December 2, 2021 11:28 am

It’s the ‘conservative’ two step playing out yet again. “Never! to gay marriage” , becomes “ugh, would you weird bigots stop going on about gay marriage, what are you, secretly gay?” becomes “Gays are the true conservatives!” becomes “Everyone has moved on, stop damaging the ‘fight’“. The fight for what? Not getting vaccinated if you don’t want it is the fight. And you lost it. But luckily for us, like groundhog day you will get to fight the same fight again and again and perhaps next time find the moral courage to stand up. Because the boosters will be mandated and you will have to face the exact same demon that you shied away from one already again: get jabbed – hand your body and soul over to the state apparatus, or accept that you have to face the mob, face exclusion, and accept suffering and change your life.

Except, like a bad movie, each time you go around the circle it feeds on people’s capitulation and compliance. Each iteration it becomes bigger, more emboldened and more powerful. And eventually, if people don’t refuse sooner rather than later, you’ll be facing detention – either at home or in a camp, or the ‘jab’, and if you wouldn’t hold out when it was ‘change your job or get the jab’ why would you hold out when it’s ‘get the jab or face total annihilation‘?

See the problem hold outs have? In war terms you’re basically the Italians and Russians lecturing the British about how to morally fight the war. Umm, cool bro, happy to have you around but don’t pretend we’re on the same page here….

You refused to change your life the first time, will you do it the second? Some will. Most won’t. And the system will become more entrenched, more barbaric, and more nazi against ‘unvaccinated’ – which already makes no distinction at all in many places between no-jabbed and not-recently-jabbed. And people will look back and wish they had of fought it when it was easy – at the start, when it was just about a job, than when it was impossible and it’s “get the fifth dose or go sit in Howard Springs or Toowoomba for a month”.

December 2, 2021 11:28 am

A handful of years ago on Sinc’s Ye Olde CatII, an individual using the nom de plume ‘WX’ published a post about a concept for a co-ordinating body (or network) which he called a Political Intelligence Entity, or PIE.

Whether it was the clunky name (for which he gave a reason), or the abstract and as-yet-undeveloped nature of the concept, the post received little attention. With one exception, the few published comments expressed a view that we already had numerous policy-making/research organisations (which was NOT the stated goal of the PIE), or she’ll-be-right-mate-things-are-not-that-bad-yet, just-sit-back-and-let-them-trip-themselves-up.

Posited several years pre-COVID, the idea was for an entity to gather, analyse, distribute, and (dependent on resources) action, open-source political/social information in order to progress right-of-centre philosophies.

Such an entity – I name it an entity, for its exact form/structure might be diverse – could be a co-ordinating mechanism for the irregular resistance espoused by several commenters in this thread. It would be a means of setting and achieving measurable outcomes, rather than solely a forum for general discussion.

If this (or a similar) concept were developed – military history nerds will know that every successful insurgency had a strong support network, and the counter-insurgents often targeted these underlying structures – I would respectfully suggest that information operations be prioritised, that internal security also be high on the list of priorities, and that any publicly-revealed organisational name include the descriptor ‘Non-Violent.’

Judge Dredd
Judge Dredd
December 2, 2021 11:44 am

Keep holding the line.
Of course there are many good people getting vaxxed as the situation is untenable for them. I pray for them, and count them on the side of the good.
Holding the line is important – remember that we only need 12, as it was only 12 through God’s power that spread Christianity to the ends of the earth.

December 2, 2021 11:46 am

And the beauty is, I’m not even asking people to give up their principles or personal battles…just to stop shitting on people who were forced down a different path by circumstance.

Well said.

I was not forced down the path to the jab – I went willingly to protect the vulnerable parents and in-laws and to be part of population-level minimising chances of participating in the daisy chain of infection. Now I just got a letter telling me to go get their shitty, half-effective booster for their shitty, half-effective double vaccinations. I am not impressed.

Bob in Castlemaine
Bob in Castlemaine
December 2, 2021 11:48 am

“The Battle of the vaccinations is over: the Battle of the boosters is about to begin.” This seems an pretty accurate assessment of Victorian/Australian democracy’s current predicament. Likely as prophetic as Churchill’s comments after Dunkirk in June 1940.

What General Weygand called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin. Upon this battle depends the survival of Christian civilization. Upon it depends our own British life, and the long continuity of our institutions and our Empire………etc

December 2, 2021 11:58 am

We are only in this position because all of you vaxtards bowed down to the government. Danny owns you, and he knows it, and YOU know it.

I get the passion and forgive the rhetoric.
after all, it has a nugget of truth.
the pure-bloods term doesn’t bother me either

personally, held out as long as possible before joining the ranks of the vaxTarded.
here I am.

The thing the pure-bloods don’t get yet is that Danny owns YOU too
got yr cohones in his purse and there’s sweet FA you can do about it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the real problem is the Post-Modern, or Cultural Marxism…same-same.

It’s just a re-worded flavour of Marxism
but coming with it, is everything you’d expect from a revolution

December 2, 2021 12:04 pm

If this (or a similar) concept were developed – military history nerds will know that every successful insurgency had a strong support network, and the counter-insurgents often targeted these underlying structures – I would respectfully suggest that information operations be prioritised, that internal security also be high on the list of priorities, and that any publicly-revealed organisational name include the descriptor ‘Non-Violent.’

May I suggest “the organisation” or “the New Guard”.
I loved the idea at the time; but I started one to develop activist ideas years ago over another political smashdown of the innocent, the gun laws. We ended up doing little useful. An idea I developed has got a little more traction but the best compliment was that I got a call from Old Parliament House who were doing an exhibit on participative democracy, and wanted to use us as a poster group.
This idea is good but you need good people to set and hold a direction- and you need to be able to discipline idiots so they don’t start shitfights that make things worse.

December 2, 2021 12:05 pm

Bravo Rabz.


December 2, 2021 12:06 pm

This is like a group therapy session for people who gave in and now want to tell each other how they’re the true heros and the people holding out are just mean old crazies.

Convenient way to sweep away the thorn pricking the conscience. And well predicted.

Remember at 50% when people used to routinely say things like “if they’re this bad now, imagine what it will be like when they have the numbers”? Well, at 90% that is this, now unvaccinated people get attacked by the reluctant temporarily vaccinated.

A lot of the bravado you see from some hold outs, some of which is dumb and counter productive indeed, is forced. A sort of protective inner fortification driven by fear that they will give in too. A nervous tic learned from bitter experience of watching people around us, that we loved and respected drop one by one by the way. And always the same story. We’ve all seen people go from ‘I’m never getting the vaccine!”, to “I’m only getting it because I ‘have to’ [often very subjective levels of ‘have to’]”, to the inevitable “Why don’t you just get the vaccine?”. Or, worse, just silently completely withdrawing from the entire thing, accepting the whole new system of forever-jabs, passports, segregation and moving on and ‘forgetting’ about the people rotting away. All the while refusing to accept that they have changed. That the act of taking the vaccine, of giving into the mob, has mentally changed them before our very eyes.

A lot more than medicine comes into a persons life with getting ‘the jab’ – this is particularly so for people who capitulate to the mob. A lot more.

December 2, 2021 12:25 pm

December 2, 2021 at 11:58 am
We are only in this position because all of you vaxtards bowed down to the government. Danny owns you, and he knows it, and YOU know it.

I get the passion and forgive the rhetoric.
after all, it has a nugget of truth.
the pure-bloods term doesn’t bother me either

personally, held out as long as possible before joining the ranks of the vaxTarded.
here I am.

The thing the pure-bloods don’t get yet is that Danny owns YOU too
got yr cohones in his purse and there’s sweet FA you can do about it.

Not quite. As it stands I can still get out of Aus unvax’d, which I would have if the other have had agreed. But the trigger to leave is when they mandate the vax for the kids.

Plus, I have the knowledge that I have not bowed to the Hunchback, which helps a lot.

At this point I would only take the clot shot to materially damage Australia, and that would be to leave the country and not pay anymore tax, nor support the ‘system’ on enslavement.

Remember only Australia and Nth Korea banned its citizens from travelling. They dont want their slaves to leave.

December 2, 2021 12:48 pm

“…deeply ashamed of my expediency and cowardice. I never want to feel that way again, ever.”

Interesting – seems from this that you have previously done something similar against your better judgement, and learned from it. Bravo, sir. Please do not assume everyone else is in the same position.

“Never forgive and never forget what they have done to you, your family and your friends. “
I have no intention of forgiving nor forgetting – rather the reverse. I will draw attention to those who put me in such an untenable and immoral position every chance I get.

FYI, some of us have freely made commitments that, given current circumstances, require us to get the jab, regardless of our feelings about it.
I am one.
I simply do not have the resources to continue to refuse it and still meet my commitments.
So I did would all real men do – put my own health and even life on the line to protect those I need to protect.
It’s like going to war – you don’t want to be a soldier and face the risk of death, never to see your loved ones again. But if not you, then who will protect those from “the enemy”? It’s something that needs to be done – not for yourself, but for those around you, those you care about.
If you wish to disparage me for doing this, then go right ahead – I care not what you think of me. I did what I did for what I believe are good reasons. It might kill me, but for the time being it has helped protect those I care about the most from harm. That is a sacrifice I am willing to risk. I, sir, will do whatever I deem necessary to protect those I care about, and damn the consequences to me personally.

December 2, 2021 12:53 pm

Regardless of where you stand, the Mengele Mob are still happy to take blood and organ donations from the “cleanskins”. I think it was Bushkid who came up with this moniker. I like it, I will keep using it.

I have stopped giving blood. If I am not “CLEAN” enough to be treated or operated on, nor even be allowed into a doctor’s office, then my blood will not be of value either, will it?!?

Also, I have been an organ donor since I was old enough to give my permission. No longer. I have had myself taken off the Donor Register. Again, If I am not “CLEAN” enough to receive treatment in the normal way, not “CLEAN” enough to be kept in work, not “CLEAN” enough to be allowed anywhere where the ninety percent are now allowed, then obviously my organs will be far too dangerous to be used for saving lives, especially in people who have been struck down with Pericarditis and Myocarditis.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 12:57 pm

Yeah. Every Frog was in the resistance after 1945 if you want to use military anologies.
God is on our side. I pity you fools.
Fascists can kiss my arse.

Mother Lode
Mother Lode
December 2, 2021 12:58 pm

Where does this idea come from that the only argument against mandatory vaccinations is not being vaccinated, and if you eventually do get the jab you have lost all right to argue against the mandate and have thrown all your support behind the despotic Premiers.

As if there is a single front and a single weapon.

It would also mean people opposed to the mandates have lost. Lost through being so thoroughly outnumbered and the fact unvaxxed people can become vaxxed, but vaxxed people cannot become unvaxxed.

Some people are vaccinated because they honestly feared Covid and thought it wiser for them to get the shot. A lot of these can be opposed to the mandate. Some were cudgeled and threatened and browbeaten into getting the jab for very real reasons of the sort I set out in a previous comment. A lot of them resent having been forced to make that choice and only chose what was the second worst out of two options. They also will be opposed to mandates.

I don’t care if people chose freely to have the shot. I do care about people who were forced just as I do not wish to be forced. I am happy to join with them.

And if there was a person who was unvaccinated because they were susceptible to anaphylaxis, but in favour of other people being forced, I have no common cause with them. They can rot someplace downwind for all I care.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 1:03 pm

Just started scrolling up and listened to peoples bleating.
FYI you aren’t brave little soldiers for getting jabbed. You are not.
You are hands uppers. Surrender monkeys.
You ,are your choice to get jabbed. Don’t try and justify it.
I hope you live long and prosper.
I’ve made my choice to stand against fascism.
Stop being crybabies. I can’t read anymore of your bleating on here.

December 2, 2021 1:13 pm

“Stop being crybabies. I can’t read anymore of your bleating on here.”

Nor I yours.
I have and will continue to oppose all forms of coercion and all mandates for these injections, despite the fact that I have had it myself (under coercion).
I am glad that you have the resources to continue to resist – good for you.
I will stand in protest as you are whisked away to the concentration quarantine camps.
I will fight when, thanks to being in said camp, you are no longer able to.
And I will do so even though you disparage me for having the injections.
The “unwilling” may be your only chance, and yet you call us names and disparage us. Even so, I will not abandon you to the fate dictated to you by…, well, dictators.
Make of that, and me, what you will.

May you also live a long, prosperous life.

December 2, 2021 1:17 pm

Yeah. Every Frog was in the resistance after 1945 if you want to use military anologies.

Miss Anthropist, I was thinking of exactly that today. There were only around twelve hundred French Partisans during the War, yet AFTER the War, sixty thousand laid claim to having been a Partisan.

December 2, 2021 1:18 pm

Sorry, meant “Resistance”. Father was a Partisan. Different country.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 1:26 pm

There is no line to hold, its long gone. All the pure bloods should be looking at overseas options (no ‘Western’ country) and try to get your families out while the loophole is still there.

Hey Razey, you’re Glowing again.

And only getting more Glowie with every post..m

December 2, 2021 1:27 pm

Just started scrolling up and listened to peoples bleating.
FYI you aren’t brave little soldiers for getting jabbed. You are not.
You are hands uppers. Surrender monkeys.
You ,are your choice to get jabbed. Don’t try and justify it.
I hope you live long and prosper.
I’ve made my choice to stand against fascism.
Stop being crybabies. I can’t read anymore of your bleating on here.

And this is why you will lose. Purity spiraling and casting aside all those who agree with you but do not meet your exacting standards. This is like the crazy homeless guy on the street preaching, at best there will be some who pity him, but no one will stand with him.

December 2, 2021 1:29 pm

There were 200k+ on the streets last Saturday.

And every single one happy to be there, to stand up for what they believe in, for those and what they hold dear. This will at least give our Vichy overlords pause before they betray us even more. I hope it never comes to pass that these same brave protestors will have to hide their identities and head for the hills to continue their good work.

December 2, 2021 1:32 pm

There were only around twelve hundred French Partisans during the War, yet AFTER the War, sixty thousand laid claim to having been a Partisan.

The number in the various French Resistance movements is unknown but was certainly higher than that. De Gaulle awarded c. 60 000 Resistance medals, although they were awarded not only to the fighters but also spies (e.g. Josephine Baker), and others who risked their lives aiding and abetting the fighters.

December 2, 2021 1:37 pm

Great thread!
Agree with most of the sentiments expressed.

As a simple soul, I will remain a pure-blood, or uber/unter-mensch, or whatever the latest meme is, for as long as the government needs to go and fuck itself to eternal hell and damnation.

I will also never criticise others for their vax choices. Everyone’s life is different, their choice, their life. Just don’t lecture me, as I don’t lecture you.

Mater’s point is just and well made. It should be sculpted in granite.
Unfortunately ,Cat-like people and their ilk have always had the propensity to readily, copiously piss on each other over the slightest difference of opinion. This vax issue is no different.
This is why we always lose.

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 1:40 pm

My standards have never been high or exacting. I know people are fallible.
I have spent time and effort standing against the proxies of two Communist evil empires. My choice. I merely expected my comrades to be competent. I hopes my leaders would be.
In civilian life I made efforts to keep the hoi polloi safe.
I would rather God hadn’t saved me from all those perils to have to fight to the death for freedom in my own county I don’t expect you or anyone to join me. If you do you are as my brother. If you don’t stop fucking whining.

December 2, 2021 1:42 pm

Unfortunately ,Cat-like people and their ilk have always had the propensity to readily, copiously piss on each other over the slightest difference of opinion.

Ain’t that the truth.

December 2, 2021 1:50 pm

This is why we always lose.

I was going to say that if governments wanted to neuter the protest movement their best tactic would be to divide it on some issue.

December 2, 2021 1:53 pm

The vaxxed want us to unite with them to fight tyranny.
Tyranny they empowered by having the jab.
In the real world, (not catallaxy) I am already fighting alongside the jabbed.
That is a given, so stop going on about it.
We are already united.
They knew no better.
However here, at catallaxy, many should have known better.
I am not the angry struth you now see here, on other blogs and in real life.
Right at the start, where disobedience and a strong showing of who we are could have been given to the government, in other words telling them we are in charge and they are going to have a fight on their hands, by disobeying their ruling of not going to your Cenotaph on Anzac day, didn’t happen because people had lost their shit to fear.
BUT, I didn’t expect the response to such a right wing approach to be so abused by those looking for an excuse not to participate in defiance.
Not here.
Not this blog.
And so it was for over a year here, where I had to leave to get away from the covid hysteria and insanity.
That’s where we lost.

Let us not forget , oh you poor hard done by, forced to submit to the death jab, what you have been like for the past two years.
The panic and hysteria about something called the sniffles before 2020.
Now you want us , who were trying to warn you all along, to STFU and just unite with you.
The fact is, I’ll have limited time to do that now, because as I said for the last two years, your compliance, once they have the numbers , will bring in a social credit scheme and put your fellow Australians that stand firm into a concentration camp, which to this very day, sees KD scoffing about, as he has done all along.
That’s me and my family, so thank you.
Your capitulation will imprison how many millions?
Will they all die as well, as history suggests?
Personal responsibility.
You were told this is what would happen.
History told you this would happen and most here knew it but chose to ignore it.
Always remember, my actions didn’t put YOU in a concentration camp, or confine YOU to your homes.
My stance did not take YOUR jobs.
Your compliance took mine.
So I should just STFU?!
You, as right wingers knew better.

Of course, you don’t want to hear that.
Forget it struth, and unite for the fight we made you have by complying.
I expect nothing from the majority of the population, but I expected more from a right wing blog.
But here is the main point.
I got called all sorts of names for daring to suggest that losing your job is preferable to taking the jab.
That apparently, is easy for me to say, since I live on the moon and have no skin in the game!!!
Better to be poor for a while and free, than to keep a job temporarily and empower tyranny that will make keeping that job a pointless exercise, and imprison your fellow Australians who are standing firm, while you only get to live in a show us your papers Nazi state.
Common sense or Struth having a rave with no skin in the game?………., as I am apparently living on the fucking moon.
Mater held out, fair enough, until it was pointless………………….
What does your Christian teachings tell you about doing unto others?
What would have Jesus done?
Had the blood of his fellow man on his hands to save himself?
War brings out the best ,……and the worst….in people.
Now after all the flack people like myself have had to cop, cats who should have known better want it all forgotten and to join forces.
Without any remorse shown.
The submission to the jab was everything and there were no excuses unless you hadn’t the slightest clue regarding history and politics, because those that knew, understood what it would mean in the long run.
You knew.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 2:00 pm

You forgot to tell us all to repent again, Struth…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 2:01 pm

You knew.

We love you, Other Graeme… 🙂

December 2, 2021 2:06 pm

Bluntly, I can make it until about the end of January. Then it’s either live on the street or I have to be jabbed so I can work.
From what some people are posting here, if I want to eat, pay the bills, etc. I am not worthy of their time. Great for you if you’re in a position to wait it out or get out of the country. I am not in that position.
Half the people I know have only got jabbed so they can feed their family, there’s only a smattering who got it because they wanted to and think it’s the best things since sliced bread. The amount of people who feel they have been forced into this by Dan Andrews has destroyed his moral high ground, as you can see by the protests and where they come from.
The writing on here casting those people aside because they don’t meet some arbitrary purity standard is putrid. I honestly don’t know what to say, but I guess they’ve already said it. People like me are not their ally, not their friend, and never will be.

December 2, 2021 2:10 pm

Chris says:
December 2, 2021 at 12:04 pm

This idea is good but you need good people to set and hold a direction- and you need to be able to discipline idiots so they don’t start shitfights that make things worse.

Thanks for the feedback, Chris. Unfortunately, the prevailing response still seems to be ‘Someone else will do it,’ or ‘Wait for them to make a mistake,’ or even ‘We need an Aussie Trump; let’s have a group meditation, and hopefully we’ll find one in Aisle 14 at Bunnings.’

Part of me thinks that we are so weak and narcissistic as a society now, that we actually deserve this.

December 2, 2021 2:14 pm

Bluey says:
December 2, 2021 at 2:06 pm

Bluntly, I can make it until about the end of January. Then it’s either live on the street or I have to be jabbed so I can work.

I’m not too far behind you, Bluey. I’m hoping to get through to the end of Feb, but am making plans to live between a storage unit and my car (if it lasts that long) beyond that. It’s a bit sobering.

December 2, 2021 2:16 pm

It’s not a purity standard, Bluey, it’s just about not making your situation worse and knowing that standing up to tyranny is the only way to defeat it.
You’re not going to save yourself by taking the jab, and you could well kill yourself, like it seems Frank has done.
And thousands of others.
This is a war and people are trying to kill you and destroy nations.
Your choices are going to be tough.
Take into consideration how they effect others for when you meet your maker, which at this rate many of us are going to do very soon.
Because we capitulated and swapped freedom for safety.
From a cold virus.

December 2, 2021 2:19 pm

Plenty of jobs out on farms picking etc, that I am hearing don’t need you to be jabbed.
Shitty work, but you’ll be proud that you are not causing your fellow Australians any hardship because you wanted to grab a coffee at will.

December 2, 2021 2:19 pm

Bluey says:
December 2, 2021 at 2:06 pm

Bluntly, I can make it until about the end of January. Then it’s either live on the street or I have to be jabbed so I can work.

A truly awful position to be in.. and for zero documented medical benefit.

I hope you, and others in the same predicament, never forget who’s done this to you.

December 2, 2021 2:22 pm

December 2, 2021 at 2:06 pm
Bluntly, I can make it until about the end of January. Then it’s either live on the street or I have to be jabbed so I can work.
From what some people are posting here, if I want to eat, pay the bills, etc. I am not worthy of their time. Great for you if you’re in a position to wait it out or get out of the country. I am not in that position.
Half the people I know have only got jabbed so they can feed their family, there’s only a smattering who got it because they wanted to and think it’s the best things since sliced bread. The amount of people who feel they have been forced into this by Dan Andrews has destroyed his moral high ground, as you can see by the protests and where they come from.
The writing on here casting those people aside because they don’t meet some arbitrary purity standard is putrid. I honestly don’t know what to say, but I guess they’ve already said it. People like me are not their ally, not their friend, and never will be.

You’ve done your best mate. Make sure you vote the right way.

I don’t consider myself ‘lucky’ to not have to work for at least 5 years. Only because I have never trusted government or the ‘system’ so saved like a MOFO. I could still be wiped out by hyper inflation, but if that happens we will have riots.

Let it be a lesson. You need to constantly prepare. Hell, I even have 100kg rice in the cabinet.

December 2, 2021 2:26 pm

Never live beyond your means.
Bluey, hyperinflation is going to occur and interest rates are going to go through the roof.
Sell whatever you can, so you can live without loans and put money in gold.

Winston Smith
December 2, 2021 2:41 pm

Dunno about the rest of you, but this is just a continuation of the social tension that formed when the first tribe got together thousands of years ago.
The individual who wants to live their own life and the individual who gains advantage by dominating you.
The Person against the State.
Sometimes the Person wins, sometimes the State does.
This one – the fight between the NWO and the individual – in Christendom, the people are winning. The NWO will continue to push because they don’t have the sense to pull back in time to keep their gains.
Dan will have another try at success – it will be his final offensive, and it will fail.

December 2, 2021 2:53 pm

am making plans to live between a storage unit and my car

Not if I can help it. There will be a room here if worst comes to worst, Muddy.

No one deserves to live in their car, especially not a fellow Cat.

December 2, 2021 2:55 pm

Provided you use deodorant, natch.

I draw the line at poor personal hygiene.

December 2, 2021 2:56 pm

Havn’t read the comments yet to your post Mater – have had a tumultuous day – but will read them later.

But I do want to say this — My God, I do not, as one of the unvaccinated, condemn those who have been coerced (or even chosen) to be vaccinated.

I have watched as all of my family, one by one, were put in an untenable corner & succumbed. It broke my heart, but I continue to support them in their choice. They know of the choice my husband and I have made, and applaud it. And that is that.

I totally concede that, in other circumstances, it would have been much much harder for us to remain committed to be unvaccinated. I am in the best of circumstance, and I still feel under siege and marginalised. I cannot think what it would have been like had we not been able to leave the city.

December 2, 2021 2:58 pm

If any of you cats are in a real pickle, if you can get to Queensland I can put up one or two of you until you can get on your feet.

But just know, you cannot run away from this tyranny in the same island nation, whether country or city.
The whole idea is that no one gets left alone by government.
That’s what tyranny means.

December 2, 2021 3:00 pm

December 2, 2021 at 2:56 pm
Havn’t read the comments yet to your post Mater – have had a tumultuous day – but will read them later.

But I do want to say this — My God, I do not, as one of the unvaccinated, condemn those who have been coerced (or even chosen) to be vaccinated.

I have watched as all of my family, one by one, were put in an untenable corner & succumbed. It broke my heart, but I continue to support them in their choice. They know of the choice my husband and I have made, and applaud it. And that is that.

I totally concede that, in other circumstances, it would have been much much harder for us to remain committed to be unvaccinated. I am in the best of circumstance, and I still feel under siege and marginalised. I cannot think what it would have been like had we not been able to leave the city.

I too struggle mentally. Made harder with the suicide of my cousin last year because of Dan’s failure.

Where is justice. Where is karma.

Its just so fucked in the head.

December 2, 2021 3:06 pm

Thanks Calli, I truly appreciate that. Life doesn’t always work out the way you hoped it would, but you do the best you can with what you have & hope that will suffice. You win some, you lose some.

I’ll certainly keep your generous offer in mind. Thank you.

December 2, 2021 3:08 pm

Bickering like this is the broad reason the White Army – a motley but superior crew of establishment and anti-communistic reactionary groups got smacked by the ideologically aligned Reds.

A loose confederation of anti-Bolshevik forces aligned against the Communist government, including landowners, republicans, conservatives, middle-class citizens, reactionaries, pro-monarchists, liberals, army generals, non-Bolshevik socialists who still had grievances, and democratic reformists voluntarily united only in their opposition to Bolshevik rule. Their military forces, bolstered by forced conscriptions and terror and by foreign influence and led by Gen. Yudenich, Adm. Kolchak, and Gen. Denikin, became known as the White movement (sometimes referred to as the “White Army”) and controlled significant parts of the former Russian Empire for most of the war.

Mater is correct in one thing, ultimately nothing matters except the defeat of this new revolutionary force from our society, but it is important that there is one single bloody minded ideological goal driving the reaction to unify the movement.

It should revolve around an unshakeable foundation: We will not accept any coercion, we will not accept any ‘passport’ or segregation. Being forced into getting ‘the jab’ is a tragedy and a violent assault on people, and people in that position should be treated as assault victims by people who manage to avoid it. However that mustn’t provide cover for weak people to put up no resistance at all, run for the jab at the first bit threat then whinge about it and expect other people to go out and fight against it while they go to Coffee Club.

There can be no concessions regarding coercing ‘the jab’ and ‘passports’. Not one inch. If people comfortably can trust that no matter what else is going on, that everyone is loyal to those principles I think you’ll find this sort of jostling settles down.

December 2, 2021 3:09 pm

I suspect quite a few of us are fraying at the edges, Razey. Me included.

December 2, 2021 3:11 pm

Good man. It was meant sincerely.

We can’t have our friends sleeping rough.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
December 2, 2021 3:45 pm

How will this “Resistance” work out if most of the people who got “jabbed” are dead in 2 years?

December 2, 2021 3:53 pm

Australia said it will deploy more than 100 police and military personnel to the Solomon Islands as protesters in the Pacific nation defied a government-imposed lockdown and set fire to buildings in the capital Honiara for a second day

That experience might come in handy…

December 2, 2021 3:55 pm

“… didn’t happen because people had lost their shit to fear.”

If your auntie had balls, she’d be your uncle.

It didn’t happen struth – I hung on as long as I could, hoping it would, telling others to do the same, but it didn’t. Several friends have made similar comments. Rex appears to have done the same. And others here.
I’m as disappointed as you are – perhaps more, because I don’t have the luxury of sufficient resources to hold out.
Doesn’t mean I’m finished – and I’m not.
As I said, I did what I had to do, regardless of the risk, because I don’t want people I care about living in a car or sleeping on a park bench and fighting seagulls for chips and old pizza scraps.
If it kills me, then at least I did what I could to protect those I am responsible for from such deprivations.
And as I said before, if I am watching the vaxxed die in droves, I will certainly take at least one of the bastards out before I kick it.

So what’s YOUR limit, struth? Lose your business? Your job or other income? Your home? Certainly would admire it if you actually do hold out to the bitter end. As I said, I will fight for you NOT to be encamped etc etc. Not just you – everyone. But I am one man. I am unlikely to change the world myself. I need allies. You are potentially one. We need each other for this – we all need each other for this.
Please put it away.
Yes, disappointing. Yes, hideous. Yes, needs to change. On those, I think we can agree. That’s a start – one little step. But “A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step”. And also “It’s not the destination that matters, it’s the journey”. We have a journey that we seem to agree on. Let’s take that first step – together. I’m willing, are you?

December 2, 2021 4:14 pm

All the pure bloods should be looking at overseas options (no ‘Western’ country) and try to get your families out while the loophole is still there.

Funny you saying that. My grandson informed his family that he would like to move to Florida – daughter, who doesn’t follow the global thread for the whole vax issue -was non-plussed – why Florida? Put her right (re De Santis etc) – & we were all amazed that the 19 year old was right up there with the right info.

Then, blow me down, a young American couple who live in Florida that we met on road trip in Portugal a few years ago (who we keep in touch with intermittently) got in touch to say their doors always open! One door closes & another opens…….

December 2, 2021 4:23 pm

Can I say one thing to those who have had to be vaccinated, for whatever reason – please religiously keep up daily intakes of recommended protocol supplements for actual COVID viz
VitC, VitD3, Zinc, Quercetin (if you can get it – or CoQ10).

We take these (plus daily atomised celery/blueberries/carrots/green apple/banana) as immune booster as we continue to be unvaccinated. We also eat sparely & healthily & have cut down alcohol intake. We have never felt better, actually.

Just heard from daughter that her health practitioner is furious that, on top of Pfizer, granddaughter has just had Meningococcal fax. Said practitioner has put 16 year old on Quercetin, & high potency VitC & gluthamine to counter any adverse effects.

December 2, 2021 4:50 pm

So many comments. People care. Warms my heart. Lets you know that you’re not alone. There is so much emphasis on vaxxed ,unvaxxed etc which is garbage.
If people listen to the government, if you’re vaxxed,you can still catch the virus,you can still transmit the virus. There is no difference.
Why dont people get that.
It’s not hard. Obviously just an uncomfortable truth.
Too many of them around at the moment.

December 2, 2021 4:55 pm

A bit of analysis looking backwards on this situation.

Does any business have 10 to 15% spare labour capacity? What is the maximum number of weeks that operations could be sustained when 10 to 15% down on operations personnel?

The reality is that no business, essential ones in particular, can either sustain this sort of lack of personnel, nor do it for very long if they can.

What happened? Instead of holding out for as long as they could, using their 4 weeks annual leave entitlement would have done it, the vast majority fucking folded at the slightest shove.

This is in an operation where it wasn’t just a staff revolt, it was a staff and management revolt.

There is only three out of around sixty at my workplace that held the line. An operator, a shift team leader and myself.

If that number was six or higher, then the operation would have been completely unsustainable.

Now the vast majority failed miserably to beat the government the easy way. We’re going to have to do it the hard way over booster shots.

Hold The Line next time you fucking pussies!

December 2, 2021 4:57 pm

Classically, ‘the people’ do NOT blame the guerillas for the chaos, but instead blame the authorities for failing to prevent it – ultimately, the government loses authority and falls

Really good to have your real world knowledge of insurgencies here, flyingduk. We are going to need it.

I’m just an interested amateur ( my field a long while ago was axis between military & political in late Roman Republic). Was following a lot of what David Kilcullen was saying after the last Presidential election debacle – I think he expected a possible insurgency – but not the Capitol debacle.

I think these growing protest rallies across Australia + the failing vaccines & growing booster propaganda campaign, will foster a lot of discomfort. I’m optimistic that the really hostile response to the unvaccinated is a minority, and that the rest may start to resist the boosters. But maybe that is wishful thinking. At any rate, it will probably require a second booster before “the penny drops”.

December 2, 2021 5:04 pm

Kneel my basic pount has always been that getting the jab because you don’t want to see your family out on the street will not stop your family being out on the street.
I’m not some sword waving digital warrior full of piss and wind as my detractors like to paint me.
I’m a realist.
Taking the jab won’t help your family or anyone.
and if it is turning out like it seems to be, you being dead won’t help either.
My point may be summed up in a question.
Who told any of you that getting the jab would save you and your family, and as right wingers knowing what you know, how could you think it would?

December 2, 2021 5:08 pm

December 2, 2021 at 4:23 pm
Can I say one thing to those who have had to be vaccinated, for whatever reason – please religiously keep up daily intakes of recommended protocol supplements for actual COVID viz
VitC, VitD3, Zinc, Quercetin (if you can get it – or CoQ10).

We take these (plus daily atomised celery/blueberries/carrots/green apple/banana) as immune booster as we continue to be unvaccinated. We also eat sparely & healthily & have cut down alcohol intake. We have never felt better, actually.

Just heard from daughter that her health practitioner is furious that, on top of Pfizer, granddaughter has just had Meningococcal fax. Said practitioner has put 16 year old on Quercetin, & high potency VitC & gluthamine to counter any adverse effects.

My preference is to catch it first, then wack it with the above. Guaranteed 6 month reprieve.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 5:15 pm

I’m not some sword waving digital warrior full of piss and wind as my detractors like to paint me.

So stop carrying on like one.

Or at least be honest with the Cat if you are simply using every hectoring and abusive post you’ve put up since this business all began as a form of therapy- To vent your fears and frustrations online at what you might consider to be ‘safe’ targets so you don’t deck someone in the meatspace.

You’ll still get scrolled by and/or responded to with equal contempt, but at least you’d be better understood.

December 2, 2021 5:19 pm

When I want to hear from an arsehole, I’ll fart.

December 2, 2021 5:25 pm

Let us not forget , oh you poor hard done by, forced to submit to the death jab, what you have been like for the past two years.
The panic and hysteria about something called the sniffles before 2020.

Mea Culpa. Yep – I fell for the digital pictures coming out of Wuhan & the Twitter feed coming from frontline nurses in Italy. I walked a kilometre at dusk one evening weeping uncontrollably after hearing about the first case of a Wuhan tourist on our Gold Coast.

And when Nassim Taleb and Prof. Ioannidis had their famous battle of theories on the virus, I chose to follow Taleb’s “Precautionary Principle”. The Black Swan man was right re the exponential growth to some extent – for it is an unusually contagious blighter. But Ioannidis’ expertise in the field proved superior in the long term. The statistics simply did not support the judgment on its deadly outcome.

I confess it took to the end of 2020 before I could relinquish my fear, and the end of the first quarter of 2021 before I perceived the dangers and inefficacy of the “gene vaccines”.

But what I did do – is to continue to look for evidence and opinion – and that was pretty much every day (even for just an hour’s work) for almost 2 years. What annoys me the most is that the sanctimonious in the community have done virtually zilch research.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 5:30 pm

When I want to hear from an arsehole, I’ll fart

Did I strike you below the belt again, Graeme?


December 2, 2021 5:30 pm

If people listen to the government, if you’re vaxxed,you can still catch the virus,you can still transmit the virus. There is no difference.
Why dont people get that.

Damned if I know! It’s the proverbial “elephant in the room”.

December 2, 2021 5:34 pm

But what I did do – is to continue to look for evidence and opinion – and that was pretty much every day (even for just an hour’s work) for almost 2 years. What annoys me the most is that the sanctimonious in the community have done virtually zilch research.

This is very much a left right divide.
Those sanctimonious arseholes are mostly lefties who’s religion is government and bureaucrats their preachers.
They just “believe”

December 2, 2021 5:37 pm

Rex, you little man of insignificance.
If you note your last few posts, like usual, are all having ago at me personally, as you would expect from someone who has lost the ability to mount an argument based on any facts.
Very left wing.
Minus 5.
(D minus)

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 5:51 pm

Rex, you little man of insignificance.
If you note your last few posts, like usual, are all having ago at me personally, as you would expect from someone who has lost the ability to mount an argument based on any facts.

Oh. Were you arguing facts?

I’m intrigued, as not a single sweeping generalisation you’ve made, characterising every last Cat and coerced Australian as cowards and collaborator who have doomed everyone because they aren’t you (who sweepingly declare you are practicslly perfect in any way, such as you’ve never bought SFA from China…) has had any basis at all in facts.

I’m not even convinced that you calling yourself a ‘realist’ is a fact. Let alone your claims to be out there and fighting the good fight and protesting alongside all those vaxxed people you simultaneously declare online to be Scum Of The Earth because they’ve complied their way into inescapable tyranny.

December 2, 2021 6:08 pm

Who can now see that it would have been better to lose your job and not comply, than what you are going to lose by complying, which is everything, up to and including your life and the lives of others?
This is a practical, logical approach.
Looking at the situation, I am not some digital wallet wizard type of guy, standing in his cape and dish washing gloves urging everyone else to sacrifice while he stands back,…. it’s just obviously, the least worst alternative we had.
It was the least worst alternative we had.
Actually, standing up at the start and defying them by ignoring their orders to stay inside , wear masks, or not to honour our war dead, would have been the easiest thing to do , but then that didn’t happen, so then you get to decide if you are going to let them take your job as the tyranny increases.
Tyranny is as overwhelming as the population will accept, and it will continue to push to find that point.
Until you are nameless slaves or dead.
History shows us this.
By not doing this, the alternatives will be much worse and the longer we leave it until we make a stand , the worse it will be.
That’s being a realist, not as some would suggest, a person with no skin in the game, urging others on.
All my skin is in the game.
I lost both jobs when the first lock down occurred and they didn’t come back once it was over.
I got other jobs where I did not have to comply.
They are gone the end of next week.
They would not be gone if I was jabbed.
It is not an option.
Because I am a legend in my own lunch box?
It’s because complying will end up having me and my family losing everything…everything, and it will help put those resisting into camps or much worse.
There is no alternative that is acceptable.
Common sense and decency means there is no choice for me.
Practical common sense, when I make these calls, not a call to arms from a keyboard warrior with no skin in the game.
Just advocating the best options available out of the limited we have.
There are thousands and thousands of people who are now deciding to give their jobs away to make a stand, as they know, terrible as it is, to not do so will make their situation , and other Australians, even worse.

We must surely be ready to admit this is not about a cold virus.
We are at war with the globalists (basically commos in international orgs) and they have their traitors embedded in western governments world wide.
In parliaments and swamps alike.
They want your businesses ruined and you dead.
They want this country destroyed, and out of the ashes, yawn, as per bloody usual, their bright shiny socialist utopia of inhuman and unimaginable suffering to rise like the phoenix.
That is done with a passport , requiring permission from government to live.
All I have been saying all along is the sooner we make a stand the least suffering there will be.
But it’s now too late to believe there is an option where there will be no suffering.

December 2, 2021 6:10 pm

Take a deep breath in Rex, ……hold………hold………

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 6:12 pm

Looking at the situation, I am not some digital wallet wizard type of guy, standing in his cape and dish washing gloves urging everyone else to sacrifice while he stands back,….

No, you just sound like one.

Which is totally different! Honest… 🙁

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 6:13 pm

Also, you forgot to tell us all to Repent again with your latest word wall…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 6:16 pm

Take a deep breath in Rex, ……hold………hold………

Why? Is there some signifiance to doing that?

December 2, 2021 6:21 pm

We’re going to have to do it the hard way over booster shots.
Hold The Line next time you fucking pussies!

it rankles but it’s true

thing is, it was always gonna be like this because the people making the business, regulatory etc decisions thought themselves immune to consequence.

You can’t kill businesses and expect a brilliant economy. Say’s Law says no.
You cant refuse access to medical treatment based on some idiot premise and expect the old cost model to stand up
You cant … you just can’t … you thought youse could … but you can’t.
they’re morons

but they’re morons who form a powerful, albeit retarded, bloc.

the real fight was always gonna be long and drawn out.
this shit’s just beginning.
we are but one camp above base camp on Mount Stupid

December 2, 2021 6:21 pm

What if he’s right Rex?
It’s at least possible.
I did not think we’d be where we are now, yet here we are.
I guess it could all still fizzle out.
I’m not real confident of that though.

December 2, 2021 6:24 pm

I eavesdropped on a conv today between an Osteo and a emergency-type Nurse

they are turning people away from doctor’s surgeries and they’re ending up at ER

this isn’t medical, it’s political

December 2, 2021 6:24 pm

Yeah, I won’t be talked down to by filthy mugg bloods.

You gave up your bodily integrity so you could drink beer in a pub.


Is this how you plan to negotiate with all rapists? Just fuck (rape) me twice and give me a chocolate?

December 2, 2021 6:29 pm

Question for anyone.
Mater has admitted that this battle is lost, that’s fair.

What new tactics should be employed in the next battle?

If protesting and making the case with information didn’t work last time, it would be foolish to assume they will work this time…

Also, as pointed out about guerilla warfare.
All of the actions we have left to make major impact/changes are ‘illegal

How far are people prepared to go this time?

December 2, 2021 6:31 pm

Infuriate people to the point where apathy is impossible, they either fight like demons or decide to leave the cities and mainstream culture.

December 2, 2021 6:41 pm

I eavesdropped on a conv today between an Osteo and a emergency-type Nurse
they are turning people away from doctor’s surgeries and they’re ending up at ER

And this is why my grandson had to wait about three days with a jaw broken in 2 places (sent home from 2 major hospitals) before they could find a theatre, surgeon & nurses to operate.

December 2, 2021 6:43 pm

And this is why my grandson had to wait about three days with a jaw broken in 2 places (sent home from 2 major hospitals) before they could find a theatre, surgeon & nurses to operate.

Absolutely incredible.

Never vote for these shits again.

Never forget what they have taken from us.

December 2, 2021 6:44 pm

I’m not convinced. Sure, people were shellshocked by lockdown in July, August, and September and retreated to the Booster line. But how many of them retreated and how many surrendered? And dosn’t the same calculus equally apply when the battle is to be fought there? We will find out shortly which of those who retreated at the Battle of the Double Doses did so to fight another day and those that dropped their rifles and walked arms raised into the hands of the Enemy.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 6:53 pm

What if he’s right Rex?

Does it matter?

Half the reason so many people have gone bonkers is the realisation they have so little control over their own lives, that when someone chooses to flex on them, life effectively ends. The demoralisation has been crippling.

But have you noticed beneath all the comments above and the events you have seen, that people are re-establishing their sense of what they can control and have power over, no matter how small? Mater described it in his post with the choices of his mates going to protest.

You’ve found what works for you in yours, Arky. Even if it rankles other commenters.

I still have the power to engage with Society as and when I choose. And the rest of the aggrieved but stable Cats commenting here have recognised that selfsame power, too.

Continuing to rage and froth and demand that people volunter for penury on the grounds that it will happen anyway under The Tyranny, is the cry of someone still demoralised. And the statement of “You cannot comply your way out of tyranny” has additional venom when used as such.

The social situation is already changing. Even Almighty Sneakers has been ‘realised’ that he can’t lock his State in and everyone else out any more. No matter what the Mainstream Media propagandists are telling you all outside here.

The demoralisation is disappearing, replaced by discontent. When it morphs beyond that, there will be hell to pay.

December 2, 2021 6:59 pm

A fair reply Rex.
But I can assure you that I have not found anything that works and I feel trapped and am vacillating between despair and panic.

December 2, 2021 6:59 pm

“You cannot comply your way out of tyranny”

The best communists did.

They oppressed the good communists.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 7:00 pm

All of the actions we have left to make major impact/changes are ‘illegal

How far are people prepared to go this time?

Struth hates when I point to Eastern Europe as an example.

East Germans made their own captors’ lives hell, within the extremely tight legal limits in which they were confined. Communist officials and security officers knew their coffee was spat in, their food and other things adulterated with and so forth. They might not have been able to arrest and jail anyone over it, but they knew they were hated.

The Polish, Hungarian and Czech regimes survived only due to the Red Army’s divisions being at the Party’s beck and call. All 4 example nations had at least 1 damned good and hard attempt at armed uprising each between 1946 and 1968. And the domestic military and paramilitary enforcers in each case sided with their own people.

When you know your entire people hate you, and you only have violence and force on your side, you have to be careful.

Here are your examples, Plasmamortar. And events like the Poles’ Solidarity movement are what happens when things hit critical mass.

December 2, 2021 7:03 pm

Once they unmask internet identities and start going after dissidents for real, well, we won’t even have the relief of thrashing it out here.
I did think that getting to know cats in person was a part solution, but recent events have poisoned that too.
If you can’t even share the load, you’re left alone, and in serious trouble.

December 2, 2021 7:04 pm

You gave up your bodily integrity so you could drink beer in a pub

not true in my case
I absolutely will not go to a pub or restaurant while there’s an idiot mandate
told the Neurologist to stick it up their arse
went to Osteo today. no probs
got a haircut today. no probs

everybody for the most part, is going through the motions but all pretense

got the new car into Mazda for a recall … check-in was in the carpark. no probs
went to multiple buildings for work this week. site check-in is online. no probs

the ones that arent all pretense and are doing the check-your’e-ticked to its fullest extent, well you guys are gonna have problems.

just sayin’

December 2, 2021 7:05 pm

Worse than alone.
Surrounded by the your enemies.

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 2, 2021 7:06 pm

What new tactics should be employed in the next battle?

A couple of weeks ago I watched a vid on Rumble? – the show is Discernible iirc. The host interviewed a legal academic from Victoria on our system – what is good; bad; indifferent?

The upshot was that while we have few Constitutional or legislated rights, this is because our system is political.

That is, we can force change IF and it’s a big if, we have an engaged electorate, an inquiring media, and a strong opposition.

We definitely now have the first; the second seems finally to be turning up because of the force of the marches.

It remains to be seen whether the third component will materialise. But whether or not, the smaller, right-of-centre parties may still be able to force that.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 7:07 pm

But I can assure you that I have not found anything that works and I feel trapped and am vacillating between despair and panic.

OK- Let’s do a checklist.

Are you still breathing?

Are you alive?

Do you have a Mrs Arky and little Arky(ies/ettes) and a doggo who love you for who you are, and will keep going that way if/when things exacerbate?

Are you able (despite the bullshit rules) to engage with society electronically and/or in the meatspace as you choose?*

Do you have a place you can get stuck into something eminently practical and forget about the outside world for quite a while?

If you look at any one of these things and say ‘Yes,’ you actually do have the sort of power and ability to influence your life that certain folks were rather terribly eager to deny you. Because a shocked and demoralised person is more compliant and easily controlled. Shock of Capture and all that, mate.

The resurgence of protest activity should tell you that the hitherto ‘silent’majority are in the same boat you and I and the rest of the Cat are. Refinding that they do have the ability to exert power in their lives. No matter how small. And their confidence is inexorably coming back.

And all the Stairman Dan Enabling Acts in the world will not help him.

* Remember, you have Cats giving you stick over exactly that right now… 😉

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 2, 2021 7:11 pm

Did you get that clip?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 7:12 pm

Once they unmask internet identities and start going after dissidents for real, well, we won’t even have the relief of thrashing it out here.

You are assuming that such rules are not quashed because they hit too many of the leftwits’ own, or die under a tidal wave of frivolous and vexatious complaints.

You also assume without Bar Beach Swimmer’s correct assessment of how to force political change in the Australian system- Do you honestly think any form of broad-based and grassroots movement would suffer a pack of rich and think-skinned leftists trying to shut up every mean tweet about them?

And then there’s always ye olde Samizdat printing presses…

December 2, 2021 7:13 pm

Communist officials and security officers knew their coffee was spat in, their food and other things adulterated with and so forth

Watch me do passive-aggressive with a industrial control system edge to it.

urgent is it?
main controller seems to have lost all its brains?
You’ll need a new one.
but sorry, it will have to V4 because you cant get V3 anymore
lead time?
I dunno … 12 weeks
Oh noes … it is urgent … I could knock up something temporary
[sucks through teeth]
that’ll cost you but

Bar Beach Swimmer
December 2, 2021 7:27 pm

Ok, I’ll see if I can copy it to another format.

December 2, 2021 7:29 pm

What new tactics should be employed in the next battle?

Just don’t be fucking pussies.

Booster time? Everyone due around the same time coordinates, delay getting it for 6 weeks, use your annual leave, then get it if you must and return. Better still, find work in a state or for a company that doesn’t require it.

Effectively remove the ability of employers to coordinate leave. Dry up the labour pool. Tell them exactly why you’re fucking doing it.

This thing could have been smashed at mandatory jabs but most rolled at the slightest inconvenience. That’s the fucking truth.

December 2, 2021 8:11 pm

Mater, I don’t disagree, but the 6 months has already begun, but almost of all these will take the booster . The cohort that grudgingly submitted mid-Sept onwards will fall due from March onwards.

Right now, we need to work on the parents of 5-11s that are unvaxxed, and 12-15s. The others 16-40 are also important because they have least to gain and more to lose from boosting regularly.

December 2, 2021 8:36 pm

Plasmamortar says:
December 2, 2021 at 6:29 pm

Question for anyone.
Mater has admitted that this battle is lost, that’s fair.

What new tactics should be employed in the next battle?

If protesting and making the case with information didn’t work last time, it would be foolish to assume they will work this time…

Also, as pointed out about guerilla warfare.
All of the actions we have left to make major impact/changes are ‘illegal

How far are people prepared to go this time?

The only ‘old tactics’ that have been implemented have been those multi-decade favourites that have consistently failed (because we could not acknowledge failure, we redefined ‘winning’):
(a) Use reason to debate with those who have consistently exhibited either an unwillingness or inability to themselves demonstrate reason (maybe we didn’t try hard enough/smile sweetly enough/compromise enough to show we were debating in good faith?); (b) Deny there is a problem, or that the problem is not yet bad enough to be worried about; or (c) Close our eyes and think of a happy place.

I’m not writing this to score points or have my ego pumped; please tell me what tactics (protesting comes under Category (a), we have used? Have the outcomes been measured and evaluated? (How do we define ‘winning?’).

No, the options remaining do not necessarily fall into the area of illegality. Quite aside from the moral aspect, physical violence and similar acts will not win support for our cause. (The Elite want to be the only class permitted to use violence. They have long positioned themselves – and us – for this).

I’ve suggested numerous times in the past, that there is much to be learned from military history, and adapted to fit a non-violent, civilian context. Hence my mention above of WX’s PIE, despite the challenges of creating such a system, against almost overwhelming opposition, from scratch.

There is a need to start from scratch: Where are we now? Who opposes us? What, why and how do they achieve their outcomes? What have we tried, what did and did not work, and why?

I truly believe that ‘we’ need to conduct the equivalent of an informal Royal Commission into ourselves and our situation. Seriously.

Detailed planning is the key (yes, decision-making will be a challenge), rather than ad-hoc, defensive reactions.

December 2, 2021 8:37 pm

Continuing to rage and froth and demand that people volunter for penury on the grounds that it will happen anyway under The Tyranny, is the cry of someone still demoralised.

No, you sap.
Pointing out the bleeding obvious before people wanted to hear it is all I was doing and now proven to be correct.
Demanding nothing…………..never have.
Stating the reality of the situation has been what I have done since the time right at the start where, if you want to actually remember, even Arky had lost his shit regarding the “deadly virus”.
He soon came to, but those who despise hearing the truth now, despise me.
You could imagine how devastated and heart broken I am!
Demoralised …get your hand off it.
Angry, yes,…………. and frustrated that their are morons like you about who attack the truthful because you don’t want to hear it, …sort of, but using you as an example of wilfull stubborn ignorance, helps.

For those that wish to do something next.
I suggest, let me be clear again, I suggest (the frightfully skittish will see it as demanding) that the key is in your local reps right now.
They aren’t part of the elite if they are backbenchers especially.
Forget letter writing.
Some of you may have noted that today, our local fed rep, Llew O’Brien has come out against vax mandates.
The labor state rep, Bruce Saunders is losing his shit because people have been going into his office and getting stuck in.
They actually need this.
They really do believe they are immune and life for them will go on as free as they are now.
Bruce is starting to realise he has got to watch his back in public.
The hate (without violence) must be shown to them.
They must be made aware of the consequences they face through all this, as that is all they care about, …..themselves.
Go into their offices and give them a mouthful.

December 2, 2021 8:49 pm

Honestly, Bruce nis unnerved, and came out of his office a couple of days ago screaming obscenities at one of our organisers for “telling people to come in and abuse him and his staff”
His lefty brain believes people have no minds of their own, of course.
No one mentioned anything but letter writing at our local protest.
So we then marched next protest down to his office and left our placards all over his walls.
These people must be made to realise if they imprison us, they imprison themselves.
They must be yelled at, spoken down to, told off as the servants to us they are, and anger must be shown.
Because they really are that thick and full of themselves that nothing else will even be noticed.

I still send emails.
They are the

Oh Llew. what have you done emails, with links to jab deaths etc, but they go ignored.
You must go into their offices.
Go in with a friend or a group, if you are timid.
All just suggestions. If faint hearted please have a bex and lie down.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 2, 2021 8:52 pm


This is no time for ideological purity.

Only the impotent are pure.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 8:53 pm

Pointing out the bleeding obvious before people wanted to hear it is all I was doing and now proven to be correct…Stating the reality of the situation has been what I have done since the time right at the start where, if you want to actually remember, even Arky had lost his shit regarding the “deadly virus”.He soon came to, but those who despise hearing the truth now, despise me.

Yes yes. You were the lone voice in the wilderness, and the only one true Seer of Struth…

You could imagine how devastated and heart broken I am!

…And the only victim, of course.

Demoralised …get your hand off it.

Why? Does it hurt?

Especially given we will shortly be hearing maudlin cries all about how Socialism has sat you on your arse again.

Demanding nothing…………..never have.

Because I am not a selfish and unsociable Anger, I will let certain other Cats deal with you over that one…

December 2, 2021 9:07 pm

The upshot was that while we have few Constitutional or legislated rights, this is because our system is political.

That’s called mob rule and it sucks.

December 2, 2021 9:15 pm

Yes yes. You were the lone voice in the wilderness, and the only one true Seer of Struth…

Except for Twostix and a few others…… on.
Now you are getting it.

Deal with it.
When I think about it, SRR has been closer to the mark than the morons attacking truth tellers as conspiracy theorists.
We who haven’t died of the jab or covid yet.

Is anyone in the gang interested in whether or not your leader is OK?
You’ve got his email, so what is the verdict…….or don’t you want the truth there either?

December 2, 2021 9:16 pm

Yes Global socialism has sat me on my arse again, but you’re still working choo choo man?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 9:30 pm

Except for Twostix and a few others…… on.
Now you are getting it.

All I am getting is that you need to go a lot further if you want to achieve your apparent goal of being Discount Graeme Bird (All the Fruity Taste and Ill-Logic You Love, But Now with 100% Less Protocols! Find it in Your Deepest, Darkest Corners of the Internet Today!). Some more references to terraforming and tunnels might do the trick…

Yes Global socialism has sat me on my arse again, but you’re still working choo choo man?

Does it matter to you?

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
December 2, 2021 9:31 pm

We who haven’t died of the jab or covid yet.

The jabbed tend to not be quite as dead as you or SRR might like…

Miss Anthropist
Miss Anthropist
December 2, 2021 9:41 pm

Pretty much what I popped back to say.
The whole thing could have been nipped in the bud if it wasn’t for the credulous and the craven,

Old bloke
Old bloke
December 2, 2021 9:45 pm

bemused says:
December 2, 2021 at 8:14 am

As the percentage of people vaccinated around the world approaches 90-100% and the deaths, injuries, prolonged health issues, especially in the young……..

Correction need there bemused, “vaccinated around the world approaches 90-100%” is bunkum.

Most of the world isn’t vaxxinated, they told Big Pharma to go elsewhere, this insanity is happening in Europe, the UK, Israel and the Anglosphere. No one else is particularly bothered, look at our nearest neighbours, Indonesia, India and Japan – they don’t need vaxxinations, they dish out anti-virals to anyone who needs them and Covid-19, in any of its manifestations, is of no concern to them.

The world’s population is over 7 billion people, less than 1 billion are effected by this insanity.

December 2, 2021 9:54 pm

Bob in Castlemainesays:
December 2, 2021 at 11:48 am
“The Battle of the vaccinations is over: the Battle of the boosters is about to begin.” This seems an pretty accurate assessment of Victorian/Australian democracy’s current predicament. Likely as prophetic as Churchill’s comments after Dunkirk in June 1940.

.. you missed a somewhat applicable part of Churchill’s speech

..But if we fail, then the whole world, including the United States, including all that we have known and cared for, will sink into the abyss of a new Dark Age made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.

December 2, 2021 9:56 pm

What new tactics should be employed in the next battle?

it can start right now.

If you’re vaxxed – refuse to comply with the segregation laws. Act unvaxxed.

December 2, 2021 10:05 pm

eb says:
December 2, 2021 at 11:02 am
I have been very fortunate. My wife and both our (unattached) adult kids have also resisted the vaxx, so no family ructions like so many others here.
Living in the ACT,

I thought the ACT had claimed to be 100% vaxxed. However, given that the pollies aren’t mandated to be jabbed, and nor do their staff I think (being commonwealth employees?) that claim has always been rather suspect.

December 2, 2021 10:16 pm

areff says:
December 2, 2021 at 10:52 am
Man, 73, gets COVID, ends up on respirator. Family sues Illinois hospital for ivermectin treatment and wins. Man gets better.

All the arguments pro and con getting vaxxed seem beside the point. Key is that safe, cheap and effective treatments are available and the Establishment is suppressing them.

And THAT right there is the crime that is totally evil and completely and utterly unpardonable- withholding a known and now proven treatment that can and has saved many many lives, yet we are denied it by arrogant political arseclowns and bureaucrat “doctors” who haven’t touched a real patient in decades.

Arguing about who has and hasn’t succumbed to the jabs and why is a small side-show in comparison to the absolute crime of government wilfully and determinedly, bloody-mindedly, cruelly withholding successful and inexpensive treatments.

Yes, we have to fight this other crime of forcing people into a corner where they feel they have no choice but to accept the jabs, and it is a crime no matter what weak-kneed judges may rule when citizens bring their plaints before them to try to find some justice.

Both crimes have to be stopped and the perpetrators brought to justice, and it’s going to take a decent fight, so let’s not be at each others’ throats over who’s “caved in” and who’s “bravely holding the line.” We need each other FFS!

December 2, 2021 11:16 pm

Going on 200 comments.
You attention whore Mater.
You bet I’m jealous.

Fat Tony
Fat Tony
December 3, 2021 12:21 am

Arky says:
December 2, 2021 at 11:16 pm
Going on 200 comments.
You attention whore Mater.
You bet I’m jealous.

Arky, Arky, Arky…….Things could’ve worked out so much better for you if you had followed my advice a few years back.

You shoulda taken the panels etc off the Ford T, and attached them to a (home-built) spaceframe and shoe-horned in a Chev Big Block 632 CID with twin turbos. Then you would not be jealous of any man (or woman or trannie or…..)

  1. My meds are prescribed for six months except the heavy duty painkillers which are two monthly but not on PBS…

  2. Lovely evening in Perth. Missus watched MAFS (no idea why)> I copied my CDs to an SSD. Slowly decluttering.

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x