Mark Dice commentary about Valentine’s Day. OF COURSE THEY ARE!
Mark Dice commentary about Valentine’s Day. OF COURSE THEY ARE!
Triples, trailers are about another 1700 each
Similar, shoulder joint rooted after a vigorous … Sleep. I’m going drugs and rest, I suspect tendon or bursitis as…
lotocoti: no link to support FIVE Crows shuffling off to ER. Any links you might come across appreciated.
There are no public conservatives in this country any more*.
Which is actually a good thing.
However, it would be nice to have some. Avi and Rukshan are mighty warriors, but they could do with some support, Cats. Is there anyone willing to step up?
*Latham, Pauline, Kelly – that’s it?
It should be. Section 92 is concise and can only mean one thing.
What did Lehman do to Andy Ngo? I recall that he used to work for Quillette and then wasn’t there any more? Does anyone know the backstory?
Oops – disclaimer time – I am not a “conservative”.
I wanna “Crush Kill Destroy”. 🙂
Anger is an energy …
“Rabz – Noise Vigilante”
Clashing egos?
Tudge’s ex mistress is now throwing accusations at other lnp ministers, this time a female one.
It is pretty funny how much effort the ALP puts into fucking over individual LNP members since the LNP pass the ALP policies over a slightly longer timeframe anyway.
He was let go 25 years ago, some deadbeats with nothing better to do pestered whoever until he was declared “innocent”.
She’s since made a 40 year career out of her ordeal, good on her, but she doesn’t want to get canceled and lose whatever she’s got.
It’s a story of general desperation and the beatification of victimhood, in any sane era of history she’d a disappeared and he’d a either been Hanged or let go if there was reasonable doubt.
December 5, 2021 at 8:17 pm
What did Lehman do to Andy Ngo? I recall that he used to work for Quillette and then wasn’t there any more? Does anyone know the backstory?”
As I wrote about this morning, in mid 2019 Andy Ngo was savagely beaten by Antifa scum in Portland. At the time he was a roving reporter with Quillette. The scum in the MSM and on social media sewers spread lies about how Ngo was in league with the Proud Boys (not that, as far as I’m concerned, there is anything wrong with that). It was all designed to smear and cancel Ngo. Within weeks Lehmann and Quillette dropped Ngo.
Antifa and their buddies in the MSM are still trying to cancel Ngo.
Meanwhile Lehmann is a fake.
Meant to link to the Melbourne Phoenix player’s travails.
Reminds me of the Scottsboro Boys, 6 Blacks who were convicted of Rape in 1924.
It was a Cause Celebre of the American Left for decades, they were eventually all let go, the last died in 1985, one of them was locked up again for Murder.
Not sure they were ever dclared Innocent.
Got a feeling new Evidence pointed to their Guilt.
If that had been available in 1924, they woulda all hung.
Good lord you are scum, Grigory.
You are satan’s wash room attendant maggot.
You never listened to a word that I said …
Joe Rogan, 99% right:
A song so catchy, most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it’s not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It’s also a personal statement about the band itself.
Bluddee hell – it’s enough to make you want to “Go Underground” … 😕
I try not to twatter myself, but there are some interesting snippets there. Cheers.
Brittany Higgins had a similar account of working for Michaela Cash.
Cash appears to be a particularly unpleasant bitch.
Rachelle Miller looks like a nice girl., perhaps a bit green.
Did Tudge promise to marry her?
Because otherwise, apart from Cash, what’s the big deal?
WW2 footage 2:20 to 3 minutes is uncomfortable
No one cares. Nor should we.
Fly, on wings of speed …
That will bring you home to me …
In that order?
Because we’ve got a preference system here, and that order will elect the Labor Candidate 49 times out of 50.
Is there anyone willing to step up?
I reckon I’d be up for it once I mature. Although, with my past history of sexy shenanigans and debauchery my run would end under a tsunami of Catallaxy tut-tutting.
For loves lost …
Thanks Cassie. I knew that he was beaten up by Antifa and had seen the rumor that he was with the proud boys. I dismissed it outright as it sounded preposterous.
You are balls deep for the uniparty. You must know your public sector job is worthless.
“Cash appears to be a particularly unpleasant bitch.”
Actually Dick….Ed….I know Cash personally. She’s not “a particularly unpleasant bitch”.
Just piss off….your trolling has become tedious.
“Thanks Cassie. I knew that he was beaten up by Antifa and had seen the rumor that he was with the proud boys. “
I think the Proud Boys may have offered to provide security for him….which is most certainly not a bad thing. Ngo has never been associated with the group….and even if he was….SO WHAT. The fraud here is Lehmann and her magazine. She gaslights as someone she’s not.
Not quite the same production quality, but rather charming.
There’s no UniParty.
There’s The Stupid Party and there’s The Evil Party.
Your preference Order gifts Government to The Evil Party.
Are you stupid?
No Grigory,
The uniparty is the establishment – the LNP, ALP and GRN.
They are stupid and evil.
The same thing happened in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea, March: 1943. Except it was aircraft and, to a lesser extent, U.S. P.T. Boats. Overall, the Japanese loss was approximately 3,000, and while an exact count could not be kept of those killed in lifeboats and on rafts, I imagine that at least several hundred perished.
The National Archives of Australia contain quite a few files detailing some of the brutality, in the guise of post-war interrogations and investigations into war crimes. People would be shocked if they knew the extent of the allegations.
Incorrect use of “gaslight”.
“Larps” may work better.
Lehmann can be a Wendish name.
If so, she’s got that in common with Ludwig Leichhardt.
Unless you were an RAN sailor you got nothing.
Gee, thanks Muds – Nothing like some Brunettes.
A Covid stupidity protest with a difference.
On Friday evening, Archbishop Hickey in Perth led a Prayer for Australia rally on the steps of WA’s Parliament House. No slogans shouted, no banners held high, just a group of Christians who fell onto their knees to pray for Australia, quite a moving assembly.
A Prayer for Australia: 3rd December 2021 – Perth, Western Australia.
Looks like the BAR and .50 pics are from a sub – not much room for PWs.
Fellas, I wanna get into it man …
You know, like an unmentionable masheen … 🙂
Cash appears to be a particularly unpleasant bitch.
Cash worked at Freehills when I was there. I spent a couple of months at the Perth office where she was based, then later she had a stint at the Melbourne office where I was based. I didn’t really know her, but I never heard anyone say a bad word about her.
If you haven’t read it, Aaron posted a remarkable article earlier.
It gives an incredible oversight of the failings of the Covid vaccine program from a non-biased perspective.
Really worth taking an hour to read (it’s a significant document). You won’t regret it, and it’ll put a few things into perspective.
If everyone in Australia read it, we’d be half way to fixing our problems.
Good post, Aaron.
Needle Points
So that makes it ok to machine gun merchant seamen in the water.
Glad you cleared that up for me.
cohenite, politicians and others with a bit of edge in the power/money stakes have always availed themselves of bits on the side. It rarely matters in terms of their competence or incompetence at their jobs.
In the current miasma of guilt and blame and public indignation surrounding politicians, absurd and random things can destroy their carefully curated careers.
That prick Cuomo, who did a Dan and ensured the deaths of thousands of people in aged care facilities, only fell because he was also a groper and a sleaze.
It was like Al Capone being done for tax evasion.
It is always tempting to assume that low morals have something to do with in/competence in public office, but there is not a lot of historical support for that proposition.
That or the sharks, I guess.
Hey, Goil – you don’t know what’s going on … 🙂
Never heard that one, but it all depends.
Harold Holt was a legendary pants man but he kept it private and did his day job well.
Did The Tudgester promise to marry Rachelle to get into her pants?
That’s a bird of a different feather.
Plus, he’s been a poor Minister.
Tony Abbott started the Bring Back Phonics bullshit.
It’s just a 3 word slogan, means nothing.
“That’s when I realised that he was a fucking idiot”!
Trump, you great big beautiful thug, love ya.
This. In that monstrous windbag shitshop.
The thing I find most degrading about the Tudge (what an unfortunate name!) saga is that a woman would have so little self respect as to tell the whole world a story like that.
Even if it happened the way she said, the mental images evoked have a high yuck factor.
The nondescript, plastic hotel room, the stinky drunken couple, the slurred insults.
What sort of motivation is there for someone to send that picture of themselves out to the whole world?
Thanks for that Old bloke, it was great to hear my choice of what should have been our National Anthem, sung so well –
God Bless Australia
Here in this God given land of ours, Australia
This proud possession, our own piece of earth
That was built by our fathers, who pioneered our heritage,
Here in Australia, the land of our birth.
God bless Australia, Our land Australia,
Home of the ANZAC, the strong and the free
It’s our homeland, our own land,
To cherish for eternity,
God bless Australia, The land of the free.
Here in Australia, we treasure love and liberty,
Our way of life, all for one, one for all
We’re a peace loving race, but should danger ever threaten us,
Let the world know we will answer the call
God bless Australia, Our land Australia,
Home of the ANZAC, the strong and the free
It’s our homeland, our own land,
To cherish for eternity,
God bless Australia, The land of the free.
As promised, a big day.
Earlier, waaaaay back this morning I mentioned that lots of jacks were fed up with enforcing ever-changing edicts from unelected dunderheads.
I can’t link from here, but if one were to look up the NT Independent site and head for a piece with the words Erosion, Trust and Integrity in the title, you will find an actual resignation letter from an NT jack with 24 years in, along with details of what those two and a half decades got him.
It is, I can assure you, 100% factual.
The message is that The Tudgester is a sleaze and he’s not the only one.
Rachelle going public hopefully means it doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Yeah, I Know, Bill Shorten.
The System appears to be:
Female Staffer becomes an embarrassment, she’s transferred to Cash’s Office, where she’s managed out of the Organisation.
Sounds pretty cold blooded to me.
Melbourne, in front of the ABC yesterday
One way to deal with segregation.
Demonstrators invade a Christmas market in Luxembourg, access to which is restricted by vaccine passports.
Paul Weston – EU President Ursula von der Leyen Resurrects Fascism In Europe
Unless you were an RAN sailor you got nothing.
I wear the whites, but I never served.
And I know my way around the poop deck.
Shines, as she does, like justice …
Crikey, that sounds bad.
*Mental note, don’t put that in the campaign material.
I notice she was an acting senior sergeant, February last year.
Someone is being groomed for a top slot in the corporation.
The New Culture Forum: Neil Oliver
Yeah, yeah, yeah, you knew it was going to happen, peoples … 🙂
A goil in a short skirt and a long jacket (with bonus jackboots) …
At least one decent copper in the territory. Shame he’s leaving.
He’ll find life is better on the outside.
WW2 footage 2:20 to 3 minutes is uncomfortable
That is very fucking ordinary.
“If you haven’t read it, Aaron posted a remarkable article earlier”.
Glad you enjoyed it and thought it interesting
And it looks like Australian “peacekeepers” are going to do the Chicom’s dirty work for them in the Solomons.
Well the cops and the ADF have been doing it here for a while. Nasty fascist goons. I hope their mothers are proud.
The message is that The Tudgester is a sleaze and he’s not the only one.
Rachelle going public hopefully means it doesn’t happen to anyone else.
Yeah, I Know, Bill Shorten.
There is a slight difference between claiming to have been raped, and claiming that after having allowed herself to be bonked by a married man she got snippy because he didn’t treat her with respect.
The System appears to be:
Female Staffer becomes an embarrassment, she’s transferred to Cash’s Office, where she’s managed out of the Organisation.
Sounds pretty cold blooded to me.
Even assuming that were accurate, what would your alternative approach be?
Transferring someone away from the married bloke they’ve let themselves get bonked by and now have a grudge against sounds sensible – especially transferring them somewhere where the boss is female so repeat performance /allegation won’t occur.
Have just come across this interesting piece of history:
The founder of the Scottish hay rights movement an apologist for pesos! The history the ABC (remember Richard Neville and Jon Stephens), SMH, Age and Gillard-McClellan royal commission don’t want you to know about.
American Thinker
Children are the Faultline in the Covid Vaccine Narrative that Exposes the Fraud
My Kingdom for an “edit” function.
Don’t judge their actions by todays standards.
They were fighting a treacherous and merciless enemy.
Different rules. And they won.
A bimbette went from acting sgt. to acting commander in a year?
Let’s put this in perspective.
This is like being a jumped up army cpl., usually in command of a fire team, to temporarily be the leader of a section (two fire teams) – to being a Lt. Col, the on ground commander of a battalion – 600 soldiers and maybe up to 1000 with support detachments.
In a year: with no extra training, qualifications and literally only a year more experience (when the public is literally locked up).
Remarkable to say the least.
Not even if they were the sole survivor of the Battalion.
There’s an account in James Phelps’s book “Australian Code Breakers” of the survivors of the German ships, “Nurnberg” and “Leipzig”, sunk at the Falkland Islands, in 1914, being machine gunned in the water. (Page 288,)
What? As reinforced platoon and some FedPol policemen going in to attempt to keep several hundred or several thousand angry people apart?
Blimey- This Our Rulers Are Paid, Boot-licking Stooges For Beijing meme is starting to bear some weird fruit…
Redheads, Pol?
Where the hell did they come from?
Let’s have some normality.
Given Grigory’s revulsion at such a process (designed to keep toxic/feuding parties apart from each other, but still preserving their employment within the Public Service until the disciplinary process has completed or one or both parties’ positions are no longer tenable) we hope that he never makes or has a complaint upheld against him…
There is no Biden presidency except for the CCP
There is no covid crisis except for Fauci
There is no immigration crisis except for an EO
There is no energy crisis except for an EO
There is no race crisis except for BLM
There is no gender crisis except for academia / hollywood
There is no January 6 insurrection except for Pelosi
Dot says:
December 5, 2021 at 10:45 pm
In a year: with no extra training, qualifications and literally only a year more experience (when the public is literally locked up).
Remarkable to say the least.
She probably has already committed to bashing & shooting dissidents – what’s not to like??
Amazing the left have pushed the Jan 6 narrative so much, yet the CIA have at least 10 pedophiles the US have refused to prosecute.
There’s no such thing as the swamp?
I am astonished how people are blind to this.
Rex Anger says:
December 5, 2021 at 10:51 pm
And it looks like Australian “peacekeepers” are going to do the Chicom’s dirty work for them in the Solomons.
What? As reinforced platoon and some FedPol policemen going in to attempt to keep several hundred or several thousand angry people apart?
Blimey- This Our Rulers Are Paid, Boot-licking Stooges For Beijing meme is starting to bear some weird fruit…
Of course, Scummo is working for his CCP masters – think of the optics if CCP troops went in there to sort out their quisling government.
Unrest in the Solomons will be child’s play compared to what will probably eventually happen in PNG.
Given that we are not going in uninvited (which seems to be tbe assumption that gives the meme oxygen), and that China has its ‘soft power’ hooks in every Asia-Pacific leader in some way, shape or form (Just as the US and even we do), and China has never once acted in a peacekeeping role anywhere in its history (The people have never been known to be good neighbours. Ask Vietnam), do you not think the meme might be just a little over-egged?
After all, this time a decade ago, at the desperate request of the Solomons Government (much like now), the ADF regularly rotated an entire Rifle Company Group through the place. Initially 3RAR (whose sole fatality was a digger who fell to his death in an unmarked well while patrolling), then the various Reserve Brigades until around 2011-12.
RAMSI was the mission. I knew of it as Operation Anode. And as you see, it ran from 2003 to 2017 in various iterations.
And it wasn’t seen as a problem until now?
Rex – aren’t the current problems in the Solomons due to Chinese money / influence & unhappy locals who blame their government? A bit like here – we know our government is not working for us but they are working for someone.
Can the name Bunkie be revived in 2022?
Weren’t the Solomon Islanders disarmed the last time “peacekeepers “ went there? How remarkably prescient of someone.
Looks like a tranny
Australian basketball star Liz Cambage suffers an EMBARRASSING blow after joining OnlyFans and her heated clash with the Nigerian team in Las Vegas cost her a spot at the Olympics
Fat Tony,
The Solomon Islands Prime Minister is flat out offering money to MPs to vote for him.
It’s at Michael Smith news but I can’t link.
Fresh Frederick. Or Frederika.
A lot of it is down to basic tribalism, and a mutual hatred and suspicion of the ethnic Chinese merchant class. Certainly not helped by CCP money and attempts to win ‘favour,’ colonialist-style (I.E. Buy off all the big men, in the vain hope that something useful may come out of it)…
Mr Ed
The message is that The Tudgester is a sleaze and he’s not the only one.
Given that the Liars and the Slime seem to operate a permanent game of musical beds, that statement applies more to them than to the eternally stupid Lieborals.
Top Ender:
The perp gets more coverage than the victim.
So she knew this? She should be charged for not alerting the medical team responsible.
That’sweet kid’ just butchered a woman, and she thinks of the impact on her own family.
No, rick. The Brahmin Class are quite happy with their policies. Those policies are based on the fact that they are in no danger themselves, and the people they import or refuse to gaol only seek victims from the peasants.
Meanwhile they get to award themselves virtue gongs for their ‘humanity’.
Could you keep us up to date on this one please?
My day is just about totally full.
Jonathan Kneebone is a backer.
Solar panels to last 100,000 years – we can’t even make them last for 100 bloody years!
So I suggest we all have a go at suggesting contents.
My suggestion is:
1. The original glitter coated turd, mounted on the clean end.
I looked for JC’s video of President Trump calling General Milley “a fucking idiot” and did a search for it.
No video found using Brave.
Bullshit, thinks Winston.
It’s on Rumble.
Here – for your enjoyment.
After the Revolution, we shall have a purge.
All of these bullshit sinecures that we’ve erected and have now shown themselves to be utterly gutless shall be torn out – root and branch.
Then we will forbid any of the PS who worked in them shall ever work for the people again.
When this lunacy is over – and it will end – our society is going to be very aware of the informer types that live with us.
It is not going to be pleasant.
I understand the ‘booster’ is the same vaccine that was originally touted as the ‘cure’ Is this correct?
Damn straight they will.
The pricks want everyone shot up so there’s no control group.
Four Monty Python skits? Looxury!
We were so poor, we could only hear the neighbours TV from a cardboard box in the middle of the road! We were so deprived of Monty Python skits, we had to decode the snap! crackle! and pop! from our cold breakfast gravel that we had to eat before we got up because we weren’t sent to bed until then!
What looxury!
What about the cheese shop?