Written, from memory, at the time when the Labour Government announced that the “rich would be taxed until their eyes bled” – a top rate of ninety percent – them they wondered at the flow of money overseas?
December 9, 2021 8:27 pm
Roger , it’s not as easy as what you think when suggesting the rich can structure their affairs. It costs a great deal of money to do that.
Written, from memory, at the time when the Labour Government announced that the “rich would be taxed until their eyes bled” – a top rate of ninety percent – them they wondered at the flow of money overseas?
Yes; it is said The Beatles got their MBEs because of their contribution to the UK Treasury.
Miss Anthropist
December 9, 2021 8:35 pm
Heard of a bloke called Keating?
Talk to us of interest rates if you have.
Bruce of Newcastle
December 9, 2021 8:37 pm
Jacinda Watch
I can’t wait for her to ban smoking weed because of all the damage it does to young lungs and brains. Surely she’ll do this imminently! For the planet, or, at least, for the children.
December 9, 2021 8:38 pm
The world’s governments are actively, massively, depopulating the world.
Who cares, now that they’re after your money … after they kill you.
It is so easy to control people, ’80’s AI can do it.
Miss Anthropistsays:
December 9, 2021 at 8:35 pm
Heard of a bloke called Keating?
Talk to us of interest rates if you have
Interest rates are just part of it.
You have to compare property prices, incomes and loan servicing costs.
Boambee John
December 9, 2021 8:42 pm
Brendan Coates, an economist with the Grattan Institute think tank, said a revival of inheritance taxes and an end to the 50 per cent capital gains tax discount would tackle the phenomenon of baby boomers getting richer at the expense of the young
Brendan quietly “forgot” to mention that the money would go to the gummint to waste as it sees fit, not to the young. Were the young to ignore this silly proposal they would end up getting the money by (untaxed) inheritance.
The nine most frightening words in the English language, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”.
December 9, 2021 8:43 pm
twostix says:
December 9, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Dear Dr Gerrard, QLD’s late Very Serious and ‘irritated’ CHO, did a podcast with The Conversationfour years ago.
It’s your typical Ominous(tm) scary intoning aboutthe unseenimminent danger of pandemics – Ebola (remember that?) and MSRA.
But one thing at the end peaked my interest. He was answering a generic question about what they’re doing to prepare with dealing with the threat of ‘pandemics’ in Australia. Among other things he explained ‘we may start to quarantine close contacts’.
This has been in their minds for a long time.
Yes, this has been in their minds for a long time. A VERY long time.
Trying to beat God at His own game is Older than The Bible, but let’s just look at more recent hints of plans –
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
The film is about a submarine crew who are shrunk to microscopic size and venture into the body of an injured scientist to repair damage to his brain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fantastic_Voyage
From Dick Tracy’s TV/Phone Watch to the Fantastic Voyage et al, the Ruling Wonks are already working on what they sell us as fantasy, decades before it hits our average Joe & Jane real world.
Having the life I’ve had, I find it more productive to drop bits of information and let others take it up, build on it and spread it, but lately I’ve found even the most obvious of self promoters only re-selling old news in old packages rather risk upsetting the Globalist Jab Pushers by looking deeper into the real world stuff that’s already out there.
I posted this long before “nano-wrigglers” became the, “shut up and stop thinking” mockery term of many cats.
The whole thing’s worth listening to or at least the first 5 1/2 minutes, but at the very least just listen to this one minute from where I’ve prompted it to start – it’s about namo machines that can be driven to target & kill specific cells –
Now after that skip to the 1 hour 27 minutes mark at the link below –
2nd Pathology Conference
on Dec. 04, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Berlin, Germany
ENGLISH TRANSLATION https://odysee.com/@en:a5/PK_Tot-durch-Impfung_english:a
– Autoimmune Reactions
– Introduction to other doctors
– Blood samples of vaccinated (Important) 01:27:00 – Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
Now doesn’t that at least give you pause to think about those who both admit to being smart enough to have personally invested in the En-Jabbening Industries while also madly mocking the reality of nano machines being developed in ‘medicine’?
Bruce of Newcastle
December 9, 2021 8:46 pm
Heard of a bloke called Keating?
Talk to us of interest rates if you have.
Bought the Cafe about a month before Keating was elevated. Fourteen and a half percent was the interest rate. Paid it off as fast as I could.
Interestingly Ncl is hot because of all the proles fleeing Sydney. Four houses on market within 100m of Chez Bruce, list prices about 50% higher than going rate a couple years ago.
Escape is possible Sydneyistas. And we have glorious attractions here, like yummy Ms Lauren Kempe.
December 9, 2021 8:47 pm
PoliBard Retweeted
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Chinese property giant Evergrande has defaulted
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 8:49 pm
Jacinda Watch
That’s leftwits for you.
The left is consumed with a mad obsession with total conformity and homogenisation, taking umpteen different peoples with unique characters, experiences and outlooks on life, setting them against each other and progressively eliminating avenues for escape or self-expression and actualisation. Until all are subsumed into a textureless, flavourless blancange of beige oblivion.
Billy warned us about the horrors of beigeness. And all we did was laugh. Nod sagely with incandescence in our hearts, yes. But laugh…
December 9, 2021 8:53 pm
FMD Brendan Coates needs to get a real job. My last CGT (aka theft) bill was in the 10 of thousands of dollars a couple of years ago and that’s after spending money on accountants to make a massive dent in what I would have paid. Oh and I already had a 50% discount.
I got an idea, lets just cut public funding for these mouthy NGO’s and see how well they survive by selling their wares in a real marketplace. Certainly be better for the budget bottom line…
December 9, 2021 8:53 pm
LOL, this is the best book ever, and it’s not even published yet Face with tears of joy
Quote Tweet
Adem Somyurek MP
· 4h
Keep punching Franky. Andrews has decided that he can be a premier & a terrorist at the same time. Parliament needs quality contributors like you. I bet Dan did not have the guts to call you. Expect a job offer – don’t take it.
How is that book of yours coming along? twitter.com/frank_mcguire/…
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Dirt be gettin dished Face with hand over mouth
Quote Tweet
Adem Somyurek MP
· 3h
Whilst quality MPs like McGuire are moved on scumbags like this family get to survive. The Suleymans are proof that rat cunning beats intelligence.
Show this thread
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 8:53 pm
The world’s governments are actively, massively, depopulating the world
A leader without followers is not a leader, srr. Nor is a government without those to govern.
Stop sniffing your red shoes. The tinea spores are doing your Central Nervous System no favours…
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 8:58 pm
Escape is possible Sydneyistas. And we have glorious attractions here, like yummy Ms Lauren Kempe.
Problem being, you risk the California Syndrome. Those tending to be rich enough to ‘escape’ are the same leftards whose voting patterns and policy tastes led to the place being dystopian sh*thole in the first place.
Plus noise and smell complaints to rural councils because the poor dears had no idea that sheep, cattle, horses and birds(!) make noises and smells at all hours of the day and night (No noise curfews out here, kids! 😀 ), tend to lead to unwanted hilarity…
By the way, someone at the chat room reckons you’ve gone totally QANON. I think they could be right after the recent links you’ve posted. Totally nuts.
JC, am I going to have to break out my RSA training on you again?
December 9, 2021 9:01 pm
But the flour is much lower gluten content over there.
December 9, 2021 9:03 pm
Rex ,
The fucker has gone absolutely hyper. He’s been posting since earlier this morning and hasn’t stopped. It’s the gluten I think.
December 9, 2021 9:03 pm
Escape is possible
There is no escape.
Bruce of Newcastle
December 9, 2021 9:04 pm
BREAKING: Chinese property giant Evergrande has defaulted
About the fifth or sixth time so far. Mainly stiffing roundeyes though, they’re paying internal Chinese bond coupons.
It’ll be interesting to see if Xi can land this sucker. Evergrande has about $300 billion of outstanding debt. Which is big enough to hurt even China, especially if the disease spreads to other insolvent Chinese real estate developers.
Boambee John
December 9, 2021 9:08 pm
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 9, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Yes. PNG.
Calli – I was reading just now of a place north of Kokoda called Wiaropi.
See if you can get the reason for the name. ?
Bridge based on wire rope. Near Oivi-Gorari, scene of a major punch up late in 1942.
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 9:08 pm
I posted this long before “nano-wrigglers” became the, “shut up and stop thinking” mockery term of many cats.
No, SRR.
You do not belittle my universe-consuming legionnaires so lightly.
Nano-wrigglers was based on Bird flying off his nut and claiming during one of his manic phases on the Dash-Cat, that PCR swabs had moving critters impregnated into them that would burrow into you and eat your brain tissue.
Because he treated it so seriously and held on to the concept for so long, it quickly became adopted as a term of derision for anyone assessed as flying far off into delusional fantasy, adopting messiah-, prophet- and/or victim-complexes along the way.
People, curiously enough, like yourself when you are on a Ermagerd, Dey Gon’ Git Usz! bender.
Is your God Big Enough to keep you and the people you love and care for safe here and now and in Eternity? Or is He not?
If, as your carry-on suggests, that He is not, your problem is not with the Cats calling out your wilder claims…
December 9, 2021 9:08 pm
Talking of money.
That nice Mr Gottlieb, being with Pfizer now and ex FDA.
What’s a guy too do?
I don’t know who this Romeo Georges fellow is, it sounds like he’s the organizer of the Sydney anti mandatory jabs, anti vaxxine passport rallies. He is certainly very misguided regarding the UAP, someone has been telling him porkies. Some people here have commented that the Sydney rally has lost its direction, or has become befuddled regarding its direction, and has taken on additional social / political issues.
He sounds like a good bloke, but appears to be very easily baffled by things.
Problem being, you risk the California Syndrome. Those tending to be rich enough to ‘escape’ are the same leftards whose voting patterns and policy tastes led to the place being dystopian sh*thole in the first place.
Um, Rex, my local booth would make the Soviet Union look rightie.
Ncl has been ALP heartland for about forever.
The only way is up!
(I’m on great terms with neighbours across road, they love my birdies so much that they started putting food out. Certain they vote Green. I think they’d be horrified by my politics.)
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 9:09 pm
The fucker has gone absolutely hyper. He’s been posting since earlier this morning and hasn’t stopped. It’s the gluten I think.
Those sound like excuses, JC.
Do I need to escalate to hugs?
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 9, 2021 9:11 pm
Plus noise and smell complaints to rural councils because the poor dears had no idea that sheep, cattle, horses and birds(!)
Cite you the local Greenies complaining that their revolting brats found the sight of truckloads of sheep on the roads, distressing, after they had had the “live export” trade explained to them…
December 9, 2021 9:15 pm
Say, Dover Beach.
Could you find a plug-in that lets us mute idiots?
Cite you the local Greenies complaining that their revolting brats found the sight of truckloads of sheep on the roads, distressing, after they had had the “live export” trade explained to them…
One of those was loading at Rous Head last night, when I clocked off at North Quay. I hadn’t smelt the unique aroma of ruminant in years. Not helped by 37 degree heat.
(Really, really glad we don’t run stock trains in WA anymore…)
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 9:19 pm
You forgot Gypsum.
Gypsum, though, has not forgotten you.
“You may not be interested in Gypsum,
But Gypsum is interested in you.”
– Grigory M. ‘Ed Case’ Grigsky
December 9, 2021 9:22 pm
He’s been posting since earlier this morning and hasn’t stopped.
Naughty JC! Too much hyperbowl. I decided to count, because I have no life.
Since the top of the last page (too boring to go back further)
Bruce – 16
JC – 26
I think you might be the winner in “the most activity since 2:16” stakes.
Remember when Sinc did a count and you, Gab and Tom got the podium? Around 2013, IIRC. Chatterboxes.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 9, 2021 9:22 pm
Veterans group slams lengthy tribunal wait times
Adeshola Ore
24 minutes ago December 9, 2021
No Comments
Veterans are experiencing detrimental health and financial outcomes due to lengthy and “unreasonable” wait times at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal, a key advocacy group has warned.
The warning comes after the long-awaited Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide began last month.
In a submission to a parliamentary committee tasked with investigating the performance of the AAT, the Defence Force Welfare Association said it was “highly stressful” for veterans to experience lengthy wait times for applications challenging government decisions such as the denial of a compensation payment.
“It is not unusual for some veterans’ claims to take four years from initial application to finalisation at the AAT. This is unreasonable by any standard,” the submission states.
The association urged the parliamentarians to consider measures that may reduce delays in finalising veterans’ claims.
The most recent data published by the AAT reveals the median wait time for veterans is 54 weeks, with only 48 per cent of applications finalised within a year. This is worse than 2020-21, when the median wait time was 41 weeks, and 57 per cent were finalised within a year.
Opposition veterans’ affairs spokesman Shayne Neumann said the Senate committee should consider a range of options to improve the experience for those seeking a review of government decisions at the tribunal.
“Let’s not forget, these delays at the AAT come on top of the already long wait times for initial applications to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, which means people are waiting years for their claims to be finalised. It’s just not good enough and veterans deserve better,” Mr Neumann said.
“One obvious way in which Labor would reduce AAT wait times is to appoint more members who are actually up to the job and turn up for work.”
December 9, 2021 9:22 pm
I watched that a while ago.
Earnest, highly qualified, eminent, believable etc.
German pathologists.
Then at the end, they started finding scrap metal in the organs of corpses during post mortems. Supposedly from the jabs.
Nothing surprises me now.
December 9, 2021 9:24 pm
Whoops, Bruce is closing fast. Add another two to his tally.
Where’s Tom? He could call it and Carpe or Arma could do a book.
Wally Dalí
December 9, 2021 9:24 pm
“My body, my choice” must have a bit of traction, because Crikey is scrambling to police usage.
Reminds me- following Cat chat on meaningful t-shirt collections, I’ve been chipping into some summer threads. Custom “Whales are for White People” Sea Shepherd knock-off from Red, Ivomec polo… but one My Body My Choice number from the UK, in feminist purple with the pre-BLM chick’s fist, has dissapeared in shipping, and now the organization itself has dissappeared from Ebay listings.
December 9, 2021 9:27 pm
Is the uranium market capable of being turned into a cartel?
Winston, it already is.
Every part of the stack is regulated up the wazoo too.
December 9, 2021 9:29 pm
I forgot I had some bucks on Chelsea this morning.
FMD they’ve been screwed over in Fergie time twice in the last two games.
Boambee John
December 9, 2021 9:31 pm
From the Jacinda Watch second link.
At the turn of the century, one in four New Zealanders smoked.
That fell by half to one in six by 2012,
Innumerate fools.
December 9, 2021 9:33 pm
Yea I’m always in big short spurts. Normally Bruce is in bed by mid afternoon. I had a few responses to make like Hallward who appears to be suffering for serious emotional trauma.
Need to get count up, so here’re two gratuitous birdphotos from today.
Having a bunch of lawn noisies wandering around one’s feet is fun, but they didn’t like the camera except for this single brave, or hungry, noisy. The magpie is one of two northern family kiddies, he very nearly accepted food from hand for the first time today. Soon he will succumb, bwahahaha.
December 9, 2021 9:35 pm
Taibbi has big series on Virginia coming out this Friday.
Teaser from his substack.
I’ve been working on a feature on the Loudoun County business, a frustrating story that for a while was seeming more and more obscure every time I picked up the phone. After a month of research, interviews, and FOIA requests, though, I’m finally nearing the end, and hope to have the first part of a series out by Friday.
Loudoun might be the worst case of media malpractice I’ve come across in my career. Residents should be furious. Noted Zoom onanist and occasional CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin declared blithely, “It’s about white supremacy,” but the core of the years-long schools controversy turns out to be a dispute over gifted admissions that mainly concerns two of the county’s nonwhite demographics, making such analyses wrong to a degree that’s not easy to achieve even on purpose.
December 9, 2021 9:38 pm
He’s made 22 comments stating at 606 am.
December 9, 2021 9:40 pm
“One obvious way in which Labor would reduce AAT wait times is to appoint more members who are actually up to the job and turn up for work.”
I have been developing a theory as to why almost everything takes so much longer this century than it did the last. There are a few reasons, however not having enough people is not one of them. In fact, it is often the case that the more people, the longer it takes. Technology and convoluted procedures are the big two.
December 9, 2021 9:40 pm
They had one of the sub mongoloid authors on their ABCcess in for a tongue based colonoscopy on the radio.
Everyone in furious agreement and the wannabe confiscatory started including things like parents investing in their kids educations as barriers to “ equity”.
One of the prime bits was how if a person with only a couple of grand in the bank received $40,000 in one hit they wouldn’t do anything useful with it as they didn’t have experienced ence with sums like that.
Best way to kill this would be keeping the turds talking about it.
Knuckle Dragger
December 9, 2021 9:40 pm
I’ve heard it all now (so far).
Fantastic Voyage* = nano-wrigglers.
Hiding in plain sight! The signs! Just like Dan Brown novels!
*I assume this is the Family Guy episode, not the half-century-old movie.
December 9, 2021 9:41 pm
Hillary is warming up for something.
Something is definitely being prepared.
Pedro the Loafer
December 9, 2021 9:44 pm
Fires started by lightning strikes over the WA wheatbelt and 40C temps imposed another harvest ban today.
Only 120 acres left to take off and that should be knocked over tomorrow if the Shire doesn’t bung on another off road machinery ban. The local fire brigade is on “red alert” standby and the farm water tankers and pumps are ready to go.
I’m anxious to finish up but not at the risk of starting fires, so sitting back and waiting for the all clear.
The town’s volunteer firefighters won’t be able to buy their own beer after harvest, and nobody gives a fat rat’s ring whether they have been jabbed or not.
There are more important things at stake.
Knuckle Dragger
December 9, 2021 9:44 pm
Back in Mongyang.
Not as warm as wheat and sheep country, but far warmer than fucking Rockbank where I stopped to fuel up. Wind chill straight from the Antarctic.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 9, 2021 9:55 pm
People like that make it harder for proper claims to go through DVA
Don’t get me wrong, D.V.A. should have a fvcking big rocket put under them, but there’s a book around “The Repat Racket – An insider’s report on Veteran’s affairs” by one Malcolm Smith. He details some of the more “interesting” claims D.V.A. has had to deal with. Did you know that a deceased veteran can have two, or even three, widows? The death of a ninety year old man can be considered “war caused?”
A tap on the shoulder can leave a man a nervous wreck, scarred for life?
Real Deal
December 9, 2021 9:56 pm
One good thing about Fantastic Voyage. Raquel Welch in her absolute prime.
Making a coat out of puppies?
Suckling baby vipers at the bitter milk from her sagging breasts?
Or just organising a run of the mill suicide?
Ed Case
December 9, 2021 9:58 pm
Likin’ yer recent work, JC.
Even if it has taken you a fair few years to step up to the plate.
December 9, 2021 9:59 pm
Rex Angersays:
December 9, 2021 at 8:53 pm
The world’s governments are actively, massively, depopulating the world
A leader without followers is not a leader, srr. Nor is a government without those to govern.
Stop sniffing your red shoes. The tinea spores are doing your Central Nervous System no favours…
Legal First Trimester abortions alone savaged populations for generations, that was before all the Full Term, On Demand, Born Alive ‘abortions’ were added to the mass slaughter and before ‘euthanasia’ was spread for any excuse, like ‘depressed kids’.
FFS even Elon Musk is now warning the world about the dangers of depopulating, yet while it’s no secret and one that the UN & the countless monsters along it’s many tentacle openly boast of succeeding at, arrogant arseholes like you think it’s funny to blow cover smoke for the evil bastards.
Well, you’re neither funny nor cleaver and your readiness to whip out The Evil Bastards bloody stupid, stock bullshit at the drop of a key, underscores those facts.
December 9, 2021 10:01 pm
feelthebern says:
December 9, 2021 at 9:41 pm
Hillary is warming up for something.
Something is definitely being prepared.
She was reciting part of her victory speech and began to cry.
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 10:02 pm
your readiness to whip out The Evil Bastard
My Evil Bastard is whipped out for Mrs Anger and Mrs Anger only.
And you are no Mrs Anger…
December 9, 2021 10:03 pm
What recent work is that Ed?
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 10:06 pm
Legal First Trimester abortions alone savaged populations for generations, that was before all the Full Term, On Demand, Born Alive ‘abortions’ were added to the mass slaughter and before ‘euthanasia’ was spread for any excuse, like ‘depressed kids’.
And yet, there are more people now than any point in human history.
Even in those Western nations in which these destructive fads have full expression and even public approval.
If this is a planned genocide, Mrs Faulty, it’s pretty flogging sloppy and incompetent.
(Also, if you are treating Elon Musk as a latter-day saint, you don’t even believe your schtick about the evil of The Oligarchy…)
Bruce of Newcastle says:
December 9, 2021 at 9:34 pm
I’m not seeing any Bassian Thrushes there Bruce.
Don’t you have them?
December 9, 2021 10:18 pm
Rex Angersays:
December 9, 2021 at 9:08 pm
I posted this long before “nano-wrigglers” became the, “shut up and stop thinking” mockery term of many cats
No, SRR.
Yes, rex ANGER, I did and you know it.
Hence your need to re-write history and try to make it all one giant bird turd.
I was there, following that ‘conversation’, even picked up on the question raised by others of whether they were like Morgellons, as was also raised in that very detailed video that you are desperate to divert attention away from.
Make just the idea of Nano-Machine In Medicine a trigger for ‘Bird-esque Mockery’ and cat readers are trained to avoid any such branded topic like the plague, lest they to get branded ‘Bird-esque Loons’.
So here it is again. For those who trained themselves not to fall for such manipulation –
The whole thing’s worth listening to or at least the first 5 1/2 minutes, but at the very least just listen to this one minute from where I’ve prompted it to start – it’s about nano machines that can be driven to target & kill specific cells –
Now after that skip to the 1 hour 27 minutes mark at the link below –
2nd Pathology Conference
on Dec. 04, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Berlin, Germany
ENGLISH TRANSLATION https://odysee.com/@en:a5/PK_Tot-durch-Impfung_english:a
– Autoimmune Reactions
– Introduction to other doctors
– Blood samples of vaccinated (Important) 01:27:00
– Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
Knuckle Dragger
December 9, 2021 10:24 pm
If only someone had warned us!
Sigh. Snork.
Timothy Neilson
December 9, 2021 10:28 pm
In fact, it is often the case that the more people, the longer it takes.
CN Parkinson, “Parkinson’s Law”, addresses that very issue.
December 9, 2021 10:29 pm
U.S. Embassy Tokyo, ACS
The U.S. Embassy has received reports of foreigners stopped and searched by Japanese police in suspected racial profiling incidents. Several were detained, questioned, and searched. U.S. citizens should carry proof of immigration and request consular notification if detained.
Miss Anthropist
December 9, 2021 10:33 pm
An exspouse of an eligible veteran can make a claim for a war widows pension. It should come as no surprise that some veterans have had more than one marriage.
If your cause of death is from a service related and accepted injury it doesn’t matter what age you are.
PTSD is nebulous. Everyone is different. I’m not saying there aren’t shonks there. I’m sure there are.
Diabetes and smoking are accepted conditions for me as the Army made me smoke. No one was more surprised than I as I never claimed that.
PTSD was disallowed because of what I did for a job after the Army.
December 9, 2021 10:33 pm
Yes something is definitely happening, it’s just the timing of the playbook….
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 10:36 pm
Yes, rex ANGER, I did and you know it.
Hence your need to re-write history and try to make it all one giant bird turd.
Why would you be so screechily possessive of a narrative madness you’ve conflated with the antics of Bird being an off-his-tits loon?
Your head is full of nano-wrigglers. But you have no licence for their possession and responsible care, and based on your postings, I fear greatly for the conditions the poor creatures are being kept in…
December 9, 2021 10:39 pm
Nobody listens!
Knowing Pfizer, they probably used rainwater from the back of the factory.
Make just the idea of Nano-Machine In Medicine a trigger for ‘Bird-esque Mockery’ and cat readers are trained to avoid any such branded topic like the plague, lest they to get branded ‘Bird-esque Loons’.
Have you not, you inutterable fool, thought that not everything you do not fully understand is R-O-N-G wrong?
And that everything people devise in modern medicine is not by default Evil, Malicious or merely Lethal?
Do you take paracetamol? Have you ever been a recipient of a blood transfusion, or worse, donated for someone else?
December 9, 2021 10:49 pm
Aaron says:
December 9, 2021 at 9:22 pm
I watched that a while ago.
Earnest, highly qualified, eminent, believable etc.
German pathologists.
Then at the end, they started finding scrap metal in the organs of corpses during post mortems. Supposedly from the jabs.
Nothing surprises me now.
Yes Aaron, I had it passed onto me by a young bloke who didn’t think they included the same group of people I told him about a while back.
He’s big on source checking, looking for respectable credentials etc. so thought they couldn’t be those I mentioned way back or it would have had a bigger cut through & impact.
So I reminded him that even the work of people like James Tour didn’t stop the, “Shut Up! Nothing To See Here!”, Pro-UN Agenda Thought Police, mocking it all away.
Then Rex Anger jumps in to prove my point.
He’s a case in point of why I rarely bother to post at all these days & then generally prefer to simply post interesting bits of goings on with links and leave the bickering over details to others.
No use trying to have good will conversations with people where bad actors hang around for no reason other than to turn attempts at an open exchange into school yard shit shows.
In before some wag says “Ghislaine didn’t self delete herself…”
Ed Case
December 9, 2021 11:08 pm
Hi srr.
Try selecting comments to read from the sidebar, rather than scrolling, then you can avoid reading this bloke’s poison altogether
My opinion:
reading anything this bloke writes is allowing yourself to be assaulted.
An exspouse of an eligible veteran can make a claim for a war widows pension. It should come as no surprise that some veterans have had more than one marriage.
A hypothetical case. The ex spouse was married for five years, thirty five years ago, to a veteran. Are you telling me that that justifies paying her a widow’s pension?
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:14 pm
No use trying to have good will conversations with people where bad actors hang around for no reason other than to turn attempts at an open exchange into school yard shit shows.
Less victim-complex please, Mrs Faulty.
Many of your proclamations of EvilBad are grotesquely offensive towards anyone who has any degree of knowledge and understanding of anything you make your proclamations about.
I reiterate that not everything people come up with in good faith is R-O-N-G wrong.
Who are you to dismiss and judge the Originator of those ideas?
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:17 pm
My opinion:
reading anything this bloke writes is allowing yourself to be assaulted.
Words is violence, eh Grigory?
Better my sledgehammer-like butthurt inflicted on the ‘right’ people than the randomly-dropped nailbombs of utter stupidity you barf out whenever you start to molest your keyboard…
December 9, 2021 11:20 pm
Aaron says:
December 9, 2021 at 10:39 pm
Nobody listens!
Knowing Pfizer, they probably used rainwater from the back of the factory.
Oy, there’s a wriggler in my soup.
Some do.
We also take note of those who try to shout down the messengers.
Foxhole have a very limited capacity.
Is it bad, when I click on a video, I see a bowl of marinara in the thumbnail, I say to myself, “I’m having good luck with Swiss Basics Moisturising Formula…”
December 9, 2021 11:22 pm
Then at the end, they started finding scrap metal in the organs of corpses during post mortems. Supposedly from the jabs.
Taipan helicopters scrapped in switch to US Blackhawks and Seahawks
Greg Sheridan
Foreign Editor
An hour ago December 9, 2021
No Comments
The Morrison government will scrap its entire fleet of 47 Taipan army and navy helicopters and replace them with US Blackhawks and Seahawks, at a cost of $7bn.
The Taipan helicopter – once described as “an extraordinarily advanced helicopter” by Chief of the Defence Force, Angus Campbell in Senate estimates testimony – is regarded as a trouble-plagued disaster by the government and has never given either the navy or the army reliable service.
Defence Minister Peter Dutton informed Airbus, which manufactures the Taipan, of the decision this week.
The government has applied to the US, through its foreign military sales procedures, to buy up to 40 Blackhawks for the army and 12 Seahawks for the navy. Blackhawks are manufactured by Sikorsky, which is owned by Lockheed Martin.
“The performance of the MRH90 Taipan has been an ongoing and well-documented concern for Defence and there has been a significant effort at great expense to try to remediate those issues,” Mr Dutton said.
“It is critically important there is a safe, reliable and capable utility helicopter available for our servicemen and women into the future, with reasonable and predictable operating costs.”
The cancellation of the Taipan demonstrates Mr Dutton’s determination to scrap Defence programs that are not delivering promised capability or are absurdly over budget.
The Taipans were an Australian variant, assembled in Australia. The Blackhawks the government intends to buy will come off the shelf and be made in the US. The decision prioritises defence capability over all other considerations.
It follows the government’s much bigger decision to cancel the French Attack class submarines and instead pursue nuclear powered submarines under the AUKUS agreement with the US and Britain.
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:28 pm
Try selecting comments to read from the sidebar, rather than scrolling, then you can avoid reading this bloke’s poison altogether
Poor Grigory.
I am told if you do your Buteyko breathing exercises hard enough, the nitrites you produce in your nose will relax your arse enough to take the strain off your neck.
That will be sufficient to relieve the feelings of terrible pain, discomfort and choking sensations you have been experiencing…
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:30 pm
Taipan helicopters scrapped in switch to US Blackhawks and Seahawks
More please, Mr. Dutton sir!
Keep Rheinmetall honest, and buy the K21 Redback IFVs if they get uppity.
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:33 pm
We also take note of those who try to shout down the messengers.
You are most welcome to try and posse me for calling you on your bullshit, Mrs Faulty.
I am not afraid of being accosted by a sea of tinfoil hats, hissing ferals and shaken beads.
You are all deathly afraid of Nano-Wrigglers. And I. AM. LEGION.
I’ll just make sure I keep the kettle warm and the biscuits fresh… 🙂
December 9, 2021 11:37 pm
Rex Anger says:
December 9, 2021 at 11:14 pm
I reiterate that not everything people come up with in good faith is R-O-N-G wrong.
The best thing I can say about your behaviour is that it’s that of a no talent coward.
You try to nail mock tags that won’t stick and you don’t even bother to read what I post let alone check the content of links because you know you can just make up any old shit and if I don’t pull you up on your bullshit (which I mostly don’t), no one else will.
James Tour is a Jewish Christian who speaks of making the lame walk & the blind see etc. with the help of his nano machine work.
I posted his videos as examples of the reality of nano machines.
Like guns, dogs & pretty girls, they are real & they can be life saving or deadly, depending on how they’re used.
Stability and Properties of Two-Dimensional Graphene Hydroxide
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 11, 1310–1314
Systematic study of interaction between graphene and hydroxyls is carried out by first-principles calculations. Although single hydroxyl adsorbed on graphene presents magnetic properties, hydroxyls prefer to adsorb on graphene in pairs without magnetic properties. The formation energy of hydroxyl pairs with graphene is coverage-dependent, and the most stable structure is half-covered by hydroxyl pairs along zigzag chains with alternative sp2 and sp3 hybridization between carbon atoms. The bandgap of this structure is 0.97 eV in GW approximation, close to the bandgap of Si, and this structure is stable at room temperature. It is possible to build graphene-based electronic circuits from graphene hydroxide without the need for cutting or etching.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 9, 2021 11:40 pm
Poor Grigory.
I am told if you do your Buteyko breathing exercises hard enough, the nitrites you produce in your nose will relax your arse enough to take the strain off your neck.
That will be sufficient to relieve the feelings of terrible pain, discomfort and choking sensations you have been experiencing…
That’s a double Scotch, and a new keyboard you owe me… Grogarly, with his head up his arse and fighting for breath is not a pretty sight..
Old School Conservative
December 9, 2021 11:41 pm
Kudos to Sam Kerr, Matilda’s captain.
Playing for her club team Chelsea, she shoulder charged a pitch invader to the ground.
That bloke will have to live the rest of his life being known as the wimp who got dropped by a chick.
The idiot ref who gave Sam a yellow card for the action should be banned from soccer for life.
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:48 pm
James Tour is a Jewish Christian who speaks of making the lame walk & the blind see etc. with the help of his nano machine work.
I posted his videos as examples of the reality of nano machines.
Like guns, dogs & pretty girls, they are real & they can be life saving or deadly, depending on how they’re used.
Your one monomanical and utterly repetitive theme remains Ermagerd, Dey Gon Git/Kill/Sterrlerrz Usz!
If it isn’t a whole lot of And this is how they are going to do it!, it’s all utterly unrealistic carry-on like Australia’s inland is a verdant utopia that could sustain millions more than it already does. Which is why They lied and told everybody it’s all inhospitable desert and fooled everyone into staying on the coastal belts so that one day They can take it all and rule over it!
Which then leaves you apoplectic when these ambits of yours are punctured by anyone who has a modicum of knowledge about what you are making your proclamations over.
So, fling yourself around a bit more. And I will see you tomorrow for the next round of Ermagerd, Deys Gon’ Git Usz! And dat Debbil-Debbil Rex is One Of ‘Em!
Rex Anger
December 9, 2021 11:50 pm
That’s a double Scotch, and a new keyboard you owe me… Grogarly, with his head up his arse and fighting for breath is not a pretty sight..
Colour, Dash and Daring, baby! 😉
Miss Anthropist
December 9, 2021 11:50 pm
What you or I think of DVA’s decisions is irrelevant to them.
I’m not here to justify them. I don’t hold a high opinion of a lot of things in my dealings with them on behalf of other veterans.
My own experience is that if you were up the sharp end they shaft you, spend a career bending blankets you’re made. Shonks get through, genuine cases get lost in some labyrinthine process.
My experiences with them have coloured my opinion of them.
Miss Anthropist
December 10, 2021 12:02 am
There have been two new legislations since my day, neither of them good news for veterans.
Anyone can make a claim under the various acts. If you have an entitlement hopefully your claim will get up.
I’m rusty on it all now. I recommend Vietnam Veterans and Peacekeepers to anyone wishing to make a claim.
Rex Anger
December 10, 2021 12:18 am
What is the chemical formula for graphene hydroxide, how is it chemically bonded?
Roll down to ‘Forms,’ then read on from ‘Graphene oxide.’ The methods of production and development are listed, too.
Nothing metallic in any of it.
I note this from the article in ‘Toxicity:’
2013 research at Brown University found that 10 ?m few-layered graphene flakes are able to pierce cell membranes in solution. They were observed to enter initially via sharp and jagged points, allowing graphene to be internalized in the cell. The physiological effects of this remain unknown, and this remains a relatively unexplored field.[331][332]
No mention of microscopic, monomolecular (Eldar shurikens, anyone?) munitions hurtling about the body tearing blood vessels and other tissues to shreds.
Granted, that is far more visualisable and titillating to impatient and excitable minds than the scattershot, slower, more complicated and infinitely morally worse scenario of deliberately introducing genetic material into a person that directs their cells to produce and express en masse a protein that is known to provoke potentially severe local and lethal systemic inflammation responses in sufficient quantities. And whose ‘stickiness’ has demonstrably led to fatal emboli and thrombi in others…
H B Bear
December 10, 2021 12:28 am
Ask Terry Alderman why you leave pitch invaders to the high viz minimum wage crew.
Rex Anger
December 10, 2021 12:40 am
How on earth does this form “molecular razors”?
Also, ‘razors’ do not form clots.
If, as per the ‘theory’ out there on the internet that these ‘razor’ molecules are cutting blood vessels and so forth, they would actually be provoking bleeds.
You would have an epidemic of systemic internal haemorrhages. Not emboli, nor aneurysms nor Transient Ischaemic Attacks (consistent with a brief blockage of blood supply to vessels in the brain). Frank cerebral and arterial and capillary and venous haemorrhages.
Not even myo- or pericarditis are characterised by bleeding. They are inflammatory responses to a viral, bacterial or other foreign body insult that the immune system is having a hard time of trying to clear up.
There is a great deal of plainly mean-spirited and morbid material circulating out on the internet at present, a lot of it made with a little knowledge of the subject matter. Just enough to give it the appearance and sound of credibility.
It is bad enough that the various authorities worldwide have been completely captured by the vs
arious strains of Fool, Fraud and Firebrand looking to exploit the crisis to further their various agendas.
It is orders of mangitude worse when the opposing school of thought is riddled with morbid attempts to outdo one another with ever-more lurid and gribbly claims about this virus particle and that adjuvant material and whose malicious agenda is what.
Practically none of which relates to the bug itself, treating it, caring for the ill and sorting out how to do life afterwards. Which is where the main efforts of the opposing school of thought SHOULD BE.
This dominance-jockeying on both sides is appalling to all the Everymen and women who just want to damn well get on with their lives.
End rant, Out…
Miss Anthropist
December 10, 2021 2:08 am
I just remembered something. In answer to your question about a wife 35 years ago it would depend on the exmember had qualifying service. Active service as opposed to nonwarlike service.
She might have to see if the veteran died of service related injuries or not.
Hope this helps.
Premiered Mar 9, 2021
Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM is an internationally recognised expert in vaccine development. He has acted as global director of a number of vaccine programs around the world, including for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Teaching and working in virology his entire professional life, Geert is raising the alarm over the global vaccination rollout and lockdown methodology which he believes is causative in the immune escape fears being raised by journals such as The Lancet and Science in January/February 2021.
He presents scientific evidence that ‘innate’ immunity is the actual determinant in recovery from and prevention of COVID-19. This is distinct from ‘acquired’ or ‘adaptive’ immunity where pathogenic response in T Cells and B Cells confers a memory upon the immune system. Vaccines work on the ‘adaptive’ immune system, not the ‘innate’ immune system.
His research points to over-zealous infection control procedures, as well as vaccines that do not produce sterilising immunity, as the two key drivers of evolutionary pressure upon Sars-Cov-2 that may result in vaccine-resistant phenotypes of the virus. If correct, this predicts much larger waves of COVID-19 including in younger, previously resistant people. He describes our current actions to combat Sars-Cov-2 as a ‘giant experiment’ and grossly irresponsible on such a global scale.
Thanx Tom. There should be a way of shutting the site to intruders while you are posting the toons.
I note that Ramirez 2 was preempted by the Bee.
December 10, 2021 5:11 am
This is a prime exhibit why I find the AFR a ridiculous business journal.
This is also a prime example why we should be the wealthiest nation on earth per capita but won’t ever be because of envy economics.
Sydney harbourside property
The best real estate trade in Australia over the past year was selling harbourside property.
Valuations were somewhat crazy, with many properties having doubled in value in a short space of time, thus delivering tax-free gains of $15 million to $20 million for the sellers.
The growing number of ultra-rich Australians fuels demand for prime real estate like the Crown Residences at One Barangaroo in Sydney. It’s understood the entry price for an apartment at the Crown
Many economists have called out this harbourside asset trading as being primed for sensible taxation reform as part of efforts to reduce the budget deficit.
It would make sense for the coming election campaign to at least include a debate about taxing residential property, a move that would prick the asset price bubble and make property more affordable for new home owners.
A 10 per cent tax on residential property sales would generate about $100 billion in tax revenue, given that about $1 trillion in residential real estate is traded each year.
Anything, anytime something looks mildly attractive as a say an investment opportunity some Australians clamor to kill it by taxing it to death.
December 10, 2021 5:42 am
Who owns these harbourside properties?
One of the newspapers ran a ‘big’ story about people from a certain country buying up big in the top end of Sydney market.
And why would anyone get excited about the opportunity for more tax revenue?
That won’t benefit the humble average taxpayer.
And a tax on property sales definitely won’t benefit the first home buyer.
December 10, 2021 5:44 am
As if there weren’t already taxes on residential property sales.
December 10, 2021 5:46 am
Thanks to the gang of four Dan can drop the lockdown hammer any time he pleases.
JC says:
December 9, 2021 at 9:38 pm
He’s made 22 comments stating at 606 am.
Ahaha! I knew you’d go back and have a look!
Winners are grinners!
December 10, 2021 6:33 am
calli says:
December 10, 2021 at 6:29 am
Looks like rosie wants to beat that # of posts today
December 10, 2021 7:00 am
Must be a slow news day.
December 10, 2021 7:02 am
I’m all Covided out. Pretty sure it isn’t nanna wrigglers, just the constant, unrelenting barrage of bull. Wears you down.
The latest “rules” from the NT now has the Beloved in a tailspin – looks like we won’t be going for the second year running with the prospect of being carted off to Howard Springs after a false positive.these loons will not give up until Labor is installed federally. Thanks for nothing Morrison.
This time last year, it was a different preoccupation – muchos cheating in the US election and a thousand cctv views to wade through, plus many…many opinions on stats and patterns.
The latest “rules” from the NT now has the Beloved in a tailspin – looks like we won’t be going for the second year running with the prospect of being carted off to Howard Springs after a false positive.these loons will not give up until Labor is installed federally. Thanks for nothing Morrison.
Hi Calli.
You’re a conservative and I am a libertarian so we don’t agree on everything.
I am certain now – if I want a freedom loving libertarian government with lasting policies, the first step is actually a vindictive populist government.
Go Pauline!
December 10, 2021 7:10 am
On another thread…many…many months ago, I said I didn’t believe Cardi when he said his daughter hadn’t benefited from some form of exemption since the beginning of 2020.
The good news is that now he’s a candidate, he can commit to making all exemptions public (travel, work & quarantine).
He might even help make it UAP policy.
Or he could run dead on it.
Tim Pool and Paul Joseph Watson killing it this morning.
No more lockdown, no fourth “jabs” please.
December 10, 2021 7:17 am
I am certain now – if I want a freedom loving libertarian government with lasting policies, the first step is actually a vindictive populist government.
Go Pauline!
Dot, have you lost your mind?
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
December 10, 2021 7:19 am
You’re a conservative
Hmmm. Last time I did a “wonder of me” political test I came up as an Anarcho-Capitalist. It’s the Beloved who’s the Conservative.
I need to curb my enthusiasm to knock everything down constantly, so that may temper my comments. 😀
That said, I am quite comfortable continuing to vote for Mark Latham in the NSW upper house for as long as he wants the gig.
Fair Shake
December 10, 2021 7:24 am
Thanks Tom.
Mark Knight #2 for me. The ombudsman report into the Dans border controls preventing Victorians returning home lasted one day in the local papers. Nothing sticks to Dan cos they give him cover and roll on.
December 10, 2021 7:25 am
Dot, have you lost your mind?
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
Then the difference between Pauline, Scummo and Albosleazy is …?
Dot, have you lost your mind?
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially
Is she better or worse than Morrison, Berejiklian, Elliot, Hazzard, McGowan, Andrews, Palaszcuk (and Arden)?
If Pauline was to champion stuff like opening up Pfizer’s secrecy and gutting the industry super funds, judges, APS & MP pensions, she would be ball bustingly popular and destroy the base of the establishment.
“There will be no easy tax or Major Douglas social credit under a government I lead…”
Australian children now ok for shots . The points to ponder:
108 days to sign off by the FDA. I presume our lot are just copying. From tests to release. Yes, that really is “warp speed”.
Legal indemnity BEFORE the race began to make a Vax.
75 years to release the data.
After the first shot, what are the odds of authority declaring the death Covid related vs side effects?
It’s probably impossible in many cases,anyway.
Only time will tell.
December 10, 2021 7:33 am
If Pauline was to champion stuff like opening up Pfizer’s secrecy and gutting the industry super funds, judges, APS & MP pensions,
Considering One Nation has run dead on the simple case of making COVOD related exemptions at all elections since the state of 2020, especially odd in QLD where they were being handed out to Pony Girls nearest & dearest, don’t hold your breath on the rest.
“calling the other side ‘progressives’, is an insult to both intelligence and the English language”.
Not really.
Just point out two things to them that usually “progress”.
Rust and cancer…
Farmer Gez
December 10, 2021 7:40 am
India running at around 8-9,000 cases a day which is negligible for a country of over a billion. Only 35% double jabbed.
Oh great gurus of science, why?
December 10, 2021 7:42 am
There’s libertarian.
And there’s totalitarian.
Conservatism has been demonstrated to be a myth.
I really need to reduce my Malice intake.
December 10, 2021 7:43 am
Farmer Gez, what’s the current Vic/NSW COVID scoreboard looking like?
December 10, 2021 7:43 am
Your ideas intrigue me, how may I subscribe to your newsletter?
It’s a bit of a secret.
Dover would be in all sorts of strife if I described in detail what I’d like to happen to government departments. Definitely nadt, just a demolition and salt sowing. No more of this “controlling” and “regulating” and “penpushing”. The only ones left would be Defence (actually “defending” and a skeleton of the justice system to deal with federal matters. All the rest – out to do actual work.
No street in Canberra would be without its tumbleweeds.
December 10, 2021 7:46 am
Oh great gurus of science, why?
Cases are a direct result of tests performed. If India isn’t doing massive testing, their case numbers will be comparatively low.
Nancy Mace from South Carolina must be looking for a pivot from the Congress to the Governor’s mansion.
Very much has a Tulsi feel about their policies.
December 10, 2021 7:50 am
Finland’s femme millennial government is not travelling too well. Now this:
Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin missed a Wuhan coronavirus contact alert because she had left her government phone at home when she went out partying at a Helsinki nightclub.
The millennial prime minister was alerted to possible Covid-19 contact exposure after Finland’s Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, who the premier had met with on Friday, tested positive for the virus. However, Marin missed alerts instructing her to limit contacts on Saturday evening which were sent to her ministerial government telephone.
Ms Marin later admitted that she had left the ministerial phone at home while she had gone out to a local restaurant and a nightclub in Helsinki.
Airheads gotta airhead.
December 10, 2021 7:50 am
December 10, 2021 7:51 am
Oh great gurus of science, why?
Also, cases simply don’t matter. If you have no symptoms or just the sniffles, so what? The only thing that matters is serious illness and fatalities. This whole thing is beyond a farce.
December 10, 2021 7:52 am
these loons will not give up until Labor is installed federally. Thanks for nothing Morrison.
December 10, 2021 7:56 am
Dee Madigan has set up a data lab, similar to what Kushner did in 2016.
Expect non stop targeted ads on social media with their media partners amplifying them under the guise of “reporting” & “journalism”.
The real question is who’s funding the data lab?
Stupid fucking libs have no idea what’s coming.
Apparently Uttar pradesh has the highest vaxx rates and the lowest covid rates.
H B Bear
December 10, 2021 7:59 am
Defence doing a good impression of KRuddy’s NBN of pissing it up against the wall.
Must be nice to spend OPM. It means never having to say you’re sorry.
December 10, 2021 7:59 am
Good to see the Italians shaking down Bezos.
Amazon Fined $1.3 Billion in Italian Antitrust Case Italy’s antitrust regulator fined Amazon $1.3 billion for harming competitors by favoring third-party sellers that use the U.S. company’s logistics services.
December 10, 2021 8:01 am
Alex Berenson is pumping out the emails today on US companies not enforcing vaccines.
Big ones.
Farmer Gez
December 10, 2021 8:02 am
feelthebern says:
December 10, 2021 at 7:43 am
Farmer Gez, what’s the current Vic/NSW COVID scoreboard looking like?
Dan batted first and put up an impressive total. Gladys found form and scored quickly to set up a possible match winning lead.
Dan’s second innings was a long dour affair with pitch invaders causing security much consternation. Big shots and wild swings have now pushed the Victorian total past NSW.
This game has gone Dan’s way and Victoria has won the series comprehensively.
Noted expert Struth has called the match a blatant display of cheating and any result, worthless.
H B Bear
December 10, 2021 8:04 am
The real question is who’s funding the data lab?
Twiggy, the Chinese, that Atlassian prick, you name it. Basically everybody. Murdoch might have a buck each way.
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
That puts her well ahead of Morro and his clownshow.
December 10, 2021 8:12 am
December 10, 2021 at 8:06 am
Booster for US kids.
They can approve injecting sulphuric acid, I don’t care. Just don’t mandate it.
December 10, 2021 8:13 am
December 10, 2021 at 8:12 am
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
That puts her well ahead of Morro and his clownshow.
I’d take a moron over these evil fascist fucking assholes running us into the ground.
December 10, 2021 8:15 am
Good news on the Blackhawk/Seahawk aquisition. Buying the Taipans was another really bad John Howard decision along with the ARH Tiger and the utter incompetence of the Seasprite buy (good helo, fucked up by defence).
So that’s around $10 billion wasted for no working helicopters. Can we cancel Howard’s Parliamentary pension?
December 10, 2021 8:15 am
The FDA and Pfizer have a very cosy relationship.
Because pre being at the FDA, many were at Pfizer.
And post being at the FDA, many will end up back at Pfizer.
Similar to ASIC in Australia & the local investment banks.
December 10, 2021 8:17 am
If the Libs had any idea…bwahahaha…they’d at least raise it with the AEC.
Just so the AEC could run one of those fake investigations to say there is nothing wrong with that.
December 10, 2021 8:18 am
I’d take a moron over these evil fascist fucking assholes running us into the ground.
Lately I have been quoting a lady I was speaking to on the train in the morning of the Brisbane Riot…
I trust Clive as far as I can kick him, sadly that’s about 10 times more than I trust either Scummo or ‘sleazy (or Pileoshit or Christwhatafool if we are talking Qld politics).
December 10, 2021 8:18 am
Because pre being at the FDA, many were at Pfizer.
And post being at the FDA, many will end up back at Pfizer.
Similar to ASIC in Australia & the local investment banks.
Not much different with any government department. Customs/customs clearance agents. CASA and people who for a fee write Operations manuals for commercial operators. Etc, etc, etc.
We do corruption really well. We just legalise it.
H B Bear
December 10, 2021 8:27 am
Don’t forget Crown employees going fishing with the casino regulators.
Australia is world class.
December 10, 2021 8:34 am
Morrison has just said they’re looking at whether they can reduce the time before a booster shot. So the first two wear off, as will the third, and the 4th, 5th … but good news you’ll be able to get injected more and more often.
This one minute segment from Anthony Fauci’s discussion with MSBNC journalist Andrea Mitchell is eye-opening and alarming. Within the interview, Dr. Fauci states that individual rights to medical autonomy must be *forcibly* removed by the state under the premise of a communal good. This is the exact mindset of the Fabian Socialists throughout history.
Dr. Fauci stated, “Free will. I respect that, but these are unusual times.” Pull your chair a little closer, and allow me to whisper in your ear: ‘There will always be unusual times.’
… The most sovereign of all human conditions is the right of an individual to be free. As soon as the state begins eroding the right of the individual, bad things start to happen. The communal mob is a fickle assembly who will always cull itself with ever-changing denominators of purity….
The ideology of Anthony Fauci is dangerous.
December 10, 2021 8:43 am
Alex Berenson is pumping out the emails today on US companies not enforcing vaccines.
Big ones.
My US company just came out with a vax mandate for certain roles. A day late and a dollar short. Why the stock price is where it is. Fuckin Mongs. Woke Oil.
This just adds to the overwhelming proof that this whole thing was planned. One of the comments below the clip says that internet domains for “vaccine passport” were registered 2016.
December 10, 2021 8:45 am
Pfizer approved for those 5 to 11. Based on the trend of this virus this can be expected to save exactly zero lives.
Knuckle Dragger
December 10, 2021 8:49 am
What ‘new rules’ for the NT are you referring to?
December 10, 2021 8:50 am
Norwegian COVID Experts Says Omicron Could Provide “Best Scenario” of “Natural Immunity”
To late for most, I fear.
December 10, 2021 8:52 am
Morrison has just said they’re looking at whether they can reduce the time before a booster shot.
Meeting with HR and boss on Monday, my key message:
My problem today will be your problem tomorrow:
1). You might have freely consented to vaccination, but that consent will have been removed.
2). You might have chosen your vaccine, but that choice will be removed, Pfizer only.
4). You might not see the need for your children to be vaccinated, but that choice will have been removed.
5). You might be getting sick from vaccinations, you might have friends who have got sick or died from vaccinations, but you still won’t have a choice.
6). You will reach a point (maybe the 4th, 5th or 6th booster) where you decide that the cost for you to maintain your employment and place in society is to much for you to bear any longer. And you will hate yourself for ever having submitted.
ICUs are not “full” of unvaccinated covid patients, they’re not even full of covid cases. In fact, they’re not even full at all.
As of last week, NHS England’s own bed statistics reported that England has 4330 available critical care beds, of which 894 (21%) are being used by Covid patients, 2608 (60%) non-Covid patients and 828 (19%) were empty.
So, England’s critical care beds are not even 90% full, let alone 90% full of unvaccinated covid patients.
But let’s be charitable and assume these people misspoke or communicated their point badly. Let’s assume they meant 90% of covid hospitalisations are unvaccinated.
That, at least, is true right? Wrong.
The actual number is 35.4%
According to the UK’s Health Security Agency data (page 31 of this document) 6639 patients were admitted to hospital “with Covid” in the weeks 44-47 of this year. Of those 6639, 2355 were unvaccinated.
So unvaccinated people do not even make up the majority of Covid cases, let alone the majority of ICU admissions in general.
So, even going by the official statistics – which we’ve previously shown are routinely inflated to make the “pandemic” appear frightening – the claim is incorrect.
This is who Morrison must have been chatting with before his recent press conference. You obviously need to check with head office before opening your mouth.
December 10, 2021 9:02 am
December 10, 2021 at 8:59 am
WHO Europe chief: Vaccine mandates ‘absolute last resort’
Part of the softening up process. You’ll note that they don’t say it won’t happen.
Clot shot mandates are NO resort.
The very fact that its even on the table is a evil and morally wrong.
December 10, 2021 9:03 am
December 10, 2021 at 9:01 am
Pfizer CEO Bourla: We May Need Fourth Dose of Vaccine Sooner Because of Omicron
This is who Morrison must have been chatting with before his recent press conference. You obviously need to check with head office before opening your mouth.
Written, from memory, at the time when the Labour Government announced that the “rich would be taxed until their eyes bled” – a top rate of ninety percent – them they wondered at the flow of money overseas?
I was speaking of the “really well off”, JC.
Jacinda Watch:
Fudge your junk on a statutory document…
… but no smokes for no-one no more, because Maoris need motherhood.
Christmas in Viktoria
Yes; it is said The Beatles got their MBEs because of their contribution to the UK Treasury.
Heard of a bloke called Keating?
Talk to us of interest rates if you have.
I can’t wait for her to ban smoking weed because of all the damage it does to young lungs and brains. Surely she’ll do this imminently! For the planet, or, at least, for the children.
The world’s governments are actively, massively, depopulating the world.
Who cares, now that they’re after your money … after they kill you.
It is so easy to control people, ’80’s AI can do it.
Interest rates are just part of it.
You have to compare property prices, incomes and loan servicing costs.
Brendan Coates, an economist with the Grattan Institute think tank, said a revival of inheritance taxes and an end to the 50 per cent capital gains tax discount would tackle the phenomenon of baby boomers getting richer at the expense of the young
Brendan quietly “forgot” to mention that the money would go to the gummint to waste as it sees fit, not to the young. Were the young to ignore this silly proposal they would end up getting the money by (untaxed) inheritance.
The nine most frightening words in the English language, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”.
twostix says:
December 9, 2021 at 1:06 pm
Dear Dr Gerrard, QLD’s late Very Serious and ‘irritated’ CHO, did a podcast with The Conversation four years ago.
It’s your typical Ominous(tm) scary intoning about the unseen imminent danger of pandemics – Ebola (remember that?) and MSRA.
But one thing at the end peaked my interest. He was answering a generic question about what they’re doing to prepare with dealing with the threat of ‘pandemics’ in Australia. Among other things he explained ‘we may start to quarantine close contacts’.
This has been in their minds for a long time.
Yes, this has been in their minds for a long time. A VERY long time.
Trying to beat God at His own game is Older than The Bible, but let’s just look at more recent hints of plans –
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
The film is about a submarine crew who are shrunk to microscopic size and venture into the body of an injured scientist to repair damage to his brain.
From Dick Tracy’s TV/Phone Watch to the Fantastic Voyage et al, the Ruling Wonks are already working on what they sell us as fantasy, decades before it hits our average Joe & Jane real world.
Having the life I’ve had, I find it more productive to drop bits of information and let others take it up, build on it and spread it, but lately I’ve found even the most obvious of self promoters only re-selling old news in old packages rather risk upsetting the Globalist Jab Pushers by looking deeper into the real world stuff that’s already out there.
I posted this long before “nano-wrigglers” became the, “shut up and stop thinking” mockery term of many cats.
The whole thing’s worth listening to or at least the first 5 1/2 minutes, but at the very least just listen to this one minute from where I’ve prompted it to start – it’s about namo machines that can be driven to target & kill specific cells –
James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life
Now after that skip to the 1 hour 27 minutes mark at the link below –
2nd Pathology Conference
on Dec. 04, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Berlin, Germany
– Autoimmune Reactions
– Introduction to other doctors
– Blood samples of vaccinated (Important)
– Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
Now doesn’t that at least give you pause to think about those who both admit to being smart enough to have personally invested in the En-Jabbening Industries while also madly mocking the reality of nano machines being developed in ‘medicine’?
Bought the Cafe about a month before Keating was elevated. Fourteen and a half percent was the interest rate. Paid it off as fast as I could.
Interestingly Ncl is hot because of all the proles fleeing Sydney. Four houses on market within 100m of Chez Bruce, list prices about 50% higher than going rate a couple years ago.
By Lauren Kempe -December 9, 2021
Escape is possible Sydneyistas. And we have glorious attractions here, like yummy Ms Lauren Kempe.
PoliBard Retweeted
The Spectator Index
BREAKING: Chinese property giant Evergrande has defaulted
That’s leftwits for you.
The left is consumed with a mad obsession with total conformity and homogenisation, taking umpteen different peoples with unique characters, experiences and outlooks on life, setting them against each other and progressively eliminating avenues for escape or self-expression and actualisation. Until all are subsumed into a textureless, flavourless blancange of beige oblivion.
Billy warned us about the horrors of beigeness. And all we did was laugh. Nod sagely with incandescence in our hearts, yes. But laugh…
FMD Brendan Coates needs to get a real job. My last CGT (aka theft) bill was in the 10 of thousands of dollars a couple of years ago and that’s after spending money on accountants to make a massive dent in what I would have paid. Oh and I already had a 50% discount.
I got an idea, lets just cut public funding for these mouthy NGO’s and see how well they survive by selling their wares in a real marketplace. Certainly be better for the budget bottom line…
LOL, this is the best book ever, and it’s not even published yet Face with tears of joy
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Adem Somyurek MP
· 4h
Keep punching Franky. Andrews has decided that he can be a premier & a terrorist at the same time. Parliament needs quality contributors like you. I bet Dan did not have the guts to call you. Expect a job offer – don’t take it.
How is that book of yours coming along? twitter.com/frank_mcguire/…
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Dirt be gettin dished Face with hand over mouth
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Adem Somyurek MP
· 3h
Whilst quality MPs like McGuire are moved on scumbags like this family get to survive. The Suleymans are proof that rat cunning beats intelligence.
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A leader without followers is not a leader, srr. Nor is a government without those to govern.
Stop sniffing your red shoes. The tinea spores are doing your Central Nervous System no favours…
Problem being, you risk the California Syndrome. Those tending to be rich enough to ‘escape’ are the same leftards whose voting patterns and policy tastes led to the place being dystopian sh*thole in the first place.
Plus noise and smell complaints to rural councils because the poor dears had no idea that sheep, cattle, horses and birds(!) make noises and smells at all hours of the day and night (No noise curfews out here, kids! 😀 ), tend to lead to unwanted hilarity…
JC, am I going to have to break out my RSA training on you again?
But the flour is much lower gluten content over there.
Rex ,
The fucker has gone absolutely hyper. He’s been posting since earlier this morning and hasn’t stopped. It’s the gluten I think.
There is no escape.
About the fifth or sixth time so far. Mainly stiffing roundeyes though, they’re paying internal Chinese bond coupons.
Evergrande’s Surprisingly Quiet Collapse (7 Dec)
It’ll be interesting to see if Xi can land this sucker. Evergrande has about $300 billion of outstanding debt. Which is big enough to hurt even China, especially if the disease spreads to other insolvent Chinese real estate developers.
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
December 9, 2021 at 7:36 pm
Yes. PNG.
Calli – I was reading just now of a place north of Kokoda called Wiaropi.
See if you can get the reason for the name. ?
Bridge based on wire rope. Near Oivi-Gorari, scene of a major punch up late in 1942.
No, SRR.
You do not belittle my universe-consuming legionnaires so lightly.
Nano-wrigglers was based on Bird flying off his nut and claiming during one of his manic phases on the Dash-Cat, that PCR swabs had moving critters impregnated into them that would burrow into you and eat your brain tissue.
Because he treated it so seriously and held on to the concept for so long, it quickly became adopted as a term of derision for anyone assessed as flying far off into delusional fantasy, adopting messiah-, prophet- and/or victim-complexes along the way.
People, curiously enough, like yourself when you are on a Ermagerd, Dey Gon’ Git Usz! bender.
Is your God Big Enough to keep you and the people you love and care for safe here and now and in Eternity? Or is He not?
If, as your carry-on suggests, that He is not, your problem is not with the Cats calling out your wilder claims…
Talking of money.
That nice Mr Gottlieb, being with Pfizer now and ex FDA.
What’s a guy too do?
Vax 108 days.
Liability. Nil.
FOI. Sure. how about 75 years.
I don’t know who this Romeo Georges fellow is, it sounds like he’s the organizer of the Sydney anti mandatory jabs, anti vaxxine passport rallies. He is certainly very misguided regarding the UAP, someone has been telling him porkies. Some people here have commented that the Sydney rally has lost its direction, or has become befuddled regarding its direction, and has taken on additional social / political issues.
He sounds like a good bloke, but appears to be very easily baffled by things.
MUST WATCH VIDEO: Craig Kelly responds to nonsensical claims
Um, Rex, my local booth would make the Soviet Union look rightie.
Ncl has been ALP heartland for about forever.
The only way is up!
(I’m on great terms with neighbours across road, they love my birdies so much that they started putting food out. Certain they vote Green. I think they’d be horrified by my politics.)
Those sound like excuses, JC.
Do I need to escalate to hugs?
Cite you the local Greenies complaining that their revolting brats found the sight of truckloads of sheep on the roads, distressing, after they had had the “live export” trade explained to them…
Say, Dover Beach.
Could you find a plug-in that lets us mute idiots?
Pray I am never forced to resort to Care Bear Stares…
You forgot Gypsum.
Gypsum, though, has not forgotten you.
M 4.3 – 5 km SSW of Gypsum, Kansas (USGS, 8 Dec)
You have been warned.
(From USGS’s fine earthquake widget.)
One of those was loading at Rous Head last night, when I clocked off at North Quay. I hadn’t smelt the unique aroma of ruminant in years. Not helped by 37 degree heat.
(Really, really glad we don’t run stock trains in WA anymore…)
“You may not be interested in Gypsum,
But Gypsum is interested in you.”
– Grigory M. ‘Ed Case’ Grigsky
Naughty JC! Too much hyperbowl. I decided to count, because I have no life.
Since the top of the last page (too boring to go back further)
Bruce – 16
JC – 26
I think you might be the winner in “the most activity since 2:16” stakes.
Remember when Sinc did a count and you, Gab and Tom got the podium? Around 2013, IIRC. Chatterboxes.
I watched that a while ago.
Earnest, highly qualified, eminent, believable etc.
German pathologists.
Then at the end, they started finding scrap metal in the organs of corpses during post mortems. Supposedly from the jabs.
Nothing surprises me now.
Whoops, Bruce is closing fast. Add another two to his tally.
Where’s Tom? He could call it and Carpe or Arma could do a book.
“My body, my choice” must have a bit of traction, because Crikey is scrambling to police usage.
Reminds me- following Cat chat on meaningful t-shirt collections, I’ve been chipping into some summer threads. Custom “Whales are for White People” Sea Shepherd knock-off from Red, Ivomec polo… but one My Body My Choice number from the UK, in feminist purple with the pre-BLM chick’s fist, has dissapeared in shipping, and now the organization itself has dissappeared from Ebay listings.
Is the uranium market capable of being turned into a cartel?
Winston, it already is.
Every part of the stack is regulated up the wazoo too.
I forgot I had some bucks on Chelsea this morning.
FMD they’ve been screwed over in Fergie time twice in the last two games.
From the Jacinda Watch second link.
At the turn of the century, one in four New Zealanders smoked.
That fell by half to one in six by 2012,
Innumerate fools.
Yea I’m always in big short spurts. Normally Bruce is in bed by mid afternoon. I had a few responses to make like Hallward who appears to be suffering for serious emotional trauma.
Don’t blame me, the curve is taking some flattening.
I’ve heard of krautrock, but heavy metal?
Need to get count up, so here’re two gratuitous bird photos from today.
Having a bunch of lawn noisies wandering around one’s feet is fun, but they didn’t like the camera except for this single brave, or hungry, noisy. The magpie is one of two northern family kiddies, he very nearly accepted food from hand for the first time today. Soon he will succumb, bwahahaha.
Taibbi has big series on Virginia coming out this Friday.
Teaser from his substack.
I’ve been working on a feature on the Loudoun County business, a frustrating story that for a while was seeming more and more obscure every time I picked up the phone. After a month of research, interviews, and FOIA requests, though, I’m finally nearing the end, and hope to have the first part of a series out by Friday.
Loudoun might be the worst case of media malpractice I’ve come across in my career. Residents should be furious. Noted Zoom onanist and occasional CNN legal expert Jeffrey Toobin declared blithely, “It’s about white supremacy,” but the core of the years-long schools controversy turns out to be a dispute over gifted admissions that mainly concerns two of the county’s nonwhite demographics, making such analyses wrong to a degree that’s not easy to achieve even on purpose.
He’s made 22 comments stating at 606 am.
I have been developing a theory as to why almost everything takes so much longer this century than it did the last. There are a few reasons, however not having enough people is not one of them. In fact, it is often the case that the more people, the longer it takes. Technology and convoluted procedures are the big two.
They had one of the sub mongoloid authors on their ABCcess in for a tongue based colonoscopy on the radio.
Everyone in furious agreement and the wannabe confiscatory started including things like parents investing in their kids educations as barriers to “ equity”.
One of the prime bits was how if a person with only a couple of grand in the bank received $40,000 in one hit they wouldn’t do anything useful with it as they didn’t have experienced ence with sums like that.
Best way to kill this would be keeping the turds talking about it.
I’ve heard it all now (so far).
Fantastic Voyage* = nano-wrigglers.
Hiding in plain sight! The signs! Just like Dan Brown novels!
*I assume this is the Family Guy episode, not the half-century-old movie.
Hillary is warming up for something.
Something is definitely being prepared.
Fires started by lightning strikes over the WA wheatbelt and 40C temps imposed another harvest ban today.
Only 120 acres left to take off and that should be knocked over tomorrow if the Shire doesn’t bung on another off road machinery ban. The local fire brigade is on “red alert” standby and the farm water tankers and pumps are ready to go.
I’m anxious to finish up but not at the risk of starting fires, so sitting back and waiting for the all clear.
The town’s volunteer firefighters won’t be able to buy their own beer after harvest, and nobody gives a fat rat’s ring whether they have been jabbed or not.
There are more important things at stake.
Back in Mongyang.
Not as warm as wheat and sheep country, but far warmer than fucking Rockbank where I stopped to fuel up. Wind chill straight from the Antarctic.
Don’t get me wrong, D.V.A. should have a fvcking big rocket put under them, but there’s a book around “The Repat Racket – An insider’s report on Veteran’s affairs” by one Malcolm Smith. He details some of the more “interesting” claims D.V.A. has had to deal with. Did you know that a deceased veteran can have two, or even three, widows? The death of a ninety year old man can be considered “war caused?”
A tap on the shoulder can leave a man a nervous wreck, scarred for life?
One good thing about Fantastic Voyage. Raquel Welch in her absolute prime.
Making a coat out of puppies?
Suckling baby vipers at the bitter milk from her sagging breasts?
Or just organising a run of the mill suicide?
Likin’ yer recent work, JC.
Even if it has taken you a fair few years to step up to the plate.
Legal First Trimester abortions alone savaged populations for generations, that was before all the Full Term, On Demand, Born Alive ‘abortions’ were added to the mass slaughter and before ‘euthanasia’ was spread for any excuse, like ‘depressed kids’.
FFS even Elon Musk is now warning the world about the dangers of depopulating, yet while it’s no secret and one that the UN & the countless monsters along it’s many tentacle openly boast of succeeding at, arrogant arseholes like you think it’s funny to blow cover smoke for the evil bastards.
Well, you’re neither funny nor cleaver and your readiness to whip out The Evil Bastards bloody stupid, stock bullshit at the drop of a key, underscores those facts.
She was reciting part of her victory speech and began to cry.
My Evil Bastard is whipped out for Mrs Anger and Mrs Anger only.
And you are no Mrs Anger…
What recent work is that Ed?
And yet, there are more people now than any point in human history.
Even in those Western nations in which these destructive fads have full expression and even public approval.
If this is a planned genocide, Mrs Faulty, it’s pretty flogging sloppy and incompetent.
(Also, if you are treating Elon Musk as a latter-day saint, you don’t even believe your schtick about the evil of The Oligarchy…)
I’m not seeing any Bassian Thrushes there Bruce.
Don’t you have them?
Yes, rex ANGER, I did and you know it.
Hence your need to re-write history and try to make it all one giant bird turd.
I was there, following that ‘conversation’, even picked up on the question raised by others of whether they were like Morgellons, as was also raised in that very detailed video that you are desperate to divert attention away from.
Make just the idea of Nano-Machine In Medicine a trigger for ‘Bird-esque Mockery’ and cat readers are trained to avoid any such branded topic like the plague, lest they to get branded ‘Bird-esque Loons’.
So here it is again. For those who trained themselves not to fall for such manipulation –
The whole thing’s worth listening to or at least the first 5 1/2 minutes, but at the very least just listen to this one minute from where I’ve prompted it to start – it’s about nano machines that can be driven to target & kill specific cells –
James Tour: The Mystery of the Origin of Life
and –
Now after that skip to the 1 hour 27 minutes mark at the link below –
2nd Pathology Conference
on Dec. 04, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. in Berlin, Germany
– Autoimmune Reactions
– Introduction to other doctors
– Blood samples of vaccinated (Important)
– Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important)
If only someone had warned us!
Sigh. Snork.
In fact, it is often the case that the more people, the longer it takes.
CN Parkinson, “Parkinson’s Law”, addresses that very issue.
U.S. Embassy Tokyo, ACS
The U.S. Embassy has received reports of foreigners stopped and searched by Japanese police in suspected racial profiling incidents. Several were detained, questioned, and searched. U.S. citizens should carry proof of immigration and request consular notification if detained.
An exspouse of an eligible veteran can make a claim for a war widows pension. It should come as no surprise that some veterans have had more than one marriage.
If your cause of death is from a service related and accepted injury it doesn’t matter what age you are.
PTSD is nebulous. Everyone is different. I’m not saying there aren’t shonks there. I’m sure there are.
Diabetes and smoking are accepted conditions for me as the Army made me smoke. No one was more surprised than I as I never claimed that.
PTSD was disallowed because of what I did for a job after the Army.
Yes something is definitely happening, it’s just the timing of the playbook….
For pity’s sake, Mrs Faulty…
Why would you be so screechily possessive of a narrative madness you’ve conflated with the antics of Bird being an off-his-tits loon?
Your head is full of nano-wrigglers. But you have no licence for their possession and responsible care, and based on your postings, I fear greatly for the conditions the poor creatures are being kept in…
Nobody listens!
Knowing Pfizer, they probably used rainwater from the back of the factory.
Oy, there’s a wriggler in my soup.
Have you not, you inutterable fool, thought that not everything you do not fully understand is R-O-N-G wrong?
And that everything people devise in modern medicine is not by default Evil, Malicious or merely Lethal?
Do you take paracetamol? Have you ever been a recipient of a blood transfusion, or worse, donated for someone else?
Yes Aaron, I had it passed onto me by a young bloke who didn’t think they included the same group of people I told him about a while back.
He’s big on source checking, looking for respectable credentials etc. so thought they couldn’t be those I mentioned way back or it would have had a bigger cut through & impact.
So I reminded him that even the work of people like James Tour didn’t stop the, “Shut Up! Nothing To See Here!”, Pro-UN Agenda Thought Police, mocking it all away.
Then Rex Anger jumps in to prove my point.
He’s a case in point of why I rarely bother to post at all these days & then generally prefer to simply post interesting bits of goings on with links and leave the bickering over details to others.
No use trying to have good will conversations with people where bad actors hang around for no reason other than to turn attempts at an open exchange into school yard shit shows.
An old scholastic fellow bombed me with this horrific red pill today.
In before some wag says “Ghislaine didn’t self delete herself…”
Hi srr.
Try selecting comments to read from the sidebar, rather than scrolling, then you can avoid reading this bloke’s poison altogether
My opinion:
reading anything this bloke writes is allowing yourself to be assaulted.
Oh go suck on a gluten spiked gypsum bomb.
A hypothetical case. The ex spouse was married for five years, thirty five years ago, to a veteran. Are you telling me that that justifies paying her a widow’s pension?
Less victim-complex please, Mrs Faulty.
Many of your proclamations of EvilBad are grotesquely offensive towards anyone who has any degree of knowledge and understanding of anything you make your proclamations about.
I reiterate that not everything people come up with in good faith is R-O-N-G wrong.
Who are you to dismiss and judge the Originator of those ideas?
Words is violence, eh Grigory?
Better my sledgehammer-like butthurt inflicted on the ‘right’ people than the randomly-dropped nailbombs of utter stupidity you barf out whenever you start to molest your keyboard…
Some do.
We also take note of those who try to shout down the messengers.
Foxhole have a very limited capacity.
Is it bad, when I click on a video, I see a bowl of marinara in the thumbnail, I say to myself, “I’m having good luck with Swiss Basics Moisturising Formula…”
Graphene Hydroxide
Poor Grigory.
I am told if you do your Buteyko breathing exercises hard enough, the nitrites you produce in your nose will relax your arse enough to take the strain off your neck.
That will be sufficient to relieve the feelings of terrible pain, discomfort and choking sensations you have been experiencing…
More please, Mr. Dutton sir!
Keep Rheinmetall honest, and buy the K21 Redback IFVs if they get uppity.
You are most welcome to try and posse me for calling you on your bullshit, Mrs Faulty.
I am not afraid of being accosted by a sea of tinfoil hats, hissing ferals and shaken beads.
You are all deathly afraid of Nano-Wrigglers. And I. AM. LEGION.
I’ll just make sure I keep the kettle warm and the biscuits fresh… 🙂
The best thing I can say about your behaviour is that it’s that of a no talent coward.
You try to nail mock tags that won’t stick and you don’t even bother to read what I post let alone check the content of links because you know you can just make up any old shit and if I don’t pull you up on your bullshit (which I mostly don’t), no one else will.
James Tour is a Jewish Christian who speaks of making the lame walk & the blind see etc. with the help of his nano machine work.
I posted his videos as examples of the reality of nano machines.
Like guns, dogs & pretty girls, they are real & they can be life saving or deadly, depending on how they’re used.
What is the chemical formula for graphene hydroxide, how is it chemically bonded?
How on earth does this form “molecular razors”?
Stability and Properties of Two-Dimensional Graphene Hydroxide
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2011, 2, 11, 1310–1314
That’s a double Scotch, and a new keyboard you owe me… Grogarly, with his head up his arse and fighting for breath is not a pretty sight..
Kudos to Sam Kerr, Matilda’s captain.
Playing for her club team Chelsea, she shoulder charged a pitch invader to the ground.
That bloke will have to live the rest of his life being known as the wimp who got dropped by a chick.
The idiot ref who gave Sam a yellow card for the action should be banned from soccer for life.
Your one monomanical and utterly repetitive theme remains Ermagerd, Dey Gon Git/Kill/Sterrlerrz Usz!
If it isn’t a whole lot of And this is how they are going to do it!, it’s all utterly unrealistic carry-on like Australia’s inland is a verdant utopia that could sustain millions more than it already does. Which is why They lied and told everybody it’s all inhospitable desert and fooled everyone into staying on the coastal belts so that one day They can take it all and rule over it!
Which then leaves you apoplectic when these ambits of yours are punctured by anyone who has a modicum of knowledge about what you are making your proclamations over.
So, fling yourself around a bit more. And I will see you tomorrow for the next round of Ermagerd, Deys Gon’ Git Usz! And dat Debbil-Debbil Rex is One Of ‘Em!
Colour, Dash and Daring, baby! 😉
What you or I think of DVA’s decisions is irrelevant to them.
I’m not here to justify them. I don’t hold a high opinion of a lot of things in my dealings with them on behalf of other veterans.
My own experience is that if you were up the sharp end they shaft you, spend a career bending blankets you’re made. Shonks get through, genuine cases get lost in some labyrinthine process.
My experiences with them have coloured my opinion of them.
There have been two new legislations since my day, neither of them good news for veterans.
Anyone can make a claim under the various acts. If you have an entitlement hopefully your claim will get up.
I’m rusty on it all now. I recommend Vietnam Veterans and Peacekeepers to anyone wishing to make a claim.
@ Dot-
Roll down to ‘Forms,’ then read on from ‘Graphene oxide.’ The methods of production and development are listed, too.
Nothing metallic in any of it.
I note this from the article in ‘Toxicity:’
No mention of microscopic, monomolecular (Eldar shurikens, anyone?) munitions hurtling about the body tearing blood vessels and other tissues to shreds.
Granted, that is far more visualisable and titillating to impatient and excitable minds than the scattershot, slower, more complicated and infinitely morally worse scenario of deliberately introducing genetic material into a person that directs their cells to produce and express en masse a protein that is known to provoke potentially severe local and lethal systemic inflammation responses in sufficient quantities. And whose ‘stickiness’ has demonstrably led to fatal emboli and thrombi in others…
Ask Terry Alderman why you leave pitch invaders to the high viz minimum wage crew.
Also, ‘razors’ do not form clots.
If, as per the ‘theory’ out there on the internet that these ‘razor’ molecules are cutting blood vessels and so forth, they would actually be provoking bleeds.
You would have an epidemic of systemic internal haemorrhages. Not emboli, nor aneurysms nor Transient Ischaemic Attacks (consistent with a brief blockage of blood supply to vessels in the brain). Frank cerebral and arterial and capillary and venous haemorrhages.
Not even myo- or pericarditis are characterised by bleeding. They are inflammatory responses to a viral, bacterial or other foreign body insult that the immune system is having a hard time of trying to clear up.
New Zealand’s Woke Native Science
Dec 7, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters
There is a great deal of plainly mean-spirited and morbid material circulating out on the internet at present, a lot of it made with a little knowledge of the subject matter. Just enough to give it the appearance and sound of credibility.
It is bad enough that the various authorities worldwide have been completely captured by the vs
arious strains of Fool, Fraud and Firebrand looking to exploit the crisis to further their various agendas.
It is orders of mangitude worse when the opposing school of thought is riddled with morbid attempts to outdo one another with ever-more lurid and gribbly claims about this virus particle and that adjuvant material and whose malicious agenda is what.
Practically none of which relates to the bug itself, treating it, caring for the ill and sorting out how to do life afterwards. Which is where the main efforts of the opposing school of thought SHOULD BE.
This dominance-jockeying on both sides is appalling to all the Everymen and women who just want to damn well get on with their lives.
End rant, Out…
I just remembered something. In answer to your question about a wife 35 years ago it would depend on the exmember had qualifying service. Active service as opposed to nonwarlike service.
She might have to see if the veteran died of service related injuries or not.
Hope this helps.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Warren Brown.
Geert Vanden Bossche PhD and his warning to the world against ‘Immune Escape’
Premiered Mar 9, 2021
Geert Vanden Bossche PhD, DVM is an internationally recognised expert in vaccine development. He has acted as global director of a number of vaccine programs around the world, including for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Teaching and working in virology his entire professional life, Geert is raising the alarm over the global vaccination rollout and lockdown methodology which he believes is causative in the immune escape fears being raised by journals such as The Lancet and Science in January/February 2021.
He presents scientific evidence that ‘innate’ immunity is the actual determinant in recovery from and prevention of COVID-19. This is distinct from ‘acquired’ or ‘adaptive’ immunity where pathogenic response in T Cells and B Cells confers a memory upon the immune system. Vaccines work on the ‘adaptive’ immune system, not the ‘innate’ immune system.
His research points to over-zealous infection control procedures, as well as vaccines that do not produce sterilising immunity, as the two key drivers of evolutionary pressure upon Sars-Cov-2 that may result in vaccine-resistant phenotypes of the virus. If correct, this predicts much larger waves of COVID-19 including in younger, previously resistant people. He describes our current actions to combat Sars-Cov-2 as a ‘giant experiment’ and grossly irresponsible on such a global scale.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Robert Ariail.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Chip Bok.
Thanx Tom. There should be a way of shutting the site to intruders while you are posting the toons.
I note that Ramirez 2 was preempted by the Bee.
This is a prime exhibit why I find the AFR a ridiculous business journal.
This is also a prime example why we should be the wealthiest nation on earth per capita but won’t ever be because of envy economics.
Anything, anytime something looks mildly attractive as a say an investment opportunity some Australians clamor to kill it by taxing it to death.
Who owns these harbourside properties?
One of the newspapers ran a ‘big’ story about people from a certain country buying up big in the top end of Sydney market.
And why would anyone get excited about the opportunity for more tax revenue?
That won’t benefit the humble average taxpayer.
And a tax on property sales definitely won’t benefit the first home buyer.
As if there weren’t already taxes on residential property sales.
Thanks to the gang of four Dan can drop the lockdown hammer any time he pleases.
dan reveals…nothing
no quarantine for nt returnees from 20 December
Can’t even find arts graduates?
where have all the teachers gone?
half price mansions in Melbourne
Is that ten percent a turnover tax?
People selling in the not so booming dog box apartment market will be thrilled.
China make you pay
Needs more doom
la nina and omicron; the devastating combination
Ahaha! I knew you’d go back and have a look!
Winners are grinners!
calli says:
December 10, 2021 at 6:29 am
Looks like rosie wants to beat that # of posts today
Must be a slow news day.
I’m all Covided out. Pretty sure it isn’t nanna wrigglers, just the constant, unrelenting barrage of bull. Wears you down.
The latest “rules” from the NT now has the Beloved in a tailspin – looks like we won’t be going for the second year running with the prospect of being carted off to Howard Springs after a false positive.these loons will not give up until Labor is installed federally. Thanks for nothing Morrison.
This time last year, it was a different preoccupation – muchos cheating in the US election and a thousand cctv views to wade through, plus many…many opinions on stats and patterns.
Enough to drive you crazy if you let it.
Hi Calli.
You’re a conservative and I am a libertarian so we don’t agree on everything.
I am certain now – if I want a freedom loving libertarian government with lasting policies, the first step is actually a vindictive populist government.
Go Pauline!
On another thread…many…many months ago, I said I didn’t believe Cardi when he said his daughter hadn’t benefited from some form of exemption since the beginning of 2020.
The good news is that now he’s a candidate, he can commit to making all exemptions public (travel, work & quarantine).
He might even help make it UAP policy.
Or he could run dead on it.
Tim Pool and Paul Joseph Watson killing it this morning.
No more lockdown, no fourth “jabs” please.
I am certain now – if I want a freedom loving libertarian government with lasting policies, the first step is actually a vindictive populist government.
Go Pauline!
Dot, have you lost your mind?
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
Hmmm. Last time I did a “wonder of me” political test I came up as an Anarcho-Capitalist. It’s the Beloved who’s the Conservative.
I need to curb my enthusiasm to knock everything down constantly, so that may temper my comments. 😀
is there still a if you leave you pay contract for UAP candidates?
That said, I am quite comfortable continuing to vote for Mark Latham in the NSW upper house for as long as he wants the gig.
Thanks Tom.
Mark Knight #2 for me. The ombudsman report into the Dans border controls preventing Victorians returning home lasted one day in the local papers. Nothing sticks to Dan cos they give him cover and roll on.
Then the difference between Pauline, Scummo and Albosleazy is …?
I think conservative is a dumb word. Who’d want to conserve the current states of affairs?
Equally, calling the other side ‘progressives’, is an insult to both intelligence and the English language.
Is she better or worse than Morrison, Berejiklian, Elliot, Hazzard, McGowan, Andrews, Palaszcuk (and Arden)?
If Pauline was to champion stuff like opening up Pfizer’s secrecy and gutting the industry super funds, judges, APS & MP pensions, she would be ball bustingly popular and destroy the base of the establishment.
“There will be no easy tax or Major Douglas social credit under a government I lead…”
Your ideas intrigue me, how may I subscribe to your newsletter?
Government COVID insanity pushing people over the edge:
Dot, have you lost your mind?
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially
All of that can be fixed, vaccine injuries, not so much….
Speaking of reserve currencies, geez the Brits lost it overnight.
Australian children now ok for shots . The points to ponder:
108 days to sign off by the FDA. I presume our lot are just copying. From tests to release. Yes, that really is “warp speed”.
Legal indemnity BEFORE the race began to make a Vax.
75 years to release the data.
After the first shot, what are the odds of authority declaring the death Covid related vs side effects?
It’s probably impossible in many cases,anyway.
Only time will tell.
If Pauline was to champion stuff like opening up Pfizer’s secrecy and gutting the industry super funds, judges, APS & MP pensions,
Considering One Nation has run dead on the simple case of making COVOD related exemptions at all elections since the state of 2020, especially odd in QLD where they were being handed out to Pony Girls nearest & dearest, don’t hold your breath on the rest.
evergrande not so ever, not so grande
“calling the other side ‘progressives’, is an insult to both intelligence and the English language”.
Not really.
Just point out two things to them that usually “progress”.
Rust and cancer…
India running at around 8-9,000 cases a day which is negligible for a country of over a billion. Only 35% double jabbed.
Oh great gurus of science, why?
There’s libertarian.
And there’s totalitarian.
Conservatism has been demonstrated to be a myth.
I really need to reduce my Malice intake.
Farmer Gez, what’s the current Vic/NSW COVID scoreboard looking like?
It’s a bit of a secret.
Dover would be in all sorts of strife if I described in detail what I’d like to happen to government departments. Definitely nadt, just a demolition and salt sowing. No more of this “controlling” and “regulating” and “penpushing”. The only ones left would be Defence (actually “defending” and a skeleton of the justice system to deal with federal matters. All the rest – out to do actual work.
No street in Canberra would be without its tumbleweeds.
Cases are a direct result of tests performed. If India isn’t doing massive testing, their case numbers will be comparatively low.
As Duk said weeks ago, Stop Testing.
Nancy Mace from South Carolina must be looking for a pivot from the Congress to the Governor’s mansion.
Very much has a Tulsi feel about their policies.
Finland’s femme millennial government is not travelling too well. Now this:
Airheads gotta airhead.
Also, cases simply don’t matter. If you have no symptoms or just the sniffles, so what? The only thing that matters is serious illness and fatalities. This whole thing is beyond a farce.
Dee Madigan has set up a data lab, similar to what Kushner did in 2016.
Expect non stop targeted ads on social media with their media partners amplifying them under the guise of “reporting” & “journalism”.
The real question is who’s funding the data lab?
Stupid fucking libs have no idea what’s coming.
getting into trouble for buying yoghurt
Possible child abuse.
Apparently Uttar pradesh has the highest vaxx rates and the lowest covid rates.
Defence doing a good impression of KRuddy’s NBN of pissing it up against the wall.
Must be nice to spend OPM. It means never having to say you’re sorry.
Good to see the Italians shaking down Bezos.
Amazon Fined $1.3 Billion in Italian Antitrust Case
Italy’s antitrust regulator fined Amazon $1.3 billion for harming competitors by favoring third-party sellers that use the U.S. company’s logistics services.
Alex Berenson is pumping out the emails today on US companies not enforcing vaccines.
Big ones.
feelthebern says:
December 10, 2021 at 7:43 am
Farmer Gez, what’s the current Vic/NSW COVID scoreboard looking like?
Dan batted first and put up an impressive total. Gladys found form and scored quickly to set up a possible match winning lead.
Dan’s second innings was a long dour affair with pitch invaders causing security much consternation. Big shots and wild swings have now pushed the Victorian total past NSW.
This game has gone Dan’s way and Victoria has won the series comprehensively.
Noted expert Struth has called the match a blatant display of cheating and any result, worthless.
Twiggy, the Chinese, that Atlassian prick, you name it. Basically everybody. Murdoch might have a buck each way.
Booster for US kids.
It does stand out in a lot of the reporting.
The FDA and Pfizer have a very cosy relationship.
Pauline is a moron, economically & socially.
That puts her well ahead of Morro and his clownshow.
They can approve injecting sulphuric acid, I don’t care. Just don’t mandate it.
I’d take a moron over these evil fascist fucking assholes running us into the ground.
Good news on the Blackhawk/Seahawk aquisition. Buying the Taipans was another really bad John Howard decision along with the ARH Tiger and the utter incompetence of the Seasprite buy (good helo, fucked up by defence).
So that’s around $10 billion wasted for no working helicopters. Can we cancel Howard’s Parliamentary pension?
The FDA and Pfizer have a very cosy relationship.
Because pre being at the FDA, many were at Pfizer.
And post being at the FDA, many will end up back at Pfizer.
Similar to ASIC in Australia & the local investment banks.
If the Libs had any idea…bwahahaha…they’d at least raise it with the AEC.
Just so the AEC could run one of those fake investigations to say there is nothing wrong with that.
Lately I have been quoting a lady I was speaking to on the train in the morning of the Brisbane Riot…
Because pre being at the FDA, many were at Pfizer.
And post being at the FDA, many will end up back at Pfizer.
Similar to ASIC in Australia & the local investment banks.
Not much different with any government department. Customs/customs clearance agents. CASA and people who for a fee write Operations manuals for commercial operators. Etc, etc, etc.
We do corruption really well. We just legalise it.
Don’t forget Crown employees going fishing with the casino regulators.
Australia is world class.
Morrison has just said they’re looking at whether they can reduce the time before a booster shot. So the first two wear off, as will the third, and the 4th, 5th … but good news you’ll be able to get injected more and more often.
Anthony Fauci Reveals Himself as a Fabian Socialist, Openly Advocating The Communal Good Supersedes The Individual’s Right
December 9, 2021 | Sundance
This one minute segment from Anthony Fauci’s discussion with MSBNC journalist Andrea Mitchell is eye-opening and alarming. Within the interview, Dr. Fauci states that individual rights to medical autonomy must be *forcibly* removed by the state under the premise of a communal good. This is the exact mindset of the Fabian Socialists throughout history.
Dr. Fauci stated, “Free will. I respect that, but these are unusual times.” Pull your chair a little closer, and allow me to whisper in your ear: ‘There will always be unusual times.’
The most sovereign of all human conditions is the right of an individual to be free. As soon as the state begins eroding the right of the individual, bad things start to happen. The communal mob is a fickle assembly who will always cull itself with ever-changing denominators of purity….
The ideology of Anthony Fauci is dangerous.
Alex Berenson is pumping out the emails today on US companies not enforcing vaccines.
Big ones.
My US company just came out with a vax mandate for certain roles. A day late and a dollar short. Why the stock price is where it is. Fuckin Mongs. Woke Oil.
Glenn Beck on Tucker
This just adds to the overwhelming proof that this whole thing was planned. One of the comments below the clip says that internet domains for “vaccine passport” were registered 2016.
Pfizer approved for those 5 to 11. Based on the trend of this virus this can be expected to save exactly zero lives.
What ‘new rules’ for the NT are you referring to?
Norwegian COVID Experts Says Omicron Could Provide “Best Scenario” of “Natural Immunity”
To late for most, I fear.
Morrison has just said they’re looking at whether they can reduce the time before a booster shot.
Meeting with HR and boss on Monday, my key message:
My problem today will be your problem tomorrow:
1). You might have freely consented to vaccination, but that consent will have been removed.
2). You might have chosen your vaccine, but that choice will be removed, Pfizer only.
4). You might not see the need for your children to be vaccinated, but that choice will have been removed.
5). You might be getting sick from vaccinations, you might have friends who have got sick or died from vaccinations, but you still won’t have a choice.
6). You will reach a point (maybe the 4th, 5th or 6th booster) where you decide that the cost for you to maintain your employment and place in society is to much for you to bear any longer. And you will hate yourself for ever having submitted.
Coronavirus Fact-Check #13: “ICUs are filled with the unvaccinated”
WHO Europe chief: Vaccine mandates ‘absolute last resort’
Part of the softening up process. You’ll note that they don’t say it won’t happen.
Pfizer CEO Bourla: We May Need Fourth Dose of Vaccine Sooner Because of Omicron
This is who Morrison must have been chatting with before his recent press conference. You obviously need to check with head office before opening your mouth.
Clot shot mandates are NO resort.
The very fact that its even on the table is a evil and morally wrong.
What drug dealer would say you need less drugs?
Pauline’s cartoons are pretty good!
These, Knuckles.
May not apply to you.
Definitely does to us as we planned to travel around a bit.
You’ve won second prize in a beauty contest
Has Omicron killed one person yet?
We have half the world in a panic over this? This is without doubt the most stupid time in history. Just embarrassing.