More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
More 5D chess… BlackRock Buying Panama Canal Ports for $22.8 Billion (4 Mar) The deal would provide U.S.-based private investment…
Do you know a blonde called Lucy?
Arky old fruit, are you ok?
Trump Zelensky Parody
wise words
What a pity that Dover doesn’t run Adam d.’s “No dickheads” policy here.
those deemed to be dirtier-than-thou are compelled to buy them
A woman rang up rural ABC radio during the Covid Psychosis segment and complained that the reason we can’t get rid of it is because the masks we use let too much air in.
“It’s airborne you know, that’s how you get it”
Don’t breathe folks, it’s science.
There is no money in servos.
I ran one for a while.
We only did it to run cabs out of.
It was a woeful business.
The oil company rep rings you up and tells you what price you have to sell the fuel at. When its really busy people just want to pay for fuel and GTFO.
I’ve seen well run ones where they have the volume to have something like a specialty pie or sausage roll the locals all want. But I still think it would be long, grim hours using family labour for bugger all return.
They’re probably visa mills now.
That’s the economic model: run this essential small business at a loss for x number of years for Australian citizenship.
Someone’s making money, fucked if I know who.
How did that work out?
(PS – I like Adam as well).
Why the severe case of infantilism, JC?
I would really like to know more. Would you be too uncomfortable telling more?
It would be interesting seeing the full financials.
My Dad knew a bloke who ran a small, busy servo, but pulled out by 1994.
I don’t think he ever recovered from the 1990-1991 recession.
The economics of a servo from an insider.
Quality economic blogging, I say.
But she’s right!
Hallward would be out here in a flash if Dover had a no a wanker policy. If only.
Adam let graeme go on for too long as he wanted a free speech platform, which in it’s self is admirable but with the likes of graeme and faulty there is no way except to expel them, though in faulty’s case I think it was self exclusion cause he couldn’t handle the backlash.
meanwhile keating’s clock collection is growing exponentially
Michael Smith News
Here’s the economics of it Dot.
You make nothing on the fuel.
If you get bored and eat the stock you actually lose money.
The only reason to have it was as a location to run cabs from.
We made money on the cabs, and lost money on the servo.
You could probably make a small profit off the servo most weeks if you didn’t pay for staff.
But it probably depends a lot on location.
That location was South Melbourne, chosen for running cabs not selling snacks to petrol buyers.
private schools are no different
Servos. Never run one. Knew a few people over time that did, but never talked about the economics of them with them.
To the layabout, looking at arms’ length though – geez they’d be run on razor-thin margins. How the punters running them make any cash from the fuel escapes me. Maybe they make something on milk and bread, or triple-Colesworth-priced deodorant or Mars Bars or something.
Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce tests positive to COVID-19
From my observations when in town, get one near a school and you can retire off the Slushies alone.
Jordan Peterson on creeping fascism
basically any kids at any school need to be actively deprogrammed and de-brainwashed by parents. all schools are woke factories
Jury in actor Jussie Smollett’s trial completes deliberations for the day without reaching a verdict – AP
And not only something you don’t want.
In Brisbane I always try to buy my fuel from a particular indie servo – where it’s always 5¢, sometimes 30¢ cheaper than the brandeds.
Run by subcontinentals, they are very proud of their business model: cheap fuel = constant queue of tradie vehicles during the day, buying 1.25l coke for $6, Mrs Shit pies for $7 – and getting minor vehicle fixes done.
Always go to Grange Auto Care for best quality price and very top service.
Golly gosh.
DR. FAUCI: “I would prefer, and we all would prefer that people would be voluntarily getting vaccinated, but if they’re not gonna do that, sometimes you’ve got to do things that are unpopular, but that clearly supersede individual choices…”
Vid clip here:
New Zealand BANS smoking: Radical new laws will stop young people from EVER buying cigarettes as nation goes ‘smoke-free’
Anyone aged under 14 will be banned from EVER buying cigarettes in their life
Additional age groups will be added until it’s illegal throughout New Zealand
Daily Mail
Logically therefore, weed smoking will follow.
Drinking too.
Eating the wrong stuff.
Thinking the wrong way.
The possibilities are endless.
With the lack of adblue (urea) available for trucks, we can only thank god that we need not worry, the railways don’t use it!!
Seriously think how long they have been planning this.
Destroy truckers like me who have trucks that don’t use it (detroit diesels), and when everybody is made to buy adblue to run, stop supply.
The modern day Josef Mengele
December 9, 2021 at 7:24 am
Maybe we need rapid antigen testing every time we interact in public, use public facilities, be intimate with someone or take our masks off at the family dinner table.
That just cost you as $20,000 fine in WA or the NT.
$200,000 if you are a business.
Its science! you know.
WA & NT have cottoned onto the nanowriggkers in the Rapid antigen tests.
While you weak and feeble Mexicans/cockroaches are lying on your backs kicking your legs in the air we horny handed true Austfailians will inherit the earth.
Or something.
I don’t, old school. The point is don’t ever let your bias get in the way of clarity and don’t let claims of authority cloud your judgement.
As far as science being discussed here.. the only person I see who appears to have a clear objective towards getting to the truth is John H when it’s to do with science. Always be on the lookout for wankers and ridiculous claims of grandiosity . Be objective.
Well I… I would hate to have to decide.. who vaxes up and.. who goes down.
Well, that would not be necessary Premier McClown. It could easily be accomplished with a computer. And a computer could be set and programmed to accept factors from youth, health, sexual fertility, intelligence, and a cross section of political shills. Of course it would be absolutely vital that our top government and union men be included to foster and impart the required principles of leadership and tradition. Slams down left fist. Right arm rises in stiff Nazi salute. Arrrrr! Restrains right arm with left. Naturally, they would breed prodigiously, eh? There would be much time, and little to do. But ah with the proper breeding techniques and a ratio of say, ten females to each male, I would guess that they could then work their way back to the present gross national product within say, twenty years.
by George Weigel
12 . 8 . 21
On a positive note, I bought some tshirts from kmart and these are now made in bangladesh and dirt cheap. fuck you china.
china in focus
01:00 Microsoft seizes 42 sites from Chinese hacking group
02:11 Allies follow U.S. boycott of Beijing Olympics
03:51 European Union extends sanctions on China
05:24 China: dictatorship is a tool to achieve democracy
07:28 Locals: bribery, corruption ripe in China election
09:45 China: officers guard voting station with rifles
10:49 Political candidates’ homes destroyed in Beijing
13:33 Homeowners drive officials away with fire and axe
14:45 Int’l tennis federation not suspending China events
16:33 Unrest in the Solomon Islands: explained
22:04 UK lords call for result of chipmaker takeover
‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host addresses Joe Biden’s handle on foreign policy.
I had ten buckeroos on Warner getting a golden duck and a career ending torn hammy.
Be aware that the Chinese outsourced their budget clothing manufacture to poorer countries long ago. Vietnam, for instances, does the manufacture for China and the conditions are, ahem, less than favourable for the workers.
Bangladesh could be doing likewise for either China or India. Not all is as it appears.
The Big Polluders can then offshore emissions and fouling of waterways and come up squeaky clean for the Gretas.
Which is exactly what we are doing with our “environmentally friendly” solar panels and the like. And batteries and the other gizmos of modern life including the iPad I’m typing on right now.
Should’ve played Khawaja with Warner.
Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce tests positive to COVID-19
And BJ is carrying a bit of weight, so I hope he is ok.
I spoke to Vandana Shiva about how globalisation and the systems of powerful elites like Bill Gates are potentially leading to so many deaths in countries like India.
Russell Brand
Where’s Joe Burns?
Vandana Shiva is a bit of a whako.
She’s all about Vedic agriculture and medicine.
Recipes for starvation and death.
So the UK starts the “national conversation” about mandatory vaccinations, and in the same one way ‘conversation’ Boris Johnson also says that the passport will become mandatory and they are going to review when ‘only’ having “two jabs” turns off your passport.
Mandatory ‘boosters’.
How many? Never ending, says Jacinda Arden.
State enforced drug dependency.
Top comment:
Kara Dansky of the Women’s Human Rights Campaign discusses the state of women’s right on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ #FoxNews #Tucker
It does not escape without notice that like NSW, the UK now ‘plunges’ into covid fast-track right at the very moment Boris is caught on the ropes politically about partying it up during their nastiest ‘lockdown’ last year.
Blackmail, diversion, or simply trying to appease the masters by offering the people up on a plate as Gladys did?
Warner is an annoying, appalling bogan. Good cricketer though.
Omicron, symptom changes
Dr. John Campbell
Totally different symptoms
Can be easily missed
Body aches and pains
Muscle pains
Tiredness (1 to 2 days)
Slight sore throat
No severe cough
No runny nose
terrible we must lockdown now!
Seriously JC the nanowrigglers have really got to you. Obviously not coping with dystopian malborn (correct spelling). Have you got nothing to do, start something you know nothing about but looks interesting and go from there. Life is too short to be angry with everyone, it pulls you down to depths you won’t believe.
It’s two years since the lab release.
If we are’t off this hamster wheel by now, we never are going to be.
Not without replacing all the existing idiots.
Biggest transfer of wealth in history.
I think those receiving of that wealth might come to regret the means by which it was obtained when the machine finally turns on them.
Xi Jinping government is likely to try to create a new, unique Chinese capital market that isn’t dependent on the Western system, and that can both attract overseas Chinese capital back to China and induce international investment, leading the world.
The SEC issued an investor warning on Sept. 20th, 2021, urging investors to be wary of the risks associated with Chinese companies listed in the U.S. It explained that some Chinese companies, for example, have circumvented U.S. market rules and created a class of companies with contracts but having no controlling interest, also known as Variable Interest Entity or VIE.
Plenty of time lotocoti. A long series ahead.
NZ starts the ball rolling on requiring kids to be vaccinated to attend school.
Unvaccinated school kids are banned from extra-curricular activities….
You see what’s happening.
By this time next year kids won’t be allowed to attend school without being in the program.
If you think the right way (which is not the Lefty way) you can invent wonderfully wrong stuff that people will eat vast amounts of. Mr Momofuku was a genius:
How Cup Noodles became one of the biggest transpacific business success stories of all time (Phys.org, 8 Dec)
Fun story! He and Mr Nakamura, who invented the blue laser, are amazing guys.
Hells Bells! I’ve got it!
Nothing at all to do with three days of gardening and weed extermination. Pass the smelling salts as I retire to the fainting couch.
Thank you P
They’re his good points. Cheating, mouthy left-handed midget.
He’ll be on reality TV in two years’ time, yapping about his ‘journey’ and getting his misso to pay the bills by hanging around Leagues Club dunnies in Mosman or Campbelltown. Hopefully.
Oh bother! I just reported the article on fast noodles.
Let it stand. Dover can check up on the delights of budget foods and relive his student days.
Giles Fraser: It’s time for Boris to go
Neil Oliver: “The Attack on Our History & Culture”. The New Culture Forum’s 2021 Smith Lecture
My now ex-GP requires customers to have a double vvaxx before they can make an appointment!
What is it with these people?
He’s admitting that the vaxx doesn’t work. Excellent endorsement.
Well it’s certainly nothing to do with the science.
Joyce’s partner’s dad runs for election
Wokeness: Authoritarianism in Disguise | Victor Davis Hanson | #CLIP
“I think all members of the community appreciate Mr Katter’s service to the people of Queensland and recognise that he is entitled to spend more time with his family.”
LOL. That’s the way, Peter.
It is clear that we are heading for a Christmas lockdown of the unvvaxxened.
I ask again.
To those who have succumbed to the pressure to get the ‘jab’, what are you going to do in a month or two when they turn off your passport, or declare you ‘unvaccinated’ job-mandate-wise if you don’t get the third? Then again after that? And again, and again, for the rest of your life.
And if you don’t care about you, or you think ‘I must give in now, for my children’s sake now’, what about the society being built right now that your children and grandchildren are being faced with. How much worse it will be for them in a decade!
If our kids later, after suffering years in this system, somehow find the wherewithal themselves to fight their way out of it – as monstrous and ugly as it will be for them in 5, or 10 more years once it is fully realised, and it costs them dearly to do so, what do you think your life will be worth to them? How will you explain that you didn’t stop it when it was ‘hard’ because you wanted to keep making the payments on the Landcruiser back in 2021, when in 2035 they watched friends and their children die like Indian leper outcasts because they’re completely locked out of the system as it is then, and then it took a ww2 level fight and carnage to get rid of it?
And that’s best case! Perhaps more realistically in 2035, the non-conformist will simply live and die like Indian lepers on the street and there simply never is an return to the spirit of individual freedom. It is the ‘Chinese Century’ our political masters have promised again and again, did we think they didn’t mean it? But even that isn’t the worst situation. No, the worst situtation is in 2035 there is nobody outside the system to die like outcasts on the street. How? Because one day being in the system they’re building right now will be mandatory and enforced violently and physically.
Twostix, they think their money will allow them to escape.
(There will be nowhere to escape to)
Or it won’t happen until they are safe in their cold, cold graves.
Because one day being in the system they’re building right now will be mandatory and enforced violently and physically.
That is great (general) advice. Gives meaning to life!
And BJ is carrying a bit of weight, so I hope he is ok.
Huh? Hope he fucking dies!
Boris and team have looked at NSW and learned that when in deep political trouble you can just declare a total lockdown and go to war with unvaccinated people and most of the people will eat up whatever shit you dish out to them.
With the added bonus that the global elite will give reserve a little place for you if it all goes wrong.
I presume Joyce was dosed up.
Strangely enough, paper doesn’t say.
It does however say the the unclean have been banished from Griffith uni in 2022.
Yes but I’m hoping for a couple days unlockdowned so I can go buy undies and socks.
I think I better buy lots of undies and socks given the fascists are getting excited again.
Also a bit of Bunnings stuff to maintain salubrious Cafe penthouse, which is getting a bit wonky.
but that clearly supersede individual choices…
Needs the bullet.
The latest Lex Fridman Podcast with the ideologically leftard but amazingly rational (!)Jamie Metzl is unexpectedly excellent!
The first hour (well worth it) discusses the broad outline of the circumstantial evidence pointing to the lab-leak origin for the COVID clusterfuck.
Circumstantial.. because the evil chunk commos have blocked all access to all original data and records.
Lots of information, that I wasn’t even aware of, that is even more damning than anyone thought.
they can fuck off
Blame the boomers?
It would be a mistake to lump every person in this country who got jabbed in with the multitude of weathervanes who got vaccinated because someone told them to, or for ideological purposes, or because they wanted to appear ahead of the curve and/or look down their noses at others due to their own insecurities, or because they perceived it as fashionable.
It is basic human nature not to be corralled in this manner. Communists tried it again and again, failed on each occasion and I believe this is the primary reason why.
I’m not saying this isn’t shit, because it most certainly is. The shittest thing in my lifetime, by a street. To be clear – it’s shit.
But this is not over. Covid or no covid, we happen to live in the most affluent time in human history. Wealthier, freer and with greater life expectancy than ever before.
I am not – NOT – saying that this means the shit state of affairs is therefore something to be accepted. What I am saying is that because of the relative and comparative wealth we enjoy, in contrast to every single generation before us, it will take longer for their Downfall moment to come to pass.
This is not over.
Bananaby is supposed to be double-waxxed. He said so himself when he was raving about the right of Parliamentarians to NOT have to be waxxed. A few weeks back, check on the old threads. Fucking hypocrite, hope he really suffers from the pox.
Go, you good thing, Cardimona. Very astute decision to go with the Fat Bastard. With voters stampeding away from the majors, the result in Kennedy will tell us much about the national poll in 2022.
Knuckles Johnson is right.
It is shit and I am getting sick of the taste of it.
Austria: Protesters fill streets denouncing extended lockdown, vaccine mandate
You bet.
I believe it was feelthebern who summed up the mood of the nation when Joyce complained that making Parliamentarians get vaxxed just like the plebs would ‘just lead to arguments’, when bern remarked:
Freedom Conversations – Jab Mandates versus the Nuremberg Code – Human rights advocate Andrea Tokaji
Struth (and other chemical ‘spurts like Bruce) – given this stuff is just a solution of urea that gets injected into the exhaust, how does the modern diesel ECU know you didn’t just put water in the tank? Is there a Nox sensor downstream?
Wealthier- I’m driving around suburbs where every back yard has had a townhouse shoved up. Expensive suburbs. Suburbs that twenty years ago were nice. Now they’re shit, packed chockers.
Freer- In the seventies my parents did fireworks for us kids on Guy Fawkes night. I rode a bike without a helmet and you could drive at 100 miles an hour and if you got pulled over the cop might tell you to slow it down.
Life expectancy- In Australia, still going up. In US and UK now declining, and we will follow.
JC is John H’s weed supplier
something to lighten the mood. NSFW
BEST OF BIKINI Compilation / 4K / Remastered / starring PRISCILLA RICART, STEPH RAYNER
No it’s an easy target that will make no difference, take it to management and above.
True, but they didn’t have today’s technology.
Consider Xi’s program of social control.
Mind you, he has to keep the wealth trickling down or the masses will become restive.
meh – should have googled.
Seems no sensors pre-2007 (Euro) or so, then NOx sensor.
You can buy SCR emulators to stick up the CAN bus, though.
Interesting conversation with the head of a medium sized hospital this morning.
Q: Whats WA healths current plans for opening up and inevitable spread of covid?
A: If you picked “there is no plan” and instead they will go through lockdown theater until the system hits crisis point at which stage the *science* will change.
How many extra IC beds has McClown funded with his surplus??
An Austrian started WW1.
An Austrian started WW2.
Do such things come in threes?
Fair enough. There’s also access to far more cash to pay for them, or at the very least mortgage them out. I can’t remember tradies 30 years ago with jetskis, Maloo utes and sheds out the back with mezzanine levels. They’re everywhere now. Disposable income is through the roof. People can afford to spend years building cars as a hobby, rather than as a necessity.
Also fair enough. People also went overseas for holidays maybe once a lifetime in the seventies. Going on a plane was an event talked about for months. Work overseas? You were cosmopolitan beyond belief. Now (pre-early 2020, at least) it is commonplace. People live on cruise ships, and travel to the other end of the country and beyond on a whim.
My point is – people, for the most part are generally more comfortable than they were at any point earlier.
Therefore, it will take longer for them to be shaken out of that comfort zone. It’s just human nature. Nothing more.
Very good question.
The answer I’ll give you in one word.
They can check these things.
Linfox and tolls will be able to still get just enough adblue, but we’ll have to pay much much more for our freight of course, and the rest will go to the wall.
It’s urea made from gas, and Insitec pivot imports it.
We have the capacity to make heaps of it here in Australia but are strangled by the same arseholes bringing us covid, ….the global socialists using enviro.sabotage.
I’ve noticed a few things
door-bitch at Myer only gives cursory glance at pox-port
sign-in procedures for almost everywhere I work are basically an honour system
the great majority of places that have a QR code seem perfectly fine with QR Kabuki
lets see how it goes shall we
My local servo has only had 2 owners in 40 years.
I assume they make money by
a) employing family and retirees at pocket money rates
b) over charging at the pump because some locals can afford it and don’t want to go to the effort of driving to cheaper places
c) having an excellent repair bay with strong recommendations by word of mouth.
It’s a tough game.
And while the numbers confirm what you say, at least for now and specifically in Australia, my point is that it has come at a cost in other ways.
I find these suburbs full of double story townhouses, no backyards and no visible children, creepy. They are the reflection of the designs of psychopaths.
Or every young fuckwit is up to his arse in debt for wanting everything immediately and now has to take a death jab to keep paying the interest.
Tucker: Russia being driven to closer relationship with China because of Biden and Ukraine.
Yep. Way to go, Joe. China, Iran, Russia declare gas etc. to be paid for with digital or gold. No USD thanks very much.
Taiwan watching on as Joe gets tied up.
No one made them do it.
The powers at all levels of government have conspired to make our cities increasingly like the cities many of our ancestors migrated here to escape from. Just with better weather. Maate!
100%. No argument there.
I don’t know how petrol stations are run but there must be money in it. About 13 years ago I was delivering fuel for Linfox out of the Mobil Yarraville Terminal. Back then (maybe now) anyone with the right accreditation and tanker could drive in, load up and pay at the door and leave. We used to get a lot of doubles from NSW west of the Blue Mountains come in. They’d fill from memory around 40,000 litres, mainly diesel but some other fuels as well. I was at the office one day when I saw an invoice for one that had just left. He paid around 90c a litre, this was when diesel was selling at the servos for around $1.20 litre. That’s a 30c/litre difference or a 33% markup on the gate price. Now delivery costs and the station has lots of overheads however there must be some money in it. These NSW blokes often had farms as well a non company servo in their town that they owned, they couldn’t lose.
Bruce, my local Bunnings does NOT require vaxx status, so if you are turned back and need stuff desperately, come up for a nice drive.
You can also get undies at Colesworths. No vaxx cert required. Yet.
I remember the first house I moved into after leaving home.
With this crazy dressmaker lady called Margaret.
It was a hundred year old falling apart place. At one point a sapling was coming up through the bathroom floor.
I freaking loved it. It looked like a postcard picture of a rumble down cottage.
The landlady hated the place and hoped it would fall down. Probably on us.
Betty was her name. Margaret called her “Black Betty” after the song because Betty was a bit dour.
They lived in a house next door which was new and sat in a perfectly sterile block devoid of vegetation. The contrast was like between The Shire and Mordor.
Bonds half price at Coles this week ( and, it seems, every other week)
In order to bring home the true sub-mongoloidism of the WA government.
Not only is it a $20,000 fine for me to use a rapid antigen test in WA, and a $200,000 fine for the company, Woollies are right now, selling them off the shelf.
Im off to shitstir and hopefully cost woolies a few million dollars.
Good luck young fellers trying to find a crazy Margaret to live with in a tumble down cottage next door to Black Betty these days.
A house you can ride your motorbike into the lounge and have a sapling in the bathroom.
None of these things exist anymore, and it’s a fucking shame.
“undies” a new low. What next an in depth discussion on haemorrhoid cream or depends.
In the future, if this system and the society that it’s creating goes all the way to fruition, you’ll no more be able to refuse the litany of yearly ‘jabs’ that are linked to your passport, than you will be able to walk up and punch someone in the head.
Not only legally will it be a crime, but mentally it will be completely unthinkable as a mode of normal operation as well. Not for old grumps and non-conformists who remember the ‘old days’ of freedom, who will grudgingly comply or find ways to duck and weave at great personal cost, but for children who are growing up marinating in this right now, it will simply not be in their head that they have ‘the right to risk other people’s lives’ and it will become a social more.
Do people think the massive effort that’s gone into sowing the “you don’t have the right to potentially kill someone by spreading covid” narrative isn’t going to yield a harvest for them? How does that not apply to every illness?
This is not going to end without being stopped.
Last year even during the ‘two week lockdown’ I was already reading articles from public health evangelists clearly saying that this (lockdowns, etc) wasn’t going to end until 2022 and then there will be a completely new way of living and thinking about freedom and disease management. The ‘new normal’ – ignore that they all conveniently all at once already had a workshopped and marketable name for the grand new society we’re waking up to. I and others posted links to these articles on old catallaxy, it seemed a little esoteric at the time, and I remember even back then posting them it seemed surreal and impossible to mentally grapple with the nuts and bolts of what they were so casually explaining as an inevitable future and how it would actually happen. I believed them though – and cast my mind forward, and tried to fortify myself and family against what was to come. And here we are 18 months on, in that future’s birth. With it looming large all around us, but even still as it happens as they promised, as I prepared my little home for it, we’re still off balance under the nasty and vicious assault that is being waged against us all, not just by the state, but by increasingly innocuous sections of society.
They have never lied. This, right now, is all what they were talking about: passports, mandatory vaccines, mass surveillance, mass testing and a paranoid society that drowns in bad statistics and double speak from their experts. A regime that will scale up and down in intensity whenever they feel like it, with the constant being your ‘passport’ and your booster ‘jab’ for the flu, covid, measles, whatever else they want to link it to.
how does the modern diesel ECU know you didn’t just put water in the tank? Is there a Nox sensor downstream?
Apparently you can run the engine without it, but once you shut it off it wont start again, sensor says no….
Ampol produce about 20% of what Australia needs, rest imported.
Ampol should coin it for a year or 2.
The back-pedalling and denial has begun.
QLD’s new CHO seems like a pleasant fellow.
What is the final solution for these “problem” people then, dear fierce looking doctor?
And this ominous warning:
For non-vaccinated Australians I cannot see the future
I think we’re getting an idea of why the previous selected CHO spectacularly quit a few days before he was meant to start.
Why the downer on Warner? I love the Newcastle Song. Still as true today as it was years ago.
Liars gotta lie.
Struth – It’s green wankers causing the urea drought. Gas prices have gone nuts because Russia is holding the EU to ransom since they went all in on stupid renewables and are playing games with Nordstream 2 and Ukraine. Same here (on renewbulls), with coal being shut and gas turbines being built same time as the greens prevent gas exploration and development. So anything which needs cheap gas is now being shut down, including urea and ammonia plants.
Someone should teach economics to Lefties, although hitherto they’ve been remarkably unteachable.
Prominent USA employers that do NOT require employees to be vaccinated …
Dear Dr Gerrard, QLD’s late Very Serious and ‘irritated’ CHO, did a podcast with The Conversation four years ago.
It’s your typical Ominous(tm) scary intoning about the unseen imminent danger of pandemics – Ebola (remember that?) and MSRA.
But one thing at the end peaked my interest. He was answering a generic question about what they’re doing to prepare with dealing with the threat of ‘pandemics’ in Australia. Among other things he explained ‘we may start to quarantine close contacts’.
This has been in their minds for a long time.
Since the black death and before.
Sadly, MA, Warner is actually an Eastern Suburbs toff, which is funny since he’s a total feral bogan. He’d fit right in in my suburb. I can vividly imagine him driving down Hunter St with twin overhead foxtails going uurrrrrh at sight of anything female.
I’m a fan of Mr Warner, he takes after Adam Gilchrist in style and fought his way into the Test team from hit and giggle. Which is a very decent achievement.
Spare a thought for double-vaxxed, covid-positive Barnaby Joyce.
Forced to stay at the luxury Jefferson Hotel in Washington DC for ten days.
they know exactly what they are doing
Bruce of Newcastle,
I don’t think the Austrian in the unfortunate incident which ultimately kicked of the Great War was a willing participant.
Otherwise I agree.
Ranga, I’m not religious in any shape or form and could be defined as a cultural catholic.
Newcastle is a bigot against Catholics. I think even Roger has picked the incel up on that bullshit.
Won’t someone think of the poor, defenceless, little covids?
Bruce of Newcastle,
I’m an Eastern Suburbs toff and at heart a bogan. It’s the in thing.
Hope I haven’t doxxed myself. Call me Dave ok?
Someone might need to mention to Kerry Spacker that the wineo night shift finishes at sun up and there’s no requirement to push into the morning to sober up.
Girl fight! AOC pulls the ‘tell me again where Christ said’ card on Lauren Boebert over Christmas photo with guns
Shatterzzz, do you have a link for that?
If it’s true, it should be broadcast far and wide.
Sheesh, bespoke. Just trying to be helpful. We can’t have Cats going commando.
Not unwillingly, anyway. 😀
JC, you might be able to answer this one.
I am so sick of the vaxx wars.
The vaxxed are my friends. Don’t let assholes in government divide us.
The reason Incitec Pivot imports urea rather than manufactures the stuff in Australia is more because of the gas price, rather than a surfeit of arseholes.
Gas goes directly into the urea trains at Ras Laffan at about US$1.00/mscf. The Australian producer price is something like 3 to 8 times that.
The new Qld CHO is a twit.
Big blowhard telling how it’s gonna be.
Wasn’t even monitoring the latest updates from Europe which had already rooted his prepared narrative.
MA – Wrong guy. Count Berchtold. Austria had decided to use the assassination to do what they wanted, which was to move on the ex-Turkish statelets in the Balkans (basing this on Lieven and some wikis). Berchtold checked with the Germans first before issuing the impossible ultimatum (which was designed to be impossible).
Did C.L. just post another link to his girlfriend dancing again?
Stix, it’s not completely a downhill trajectory. Late term abortion and voluntary assisted dying are helping to take up the slack.
Weasel words:
AOC is now teaching biblical theology?
Well knock me down with a Marxist feather!
Sell your cloak and buy a sword lady.
Too late!
He clearly never let a chance go by…
[Oh Lord]
It is clear that we are heading for a Christmas lockdown of the unvvaxxened.
What is the BS excuse / logic for this?
1. Get threatened, refuse the “it’s just a jab”, threat is carried out.
2. Kids no longer indoctrinated by degenerate commies.
3. ?
4. Profit.
There’s none. It’s just pure spite and because they can.
Bruce of Newcastle,
Obviously I didn’t think it through as much as you. Still it would have come as a bit of a surprise to the Arch Duke.
Like an opera, the language changes in tune with The Science.
Getting Jabbed To Keep Us All Safe is so July: now, with herd immunity no longer a thing, it’s all about managing the call on hospital resources.
Here in Queensland, a Trusted Doctor explains:
So, Flatten the Curve rides again.
Australia’s expert immunisation panel has distanced itself from state-enforced Covid-19 vaccine mandates and says it never recommended them.
Sorry, that’s not going to stop you going to prison.
Try iip instead.
There’s none. It’s just pure spite and because they can.
No surprises.
What signals are they sending that this will be the case?
Apparently you can run the engine without it, but once you shut it off it wont start again, sensor says no….
Truckie mate ran out of the stuff. He reckons it was an expensive exercise to get the thing moving again.
MA – Read it not thunk it. Lieven was recommended by a Cat, is good. Also Stone, which likewise was recommended.
Poor lady in Werribee seems to have broken into the MSM.
Apparently, she was just a bit ‘upset’. (As was Thich Quang Duc.)
So much for following the advice of the experts.
December 9, 2021 at 1:52 pm
Weasel words:
Australia’s expert immunisation panel has distanced itself from state-enforced Covid-19 vaccine mandates and says it never recommended them.
Mater you big silly goose.
Science!!! changes state by state.
That wascally cwovid tailors its actions depending on what clay you are standing on.
On a serious note, if the immunization panel didnt recommend it (and it was specifically mentioned as not to be done in the Federal 2019 Pandemic plan) then who is responsible?
Was the expert panels SCIENCE!!! wrong or the state Mongoloids?
Im already expecting a repeat, state by state of the Victorian Governments private security contract which no-one signed off on, or was responsible for.
which refused her entry because of her vvaxx status.
No doubt. I made that up.
Was just going to mention that.
O Mighty Road Warrior-Troubador,
Regale us with thy wisdom:
Of all the registered commercial diesel-powered vehicles on the road Australia-wide over 6.5t Gross Vehicle Mass and not belonging to large corporate fleets (i.e. the ones with the money to regularly cycle and update their vehicles), how many do you know are less than 15 years old?
AdBlue and Euro/US Tier III/IV demands only surfaced circa 2005.
About the only likely correct statement in your Lamentation above, is that those dirty Communist Koala R***w*yists [Spit! Hiss!] don’t use the stuff.
If we all lived in Kalifornia, where the State and Federal EPA have banned everything over 5 years old (and using regulation creep to try and force owner-operators and small companies to upgrade all trucks, from little Pantechs to Prime Movers) and all non-union operators from entering the Port of Los Angeles and Long Beach, and severely curtailing their ability to serve customers Statewide, you might have more traction…
Also the going rates for HD fitters is amazing at the moment.
$200,000 on offer for a 2&1 FiFo position with one of the majors.
If you can find one.
incoherent ramblersays:
December 9, 2021 at 2:28 pm
and was taken to hospital by paramedics.
which refused her entry because of her vvaxx status.
No doubt. I made that up.
Was just going to mention that.
I’m surprised that their solution to this conundrum wasn’t just to have Vikpol shoot her.
Election coming.
I can’t believe anyone thinks there’s this magical group of apolitical people, just sitting around doing Science!(tm) operating in the government completely divorced from politics.
JC this has nothing to do with religion. I find the the 10 commandments, well from 4 onwards as I am not religious, an extremely reasonable way to live life without any religious connotations. Maybe you have not noticed your anger getting worse, but it is. Take more care of yourself.
Watch: Brussels on edge as thousands clash with police over new covid rules amid infection surge
So many fake Christians out there.
Gee, a lot of folk hate the beetrooter. I always look at pollies relatively. Say BJ compared to sarah 2-dads; or:
BJ: mad-dog thorpe
BJ: bandt the commie
BJ: albo the brothel commie
BJ: tits the alleged rapist
BJ: janet rice the loon
Conversely BJ can be ranked against some of the better pollies; eg:
BJ: Malcolm Roberts
BJ: Matt Canavan
BJ: Craig Kelly
BJ: Gerard Rennick
And so on.
Should You Donate Your Organs?
Hell no.
Which raises the question: Do corpses have to be double vvaxxened before they can be buried?
School secretly vaxing children:
I don’t get it Gab. Are you against donating organs? Surly not because of some misuse the practice.
Which raises the question: Do corpses have to be double vvaxxened before they can be buried?
Of course! Remember you have to be vaxxed before you can be euthanised!
All politicians should donate their organs to show leadership.
By example! Would save quite a lot of CO2 emissions also.
Where does this end?
December 9, 2021 at 2:58 pm
Where does this end?
Brave words, my dear Luminescent One…
It was very a poor quality recording. Bandwidth was the issue, getting audio and video from so far away, no Zoom meetings on the moon in those days.
Indeed. History repeating.
Those who do not learn history – or ignore it – are doomed to repeat it.
On a another note, I read this today. I don’t know who accurate it is but it certainly seems plausible.
“What I’ve seen so far is all information from physicians, medical physicians, natural physicians and also immunization and virology doctors, things like that and then, also nurses.
“So, what I’m about to share with you is the first vaxxine, the second vaxxine and then the boosters and what it does to you.
“The first vaxxine, as it goes into your body has a small amount of saline and a bunch of ingredients that are very catastrophic to your cellular system.
“What that does to your immune system, which is your deep bone marrow, your thymus gland, your spleen and all other systems associated with your immune system, it decreases your ability to produce white blood cells by 50% from your first vaxxine.
“Then, 8 weeks later, which is white blood cell reproductive system, so your ability to make another generation of white blood cells is 8 weeks, that’s why they set it up 8 weeks later, to hit it again. So, you hit the white blood cell ability while it’s down.
“So now what they do is they decrease the saline in the second one and they increase the harmful ingredients, so now you have a shift in the ingredients…
“And then, what they do is there is a second dose attacks your ability to make white blood cells by an additional 25%.
“So now, you only have the ability to make white blood cells – functioning – at 25%. So you just wiped out 75% of your military and the ability to make that military.
“Then what they do is they set in the booster. The booster has 81 strands of foreign bacteria that your cells have never come across. You don’t have the antibodies to fight it. You only have 25% of your white blood cell production to be able to fight it, so it’s a losing battle.
“So then what starts to happen is you start to get chronic inflammation that goes to the areas that you had predisposition. So if you are someone with gut health issues, that’s your area that this is going to focus on and you’re going to have inflammation in the gut health.
“If you have tumors or a cancer or if you have, say endometriosis or you have a skin condition, whatever that is, it’s going to inflame that area, because now the body has hit the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the fight or flight and your body is in a chronic inflammatory state with a low immunity and a low immune response.
“Then, you get your second booster. What the second booster has is it has 8 strands of HIV and now, what that does is it completely shuts off your ability to make white blood cells and if you Google what disease it is, it is HIV.
“So now, we have people walking around with no immune system, no ability to make an immune system, 81 strands of foreign bacteria and then, 8 strands of foreign HIV, along with all the other harmful ingredients, and then they remove all the saline from the first and second booster.
“Now, to make matters worse, during this process, 20-30% of the population is going to die, every single series of this process. There’s four series.
“They have 3 more boosters that are coming out and the reason why is because once they’ve made you so that your immune system can’t make white blood cells anymore, you become dependent on the boosters to survive, just like how someone’s life becomes dependent on insulin.
“Big Pharma is looking for people that either die off…for population control and then, those that don’t die off, they will have recurring customers for life, with the boosters so that they have to maintain income and collect the money back from all the funding that they put in to make these vaxxines in the first place.
“So, I hope that was helpful, I hope that you listened to this properly and I hope that you take the time to do your own critical thinking and just give it two to three years.
“Every single animal that participated in this study for any of these vaxxines had a 100% death rate and I encourage you all to just take a moment and look around you and just wait it out.
“And let’s just see, let Nature take it course and let’s just see what happens. Thank you.”
Can’t link it.
They should donate them to produce the strings for tennis racquets and spare the cats.
I reckon people would swing with a bit more ferocity if they knew it was Albo, Morro, Sarah Hyphen-Hyphen or such stretched across the racquet frame.
Besides, I would rather have cats mewing plaintively outside my window all night than listen to a politician feeding off their own ego every time I turn on the radio or TV.
It was very a poor quality recording. Bandwidth was the issue, getting audio and video from so far away, no Zoom meetings on the moon in those days.
They used Fourier Transform for the analogue signal conversion to digital and then back.
The other day BRADBURY threatened to write to everyone to remind us about taking the jab ..
Not to be outdone NSW Housing has switched from its thrice a week texting to adding to OZ Post’s coffers with their own impressive BAT FLU missive .. quite good, really ..
starts with a THANK YOU moves on to STATISTICS from, our very own, Kezza and ends with a PLEASE FOR YOUR OWN & EVERYONE ELSE’ SAKE …. and it comes in 12 languages .. LOL!
Now if only their repair mob was soooooo your-safety-is-our-concern -ed ………..!
On a another note, I read this today. I don’t know who accurate it is but it certainly seems plausible.
Everyone I know has been crook to varying degrees post vax, duration also variable.
How crook do you get after a normal vax? My most recent one was yellow fever. Symptoms and illness following vax? Nil.
Sarah Hyphen-Hyphen or such stretched across the racquet frame.
Why are the strings on my racquet so thikkk?!
All politicians should be embalmed so that future generations may elect to disinter the corpse and violate it if required. Perhaps a public holiday would be suitable for the purpose.
Usually zog-all, unless you are anaphylactic.
Cholera is an oral sludge mix you chase down with a good dose of water (the taste is pretty blerrrgh), but since that is a low-level toxin you could develop a minor case of the sprays afterwards.
Razey are you suggesting I am a fake Christian?
I like it it Frank.
Why is mine making such a terrible whine as I swing it?
And complaining bitterly to the ABC every time I connect with the tennis ball?
[Not A Racqueteering Threat]
Defiling Day
What say ye Frank?
Gab – you can’t link it because it’s batshit insane.
Smith Gorn!
elites who drink their own kool aid
The Little Dictator Who Could.
Right about now, the TaliDan regime will have surpassed NSW in total deaths in the Delta outbreak.
The Victorian health system is built for administration not medicine. All the worshipping of the Danbots won’t change the stats.
There were a few smaller receiving stations around Australia, one in Ceduna SA, and another at Carnarvon WA too. Only three were setup for two way communications though, these were Goldstone, Honeysuckle Creek and Fresnedillas. The astronauts from the various Apollo missions spent some time working at those stations before their flights to get to personally know the ground crew that they would be communicating with on their missions.
NASA also had a fleet of Boeing 707s which would track the Apollo flights when they went out of reach of the ground stations. I met the commander of the fleet some years ago, he told me that they had full and unrestricted access to airspace over Russia and China, this was during the cold war period.
The only place they had problems was at the Perth WA airport. If they were coming in from a tracking flight over the Indian Ocean late at night and wanted to land at Perth to refuel, the air traffic controllers would give them a hard time as they were arriving outside of the curfew hours or some other bureaucratic trivial nonsense.
Give it up. This game has a Hanse Cronje feel to it.