Open Thread – Weekend 11 Dec 2021

Théodore Gericault, Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct, 1818

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Ed Case
Ed Case
December 11, 2021 8:22 pm

The Trump Presidency:
Either someone walked out or he sacked someone every week.
The Brandon Presidency.
No one’s left, nobody’s been sacked, he’s still got the same staffers he had 45 years ago.

December 11, 2021 8:22 pm

I am not an inanimate personage, Rabz.

I identify as languishing in the Kampuchean jungle.

December 11, 2021 8:24 pm

Hey Morrison,

Don’t stop making mistakes and driving former supporters to the LDP, PHON and UAP.

Keep fucking that echidna.

December 11, 2021 8:24 pm

Sharma scraped in:

2 Candidate preferred is an eyebrow raiser, especially the swings. Phelps has a profile already.

Yes, Frydenberg comfortable but again if a Stegall like campaign launched with high profile Burnside which is what they are planning well the result may be much closer than intended:

Same with MacKellar but point to note Abbott was just as comfortable in Warringah till the left pulled out all stops, all they need is a candidate with a profile.

Suppose that is my point in a year when there is likely going to be a hefty landslide against the Coalition. To not consider that the Doctors wives seats may fall would be remiss of me, even if it doesn’t come to pass.

December 11, 2021 8:26 pm

Who assassinated an Iranian General?

You say that as if it’s a bad thing.

December 11, 2021 8:27 pm

Interesting about Gympie Shire Council giving the finger to the Ukranian over Covid.
The chap across the street was a Melbourne Shire Clerk (sorry, CEO).
When he moved up here he got a part time job as a development officer with Gympie Council. Nice bloke and were friendly until I discovered that he was a total climate loon.
He told me the other day that he had quit. “They are all bloody bogans”. Which I thought was a bit harsh, but I guess for a Melbourne Green any farmer is a criminal.
My guess is that the Council telling the Covid fascists to fuck off would have been the final straw for an inner city local government totalitarian.

December 11, 2021 8:27 pm
December 11, 2021 8:29 pm

No one’s left, nobody’s been sacked, he’s still got the same staffers he had 45 years ago.

Yep, the same corrupt criminal gang, sticking together.

December 11, 2021 8:30 pm

Rabz, thanks for the sympathy.
Unfortunately, mine is a skinny boney number that tends not to bounce, but Jisus it can hurt.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 11, 2021 8:31 pm

Same with MacKellar but point to note Abbott was just as comfortable in Warringah till the left pulled out all stops, all they need is a candidate with a profile.

Abbott didn’t get any preferences, he conceded on the night.
Josh got less primary votes, but won easily on preferences from a largebfield.
The same will happen again.
None of those guys is in any trouble,Allegra Spender, all the rest, they’re Astroturf candidates.

December 11, 2021 8:33 pm

Emperor Xi has his hands on the big levers that are fucking us over – courtesy of a decaying USA.

As the hipsters do…a big shout out to Henry and Dick, everyone.

Oh OK…you too, Joe.

December 11, 2021 8:36 pm

Hiring people is shit easy, Ed. Firing people who don’t work out is the hard part. You can only guess at how good a person will be from the interview.

Brandon is a loser and the people surrounding him are losers. The polls believe he’s a loser. Now STFU.

December 11, 2021 8:36 pm

I identify as languishing in a Kampuchean jungle

Well – someone has to, Squire. You should join us in that mythical Inner West Sydney pub pool table.

I wish it was real*, as opposed to imagined, but it has been torn forcefully from us.

“You peasants are no longer allowed to have any fun.”

“As for those li’l young women that you wanted to be with, fuggeddaboodit.”

*As recently as 2019.

December 11, 2021 8:36 pm

The chap across the street was a Melbourne Shire Clerk (sorry, CEO).
When he moved up here he got a part time job as a development officer with Gympie Council. Nice bloke and were friendly until I discovered that he was a total climate loon. He told me the other day that he had quit. “They are all bloody bogans”.

The bloke is clearly none too bright & clearly didn’t do much research before deciding to settle in Gympie, which isn’t exactly on the A list for Melburnians heading north.

December 11, 2021 8:40 pm

One too many clearlys in that sentence.

Clearly it’s time for me to bow out for the night.

Rabz, stop living vicariously here and go and practice some scales & modes on that Strat of yours.

Chord progressions even.

Guitars are like women; they need to be appreciated.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 11, 2021 8:41 pm

The bloke is clearly none too bright & clearly didn’t do much research before deciding to settle in Gympie, which isn’t exactly on the A list for Melburnians heading north.

Gympie is a very friendly place and prime farming country.
Plenty of well off people have retired to there.

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 11, 2021 8:43 pm

Last Saturday I developed some mild cold symptoms and started coughing a little bit. By Monday the cough intensified and I was persuaded by someone living with me (no prizes for guessing who) to take a rapid antigen test. It showed positive and I went to double check with the PCR. I know Mater said they removed the vax exemption, but my GP told me she can get it for me. She was wrong, and I’m thinking going to Mater next time. I reckon he is more knowledgeable than 90% of GPs out there.
It came back positive on Tuesday. The rest of the family is negative. Funnily enough my oldest daughter’s double-jabbed boyfriend, who comes to our house a few times a week, had a test and it came back positive. No symptoms. His family – all negative. Now one of his co-workers is also positive. Everyone thinks he got because of me, but I think it could have been the other way around.
On Monday night I realized I lost a sense of smell. That’s the weirdest thing. It’s coming back slowly, but only about 20% at the moment.
I have to fill in my symptoms every by clicking on the link I get in a text message and had to talk to a few people from D of H.
They sent me a portable pulse oximeter. I need to submit readings every day too. They also sent the Asthma puffer. A doctor called and explained that if symptoms return, I’ll need to use it. I remember seeing an article that asthma sufferers who use their puffer are less susceptible to WuFlu.
All the people I talked to were pushing the jab and said it was safe to do it right after my isolation ends, which is bullshit.
And now I’m an epicentre of a local scandal. Because of the daughter’s boyfriend (who is our pastor’s son) they had to cancel tomorrow’s baptismal service and everyone had to get tested. And I’m not even allowed in church, because I’m un-jabbed.
And his mum is now also tested positive. All double jabbed.
I think everyone blames me for this debacle. And my oldest said I’m the most selfish person she knows (because I refuse the get jabbed).
That’s the gist of it.

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 11, 2021 8:47 pm

I learned about the daughter’s boyfriend’s mum being corona positive after I typed most of the message earlier today (but didn’t post it). That’s why there is a seeming contradiction. She tested earlier in the week and was negative.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2021 8:48 pm

Mr Ed

No one’s left, nobody’s been sacked, he’s still got the same staffers he had 45 years ago.

Would those be the oh-so-brilliant staffers who helped him to plagiarise a speech by Neil Kinnock, destroying his first run for the presidency?

December 11, 2021 8:50 pm

I think everyone blames me for this debacle

They’re all retards.
All the people you live with are negative, so you’re hardly a frocking superspreader.
Hit back hard at the idiots.

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 11, 2021 8:50 pm

An iconic part of Kiwi life, the corner ‘dairy’ could face extinction because of Jacinda Ardern’s radical proposed ban on tobacco sales.

Plans to make New Zealand smoke-free beginning with a ban on young people buying cigarettes, could have a devastating impact on the 4,000 small family-owned corner stores known as ‘dairies’.

The plan will see smoking phased out, with anyone aged 14 never permitted to buy cigarettes from 2025, and older generations restricted to low-nicotine products.

Daily Mail

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 11, 2021 8:51 pm

Would those be the oh-so-brilliant staffers who helped him to plagiarise a speech by Neil Kinnock, destroying his first run for the presidency?

Joe suffered an aneurism in 1988 and had to havev 2 surgeries.
That’s what scuttled his run in 1988.

December 11, 2021 8:51 pm

And my oldest said I’m the most selfish person she knows

Cut her loose.
You’re never too old to have more children as a bloke.

December 11, 2021 8:53 pm

An iconic part of Kiwi life, the corner ‘dairy’ could face extinction because of Jacinda Ardern’s radical proposed ban on tobacco sales.

The corner diaries are all owned by visa seekers now.
Run a business for x number years = citizenship.
With zero interest in the things as businesses.

December 11, 2021 8:55 pm

You’re a fucking troll ed; I’m disappointed that I responded to one of your gangrenous little baits. But Trump does that. He is such a great man that when flecks of turds like you vomit up some little taunts the initial response is visceral. Then you settle down and realise it’s not about Trump but your flaccid ego.

December 11, 2021 8:55 pm

I want a Goil who uses a machete to cut through red tape … 🙂

*err, Rog and others – what’s with all those sacred artefacts doing nothing useful apart from hanging on a wall, I asks ya? Time for an after midnight raid. Given the booty on offer, we’ll be flat out filling our sacks.

Liberating the room of its ill gotten booty and then shortly afterwards heroically staggering out with many liberated pieces of Yart, we will be. 🙂

You know it makes sense. Even when sounding like a collectivist.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2021 8:57 pm

An iconic part of Kiwi life, the corner ‘dairy’ could face extinction because of Jacinda Ardern’s radical proposed ban on tobacco sales.

Is it true that the Kiwis are legalizing marijuana?

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2021 9:01 pm

Top Ender

The plan will see smoking phased out, with anyone aged 14 never permitted to buy cigarettes from 2025, and older generations restricted to low-nicotine products.

Horseface seems to be a particularly stupid specimen of humanity, totally unaware of the effects of prohibition, namely the inevitable development of illegal market for the banned product.

If she is too culturally arrogant to look at the US example from the 1920s, she could look at the sales of heroin, Mary Jane, and even here across the Tasman, the huge confiscations of chop chop tobacco by Customs and Excise. When crime gangs take over large parts of NZ, she will be puzzled, wondering how her brilliant idea could have had such an unfortunate unintended consequence.

December 11, 2021 9:03 pm

When crime gangs take over large parts of NZ, she will be puzzled,

Marxists are gangsters.
Why should they be puzzled by their policies benefitting their ilk?

December 11, 2021 9:08 pm

Before I go – I promise – climate worrier and heir to the throne Prince William has issued his family Christmas card, which shows the five of them on holiday in sunny Jordan this year.

This at a time when most Britons have given up on a quick visit to the Costa del Sol and even cross border jaunts within the UK are subject to intrusive regulations and the prospect of a snap lockdown being announced.

Welcome to the new feudalism.

December 11, 2021 9:09 pm

I think everyone blames me for this debacle. And my oldest said I’m the most selfish person she knows

oh … so just normal dad stuff then

glad yr OK.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 11, 2021 9:09 pm

Ed Casesays:
December 11, 2021 at 8:51 pm
Would those be the oh-so-brilliant staffers who helped him to plagiarise a speech by Neil Kinnock, destroying his first run for the presidency?

Joe suffered an aneurism in 1988 and had to havev 2 surgeries.
That’s what scuttled his run in 1988.

Pure coincidence that those occurred just after a disastrous cock-up?

December 11, 2021 9:09 pm

When crime gangs take over large parts of NZ, she will be puzzled,

How do you say chop chop in Maori?

December 11, 2021 9:11 pm

Standin’ on a corner, daydreaming about Janeys – as one does … 🙂

December 11, 2021 9:13 pm

JC says:
December 11, 2021 at 7:10 pm

“It’s Christmas time you motherfuckers”. Get in there.

Hank Ouspensky @BrianCooke
· 6h
Replying to @The_Real_Fly
Why ever own a retail business when animals can devour it with the help of the government??? Sick…

Why is it taking so many, so long to realize that the message has long been, “Give up any ideas of being self made.”

They’re just mopping up those who were allowed to make it appear that, ‘if you worked hard, did due diligence, blah, blah’.

You know, those who didn’t, ‘get unlucky’, and so would look down on those who did, believing that they really didn’t try; an earlier, foundational division in society back when we were also being lied to that the modern Western Nations had become ‘Classless’.

Of course few have the real depth of character to openly admit that they very well may have benefitted from a nod & wink, just as others lost by them.

So now we have the hard lessons when those who did everything right also ‘get unlucky’ .

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2021 9:14 pm

Daily Mail.

BLM leader says Jussie Smollett has ‘our full support’ and slams ‘corrupt’ justice system despite actor’s conviction for lying about fake lynching

BLM leader continues to back Jussie Smollett regardless of his guilty verdict
Dr Melina Abdullah said: ”It’s not about a trial or a verdict’
‘We can never believe police, especially the Chicago Police Department (CPD) over Jussie Smollett,’ Abdullah said before Smollett’s trial was completed
Other liberals have condemned Smollett, including figures such as Rev. Al Sharpton, and a researcher with the Southern Poverty Law Center
Smollett, 39, was found guilty of five counts of lying to police for fabricating a story of being the victim of a targeted attack in January 2019
The former Empire TV star, claimed he was ambushed by two white thugs who hurled racist and homophobic slurs at him
Cops said they discovered the story was bogus and that Smollett staged the attack, paying two Nigerian brothers to brutalize him
Smollett faces a maximum of 20 years behind bars – four years for each of the six counts he is charged with – but he is expected to get off on probation

December 11, 2021 9:17 pm

I have a gut feeling that Omicron will be the end of the mutations of covid19.

At this time we are trying to find a way to place blame for our present situation. We blame our polititions but we are the ones who voted them in.

Are we totally blameless?
I have one thought here:
The Stones of Gosh
by Clarence Michael James Stanislaus Dennis

December 11, 2021 9:30 pm

John of Mel
Just get better soon and everyone else will in turn figure that they can get over it too. And they will all then be grateful to whoever gave it to them – not you – for the chance to practice immunity.
Meantime if possible check fkyingduck’s advice.

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 11, 2021 9:33 pm

oh … so just normal dad stuff then

When you put it this way… Yes, pretty much 🙂

glad yr OK.

Thanks, Matrix!

December 11, 2021 9:39 pm

The plan will see smoking phased out, with anyone aged 14 never permitted to buy cigarettes from 2025, and older generations restricted to low-nicotine products.

So Ardern wants to phase out cigarettes, but legalise and regulate pot.

Mr Ed, she ‘aint.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 11, 2021 9:41 pm

I think everyone blames me for this debacle. And my oldest said I’m the most selfish person she knows (because I refuse the get jabbed).

She’s right John.
The virus has developed a spike antenna that can detect the unvaccinated and directly target them while bypassing the virtuous jabberatti.
You and you alone attracted and disseminated this vile pestilence to the pure of heart and mind.
Shame on you.

Winston Smith
December 11, 2021 9:43 pm


I spent the afternoon lying on freezer bricks which deadened the pain but was only temporary.

You’re supposed to shove ’em up yer arse, Bons – you very soon stop worrying about the bruising.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 11, 2021 9:44 pm

Prince William has issued his family Christmas card, which shows the five of them on holiday in sunny Jordan this year.

Saw that. I thought “Addams Family”, which is probably unfair to Kate, but very fair to Uncle Festus and Cousin Itt, who weren’t in the photo. Apparently the latter wants to start up a talk show in competition with Ellen.

Meghan Markle May Be Considering Getting Her Own Talk Show, Royal Expert Claims (10 Dec)

According to royal expert Neil Sean, Meghan Markle enjoyed her time on The Ellen Show so much that she may be considering getting her own talk show.

What a joy.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 11, 2021 9:54 pm

better track down that echidna, stat.

and armadildos

John of Mel
John of Mel
December 11, 2021 9:56 pm

Just get better soon and everyone else will in turn figure that they can get over it too. And they will all then be grateful to whoever gave it to them – not you – for the chance to practice immunity.
Meantime if possible check fkyingduck’s advice.

Thanks Franx. I’m almost back to normal, apart from the sense of smell.

IIRC, the advice was iMask protocol, right?
I’m having my vitamins C, D (5000), Zinc, Quercetin with bromelain and Ubiquinol.
We couldn’t get any Ivermectin or HCQ.

Ellen of Tasmania
Ellen of Tasmania
December 11, 2021 10:01 pm

An iconic part of Kiwi life, the corner ‘dairy’ could face extinction because of Jacinda Ardern’s radical proposed ban on tobacco sales.

Poor Hairy Maclary.

December 11, 2021 10:03 pm

Ivermectin or HCQ.

India mart – I hope. I have been relieved of some money (not a great deal) for the strips that the Indians take, with iver, zinc and doxy. $3.50 us per foil plus 30 us freight. bank transfer only. ANZ no probs.

I will let you know if thee fifteen beauties arrive.

December 11, 2021 10:10 pm

I spent some time today with my Czech friend.
42 years he’s been here
left under duress because of the commies
and they shot the guy beside him in the face when they got caught leaving.
He’s not happy. defeated. you can feel it.
cant you see whats happening? he asks

the hushed tones in a public space talking about Premier Mongdrews
the critique of the enabling legislation and the furtive glances in case of eves-droppers
and he looks at me … this!, he says
this is what it was like … we are already there
while his grandkids and my nieces run around a park in birthday mode

his mum back in the old country just turned 100.
it was a big deal and made national tv
then they put her back inside the nursing home with a broken television and telephone and no visitors and medicines all fucked up

we talked at length
I can see the pleading in his eyes
and the relief to have an ear that understands

why cant anybody else hear him?

December 11, 2021 10:19 pm

err, the third photo above is a magnificent study of white Levis’ denim (again). If those goils found themselves feeling cold, they could grab Brad’s white jacket and there would be no more collectivist imbeciles on this planet (or something).

And they all existed happily ever after – until the next scandal du jour … 🙂

December 11, 2021 10:21 pm

Bluddee hell – commies – sounding very grandiose (again) … 😕

December 11, 2021 10:22 pm


Ex army friend knows a former Czech soldier. Same, he served in eastern block army before leaving after 1989 to end up serving in our army. Apparently has been saying similar for years, reckoned Australia was slowly turning into what he left behind.

December 11, 2021 10:23 pm

err, the third photo above is a magnificent study of white Levis’ denim

rabz … those are two excellent examples of late 20th century denim

you’ve inspired me to continue my research into the connection between denim and american musicana

December 11, 2021 10:24 pm

Helen, ours was fine, professional job all round. All the best.

December 11, 2021 10:29 pm

I have another mate who is Czech and we used to work together
one day after coming inside after a ciggie
he commented about some thing or another being ‘off’
I quipped, ‘like a dead Russian soldier come springtime’
honest … I watched him trying to walk in front of me laughing so hard he bounced off the office cubicle walls

December 11, 2021 10:30 pm

Also will never forget a new student at school in the early 1980’s. Escaped Czechoslovakia, family ended up in western Sydney. Once he learned English which didn’t take long he used to, when we brought up games emulating WWII about the family being scared of arrest back in the eastern block. I have a pretty good memory and it took me till I was of age to work out the context of what he was saying.

December 11, 2021 10:36 pm

Matrix – stock up on Levi’s while the stocking is good.

They are a natural fit with the Doctor’s … 🙂

December 11, 2021 10:43 pm

Down to the Doctor, peoples … 🙂

December 11, 2021 10:45 pm

JOhn of Mel

Really glad to hear you are on the mend.

It’s quite interesting that since early 2020 to now you never got the covid until people around you got the vax.

Precisely why I’m happy to be shunned by the vaxxed.

December 11, 2021 10:48 pm

They are a natural fit with the Doctor’s

was deep inside the Motherland’s borders today.

Docs very prominent
also platform sneakers higher than Noddy Holder’s
was freaky

all the kiddies looked like the unholy offspring of a Rosella and a Pomeranian

broad plaid pants in garish colours
nobody under 30yo owns an iron apparently
or they can’t afford the electricity to run one
… prolly spent their money on footwear

December 11, 2021 10:49 pm

It’s an Eastern promise, peoples …

A pot o’ gold …

Hong Kong Money

December 11, 2021 10:52 pm

The Czechs were overcome by being met with tanks and were shot killed.
We have been overcome by glib appeals to being kept safe and fearing to be different and fearing being ‘uninvited’ and by letting go of God in the cause of the god of false science. I doubt that churches were shut to the Czechs during the Soviet invasion or later. They were shut in Melbourne . And so on the whole I hold the churches accountable for being wilfully deaf to the truth that your Czech acquaintance is telling.

December 11, 2021 10:54 pm


Arky says:
December 11, 2021 at 8:53 pm
An iconic part of Kiwi life, the corner ‘dairy’ could face extinction because of Jacinda Ardern’s radical proposed ban on tobacco sales.

The corner diaries are all owned by visa seekers now.
Run a business for x number years = citizenship.
With zero interest in the things as businesses.

Where I grew up in Australia the corner Milkbar was called The Dairy as it was also the shop front of the dairy stables where the milk was delivered in bulk to be loaded onto the horse drawn milk carts.

It was a magical time for a horse loving kid.

The milk horses where my sister lived in Malvern also amazed me as their stables were up the street around the corner from where the carts were housed, so after being unharnessed they’d just take themselves home.

Well I was going to share a video of Melbourne’s cart horses but seems the PETA Mobsters have successfully purged the internet of such images that they can’t used for crying, ‘animal abuse!’; soulless cretins.

December 11, 2021 10:54 pm

Bluddee hell – apostrophe crimes everywhere, peoples. Thank goodness I’m not Pedro FitzSimians … 😕

December 11, 2021 10:57 pm

Look at this dishonest Guardian headline.

Omicron outbreak: NSW Covid cases spike as Victoria records 13 deaths and Aactas listed as hotspot

Notice it use a colon. No an apostrophe or a dash.
From the Punctuation Guide:

The colon is used to separate two independent clauses when the second explains or illustrates the first.

So the author of that headline explains the first clause “Omicron outbreak” by saying cases have spiked and there are 13 deaths.
THERE HAVE BEEN NO OMICRON DEATHS anywhere Incan find, certainly not in Australia.

December 11, 2021 10:58 pm

Franx says

I need to do two things:
-go to church
-join the LDP proper

December 11, 2021 10:59 pm

The above comment may require some self assembly before reading.

December 11, 2021 11:00 pm

Arks – stop harshing their cool collectivist vibe, man.

December 11, 2021 11:03 pm

It isn’t just the idiots at the Guardian.
The internet, despite the proliferation of “fact checkers” is full of headlines linking Omicron to deaths.
Scaring the shit out of little old ladies and the mentally child- like use to be considered despicable.
Now it’s a source of professional pride.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2021 11:03 pm

The milk horses where my sister lived in Malvern also amazed me as their stables were up the street around the corner from where the carts were housed, so after being unharnessed they’d just take themselves home.

My grandmother confided that unhappily married women probably did run away with the milkman – they were usually tall, rather handsome and very fit – the milkman, that is.

December 11, 2021 11:04 pm

John of Mel
Check, but maybe a low dose of aspirin is in the mix, at least as treatment. I think also something of a prophylactic, thought so at first but now preferred not so by you know who.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 11, 2021 11:06 pm

Nobody listened nearly enough to the Eastern Europeans post-1989.


December 11, 2021 11:07 pm

You’re out of touch, my baybee, I tells ya!

Real Deal
Real Deal
December 11, 2021 11:07 pm

HZ Housewife 1.41pm, mistaken “report comment”. My fat fingers strike again, sorry

December 11, 2021 11:08 pm

Nobody listened nearly enough to the Eastern Europeans post-1989

KD – they were too busy reading the Garudain, like Arks.

December 11, 2021 11:12 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
December 11, 2021 at 11:03 pm
My grandmother confided that unhappily married women probably did run away with the milkman – they were usually tall, rather handsome and very fit – the milkman, that is.

Milko’s, the townies Cowboys 😉 –

Ed Bruce – Mamas dont let your babies grow up to be cowboys

December 11, 2021 11:12 pm

Self assembly?
Best not interrogate.

December 11, 2021 11:14 pm

It was a magical time for a horse loving kid.

I used to follow the milk cart on my paper run as a 14yo
sometimes I used to steal a little milk from somebody’s bottles on their doorstep at 0500
whatever … the birds used to puncture the foil caps and do the same
I just beat them to it

December 11, 2021 11:18 pm

Listen to the goil – honey dripping behind … 😕

December 11, 2021 11:21 pm

Fauci-Gain-of-Function Secrets Exposed, Legal Win against Biden Secrecy, Ashley Biden Docs
Premiered 12 hours ago
Judicial Watch
Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discusses new documents we obtained about Dr. Fauci and COVID gain-of-function research, Biden’s secret Senate records, and much more!

December 11, 2021 11:25 pm
December 11, 2021 11:26 pm

CRT Explained #1 | The Problem with Civil Rights
Carl takes a detailed look at the reason Critical Race Theory came into existence.

CRT Explained #2 | The Epistemology of Oppression
Carl explores Mari Matsuda’s essay Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations, in which she explains why we need to look to people of colour to understand the world.

Lotuseaters Dot Com
100K subscribers

December 11, 2021 11:27 pm

Nobody listened nearly enough to the Eastern Europeans post-1989.

reckon Djokovic might have a clue

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2021 11:30 pm

Nobody listened nearly enough to the Eastern Europeans post-1989.

Nobody listened nearly enough to the Vietnamese boat people post 1975, or those Cambodians who fled the Khmer Rouge.

December 11, 2021 11:31 pm

It isn’t just the idiots at the Gruanaid

It just feels like it is.

To paraphrase a certain Steiner – “what’s left for them to conserve?”

December 11, 2021 11:33 pm

I spent some time today with my Czech friend.
42 years he’s been here
left under duress because of the commies
and they shot the guy beside him in the face when they got caught leaving.
He’s not happy. defeated. you can feel it.
cant you see whats happening? he asks

I tell you what will happen, when the liars party get back into power, which is only a matter of time, the slide into fascism will accelerate.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 11, 2021 11:37 pm

I tell you what will happen, when the liars party get back into power, which is only a matter of time, the slide into fascism will accelerate.

The Labor Party, in coalition with the Greens, will make fascists look like rank amateurs.

December 11, 2021 11:38 pm

New York (CNN)New York City on Thursday became the largest municipality in the US to allow noncitizens to vote in local elections

the slide to one world fascist government just barrels along

December 11, 2021 11:43 pm

Bluddee hell – trigger warning, Cats – do not listen to this song if you are even remotely heartbroken, I tells ya …

December 11, 2021 11:46 pm
December 11, 2021 11:49 pm

which is only a matter of time

God help us all

December 11, 2021 11:52 pm
December 11, 2021 11:55 pm

God help us all

At some point we’re going to have to rabz them all.

December 11, 2021 11:56 pm
December 12, 2021 12:01 am

Welcome to the new feudalism.

Yes the saxe-coburg tampons have revealed their true disposition. Time to get rid of them. Fuck royals.

December 12, 2021 12:03 am

Dr BG,
it’s gonna be weird footage on the news after rabz-ing them all to a Cocteau Twin soundtrack
but whatevah … 21C

December 12, 2021 12:06 am


MatrixTransform says:
December 11, 2021 at 11:14 pm

It was a magical time for a horse loving kid.

I used to follow the milk cart on my paper run as a 14yo
sometimes I used to steal a little milk from somebody’s bottles on their doorstep at 0500
whatever … the birds used to puncture the foil caps and do the same
I just beat them to it

I never liked the taste of milk, still don’t.
Old pre-homogenised, cream on top stuff, straight from the cow, whatever, if it isn’t heavily flavoured with something sweet I can’t get it down.

It was a bugger in primary school days because I was a very skinny kid so even my mothers notes that I did NOT have to have the daily little bottle of milk were ignored by some well meaning teachers until they saw my gagging was genuine and they didn’t want to have to clean up vomit.

Funny though, doctors actually prescribed Akta-Vite & Vegemite for me, which my mother dutifully supplied for me.
I also couldn’t face eggs, unless whipped into a sweet fluff, both the white & yolk, separately, which my mother would whip up with a fork in a tin cup.

December 12, 2021 12:14 am

Who is The Next Conservative Leader?

Dec 11, 2021
The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters

Just a Bloke
Just a Bloke
December 12, 2021 12:49 am

KPMG creative accounting for public holidays. We will take a day off on another day because we don’t like the reason for the day off.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 12, 2021 2:34 am

They have no shame.
The “health advice” has changed. Again.
Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has changed the advice on the gap for booster shots for people over the age of 18. (The Oz)
5 months now, not 6.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
December 12, 2021 2:37 am

Australia is facing a potentially critical shortfall of supplies of DEF, also known as AdBlue, which is drying up for mainly small to medium businesses ­reliant on the additive to keep their machinery going.
Riddle me this: why is it only small to medium businesses in the firing line?
A conspiracy to keep big business getting bigger, or sloppy journalism?

December 12, 2021 4:00 am
Winston Smith
December 12, 2021 5:00 am

STILL UNKNOWN: Where Did the Mysterious 298,000 Absentee Ballots in Georgia Come from After Election Day?

December 12, 2021 6:41 am

Matrix @ 10:10pm

why cant anybody else hear him?

Because all they hear is breakfast TV etc.

And be under no illusions; the vast majority of people in this country could be shipped back in time to pre war Germany and the result for the J##s would be exactly the same.

December 12, 2021 7:29 am

And be under no illusions; the vast majority of people in this country could be shipped back in time to pre war Germany and the result for the J##s would be exactly the same.

Which makes them more evil, and twice as dumb.

They have history to refer to, and are choosing to ignore it.

December 12, 2021 7:29 am

John of Mel
The blaming is wrong, and stupid. Self evident that anyone can spread the virus, and the fact that no-one else in your family has a strong suggestion you were not the alpha in this case.
Not to mention it is popping up all over the place in Melbourne now.
Someone I know was a ‘close contact’ (didn’t get it though) of a person who’d originated from Brighton and my daughter’s 70 something neighbours in the west both have it.
They barely emerged during lockdown.
Oh well.
Apparently the reproduction rate is fairly steady at around 1, and the numbers are simply the consequence of Disasterdan ending lockdown when there were still average cases of over 1000 per day.
In a city of five million that’s still meh.
Numbers were rising but not much, during lockdown and have pretty steady ever since.

scroll down for the graph of Victorian cases

December 12, 2021 7:51 am

Apparently if no measures (no lockdown no vaccines no nothing) were taken covid reproduction rate would be 3 though I think Trampis claimed it was way higher than that.
Something must be slowing it down.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 12, 2021 7:55 am

Something must be slowing it down.
That’s the population who have been exposed and the level of natural immunity from those who have been encountered a similar virus in the past.
The whole model of Covid is based on a 100% naive population, which can’t be true and definitely not immunology.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 12, 2021 7:58 am

The whole model of Covid is based on a 100% naive population, which can’t be true and definitely not immunology.

Whereas the Diamond Princess data suggests 80% are immune.

December 12, 2021 8:03 am

The great escape.

… with forged papers identifying him as “I. Bagerov” of the Bulgarian Navy.
This name was chosen as a joke, so that when asked who he was he would reply “Bugger off”

December 12, 2021 8:10 am

Pretty funny anyone cares that Biden “plagiarised a speech” delivered by Neil Kinnock and ghost written by his staff – who probably all went to Yale and Oxford together.

December 12, 2021 8:14 am

*what I am saying is Kinnock and Biden probably had staff that were sympatico in political position and education – some probably even knew or knew of each other.

Such a speech by a useless leftist career politician means exactly the same thing to me:


All that changes is the voice of the speaker.

Oh no! Plagiarism detected!

Look guys, if you were expecting a patent or a thesis to come from a speech Joe Biden said, your expectations are WAY too high.

December 12, 2021 8:15 am

…and I am Neil Kinnock, and I am running for the US Senate.

End of message.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 12, 2021 8:16 am

Harvest report.
On the last paddock of canola.
Yields 2.6-3.0 Ha @ 45% oil. That’s very good for the non farmers.
Back barley after this and then onto lentils, finishing on wheat.
This plan can come unstuck at any time.

December 12, 2021 8:17 am

Are you getting sprouted seed from the wet weather?

December 12, 2021 8:18 am

…dare I say Gez, are you getting more bugs etc as admix?

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 12, 2021 8:21 am

No weather issues here and and snails are the biggest problem but so far so good.

December 12, 2021 8:22 am

Gotta luv pork-barrelling! .. In the lead-up to the NSW LGA elections Fairfield Council decided to do a bit of self-publicity and opened a give-away-food-for-the-needy operation in Wetherill Park..
Apparently, to qualify you needed to ring up and get a voucher/tix number to be presented at the door and receive a bag of goodies (non-perishable) .. now given that this part of Fairfield, known as the Parks Ward, is dominated by Mcmansions and the more expensive four wheel drive set you wouldn’t have expected a very big turn-out but ….. lo & behold .. it’s quite a sight to see sooo many of Fairfield’s “needy” in their $80 000 plus vehicles lined up to collect “free” goodies on a daily basis for the past fortnight … suppose it helps offset the fluctuating fuel bills .. LOL!
I’m sure Council had good intentions but setting up a free food scheme, one of the most expensive areas of the Fairfield LGA might appear a tad .. let them eat cake …!

December 12, 2021 8:25 am

Reproduction rate was slowed by lockdowns.
Still sitting at around 1.
What could be the reason?

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 12, 2021 8:27 am

Three, maybe four dry weeks Gez – dependent on how much dirt’s involved.

That, combined with a couple of Adelaide ducks for Warner, and this country could be back on the road to adequacy.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 12, 2021 8:37 am

December 12, 2021 at 7:51 am
Apparently if no measures (no lockdown no vaccines no nothing) were taken covid reproduction rate would be 3 though I think Trampis claimed it was way higher than that.

If you are referring to Not Trampis, aka Non Compos Mentis, aka Homer Paxton, he is an idiot. Others here might have a worse opinion of him.

December 12, 2021 8:45 am

Whereas the Diamond Princess data suggests 80% are immune.

Used to be, until vaxxing them destroyed their natural immunity.

December 12, 2021 8:45 am

Yes him, John, and yes I did get that impression. Iirc he claimed the rate was around 8.
By the way is there any news on Roger Moore?
And how is Shane Warne? I seem to recall some here were very concerned about his condition a while back, when he got covid.

December 12, 2021 8:49 am

Doctor Warns Stillbirths Are Rampant Among Fully Vaccinated Mothers, Launches Investigation

The Center For Disease Control and the federal government is adamant that pregnant women get a COVID-19 injection.

But data doesn’t support its safety and health practitioners around the world are sounding the alarm.

December 12, 2021 8:51 am

We couldn’t get any Ivermectin or HCQ.

Horseland John! I took 2.5 teaspoons for 6 days, no problem.

December 12, 2021 8:57 am

Used to be, until vaxxing them destroyed their natural immunity.

Karl Denninger makes a weekend return. Hallward even tries to sound like him.

December 12, 2021 8:59 am

Why does the Morrison Government want to flood the labour market with 200,000pa Big Immigration, denying Australians job access and wage rises during the post-Covid economic recovery?
Surely Australians should come first.

These people are not our friends.

December 12, 2021 8:59 am

scroll down for the graph of Victorian cases

Doesn’t the first chart appear to represent some sort of case tipping point when total vaccinations get to around 80%?

How anyone get look at this chart and conclude that these vaccines work is beyond me.

Boambee John
Boambee John
December 12, 2021 9:00 am

December 12, 2021 at 8:45 am
Yes him, John, and yes I did get that impression. Iirc he claimed the rate was around 8.

If the rate was actually around 8, then the entire population would have been infected yonks ago. He is an idiot (BIRM).

December 12, 2021 9:01 am

Fraudenberg really is an asinine twerp.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
December 12, 2021 9:11 am
Tintarella di Luna
Tintarella di Luna
December 12, 2021 9:12 am

And be under no illusions; the vast majority of people in this country could be shipped back in time to pre war Germany and the result for the J##s would be exactly the same.

Fact checked – Yep that is why my circle of friends (and family) has been reduced to about 10 – the christmas card list used to run at about 120 so there’s that time/money-saving bonus – so it’s win-win for me.

December 12, 2021 9:13 am

Remember that he called Trump a drop kick. They say be careful what you wish for, but I wouldn’t mind if he lost his seat. Maybe we might as well have a real green instead of a crypto one.

December 12, 2021 9:15 am

Fact checked – Yep that is why my circle of friends (and family) has been reduced to about 10 – the christmas card list used to run at about 120 so there’s that time/money-saving bonus – so it’s win-win for me.

Yes I know what you mean. There comes a stage with certain family members where you conclude you may as well not bother.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 9:28 am

Josh isn’t losing his seat.
Though Burnside’s late entry may have saved him in 2019.
The Media are trying to McMahon the Morrison Government, simple as that.
And who are their replacement Ministry?
Gawks, freaks, loons, nuff nuffs, spastics, twats, veggies & eggheads.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 9:32 am

To be fair to josh though, he thought he was getting on board the Hillary Express by calling Trump a Dropkick.
Trump is a dropkick, but so is josh.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 12, 2021 9:32 am

I’m voting for Albo.
I trust a hetero man who is ruled by his dick more than a man who wants to stick a needle in me.

December 12, 2021 9:39 am

I’m voting for Albo.
I trust a hetero man who is ruled by his dick more than a man who wants to stick a needle in me.

Albo wants both.

December 12, 2021 9:41 am

I’m voting for Albo.

because too much fascism is barely enough

December 12, 2021 9:43 am

Ed Casesays:
December 12, 2021 at 9:32 am
To be fair to josh though, he thought he was getting on board the Hillary Express by calling Trump a Dropkick.
Trump is a dropkick, but so is josh.

This is a dickhead Monty lookalike calling Donald John Trump a Dropkick.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 9:44 am

Albo is a Pants Man?
I’m finding nthat extremely difficult to believe.
No pantsMen ever got to the top of the Labor Party, though a few have in the Liberal Party.

December 12, 2021 9:44 am

Ed Casesays:
December 12, 2021 at 9:28 am
Josh isn’t losing his seat.
Though Burnside’s late entry may have saved him in 2019.
The Media are trying to McMahon the Morrison Government, simple as that.
And who are their replacement Ministry?
Gawks, freaks, loons, nuff nuffs, spastics, twats, veggies & eggheads.

How do you get from here to calling Trump a dropkick?

December 12, 2021 9:45 am

Fauci / NIAID Signed Private And Confidential Vaccine Agreement Weeks Before We Even Knew About The Pandemic

I laughed when the wife suggested the demonrats were in on the bioweapon launch…er….humble pie

December 12, 2021 9:47 am

Now using various combinations at various intervals and in more doses than original release specified.

Science my arse.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 9:49 am

What has Trump done for Australia?
Fuck all.
What has Brandon done for Australia?
Well, he ended the Afghanistan War and he allowed us to buy Nuclear Subs.
And there’s still 7 years of goodies left in his bag.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 12, 2021 9:50 am

You’re spot on, Ed October.

The Silver Budgie was never a pants man.



December 12, 2021 9:51 am

Australia is facing a potentially critical shortfall of supplies of DEF, also known as AdBlue, which is drying up for mainly small to medium businesses ­reliant on the additive to keep their machinery going.
Riddle me this: why is it only small to medium businesses in the firing line?
A conspiracy to keep big business getting bigger, or sloppy journalism?

them electric trucks aren’t just going to buy themselves is them

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 12, 2021 9:51 am

The problem with Albo is he gets the happy ending. And hands you the bill.

SloMo has already maxed out the Visa.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 12, 2021 9:53 am

You’re not even a good troll, Ed.

That’s how well you’re travelling. A failure. At trolling.

If you open your front door, you’ll see a box just outside. That will be the attention you ordered.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 9:56 am

JobSeeker & JobKeeper?
Remember that?
And Scotty let us draw $20 grand of Super out of the SuperBandits.
The only mood for change is in the Media Class, everyone else has done well out of the Scotty Government.

December 12, 2021 9:56 am

I’m voting for Albo.
because too much fascism is barely enough

I wouldn’t gamble on getting more fascism less competently applied.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 12, 2021 10:01 am

Bloody cyclists!
I’m heading into town in the loaded truck and spot a pushy ahead on the rises. I have the engine break on low, so I back off the pedal and ease to 80km to pass. As I get on top of the rise, I see a car coming the other way and we’re going to meet right at the rider. Can’t trust the car driver to do the right thing so I have to brake hard to make sure the car passes the cyclist before I get there as well.
The cyclist would have no idea of the escape they had and think it was just a pleasant Sunday trundle.

December 12, 2021 10:02 am
December 12, 2021 10:04 am

If you open your front door, you’ll see a box just outside. That will be the attention you ordered.

he needs santa to send him a bigger box with a life in it

December 12, 2021 10:10 am

You’re not even a good troll, Ed.

Depending on your mood and his topic he’s either pathetic as when he dikdiks about the great man Trump or fucking hilarious when he vomits this:

No pantsMen ever got to the top of the Labor Party

Hawkie was the best rooter in politics. Even keating was up there, although he took it rather then gave it. That’s what the liars do: fuck things.

December 12, 2021 10:11 am

The Washington War Machine is hungry-is the old corruptocrat going to give them one?

local oaf
December 12, 2021 10:13 am

Apologies if already posted.

COVID-19 Restrictions Generator

December 12, 2021 10:13 am

Albo is a Pants Man?

Nah, He’s just like any other old perv lining up at the rub’n’tug because he’s not getting any at home. Unlike other Senior Labor Figures, he’s not even a rapist — just an envious old Marxist who wants to confiscate your hard earned.

Fortunately for him, the LNP has collapsed in a pile of pointlessness and loathing of its own voters, so it’s Albo’s turn.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 12, 2021 10:14 am

You’re not even a good troll, Ed.

You sound like Mother.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 12, 2021 10:16 am

‘You sound like Mother.’

Bear, if that’s Mother from Bad Boy Bubby – thank you. Greatly appreciated.

December 12, 2021 10:17 am

The situation on the US now is like a pack of hyenas feeding on a dying beast. It didn’t have to be that way but when mafia meets marx.

December 12, 2021 10:18 am

just an envious old Marxist who wants to confiscate your hard earned

pretty much sums up the political class and their pubic ‘service’ controllers.

December 12, 2021 10:20 am

I imagine AnAl did political economy with red ted wheelwright at Sydney uni.

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 10:26 am

Hawkie was the best rooter in politics. Even keating was up there, although he took it rather then gave it.

Pants Man refers to men who charm women out of their pants, not the likes of Hawke or Keating.

Just on Trump:
I get that commenters are down about the stolen Election and Brandon’s stupidity, but:

Trump promised to Drain The Swamp but he didn’t and he couldn’t.
The choice was another 4 years of the Swamp running the Joint under the blathering Trump or nominate Brandon, who has a lock on the Catholic/Unionist/Black vote, steal the rest, and return to some sort of coherent Government.
No Brainer, really.

December 12, 2021 10:28 am

They don’t make toys like this anymore, cleaning up and found my Texas Instruments Dataman.

Shoved a battery in it and it still works. Little Bloke now playing some of its maths quizzes.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 12, 2021 10:28 am

scummo has not laid a finger on the ALP, whereas Albo will destroy his factional enemies, if elected.

December 12, 2021 10:29 am

Anyone else reading Pandemia by Alex Berenson?

Highly recommended

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 12, 2021 10:29 am

KD I’m not familiar with Bad Boy Bubby. I try to actively avoid Australian films with the exception of the original Mad Max and Sirens. I was referring the woman Groogs is in the process of reskinning in his front room when he’s not on the Cat

December 12, 2021 10:31 am

No Brainer, really.

Which is why you said it.

December 12, 2021 10:31 am

The Washington War Machine is hungry

The country in the world right now that is most worthy of liberation is Australia.

Come and get us!

December 12, 2021 10:34 am

Polish call for justice
Video (2:53) with Transcript

Ed Case
Ed Case
December 12, 2021 10:34 am

Personal attacks on ALP gawks and Simps often backfire, Scotty has avoided Gotcha Politics mostly, though he did mention Shorten while defending Porter in QT, but that might have been to Gaslight Porter too.
Anyway, Porter has racked the [Parliamentary] cue, so he won’t be an issue in W.A..

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
December 12, 2021 10:36 am

Come and get us!

I would be happy with an US invasion and occupation.
US imposed martial law for a few years and then adopting the Texas constitution.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
December 12, 2021 10:41 am


I think they might be the same chick.

December 12, 2021 10:42 am

Old School

Can you explain why you think it’s dishonest to move the booster gap from 6 to 5 months in view of the fact that covid is a new pandemic and decisions are made pretty much on the run as new information comes in. I’m not saying they’re right and I believe there is a serious risk with the pharmas and the money angle. But what why are you saying this?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
December 12, 2021 10:45 am

Mark McGowan tightens border measures with Queensland over Omicron fears
Courtney GouldNCA NewsWire
Sun, 12 December 2021 5:57AM

Mark McGowan will slam WA’s border shut to Queenslanders as the sunshine state reopens to the rest of the nation.

From Monday, Queenslanders looking to visit WA will have to quarantine for two weeks after the government elevated the risk level to the state.

To enter WA, individuals must be fully vaccinated, present for a Covid test on arrival and on day 12, and can quarantine for 14 days.

The move is a result of Queensland’s plan to relax quarantine requirements.

In a statement, the Premier said the heightened risk level was necessary due to the mystery cases in Queensland.

“With community spread now being experienced in Queensland and its expected move to relax border controls and quarantine arrangements with Covid-positive jurisdictions, in the midst of Omicron, we need to take caution and strengthen our border controls with Queensland,” he said.

“This will inconvenience people, however we know border controls work to keep WA safe and they’re effective in managing the risks of Covid-19 entering the community, while we don’t yet have sufficient levels of vaccination coverage.

“As I’ve said, in coming days we expect to reach our 80 per cent double dose vaccination rate which means we can review the situation and confidently lock in a future date to proceed with our Safe Transition Plan next year.”

Health Minister Roger Cook said Queensland’s softening border will mean they are at greater risk of Omicron spread.

“Travellers from Covid-positive jurisdictions will be able to enter Queensland from Monday without a requirement to undertake a period of quarantine. This is likely to lead to increased community spread of the Omicron variant,” he said.

“We have seen community case numbers increase in recent days across Australia.

“Western Australia does not have any Covid in our community and we want to keep it that way until we have better vaccination coverage.”

December 12, 2021 10:47 am

Old School Conservative says:
December 12, 2021 at 2:37 am

Australia is facing a potentially critical shortfall of supplies of DEF, also known as AdBlue, which is drying up for mainly small to medium businesses ­reliant on the additive to keep their machinery going.

The only purpose of AdBlue is to reduce the output of diesel particulates and such like that are related to decreased air quality/ pollution. That running a newer machine requiring AdBlue without AdBlue is a software issue. AdBlue plays no role integral to the actual derivation of power/ output from the internal combustion of diesel.

Just about any tertiary level student competent in coding ( and probably a lot of high school kids) these days could alter the section of machine code to eliminate the governing effect the software places on engine throttle control. Or, if you happen to be a little more mechanically skilled, engines can be “modified” to run exactly as per diesels always did- with an analogue control mechanism involving the tensioning of a cable operated by the foot pedal ( and/ or throttle/ rev’s lever -as per a ride-on mower.).

The whole idea of AdBlue pisses everybody who has ever had to put up with newer machinery, right off. Simply another manufactured “crisis” . There are multiple industrial sites nationwide that have the set-up to start making AdBlue if absolutely necessary, like the one adjacent to Sydney Airport, you’re looking at if you live in the higher parts of the Inner-West.

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 12, 2021 10:50 am

The Texas Instruments 12C is the Nokia or Volvo of calculators. Utterly unbreakable. I don’t think I even changed the battery in mine over 30 years.

Old America right there.

December 12, 2021 10:51 am

If you open your front door, you’ll see a box just outside.

another delivery of white bread, butter, and sprinkles ?

December 12, 2021 10:53 am

Remember when the interval between clot shots was 6 months regardless of type, that would give us the ‘best’ protection?

But because the rollout was running too slowly, they said nah 3 months is fine and we would get ‘enough’ immediate protection, stuff the ‘best’.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
December 12, 2021 10:54 am

Luckily the “new” prime mover I got is a Detroit diesel with no AdBlue.
It’s a 2017 registered so it’s not old. It dies have the exhaust burn off system. I don’t know how this would go in a high stubble.

December 12, 2021 10:54 am

Move over Elon Musk. I’m shocked reading this. Last time I read about this firm was in 2020 and it had taken a serious hit.

An interesting thing happened this year in the world of mega-billionaires. Jeffrey Bezos, who harnessed the power of the internet to revolutionize modern commerce, was briefly knocked from his perch as the world’s richest man by a Frenchman in the rag trade. OK, not just any Frenchman, or any rags: We’re talking here about French billionaire Bernard Arnault, chairman and CEO of LVMH Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton, the world’s largest maker and seller of luxury goods.

Arnault’s leap to No. 1 shined a light on the sprawling LVMH (ticker: MC.France) empire, which encompasses some 75 “houses,” or brands, in product categories ranging from apparel and leather goods to watches and jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, and wines and spirits. The Paris-based company also operates 5,000 stores. Among its best-known fashion and jewelry brands are Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior, Fendi, Bulgari, and Tiffany. LVMH also owns watchmaker Tag Heuer, the champagne brands Moët & Chandon and Dom Perignon, and winemaker Chateau d’Yquem.
Also Read:

Arnault’s fortune—recently an estimated $195 billion, according to Forbes—derives largely from his controlling stake in LVMH. The Arnault Family Group, the family’s holding company, owns about 47% of LVMH’s shares and 60% of its voting stock, primarily through its ownership of Christian Dior (CDI.France), LVMH’s largest shareholder.

What made Arnault the world’s richest man, however, isn’t merely his stock holdings—or his formidable business skills and the cachet of his brands. Credit must also go to the explosive growth in luxury-goods demand among the world’s increasingly affluent consumers, in particular the burgeoning middle and upper-middle classes in Asia and a new wave of American millionaires and billionaires.


The arrival of Covid-19 could have been catastrophic for a company that sells designer handbags, Swiss watches, and some of the world’s most expensive bubbly. Its flagship brand, Louis Vuitton, never goes on sale.

Instead, the pandemic, which prompted business lockdowns around the world, proved a boon to LVMH and other sellers of high-end goods, from Teslas and Lamborghinis to fancy vacation homes. As spending options shrank, cash accounts grew, and the wealthy—including the newly so—splurged on luxury goods.

Global financial wealth increased by 8.3% in 2020, to a record $250 trillion, according to BCG’s Global Wealth 2021 report, published in June. “Behind the boom was a spike in net new savings and strong stock market performance, fueled by highly supportive central banks,” the report states. “Cash and deposits grew by 10.6% over the previous year’s numbers, marking the largest annual increase in 20 years.”

Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, also out in June, measures total household wealth, which it says rose 7.4%, to $418.3 trillion, last year. Citing government transfer payments and the suppression of interest rates, the report notes that “wealth creation in 2020 appears to have been completely detached from the economic woes resulting from Covid-19.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
December 12, 2021 10:57 am

Sneakers and the Cookie Monster are running out of Covid scares. Closing the border with less than a percentage point to go to reach the level to keep us “safe”. Sunday is a slow news day.

December 12, 2021 10:58 am

Even the fact checkers can’t find any dead omicroners.

As of early December 2021, no one worldwide who tested positive for the omicron variant of the coronavirus had died.
About this rating
On Dec. 10, the World Health Organization told us no omicron cases reported up to that date had resulted in death, but “it is still early in the clinical course of disease and this may change.”

Omicron me up right now.

December 12, 2021 10:58 am

H B Bear says:
December 12, 2021 at 10:50 am

The Texas Instruments 12C is the Nokia or Volvo of calculators. Utterly unbreakable. I don’t think I even changed the battery in mine over 30 years.

Old America right there.

I own 4 sprinkled around. A 12C is without exception one of the best gadgets that was ever conceived. I’ve been thinking about ordering that other one.

It’s nice looking.

December 12, 2021 10:59 am

Indolent says:
December 12, 2021 at 8:49 am
Doctor Warns Stillbirths Are Rampant Among Fully Vaccinated Mothers, Launches Investigation

When people make jokes and mock others for mentioning that depopulation is a stated agenda item of Globalists, while being aware of facts such as this, well it is easy to consider them agents of The Enemy –

“… in one of the birthing centers for Vancouver “had 13 stillbirths in a 24-hour period,” Nagase contends.

“In Waterloo, Ontario, I have a more reliable statistic,” he continued. “There were 86 stillbirths between January and July. Normally, it’s only five or six stillbirths every year. So, about one stillbirth every two months is the usual rate. To suddenly get to 86 stillbirths in six months, that’s highly unusual,” he continued. “But the most important confirmation that we have from the Waterloo, Ontario report was that all of the 86 stillbirths were fully vaccinated. …”

December 12, 2021 11:07 am


Sure, but some of the greatest names in science and politics right here at this very blog – thought leaders even- were critical of the vaccines because immunity apparently doesn’t last as long we’d hoped. If that’s the case then wouldn’t boosters be required sooner than what’s expected? Therefore how are booster shot bullshit?

Top Ender
Top Ender
December 12, 2021 11:10 am

Top Ender’s review of The Power of the Dog, now on Netflix.

Terrible. One of those smart-arse films with great photography and good acting but an awful plot.

It’s 1925 and out on the range two brothers live in a homestead. One brings home a bride and complications develop. Very slowly.

We turned it off with 40 minutes to go. Apparently has an unexpected ending but who cares.

December 12, 2021 11:14 am

Don’t risk it. Get a tetanus booster every six months.

December 12, 2021 11:17 am

Public transport shenanigans, on a bus!

December 12, 2021 11:17 am

For those, like me, who luv their cowboy films .. LOL!

December 12, 2021 11:20 am

Therefore how are booster shot bullshit?

The whole fucking thing is bullshit. 80% of the population wouldn’t get COVID even if you injected them with it.

December 12, 2021 11:22 am

Even the fact checkers can’t find any dead omicroners.

Hold the phone, Arky.
UK Authorities are yet to confirm the Kensington blagger’s omicron status.

December 12, 2021 11:23 am


The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021. The epidemiological situation in South Africa has been characterized by three distinct peaks in reported cases, the latest of which was predominantly the Delta variant. In recent weeks, infections have increased steeply, coinciding with the detection of B.1.1.529 variant. The first known confirmed B.1.1.529 infection was from a specimen collected on 9 November 2021.

COVID, time until death:

The time between COVID-19 infection and symptom onset varies between 1 and 14 days, with an average of 5 to 6 days.
The median delay (lag) between symptom onset and hospital admission varies between 1 and 6.7 days depending on age and whether the patient lives in a nursing home.
Time between symptom onset and death from COVID-19 ranges from 2 to 8 weeks, with reported median times of 16 or 19 days.

– UK government..
So first omicron case identified was from a specimen collected 33 days ago. The omicron “outbreak” was reported 19 days ago.
Median time from infection to symptomatic 6 days, median time symptomatic to death is say 18 days. Makes it 24 days from infection to death on average.
Pricks should being dying from omicron now, unless it has a very different course from the othe strains.

December 12, 2021 11:25 am

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has warned Russia that if they invade Ukraine then they will face “severe economic sanctions”.


December 12, 2021 11:27 am

Mark McGowan will slam WA’s border shut to Queenslanders as the sunshine state reopens to the rest of the nation.

The Hermit Mongdom.

December 12, 2021 11:29 am

Twilight of The Woking Dead: Immune to Reason, They Stalk the Republic (as if) Seeking Brains

Dec 12, 2021
Bill Whittle
190K subscribers
They’re immune to reason, to data, to culture, to music and to any kind of new experiences (like a speaker they don’t agree with) — they’re The Woking Dead and they stalk the Republic (as if) seeking brains.

Plus, Samson slams Biden and Progressives in new rap video…and Democrats love it!

Enjoy these highlights from this week’s Moving Back to America shows. Explore the full episodes at

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x