What? They did real journalism?? Sorry that’s not possible.
What? They did real journalism?? Sorry that’s not possible.
It’s not unusual, Lizzie. Williamtown near Newcastle has military and civilian craft in the same space. Also Canberra. Though when…
OSINTdefender@sentdefenderInsane Footage captured by a Ring Doorbell Camera, showing the Learjet 55 spiraling towards the Ground while in Flames, before…
BNO News@BNONews2hBREAKING: New video shows the plane crash in Pennsylvania. Reports of multiple victimsLike a missile strike.
It’s a blunt instrument. You’re going to also kill projects you have no ideological animus towards and/ or may even…
You could make a song out of it.
Ask them one simple question:
“Which of the Vaccines in Australia are fully approved for use by the TGA, with complete safety data?”
It always opens up a useful discussion, usually including links to the TGA website. It carries a bit of weight for the mildly curious.
Hzwife, it’s not rational opposition to avoid being vaxed in the same way it’s also not rationally purposeful to obtain the vax.
Both decisions are based solely on fear as neither side has enough information to be totally rational.
What’s a glowie?
‘they are of course, non-binary.’
The same people who wonder in wonderment why girls in their late teens suddenly drop all-box team sports due to being aggressively groomed by crew cutted predators.
The same people who complain that chicks who can only kick a football 30 metres with a cyclone behind them, can’t run, can’t take a pack mark, can’t impose on a match and with no on-field presence don’t earn as much as Dustin Martin.
The same people who can’t work out why nobody goes to see this excreable spectacle, even when they either get to do it for free or get paid for it, and of those who do anyway most are players’ family members.
The same people who view adult womens’ sport as a heavily-subsidised advertisement for poofery, rather than sport for it’s own sake.
Freeloading cretins.
I doubt if your Doubting Thomas will get past even one of the articles. But we live in hope.
If they don’t like to read, or get bored with it…….send them a link to the zoom call that Craig Kelly arranged with Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Geert VanDen Bossche & Vlad Zelenko. This both covers the early treatment option, the dangers of the vaccines & the current optimism re Omicron.
But I still think the best prepper for the whole of the debacle was the early warning video clip of Dr. Peter McCullough. He really puts it out there. It’s long – probably an hour – but even my husband was spellbound & watched it all many months ago. I personally think that it what convinced him that what I was saying was correct & he is very opposed now to vaccination.
Sorry I don’t have the links at hand, but they will not be hard to find. The zoom call will be on Craig Kelley’s Twitter site. Similarly, I think the long clip of McCullough is on his Twitter site which has not, as yet, been suspended.
I shall use the most respected dictionary the Cat knows of.
Simon, I am always open to evidence. Have YOU used an electron microscope on virus samples in an appropriate setting? If not, what evidence do you have? What qualifications do you have or convincing evidence?
Most significantly, none of the “dissenting” epidemiologists, virologists, vaccinologists et al (& there are many, including Nobel Prize winners) have claimed that it does not exist.
The same people who complain that chicks who can only kick a football 30 metres with a cyclone behind them, can’t run, can’t take a pack mark, can’t impose on a match and with no on-field presence don’t earn as much as Dustin Martin.
Our non binary star’s averages over five seasons:
6 kicks
2 marks
2.6 handballs
1.1 goals
I don’t think the pronouns will improve the skill.
Lol what on earth, did you get stuck in March 2020?
It’s two days from Jan 2023, I think we have enough information to go on now.
They certainly have. Those thousands of cars snaking through carparks in “jab stations”, are testimony to the lunacy of the vaccine panic. Governments and their medical hatchet men (&women) created universal Fear and Loathing….and they wonder why they now have a logistic crisis on their hands!
Ray Epps leads to Stewart Rhodes.
Steve Bannon and Darren Beattie are destroying the Jan6 committee.
Covid cases in South Africa drop by 38 per cent in a week as death figures boost evidence that Omicron variant is less severe than Delta
“It’s two days from Jan 2023, I think we have enough information to go on now.”
I think that should be…..”It’s two days from Jan 2022″.
FDA Now Warns Rapid COVID Tests Might be Invalid
You think you do, but you don’t. Taking or not taking the vax is essentially based on faith and fear, so stop deluding yourself.
And this is where danger lurks. While the appearance of management exists there is stability however tenuous. Once the narrative is lost, be prepared for even more draconian and capricious edicts. And a ramp up of Karenism in the propagandised-into-fear populace.
The leadership vacuum won’t last long.
Thirteen deaths in Victoria overnight compared to one in NSW.
A huge pink flying elephant remains unreported by MSM.
Eh, at this point I’m willing to skip a year.
A healthier new cat this morning.
Credit where credit is due.
here. Prove the existence of Covid. I’m open to believing it exists, but no one has ever proven it, the Canadian government couldn’t prove it in court when directed to do so.
Prove it.
You still don’t get the big picture FG.
You’re a nice bloke and just can’t fathom they’d be feeding you as much bullshit as they are.
Some of it is true in your eyes.
It must be.
No it isn’t.
They , as the left always do, work on the principle that decent people will never believe they would practice the evil they do, because it makes no sense to do so.
Which is you assuming they are sane.
Admit it, Struth.
You just don’t like golf! 😀
“Because we don’t want to, fag.” is as good an explanation as any the government and their tame media arms are giving to get “vaccinated” at this clown world omicron point.
Congrats on becoming faulty’s disciple .
Err no.
It’s based on statistics and science.
Covid, like any flu, doesn’t affect people under 60 unless they’re fat fucks or already dead. And that was the ooooh booga “delta” strain.
Omicron is barely even a head cold.
You’re coping.
*doesn’t badly effect*, etc
I think we have a full house this morning.
Good luck to our Premiers as they advocate for their unfortunately not nameless and faceless public health bureaucrats as they seek to redefine Covid.
Banning stuff should be the last resort and done so with the acceptance that it’s out of failure not virtue of those with authority.
Uncertainty and irrationality are two different things. Scott Adams tried the “irrationality” thing a few days ago and lost quite a few former fans.
It is not irrational to decide not to take an experimental “vaccine” with potentially life changing or life ending side effects to protect against a virus with small chance of death especially if your exposure risk is low and you are fit and healthy.
It might be called irrational to take it “because you want to travel” although I’d call it stupid.
The only way through is “the lie may triumph, but not through me”.
SARS-CoV19, the virus, might be tough to pin down, but COVID-19, the symptoms, certainly exists. Fine, i can go with that.
But “vaccine”? Nope, Pfizer-Moderna-AZ are no such thing.
Pal of mine has a brother who is a retired pathologist. The brother was very keen on getting everyone vaxxed until a few days ago when read a paper in “The Lancet” which stated that the vaxxed were just as likely to catch and pass on the virus. He then did a little research and ran across McCulloch and others and is now furious that we have been lied to.
It’s easy to forget about the flu. Last one I got (before my stroke) put me in bed for 5 days straight.
Covid is not nothing. And neither in most cases will it kill you. And we will all probably get it at some point in this ongoing farce.
Ghislaine Maxwell has been found guilty.
Is Ghislaine Maxwell’s buddy, Katherine Keating, available for comment?
Jizz Lane.
I get it Struth.
I’m using their own bullshit to highlight failures on a monumental scale.
I first realised gov data was crap years ago when dealing with ABARE and their shoddy and unreliable surveys.
In compiling a catchment study our committee couldn’t use their data as it in no way matched on ground reality. We were almost forced by gov to give it credibility through publishing but we stuck to our guns and used our own local surveys.
Epstein was trying to implicate as many people as possible.
No doubt if there was a Katherine Peacock or Hewson, she would have been less interested.
Banned drinker registers were introduced as an alternative to a ‘drinking permit’, which was seen as a step too far for the NT and would instantly impact the tourism industry. They were designed to slow the endemic domestic violence amongst the indig.
As was predicted (and mentioned upthread), all it did was partially shift the problem from ‘dry communities’ to larger towns. Violent pisswrecks then got other people to buy their goon for them, whether they be rellos or taxi drivers – thus ignoring the unenforceable provision that you weren’t allowed to do that.
It also ignored that said violent pisswrecks had ‘traditional wives’, who stayed behind in the communities, and ‘town wives’ trailing along behind them in larger centres, and who joined them in their core business of obtaining bulk piss, shitting in the street and flogging each other.
There’s one crew in a bush camp in Darwin scrub between one of its Bunnings and the airport. They’ve been there for nine years, and ostensibly because of the violence in their home country of Port Keats. This is of course a white lie told to NT government social workers, because they are there for the manlady in boat, and that’s it.
Why is a decision to forgo a medical procedure you have limited information about not rational? Of course it is.
You are a jab victim JC.
You haven’t been cognitive since you took it.
The clots stop the blood flow to many different areas.
This illogical and unfounded emotional outburst should give you reason to contemplate my point in that part of your brain not effected.
That are transmissible and have the ability to replicate in host cells.
i.e., viruses
Err yep.
Oh really. The science we keep hearing is attempting to force people to get the vax and has talked governments into attempting mandates. Da science also told us not to wear masks and subsequently changed that instruction when they thought there were adequate supplies for medical staff.
The science on the other side appears to be rogue docs without much evidence other than reliance on authority. So which science, Stix?
It’s killed 800,000 Americans and that’s likely to be an undercount. The flu doesn’t do that.
We hope.
I am but I’m not sure you are as you’ve become increasingly shrill these days- at least more than you once were.
What does that mean for her life expectancy? Is Killary still working on her Presidential campaign?
One of the worst thing about this whole phase, is a segment of the population refusing to accept that they are old now.
So instead they went into denial and have smeared their own newly discovered elderly status and physical frailty across all of us, all the way down to robust healthy children in an attempt to cope with it.
“Well here’s a child who died with covid” they shout with excitement at the front page global breaking news story of a child in the back hills of Georgia dying with a Covid positive test result, “so it affects everyone and so everyone must all live in fear of it and put masks on and give your bodies to the state and live under this medical tyranny regime. And it’s for the children’s sake, not mine who make up 99% of hospitalisations“.
Let’s be clear.
The last few years of shit has been Hillary Clinton having a tantrum.
I never hated her before now but she’s truly earnt the title of most evil person on earth.
If you consider fear to be rational then it is.
Incidentally, you have more information or misinformation as you’d call it to get the vax, so what scientifically based information are you using not to get the vax? Would that be an anonymous dude on fucking Twitter telling you his third cousin died from the vax? Anecdotes are rational now are they?
Now that the CHOs have all irretrievably discredited themselves in the eyes of the public and nobody trusts anyone in authority it is probably about time for China to enact phase two of the plan. Release the real virus that actually causes harm, like Marburg with 90% mortality.
/tinfoil hat
Time to purchase a life insurance policy on her.
I’m making the Peta Credlin point again.
She got bogged down in state to state comparisons of what is entirely bullshit statistics from BOTH states….there is nothing credible in any of it.
Remember, she was going to save us all and I was a mongrel for seeing through her?
Of course she does it because it keeps people from seeing the big picture as she’s a globalist Liberal party hack, always was.
Pairo’tits government is as dodgy as the feds and as dodgy as Dan and Palaschook etc. All lies. You can’t compare state to state on anything.
Code for “RAT are destroying our narratives”.
Oh dear, here we go.
Not only is it less severe than Delta – c. 80% of people shrug it off – it’s been proven it provides a good measure of immunity against the latter.
Even the ABC reported it this morning.
My guess is, at least until labor have the Federal government and maybe even until Andrews is re-elected.
“National Cabinet”?
There is no such thing. It is a “zoom” call between preening premiers.
What a silly emotively laced comment.
Did you write the script for the Curious case of Benjamin Button?
And the Easter bunny is real too.
“Medical exemptions”? I do not believe they exist either. By that I mean, they should exist in theory, for everything from asthmatics against masks to anxiety against jabs. But our medical brahmin class has proven that they will not be acknowledged. They effectively do not exist.
I’m half way through the Scott Atlas book “A Plague Upon Our House”.
Weird book.
He spent four months in the Trump Whitehouse (Aug-Nov 2020).
For such a smart guy, Atlas is a bit of a chump & is intoxicated by status.
But if half the stuff he says is true, the biggest chump was Trump.
People clearly, repeatedly lying to his face & he did nothing about it.
You don’t even have to go to photons. Electrons do this. The electron shells ARE wave functions.
This is why the d and p shells overlap and you get differing valencies and (part of) multiple spin states in metal ion complexes. It is why reactivities change in the transition metals between groups 11 and 12 more than additional electron in itself would do.
Not to mention this is all verifiable by spectroscopy and physical chem established beyond a doubt in the 1960s.
“BUt tHe vIRuS isNT rEaL!!!”
You are a rolled gold idiot Graeme.
“Mask mandates” do not exist. By solidconvention, a “mandate” is explicitly sought at an election. Mask orders are arbitrary creations under emergency provisions, or styleMaduro fiat.
No JC, just simple observable statistics and science.
The stuff openly published on health.gov.au that politicians and media refuse to talk about.
Thing like case fatality rates by age.
PCR test false positive rates in low case populations.
Cycle amplification rates and their effect on “cases” numbers.
Covid hospitalization figures including people who aren’t in hospital for covid.
It’s all there in all its ugly glory.
You don’t even have to go to photons. Electrons do this. The electron shells ARE wave functions. With one electron in each shell (as sometimes happens…)…
This is why the d and p shells overlap and you get differing valencies and (part of) multiple spin states in metal ion complexes. It is why reactivities change in the transition metals between groups 11 and 12 more than additional electron in itself would do.
Not to mention this is all verifiable by spectroscopy and physical chem established beyond a doubt in the 1960s.
“BUt tHe vIRuS isNT rEaL!!!”
You are a rolled gold idiot Graeme.
I’m stealing that
Sure it is.
Backs away slowly…
You really are a dumb, ignorant clod Graeme.
“I don’t agree with it, so they’re all lying!”
You’ve basically called out inorganic chem as a specialisation. Now tell me why Cisplatin isn’t real and why it doesn’t work on cancer cells.
Lol two years on and you’re still playing three monkeys with Covid stats. “We just don’t know who it affects, better get those boosters fellow young people!’
Agree Clinton is evil but there are plenty up there with the old slag eg botoxia and Soros.
What we are dealing with, and expected to be dealing with, are those people who will refuse point blank to believe they were conned into killing themselves with a concoction that has those administering it indemnified, has no grounds to be called a vaccine, and all done via their gullibility to propaganda.
How are you ever going to convince these people covid was the flu….WHICH DISAPPEARED…..it f…ing disappeared.
All the truths put plainly in front of them which they mocked, like passports etc, and to deal with this level of disappointment in their own failings, they will deny the truth up to and including their last breath.
Covid must be declared deadly.
Complete fucking bullshit, and they know it underneath.
As a realist, which is a person many detest for obvious reasons, the facts are right there and have always been there.
But they are aggressively dismissed and the messenger shot.
The correct line when asked, (especially now people are starting to see the forest through the trees) why we would not take the vaccine, is why would and sane person take it?
There is no logic to it.
I could sell these people a car with no brakes and tell them it will save them from catching a cold as long as they drive it really fast.
Cell waste cannot be harmful Graeme?
That is a monumental call from the scientific establishment or alternative health “gurus”.
You are talking so much shit you don’t understand when you are locking down last week’s sandcastles.
I knew we’d get to Einstein eventually.
Not dead yet.
Do you really want this to be true, Struth? Deep within your heart? Or is it part of your argument toolbox?
Looks like the hermit kingdom is going to be a bundle of laughs in Twenty Twenty Too.
Bah de dum de dum doo doo de dooo do do.
[cheerily] Morning all.
Is that cause he was of a certain ethnicity?
After Conviction For Sex Crimes, Ghislaine Maxwell Announces New Job At CNN
NEW YORK, NY—Ghislaine Maxwell has been convicted on 5 counts related to sex crimes committed against minors for over a decade. A few minutes after her conviction, she announced she has landed a brand-new job at CNN.
“We called Maxwell as soon as the verdict was read,” said CNN President Jeff Zucker. “Ghislaine has shown us she has exactly what it takes to work here. This has nothing to do with the fact that she’s really good at committing sex crimes. We are hiring her for her… um, many other qualifications. Yeah. Qualifications.”
Maxwell will replace Wolf Blitzer as an anchor on The Situation Room and will also be placed in charge of the hiring of all new female interns.
“I am humbled to have been given this new opportunity at CNN,” said Maxwell, “and I promise to do my best to find the very best girls—er, I mean, news. The very best news. Yeah. That’s what I meant.”
Ghislaine Maxwell will broadcast the news from her federal prison cell in New York City until her sentence is completed, or until she kills herself.
The Apostle of Faulty:
‘But they are aggressively dismissed and the messenger shot.’
The Apostle of Faulty, earlier:
‘I hope they get clots and fucking die.’
The Apostle of Faulty, shortly after that and in response to a ‘steady on, old chap’ from someone else:
‘No. Fuck them.’
On a semi-related topic, tomorrow is two calendar months to the day from when Bosi’s Six Days To Join Us Or Else expired.
Casson’s book is harder to read than anything I have read other than credit risk modelling (Springer) or Applied Industrial Economics by Phipps (very math heavy game theory, but very insightful).
Casson’s book is conceptually tough, not mathematically rigorous like the above.
You are an uber nerd Dot.
Stop skiting.
This is better than a car crash. I cannot look away.
I suppose after all the superlatives the media kiddies have exhausted across the BAT FLU hysteria they have branched out and now we have .. drum roll pleeeze, maestro! .. homicide incident .. not as catchy as .. medical episode .. but, HEY, they are still practising .. lol!
Kukawski’s body was allegedly reported as a ‘homicide incident’ after her body was found in a parked car in Simi Valley, north of Los Angeles, on December 22, Variety reports.
Great investigative deduction tho .. the body was in the boot!
Keep in mind we never have “full information”.
Taking Covaxin or Novavax is rational.
Viral infections can cause cancers later on and avoiding infection would give you a higher probability of living longer.
Both have very good results in trials and have very good safety profiles. Based on attenuated virus or protein subunit technology. Proven technology.
No we don’t know it all. Now we are seeing some side effects from Gardasil.
Which kind of proves the point that the notion that we know all of the side effects of the experimental vaccines is most likely not true.
That and the fact that relativity put the final nail in aether theory’s coffin.
It’s a great example of how real science works.
And the very disappointing thing about all this, is I have been saying exactly the same thing for nearly two years.
Up against emotional insanity.
Yet now I feel people are getting it, some have all along, I’m not talking about everyone here, just some, and they are bright enough, (as the smarts they once had , returns to them), to realise, finally, just what has happened, and the decisions they chose.
All of which should make you furious.
Forgive yourself.
Forgive yourself.
You are from a generation which was a Christian , trusting society. The epitome of human existence.
I have nothing against you.
It’s all understandable, but I am a realist and you must be too.
You are , we all are, victims of a Pearl Harbour style, undeclared attack. A violent war waged against us without declaration.
They are still attacking every day.
We must fight.
As it stands you have taken a concoction designed to kill you within a few years, yet who is to say they cannot develop an antidote?
The quicker denial is given away (to save yourself from self reflection), the more useful you will be, and the sooner we take our civilisation back, the type of civilisation that will come up with the antidote required.
Time has always been the key issue.
It always is with propaganda wars.
By the TIME you wake up, it’s too late.
Instead of spending your time arguing about how deadly covid was, which you know it wasn’t, you should be way ahead, admit what has happened and get ahead of the propaganda fight.
But that takes an admission of reality.
And I understand, very difficult to do in those that have taken the jab.
Your real hope is in getting back our civilisation, and getting a cure developed.
Hmm … he must have got brekky in bed this morning
Stix, you’re starting to sound like Greta Thumbnail, screaming at older folk. Don’t get me to change your name from Stix to “Greto”.
Interesting how you covert science and stats when it suits. Me, I think most of it is crap and the data is very dirty. But you’re being rational, right? Rational by your own standards.
Fear is non-rational but can have rational grounds but this is a side issue.
I’ve done the Oxford COVID calculator. Given my circumstances chances of severe harm or death is very remote. I know the vaccine does not prevent infection or transmission. I know while it may reduce severity or death from infection there are possible adverse effects that may arise. I know that the vaccine also becomes ineffective in 6 months and that boosters provide short lived (about a month) benefit against new strains. Given this, why would I take the vaxx? What rational assessment would lead me to say, Yes. What has faith or fear have to do with it? Nothing at all.
You’ll regret it later like how much time is used instead of doing more productive things like gulf. Me, I’ve just finished painting the toilet and bathroom.
Roger – don’t spoil it for the rest of us. I’m waiting for a twist.
Is Graeme back on his meds; a couple of his comments, especially about Trump, actually made sense.
Which raises the question…was there another shooter in Dealey Plaza?
Behind the tree line above the grassy knoll?
“Not so…” or more accurately, maybe not.
There are adjustments that satellites require. Special relativity is very accurate but not 100%. We also don’t quite understand how electricity moves and there is the issue of dark matter or “extra mass” from rotating galaxies.
Of course fear is rational. If a bull elephant was charging you, what would you feel, relaxed?
If you can read Jane Austen and enjoy it, Casson will be a cinch.
er, phrasing.
I bet it was because you tried to cook dinner last nite
Bespoke – I’ve got a good excuse. I’m hooked up to one of those drip things having my PEG breakfast. 400ml of the medical professions finest (hold the nano wrigglers). Once I’m unhooked I don’t doubt I can find a better use for my time.
You didn’t know this when the vax came out around March this year, so it’s a little strange that you’re applying this information that you gleaned now to w the first quarter of the year. If I recall then, you were using other reasons and excuses.
But in any event we agree that fear is a governing principle on both sides, so where is the disagreement?
I had a new experience in Brisbane Mall yesterday.
Bored bushy sitting on a bench waiting for Madam to finish terminally lowering the laughable bank balance, when I was confronted (in a soft way) by three white blackfellas and two very cute much darker young girls.
They demanded (again in a non-threatening but very loud way) that I agree that Australia’s first cricket team was indig and that indig invented Aussie rules.
I didn’t care and said that that sounded about right.
It then became very loud and ideological. I had no trouble gathering Madam’s mountain of loot and easing away but it was unpleasant and counter productive.
We bush aristocrats are unused to the ways of you sophisticated big city folk, I found it all a little disturbing. The performance didn’t attract the attention of any of the squillion passers by. Inured I guess.
I mentioned it to one of the indig guys from our local rugby club who were in Brisbane for the annual club riot. Can I say he went ‘white’ with rage?
Gee.. I can’t believe I have to say this…fear is what is working for both sides – not just one side.
Simon, there’s probably no scientific hypothesis that has been subject to as many tests as relativity.
And passed them.
‘I have nothing against you.’
‘I hope they get clots and fucking die.’
Take your pick. Follow the gourd, as they say. Even if that gourd is – snork – a high-profile target of the MSM.
The Internet is forever.
Again, entirely rational. No long term studies of a completely new form of “vaccine” that has now been shown not to work. Only emergency approval after the shortest testing period ever. Side effects well known and listed on official documents before wide release. Highest death numbers of all previous vaccines combined and still rising.
The top doctors around the world, who have been silenced are saying so and have been since it was introduced.
Don’t be so fucking insulting.
I just want the reality of the situation to be accepted.
I can post many many articles, where they said last year blood clots, and went into detail about how these shots would kill, including recent proof it kills and will kill, but would you read it?
My son took the jab.
Do you think I want this to be true?
I am a realist and presented with certain problems I look for the most reasonable way of solving them.
Let these pricks continue killing people including my son, or try to get them humg up in the streets by piano wire and get our western civilisation back and people working on an antidote.
What’s the alternatives?
I’m all ears.
However, as you see with KD’s irrationality and emotion above, some still have a way to go.
I admit, I don’t take the shortest route to make a point so let me try.
What’s done is done.
Admit what happened.
Admit what you have done to yourselves.
Think of the best way to save yourself.
That just might be to fight these bastards and get your civilisation back.
Not to spend countless hours here trying to justify what you did by keeping the bullshit flowing.
You did it.
It was meant to kill you, and is killing thousands and thousands already.
Our hospitals, as reported by thousands of nurses and doctors who would not take the jab are full of jab injured and dying.
You now….”covid related”.
Your only hope is an antidote of some sort.
Only the western world could pull off a miracle like that.
Reality acceptance is the only way to fight this.
If we haven’t got that we have nothing.
This is good example when you should be applying the cautionary principle.
and this cronkite.
Laughing is not permitted in the hermit kingdom.
Oh you mean the other hermit kingdom.
Carry on.
Say, Simon, have you ever used a GPS?
The system is only as accurate as it is – down to centimetres – because it takes into account time dilation as per Einstein’s theory.
Amazing, eh?
Awww shiiit.
This drama began from a you tube account called “Dr Dick and Balls”
The Quartering on “manliness” (sounds kinda fake and gay) instructor Jack Murphy blowing himself up.
I dunno what you want evidence for, Simy. You’re “discussing” quite a few topics.
Fare enough Bear. But I have low tolerance to emotional manipulation and repetitiveness that struth and others thrive on.
Also it been said before but worth saying again that you are facing life challenges with gusto and humour. This has been more valuable not just to me.
“No, now fuck off”
The vaxx wasn’t available to me in March. I can’t even recall my position in March. I don’t think I took a position until June/ July and even then I think it was one where I supported its use for the elderly and those with the relevant comorbidities but not anyone else.
I said fear has nothing to do with forgoing the vaxx and I gave you an outline of that in my previous comment.
Where’s Annie?
We need some clarity with the Ghislaine Maxwell trial outcome.
Certain families will be covering their tracks and Annie always knew who they were.
Which vaccine, Struth? Or are you treating them all the same?
Simon is going to disappear into night and fog shortly.
Annie would be a voice of reason today. More pizza anyone?
Of course fear has something to do with not getting vaxxed. If you believed there was little to no risk, you would have taken it even if you thought it would offer little protection to you. You more or less outlined the reason, which is that it could reduce symptoms.
Those reasons you’re offering now, weren’t available when the vax was first introduced so lets not get stuck of exact dates.
That should alleviate the Australia-wide shortage of rapid antigen test kits.
Nice chatting, Simon.
Take care.
So much for the twist.
‘irrationality and emotion’
‘Don’t be so fucking insulting.’
Comments on this by Notafan?
What law did you practice? Tell me it was tax as that is the Lord’s work. I was pretty down on Neilson the reindeer until the other day when he said he practiced as a tax attorney. Tax attorneys, the cardinals of the legal profession.
Feds asleep at the wheel on that…again.
Imagine them managing a real pandemic.
Thankfully they don’t run any hospitals; the states are bad enough.
Who’s getting the booster?
Marching season begins soon.
We’ll know it was the Chinese when you can get a Rapid Antigen Test from Bunnings.
He sounds like you, wearing a religious tunic. You should wear same.
Here’s proof. Will you watch it.? This Dr has been right from March last year .
I don’t know…linking aether theory to disease is pretty out there.
But as Simon’s no longer around to respond I’ll leave it at that.
Nacht und Nebel?
You’ve just pegged his conspiracy meter.
JC – only ever did a couple of years. It looked like I wasn’t going to be well suited to it and went and did other things. Did a unit of tax law – pretty esoteric stuff. Couldn’t imagine ever being across it. You would never be short of work.
No. Unless he’s Anglo or Jewish and went to the top ivy league US medical schools, or Oxford and Cambridge, then I’m not freaking watching as he knows zero. He didn’t , so I’m not wasting my time.
Industrial Designer Compares the Shaper Origin to His DIY Gantry CNC Router
Given this, why would I take the vaxx? What rational assessment would lead me to say, Yes.
Even in the early days when there wasn’t as much information available, being very cautious of the vaccines was entirely rational.
An industry with a long and storied history of over promising and under delivering was saying that they “had it”, in record time with technology that they hadn’t previously managed to get working properly.
Looking back with hindsight we now have yet another instance of that industry over promising and under delivering.
Fucking arrogant pricks AGAIN.
I have a feeling he’ll be back. Some other time perhaps.
It has to do with the principle of the matter.
Bodily autonomy lost is freedom lost.
I don’t fear arsenic either, but I don’t spread it on my weet bix.
Then another sneer by JC claiming realists are religious zealots, because he has no argument and is , well, basically full of shit , trying to defend his stupidity.
Which all proves the point I am making here this morning.
The evidence that the jab will kill you is overwhelming .
Evidence this is a global coup d’etat is overwhelming.
Denying any of it is insane and done purposefully.
For what reason some are doing so needs to be exposed for what it is.
Hurt pride.
Of course fear has something to do with not getting vaxxed.
Getting a bit deep ……..! I’ve never feared getting jabbed ….. I just haven’t been interested cos I ain’t got & haven’t been sick with BAT FLU .. in fact I’m so disinterested in getting vaxxed I’m lost when I read about PCR, rapid antigen and whatever other descriptors are used .. I’ve NEVER QR-ed! .. tho, I do admit to wearing a face nappy ( I’m on my 2nd one in 2 years after an elastic broke on the 1st .. LOL!) simply because of the threat of fines .. NOT for HEALTH reasons …..
Turn 74 next week and feel better than I have dun in over 30 years .. all because of BAT FLU .. it forced me to spend a lot more time exercising (bike-riding) just to get out of the house during all the, bloody, lockdowns and now after 2 years I’m fitter & healthier than I was at 30 ……… LOL!
I thought disproving Einstein by asserting George Bush Snr assassinated the dysgenic Leprechaun was very inventive.
I had a tax entanglement which ended this year and went for 4.5 years of torture. I finally got out of it with a thank you for participating in the audit and being honest. You cannot believe the fees over this period. It was an absolute nightmare. Good lawyer though, really good.
Yeah. A lifetime of living with the common cold wasn’t a promising start.
My first thought when reading Indolent’s post was:
OK, is this the next step? With the vaunted PCR test no longer “appropriate” as deemed by the CDC and now being disused here as of midnight tomorrow, is the next step to invalidate the RAT as unreliable, so that there’s an excuse for more lockdowns and more severe restrictions due to “uncertainty” for want of a “reliable” test?
Putting together a few comments and shared snippets from various contributors here over the past days and weeks, it seems to me that while this omicron mutation should be the world’s ticket out of the mess, the ones driving this clown show will actually cling to their power and control even more firmly and nastily.
The politicians and CHOs seem to be like spoiled and petulant children angrily clinging to a bag of lollies they grabbed off the shelf at the supermarket checkout. They really don’t want this to end, don’t want to let go of their bag of lollies.
Calli is quite correct, and the prospect of what might fill that vacuum is concerning.
A lot now depends on how the media handle themselves. If they decide to do some serious investigative journalism, or even simply tell the truth, they have the influence on the public to tame the hysteria. But will they? Asking a serious question in a media conference is fine, but they must also pursue the answer, not merely accept the fob off from the politician or CHO.
No info? Just take the vax….you’d have to be a moron. If not you had succumbed to propaganda which made you a moron. welcome back those with the guts to admit it.
Put. The. Bong. Down. Bushkid.
Tax law is the real intersection of the law and the administrative State. Too many people with too many discretions. It has always been thus. And almost unavoidable in daily affairs.
If you live in Danistan you can’t be too careful .. thankfully your gummint is here to help .. LOL!
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Australia has 330k discouraged workers.
That’s about another 3% we can add to a more accurate measure of unemployment, excluding the underemployed.
In this light, property prices make no sense to me.
My comment repeated by Bushkid above can be read another way too.
Don’t think that propaganda exists only to be dispensed by government. It doesn’t. Fear and loathing can be used by others with their own barrow to push, equally palatable to the easily led. The internet is full of it.
Discernment and healthy scepticism seems to have flown out the window.
bla! You are one of the top two with the least respect to personal choices, Struth. Go do something constructive in the real world instead building melodramatic word walls to supplement your boring life.
Islam is not all bad.
Or this maybe?
Meanwhile, a Queensland council is deploying a shipping container for use as a “temporary morgue” for the anticipated coofageddon.
Palm Island, where covid meets the aboriginal industry in a handy opportunity to highlight their vulnerability. And they are vulnerable – the comorbidities there would sink the Queen Mary.
Perhaps more interest in their general health pre-covid would have been more productive.
Ladder advice from Foley.
He didn’t mention tennis elbow. I’ve got a bad case from climbing up and down the truck and bins in harvest. Left arm too.
And how lucky are we – we open up and along comes a mild version of the virus which grants immunity.
In response our political class orders a test and isolate regime, only they haven’t ordered enough tests or built extra capacity into pathology labs. So once again its government, not the virus, that threatens people’s livelihoods and the economy, not to mention the hospital systems.
But vaccines doses? We’ve got millions of them!
And on that note, back to wage war on weeds.
Even if I do perish from the vaxx, I’m taking the bloody nut grass with me.
Yeah, I know.
No bongs involved, but the media is a huge part of all of this. Shaping public opinion, fear and hysteria is their stock in trade, and it’s actually up to them, their responsibility it you like, to do what they must to turn things around and redeem themselves a little. Their perfidy is too deep for actual forgiveness.
Banning something only leads to a glut of people making a living from the process of banning.
It does nothing for the victims of the substance abusers.
All it does do is allow the victims an excuse to fob the responsibility for their victimhood onto someone else.
Let me rephrase my last comment so it aligns with my previous comments. Fear of an adverse event is a component of my rational assessment. Is that fear irrational? No, there is evidence of adverse events. Is the chance of an adverse event remote ? Yes, but as remote as hospitalization if I get COVID. Under this circumstance, it’s rational to forgo the vaxx. If someone judged the same situation differently I would not think their assessment was irrational.
I know they weren’t available in March but so what? We knew very little about the vaxxes then. But it remains the case that the vaxx was not available to people my age until August, IIRC, so I and others in that cohort could consider the matter with the info collected since March once the choice became practically available.
Not only does the B52 turn seventy next year, but the F15 turns 50.
I don’t think you get to murder others and claim personal choice to do so.
So kindly go fuck yourself bespoke.
You don’t offer anything and are useless to one and all.
Complying helps put others in the goolag….but hey, personal choice.
Bodily autonomy effects no others.
And I’m changing a water pump on my car in the real world as I type……..but coffee does need to be sipped as well, and often.
But you are right.
My life is boring.
Thanks to all the fuckers who complied with this shit enabling these tyrannical arseholes to stop me travelling the world and Australia as I used to do regularly.
And operating my own small business etc.
Glad to hear yours is so exciting?!
The unvaxed can still go ahead and change their mind, should the fear grow. The vaxxed are stuffed. My friends’ son has had pericarditis for four months now.
True, but it seems more like psychopathy to me. Amoral vs immoral.
My right arm these last two months has been clanking and clicking and seizing when I try to straighten it.
I think there is some loose cartilage in there.
A rebuild will have to wait.
Bestest and most hilarious headline for the day:
Grim message for Queensland residents as temporary morgue set up* (29 Dec)
We’re all going to diieee even before sea level rise drowns us all! Nine really hasn’t improved after the Fakefacts takeover.
* how the headline appears on the NBN Ncl local news website just now.
You only wear em out if you use them Arky.
Lots of pristine joints in the public service apart from those weight bearing.
Rationalism is not a prime human motivator that encourages action or even non action. Fear is one of the prime ones.
Don’t leave it too long.
Although I can understand the desire to avoid Victorian hospitals atm.
Also, I don’t get why you imply that you trusted the Oxford calculator. Didn’t the AZ come out of the same institution which told us their vax was safe?
It’s so cool in these parts I’m doing roast beef with Yorkshire pudding for dinner.
Graeme was desperate for his latest ‘gems’ of economical magical thinking to stay up on this site after being smote. Even though none of it made any sense, and he had lost all coherency after the first half hour.
It sounds like he only went full ham (by the sounds of things) this morning after everybody else turned up.
And as far as Struth’s carry-on this morning is concerned, it is almost as if Bird never left. What a terrible shame Struth couldn’t tolerate being called a c*** on the Furniture Store blog. The pair of them were having such a wonderful time together…
Hopefully not a Chinese one…
Got audited years ago, we were in a category that didn’t exist at the time and wanted to know all about us. They had a whole list of questions with menaces attached. A lot of it was to do with income splitting. Coz of the amount of money they wanted to know the details of each company we dealt with. The last entity listed was the ATO. Never heard from them again.
No point, Struth.
I can only understand 2 words out of five, and the video is too low resolution to read lips. There’s no CC.
This is an ongoing problem with Bit Chute, Rumble et al.
Until they deal with this issue, it’s not worthwhile going to their sites.
One of the tenets of theory involving networks is that to disrupt transmission you take out the high value nodes. Hence for STDs you target prostitutes and so on. Given that, it seems odd that the public transport systems were never shut down throughout the whole coof saga. Packed in like sardines twice a day on a sweaty train or bus with no moving air would have to be a superspreader event in the making.
Bruce indeed. Spotted just before Cali put up. News corpse kiddys not going to get their biblical rains or cyclone so back to COVID porn. Incidentally as Cali noted it is Palm Is and that place is stacked to gunwales full of comorbidities.
As a trader I hope you didn’t advise clients to buy stocks with the same due diligence you took the vaccine. I never took the vaccine because I was being rational, not out of fear.
We’re finally having three days of summer here, then it’s back to roast beef and Yorky weather.
Yep. If you’re unsure doing nothing is often the best cause of action. Unless you’ve got a half hour of news to fill that evening.
Course of action even.
As my old man used to say “Never believe a rumour until it’s officially denied”
UPDATE: Novak Djokovic has officially announced his withdrawal since time of publishing.
Tennis Australia has dismissed reports that Novak Djokovic has withdrawn from the ATP Cup in Sydney, insisting the World No.1 is still entered to play the season-opening event starting Saturday.
Strange that the issue being coercion to take a medical treatment has been turned into a slanging match as to people’s motives for taking or not taking it.
For those at high risk of Covid, equating to a maybe 1 in 50 chance of a nasty outcome if infected by a previous strain, and with an older immune system that doesn’t jack up as much in response to the vaxxes, taking a vaccine was a rational and valid choice. To what degree the individual experienced fear is irrelevant.
For a healthy, young individual not taking the vaccine was a rational choice. Or taking it because of unavoidable contact with the elderly was also a rational and valid decision at the time. And the degree to which the individual felt fear again irrelevant.
Where fear is relevant is the way it has been used in a relentless campaign by media, politicians and public servants to their own ends, with the result that people are at each other’s throats.
With omicron, hopefully more and more people will see with clarity thwarted has been done to us.
It’s highly, highly unlikely that a large portion of the vaccinated will have serious long term effects. Not impossible, just unlikely.
Yes, the vaccines have killed people. At least 11 confirmed as likely in Australia alone. I don’t believe that number exceeds 50, unless there is widespread manipulation of the data collection, which while possible requires evidence before making that assumption or estimating the magnitude.
Both vaccinated and unvaccinated should relax a little about the decisions they have made.
It’s unlikely that you, as an individual will suffer a consequence of that decision.
It’s unlikely that after omicron that governments will be able to continue discrimination against the unvaxxed for long, or institute lockdowns again. This is cold comfort to those who lost jobs due to mandates, but that was, again a rational decision for younger healthier people who didn’t want to take that risk.
The question is, and always was, how do we prevent public officials and the idiot politicians from doing this ever again?
It would be nice if everyone could put a line under two years of squabbling and finger pointing and direct their mental energies in that general direction.
Looks like summer will be back here on Sunday. For three days.
Yorkies and dumplings were the first things I learned to make thanks to my Gran. Looks like stew and dumplings will be getting a run too. I’m not complaining!
Spell check threw in a “thwarted there. Not sure why.
It is rational to want to be healthy; it’s not merely a desire/ passion. The idea that reason is the slave of the passions is Humean/ modern rot.
The North Korean way.
Perhaps those who were willingly vaxxed earlier in the year, twice, would be less inclined to be vaxxed, now, if they had not done so earlier, given the developments.
You only speak for yourself and why should care?
Dam! I thought I had a chance at poking fun at a typo until I looked it up.
ScoMo: ‘Volunteer for the vaccine and you will be a nice person!’
Me: “No.”
ScoMo: ‘If you don’t volunteer you would be allowed in a pub!’
Me: “No.”
ScoMo: ‘Ok if you are going to be like that and not volunteer you’ll lose your job.’
Me: “No.”
ScoMo: ‘You will have to pay medical expenses despite paying Medicare levy your whole life!’
Me: “No.”
ScoMo: ‘Ok, I’ll make it mandatory.’
Me: “No.”
ScoMo: ‘I’ll nuke Newcastle!!’
Me: “No.”
Embrace the power of “no”, it explodes pollie heads better than anything.
Bushkid, if my family experiences over the last week are anything to go by, then yes they are unreliable.
Two people got positive PCR results to covid, but had had multiple RATs saying negative, positive, and unreliable.
Farmer Gez & Arky, Curcumin 14,500 1 per day for those upper limbs, particularly joints. Half price at ChemistWarehouse at the mo. Wonderful stuff.
Is this a fair summary of last night’s to-and-fro on subsidies?
Oops, typo, ‘won’t be allowed in a pub’.
I blame the Cafe male butcherbird who recently learned to bang on my flyscreen to get my attention.
There really is only one way to do that – the various state public health emergency Acts need to be widely amended or repealed.
I rubbished the Federal response upthread, and rightly so, I believe, but if the Commonwealth had a decent pandemic plan it would make sense to have them lead the response rather than the states each doing their own thing. When Abbott was Health minister he actually oversaw the development of a fairly decent plan, so it is possible. The chief state responsibility should be delivering services on the ground, not each formulating and overseeing their own plan.
If there is a review of our covid response when the dust settles – and there must be – it should deliver recommendations along the lines of the above. This is imperative because one day we will face a real pandemic; that cannot be avoided, and we need to be better prepared.
I’m also quite confident that this year elections will take out two of the main architects of this shituation, that being Andrews and Morrison.
You’re alive!
Dude, where’s my car (industry)?
Arky – Andrews will romp home. He saved Victoria! ScoMo probably won’t, but Albo is quite capable of faceplanting so I’m not sure of that one.
When all the MSM is lefty the spin is relentless and powerful.