The Shishkin is glorious, thanks Dover.
The Shishkin is glorious, thanks Dover.
Or sold into slavery. Redheads are a prize.
Vikki Campion: In days past, banks had one job: Keep deposits safe while lending money to those who were creditworthy.…
The announcement that Yarden Bibas is being released today only consolidates the belief that Shiri, Ariel and Kfir are dead.
Allo. I shall say this only once.
Yet another independent study confirms over 150K Americans killed by the COVID vaccines
What’s that last one they’re saying, Indolent?
Consume moar product? 😉
A pharmacist, unable to address a woman’s concerns, is left feeling “totally inadequate” after being questioned about the safety of the COVID vaccine.
A decent human being whose mind is not closed to reason.
Defending a Coffe Shop against the Policve?
That’s arrant Fruitloopery.
Buy a stovetop expresso, a litre of cream and make your own No Carbs Lattes at home.
Can’t go to the pub?
Big deal, buy takeaways.
Non compliance ois the only wayn forward, don’t make yourself a target.
Nobody’s comments have impressed me more in the 7yrs I have been commenting on Catallaxy, than those of Tinta. Funny isn’t it how truth and light always shines through.
My best wishes to you and yours, Tinta at this time.
I have often prayed for you over the years and will continue to do so.
You are an unsung great of Catallaxy old and new.
Grigs, you’re not a rebel by choice.
You’re a reclusive shut-in because the rest of the world finds your obsessions with gypsum, flensing knives and Mummy’s tanned pelt creepy…
Depends on how good their donuts are.
Never get between a cop and a donut.
Oops, slight blockquote error. Oh well, gives me an excuse to put up this story.
Egypt breakthrough as ‘man-made chamber’ found after scan below Great Sphinx (24 Dec)
Ooh, I hope there’s bling. Lots of bling. And cat mummies.
No cops though, unless they like really old donuts.
I’ve been playing in the old sandpit by myself.
Just think Calli, a Feminist would say you got the raw end of the deal – you did all the work and did it for free. You could have been managing a multinational corporation and had servants to do all this stuff. Curse that Glass Ceiling!
However, the rest of us know who got the best deal – the intangibles are priceless for a reason.
Merry Christmas to everyone, and may the WZV die a cold, lonely, and miserable death in the New Year.
The ‘Great Scramble to Get Out of The Painted Corner’ picks up speed.
The term ‘sowing wind and reaping whirlwinds’ comes to mind.
Researchers Have Discovered an Exercise “Sweet Spot” To Reverse Cognitive Decline
In mice! The title is clickbait but the study highlights how important exercise is in generating growth hormone which in turn kicks up the production of new neurons in the major area of the human brain where that occurs. That region is often be where Alzheimer’s first becomes manifest and for all the hype about this or that nutrient being good for the brain, without the stimulation of growth hormone, and exercise is the best way to do that, dem dar nutrients aint gonna help ya much at all.
Growth hormone deficiency happens in humans, and GH very much declines with age. I need to learn about differences in GH production between aerobic and resistance training because I suspect the latter stimulates more GH production. That might be moot though because the sweet spot is probably just enough aerobic exercise each and every day to keep GH production plodding along.
For those who think taking GH supplements is a good idea a word of caution. Supra physiological levels of GH carry considerable risks including the possibility of accelerated cognitive decline. I read a fascinating study on that in 2005. They found a solution, a very carefully constructed diet that prevented the precipitous decline in cognition which enabled the genetically modified old mice to maintain cognitive performance far superior to the unmodified animals on the same diet. In the future, and undoubtedly some are already doing this, the approach will be growth hormone infusion together with the other strategies. That is a very promising approach. I’m off to the gym but first I’ll take some biloba because the terpenes are potent antioxidants with an excellent half life and biloba inhibits a key clotting factor that has also been implicated in driving white matter damage in the brain. (Do not take biloba if you are on any cardiac meds!)
From your China in Focus:
12:48 China creates state-run rare earth giant – This has been an issue for nearly three years and there has still been no move to use our own (the Wests) resources?
21:18 Well preserved baby dinosaur found inside egg – Great stuff – No chance of any dNA being recoverable, so no chance of Santa bringing us 2 meter carnivorous flying chickens in the near future.
Zulu, apparently this is spelt as follows :- “Rex Anger”
I suspect it might be part of one of Bernard Woolley’s irregular verbs…
My taste is fine, Rex’ taste in jokes excruciating, Rabz taste in music is irredeemably shit.
People have placed a lot of trust in Government in Australia.
Since Whitlam there’s been a Safety Net, no one really has to work if they don’t want to, that
atmosphere engenders Trust.
Here’s a 19 minute film about the Psychology and practice Rat Hunting, it’s been on SBS many times: [subtitled]
Just As Planned…
***Evil laughter intensifies***
You’ve worked for them for how long, Grigory?
Likely poisoned.
Merry Christmas
I don’t think I’m being to hard but seeing the treatment of covid is an exact science .
At 12.01 am on 24th Dec mask mandate applied NSW
Today NSW had 6288 cases more than before the mask mandates.
Proof masks don’t work.
I was catching up with the new thread by posting four consecutive comments in a row.
This screen came up.
*Winston presses Paranoia Button.*
One of them was a theory of the ‘comet’ Oumuamua being an Alien spacecraft that seeded a package of Ooga Booga Green Slime Dripping Nano Beasties to our planet.
So if Oumuoma passed within 41,289,012 Kilometers of the Earth on 8/8/2017 could this have been real?
Have I unwittingly brought our Gestating Lizard Overlords down on our heads?
If so, sorry.
“I welcome our new Lizard Overlords and can offer my services collecting slaves for their radioactive gypsum mines, and nubile young wymminses for creating new miners when the current lot kark it.”
Asking one of these kiddies about wind turbines always works.
Vegan activist compares Christmas lunch to the Holocaust, screams at shoppers buying meats (25 Dec)
Yeah, yeah, lady, have you tried thinking about what exactly Jesus did? And was did to? Might broaden your mind a little.
Swimming against the tide (The Hun):
Firstly, Ms Peterson is in all likelihood a solid 7. Difficult to rate effectively, as she was masked up, and the pig’s head she was carrying obscured the rig somewhat.
Secondly, Peterson is wearing makeup – including the current ‘texta your eyebrows on’ arrangement*. I wonder if she’s aware of how makeup’s tested prior to use on people (wiki):
1400 bunnies and guinea pigs die for each ingredient. Clearly, Peterson is an animal-holocausting supporter.
*That little faux pas cost her half a point, at least. Potentially an 8.0 gone begging, and it’s all her own fault.
Ah geez Bruce.
Snappity snap snap.
The hidden message in the Trashmen’s song!
And the Come and See the Real Thing song
The Izzard Peepulz are real!
(And they know all about the proper use of flags)
No, the barnyard animal apocalypse would begin when idiots like this got their way and farm animals were outlawed and culled and thrown into pits.
And it would initiate a wild animal apocalypse as many many acres of new land would have to be converted to farmland to try to eke out enough protein from bloody spuds to keep people fed.
It would then turn into a human apocalypse when those efforts fail dismally. The silly sow.
This waste of space turned up at the cattle judging at the Perth Royal Show, waving a sign and screaming her tits off. One of the cow farmers there grabbed her by the scruff of the neck, and the seat of her pants, and threw her over the fence. Perth coppers say they won’t be charging him, and she is now complaining that she is entitled to the protection of the law…
An easy 11 on the other axis but.
Rare I get to gazump you KD!
Much fun a few ks up the road from the Cafe this morning. At least three plod cars and a fire engine at 7am when I went past on morning treadle. Big water pipe burst right in the middle of the main drag just in front of Bunnings. Pressure nearly nil at Cafe Bruce and great rivers going in every direction including across treadly path. Why do water mains burst on Christmas Day? I got wet feet and they got lots of overtime!
I had visions of frustrated Callis all over Lake Macquarie trying to do the Christmas washing up, but things got sorted by about 11 am. Well done Hunter Water peoples.
That doesn’t tally with any understanding of animal slaughter, butchery and ham preparation I know of.
Stun/put the animal to sleep before slaughter, I get.
But a ham is a cured, uncooked meat. So burning from inside out is ridiculous.
Still, I will turn to the Cat’s resident expert for his input on the subject…
How do you prepare your
skinsuits’ extraneouscorpses for human consumption, Grigory?Undoubtedly.
Worth attempting, but – if it needed to be said – the usual precautions must apply:
1. Use a name close to your actual first name but not your first name;
2. Strictly a one-off. Going back to that well would be fraught with danger; and most importantly
3. Never, ever a home game. Away fixture only. Identify primary and secondary egress routes*. Pre-position wallet, keys, shades in the event a quick getaway becomes necessary.
Speaking of bunnies.
Volunteered to take two teenagers and two tweens to the creek for a paddle, a suitable period after lunch. Two and a half hours later, returned with knackered youth to find five adults all comfortably snoozing away the afternoon. I got five hours’ kip last night, at best.
Revenge planning has begun. Food poisoning (of the children belonging to the other adults – a strictly 12 hour arrangement designed for when said adults will be either sleeping, or on a return trip in the car) appears to be the odds-on favourite.
Daily Mail. Four years up the creek should teach Matvey where to p!ss, and where not to p!ss!
That reminds me of the year Ed got the Christmas ham and Mother mixed up. We still laugh about that one each year. Mother doesn’t see the funny side of it.
Hear hear!
So often, Tinta is the voice of reason, stating eloquently the views of many Cats. And her creative use of adjectives! She (and Rabz) are Cat Qualifier Masters.
That old rogue Dr Zahi Hawass make an appearance in that article of course. Egypt’s own self styled Indiana Jones who acts like the road crew between groupies and the band whenever there is something going on the press want access to.
Knuckle Dragger, Epsom salts if you can find them. Truly the lax of last resort, somewhat akin to the use of nuclear weapons for earth moving operations.
I’ve found the perfect compromise which will end the Truck Train Wars,
the Land Train.
That’s my Christmas gift to the Cat community, peace on earth and goodwill to all men.
(and ladies too)
Some worms are turning because they realise they have overreached. Others – Germany/Austria haven’t done so and are reverting to old habits by doubling down. When the people who have memories of the last time the bosses doubled down, and start dragging the pricks out their Ivory Towers and enacting Ceausescu Time 2.1 – perhaps the lesson will sink in.
Merry Christmas everyone
Tis the season for it.
H B Bear says:
December 25, 2021 at 6:54 pm
That reminds me of the year Ed got the Christmas ham and Mother mixed up. We still laugh about that one each year. Mother doesn’t see the funny side of it.
C’mon Bear – now you’re being ridiculous – Mother has been dead for years…
Mark from Melbourne – you really are a churlish unpleasant unfunny imbecile.
Which I’ve also had confirmed by a Cat who’s had the misfortune to have met you in person.
Sheesh. So much for peace joy and goodwill to all men, you irredeemable arsehole.
Visited God-daughter Number One, down from Cairns for the weekend.
The break even number on a Saturday, for the pub she works at, is $24k.
First Saturday of the double prick regime – took in only $18k.
The silly season won’t be a barrel of laughs.
Percentage-wise, how much of the time do you think we become aware of the affect we have on others? I was going to put forward 3%, but being slightly OCD, that’s an odd number, so I’ll have to round it down to a 2. Even though that feels slightly dishonest, because now there’s an extra numeral floating out there, unattached. Lonely. I feel responsible, because I cut it loose.
That’s another of those attributes that differentiate us from the remainder of the animal species (and machines, for that matter). Not the OCD, because I’m sure that giraffes have OCD (or maybe self-esteem issues. Same-same). I mean the ability and willingness to think about how we can influence the quality of life of others of our kind.
I started this comment with a purpose, which, somewhere along the way, has chosen catatonia as a convenient means of escaping having to spend time with me. Pffft. Like I care.
To Tinta and anyone else else who is presently struggling – Do your best to stick with us. We need you. All of you. Even the giraffe OCD bits.
Affect or effect?
Deadman will excoriate me for this.
Luckily it’s almost the end of the page and no-one will notice.
I’m sooo glad I didn’t bother to edit that comment.
Today while at one of the kiddie’s joints I had the joy of listening to carols on Spotify
They don’t have a subscription so the playlist was interspersed with ads.
I’m so grateful to have been gifted the following gem … which I generously re-gift to The Cat readership.
SeeGene – A healthier and happier tomorrow is closer than you think
my favorite part was when the saved the sick puppy
… when the(y) saved the sick puppy
if someone has an Edit Button they don’t need, that’d be great
Can I register my displeasure at the practice of renaming the Sydney to Hobart yachts each year. If you’ve got enough for a 100ft racing yacht you don’t really need whatever they pay for naming rights.
Ad hom and reductio ad Hitlerum!
Don’t be an idiot.
Nobody’s getting dragged out of palaces etc.
With masks back on I’m thinking the Melbourne new years celebrations got canned for a lot of venues. Going to really hurt those still operating.
But yeah, these people are totally not insane.
Earth to Ed – there are no “palaces” in this country.
Only people who know you can never have too much money have 100′ racing yachts.
One of the effects of closing Mental Institutions- madwomen in the streets.
Saw one the other day pushing a medium sized dog in a pram.
At least she wasn’t screaming at anybody.
Ad ham surely?
Vlad is very sensitive.
Russia fights another cold war with the West while sabotaging itself at home (16 Dec)
Putin rues Soviet collapse as demise of ‘historical Russia’ (12 Dec)
Caesar wants his Empire back. Listen to slave in the back seat of your chariot, kiddo, he has wisdom.
Ed, they will be dragged flailing and squealing out of their McMansions (paid for with chinese commie dosh) however.
If such an unpleasant and regrettable scenario might happen to upset you, stiff shit.
I’ll try and make it as righteous a spectacle as possible.
The first truly Christmassy comment. Nothing like a fight over Christmas dinner.
You have brought the joy of Christmas to an old misanthropist’s heart.
At one stage, I ended up staying for a few days at the CYCA. Snooping around those super maxis you don’t get a lot for your money.
Anthro – I’ll tolerate (and might even joke about) unprovoked abuse once, but when it’s twice in less than 24 hours, that’s just trying to get a rise.
Well, surprise surprise, the f*cking moron got one.
And yeah, sorry for harshing everyone’s vibe.
It has been a “trying” year.
You’re just being silly now.
Perhaps it woulkd be wiser if you stuck to being a boring YouTuber?
I’ll bet it’s got a glass ceiling
Big name restaurateur in Adelaide is closing 5-6 of his restaurants.
Doesn’t expect to reopen them.
Tough business even in good times.
Ed, given you’re not in danger of being anything other than a drooling cretin, you might want to remain in your own dubious lane.
I noticed. Nouns and verbs.
The difference is measured in units of alcohol.
Since Mr Ed is here, it’s worth mentioning that his efforts at historically based novel writing yesterday didn’t even come up to Peter Fitzsimian standard.
I went through the CBD last saturday night, I’ve never seen it so dead. Swear you could’ve got a park on king st about 8:30 or so.
Been telling people this whole opening up and people will flood back is optimistic at best. Far too many have seen footage of Australia going full jackboot. I’d expect tourism from overseas to take a big hit for years, probably international students too.
I’d expect a hard few years ahead.
Rabz, you are by no means the only one to be fantasising about a ruthless purge. Sadly, there is much less ruth in the country these days.
OK – not here to get dragged into tiresome online slanging matches with the most useless carbon based lifeforms to have existed in the history of the universe.
On a parting note, ask someone capable of doing so to read you the story of Pavlov and his dogs, you monumental f*ckwits.
Oh – and do feel free to enjoy your digital passports with your cockroach gruel. Funnily enough, I won’t be joining you – until my B52 flies overhead, audible as it will be in Kampuchea. 🙂
Rex Anger:
Shoosh, Rex. I’m trying to give the planets hypochondriacs and nutters something to get hysterical about for the New Year.
You need more gravitas.
It will be entertaining.
“When in danger,
When in doubt,
Run in circles,
Scream and shout!”
Opening Up is code for massive Third World immigration, in my opinion.
Australia is now an Oligarchy, John Howard did the groundwork starting 25 years ago.
Australia is a bureaucracy. Has been growing in size and power for fifty years. And the bureaucrats are both ignorant and unintelligent. And too ignorant and unintelligent to notice.
Drove into Babylon thismo for a breakfast christmas thingy.
Went up Blackburn Rd where it crosses Wellington Rd.
I dunno Clayton, Nottinghill?
The polis had Welly Rd under management and the queue for covid testing was about 1km long
Apparently this was repeated all across Melb
The measured response to this overwhelming demand from our Govs?
shut it down.
tell em to bugger off
make em wait.
Seriously? Who’s doing a test on Chrissy Day?
does anybody think that the army of couriers, PCR machine-wranglers, contract tracers, and SMS senders are loaded up and doing overtime for penalty rates?
Ho, ‘ken Ho
Australia was a Bureaucracy, from abot 1925 to say 2000.
Howard transformed that into an Oligarchy, where there’s a few giant players in each industry and a lot of minnows.
The minnows are now getting wiped out.
Ed, have another look in your xmas stocking. There might be one more clue right at the bottom
This is incorrect. They are saving the cockroaches for milking. Five times more nutritious than cow milk with negligible carbon footprint. It will be some other form of bug but in a white sauce.
The Way That You Want.
Lyrically unambitious, but there’s the cowgirl hat.
Mate was telling me about the absolute cluster that’s access from the western side. West gate fwy down to one lane, most other routes have roadworks, tunnel supposed to be operating to take the load off but clearly isn’t.
As I keep reminding him, GOLD STANDARD!
p.s Clayton according to google maps.
but is it better than Badger Milk?
The students will be back (and the government is counting on it).
We were never getting the really bright ones, who go to US, UK & Canada.
And no matter how bad things get here, it still looks like paradise if you’re sitting in Peking, Bombay or Harare.
The election rolls along.
12 Months of Cover-ups – For over 12 months, the Georgia SOS and Fulton County have consistently prevented Georgians from inspecting ballots from the November 2020 election or taking server image copies to forensic analysis.
List follows.
Your poem about Babylon. Doesn’t seem to scan.
Is it the lyrics to something?
Even with the drugs kicking in I can’t get it scanning.
For me
Is poetry.
Liberland is chugging along.
I highly doubt they will have mask and vaccine mandates.
About those shepherds I heard about last night, the two of them, minding their flocks by night. Had not realised that this was done, that the sheep needed to be watched and protected, literally, overnight. So the first to hear the good news and to see the wonder of the star in the night was a couple of shepherds on duty, not the ones asleep.
Good lord.
Imagine running interference for the administrative state on the happiest, perhaps holiest day of the year.
The absolute state of baizuo bugmen.
They can do things with their mouths that are quite hypnotic really. Especially the two girls.
Why Are So Many People Going Blind After Getting the Covid-19 Vaccine?
I get the feeling that you think I may have been joking about the roach milking. Au contraire.
“Russian teenager is jailed for FOUR YEARS for urinating on memorial to World War Two hero and posting the video on the internet”
The Russians know and value their history and they don’t take kindly to anyone disrespecting and pissing on those who helped to defend the motherland.
Here the teenager would be celebrated by Labor left, the Greens, the MSM and social media sewers.
Christmas Day isn’t the Holiest Day of the year.
It wasn’t even a holiday in Scotland until 1958.
a new frontier … all this for as far as you can see will one day feed the cuntry
… gonna start me a cockroach ranch
Merry Christmas Everyone!
All the kids overfed, overtoyed, overtired and now finally asleep!
A wonderful COVID BS free Christmas, Little Blokes best mate and his family joining us helped make the day a really great one. Very Blessed.
Top toy for six year old boys (and everyone else!), remote control bumper cars, if you hit the other car on the side the driver is ejected with sound effects. Nice industrial design and they survived a good few hours of constant use.
A bit like Ed’s ejection from each daily debate.
On this important day, isn’t it best to let Baygons be Baygons?
er my gawd, caught in another covid scandal
concerned SMS before tomorrow please, it’s best
dont panic, of course there’s nothing my kids can’t handle
make us all safe with a rapid antigen test
(is that any better Miss?)
That would be Brisbane I believe.
Someone sent me a funny WhatsApp message. Let’s go Brandon becomes ” Rets go Blandon” on the Pho King Chinese restaurant sign.
The Berlin Airlift was an incredible logistical achievement.
Brilliant. Up there with the famous Israeli poet Rabbi Burnes.
the funniest part, and I’m not even joking
where to start … the fuck are they smoking?
… I blame the gin
Rabbi Burns
I don’t much care for those who imprison teenagers for being ‘disrespectful’ history, for that history might be one that is suspect. Much prefer alternatives.
Is logistical even a word?
Say rather “incredible logistics achievement”
Or better still “incredible achievement in logistics”
A poetry recital
Should be the title
Of the Christmas Day Thread
For all the well fed.
“I don’t much care for those who imprison teenagers for being ‘disrespectful’ history, for that history might be one that is suspect. Much prefer alternatives.”
I don’t much care for those who laud adolescents for urinating on war memorials. The fact is that around twenty-two million Russians, both military and civilian, died during the war against Germany in World War II. Now that isn’t “suspect”, it’s a fact.
And what alternatives do you have in mind? For the teenager to be extolled or simply slapped on the wrist like what would happen here in Oz? Now I don’t think the teenager’s punishment warrants four years in prison but quite frankly I don’t think it’s a bad thing he’s being sent to goal. I doubt the teenager will urinate on any other memorial.
Thanks JC.
No no no, Winston.
The (parodised) First Litany of Command, as taught to all commanders and Morale Officers of the Imperial Guard (ht/ Sandy Davis and his Commissar Cain series for Games Workshop) goes as follows:
“When Beset by Deadly Danger,
When in Fear or Doubt.
Run around in circles,
Wave your arms and shout.”
Words to live by…
And Grigory needs to sit in the corner and drink his cockroach milk.
(Coincidentally, the last time I stepped on a Christmas Beetle without falling over and spraining my ankle, I am pretty sure their innards are whitish. Does that qualify as white sauce?)
The Australian MSM’s greatest unreported story:
The news media is the enemy of the people. Disgraceful.
Christmas Beetles.
If honky nuts could fly…
Shame that we were never asking for it, Grigory.
Now sit in the corner and eat your gypsum-coated Christmas Beetles. Try not to break your teeth- They are expensive.
There was a 70m long queue out front of Rosebud Hospital at the testing station at 10.45ish this morning. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
The so-called ‘news media’ are mercenaries, offering their services to whichever entity or cause can feed them according to their needs. If there is something in it for them, they can and will bite their present dog walker.
we saw another queue as we drove and the missus was scrutinizing them. as we waited at the lights.
She reckoned about 25% of those in the line were un-masked as well
It’s not just him – I’ll bet good money that it’s a long time before any other Russian, teenager or not, piddles on a war memorial..
I’m all for valuing heritage and for understanding the past.
Still, would much prefer that we don’t take on the practices of the Russian politicos and jailing those disrespectful of history. And I think the Russian jailers in question might be leftists and not to be emulated, no? As for pissing on war memorials, that was alleged to have occurred at the shrine protest in Melbourne. Shock horror. Needs must. After being virtually kettled. And then there is art, urinating as aesthetics, even religious or anti. And Duchamp. And so on.
It I’m sure we can trust Russian media not to be distorting the report like our’s do.
I mean, if you can’t trust the people who brought us Pravda, who can you trust?
In Sydney even female cops piss on War Memorials.
I blame their parents.
the russians jailed every one
or shot them
strange that this isn’t captured by art history
I’ve heard of trying to gain a reach advantage for when you have a particularly gnarly Billiards or Snooker shot, but I reckon 70m is a bit unwieldy…
canon shot?
Only if you’re aiming for a Pope…
Better get to Specsavers, Rex.
Western Australians might find themselves looking at four years up the creek, for p!zzing on the statue of Yagan – the Aboriginal warrior who led the “resistance” to the settlers…
Is a big stick, that you might beat that cheeky bastard Rex with.
70m long queue is a line of woefully misguided people who should not be out courting heat stroke for the sake of a head cold they may or may not actually have…
gawd this joint cracks me up.
dover, you legend
Now, I know I hit the whiskey after I posted the pun, but that fixup’s got me snookered faster than potting one too many on a hot day.
You’ve sunk me, Doverlord. 8-ball and everything.
I’m feeling thoroughly broken. And I wanna go home… 🙁
Happy Christmas.
Anyway, Good Health and Best Wishes to all You Lot.
I’ve got my Nant Single Malt (closest to Tasmania I’m liable to get in the next 12 months- Let’s Go Sneakers!) and some Dugite (lovely local drop) as backup.
Rexy, I clicked yr first youtube link and they gave me a paid advertisement.
omfg … apparently, your biggest problem is getting your hands on credit so that you can milke the capital gains and tax deduction.
that’s the only youtube paid ad I’ve ever watched.
best comedy evah!
shoulda been on the royal gala
Anyway, “Sliante ” to all on the Cat. Mine’s a large single malt, and I’ll see all you horrible mob tomorrow.
Been for a little Viet Christmas do.
Had a beer with the ladyboy who was in a melonchoy mood.
Couldn’t go to Perth as its flat is right near the gay bar cluster and it hasn’t had its jabs because liver failure is setting in.
An unusual end to Christmas Day
Damn- You get all the good ads.
All I seem to cop are adverts for pay later loansharks (albeit Rebel Wilson now makes them mildly more bearable until the ‘Skip Ad’ timeout hits), or Google This! Google That! Google Phone! Google-y!
Nothing a little discrete reorganisation couldn’t avoid.
Frank Sinatra – One For My Baby (Live At Royal Festival Hall / 1962)
Can we assume that Tom hasn’t sobered up yet? 😀
I’m as sober as a judge, Beaugy, though a little late with Sunday’s regular offering.
Week In Pictures.
His problem is that the states bordering Russia were part of the Soviet Union.
Russia ain’t no USSR, Putin.
…and those countries that booted your rotting corpse of a country out, know only too well what a vicious tyrant Russia can be.
Perhaps they may just realise the danger a strong Russia means to them and collect themselves into a NyetRussia Bloc.
Look at the map, Mr Putin. Could you defend against the the nations surrounding you without your nukes?
Thanks, Tom!
The Gateway Pundit was also first to reveal that Ruby Freeman was caught on video shoving stacks of ballots through the voting machines numerous times late at night after all of the election observers were sent home.
3/10. To simplistic and intellectually lazy.
Trye harder!.
Hint: Start with the biological need to multiply.
Great video!
As the Government prepares the boosters, one wonders where from here?
Pfizer is useless, basically.
If they start kids off on this rubbish. they are insane.
The only conclusion that anyone can come to after Winston’s video and this link is that a substantial fraction of the population is insane, and that this has been concealed precovid by sheer conformity.
‘The man called the woman a Karen’
I know several people named Karen. All are very reasonable, logical people who live by mantras of common sense and reason.
Ah geez. No I don’t. They’re all maniacs.
Thank you Tom for the Week In Pictures, lots of laughs there and some screenshots to send to friends and relatives. Merry Christmastime to all the Cats and especially Dover and Tim.
Cracking video from Winston.
The gentleman’s responses were perfectly correct, in my view*. Sadly, the current idiocy has enabled a cohort of martyr Karens, who previously and deep down knew full well they were useless, to self-identify as guardians of Something.
*Obviously, a swift backhander to the chops would have prevented Karen from spitting on the gent, and even then she was escorted down the aisle with her teeth intact, but you can’t have everything.
Correction, Dover and Tom, not Tim (and I don’t even have a hangover).
Speaking of Karens, now we know how the Salem witch trials got going.
Merry Christmas .. even tho it’s Boxing Day still worth a HoHoHO .. LOL!
No doubt our medical experts will point to Germany and Austria as examples of how severe measures can reduce transmission of the new variant.
Closing their economy and imprisoning their population has worked according to data.
The one small problem with this approach is the virus is still there and isn’t going away. How long can they keep it up?
The holding your breath until you pass out solution.
Funny this mention of “Karen’s”. It was one of the very few references to “the situation” (AKA “the virus”) during our very wonderful Christmas Day at my daughter’s place.
This very probably was why it was so great a day. We were all grateful to be there. Husband & I were the only unvaccinated ( which we knew) but it was never mentioned. The only other reference was to the colds which my husband, granddaughter & grandson & an acquaintance of my daughter have.
Interesting speculation about the the inefficacy of vaccines &, more interestingly of the failure of both PCRs & Rapid Antigen tests in picking up Omicron – which we speculated was involved.
Grandson, whose jaw was broken in two places 6 weeks ago by coward punch from a thug, was able to eat Christmas dinner & now looks passably like the gorgeous young man he was. The best Christmas present of all.
Ezra Levant ?
Holy moly.
This study shows that after three months the vaccine effectiveness of Pfizer & Moderna against Omicron is actually negative. Pfizer customers are 76.5% more likely and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely to be infected than unvaxxed people.
Or the ‘stay in the holding pattern to avoid the dangers of landing’ solution.
‘Israel could be completely unprotected against COVID-19 in a month’ – report
This wasn’t a bad Berlin Airlift movie:
A few actors and the rest serving USAF folk.
Good moaning everyone.
An excellent article from The Speccie for your breakfast reading.
They’re all female, so what do you expect?
That only works until you run out of fuel, then you crash.
Hey- remember that time when a bunch of clowns ramped up the bullying to 11 against a Cat (Neil?) over a guy who was no longer in the Australian team and swallowed each and every one of Googlrey’s trolls to keep the topic alive, but then outright ignored the fact that their guy (who is still in the team) has the worst average of any Australian opener with more than 20 innings since 18 (yes 18) 93?
Parochial clowns.
I’ll never be able to watch a medical TV show and enjoy it.
The Hun:
‘Ashes legend and former England captain Ray Illingworth, who led his nation to a win on Australian soil in seventies, has lost his battle to cancer.’
Leaving aside the horrible grammar in that alleged sentence, Illingworth was 89.
I would suggest he had a monumental victory over cancer.
James Kildare, eh?
What’s Ben Casey’s opimion?
There’s a aggregate site that collects military stories. One of the recent ones was a commenter talking about growing up in Soviet Russia. He was saying about asking why all the adult men were sad all the time, and being told they were sad because everyone they knew had died. Fathers, brothers, uncles, entire inter war generations of men didn’t exist by the end of WW2.
I can understand jailing someone for years like that.
‘ramped up the bullying’
Ahahahaaaa haha. Ha.
Listen up misery guts. There was no ‘their guy’ because Pucovski didn’t get a look in after his one Test due to a buggered shoulder, after which he was concussed again. Now it wouldn’t surprise me if Pucovski never plays in the baggy green at any future point.
If you’re referring to Harris, he was widely discussed here as a second option to Pucovski. Mind you, there are 67 year old deros living under bridges that would do a better job at number 1 or 2 than ‘your guy’, who is a very decent cricket but NOT a Test opener. As has been been amply demonstrated over time. Five times, in fact.
If Harris fails, Bryce Street or Henry Hunt are next up, with Jimmy Seymour as an extreme smoky.
You gigantic sniping sook.
*decent cricketer*
Those last two letters fell off the original post. Just like Burns’ head used to fall off its line to the off side, exposing a huge front pad.
Robert Malone argues that we are in a full on war against a globalised financial system in which Big Tech, Big Pharma and other major financial institutions have coupled with Big Media & world wide governments.
He warns that we are being currently outgunned and says we are in the fight of our lives to prevent the nation state from succumbing to centralised global totalitarianism.
I think he is right. But although we appear to be outgunned presently, we have one weapon that is a stunner – the internet. With this unprecedented ability to reach all peoples around the world, to know what is happening, to apply the lessons others have learned, we CAN contest this battle effectively. Yes, they are de-platforming our foremost combatants on Twitter & Facebook etc. But they are quickly adopting other weapons of communication on social media.
We DO have the weapons, and we must never give up the fight.
Lotza the ABC news kiddies must be on hols .. my home page is the MSN news & glancing at the ABC news front page half the stories are the, exact, same as MSN .. they haven’t even bothered to alter the headings ……
yet the gummint wants to pursue the vote-herd for cash -in-hand moolah .. LOL!
WiP very funny this week.
Thanks for posting, Tom.
Russians are only taught about the Great Patriotic War from the POV of their immense sacrifices and heroic victories. Nothing about the appalling raping and the pillaging that went on as the Red Army advanced west towards Berlin. The drunken debauchery they inflicted on civilians all accross eastern Europe is all denied and washed away. That look of sadness may also contain a little guilt.
Today, it’s common for summer wedding photos to be taken in front of the many WW2 monuments (great yuuuge sculptures in Russian town and city centres within acres of parkland). I’ve seen queues of several wedding groups lining up for the magic photo shoot in the sunshine in front of theses structures. The Russian memory of WW2 is very dear to many still, so pissed or not it was a brave yet very stupid lad that decided to take a leak on that monument.
New York Covid Detention Bill Is REAL, Governor Could Detain ANYONE
Timcast IRL
1.18M subscribers
Tim, Luke, and Lydia join the guys from Fresh & Fit Podcast, Myron & Walter, to break down the insane New York laws that open the doors for so much authoritarianism.
We have been brutalized, incarcerated, bullied, harassed, many financially ruined and callously punished – all in the name of “protecting” our public health system. The same system our appalling Govts plough BILLIONS every year into, from our pockets. We have paid through the fkg nose for our public Health system and when now they claim it’s desperately needed, we find it’s so “fragile” , these governing c***s don’t hesitate to turn tyrant on us. What it’s all shown me is that these edifices of Govt incompetency are flourishing havens of fat wage parasites.
professional human drug testers (YES THERE ARE SUCH PEOPLE), used to hold the Australian system way above anywhere in the world, including the US.
Yeah, joining these Marches could be a trap.
Government identifies the non compliant at it’s leisure, then it’s off to the Gulag if you’re lucky.
Reading about the PROMIS software, sold to Guatemala [and many other Countries, including Australia & New Zealand] in the 1980s.
They rounded up 20,000 dissidents there who were never seen again.
I few years ago Helen wrote a about how she respected and preserved the memory of her husband’s dead wife.
I thought it very moving and selfless.
For those who watch Yellowstone:
‘In a world full of Karen’s, be a Beth.’
The only problem with that, given Winston’s video, is what Beth would have done differently to Karen!
Merry Christmas to everyone- hope you had a great day yesterday.
Mak Siccar says:
December 26, 2021 at 8:10 am
From the Spectator article:
This is the kind of thinking that enables sociopaths, psychopaths and persons that may be one of/ both the former to steer the sheep around them. Factitious disorder imposed on another ( Munchausen’s by-proxy) is another associated “co-morbidity” in these types that enjoy and derive self-worth via misrepresenting the illness, injury, misfortune and death of others in their process of co-opting the opinion as well as actions of others to further personal pathological causes.
Particularly of note for what is seen around the social forum, at least in my experience and promoted by msm, is the application of the above individual traits and behaviours to the corona context. It seems not unusual to note idiots framing the death of others as part of a fictitious narrative – the tragedy of the “fool(s)” that would not listen to (consensus) reason. The feigned facial expressions of regret and painfully asynchronous/ interdigitated shaking of the head with that mostly hidden glinting, trained and stationary eyes, the look of a nutter carefully observing for an emotive response in the subject. Much like a confidence artist/ pathological liar.
A personal transpositional example of this functional concept previously utilised is how all my relatives refer to my grandfather drinking himself to death. Though I never met the guy, Bullshit! Yes he died young of liver cancer, though during the era: 1960-70’s I believe that particular cause of death was common in fruit and horticulture operations/farming. Similar thing with cotton growers in the 80’s-90’s (Dieldrin). Dread the thought all those deaths may be related to DDT/ organochlorines. Couldn’t possibly be – all these blokes spraying it all and every day, getting soaked in and respiring the stuff. Look- the packet say’s it’s safe! Poor old hard working forebears/ ancestors, drank so much to cope with the incredibly hard work!
sorry, one finger typing caps lock fail
Yeah, Apple and Grape growers used chemicals with Lead as the active ingredient right up into the 1970s.
Lead remains in the soil, the only responsible solution is to bulldoze the Orchard/Vineyard and grow annual crops that fruit above ground.
seems gab is broken atm; any other major sites down.
are you saying they should stop grape mining?
Not to be constrained in the field of wrongology, Prof van Wrongselen borrows a page from the Cat’s own mutton king and pens a column on why the mask mandate is a good idea in Teh Weekend Paywallian..
“The crew is 100 percent immunized and all COVID-19 positive Sailors are isolated on board and away from other crew members. A portion of those infected have exhibited mild symptoms. The vaccine continues to demonstrate effectiveness against serious illness.”
It is a good idea.
If ideology over common sense is the main game.
Had a good laugh during the week watching SBS news. The lovely Janice Petersen had to deliver a correction to an earlier bulletin, about the daily tally of covid cases in some Australian jurisidiction: “We incorrectly stated the number was 300. The correct number was…3“. Wish I had it on video.
Lot of heart trouble coincidences these days Croatia mourns 23 yo footballer.
“But Prof you’re not that sort of doctor.”
Sorry. Wrong link.
Story here.
Morn all… Bwahahahaha from my visit up that way early in the year and dispatches about the crime wave that even caught up one of the magistrates this is duly deserved. They had the chance 2yr ago to rid themselves of 3 useless state members and re=elected the lot. Stockholm Syndrome anyone.
One family member is baulking at a proposed road trip to Sydney because Sydney is covid and Melbourne is not, apparently.
And that despite being double vaxxed and not high risk.
not such a gay old time