Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
Well, her mouth pursed up bigtime and her expresson and body language said she was Not Happy. Miranda was excellent,…
The Brittany Blob rolls on with Mrs Pirate lodging further filings associated with her appeal. Will be interesting to see…
https://youtu.be/R0Iv28yYMCc?si=RYzBNGj2PqgTA5W0 enjoy this Mozart and Mendelson are the greatest
facing a litany of charges including numerous counts of sexual activity directed at another person. Rather an odd charge given…
Blot called JD ‘an idiot’. Should be replayed in years to come.
‘bern and Old Bloke.
Surely it goes like this:-
– Classified as unvaxxed until jab 1 plus 14 days.
– Classified as single vaxxed until jab 2 plus 14 days.
– Classified as double vaxxed until booster plus 14 days.
Surely they don’t drop you from double vaxxed to unvaxxed for 14 days after your booster?
About 90% of Australians would be just fine with that. They don’t want freedom and responsibility for their own circumstances, they just want a tolerable master and being able to whinge.
So much for the crocodile Dundee myth.
Interested to know how the ‘about 90%’ figure was arrived at.
Surely they don’t drop you from double vaxxed to unvaxxed for 14 days after your booster?
From my reading of the reporting of the CMO’s statements, they now are saying the non-boosted are not fully vaxxed.
Which to the punters they are thinking they are single jabbed.
Deliberately misleading.
90% of the population, you wouldn’t feed.
9% are striving for enlightenment.
1% enlightened.
OK, so they’re “monitoring”….
Does that mean they’re actually doing anything about curbing the damage and deaths, or are they “monitoring” as in just standing by and watching it all happen?
I have a mental image of the denizens of the TGA standing there, hands deep in pockets, hat tipped back on their heads, rocking back onto their heels now and then, whistling as they watch the number of jab injuries rise. Maybe they might give an occasional bit of a scratch to their heads, or have a suspicions rummage in those deep pockets, but do anything constructive? Nah. Not their problem, not their liability, no real concern at all.
What’s your methodology?
Wouldn’t bet the ranch on that one.
Social media & morning TV.
& a little bit of the Project mixed in.
with just a pinch of TikTok.
“He is a fat fascist asthmatic meglomaniac psychopath pig.”
So a career politician then?
Listening to that idiot, Tom Elliott again on 3AW. He’s already arguing for mandatory vaccination of 11 and under, for the same reasons he did 12 and over, because getting vaxxed would lead to freedom, and yet, this utter moron can’t see that what he argued only 3 months ago has not happened. He also makes the manifestly wrong argument that double vaxxed don’t get sick. This is incredible.
But if you are double vaxed and then neglect to get your booster in the required time period then you would be classified as unvaccinated?
Yup. That slipped out at one of the recent press conferences.
– Classified as unvaxxed until jab 1 plus 14 days. [21 days]
– Classified as single vaxxed until jab 2 plus 14 days.
– Classified as double vaxxed until booster plus 14 days.
This is why the “public health” Borg is deliberately understating the myocarditis incidences.
It’s pure evil what is being done to children.
I’d very much like to know if there has in fact been any risk/benefit analysis carried out with these jabs.
I mean, has anyone at the TGA or ATAGI or any other supposedly responsible body actually assessed the known jab injuries and deaths to date (even only those officially admitted to) versus the supposed benefits of “saving just one life” or even several lives.
The long-term effects of injury to the heart of young men and boys alone should be causing the TGA, ATAGI, CHOs, “health” ministers, premiers and the podgy inhabitant of The Lodge to pause the roll out of these jabs that really do not seem to be doing much good at all for anyone.
Any sane, sensible person who genuinely did have a care for the health and wellbeing of the population would be calling a halt to the rollout until a thorough analysis could be done, and they certainly wouldn’t be pushing to jab every last Australian – including, and especially, children.
So the arsehole is quite willing to place his own daughter on the sacrificial alter. No words.
Bushkid says:
January 17, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Any sane, sensible person who genuinely did have a care for the health and wellbeing of the population would be calling a halt to the rollout until a thorough analysis could be done, and they certainly wouldn’t be pushing to jab every last Australian – including, and especially, children.
Hahahaha. Jeez Bushkid, that’s funny. You could take that show on the road. 🙂 🙂
Figures from the US – 86% of which are entered by Doctors and health care professionals – are showing that roughly half of reported vaccine reactions occur within 48 hrs of injection. Of course, the figures would skew that way as the greater the delay, the easier it is to assume that it wasn’t the jab.
Even the CDC apparently accepts a figure of around 10,000 vaccine-related deaths in the US. Normally, 5 deaths would be enough to make warning labels mandatory and 50 would see the product banned.
“Rare”? ….. not compared with the number of deaths from other vaccines. I wouldn’t trust them as far as I can spit. These are the same medical authorities that have banned drugs with a better safety record than paracetemol, and denied my Doctor the right to be frank with me about the issues.
Meanwhile, current figures out of Canada suggest that if the hospitals are being “flooded”, it is by double-vaxxed 80 year-olds.
Interested to know how the ‘about 90%’ figure was arrived at.
Personally my estimate varies between 85% and 95% as a result of long observation. 90% is a good average and lines up with the numbers who lined up to take the shot.
That sounds an awful lot like a longitudinal study.
Shots were definitely fired in the weekend’s thread.
Fight or flight? Fight by flight? Or maybe comfortable existence by embracing the new “normal”?
Look at the first actions of the new Governor of Virginia, and ask yourself a question: is it even remotely possible here at any level of government, and what do you think the reaction from the majority will be? That gives you an idea of how far gone Australia is. What do you think can be done to change this? I don’t see any solutions apart from a “reverse” march through the institutions. What did it take the Left to do it – about 50-60 years?
I tried doing what I thought was right: supported IPA (still do), joined AC and was letterboxing and handing out hot-to-vote cards (btw, I think their terrible result was not because Cory made some big mistakes, but because the majority has moved on from the ideals of limited government, and personal responsibility and independence), went to the last year’s protests, refuse to get injected. Not sure what else I can do. The last two years made the rot in the society glaringly obvious. I used to explain to Aussies (while sporting huge rose-coloured glasses) the difference in mentality between Russia and Australia – only in Russia, I used to say, there is a folklore saying “The fact that my cow has died is not as bad as the fact that neighbour’s cow is still alive”. I don’t think so anymore. I think people are the same everywhere. It’s just their living environment/conditions/pressures reveal certain sides of their character (or lack thereof) and of human nature in general. Being young and naïve is the only excuse I have for thinking otherwise.
And yes, the grass is not always greener, but it can be sometimes. It was here for us, but, first gradually, and in the last two years significantly more intensely the manicured green lawn of Australia started to get some yellow patches, weeds and suspicious holes in the ground.
Currently, I’m not looking where the grass is greener, but maybe where it’s taller, hoping that this current madness if not ends, then at least subsides somewhat. I hope they leave our kids alone. We’ll see. “The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.” I do what I can, but the result might be not what I expect. And that gives me some hope. Things might change. The truth will out. Economy will fail (only joking… hopefully). “My future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades”.
We lived in Melbourne since coming here, but I’m not really sure regional areas or other states are that much different. The only time I was aggressively pursued by an IGA shop assistant for not wearing a mask was outside of Melbourne metro in 2020, and it wasn’t in Daylesford. The other day I travelled to Kilmore and there are more people wearing masks outside than where we live. I hope I’m wrong about this due to my limited experience, because we are looking at moving interstate as one of the options.
Now to the travel exemption situation.
Three months or not, without my father’s death certificate (and a favourable timing – I got a different reviewing officer when I strategically applied between Christmas and NY), I don’t think I’d get the travel exemptions. Saying that I got it in the end and that proves that the system is working is not good enough. Screw this system. Taking into account 14 days self-financed hotel quarantine (that should be fun – locked in the same room with four kids, while trying to work), the only reason for travel exemptions is to put even more pressure on the un-injected. BTW, Kazakhstan just cancelled 7-days home-based quarantine for international travelers, despite declaring the city I’m planning to travel to a “Red zone”. This comes with a limitation like (shock! horror!) “30% density limits in the cinemas”.
Another fun fact – the curfew set after the recent riots, where people were killed, starts at 11pm. I remember when we were not allowed to leave our home after 8pm because of seven cases of Wu-Flu. I’m not saying this to tell that KZ is a better place than AUS, far from it, just pointing out the fact that Australia seems to be particularly scared for some weird reason. Spain is looking to “downgrade” Corona to seasonal flu status, Mexico removed almost all covid-related restrictions, Japan cancelled the mandates. I think travelling to a place like this for some time is a good option, if it works for you, when the alternative is allowing your kids or even yourself to be injected with potentially life-changing medication for no good reason and to take a part in a medical apartheid or, as someone infamous said, “vaccinated” economy (how’s that going btw?).
It is possible to stay out of the system here, but it is much more difficult in my opinion, especially if you have kids. And you don’t get to travel.
Avi with a good summary on why Novak was deported; 5 minutes on Fox:
by ‘lead to freedom’ he isn’t pleading or even arguing … he’s telling.
some are more vaxxed than others
This won’t happen, but there is a genuine solution on the data side of jabbed/non-jabbed/hospitalisations.
All jabs are recorded against your Medicare number.
Even if you don’t actually have a card, you have a number.
If you turn up to an emergency room, even if you aren’t admitted, they will allocate your visit to your Medicare number.
If you are admitted & then ICU/ventilated that all is captured (and your progression through that process).
All the data is there for anyone presenting themselves at an ER.
It isn’t even a case of the states doing it.
The federal government could release that data with minimal effort.
You would be able to compare state by state, hospital by hospital.
And how long after each jab (one, two or three at this stage) each punter showed up.
You know damned well that it hasn’t.
Firstly, they have been counting everyone with a positive test as a “case” despite this being contrary to the medical definition that a case requires symptoms.
Secondly, they have been counting everyone who dies with C19 in them, as a “Covid Death”.
If they counted Vaccine deaths the same way, then vaccine-deaths would outnumber Covid deaths. They have not done an honest comparison.
Secondly, patients with symptoms listed as side-effects of the jab AND with no prior history or alternative probable cause, are not being listed as vaccine injuries, because no health-worker wants a reputation as an “anti-vaxxer”. One senior critical-care nurse reports having to chase down Doctors and insist that they sign the report form.
Thirdly, there is no systematic post-mortem assessment of those dying post-jab , in order to determine what is most likely to have killed them.
When an athlete, who is fit enough to climb the altitude-equivalent of Mt Everest in 24hr, collapses on the floor unable to breathe not two days after the jab, and the responding ambos refuse to accept that it “could” be a vaccine reaction…… don’t be surprised that the official version is that such things are “rare”.
Negligible risk, but the potential to prolong life.
Oh, you mean for the people actually jabbed, not political careers?
No, I don’t think anyone thought to look at that.
dover at 4:22.
I had forgotten about the lag and didn’t know what the time frames were.
Ignoring what you think of these vaxxes, some lag from the jab to optimum effectiveness is reasonable.
“Death mills”?
The death mills are the hospitals?
Thank you John of Melbourne.
You mentioned “coming here”. I assume Australia is “home” but you have contacts/family in another country. This aligns with many others considering leaving – they either have a spouse who was born elsewhere, or they were. They know what they are going to.
The ones who decide to go to a random country because it “looks free-er” might be in for a nasty shock.
The data capture in Australia is pretty incredible (& kind of scary).
The way it’s being presented is so antiquated.
Deliberately so.
The good news is that data isn’t going away.
The bad news is that none of the health nazis will let genuine, workable data into the public domain.
John of Mel.
Thanks for that.
I assume the “here” you refer to is Kazakhstan?
What HAS been done, is to compare vax rates with infection rates for every nation with reliable stats, and also every US State. As of Dec 2021, there was zero correlation between percentage of the population jabbed, and reduced numbers of cases.
Nor is there any correlation between lockdowns and reduced rates of infection.
All cost. Bugger-all behefit.
All the statistics are lacking context.
The only context that matters is how old are all these people in ICU.
They’re almost all 70 and if they’re younger, they’re at deaths door already for other reasons. Statistically “Covid” does not harm average young or middle aged people. It never did. Context missing #1.
So, old and vulnerable people can take a regime of experimental drugs which can make a marginal difference to their death rate for a respiratory virus.
News at 11.
The problem is the government is lying and keeping a hysteria going, and ginning up a mob against young healthy people who don’t want to take the drugs that they don’t need, because the government need the mob to believe that the last two years were an anomaly and the reason why they abandoned a century of pandemic response: protect the old and vulnerable, let everyone else go through the motions of catching, gaining immunity and putting downward pressure on a respiratory virus to become less potent – and did this all to us instead, was because they said these magical mRNA vaccines would “Stop The Spread”, and were going to work better than natural immunity.
Oh, and their shiny new biosecurity state beckoned, and they just couldn’t help themselves but have a taste of all that unlimited power that their recently hacked biosecurity and pandemic laws gave them. The public health apparatus presented a New Normal to them, a utopian new vision for a centrally controlled and regulated medical state where immune response and sickness is permanently regulated like the economy, and they fell in love with the idea immediately and ran with it.
It’s just lies, upon lies, upon lies.
John, please don’t take my comment as pumping you for information as to where you are going. If your exit is under review I don’t want any identifiers on this blog regardless of what we think is secure.
It was just a general observation of the type of people looking around at options.
Report him for vaccine disinformation.
“Only boosters prevent you getting sick!”
The data means what the Commissars say it means, Comrade….
Whatever is in the best interests of The Party.
How would it be possible without quantifying a number of unkowns?
Bullshit. None can make such an estimate. Both not vaxxing and vaxxing in terms of risk are both a walk in the dark and there could also be a cliff you hadn’t counted on.
The benefit of a proper data project like I’ve described is it takes all of the weasel words out.
Pure data.
and then for some reason everything just went really quiet … you coulda heard a pin drop
That was largely my point.
A glib “I’m outta here” doesn’t quite cut it.
John seems to have gone in with his eyes open and I am guessing that maybe he doesn’t have the linguistic and cultural barriers a lot of us might have.
Seriously, there is a world of difference between ordering pasta in an English speaking restaurant and doing something even as mundane as say, getting a plumber in to fix your broken hot water service.
rickw looks like he is taking a considered and rational approach as well.
It’s a huge step and, at the end of it, bureacratic and political stumbling blocks will be the least of your worries.
The last two weeks or so NSW Health has not been segregating covid infected patients away from other patients.
Given so many people on death’s door are now being treated in close proximity with people with the very infectious Omicron strain you have to wonder.
Because of the decision, Djokovic is excluded from Australia for 3 years.
So, what happens for the Australian Open 2023?
I’ve posted it before but I think it’s worth repeating.
QLD Health telling doctors:
If they think a post vaxx death is not vaxx related, go right ahead and issue the cause of death certificate.
If the answer to “Has the vaccine directly caused the death?” is “yes”, issue the certificate? Hold everything! The doctor should “seek advice” from the government.
Anyone relying on government stats to compare covid risk and vaxx risk has been well and truly gaslighted.
Yes, Bruce. Infection mills. A cynic might think they want to get the numbers up.
Or it’s just pure dumb.
Flip a coin.
Pardon my French 🙂
“Here”, “home” – is Australia. I haven’t left yet. Waiting to get the KZ visa. KZ doesn’t support dual citizenship, so when I got the Australian one, I lost the original.
Yes, almost all our relatives live in KZ. Some are in Germany, but that is not the place I’d go right now.
It will be moved to somewhere more deserving by then. SE Asia somewhere?
‘A’ for effort, Sancho but I doubt you’re going to make it.
Bzzzt…the lark chirps at dawn…bzzzzt…
I think I heard a ghostly click… 😀
Our government is trashing our reputation overseas.
I suspect idiot-grinning bobblehead toy, Morrison, is utterly unaware. His advisors will all be on Twatter, scouring 140 character messages from people who have no thoughts beyond 140 characters (long enough for slogan, too short for an point) and they would probably dismiss it for being on Fox (which Twatter will have persuaded them has an audience of 5 angry old white men with guns and their battered spouses).
Take away their misinformation and Morro has no information left.
I look forward to him becoming a real covid casualty – brought low by the mildest strain yet. He will likely stand at the podium trying to make sense of his loss. “But…but…why? I forced them to get injections. I forced the injections into their kids. How can they not love me?”
JC….. Just because you don’t know how to do it, doesn’t mean a damned thing. Not everyone is as ignorant and opinionated as you are.
There are whole industries based on risk comparison for varying conditions and strategies. It should be of little surprise that some of the first people raising red flags were in Life Insurance.
I’ve posted links previously, but it seems that your ego is too big to let you learn anything.
It will come under pressure, no doubt about that.
Babababa Bundy!
Welcome back!
This is the new Australian way.
If there is someone (or something) successful you nobble them to make them lose so the less talented can win.
Honestly, how much pride can the winner of the Australian open feel this year when they never had to face the person everyone else expects would have likely won. Not really the champion if you don’t beat the champ.
That’s possible. How about people dying at home? How many people have died at home because of the next to impossible situation with hospitals?
My 90% figure is a crude estimate based on counts of qr coders, mask wearers, and the gummint numbers of the multiply vaccinated. Some of the latter may have had good reason, but I’m inclined to think many more simply trusted that vaccines are good and both governments and big pharma are trustworthy. That’s a lot of gullibility right there. I’ll trust a vaccine or any new medical treatment about ten years after it’s been out and not always then.
Sancho, do you reserve your best zingers for Facebook? Should dedicated fans friend you there to enjoy the full experience?
Search for @therealfrankthring.
Tut tut.
That’s not very sciency.
Well you are more so that anyone here, so there’s that. That’s because you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, you loudmoth ignoramus. If one can’t quantify several unknown, it’s impossible to figure anything out.
Yes and what have they come up with? Do you know? If you do then present the evidence, but if you can’t STFU.
I haven’t seen your links, but I would presume they’re either bullshit or you haven’t understood the what they are saying. And that wouldn’t be the first time with you either.
Tell us what life insurance is both saying and doing or beg forgiveness for your insulting stupidity.
Yeah, I know. While this shit is stoking more anger – no, make that rage – in me than I have ever felt before, I do remain a bit of an optimist that somewhere, sometime, before they stuff the country completely and everyone in it, one of these brains trusts might wake up and stop the damage.
It does take a fair bit of optimism though.
As it stands, apart from the data from the vaccine roll out & the numbers of people who have died with/from COVID, it’s hard to genuinely rely on any of the data in Australia.
Or as the graffiti somewhere says: Beam me up Scotty, there’s no intelligent life down here.
I’m inclined to think many more simply trusted that vaccines are good and both governments and big pharma are trustworthy. That’s a lot of gullibility right there.
Agree there is way too much trust of government, big phama, tv and medicos out there.
PeterW says:
January 17, 2022 at 4:56 pm
I’d very much like to know if there has in fact been any risk/benefit analysis carried out with these jabs.
……All cost. Bugger-all benefit.
Given the past performance (cough cough) of Big Pharma and pollies/gov POS, I’m sure there are some big benefits going somewhere…
Oi! Speak for yourself!
Barnaby getting married again.
The trouble is though ‘bern, we have people citing numbers from a particular source.
When someone points out the qualifiers or additional context at that same source, we then get, “Well, those numbers are shit!”.
The obvious answer is, “Yes, they might be shit, but you were quoting them five minutes ago.”
Agree with Dover, Tom Elliot is an idiot. Almost like he’s reading the required script. Used to think he was ok. Now no more 3AW on the car radio.
I cannot believe this headline & story. Now the media (“The Australian”) are arguing that Djokovic is threatening the health of the planet!!!
How Djokovic’s Melbourne martyrdom threatens global health
This does seem an extraordinary sentence to write about a tennis player but with the dispute finally over and Novak Djokovic out of Australia, the issue now is about his long-term impact on world health.
Government Australia Day ad on radio mentioned honouring the people who have been here since the dawn of time.
Indigenasaurus Rex
I could indeed be out by as much as ten percent either way.
Your inability to do your homework does not amount to a failing on my part.
The nearest to an apology that you are going to get from me is “I’m sorry that you are such a fool”.
Here’s one little snippet of what has been coming across my feed for months… because I bother to look.
It’s an interesting correlation. Enough correlations build a case.
There is nothing wrong with trust, and being a trusting soul is not a crime.
It’s the object of misplaced trust that is in the wrong.
Yesterday I had a conversation with my parents that went along these lines – that we are in, essentially, an abusive relationship with our government and they are the abusers. What they have done is classic relationship abuse. We are watching, in real time, people making excuses for them, remaining “loyal”, bargaining and submitting to make the abuse stop.
A third option is that the huge number of covid cases makes it impractical or impossible to do so. Nearly everyone has it.
Lol. You’re the one making assertions and you’re expecting me to do your homework? Crazy as. Homework which you haven’t presented. I got it, you have zero.
Doofus, you made the assertion that if we did a cost/benefit analysis, your argument would win out. I’m seeing a lot of bluster and personal insults, but I’m still to see the workings.
that we are in, essentially, an abusive relationship with our government and they are the abusers.
Great description.
I’d also add they are like an alcoholic trying say they aren’t.
The government seems to think that it’s up to the plebs to prove what they are saying is wrong.
It’s the opposite, ie it’s up to the government to prove what they are saying is right.
That’s it. I’m never again picking up takeaway. From now on it’s Ubereats delivery.
One of the things that should be blindingly obvious to anyone familiar with the development of resistance by populations to drug, chemical and biological control… is that the current vaccination campaign could hardly be better designed to drive the virus toward resistance.
Make of that what you will.
hahahahahahahhaha For real.
says a comment.
Don’t lie.
You made the assertion that it couldn’t be done, when it has already been done and links have been posted.
I’m not your secretary and I have no responsibility to compensate for your failure to read up.
This is
…..a classic example of cognitive dissonance. Whenever you see a comment commencing with that, you have a sufferer on your hands. Please be gentle as they mean well.
Neither is being of a sceptical disposition. And the latter are less likely to be conned.
Another example. Please folks, be gentle.
Neither is being of a sceptical disposition.
Especially when it comes to a government telling you something.
You always need a stop-loss.
Who to?
There’s Something Much Bigger Going On Here | Dr. Robert Malone 2022
Those cigarette packets with the death from smoking stats that were always 15 years out of date.
A supposed spiritual bond bond between people and the land as endorsed by governments.
Stripped of this they are just people who were here but were nudged out of the way by a new wave of arrivals. This has always been the case with humans. Within Aboriginal Australia it would have been the case when one tribe managed to pry a piece of territory from another. (Don’t know if they had to acknowledge those earlier inhabitants for ever.)
But the mystical bond and how it must be treated and satiated etc. is religious. Not as highly developed a religion as Christianity, but nevertheless of such a realm.
Christianity, or Hinduism, or Judaism are granted no special considerations on theological grounds. With Christianity the law often flows in parallel because the latter developed from a culture of the former, but not in deference to it. And so many things have been changed because their justification was in Christianity and not in the new secular world.
Nothing is defended in the secular world on the basis of its religious truth.
And yet the spiritual bond and the idea that Aborigines have been here since the dawn of time, rather than 60,000 years of whatever it is now, is absolutely inconsistent with science and archaeology. Yet it is treated with a deference no other religion is granted.
We have some of the most spectacularly second-rate intellects in this country. But even they are cowed by the third-raters.
And it truly was a bull.
Still had his knackers.
I wonder if Cardi will refuse to give his daughter away.
He might walk her down the aisle with a “Vote UAP” banner on his back.
On emigrating from Australia. My darling wife and I each have a son, both in their early thirties.
Her son, living in Sydney, refused to be vaccinated so lost his job in the construction industry. Being a single man with savings and no financial ties, it was (relatively) easy for him to leave Australia in October. This was prior to the NSW border being opened up and the (Feds) rescinding the need for an ‘exemption’ (permission) to leave Australia. He was granted an exemption because he stated that he would be out of the country for over three months and had a legitimate reason to do so – proof of enrollment in a course in Poland. He flew with Emirates because they didn’t require a vaccine passport to fly with them. Dunno how he is going becoming a Polish citizen. His mother hopes he will return here.
My son, living in Perth, also refused to be vaccinated. He is in a long-term relationship and has recently purchased a house. His company gave him until the end of last year to be vaccinated or be sacked. He resisted doing so because he hoped things would change and he was earning money for the company. Well last week he had to face reality. Lose his job and house or get the jab. He got the jab.
So I guess this is where Australia is at the moment. Bad enough for people with no ties to leave, but not bad enough for people with ties to be prepared to lose everything to get out. I think most people hope it will get better but it may not. Time will tell.
Well it must be true because
‘Weed nuns’ praise study claiming cannabis may help fight Covid
It won’t work. Big conflict of interest by both parties, the nuns and the research team.
Please be advised these are not nuns in the traditional sense, they are nuns in the nuttery sense.
Bruce of Newcastle,
I was in hospital over Christmas and New Year.
They turned my ward in to a Covid ward.
Apart from my good self there were dementia patients.
I would assume they were particularly vulnerable.
Anyway hoist up the ladder I’m alright Jack.
Think of all the things you will miss out on by being too distrustful they say, you are only holding yourself back they say… To which the response is scepticism is an algorithm for filtering the cream and avoiding the gobbets of shit. I would rather live off the cream and miss out on an odd bit here and there if it means I don’t have to swallow the turds. Usually elicits some po-faced looks and “you’re mean” type comments. Hard to ignore the stains about their mouths.
Yes, therapy failed on me.
Vax effects
Last night there was a doco on the band Devo. Devo is short for de evolution. The band members were of the view that humanity had turned a corner in the 70’s and it was all downhill from there. Even in the interviews last night which are decades later with the band members well into middle age they maintained their view. It’s not without merit and it is a bit scary to think that the reversal of the Flynn Effect was first documented in the early 80’s, about a decade after they started the band.
I don’t know, I don’t care but if it is going belly up I want to be sitting on the porch watching it all burn.
Is it? If I was selling you a self-driving car and my promo material only included the performance stats +21 days on the grounds that it needed to learn your habits in those 21 days and ignored the accidents involved while the AI was ‘learning’ would you also say this was reasonable? The only reasonable means of recording any of this data, is a simple no vaxx/ vaxxed dichotomy, where the vaxxed is simply anyone 1, 2, 3 or more doses, and no vaxx is 0 dose.
If you can see a correlation, I assume didn’t actually read Berenson’s shite.
He has the UK 2020/21 Delta spike caused because “the first dose of the vaccines transiently suppresses the immune system”. Despite the fact that the spike started weeks before the first jab went into an elderly Pom.
A good summary Jupes.
Yep, for a 25 year old with no ties it could be a great adventure. And you are right about having a ‘solid reason’ for an exemption. Sign up for a course, get a letter of job offer (which could be a bit like Djoker’s doctor’s certificate).
But for someone aged 45-50 with ageing parents and teenage kids it is a completely different Pandora’s kettle of worms.
I agree with this in relation to Western civilization. I would say the peak was 1969 – the year of the moon landing – then starting with a slow decline which is now accelerating. Trump was a brake but the acceleration burned him out. Militarily the peak was 1945, with the same declining effect.
Government Australia Day ad on radio mentioned honouring the people who have been here since the dawn of time.
Indigenasaurus Rex
It shits me. As has been shown, the current mob are the THIRD wave and they slaughtered the 2 groups who were here before them, and eat them, completed the extermination of the Mega Fauna and burnt the place down to the Eucalyptus hell-hole it is today. And they arrived here with their mangy dogs about 15000 years ago. They’re barely locals.
Put aside your views on this vaccine.
Vaccines work by eliciting an immune response from the body and it takes time for the body to build up antibodies.
What is an appropriate time to conclude that optimum effectiveness has been reached?
I don’t know, but it isn’t instantaneous.
So I guess this is where Australia is at the moment. Bad enough for people with no ties to leave, but not bad enough for people with ties to be prepared to lose everything to get out. I think most people hope it will get better but it may not. Time will tell.
Good summary. I was bullied and blackmailed into getting the two shots- very pissed off about it too. I hope it gets better and I hope more and more people wake up to the malicious incompetence of our political class.
Ok, it isn’t instantaneous.
But is it really two weeks?
We wouldn’t care if the data re adverse reactions, hospitalisations & deaths all had the data re jabbing history attached.
My comment in the wee smalls the other night generated a pleasing amount of discussion. That’s why we are here, I hope.
As usual, a few people misread and got the bit between their teeth. It happens.
But, I was annoyed when Cassie took my reference to Australians being among the most privileged people on the planet as some sort of commentary on the circumstances of individuals. My point, which JC took up, is that compared to most of the 7 billion people on the planet, this 25 million are very privileged.
We have a choice of climate ranging from tropical to coolish – certainly nowhere as cold and miserable as European cities in winter.
Nobody needs to starve, and pretty good quality healthcare is available unless you choose to live where it isn’t.
Western Europeans have to be seriously rich to have a free standing house with a decent backyard near a big city. As for the UK – look at those depressing dumps they live in, if they’re not in high rise hell with urine stained lifts that don’t work.
And then there’s the weather.
As a child of a migrant family who came here in the late 1950s for a better life – which it undoubtedly was – I get really pissed off with the “this country is a shit stained urinal” crowd.
No, it isn’t.
In the country town where I live, there are numerous examples of why that is not so.
The young bloke who stands aside to let me in a doorway first. The chap with a well worn hat who asks if I need a hand with my shopping to my car. The reflexive “I’m sorrys” if anyone bumps into anyone else. The “no, you first” when there is doubt about a queue.
This kind of teenage angst – “we’re all doomed” and so on, is very satisfying to some people, but really should be consigned to the bedroom with the Kurt Cobain posters.
I get annoyed when people describe our country as an Indian lavatory. It is nothing of the sort.
Time to work toward fixing it, or piss off and shut up if you don’t like it.
I honestly don’t know.
But some delay is logical.
Is it 48 hours?
Seven days?
14 days?
Watching the program it was very much the decline of governance that I had in mind. Also, the military failures and stuff ups since that time and the incredibly bloated military hardware costs the West now endures.
Sancho, that’s why a genuine data project is needed to determine that.
We’ve had a live phase III trial going for 12 months.
Not all places on the planet have the data that NSW has.
Big time hedge fund manager (hedgie) goes on CNBC and talks up the positions he’s carrying.
There’s only one dude who I trust about 65% of the time. That’s David Tepper, whenever the brash, half -rude fuck talks he could be worth listening to. He’s also quite bald, not that it matters much.
Innate immunity is immediate but vaccines target adaptive immunity and that can take days and weeks depending on the person’s health. To be on the safe side one fortnight though the majority should be up to scratch in 7-10 days.
Healthy scepticism is where we all should be. I take people at face value but my heart isn’t broken if they prove to be halfwits or @rseholes. Another experience in life’s rich tapestry.
I don’t want to be overly cautious though. I might miss out on something really worthwhile as I seek to avoid imagined horrors.
Western Europeans have to be seriously rich to have a free standing house with a decent backyard near a big city.
France & Germany have some of the most first home buyer friendly practices in place.
Also close to infrastructure that shits over Australia.
Seems reasonable to pick a date though.
Whether it’s 7, 10 or 14 days.
Would be better to be clearer though.
‘No effective dose’
separately would be a start.
Healthy scepticism is where we all should be. I take people at face value but my heart isn’t broken if they prove to be halfwits or @rseholes. Another experience in life’s rich tapestry.
yes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt
Yes, you should have a healthy scepticism about your imagined horrors, too. 😀
Joh, today we had a British energy provider giving advice for the cold, cold winter and shortages.
– cuddle your pets
– clean the house
– put on a pullover
– do star jumps
What happens if the food runs out? Supermarkets advising
– eat your pets
– search the house for tasty rodents
– take in your pullover
– curl up and die
Makes this wide brown land look attractive.
The new hollyshit $500 million museum makes no mention of Jews despite the fact that nearly all of the Hollywood pioneers were Jewish: Louis B. Mayer, Harry Cohn, Sam Goldwyn, the Brothers Warner, Adolph Zukor, Carl Laemmle and an inexhaustible list of producers, directors and actors. Not one fucking mention. And head prefect wonders why I mainly watch movies from the 30s and 40s.
But verify.
Unless it’s a government.
Then expect you are being told half truths at best.
Are you the same Johanna that spent your entire life working in the Canberra APS?
Sancho Panzer says:
January 17, 2022 at 5:08 pm
So, what happens for the Australian Open 2023? It will be moved to somewhere more deserving by then. SE Asia somewhere? It will come under pressure, no doubt about that.
The AO is contractually held by Melbourne until ~2039. I expect the real fun will be from about 3032/3 onwards when a couple of countries will begin to propose serious money at securing the event. As it stands, all Opens are currently hosted in ‘white, anglo-saxon nations’ and the Australian Open would be the weak link. Alternatively, an ‘Invitational’ event scheduled in mid January with monster prizemoney would likely decimate the Australian event.
Every decent player wants to win an Open in their career but they also want to have a fat bank balance.
Separately, I wonder whether Djokovic gets to keep his appearance fee? Usually, and I have some experience in this field, national and international ‘stars’ will want their appearance fee in advance and the internationals won’t get on a plane unless the fee has been paid in addition to providing the airline ticket. (Minimum business class and commonly first class). Many insist on a ticket for their spouse plus a host of other extras – I’ve got a couple of great stories I may share later.
The UK is a shit hole.
Just because Australia is less shittier than the UK does not make Australia paradise.
Lol. My imagination has always been way too vivid.
I’m still hopeful of finding fir trees and distant lamplight in the back of the wardrobe though.
Australia was built on hard work and innovation. Extraordinary how some here are happy to trash it and its people like they were campus marxists.
Time to work toward fixing it, or piss off and shut up if you don’t like it.
When I caught the train from Rome to Civitavecchia it struck me that any of the towns on the route were an easy commute from Rome, looked like quite a lot of single family row houses estates, all close to the sea.
About 30 40 minutes by train, nothing longer that anywhere by train to 20km outside the Melbourne cbd..
I can’t imagine any of them needed the equivalent of a million Australian dollars to buy into.
Time to work toward fixing it, or piss off and shut up if you don’t like it.
Read: shut up & pay your taxes that pay my public service pension.
Also, did I tell you to shut up?
I would like that very much too calli.
We can thank our governments (all three levels) for that.
I’d be a little generous if this were a single dose vaxx but it isn’t. Further, it wanes after 3 months. So you have a 21 day hiatus after the first dose, and then a fortnight following the second, and then sub-optimal performance after 3 months, and the need for boosters after 4-5 months. Everything incl. the kitchen sink is being used to present these vaxxes in the most positive light. I think it’s time to look at them with a sceptical rather than a charitable eye, especially so because they are mandatory and being used as a bludgeon on those who are wary.
One may reasonably doubt that you’ll find them, but you should certainly check.
My overseas sojourns were done single and young. Having medical problems is a big draw back as Hospitals cost a lot. Also the only families I ever saw were generally of executive level, I have a relative in Europe on a lucrative package now with the whole kit & kaboodle, the breadwinner is well up in the executive.
My experience of ex-pat communities were young single guys or older guys married to a local of the region. Some really smart guys picked up languages really quickly and fluently, they did well also.
Other thing others have noted too is the bias of the whole system and difference culture when it comes to individual rights. If you are involved in an altercation before it begins the mere fact you are foreign means you are at fault as default. You have to prove otherwise and generally since disputes are solved generally on the spot your party will be paying some compensation or worse being extorted by the local Triads. Government visa applications can be very intrusive depending on jurisdiction, they will want to know everything and more.
People are missing the point on this.
Hospitalisations, deaths should not be announced via fat prick health minister or any public health office.
It should be done via a website that you can go click click & see the jab history of the hospitalisation & the deaths.
No. You don’t. You really don’t.
Actually I can’t make people here I don’t agree with piss off or shut up but I can say what I believe to be true 🙂
I’m not missing the point, bern.
The pollies have been Showboating since the thing began.
It’s all Hazzard and Chant can do not to break into a few bars of “Ol’ Man River” before the Doom and Scold Bulletin.
In fact, I’d pay folding money to see it!
I could never leave Australia, even if I were younger and in a position to do so.
My ties to this country are like cement. My ancestors arrived in the 1830’s on The Zebra guided by Captain Dirk Hahn. They settled in South Australia around the Barossa and the Adelaide Hills, especially the townships now known as Hahndorf and Lobethal. This is where my mother, grandmother and great grandmother lived and loved, and are now buried in the beautiful little cemetary where Best Man and I have purchased our final piece of (earthly) real estate.
In our retirement as cursed 🙂 Grey Nomads, we travelled extensively throughout this wonderful country, constantly awed by the splendour – even the mediocrity – which we encountered day after day. Yes, we were lucky to do all that before Australia closed up, and before I lost my leg, which put a halt to any further nomadic adventures. But I have cherished the enjoyment, challenges and opportunities that this country offers to all its people.
I will never forgive the The Authorities – politicians, health bureaucrats and self-important Karens – who now dictate every aspect of our lives. I resist as much as I can in my own limited way, and my immediate family are 100% with me.
I guess I can’t really ask for anything more.
Al Jolson… with compliments
Nobody misses rule of law until it’s not there.
Yes being a farang in a legal situation might require a monetary donation to the local constabulary.
I do. Particularly when there’s an unaccountable draught. Around tea time. 😀
So a British Muslim of Pakistani Punjabi background flies to Texas, singles out a synagogue called “Temple Beth Israel“, enters the shul with a gun and takes the rabbi and three others hostage.
But guess what? Apparently his motives remain “unclear”……..LOL.
And now the FBI are saying that the hostage taker was focused on one issue which was not specifically related to the Jewish community……..LOL.
Except it isn’t funny.
Lovely part of the country, Delta.
I will never forgive the The Authorities – politicians, health bureaucrats and self-important Karens – who now dictate every aspect of our lives. I resist as much as I can in my own limited way, and my immediate family are 100% with me.
I guess I can’t really ask for anything more.
My Nan- ‘best country in the world except for some of the people in it’
Same lady re politicians- ‘all tarred with the same brush’.
feelthebern says:
January 17, 2022 at 6:20 pm
Dude, you get cabin fever in those places in the winter. Sun is up at about 9 am and it shuts down at 5pm. This is horrible. You can really get depressed. I had to spend 2 months in London in the winter. If it’s cloudy it’s basically dark all day. never again.
My kind spent 4 years or so in London. I was totally shocked seeing to tiny quarters he and his gal were renting in fucking Clapham and both were on decent incomes sharing the rent. The place would once would have been a single family home and was then cut into 3 apartments. It was just horrifying. No kidding, living in a place like that in the winter and I’d overdose on fentanyl.
kid, not kind..
Assertions are not proof.
Explain how young homebuyers wanting to buy near Paris or Marseilles or Berlin or Hamburg are flooding the market.
kid, not kind..
Hans Heysen captured the Adelaide Hills so well. Coming down them on the day train from Melbourne always makes me think of him.
My lot came here below decks. 😀
The circle of life.
Passage paid in full too.
And that was before Qantas FFPs!
A Swedish* electric car company has conquered Australia’s Nullarbor thanks to a new fast-charging system powered by vegetable oil.
The all-electric Polestar 2 crossed the plain after making use of a fully off-grid charging station at the Caiguna Roadhouse, 370km east of Norseman in Western Australia and 370km west of the South Australian border.
The Biofil chargers use waste vegetable oil, essentially chip fat from the roadhouse to generate electricity.
London in winter is gloomy, in summer it just seems dirty. Rotting garbage on the north London line sort of thing.
“Dude, you get cabin fever in those places in the winter. Sun is up at about 9 am and it shuts down at 5pm. This is horrible. You can really get depressed. I had to spend 2 months in London in the winter. If it’s cloudy it’s basically dark all day. never again.”
I agree that UK cities are mostly awful, particularly in winter. But the villages are glorious and anyone with any sense wants to live in a village.
My brother lives in a lovely village in the west country near Bath (my favourite small town) in a large and very beautiful house. I could easily live there.
With the ash plume from Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai now drifting over Queensland, is of enough density of affect air flight? Also, reports of a second eruption which may not be the last. Happy days!
January 17, 2022 at 6:55 pm
London in winter is gloomy, in summer it just seems dirty. Rotting garbage on the north London line sort of thing.”
When were you last there? Whilst London is gloomy in winter, it isn’t filthy.
John H at 6:19
So 7 days is a bit tight and 14 days is ultra conservative.
But it isn’t zero.
In the early 80’s I very foolishly took on a contract job in Uganda for an African company setting up a greenfields gold mine.
I was a very young man with no ties in Oz, the money being offered was nearly double what I could expect in a similar role in Australia. Like a typical newbie I didn’t do any homework on Uganda other than what I was told by the recruiting company, all “Sanderson of the River” scenarios where hordes of cheerful blackfellas would sing happily as Big White Bwana directed the work.
As it turned out, Uganda had not recovered from the depredations of Idi Amin who stole most of the country’s wealth, the army had not been paid for months and were robbing people randomly at gunpoint daily. Infrastructure was non existent and rubbish heaps, beggars and even dead bodies were all over the streets.
I was allocated a filthy room in the town of Jinja with no security, no running water and no furniture and hired a local ex soldier as a bodyguard out of my own pocket.
Long story short, the company never paid me a cracker, and it cost me something like $A3000 to bribe my way out of Uganda to South Africa and back to Australia
I have never, ever whinged about living in Australia since that nightmare, and there is not enough money in the world to entice me to return anywhere in Africa.
1998 Cassie- been a while
Work in Marseilles and live in Aix de Provence
Train every five minutes in peak hour.
Delta A says:
January 17, 2022 at 6:41 pm
As an ex South Australian, I have some interest in these things. My forebears arrived in Adelaide on the Duchess of Northumberland in 1847. The Zebra carrying your mob arrived in 1839.
Considering that SA was proclaimed a colony in 1836, both your family and mine were very early in the history of the colony/State.
You may find the link of interest. Zebra’s passenger list.
johanna at 6:11.
Well said.
To paraphrase the movie title:-
“No country for old sooks”.
True, but nobody really lives in London unless they have to or they’re rich. And the latter get away in winter.
I’m just wanna ask the anti-anti-shitholers what exactly they’re gonna do to ‘start fixing things’?
a chat with the Immigration Minister down the pub?
a sunny outlook and a spring in yr step?
make a cogent argument that isn’t built on logical fallacy and hope the idea catches on?
(not likely at this point as far as I can tell)
put yr fingers in yr ears and chant an escalating , “La la … la la la”?
Spring and summer, it’s the most gorgeous city in the world. It’s a masterpiece of beauty.
Stop it you horrid temptress!
I daresay you’re sceptical about Nigerians offering you lots of money in exchange for your bank details, too.
I exchanged emails with a Nigerian once, and he was very cross about my lack of trust.
Interesting story Pedro- your own ‘last king of Scotland’!
I live between the between the book-ends of all that rosie ‘cant imagine’ and all the rosie ‘can imagine’
I don’t know. I’ll probably be content to wait it out. And look after my family and friends as best I can.
What other suggestions, apart from riot and death, are worth thinking about?
Look, I’ll give my summation. Europe is dynamite beautiful if you’re reasonably well off. And all of it is. If you’re really wealthy it’s heaven on earth, but you really want to get the fuck out in the depths of winter. 🙂
Matrix you are full of spite and bile. I’m being polite too.
Maybe it doesn’t need ‘fixing’, maybe we just need to wait out the ‘pandemic’ and then let our opinions be known at the ballot box.
Other than banning singing and dancing has there been much else in the way of restrictions imposed in Australia?
I know Italy and much of France have a month of outdoor masks which I’m hoping finishes in a few days and both countries look like mandatory vaccines for over 50s, which is at least an admission of who is really vulnerable but generally speaking covidpanic seems to be overing, despite the wait til it’s winter in Europe and big bad omicron we heard towards end 2021.
Years ago, I abused a thieving Nigerian fucker telling him he needed get back to climbing trees instead of trying to steal money from innocent white folk and he said he was putting a hex on me. I apologized. Possibly one of the few apologies I’ve ever extended because you never know and it was low cost considering what the hex could have done to me.
Teach the sprogs, grand-sprogs amd any others after that not to vote for Major Parties to start with.
Then always ensure a good reserve of Savings, and know when to squirrel away useful extra things like bogroll and longlife milk and booze when times are quiet.
Never trust a word the Spokesmongs say, and to keep a careful counsel when in public. Just because you mouthed the Party’s platitudes in earshot of the Kommissar Karens does not make it real. For them or you.
And as always, This Too Shall Pass…
Get in quick.
Folding money will be illegal soon.
Probably between March 25th and April 2nd.
Or August 4th latest.
I guy on a blog said it.
He seemed really, really convinced.
Cassie – He’s also mentally ill and a white supremacist.
I’m not making this up, this was being reported while the attack was happening.
There seems to be an oversupply of mentally ill muslims at the moment, and an under supply of white supremacists (other than “glowies”). It’s odd.
Armstrong-Whitworth or Metric?
How about “No country for fucktards.”
Great post on your African experience, Pedro.
Forgive the obscure “Sanders of the River” reference above.
1935 film of a British Governor lording it over a fictional African country.
Sanders of the River” pics.
Yes, thanks, Speedbox. Many rellies in that list. And so many of them now residing in the cemetary I meantioned earlier.
burn me
Rex. It was a spell I think.
Hex, spell same difference.
The used cooking oil is delivered to the roadhouse on a diesel-powered truck.
But Gaia smiles regardless.
Oh you could winter in the south of France or on Corsica.
It’s obviously a bit of a getaway destination, nice places with a pool and a view around the coast here are around £2 million.
Even my airbnb has a nice view mountains out the back and the harbour out the front.
The main house is empty, as is their pool, their big backyard a wilderness. I wonder if the owners are waiting to do a major redevelopment, the views and proximity to the old town/Centreville suggest it’s possible.
When we first went there in the ’80’s I couldn’t believe the rubbish overflowing everywhere, even in posh parts of town.
I remember saying to Mrs Panzer that if it was in India it would stink to high heaven and be unliveable.
The cold partially saves them.
Back when I was a naive twat – thinking of doing Veterinary Science, specialising in exotic animals, the lure of an African Adventure was hypnotic. I am so glad I came to my senses.
So they put edible vegetable oil into a diesel generator to charge up a car to cross the Nullabor.
Had they considered simplifying things and just get a diesel car and put the vegetable oil in it?
The overall mpg would be quite a lot better doing that I suspect. Be quicker too.
resonates but, yr 20yr plan in point 1 needs work
No other way around.
calli says:
January 17, 2022 at 6:24 pm
Joh, today we had a British energy provider giving advice for the cold, cold winter and shortages.
– cuddle your pets
– clean the house
– put on a pullover
– do star jumps
yr an anti-shitholer
I can tell
Putting the screws in.