‘Frantic’: Albanese unsuccessful in contacting Trump over trade tariffs
‘Frantic’: Albanese unsuccessful in contacting Trump over trade tariffs
Reverse course alright. Just, freaking, fcking WOW. @zerohedge·PUTIN TAPPED BY TRUMP TO BROKER IRAN NUCLEAR TALKS, PEOPLE SAYThe Orange Oaf…
Get a load of this totalitarian bint. @vonderleyenReArm means: • More fiscal space for national public funding for defence through…
@robinmonotti Mark Rutte is to the current mass formation psychosis what Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was to the previous one. NATO…
@ReclaimTheNetHQ The House Judiciary Committee is ramping up its fight against global censorship. Chairman Jim Jordan just subpoenaed Google, Amazon,…
As long as each state controls vote management I doubt there will be any solution to voter fraud in the US.
One thing Australia does reasonably well.
De Santis fixed the election problems in Florida. He fixed them (figuratively) overnight.
Anyone got a reason why the same method applied in other states, would not likewise fix the voting irregularities (figuratively) overnight?
Corrupt electoral commissions and employees cause this kind of thing, not the voting systems themselves. Corrupt officials will work with whatever system they have to engineer the outcome they seek.
Florida elections these days are relatively clean and efficient.
De Santis fixed = De Santis repaired problems with electoral rolls & tally rooms.
There is a solution to that., but it’s really playing brinkmanship with the Republic. If states don’t succumb to allowing their elections to be auditable and transparent then there should be a fight to have their electors ignored.
I think they suspect. There are a few smoking guns out there that would drive the point home quite wonderfully.
The more that can be exposed, the more de-certifying, etc, the better.
The result will be twofold, awareness among the genpop & a push for changes to procedures and for scrutiny/surveillance ensuring the identified irregularities do not happen again.
Yes sanchez, fix = repair/correct.
The way to really harden up about fraud in federal elections at the state level would be not for Washington to cajole and threaten the recalcitrant states. It would be those states that have made the changes to be auditable and transparent tell those other states they will be pushing to have their tally ignored if they don’t sign up.
Right. If DC ran the show, the country would become a one party state. Democrats would never lose.
Sincerely hoping that the Lenster doesn’t join the lemming like stampede from Spotify.
Hey, Dinobores, you’re just not that relevant any more. Most of your fans are, well how do we put this – “erstwhile*”.
“You say you can’t trust me,
have you tried,
you say you don’t love me,
that’s a lie,
there are so many, so many rainbows,
that we were to climb,
but baby, baby,
why can’t we survive,
we’ve got to get our heads untangled
and free our state of mind … ” 😕
*i.e. Dead. Sorry to harsh those vibes, man. 🙁
Before anyone knew Neil Comrie was going to cut & run, I told an ex-copper he’d be replaced with a woman from outside Victoria.
Cor, the grief you get when you simply state the bleedin’ obvious to those committed to the ‘endarkening’.
Like my old mate’s version better:
Goodnight all, obviously.
I somehow doubt the reaction you received had anything to do with stating ‘the bleedin obvious,’ Mrs Faulty…
“There are unconfirmed reports LaMay died due to COVID-19 complications. KHQ is working to verify that information.”
“His Facebook page was deleted last week when he fell ill with COVID-19 and was put on a ventilator.”
So, ‘rosie/notafan of the truth’, is again cackling over the death of someone who refused to goose-step in line with the UN Agenda/what she sells.
‘Of’ or ‘With’ Covid aside, we don’t know the details of his illness let alone his treatment but we’re told he was put on a ventilator, something that’s now long been know to be a hurry along to death.
In other words, a “complication” “due to” Covid.
Patients not being allowed to have any of the variety of other, safe treatments, with near 100% success rates, could be considered another “complication” “due to” Covid.
Yeah but silly little details like that, or even having the cause of death confirmed, mean diddly squat to rosie/notafan of the truth. All that matters to her is making jokes out of people who refuse to bend the knee to the UN.
Jan 16
Canadian health officials forced to admit that they secretly accessed the cellphone location data of 87% of Canadians to monitor their movement during the plandemic!
I must admit it seems quite unChristian to gloat over another’s demise through illness.
Ep 1,599–Dr. Malone Sues the Washington Post;
Larry Summers Interviews for Secretary of the Treasury
“Ragu says:
January 30, 2022 at 1:38 am
Just watching Dr McCullough with Bret Weinstein and he sez the eleven thousand Myopericarditis in VAERS are 100% confirmed by the patient physician and CDC operative.”
Rex Anger says:
January 29, 2022 at 8:34 pm
Not familiar with the current state of the roads and rail, traveled to Perth via rail in the 90s, a long time ago.
My query is, is there not a way to avoid this by some drainage elevation of tracks and roadway or something, or is it cheaper to grin and bear the occasional flooding?
Nova Scotia in Canada has banned people from gathering along highways to support the truckers freedom convoy.
Isn’t this the kind of thing dictatorships do?
Peter Sweden, while doing great work getting information out, has serious form for over-egging the pudding.
He may be correct, or
It may be as simple as a bunch of people in pickup trucks got ticketed for parking & blocking traffic on overpasses the convoy was passing beneath.
Peter Broelman.
Peter Brookes.
Dave Brown.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Tom Stiglich.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
The actual situation isn’t quite as tyrannical as that phrasing makes out and seems a legitimate public safety precaution.
The problem is that it is extremely easy to block the single major highway between Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (by intention or even inadvertently). It already happened once back in June during protests over pandemic border restrictions but fortunately in summer conditions. Recent and forecast nasty winter weather make such a situation downright dangerous. Local infrastructure/road net just can’t support that sort of thing as there are few alternative routes for emergency services, etc.
Always liked the lines of the Aircobra.
Thanks for that article on “Manderley”, Dot. That was a great movie, had you in suspenders right to the end, even though you knew what the end would be. The score was used to great effect too. On my quip “bullets flying” last night – it was a reference to the way the murder was done in the middle of an argument.
Looking over those b&w stills, the new movie isn’t a patch on the old, regardless of being set on location in Monte and in a real house. I had forgotten how evil and debonaire the George Sanders character was.
On Cassie’s question about homosexuality, Rebecca batted for both teams. Suggested in the book “she wasn’t even normal”, again in the b&w film, but somehow ignored in the latest iteration.
Perhaps that’s all old hat now. Not shocking enough.
As it’s Sunday, and Tom’s work is done, here’s the latest Week in Pictures.
All very well having a go at Boomers, but at least some of us can work to a deadline. Seems WIP was running a bit late this week. 😀
It’s not my fault that the party of FDR and JFK is turning into the party of LOL? and WTF????.
He’s a crude jerk sometimes but it maybe the only way to get the point accross to them.
Via: Twitchy
This one sums it up.
And…because the blog had an entire thread on this halfwittery.
Not just targets of lefty agitprop, Roger.
Thanks, Calli.
well yes/no.
You design for a (example) 1/100 year flood. Its all cost/benefit.
This is a pretty unusual rain event.
Wasn’t usurping your job, Tom.
Thought you’d rolled over and gone back to bed. Which is what most sensible people would do on a Sunday morning. Once I’m awake, I’m AWAKE.
Haha, Doritos goes woke and the predictable happens.
New LGBT-supportive Doritos ad sparks controversy among Israelis (29 Jan)
You’d think these companies would have learned by now not to rub people’s faces in leftist goo. Be fun to see what the sales numbers are like in Israel, I suspect this ad has had exactly the opposite of the effect Doritos hope for.
Miss Anthropistsays:
January 29, 2022 at 11:02 pm
Chesterfield are a stronger cigarette.
We used to have proper cigarettes.
Craven A, Rothmans.
Often was sent to the corner store at around age 11 or 12, to buy a packet of Craven A for Dad.
Always liked the lines of the Aircobra.
If they had of installed the planned turbocharger it would have been kickass! Love that you can wind down the window and hang your elbow out!
Out yesterday and last night – catching up.
Dragon energy on the Cat yesterday. Big, Clifford the Big Red Dog size energy. Made my heart sing, it did.
My Precious, they’re all the same Calli.
I note that Branco put the Crimea in his Ukraine map.
Ah hahaha.
Shit plane but.
Not shit. Could mix it up with most other fighters below 15,000ft. Never got a planned turbocharger.
This is why the Russians loved them, most combat on the Eastern Front was below 15,000ft. The Aircobra could and did mix it up with the Me 109 and FW 190 and if you landed one of the 37mm cannon shells it was lights out for them.
For the last few weeks the cheese aisles have been depleted, except for one brand – Cheers the brand formerly known as Coon
Google Maps live traffic for Ottawa is very interesting. The city centre is all dark red and a number of major roads are closed because they’re full of trucks. To their credit they’ve kept the main motorway Queensway/Hwy 417 open and unblocked.
I’ve noticed they’ve started advertising heavily. Not going to help.
Ha! Another one of the kids gets covid, family of four. Triple “vaxxed”, Omicron, head cold, two days. Scrupulous mask wearers. That’s now two out of the three.
You can’t make this sh*t up.
I feel as if I’m living in a Python sketch.
Until know I thought the Aircobra was only a very late entry into the war and that’s why it didn’t get the attention it deserved.
Always learning stuff.
Gofuckme freezing accounts for causes of which they do not approve- isn’t that stealing?
Trump rally in TX this morning. Outsiders shortly. Now for some bacon and eggs ?
When the latest Covid stats are released today see if they include the ages and mention co-morbidities or is it just the vaccination status of those who died.
Divide the running number of cases by the number of deaths and the average death per thousands of cases is insignificant. Especially if you look at age and co-morbidities.
If millions in VIC, NSW and Qld have had Covid it stands to reason people will die who have had it in past 30 days.
However whatever you do don’t ask how many died purely of Covid as they don’t want you to know.
Everything is geared towards the fear campaign to get you to take the next jab.
By the way has anybody asked Federal health minister just who does he expect to use up the 51 million Novovax jabs which were designed before Delta and which can’t be used as a booster.
Nearly 6” of rain in NE VIC last night. 8” of rain in Corowa.
Same as they do for all out of date vaccines:
wait til there’s some natural disaster in the Pacific Islands, send the Vaccines there.
The natives standing in line for food and water get a jab.
Some of the highest Vaccination rates ever seen out in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands.
After the eggs and bacon, can you come back and carefully explain what those unprecedented turn of events are that would put Trump back in the White House before Nov 24? Don’t rush, juice some oranges as that goes well with bacon and eggs and come back in your own time. You delusional buffoon.
Chesterfield are a stronger cigarette.
We used to have proper cigarettes.
Craven A, Rothmans.
Don’t know about Oz but back in 1950s/mid 60s England the popularity of brand depended on where you lived .. the various manufacturers/distributors targeted specific brands into specific demographs .. Popular brands available down South were rarely available in County Durham. .. Here, the most popular & best seller, tipped, brand was EMBASSY far outsold the regulars, except for WOODBINE the nation’s favourite drag, Senior Service, Players, Capstan ect. .. The exotics, Craven A, Dunhill, Benson & Hedges ect & O/S brands (Camel, Lucky Strike, Marlboro ect) were all available but, mainly, stocked by specialist tobacconists rather than the corner store (we didn’t have supermarkets or TV for advertising back then .. slightly behind the times was GeordieLand .. LOL!)
Last day in Mongyang today, prior to flying out to the NT, where Chief Appeaser Michael Gunner has just introduced an outdoor mask mandate.
In February. In the Top End. Destined for failure.
Rang a mate last night about it. His words were ‘nobody, and I mean nobody, gives a fuck about this any more.’
Then he said it was all just empty posturing for appearances’ sake, at which point I referred to him as Captain Obvious, which in turn resulted in 30 minutes of us putting shit on each other about various incidents over the past 15 years.
Good times.
A women’s tennis final with no names ending in ‘vic’.
You can request whatever you want.
You’ve proven yourself to be just an anonymous troll and a particularly nasty one at that.
Now G an FY!
Just had an experience with vic health system . I suffered severe abdominal pain early a.m. Thursday so looked up Dr Google concluded after symptom check that it was something I had eaten so Panadol and heat pad which eventually let me get to sleep . Symptoms still there in morning so checked with doctor son on holiday . He said gastritis , gallstone or appendix go to my doctor . Tried to book in but no appointments so went ahead and drove friend to day medical procedure at 8.30 . As pain was getting worse decided to walk in to clinic and ask to see any doctor available. I must have looked ill as they put me in treatment room and a doctor came to see me . After questioning and feeling abdomen said gastritis , gall bladder or appendicitis so needed ultra sound, cat scan to establish condition . She ordered blood tests and ECG done there then tried to book into the local imaging clinics in area . No luck so decided to send me to Epworth emergency . 30 minutes clinic after trying to get ambulance service to answer so rang granddaughter doctor on day off to take me . Covid testing in what seemed to be a garage next to hospital first and then granddaughter had to leave me at entrance after handing over letter from doctor. No one allowed in with patient anyway soon triaged and connected to tubes , cannula etc saw emergency doctor still no diagnose problem but she called in surgeon. Two shots of morphine still no pain relief ,more blood teste another ECG ulta sound and cat scan then saw surgeon late afternoon who arrived whilst I was on phone with son so we had a three way conversation . A blockage in bile duct no other symptoms everything else fine. Finally at 2.45am was taken to ward by this time with heat pads and Panadol pain was easing.Saw physician in morning who was still feeling tender spots all over abdomen . By mid afternoon heaps better so surgeon after discussion with my son , sent me home with his mobile number . Most unusual I believe , anyway once in hospital could not fault nursing care only the long wait to get a bed .
Had the extra hassle of organising to get friend home from day clinic as they didn’t want him going home in taxi however he was able to do this himself . Then clinic rang me to find out why I hadn’t paid the bill before I left however left hospital with no bill not even asked for Medicare or private health details but finally figured doctor had put them in letter . I heard you are charged $300 to walk into Epworth Emergency. It will be interesting to see the bill . Stomach still tender and I feel exhausted however Barty’s amazing performance last night was the best medicine who could believe a comeback from a five to one game . ?
Nieces are up and about. Apparently I am taking them to Officeworks, prepping for school this week.
Busy busy busy.
It’s like the half man Joe Rogan shot a bolt through his father’s heart whilst on the privvy.
“Joseph! Put down the crossbow!”
rickw says:
January 30, 2022 at 8:32 am
Nearly 6” of rain in NE VIC last night. 8” of rain in Corowa.
And they’ve kept the Hume Weir at 99% capacity.
Farmers are demanding they release water so they are not flooded all next year, but what would farmers know?
Pall Mall are rather ordinary. I have a jailbird friend who smokes them. Because he’s poor.
That Tatiana last night was good, but I still can’t believe it was $40.
Albury has had over 300mm or 12 inches of rain for January.
I feel as if I’m living in a Python sketch.
Always look on the bright side of life, Calli. Our betters only want us to be happy.
Ah. Just checked.
Outdoor masks are said to be required ‘only where you cannot socially distance’.
Yeah righto. Required nowhere then. The other question, given that the local jacks are 100% tied up sweeping pisswrecks into various shelters and have zero interest (not that they ever did) in covid enforcement, is:
‘Or what?’
For those argue-ing for or against the BAT FLU fiasco try to remember there is far greater suffering out there .. there are folk like me .. Western Sydney Wanders fanatics! devotees of a lost cause, suffering in, near silent, anguish the aches and mental anxiety far, far more debilitating than mere BAT FLU symptoms ……….!
Uh oh, the threats by musicians about Spotify due to Rogan is getting serious.
James Blunt has threatened that if Spotify don’t remove Rogan he will upload more music to the platform.
Saw his post retweeted at Tim Pool.
Blunt, an ex Army Captain, has a reputation for being quite witty on social media.
The trick is min, is always go to ER. Hold the sore area, stagger a bit, then fall down. Have trouble getting up. If that doesn’t work I don’t know what will, but has worked for me a couple of times. None of this waiting around with all the sick people.
Barty’s amazing performance last night was the best medicine who could believe a comeback from a five to one game . ?
I was hoping the American chick would win.
Barty’s comeback was like the America’s Cup win in 1983.
The trick is min, is always go to ER. Hold the sore area, stagger a bit, then fall down. Have trouble getting up. If that doesn’t work I don’t know what will, but has worked for me a couple of times. None of this waiting around with all the sick people.
When asked what the pain is like on a scale of 1 to 10, the magic number is 7.
The Epworth bills will keep appearing in the mailbox for the next month.
The emergency and specialist bills.
The ward and specialist bills.
The scans will each generate a separate bill.
Pain in the wallet.
“I feel as if I’m living in a Python sketch.”
We all are.
spraying an arterial bleed around emergency also works, sometimes.
“Of course it does.
Study it.
Learn from it.
Try to prevent it happening again.
But if Donald runs in 2024 bitching about The Big Steal he will lose bigly.
And really lose (not just stuffed ballot boxes).
Firstly, it will come across as being all about him.
Secondly, it projects as being about the past with no vision for the future.
These are the sort of attitudes which cost Hillary in 2016.”
I think you’ve said it best Sancho. I guess this is why I don’t want Donald running again. The US will need someone who is not embittered and who can focus on the future. The Donald has done his work, like Ethan he needs to ride off into the sunset.
“I was hoping the American chick would win.”
Barty’s comeback was like the America’s Cup win in 1983.
I fail to see the comparison.
Does Sean Hannity still predict “Big Things” and say “Tick Tock” every day?
Eyrie says:
January 30, 2022 at 9:17 am
Barty’s amazing performance last night was the best medicine who could believe a comeback from a five to one game . ?
I was hoping the American chick would win.
Barty’s comeback was like the America’s Cup win in 1983.
I’m not going anywhere near the unveiling of the secret weapon angle.
Not really.
Games going against serve is about three times more prevalent in ladeees tennis as it is in gentlemen’s tennis.
You may have been too young to remember it , Cassie.
Let’s all support our Aussie truckies
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity says:
You may have flicked more pages & pictures than you first realised TE.
Bettina Arndt’s column was in Penthouse magazine.
(Blushes deeply.) Yes, I did get that one too.
Here you go:
Albury has had over 300mm or 12 inches of rain for January.
I drove to Wodonga yesterday on the Murray Valley Highway. Green almost the whole way. Incredible amounts of rain given the time of year.
Barty works out what shots are needed to win and then delivers
lifes a piece of shit, when you look at it
There is more to Christianity than just making a point of going to Church services.
I could quote some ghastly people that make a show of attending
But I won’t.
Christians should be charitable.
And modest.
If you want more entertaining tennis, take away the second serve.
It came from an era of poor quality balls and racquets. The sweet spot on an old racquet was little more than the size of the ball, now it’s most of the head.
I dropped tennis for many years and then was invited for a hit with the latest racquets. I found it very hard to miss with a first serve. The spin I could get on a second serve was unreal.
I’m not
Interesting column at the Australian by an anonymous entertainer about the boycott of Sydney Arts festival.
Does not get much sympathy from the comments.
Well done Kate Noonan.
When asked what the pain is like on a scale of 1 to 10, the magic number is 7.
Years ago I went to the hospital for severe abdominal pain from a kidney stone. When those things start moving the pain is excruciating. It is likened to women experiencing labour pains only worse. With kidney stones you don’t put your hand up for seconds.
I was asked by a nurse what was the level of pain on the scale of 1 to 10. I didn’t have a sucking chest wound so I said 9. He gave me 2 Panadol and asked me to wait. A little less than the pethadine I expected.
The Second Reading at Mass today:
1 Corinthians 12:31 -13:13
yeah, that aspect certainly makes Women’s Tennis more interesting.
Is it a psychological weakness that women have, that they can’t close it out?
In the men’s game, the guy at 1-5 would probably let game 7 go if he was receiving and start 0-0 on serve in the next Set.
Did anyone else hear that foul syphilitic ol’ geriatric Biden rabbiting on about people going to McDonald’s, before completely forgetting what the hell he was going on about in the first place?
Inspirational stuff.
Yeah, to nice people that mean no harm.
At the time Corinthians was written, that didn’t need to be spelt out, but it does now.
Sponsored by continental Europeans with names that sound like cheap vodkas. The service returners would rule the world.
Equal prize money for wheelie tennis will fix everything.
Two points for a winner off a volley.
January 30, 2022 at 9:52 am
We all are.
I’m not”
Lucky you.
I’m on your side, custard. Let’s accept that and move on. I want to learn from you. No, not about getting the best kitchen in a caravan. I want to learn what are those unprecedented events that would allow the Trumpster to walk back into the White House before the next election.
You’re going to be Prime Minister one day custard as a result of an unprecedented turn of events. I can feel it. You’re that good.
It’s similar to the reason I like gals boxing. There’s often a decent KO.
Actually JC, you can G&GFYFC!
That’s symptomatic of poor defence.
I really enjoyed watching last night’s match. Ash’s comeback was fantastic.
It’s like AOTY automatically turns winners into immediate imbeciles.
You know what was nice about Ash winning last night, she was so gracious, she didn’t politicise anything.
She’s a lovely young woman. All class.
Women’s tennis is no worse than men’s tennis. That tells you all that you need to know about the game. There is a reason most suburban clubs are full of boomers/geriatrics.
I reckon someone has a script prepped for them.
Oh, I finally clicked. I thought it was some variation of LGBTQ. Now I figured he’s telling me to go fuck myself. How rude.
you may have missed the joke
Good point.
But it raises the age old question:
Is it okay to hit a woman yet?
Compare Ash Barty to Grace Tame.
One is a superb athlete, a classy, gracious and well spoken young woman who is a proud Australian.
The other is a weasel who’s shtick is “look at me”….”look at me”.
It doesn’t need be cloaked in ‘empathy’ just plain old survival instant will do.
I’ve heard that equal rights also means equal lefts…?
Also, what if you identify as a woman?
Or the woman identifies as a man?
The Beer whisperer says:
January 30, 2022 at 10:04 am
If you want more entertaining tennis, take away the second serve.
Sponsored by continental Europeans with names that sound like cheap vodkas. The service returners would rule the world.
That’s the surface not a serve.
Give them one serve and watch the skill level in one serve improve.
I’m not convinced ignoring 2020 is a winner. It’s sort of like the GOP ignoring the J6 people currently being grounded down by DoJ, etc. Whoever runs in 2024 needs to emphasize the sordid beginnings of the Biden regime, as well as the capriciousness of the J6 aftermath. You need to do that to maintain and build your populist base. Candidates that don’t will find it hard to get elected state or federal. It’s not the only thing you talk about, you will have to raise issues dear to the populist base, like immigration, wages, trade, housing, culture, and the like, but a candidate that failed to show any c about concern about 2020 and J6 would appear like a Cheney.
Let’s be fair to young Grace.
Yeah, she led some dopey chalkie up the garden path into a jail cell, and he’s likely not the only person to regret ever meeting her, but she more than met her match in Smirkin’ Scotty Morrison.
Is there any level to which this low life alleged Prime Minister won’t stoop to?
A real P.M., say Toothy Albanese or Tony Abbott, woulda give Grace Natasha Stott-Despoja’s job for life as Ambassador To Young Women.
I reckon that is the 5th “once-in-300-year” weather event since Australia won the America’s Cup
Neil Young gets the Powerline treatment
More entertaining tennis?
Exploding balls and randomised time fuses.
No trains to/from the west.
Are trucks getting through?
Grenade tennis!! 😀
No, you don’t, I agree. You don’t ignore it, but you also just don’t make it about grievance. You bring attention to the possible cheating because the system is wide open to allow it and you tell the folks you’re running to fix it once and for all.
That has to the number issue to run on, but you don’t run to make it a grievance election.
I don’t think that while 2022 will be a decent GOP year, 24 may not be automatically a good GOP presidential election one. It all depends who the Demonrats put up. One their side, the billionaire dude who owns the Texan basketball team could be a goer. People shouldn’t think the Demons are going to lay down and take a beating.
Name the fast first serve ace specialists that stick in the memory?
……..more time needed?
I bet you can name a dozen fast bowlers in cricket.
A free whack in a first serve is not essential for a great game or to be a great player.
Flood damage to Trans-Australian Railway
LGBTQI community outraged?
rickw has the post of the day, week and month.
All Parliaments should have a mongoose or two just to cull the snakes.
True but over the longer term the odds would tend to even out and make it more difficult for a one hit wonder to become a champ. I vaguely recall that the game went to way about 20 years ago where there were young up and coming dudes with heavy serves and no come back. None made it to the top.
Outsiders showed Sharma and Wilson congratulating each other about new subsidised solar on the roof of the Double Pay Sailing Club.
Wentworth voters. Your rep cuts through to the important stuff.
Now we just need a truck blockade to WA.
The crisis crap has peaked as the Weather Channel reckons that more heavy rain in Central Australia would be bad.
It’s a desert you twerps, rain is always welcome and any problems caused by it are massively outweighed by the benefits.
Covid precipitation.
Back home from holidays and 40mm on the garden while we were away.
The horror!
Grenade tennis!! ?
Topless tennis.
Serena would never have won a match.
The guy that won Wimbledon in 1948 from 0-5 + 2 Sets down, had a 100 MPH serve, later moved to Peru.
“Wentworth voters. Your rep cuts through to the important stuff.”
I live in Wentworth and I’m very critical of Sharma but he does cut through on some other important issues like the BDS boycott which is just pure Jew hatred.
Sharma won’t be my number one…the Lib Dem candidate will be. However I don’t want Simon Holmes a Court’s shallow protege Allegra Spender becoming my federal member.
And interesting how Holmes a Court was allegedly financing far-left progressive environmental activist Michael Staindl’s campaign to kick Josh Frydenberg out of Parliament on the grounds the Frydenberg was a dual citizen. Charming stuff.
Anna Kournikova would have won everything.
Rickw, where was the 8″? We’ve had 12″+ this month but nothing last night (Kiewa Valley).
When people resort to abuse it’s because they are all out of argument.
Imagine a lowly caravan salesman living rent free in a Wall Street guru’s head rent free.
The feeling of greatness!
Kneel Young’s best song.
The game’s top players were terrified of the 40 year old Rosewall whose serves barely got over the net.
You ought to be arrested and jailed for even thinking you could enter parliament. You have to brains of a retarded mongoose you mentally impaired doofus.
Bloody hell, woke up on the wrong side of the cask bladder again?
I pity the hired help, weekends must be shit at your place.
Big first serves take a toll on the server.
It’s like trying to hit every ball for 6 in Cricket, you’ll be Gassed by the end of the over.
In the late 70’s I worked extensively in the NT and SA and Western Qld. It was amazingly wet, roads and rail lines cut for days, sometimes weeks. Everyone up there loved it. The only exception being those who would come to a flooded stretch of road. many of the roads then were so extensively graded they were a bit lower than the surrounding country but rock hard under the water. The tourists would see a long section of flooded road and observe that the surrounding land looked dry. They would conclude that it would be safer to drive off the road and go around the flooded section on what looked to be dry land. Well the sides were drenched and wouldn’t take far for the car to be bogged to the axles and usually abandoned. If you drove those roads back then you would often see cars abandoned, it was the rain that did it.
Particularly when she tacked for the line on the second downwind leg.
A shipping container. A cyclist. A tennis player.
The first I heard of Neil Young was when he did an album with Pearl Jam.
I thought some of that was pretty cool.
Listened to his other stuff & couldn’t get into it.
But that led me to Tom Petty who I think is very cool.
A real hippy.
Who is advancing that argument?
Tennis…as bad as test cricket.
A cure for insomnia.
Doing some reading on Rogan/Young at Steve Sailer.
Rogan definitely isn’t an AntiVaxxer, all he did was interview Robert Malone, who most definitely is not an AntiVaxxer either.
On the other hand, Neil Young ended up quite wealthy, never got ripped off by Music Industry gangsters like most of the others did.
And guess what?
Neil’s old man worked for the CIA for decades in Canada!
Neil Young is kidding himself. He’s old.
I need violence or the threat of violence in my sport.
Tom Petty took guitar lessons from Duane Allman (now there was a real hippy).
Not many people know that.
Thanks Roger.
Shall YouTube his work.
So Johnny Son of Migrants Machinist and Sally Single Mother Macca’s Server pay taxes to fund rich douchebags’ solar panels.
Great country we have, it’s totally fucked.
The Liberals are out of touch but the Ray! Hadley! idiots can’t physically vote for anyone else. Because the obese, rabid, invidious, foaming at the mouth shut in guru said so.
Great country!
Listening to a Glenn Greenwald Callin.
“Joe Rogan has fuck you money”.
Now Tim Wilson is off the Financial Services committee his credits column will now dry up.
Sam Groth.
Fastest recorded serve :- 263 kmh.
Highest ranking achieved :- #53.
Don’t like summer rain? Come to Perth. Stops raining in October and starts again in May. May get a bit hot at times and gardening is tough (really just making sure the reticulation hasn’t shat itself).
Rogan should get Doug Stanhope to come in with a mandolin and they sing Old Man together with Graeme Hancock, Jordan Petersen and Alex Jones.
Sounds like a Lizard person conspiracy Ed. America could smoke Canada in about a day or two.
Now reduced to getting by with a permanent Woody.
The Allman Brothers (Live) At Fillmore East is the classic album, Bern.
Chlamydia Ford is starting her run for AOTY early.
Look at this POS, lia thomas, the freak who declared himself a female and is on his way to breaking every female swimming record. He takes no sex hormone drugs, just wears lippie and has grown his hair; he struts around the female dressing room with his balls jiggling stating he likes women and nothing is done about. When a society allows perverts and creeps to set social values it’s fucked:
Teste enhanced labia.
Ahh. The 70’s.
I remember I was on leave sitting at a medium high table on my parents highish verandah having a beer and a sandwich for lunch.
The late Royal Highness Phil the Greek was driven past.
He waved to me.
I waved back.
I would have worn a shirt if I knew that was going to happen.
No doubt you were the butt of a fine quip, comparable to those eternally drunk Scotsmen, jog on!
You have given me a cunning plan to win a lady Masters Surf Race.
My hair is getting long.
Novak Djokovic
Wins: 0
Ranking: 1
Born: 1987-05-22 (Age 34)
Sam Groth
Wins: 0
Ranking: 247
Born: 1987-10-19 (Age 34)
Groth had plenty to say about Djoker.
He never played Novak as far as I can find.
Thanks for linking to Law Girl.
Kneel Youngs’ stand against Rogan isn’t turning him into the hero he thinks he is.
Sporting an untimely erection as proof, perhaps?
January 30, 2022 at 11:12 am
These are not unusual events, not annual but they do happen every few years. Especially in January. I have seen, had to divert trips and been stranded by a few in Queensland and the central west of NSW. North Queensland when I moved up years ago used to get them every few wet seasons where the Bruce Hwy or Flinders Hwy both sides of divide or both hwy’s would be cut, for a few weeks sometimes in heavier events. The other night we got 300m of rain in a very short period when the monsoon trough pushed south of us, if it had penetrated inland which it didn’t would have been a few days of cuts to the Bruce hwy, as it was Bowen went under in places. What gets me is supermarket chains always cry poor but seem to have no contingency for.
How long does it take a freighter to get from Melbourne to Perth? That’s the usual fix when the Tropical North is cut off for a spell and even non perishables run out. Barge loaded in Brisbane and sent up the coast.
I’m watching Tropical Gourmet New Caledonia on efnick tv food channel.
I love New Caledonia..
I wonder what the rules are for going there now?
But if Donald runs in 2024 bitching about The Big Steal he will lose bigly.
And really lose (not just stuffed ballot boxes).
Firstly, it will come across as being all about him.
Secondly, it projects as being about the past with no vision for the future.
These are the sort of attitudes which cost Hillary in 2016.”
At the moment the Dems have nothing to write home about. In fact by now every normal person in the country must have noticed the Dementia Don in the WH. How he got there remains a pertinent question. The old adage “If you don’t learn from history you will be compelled to repeat it” hangs in the air. On top of that, the Dems induced Pandemic has taken so much from ordinary people that millions of Americans want to know how and why it was able to happen.
If Trump runs he has every right to question what happened in 2020 – yes, he doesn’t have to make the entire message about him – but by speaking about 2020 he can focus on what happened to the country; and so much of a campaign is about the previous incumbent and his/her policies and approaches.
If Trump runs again and wins he may just be able to clear out the deep state, which sets up a possible two-termer following him – DeSantis is young enough to hang around as Governor of Florida for another term before he mounts his assault in 2028.
Nothing will ever top seeing her up close on a practice court hitting up with Martina Hingis in what was certainly not tennis attire, being skimpy shorts and tiny top and shoes.
It was like the scene from Hot Shots where upon saying “the drinks are on me”, people materialise from everywhere including abseiling through the windows.
There were men drooling through the fence on every side, men half way up the fences, on the neighbouring roofs, up trees like there was a monkey infestation, and puddles of drool everywhere. There was no vantage point unused, and on fences blokes were ten deep.
Meanwhile, some players named Lindsay Davenport and Steffie Graf were hitting up on centre court with a solitary spectator.
White City certainly had it charms.
What Does Vladimir Putin Have on Joe Biden?
Here’s the Sailer thread, 208 comments so far:
Was there anyone who made it big in Rock/Folk/Country music in the 1960s who didn’t have a CIA/Tavistock Institute background?
From the week in pics.
So we also have testacleez.
I’m sure Diogakneez will have something to say about that.
Roger. Don Felder said he taught Tom Petty guitar too.
Barty’s second serve is proof of that.
Often unplayable.
How is the Great Artesian Basin replenished?
Truck stops.
In Where Have All The Taxidrivers Gone news:
What a Russian invasion of Ukraine would mean for the rest of the world
Deep. Rare insight.
Hard to beat a good Expert.
“Look at this POS, lia thomas, the freak who declared himself a female and is on his way to breaking every female swimming record. He takes no sex hormone drugs, just wears lippie and has grown his hair; he struts around the female dressing room with his balls jiggling stating he likes women and nothing is done about. When a society allows perverts and creeps to set social values it’s fucked:”
Joe Biden’s America.
Clown world.
But as Rita Panahi said this morning on Outsiders….until women (and men) speak up in unison about his shit and no longer hide behind the cloak of “anonymity” and no longer worry about being called a “transphobe”………this shit will continue.
Lia Thomas is a biological male who puts on female dress and a female swimming costume (and when you look at the pictures of him wearing the female swimsuit you can see his bulging penis) and pretends to be a woman. The fact that our society capitulates to this dangerous shit shows that our society has no future.
Lia Thomas is a adult human male.
Transwomen are not women.
They all grew up in the same region of Florida; Gainesville-Jacksonville, iirc.
I never liked young, his songs are mournful shit and he can’t sing. He ruined Crosby Stills and Nash. CS&N’s first album Renaissance Fair featured some of the finest pop singing ever. These guys could sing: Suite: Judy Blue Eyes
I promise, I’m not going to criticize you about this. You’ve frequently suggested that it’s a 50/50 bet they actually carry through with elections in Nov. Explain the scenario and offer a little color. How can they possibly prevent elections. Even at the height of ww2 the US held elections. In the NYC, the major’s race, in 2001 was held in November ~2 months after the 911 devastation.
Interesting guitar factoid:
In a 2003 Rolling Stone poll Jimi Hendrix was rated #1 rock guitarist of all time and Duane Allman #2.
Both were lefties.
Jimi famously played his right -handed Stratocaster guitars upside down.
Duane taught himself to play right-handed.
Left-handed guitars would be a custom order when they were learning & very expensive.
Is ‘ignoring’ as in not mentioning 2020/J6 an uncharitable characterisation of
Depends upon what you meant by bitching but any complaint about 2020 made by Trump or populist candidates will be treated like bitching. The steal and the aftermath can’t be minimised. The same is true re COVID policy. There needs to be reckoning. By all means, look forward, but without an accounting of the recent past it won’t work.