The courts are very dangerous. Unelected pollimuppetts. BIRM. The Feral court is one of the worst.
The courts are very dangerous. Unelected pollimuppetts. BIRM. The Feral court is one of the worst.
On Christian civilisation. Trump hasn’t won the game. All he has done through this last decade of Herculean, life risking…
They’re only as effective as the judge and Pauline had this bastard: 80.pdf
That was awful, and frightening!
FMD, it’s a muzzie lawfirm! They’ll be hoping they get this bastard judge: 80.pdf
If we could return to the topic, please.
Michelle Obama is a man.
Not an outfit I’d trust, but….
This is from the Epoch Times.
Don’t know how reliable this source is, and I can’t link, because of my new Kaspersky protection.
I can recommend the Bosch series if you can find it. Another I enjoyed is recently was binge watching Billy Bob Thornton in the Goliath series.
Coachella (a trendy music and art festival in the US) and others announce that they will no longer have any COVID restrictions.
Business is business.
Meanwhile, little kids, and bigger kids, and their parents, are still required to wear masks at school and in other places in Democrat run cities and States.
I don’t care so much about the adults – they have choices. But making little kids, and bigger kids, wear masks for hours every day makes my blood boil.
“It’s no secret that owners of coal plants are under immense pressure as ultra-cheap solar and wind rout the economics of running baseload plants 24/7.”
Perry Williams
The Orstraylian
Under immense pressure? Fine. Hand the plants back to someone who can do something with them.
It’s up to governments to do something sensible for a change and stop the rot that they created at the behest of climate alarmists and lefty opportunists – both of whom seem intent on kneecapping western democracies.
is Perry Williams any relation to film critic Evan Williams?
Knuckle Draggersays:
February 17, 2022 at 6:43 pm
If we could return to the topic, please.
Michelle Obama is a man.
Thats a lemur in her pants.*
“What about the smell” you cry.
The lemur is used to it.
* Go on, click it, click it, click iiiiit!
Dated two days ago. Despite attempts at trickery I couldn’t get past the first paragraph, so didn;t get to see the rest of the piece.
If it is confirmed, it should have made a decent media bang by now.
I wasn’t there, I wasn’t sure then and I’m not sure now. I’m not backing the jacks and I don’t want it to be true – but will be happy to see an admission of LRAD use by Kershaw, who’s already taken that question publicly on notice.
So am I correct in stating that this destruction of real power stations is a result of Howard’s RET?
Jesus Christ mole.
‘Just this once, I won’t click on his links.’
But no.
Click. Yerg.
The mouthpiece of the Government of Taiwan.
I’d say it’s quite reliable.
I think the RET has been upgraded and weaponised since, but Howard did start it.
He wouldn’t have had to do anything if the media were not gung ho for climate apocalypse.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 17, 2022 at 6:33 pm
Wrong. China will invade Taiwan.
I offer the following:
1) The threat has “existed”since 1947 IIRC, under far more belligerent leaders than the current fatso. Plenty of time to act, given the thermonuclear deterrent. Just lots of chest-thumping for the cretins in the UN and the MSM.
2) There’s huge, mutually beneficial trade interdependency between Taiwan and China, mainly semiconductors and manufactured electronics. The chinks cannot produce ICs economically. The Taiwan factories will be early, irreperable casualties during an invasion.
3) If fatso ever wanted to wait for the perfect opportunity, anytime after February 2020 would have been perfect. While the West was copulating with itself with alarming success.
4) There’s no money in symbolic wars. As this would be. Fatso would find himself overthrown and executed within days. Even Bidet wouldn’t be this stupid.
Very unhappy to be proven wrong, of course.
I’d say it’s quite reliable.
Sarcasm from Head Case, whose reliability is decidedly poor.
the meja again- enemies of the people. Manufacturing problems that don’t exist.
Anyone remember Murdoch’s mucky ‘MX’ rag that they gave away in the afternoon? It was always pushing klimate fear porn.
On the way to Canberra, I can recall information (don’t ask me where from!) on social media re potential use of LRADs. I have no reason to believe they were used. All I saw was a well behaved crowd. Can’t see why they would have been used.
You roll another Critical Success on your Dodgy Arsehole Check.
You stole Grigs’ weighted dice out of Dover’s contraband pile, didn’t you?
***Suspicious DM’s Suspicion Intensifies***
I’ll say this though:
By now, the pooftah-pansy Amnesty International-lovin’ goats’-cheese ACT jacks will be aware of LRAD-based speculation from the weekend.
The fact that they haven’t front-loaded anyone by holding a presser and saying they didn’t use them is notable.
Lol. For six hours a day. Then extremely expensive the next 18 hours.
I’m amused the Californians have announced they’re closing Diablo Canyon nuke plant and replacing it with a solar plant. What happens at night? It’s a mystery.
California Plans to Replace Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant with Solar Panels (16 Feb)
Just beware that those things are a Cursed Item. If you roll them too much, you lose 3D6×10 IQ points, develop a disturbing fetish for gypsum and flensing knives and stop making sense.
And a tendency to fondle avocados…
They’ll milk climate wank just like they did with the covid scam. And the ‘govern me harder’ types will love it.
Here’s the bottom line:
If you wanna find out what happened at the Canberra Demo, consult a Taiwanese News Agency, because the Australian Lugenpresse doesn’t wanna know or want you to know..
Like all Greens, they cannot tolerate something umfashionable being done in close proximity to them. Be it burning hydrocarbons, manufacturing plastics or splitting/fusing atoms.
But it’s perfectly OK if someone else does it elsewhere, preferably out of sight or not visible from the telly…
Solar panels are the ultimate form of NIMBYism. Change my mind.
You know, if the Liberals and Nationals had spent the last fifteen years fighting the nonsense and lies that is “climate change” and “green energy” instead of cowering and appeasing the climate change hysterics , instead of capitulating re. “net zero emissions”…..given the catastrophic decision by Origin to shut down the Eraring Power Station years before it had promised to shut it down, the Liberals and Nationals could probably have cleaned up a few seats in the Hunter at the forthcoming election. But no, the Liberals and Nationals are as untrustworthy on energy as Labor. Our energy grid will soon be destroyed because other energy companies will follow Origin and shut down more coal fired power generators. Yet all the federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor could say today is that “Origin Energy’s decision is “disappointing” and that fuckwit scumbag, NSW Energy minister Matt Kean, parroted that “a massive battery will be used to safeguard the state’s energy supply when it begins to operate in 2025″…..the same year Eraring will now be shutdown by Origin. If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.
Prepare yourself for massive increases in power prices and regular blackouts.
What a joke this country has become.
You clearly didn’t take the course on ‘Phrasing’ before you started posting here, did you?
Taiwan quietly has had nuke plants since the sixties. It is believed that the anonymous test off RSA was a joint effort between RSA, Israel and Taiwan. If so the Chinks will go very very carefully since one prefers one’s Peking duck not to glow in the dark.
As to Ukraine I still wonder if they handed in all their eggs, of whether they kept a few just in case.
“Very unhappy to be proven wrong, of course.”
Re. Taiwan, you will be.
LRAD might be the very thing that accounts for the peaceful behaviour of the Canberra protesters.
That’s certainly true of Great White Sharks, but not all. Many sharks, like Port Jacksons and gummies, just hang around where they are born – if you define ‘hang around as where their parents mate, drop their egg containers and wander off. Port Jacksons and Gummies don’t circumnavigate the world.
This kind of generalisation about ‘sharks’ in very unhelpful and unscientific.
LRADs are the primary Go To, I guess.
Can the LRAD be tuned from vaguely uncomfortable to bleeding out of all orifices?
I guess so, but the cat would be outta the bag then.
Ya think?
Still waiting for accurate numbers for the march, or the demographic (as opposed to the ‘individual extremists’ line pushed by a few pollies.)
Still waiting for a single line about the Canadian truckies, or any of the supporting blockades in other countries.
Still waiting for the results from VAERS to be published in a single media outlet.
Many more examples, but the media doesn’t ‘bang’ anything that doesn’t support the narrative.
As usual, you miss the point. None of this matters. What matters is that, as with masks, they try to force this on others. I don’t care if you wear 10 masks and get 15 injections. Just don’t try to blackmail me into compliance by attacking my livelihood and social amenities. Government coercion, particularly as regards bodily autonomy, is NEVER acceptable.
How hard is that to understand?
This kind of generalisation about ‘sharks’ in very unhelpful and unscientific.
Very sharkist.
Along the lines of “you people are all the same”!
All I saw was a well behaved crowd. Can’t see why they would have been used.
Mong Police with shiny new toys dreaming of garage Nazi’s would be one reason why they might have been used.
If they definitely didn’t use it, they wouldn’t have been so coy when asked.
KD, there are countless pics to show that RADS were present on Saturday. Whether or not they were deployed is a different matter.
The point is, I wouldn’t be waiting for the msm to inform me.
Addenda re: Taiwan:
As Shakespeare intimated in Julius Caesar: “Surround yourself with fat men.”
Bloated lardarses have a limited propensity for aggression, being generally well fed , often somnolent, slow, sleep-apnoeic and all that.
OTH, thin, wiry individuals have a long record of open hearted committment to atrocity and insouciance to harm.
If the next CCP chairman looks like Ric Ocasek, then I’d be worried.
The MSM recycles the same crap on regular rotation, having destroyed their previous model of reporting factual news. Even astrology produces more truth.
Was never going to happen when the majority fed on the fear propaganda propagated by the government and their media arm, the mainstream media, and people actually believed the government was doing things ”for their own safety”.
Very kind of you Pogria, but no thanks.
I’m allergic to pain – I come out in bruises.
Without scrolling up, I’m guessing you’re responding to something rosie said?
Id bet the Cambmongs risk assessment went something like this.
“There might be Trump supporters in this crowd”
“Oh no they will storm the capital!!!!”
Therefore the LRADs were in place just in front of the MG 42 nests, landmines and heavy artilery.
Craig Kelly asked the Speaker whether his permission had been obtained to
position LORADS at the Parliamentary forecourt.
Speaker said he would take the question on Notice … very long range Notice.
So, i’d say the answer might be Yes to the LORADs, No to Permission being sought.
Damn you corona.
Damn you to HELL!!!!
WA Premier Mark McGowan attended a COVID-19 spreader event at a Fremantle pub, but has tested negative
Also hands up who believes this bullshit.
Meanwhile, anyone who was at the Gage Roads Brewing Company between 4:30pm and 11:00pm on Friday is required to get a PCR test and isolate for seven days if they were there for longer than two hours.
Mark McGowan was there 15 minutes shy of two hours and is not required to isolate.
You had one job ‘Rona, one job
So, your response to a serious concern over use on citizens of LORADs is to ridicule those concerns?
And when is that likely to happen. With all the changes proposed in NSW, there is no mention of vax mandates, which still exist in various workplaces. Are they being dropped too?
Ed manages to be 100% wrong in guessing what a human meant when writing something.
Im guessing this is not a first for it.
german backpackers screaming “Nein, nein” as he approached them with the hose again wasnt encouragement as it chose to think.
The fuck is a LORAD, Grigory?
Since you are inventing acronyms and nicknames again, denoting things that exist only in the cavernous empty space that is your brain,* it’s pretty safe to ridicule you.
*The last fart dropped in there is somehow still echoing…
Is Ed Case/Grigory appearing for Mr G W Shark in the Little Bay matter?
You are fascinated by the Sordid and the Macabre, TheFrollickingHole.
Anecdotal support: Mrs OSC and I walked into RNSH recently and I QR coded us both in on the one phone using the ServiceNSW app.
She got a notification of being there at the same time as a covid positive person.
I didn’t.
In other words, go top yourselves you fascist heteronormative redneck bogan scum ….
Have you tried New Tricks? It’s a great show. The cast is perfect. I had never heard of any of them before (maybe one) but they really click and the mysterious are pretty good too.
Someone is jealous… 🙂
Right. I didn’t know that. Craig Kelly’s information likely to be correct. Fortunately, as I have said, the crowd was massive, but were there just to register their protest, and hope to hell someone would listen.
Violent assault on Parliament was not on the agenda.
I have a hypothesis about the toxic Stalinist runt McGowan. I can’t prove it, for or against, but it does seem to explain something.
Is his Stalinst macho strutting and muscle-flexing connected to his having been a legal officer in the Navy? Is he trying to prove how tough he is to compensate for not having been a real warrior?
It’s quite instructive watching old rockers and hippies going all against free speech and free choice. I am old enough to remember when all of them either chanted or sang “Power To The People” and now it’s “Shut Up The People”. Those drugs really took their toll.
I should say that some of the more spectacular bouts of fact-free sociopolitical Hanrahanism regarding the apparent lethal and genocidal intentions of our various PMs, Premiers, New World Orderers and WEF Young Leaders on this blog in the last year or two, have had me really wanting to break out my best BSM Williams:
“Right, lovely boys, let’s have a look at you. Disgusting! Never before have I seen such a display of blatant Nuffery. Never In All My Life!“
Is he trying to prove how tough he is to compensate for not having been a real warrior?
I know someone who met him when he was in the Navy: “A useless dickhead”
Not married/partnered.
Had herself permanently sterilised as a young woman because she refused to inflict children on the planet.
More likely, it’s some residual amount of that combined with whatever the heck he did or learned as a neophyte within the squalid internecine warfare, gang fights and rampant nepotism that characterise major Political Parties.
What notabrain actually meant.
Indeed so. Still mocking us from her triumphant distance.
C.S. Lewis nails her and the horse she regularly rides in on.
The Puss are a special breed.
Delta A:
Pretty reliable, Delta, especially on the Chinese stuff.
I’ve been a subscriber for a couple of years.
You know, if the Moon was made of green cheese …
If only people like you stopped playing Fantasy Politics, and squarely looked at the world as it is. There are a lot of fantasists here, promulgating things that will never happen, complaining about things they have nothing to do with, imagining themselves as Dictators of the Planet (benevolent, of course, except when it comes to their enemies).
I prefer a dose of reality.
Had herself permanently sterilised as a young woman because she refused to inflict children on the planet.
Job only half done.
Which explains why I avoid the political stuff. It has become too polluted with endless speculations. People seem to be just making stuff up.
$48million on an “internment camp” when they spent fuck all on improving hospital capacity in the worst ever pandemic.
I guess we know that priority #1 is the ability to detain people.
I hope the virus is keeping up with the definition of a close contact.
It will be doing better than me if it is.
Should the ppl of Australia beat a path to my door and beg me to take on the job of dictator of Oz, I suppose I should feel morally obligated to take it on. But I have taken steps to render the likelihood of their doing so extremely low.
Anti Vax mandate protesters confirm by ASIO and AFP to not be extremists:
I think this might be a cleverly coded message designed to fool us all. 😉
I’m not sure Doctors are allowed to perform Sterilisations for flippant reasons?
More likely, she’s a barren old bitch, and misery loves company, eh Franger?
Bruce O’Newk:
They’ll run arc lights over them powered with the batteries they charged up during the daylight hous.
No, sorry Bruce. They are terminally stupid and live within a forcefield bubble of stupid that cannot be penetrated by logic alone.
All you can do is buy a genset and stock up on fuel for it. Or buy a couple of refurbished battery banks to charge with solar power.
Perhaps not in Australia, but that’s not where it was done.
That whooshing sound you hear is your reference to “Franger” going straight over my head.
February 17, 2022 at 8:06 pm
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 17, 2022 at 7:07 pm
You know, if the Liberals and Nationals had spent the last fifteen years fighting the nonsense and lies that is “climate change” and “green energy” instead of cowering and appeasing the climate change hysterics , if only
You know, if the Moon was made of green cheese …
If only people like you stopped playing Fantasy Politics, and squarely looked at the world as it is. There are a lot of fantasists here, promulgating things that will never happen, complaining about things they have nothing to do with, imagining themselves as Dictators of the Planet (benevolent, of course, except when it comes to their enemies).
I prefer a dose of reality.”
Oh dear, a nasty woman is itching for a fight. You’re going to have to try harder than that you old bully.
BTW, how’s life living in a motel room in Queanbeyan?
We know that’s your reality.
We can only dream, Joh. 😀
Can I be allowed just a leetle smite?
I have someone worthy in the crosshairs.
Oh and I have to laugh…the old bully is now an expert on sharks.
Seems an unnecessarily provocative thing for Kiev to have done, considering half the Russian army is warmed up and waiting on the border.
Yep and probably egged into it by various players who at the moment are being mocked via twitter by embassy sites. I think Putin will be much smarter than retaliating though. If he invades it will be on his own timeline, incidentally a law has passed in the Duma to recognise the breakaway territories and grounds to issue Russian Passports. Just like Georgia in 2008.
However if Putin goes into Ukraine and the Americans get tangled one of my mates who is ex army is adamant China will likely move on Taiwan or at least move on the strategic Islands around it, thus hemming the rest of Taiwan in and extending the projection range of their air force into the Pacific.
Great characterisations, really good acting.
I like the Boss – the episode where she got busted into the department was funny as hell.
That’s a nasty burn scar on her left arm but.
Get the DVDs. I got the first one as a present. No ads.
I see venom is still the preferred tipple of many here.
I know many think they are intellectually superior, have special insights and dismiss all others as sheeple but you never know, you might be wrong.
And it may well be that all I did was refuse to believe the omicron doom and gloom and take my life back.
I’m sorry if my observations in Spain are that there is pretty scrupulous adherence to indoor mask wearing but zero enforcement of vaccine passports.
Covid news, about hospitals, made pages 18 and 19 in the print version of La Vanguardia today something about ‘los hospitals remontan y empiezan a recuperer la actividad prepandemia’
The rest was you know, normal.
Keep stoking that outraged outrage though.
No need to respond, Indolent. I can see I was right.
Shit no!
All the other restrictions are being dropped because the vax mandate is so successful!!!
It’s called the covid restrictions off-ramp.
Finding the best way to un-entangle themselves from the web of lies, deceit, railroading and skullduggery the premiers have been engaging in for 2 years.
Grigory’s just being a little bitch again.
It happens whenever it gets laughed at or stymied in such a witty manner that it has no idea what to do in return.
I heard someone in this cafe order a flat white yesterday so I did too.
Chatted to the barista this morning, turns out the owner is Aussie.
FFS – not with this shit again.
Look – the things are focused bullhorns. They can be (and are) used to provide general announcements to crowds.
They were certainly there (there’s video and pics), and probably even ‘used’.
Its only if they turn on the ear-bleed piercing alarm mode they become a weapon.
BHP is haemorrhaging workers especially it’s BMA sites apparently. The diversity regime apparently is putting very experienced stale pale males off and the vax mandate are reasons I have heard. All the ones who live north of Mackay are jumping to Adani who is on a hiring push.
Second BHP’s CIVID policies especially masks are about to cause it some grief, union is on a case at the moment where someone with a genuine exemption was sacked. Apparently lawyers already involved. BHP already has suffered a loss on vax mandates in NSW and there is pressure building on the CMFEU to do something in Queensland.
Anyone seen the woke cringeworthy ad they have on TV recently. Wow.
The Epoch Times post on the acoustic devices.
Australian Police Confirm Use of LRAD Sonic Weapon at Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates
Why aren’t they investigating Albosleazy and his links with the Chinese?
“Australian Police Confirm Use of LRAD Sonic Weapon at Protest Against COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates”
Will they use these at the next BLM and Free Palestine rallies?
No; rather, they’ll offer them a police escort as protection from imaginary right wing extremists
BLM complained about ‘sonic weapons’ after the blm protest in June 2020.
“This is a letter I’ve sent to my NSW MP. Perhaps you could send something similar to your MP?]
I’m writing asking for assistance to take these mass punishment devices away from police.
On Jun 12, at Hyde Park, NSW Police threatened the use of, and then tested, the euphemistically named “Long Range Acoustic Device”, a sonic weapon (LRAD). All LRAD models of capable of inflicting mass punishment on anyone in the area, all capable of sounds well above the threshold required for causing permanent nerve damage and hearing loss.
These weapons are no joke, they cause extreme pain and discomfort, and undermine our right to protest, which is critical to democracy. Many people left the protest when the LRAD came out on Jun 12 — who wants to risk permanent hearing loss?
You can clearly hear NSW Police test the weapon on this Nine News video, and you can see Superintendent Gavin Wood talking into a microphone labelled “LRAD” clearly on this Nine News video.
Then the NSW Police Assistant Commissioner Mick Willing flatly lied about this to the media, claiming “There is one issue I want to clarify out there about the alleged use of some sort of sound weapon by police, ‘That is not the case, police officers used a normal loud hailer to issue a warning to the crowd.’ (Daily Mail link, unfortunately) or a megaphone (Sydney Morning Herald link). All LRAD devices are sonic weapons capable of permanent damage, none are “normal loud hailers”.
Does the NSW Police have such little oversight that they think they can simply lie about this without consequence?”
Rosie, I quite like your travelogue. It’s your thoughts on how to respond to mass hysteria that irritate some here. I felicitate you on your courage in travelling in Europe on your own. I hope you enjoy yourself enormously. Keep us posted on the sights. But spare us the results of your mentation, please.
Rosie the vaccine queen claiming it’s just a little prick.
Bruce in WA
Not married/partnered.
Had herself permanently sterilised as a young woman because she refused to inflict children on the planet.
Then all she has left to do for the “cause” is to cease to inflict herself on the planet.
The Canadian banking problem must have involved a central interchange of some sort given that five banks were off the air at the same time. I don’t know how they operate, but there must be some central interchange connecting all the banks for inter-bank transfers, etc.
Could that have been overloaded due to Castro’s emergency dictate to seize the accounts of the protestors and supporters? Imagine that you posted some innocuous ramblings supporting the trucker’s protest on Face Book, or stood by the highway waving a flag, wouldn’t you be concerned about the security of your savings bank balance?
Such a person would quickly transfer their money into Aunty Mary’s or Grandpa Jones’s bank accounts to keep it safe, not knowing if they are on a list of targets for seizure. Tens of thousands of customers shuffling their money around the place would very quickly clog up the interchange process and bring it to a halt. Reports suggest that there were ATM problems too, so its possible that the system was shut down to prevent a run on the banks, though there would be some limit to the amount which could be withdrawn in cash.
Do Canadians generally have bank accounts in the US, that would be a safer place to transfer it to.
Canada’s major banks go offline in mysterious hours-long outage
One of those upticks was mine, rosie, because it made me laugh.
Life here is pretty normal.
Much better than I expected given all the doom and gloom.
In fact Spain is the most normal of the three, I wish I hadn’t been worried about crossing the borders or I’d have stuck to my original plan and spent a lot more time in Spain.
which is the shark that killed the swimmer.
What’s your next useless dump of information?
I made no such claim frolicking.
got vaccinated with their eyes wide open regarding vaccine side effects
Really? With all the “perfectly safe and effective” propaganda (lies – not safe and just about useless) barrages, denial of side effects (just co-incidence don’tcha know), coercion to keep jobs etc etc etc.
You are truly appalling.
Just returned from attending Junior Baby Bird’s first Novavax shot.
The man in front of us could be heard explaining that he had a rare auto-immune disease and wanted the needle aspirated. Thirty seconds later, he emerged, looking rather shaken.
Before my son went behind the curtain, I asked if the doctor had agreed to aspirate the needle. The man shook his head and replied ‘no’.
Then it was our turn and the usual questions about allergies and previous shots were asked. Then I asked if the needle could be aspirated. The rather unattractive male doctor replied with an air of arrogance that there was no evidence that aspiration made any difference and he would not be doing it.
We walked.
Rosie isn’t that bad. She’s just thick as a brick and about as perceptive. She’s ok when she’s just telling what she does and sees. It’s thinking she hasn’t mastered.
How much is one of these contraptions and what limits are there on ownership by private citizens. They sound quite useful.
I have one other story before I head off to the museum of Girona.
Those of us who’ve traipsed around art galleries will be familiar with the many works titled
‘Portrait of a young man’, ‘portrait of an old woman’ etc.
I tried to make a joke with a guide/curator at one gallery that should either of us ever get our portrait painted by an ‘old master’ we should be sure to have our name put at the bottom.
Lost in translation.
Rosie’s clot shots have damaged her brain.
Cant remember all her “ the shots are harmless. Pfeizer wouldn’t lie” posts over the last 2 years
Dr BG, I disagree. There is something wrong inside her head. No or broken moral compass. The fuck you, I’m OK syndrome.
She is also rather stupid.
I see poor old drbg is still feeling cranky.
Isn’t it wine/whisky/sherry/metho o’clock yet?
And Eyrie from Toowoomba is missing Lizzie very badly.
Oh dear oh dear.
Not at all and we wouldn’t miss you either.
So (:D) WA reports 177 new cases overnight.
Currently 574 active cases
No. in ICU: 0
No. even in hospital: 0
McGowan attends “superspreader” event but, by his own anecdotal evidence, he was 15 minutes short of having to self-isolate. Yeah, of course he left early … BS he did. So if someone left after 1 hr 59 minutes, it’s all good. But if that person stayed one minute, ONE minute, longer, he or she has to self-isolate for 7 days.
It will be amazing how many people left just a bee’s dick before the deadline!
FFS, McGowan, end this bloody farce now!
Also a good demonstration of the noise used when they’re in ‘deterrent’ mode.
But spare us the results of your mentation, please. FFS.
Rosie: Ignore this pompous wanker, please.
It is exactly this sort of shite that drives people away. Dr Bogan might want an echo chamber, but I’d prefer loose thoughts.
Craig Kelly’s question regarding permission to place LORADs in the Parliamentary forecourt [asked following Question Time]was met with quite a bit of derision from the Labor side of the House.
The Speaker himself is fairly weak though that doesn’t hurt Scotty’s Government.
Josh was absent from question Time, which allowed the Government’s better performers [Joyce, Scotty, Dutton, Karen Andrews, Angus and Keith Pitt] to
beat Labor up for an hour.
LRAD doesnt seem that effective.
If we actually had a media an enterprising lad might ask/ purchase a viewing to see if he could score himself a headline.
Security footage anyone?
Dennis Waterman from The Sweeny and Minder, as well as James Bolan and Susan Jameson from When the Boat Comes In, got me in. I was hooked.
I was defending you, rosie. Within the limits of honesty.
And it’s Pete’s pure prosecco time in 35 minutes.
Portrait of a punter who didn’t stump up top dollar.
Those that did got their name on the painting!
Rosie is almost certainly one of Sancho Pizza’s wacky characters.
It’s intended as a parody of Catholic women [ on her knees in some Church half the day] but the rest of it, like frantically racing to the QLD Border to beat the Lockdown by minutes, that’s pure Sancho.
Oh Lordy.
Don’t give Grigs any more ideas! He still hasn’t recovered from the last one…
Also, Opa!
Just on sharks and I’m not an expert…..this from The Oz…
Shark victim died as bay waited for new protection
The shark that killed a Sydney swimmer is unlikely to be found and could be 100km away, experts say, as authorities revealed a ‘smart drumline’ was to be installed in the area in just two weeks.”
I can’t access it as it’s behind a paywall.
Who the fuck is Sancho Pizza, Grigory?
Have you been into the cheese again?
“Dennis Waterman from The Sweeny and Minder, as well as James Bolan and Susan Jameson from When the Boat Comes In, got me in. I was hooked.”
Yep…stellar cast…and a great series.
Things I should never, ever look up…
It shouldn’t be lost on people that the story re Ukraine lobbing mortars originated on a Chinese mainland website & is just being re-reported without any footage.
Depends how high they set the dial.
ASIO and the AFP had plenty of Spooks in the crowd, so afterwards they subject their spooks to a battery of tests to determine what the physical and psychological effects were and how long the after effects persisted.
Yes it was. If they did them like that these days, I’d buy a telly.
Keep the travelogues going rosie. And the ideas.
You haven’t offended me yet. Believe me, it’s difficult.
So, a bunch of industrial deafness claims to Comcare then, Grigory?
That’s how Choomahs were made – despite what happened to Doctor C in the noted documentary, The Big Lez Show.
How Grigory thinks LRADs might work, colourised.
It shows.
You certainly offer plenty of it
Twitter saying Jaws is on 9Go tonight.
I haven’t checked to see if true or not.
P, do you remember Dennis Waterman when he was first on TV as a child actor. He was in a show, the name of which I forget, as an English exchange student living in the US. The show was about an American boy living with an English family, and an English boy (Waterman) living with a US family. He was very young then, he’s made a living out of acting for his whole life.
Gotta feel sorry for the Canada Truckies, their bank Accounts are frozen, which effectively means they can’t work, can’t pay the bills, the bank repossesses the Truck, Trudeau flies in 100,000 Punjabi truck drivers, business goes on as normal.
The same is happening here with Vaccine Mandates enforced by Local Government and BigBidness.
Contractors can’t work, machinery repossessed by The Banks, Truckies from India flown in, you’re a Stranger in your own country.
It’s happening.
Thanks for that. I love that channel. The distillation videos were good as well.
Thanks, bern.
Now I have terrible visions of dank, unlit warehouses in the rougher industrial districts of China’s Special Economic Zones, packed from floor to ceiling with dribbling Grigs-clones. Randomly farting streams of mendacious misreporting and incomprehensible gibberish into the digital aether.
You want horror? Forget Chinese ‘peacekeepers’ marching down the streets of Canberra, WEF young leaders or Pferfidious Pfizer and their mRNA killshots.
Grigs. Grigs in the Derp…
Seriously hard to believe. Kelly McGillis was really beautiful.
Now this
Gotta feel sorry for the Canada Truckies, their bank Accounts are frozen, which effectively means they can’t work, can’t pay the bills, the bank repossesses the Truck, Trudeau flies in 100,000 Punjabi truck drivers, business goes on as normal.
The same is happening here with Vaccine Mandates enforced by Local Government and BigBidness.
Contractors can’t work, machinery repossessed by The Banks, Truckies from India flown in, you’re a Stranger in your own country.
It’s happening.
Tried out a new Jap place tonight via uber eats.
Now my heart is beating out of my chest.
How does that work?
You paint a grim picture…
No. I do see though he is in an Australian production ‘Never Too Late‘ with Jackie Weaver, 2020.
Broken rib cage is my first thought, have you unbuttoned your shirt to check?
Does Castro think that Canadian truckies are going to sit back and let Punjabis just waltz in and take over ?
P, do you remember Dennis Waterman when he was first on TV as a child actor.
there ya go Dennis Waterman .. WILLIAM .. 1962
In the midst of continuing and peaceful Freedom Convoy protests in Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has declared Martial law, and can now seize citizens’ bank accounts leaving no recourse. The friction between Government powers and individual liberties continues to intensify. It also makes a perfect case for having some wealth outside of the traditional banking system, whether that be precious metals or cryptocurrencies.
Don’t undo it all at once- They have a tendency to bounce and skitter away on you if you aren’t ready…
With any luck, Bandt will be hanged from the nearest tree by a group of irate miners…
That, or bern has MSG poisoning.
Almost as lethal as gypsum.
Or maybe it’s crystalline salt?
Wow, it’s pretty unusual for a mature stock to take a hit like Wesfarmers did after its profit announcement. It closed down 7.5% on the day.
Jap food has MSG?
I thought that was only Chinese.
Michael Roddan
When NSW reintroduced the mask mandate on December 23, there were 5578 daily cases and everyone was going bonkers about daily cases.
Today it was announced the mask mandate would be largely scrapped, and there were 9995 cases and fewer people going bonkers
How good is science
5:51 PM · Feb 17, 2022·
MSG is basically seaweed. It’s okay.
It’s settled down now.
Scared me for a bit.
Actually, I’m going to take back what I said earlier to Johanna, not the “bully” label because she frequently is a “bully” on this site (and she certainly has been to Lizzie) but my nasty comment about her living in a motel room in Queanbeyan. It was nasty, uncalled for and I apologise. However it was in response to a very belittling comment by Johanna.
The thing I don’t care where someone lives, be it Vaucluse where my wonderful friend Lizzie lives or someone living in Queanbeyan, we all have our valuable life experiences and opinions which we share here, it is an open forum after all….we’re here to opine, agree, disagree……just like my opinion earlier about how our energy grid has been fucked up and how the Liberals and Nationals have contributed to this monumental fuck up by not taking a more proactive stance over the last decade and a half to combat the hysteria about fossil fuels and climate change. Instead the Liberals and Nationals have just capitulated, as evidenced last year by their adoption of net zero emissions. But my comment seems to have generated a nasty and belittling response from Johanna, why I don’t know. I thought it was an interesting comment.
I concur with what Dr Faustus wrote above, it’s the loose thoughts that makes this blog so entertaining and so informative and long may it continue.
I think that was an accident with boiling water when she was a child.
“With any luck, Bandt will be hanged from the nearest tree by a group of irate miners…”
I’d pay good money to watch that.
the wall remains undefeated
Hopefully you have learned your lesson:
Never order the special…
Black comics taking the piss out of Michael Jackson.
Out of the many responses, Megan’s @February 17, 2022 at 8:04 pm is by far my favourite.
This is disgusting.
@RadioGenova · Feb 15
In Italy today 500 thousand unvaccinated citizens over 50 will be suspended from work and left without salary. Mario Draghi: “The unvaccinated are not part of our society.””
I recall how a European tyrant uttered similar words about people like me in the 1930s and 1940s.
Ain’t socialism grand.
Gotta hand it to HUGHIE got this one perfectly .. LOL!
Big storm over Fairfield earlier and between Hughie, lightning, thunder & wind tumbled a 12 mts tall Poplar Tree in my side garden .. bloody thing has been dead for over 2 years & sick of asking NSW Housing to deal wiv it .. sooooo tonight Hughie & maaates took over .. with precision! .. a 2mts wide grass verge between mine & next door’s driveway and she came down right onto the railings without touching either driveway & only overhanging the road by about a metre not blocking anything! .. ended up leaning on the metal rails .. both railings and letterbox are underneath upright & intact .. only casualty is half a dozen palings .. I’d of brought the bloody thing down myself if I could have guaranteed the placement .. Called SES they came out .. looked said, “Great job, no danger to anything or anyone it’s a Housing clean-up job” ..
No word as yet from the tourist focus group.
That means the market read the published result and went with a [cough] “BULLSHIT”.
Ain’t socialism grand.
What was the japanese food you ate?
Pineapple gyoza?
They probably left the rough end on for the true authentic taste.
Today’s learnings:-
.1 Sharks are indiscriminate eaters. Always were, always will be. Very sad for their latest meal, but it is what it is.
.2 George Negus has dementia.
.3 Travelogues are welcome because it affords us the opportunity for a bit of vicarious travel. Except for tales of old men buying icecream for young girls in Cuba. I do NOT need that on my phone.
.4 LRAD might be a weapon. Or possibly just annoying noise. Like a Mariah Carey Christmas album.
.5 George Negus has dementia.
Cassie of Sydney says:
February 17, 2022 at 10:41 pm
The same thoughts crossed my mind.
He must be feeling safe and secure in his position to offer that opinion.
But of course, why wouldn’t he, after all he was picked and installed by the EU commissariat.
(unless my memory serves me ill?)
Dude’s picked up on the cash run v. big Canada banks.
Hopefully enough of a scare to break the gov-business fascist nexus which is dangling over the canucks.
The Japanese eat some unusual stuff.
But they have a way of making it tasty.
Curried dolphin, for example.
Have you kneed Dave Sharma in the nuts with your new titanium knee yet?
If not, why not?
How Vaccine Mandates Subvert Personal Integrity
History of Girona museum was difficult. Everything only in Catalan on the exhibits a language which is very troublesome to follow, they had laminated cards in English but you had to match up to the exhibits. Tedious.
The museum is housed in a Gothic building, once three separate houses, cobbled together by a noble family then sold to the Capuchins who got booted during the war of succession, then a secular school.
However the monastery’s desiccator which was in the basement which is now the ground floor (puzzling as normally cities seen to get higher, not lower) has survived intact.
Here deceased monks where placed in individual cubicles, in a sitting position on a seat with little grate in it for two years, until fully dried out, then placed in a adjacent room for contemplation by living monks.
Different, unusual.
Still you got from the Roman city to the modern one via exhibits and models, always nice to find my house in the pictures.
There was a bit about dancing the Sardana which I saw people doing on Las Ramblas in Figueres. Rather sedate and well suited to the older generation.
And as always, Franco bad, Republicans good but oops about all the murdered religious.
However buying a full price ticket at that museum (€4.20) entitles me to half price tickets at the other museums, today only! so after a leisurely lunch I shall rush to the archaeological museum.
One preference I have for France, no-one looks aghast at you if you want to have lunch at midday, but here, even a one thirty lunch is practically an outrage.
If only it were true.
“He wanted to be arrested after the funeral” – since when does a suspect get to dictate the terms and conditions under which he’ll be arrested?
Bollocks. It is mono sodium glutamate. Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter. It’s generally safe but some may be sensitive to it.
For example, in one experiment, rats received 0.5–1.5 gTrusted Source of MSG per kg of body weight, which caused rapid heartbeat.
FTB may be sensitive to it or consumes MSG on a regular basis which can involve an increase in the relevant receptors that enhancing the effect of consumption I wouldn’t mind looking at the vagus nerve impact which might explain the effect but I’ve done enough thinking for today and it is time to sink some ships.
What most people don’t realise is that there is probably only like 1 or 2% of money in cash form. So if everyone decided to quickly withdraw only 5% of their savings in cash, the system crashes.
Thanks P, I haven’t seen that.
Yes, Shatterzzzzzzzzz, that’s the one. Made in 1962, 60 flaming years ago!
Where did they go?
With any luck, Bandt will be hanged from the nearest tree by a group of irate miners…
There is no chance of that. This from Origin Energy on its impending closure of Eraring Power Station. Corporate Australia hasn’t got the courage to tell the truth.
“The reality is the economics of coal-fired power stations are being put under increasing, unsustainable pressure by cleaner and lower cost generation, including solar, wind and batteries,” Origin Energy Chief Executive Frank Calabria said in a statement.
That was put in an announcement to the stock exchange. Now correct me if I’m wrong but there are ASX listing rules that require company announcements to be truthful and not misleading.
That statement is demonstrably false. Coal fired power stations are under pressure because of government subsidies to renewable generators not because renewables are lower cost. Batteries do not generate power, they require generated power to charge them. A 700 mw battery is no substitute for a 2880mw power station. That last statement coming from the Chief Executive of a power provider demonstrates his unsuitability for his position. It’s grossly ignorant of the nature of power generation and nature of batteries.
The ASX should be demanding Origin reissue the announcement by correcting such egregious errors and stating the real reasons for the closure of this power plant. The shareholders deserve nothing less and the public needs to be properly informed as to why such decisions need to be made.
We ain’t here for a fucking hair cut Tom. Coopers Mild…. drink a can of coke FFS (Mexican according to people here). Sparkling all the way.
Does Castro think that Canadian truckies are going to sit back and let Punjabis just waltz in and take over ?
Too late for that.
From 2019
How to Immigrate to Canada as a Truck Driver
It may seem like an odd shortage to have but Canada is in growing need of truck drivers. With a small population spread over the second-largest country in the world, the country is looking towards immigrants to solve this employment issue. It has been announced that they hope to introduce over a million new workers into their economy within the next 3 years. We have compiled a list of reasons why this is actually a well-paying job and we explain how to immigrate to Canada as a truck driver.
Andrews walking back the booster mandate.
The beginning of the end?
Victorians set to dance
Also from 2019
How an immigration scheme steers newcomers into Canadian trucking jobs – and puts lives at risk
Immigration consultants and trucking firms with sketchy safety records have found ways to exploit foreign job seekers, sometimes with tragic results when unprepared drivers are sent out on the road, a Globe investigation finds
Mahan Singh remembers feeling terrified he would lose control on an icy highway and kill someone.
His new employer had sent the 26-year-old rookie driver out to navigate a semi-trailer through treacherous mountain passes. “There was no training,” says Mr. Singh, who had been in Canada as a visitor for just a few months when he got his first job here under a temporary work permit. “I was scared. I didn’t have any idea it would be like this.”
Mr. Singh, who comes from Amritsar, in northwestern India, had never experienced ice or snow. He’d never considered being a truck driver, either, but Canadian immigration consultants told him that getting experience in trucking could help him qualify for permanent residency. So, a year ago, he got a licence and found a company to work for in Surrey, B.C.
Andrews walking back the booster mandate.
The beginning of the end?
Victorians set to dance
This is what Victorians dancing looks like.
That was perfect zyco.
…passenger is kicked off flight because he allegedly had Let’s Go Brandon written in tiny writing on his mask on and refused to change it