Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Pretty unaustralian if you ask me. I was hoping for the perfect combination of two Australian icons. Didn’t happen.
Probably ring ins from PNG or Indonesia. Get out the shottie and demand loyalty tests. And if they fail, Maggie…
Has the Chicken Kiev not been recently downgraded to a Nugget?
Now that’s a rip off. The green ones are my favourite too.
I also have a copy of this one somewhere. The book, that is. This Top Ender fellow seems to know…
Especially when the Ukrainians shoot up the heavy bridging engineering battalion needed to cross the river after the bridges were blown. This vid is from Kherson in the east, but they’re definitely Russians since they have the white painted Z on them.
My twitter feed has been inundated with his bravery these last few days. Also reports Zelensky is in Lviv, not Kiev.
Seen similar claims as well on a couple of feeds. Makes sense, in Kiev he would be an irresistible high value target.
Seems in all the confusion the Norks have popped a missile over Japan…
It’s all just getting worse. Hard to believe anything now.
President Donald Trump’s Full Speech At CPAC | The New York Times
From the Comments
– Good job NYT, thanks for showing the President’s speech! God bless President Trump and America!
– Guy knows how to work a crowd and always has. When a speech from a former POTUS gets more views and a positive ratio than the “most popular President of all time” gets on his latest official speech, you know something is up.
– God Protect our great POTUS 45/19 his supporters and the brave few in the Republican Party that stand up for DJT, and our glorious constitution.
– NYT, you’re lucky to even feature him. ??
– Love my President
My president ?? ????
because ‘love’ is an intangible, ephemeral thing that transcends the physical.
Jessica Alba?
I’m sure you would intangible the hell out of her ephemeral self.
While I am the record as having no love for labour in general or Pileoshit in particular, the criticism today for not letting water out earlier is not fair. Wivenhoe has a nominal capacity for water storage and a 100% of that for flood mitigation. On Wednesday it was only 50 odd percent of its water storage capacity and using none of its flood capacity. Today it is at 100% water storage and approaching 60% of its flood mitigation capacity and still rising. They are letting some water out now to coincide with low tide in the River. Yes it will make the problems in Ipswich and Brisbane a little worse, rather that that than the “O shit we are now risking a dam break” massive release that would be required as happened in 2011 that made a bad situation much much worse.
With hindsight every decision is correct Sadly we can only make decisions on the information available to us at the time.
Appanrently European sanctions against Russia do not extend to excluding them from the Swiss Interbank Clearing system because then payments for Russian gas would stop and the Russians might turn the valve off.
Sacrifices are just for Ukrainians, it seems.
Fortunately, KD, some bullets are slow enough to dodge.
At first the analogy seemed to be Zelensky:Saddam, because “He may be an a55hole, but dammit he’s *our* a55hole.” But that analogy didn’t work because unlike the Iran-Iraq war, this time Uncle Sam didn’t help out “their guy”.Firstly Zelensky wasn’t America’s buddy, he was only Trump’s buddy. Secondly, direct war with Russia is too horrid and costly for anyone to consider.
What is the Catallaxy consensus here? Ukraine poked the bear with a NATO stick, now they get the claw and fair’s fair?
Winston I’m another who hasn’t been able to get into RT at all since last night, keep getting the same message cannot connect. Have used private modes and a couple of different browsers. Same result. Something is going on…
Not a biggy in the scheme of things as it is a Kremlin mouthpiece and the newsfeed would be entirely predictable.
British Spy Boss: ‘LGBT+ Rights’ Are What ‘Distinguish Us from Putin’
“LGBT+ rights” are the most important “values and hard won freedoms” distinguishing “us” from Russian President Vladimir Putin, Richard Moore, chief of MI6, the UK’s Secret Intelligence Service, wrote on Friday.
Moore did not specify if his use of “us” was a reference to the United Kingdom, the Anglosphere, or the broader West.
He expressed his sentiments via Twitter, relating his remarks to ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. He included an acronym from “LGBT+ History Month,” with “LGBT+” for “Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans +.”
He wrote, “With the tragedy and destruction unfolding so distressingly in Ukraine, we should remember the values and hard won freedoms that distinguish us from Putin, none more than LGBT+ rights. So let’s resume our series of tweets to mark #LGBTHM2022.”
Moore highlighted an “LGBT+ support group” within MI6 to illustrate his emphasis of “LGBT+ rights” as the primary philosophy distinguishing “us from Putin.”
He added, “Introducing P: ‘I had to move for the job when I joined #MI6, so I was relieved to find out there was an LGBT+ network group. Through the group I’ve made some great friends in the office, and it’s reassuring to know it’s there for support if I need it.’”
Here’s the reality:
Heavy rain ceased on the 5th February, but more was predicted.
The time to release water was back then, not into flooding in Brisbane suburbs now.
Yeah, you’re a Labor critic, good on you, but until the Labor State Government stole all the water assets from the Councils in 2006, prior to that decisions to release water were made by the Council Employees who operated the Dams.
That system worked well [except in the Australia Day Flood of 1974].
You justa cannota ‘ave any fun ona dissa blog anymore. Bloody hells, it’s almosta woke-a.
Firsta, dis a woga basta, he call me a da terrorista ina da breada van…He’s afraid I’m a gonna kill every basta with a da bread van ina da psychotic terrorist rage, and then, I’m a call him a woga basta and my comment gets a taken a down. It shows you da insanity of a da worlda we live a in.
Before dat, he was call me all sort of namesa, Bloody hells, he tells everyone I’m a da cocky from a da busha, da cowherder skippy poofa.
So let’s get this straight. His comment in regards to me being a psycho terrorist is allowed to stay, (when my first response was to say I wouldn’t take legal action against it, as I’m old fashioned and prefer to just take the piss out of the newly insane by injection) and when I do, it’s too much for the blog owner?
Taking the piss out of the way someone speaks, is in no way the same as accusing them of being a terrorist.
Again, as I said straight after his first comment…..
People could sue him for that sort of defamation.
And they most certainly could.
I also said straight away that I am not that sort of person.
I bring this up to expose how sick our world has become.
Accusing an innocent peaceful citizen of being a terrorist….fine.
Say the word “wog” and people shit themselves.
There, I said it again.
February 27, 2022 at 1:09 pm
Winston I’m another who hasn’t been able to get into RT at all since last night, keep getting the same message cannot connect
No problems on iMac just now on Chrome – goes into CloudFlare to verify then rt.com main page, on Firefox same plus verify not a robot
Near I can tell the “Ghost of Kiev” appears to be in an F-16. Certainly not a Mig 29.
I checked it this morning.
It’s actually more restrained than most of what we’re getting in the Western media.
From RT , another view of proceedings;
Putin has upset the oligarchs. Good odds on when and how he’ll be assassinated.
WOG. Who is a valve?
Thanks for that brilliant WWI centenary piece by Peter Hitchens, Rabz.
(The Foul Tornado).
Summarises my feelings about that incomparable disgrace to humanity perfectly.
And I say again, for the umpteenth time, thank God for Daniel Mannix.
Hitchens’ essay is also a useful moral counterbalance to an exaggerated condemnation of ‘the West’ for not being willing to fight for causes like Ukraine. We can lament moral decline without imagining that its antidote is commitment to another modern war. What is said of France in that essay is rue now of Putin. He will not accept reality; to wit: that Russia is a middling shit-heap that should be more concerned about becoming smarter rather than bigger.
It comes across a lot more balanced than the lunatics running the western propaganda would be capable of.
And what is said of the European political class of the time applies to the American equivalent in recent decades:
“…they were greedy and stupid, and unwilling to believe that they could ever do as much harm as they actually did.
BBC reporter caught in Kiev seems somewhat red-pilled.
BBC Russian reporter in Kyiv: The day the war began (BBC, 26 Feb)
Berka, put you cock away
She’s a mad cricket fan Gez. A match made in heaven.
Twenty two days ago woohoo . Exactly how much rain was predicted for THIS event on the fifth ????? As late as Wednesday I was seeing predictions for 20-50 mm here at Caloundra until tomorrow. We blew 300mm last night.
While Wivenhoe may have been intended as flood mitigation when it was built, it is now an integral part of the water supply for Brisbane ever since that fuckwit Goss cancelled Wolfedene.
So last night I watched Netflix’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. The genre’s not really my cup of tea, and if you can’t deal with gore, this obviously ain’t for you. For other mature audiences, I’d recommend. It’s not that long and most of the movie depicts a bunch of destestably woke fucktards getting slaughtered. Brutally – at times, comedically.
I can see why it’s being critically panned, as it treats a bunch of the critic class’s sacred cows in the same way Leatherface treats his victims.
Cow-towing doesn’t just do itself.
Why has the WEF been so successful in anglosphere countries? Especially in the colonies.
My thoughts on the colonies:
1). Don’t underestimate the pull of overseas travel and important meetings when you live in a third world shit hole.
2). Many do have a genuine interest in improving the lot of their people, they make the mistake of thinking that modern western institutions have something to offer.
3). Related to item 2). I make this point as often as I can when I travel in the third world. If you want success for your country then you should aim to emulate the institutions and approaches from countries at the time they became successful. Their current institutions and approaches exist because of success, they are not keys to success. The WEF and pretty much no contemporary western government has anything to offer the third world as a model for success.
Remember Anthony Blinken made what seemed like a rush trip to Melbourne a couple of weeks ago ?
What was on his mind ?
Makka agree to a point, RT is great for Doco’s on Asia, South America and Africa or news from those regions. Even seen some good stuff on our region from there. Their coverage on Russian influenced affairs i.e Middle East or Russian sphere is predictably Russian centric though.
I am currently getting a fair bit of MSM info from Al Jazeera atm. It so far seems fair.
Was idly perusing a music story with that good lady innit just now. Funny how a pop song written in about five minutes can become an anthem.
That’s Not My Name: The Ting Tings discuss song’s ‘amazing’ TikTok revival (BBC, 27 Feb)
The single is fun in a vapid sort of way. Rage used to have it on from time to time.
I’ve taught my son well.
Every time it rains he says “the dams will never fill again” before laughing and walking away.
Blink’n you’ll miss it?
I did.
As an aussie born WOG, I have been called WOG since mum carted me out of Crown Street. Has never bothered me, even when used against me in school and in various jobs, still doesn’t.
So everyone who wants to, WOG AWAY!!!!!
Oh Come On: If like woke wankers getting what’s good for them, try ‘The Hunt’, which comes with a dash of Russ Meyer homage (though with smaller breasts)
“miltonf says:
February 27, 2022 at 12:48 pm
How does the western legacy meja have any more credibility than Prava or Izvestia in say 1975? One thing’s for sure, those two papers would not have been promoting puberty blockers for minors.”
I’ve been wondering what’s made usually clear headed commenters suddenly go loopy with ‘Russia Hate’ (cowardly masking it with ‘Putin’), or simply sit out the ‘war’ subject they would usually bring sense to.
Looking around the Net it seems that in this War, circling the wagons around the UN’s Early Childhood Sexualisation programmes has become a priority, so much so that cool, sane heads know it is not the time to pop their heads up on the topic, lest they taken out with a head shot and lost & forgotten in ‘the fog of war’.
CSE is a highly controversial, “rights-based” approach to sex education that encompasses a great deal more than just teaching children and youth about sexual intercourse and human reproduction. Developed in the West, primarily in the United States, CSE is now being implemented in most countries around the world.
Comprehensive sexuality education programs seek to change society by changing sexual and gender norms and teaching youth to advocate for their sexual rights. Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways.
Climate change, COVID, and the challenges posed by autocratic regimes.
No, I’m not joking; that was the official agenda for his talks with Marise Payne.
When the destruction Blinken, Victoria Nuland & their ilk at the State Dept. have wrought over the last 30 years is considered it’s offensive that they still have jobs.
It’s not being called a wog*, Pogria.
It’s being called stupid, or otherwise a lesser species because you’re a wog.
Big difference. St. Ruth’s really got this class war of his crossing borders.
*Not a wog.
Foxtel has stopped broadcasting RT.
Les Murray left one more book of poems behind for friends to find. (Paywallian).
I pre-ordered mine last night.
US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken speaks to 7.30
Posted Thu 10 Feb 2022, 8:43pm
Updated Mon 21 Feb 2022, 6:52pm
Video 8m 53s
Seqwater’s water supply obligation is enshrined in the Wivenhoe Operating Manual.
It looks like the operators have been following the manual to the letter.
Hope so. The Brisbane River is currently in full flood through the City.
So what?
Prediction for Brisbane today is 20- 40, there’s already been 41.8 officially since 9 am and it’s not stopping.
On top of 225 mm the last 2 days.
Here’s the reality:
Forget the predicted amount of rainfall, that’s always on the very low side to give the Minister cover for his disastrous decisions.
And as far as the
malarkey goes,
ever heard of Somerset Dam and North Pine Dam and Lake Manchester and Enoggera Dam that supply Brisbane’s water needs anyway?
Hope they’re not following a fawlty manuel.
Curious. How many enjabbenenings has Putin had?
Asking for a friend.
Following the Manual to the letter is what caused the 2011 Floods.
In other words, the decisions are hostage to whether or not it stops raining in the Catchment.
If it doesn’t then they’ll have to open the dam gates into Wednesday’s King Tide with flooding right now way worse than it was prior to the opening of the dam gates in 2011.
Or a cow herder, or a Queenslander, ar a country gent, …….the lesson here is, quite simply, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out, and secondly, don’t think you won’t be hauled up for suggesting publicly that someone is a terrorist.
If he wasn’t an irrelevance on a blog I might be concerned.
But he’s just another compliant wanker angry at himself.
So I take it as nothing.
The true terrorists could well be described as the compliant.
Those who, through their compliance have empowered true terrorists who will soon have my unjabbed loved ones and myself in a camp.
Some of these types are even having a holiday overseas flashing their “good Nazi” pass around.
So pardon me if I scoff at a suggestion made that a freedom loving, so far peaceful resistor to global socialism ( by one who is actually has more human misery on his own shoulders through compliance), is a terrorist.
Da woga basta , he’s justa nota righta ina da scona, anymore.
Nino Callota.
Just to give you an idea of how sodden Brisbane already was, New Farm Park was already saturated by New Years Day.
Already 60mm in the 4 hours since 9 am and it’s not stopping.
Prediction for the day:
20-40 mm, even though there’s been 225mm each of the last 2 days.
I see the Red-Faced Guard is as accomplished a cry-bully as SRR.
Glassjaw is a terrible disease to suffer from…
The tale of two men two weeks apart . The Canadian tuckers, bouncy castles pie stalls and street dancing caused the PM of Canada a staunch friend of Putin to go into an isolated safe house. Then we have another style of leader Volodymyr Zelenzky President of Ukraine now being bombed by Traudeaus friend Putin . He and his family no 1 on the Kremlins kill list .a leader who stands up each day and presents him self to his people offering leadership.
Here ya go:
Fire Danger Rating:
UV Index:
20 mm rain in the last 30 minutes, still not stopping.
Jack Posobiec @JackPosobiec ·10m
Oh ok
Market Rebellion @MarketRebels · 7h
The financial director for Gazprom, the largest publicly-listed natural gas company in the world and the largest company in Russia by revenue, has been found dead by suicide in St. Petersburg
Get a grip.
Those photos are from last year and the Vids are done in a Studio.
He’s nowhere near Kyiv and probably hasn’t been for a while.
Grigs baby, your nose is glowing.
I think it might be that Siberian gypsum you snorted before you logged on today…
And even if Grigs’ assertion is objectively true, Cats, remember it’s Grigs who said it…
Lots I suspect. He famously set up plastic lined corridors irrigated with disinfectant that anyone meeting with him had to go through.
Coronavirus: Vladimir Putin installs ‘disinfectant tunnels’ at home to protect himself from COVID-19 (Jun 2020)
He seems a bit germophobic.
Do you mean…… compliantly waiting until the NWO Quenthland Government says it’s okay to go to, oh I don’t know, South Australia to see relatives who had nobody to care for them until a question was asked and yes in fact they did have those exact people?
I mean, a real fighter would have said to hell with these illegal edicts from unelected simpletons, and rammed a checkpoint or two in a Kenworth.
Or maybe he would have just talked it up, while waiting his turn with the sheeple until Jeannette Young said he could go. Hard to know.
Putin got Howard Hughes syndrome?
Are these the camps with gas pipes running into them Mr Bosi remarked upon in public recently?
Irrelevant, I suppose. In 14 to 44 months the guards will all be dead.
Nobody tell SRR.
The uncomfortable truth that her anti-globalist Vlad Bae has tunnels might make her head explode…
That strikes me as about as credible as the Trump piss fetish crap that was being reported.
Donald J Trump
What is happening in the City of Atlanta is nothing short of disgraceful. It’s national news and a regional embarrassment. The good people of Buckhead don’t want to be a part of defunding the police and the high crime that’s plaguing their communities. However, RINOs like Governor Brian Kemp, the man responsible, along with his puppet master Mitch McConnell, for the loss of two Senate Seats and 2020 Presidential Vote, Lt. Governor Jeff Duncan, Speaker David Ralston, and State Senators Butch Miller, Jeff Mullis, and John Albers always talk a big game but they don’t deliver. What good is having Republican leaders if they are unwilling to fight for what they campaigned on? Every RINO must go! Let the voters decide on the very popular City of Buckhead proposal!
And yet I’ve seen amazing positive changes in depressed elderly patients – people who had put themselves to bed for weeks on end, and had horrid pressure sores because just changing position was too much of a mental effort.
I’ve watched them walk out of hospital a couple of days later, chatting with their kids and husbands as they left.
Yes, some of them relapsed, and would be brought back in 6 months later in a terrible condition, but that wasn’t the fault of ECT – it was due to the failure of chemical treatment and the carers who fervently believed in the evil evil nature of ECT. “She’s OK – just a minor relapse and she’ll come good.”
Is it good for every case of major depression?
Of course not. But it works in some cases.
Unfortunately the Health Administrative System continues to fail at preventing abuses in almost every area it overseas. It cannot be trusted to oversee its own programs, and there is no effective independent oversight group that can’t become infiltrated by it.
WWII analogies are odious.
Anybody think that in the late 1930’s they were saying this war reminds us of the Crimean war 85 years earlier?
Hitler is just like Tsar Nicholas I or Napoleon III.
Errr… When were we supposed to start counting the 14 to 44 months from, KD?
Do you think Struth meant it in the Al Gore category of how many years out of 10 is it now since 2006 we had to save the Earth?
Upticks = Plus Infinity, Winston.
Humans are their own worst enemy.
Not enough Aldi Bag Stuffing?
Heheh- The only folks that might ever die of a gassing at Wellcamp might be down mongy LNG heating kit and valves installed during the build phase. And I somehow doubt the Wagners would suffer contractor dodginess like that lightly.
Anybody who’s ever done a Granite Belt or New England/Northwest NSW winter would never begrudge having proper home heating- Not even the Mighty Road Wobblechucker himself…
From October 2021 Rex.
That was when the claim was made. Every single jabbee would be dead within 18 to 48 months, he said. No ifs or buts.
Of course, it could be one of those statements made with no basis in fact and designed to ‘shock people into action*’, but that would be like saying ‘Peta Credlin is a man, an alien and she spent her childhood killing the neighbours’ dogs in Wycheproof. Now – follow me, everyone!’ and then sitting quietly on the couch waiting for interstate borders to reopen.
*Actual quote.
Nobody actually reads their word salads. They just politely push them to one side.
Good to see increasing, wide-spreading skepticism of the Ukraine situation on the blog today.
Wall-to-wall, high-frequency, zero-credibility fermented offal from the Western MSM, FB and Twatter.. But how can one tell?
Absence of ANY verifiable video evidence of allegedly fierce fighting, splodey-ing, missile-ing and scattering of bloodied body parts on streets, walls, trees etc..
You know.. the conventional stuff that used to be standard evidence of the evils of war, until now.. it seems.
What we have instead is oodles of opinionated BS from nobodies, simply grinding axes, seeking validation for their useless, inconsequential, pathetic lives while pretending to be the caring, concerned experts on a complex, ethno-political situation that no outsider truly understands.
FWIW, RT, the natural heir to those pupils of Goebbels: TASS, Pravda and Istvestia, appears sane and measured in its (mis)reporting. Yet another compelling argument for the death of Western fakemedia.
There is also not a huge amount of domestic variety to tender from any more.
Downer EDI (Who absorbed Clyde and Comeng) got out of the proper locomotive and railcar building game some years back, Walker has its order books full of EMUs for QR, UGL (ex-Goninans) is the only freight locomotive builder left in the country. And we will not talk of the little Big Union-Big Labor Govt sweetheart deals between Siemens-Alstom and Bombardier and Vik.gov and Alstom and WA.gov for what are basically local assembly of almost completely imported foreign rolling stock. A few creative interpretations of ‘manufacturing,’ some locally fabricated subassemblies and fitout, then slap on an ‘Australian Made’ sticker to keep the punters happy.
I’m personally not surprised, as the passenger and freight rail scene in this country does not favour the regular churn of rollingstock into and out of service that would justify several factories’ output. It tends to expand irruptively and then contract equally hard. And the contractions tend to leave masses of cheaply repurchasable and still OK to use gear just lying around for the next surge.
The last 5 or so years have been a surge time. But since the horsepower demands can be mostly met with what is around, the entry of new power and rollingstock is a relative trickle.
Nobody actually reads their word salads. They just politely push them to one side.
The pubic hair of the Catallaxy blog….
Bugger. I’m not doing a very good job then, am I? 🙁
Don’t take no for an answer?
We are led by low rent mongs and spivs. (bipartisan I might add)
National News Live
PM confirms Australia will send weapons to Ukraine; Russian forces ‘blew up gas pipeline’
Australia will fund the supply of weapons to the government of Ukraine to help it fight Russian forces invading the country, stepping up its support days after saying it would only provide “non-lethal” military equipment.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison spoke to cabinet colleagues on Sunday morning to start sending the military supplies to Ukraine through allies such as the United States and NATO partners in Europe.
Speaking after joining Ukrainian-Australians at a church service in Sydney, the Prime Minister said he was praying for a peace that let the people of Ukraine live by their own rules without the threat of oppression from Russia.
He also signalled more humanitarian aid for Ukraine, with the government talking to the Ukrainian community about issuing visas to accept refugees who are fleeing the war.
Mr Morrison spoke to Defence Minister Peter Dutton on Sunday to arrange the expansion in military support, first announced on Friday as a commitment to send “non-lethal” supplies after talks with the Ukrainian community in Australia.
Ukraine’s charge d’Affaires in Canberra, Volodymyr Shalkivskyi, told this masthead that even simple military equipment, such as body armour and helmets, could help.
Ukraine has not asked Australia for troops and Mr Shalkivskyi has emphasised the supply of non-lethal equipment in recent days, but Mr Morrison significantly expanded the commitment on Sunday to include lethal military supplies.
“The Australian government will continue to stand up for what is right when it comes to Ukraine,” Mr Morrison said.
“We are already providing significant support in terms of non-lethal aid but I’ve just spoken to the Defence Minister and we’ll be seeking to provide whatever support we can for lethal aid through our NATO partners, particularly the United States and the United Kingdom.
“We’ll be working through those channels because that’s the most effective way to do it.”
Strapping ourselves to Resident Hiden and Boris the pig and on Germanies side.
Im not feeling confident.
Nope, this is just more MythMaking apologia for the Bolshevik regime..
Goebbels’ observation was that the BigLie was the foundation of all Soviet Propaganda and that the more unbelievable the lie, the more effective it was.
Simple as that.
It’s Sunday so I am cautiously optimistic.
Mondays, Wednesday, and Fridays are my despairing days.
Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday are my drinking days and so I don’t really care.
“The Australian government will continue to stand up for what is right when it comes to Ukraine,” Mr Morrison said.
How about standing up for what is right in Australia? Fucking arsehole. Zero moral authority.
Australia will fund the supply of weapons to the government of Ukraine to help it fight Russian forces invading the country, stepping up its support days after saying it would only provide “non-lethal” military equipment.
Wow what have we got that they would want? US & Euro platforms would be a mile ahead anything we could offer…
Where’s that Deputy Sheriff hat?
Foxtel has stopped broadcasting RT.
What is RT?
Morrison is a turd.
What’s the details of that Ukrainian Church Scotty visited?
There’s Orthodox and there’s Catholic.
My guess is Catholic and he’s shoring up the Catholic Vote in general, but I’m happy to be proven wrong?
And he’s gonna fast track refugees?
Playing the situation like a Stradivarius again?
Like all wars
You acknowledge and support the basis of Gilas’ comment and then tell him he is wrong?
You’re just phoning it in now, Grigs.
Either take another line of gypsum and up your game, or take your low-energy arse and begone.
Russian equivalent of our RAAF VIP fleet heading to Minsk:
I dunno Grigs- That’s your meme.
Grigs is a Level 99 Chaotic Stupid Mong. And sadly, if he did not exist Gary Gygax would have probably had to invent him.
And he’s just as useless to play next to as against…
Not to defend hypochondria, but most people were worried about covid in early 2020. Can probably bet more than a few wealthy people were doing lots of strange things, as they can afford it.
It probably wasn’t until late of 2020 that I started thinking it’s all a scam.
Putin shakes in his boots as the west prepare economic sanctions….
Great song Rex!
It’s not being called a wog*, Pogria.
It’s being called stupid, or otherwise a lesser species because you’re a wog.
I used to be treated like that. In Sixth class, I was chosen to test for the High School Bursary program. It was rather exciting for our school as two had been chosen that year instead of the more usual single student. My Principal decided not to send me for the tests as, in his wisdom, he stated that “the Bursary would be wasted on a migrants’ daughter as I would be getting married at sixteen and would waste it”. meh, he’s dead now and I believe I have made a decent life for myself.
It was funny as I was called a “black, greasy wog”, a lot of the time, even though I was very blonde. In the sixties and seventies, Aussie kids could be brutal but, you realised later that they were simply products of their upbringing. It was common at that time to be abused by someone just because you spoke to each other in any language but English when you were on public transport.
Do you think I may have a case for a large cash reparation if I sued now? LOL!!!!
RT = Russia Today.
February 27, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Morrison is a turd.
Slight correction, Morrison is a turd sandwich, which he is excitedly trying to force feed us.
Zelensky emptied the prisons before hightailing it outta Dodge?
Perhaps that’s why Putin has brought in the Chechens?
Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer
The speech is from 2014. He states at the end that the West’s policies will destroy Ukraine. Prescient.
Australia will fund the supply of weapons to the government of Ukraine to help it fight Russian forces invading the country, stepping up its support days after saying it would only provide “non-lethal” military equipment.
Wow what have we got that they would want? US & Euro platforms would be a mile ahead anything we could offer…
Sometimes understanding what is written requires a degree of comprehension… The operative word in the first statement is FUND… there is NO reference to supply…
Can Morrison guarantee any weapons we supply to Ukraine won’t be passsed on to neo-Nazi militias?
Because the US hasn’t been able to.
Less ‘tard out of you please, Grigory.
And more silence.
I think this is at the lookout on the outlet.
Further to Gilas’ comment, I think we should be concentrating on more trusted news sources.
Not a single lie in over three minutes! 😀
Sorry – get the URL right.
this is just downstream of the spillway.
Why is Australia backing anyone in this sh*t show?
Don’t we have enough here to deal with?
Where else would the weapons be going?
Ordinary Ukrainians aren’t fighting for Zelensky, they’re either in hiding or have fled the country.
Why is Australia backing anyone in this sh*t show?
Don’t we have enough here to deal with?
Agreed and my position as well Cali.
Morrison wants to play with the big boys. Good strategy with an election looming but of course it makes no geopolitical sense but of course it would be stupid to expect DumbMo to have any geopolitical sense.
I have been offered a new job of fitting left & right indicators to trains, I could make a motza.
What say you choo choo man?
LOL ABC trolled:
“Why Should You Hate Putin?” Tucker Carlson Asks Americans
I would say that I wish you well in your new career as an electrical fitter* Shit Dribbler,
And I am truly sorry this was the best anklebite you felt you could possibly come up with (Section 3.1)
*Do make sure you take your tinfoil hat off before you start any work, though- Electricity does not care for who really controls all the central banks, either…
Wot Calli and RockDoc said.
Because a teetering over there, may very well mean a Chinese-pushed Indo-Pacifc region tottering into an all-out fight from Taiwan south…
…And well before the nitwits in our Defence Establishment and Procurement are ready for it.
Just for Runnybum, who said:
Tim Neilson’s (unacknowledged) answer, at 8.34 p.m. that day:
‘Oh but yeah but nah but go Broncos’
I’m sure mediawatch will devote an episode to it when they return from their WEB….
““The Australian government will continue to stand up for what is right when it comes to Ukraine,” Mr Morrison said.”
And what’s that Scumbag? Arming neo-Nazi militia? Ensuring that the Ukrainian government’s monthly payments to the Biden family continue?
Worth remembering that for the last two years Scumbag Morrison didn’t bother standing up for what is right closer to home….Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia.
Scumbag has no shame.
Ukraine has an ex-clown as a president. Australia has a real clown as Prime Minister.
Ah yes, I hit a nerve with this one all the time, and choo choo man.
They don’t like themselves either, and doesn’t it show!?
The facts remain.
You are most likely going to be dead within 4 years.
Especially if you keep getting boosters.
Of course many here believe two is enough and won’t play the game anymore, which achieved what?
Underneath, they didn’t feel too good after the first jabs, and the side effects and destruction of natural immunity is now firmly established.
Hence Britain is starting to test for AIDS, when it is fact, the destruction of the immune system by the vax.
You can’t say you weren’t warned.
But those now refusing the booster…..
You’ll be classed as unjabbed and be back out here in the line ups for the camps.
Others, like JC and Frank will jab themselves to death with boosters just because they won’t admit they were fucking insane to do it in the first place.
And of course, whatever your reason for doing so, the facts remain.
If you complied, you helped enable the NWO WEF tyranny now established.
You are more of a terrorist than I’ll ever be.
Just a fact.
Think of it like not actually being a terrorist (but still more of one than me) but supporting terrorism by donating to it via gofundme.
And that’s fine, we’ve all learned who would have been who in Nazi Germany.
We know who Frau Notafan would have been, that’s for sure.
She’d have been chucking her right arm up and saluting while pointing out the Jews with her other hand…..on her way to church……
Now if you think someone like notafan or JC can call outcast PURE BLOODS terrorists without being pulled up, think again.
You’ve taken your sides.
But the piper awaits payment.
How many boosters are you going to have?
There is a sickness here with some. They took the jab and don’t want to hear anymore about it.
Any subject is fine here, other than ones that hold a mirror up to them.
And isn’t the Russian invasion of Ukraine perfect for them.
It’s mental sickness.
We have tyranny (and much more coming) here already.
We are at war with our own government yet so many (especially the compliant) are almost pissing themselves with glee that they can get back to not being the subject matter, but the observers of others.
The qualification in that statement hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Telescopic philanthropy. Scott Jellyby.
RT is reporting that Russia dialled back activities over Saturday in lieu of a proposed meeting between Putin and Zelensky. Which Z subsequently back tracked on. Nothing to do with brave Ukrainians.
Ukraine is dialing up the propaganda to eleventy.
Rock Doctor,
the only comment there so far should be our latest Liberty Quote.
February 27, 2022 at 12:35 am
“The phenomenon known as “journalists eating each others’ turds”.”
Journalist centipede.
The Australian government is a joke.
The blue singlet is being fervently waved on the end of a broomstick from the ramparts of Castle Kenworth today.
Why do I get the impression that politicians and the scum media worldwide are desperate to have young men (and some young women) dying for a stupid cause…again?
Elliot Carver was way too close to the real thing.
I think we hit a nerve, KD.
The Mighty Road Wobbler-Tantychucker gave us a full wordwall, free horoscope and a full psychological assessment at no extra charge! 😀
Do you think if we nark him any more, he’ll give us the keys to his house, bank account details and the cenotaph he uses to stand and (if necessary, fall) by?
Or where the mythical and fabled AKs are really buried?
“Ukraine is dialing up the propaganda to eleventy.”
Why wouldn’t they? They have the lying fraudulent western MSM in their pockets, an MSM not interested in truth, objectivity, instead always ready to spread misinformation and lies.
Awww…that’s nice. Someone approved of my trusted news service on all things Russian.
Despite one of them being most unattractive. 😀
It’s almost like the Mighty Road Wobbler-Tantychucker thinks it’s OK to call people he doesn’t like names and ascribe the worst and most perfidious of his imaginings to them, but it’s not OK having it lobbed back at him with interest by a larger number of people thoroughly pissed off at his antics.
Glassjaw is more virulent and infectious than omicron amongst some folks on the internet….
Ed Casesays:
February 27, 2022 at 4:38 pm
Can Morrison guarantee any weapons we supply to Ukraine won’t be passsed on to neo-Nazi militias?
Where else would the weapons be going?
Ordinary Ukrainians aren’t fighting for Zelensky, they’re either in hiding or have fled the country.
Latest reporting from our thing on the ground in Ukraine, Dick Ed.
RickW, yes thank you. The WEF certainly has nothing to offer third world countries because it is not a problem solving organisation. It is a pure corporate fascist organisation focused on capturing the national resource for the benefit of a self defined elite, openly enslaving those not admitted to the scam.
As we saw during Covid, creating tension and mistrust amongst the proles dramatically reduces the effort required by the elite to impose the dictatorship. The WEF creates a destructive and artifical class struggle based upon those who submit, and those who resist.
Canada demonstrated the ease and effectiveness of the sowing mistrust strategy, supported by the very tidy tactic of using the proles own taxes to buy and subvert the media. Suddenly the people were told that peaceful and positive protesters were terrorists “illegally damaging the economy”. So according to Rainbow Sparkles, the hallowed right to withdraw ones labour is now the action of wreckers and counter revolutionaries. The ease with which Canada found itself subjected to Soviet style nonsense abuse is incomprehensible.
WEF is a far more dangerous and debasing ideology than communism.
In a free world, the WEF would be a proscribed organisation and Attorney General’s Department operatives would be demanding registration of all persons having any contact with them, not with CPAC.
But, as the Canadians found, WEF penetration of the Public Service and security services goes unseen as is unstoppable.
I know you are far too much of a coward to put money on it Struth, but I look forward to reminding you of this in April 2026.
If your incessant bridge-burning for the sake of your fragile ego hasn’t had you banned from every iteration of Cat out there…
The same reason we went to war in Iraq.
To display our loyalty to the WH & US State department.
Keating has a point when he says we need our own foreign policy based on our own interests. (He remains wrong on China, however. )
Comedy Gold, that. 🙂
So Choo choo man has nothing except for his usual, “back atya plus infinity …..plus one”
You’ve hit nothing Choo choo man, except for the things on the track you can’t avoid without a steering wheel.
two directions.
Cassie of Sydneysays:
February 27, 2022 at 5:04 pm
Yes, yes and yes!
My thoughts exactly, Cassie.
You’d have to put in it your will.
If there is one thing Russia has, it’s reserve stocks.
It’s worthwhile reading Victor Suvorovs book “Inside the Soviet Army” especially the chapters ‘Mobilisation’ and ‘The Invisible Divisions.’
Sorry if posted already.
Starkey expounds further on the major points of his interview on GBN that was posted this morning.
Tying this back to piss poor journalism, we watched the special nine coverage of our floods this morning. Lots of data, but no information. The fact that 300+ thousand people are cut off was never mentioned in the 4 hours we were watching except 2 throwaway lines that the Bruce Highway was cut to the south, and was cut at Gympie to the north, I don’t know how many times I saw footage of pontoons and other flotsam going down the the Brisbane River.
We’ve had that for years.
The problem is the Electorate in general believes that America has guaranteed our Security and we should do a quid pro quo by supporting the US State Department’s wild adventures.
So, we invited ourselves to Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq [twice] Afghanistan and now Freedom Of Navigation Exercises in the South China Sea.
Comment from the Oz.
Welcome to living in regional QLD!
Ten thousand grumpy old men, fed up, tired and angry – killing some Russky arZehole might ease a shitty liver….
Or put another way, the women in these families have now been left to fend for themselves as refugees.
Courtesy of a Ukrainian Government that can only be found on Social Media.
You know, I used to wonder if Runnybum was a Struth sock account, just with slightly less grandstanding before the anklebites and toddler-like failures to riposte.
Now I know. 🙂
Hit a nerve all right. The I’ve Been Caught Out Leading From The Couch Again nerve.
Compliant little pooftah-pansies, waiting for the OK signal when for 18 months they were calling for other people to stand and fight and if necessary fall, all the time following the party line themselves.
‘Good evening, and welcome to Conspiracy Central, formerly known as Give Me Something To Believe In Because Nothing’s Worked And I Need A Cause to Validate My Life Line.
‘For a wordwall conflating the Holocaust, the Holodomor, WEF, snake people, the World Wildlife Fund, AIDS and driver-assist technology, press 1.’
May have already been posted. Neil Oliver on the West, our leaders and the situation in Ukraine. Link
Oh, and Oliver is being honest, too. He hasn’t got a clue what’s going on over there.
So much for all the b/s-ing pundits who pretend they have insider knowledge. It’s all column space for hire.
Cassie the only way to tell the clowns apart is the big red shoes and only their mother’s can do that.
Speaking of old soldiers (good book btw):
80-year-old Ukrainian man tries to enlist in army ‘for his grandkids’ (25 Feb)
Dunno how true it is if at all, but I thought “why not?” I’m sure he could sell his remaining few years dearly if equipped with a rifle with a scope.
Struth referred to himself as pure blood. Some attitude for a blue singlet wearing , deliver van driver living on the outer fringes of civilisation .
Well, fuck it.
Bartender! Cancel that. Tip the Blue Sapphire down the sink.
It’s Four Pillars all round!
I don’t know why Ed is regarded as a Wivenhoe dam expert. SEQ Water has been releasing water since December last year.
Diogenes, wait till the next big cyclone threatens. Even Miranda Devine was quite nasty about the residents of Innisfail after Cyclone Larry, they don’t seem to like getting out of their comfort zone and into the regions with the unwashed much. Then you have the other end of the spectrum, attention seeking dheads like Grant Denyer who against official advice went into Innisfail taking up places in the cyclone shelter that was full for his action clip and grainy footage of downed banana palms the next morning just out of town after Yasi.
That said most journalists geography in Queensland goes as far at Caboolture to Tweed Heads and west to Ipswich or maybe Toowoomba…
On such things I was interested by a meme in the WIP this morning. Was it a photoshop? Turns out it was real (other than the added editorial text.)
Angela Merkel pecked by Australian lorikeets on the campaign trail in Germany (25 Sep)
Yes rainbow lorikeets are now in Germany. Our invincible Luftwaffe is conquering the planet!
Vlad’s term runs out in 2036. A long way to go yet.
We are in Armageddon country now…
Neil Oliver: We watch Russia – but we must watch what our leaders are up to here in the West
An Aussie Wog, visiting Canberra Wog & Jew family, having a ball, relaxing with all the freedom of Jew, Ethnic & Olden Day Jokes that were being tossed around with gay abandon.
Until, I made ‘The Great Error’ of mentioning the wonderful Wog Food we grew up with and how happy my now adult children were that I bothered to learn to make it all better than all the Baba’s & Aunties.
“You can’t say that.”
“That word, the ‘W’ word.”
I was floored.
The woke hypocrisy was bad enough.
That banners plastering Canberra for the show, “Wogs Out Of Work”, also had their existence denied, was ‘The Waking Into The Nightmare’.
It didn’t matter how many individuals were sane & reasonable, get them in any number and the terror of being ‘denounced’ by one of their own for committing the latest ‘social crime’, was as real as the terror of being run over by a train after being tied to it’s tracks.
Went to the local supermarket (Vic) and I reckon around a half or more of the serfs are still wearing their masks of allegiance to Diktator Dan
P.S. remember when all cats, great & small, were champions against 18 c and all related word policing?
I do.
Good times.
Palmer’s not getting any ideas, is he?
Sorry Faulty 2.0, but truck has ready rolled over.
We’ll call you up from your tunnel when Vlad Bae says your pizza is ready… 🙂
Yeah I know, but you’re also quoting RT.
Try not to dance on burning bridges, Faulty 2.0.
You’ll melt your red shoes, amd Struth will be offended because that’s his attention you’re stealing…
BTW, anyone notice Trump mentioning things he & Putin talked about that he can’t tell us about, but, maybe one day …
I did.
If I did, so did those it should worry.
February 27, 210022 at 5:43 pm
May have already been posted. Neil Oliver on the West, our leaders and the situation in Ukraine. Link”
Thank you Calli….Oliver, like Starkey, is 100% accurate.
I once heard a Brisbane journalist refer to Dalby as the outback.
Someone want to decipher this utter gibberish?
Knobhead, wait & see when the interest rates rise & see if scummo or albasleasy can stop them.
We will continue the conversation then.
Floods are usually pretty boring, TV-wise.
Slow motion catastrophes don’t hold audiences.
The always sublime Neil Oliver has articulated so perfectly how I feel about what’s going on. I feel physically sick seeing Scumbag Morrison, Turdeau and all the other scum suddenly start talking about freedom. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry but Oliver reminded me of John Donne’s poem…
No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
With the exception of Noosa thrown in there. While I was not really expecting much, at least a mention to stay off the Bruce between Caloundra and Caboolture would have very much appreciated by locals judging by the whinges on Facebook (I was turned around and I need to … )… Looks like the only way is a flight Bne-> Mel -> Mcy (Syd flights booked out) .
Somebody in the head shed has used their brains and all schools in the Greater South East (GC to Gympie) and west to Gatton are closed.
Just loved the rant, Zulu! And besides the cracking fun of it….it has a damn lot to recommend it!
Young men have always been cannon fodder, and there’s the tragedy of warfare. Old guys may not have the crazy bravado of the young blokes, but they may not put their head up over the ramparts & get it blown off so often either.
Dover Beach:
Just the point I was trying to make the other day. When stupid hotheaded people get given weapons after a stirring diet of the Marseillaise or Deutschland uber Alles, stupid hot headed things happen.
You were looking for this
What, the RBA isn’t allowed to raise interest rates because that would suggest that it is owned by juice?
Or are you claiming that the Prime Minister has some sort of final Central Planning veto over the market?
Are you sure you’re wearing a tinfoil hat, Dribbler? Or is it an overtight tinfoil cravat?
These floods can’t be too serious, I haven’t heard that Karl or Kockhead will be reporting live from the disaster zone in the morning shows.
Latho nails Dutton:
Latho nails Joe Hildebrand:
I saw it via an unrelated Facebook link, and quite agreed.
its not a vic/dan thing, its an idiot thing.
Happening here in Sydney, too.
Helps to identify the NPC’s.
Winston Smith says:
February 27, 2022 at 6:11 pm
Dover Beach:
Problem for all western, follow the rules, armies these days.
Civilians can shoot you dead just the same as a regular soldier.
A bit of trivia on John Donne…he was the great-nephew of Sir Thomas More.
He should’ve bought Hermann Goering’s “Blue Goose” Mercedes-Benz 540K instead. Adolf was a thin bugger. For Clive I think Goering’s car would be…roomier.
It’s also armoured, which for Clive would be probably helpful given his various enemies.
Didn’t someone record a ditty “I Hate Wogs?” Eric Bogle, from memory?
speaking of NPC’s.. how did I not know of this?
I’ve never been banned from any forum.
I’m just sorta like Ronald Reagan.
I didn’t leave the conservatives at the Cat, the conservatives left me.
This is not directed at all here, but those know who I am speaking to.
Got themselves all jabbed up and hate anyone who reminds them of their actions, and the dire consequences of their actions, predicted by the real doctors who were silenced by the bureaucrats, right at the very start.
Of course those doctors were all fuckwits, one of them in particular, invented the stuff.
What would he know compared to Jeanette Young?
Not that you would allow yourselves to even take in what you were told, like true sheeple, you were actually told in 2020 that these jabs would kill, would destroy natural immunity, and would cause clots etc.
Way back then.
Do you DENY this happening?
It still hasn’t completed long term testing.
You are the test subjects, of which all previous test subjects are dead.
That’s why prior to this WEF coup these were not allowed to be used on humans.
I , and a few others, were quoting and bringing doctors and specialist reports for two years while those who left conservatism, civic duty and personal responsibility scoffed and, against all information, got themselves jabbed, JC even challenging people to man up to get it, such was his embarrassment and lack of cohesive argument for doing so.
What a guy, what a laugh!
But again, he’s a libertarian, not a conservative.
Which roughly translated means he thinks freedom is the natural state of man. It doesn’t need protecting or “conserving”. JC could not for the life of him figure out why we shouldn’t trade with a totalitarian criminal communist government, after all the stuff was cheap!
How it got to be cheap was of no concern.
*The few still sane when the majority are no longer, will seem insane.
Yet we sane ones haven’t changed at all. In two years our position has been rock solid, and we put the information out there trying to wake people up and save lives.
The arrogance of idiots will see them die, and those that tried to warn them, also dead from the tyrannical behaviour of government the scoffing morons complied with.
* I’m well aware this message will not be appreciated by many, but fuck ya, it needs saying.
I Apologize to the regretful jabbees who know they shouldn’t have had it now, and don’t want to think of their impending death every two minutes, but you did it, so own it.
It’s a terrible situation but I’d rather be disliked by idiots than to not have tried to save their lives.
All the people on this blog knew it would require constant boosters until dead, and help bring in a social credit scheme, and you knew it in 2020.’
That’s the worst part.
Most Cats, before most Australians, knew it in 2020, but refused to believe it.
Now look.
You were warned.
You were shown proof.
But all is to be forgotten now we have Putin the baddie.
How convenient.
Your deaths won’t rate a mention or be attributed to the vaccines, while poverty from a predicted war and overwhelming bullshit war propaganda and theatre keeps rolling out.
In case my comment was missed…
The ABC actually had a rather good radio interview with a Ukrainian journalist who said the government wasn’t handing out weapons willi nilly, as Western reports suggest. What they are doing is enlisting anyone who volunteers into the regular army. And calling up retired drill instructors, no doubt.
Choo choo man, get back on your train you dumb fuck.
Don’t forget to take faulty in your head with you.
Knuckle Dragger:
I bet your monkey loves you.*
*Winston ducks behind the couch and waits for the Zone Call incoming.
Luckily, I can report that my latest trip to the shops south of the Bay, only a very few still wore the oath of fealty.
A trained solider is many times more effective than a civilian. Putin’s problem with civilians is not in the present it is when they become guerilla fighters. By then they will have enough experience and some training to be a real threat to the ongoing occupation of Ukraine.
This is getting a bit surreal. One thing though, the Ukrainians have balls.
Their men have, Cohenite.
And I strongly suspect a few of the girls…
My bad, I’ll dumb it down next time and quote CNN for you.
This is Putin’s problem.
Russian majority Donetsk and Luhansk in the Donbas are one thing, but occupying Kiev is another matter entirely. I don’t think the Russian people have the stomach for such an occupation.
Downer EDI (Who absorbed Clyde and Comeng) got out of the proper locomotive and railcar building game some years back, Walker has its order books full of EMUs for QR, UGL (ex-Goninans) is the only freight locomotive builder left in the country. And we will not talk of the little Big Union-Big Labor Govt sweetheart deals between Siemens-Alstom and Bombardier and Vik.gov and Alstom and WA.gov for what are basically local assembly of almost completely imported foreign rolling stock. A few creative interpretations of ‘manufacturing,’ some locally fabricated subassemblies and fitout, then slap on an ‘Australian Made’ sticker to keep the punters happy.
I’m personally not surprised, as the passenger and freight rail scene in this country does not favour the regular churn of rollingstock into and out of service that would justify several factories’ output. It tends to expand irruptively and then contract equally hard. And the contractions tend to leave masses of cheaply repurchasable and still OK to use gear just lying around for the next surge.
The last 5 or so years have been a surge time. But since the horsepower demands can be mostly met with what is around, the entry of new power and rollingstock is a relative trickle.
Comeng was absorbed by Bombardier now part of Alstom.
Walkers at Maryborough is part of Downer EDI.
They still build trains at Alstom Dandenong formerly Comeng formerly Adtranz formerly Bombardier
It isn’t an either or proposition. They’re both shit.
Comeng used to have the Budd license.