Open Thread – Tues 8 March 2022

The Fight Between Carnival and Lent, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1559

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Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 2:11 pm

where Dr John Campbell is shocked to discover we have been lied to about “safe and effective”

Yep, I watched that when it dropped last night. Before watching it, I would have described Dr John as purple-pilled, but that video looks like someone who’s just taken their first dose of ruby red tabs. Welcome in, doc. As you can see, the water’s warm.

And not because srr pissed in it, either. Well, as far as I’m aware. You didn’t, did you, srr?

March 10, 2022 2:11 pm

That has always been my view of totalitarianism. Only the labels change.
And the uniform design.

nothing gets a BLM, AntiFa, Bolshie to put down the bong and start goose-stepping faster than the threat of their ideological comrades getting all cosy with corporate power.

March 10, 2022 2:11 pm

P says:
March 10, 2022 at 11:23 am

Cardiff Philharmonic removes Tchaikovsky from programme in light of Russian invasion of Ukraine
The orchestra had an all-Tchaikovsky concert scheduled for next week, but has decided to change the programme having deemed it to be ‘inappropriate’ at this time

Looney Tunes.

I read somewhere that ‘woke’ universities in the UK and the US are seriously considering banning Dostoeovsky, Tolstoy etc because Wussia.

These people are insane.

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 2:14 pm

March 10, 2022 at 2:07 pm
The only reason they could argue it was the bug not the vax is because the bug causes those conditions at many times higher rates.

Complete bollocks.

This bullshit being spread is dangerous and an attempt to neutralise culpability and criminality.

My father got Myocarditis from having his heart sack opened up during heart surgery.
It’s not that uncommon after that sort of surgery.
It isn’t common in teenagers and children, in fact almost unheard of UNTIL THE VACCINES CAME OUT. It was not described as a condition of covid for the first year of the so called deadly variant before hand.
Think before posting shit.
What harm are you doing?

You have the dendritic density of aplysia and the neural complexity of c. elegans.

March 10, 2022 2:15 pm

Tongue partly in cheek here, but I thought Boris Johnson’s rush to condemn the purported Russian bombing of a maternity hospital before we have any independent verification was a bit ungrateful.

I mean, it’s Putin who has ensured that Boris will now remain in office.

Likewise, Morrison will be hoping that $70M in armaments buys him more than a few votes at home.

Not to be outdone, Anthony Albanese has said he’d send more, while his uncritical praise of “plucky little Ukraine” seems about to burst out into labelling Russians “the beastly hun.”

Coming after covid it’s all very depressing.

What’s the next crisis they’ll whip up to keep the populace fearful and compliant?

March 10, 2022 2:20 pm

You have the dendritic density of aplysia and the neural complexity of c. elegans.

And you’re full of shit.
Show me a report from a time prior to the vaccines coming out where myocarditis was mentioned as a symptom.
They mentioned flu like symptoms (because it was the flu) and ranging down to being completely healthy, which they termed “asymptomatic”
Oh it attacked the lungs.
Not one mention of Myocarditis until the jabs started coming out.
Now they are telling us that jab caused death and disease are actually covid.
All those triple jabbed morons dying of covid are not dying of covid, they are dying from jab caused conditions that were never present before the jabs came out.
Some people on this blog have memories that aren’t effected by propaganda.
You are either not one of them or wilfully dishonest.

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 2:20 pm

What does Russia have to gain by shelling a hospital? Not much. What does Ukraine have to gain by shelling a hospital and blaming it on the Russians? Potentially, a whole lot.

March 10, 2022 2:21 pm

I’m amazed that anyone is actually getting themselves tested now. I mean what’s the point? Just stay at home and drink plenty-of-hot-fluids-and-rest like we’ve been doing for colds and flu for ages.

Because people believe their government and their goverment told them a “covid19” was some magical super mutant never seen before lung AIDS thing that nobody in human history has ever seen before and it will kill everyone it touches and your immune system is obsolete, and acted like it for two years.

There’s a lot of people who will never accept anything else, ever, even after they’ve had it and it was just a mild cold.

March 10, 2022 2:27 pm

What does Russia have to gain by shelling a hospital? Not much. What does Ukraine have to gain by shelling a hospital and blaming it on the Russians? Potentially, a whole lot.

I’d like to believe neither party is that cynical.

Photographs show a shell crater adjacent to the hospital, which suggests it was not deliberately targeted but wayward ordnance, like other instances of apartment buildings being hit thus far would appear to be. As to who fired we just don’t know. It’s literally a case of the propaganda getting around the world and back before the truth has put its shoes on.

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 2:28 pm
Study is from 2019.
Myocarditis is mentioned 49 times.

Now fuck off because you are too stupid to waste time with.

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 2:28 pm


The prime minister also outlined seven supply chain categories needing attention: semiconductors; agricultural chemicals; water treatment chemicals; telecommunications equipment; plastics; pharmaceuticals; and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Note the non admission of fuels?

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 10, 2022 2:32 pm

Zipster says:
March 10, 2022 at 1:56 pm

The Pfizer documents

where Dr John Campbell is shocked to discover we have been lied to about “safe and effective”

He’s been getting a few shocks recently.

local oaf
March 10, 2022 2:33 pm

I read somewhere that ‘woke’ universities in the UK and the US are seriously considering banning Dostoeovsky, Tolstoy etc because Wussia.

Big dilemma with Solzhenitsyn. *

One the one hand, Russia bad (thumbs up)- but on the other hand, communism bad (thumbs down) = Lefty “brain” strain.

* Assuming he’s actually studied in western unis at all.

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 2:34 pm

I’d like to believe neither party is that cynical.

Unfortunately, I think the Ukrainians are at this stage. They’re desperate and this fits perfectly into the narrative of the Russians as cruel and barbaric invaders that they want to push. So perfectly. A little too perfectly, I’d submit.

March 10, 2022 2:35 pm

Hadley is going to be very very angry.

“I’m making this revelation on national TV – you can say whatever you want but I’ve had my fill of vaccines. I know it’s irresponsible and I shouldn’t be saying it but I don’t want it anymore,’ Stefanovic said.”

March 10, 2022 2:36 pm

Note the non admission of fuels?

It’s to be hoped Texas & Louisiana don’t secede from the Union in some future red state rebellion.

They hold our strategic oil reserves and may not feel bound by prior agreements if we back the Union against them, which we almost inevitably would do.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 2:37 pm

ZK2A is that as part of the peacekeepers or mercenaries.

The Rhodesians didn’t employ mercenaries – foreigners, even those with military experience, had to enlist in the Rhodesian armed forces, and peacekeepers were regular soldiers from Britain and Australia.

March 10, 2022 2:38 pm

March 10, 2022 at 2:27 pm
What does Russia have to gain by shelling a hospital? Not much. What does Ukraine have to gain by shelling a hospital and blaming it on the Russians? Potentially, a whole lot.

I’d like to believe neither party is that cynical.

Photographs show a shell crater adjacent to the hospital, which suggests it was not deliberately targeted but wayward ordnance, like other instances of apartment buildings being hit thus far would appear to be. As to who fired we just don’t know. It’s literally a case of the propaganda getting around the world and back before the truth has put its shoes on.

Never mind the various videos purporting to show Ukrainian troop having occupied the hospital in the days beforehand….

In other news, a good friend messaged me that a place he does some work at has had two middle aged men have heart attacks in the last two weeks. Transport and logistics industry. Mandated booster because they transport interstate. First was a unhealthy fat truckie, second was a a normal middle aged bloke. The story goes the ambos didn’t do anything other than drive in, load them up, hook them up and leave. Sort of suggests they’re getting lots of these jobs, although it could be the whole system is stuffed, despite dear leader’s claims to have fixed it all.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2022 2:41 pm

You have the dendritic density of aplysia and the neural complexity of c. elegans.

Plain spikkin’ English please, like in the Consty*.

*The Abridged Glovebox version.

March 10, 2022 2:43 pm

Um, that’s basically a Fauci run and funded report.

You’d expect nothing less.

Except no one was getting it prior to the jabs, (Fauci’s jabs) coming out.
John, in quoting this as a source and appearing as you have, I must question what your intent here is.

March 10, 2022 2:44 pm

“I do not trust this woman [Tulsi Gabbard]– she is being set up as the face of the ‘Peaceful Middle‘ to divide the Republican Right.”

She appears to be what the US calls a “liberal” – or centre-left. I believe she is fiscally conservative, but socially progressive, pro free speech, anti-war (she’s served in armed forces). Kinda a left leaning version of Trump without the bombast and somewhat less (but still somewhat) nationalist.

IMO, she would have been a much better President than the current corruptoctrat, and certainly more centrist/pragmatist. She might certainly cost the Republicans, but only because she would more closely align with the centre, rather than having appeal to the right. If the Dems have any chance of winning fairly in ’24, it’s with her, but they won’t do it because she’s a bit too much anti-establishment and anti-radical left for the movers and shakers. Pity – I think she’d do a reasonable job if allowed free reign. For a leftie, anyway.

March 10, 2022 2:47 pm

With John, we have either come up against gullibility or culpibility.
Or both.

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 2:47 pm

Hadley is going to be very very angry.

Good, and hopefully he talks about it. A lot. Spread Stefanovic’s vaxx heresy far and wide! Let everyone know, so they talk about it, too.

I don’t imagine the vaxx hysterics have any idea how many people agree with Stefanovic’s sentiments. Let them find out.

March 10, 2022 2:51 pm

They hold our strategic oil reserves

Australia – too stupid to survive.

March 10, 2022 2:54 pm

All those “woke” unis banning Russian authors. How handy! Particularly as those very authors would be their ready-made ideological enemies, being the enemies of totalitarian states.

Now they have an excuse.

March 10, 2022 2:55 pm

Stefanovic is off the Bandanaman guest list. The horror!

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2022 2:58 pm

The Mocker gives two for the price of one:

Election-mode Albo waters down the ‘warrior of the left’
Follow @Oz_Mocker

Exactly 10 years and 14 days ago, an emotional Anthony Albanese — then a minister in the Gillard government — uttered what would become his trademark slogan. “I like fighting Tories,” said the so-called ‘Warrior of the Left’.

“That’s what I do,” he said. “That’s what I do.”

Now Opposition Leader and on the cusp of an election, he has (apparently) transformed, telling a Sydney audience yesterday “We must discover the spirit of consensus”. Not only that, he wants “to put the climate and culture wars behind us”.

And if he if were to win the election, he added, he would model himself on former prime ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.

It is a brave move, especially given voters are wary of the social upheavalist who professes at the last moment to have conservative leanings. Many of us still wince at the memory of former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who as Opposition Leader claimed in 2007 to be a “fiscal conservative,” only to prove himself a feckless squanderer.

But yesterday Albanese went a step further in quoting with approval another party leader. “A former Liberal prime minister once said that in the race for economic reform you would never reach the finish line because it was always advancing,” he said. “I didn’t always agree with him,” he added, having an each-way bet.

Presumably in this half-hour address, time was an issue given Albanese did not utter the name “John Howard”. Nonetheless, Albanese wants to be identified with his legacy.

Now compare those sentiments with a parliamentary speech Albanese gave in April 1998, the Howard government having been in office for two years. “Here is a man who lived at home until he was 32,” Albanese sneered. “You have to go back to Billy McMahon to find a Prime Minister who even approaches this one for petulance, pettiness and sheer grinding inadequacy.”

Howard was, Albanese claimed, the “whingey kid in his sandpit”. His was but a “nervous, jerky, whiny apparition”. He even found fault with the prime minister’s physical features, saying his “chin and top lip” were “jutting out in full duck mode”.

“We hear the hatred and resentment in his voice,” Albanese said, oblivious to the irony.

“A man who is so instinctively petty and so bitterly obsessed,” who possessed “a smallness of mind, a meanness with breathtaking scope”.

He was “yesterday’s man, a weak man, a little man, a man without courage and a man without vision”. Australians, he claimed, “do not deserve the kind of leader that used to dob on them in the schoolyard”.

It was, even by parliamentary standards, a grubby outburst.

Now its author implies he is inspired by Howard. If asked, he would distance himself from his previous remarks by saying they were made 24 years ago.

The same cannot be said of his “I like fighting Tories” slogan. Nor is Albanese’s claim to eschew culture wars convincing. If anything, it reeks of political expediency.

You like telling stories, Albo. It’s what you do.

Julian Burnside’s first-world (Adelaide) problem

Autumn is a beautiful time of year in the City of Churches. For noted human rights advocate, barrister, author, and commentator Julian Burnside AO QC, the Adelaide Writers Week was supposed to be an opportunity to invigorate his soul and relax in the company of like-minded writers, poets, and philosophers. Sadly, it was not meant to be.

Having no doubt lamented with his fellow sophisticates that so many Australians do not share his sense of compassion and tolerance, Burnside last Sunday planned on dining at one of Adelaide’s finest restaurants. But then tragedy struck.

“We were booked for dinner tonight at Shobosho in Adelaide,” an outraged Burnside tweeted that afternoon, “and I just got a message canceling (sic) our reservation. I’ll never book there again”.

The enormity of this setback cannot be stressed enough. That’s not to downplay what is happening in Ukraine or the plight of residents in flood-ravaged New South Wales but we are talking about an establishment snubbing a National Living Treasure and former Greens candidate.

All the great man and owner of a $20m property portfolio wanted to do was enjoy Shobosho’s signature flame-cooked delights while he pondered what we plebs should be doing to reduce our CO2 emissions.

Even the mere contemplation of Burnside having to look for another up-market restaurant at short notice – or worse still being forced to eat at a local greasy spoon – was enough to make me burst into tears.

Disappointingly, many on social media instead lampooned him. Believing erroneously that this was a case of ‘Don’t you know who I am,’ they failed to realise in their ignorance there was a noble motive for this tweet. Burnside was simply empathising with the asylum-seekers he represents by letting them know he too has his tribulations.

As to why the restaurant cancelled his reservation, my first thought was that the online booking system had malfunctioned, possibly due to Burnside’s long list of post-nominals overloading the system. Whatever the case, it was a gross breach of etiquette to send a cancellation via text message.

No, for a man of his standing, it would warrant a delegation being sent to his hotel, or at the very least commissioning a skywriter to apologise on behalf of the restaurant and Greater Adelaide. Surely the wordsmiths converging on Adelaide could pen a moving piece on this calamity – ‘The Suffering of Julian’, perhaps?

But it turned out Shobosho had done nothing wrong.

As a spokesperson advised, the restaurant, like all in the hospitality industry, is trading at only 75 per cent capacity due to Covid restrictions, hence it values every booking it gets. “Unfortunately, there was a mechanical issue with our kitchen exhaust fan on Sunday afternoon,” she explained.

“As a restaurant that cooks over fire, this was a serious safety hazard. At 3.00pm, the decision was made that it would be unsafe to trade until this safety issue was resolved.”

What’s more, the restaurant manager had attempted to contact all patrons by phone to explain the reason for the cancellation, a process that took one and a half hours.

Those that could not be personally reached were sent a detailed text message, the last one being sent at 4.35pm on the day in question. “We would never want to endanger our staff or our guests,” the spokesperson said. “We stand by our process for responding to this safety issue”.

Precisely. Someone needs to explain to the eminent barrister the obligations that businesses have under workplace health and safety legislation.

And while they are it, they could also teach him about the tort of negligence, something which has immeasurably enriched members of the legal profession.

But being a prince of a man, Burnside has now deleted the tweet in question and acknowledged the reason for the cancellation, following “a very nice call” from the restaurant. Tellingly, he did not apologise for having used his platform, which has around 180K followers, to shame the business without cause.

If I were Shobosho’s manager, I too would have had a follow-up conversation with this disgruntled patron.

“Terribly sorry about that kerfuffle, Mr Burnside,” I would say. “We’d be honoured if your esteemed self dined at our establishment, and we’ll ensure you have the finest table. How does 7.00pm March 11, 2056 suit you? What’s that? No, you heard correctly, now hoo roo you pompous git.”

The Mocker amuses himself by calling out poseurs, sneering social commentators, and po-faced officials. He is deeply suspicious of those who seek increased regulation of speech and behaviour.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 10, 2022 2:59 pm

Case in point: how often has Alex Jones been right?

Hardly ever. Years ago (2011-2013) he would dish out so much paranoid delusional nonsense that if any of it turned out to be true it could be by chance alone. If you want to start downloading his old podcasts, cataloguing and counting all the “news” and “globalist conspiracy” stories he said, and then checking with the luxury of hindsight whether they ever turned out to be true, go right ahead. It will take you months to do if you are actually a seeker of truth rather than just being an Alex Jones fanboy. Don’t just cherry pick a few stories that you can recall because they later were confirmed by other sources, make sure you count all of them. Get the real denominator before you produce his hit rate.

And that storming the Capitol building on Jan 6 was a bad idea.

Oh really? When did he say that? Was it prior to Jan 6 while he was helping to fund and organise the protest and said “I don’t know how this is all going to end, but if they want to fight, they better believe they’ve got one”? Or did he only say that afterward, when he claimed the Secret Service had set him up? And on the topic of the Capitol Riot, here is what he said the day before:

Tomorrow is a great day. We don’t quietly take the election fraud. We don’t quietly take the scam and believe their BS. We’ve seen the evidence. The system has had to desperately engage in this gambit to maintain control. But this will be their Waterloo, this will be their destruction.

In fact the stealers won, it was more like Waterloo for Jones, so this is a failed prediction and only one day in advance. How many more failed predictions will you find if you look for them? What’s the real denominator?
More to the point, who cares, why all the focus on the messenger? Isn’t the veracity of the message more important, no matter who says it?

March 10, 2022 2:59 pm

Kneel says:
March 10, 2022 at 1:27 pm
Case in point: how often has Alex Jones been right? He DID predict war in Ukraine in Feb 22 way back in September last year, the conspiracy theorist that he is. And that storming the Capitol building on Jan 6 was a bad idea. And that COVID was lab created. Etc. Fruitloop or genius? Both? Scary, isn’t it, that someone marked as “extreme” and de-platformed so much is still “extreme” even when proven correct on the things that got him banned. That’s propaganda for you. That’s Big Tech censorship for you.
Oh look – funny cat video! Awwww, so cute.

And the more base & too common human nature being what it is, how much more is he hated by the proud who mocked him for being right about that which they were so wrong.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 2:59 pm


I read somewhere that ‘woke’ universities in the UK and the US are seriously considering banning Dostoeovsky, Tolstoy etc because Wussia.

Wagner also took a hit between 1933 and 1945 ( and probably for a while after).

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 3:01 pm

And if he if were to win the election, he added, he would model himself on former prime ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.

Paul Keating? Great choice – possible the most detested Prime Minister this country has has since Gough Whitlam.

incoherent rambler
incoherent rambler
March 10, 2022 3:05 pm

Albo wants

“to put the climate and culture wars behind us”.

I refuse to put the Climate War I behind us until we have hunted out and destroyed every warmist organization. Trials, guilty verdicts, hangings would appease me.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 3:06 pm


Note the non admission of fuels?

Our problem is Greens, not fuels. We have ample solid fuel (coal), and gaseous fuel (coal seam and petroleum gas), and could both find and pump oil here, and refine it (after some time) and use coal to liquids if only someone would tell the Slime to FOAD.

March 10, 2022 3:07 pm

And if he if were to win the election, he added, he would model himself on former prime ministers Bob Hawke and Paul Keating.

Hang on a minute.

If I was his new missus, I would start to worry. A lot.

March 10, 2022 3:11 pm

The Worst Australian news headline:

COVID in WA: New figures reveal shocking number of unvaccinated COVID-19 hospital cases

Then says:

Of these patients, 48 per cent were not vaccinated, according to data released by the State Government to The West Australian.

So… 52% were vax’d? FMD.

March 10, 2022 3:12 pm

rugbyskier says:
March 10, 2022 at 1:41 pm
She now believes that it was the jab that caused the heart problem but the doctors won’t say so.

Yet there’s still no shortage of Not-A-Doctor’s who will happily ‘diagnose’ such serious, sudden illnesses as ‘the bugs fault’, online, without knowing anything about the sufferers other than they got Jabs so it can’t be the Jabs’ fault.

Of course Covid is being desperately buried under the Ukraine now; a lot of people who’ve had healthy loved ones seriously maimed & killed by Jabs, aren’t going to accept that Justice can’t be done.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 3:14 pm

Not only that, he wants “to put the climate and culture wars behind us”.

To the left, putting the climate and culture wars behind them can be translated as “Shut up and surrender to our ineffable wisdom, or we will really get stuck into you, you rotten Tory”.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2022 3:15 pm

The Rolfe trial jury went out an hour ago.

March 10, 2022 3:15 pm

No mention of the finding of Worsley’s Endurance?

It is in quite astounding condition.

Both Shackleton’s and Worsley’s accounts are astounding reads.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2022 3:18 pm

my first thought was that the online booking system had malfunctioned, possibly due to Burnside’s long list of post-nominals overloading the system


Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 3:19 pm

March 10, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Um, that’s basically a Fauci run and funded report.

You’d expect nothing less.

True to form with the Kenworth King, if it detracts from or contradicts his Narrative, he won’t have a bar of it.

You’re too kind describing the Kenworth King as having the wit and sophistication of a single-celled organism, John H.

He’s as block-headed, dumb and dependent on guidance by others as the Prime Mover sitting dormant in his back yard…

March 10, 2022 3:20 pm

If I was his new missus, I would start to worry. A lot.

She’s probably just some beard they roped in for the election.

Boambee John says:
March 10, 2022 at 3:14 pm

Pretty much.

Timothy Neilson
Timothy Neilson
March 10, 2022 3:30 pm

Albo wants

“to put the climate and culture wars behind us”.

Exterminate anyone who won’t agree with the Labor/Greens’ position?
That would put those “wars” behind us.

Until we see some specific details on how Albo would be prepared to compromise [and “compromise” doesn’t mean telling inner city Greens one thing while telling regional coal workers the opposite], his comment is utterly meaningless.

March 10, 2022 3:35 pm

He’s as block-headed, dumb and dependent on guidance by others as the Prime Mover sitting dormant in his back yard…

Yet I’m not the jabbed one.
I live in your head.
And the reason I do is because you can’t reconcile yourself with your own actions.

March 10, 2022 3:36 pm

No mention of the finding of Worsley’s Endurance?

One of today’s cartoonists was making the Endurance = Ukraine assertion.


March 10, 2022 3:37 pm

” Case in point: how often has Alex Jones been right?

Hardly ever. “

Fine, he’s pretty extreme, and I’m not saying he’s always or even mostly correct. Consider the things that he was actually banned for though. Mostly big-ticket stuff like lab leak, vaxes cause issues, Biden’s are corrupt, Russiagate was a hoax and so on. Oh, and Ukraine war in 2/22. And FYI he was at Jan 6 and is on video saying “Don’t go in – it’s what they want!”.

How about you rank his predictions based on the amount of pushback from the mainstream he got – on those terms he’s uncannily correct on the big stuff.

But perhaps more importantly, what he said, not was he has been said to have said. There’s a difference – often a big one. Like Trump, they take one thing out of context and when you see the context, it’s clear he’s saying the exact opposite. Or they take a general case instead of the specific case he makes. Details matter.

March 10, 2022 3:38 pm

Tucker Carlson Outlines Biological Research Labs in Ukraine in Segment That Triggered State Department Response
March 9, 2022 | Sundance

Whilst watching this video clip with Tucker I thought how funny it is the the US has Victoria Nuland and Canada has Chrystia Freeland.

March 10, 2022 3:45 pm

“I refuse to put the Climate War I behind us…”

Hey, if he’s willing to surrender and get rid of subsidies and CO2 certificates, net-zero etc, I’m OK with it – can’t happen too soon. Admit you were wrong and the issue is now dead and we can move on, no problem.
If instead he means “We [warmies] won”, then hell no.

March 10, 2022 3:46 pm

Colonel Crispin Berkasays:
March 10, 2022 at 2:59 pm

Well said, add to that pizza gate etc.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 3:46 pm

The Rolfe trial jury went out an hour ago.

Thanks KD – Territory cops on standby in the case of a “Not Guilty” Verdict?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 3:49 pm

Yuendumu shooting of Kumanjayi Walker: Prosecution case against Zachary Rolfe consists only of ‘armchair experts’, says defence

Amos Aikman
Northern Correspondent
4:43AM March 10, 2022

The “flawed” prosecution case against Zachary Rolfe consists only of “armchair experts” assembled by police bosses in a disgraceful bid to justify their unjustifiable charges, according to defence ­lawyers in the constable’s murder trial.

Appropriating a phrase used by a prosecutor accusing the 30-year-old constable of lying to “justify the unjustifiable” shooting of Kumanjayi Walker, defence lawyer David Edwardson QC suggested it was the crown’s case that ought to be on trial instead.

“Zachary Rolfe was arrested within four days of this tragic shooting,” he told the NT Supreme Court. “A young man lost his life, and a young, courageous police officer has been charged with the most serious charge known to the criminal law … without any proper investigation, and that, you might think, is a disgrace.

“The executive of the Northern Territory Police Force and those they deployed to justify these charges, you might think, have thrown everything at Zachary Rolfe because of a decision that should never have been made.

“In truth, this prosecution is, you might think, all about the executive of the Northern Territory Police Force attempting to justify what was the unjustifiable.”

Constable Rolfe shot 19-year-old Walker three times after the latter stabbed him with scissors.

Mr Edwardson said each time his client pulled the trigger, “he was acting in good faith … in the reasonable performance of his ­duties and … in self-defence”.

He described Walker as “violent and in many respects … the ­author of his own misfortune” and said Constable Rolfe did no more than follow his training.

“Kumanjayi Walker wanted to kill these men. That is exactly what he said after he’d been shot three times,” Mr Edwardson told the court.

“Zachary Rolfe could not push the pause button … he had to make a split-second, intuitive decision based on his training … he had to pull the trigger or risk the real possibility that (his partner) Constable (Adam) Eberl would or could be fatally stabbed.”

He said the senior officer who sent Constable Rolfe’s police Immediate Response Team to Yuendumu to help local officers arrest Walker had “no idea what he was doing”.

Earlier in the day, prosecutor Philip Strickland SC argued in the second half of the crown’s closing address that Constable Rolfe’s account of the shooting was implausible, and the jury ought therefore to distrust his evidence.

“At the same time the accused says Kumanjayi Walker’s left hand is on the Glock, you can see his (Walker’s) left arm is trapped by Eberl,” Mr Strickland said.

“It never happened – he (Rolfe) made it up. If you accept that, it’s extremely damaging for your assessment of whether you believe his evidence that he saw Kumanjayi Walker stabbing Constable Eberl in the neck area … and it’s extremely damaging to your assessment of his credibility that he believed that Constable Eberl’s life was in immediate danger at the time he fired shots two and three.”

The actual injury Constable Rolfe received was “superficial”, and there was no proof Walker struck or injured Constable Eberl at all, Mr Strickland said. He said Constable Rolfe was not forced to make a split-second decision but rather “it was the accused and only the accused who decided to shoot a second and third time”.

“The speed with which he acted was not necessary or reasonable, nor was it in compliance with his own training,” he said.

“The accused knew or believed that Eberl had effectively restrained Kumanjayi Walker.

“He knew or believed that Walker posed a low level of risk to Eberl … the crown case is that at that time, he (Rolfe) believed it (the threat from Walker) had been removed. Nevertheless, he kept shooting regardless.”

Mr Edwardson branded Mr Strickland’s submissions “nonsense” and “utter rubbish”.

Judge John Burns will sum up the case on Thursday before the jury retires to consider its verdicts.

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 3:49 pm

Of these patients, 48 per cent were not vaccinated, according to data released by the State Government to The West Australian.

Why are they unvaxxed? I’d bet the farm the vast majority of them are unvaxxed for the same reason that they require hospitalisation due to OMG (ie. not because they’re knuckle-dragging anti-vaxxers).

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 3:51 pm


Noticed the other day out shopping with wife, the ones with masks won’t look at others. Eyes generally down. Appeared to me they don’t know what to do, they also looked very sad. I almost felt sorry for them then thought better of it.

I don’t feel sad for them either, GR.
I still remember the looks and the snide comments I got when I refused masks. Now people don’t even notice when I wear my Bio Hazard Star T shirts – which I shall continue to do until the emergency legislation is repealed.

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 3:51 pm

Rex Angersays:
March 10, 2022 at 3:19 pm
March 10, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Um, that’s basically a Fauci run and funded report.

You’d expect nothing less.

True to form with the Kenworth King, if it detracts from or contradicts his Narrative, he won’t have a bar of it.

You’re too kind describing the Kenworth King as having the wit and sophistication of a single-celled organism, John H.

He’s as block-headed, dumb and dependent on guidance by others as the Prime Mover sitting dormant in his back yard…

Rex he is so intense, so angry, so lacking in humour. Abusive, belligerent, condescending. Growing old is challenging enough without constantly shaking one’s fist at all and sundry. If the studies are to be believed most people become more content with age but if that is true of Struth he must have been an extremely angry young man. He should lighten up.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 3:52 pm

Judge warns talk about Higgins’ allegation could jeopardise case
Angus Thompson
By Angus Thompson
March 10, 2022 — 11.18am

The ACT’s Supreme Court Chief Justice has warned the more people keep talking about a rape allegation involving former parliamentary staffer Brittany Higgins, the greater the risk the case will be halted.

Lucy McCallum, who was sworn in to head the superior court on Wednesday, delivered the caution from the bench on Thursday morning, just days after Ms Higgins appeared with former Australian of the Year Grace Tame and other female leaders in a video kicking off a campaign about the treatment and safety of women in the lead-up to the election.

Speaking during a brief hearing for Bruce Lehrmann, the man accused of Ms Higgins’ rape, Chief Justice McCallum delivered the statement for the sake of “anyone who has interest in the proceeding”.

“A man has been accused of a very serious offence, it is an offence that can only be tried with a jury,” Chief Justice McCallum said, adding statements made before a criminal trial “that might interfere with the administration of justice” risked being classified as in contempt of court.

“The more people keep talking about this case, the greater risk the prosecution will be stayed.”

The judicial warning came after Mr Lehrmann’s barrister, John Korn, said he hoped for the prevention of the campaign safety.respect.equity launched with a video at the beginning of the week and involving the backing of several high-profile Australian women.

“I am concerned what I read on Monday, and a journalist confirmed yesterday there is going to be another campaign involving Miss Higgins going public in terms of speaking about the topic, and I would very much hope that could be prevented,” Mr Korn said.

Ms Higgins publicly alleged in February 2021 that Mr Lehrmann had assaulted her in the Parliament House office of minister Linda Reynolds, for whom they both worked at the time, on March 23, 2019. Her allegation sparked a national conversation about the treatment of women and their involvement in politics.

Mr Lehrmann has denied the allegation and a six-week trial is set for June, however, Mr Korn said it was the wish of his client that the proceedings be stayed, meaning they would be paused for a period of time.

He said he had not yet talked with Mr Lehrmann about whether a stay application should be made, with the court returning next Wednesday to determine the issue.

Chief Justice McCallum said she did not think “there’s doubt in anyone’s mind as to what would be the basis of the application”.

“That material exists and could be garnered quickly,” she said.

Last month, Prime Minister Scott Morrison made a personal apology in Parliament to Ms Higgins “for the terrible things that took place here”, as part of a first step in reforming parliamentary culture following a workplace review by Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins.

At the time, Mr Korn described the Prime Minister’s apology to The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age as an “absolute disgrace”.

“He has no authority from anywhere or anybody to make that apology. He has abrogated and ignored the presumption of innocence. He’s ignored and disrespected the function of the courts, and has no respect for the rule of law,” Mr Korn said.

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 3:54 pm


I hope the school is prepared for a lawsuit.

Curses – foiled again!
Not that I’m saying it was the motivation behind the enrollment, but it’s just odd that it happened to be a school with a lot of financial backing and not just any old school.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 3:58 pm

Rex he is so intense, so angry, so lacking in humour. Abusive, belligerent, condescending. Growing old is challenging enough without constantly shaking one’s fist at all and sundry. If the studies are to be believed most people become more content with age but if that is true of Struth he must have been an extremely angry young man.

100%. As we see below:

I live in your head.
And the reason I do is because you can’t reconcile yourself with your own actions.

It is allegedly our collective fault for his experiences of the consequences of his actions in the last 2 years.

He should lighten up.

At the very least, he can make a positive start by not shitting in his hands and clapping… 🙂

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 3:59 pm

Alex Jones is a conspiracy monger and an all-round lunatic. Whilst I regard Jones as rather entertaining I wouldn’t put much store in anything he says. Having said that, Jones’ erasure in August 2018 from ALL major social media platforms, within two days, was a very bad portent, a portent that many chose to ignore…including Trump. And remember, the GOP had control of both houses at the time….yet they did nothing. It was a clear case of major MSM figures (particularly from CNN) pressuring Twitter, Youtube and Facebook to erase Jones. At the time of Jones’ erasure, many laughed and shrugged their shoulders, it’s only Alex Jones but as we know that was just the start of the censoring and erasing and after what happened to President Trump and Parler in January 2021, nobody is laughing now.

March 10, 2022 3:59 pm

John H.says:
March 10, 2022 at 3:51 pm

You are to kind.

Spoiled entitled brats only change when those around them stop pandering.

March 10, 2022 4:00 pm

P says:
March 10, 2022 at 11:23 am
Cardiff Philharmonic removes Tchaikovsky from programme in light of Russian invasion of Ukraine
The orchestra had an all-Tchaikovsky concert scheduled for next week, but has decided to change the programme having deemed it to be ‘inappropriate’ at this time

I see the NY Metropolitan Opera has sacked the Russian-born soprano, Anna Netrebko, apparently because she didn’t sufficiently denounce Putin or something. A magnificent opera singer, stunning voice, but sacked because of an accident of birth and not being able to satisfy the demands of the latest “struggle session”.

It’s madness. But the mob is going along with it. Differing from such a mob is something to be very concerned about.

March 10, 2022 4:00 pm

Rex he is so intense, so angry, so lacking in humour. Abusive, belligerent, condescending. Growing old is challenging enough without constantly shaking one’s fist at all and sundry. If the studies are to be believed most people become more content with age but if that is true of Struth he must have been an extremely angry young man. He should lighten up.

What a fuckwit.

Some people just have a low tolerance for bullshit artists.

No one had suffered any myocarditis from covid. They suffered it from the jabs.
Then you quote the long since exposed corruption of the Fauci funded NIH affiliate.
Which when looked at dispassionately, is basically an admission of guilt on their part.
Basically admitting they knew what the jab was going to do.

Are you arguing with the Queensland CMO?
You’re either gullible, or I’d take a guess by your pompous attitude that you have been educated way beyong your intelligence, giving you a very false sense of superiority that gets you into messes like this.

March 10, 2022 4:02 pm

duncanm says:
March 10, 2022 at 1:28 pm

Send her Naomi Wolf’s recent article.

I’m Not ‘Brave’; You’re Just a P—y (7 Mar)

worth reading..

When I spoke at a rally against forcing injections on first responders in NYC, the audience was made up mostly of working people. The people who march for every other cause in NYC — my affluent, liberal “tribe” – sat that one out.

Yeah … nah.

I wouldn’t trust Wolfe as far as I could throw Clive.

Some years ago on WUWT her sloppy and dishonest ‘scholarship’ about CAGW was exposed. She lied, made stuff up, selectively quoted or misquoted people, and so on.

She is looking for something to put wind in her recently flaccid sails, and that’s all it is.

Anchor What
Anchor What
March 10, 2022 4:08 pm

Food shortages – some very committed Christian friends have said for a year or more that this was prophecy and will happen, and that holding good quantity of non perishables was a necessity.

March 10, 2022 4:08 pm

Knuckle Dragger the simp, simping for Cassie just as predicted.

Here’s the thing –
I don’t like Cassie but I don’t lie about why, her or any of her cohorts.

Cassie, et al hate me because I let their own words ‘hang’ them, on scaffolds of their full context, and their only retorts are ever more desperate repetition of, ‘You’re yucky!’, like a gang of schoolyard mean girl.

Oh look, and here’s another one –

Oh come on says:
March 10, 2022 at 2:11 pm

where Dr John Campbell is shocked to discover we have been lied to about “safe and effective”

Yep, I watched that when it dropped last night. Before watching it, I would have described Dr John as purple-pilled, but that video looks like someone who’s just taken their first dose of ruby red tabs. Welcome in, doc. As you can see, the water’s warm.

And not because srr pissed in it, either. Well, as far as I’m aware. You didn’t, did you, srr?

– rushing to join the packs hate for hate’s sake because it’s so cool by the mean girls, that they do it almost every day, even when I’m not here, no matter what sort of absurdity they have to invent to ‘justify’ it, but God forbid I serve them back their own filth!
That’s not allowed!
That’s me being yucky!

How lucky we are that they sit here tag teaming 24/7 just to make sure everyone knows who they have declared, ‘Unpersoned’./sarc

March 10, 2022 4:13 pm

Food shortages – some very committed Christian friends have said for a year or more that this was prophecy and will happen, and that holding good quantity of non perishables was a necessity.

A grade scoffing fodder around these parts.

March 10, 2022 4:14 pm


Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 4:16 pm

“I don’t like Cassie but I don’t lie about why, her or any of her cohorts.

Cassie, et al hate me because I let their own words ‘hang’ them, on scaffolds of their full context, and their only retorts are ever more desperate repetition of, ‘You’re yucky!’, like a gang of schoolyard mean girl.”

Not normal. Completely abnormal.

March 10, 2022 4:18 pm

I see the BOM still hasn’t managed to get the 0001UTC (1000I/K Qld time) surface chart up yet. Still running the 1800UTC chart. So very very useful!

It’s currently only 5 hours and 18 minutes late….

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
March 10, 2022 4:20 pm

The vibe of Howard and Abbot thrives in Vicdanistan:

Victoria’s Police Chief Commissioner Shane Patton says retrospective legislation passed by state parliament this week should quash any future legal challenges arising from an administrative error which resulted in officers being incorrectly sworn-in to the force.
On Monday, before the retrospective legislation was passed, charges against a Victorian man were struck out after a magistrate found the involvement of officers who were not correctly sworn in rendered them invalid. Earlier this month it was revealed more than 1,000 police officers weren’t properly sworn-in between 2014 and 2021 due to a technicality in legislation. It led to concerns that legal cases could be jeopardised because police officers who were invalidly sworn had not held the legal powers to carry out their duties.

Truly a triumph of the spirit of the law over the letter of the law.

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 4:21 pm

Cassie of Sydneysays:
March 10, 2022 at 3:59 pm
Alex Jones is a conspiracy monger and an all-round lunatic. Whilst I regard Jones as rather entertaining I wouldn’t put much store in anything he says. Having said that, Jones’ erasure in August 2018 from ALL major social media platforms, within two days, was a very bad portent, a portent that many chose to ignore…including Trump. And remember, the GOP had control of both houses at the time….yet they did nothing. It was a clear case of major MSM figures (particularly from CNN) pressuring Twitter, Youtube and Facebook to erase Jones. At the time of Jones’ erasure, many laughed and shrugged their shoulders, it’s only Alex Jones but as we know that was just the start of the censoring and erasing and after what happened to President Trump and Parler in January 2021, nobody is laughing now.

I don’t have any time for Jones but this commercially driven censorship is as dangerous, perhaps more dangerous, than government censorship. It isn’t just high profile figures either. On FB and youtube people are being banned\demonetized over trivial issues. The COVID censorship has opened a Pandora’s box so that now we can be banned for stating something that wasn’t even listed as being subject to censorship. I don’t think the US government can do anything about it because of property rights. In other countries it might be possible to do something but politicians are loathe to take up arms against such powerful media entities.

March 10, 2022 4:26 pm

Bushkid, go to
Charts at various levels, thunderstorms, rain, wind speed and direction at any point. Uses the same 3 computer models the BoM uses. I sprung for the premium version which updates every 6 hours and has one hour resolution. Cost $30 for 12 months. Very easy to use and interpret.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 4:27 pm

John H.says:
March 10, 2022 at 4:21 pm”


March 10, 2022 4:27 pm

Debelle & Forrest !

Oh come on
Oh come on
March 10, 2022 4:29 pm

rushing to join the packs hate for hate’s sake because it’s so cool by the mean girls, that they do it almost every day, even when I’m not here, no matter what sort of absurdity they have to invent to ‘justify’ it, but God forbid I serve them back their own filth!
That’s not allowed!
That’s me being yucky!

Dude. It was a joke. And you shouldn’t start from the presumption that I despise you or whatever else you concluded. If you were less neurotic, you would have realised that the joke is predicated on the fact that you’re in the red-pill pool too. Relax.

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 4:32 pm

Fortunately the judge very well instructs the jury on the vital question of not if there was a threat to Rolfe’s partner but rather if there was the perception of a threat. Perhaps I’m reading too much into the judge’s instructions but if I were a juror hearing that I’d already be thinking of acquittal.

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 4:32 pm


And when the fighting is over, Ukrainians and anyone else with a modicum of intelligence, including China & Iran, will be asking, “What worth are American security guarantees?”

And that, of course, is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Destroy trust in the US political establishment.

March 10, 2022 4:33 pm

Winston Smith says:
March 10, 2022 at 2:28 pm

The prime minister also outlined seven supply chain categories needing attention: semiconductors; agricultural chemicals; water treatment chemicals; telecommunications equipment; plastics; pharmaceuticals; and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Note the non admission of fuels?

Yes, but.
Never mind, scrub that, the cat isn’t the place to raise certain topics but I think if we ever did cross paths in the real world you’d enjoy contemplating some of the casual pool table conversations that have been had over the years. 🙂

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2022 4:34 pm

I see the BOM still hasn’t managed to get the 0001UTC (1000I/K Qld time) surface chart up yet. Still running the 1800UTC chart. So very very useful!

BOM didn’t cover itself in glory last week either.

I spent the week clearing out and pressure washing complete strangers’ properties.

Not helped by Palacechook shitting herself at BOM’s predicted “very dangerous” storms that were going to “appear as if out of nowhere” – and warning everyone to go home from Thursday onwards to be close to people they love.

For once I almost felt sorry for her.

March 10, 2022 4:35 pm

Teacher ‘dazed’ and ‘unresponsive’ after 5-year-old pummels her

This could only happen from fear of recrimination for just restraining the kids.

March 10, 2022 4:38 pm

Don’t imagine this will permeate white ribbon’s defence shields.

Woman’s death due to domestic violence.

A woman has died after she entered her ex-partner’s home south of Brisbane and began to “throw petrol around” before setting the house on fire.

Three children, including a two-year-old, the woman’s former partner and his new girlfriend were rushed to hospital.

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 4:39 pm

Mother Lode:

Anyone else on the Sydney North Shore (more specifically Mosman area) having internet troubles?

Not necessarily just there – it seems like a system wide issue.
After multiple attempts to get TPG to fix my internet, I gave up trying to get through the Indian desk that interrupting me while I was describing the problem and shouting down my responses was good customer relation stuff.
I finally did my nana when the woman demanded I listen to her as she finished my sentences for me – and got it wrong.
Cancelled my account on the spot and connected to NBN with a Commonwealth Bank discount of 50% over two years.

March 10, 2022 4:41 pm

Bushkid says:
March 10, 2022 at 4:18 pm

I see the BOM still hasn’t managed to get the 0001UTC (1000I/K Qld time) surface chart up yet. Still running the 1800UTC chart. So very very useful!

It’s currently only 5 hours and 18 minutes late….

I’ve mentioned this more than once as well. At 9 or 10 am in the morning, they are still showing the national pressure map from 6 pm the previous day. Slack and unacceptable in this day and age.

March 10, 2022 4:45 pm
March 10, 2022 4:45 pm

PS, she’s wrong.
Either an idiot or a liar.
Or both.

local oaf
March 10, 2022 4:46 pm

Anchor What says:
March 10, 2022 at 4:08 pm

Food shortages – some very committed Christian friends have said for a year or more that this was prophecy and will happen, and that holding good quantity of non perishables was a necessity.


If people can be panicked into hoarding toilet paper, they’ll strip the shelves of anything the media tells them.

I keep at least a month’s worth of non perishable food at all times. More for some types.

Doesn’t pay to underestimate the total immersion of most people in the media narratives.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 4:47 pm


If instead he means “We [warmies] won”, then hell no.

That is exactly what he means, and the same for the multiple elements of the “culture” wars, on indigenous affairs, the “eeeevvvviiiillll” history of Australian settlement, nasty WW I, Korea, Vietnam and so many more (and WW II until 22 June 1941).

Bloody Hell no!

March 10, 2022 4:48 pm

Alex Jones is a conspiracy monger and an all-round lunatic.

I’ve heard it helps to think of him as a performance artist.

March 10, 2022 4:51 pm

Alex Jones : It’s turning the frogs gay.

Dr Faustus
Dr Faustus
March 10, 2022 4:53 pm

They hold our strategic oil reserves

Australia – too stupid to survive.

We soon won’t have strategic oil reserves to fret about.

Australia will support collective action by the International Energy Agency (IEA) to release oil stocks to help stabilise global energy markets.

Angus Taylor explains:

“Australia will contribute to the collective action and release stocks held on our behalf in the US Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

“This significant action – one of four ever taken by the IEA – will increase supplies to the market, helping to put downward pressure on prices both globally and here at home.

Hopefully Australia won’t ever need physical.

March 10, 2022 4:55 pm

When you let clowns speak for you don’t complain about the circus.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 4:57 pm

“I’ve heard it helps to think of him as a performance artist.”

A good description of him….he is entertaining.

March 10, 2022 5:07 pm

A good description of him….he is entertaining.

How? He is and always will be a liability. Churning out crap for his core audience regardless of the consequences.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 10, 2022 5:08 pm

Earlier this month it was revealed more than 1,000 police officers weren’t properly sworn-in between 2014 and 2021 due to a technicality in legislation. It led to concerns that legal cases could be jeopardised because police officers who were invalidly sworn had not held the legal powers to carry out their duties.

Victorian justice.

You can be arrested if your legal representative is also a police informer by a police officer who really isn’t a police officer.

March 10, 2022 5:09 pm

Breaking news : TASS news agency is reporting that they have captured Dr Fauci whilst he was in process of shredding documents in a Ukrainian lab just captured by Russian troops. Peter Dazack was captured sitting in nearby car with the engine running.

March 10, 2022 5:10 pm

Thanks to the complicit bad scientists doing bad science, the world was put under house arrest & worse, for two years.

The young & old died needlessly from isolation caused depression, cancelled medical treatments, hunger, cold & lack of clean water, oh and from the criminalisation of cheap, safe & effective treatments while expensive & deadly treatments were literally forced on people.

Oh but a super cool scientist says ignore all that and “lighten up”.

March 10, 2022 5:10 pm
Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 5:13 pm


Now I’m not sure if you can have both of the heart conditions above simultaneously but surely the hospital is lying about the cause?

Yes you can.
I had both Myocarditis and Pericarditis + a 1.1 Liter Pleural Effusion.
Essentially a big ball of pus in my chest.
Was a bit crook, I think.
Didn’t feel too bad apart from the hypoxia.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 5:22 pm

Victorian justice.

Contradiction in terms…

March 10, 2022 5:23 pm

Not helped by Palacechook shitting herself at BOM’s predicted “very dangerous” storms that were going to “appear as if out of nowhere”

Excellent examples of leadership and scientific observation now appearing all over this wide brown (and rather wet in places) land.

And where is that “never loses suction” Flannery? Dysoning up muchos tax dollars no doubt.

For forecasting, I use budget version. It’s very helpful gauging when to go for walks or himself’s golf. How the Bureau can claim storms out of nowhere is ridiculous.

March 10, 2022 5:27 pm

As part of this package, Australia also took advantage of historically low oil prices and stored around 1.7 million barrels of oil in the United States Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

That’s it?
We started buying at 35-40 bucks from memory.
Say we averaged 50bucks a barrel.
We spent a measly 85 mill USD and call that a strategic reserve?
I wonder how much rent Australia was charged.
More big-noting from Australia.
Surprise surprise.

March 10, 2022 5:31 pm

Juicy pork with nothing more than a sprinkling of pepper and some rice.

Life is good.

March 10, 2022 5:32 pm

Here’s more of the story that Duncanm linked to.

It states the poor bloke has suffered burns to 90% of his body.

A guy did the same thing to his ex a couple of months ago. The poor woman passed away.

I don’t understand the rage that is as consuming as the fires they light. Strike that, I can understand that kind of rage if someone hurts your kids, then, nothing you can do to the perp is harsh enough, but, for a break up?

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 5:33 pm


“to put the climate and culture wars behind us”.

He wants us to stop and let him keep his plunder and the positions he’s stolen.
Piss off Albo.
Go find a Tory to fight.

March 10, 2022 5:33 pm

Tucker: Why are we funding this?
Fox News host reacts to claims that the U.S. is funding biological programs in Ukraine on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.

Nuland is an evil fat gnome

March 10, 2022 5:36 pm

I don’t understand the rage that is as consuming as the fires they light. Strike that, I can understand that kind of rage if someone hurts your kids, then, nothing you can do to the perp is harsh enough, but, for a break up?

But if they kill your kids with a jab, what’s allowed then?
Asking for a friend.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 5:40 pm

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Mick Jagger’s ex-love and 60s icon Marianne Faithfull moves into a care home

By Richard Eden for The Daily Mail

Published: 10:18 AEDT, 10 March 2022 | Updated: 13:51 AEDT, 10 March 2022

As the captivating girlfriend and muse of a youthful Mick Jagger, Marianne Faithfull represented the cream of Swinging Sixties society, flitting from party to party and scandal to scandal.

But now, in news that is guaranteed to make us all feel old, I can disclose that the former wild child has moved into a care home. The 75-year-old singer is living at Denville Hall, the North-West London retirement home where the likes of film-maker Lord Attenborough, his actress wife Sheila Sim, and Fawlty Towers star Andrew Sachs faced their final curtain call.

‘She’s adding a touch of glamour to the home,’ one of her friends tells me.

March 10, 2022 5:40 pm

Stefanovic is off the Bandanaman guest list. The horror!

Soi is Stan Grant.

Bandanaman’s tolerance only extends to those who agree with him.

How boring.

March 10, 2022 5:58 pm
March 10, 2022 5:59 pm

Cardimona’s LtE’s

Realistically, you can’t bugger up a country as quickly and as completely as Biden has the US unless it’s on purpose. Republican, Cairns

Our governments are so incompetent that they can force money out of the entire population and still end up broke. One Tooth Wally, Cairns North

For the few who still don’t know what’s going on, Covid-19 was meant to bring in the globalists’ “Great Rest”, which federal health minister Greg Hunt openly supports. Hunt even has Klaus Schwab’s “Great Reset” book on his shelves at parliament house. But Covid-19 wasn’t enough, so (p)Resident Biden shut down US oil and created a shipping container shortage to try to disrupt supply chains, and NATO globalists provoked the war acceleration in Ukraine. “You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy.” B. Warned, Cairns

“Petrol price explodes” (CP, 10/3) but we have more oil in the Arckaringa Basin under Coober Pedy than Saudi Arabia ever had. Yet our own governments are denying it to us – it’s time for them to go. Truckie, Smithfield

After so many years of failed promises by Warren Entsch (10/3), even when he’s in government, I just can’t believe him any more. Insured, Cairns

Surely it’s time the vaccine mandates were dropped. We all know by now that the vaccines aren’t safe or effective. Jobless by Mandate, Cairns

What did we learn from Covid-19? Govt favours corporations over small business. Govt favours pharmaceutical companies over its own citizens. Govt uses paid media to gaslight us. Govt will use violence on us to keep us obedient, I mean, “safe”. Neil, Woree

The only cure for the extreme-left’s control of the facebook algorithms is to geo-block the entire platform and allow a new local competitor to take its place. Coder, Westcourt

Ooh, that’s rich! Dictator Dan Andrews telling ScoMo to spend other people’s money on mental health after he drove Victorians insane (CP, 10/3). Surely we’re at peak clown world now. Theo, Mooroobool

If you’ve been enjoying your air conditioning overnight during this summery weather (CP, 10/03), you need to remember the power running it definitely did not come from solar panels and, with wind dropping most nights, it didn’t come from wind either. No, that cool, delicious environment was brought to you by nature’s chocolate-sunshine batteries, good old King Coal. Higgs, Tolga

I still can’t get over the fact that people are still pushing this utter bollocks on ‘climate’. Seriously. After 30 years of 100% false predictions, idiots still believe grifters telling them they will change the weather. Yvonne, Atherton

That’s funny, four days ago the Polish Foreign Minister announced to the international media that the story about its MiG-29 jets going to Ukraine was fake news – but we’re still seeing it in print locally. Are we being told what to think now? Graham, Freshwater

Seriously? A battery-powered golf cart had to be “specially imported” for police use? Our manufacturing industries really have been killed by climate nuts and their high power prices. Golfer, Yorkeys. Knob

$248 million to pump water from the Mulgrave River? In what fantasy land? $248 million would build a sweet dam and lake on the Upper Mulgrave and secure Cairns water forever – all we need to do is purge the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats and divorce the communist UN. Brian, Gordonvale

If China was “brought to its knees by Covid” (10/3), why is it even needing to buy our coal and iron ore? The fact is, China was over covid by March 2020 – as shown by their pollution output and no shgortage of cheap rubbish on our shelves. Wilfred, Smithfield

Remember, those soaring fuel prices (10/3) are because Joe Biden turned off US domestic oil production on the advice of commie climate change loonies and began competing for the oil we buy off foreigners because our climate change loonies won’t let us pump our own oil here either. Lesco Brandon, Cairns

Indigenous women are dying of poverty diseases in 2022 (CP, 10/03). Who’s fault is that? That’d be the patriarchal fascist ALP state govt and micro-managing socialist LNP federal govt that maintain indigenous communities as failed socialist outposts embedded in a successful capitalist economy. Cedric, Kuranda

We can’t stop global warming because of China, so can we please stop the global whining here? Greenie, Yorkeys Knob

March 10, 2022 6:01 pm

“Man has the right to act in conscience and in freedom so as personally to make moral decisions.”
Quoting the Vatican II document Dignitatis Humanae, it continues: “He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience. Nor must he be prevented from acting according to his conscience, especially in religious matters.”

Except for when it comes to not taking the vax. Then all the guff about conscience gets thrown out the door.

March 10, 2022 6:03 pm

Cheers calli, wonderfull song.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2022 6:04 pm

Knuckle Dragger the simp

I’ve never heard of anyone getting a ‘broken foot’ from gardening.

Just sayin’.

March 10, 2022 6:06 pm

Oh come on says:
March 10, 2022 at 4:29 pm

rushing to join the packs hate for hate’s sake because it’s so cool by the mean girls, that they do it almost every day, even when I’m not here, no matter what sort of absurdity they have to invent to ‘justify’ it, but God forbid I serve them back their own filth!
That’s not allowed!
That’s me being yucky!

Dude. It was a joke. And you shouldn’t start from the presumption that I despise you or whatever else you concluded. If you were less neurotic, you would have realised that the joke is predicated on the fact that you’re in the red-pill pool too. Relax.

Dude, a clever, well timed, rare joke, is a joke.

Spitting any bit of crass nonsense just to be seen aligned with the mean girls on a streak (and not for the first, second or more than a few times), is cowardly noise.

Anyway, lets ‘roll tape’ –

Oh come on says:
March 10, 2022 at 2:11 pm

where Dr John Campbell is shocked to discover we have been lied to about “safe and effective”

Yep, I watched that when it dropped last night. Before watching it, I would have described Dr John as purple-pilled, but that video looks like someone who’s just taken their first dose of ruby red tabs. Welcome in, doc. As you can see, the water’s warm.

And not because srr pissed in it, either. Well, as far as I’m aware. You didn’t, did you, srr?

Well looky there.
Yet another bit of out of left field, nothing to do with anything being discussed, gratuitous pissing on the person that the mean girls hand out elephant stamps for pissing on.

While we’re on bodily waste – Don’t piss in my pocket and try to tell me it’s raining.
Thank You. 🙂

March 10, 2022 6:06 pm

Can someone explain to me how repeatedly claiming someone is a plagiarist is not claiming they are a liar?

March 10, 2022 6:06 pm

And where is the evidence for the alleged plagiarism?

March 10, 2022 6:14 pm

No it’s not the Babylon Bee:

RBA Deputy Governor resigns to join Fortescue in a role he says will help address climate change

And significantly increase his bank balance at the same time.

Win! Win!

The world thanks you, Guy.

March 10, 2022 6:14 pm

my rage towards those who would jab my child would be as all consuming as I stated above.

And acted upon.

March 10, 2022 6:15 pm
Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2022 6:17 pm

Conspiracy theory?
What about this electromagnetic practice, BoN?

I’ve never heard about such things Struth, but I’d be very cautious of any article where the C word is mentioned (in that case in one of the hyperlinks).

We know that wind farms alter the weather down wind, but they’re big and are extracting a lot of energy and well as converting some of the rest into heat. I doubt small amounts of energy from a radar would do anything to the huge amount of energy contained in normal weather (clouds, wind etc).

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 6:18 pm

“Yes Cassie, constantly making sick shit up about people because they don’t buy your act, when you know everyone else can compare the facts of what was & wasn’t said, by whom, when, and so also see you are one giant phony, is not normal.”

Yes slag heap, constantly making sick shit up about people because they don’t buy your act, when you know everyone else is able to compare the facts of what was said and what wasn’t said, by whom, when and they also that you’re one obese, phony, crass, lying, fraudulent, abnormal, lunatic slag heap.

BTW slag heap, you never did tell us here what your daddy once did to you…is it because it’s too painful. Might help to talk to someone about it.

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 10, 2022 6:20 pm

EDEN CONFIDENTIAL: Mick Jagger’s ex-love and 60s icon Marianne Faithfull moves into a care home

Marianne Faithfull – As Tears Go By (1965)

It was a different world in those days, a young lady with a nice voice could make a name for herself while fully clothed, and without “wardrobe malfunctions.”

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 6:21 pm

“Read any good articles to tweak & sell as your own lately?
Your impotent spewing of random nonsensical accusations is getting boring.”

Stop talking about yourself slag heap. I don’t make up stuff. You do.

Now piss off. You’re a disgrace.

Delta A
Delta A
March 10, 2022 6:22 pm

Stand down, troops. The war is won!

From the Oz:

Woolworths renames chicken Kiev to Kyiv.
The nations largets supermarket chain will drop its Russian spelling of Kiev in a gesture of solidarity with the Ukranin people.

March 10, 2022 6:23 pm


excellent tribute to Marianne.

I personally feel this song of Marianne’s a little more keenly.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 6:23 pm

By the way everyone, for the record, I’m not a plagiarist.

Carpe Jugulum
Carpe Jugulum
March 10, 2022 6:26 pm

No, that cool, delicious environment was brought to you by nature’s chocolate-sunshine batteries, good old King Coal. Higgs, Tolga

That line is a keeper 🙂

Old bloke
Old bloke
March 10, 2022 6:27 pm

Snap Calli, but I prefer my video.

Winston Smith
March 10, 2022 6:30 pm

“The only viable path to energy independence for the American economy is to reduce the energy intensity of our economy overall and ultimately to reduce it to zero and get us in a position to where we are no longer reliant on fossil fuels,” Deese said.
So where are we going to get lubricants from?
I doubt they could be made in the bulk forms necessary to keep the worlds wheels turning without fossil fuels.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 6:35 pm

Says something about this country, doesn’t it – two iconic Australian railway trains – the Indian Pacific, and the “Ghan” are owned by U.S. interests – the Hornblower Group, which paid a reported $600m for the Australian operations a few weeks ago. Journey Beyond has several assets here, including the Ghan train service.

March 10, 2022 6:36 pm

March 10, 2022 at 6:31 pm
Arnaud Bertrand
This is insane. A hospital in Munich, Germany sent this letter where they announce that “from now on and until further notice, we will not treat Russian and Belarusian citizens.”

Source is RTL (one of Germany’s largest media):

The madness continues.

What are they trying to achieve? Is this moral?

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2022 6:38 pm

Judge’s instructions to the jury in the Rolfe case


March 10, 2022 6:38 pm

rwmalonemd @rwmalonemd
· 3h
is this a punishment?

World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia, Putin

World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia, Putin

The controversial World Economic Forum (WEF) announced it has frozen “all relations” with the Russian government and President …

Top Ender
Top Ender
March 10, 2022 6:39 pm

In the latest version of Go Woke, Go Broke:

In a gesture of solidarity with the Ukrainian people suffering from the invasion by Russia, the nation’s largest supermarket chain Woolworths has decided to drop the Russian spelling of Kiev for its famous Chicken Kiev meal to now be called Chicken “Kyiv”.

Woolworths will also make donations to the Australian Red Cross’ Ukraine Crisis Appeal for each pack of its private label Chicken Kyiv sold.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 6:40 pm

“Judge’s instructions to the jury in the Rolfe case”

We must pray that Rolfe is acquitted.

And then we must start praying that Bruce Lehmann will be acquitted.

March 10, 2022 6:42 pm

No need to point out the hypocrisy in all this to you, Delta.

But I’ve noticed it has never been about anti-bigotry but the correct bigotry sanctioned by the ‘progressives’.

Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 6:42 pm

“The madness continues.”

Nothing surprises me anymore. The template for all of this inhumanity began two years ago with the advent of Covid.

March 10, 2022 6:42 pm

TommyRobinson1 @TommyRobinson1
· 18m
President Trump:

Hold on I’m coming….

[four tears of joy]
[interview video]

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2022 6:42 pm

“from now on and until further notice, we will not treat Russian and Belarusian citizens.”

Are they treating the unvaxxed now or are they still on the black list too?
Germans do love to pick certain groups to persecute.
Seems to happen every 80 years or so.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 6:44 pm

We must pray that Rolfe is acquitted.

Hope the Commissioner’s golf game isn’t disturbed.

March 10, 2022 6:45 pm

David Vance @DavidVance
· 35m
Stop and think.

The media showed you pictures of people dropping dead from a deadly virus in the streets of China.
The same media is showing you a bombed out hospital in Ukraine.

Anyone who still believes what they say is an idiot.

March 10, 2022 6:46 pm

Dover – check your email from last night.

March 10, 2022 6:47 pm

The controversial World Economic Forum (WEF) announced it has frozen “all relations” with the Russian government and President …

Now, if I were advising Putin I would have told him to get in first.

There’s some people it’s simply not worth being associated with.

March 10, 2022 6:48 pm

What are they trying to achieve? Is this moral?

If true, it’s unethical.

Russian gas is OK though.

March 10, 2022 6:50 pm

Top Endersays:
March 10, 2022 at 6:39 pm
In the latest version of Go Woke, Go Broke:

In a gesture of solidarity with the Ukrainian people suffering from the invasion by Russia, the nation’s largest supermarket chain Woolworths has decided to drop the Russian spelling of Kiev for its famous Chicken Kiev meal to now be called Chicken “Kyiv”.

Woolworths will also make donations to the Australian Red Cross’ Ukraine Crisis Appeal for each pack of its private label Chicken Kyiv sold.

How about we be properly pedantic and whine about it isn’t the Russian spelling because it’s not in Cyrillic? Makes about as much sense.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

We should keep in mind that the case against Rolfe is one helluva lot stronger than was the case against Pell.

March 10, 2022 6:53 pm

Dr Debelle is a signatory to The Banking and Finance Oath.

Education University of Adelaide (BEc Hons 1987)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (PhD 1994)
1988–1990 Australian Treasury
1994–95 Reserve Bank of Australia, Research Department
1995–97 International Monetary Fund
1997–98 Reserve Bank of Australia, Research Department
1998–2001 Deputy Head of Economic Analysis Department
2001–03 Head of Economic Analysis Department
2003 Visiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2004 Bank for International Settlements
2004–07 Head of International Department
2007–16 Assistant Governor (Financial Markets)
Jun 2013 – Jan 2017 Chair of the BIS Markets Committee
May 2015 – May 2017 Chair of the BIS Foreign Exchange Working Group
Dec 2013 – Dec 2017 Chair of the Australian Foreign Exchange Committee
May 2019 – Dec 2021 Chair of the Global Foreign Exchange Committee

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 6:54 pm

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
March 10, 2022 at 6:51 pm
We should keep in mind that the case against Rolfe is one helluva lot stronger than was the case against Pell.

True but Rolfe has the huge advantage of not having the national broadcaster against him.

March 10, 2022 6:55 pm

I’ve had dealings with Woolworths in the past and they are not nice people

March 10, 2022 6:56 pm

srr, while I completely agree with you regarding the need for total scepticism in respect to what the media feeds you, the case of the bodies in the street at Wuhan should not be dismissed so readily.

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is a frontline COVID doctor in Scotland who runs a blog, and provides interesting first hand accounts of his experience. He reckons one of the most unusual features of the virulent early strain of COVID was the occasional occurrence of a patient dropping dead suddenly, virtually without warning. This was almost certainly due to the famous cytokine storm which occurs in some patients, and is mostly unpredictable, although seems to occur around the 7th/8th day after first COVID symptoms in some patients. He said he had never seen such a sudden shutdown, and it unnerved him sufficiently to have him carry an oxygen finger monitor for his own use at all times.

I suspect that it what happened to some Chinese patients in Wuhan when little was known about the virus. I recall that Dr. Shankara Chetty, who also treated thousands of COVID patients, often saw an abrupt deterioration in some patients on the 8th day. He thought the massive immunological inflammatory reaction was some sort of allergic response to the virus debris.

March 10, 2022 6:57 pm

Russian spelling of Kiev

dumb as dogshit too

March 10, 2022 6:58 pm

sorry, too many links, i’ll trim it to bare bones –

Donald Trump on WW3, Talking to Putin and Joe Rogan!

Premiered 10 hours ago

March 10, 2022 6:58 pm

Ms Faithfull being a proto edge-lord: Why D’ya Do It. Seems like a genuine sentiment.

March 10, 2022 7:01 pm

Dr Debelle encapsulates everything that is wrong with the west- the elevation of theories over practical knowledge and real results

John H.
John H.
March 10, 2022 7:01 pm

March 10, 2022 at 6:56 pm
srr, while I completely agree with you regarding the need for total scepticism in respect to what the media feeds you, the case of the bodies in the street at Wuhan should not be dismissed so readily.

Dr. Malcolm Kendrick is a frontline COVID doctor in Scotland who runs a blog, and provides interesting first hand accounts of his experience. He reckons one of the most unusual features of the virulent early strain of COVID was the occasional occurrence of a patient dropping dead suddenly, virtually without warning. This was almost certainly due to the famous cytokine storm which occurs in some patients, and is mostly unpredictable, although seems to occur around the 7th/8th day after first COVID symptoms in some patients. He said he had never seen such a sudden shutdown, and it unnerved him sufficiently to have him carry an oxygen finger monitor for his own use at all times.

I suspect that it what happened to some Chinese patients in Wuhan when little was known about the virus. I recall that Dr. Shankara Chetty, who also treated thousands of COVID patients, often saw an abrupt deterioration in some patients on the 8th day. He thought the massive immunological inflammatory reaction was some sort of allergic response to the virus debris.

Blood clots. Heart, lungs, or brain.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2022 7:06 pm

The use of Nazi insignia in the UKR armed forces is quite incredible.

Wagner group does too. I haven’t looked up Kadyrov’s Chechens but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re also a bit fruity.

Fine by me if they fight it out with each other as to who is naziest. The last one alive can turn out the lights.

March 10, 2022 7:07 pm

Vicki says:
March 10, 2022 at 6:56 pm

yeah, agree, it wasn’t the ‘some’, but he ‘very many’ once they saw what an impact the ‘some’ had.

Plus, it was from Gettr that doesn’t really lend itself to threads of complex discussions.

Main point, the same media we know lied over Covid we’re now swearing by over Ukraine.

March 10, 2022 7:08 pm

Dr Debelle encapsulates everything that is wrong with the west- the elevation of theories over practical knowledge and real results

That used to be a valid criticism of the East.

Now it applies to the West, while the East has adopted our science to their own advantage.

March 10, 2022 7:09 pm

Marianne Faithfull, David Bowie – I Got You Babe.

The drugs must have been pretty spectacular.

March 10, 2022 7:11 pm

The use of Nazi insignia in the UKR armed forces is quite incredible.

Look at it this way: they may be Nazis but they’re our Nazis.

As in Syria, the US – and by extension its allies – has associated itself with some prettty dubious characters in recent years, starting with the Mujahideen.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
March 10, 2022 7:16 pm

the US – and by extension its allies – has associated itself with some prettty dubious characters in recent years, starting with the Mujahideen

Rambo III should have been seen for what it was.

A cry for help.

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 7:20 pm

Says something about this country, doesn’t it – two iconic Australian railway trains – the Indian Pacific, and the “Ghan” are owned by U.S. interests – the Hornblower Group, which paid a reported $600m for the Australian operations a few weeks ago. Journey Beyond has several assets here, including the Ghan train service.

Journey Beyond (ex- Great Southern Railway Journeys) was Canadian-owned before that.

March 10, 2022 7:26 pm

The IP and Ghan rolling stock is around 50 years old

March 10, 2022 7:26 pm

Says something about this country, doesn’t it – two iconic Australian railway trains – the Indian Pacific, and the “Ghan” are owned by U.S. interests

Why does it matter who owns them, Rex. It’s not as though those train lines are going to be redirected the US.

March 10, 2022 7:26 pm

I’ve just finished my book on Pell by Hendo. It’s great but I will hold that Windschuttle’s is better.

Hendo does a great job in “outing” all of those anti-Catholic bigots so if you ever need a definitive list, Hendo is your go-to man. Windschuttle is a little more detailed in following the Royal Commission and how this played into get-Pell mentality but, then again, Hendo does a great hatchet job on Victorian Police office on the stand whom he reports, verbatim, stupid answers like “um, dunno” or “didn’t think of it” and “we just decided” – it truly is pitiful.

So, while I contend Keith’s book is better, it’s not really. They’re just different perspectives.

Hendo does hit a home goal at the end of his book with an email he obtained (somehow?) from Victorian Police Media Unit (VPMU to Ashton)…

VPMU: Lawyer X scandal has been covered in huge detail in The Age Newspaper and we should put out a response;
Ashton: No, don’t worry. We’ve got some Pell announcements to make tomorrow and that’ll make that story disappear.

Truly. Fucking. Atrocious!

March 10, 2022 7:26 pm

Oh forget it. It was you who said that. Rex.

March 10, 2022 7:27 pm

March 10, 2022 at 12:18 pm seems to have gone offline?

ISW is starting to read like the PR dept for the CIA

That’s because it is. ISW was established by Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law (her husband Robert Kagan’s sister).

Excuse me while I have a coughing fit.
Small world, hey?

March 10, 2022 7:28 pm

I wake up to news this morning that those terrible Russian ghouls had targeted a maternity hospital in Mariupol with children buried under the rubble. Now I find out that there appear to be only 17 injuries. As someone says above, something doesn’t smell right about this incident. It might have something to do with reports yesterday that it had been commandeered by UKR forces for military purposes.

The footage I saw was not from a direct hit, rather collateral from a bombardment that landed in the square out front whch wrecked the building. Since the start the UAF have been positioning their armour and artie within civilian settings and inside residential built up areas.
Stupid western media only seeing what they are given and not delving into what really transpired.

March 10, 2022 7:35 pm

Marianne Faithfull, David Bowie – I Got You Babe.

The drugs must have been pretty spectacular.

FMD, I’m really sick of weirdos, with or without talent.

March 10, 2022 7:37 pm

The US House of Representatives passed a new government funding bill on Wednesday, which included a $13.6 billion aid package for Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia.

The funds will be used to provide humanitarian and economic assistance to Kiev as well as for boosting the defense capabilities of Ukraine and Washington’s other allies in Europe, including the Baltic State

Well, the tsunami of money begins. THIS is a very necessary benefit that must roll to keep the US parasites sucking on the Treasury teat in a manner to which they are accustomed. CIA the chief beneficiary among these corrupt grubs.

March 10, 2022 7:38 pm

FMD, I’m really sick of weirdos, with or without talent.


Cassie of Sydney
March 10, 2022 7:38 pm

“So, while I contend Keith’s book is better, it’s not really. They’re just different perspectives.”

Whilst I’ve read Hendo’s book, I haven’t read Keith’s book yet. I thought it focused more on the “evidence”…or the lack of evidence in the Pell case and that Keith was painstaking in assembling facts that it couldn’t not have happened.

I will read Keith’s book

Henderson’s book is more an in depth analysis of the vindictive machinations and culpability of various MSM scum and their role in the persecution of Pell.

Funnily enough, I saw Hendo today, sitting have a drink with a friend.

March 10, 2022 7:41 pm

Stupid western media only seeing what they are given and not delving into what really transpired.

The pictures and video of the hospital reveal much less carnage than what one would expect. Indeed nothing more than could be achieved by a few make-up artists.

Note the expectant woman on the stretcher in this ABC piece. Black tights pulled down on one side, but not far enough to threaten her modesty, reveal an area of skin with no visible wounds while the other side, not exposed and apparently uninspected, shows what appears to be blood and gore on the outside of her tights in the region of her femoral artery.


Very reminiscent of Palliwood/Syrian White Helmets productions.

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 7:41 pm

Winston Smithsays:
March 10, 2022 at 6:30 pm
“The only viable path to energy independence for the American economy is to reduce the energy intensity of our economy overall and ultimately to reduce it to zero and get us in a position to where we are no longer reliant on fossil fuels,” Deese said.
So where are we going to get lubricants from?
I doubt they could be made in the bulk forms necessary to keep the worlds wheels turning without fossil fuels.

The problem for those who wish to run the lives of billions is that their knowledge of how the world operates is no greater than, and frequently less than, that of a tradie who actually builds/repairs/maintains those machines upon which the world depends. Lubricants? How is that a concern?

March 10, 2022 7:42 pm

The US House of Representatives passed a new government funding bill on Wednesday, which included a $13.6 billion aid package for Ukraine amid its conflict with Russia.

Ten percent for the big guy?

Boambee John
Boambee John
March 10, 2022 7:43 pm

The controversial World Economic Forum (WEF) announced it has frozen “all relations” with the Russian government and President …

Quick! If we invade Un Zud, perhaps they will cut us off also?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2022 7:43 pm

Another interesting report via Trent Telenko.

A week ago, ~40,000 SATCOM terminals were knocked out in Ukraine and other European countries. I just published a technical analysis of that incident, based on the information publicly available and my experience in that field.
7:31 PM · Mar 7, 2022

Here’s his article:

SATCOM terminals under attack in Europe: a plausible analysis. (7 Mar)

February 24th: at the same time Russia initiated a full-scale attack on Ukraine, tens of thousands of KA-SAT SATCOM terminals suddenly stopped working in several european countries: Germany, Ukraine, Greece, Hungary, Poland…Germany’s Enercon moved forward and acknowledged that approximately 5800 of its wind turbines, presumably those remotely operated via a SATCOM link in central Europe, had lost contact with their SCADA server. In the affected countries, a significant part of the customers of Eutelsat’s domestic broadband service were also unable to access Internet.

From the very beginning Eutelsat and its parent company Viasat, stated that the issue was being investigated as a cyberattack. Since then, details have been scarcely provided but few days ago I came across a really interesting video in the following tweet.

In the video, the Commander General Michel Friedling confirms that the incident was originated by a cyberattack.

Looks like the cyber guys in Russia found a 0day vulnerability and launched an exploit along with the ground game. I think it’s hilarious that in addition to knocking out Ukrainian sat coms they managed to render inoperable 5800 German wind turbines…

March 10, 2022 7:44 pm

Ten percent for the big guy?

Hunter Biden with his wheelbarrow will no doubt be at the front of the queue.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Cassie, that is a very fair mini-synopsis:

I haven’t read Keith’s book yet. I thought it focused more on the “evidence”…or the lack of evidence in the Pell case and that Keith was painstaking in assembling facts that it couldn’t not have happened.

Up to one-third of each page in Windschuttle’s book is devoted to listing the footnotes, making it impossible to refute anything he has written.

Henderson’s book is in my ‘to read’ rack. Can’t wait to get stuck into it.

March 10, 2022 7:48 pm

March 10, 2022 at 10:25 am
I see Faustus made an appearance last night. Good. Mater’s turn next.

Where is Mater? Is he ok?

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
March 10, 2022 7:48 pm

Ex-SAS soldier tells Roberts-Smith case elderly Afghan man captured in tunnel
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
March 10, 2022 — 1.50pm

A former elite soldier has told the Federal Court that he was involved in capturing an elderly Afghan prisoner in a tunnel during a mission with Australian soldiers in 2009, countering a claim by war veteran Ben Roberts-Smith that no men were taken from the tunnel.

Person 43, a former Special Air Service soldier who was medically discharged from the Defence Force in 2017, gave evidence in Mr Roberts-Smith’s defamation case on Thursday that he helped pull the Afghan man from the tunnel in a compound dubbed Whiskey 108 during the mission.

He said that the man was “PUCed … straight away”, meaning that he became a prisoner under the control of Australian troops. The man was handed over to the “TQ [tactical questioning] team”, he said.

He told the court that the tactical questioning team was led by Person 5, Mr Roberts-Smith’s patrol commander, but he said later that he did not recall who took the man away.

“He wasn’t resisting,” Person 43 said. Person 43 told the court that he was then a commander of another patrol, and he did not search the Afghan man himself.

Person 43 said that another soldier, Person 40, later asked him: “Where are the PUCs?”

He said that he replied with a “a bit of a vague comment”, along the lines of: “You know where they are.”

Person 43 said his comment was deliberately “up in the air” because he didn’t want to incriminate someone for something that he didn’t know had happened.

He said that Person 40 replied: “That’s f—-ed.”

Person 43 was called on Wednesday to give evidence for The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times in the defamation suit filed against the mastheads by Mr Roberts-Smith.

Mr Roberts-Smith alleges a series of articles published in 2018 portray him as a war criminal. The newspapers are seeking to rely on a defence of truth and allege Mr Roberts-Smith committed or was involved in six murders of Afghans under the control of Australian troops, when they cannot be killed under the rules of engagement.

Mr Roberts-Smith maintains any killings in Afghanistan were carried out lawfully in the heat of battle, and that no men were discovered in the tunnel at Whiskey 108.

The newspapers allege that two men were taken from the tunnel and that Mr Roberts-Smith asked another soldier, Person 4, to shoot one of the men, and shot the second man himself.

Person 40, who is still serving with the SAS, gave evidence in the case on Wednesday that he was present during the Whiskey 108 mission and that two men were discovered in the tunnel.

He said the men were searched and “marched off to another area” for what he assumed was tactical questioning by Mr Roberts-Smith and a second soldier, Person 35. Person 40 said he later heard machinegun fire and saw one of the men, who had a prosthetic leg, had been killed.

The trial continues

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
March 10, 2022 7:50 pm

Small world, hey?

Nice catch Baba. The wonkosphere seems really incestuous.

March 10, 2022 7:50 pm

World Economic Forum Freezes ‘All Relations’ With Russia, Putin

I’d like to freeze them in aspic to show future generations what NOT to do.

Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupidity

Rolfe has the huge advantage of not having the national broadcaster against him.

Also I’d hate to try to putting together an NT jury, i.e. a dozen random people who are;
1. on the electoral roll
2. sans criminal record
3. ain’t been burgled, hassled, threatened by cheerful youths
4. don’t perceive a threat to the security/safety of their house/family from cheerful youths.

March 10, 2022 7:54 pm

Can someone confirm.

I didn’t read comments yesterday but a little birdie told me someone here suggested that the World Economic Forum is running death camps. Who said this?

March 10, 2022 7:55 pm

Marianne Faithfull, David Bowie – I Got You Babe.
Methinx, a few MARS BARS might have helped .. LOL!

March 10, 2022 7:57 pm

miltonf says:
March 10, 2022 at 6:57 pm

The punters still won’t pronounce it correctly. Like the newsreaders – grindingly inaccurate pronunciation. I saw a report from journalist in Kharkiv the other day and even a person ‘on the ground’ couldn’t be bothered to get it right.

Kharkiv is not pronounced ‘kar-kiv’. Either ‘har-kov’ in Ukrainian or ‘hikuv’ in Russian. (activate your best Russian gangster voice and you’ll master it in no time!)

March 10, 2022 8:00 pm


Tell me, it wasn’t you who said the above about the World Economic Forum.

Say it ain’t so. Obviously you’re Titus 3.10ing me so respond in the passive aggressive way where you indirectly do so while pretending you aren’t.

If you suggested the WEF is running death camps you need to be strait jacketed and “encased” in a padded cell.

March 10, 2022 8:04 pm

Wow Pence turned out to be a snake

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 8:04 pm

I didn’t read comments yesterday but a little birdie told me someone here suggested that the World Economic Forum is running death camps. Who said this?

Probably the Kenworth King?

Although between his rage at Jessica Mauboy Grace Tame and half of Australia’s politicians for allegedly being members, the existencd
e of DeAtH Wellcamp in Toowoomba, his worst-possible catastophising of the QLD Premier’s comments on its opening, and his frothing last week about WEF-aligned Dan Andrews announcing one in Victoria in 2019, who knows what his exact thoughts are on the matter anymore? He says we’re at war with the WEF after all…

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 8:05 pm

I’m sure he’ll appear to correctively wordwall me, in due course. 🙂

Rex Anger
Rex Anger
March 10, 2022 8:08 pm

For all I know, in the process of me taking the piss out of his furious Nuffing this week about DeAtH CaMps and the WEF this last week, the two memes may well have conflated into what you’re describing, JC.

March 10, 2022 8:09 pm

Lubricants? How is that a concern?

Will have to go back to rendering down whales!

Ed Case
Ed Case
March 10, 2022 8:09 pm

Who said this?

One of Sancho’s menagerie of wacky characters?

March 10, 2022 8:11 pm

Hi Ed.

1 6 7 8 9 10 13
  1. He’s done this himself within universities to good effect some years ago. It hasn’t made him beloved of some, but…

  2. “Nazi” does not ring true. Hamas is what they are. Hamas militants, Hamas sympathizers, Hamas supporters, Hamas enablers, Hamas collaborators.…

  3. Hairy’s solution as I said above is abolish, and then start again with some firm checks on hiring from a…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x