Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Norsemen “Viking fashion”
Turn it back into farmland like it was before 2005.
And out in the open, no hidden frauds like the American ones embedded in USAID.
I remember Frank Sinatra was not impressed either with our media.
And in no time at all Chinese fishing boats will be there to collect the lot.
What? No one bothered checking that the boys from the subcontinent piss in the floor wells and cut holes in the flooring so they can shit on the engine without having to stop?
Silly trucking companies.
I bet the bonuses don’t go down though, because that would mean the boss made a mistake!
St Ruth seems to have a lot of time on her hands
US invaded Iraq. Destroyed Libya. Created untold suffering and deaths of innocents . Read all that carefully before you open your mouth. Read this too. Ukraine was murdering its own innocent citizens for 8 years because they were ethnic Russians.
Don’t fkn lecture me with your one eyed propaganda corrupted views . Not buying your pro- US/EU / market rubbish. If you don’t like my comment fine, scroll past.
Truck drivers were getting jabbed up the nose?!
Given how many of them are still alive driving, it must have been better than getting it in the arm.
Tell us more, Struth!
Why? Because the revolution is being subsidised.
Further, why do artists receive government grants at all?
Let the market determine if their work is of any value.
Meanwhile in Tasmania in one of Hobart’s norther suburban areas:
How much bad behaviour is costing Glenorchy ratepayer
It’s been revealed how much bad behaviour in the Glenorchy CBD is costing ratepayers, as the council explores options to keep the peace and discourage violence, vandalism, public urination and potty mouths.
The Glenorchy City Council will have spent nearly $50,000 on security guards stationed in and around the council forecourt by April as part of a trial to encourage those frequenting the area to clean up their act.
The trial began in November, where guards were placed around the council for five hours a day on weekdays, at a cost of $2,200 per week, or $48,400 by the time the trial ends on April 14.
Security guards were tasked with patrolling areas between the Glenorchy Bus Mall, Main Road, Terry Street and the back of the council building and to work with police to constructively discourage anti-social behaviour.
A weekend trial was also conducted where security patrolled for 15 minutes three times a day at random times.
“The security guard’s work has continued to involve meeting and greeting people in the area, reminding visitors to the area of the behaviour expected of them and, if behaviours do not align with what is expected, asking the offending person to leave the area,” a council director said in a report on the measure.
“Police are being called if behaviours exceed those boundaries or requests to leave are ignored.”
The director said the guards presence reduced “poor” behaviours like daytime violence, public urination, vandalism, littering and profane language in the forecourt.
But he said behaviours would return when security were not patrolling and that there was anecdotal evidence behaviours had not actually stopped but that it simply moved to other areas.
He also said the presence of security guards would not address underlying issues.
The council has considered other measures to address the behaviour including launching the Salvation Army’s street teams initiative to connect with those who use the space, including young people.
The council officer said an increase in the street teams program would reduce the need for security guards.
Police officers have also increased patrols in the area “and made concerted efforts to make arrests where necessary.”
Another approach suggested was to consider playing classical music in the area on the assumption it would “force” those behaving badly to leave the area.
The director recommended the council continue contracting security guards at a cost of $24,200 for the rest of the financial year and $52,800 for the 2022/23 financial year.
The council will also consider whether to install a public address system, which has been estimated to cost $100,000.
My firm Justice for Normal People now is putting in a bid. For $1000 a week we will construct a large steel cage out the front of the Council Chambers, and open the door once a day to let in hooligans captured by the police. Suggest 1st offence they bin them for a day etc. BTW, our fee does not include food, water, or toilet facilities. We guarantee hooning etc will decrease massively.
You need Dover to cancel me because you can’t win on your own Choo choo.
Now go back to your love of the 476 abram with a .176 armoured plating retro fitted blah blah, …. You’ve been sniffing too much model glue making your little plastic spitfires.
You’re the worst here.
I’ll leave you to dover daddy to shield you from the nasty men.
What is telling is who felt the urge to mount a defence.
So why is it one-eyed to talk about America, when you recite this withput a hint of irony?
You do understand your alleged ‘innocent civilians’ in the Donestk and Luhansk were shooting back the whole time, had Russian political support and financing to do so and Russian troops operating their heavy equipment, right?
Or is that another one of those inconvenient Narrative-spoilers the Vlad Bae-lievers don’t like because it suggests his Holy War against the Nazi Ukraine Nazi WEF Nazi NATO Nazis, mightn’t be?
The backstory is always more complicated than ‘side’ permits, and nobody is without sin in this fight.
I loaned my old (but ultra reliable) 4WD to a friend down from Sydney when he called me from the rent-a-car office to report he had landed and, in passing, mentioned that a three-day rental was going to run to $700-ish. Apparently the rental outfits flogged their fleets during COVID, cashing in on the rise in used car prices, and now that travel is a thing again they can’t get enough vehicles fast enough to meet demand. Hence outrageous prices.
Anyway, my mate drove out to the Western District and thereabouts, visited relatives and returned Mitzi to my driveway.
I didn’t drive it again until last night, just to turn the engine over and put a bit of a charge in the battery, when I noticed he had filled the tank to the brim (barely quarter-full when he borrowed it).
Felt like I’d won Tatts.
Just wish he’d borrowed the 98-thirsty Hunmobile as well.
So it has the same governance as the ABC.
And the same output.
No customers at the Furniture Store this morning?
Would HRT help St Ruth through the change?
Does Tasmania not have public nuisance laws?
Or does it not enforce them?
This is approaching California level stupidity.
Open you eyes Rex. Ukraine has its corrupt murderous thugs and criminals backed by the supposed white hats- CIA, Biden, NATO, EU. Funding murder of ethnic Russians, funding bio lab weapon research, corrupt family scams. All this suppressed by the MSM. And bright sparks like you can’t muster up a “wonder why?”.
Of course Putin is a corrupt thug. He’ll likely be gone in a few years. And you will still be left with that wonderful cabal above to rely on for world peace. Hoo fkn Ray.
Last night I posted about the recent cross parliamentary inquiry into Covid footage that I came across on Malcolm Roberts One Nation web page. Not seen it mentioned in any mainstream media. The people they heard from were very good. Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Tess Lawrie plus local Dr’s who have lost their careers due to speaking up.
However mention should be made of the evidence of three Queenslanders under the heading Dan McDonald. Dan is a Station Officer in Qld Fire and also a Union delegate with 23 years service. He gave an emotional account of what it is like to be unjabbed and the effects it was having at work. He also mentioned they were willing to lose 10% of staff due to the policy.
Another was a nurse whose identity was hidden but who gave very detailed account about what was happening with mandates at Gold Coast University Hospital with staff shortages on shifts etc and the effect on those staff. Uni students filing in due to shortages and unqualified staff in Emergency. Plus said staff were seeing the cases of those having bad reaction to the vaccines and this was affecting their own decisions to be jabbed. She mentioned not being able to speak out due to fear of losing job and got emotional when saying those willing to lose their careers are the ones you want taking care of you.
The third was a unidentified teacher who by the detailed information she was giving appears to be a Union rep. She gave numerous examples of what is happening in schools that can’t get the relief teachers to fill the gaps. She mentioned a day when there was a shortfall of 2,000 relief teachers. This is resulting in kids turning up to school and finding they have no teacher. Classes having to be combined and some parts of the curriculum having to be dropped. Mentions that some private schools are still employing the unjabbed but their work conditions are very onerous. Mentioned two private companies that provide vaccinated staff to schools. Bosses are unjabbed and never actually go to to the schools but have lost the company jobs as do not set a good example. Then there is the treatment of unjabbed kids in some schools.
Can’t remember if it was the nurse or teacher who said 40% got jabbed due to the coercion.
If we had a mainstream media doing its job their stories would be covered in multiple pages. After all we are talking Emergency services, health and education and shortages which affect all of us.
I highly recommend that segment to all if you want to know what the media is not telling us.
Your entire 10.23AM post screams otherwise, Struth darling…
A mate of mine does a bit of work down under the west gate bridge. Reckons it’s not only that, and the trashing everything, but because all the shit gets caked on the underside of the truck mechanics will flat out refuse to work on them citing OH&S.
But yeah, save a few bucks on wages. Bonuses!
It is not essential to partake of the Sacraments other than that of Baptism to be a Catholic. I think that’s right.
I have had them open the whole time.
You are demanding that I close them for Vlad Bae.
No thank you.
I reiterate- NOBODY in this shit-fight is without sin.
It’s rather telling when people don’t want to hear about those they’re supposed to support, killing those they’re supposed to support.
The silence is even worse than the noises they made trying to deny (& justify), the US telling the Ukrainians that they were NOT allowed to negotiate peace with Russia.
Solomon Islands Opposition leader says he warned local Australian officials last year that the government was negotiating a security deal with China.
Was the warning pass on the Canberra?
If so, who received it? What classification did it get? Did it even reach the minister?
Of someone didn’t do their job what consequences are there for her?
Inquiring minds…
The Flint Board of Education held an emergency meeting on Wednesday to oust the school board president after she physically attacked the board’s treasurer over who gets to control the $150 million in federal and state COVID assistance money.
Why do blacks think they can just beat white people up without provocation?
I see red shoes and tunnels got another run this morning.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Thursday said he will vote ‘no’ on Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation to the Supreme Court.
That was always part of the code, way back when – if a mate lent you his/her car, you returned it with a full tank, by way of saying “Thanks for the loan of the car.”
Any actual real evidence of this?
My reluctance to hire subcontinentals is something I may have mentioned before on these pages.
This reluctance is not irrational or arbitrary. It is not based upon one, or even a few experiences (which could be atypical)
Sancho Panzer says: March 28, 2022 at 11:05 am
Seems far-fetched to us non-truckies.
Pictures or it didn’t happen.
“I will not return anger with anger, or blame with blame … Senator Kitching deserves her life and legacy to be celebrated and remembered,” she said”
Pardon me while I vomit – copiously….
Any small engine European car.
For unknown reasons we once had an Alfa Julietta – which had a tiny, highly engineered engine that needed to drink 98.
A son borrowed it for a day to impress some chick and proudly brought it back with a full tank. Except that he’d topped it off with 91.
Luckily it only had a tiny tank, because the engine barely kept alight on a 50:50 blend. So bad that at first I thought there was an ignition, or turbo problem.
A pity Wong didn’t care to give public credit to Kitching at the time.
Can someone explain how a truck driver can continue to drive whilst backing one out?
By cutting a hole in the floor?
Where in the floor?
Below the driver’s seat? If so, presumably he has hacked up the very expensive seat as well. Without the owner of the truck or the next driver up saying a word about it?
Or do they cut the hole over in the passenger footwell and take a bog there whilst steering with one hand?
Utter, unmitigated redneck racist drivel.
I find myself in agreement with Sal!
Must be an alignment of Jupiter, Mars and Neptune.
JC last night mentioned corruption in Russian army that resulted in things like stealing petrol from vehicles.
Think it was in Daily Mail read about a tank commander who suicided after finding out 90% of his reserve tanks could not be used as soldiers had sold parts.
Well, the train has arrived into Sydney 15 mins late, but all up quite civilised. Some of the approaches to Sydney through the south-west don’t have pleasant viewing from the windows: too much graffiti and run-down buildings.
Daughter 1 says the egg and bacon rolls from the buffet car are very good. Mrs TE was dispensing snacks and drinks throughout so that was an avenue I didn’t venture down.
Three days of research into the submarine raids of May 1942 coming up.
We saw it here, so it’s not exactly a secret.
Completely agree JC, but the vast majority of people get home from work and crash in front of the TV news and assume that what they see is reasonably balanced and comprehensive. Which it isn’t.
Now surely one side in a conflict torturing and executing POW’s is worthy of the 7 O’clock news?
nor truth with truth
And you saved the $300 by avoiding the speed trap on Northbourne Avenue.
That may be Franx but for Catholics deliberately missing Sunday mass is a sin and I can’t see practising Orthodox foregoing presence at the Eucharistic sacrifice* in favour of some nebulous ‘house church prayer service’, why indeed would a sincere Christian want to.
Besides the point though, the statistics are pretty stable, very few Russians are regular church goers, unsupported claims of secret Christianity can be given the value of all other claims of secret knowledge.
*from what I have read Orthodox priests are far more likely to check parishioners off a ‘confession checklist’.
There is no reason to ever disagree with me.
Stick around for more tips on how to improve your image!
Don’t have a reference, but I did read that the majority of radio sets in Moscow taxi’s were Soviet Army issue…
Solomon Islands Opposition leader says he warned local Australian officials last year that the government was negotiating a security deal with China.
Was the warning pass on the Canberra?
The Mongocracy moves like a sloth in reverse unless:
1). They can get some cash from it.
2). Has something to do with fucking Australian citizens.
3). Has something to do with International obligations, particularly if it has junket potential.
Snap. A pre-snap snap. This had previously occurred to me also.
Would the BingBong technology so complained about, that has the apparent capacity to interrogate drivers’ retinas to determine fatigue levels, simultaneously not pick up a subcon gent either removing the seat entirely to grind out a hole in the floor, then put the seat back with an additional hole carved through it?
Or drill straight down through the seat and the cabin floor? And to where after that?
Does this tale also rely on BingBong not identifying the arse-wipey stage as well? Are dunny rolls installed, or is the story reliant on the three stones (kept in the glovebox) bit?
I believe this may be safely tossed on the very large pile of ‘shock people into action’ fibs.
In Albronese for Plime Minister news, the Global Times tells us:
Morrison declines to meet new Chinese envoy, continues anti-China rhetoric to boost re-election bid
Morrison was widely expected to step down before the upcoming election given his plunging popularity?
Must have missed that.
wow, here we have a Roman Catholic Christian being very Un-Christian, slyly doing US/Biden/Clinton et al Propaganda in an effort to help make people hate all Russians because in her (very selective), view, the whole country isn’t Christian enough for any of them, let alone the Christians to be protected let alone loved.
It’s not about Putin, he is one man who won’t live forever, but oh the Russian people, they have to keep paying for every leader not perfect enough in the very imperfect eyes of the West, that started spitting on Christianity from the moment it was born.
Selling Russia Hate with the same cold bloodedness as she sells Jab Take Up.
Australia didn’t suffer the 100+ years of murderous persecution of Christians that Russians did, so what’s our excuse for trashing Christianity and having the world’s most horrific Pro-‘abortion’/Infanticide Laws?
By your ‘reasoning‘/propaganda, we should just skip war with Russia & Nuke Your Melbourne.
As to your desperate dog whistle of ‘secret knowledge’, G.K. Chesterton’s writing re: Russia saving The West from secularism, again, is far from secret.
politicians are all psychopaths
Somewhat beside the point but an interesting historical byway…
There are a number of Russian Orthodox ‘raskolnik’* groups who separated from the state church in the 1700s over liturgical reforms who are known as Old Believers or Old Ritualists which survive to this day. Some of them are “priestless” and have been for centuries. They conduct lay led services in homes or chapels. A group of such emigrated to Queensland from northern China in the 1950s and built a chapel outside Yarwun near Gladstone, where they eked out a living growing mangos and paw paws. The community survived until the early 2000s when a shale oil mining operation set up in the valley and disrupted their hitherto peaceful existence. They were the subject of a number of sociological stuidies. I believe a group with similar origins survives in Oregon.
* Readers of Russian literature may know that Dostoevsky derived the name of the protagonist in ‘Crime & Punishment’ – Raskolnikov – from this term, which in Russian means schismatic.
Never heard or seen the holes in truck floor story before, sounds like urban myth, however coke bottles full of piss have been seen and cabins that would be a health hazard to enter, and that’s aussie drivers.
This is the conclusion of an ignorant moron.
He can’t concieve it, (as worldly wise as he is), so he concludes it’s all bullshit.
Being a self confessed bullshit artist, he may feel he is an authority on bovine excrement.
He’s always had a lot to say about things he knows nothing about and is a self confessed liar.
Fabricating complete stories, yet he decides, without one hint of shame, to question others!
Lucky for him, I’m not allowed to be here without sneeking in occassionally to destroy the little ignorant liar, he continues under cover of Dover, like his little choo choo mate.
So I’ll just show you why ignorant liars should be laughed at.
For a start, Frank, you great Pelican, trucks have sleepers and going across the Nullabor, where one old truckie could do the job, 4 subcontinents sit , shit ,and cook in side the truck while it keeps moving.
They lift up the mattress and shit through the floor of the sleeper.
The company that hired them were refused services at Kenworths on the North side of Adelaide due to human shit caked onto to the engine from the cabover’s (cobover engine) (and sleeper) Prime Mover.
I suggest with your track record, Frank, you keep to yourself when calling out bullshit, ………
I hope this is not too much for you Dover, it’s called “facts”
Lotus Eaters has a good report on the Russian mafia stealing military equipment and extorting local commanders.
Amateurs! The Democrats and Queensland Government are light years ahead of them.
No wonder you were kept on traffic KD.
Fkn, Vicplod.
alt media is picking it up
Nanna Stigmata at 7.51, and apropos of Saint Gonzo of Lira mentioned overnight:
That was my point. The dating coach is making money from this.
Understand that I do not care who wins or loses in the Ukraine, because it will be a shitfight either way. One hand there is a government – said to be illegitimate, since it threw out an actually elected one – heavily sponsored by the US and other Western Europe entities, and whose ROI is yet to be fully squeezed out. Corruption injected in from the very top.
On the other is an aging childless dictator running a dying superpower that still has territorial ambitions, much like the end stages of the Ottoman Empire, and whose forces have been cannibalised from the inside for years. Corruption from the inside, manifesting in unexpectedly shit performance.
People who have already chosen sides, based on the myriad of sub-stories in the 800 year old conflict between the people in what is now Ukraine and what is now Russia will promote the propaganda that suits their own narrative, and scream at people who’ve chosen the other.
I do not care. It really is that simple.
I’ve seen mine haul trucks used as latrines. Pissing behind switchboard cabinets , shitting behind operators cabs. It does happen and with Ozzie drivers. Not surprised to hear of same in on highway trucks.
There is more than two party’s such as those that are trying to resist the demons seeing a reward given to those that not only have given up but trying drag other with them.
Please be kind enough provide some, then. Names, truck companies, service blokes, et cetera. Also, some facts about whether this was – IF it actually occurred – a one-off or endemic in the industry.
Another also – that little anecdote is not what you claimed when you originally brought this up. Did they throw the mandatory John Williamson CDs out the window as well?
Now that is insulting. Not even cops like traffic cops.
Wait for it.
‘I heard it from a bloke’
‘That’s something they would do’.
I am happy to walk this back. I would like to hear some credible examples, rather than vague evidence-free backup from The Last Holdout.
Putin has daughters
TaliDan has contracted the WuFlu.
Can we hope?
Yes he does. Apologies. I was thinking of heirs, as he runs the joint like a kingdom.
I’ve been told the same goes on with defence contractors.
But I’m curious were the hole would be in the truck and what brand, make.
Asking for a freind.
Daniel Ceausescu. Live by the virus, …
That explains a lot.
The Hun, on the Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Somebody:
Are we still putting this one down to Klaus and Fauci, or not?
Did he not get vaxxenenated?
It raises many many questions.
Why can’t the free market decide whether to support such ‘work’?
What Russia’s invasion means for LGBTQI people in Ukraine
This has got to be a Russian psyop. If it isn’t, the Russian intelligence community needs to be taking notes, because I doubt the alphabet people are an especially treasured part of Ukrainian society.
It could also be Ukrainian regime propaganda for Western audiences, I suppose. Regardless, one must bear in mind how evil the Ukrainian propaganda campaign being waged in the West is. Consider its objective of priming Western populations into going to war against Russia for the benefit of Ukraine. The Ukrainian side is trying to provoke a military encounter that could easily result in a doomsday scenario for the world. And these are the good guys? You don’t have to be pro-Russia and pro-Putin to have a massive problem with their conduct at this point.
Daughters have hairs – just sayin
I’m prepared to call it a one-off Haley’s Comet coincidence and leave it at that.
And lest we not forget Catherine the Great.
Cue the ‘I would never have survived without my 3rd/4th/5th jab’ story, and the breathless 😉 entreaties for all of us to rush out and get a few more shots.
Catturd ™
Been seeing this meme floating around for a few days. So true.
This bloke, obviously, has a Cert IV in tweeting .. LOL!
‘Psychopathy’ seems to appear on a continuum, from a little, to medium expression, to a lot.
Like most things in psychiatry I think a flat definition would be subject to much debate from within and external to the psychiatric profession in such a contested field today, and the diagnostic ‘continuum’ would also be questionned, with many variations and ‘branches’ noted.
That’s just my way of seeing it, btw, gained from a certain degree of knowledge about people I’ve come across in life who are deemed to have psychiatric problems to do with manipulative behaviours or disordered personalities, nothing like a professional opinion. Suspend judgement but be wary has always been my modus operandi whenever I might feel unsure of people I don’t know well.
I’m wondering how long ago Shy Ted’s experience was, for what I’ve seen of contemporary ‘locked psychiatric hospital wards’ (as a visitor to patients there, rellies and friends of rellies of mine, I hasten to add) they are nothing these days like those as described by Ted, which had a really solid ‘cuckoos nest’ feel to it. Perhaps though I haven’t seen the ones for the ‘criminally’ minded although I’ve visited Sydney’s Long Bay Prison Hospital which certainly has those elements of airlock controls that go clang behind you, but which isn’t so bad once you are in the vistor rooms and which is quite caring of the inmates in for psych treatment.
It’s still in the ‘suspicious’ column for me. I don’t trust the medical establishment nor the news media to report information that damages the agenda. Two and a half years ago, I would have believed them. Today, I’m not willing to accept anything they say without some form of reliable third party concurrence or evidence that I can verify myself.
In the movie-making business, I believe this is referred to as ‘foreshadowing’.
Surrogacy needs to be banned.
This memory: I was sitting about six years ago in Sydney’s Siverwater Prison gardens, waiting to pick up someone due to be released. I admired the flowering bushes in the garden to the gardener, who said he was a ‘trustee prisoner’ in his twenty-third year there. I must admit I flinched a bit, as there was no-one else around in the immediate vicinity. I decided to continue the conversation, to maintain normality and show no fear. What are you in for? I asked. Lady, he said, you wouldn’t want to know. Fine, I smiled. Let’s leave it at that. Show me how you prune these things. Which he did. We chatted on. Then someone official walked by, asked my business, and told me I was waiting in front of the wrong door. I could have told you that, the prisoner replied, but I was enjoying talking to you.
Why can’t the free market decide whether to support such ‘work’?
Cos the “dole” pays far less than artzy grants .. LOL!
Jordan Peterson puts the proportion of the population that is psychopathic at 2-3%. This number seems a little high, unless he’s including people who manifest psychopathic traits at a sub-clinical level.
Fair enough. Entirely fair enough.
That’s exactly where I’m at with a) Ukraine, and b) Pakis grinding holes in truck cabin seats and floors to shit through.
I think that is definitely what Jordan Peterson is referring to. Lots of variability in human beings.
KD at 11:54.
Apparently there are truck operators out there who happily tolerate drivers taking to their cabs with an “ankle grinder” hacking great chunks out of it, and then causing them to have the truck laid up and unproductive for a couple of days after it is bumped from a service.
And let’s just pick the scabs off this myth.
Four (4) chaps occupy the cab for a trip across the Nullabor.
Why four? Certainly not necessary to keep the truck rolling and comply with driver break requirements. Although it does add a certain third world “cheerful squalor” to the story.
Four of them splitting a single driver’s wage?
These people may be many things, but they are not stupid when it comes to turning a dollar. They would be miles better off financially staying at home and working four separate jobs at the local 7/11.
I call bullshit.
And it appears I am not alone.
It was foreshadowing last week when the Ruskis told the world
‘They’re going to stitch us up.’
What Rubio is doing is charitably known as an homage.
Just don’t make any assumptions about who is Halley’s Comet.
I’ll allow that you’re correct sometimes. As most are commenters here.
Shy Ted speaks of a psychopathic diagnostic instrument with many numbered indices. Anything over 30-40 positives puts you into the range, whereas ony 28-30 positives excludes you, i.e. it had a cut off. Sounded to me rather like a continuum, and one with many possible diagnostic flaws in it, hence my views expressed above.
Sorry Dover, reported Sal accidently.
Very scary stuff. More treachery by the LINO’s.
Re sfw’s story of pissing in coke bottles in truck cabs.
Years ago a chap I know was flying around the country-side in his four-seater Piper when the urge to purge the bladder became intense.
Searching around he found a chamois in a plastic container. Pops the lid off and relieves himself into the container.
This plan would have worked beautifully except that the lid was a snug (but not watertight) fit, and the chamois holder had a tiny airhole in the bottom.
No way to store it without leakage.
This aircraft has a tiny vent window in the front left side beside the pilot.
Aha! Empty it out through there.
Except, at 120 kts, he re-invented a large size aerosol spray, coating the entire cabin with a fine mist of atomic sized piss particles.
The cleaning bill chewed up his next three months hiring budget.
That reminded me of 47 years ago. Block of low rise flats I was living in had private courtyard with some visitor parking. Mate was visiting, when he left he backed into a car leaving a very small dent in it. He came back up to ask if we knew who’s car? No. He hung around for about 1/2 hr then left. Next day motorbike cop knocks on door demanding to know who it was. Leaving the scene of an accident, carrying on like the proverbial. His girlfriend lived opposite us and had taken down the number of mates car. I said to cop F off, You already have the rego so don’t come round here trying to act tough coz you’re not, and by the way my mate roots your girlfriend when you work out of town. Next day real cop arrives, a guy I used to go to High School with. He starts off with mate leaving scene of accident, blah, blah. I said, Bruce it happened down there pointing to private courtyard, then related about motorbike cop. Oh did he now. Leave it with me. Motorbike cop disappears from scene. Mate never rooted his girlfriend but he didn’t know that. I’ve got 2 other tales about the same cop and myself for another time.
Today in Liberalism:
March 28, 2022 at 12:16 pm
Past works include a video where “two figures tenderly explore old injuries and revisit memories of surgery, performing a bizarre ritual by drawing surgical markings on each other; excerpts of physical exams, gay amateur pornography and Nascar race crashes are spliced into the work”.
Why can’t the free market decide whether to support such ‘work’?
The parasites doing the “art”, and their Australia Council sponsors know that there is no genuine market for this crap. Their aim is to rub the noses of normal people in the trash on which they waste the taxes extorted from the normal people.
Rene Rivkin?
I’ve heard this before around the traps, drivers under time & performance monitoring, head office notified electronically whenever the truck stops moving, drivers (presumably the off-duty one) crapping through a floor space (which may land on the motor/chassis.)
That someone cannot conceptualize backing one out whilst ensconced in a bucket seat and driving an Audi sedan, & hasn’t encountered a visible floor/cabin penetration in the Beemer, does not preclude these from being the case in a semi-trailer.
The Long Bay Prison Hospital visitor room is a large modern windowed room with tables and bench seats fixed in position, as at some Makkas. Everyone, families and prisoners, are all in together chatting, and you can buy something to eat and drink at two vending machines. Prisoners have to wear a white coverall plastic snap-locked at the neck opening so it can’t be removed. Children run around. The atmosphere is pretty normal. Prison officers look on and contraband can’t be exchanged easily, though I heard tell of ways. Vistors are all taken in as a group and leave as a group. There is a lot of good-hearted bonhomie amongst the visitors, which helps to take the edge off the awfulness of the entry process. The exit is easier as there is no dehumanising authority supervising fingerprinting or checking or xraying or body pat down then. If you are used to airports it is not too bad. 🙂
I think there were children there, though I might be confusing it with a visit to Bathurst jail once.
I think we may have stumbled upon the reason St Ruth is dead set against in-cab monitoring.
It’s only installed because of what “other people” might do.
Sure it is.
A very suitable top ‘o de page if I may say so.
Yep. My kid’s teacher has been in isolation for over a week now (not sure why) and his class is being ‘taught’ by an EA (education assistant). This is illegal as an EA doesn’t possess the requisite duty of care to supervise the class without the presence of a teacher. If something goes wrong in that class – a kid gets hurt or whatever – the principal will be on the chopping block, and the Department will be on the hook for megabucks.
Come on, Sancho. Don’t you remember?
He had a driver, nice young chap.
Not posible todo while driving. The end.
his account on twitter is suspended, twitter is run by psychopaths
I cannot wait for Trump to be re-elected, just to watch him go all Genghis Khan on the Silicon Valley Hitler Jugend who are policing social media.
“Just wish he’d borrowed the 98-thirsty Hunmobile as well.”
Get on to the 104+ RON – LPG!
Only $1.10/L.
Loving it.
Not worried, even though I have a 5.7 V8 as a daily driver.
And apparently trucks have a mission control like Houston where every two minute stop to lay a cable is recorded and an explanation demanded.
It was like the dick on 3AW the other day complaining that cars travelling at 98kmh on the Geelong Rd were causing trucks to miss their delivery spots at Graincorp in Geelong.
Fuck off.
I calculated the time lost as a result of a 2kmh speed reduction for the entire distance from the Ring Road merge to Graincorp.
From memory it was 57-58 seconds.
More truck victimology myths.
Mariupol (Russian Chechen troops)
I was laboring under the delusion that Rivkin had been dead for several years?
We need a new traffic sign.
MERGEFor those that enjoy sports betting .. looking at Oz soccer for Wednesday night over at NEDS and came across .. Sydney Utd .. $1.67 v Macarthur .. $5.20 for the win .. now I realise that the Smurfs have have had players away with the failures (Socceroos) and they’ll be back to near full strength BUT they have been verrry ordinary (with the missing players) for several past games whereas the Bulls are playing good footie so a very surprising price differential ..
Update .. someone besides me has jumped at $5.20 and MacArthur are now into $4.70 .. I’m guessing it’ll be somewhere between $2 & $2.50 come Wednesday night .. LOL!
Some careful consideration by an ex tanker.
That’s nothing.
A bloke behind me in the Keno line at the rubbidy said there was a courier van company who had 12 Sri Lankans all in it at the same time. They’d open the parcels, shit in them and throw them out the window at passing (white) orphans before cooking their stinking European carp soup while going from job to job. They used to sleep in turns hanging from cords under the driveshaft.
Also, they’d cut out the side panels to install stolen big screen TVs to watch the cricket.
Big if true.
Way to trample all over my dig at Lizzie with facts.
Plenty of real world complaints to be had about cars drivers being inconsiderate only to be overshadowed by the very few “King of the road” truckies.
They aren’t welcomed even amongst other drivers, Sancho.
GreyRanga at 1.00:
Gold. Motorbike cops, aka ‘scooter pigs’. Rats of the road, completely reliant on other cops to do heavy lifting and with far too many episodes of CHiPS under their fat belts.
Trump was a step in the path. If he’d managed to turn things around it would’ve been great. Personally, I reckon the next step will be someone more of an extremist. It was made quite clear a moderate voice like Trump cannot change the direction, so people will move to a person who is more likely to actively tear things down.
All the things he was accused of, but wasn’t, are likely to be what the next actually is. You don’t get a Pinochet or Hitler overnight.
No “apparently” about it. You will be correct.
Technology capable of that was being used by tank sinkers in the 1980s. (40 yrs ago)
Scraper drivers were having their pay docked for stopping.
View of Mariupol from a drone: almost 90% of the city is destroyed
The source of most urban myths.
More than once in my life I have heard a dim-bulb repeating something like this and asked where he got that from.
The answer usually goes something like “Oh, I heard Mick telling a group of blokes about it at the footy club last Saturday night”.
Invariably, Mick is the local dead-pan bullshitter and 93.1% of people know he winds the exaggeration up to 11 to take the piss.
The version which runs around our local area is the tut-tutting about living conditions and personal habits of the ‘furriners’ who ‘took our jerbs’ at the meatworks.
Jerbs ‘we’ didn’t want, incidentally.
To counter the ‘took our jerbs’ the owner gave out ten traineeships to locals.
Five were no-shows because of D&A testing. The other five did not threaten the LSL fund (none lasted more than the first week).
Cheer up, Sancho. I never knew Rivkin but I did see him once in a cafe in Double Bay.
Surely that counts?
Also, and I won’t say more, I did meet some well-known gangsters in my teenaged yoof.
They scared the bejesus out of me and I high-tailed it out of there. They liked pretty girls.
My ex-brother-in-law also had ‘associates’ who came around to the wrecking yard.
But they were lesser quality gangsters. Basically just local spivs. 🙂
I recall he said 10%, as in 10% of the people you pass on the street would be happy to fillet you, if you could get away with it.
I don’t have anything to add to the whole thing about the habits of truckies from the subcontinent, but I’ve done a bit of work at the dirty part of the mining game and what Makka said here doesn’t surprise me. I noticed that with many miners and drillers, it was almost a point of pride for them to take a shit as soon as the urge hit them and in full sight of everyone. Once I was offsiding for a driller (who was a complete fuckhead, but that’s another story) as a part of a drill team working on a barge. At one point he was standing around doing whatever he was doing, next time I look, he’s squatting with his flabby white arse sticking out, taking a crap on the deck of the barge. When he was done, he grabbed a rag, wiped his arse with it, got a hose and flushed the shitty rag and his pile of turd over the side of the barge and into the water. He didn’t care about the five other people within metres of him, nor did he distance himself from us. Twiggy and Gina could have been amongst us and I doubt he would have done anything differently. I saw similar habits from others, too, but I particularly remember this guy because he was such a rude word for ladyparts.
The version which runs around our local area is the tut-tutting about living conditions and personal habits of the ‘furriners’ who ‘took our jerbs’ at the meatworks.
In my alcoholic days I often did night shift as a casual at Homebush Abbatoir for extra drinking money ..
I used to de-tongue lambs heads ( the end result was canned “lambs tongue” for export) .. nothing like 2 inches of blood sloshing around the boots whilst in-between drinks .. LOL! ..
a job that no one wanted”true blue” or “furriners” so never a lack of shifts .. LOL!
Oh come on
The other day I had to manoeuvre around the pickers cars just one lady was… Not a place for the shy.
Bespoke, you pluck fruit?
No just transport, Salv.
In NSW and Qld, the EA will be the one up for megabucks and possibly the Principal.
It’s one of the funny things about DoC is that if you are following procedure you will be covered by the Dept, if not, bye bye house, car and other nice things. There was a case where a relief teacher on the Central Coast held a competition to see who could hold dry ice for the longest… Massive burns to hands and he lost everything and his teacher registration was revoked as well.
When I started 12 years ago, you had to have completed your last prac before getting a casual approval, these days you just have to in your final year of the degree. The EA may be being employed as a casual under those rules, and thus ok.
That’d still be close enough to the game to provide salacious reports on how backpackers are model workers.
This is now the basis of public policy, folks, not to mention public expenditure.
Feelings, the memories of children (and we all know, if we are honest, that childhood ‘memories’ are unreliable) and endless picking at scabs to ensure that healing can never occur.
I have no idea if there really was an Australian chapter of the KKK in Traralgon, but it seems unlikely, and requires a lot more than someone’s childhood ‘memories’ – where the story has not beeen told and retold and brooded over for decades – to convince me.
IMO, it was the washing out to dry.
It’s certainly not even the beginnings of a basis for public policy and expenditure.
If this is the kind of ‘evidence’ that will be forthcoming, and it is taken seriously, Victorian taxpayers are in for a world of additional fiscal pain, not to mention psychological beatings for things they did not do.
Rewarding professional victims is a self-fulfilling prophecy. No doubt it makes a few people wealthier at the expense of blameless wage slaves and entrepreneurs, but in terms of true justice and rational policy, it’s an absolute travesty.
I’ve seen mine haul trucks used as latrines. Pissing behind switchboard cabinets , shitting behind operators cabs.
There was an airport in Germany where a bad snatcher got run over by the fuel truck while he was taking a piss between the truck and the dog trailer.
What proportion of those plum mine-site haul truck jerbs are taken up by furriners?
Probably a more likely scenario, because they do experience the odd bottleneck waiting to be loaded or unloaded.
Schedulers will err on the side of having one too many trucks in the line than be one short.
If you have a couple of minutes, read the article I will provide the link for. It is the best summation of what is happening to girls and why “Conservatives”, won’t fight for their rights.
The Trans-Continental Railroading of American Girls.
Gremans and Frence fighting over panels, eastern eastern Europeans complaining about how they run a factory before this has been replaced by spooky submissive silence.
There was an airport in Germany where a bad snatcher got run over by the fuel truck while he was taking a piss between the truck and the dog trailer.
what would happen to a “good”, snatcher? 😉
johanna says: March 28, 2022 at 2:00 pm
“Is it Halloween?” … asked no kid in Australia ever, until perhaps last year.
“Burning crosses” …. sure.
Why would a typical white supremacist Australian (a group not noted for research skills or intelligence) want to burn a cross at Mr. Walker’s residence?
Mr. Stewart…. (ten thousand curses upon auto-correct)
Cheers Pogria.
I remember my mum’s stiffness and the general sense of unease, though she did well to act cool, ushering me back inside. I stepped back into our house in Traralgon and was soon distracted by the TV, but not before I had caught glimpse of white sheets hanging on our front porch, catching the wind. “Is it Halloween?” I asked myself, confused.
I’d file this in the “bullshit” category. Why would someone in the not particularly wealthy Latrobe Valley make a present of a set of white sheets to someone they supposedly hated?
There undoubtedly are (or at least were until fairly recently) some people in some parts of regional Victoria with animosity towards local Aboriginals, but the idea of a KKK branch in a place like Traralgon just seems utterly ludicrous. Regional Victorians just don’t go in for that kind of theatricality, except maybe recently arrived tree changers, and they wouldn’t be in on anything publicly non-woke. Assiduous mimicking of US phenomena is a “progressive” trait (e.g. “aspiring rappers”, “black lives matter”, antifa…). Methinks Marcus has spent too long among the Trump-deranged, and has lost the ability to distinguish between reality and woke-Hollywood agit-prop from the other side of the Pacific.
Ditto, Bespoke. 🙂
Mark Steyn talks with NZ’s Guy Hatchard about the global COVID jabathon and its increasingly apparent consequences. A sample:
STEYN: Have you had your fourth booster yet? You know what they say, ‘Sure, you’ll still get the Covid, but don’t worry, it’ll be much milder, you won’t be going into the ICU.’ There doesn’t seem to be a lot of science behind that assertion, and there’s mounting evidence to the contrary. A Polish study has found that mRNA vaccines may be damaging brain cells and immune systems. Meanwhile, a German study of all-cause mortality has found that since the vaccinations got going, young and middle-aged persons are dying in larger numbers. Dr Guy Hatchard has been writing about this at The Conservative Woman website for some time, and he joins us now from New Zealand. Guy, the big takeaway from this, which I think is quite extraordinary, is that in 2020, when the Covid started raging, it didn’t actually cause excess mortality that year, because most of the people who died were over the average life expectancy in countries like the UK. So, for example, the average age of Covid death was 82.5 years or whatever it was. Then they start vaccinating everybody and suddenly we have a huge uptick in deaths of the middle-aged and the young, and we’re getting used to, like, celebrity . . . there’s a spate of celebrity 52-year-olds, I noticed, having fatal heart attacks. Something odd is going on, is it not?
HATCHARD: Absolutely it is. The paper yesterday here, the New Zealand Herald had a headline ‘Most Covid patients in the Omicron outbreak are vaccinated, but that is no reason to doubt vaccine benefits.’ And they also ran an article saying that the huge uptick in cardiac events they dubbed it the ‘Warne Effect’. They said middle-aged men are getting anxiety because they think they may be similar to Shane Warne, and they are having heart attacks because of anxiety. That’s what happens when the government . . . people are doing anything but admit that something has gone terribly wrong. If our government here, for example, was to admit that there had been a wrong turn. You know, we’ve had two years of saturation advertising, you can’t turn on the television or go to social media without being told that mRNA vaccines are completely safe and effective. People have become brainwashed and the government has curated this. They paid for it. They paid the media. And now they’re faced with the fact that it actually doesn’t work. We had a Covid-free New Zealand for two years but now we have Covid, and the vaccinated and unvaccinated are getting it about equally, as far as the relative population numbers are concerned. So it would be political suicide for Ardern to admit for two years that they had been pulling the wool over our eyes. And there’s no doubt that that happened absolutely deliberately. The government swept the side-effects under the carpet. We had 2,000 excess deaths in our very small country during the time that the vaccine was rolled out. ….
Lots more at the link
When did hanging white linen on someone’s verandah replace burning a cross on the front lawn?
Cite you the journalist, in Western Australia, who claimed that, in the 1960’s in Western Australia, there were signs, in shops and other public places, reading “For White people only” and “No Aborigines Allowed.”
Challenged to produce photographic evidence, the answer was a crashing silence..
Here’s a good read by Taki.
One Big Lie
Was it Socrates who said that chaos was the natural state of mankind, and tyranny the usual remedy? Actually it was Santayana, and boy, did he ever get it right. My friend Christopher Mills has given me a terrific book, The Wages of Destruction, by Adam Tooze, about the breaking of the Nazi economy. I thought I knew everything there is to know about that period, but I hadn’t thought of global economic realities, the ones that actually won the war. Germany’s limited territory and lack of natural resources led to war. Germans had been starving since the end of the Great War, and needed the corn of the Ukraine and the oil deposits of Romania in order to feed themselves and keep warm. Once in power, all Hitler needed to do was deal; instead, well, you know the rest. Or do you?
Here are a few facts that had escaped me, as they also did many of our gloating historians: The global balance of economic and military power was from the start heavily stacked against Hitler, but the brilliant campaign against France blinded him to Germany’s weaknesses. At that time Germany’s economy was compared to that of Britain, the U.S., and France. But Germany’s economic superiority was a myth. The combined GDP of the British and the French empires exceeded that of Germany by 60 percent. In present-day terms—and read this carefully—Germany’s economy was comparable to that of Iran or South Africa. Two guesses why historians tend to overlook this. It shows the Wehrmacht as David and the Allies as Goliath. In view of the fact that Hitler’s crimes against Jews, Poles, homosexuals, gypsies, and others were so egregious, why exaggerate our victories against an underpowered opponent?
What I find amazing is how history is twisted by so-called experts, the kind who had most of the world believe that Putin had Trump in his pocket due to embarrassing tapes and had helped the orange man win the White House. Unaccountable inches of left-wing papers and TV stations in America and the U.K. banged on about this for three long years. At the end it turned out Hillary Clinton’s camp had dealt more with Putin than The Donald. No one has apologized and the public still reads and believes the stuff put out by The New York Times and The Guardian. How is that possible, I recently asked someone I consider quite knowledgeable, and he quipped, paraphrasing Mark Twain, or is it H.L. Mencken, that one never goes broke underestimating the public’s ability to believe left-wing conspiracy theories.
Right now we have a bunch of nobodies cancelling people, plays, and books, ruining careers, and we do nothing about it. Publishers are scared to death of these nobodies, and one unproved accusation against a noted historian by a woman has ruined Blake Bailey’s career. Lies and unproven charges have become the norm, and instead of resisting such blatant rubbish, people are giving in by remaining silent. And by their silence they aid and abet the false charges and ghastly lies. It’s time to fight back and fight back with a vengeance.
Mind you, America has been one big lie for some time now, starting with the informal promise to Gorbachev that NATO would not expand to Russian borders. Yet Putin is now the bogeyman while the clowns of the E.U. and Biden are posing as tough guys à la Mussolini on parade. By the way, did you know that Ukrainian oligarchs are among the most corrupt and make some of their Russian counterparts look almost honest?
Never mind. I am very saddened by the death of my very good friend P.J. O’Rourke, as nice a man as I’ve ever known, one whose moral courage made him warn me about his closest friend’s wife who was spreading a terrible lie about me, that I was a police informer and had lefties tortured in Greece. (I wonder who made that one up, unless she did?) P.J. was always upbeat about the state of things, even the dictatorship of woke and transgender propaganda, and the last time we met in my flat we shared and killed a bottle of scotch whiskey, two cigars for P.J., ten ciggies for me. In a blurb for the greatest-ever prison book, P.J. wrote that “Taki is the funniest Greek since Aristophanes, plus he’s not dead and you can spell his name.”
And as the witch hunts continue against innocents while we do nothing, guess what the great Thomas Mann had to say about America while at Princeton in 1941: “If ever Fascism should come to America, it will come in the name of freedom.” When I read this I was flabbergasted, stunned. How perceptive could one be so many years ago, especially with Fascism almost triumphant and America peaceful and neutral? Bravo, Tommy boy, you saw it coming. The great German predicted it because he knew the difference between freedom and liberty, and the fact that Americans did not know. Free like Snoop Dog rapping during halftime at this year’s Super Bowl to say, “All you n—as out there, take your guns you use to shoot each other, and start shooting these bitch-ass motherf—ing police” (NY Post, Wednesday, Feb. 16). It’s called freedom in America, and Americans are now finally free to destroy the country, and we’re not doing so badly following their example ourselves.
There were numerous toilet blocks scattered around that site and the operators were treated like princesses. Taking a dump there was easy peas. In any case , I made the Superintendents from the muck shifters send his crew over to clean the trucks before I allowed them in the workshop. They bitched and wailed for a month apparently. Music to my ears.
Bezos ex-wife just donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood.
How thoughtful/ sarc, vomit.
TN, just now:
Tree-changers indeed.
Late last year there was a bloke in a little wheat-and-sheep town (not my town) called Beulah, about an hour and a half south of Mildura, and who hung a swastika flag from a flagpole on his front lawn. It gained him and his misso a bit of brief notoriety, including an appearance on ACA or its equivalent.
The bloke in question had recently moved up from the smoke. He was not a local, did not have any of the attributes of the locals and was run out of town. Shops in not only that town, but any of the surrounding ones would tell him to fuck off.
He complained to the local cop who told him he was not on duty 24/7, and when he was he expected to be busy doing other things than attend to his new problem – effectively green-lighting the locals to sort it out.
Very quietly, and very shortly after he was never heard of again – and everyone lived happily ever after.
You weren’t a tourist in Greece?
To pray & meditate is better than worshipping?
Russians aren’t faithful Christians?
What are you actually trying to say?
‘Don’t dis me rosie, I hate Russian Christians to!’?
Meanwhile around the world Catholic Churches were closed to appease the Covid Gods, and that’s fine, even no last rights for old people dying alone.
These constant, selective declaration of rosie’s as to who she does & doesn’t consider Christian or even worthy of Christian charity (according to her short but flexible ‘list’ of ‘approved’ authorities that include C.L. above ordained Catholic Bishop’s she disagrees with), her palpably hate filled attacks on people as her justification for trashing any factual information they dare share, are beyond the pale.
‘If you’re kept away from MY approved Eucharist you’re going to burn in hell for ever!’,
‘Oops, killed all the priests who tried to get to your village. That means God’s marked you all for hell.’,
is just the sort of evil propaganda that drove countless away from Christianity in trying to escape monsters who infiltrate His Church.
Using that ancient, stone cold mind fuckery to justify the hate & murder of Russians or anyone not being a ‘rosie perfect Catholic’, is … not nice.
Beulah, incidentally, is chockers with Cherman farming families who emigrated from Krautland from the early 1900s.
They were and are fiercely patriotic, and reportedly did not take kindly to swastika flying in their town. This was, of course, news to to blow-in.
No, they did not take kindly to it at all.
Typos. Jeepers.
Chairman Dan has Covid.
It can’t be painful enough.
I read it and I’m actually incredulous that both you and the *12 other uptickers are unable to see the difference between a full-on invasion with the objective of incorporating the acquired land as part of the Russian Empire or regime charge the US practiced. The US objective was never to permanently takeover any of those shitholes you cited. Are you sentient?
Even if this was true, you believe Russia has the complete right to invade the entire country even where there was no ehtnic skirmishing? Do you?
Of course I’ll lecture you when you’re wrong. Count on it.
Similarly, I’m not buying your pro-Russian propaganda nonsense. Stop acting like a Putin fanboy as it’s really gay.
* I’m assuming you gave yourself at least 2 upticks.
Allegedly has Covid. This is the week he was supposed to be front and centre at Shane Warne’s funeral. Wouldn’t do for him to be booed by tens of thousands of people, in person and at the same time.
It is not unheard of for these people to suddenly develop a mysterious illness at the same time they really, really need some clean air to work with. The people passing themselves off as politicians in the NT do it all the time.
Their struggles against adversity, and their triumphant returns to work are dutifully recorded in the gossip pages.
It’s instructive that a lot of liberal and neo-con bluechecks in response to the Russian POW story are running the argument that ‘shit happens’ in war line.
It does, but even if you story is correct and frankly I don’t believe much of what is going on there, does the mistreatment justify a full scale Russian invasion?
Let me ask you Dover, what do you believe Russia has done wrong if anything?
Last I heard, a pig’s head deposited on the lawn was standard practice down that way.
Interesting – that’s not how it is in the wild, wild West. Unless the issue arose from an act or omission that amounted to civil negligence, or was criminal in nature, the EA ‘teacher’ would be in the clear. The buck stops with the person who put the EA in that position, which would be the principal in this case. Her duty of care covers the entire school and a major aspect of this is ensuring that the allocation of staff ensures all students are under the supervision of someone possessing the requisite duty of care. So if she’s sent an EA in to do a teacher’s job, she’s running a risk. A calculated one – the chances of something bad happening are minimal (it’s a good school in a good area), although the consequences for her if it does could be catastrophic. The alternative is that she goes and teaches the class herself, or sends her deputy in – I imagine combining two classes is a no-go under the current Covid regs – but she’s decided they have higher priority stuff to attend to. Also, the EA happens to be her daughter. So I get it – she’s sent in someone she trusts and the likelihood of something seriously bad happening is next to nothing. That being said, it isn’t a decision I’d make as there is so much downside for her if the gods of probability decide to pick on her.
umm yep that sounds like a pretty reasonable outcome. That guy sounds too stupid to be let out of the house, let alone be in charge of a group of teenagers. He’s lucky he didn’t get done criminally – according to my reading of the WA criminal code, that would be an offence endangering life or health with aggravating circumstances, and he wouldn’t need to worry about having to put a roof over his head or where his next meal’s coming from for a few years. That being said, the application of the criminal code has a tendency to stop at the school gate here, so who knows.
Lol. Upticks. You keep having a lend of yourself JC.
My main point is this about the Russia/ Ukraine conflict. The 24/7 super tanker loads of propaganda being spewed from ‘the west’ is disgusting and insulting. What the western powers have accomplished in and with Ukraine clearly and precisely demonstrate to us who our immediate and ruthless enemies really are. OUR enemies, the peoples enemies. Enemies who will ruin our lives and livelihoods , threaten and bully us if we fail to tow the line.
It is not Putin and it’s not Russia.
that’s all you need to know.
Not the truth.
what would happen to a “good”, snatcher? ?
Doh! Bag Snatcher > Baggage Handler.
Was a terrible situation, the bloke was dead, and the driver of the fuel truck was a couple of weeks off retirement.
Actually, where is Tailgunner?
Another front bar myth busted.
No doubt he was assured that the Wimmera Mallee was a white-hot seething mass of latent right wing extremism (with lots of semi-autos buried behind the gluten silos) just waiting for a bit of leadership.
From the couch.
Which is vinyl.
And orange.
And on the front porch.
Once again with the fact free abuse.
There is no doubt, as there is in France, which has also seen murderous repression of Christianity, a committed core of Christians but the evidence is the regular practitioners number between 2 and 10 percent of the population.
People can obfuscate all they like but the information is available for anyone and from sources with somewhat less bias than the person who six years ago was claiming Trump was the second coming.
Also JC stop making shit up. It’s your standard schtick when you have nothing Ann’s your argument becomes worthless. Which is quite often. If you can post a quote from me saying how much I admire Putin then do it. Or stfu with your constant lies. I’m putting up alternative views to your God Bless America our saviour drivel and you are crying like a pathetic child .
Lucky break for Andrews to have covid.
Highly likely boos were going to come his way.
Shane Warne on 25 October 2020 on Andrew’s handling of the pandemic.
I don’t know what the Australian number would be, but practicing Catholics/Christians would be way lower than the number ticking the box on a census form.
Just funny to see at least 12 Putin Fanboys wearing their pink tootoos frolicking around the blog waving little Russian flags. So gay.
First off, there’s propaganda on both sides of the conflict. However, the thing to keep in mind is that Ukraine has sovereign borders and you appear to be perfectly okay with Russia running over the border killing Ukrainians.
Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany? Who eggactly are our sworn enemies?
Oh, this means that you believed the Ukrainians are the “peoples enemies”who would have “ruined our lives and livelihoods”. Fancy that as I never had the insight you demonstrate.
Yea, he’s a decent and honest hardworking dude, who accumulated US$200 billion in wealth making the right investments with the part of his US$140k salary he’s earned for the past 20 years. So true.
vaccinated blood will make you a round eyed egg and bacon eater.
Your boy says that you take the 10,000 deaths reported in VAERS multiply by 41 and you end up with 410,000 unexplained deaths.
VAERS is not a statistical compilation of anything, you fucking moron. It’s a notice board for the medical sector to read and perhaps take note and eventually craft research on what’s posted. You really are dangerously fucking stupid.
Oh, highlight what I made up, Champ.
Ann who? What?
Okay, so you’re not a Putin Fanboy then? Really?
Stop dismissing challenges to your ghastly ridiculous assertions, in that people who disagree with you must be lying. And stop being a Putin fanboy as it’s a little on the gay side.
As many as it takes to finally detonate that cerebral aneurysm you’ve been so diligently cultivating for the last two years with your blood pressure issues, Struth darling…
report after report after report
Stuth yes Stuth…
VAERS is not meant to be a statistical analysis, you idiotic yokel. FFS, focus on the delivery and stop posting worthless swill. In fact, go take a shit through the hole you made for yourself.
Fucking VAERS for Christ’s sake.
Anyone quoting that as anything more than a vague starting point for setting up a proper study simply doesn’t understand statistical analysis.
The “V” in VAERS stands for “Voluntary”.
Which means pretty much anyone can lodge ‘reports’.
And since it became known outside professional medical circles, the acolytes of RFK Jnr and Co have been loading it up.
Remember the Lancet Iraqi Death Toll count?
VAERS has become that on steroids.
US mortality rate and excess deaths.
Nothing standing out much in a pandemic.
Stuth, you shouldn’t be on the fucking roads as I very much doubt you can adequately read road signs, you barbecued goose.
Are you certain this is their objective? They say their objectives are to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine. Their operational strategy doesn’t appear to be one of occupation, they aren’t capturing or attempting to capture the big population centres, they look to be engaging or manouevring to engage Ukrainian military positions, and when they do go into larger towns (ie Mariupol), these have concentrations of the Azov-type parts of the Ukrainian military.
I know you asked Dover but here’s my 2c. I think the ‘denazification’ objective could easily backfire badly. You can kill all of the ultra-nationalist far right soldiers from Galicia but this won’t kill their perspective of the non-Ukrainian world that’s common in that part of Ukraine, (ie. an intense hatred of Russia combined with a somewhat milder hatred of the Poles and the Hungarians and anyone nearby who they don’t consider Ukrainian). It’s a generational animosity and what the Russians are doing could easily further radicalise the radicals and their children. If this happens, the Russians can expect unpredictable and probably very bad outcomes over the longer term. I’m not at all certain the Russians will be able to extricate themselves from that part of Ukraine or keep the radicals contained. In which case, Russia may well have a future of Beslan massacres and Moscow theatre crises to look forward to.
Bourne1879 says:
March 28, 2022 at 10:39 am
Last night I posted about the recent cross parliamentary inquiry into Covid footage that I came across on Malcolm Roberts One Nation web page. Not seen it mentioned in any mainstream media. The people they heard from were very good. […]
Another was a nurse whose identity was hidden but who gave very detailed account about what was happening with mandates at Gold Coast University Hospital with staff shortages on shifts etc and the effect on those staff. Uni students filing in due to shortages and unqualified staff in Emergency. Plus said staff were seeing the cases of those having bad reaction to the vaccines and this was affecting their own decisions to be jabbed. She mentioned not being able to speak out due to fear of losing job and got emotional when saying those willing to lose their careers are the ones you want taking care of you.
Thanks for posting this other example of what I dared share from first hand experience.
Saw my doctor again today where unlike at the grossly understaffed hospital, I’ve had good care & I’ve turned a corner towards the proper healing of broken foot.
He’s also never tried to even suggest I get Jabbed.
Yes, I was there a few days after 9/11. The little church I remember was in Agios Nikolaos. It was beautiful and restful.
Both are forms of worship.
Some may be, others may be nominal for all sorts of reasons. I don’t think any country can boast 100% ridgey didge.
That I visited an Orthodox church and wasn’t turned away or kept in an antechamber because I wasn’t Orthodox myself.
I have no idea what this means.
I realise you don’t like me. That’s okay.
In other news, no masks at s&b today. Another hurdle.
No, which is why the Russians are surrounding and attacking parts of Kiev. 🙂
I’m kidding, of course I’m sure.
LOL! Quadrant is doing a Babylon Bee.
It’s ok, death by jab is only a mild condition.
Cultural Catholics like all cultural Christians are very nice.
As for sinners, well, they are the ones for whom saving is intended, at least, that is the message.
Used to see him quite regularly outside the Sebel Townhouse when I lived in Elizabeth Bay. He had visibly tatty suits in the late 70’s.
But look over there, Russia, now Will Smith has punched some little black prick right on stage!
You’re become a sinkhole for any conspiracy theory going around. Sad as.
Looks like the weather held off in Newcastle for Tom’s GGs.
From Stuth’s link
Stuth has two choices.
1. Get taken to the nearest hospital that has a mentally impaired wing in a strait jacket
2. Go to ER and ask to be admitted voluntarily.
Re the video of Ukrainian troops casually shooting Russian POWs in the leg.
Even the lowest IQ Ukrainian thug would know what they’re doing is wrong, super wrong, to prisoners who’ve been disarmed and transported to the rear – yet they’re unconcerned about someone making a video of the entire thing (the video file does go on for some minutes).
All this ‘the USA is descending into fascism’ and the hopeful comments that there will be a civil war or secession (which I have been reading here for many years) completely misunderstand American politics, which are very different from ours.
1. US politics are much more vitriolic and violent than ours – always have been.
2. Electoral and other types of corruption are a feature, not a bug. Read some history, FGS.
It’s a turbulent country, which is both a strength and a weakness, but there it is.
For example, all the doomsayers who claimed that Hispanics would always support Democrats because they wanted their relatives and countrypersons to immigrate illegally have been proved to be wrong. A lot of Hispanics have conservative social values, jumped through hoops to immigrate legally, and even if they didn’t, don’t want anyone and everyone who rocks up to the border getting in.
And while I deplore the crap that is being fed to schoolkids and college students about ‘institutional racism’ and 157 genders and how to masturbate for little kids, it’s naive to pretend that teaching about The Flag and The Constitution and all the rest is somehow neutral. It’s not.
It’s a clash of ideas, no need to pretend otherwise.
And Kitchens died of harsh words, and Warnie, the salmon mousse.
People dropping dead that can’t be explained away, this week more footy and soccer stars and even an umpire.
You people are sick.
Mentally sick from denialism.
VEARS FMD….that’s right drop kicks, doctors would be rushing over each other to report vaccine deaths they injected.
The sickness of denialism is over the top here.
Oh yea Driller, you’re sympathetic to the Russian’s plight? How noble of you.
Explain this then. You’ve made several supportive comments toward Ben Roberts-Smith even though we’ve seen very disturbing video of how he acted towards prisoners.
Here’s where I stand.
I believe that you are or have extreme criminal tendencies and cannot ever be trusted about ANYTHING . You’re a 100% lying, sociopathic criminal.
Have you been in jail?
This doesn’t demonstrate the intent you’re ascribing to the Russians. If they wanted to occupy Kiev, they’d…well…occupy Kiev, or at least make some kind of effort to do so. What they are doing looks more like an effort to ratchet up pressure on the Ukrainian government to come to the negotiating table and accept Russian demands (neutrality, no NATO or EU membership ever, renounce all claims over Crimea and the Donbass, maybe some kind of federal system for eastern Ukraine to guarantee the rights of ethnic Russians).
If the Russians wanted to occupy Kiev whilst sustaining minimal casualties and not giving a rat’s about civilian lives and property, Russian artillery could have flattened the city weeks ago and Russian forces would have secured the rubble with ease. The Russians have a LOT of artillery they could have brought to bear, yet they haven’t done so. Why would this be?
Ordinarily I would agree with everything you say. However, I’d also add this.
1. The US is cursed with a slave history and one side has always used it to bait 13% of the population against whites even though the US is the only nation on earth that fought a bitter Civil war to eradicate slavery.
2. One side no longer believes elections are held honestly. And this is a huge problem that is currently not being dealt by imposing a safeguards across the election system.