Inquiring minds and all. But what is that little loincloth supposed to be covering? Because if its supposed to be…
Inquiring minds and all. But what is that little loincloth supposed to be covering? Because if its supposed to be…
Time for a cute owl; a bit of whimsy with this lass but some practical benefits as well:
Peter Dutton’s warning as Greens beg voters for hung parliamentRyan Bourke NewsWire Thu, 16 January 2025 11:11AM Greens leader Adam…
Nah, it’s not “Green” hydrogen, and could even be affordable. Can’t have the proles getting cheap power.
I’d like to know also.
Plasma – this continent is awash with riches.
Packing everyone into six ports is ridiculous.
Saw a piece today that compared the early settlers on the North American continent to this one.
The former found riches, the latter found desert.
Simplistic bollocks.
This continent is an Eden, which thanks to collectivist bollocks and bizarre animist idiocy will never be utilised to its full advantage.
Until the next grate wave of settlers arrives.
bespoke says:
April 1, 2022 at 8:51 pm
Dover please ban all who like Brussel Sprouts.
Something just squeaked.
Someone repeated the forbidden word.
Count down to Bird strike commences.
At the risk of being accused of “sucking up” or whatever he said, in actual fact I really liked the bloke.
I don’t get the behaviour on here. At all. It’s bloody embarrassing. I assure you in real life he isn’t like this at all.
Bluddee hell – channelling Yoda, I am, Cats … 😕
That’s a lie.
A terrible, nay, a HORRID lie.
And a fabrication.
A shell scrape is just a trench that hasn’t grown up.
How To Compile and Install OpenWRT For The Raspberry Pi 4b
Arks, FFS – think of your family and your blood pressure, if nothing else …
This is seriously pointless. Although, you could always remind him of his love of the Springsteen’s ditty’s about Noo Joisey. That might just get him to (temporarily) drop his guard … 😕
Rex Anger:
You are quite correct.
Labeling dog shit as gold didn’t stand up to scrutiny.
Or the markets.
Why are you constantly touting for that useless bag of wind (to put the the kindest possible interpretation on his actions) Morrison.
Look all over the world, you will see high density cities/populations on the coast. Why?
This is due to the fact that shipping is the most cost effective method of transportation the world has, it is also one of the major reasons why land locked countries are almost universally poor.
If there were a major project that would encourage people to move out of the cities to a rural area, maybe it would happen, but there’s nothing.
Continued infrastructure the major cities and expansion of remote FIFO mining operations are your only options currently.
Putin makes everyone look dumb:
Banning? FFS, they should administered a lengthy series of public floggings, hanged from their necks until dead, after which HOP Time will visited upon them. 🙂
Much like some other imbeciles that we shall not be specifically mentioning here.
No way can the US supply an equivalent amount of gas to Europe if Russia turns off the tap.
There is the additional problem that shipping capacity is just not there at the moment.
But wait, in the US, the same quantity of gold would cost you $1,928. That means Russia has effectively ratcheted up its currency’s value against the dollar by pegging it to gold. If, 1 gram of gold is bound to 5000 rubles, then according to Western standards, the ruble must be valued at 70-75 units against 1 dollar.
A few trade deals will sort that out
He appears to have come out of his shell and is asking the questions he didn’t ask years ago.
A little less over the top would be nice.
April 1, 2022 at 9:32 pm
Plasma – this continent is awash with riches.
Packing everyone into six ports is ridiculous.
Saw a piece today that compared the early settlers on the North American continent to this one.
The former found riches, the latter found desert.
Simplistic bollocks.
This continent is an Eden, which thanks to collectivist bollocks and bizarre animist idiocy will never be utilised to its full advantage.
Until the next grate wave of settlers arrives.
Reminds me of the book/film Tomorrow When the War Began. Ehen the film was released, there were screeches of “Wasissm”. Surely it was impossible that invaders could be of Asian extraction, as shown on the screen? And now???
Winston we might be protected from that here because people in the housing lending game have told me that the screws on lending were tightened sometime ago. It depends on how much rates rise and of course the unknowns. In the USA pre GFC they were almost giving loans away. That doesn’t happen here.
Arks – whatever is happening in your personal life at the moment, screeching abuse at JC (of all people) is not going to make you feel any better.
Take a break, Squire. Think of and witness the good things in your life, not those minor irritations (many as they may allegedly be).
Not my style Rabz
I’m the gentle compassionate understanding type that only seeks to assist mentally ill.
As should those who confess to the unspeakable crime of eating sheep.
When the film …
Yet we wonder why no one in their right minds would willingly risk their lives for this country.
If this country is “blessed” by a conflict, I won’t be defending it.
However, it just might present a unique opportunity to settle a multitude of scores. 🙂
Putin makes everyone look dumb:
He’s also effectively linked the price of oil to gold as I understand it.
Would really appreciate some decent analysis on this play.
If this country is “blessed” by a conflict, I won’t be defending it.
I would, if the aggressor kicked things off by nuking Canberra.
My great uncle was a World War Two veteran.
“Six bob a day, a pair of trousers with the arze still in them, and the first pair of new boots he’d had in twelve years.”
Even if you write off the desert and coast, Australia still has swathes of inhabitable land.
I was in the Macedon Ranges last week…*
You could put millions of people there and still have decent amounts of nature.
*A NSWelshman’s review of a bit of Victoria he is of too low a social standing to breathe the same air as the locals…or, a Clayton’s Travelogue…the Travelogue when you say you despise Travelogues…
*Victorians drive in pods, like rugby forwards driving it up the guts. Safety in numbers?
*Only saw one cop on the way down…but apparently they lie in wait like snipers?
*Daylesford is very gay, maybe it should be called Dale’s Fjord?
*I got lost and found the Montessori school at “new” Gisborne. So my friends kid won’t have to put up with our public indoctrination camps.
*Stumbled upon a yuuge thoroughbred racing training camp. If only Wests Tigers had such high expectations of their human employees…. 🙁
*The Chinese laydee at the smokes shop in Gisborne sold me “Amanda” mini cigars, 8/10.
*Had breakfast at the Indian run coffee shop. Nice. Can’t say my latte was really a latte…buuuutt…
*I was wearing chinos, a collared rugger top and a nice clean sharply designed Daiwa cap…the freak in the coffee shop with Bernie and Biden posters literally ran away…must have been my toxic masculinity.
*I liked Woodend, a hilariously well forsooth name…still a bit gay. The pub was good, less pretentious on Friday night. Nice Melbin wymmynses professionals. The Taphouse has nice beer. You want to serve me a large meal on a tasting board? GTFO with that.
*Castlemaine seemed a bit dead.
*Dale’s Fjord was packed on Sunday…lots of smoothie gays** and their dog children. Managed to see quite a cute brunette lady looking for a rich husbando…put me back in love, I’m not done yet.
*On the way down, I had the misfortune of stopping in Seymour. Everything was shut but the KFC. I just wanted a decent coffee. Filthy teenage children who needed to go and cut me a switch. Anyway the KFC was actually prepared very well…you lot… Victorian servers and cashiers look bloody ridiculous with masks on still!
*Google maps was ridiculous. Seymour to “Pyaning”? “Toubouleuc”? Then the wrong side of Mt Macedon. Over the hill, the wealth there was eye popping. Like the NSW sthn highlands.
**One Asian bloke had no visible hair but a flat top hair do and his clothes were like shrink wrap. His complexion was like he just got a cut and polish – very shiny.
PS – there is an old scale in the main street. Do the gay Bikie mafia make you become straight if your BMI goes too high?
Also saw a bloody driveway with fresh blood and the Vic Plod CSI dudes, just what I wanted to see before lunch.
At least the air didn’t smell like sulfur as in Liverpool or Blacktown.
Brussels Sprouts are the VB of the vegetable world.
Rex Anger:
I never make my bed since I discovered doonas and the excuse of “I let the linen air itself during the day.”
A story for the times….a local business noticed the local residences were having difficulty piling up household rubbish on the nature strip following recent floods.
Being good neighbors, the business offered their car park for locals to dump their damaged water logged furniture and effects.
The local Council is now collecting the rubbish on the nature strip for free for locals. The business needs to pay to have their car park cleared, because commercial.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Stay in the cities ya degenerates.
Hang on – how the f*ck did I end up getting assigned the role (temporarily or otherwise) of this blogue’s Psychotherapist, I asks ya? 😕
The solution isn’t more government intervention, but less.
Australia’s housing bubble is built on planning restrictions and building permit restrictions.
My sister is currently trying to get permits to knock down an older workers cottage and build a new wool shed….. for 12 months.
Local government planning is wall to wall Mongs. Half the fucking Indigo Shire “planners” are off on fucking COVID stress leave and not one of these arseholes has even had COVID.
I leave to watch a movie (The Dish) and the caravan has moved on to a new page!
On Brand. I said he was entertaining. And yes, I am sceptical. But he is an interesting emergence from the sludge of commentary.
San Marino
Perhaps not…
I think this means two things:
1.There are more landlocked countries in Asia, Africa and South America.
2. Also: Trains v Trucks v Ships!
Wise words.
Brussels Sprouts are the VB of the vegetable world.
I love em! Roasted with walnuts and feta.
The taste is that awesome one of metal polishing on a buffer with your mouth open!
Nah, Winston.
Bird is off having a nice time and keeping himself firmly in check over at the Furniture Store.
It would in fact seem that I, the great Emmanuel Goldstein-Devilbastard the Third Esq., am the Great Unifying Evil among the folks now assembled there. Struth hates me, SRR hates me, some sycophant named ‘peter’ hates me, too. And Bird hates me so much he’s managed not to go on rants about [CENTRAL BANKERS!] for over a week. He rants and rages and curses me instead. 🙂
I truly do seem to bring out the very best in people… 🙂
Trains v Trucks v Ships
I believe there is an old rule of thumb: 1hp per ton by road, 1hp per 30 ton by rail, 1hp per 100 ton by barge.
John H:
Winston puts on serious hat, dusts it off.
It’d be worthwhile talking to the people who recruit for the Brits submarine service. There’s a lot of clinical expertise lurking within the defence establishments.
Trust me on this – the sick people would be a professional challenge to any doc/nurse worth their salt. They’d love it.
The Resident Psychotherapist:
RP: “Good Evening Graeme.”
GB: “Good evening, you monstrous Hebrew personage of the economic persuasion”
RP: “How are you feeling?”
GB: “Not happy, I tells ya, (again) – the Jooze blah, blah, blah …”
RP: “Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz …
There endeth the lesson.
I suspect that any serious spike or crash of either commodity* will do perilous things to the rouble, but it will probably work as a partial sanctions-buster or sidestep in the shorter term.
I seem to recall the original 1920s Weimar Deutschmark that got splattered by both the Depression and Hyperinflation crisis was gold-backed.
It had to be substituted by the temporary Rentenmark for a few years (apparently based on a valuation of all the industrial output and productive land Germany had) until things settled down.
* (Whether such a thing be due to market panic or production perfidy- A cheeky bastard could do some nasty things with provoking an oil glut, to both Vlad Bae AND Sniffy Joe’s handlers)
The Resident Psychotherapist discoursing on the behaviour of young women who are clearly suffering from punkadelic delusions:
There needs to be more of it! 🙂
John H:
The automation vs human schools have been arguing this for decades. Neither seem to be able to realise this isn’t an either/or situation. Any exploration to say, Alpha Centauri is going to have to a mix of the two.
Secondly, the issue of G forces won’t happen. The ability to accelerate a vessel above 1 G is going to exhaust the fuel very quickly. Far better to use an ion drive to accelerate at say, .2 G to get the same velocity. That doesn’t mean we can’t build the ship in near earth orbit and strap on a shitload of solid fuel rockets to get the show on the road. We can use planetary braking to slow down at the end.
Thirdly, getting to Alpha Centauri is going to take a generation ship unless we have a remarkable science/engineering breakthrough in the next 40 years. Meanwhile, sorting out Mars and perhaps one of the Jovian moons is going to keep us focused for the time being. And building a space industry in one of the Lagrange points.
Just heard that my 2IC from the old job resigned today. That brings the resignation count to about 5 supervisors since I was terminated.
Note to companies: If you think you can behave like complete fucking arseholes and get away with it, think again. When you do, everyone does a bit of reflection : “I think I can do better than working for these fucking arseholes!”.
Everyone went on to much better paid jobs in better behaved companies. The 2IC doubled his pay with his new job. Great stuff!
Living through another Cuba …
mi scusi!
No, Rabz. This is living through another Cuba!
In a face to face situation, he is polite. When remote from from retaliation, he’s a bully.
JC is a coward and he has the all the hallmarks of being one.
The duplicity of his behaviour is the giveaway.
Even funnier, when they take their skills and set up new and successful competitors!
Actually, is that a conceivable option in your position, Rick?
Or do you have to be a ‘big’ player in order to be considered for even a smallish airport?
Rabz at 9.06pm.
Well said, mate!
11:00pm on a Friday night and you’re all off allegedly involved in more interesting activities.
Not having it. This month’s radio show is upon us, Cats.
Essaying a very controversial genre (cue spooky four to the floor muzak) …
Tune in at 7:00pm tomorrow evening. Feel free to be wearing much polyester and plastic …
Here’s a taster … 🙂
The cities will continue to dominate Australian growth until the disbursers realise that $3 Billion to extend a freeway 4 km will pay back more if it is spread among 30 regional townships.
Unfortunately, the price rises of property in the cities will slow, and we can’t have that.
A property bust will ruin too many politicians.
And that’s where we didn’t want to go – a currency that is backed against a physical standard and not able to be manipulated.
It will be so boring. Beyond the solar system space is so empty, a vast nothingness. Submariners and explorers had plenty to do but on long space flights we’d be better off in hibernation. I don’t like the idea of ion drives, too slow, take too long, but resurrecting Project Orion might be worth a shot. Without new technology interstellar travel is best left to the scifi writers. I don’t even see the point of Mars or any of the planets. A better option is Kuiper belt mining.
As dinosaurs allegedly evolved into birds, disco allegedly evolved into this … 🙂
John H:
I did a couple of back of the envelope calculations week or so ago, at 5%, 10%, and 15% – it frightened me and brought back memories of 17% home loans where my entire wages went for the loan and about 10% of the missus.
I doubt the current generation of debtors has any idea of how to deal with this scenario.
I have to admit that The Rabz makes a compelling argument
Fair comment.
Big day on the Cat, it seems.
It was been (0) days since the last Wordwall Event.
Excellent news.
Have you let them know of your availability on two items:
.1 The head of the idiot who formulated the “no jab/ No job” rule? Plate optional but appreciated.
.2 A 100% increase in take home pay?
What about you?
The Greatest Australian Hero at 4.47:
The Greatest Australian Hero 48 hours ago:
‘Ooooooh I stepped in poo’
‘These toilets are filthy’
Ah hahahahaha.
Poop eh?
Don’t look up the messytails/Brownnose Pup saga on the internet.
That was a level of degeneracy I wish I didn’t know about.
The More You Know…
John H:
You can hibernate – I will be selecting the crew for the colonisation program on Alpha Centauri. Here is a sample.
It will not be boring.
OK Serious hat on…
The Kuiper Belt will only be useful for a laser highway project
First we need to mine the crap out of the asteroid belt.
*Policy guru*
Anyone in charge of policy from after 2007 onwards needs a good slap, and to shut the hell up.
You failed. Miserably.
Go away and ruin your own business or another country. You’ve done enough damage here, leave us alone!
Wouldn’t this make him one of the “big end of Town” that Bill Shorten spent all his days bawling about?
Apparently our last ship wasn’t a happy crew.
Ukrainian Captain with 2 Russian engineers and a mixed Asian crew.
The long nights of boheminae and cheerful good conversation must be flying by.
The McLaren, engaging in some shameless pillaging* …
“Back in the post nuclear Nagasaki
I got intimate with Cho Cho san, I tells ya …
She got a li’l Cho Cho.
I’m a bounder … ”
“Gotta have something to believe in
My white honkey, I do miss him
Someday soon he’ll come around
Just to stop my nervous breakdown …”
*Again …
Drinking good single malt, and watching Kurt Russell in “Tombstone” is a worthy occupation for a self funded retiree,
“You gonna do something, you just stand there and bleed?”
“You tell them, I’m coming and Hell’s coming with me…”
Which prefaced a while lot of raging about how taking up driving trucks again in Current Year is all too hard and it’s all too tyrannical and how dare that lunatic troll unionised lazy choo choo who doesn’t do anything and is here on this blog 24/7 and I can’t stop or destroy him and it makes me so ANGRY-MAD etc. etc. etc. and so forth…
A contrast in (allegedly blonde) rock chicks:
Wolf Alice
Get out the Brandos, the 501’s and the Fenders.
When too much R ‘n’ R will never be enough … 🙂
Different eras I guess, Rabz.
yeah … it’s not a popularity contest
About what?
Blondie vs. Wolf Alice?
Or your Thought-leader?
My comment has nothing to do with Arky or JC, just a general observation I came to by working with people.
Fact, you have to live or work with people for some time to truly get to know them, and there is still a tiny chance you will be wrong.
Anyone can be pleasant and amiable for while.
Why pick up that fucking dreck Rex?
Do I insult you like that?
pretty sure a whole lot of readership knows exactly what
are you stupid?
sorry, rhetorical
I didn’t mean you, Arky.
Matrix likes Struth swamping this blog in shrieked abuse, Maoist denunciations and sexual crudity at all his mutual class enemies. Thinks it’s manly.
And given how many folks uptick it every time he does, I suspect he commands a cult-like following of such vicarious bloodletters.
Does this mean I have lost my thought leadership?
Nah. Nature just abhors a vacuum. 🙂
Tell you what, we could organise a duel for the role between you and Struth.
Double-plugger slapfight, using the flat sides only. Start back-to-back, advance away 10 paces and then slap to first submission.
Last one to get face-tinea wins. 😉
“He [Peterson] hasn’t recovered, he tears up very easily, and he tries to cover too much territory. He did excellent research in his field and should return to that.”
That would be entirely antithetical to his entire philosophy – in that his view seems to be that mental and physical fitness and strength both come from mildly working beyond your “comfort zone”. That, as with physical fitness, mental fitness is obtained by “building up” the “muscles”, and that only happens when you exert (mildly) beyond your limits regularly.
And just as “clean up your room” is a request to get your own life in order before trying to direct others on how to live, “find the heaviest thing you can carry and carry it” doesn’t just mean physically, it means mentally as well.
Given the great fame he has achieved and the many people who say his advice has turned their lives around, it seems to me he may have a point. In which case “nearly tearing up” is him facing up to the realities of his life, and facing the pain that some of it has caused him, making him stronger in the process. As long as he doesn’t actually break down (and I haven’t seen that yet), then he should – if he is correct – get “better” much quicker doing what he is, rather than hiding from it. Always providing he doesn’t push too hard too soon of course.
“Up until Kneel dropped his sandwiches, I was praising him for his attitude.
And he’d had the jab.
He was fuming about getting the jab.
Every person that surrendered and took a jab hurt other people in doing so.
There should end the discussion and the reasoning.
They helped destroy their nation, destroy children’s lives and their fellow countrymen, and any man, any right wing man that denies it is fooling himself, leading to denialism.”
So you were praising me for hurting other people and destroying my nation etc etc?
Or I’m in denial for being furious about being coerced into getting jabbed?
This is what gets my back up about your comments – you and your ilk say it’s my fault they get away with this shit, yet you say I have the right attitude (fury) to what was forced on me. You’re provoking the very people who actually agree it shouldn’t have been allowed! You’re dividing us when you should be uniting us.
IOW, you are part of the problem, and hindering any solution.
And you come across as being smug about it to boot – “oh look, more proof you’re all gonna die!”, “you’re angry because you made a mistake” etc etc.
You don’t want to help, you don’t want to prevent the same shit happening again, you just want to parade your own cleverness while hiding away.
And you wonder why I tell you to fuck off? Wake up to the damage you are doing to the cause you say you support you muppet. Stop blaming people for doing what they had to, and focus on those who made them do it.
But you can’t, can you? That would require empathy, which you admit you don’t have and see as a weakness. You’re worse than a waste of space, you’re destructive to the very things you say you support and you don’t even realise what you are doing, even when it’s been pointed out to you.
We are here, because grog.
Aw, gee, Helen..I decided to not bother with a NEW THREAD THATAWAY link…
Another day with 24/7 posting of a unionist who’s head I live.
And Kneel.
Don’t blame others for your actions.
A lot of that going on at the moment.
All I said is you were angry at having taken the jab and that wasn’t insane compared to the denialism of the lets move on , it never happened crowd who believe there has been no consequence or damage done to others because they did it.
You then “dropped your sandwiches” and decided I was to blame for what you did.
I believe no man should have taken the jab unless under extreme conditions to cross a border for a loved one.
Those that were made to do that should now be looking for blood, not folding under the mental weakness of denialism.
I never said you should have got the jab and in doing so you have empowered tyranny and in the process hurt your fellow man including children.
You may have had a hard decision to make but you made the wrong one and we are all going to pay for it.
Instead of chucking a tanty at those speaking the truth and who won’t accept your snivelling excuses I thought you were sane, had worked out just what they scared you into doing and would be turning against those that did it instead of those speaking the uncomfortable truth you don’t want to hear.
Grizzling at the truth or trying to fix your fuck up….and it is a fuck up because you’ve made things worse and there will be more shit you are going to be required to do to keep your green tick…..which action will be better for your mental health?
Oh God.
He’s like a modern day blog version of the bubonic plague.
“He’s like a modern day blog version of the bubonic plague.”
More like herpes than the plague.