You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…
You never hear about the time it took six years to come out from underwater after 2008 or whenever. Good…
This cloth was brought back as a relic and for years shown off every year Back Their knowledge of conservation…
Simon Holmes A’Court at the National Press Club. Starts by praising Tony WindsorThats not really a surprise. Must have missed…
Just had an experience that has left my gast flabbered. Been going to the same nut, bolt and fastener shop…
Baron of the Taiga@baronitaigas12mIf Putin rejects the ceasefire, the people who have been calling him Hitler for 4 years will…
Trouble is, they usually have very high ceilings, with tall windows.
Installing a mezzanine or second floor can completely butcher it if not done properly.
Happy birthday Rabzy.
Cheers zzz
I’ll keep it in mind.
If so, that’s quintessentially modern Australia:
Take your one competitive advantage and trash it in order to look virtuous.
That or a really spacious AirBnB.
When people try to convert a tiny country church into a two story house it is often a total dog’s breakfast.
A museum exhibition
It’s a dry Doco for only when in the mood, rosie, Not terribly detailed just something to pass the time.
Yay. I saw that link to the Stonehenge replica in WA and was very impressed. Might even visit it one day, as a sort of curiosity. Don’t want to put $2.5 million into such a purchase though and live there to see it every day. Not my cup of tea, and in terms of cost it’s way beyond my church grade. 🙂
I did read too that someone in the US has also done a replica of Stonehenge. People seem to like them.
I bet the little shit didn’t see that coming!
Yes, one would want to do it properly.
In my neck of the woods they often have choir lofts still in situ which provide a visual guideline as to what the final design might look like. Those old draughtsmen knew something about proportions.
Oh Jesu.
What have I done?
Time for a wee drinkie.
It feels later than the clock says.
Should have had an Aperol and hour ago.
Dinner looms, a pre-cooked beef thingo and I’ll do some spuds and peas.
An individualist.
Happy Birthday to the king of disco! [insert birthday cake emoji here]
Wasn’t Web Hubbel the bloke who committed suicide by two shots to the back of his head?
Yeah happy birthday Rabz- I decided quite a while ago not to have them anymore but they keep coming around!
LOL – I can’t believe no one saw this on the horizon (microscopes optional) … 🙂
Roger at 7:39.
That is the word.
Melbourne people would know of the grand old bluestone former railway building on Spencer St.
Magnificent old building.
The original ceiling heights were probably around 20-21 feet.
Chop each floor in half and you’ve got two regulation height floors.
Except the upper section now has ornate Victorian cornices one-third of the way down the wall.
Can everyone please forget all about Stonehenge replicas?
I can see Hairy burying me under a yuuuuge monolith.
A mezzanine floor would work, as roger says, at the choir loft end. The deconsecrated apse should be kept clear and spacious. A lot depends on whether there are clerestory windows – they too need to be clear.
For a re-fit of a tiny church, I would look at adding rooms (bedrooms, kitchen, laundry) in sympathy with the architecture, probably at the apse end, with an enclosed walkway joining new with old. Same materials.
It would be a fun project.
Thanks, peoples, I’m here all week, try the not meat – and if you don’t, my kindly ol’ Aunt will be around to rearrange your thinking! 🙂
Wishing you glad tidings to mark another lap around the golden orb.
Much good cheer and bonhomie, dude.
Super suck up!
Whoops! Forgot the music. And for Rabz of all people.
Thanks, Pancho. You’re a mate, whether you want to be or not! 🙂
No doubt.
I have seen some bad ones though.
Honestly, we have renovated probably half a dozen houses over the journey (not counting a couple of quick-and-dirties for rental then sale) and generally get it pretty right* without the help of an architect.
But I would definitely engage an architect on something like that.
* Always sold quickly. Never made a loss.
I wouldn’t be throwing your lot in wiv me.
I’ll guzzle a cheeky red to calibrate.
Here’s a poem my mentor prepared earlier.
is Is Your Life Lyrics
And you open the door and you step inside
We’re inside our hearts
Now imagine your pain as a white ball of healing light
That’s right, your pain
The pain itself is a white ball of healing light
I don’t think so
This is your life, good to the last drop
Doesn’t get any better than this
This is your life and it’s ending one minute at a time
This isn’t a seminar, this isn’t a weekend retreat
Where you are now you can’t even imagine what the bottom will be like
Only after disaster can we be resurrected
It’s only after you’ve lost everything that you’re free to do anything
Nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn’t get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it’s and it’s ending one minute at a time
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are the same decaying organic matter as everything else
We are all part of the same compost heap
We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world
You are not your bank account
You are not the clothes you wear
You are not the contents of your wallet
You are not your bowel cancer
You are not your grande latte
You are not the car you drive
You are not your fucking khakis
You have to give up
You have to give up
You have to realize that someday you will die
Until you know that, you are useless
I say let me never be complete
I say may I never be content
I say deliver me from Swedish furniture
I say deliver me from clever art
I say deliver me from clear skin and perfect teeth
I say you have to give up
I say evolve and let the chips fall where they may
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
Doesn’t get any better than this
This is your life, this is your life, this is your life, this is your life
And it’s, and it’s ending one minute at a time
Bad cut and paste. Mea culpa, mea cupla maxima.
I really didn’t want to go to the disco.
But I definitely don’t want to miss out on the C&W night.
There is going to be a C&W night, right?
Sacré bleu – if it’s any consolation Cats, I’m still basking in the Rundgren’s quite frankly indescribable guitar solo on Bat Out o’ Hell (again).
From 50 seconds in … 🙂
When too much grandiosity is barely enough … 😕
Pakistan president dissolves parliament as PM Imran Khan ducks no-confidence move
Giving Jack Ryan a shot.
The TV series .. REACHER .. based on the Killing Floor by Lee Childs isn’t bad either ..
it would be a faaaaaabuluous project. Because generally, faaaaaabulous people for some reason – when they’re not busy decorating the interiors of other things – have some sort of fascination for finding old churches and ‘doing them up’.
This generally involves the aforementioned hideous mezzanine floor, extra-polished floorboards and a tangerine colour in there somewhere. This usually precedes an appearance in a second-tier Better Homes and Gardens or the June issue of Qantas magazine where immaculate trolley boys Lionel and Quentin divide their time between flying the friendly skies and (badly) regrouting stained glass windows.
If you want to live in an old church, fine. Leave the bloody things alone if you do.
The Rundgren, essaying those tumultuous relationships between men and women …
Put a big screen TV in and more power points.
That’s it.
I dunno Knuckles.
Think of the train set you could put in an old church. Or a target range.
I was thinking man cave.
A studio would do.
The Rundgren
Super genius.
The Greens would like to have a stranglehold on everything in Tasmania:
THE rate of new cases of Covid per capita in Tasmania is among the worst in the world, the Greens say.
An analysis by the Greens of new Covid cases in the seven days to March 31 showed if Tasmania was a country it would have the fourth highest rate in the world behind the Cook Islands, South Korea and Cyprus.
Greens Health spokeswoman and epidemiologist Dr Rosalie Woodruff is renewing calls for the government to reintroduce the wearing of masks.
However, Public Health deputy director Dr Julie Graham says while Tasmania is experiencing a rise in Covid cases, the number of people in hospital with Covid is low.
Should Tasmania reintroduce mask mandates?
Yes 53 %
No 47 %
412 votes
Looking at the online poll in the Mercury, Taswegians want to mask up again.
The Roll of Honour tells its own story. A little church with 26 of its Presbyterians going to WWI. And a fifth of them to WWII. I suspect that ratio is borne out throughout the bush. It seems to be on all the public memorials that I have seen.
Saw something similar in a community hall near Coffs Harbour. About four times as many local men went to WW I, as went to WW II. I speculated to a friend that the WW I deaths (marked with a cross on the Roll) explained the lower numbers available for the Second stoush.
Much of the original community has disappeared, leaving just the hall and a few local residents.
Bwah ha ha ha ha.
We have obviously seen the same one!
I was warned before I arrived.
“They have very eclectic taste.”
Apparently that means “looks like a bomb went off in an op-shop”.
I remember an interior designer being interviewed on ABC years ago.
“How much do you attribute your success as a designer to the fact that you are gay”.
“Wut? None. I studied hard, listened to my mentors and worked hard. Look, the perception that gays have an inbuilt design gene is a myth. Most of them are average to terrible at it, but just don’t know it”.
“We’ll take a short newsbreak.”
More than half of Taswegians are insane?
At least Mercury readers who click polls.
I suppose insanity goes with that as well.
Just remember.
If Arky invites you back to his “ totally not a necromancer lair” ex church with attached graveyard to suck down a few cold ones make sure Mardi Gras is over.
April 3, 2022 at 7:00 pm
So woke the economist
Hungary’s opposition struggles to beat Viktor Orban’s stealth autocracy
The populist prime minister has subverted nearly every institution that matter
Lefties upset that someone has beaten them at their own game?
An old church is one place I would never want to stay.
Always feel their abandonment is a pity, whatever the reason.
Calli inspired me to read an article on Australian church architecture.
Not surprisingly neo Gothic was extremely popular.
I do love little timber churches, and there are a few suburban survivors near me, now used as church halls.
err, is this thing on ?
I’m more worried about being invited to the opening of New Stonehenge and being accosted by a short, hairy Celt, asking “Whose fecking idea was dis?”
April 3, 2022 at 7:22 pm
Arks – anyone – what is a personage who is not a collectivist?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp, evidently, please.
Could someone tell Taswegians they are free to wear as many masks as they like?
Obviously they might need more than a mainlanders.
Okay so the “new” blog here does not accept the Picard palm thing.
53% of Taswegians want to bring back mask mandates.
I say we let them go!
This Jack Ryan show is pretty intense.
Have to remind myself they probably won’t kill off the main characters in the first episode.
Here, Dot…have two.
The way I saw a refit meant using the original building pretty much intact and simply adding to it. Another thing that gets ruined – hammer beams.
And please don’t speak to me in chartreuse again. It’s unseemly.
Rural Australia never recovered from the First World War.
No, they want other ppl to be forced to wear masks. Nobody’s stopping anyone wearing a mask who wants to.
Don’t care what they do with churches so as it’s private cash.
thefrollickingmole says: April 3, 2022 at 6:17 pm
The part which caught my eye was the assertation that shearers are provided food, cooked & ready to eat, in addition to the rate per sheep.
This has not been my experience – nor that of anybody I know.
Nor is it consistent with the award – as it was when I was last in a shed.
Perhaps I’ve been too long away from a shed.
They are on my mates station.
The Tasmanian mask thing is in response to an article written by one of the local greens parliamentarians. She looks the part, toxic femininity with a side order of tyranny. I would suspect it is a total beat-up for the sake of politics rather than anything serious with the local branch flunkies all piling in to bulk up the numbers. Online poll after all.
I remember sending “smokoh” and “lunch” up to the shed, but that was over forty years ago…
When we were touring around on various stations we took our own cook with us.
A bit of variety for a day or 2 then lots of mutton.
One of the more dodgy outfits was a kiwi mob. Deep fried toasted pork and cheese sandwiches. I think one is still lodged in my colon somewhere.
Not the “m” word.
It will awaken the Googlery.
My grandmother sent scones with jam and cream for smoko.
Very popular.
Cucumber sandwiches with the crusts cut off… not so popular.
Think of the train set you could put in an old church. Or a target range.
Yeah TE – all that stuff is fine. You don’t have to leave the pews in. Just don’t put floating floors in, poxy pine circular stairs, several hundred downlights over multiple floors and Andy Fucking Warhol prints all over the walls that aren’t feature walls in two tone pastels.
It’s a church. It’s cool. The End.
In my defence I was watching an Ozzy Man Reviews clip and got distracted.
Vegemite sandwiches nearly sparked a strike.
Monstrous and off the scale. Humanity could never recover the first, let alone the second.
Industrial grade slaughter – WTF?
Cocky blocks using suburban shearing have many differences from the typical 10-stander using Grazcos in the mulga.
It’s not that as much as the use of faux animal prints.
Choose one.
But not the whole fucking menagerie.
While 91.3% of mainlanders crave their phace nappies, Pol.
It’s over. We exist amongst many, many imbeciles.
Time to get adjusted.
err, or not.
Nothing suburban about his digs, Salv. Can’t cheep out on crews nowdays.
how’s the bon homie?
Lol. The expression refers to shearers who do not sleep on the station during shearing, but drive out from town each day.
One of the “old hands” in the district where we “had the farm” had been made a POW of the Germans, when 2/28th Battalion was badly clobbered in North Africa, at Ruin Ridge.
He always said that, compared to the food in a shearers mess, German POW rations weren’t so bad…
Cheers Salv.
The closest accommodation is my Mil’s pub.
So naturally we stay on the station.
Single word.
French, you know.
It’s tops.
Fanks for akskink.
Sacré bleu – qui l’aurait cru 😕
My Facebook feed for some reason came up with a post from “ABC Friends” banging on about ABC cuts and how evil Rupert is. These days I don’t watch the ABC or subscribe to Foxtel or buy his newspapers anymore, but as I’m on holidays with time to kill, I thought I’d post.
I gave what I thought was a reasonable and considered response as to why the ABC was biased and undeserving of an endless supply of government largesse.
For that reply I was simply called a Fascist. I was then given a GetUp video to watch – and called a fascist. These people are insane. With ABC Friends like that who needs enemies?
I replied with bonhomie and wit, too.
Think you’re’n better’n me?
Croissant Pepe Le Pew barricades Eiffel Tower surrender.
And – I really shouldn’t have to point this out – bonhomie, translated literally, means ‘Good Homie’. It’s a compliment.
Channel Nein making a meal out of a crumb with the Melissa Caddick thing.
Shit investor.
Got caught.
Topped herself.
No big intrigue.
$40 meg in a Ponzi over 8-10 years.
Shitty for the individuals who lost money but doesn’t even register on the Madoff scale.
Can I call you Rool Dool?
Does the award no longer stipulate that shearers hire their own cook, & fully fund the kitchen, the cook’s wages, out of their rate? (Shed hands were on fixed contribution & had no vote re the cook)
Of course, first act is the “meeting” & election of a union rep for the shed.
That’ll be we as in wife and I in the main house. The shearers stay in the dongers.
““ABC Friends””
A group made up of ex-public servants, retired teachers and other far-left scum. These same people also share their love with other organisations such as GetUp.
I had an altercation with one “ABC Friend” on election day in May 2019. I was at Bondi Junction, campaigning for the Liberals. One one side, huddled together and talking amicably were Phelps’ volunteers, Greens, ABC friends and GetUp. I was the lone Liberal on the other side and completely ignored, which didn’t worry me. Anyway, the “ABC Friend” was handing out pamphlets and trying to scare voters as they were entering the polling booth. Then I saw this “ABC Friend” follow a voter into the polling booth, an illegal thing to do, it contravenes Australian electoral laws. I yelled at him and told him he couldn’t do that. He then became very defensive and aggressive. I then said to him “do it again and I’ll lodge a complaint with the AEC”. That shut him up and he didn’t do it again.
“A Paradigm Shift Western Media Hasn’t Grasped Yet” – Russian Ruble Relaunched, Linked To Gold & Commodities
Well done, Cassie.
Nothing new, but absolutely terrifying.
What Is The “Great Reset” And What Do The Globalists Actually Want?
The Rundgren, essaying those tumultuous relationships between men and women …
Rabz, a Rundgren fan and an XTC.
Full marks!
We have just finished watching Babylon Berlin, all three series of it.
Why oh why? Beautifully done, but in the end convoluted beyond reason, and reasonably weird.
Can I call you Rool Dool?
But of course, Sènor.
Hope I got that squiggly thing on the right letter.
Circling back, as the Cyril Rioli state of affairs was discussed with some punters at the crikkit this arvo:
Rioli’s misso Shannyn (with a ‘y’, naturally) was heartbreakingly crushed when Jeff Kennett offered loose change to have her ripped jeans sewn up. The NT News today:
The problem with that was that Rioli had already suffered the first of his career-ending knee injuries. Wiki:
Here’s his 2018 season, his last:
Both knees are shot. His career was done and dusted in early 2018 (arguably 2017), with a guarantee that nobody else would look at an expensive marquee recruit with a history of season-ending cruciate ligament injuries.
It’s horseshit. The NT News again:
Aspiring influencer then.
Never heard of it. There’s website though, which is current. Or would be if you lived in February 2020, because that’s the last time that page was updated. If there was any sniff that Cyril Rioli was around Darwin and telling the kids to pull their heads in, it would be all over the local media.
Again. It’s a) horseshit, and b) a play for cash.
KD, it certainly looks like a play for cash, in some form.
Is it via:-
– Compo from the Hawks?
– Compo from the AFL?
– 60 minutes tell-all? $150k base, $175k if Shannyyn cries, $250k if Cyril cries.
– Raised social influenza profile.
– All of the above.
We are very relax people.
We hold no grudges over misplaced squiggly things.
I’ll watch that, but only if it has spooky music in the right bits.
TE – I enjoyed BB immensely.
A fourth series would be nice. LLF is exquisite.
60 Minutes tell all, hosted by Lidia Thorpe of the Greens, citing “inter generational trauma.” $175,000 if Shannyyn cries.
Théré can névér bé énough of thém, I télls ya … 😕
Ï ???ëé.
Fück it!
Arky is a hip and happening sort of Cat.
He’s just into Zombie Jamborees…
How can this be?? This is exactly what we did too. Always made excellent money at it.
And yes, a proper reno for anything serious like a partial rebuild does need an architect.
Ç, señor.
Oh, and before the back-turned clock ticks out the date, a very Happy Birthday to yuz, Rabz.
I’d play you something but, as you know, we are not generationally atuned in musical tastes.
I will not make you suffer another link to Carrickfergus.
Although Kenneth Branagh used it to good effect in ‘Belfast’.
Another film very well worth seeing. Unlike his Poirot pieces of dark-tinged fluff.
We’ve just watched ‘Death on the Nile’ on Netflix. Glad we didn’t pay for that, I say as it ends.
Similarly for ‘Death on the Orient Express’. Yet ‘Belfast’ was honest and true and very good indeed.
Yep. I think we dipped out after two series.
Arty film directors forced to go woke head for cabaret life vignettes, jump cuts, stylised camera angles and hyped-up action. Makes the mandatory diversity have some sort of reality. Ends up confusing.
I am known to have a good eye for what some render, new cornices and a coat of paint can do for a place. Clearing out bothersome walls is part of the deal. In the early days our main decorating tool was a crowbar. Later, we started to hire capable younger muscle, and while the Beloved One went awarrioring in the corporate jungle I supervised the tradies while writing lectures for delivery to students, who appreciated it more when the lectures were less than complete and I went off reservation for them as I improvised.
Yesterday I found the photographs to prove it. Me tossing my hair, sitting on the edge of the lecture-theatre stage wearing a cabaret-style Sportscraft waistcoat and trousers, and long sleeved white silk blouse, with legs crossed and waving a cigarette, my other hand holding a mike on its lead removed from the lectern and stand, doing an impromptu Q & A session.
Those were the days, my friends.
From Fox News
Police in Sacramento say six people are dead and 10 injured after a shooting in the city’s downtown area early Sunday morning.
Sacramento Police Chief Kathy Lester said Sunday officers were patrolling the downtown area at about 2 a.m. when they heard gunfire.
They found a large crowd gathered on the street when they arrived on the scene, and six people dead. Ten other people were either transported or took themselves to a hospital. No information was given on their conditions.
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Mark Knight #2.
Warren Brown.
Warren Brown #2.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Morten Morland.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
Michael Ramirez #2.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn.
Chip Bok.
Steve Kelley #2.
Al Goodwyn #2.
Ben Garrison.
still asleep, Dr BG?
you know who’s analysis of the war in the Ukraine, with links.
“Hopes have faded for the opposition parties ahead of Sunday’s elections in both Serbia and Hungary with longtime rulers Viktor Orban and Aleksandar Vucic poised to win.”
Good news coming?
Hungary Serbian leaders set to win Sunday elections
Who is “you know who” rosie? I’m all at sea.
Just heard a BBC hosted panel from Warsaw Tech University.
War fever ramped up to screech levels.
Finland and Poland: “we are fighting for freedom, for democracy, for the West.” “I say to Biden, are you afraid ?” “Biden must send troops.”
No awareness of the irony in calls for war but demanding that others fight it for them.
Absolutely no respect or consideration for Russian concerns.
The level of dim and dumb was high.
WW I redux.
Jorge says:
April 4, 2022 at 6:16 am
I’m shaking my head at the attitude of Poland’s government.
Can’t figure it out, who is pushing them, and why are they responding to the push?
It will go ill for them if a full scale war breaks out.
Looks like Hungary’s policy of staying neutral paid for the government, the way it looks they meight even retain the super majority.
Yeah, there was some stuff that happened over the weekend which has got them all excited.
As I’ve said several times: it’s a mess. And it doesn’t look to be getting any better.
meight sheesh???
You know who, was funny Rosie. Lorenzo talking to himself mostly, but what I did notice is twitter lets me see lots of the comments coz it follows the narrative. Anything that doesn’t follow the narrative is truncated on my phone.
I noticed that too Ranga and wondered why. Still don’t know who “Lorenzo” is. Is it someone with special knowledge or insight or just another Twitter punter?
They haven’t had a crack for 80 years, got pulverised after an initial series of defensive wins against the Russians in 1940 and then changed sides in 1945 just before the end of the war to get on the winning team.
They’d want to stump up before yelling ‘we’ from the back of the room. Cheeky little sauna-builders.
Since Wolfman wasn’t available this week for movie reviews/talk, I’ll risk another.
Tom Cruise. The Mummy. Just…don’t. It’s truly awful.
Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz gave the genre a fresh, fun reboot. This one from 2017 is a ploddingly ultra violent, incomprehensible mishmash of dimly lit misery and horror. Switch…off.
Dilbert 2
Sorry Calli.
We had a discussion about Lorenzo here a while back.
JC knows him.
It’s not a big deal. I value his opinions, others may not.
counting underway
They’re not even trying any more with the whole Ukraine reporting thing. AAP, via The Hun on a photographer exposed once too often:
Prosecutors? What? Also, according to that sentence Levin was shot twice with derringers.
Two and a half weeks after this bloke went missing – in a war zone – and ‘prosecutors’ can determine who he was shot by and with what. Truly amazing, and just like the TV shows.
Just wondering if any of those corpses were holding the free AKs given out by the Ukrainian government to civilians – which improved their status from civilian to partisan, but that also reduced that status to immediate receipt of two in the head when located by the other team.
I don’t quite follow GreyRanga, I don’t know how twitter works but if someone does a narrative style set of comments after their own initial tweet they often seem to display like this?
It’s confusing KD, Zelensky effectively conscripted all males between 18 and 60, published photos of them training with wooden AKs and now they are all innocent civilians?
Thanks. I’m not very good with cryptic stuff and a lot goes over my head.
The fact that I could read the entire feed was curious, compared to others who have a different viewpoint. I wonder if it is, as Ranga suggests, Twitter narrative nudging?
All these “calls” for outright war are disturbing – always from the ones who never actually have to fight and die. It disgusts me.
Or, as we call it here, the Katter Plan.
Gray Connolly and others often do these narrative style tweets.
That was quick.
Hungary: PM Orban claims ‘great victory’ in election (4 Apr)
The EU and gorgeous George are going to be unhappy. Good.
Lorenzo is definitely not Gonzalo then?
Rosie, I’m not a registered Twitterer, so feeds are truncated after the first couple of entries with an invitation to register. I find if you scroll slowly and press “show more comments” that a few more appear. It’s tedious.
here is Gray’s latest on Russia Ukraine
It remains to be seen whether the Ukrainians had to dig theirs out. Evidently those punters are one step ahead of some others.
X marks the spot.
Ruskies killing the captured combatants.
The old Katyn Woods strategy.
The Nazis will be blamed anytime now. Plenty of idiots believed it then too.
Now that’s odd. I could scroll down the entire feed, and pick other threads at random and see all of them too.
What’s going on at Twitter?
Sorry Calli, I don’t know what twitter does with outsiders looking in.
I guess it’s like peeking behind paywalls.
Lorenzo mentioned Katyn Woods too.
If Ukraine still has a few dedicated Nazis it’s possible Russia still has some dedicated Communists.
Exactly Knuckle.
Promotion of ‘civilians will stand together and fight the russkies’, civilians using drones with molotovs and the handing out AK’s greys the line between combatants and non-combatants. Many civilians are now fair game.
The bleating by the media and the Ukraine gov. shows either deliberate ignorance of their role in this tragedy, or (more cynically) the Ukraine government wanted those lines blurred so they could exploit the inevitable civilian deaths.
The Ukraine is definitely the winning the propaganda war.. I unfortunately suspect the latter.
“Hungary: PM Orban claims ‘great victory’ in election (4 Apr)”
Nice to wake up on a Monday morning and hear some good news.
Pretty much in line with what I’ve been saying.
Berlin Physician Estimates Cases Of Severe Side Effects At 3%…Projected One Million Affected In Germany (3 Apr)
At least these poor people have a chance to get medical help. Here the terrified medical authorities won’t even treat you.
We are pleased, the usual suspects are fulminating.
It’s a good day in Hungary.
Good morning from those that need to go to bed.
There sure seem to be a whole bunch of odd people up and about at 2am in Sacramento.
By that logic Duncanm, the French underground and Nazi civilian massacres were the fault of the exiled French government not Berlin.
On the 11th March this kind of inanity was being published about Zelensky conscription.
“As The New York Times’ Daily podcastreported,fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands as well as single men between the ages of 18 and 60 are being forced to stay and enlist in Ukraine’s military, while women of all ages are not only being allowed over borders but actively encouraged to flee.”
Male-Only Conscription Will Undermine Ukraine’s War Effort
I know of Larry, but I’ve never met him. He got onto serious trouble for plagiarism back around 2005 or so
Just. Leave. It. Alone. The Hun, apropos of yet another ill-conceived ‘special TV event’:
I have a comment.
Hey Hey was excellent in its time, but that time is not now. All the Dickie Knee jokes have been done. Kamahl, the Music Men and those blokes doing bobsled impersonations with chairs will not return.
It’s like digging up Meatloaf, sitting him on a stool on stage and expecting him to sing as he did in 1985. ‘Entertainment’ would consist of the audience sitting there and watching his limbs fall off.
Of course Brucie. You “no need no freaking data” to figure things out , our very own metallurgistic virologist.
Speaking of long-dead entertainers:
You know who’d live in a renovated church?
Freddie Mercury. The acoustics would be great.
Daryl says “the time is right to bring it back”.
He’s been saying that every year since 1991.
Oh thought you’d met him JC.
17 years is a long time.
Don’t have a problem reading a range of views from the well read on the topic types.
Better than picking a new messiah and then having hysterics anytime anyone questions the narrative.
They have nazis too. Wagner group and some of the militia in Donbas like giving certain salutes. The boss of Wagner has fun tatts. It seems to be a feature of the neighbourhood.
Mention of that quaint word “bonhomie” overnight.
How did that one make it into the Cat lexicon?
Farmer Gez:
Feb 25th
So as an invading army.. what do you now assume about any adult male?
I think Sinc was the first to use it at Old Cat. After a particularly colourful fistfight.
Perhaps we could instead strive for cordiality, as long as its not green.
Thanks calli.
Not a word I hear a lot at the hardware shop or the newsagents or the cafe.
So as an invading army.. what do you now assume about any adult male?
Perhaps not tying their hands behind their backs and shooting them in the head.
I don’t like that sort of thing but I’m old fashioned that way.
The place is already fruity, rosie.
Cordiality sounds a bit reserved and British. Evokes images of politeness over cucumber sandwiches.
I think bonhomie would involve more huggin’ and kissin’ and back-slappin’.
Seems both sides have now been implicated in torturing and killing prisoners.
Is this another review of Married At First Sight?
I think the favoured word was civiliteh, guys. In spades.
The trouble it, the more self-consciously civil people are forced to be, the more likely it is that they will use sneaky innuendo and snark instead of being straightforward. Human nature – if there’s a rule, it’s there to be broken.
Of course, some will gravitate there naturally, rules or no rules. Just like the playground.
The French now fist bump.
More exuberance might be misinterpreted.
Might lead to outbreaks of coup de poing.
I thought “bonhomie” went with good red wine and roasted meats.
Civiliteh is definitely the province of cucumber sandwiches and Pimms.
Has anyone read how many military fuel depots Russia has close to Uke? If you’re short of supplies you really don’t want to be losing a fuel dump close to the border. I dunno, but if this represents anything like 20% of their potential fuel supply then Russia is is serious trouble . The Ike’s blew one up.
I honestly cannot believe just how inept the Russian military appears to be. They need nukes because of this .
ALL the “news” coming out of an active war zone is propaganda with a political purpose.
From Rosie’s Gray Connolly link at 7:26:-
The end result was that the “atrocities” which held sway in the media only portrayed one side as the victims and paved the way for NATO intervention.
According to Achgut.com, Dr. Freisleben “estimates the cases of severe vaccine side effects at three percent. That would affect a projected one million people in Germany alone.”
By comparison to Dr Freisleben’s practice, the UK Yellow Card system reports 459,000 cases out of 100 million jabs as of March 23.
So, 0.45%.
Sure irritating reactions will be under reported, but doctors treating severe cases are obliged to report through the Yellow Card system.
Not good.
But beware anecdotal statistics of doom.