He’s doing a lousy job of it.
He’s doing a lousy job of it.
Trump’s peace talks are just a charade. Russia wants to obliterate UkraineThis piece from The Age would be at home…
Short late bookshop-bonehead anecdote time. Local bootique bookshop, specializing in eco-catastrophe, coffee table glossy and misery memoir. Hip DINK behind…
Heard today that the Feral Government collects $1.40 in tax from smokers … per cigarette! Rsoles.
Mark Steyn used to say that the Democrat Party is the only party of the slaves still in existence in…
Fruitful day, Ted? 🙂
Lots of people were in the SASR (that’s what it’s actually called. The Special Air Service Regiment. People like you pronounce it as ‘duh sass’).
People like, oh I don’t know, Andrew Hastie. He must be a gun operator as well. Right St. Ruth?
Liability Bob was in an infantry battalion in Vietnam. It doesn’t necessarily make him an expert on all things forevermore.
I’m sure Bosi was a decent officer*. Up until 1994 when he got out and started his professional career as a scammer.
*Maybe he wasn’t. The point is, I don’t know and neither do you.
No .
Perfect sense.
Before the coup, the commenters here were true right wingers and had impecible conservative and libertarian convictions combined with an historical understanding that they wore as badges of pride.
Until da MSM scared them into being surrender monkeys to socialism, and trying to justify it to all and sundry.
The “it’s a personal choice’ brigade who in 2019 would have scoffed at the stupidity and cowardice of a statement like that, when it came with a social credit, passport of segregation,….until they had to make a choice.
My son was just naive in the ways of the world and he needed it for his job.
The reason I’m like this here, is the people here knew better.
They know what they did.
He said there was a death camp at Toowoomba with gas lines running into the ‘showers’ during his last speech.
On board with that, are you? Or doesn’t it count?
So HP, you were bullshitting about your hunt for Putin?
Are you bullshitting about fucking off to NYC?
Anyone on this blog that believes a word you say is a fucking moron especially any financial advice you give.
So that’s OK now?
At how old?
I mean, you wouldn’t want to see yourself as having failed at fatherhood. At this, apparently the most manly test of line-holding manliness.
Snort. Walking it back now.
Well that explains why my ambition to edit a major metropolitan newspaper never came to pass. Unlike the new supremo at the New York Times, it would never occur to pose like a reject from the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition.
Is it any wonder the news biz is stuffed when people like this are in charge?
Nothing squeals “There’s poofery afoot” than a pose like this.
You’ve really got a hang up with Bosi, KD.
He wants those that did this brought to justice.
And they must be or this never stops.
He made clear that his “party” is no such thing right from the start, but basically independents aligned with Australia one and they have people they are putting forward in NSW and Qld that I know of.
While you do and are nothing, maybe a bit of humility might be in order.
Here’s KD’s ethos…..do nothing and sneer at those that do.
Anyone know where biggles is, has he handed control of the groovy gang to choo choo & grey carrot top?
So all the other people that needed it for their jobs are hypocrites. As Isaid logic is not your strong suit.
Sounds like Gillard.
Still young and naive in the mid thirties.
I said
Geebus! Ranga get it together will you.
Walking nothing back.
He’s fucked up.
But he’s not a hypocrite.
That’s the point you don’t want to acknowledge.
What you claimed to be prior to this as to what you actually are.
Which means prior to 2020, in the easy days of freedom, they told all and sundry what they believed in.
Until it meant losing a buck, or actually standing up for it.
NPR CATCHING UP WITH INSTAPUNDIT: It’s planting season in Ukraine, and that means problems for global food supply.
The day after Russia invaded Ukraine, Lebanon’s economy minister announced the country of 6.8 million people had enough wheat reserves to last just one month.
Russia and Ukraine are major exporters of agriculture, which Lebanon depends on. Ukraine alone exported more than $27 billion in agricultural products to the world last year. About 80% of Lebanon’s wheat comes from Ukraine.
So when the war started, so did worries of food shortages and price hikes.
“You could say the majority of the Lebanese population is living in survival mode,” said Maya Terro, founder of the non-profit organization FoodBlessed Lebanon, which feeds vulnerable people in Beirut.
Weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine, food prices soared. The invasion sent ripples beyond the immediate conflict zone, breaking supply chains and creating food shortages as two of the world’s biggest food exporters went to war.
In response, Egypt’s prime minister fixed bread prices, Bangladesh launched a nationwide food subsidy program, and consumers in Indonesia noticed a favorite instant noodle dish went out of stock.
In Lebanon, people turned to desperate measures.
“Some families have resorted to selling their belongings in order to use the money to buy food,” Terro said.
Lebanon is heavily dependent on food imports, so anything that happens elsewhere affects the country’s food security, Terro said. “The repercussions of war between Russia and Ukraine have led to catastrophic surges in food products like cooking oil, wheat and some types of grains.”
Terro said FoodBlessed Lebanon had seen an increase in demand in the last few weeks. This is happening at a time when global food prices are at record highs, and prices in Lebanon have risen by 1000%.
Dunno why Sky News loves Dave Sharma so much. They currently have six stories about him on their main page. Maybe they aspire to be the wet libs go to TV channel.
China in Focus – NTD
01:03 Financial ties with U.S. colleges: Beijing’s agenda
03:11 China pushes Russia ‘strategic coordination’
04:09 Taiwan seeks role in U.S. Indo-pacific framework
05:01 U.S. House minority leader shows support for Taiwan
06:03 Japan’s Abe urges U.S. to change Taiwan ambiguity
07:26 Shanghai: More residents can leave the house
08:32 Shanghai resident copes with food shortage
10:23 German in Shanghai: ‘The system sucks’
12:21 Our viewer describes his experience under lockdown
And then the worst hypocrite of all chimes in.
The untra fucked up Notafan.
She of the right wing good catholic girl type prior to 2020.
She advertised herself as such.
Very judgemental of others who didn’t come up to her Rosary clutching standards.
Went straight into losing her shit and hysterical…screaming at the nanna killers, after swearing she’d never use a passport while scoffing at the thought there’d ever be one, abusing conspiracy theorists who were just RIGHT while she was WRONG,……. before showing her good Nazi tick to everyone and even going on Holidays to Europe with it.
While other Australians held the line and still are.
Of the highest order.
Fun in the land of the free!
Thank you John Howard for saving us from this….. you stupid arsehole….
The Fusion Party seems to be ultra-green, for example check out their statement on renewables at this candidate’s page
“Declare and mobilise against the climate emergency with a 10 year transition to negative emissions. Put a price on carbon and lead internationally to restore a safe climate with 800% renewables.”
lol, and they boast about following “scientific method”
April 21, 2022 at 3:44 pm
BTW in the midst of this spat re vaccines going on at the moment on the blog:
Family arrived at Easter with what they thought was “Long Covid” (they had Covid about a month ago). Three days after they left, husband and I (recall – unvaccinated) came down with some respiratory “thingy” – husband reasonably unwell, me – so-so.
Very annoying, given the almost 2 years of careful healthy diet, FLCCC protocol etc. But was it Covid? We returned to Sydney and, still with symptoms but negative RAT tests, decided to have a drive-in PCR test. Results – NEGATIVE – arrived this morning. Guess it must just be a respiratory virus of some sort – funny one too – with fleeting aches & sticky congestion in back of throat, fatigue & some digestive upset.
The point is – we have become so entrapped in the Covid narrative, that we forget that colds and flu once were a normal facet of life!
PS it has responded to the Vits, Bisolvin, Bonningtons Irish Moss, aspirin, and asthma inhalant, & a touch of Ivermectin on the inside of the wrists (as anything should!) – but then…..it had probably run its course!
With non stop Covid being caught by friends, family and classmates of live in Son-in-law, Daughter, Grandkids 5/8/10 Years – finally caught Cold/Flu off 10 year old after he had it for 2 weeks (all RAT and PCR Tests Negative) – had avoided Cold/Flu for over 3 years
Drippy Nose and Chest Cough – same as you Vits, Bisolvin, paracetemol. Vicks Vapour Drops etc, but with racking chest and death rattles, (have had Pneumonia in past – 3 Pneumococcal vaccines) got urgent appt GP and she prescribed Pseudoephedrine Tabs (I know can get with Drivers Licence) and Azithromycin which I had had before when Chest Rattles, and at her suggestion had this years Seniors Flu Vaccine as has worked on me well over the last 12 years – cleared it up in a week, now Wife has caught my Cold/Flu (both of us cleared RAT/PCR Tests) and she is made of sterner stuff than me, just waiting till it blows over – me, I am a Wuss and like to hit it with what I can – also used Betadine nasal Spray
GP suggested second Flu Vaccine late July as she felt Flu Season could be long and bad
How much does your nation and freedom mean to you Notafan?
No. Many people want those that did this brought to justice, including me, and I have not forgiven or forgotten.
What A1 wanted and got was to put forward a facade of a political party, which incidentally was almost completely staffed by rellos, ask for money for months, print some black T shirts with peddler slogans on them, then not run for anything despite saying they were going to and giving the people who gave them money the very clear impression that this was the case.
Then all the net-based material went quiet, no running for anything and now they’re living on the proceeds of the gullible.
Clearly, they got you and I’m not surprised.
The Dark ‘N’ Stormy’s obviously getting a Thursday workout in Quenthland.
Confirmed, Hiden is the biggest imbecile to ever occupy the White House.
What happened to America? Joe Biden happened
China Eastern Airlines MU5735 Aircraft Flight Accident Investigation Preliminary Report has
been completed.
The report mainly includes factual information such as flight history, crew and maintenance personnel, airworthiness maintenance, and wreckage distribution.
The main situations are as follows: On March 21, 2022, the Boeing 737-800 B-1791 of China Eastern Airline took off from Runway 21 of Kunming Changshui Airport at 13:16 Beijing time, rose to a cruising altitude of 8900 meters at 13:27, entered the Guangzhou control area along the A599 route at 14:17, and at 14:20:55 Guangzhou area control radar showed a “deviation” Command altitude” warning, the aircraft left the cruise altitude, the controller called the crew immediately, but received no reply.
At 14:21 :40, the last recorded aircraft information by the radar was: standard pressure altitude of 3380 meters, ground speed of 1010 km/h, and heading of 117 degrees. Subsequently, the radar signal disappeared.
The accident scene is located in a valley running from southeast to northwest near Mocong Village, Conan Town, Teng County, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. A puddle with an area of about 45 square meters and a depth of 2.7 meters can be seen at the scene, which is determined to be the main impact point, located at 23°19’25.52? north latitude and 111 °06’44.30? east longitude.
The debris of the aircraft wreckage was mainly found on the ground and underground in the azimuth range from 0 to 150° of the impact point. The trailing edge of the right wingtip wing let was found approximately 12 kilometers from the main impact point.
There were traces of fire in the forest vegetation at the scene of the accident. Major wreckage including horizontal stabilizer, vertical tail, rudder, left and right engines, left and right wings, fuselage parts, landing gear and cockpit parts were found at the scene.
After investigation, the qualifications of the flight crew, cabin crew and maintenance release personnel meet the requirements; the airworthiness certificate of the aircraft in the accident is valid; There is no fault report and no fault reservation before the flight and short-term parking on the same day; there is no cargo declared as dangerous goods on the plane.
No matter what the issue .. the “trough” is still open to all the slurpers .. FFS!
Sweden Riots, the authorities avoid solving the issue being afraid of being politically incorrect. Emil Cosman
Bespoke I did get it together Isaid and now you want me to get it apart I said. Make up your mind.
Old Ozzie:
I find it too easy to believe that Australia is in this position.
With the engorgement of the Government Leech on the economy, a Trillion dollar deficit, whores for invalids and having to import people of dubious character because our youngsters are too heavily taxed to afford their own kids, but aren’t so heavily taxed they have to support other cultures kids…
This is incompetence from administration at a level that requires HOP time.
Bosi has never got a cent off me.
None of my effort.
Lost me when he went on about Pedos.
Which I have said 100 plus times.
Still rather have a nation of Bosis than a couple of sneering from the sidelines, KD’s.
Hey KD.
I put myself forward for UAP as well.
I failed.
Wrong sex, probably look a bit rough around the edges, who knows.
While you’ve done nothing like it, you’d sneer at me for having a go and not getting selected.
Sancho from the slip lane of lies certainly has.
All class that.
Give me a Bosi anyday.
Now on Central Australia time at Broken Hill.
We drove the Wilcannia/Menindee road (Western), all gravel and through some beautiful countryside. All grey saltbush stark against the red soil. Except for the flood wash areas – fine, paler silt that had dropped out of suspension as the water slowed. Some of the bushes were barely visible, they were so buried.
Menindee is full as a goog – in some places the water laps the road in to the national park. It is a magical, glittering landscape of drowned, naked gums and little waves lapping the shore. They catch carp there by the thousands, all left on the bank to rot. Made me think of their excellence as fertiliser.
The banks are dotted with tents and vans – overflow from BH which is having some sort of Mad Max meet nearby. I expect many…many leather jacketed mullets in town – not so many engaging brilliant blue eyes though. *sigh*
Coming in to town from the Menindee end – you can see the mighty slag heap with its funny horned business centre for miles. I love this city with its pub on every corner and its self conscious civic buildings cheek by jowl with more humble ones. Dinner is at the Musos Club opposite the Heap. Just so we don’t forget why the whole place is here.
The Chinese taking in the Solomon Islands seems to me a bit like WW2 with the Japanese push at Guadalcanal, it will cut our supply lines with the USA.
But our fucking useless government won’t worry as our strategic fuel supplies are in America (if Biden hasn’t already sold them).
We are governed by traitors.
Mongistan mask compliance still a solid 90% on public transport….
Govern me harder and more stupidly Dan and Brett!
Placed an order for a Tesla. A year ago you would had to pry the keys out of my cold dead fingers to get me to part with my car.
“Declare and mobilise against the climate emergency with a 10 year transition to negative emissions. Put a price on carbon and lead internationally to restore a safe climate with 800% renewables.”
A clear admission that renewables (ruinables) are inadequate is the aim for 800%. We used to manage quite well with a bit over 100% to allow for maintenance and other contingencies.
What hasn’t occurred to the idiots is that if the sun isn’t shining, and the wind isn’t blowing, even 1800% won’t meet the requirement.
She added while the union pushed for an extra day of rest for employees to compensate a lack of sleeping facilities on A330 planes, Qantas had instead switched from Australian to New Zealand crews, leaving many Australians without work.
Groundbreaking Study Confirms Pterosaurs Really Did Have Feathers – And That’s Not All
REVEALED: Wimbledon’s call to ban all Russian tennis players was sparked by organisers fearing the ‘optics’ of the Royal family being pictured with world No 2 Daniil Medvedev and other stars at Centre Court trophy presentations
I’d be more worried about being seen with that lunatic, Prince Charles.
manly sharks
A European business group says Western companies in Shanghai are facing a “logistical nightmare” as they start to reopen after a city-wide lockdown.
The European Union Chamber of Commerce says that it expects the problems to last for several more weeks.
On Friday, Chinese officials said they will help more than 600 firms restart operations in the major financial hub.
It comes after UK and US business bodies also said their members have been hit by Covid measures in China.
Although some firms have restarted operations in Shanghai by having their employees remain on-site, “many companies still face the challenges of labour shortages and logistical difficulties,” said Bettina Schoen-Behanzin, vice president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and head of its Shanghai chapter.
“We estimate that less than 30% of their workforce are eligible to go to work due to the ongoing lockdowns, so there’s a huge gap between policy and the reality of implementation,” she added in a statement on Thursday.
Tucker, MRC’s Gainor Tease New MRC Study Showing Just ‘How Far Big Tech Will Go’ to Protect Biden
Sounds just like a certain Hero of the Highways who abuses me as a FaIlUrE Of A MaN, yet rushes to offer excuses for his own son…
“For Valerie Judd, that means her Home Care package will now only cover half the weekly visits she needs, because she will no longer be able to schedule two separate one-hour visits a day.
“Having an hour means that she can have what she needs done in the morning and what she needs in the evening,” Ms Rutherford explained.”
more stupid
Stimpy bin in?
Just a trim, same style, I say to the hairdresser and close my eyes blissfully for a few minutes.
When I open them again I have a style that rivals Kennealy’s. Short and chopped in around the back.
I’ll have to find a way to give it the fly-away look because turned under it looks gross.
One of those times when I return from the hairdresser and head straight for the shower while a Very Insensitive Person who is male and approaching bald laughs.
I think that is spelled Kenealley.
I wonder if longer earrings might help. Me, not her.
Nope. It’s Keneally. No ‘e’.
Trust her to be difficult.
The Russian defence ministry has released video of what it says is a successful launch of a nuclear-capable missile.
The new Sarmat super-heavy intercontinental ballistic missile was launched from the Plesetsk spaceport in the north-western Arkhangelsk region and landed in the other side of Russia in the far-eastern Kamchatka peninsula.
They already had Jackie Jacqui on the books. Probably still do…
Sorry – not a “Business Centre” on top of The Heap.
It’s a Visitor Centre and the Line of Lode Memorial that stands out against the sky.
I hope Cats enjoy something positive and non-covid.
On the Covid madness – painted on a fence at Wilcannia – mask on or move on. So we did.
calli says:
April 21, 2022 at 5:32 pm
Now on Central Australia time at Broken Hill.
Enjoy Calli.
My wife and daughter were in the same area last week. Loved the lakes and the country that’s been replenished by recent big rains.
Haven’t scrolled back.. but..
April 21, 2022 at 1:09 pm
April 21, 2022 at 11:59 am
The point is that the UAP look no different then the Lib/Lab’s.
How is this going to change the directions of the major parties?
You assume it can be fixed.
Im going for crashing the plane with no survivors at this stage.
A hard reset is all that left.
Nailed it.
Discussed on the Cat for as long as I’ve been here.
Joe is a decent guy.
Hes never filmed himself raping a monitor lizard.
Australia now has a ‘serious national security problem’ with fuel supply, as report warns we only have 68 days of reserves
Melbourne Airport in 2019 effectively had 7-14 days cover depending on the supply chain inventory cover.
I think 68 is VERY generous. Of course inventory levels aren’t so material if you can manufacture….
Just how rooted is NZudland??
Well done donkey chompers, you have inflated your people to the extent they would rather cook the planet than shop local…
Tins of spaghetti, soap, pasta shells and raw almonds: purchases more commonly carted into New Zealand homes by shopping trolleys and car boots than jetted on international flights. But as prices hit new highs, shoppers are taking drastic measures – including ordering groceries for delivery from Australia.
“It’s almost like Christmas,” said Belinda*, a Wellington woman who said she now regularly ordered groceries online from across the Tasman to supplement her local shopping. Browsing Australian groceries, she said, she was startled by the range of products and how much cheaper they were than those stocking New Zealand shelves.
The Guardian compared two shopping carts compiled by Belinda – one from an Australia-based multinational which delivered to New Zealand, the second to have the same items delivered by one of New Zealand’s largest supermarket chains. In total, even with the currency conversion, cost of GST and a small customs fee, she saved almost NZ$70 (AU$64) on a $267 shop – or about $80 including the local supermarket’s delivery charge. “The only ??downside also is that a lot of things are currently unavailable because of stock issues. But I think that’s because everybody started to do it,” she said.
Im sure Adern will look deeply into her heart and make the right decision.
And ban overseas ordering… for the children.
Only cos we lizardpeople got standards…
Joe is a decent guy.
He only takes 10% for the big guy.
Someone has to stay home tomorrow morning for the NBN/Foxtel man (person?) to come and tell us why we are cut off and why I am reduced to hotspotting here.
However, tomorrow we both had an appointment with our skin doc for our yearly check-over in our undies. We usually go together and make it a social occasion, for our doc likes to chat away for a while with likely customers.
Your need is greater than mine, I say sweetly to mine Man (German for husband, which I find amusing). I cancel out in favour of NBN/Foxtel. Tomorrow I will draw little texta circles around any mark or bump on mine Man that I regard as needing a check, which doc finds helpful. Makes an interesting dot painting. Don’t need to do it for me, as I have very few and I know where they are. 🙂
she saved almost NZ$70 (AU$64) on a $267 shop – or about $80 including the local supermarket’s delivery charge.
The cuzzy bro’s will be calling on their relatives in OZ big time!
Mole, I work with a k1w1 and he’s told me the same thing
Speaking of which, your neck of the woods has sprung to life.
Plenty of activity in paddocks.
Was through late this arvo.
As would we, and no doubt many others. No way to attract the tourist spending dollar.
Morrison apologising to all and sundry for saying that he and Jenny feel blessed that their children don’t have any physical disabilities. Grow a pair Scotty. We all feel that way; or are there people out there who think their child’s disability is a blessing?
St Jacinda is so kind she prevented me from seeing my Dad before he passed away. For extra kindness, Dad also missed seeing his new born grandson.
You should see the price of their petrol.
Not to mention houses in Auckland.
Golly, Zipster. You don’t think electrickery might be a bit of an issue during the coming brownouts?
Or do you have one of those little diesel generators handily stored in the boot, and a bigger one at home?
zelinsky’s pappy told him always bargain from a position of strength
Burnt Stump
It says a lot for how civilized people generally are that a lot of these turds are still on the sunny side of the sod.
How she hasnt been suddenly and viciously been the victim of a alcohol and animal husbandry related accident Ill never know.
Winston Peters’s gift to the world.
The Dying Citizen | Victor Davis Hanson | #CLIP
John Anderson
164K subscribers
Historian Victorian Davis Hanson speaks about a concept in his book, The Dying Citizen; explaining the consequences of citizens losing their individual power in society. He describes how lines are being blurred between citizens and residents, leading to tribalisation, abolishment of the middle class, and an increased reliance on the state.
View the full episode here: https://youtu.be/vFRsMs4Ltxw
This would be that ‘reduced cost of living’ that happens once ‘Capitalist Greed’ is removed from the pricing of necessities.
10kw solar
Roger I know- I was considering working in Auckland and looking at for sale/for lease there was a truly depressing exercise. It was then that I understood why so many Kiwis are over here. So many seem to love it here too which is great. Seems like the NZ establishment want to turn the place into a playground for the rich and fatuous.
I suspect we will still have lpg. will also get lpg generators.
Winston Peters’s gift to the world.
yep what a stinker, another phony
may even have to get 15 or 20
Dave Sharma and Allegra Spender debating on Sky this afternoon. Both in furious agreement on just about everything. Sharma in summing up even tried to say that he was an independent but kind of choked on his words, converted to saying an independent thinker and admitted that he might have some slight connection to some people who may or may not be in the Liberal party; but definitely not Barnaby Joyce, whoever he is. Good luck to the people of Wentworth- I think it’s called a hiding to nothing.
The roo skin vest?
Wasn’t Australia’s US-based fuel reserves handed over to the US recently to assist in cutting their fuel costs? Biden also released their own fuel reserves to allay concerns about increasing fuel costs in the US. I don’t know how much we had over there but it doubt that it would have made any impact on their total daily fuel usage.
Why on earth do we keep our reserves overseas?
I know a professional couple who had to buy in Henderson.
One of the better streets and areas, to be sure, and they have a nice house, but they still had to take in a boarder to make ends meet.
Don’t need any advice to keep moving at Wilcannia, if you car hasn’t been stolen in the meantime.
Only a portion thereof; not a significant amount in the overall picture.
Because we are deeply mired in fuckwittery.
From “The Age.”
At any given time NZ is less than 6 months from recession. They seem to have forgotten this.
Oops, Albo in isolation wth the wuflu. Maybe Plibbers will have to come out of hiding and take over. Should be fun.
So hot right now.
Morrison will be blamed.
Dave Sharma will get the loss of support that he deserves, and I hope like hell that the vacuous Stepford Candidate Allegra Spender gets trounced. Daniel Lewkovich is the LDP candidate and has a very good track record in business. He’s the man for us and we hope many others. A number of the major mansions on heartbreak hill overlooking the harbour towards the CBD have Allegra’s pic up in windows; these places are worth anything from ten to sixty million or more. A lot of ruinables subsidy money floating around there? Email from Daniel’s campaign today said lots of Wentworth people are saying they are glad they have someone good to vote for to send a message to the Libs. They seek campaign workers, but sadly we are off in 5 days now to the UK so can’t assist – otherwise we would put a lot of time to it. Can’t vote till papers are printed either, so we might have to rock up to Australia House in London and do it there.
To please the Greens.
Albo pulls out the Biden basement strategy.
Surely as someone triple vaxed he will be in WA by Saturday
I think 68 is VERY generous. Of course inventory levels aren’t so material if you can manufacture….
Yep, I was told by someone in the know a year ago it was 21 days INCLUDING in tankers in transit. 7 days onshore.
13 Ways to Avoid the Great Reset – As Long As Possible
I stayed there overnight once many years ago. Driving from Sydney back to Perth, I got to Wilcannia early evening and decided to stay overnight rather than driving on into the night. I pulled into a motel just on the western side of the Darling, and the manager seemed to be surprised that someone came.
He gave me a room at the far end of the quadrangle and suggested that I park my car right up next to the window. As I was the only patron there I understood the implications of his advice.
I slept well and wasn’t disturbed. Early in the morning I returned the key and the manager was still sitting at the reception desk, he looked really tired, poor bugger, I wouldn’t be surprised to know that he sat up all night keeping an watch on the premises.
the ads have changed from safe and effective to saves you from dying. really?
Wuflu? Sounds like the bruvvas have pulled the plug on Albo.
Albo in isolation with the wuflu?
Gone to the basement!
Meanwhile, deviants hate Deves.
Rebel Capitalist breaks down latest Klaus Schwab video
A change to see someone from Canberra in WA after all these years. Something is up.
For those who live in Dan’s dictatorship, feel free to tell Vicpol how you really feel. I may have put a response somewhere in there that I don’t trust them any more, as they have demonstrated over the last couple of years they’re little other than the political enforcers of the Labor party.
My 5/5 satisfied sliding scales may be heavily weighted with sarcasm, or a belief it’s not really anonymous.
Dr. Bossche’s latest prediction, mild Omicron + ADE – COVID-19 vaccines update 39
New theory of Dr. Bossche explains why the Omicron is surprisingly milder while becoming more infectious which leads him to also predict future outcomes of the pandemic for vaccinated and unvaccinated communities. Central to the new theory is antibody-dependent enhancement and capture of virus by sugar molecules by immune cells. Find out how the Omicron might have become such an unusual variant that rapidly took over the world due to its incredible infectivity while accidentally making the virus less dangerous for the majority of those who become infected.
Best not to include your name & addess though.
Captain Obvious moment.
Blot is a pompous flog. His style of leading questions to ‘guests’ reminds me of Mike Moore on the D-Gen’s Frontline:
‘Would you describe this as a national disgrace?’
He also manages to say nothing himself.
A ha hahaha. From unnamed red shoe tunnel sites:
Shortly thereafter:
Walking among us.
It is supposedly anonymous, but if someone wants to know badly enough it’s very hard to hide.
Bloody hell – I joked last weekend about him doing this (before the regrettable bluesfest incident) and here we are.
Poor virus-neutralizing capacity in highly C-19 vaccinated populations could
soon lead to a fulminant spread of Sars-CoV-2 super variants that are highly
infectious and highly virulent in vaccinees while being fully resistant to all
existing and future spike-based C- 19 vaccines:
G. Vanden Bossche, DVM, PhD March 2022
Obituary in the “Times” – one of the veterans of the Long Range Desert Group – North Africa, Wobbly Wobbly Two – has gone to God, aged 100. New Zealanders and Rhodesians joined the LRDG, but a commenter claims that Blamey wouldn’t let Australians join. Any Cats know anything about that? First I’ve heard.
On Albanese’s Positive Test:
Why would you take the test during the most important weeks of your life unless it had been planned beforehand?
I think the demand from Labor will be that Scotty takes a week off too.
That could cause problems if Frydenberg acts as the surrogate for Scotty and Jim Chalmers represents Labor
Chalmers is a nice person who genuinely believes that transitioning to NetZero will save the planet.
Andrew Bolt asking some US hire-a-general expert why – WHY! – isn’t Germany sending St Zelensky “heavy weapons”!!
The general says Zelensky has given “us” the opportunity to “crush the Russian army.”
St Jacinda is so kind she prevented me from seeing my Dad before he passed away. For extra kindness, Dad also missed seeing his new born grandson.
Fuck these fucking arseholes. Never forget.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 21, 2022 at 6:15 pm
On the Covid madness – painted on a fence at Wilcannia – mask on or move on. So we did.
As would we, and no doubt many others. No way to attract the tourist spending dollar.
Lizzie, it’s Wilcannia, the tourist dollar doesn’t routinely stop there!
Bolt’s really turned into an insufferable twerp. Shame really, his column in the HUN was quite good once.
Yes I was advised that stopping at Wilcannia was not a great idea.
Thank you Bluey.
For those who live in Dan’s dictatorship, feel free to tell Vicpol how you really feel
I advised I didn’t feel safe and suggested a Royal commission into senior command response to COVID.
Bolt was always a Wokester.
Pretty sick, really.
Either call for a Surrender or don’t say anything.
Not Uh ohsays:
April 21, 2022 at 6:48 pm
Oops, Albo in isolation wth the wuflu.
Party internal polling says “Get him off the TV and out of the papers”?
Speaking of which, your neck of the woods has sprung to life.
Plenty of activity in paddocks.
The booms will be rolling mid next week.
Wonderful to have moisture and the chance of a nice weed cleanup.
Paraquat and Butafenacil is the plan.
Anchor Whatsays:
April 21, 2022 at 7:08 pm
Albo in isolation with the wuflu?
Gone to the basement!
Meanwhile, deviants hate Deves.
Dick Ed hates Deves.
Just sayin’.
Re Mariupol: If the Azov nazi fucks are hiding in tunnels there must be ventilation. Find vents, pour in petrol followed by incendiary grenades. Not a place I’d want to hide in.
Chalmers is a nice person who genuinely believes that transitioning to NetZero will save the planet.
Chalmers is a smirking dickhead who would be a complete disaster as Treasurer. He’d make Wayne Swan look good.
You’re such a combuster.
Wilcannia has been off the cruising circuit for as long as I can remember. Unlikely to get much word of mouth in Vaucluse.
The mob round here, are burning their stubble – they’ve never heard of minimum till or stubble retention…..
Already tried that. Reports were mixed.
Yuge year for vegetative growth, ZK2A. In the bush and the paddock.
Also stock shortage- or at least ridiculous sheep oprices- has left plenty of grass uneaten.
I knew there weren’t many (if any) Australians in the LRDG. Never had any idea why.
There are only two reasons to stop in Wilcannia.
Your car has broken down or you need to stop for fuel.
Deves Latest!
Katherine has completely deleted her Twitter A/C.
Among the gems:
Transvestites are more likely to be Serial Killers
Ted Bundy pretended to be TransAbled to lure victims
and interestingly
Women must be segregated from men to ensure their safety.
Most generous explanation?
She’s a Labor/Libertarian plant.
How deep is the fucking communism in Victoria?
Some fucking mentally retarded beta has made a UAP punching bag and hung it from the Victoria Park station railway bridge.
Note that the two protective service officers at the station were the same ones present on my inbound trip, so those cock smoking beta’s must have watched it get put up.
Fuck Victoria!
Your car has broken down or you need to stop for fuel.
Or you ran over someone passed out on the road?
The alphabet soup lobby and the GayBC hyperventilating with outrage at the mayor of Wimmera supposedly linking homosexuality and p3d0filia:
Very well. How about the NSW having a royal commission and police task force on the unfinished business of who were the pimps and clients at the boy brothels at Castellos, Porky’s, the Wall, etc etc? Readers who know their history will recall that the Wood royal commission, having done sterling work on this, came to a shuddering halt when a disbarred lawyer began to talk about politicians, judges and lawyers frequenting the beats.
Find vents, pour in petrol followed by incendiary grenades. Not a place I’d want to hide in.</em
They're holding women and children as hostages.
On Albanese’s Positive Test
Layering TP on an unflushable turd.
Also some beautiful old colonial sandstone buildings worth a photo.
The Darling was running high and strong today. What a difference to a few years ago when it was a series of pools.
Exactly right about not giving your name and address if you give feedback on VicStasi’s performance.
Shades of Mao’s Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom – that is, let them bloom so that we can identify them and cut them down.
Stiglich this morning for me, Tom. I have that album!
Too true to be funny.
Tomorrow it’s off to Angaston. At least I know not to buy any fruit and veg here in BH. It gets confiscated at the border.
A new pathway to shrink cancerous tumors through body’s immune cells
Stupid immune responses. Now we have 3 types of immune cells that can help tumours grow and\or prevent immune attack. Macrophages, Tregs, neutrophils. Great work evolution you dumbass.
Isn’t Wilcannia NSWs largest open prison?
H B Bearsays:
April 21, 2022 at 6:34 pm
Don’t need any advice to keep moving at Wilcannia, if you car hasn’t been stolen in the meantime.
Yep 4Wd across Oz with Irish Ex-Chairman from UK, having arrived via Tilpa Road stopped in Wilcannia at Wilcannia Road House as evening fell with rain falling heading to White Cliffs, stopped to refuel and said to Service Station owner thinking of stopping for the night – He said keep going, so we sllp, sled our way to White Cliffs over the 94Km to our underground motel
I did, at one point, know someone who’s girlfriend did that. She didn’t handle it well, being a middle class white girl.
It was explained to me that Wilcannia’s problems were due to the policy of ignorant Government officials, using the town as a dumping ground, for Aborigines of different tribes, who didn’t get along…
Salvatore, Understaffed & Overworked Martyr to Govt Covid Stupiditysays:
April 21, 2022 at 8:09 pm
New Zealanders and Rhodesians joined the LRDG, but a commenter claims that Blamey wouldn’t let Australians join. Any Cats know anything about that? First I’ve heard.
I knew there weren’t many (if any) Australians in the LRDG. Never had any idea why.
Blamey was adamant that the AIF should remain collectively under his command. He didn’t want individuals “lost” in the British system.
I did, at one point, know someone who’s girlfriend did that. She didn’t handle it well, being a middle class white girl.
Company bloke did it in a B Double. Piecing together the evidence must have been “difficult”.
natural line of immune defense against CoV towards a vaccine-induced immune response that is not sterilizing and, therefore, cannot generate herd immunity and thus, cannot control the virus. This prevents virus-host interactions from establishing a well-balanced viral host ecosystem that ensures viral persistence in a healthy population.
The fucking smartest experts at work….
We’ve used a bit of that this summer.
Excellent results and economical when used through the weedseeker.
April 21, 2022 at 8:09 pm
There are only two reasons to stop in Wilcannia.
Your car has broken down or you need to stop for fuel.
We stopped there for fuel on the way from Broken Hill to beyond Cobar. The key to the toilets was attached to a lump of wood about 40cms long, the right size to get a good grip. I was never sure if it was meant to stop people absent-mindedly driving off with the key, or for use as a defensive weapon.
Shades of Mao’s Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom – that is, let them bloom so that we can identify them and cut them down.
I thought that too
Mixed Mongistan response to tonight’s Azov Battalion T shirt.
Excitement followed by confusion….
Yay Ukraine! Why does that look like a swastika?!?
How deep is the fucking communism in Victoria?
Very. There’s China communism, then under that other Aus states, then fifty feet of crap, then us …Viktoria.
Sorry, was thinking of “Basta” (Glufosinate).
Excellent results on Rhodes Grass and fleabane.
Thanks for that one.
Excellent move. Hopefully, when the hunger pains hit the remaining UKR troops will surrender.
Could be fake. Who knows with so much junk on twitter.
Excellent move. Hopefully, when the hunger pains hit the remaining UKR troops will surrender.
BBQ’s near the intakes each and every day.
The Finns reported starved Russian soldiers virtually suiciding over the smell of pots of boiled sausage.
From “The Age.”
except the dick-less
I see it was “not a popularity contest” today as well
fuck me, you chin-rubbers sure are charmed about yr convictions aren’t youse?
(fluid as those convictions may be)
I notice that there was a comment that got a bit of blue-thumb-action…
about struth’s jibes and the heckles.
youse do realise that the deeper problem is the hecklers don’t you?
the hecklers are gonna hafta use reason and logic
they gotta avoid the non-sequiturs
or shut up
that’s how it works
Preach it.
Daniel Andrews and Brett Sutton. Forever in my heart.
Multiple stories from Net Zero Watch.
Back at Casa Pedro after a cool evening sitting in a creek line getting eaten alive by mozzies.
Reward; two foxes within ten minutes of each other.
Tools: Lithgow Crossover boltie in .17HMR and the most magnificent high tech bit of hunting kit I have ever come across, a set of thermal imager binoculars that highlighted the ferals like daylight using their body heat.
Once seen easy to call in using the tried and true penny whistle.
The thermal binos belong to a mate, when I asked “how much” he gave me the old Rolls Royce salesman’s answer ” If you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it”.
Astonishing that this high tech stuff hasn’t been made illegal by WAPol …………*ssshhhh.
I was on a flight today at 0700 went to SA
worked my ring out
got back in the door at around 2030
at no point in any of the booking, checking, working, flying game was a Vax Cert required
not asked for
not once
I fed myself, taxi’d, checked in, checked out … everything without a mask despite the mandate that masks be worn in the terminal and on the plane.
nobody not ever, not once even raised an eye-brow
even at the scanners outta Melb while they’re actually bomb-testing one of my instruments, I’m standing there mask-less.
even at ADL on the way out, they have a full-body-scan thing … didn’t mention the mask
here I am mask-less and they’re more worried about the RM Williams belt buckle rather than the tackle hanging under it …
The liars have now given up any pretence of policy and are doing what they do best: bullshit and scare. They are simply regurgitating what krudd said: climate change is the worst problem and tying that in with the chunks in the Solomons. This lie is easily tested by reference to the BOM’s Pacific Island page and it’s measurements over the last 30 years of sea temp, air temp and sea level. On all indices the Solomons has been declining for years:
Study Shows Heart Inflammation in Children Still Present MONTHS After Vaccination
Saw an article today saying Netflix profits have crashed…some of it maybe to woke programming.
And just now received an email, saying I might like to watch:
He’s Expecting
2022 PG Series 8 episodes
Intimate • Emotional • Drama
When a successful ad executive who’s got it all figured out becomes pregnant, he’s forced to confront social inequities he’d never considered before.
Bumped into one of the ouens today – fell to gossiping – he reminded me about how certain West Australian cops earned names that stank when it was decreed that all Gods children had to have guns secured in lockable steel cabinets, with the keys kept separate and secure….asking the farmers wife or kids if they knew where the keys were, then claiming the keys were not secure…
Blogger Valery Kuleshov Executed in Ukraine – Inside Russia Report
Valery Kuleshov, a blogger, was killed this morning by a barrage fired at close range as he was in his car, parked next to his apartment building in Kherson.
Just catching up.
It appears the UAP election manifesto was not universally well received.
And the defenders of the faith have been howling at the moon.
April 21, 2022 at 3:36 pm
That was an interesting article on the Credit Knife Man.
You can tell a lot about a society because of it’s old beliefs.
One of ours is – “Look after the pennies then the pounds look after themselves.”
You missed the bit where Matrix loyally defended his Thought Leader in the Faith and demanded all the heretics shut up.
What a sheila…
Or the wrong garage…
Daily Mail. The issues that really matter..
On the Solomons:
A 97.3% chance that a couple of Chinese warships will put into Honiara – just for a quick visit – about a week before the Election.
Win-win for Xi and Abronese.
John Mauldin: The Coming Recession/Bear Market Is Going To Create ‘Marvelous’ Buying Opportunities
Bruce of Newcastle:
Poesidon is the real danger. A 500 m high tsunami would do more damage than several MIRVs and would be relatively “clean” since fallout would tend to stay in the ocean.
I’ve wondered how big a Tsunami would be generated if a dozen 10 Megaton nukes were detonated in the bottom of the Sunda and Phillipines Trenches.
It would certainly solve Chinas Indonesian/Philippines ‘problem’.*
*Stalin quote – “No man, no problem”.
*But might have been Beria.
Memo to Penny Wong – what was the Australian Government supposed to do – invade the islands?
I have been to Honiara. If it wasn’t so strategically important to our defense I would say let China have it. Grumpy, aggressive and hate white people, would be a good description of a population hooked on beetle nut and lime powder.
Unless we are going to start bribing politicians in the Solomon government and opposition in amounts that exceed the Chinese bribes we are screwed.
I’m strictly an amateur strategist these days – the Japanese decided in 1942 that Australia was too big and too far away to invade and occupy – isolate this county from any allies and wait for the the surrender. I’m curious as to whether the Chunks aren’t playing the same game….
non sequitur
Davey Boy:
Uh huh.
The world is going to take a hit in the breadbasket and this fool wants to remove the CO2 that may just increase crop yields enough to make a difference.
But you can bet this bastard won’t be going without any feeds – it’s the poor buggers in Africa and elsewhere that will cop it in the gut.
2 months into the failed Putinist war in Ukraine, and Putin (who probably has Parkinson’s disease btw), STILL hasn’t fully liberated Mariupol! Couldn’t take Kiev because his tanks ran out of fuel. Totally given up on Odessa after the sinking of Russia’s flagship and loss of hundreds of lives. Still no military honours for the fallen Russians. Nasty guy!
Non sequitir= Anything Matrix doesn’t like. Especially if it upset Struth…
play with yourself Rex
Sliante, all you horrible mob. The memsahib has an appointment with her specialist tomorrow……
Alright, Cats, `fess up.
Which one of you crashed your car into Terri Butler’s campaign headquarters?
Naughty Cats, you’re supposed to give the legitimate process a chance before taking direct action.
Is this the start of some Bader-Meinhoff-wannabe cult?
A kind of Brisvegas-Drivingoff Complex? 😛
Wait, What?
She has seven sons who can’t organise she gets her tablets in the morning and at night?
Unless they’rs all in some other city, and on the friggin’ dole, why aren’t they helping out?
This is bullshit on stilts.
How does a business go bankrupt?
Slowly at first, then with Gawdalmighty thump.
Is there enough fuel to get the crops in?
Yes, I admit I go a little overboard about fuel and food, but I faced my biggest nightmare in about 1978 when the Storeman and Packers Union struck for an extra microwave in the break room and the supermarkets ran out of food.
Standing there with a wife and two toddlers, looking at those empty shelves, was a frightening and life changing experience.
Of course they are.
Now one sees why even democracies have to ”meddle” in the affairs of neighbouring countries.
Because if you don’t conduct your foreign affairs ruthlessly and effectively, the big bad wolf is out there.
We just gave the Chinese three leaps down the pacific that we fought long and hard to deny the Japs in WW2 in a close run thing.
Ah yes. Memories.
The Child Bride did that for me about ten years ago- and while I was asleep she drew circles around my nipples.
I didn’t notice – but the doc did. “We’ll leave those ones. They sorta look normal”
Burnt Stump:
There’s a vein of high grade fury running through the Australian political psyche on just that event.
It’s well hidden, but it won’t take much to uncover it.
Max Wrist is at it again.