And Brian Cox is into the Climate Alarmism crap. So not for me.
And Brian Cox is into the Climate Alarmism crap. So not for me.
Fell flat hours ago!
I don’t believe for a moment that there were any “best intentions” involved. Europe’s Best Intentions Are Backfiring | Lord…
They are sharpening the pitchforks in this part of the Wild West – the feeling is that the live sheep…
Less disturbing then your cute owls.
Were the kids still spraying bong water on the cars and vans wheels to drive the narcs dogs nuts at Dubbo?
I wonder if we could recycle Greens through some system, maybe wood alcohol?
You wouldn’t drink it but. It’s send you mad.
Refrigerator coolant or rocket propellant.
Maybe even liquid solvent when suitably watered down- They are such corrosive folk, after all… 🙂
I liked Wilcannia – stayed there for 2 – 3 years.
Ambulance call was a hoot.
The environmental flows so beloved by the Greens have been a disaster for the Australian native fish.
The Aussie fish have adapted to the occasional pond life, but the carp get hit pretty hard. The mania for running water all the time is favouring the carp and other introduced varieties.
But White Cliffs to the north of it is the biggest Free Range Psych Unit.
Lovely place, it is. Many fond memories.
Old Ozzie:
Shoulda stayed – no really.
The road was tarred but unfenced when I was there and lots of black cattle. When they get wet, their hides just absorb light at night. I nearly hit one at 90km/hr in the Whambulance – neither of us saw it until it was meandering twenty meters ahead of us. Thank Christ it just kept toddling along to the side of the road. It must have thought the lights and sirens were a natural thing out there and didn’t panic.
Pretty right there – It wasn’t helped by media pricks – one of whom took a film crew out there, put a thousand on the bar when a beer was about $1, then filmed the mayhem.
Town quieted down around 2010? when the dole office closed and went to Brukken ‘ill.
Oh and the Drug Squad boys got sick of their dogs going berserk of the smell of bong water on the cars tyres.
Boambee John:
I asked the servo bloke one day in the pub, and he said that the former was the intent, but the latter was the practice.
It’s two SS runes joined in the middle, and I know I’ve seen that particular symbol somewhere else.
Don’t tell me there’s a new Fred and I’ve been talking to myself…
Next time they complain about deaths in custody mention how many times indigenous people are killing each other:
Indigenous offender on Indigenous victim (n=440)
Despite Indigenous persons accounting for only about 29 per cent of the total population4 in the Northern Territory, 63.6 per cent of homicides occurred between Indigenous persons in the Northern Territory. In Western Australia and Queensland, Indigenous persons accounted for just over three per
cent of the total population, however they accounted for much higher proportions of homicide involvement. For example, 23 per cent of homicides in Western Australia and 15 per cent in Queensland involved Indigenous persons. These data suggest that Indigenous persons in the
Northern Territory, Western Australia and Queensland all have higher rates of involvement
in homicide
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Chip Bok.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Steve Kelley.
Gary Varvel.
The UAP has excellent policies.
Empty is a very insightful guy.
The UAP’s policies are the best I’ve ever seen.
Anyone who uses their nazi pass deserves to die.
Caveat empty.
Ipso fatso.
isolate this county from any allies and wait for the the surrender
I thought we’d already surrendered?
Cum Rosie in Hibernia UAP erat . Apologies to Caesars wars .
Wouldn’t it be funny if the Spender bit of fluff wins in Wentworth with Sharma’s preferences?
Er Maj, cheating the Reaper for another year (the NT News):
Of course there are ‘health concerns’. She’s 96.
Note to Ed – this does not mean the Queen is 48.
You haven’t made it until you’re Barbie-ised.
The Black Sun, Winston.
Also, surprisingly level headed.
The ADL would do itself a favour of it didn’t insist there were no white countries. I am sure they have a logical reason to do so, but you know, some people want you to have a certain image
Public servants don’t seem to want to serve the public these days.
Deep State: Senior French Immigration Civil Servant Would Refuse to ‘Collaborate’ if Le Pen Wins Presidency (21 Apr)
At least he’s honest about it, unlike federal public servants in the US. I think is terms are acceptable: Le Pen can fire his arse and all the lefty uncivil unservants under him.
Memo to ScoMo: if by some strange chance you win you have to go full slash and burn for the sake of the country.
A lesson apparently unheeded by Albanese et al.
This is the tail end of a nothing piece in The Hun on the lengths of various governments in this wide brown land:
Major networks giving Piers Morgan a go might need to check this.
Report: The Trump team have released full audio of an interview they say was edited disgracefully and deceptively to show a sensational ending.
Gateway Pundit
The BBC and other media seem happy to present Le Pen as “extreme right” then use examples of her saying she wants France to get its “grandeur” back and have a national interest approach to foreign policy.
’tis the perfect climate for it, with record low unemployment.
Morgan’s, arrogant zero accomplishment deadshit parasite, deception would make him even more prestigious in the sick, twisted world that is the meja
The UAP is Freedom.
Andrews for PM.
Less than gruntled the jihad against all things Russian hasn’t affected
the price of Faberge cigarette cases.
third top headline Google home page this morning
Paywalled at the Herald Sun.
How convenient.
A multimillion-dollar land acquisition bill is looming in Melbourne’s east after a 19-storey hotel was given planning approval despite being in the path of the $34.5bn Suburban Rail Loop.
Not much point Albo going to WA if Mc Gowan out of action also .
However , was it not on this site that Albo would find a basement to hide in .
Always fun to read tea leaves. As CNN+ faceplants finally & fatally in the most deliciousest way, this news comes out the same day:
Barack and Michelle Obama Are Abandoning Spotify (21 Apr)
That last sentence makes me think Spotify found they were stuck with two turkeys who certainly didn’t attract viewers like Joe Rogan does. No mention is made in the story about the size of the audiences for those amazing and unmissable Obama shows.
Well I’m not surprised that Spotify isn’t begging The One to re-up. Lefties love free stuff, and are disinclined to rudely pay for any service, which likely is why CNN+ now feeds the fishes.
Suspect in Madeleine McCann case reportedly charged in Germany
I see Peter Garrett is up on his hind legs criticising government climate policies.
How many kids did you electrocute last week Pink Batt Pete?
Off to the Barossa today.
Tough gig but someone has to do it.
Unbelievable! .. Apparently Tansy’s hubby, the drug dealer sez that now he is in charge of NSW PS any PS can change their workplace sex preference just by stating they are he or she ..
that’ll do Tansy’s aspirations to the Lodge the world of good .. LOL!
At Budget Estimates the head of NSW Public Service Michael Coutts-Trotter confirming that female gender is self-identifying in all his agencies.A biological man can be a woman just by saying so.
Interesting piece.
It certainly seems that, for some, Putin has been invested with an invincible armour of virtues.
Mainly because of the things he is apparently not, rather than what he very apparently is.
Nigel Farage on Trump and the Piers Morgan interview
Anthony Fauci: ‘Unfortunate’ that a Court Order ‘Superseded the Authority of the CDC’
The Federal Government Forces Social Media Companies to Censor Americans
And here is just one example, because anyone who doesn’t comply is under the influence of “misinformation”.
Obama confirms COVID vaccines are an experiment being “clinically tested” on billions of people:
And this
Obama points finger at tech companies for disinformation in major speech
Courtesy of Westprint Maps Friday newsletter.
Well, well, well. It isn’t just Chairman Dan in the Chinese Communist Party’s pocket. It turns out that, despite its bluster, federal Labor is too. Excellent digging by Shari Markson:
Anthony Albanese’s deputy leader – Labor’s proclaimed Pacific guru Richard Marles – only months ago argued that island nations should be free to hook up in any way they liked with Beijing and dismissed fears about China setting up military bases in places such as the Solomons.
In a declaration that undermines Anthony Albanese’s attack on the Morrison government over its failure to stop the Solomon ¬Islands signing a secret security deal with China, Mr Marles said: “The idea the Pacific nations would adhere to a call from ¬Australia to not engage with China is silly.”
Since 2019, when he took a trip to Beijing funded by controversial think-tank China Matters, which has now been stripped of its Australian government funding over concerns about its agenda, Mr Marles has argued Australia should encourage China’s ¬involvement in the Pacific, according to several documents unearthed by The Australian.
Mr Marles, in the speech at Beijing Foreign Studies University, said he had been “very cognisant” since 2012 of the growing role that China was playing in providing development assistance in the Pacific. “Let me be crystal clear: that was and has been a good thing. The Pacific needs help and Australia needs to welcome any country willing to provide it. Certainly the Pacific Island countries themselves do,” he said.
In a mini-book, Tides That Bind: Australia in the Pacific, published last August, Mr Marles warned that “basing our actions in the Pacific on an attempt to strategically deny China would be a historic mistake’’.
“Not only would this be detrimental to our regional relationships, it would be a failed course of action,” he said. “Australia has no right to expect a set of exclusive relationships with the Pacific nations. They are perfectly free to engage on whatever terms they choose with China or, for that matter, any other country. Disputing this would be resented, as the recent past has shown.”
Richard Marles argues Australia should encourage China’s ¬involvement in the Pacific, according to several documents unearthed by The Australian.
Labor has branded the Coalition the most “incompetent government on national security since World War II” in the wake of the Solomons’ security deal with China. Campaigning on the NSW south coast on Thursday, ¬Anthony Albanese said the Prime Minister has “gone missing’’ in trying to keep China at bay in the South Pacific, attacking him for not sending senior ministers to the Solomons to convince them not to sign the China deal. “The security agreement between China and the Solomons is a massive failure of our foreign policy,’’ Mr Albanese said.
“Why was the government so complacent and kept saying it was all under control,’’ the Opposition Leader said. “We have to recognise what’s happening in the region. We have to recognise that China is more forward-leaning, that they’re seeking to increase their influence in the region. And we need to respond to that.”
In his book Mr Marles, tipped to be defence minister in an Albanese government, repeatedly dismissed concerns about China setting up military bases in the Pacific – a development Labor now says the government should have been alive to.
“Rather than worrying about the prospect of foreign military bases in the region, our real call to arms must be the Pacific’s performance against MDGs (Millennium Development Goals), and the associated and real risk that it will become entrenched as the least developed part of the world,” Mr Marles wrote.
In his book Mr Marles wrote: “In early 2018, the Coalition government’s interest in the Pacific spiked, largely inspired, it seemed, by a series of reports in the Fairfax media about the prospect of a Chinese military base being built in Vanuatu. These reports were denied by the governments of both China and Vanuatu.”
Mr Marles wrote that there was “something deeply misguided about this sudden interest in the Pacific because of the purported actions of another country there”.
He has repeatedly argued that Australia’s Pacific Step Up policy, which Mr Morrison designed to counter China’s influence, should not exclude China.
Mr Marles said Australia’s motivation in the Pacific “must not be centred on denying China” which he said would be “a failed course of action”. If Australia’s renewed interest in the Pacific was interpreted as an attempt to keep China at bay “then it will be seen in a very cynical light’’.
While Labor has now argued that the Morrison government should have invested more in the region, Mr Marles wrote that Australia would never win a bidding war with China and the idea was “laughable”.
“An attempt to engage in a calculated denial of China will only create a geo-strategic contest that Pacific Island countries will register with bewilderment, if not mirth,” he wrote. “Besides, the idea that Australia would win a bidding war with China is laughable.”
He said calls from Australia not to engage with China “would be damaging to our relations with all countries concerned”. “How China relates to the Pacific is the Pacific’s business,” he said.
In remarks Mr Marles gave during his September 2019 trip to China – which is missing from his website – Mr Marles said it was “extremely important” for China and Australia to work together in the Pacific. “We need to change the trajectory of development in the Pacific, one that is acutely alert to the impact of development assistance and financing on local communities and local priorities. And any country, including China, which shares this awareness and is willing to help in this endeavour should enjoy Australia’s support.”
Mr Albanese on Wednesday touted his deputy’s role in shaping the nation’s Pacific policy while he was attacking the government’s handling of the Solomon Islands-China pact.
“The problem is that those relationships aren’t ones that can be done just when there’s a crisis,” Mr Albanese said. “When Richard Marles was our person in the Pacific, he had deep engagement, indeed, won a civil honour in the Solomons.
“What’s clear is that we’ve dropped the ball here. What’s clear is that when the warning was given in August, the government didn’t act soon enough.”
Mr Marles was a parliamentary secretary for Pacific island affairs during the Gillard government and was Labor’s defence spokesman until January 2021.
In 2013, he was awarded the Cross of the Solomon Islands, the highest civilian award. It was presented by Solomon Islands Governor-General Frank Kabui who told Mr Marles the “government and the people of Solomon Island recognise your service to our nation by devotion to duty marked by exceptional ability, merit and exemplary conduct”.
Liberal senator James Paterson, chairman of the joint parliamentary committee on intelligence and security, said Mr Marles’s “dangerous naïveté about the threat posed by China in the Pacific just shows what a risk a weak Labor government would be in this dangerous strategic environment”.
“This is someone who fancies themselves as a future defence minister and yet he’s welcomed the presence of China in the region which he and his colleagues now blame the government for,” Senator Paterson said.
Australian Strategic Policy Institute executive director, Peter Jennings said “had Mr Marles spoken to Defence he would have known there was genuine substance about concerns China was seeking a military base in Vanuatu”.
Mr Marles said last night: “The Morrison government has shown itself to be the most incompetent government on national security since WWII. A critical part of managing a more aggressive China is shoring up our other regional relationships and helping our neighbours avoid coercion.
“But in his failures to retain Australia’s position as the Pacific’s partner of choice, Scott Morrison has left a vacuum and China is filling it. It’s that simple.
“The signing of this agreement is clearly a watershed moment in the prospects of China’s military presence in the region … The record demonstrates that when Labor was in power, we were the natural partner of choice for the countries of the Pacific.”
Oops. It is, of course, Sharri Markson.
How come so many of these Marxist firebrands like Marles and Garrett went to snotty nosed private skools?
Only the rich can afford socialism.
Mean girl Gallagher getting some media time. Mean girl wrong disappeared for the sake of the Party.
Oh noes.
‘Climate change’ could ’cause languages to die’ (21 Apr)
Wow, languages are literally being drowned by sea level rise of 3 mm per year. In a hundred years they will expire under a foot of water.
Florida House votes 68-38 to strip Disney of privileged tax and self-governing status: Woke conglomerate pays the price for publicly bashing Governor Ron DeSantis’ ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill
Daily Mail. Is there anything in the Australian media about this?
President Trump live now
Marles actually has a valid point here.
Travelling in Fiji in 2016 I was surprised by the level of Chinese investment in infrastructure (roads and hydro) and the pride which locals took in it. For a long time all Australia did to Fiji was scold it for attempting to deal with its colonial legacy in a pragmatic and fair manner in order to avoid civil strife.
Under Bishops’s tenure as FM we began to lose influence in our own backyard.
Breaking in the US: CNN has pulled the plug on its struggling, woke streaming offshoot CNN+.
Can I dream that all biological men in these organisations will immediately declare themselves female to screw with their gender quotas?
I hope you’re not suggesting there was more to her job than looking fabulous.
Exactly. And she even failed at that.
Be that as it may, before they get too excited about pinning Morrison down on the Solomons, Marles & Co. might need to be reminded of the old adage that “there are no votes in foreign policy.”
the Donald has been speaking live for over an hour now, going in hard on lefties. Worth a watch while it’s on. It’s a campaign speech.
Two stories about the Solomons’ climate saviour that our MSM might like to ask Penny Wong about.
World’s Worst Polluter China Increases Coal Production by 300 Million Tons (21 Apr)
China Doubles Russian Coking Coal Imports As Rest Of World Shuns Moscow (21 Apr)
It’d be nice if they ask Albo about this stuff too, assuming the can find him in whichever basement he’s currently hiding in.
Not for all the Putin devotees on this blog.
Great point.
Gender quotas are a thing of the past.
KPI’s met.
Bonuses run free.
Michael Smith News.
Recall the discussion we were having about IQ and success?
This, I think, gets it spot on. Optimism.
That’s the it factor.
Jason Clare getting a really easy run from the journos – sky is covering it.
Very amusing article.
Very amusing article.
Drivel, actually.
China President Xi Jinping proposes ‘global security initiative’
Mmm…but what if nation A doesn’t regard nation B as a nation, but as “indivisible” from itself?
Ah, multiculturalism at it’s finest.
Sweden’s descent into social unrest is a remarkable development in what was once one of Europe’s most stable societies. It is a development that other western countries would be wise to watch very closely, in order not to repeat the same mistakes.
It is a development that other western countries would be wise to watch very closely, in order not to repeat the same mistakes.
Unless of course your objective is to destroy a western country be this mechanism….
And we are having an election all about cloimet choinge……
China’s state media endorses Albanese “in comparison to Morrison, he positively shines”
Whoever said you can’t polish a turd!
the most underrated component of success is grit and determination against all the odds.
And we won the war on ISIS, didn’t we?
It can border on self-deception. But it also gets people through the night. And the most underrated component of success is continuing to show up.
A great summary.
In design / operations / engineering the way to succeed is what I call Incremental Problem Solving. You keep solving the problems one piece at a time, what you can solve on that day, until one day there is nothing left of the problem. But you definitely need to keep turning up and having at it!
I guess that’s that for Victorian ‘concentration camps for the unvaccinated’.
“Unvaccinated arrivals will no longer need to complete seven days’ quarantine, and unvaccinated air crew won’t need to get tested before departure”
Victorian rule changes
You also need a political and economic system and a culture that promotes effort and rewards hard work.
And we won the war on ISIS, didn’t we?
Combine that with this:
I wouldn’t be in a hurry to get on airliners in Europe any time soon. Who knows where those Stingers will end up?
“Anthony Albanese’s “captain’s pick” for a marginal Sydney seat backed Scott Morrison’s commitment to the National Disability Insurance Scheme and blamed the Gillard government for a major “public governance failure” of the program”
NDIS ‘failure’ began at Gillard, says Labor star. Afr; paywalled
bugmen swarm the queen. just like the faggots swarm the tranies at mardi gras
“Quite amazing how many of the #climate200 candidates are winding back, apologising and retracting their anti Jewish and anti israel statements #birdsofafeather”
Peter Horovitz at twitter
Thanks Zulu
32-y-o man dies of heart attack, mid-shift, on a Rio Tinti minesite. Rick Chapman. (Mine wife was jusr chatting to beautician whose hubby threw in 6-figure job with Rio because jab command)
Also patient died from heart complications while on the ambulance ramp for 2+hours in Busselton… effectively a new built facility, way over capacity in terms of hardware, even for easter holidays.
This, on the face of it, looks like an interesting development. Will try and find a summary or subtitled vid.
I liken it to Plate-Spinning … an instructional video
Walking it back in 3,2,1…
There once was an international institution aimed at this sort of thing. The NU, or UM, or something like that.
As I remember it had a Security Council that was particularly effective at protecting Russian and Chinese interests.
HIH shows optimism only gets you so far.
In design / operations / engineering the way to succeed is what I call Incremental Problem Solving.
aka “stickability”.
I think that might be seen as a career limiting move. Strange one to pull out on the lowest rung of the greasy pole, unless the bruvvas are on yourside.
The Great Reset: You Were Right
Russell Brand
5.54M subscribers
As government officials and leaders of international organizations meet to discuss a “financial system” to underpin the “world order”, how close is centralised “digital money” to becoming a reality, and what dangers does this bring?
Given all the gossip of ‘unnatural’ massive heart attack, etc. , was interesting to see Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with Putin yesterday.
Charlton’s stopped clock moment.
It’s the stuff of nightmares already.
Never forget, the gliberals have been waging an unrelenting war on the use of cash over the last few years.
“Time limited bank notes”, what a top idea. Guaranteed to stop those troublesome pesky pensioners stuffing their mattresses full of $100 bills.
How many times have there been reports of generals being killed, only for them to show up again a few days later? Or the claims of hundreds dead from the Moskva, only for a photo to be released showing the crew on parade afterward?
The track record of what get reported in western media is terrible, not just about Ukraine. Why on earth would you trust them?
If government can create money by fiat then it’s quite predictable that it could nullify its value by fiat.
Dickless uptick.
The 13 punters on Snake Island were massacred. No they weren’t. They were released. They were captured. They are being tortured. They are in good health. They were only partially massacred.
As a crowning achievement of mediocrity by ‘reporters’ on the ground, 18 year old ‘digital prodcuers’ and the punters at large, I present the Ghost of Kiev/Kyiv/Kvyv/Keev.
The superlatives are growing daily, and have long buried any meaningful reporting underneath a seething mass of propaganda tapeworms. It won’t be long before the Odessa Vampire Robot German Shepherd Nazi Regiment makes an appearance.
Multiple Food Plants Erupt in Flames
Chris Martenson
Seems like nobody in the press is all that concerned with the corona virus all of a sudden.
Someone in the Democrat party needs to tap Biden on the shoulder.
Enough is enough.
Get this derelict old fuck out of there.
And that Kamala thing too. Whatever the mechanism, and whoever next in line of even marginal competence, this ridiculous farce needs to end immediately.
rampant bird flu and multiple food processing plant fires, state actors at play?
“One less traitor”: Zelensky Oversees Campaign of Assassination, Kidnapping And Torture of Political Opposition
Zelensky says he didn’t receive peace proposal Russia sent, Kremlin wonders why negotiators didn’t inform him
TGIF: Shades of Gray in the Russia-Ukraine War
American Zelensky critic Gonzalo Lira goes missing in Ukraine
two sides to every story
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
April 22, 2022 at 10:34 am
NDIS ‘failure’ began at Gillard, says Labor star
John Kehoe and Tom McIlroy
Apr 22, 2022 – 5.00am
‘Design flaw’
“How did we arrive at this public governance failure?
“The answer goes right back to the foundation of the NDIS.
“The Gillard Labor government created the NDIS in 2013 in the lead-up to an election it expected to lose.
“Labor worried that the incoming Liberals, led by Tony Abbott, would try to cut it back.
“So instead of the normal practice of creating an agency within a department reporting to a federal minister, Labor created a hybrid institution which reported through a board to both the Commonwealth and the states.
“Gillard was hoping state Labor governments would be a bulwark against future attempts to ransack the scheme.
“But like Victor Frankenstein’s unorthodox creation, the NDIA board has slipped control of its masters.
“This design flaw is becoming one of the most serious governance failures in Australian politics.”
Mr Albanese was a cabinet minister in the Gillard government which instigated the NDIS.
Labor’s current disability spokesman, Bill Shorten, was one of the Gillard government’s key NDIS architects.
Dr Charlton was an economic adviser to former prime minister Kevin Rudd, who was replaced by Ms Gillard in 2010. He has a PhD in economics from the University of Oxford.
Dr Charlton was parachuted in as Labor’s candidate in the western Sydney seat of Parramatta with Mr Albanese’s backing.
Earlier this week, The Australian Financial Review revealed a study co-authored by Dr Charlton found Uber drivers preferred their flexibility over a minimum wage and that after running costs were taken out, their pay still reached this level anyway.
The research, commissioned by Uber, contrasts with Labor’s criticism of the gig economy and Mr Albanese’s policy to set minimum pay and conditions for gig workers if Labor wins government.
‘A proud Labor reform’
Speaking on the NDIS on Thursday, Mr Albanese accused the government of making “unfair cuts” to people’s NDIS plans and said he would “absolutely” restore the payments if Labor won the election.
“The NDIS is about our humanity,” he said.
“It’s a proud Labor reform and what’s happening is that people are having programs cut.
“Where there are cuts that have been made that make it worse for people’s quality of life, that make them less employable, that make them less able to participate in society, that should not happen.”
In 2011, the Productivity Commission estimated the NDIS would cover 411,000 participants and cost $13.6 billion at maturity.
As of December 31 last year, there was 502,413 active participants. The Australian Government Actuary estimates there will be 859,328 participants by 2030 – double the original estimate.
Total participant costs are estimated to be $29.2 billion in 2021-22, growing to $41.4 billion in 2024-25 and $59.3 billion in 2029-30.
Should these legitimate social needs all be funded through the NDIS?
— Hassan Noura, former NDIA general manager for strategy
The average payment per participant has risen to $54,900, from $39,600 three years ago.
Hassan Noura, a former general manager for strategy at the NDIA and head of the sustainability action taskforce, writes in the Financial Review that controversies over “independent assessments” of NDIS participants formerly proposed by the Coalition and “cost blowouts” had largely avoided difficult questions.
“The NDIS raised awareness and empowered more people to seek diagnosis, and the breadth and depth of needs were likely underestimated in the original road map.
“The distinction between disability-related ‘functional impairment’ versus the broader impacts of health and social issues is unclear and open to interpretation.
“This lack of clarity and unclear boundaries have fuelled scope creep and resulted in the NDIS increasingly funding a broader range of social needs for a much larger cohort of people.
“In most cases the funding is warranted – and from a social perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing.
“However, should these legitimate social needs all be funded through the NDIS?”
Mr Morrison said on Thursday the Coalition supported the NDIS after it was initiated by the Gillard government.
“It is hard to fund and it’s a big commitment and we believe in it,” he said.
Mr Morrison also apologised following criticism of his comments at the leaders’ debate to a mother of child with autism who had suffered an NDIS funding reduction.
Mr Morrison said he and his wife Jenny were “blessed” not to have children with a disability and could only begin to imagine the challenges.
Labor finance spokeswoman Katy Gallagher said she had a daughter with autism and found Mr Morrison’s comments insensitive and offensive.
Liberal senator Hollie Hughes, who has a child with autism, said Mr Morrison was acknowledging the challenges of parenting a child with a disability.
“There are days that are particularly challenging and there are days that you don’t feel particularly blessed,” Senator Hughes said on Sky News.
Time for a booster in common sense.
This guy, is one of the guys KD, an expert in writing out traffic fines, dismisses as nuff nuffs.
He’s been right from the start.
Many of you are so far gone, I implore you to watch this.
Is it too much to ask for a spoiler alert before giving away the plot to Dead Snow 3?
China’s state media endorses Albanese “in comparison to Morrison, he positively shines”
Damning with faint praise?
May interest some…
Machine gun believed linked to WWII Japanese air raids on display in Broome museum
If Biden is sectioned, it’s Harris. No alternative. If not Harris for some reason, Pelosi. And on down the line, none of which is good.
Biden Trips Over a Landmine Yet Again When It Comes to Ukraine
I think we have some obligation to Ukraine under the Budapest Memorandum, the agreement where we said we would help in their security if they gave up their nuclear weapons. Then Barack Obama got them to give up more of their conventional weapons, and we left them largely twisting in the wind in 2014 during the initial Russian invasion. At that time, no one on the left seemed to care very much because they weren’t being prompted by the liberal media to do so. You weren’t seeing people flying Ukraine flags as their avatars or anything like that.
But is anyone keeping track of all this and where it is going? Before the Russian invasion this year, all we heard — in the context of the effort to get President Donald Trump — was how corrupt Ukraine was. That was the alleged explanation for Joe Biden threatening the prosecutor. But that no longer seems to be a concern to the Biden Administration, if it ever was, since that was spin to begin with.
Biden got in trouble on Thursday while talking about Ukraine, tripping over himself and saying something he shouldn’t about having forces there.
I’m starting to lose track of how many times Joe Biden has implied that we have or we’re going to have forces in Ukraine with his incoherent language. We saw him infamously tell the 82nd Airborne in Poland that they would be seeing soon things citizens standing in the way of tanks, suggesting they were going to Ukraine. Then the White House had to walk it back and clean it up with a bunch of farcical lies. Why does he keep saying this? But Biden is going to get us involved in a war — much more than we already are — if he keeps this up. We’re already treading on a line with the provision of so much support.
Biden then said he couldn’t take many questions because he had “a plane to catch.”
But when the world is seeing these kinds of odd responses and actions, bad actors start to get ideas. That’s why we are where we are now with Vladimir Putin — because he saw weakness in Biden.
His incoherence is also doing him in at home as well. Perhaps this picture says it all when it comes to Joe Biden — it’s the picture of the audience that came out to see him in New Hampshire. He couldn’t even get 50 people. Yet he wants to run again?
At Budget Estimates the head of NSW Public Service Michael Coutts-Trotter confirming that female gender is self-identifying in all his agencies.A biological man can be a woman just by saying so.
I have a new term for cationary.
Schrodingers Bell end:
The penis is neither here nor there until you look for the box.
If the box is there its female
If the box is missing its male
If you look in the box for the penis then prepare to be arrested.
Pining for the fjords
The point of the current US “presidency” isn’t just its incompetence and the fact that it’s totally out of touch with mainstream America. It is to keep rubbing America’s nose in the absurdity of its existence.
In keeping the Biden White House charade going, unelected activists are demonstrating they can run the US government without the consent of the governed. Fuck you, America , and there’s nothing you can do about it.
As I have said before on this matter – after hearing Bill Shorten at The Sydney Institute on the struggles of parents of children with disabilities, I thought a new scheme was a good idea. But, stupidly, I thought it really WAS an Insurance scheme perhaps just like Medicare – that everyone would contribute to in order to insure against the immense cost of raising a child with a disability.
Never trust Labor.
Incidentally, this furore over Morrison noting that he was blessed with children without disabilities is a Woke nonsense. Of course, every life is precious. But are they suggesting that children with significant disabilities do not present significant difficulties in family life?
Never trust Liberals either.
Globalist UNiparties
Majors last.
<blockquoteLizzie, it’s Wilcannia, the tourist dollar doesn’t routinely stop there!
Sorry, so it’s a NSW ‘aboriginal’ population township, like Brewarrina or Walgett? I’m not too good on the geography out West. We passed through Brewarrina on our way to Lightning Ridge, two ‘chalk and cheese’ towns, the local ‘white’ (read Serbian and other no-nonsense groups) mining population did rough justice at The Ridge and kept things until control there, whereas life in Bre seemed dismal beyond belief, rather as life in aboriginal Jabiru in the NT Kakadu area seemed also. We were glad we eschewed staying at the hotel there (built to attract tourists) and went on to the refurbished 70’s cabin apartments at Cooinda Lodge, at Yellow Water, which were great.
Don’t let MV be proven correct.
Don’t keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome.
Majors last.
Mr White Noise returns for the day.
Given that the clip is titled ‘A Final Warning to Humanity’, I have some questions:
1. Is it professionally produced and edited?;
2. Given that this fellow claims to be (because there’s nothing other than his say so) the former chief scientitian for Pfizer, why hasn’t he been found and strung up by The People?
I’m sorry St. Ruth, but given your admitted predilections for posting untruths ‘to shock people into action’, I’m not paying too much attention to your latest offering.
You ruined any credibility you had much earlier on. Doesn’t matter what you post or screech about now. It’s done.
Zelenskyy Says He Needs $7 Billion Per Month Western Government Subsidy to Sustain Economy
(VIA CNN) – “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday that Ukraine needs $7 billion per month in financial assistance to make up for the economic losses from the war.
In a virtual address to a World Bank forum, Zelenksy also said that it would take “hundreds of billions of dollars” to rebuild his country later.
He said every country must be prepared to break all relations with Russia and that Moscow should “immediately” be excluded from all international financial institutions including the IMF and the World Bank.” (link)
Plus, “10% for the big guy”.
Re familial disabilities – when you have children and grandchildren you are only one accident or illness amongst any of them from having a disabled person in your family. Don’t ever count your chickens, hatched or not. Of course Morrison wasn’t doing anything but counting his current blessings, not saying anything denigratory about families caring for disabled members.
April 22, 2022 at 11:34 am
If Biden is sectioned, it’s Harris. No alternative. If not Harris for some reason, Pelosi. And on down the line, none of which is good.
The only way out of that impasse (assuming that the Dems want to get out) is:
(a) Harris goes;
(b) Biden’s handlers get him to scrawl a signature on a document nominating someone competent as VP;
(c ) The Dem controlled Congress approves the choice, and the new VP is sworn in;
(d) Biden’s handlers get him to step down. The VP automatically becomes President.
Like what happened with Spiro Agnew, Gerald Ford and Richard Nixon.
The problem is that if the Dems do it, it’s most likely to be because the Clinton crime machine makes it happen to get Hillary installed as VP and then President.
But who?
SloJoe and Kamaltoe were the best the Anyone But Bernie Brigade could come up with.
Dammit man, the Nano-Wrigglers are working as fast as they can!
It’s not their fault they like tins of Chum more than the parts-donor doggos do. It’s totally screwed with the logistics.
Some days, you just can’t get the help…
Someone in the Democrat party needs to tap Biden on the shoulder.
Biden is a decent man.
He hasnt caught the person shitting in his pants yet is all.
Biden is a decent man.
Hes even nice to jigaboos.
Biden is a decent man.
He even gave a moving eulogy for Robert Byrd, the ex KKK leader.
Biden is a decent man.
He boosted Russia and the Middle East oil ticks by cancelling and banning the Keystone pipeline and “unconventional” oil/gas in America.
Biden is a decent man.
Hes going to eliminate student debt by inflating the value of the loans away.
Wipe your nose, Struth.
You keep sobbing and sniffling like that, QPOL will get the wrong impression. And they’ll come and take you away to the
DeAtH CaMpWellcamp at Toowoomba…So says the uber-woke husband of Tanya Plibersek, she who is well in line to take over from Albo and his ‘long Covid’ as long as her hubby atones for his dubious past by being woker-than-woke about the current Labor shibboleth.
‘Al Qaeda Is On Our Side’: How Obama/Biden Team Empowered Terrorist Networks In Syria
Hours after the Feb. 3 U.S. military raid in northern Syria that left the leader of ISIS and multiple family members dead, President Biden delivered a triumphant White House address.
The late-night Special Forces operation in Syria’s Idlib province, Biden proclaimed, was a “testament to America’s reach and capability to take out terrorist threats no matter where they hide around the world.”
Unmentioned by the president, and virtually all media accounts of the assassination, was the critical role that top members of his administration played during the Obama years in creating the Al Qaeda-controlled hideout where ISIS head Abu Ibrahim al-Qurayshi, as well as his slain predecessor, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, found their final refuge.
In waging a multi-billion dollar covert war in support of the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, top Obama officials who now serve under Biden made it American policy to enable and arm terrorist groups that attracted jihadi fighters from across the globe. This regime change campaign, undertaken one decade after Al Qaeda attacked the U.S. on 9/11, helped a sworn U.S. enemy establish the Idlib safe haven that it still controls today.
A concise articulation came from Jake Sullivan to his then-State Department boss Hillary Clinton in a February 2012 email: “AQ [Al Qaeda] is on our side in Syria.”
Sullivan, the current national security adviser, is one of many officials who oversaw the Syria proxy war under Obama to now occupy a senior post under Biden. This group includes Secretary of State Antony Blinken, climate envoy John Kerry, USAID Administrator Samantha Power, Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman, NSC Middle East coordinator Brett McGurk, and State Department Counselor Derek Chollet.
Their efforts to remake the Middle East via regime change, not just in Syria but earlier in Libya, led to the deaths of Americans – including Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. officials in Benghazi in 2012; the slaughter of countless civilians; the creation of millions of refugees; and ultimately, Russia’s entry into the Syrian battlefield.
Contacted through their current U.S. government agencies, none of the Obama-Biden principals offered comment on their policy of supporting an Al Qaeda-dominated insurgency in Syria.
The Obama-Biden team’s record in Syria resonates today as many of its members handle the unfolding crisis in Ukraine. As in Syria, the U.S. is flooding a chaotic war zone with weapons in a dangerous proxy conflict with Russia, with long-term ramifications that are impossible to foresee. “I deeply worry that what’s going to happen next is that we will see Ukraine turn into Syria,” Democratic Senator Chris Coons told CBS News on April 17.
Based on declassified documents, news reports, and scattered admissions of U.S. officials, this overlooked history of how the Obama-Biden team’s effort to oust the Assad regime – in concert with allies including Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey – details the series of discrete decisions that ultimately led the U.S. to empower terror networks bent on its destruction.
Biden is a decent man.
So decent, that he hid himself away from his adoring voters for fear they might catch his decency…
If any of you would put your denialism away for a minute and watch the link I put up, look at the date of publication.
Now a year ago………………….and listen to what he says about variants and many other things.
KD is calling these people nut jobs.
Ignorance has a two letter name.
Never trust Labor.
Or the Libs to kill off any labour policy ever and then make it worse.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Bearesays:
April 22, 2022 at 11:46 am
I find it particularly galling that people who would celebrate the aborting of countless Downs/ sex selected or disabled babies now get on their hind trotters to bray about how insensitive it is to say out loud what everyone thinks.
Its better to have a “normal” kid that a disabled one.
That doesnt mean parents wont love their kid, but it puts their future on rails if they are significantly disabled.
Today, I’m announcing another $800 million to further augment Ukraine’s ability to fight in the east — in the Donbas region.
This package includes heavy artillery weapons — dozens of Howitzers — and 144,000 rounds of ammunition to go with those Howitzers. It also includes more tactical drones.
In the past two months, we’ve moved weapons and equipment to Ukraine at record speed.
We’ve sent thousands of anti-armor and anti-[air] missile[s], helicopters, drones, grenade launchers, machine guns, rifles, radar systems. More than 50 million rounds of ammunition had already been sent.
The United States alone has provided 10 anti-armor systems for every one Russian tank that’s in Ukraine — a 10 to 1 ratio.
It’s a sign I tells you, a sign.
Highway death toll messages cause more crashes: study (Phys.org, 21 Apr)
Cutely the study doesn’t mention the other totally obvious reason, which is that people get so fed up being endlessly nagged by government safety nazis that they put their foot down in fury.
VIA CNN) – “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Thursday that Ukraine needs $7 billion per month in financial assistance to make up for the economic losses from the war.
Super yachts and Florida estates don’t just pay for themselves.
Penny is continuing the party’s campaign in WA while McG is indisposed.
Had the weirdest dream last night.
Some bullocky was damning anyone who didn’t immediately drop everything
and sign on for King and Country to fight Kaiser Bill as the enemies of freedom.
He would’ve been Over There himself, but for the worst case of Spanker’s Cramp
the medical board had ever seen.
Incredible footage in thread.
I have mentioned this before but there is actually a good museum of things aboriginal next to Cooinda Lodge at Kakadu (and the Yellow Water is fabulous in the early morning mist bird-watching from a small boat). Less than ten years ago this museum wasn’t over-run with ‘fake’ aboriginal stuff, in those pre-Pascoe days, just some reasonable interpretations of the real thing, including the complex ‘section kinship system’ as I understood it from years of study in anthropology.
I expect it is now rather different. These tribal people can no longer stand for themselves and their long history of survival in isolation from the rest of humanity (except for a few Makassans); they have to be reinvented in some way as parallel Europeans. Yetch.
Intel Officials Who Claimed Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation Now Say Big Tech Must Be Able to Censor to Protect from Russian Disinformation
Guided Missiles still miss and fail to penetrate, no matter how advanced and capable they are in the hands of a competent operator.
Ditto small arms rounds and all explosive natures.
Modern warfare is incredibly resource intensive of small things. Screw thinking just about burning tanks and dead soldiers. There are Rifle, pistol and MG buffer springs, firing pins, nuts, bolts, sprockets, motors and geartrains, fuel, painkillers, ration packs, buckles, belts and pouches, and more.
And then there’s water, diesel, kerosene, grease, lubricating oil of all grades for different applications, machine tool parts, welding kit, oxy-acetylene mixes, medical O2, N2, halon gas mixes for fire extinguishers and so on…
Mechanical profanity.
Researchers develop a method to keep bots from using toxic language (21 Apr)
Ok, I think I can see what the problem is. Training the AI using the verbal sewer known as Twitter would appear to be a mistake…
Barack Obama Calls for More Censorship: First Amendment ‘Does Not Apply to Facebook and Twitter’
Former President Barack Obama in a major speech on Thursday called for more regulation of social media content, in order to diminish “disinformation.”
The former president delivered a speech on the issue at Stanford University after spending months studying the subject.
He described himself as “pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist” but immediately clarified that it did not apply to social media companies.
“The First Amendment is a check on the power of the state. It doesn’t apply to private companies like Facebook and Twitter,” he said, calling for more “value judgements” on content moderation and censorship on social media.
“While content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough,” Obama added.
The information about the provision of arms ostensibly set for Ukraine remind me of a Le Carre novel depicting arms dealers trading at secret yet massive arms markets.
I could pull this stubborn ignorance apart, but I think I’d be insulting those with more than half a brain.
They’ve already done it.
Especially if they listened to when he quit Pfizer, and what date the video was posted.
If it hasn’t been professionally produced KD? What like by the ABC?
You’re embarrassing yourself.
Road deaths jumped 10% in 2020 in the USA – and 25% for blacks. It turns out they died at the hands of America’s latest mass killer, equity, the mad ideology spreading like cancer in north America — especially among those it was supposed to protect. Tucker Carlson Tonight has the story.
This is epic.
He described himself as “pretty close to a First Amendment absolutist” but …..
The but negates anything which precedes it.
Thats true on most topics.
It’s a little bit more complicated than that, as the Internet Historian demonstrates:
A bunch of cheeky shitposters and other assorted internet users thought it would be hilarious to explode the digital arrogance of their fellow men (who, being from Silicon Valley, felt themselves innately intellectually superior)…
Already road deaths are soaring as young people have strokes and heart attacks behind the wheel.
Wait till next years figures come in, none of it of course blamed on the jab, but on driving cars at all.
Can’t wait to see that effect with batteries and hydrogen in the mix.
Thank god they got that button you push “the dead man’s switch” in Choo Choos every 30 secs or so for when comrade-ette “McGowans bitch” pops his clogs.
Can’t be long now.
Yes Lizzie – I would like to see this acknowledged. These days either people are dismissive of Aborigines as stone age relics with no redeeming features, or they romanticise them in ways that are ridiculous.
A dear friend of mine, an intelligent person who is a qualified geologist, is incredulous when I talk about the very complex “skin” rules of intermarriage, or acknowledge that they lived a very very violent life. She was convinced they were a peaceful tribal community who were slaughtered without a second thought by the white invaders. Another friend believes that they were so backward they had not learned to boil water.
It this polarised society of the current age we seem to be unable to look, without preconceived notions, at the evidence. Those on this blog will know that I am, by and large, sympathetic with the mobs who lived on this beautiful island/continent before us. I treasure the evidence on our own property of those who walked our land thousands of years before us, and who perhaps understood it better than I do.
Please let’s not have a competition between Elbo and SloMo to kick in over & above “our share”.
Sounds like a rerun of MiCkLeHaM IS aN DetH CaMp, AND I wIlL pRoOvE It! REEEEEEEE!!!1!
And Struth then spent the rest of the night and most of the following morning calling people names and questioning their sexuality…
Why worry about Bird strikes, when we can have daily lashings of the [S]truth at half the price?
Getting chest pains yet, Choo choo?
You’re a triple jabbed bitch of McGowan. Can’t be long now.
Don’t get your heart rate up while you’re playing with yourself……
Struth. Darling, dear little stompy, wobbly-chucking Struth,
You do know I’m going to outlive you just to spite you, correct? 🙂
Try not to rage yourself into a tree or lamp post, or under a road train on your way to your next gig, OK?
Your loyal followers and lurkers might inadvertently list you as a vax casualty. And you don’t want that…
Another friend believes that they were so backward they had not learned to boil water.
Had they? What did they boil it in? What did they use it for?
I don’t see that as the be all and end all of evaluating Aboriginal culture, but Geoffrey Blainey wrote in “Triumph of the Nomads” (which was very laudatory of the ingenuity of Aboriginal technology) that they didn’t know how to boil water. Is there now evidence to the contrary (from non-Pascoe-esque sources)?
Only in a country that isn’t Australia can a surrender monkey to totalitarianism publicly air the view that those that didn’t bend over are nutjobs, as McGowan’s little bitch just insinuated.
Only in a country that isn’t Australia can a pathetic hoard of arseholes let it go unchallenged.
April 22, 2022 at 12:43 pm
These tribal people can no longer stand for themselves and their long history of survival in isolation from the rest of humanity
Yes Lizzie – I would like to see this acknowledged. These days either people are dismissive of Aborigines as stone age relics with no redeeming features, or they romanticise them in ways that are ridiculous.
A dear friend of mine, an intelligent person who is a qualified geologist, is incredulous when I talk about the very complex “skin” rules of intermarriage, or acknowledge that they lived a very very violent life. She was convinced they were a peaceful tribal community who were slaughtered without a second thought by the white invaders. Another friend believes that they were so backward they had not learned to boil water.
get you geologist friend to read
Native Tribes of Central Australia
Spencer, Baldwin, Sir (1860-1929)
Gillen, Francis James (1856-1
Native tribes of the Northern Territory of Australia
Easy to say, because you’ll never hear me laugh either way.
Struth darling, the only nutjob here is you.
Not any of the other unjabbed. Though I note with interest that none of them have so assiduously cultivated a persona of being an angry outsider with prophecies of great import, cursed to forever be treated
as suspect by all the sheep and untermenschen he denigrates woth his fire-and-brimstone prouncements.
Struth darling, there are outsiders by circumstance and culture, and outsiders by choice.
You seem to think that the latter is a means of gaining street cred and respect you feel you otherwise lack. Yet, people who decide to act like outsiders for effect tend to become exactly that.
How long until you go so far over the line, that Dover goes for a more permanent rerun of That Weekend?
We are much more civilised here in Australia, we don’t need explosions and fires to destroy food factories. All we need is a slimy slug carefully placed by a slimy “health inspector” and the food factory is gone.
When, in the next couple of years, Choo choo dies of the multiple pricks he’s taken for McGowan, why would it be considered harsh of me to laugh?
It shouldn’t.
He didn’t need to do it.
He should not have done it.
He surrendered to tyranny and let down his fellow Australians and Western Australians and many of them women who are standing in defiance.
He helped them to justify jabbing to death children.
When do we conclude the government have declared war on us, and when do we rightly condemn the surrender monkeys for what they are?
Why should we not treat them as the enemy to our nation and to freedom they are?
The jetsetting Good Nazis sticking their finger up at millions like me?
Is the abuse they dish out to go uncriticised?
You may have noticed, but I’ve lost all respect for those that have.
Why shouldn’t I?
Especially on a blog full of hypocrites who before 2020 advertised themselves to be defenders of freedom, of standing for righteousness and liberty, only to shit themselves and stick their hands up immediately.
AND THEN ATTEMPT TO EXCUSE THEMSELVES…while holidaying on the green tick.
Seen on one of those infuriating safety nazi nagboards by a writer at quadrant a few years ago:
“Read government traffic safety warnings”.
There’s a lot of people angry at the smug surrender monkeys choo choo.
I’m actually quite calm compared to some.
Read this guy.
Gov. DeSantis Is Right To Attack Disney. Republicans Everywhere Should Follow His Lead
Eyrie, is there anything that doesn’t frighten you?
And there are selfish surrender monkeys by choice.
But let’s pick up another point.
I’m an individualist, cock breath, not a collectivist like you.
There is no inside or outside to me.
Just right and wrong.
Taking suggestions from those so-minded….
What is “the greatest coverup of incompetence in Australian military history”???
Looking for an angle for one of my forthcoming books….
Hey Cats!
Who wants to run a Dead Pool on Ol’Rexy? 😀
Terms of Betting:
1) Rex dies of any non-accidental injury cause in the next 11-41 months.
2) Double or Nothing: Rex is confirmed dead of mRNA-related complication in the next 11-41 months.
3) If Rex is still alive at the end of Month 41, Struth forfeits his house, wife, truck, all remaining assets, internet access and pocket Constitution. And he has to take Novavax or Covaxin and rejoin normal society.
4) If Rex dies before month 41, Rex wins anyway. 🙂
Any takers? 🙂
Now Mcgowan’s got covid…………..what a fucking joke.
Better get your booster, you brain dead fuck choo choo.
The Great Emu War of 1932? 🙂
Or are you writing an evisceration of the post-2001 ADF High Command and its political interferences and woke peccadilloes in every active operation Australian soldiers, sailors and airmen have been involved in since that time? Up to and including Brereton?
C’mon cats………you fucking cowardly c…nts.
You’ll let that one pass too?
No comment to make?
Of course you will.
Gotta laff at the myth that our pollies are there to serve not profit .. ! turns out that there is only ONE politician in the NSW parliament that is on base rate pay, $169 000 ( apparently a paperwork bungle causing that.. lol) because they all top up, between $5 000 & $150 000 extra for being on committees or classed as assisting Ministers (who get way over the odds, as well!) then, of course, the freebies follow on from that … not bad for a “job” that has been almost all work-from-home for the past 2 years .. FFS!
The days of serving the community being job satisfaction are long, long gone .. LOL!
Wow, Struth.
I’ve got a geographical and timezone-related excuse for being somewhat behind the times and current events.
You are just doddering. Best Mrs Struth deal with all your internet engagements from now on, lest you start trolling Cornpop, shaking hands with non-existent people or trying to sniff the Lurkers…
CNN itself reports: CNN+ will shut down at the end of April.
Exit quote:
CNN+ didn’t even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin during a Zoom meeting
If I have to join “normal society” those in it better let me know when and where I have to raise my right arm and goose step.
Very true.
When faced with a large and complicated operational problem or group of problems which I had no real idea how to solve in toto, I would just start to nibble away at the bits that I knew I could solve, one by one. Invariably, as things progressed the path became clearer for solving the next layer or group of problems. It was a bit like clearing a track through dense bush that you couldn’t see through.
Of course, one was careful not to let nervous superiors know that this was the approach, instead utilising the kind of buzzwords that warm the cockles of their stony hearts. 🙂
I thought you’d be more upset about the prospect of losing your Pocket Constitution…
That’s how everyone knows you are a nutjob.
There is no arm raising (except to empty a pint or press a button) nor goose-stepping.
Unless you think Indian truckies have been anywhere nearby, of course…
Moon Howling at DEFCON 1.0932
Now, while I’m pointing out the mental sickness of the submissive here, let’s look at hypocrisy one OH one, ….this was said by JC.
The problem is I feel like I’d have to explain the irony these days.
It’s getting so cartoonish, that I can’t help but wonder if Struth has just been taking the piss all along…
This is a fight you really don’t want to