Trump is basically raising the tax rate of other countries via tariffs. That is the jist of the argument. US…
Trump is basically raising the tax rate of other countries via tariffs. That is the jist of the argument. US…
Hey, hippies! I’m in lerve with my car! 🙂
President Merkin Muffley
Large numbers of Australian military personnel were involved in killing “commies” during the Vietnam war. The thinking was that we…
That’s a whole lottta lerve going down in that picture, Cats …
Back it in.
Solid 2.
The Boeing dudes were regular engineers of the highest caliber and never stood a chance against that crew.
The 747 was probably they’re crowning achievement, the size, the time to design and build it, the safety record.
Heading for an election wipeout, Joe Biden is doubling down on every failed policy
Nina Jankowicz, 2020: Government Should Not Be in ‘Business’ of Policing ‘Disinformation’
As an avid reader of Aviation Herald, watcher of Air Crash Investigation & frequent passenger, sorta agree Sancho. Boeing until the Max allowed pilot control to override the computer.
I have sent Bill P’s piece to a mate who is in aviation. Be interesting to see his response as someone I know is Boeing biased but thinks they are dropping the ball of late.
She said tanks firing at the core. Not artillery firing at building/ structure. This is exactly the trajectory of news reports when the RUS took control of the reactor back in March. First, they were attacking the reactor. Then, the building. Finally, nothing more than small arms fire on the grounds at an admin building.
Honestly JC, Boeing have been playing catch-up for two decades.
Or rather, they should have been, but they kept relying on someone on the top floor in Seattle knowing the likes of Geoff Dixon.
Geoff who?
It all culminated with the 737 Max debacle.
Yeah, 737s are not international long-haul, but that doesn’t matter.
That shit-show tells you everything you need to know about how fucked up the place is.
It’s still there:
There’d have to be some putzes dumb enough to keep paying for Bosi’s suits, even now.
Can’t remember if it was Netflix or Stan but they had a good doco on the Douglas takeover of Boeing. Covered the two different cultures and how the accountants sidelined the engineers. It went into detail about crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia.
Artillery or tanks. No biggie
I still don’t see how your comment invalidates the claim in the WSJ.
How many remember DC10’s, I loved those things until the doors started falling off. It was like after the first one they thought it would never happen again. A bit like Australia’s penchant for Royal Commissions. Can anyone tell me one that solved the problem instead of shifting it somewhere else. I reckon the scumbag elite go over every detail to make sure they don’t repeat the same mistakes.
Exactly. It’s not even not news let alone being unnewsworthy.
It is about as interesting and important as Elbow’s Mum’s Aunt by marriage’s recipe for Tuna Casserole.
Although, I do proffer that the teacher was no Full Muffin Coquette.
I woked for a company that was taking over another when our MD died of a heart attack and the bastards took us over instead. Went from being a great place to work to crap in about 18 months.
This is true, Tom.
But I think the problems pre-date that (which is also linked to the takeover of MacDonnell Douglas).
I was involved in a fleet upgrade deal in the 1990’s involving a major global airline and two separate divisions of Boeing.
The arse covering and overt hatred between the two divisions of Boeing was something to behold.
A sick organisation.
The momentum of their global monopoly of the 1960’s and 1970’s carried them further than I thought, but they are now definitely second fiddle.
Woked = worked
Some of you would have woked that out already.
Northern Territory Senate candidate Jacinta Price says “we shouldn’t be dividing ourselves along the lines of race” after an Australia-wide campaign called for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Sky News
That is a myth JC.
I have had dealings with both companies.
Presenting MD as asset-stripping profiteers who destroyed Boeing is largely bullshit.
Boeing commercial was fat, dumb and happy and should have diverted their DC lobbying money into aircraft development way before the MD takeover.
Hitler up thread is busy pretending it didn’t just accuse all American blacks of being violent when drunk.
feelthebern says:
May 2, 2022 at 5:31 pm
I can’t believe we haven’t seen or heard from the ex Mrs Albo.
She must be in Sussex Street sub basement five.
Carmel Tebbit still appears on the title of his residence and one of his investment properties according to his register of interests.
Wonder if his property portfolio seem likely for someone with his salary. Wonder if someone will pry themselves away from shaming 11 year old boys rating teachers for long enough to ask him.
That is my point Rockdoctor.
Airbus have had depth of experience in “computer assist” and, yes, mistakes have been made.
But the 737 Max thing was an epic failure.
I still struggle to believe that they would introduce that level of computer control in the flight phase immediately after take off without bothering to tell the pilots what was happening.
The computer code was shit and guaranteed to result in a prang.
And any half decent pilot could have flown out of it if they were given a warning and the opportunity to override the shitty code and fly manual.
They weren’t given the opportunity to fly the aeroplane.
Boeing is guilty of some 700 cases of manslaughter.
I reckon the scumbag elite go over every detail to make sure they don’t repeat the same mistakes.
I would be encouraged if they did, but I suspect that they search only for ways to avoid being caught again.
is this a green shoot in the libs? I don’t trust them on anything, personally.. (Jacinta excepted)
the prick is just as likely to pass it without a referendum and then tell us he didn’t lie about it.
The real issue is the big egos in the US system wanting to “beat the Europeans” and basically allowing Boeing to self-certify the 737-Max.
Shit, anyone with two eyes could see the potential issues as they stretched the 737.
The engines ended up so close to the ground they flattened the bottom of the intake nacelles.
Then they put those big mother-fucker fans on, pushed them up and forward and got some 22 year olds to cut some code to compensate for the fact that nearly every take-off was in marginal stall territory.
Jihad Watch
The claim they fired on the core is near impossible and she doesn’t know the difference between artillery and tanks but we should still have confidence in this claim? I mean, it’s not as if these facts alone call her claim into question. The idea that they would fire shells at the reactor building is preposterous.
Why the fuck does a shittie murdoch rag think it has any business poking its snotty nose into a school’s day to day goings on. Have any laws been broken?
The White House correspondents’ dinner: Jokes about Vladimir Putin, Donald Trump take the limelight
BJ that’s what I actually meant but got ahead of myself with the submit button.
speaking of Boeing
The FAA appears to have delayed Starship launch approval AGAIN!! What’s more surprising, is the fact that NASA is still doing business with Boeing after piles of technical errors and fishy business practices.
The claim they fired on the core is near impossible and she doesn’t know the difference between artillery and tanks but we should still have confidence in this claim? I mean, it’s not as if these facts alone call her claim into question. The idea that they would fire shells at the reactor building is preposterous.
The entire fucktard meja complex is just doing as instructed by the Washington DC abomination.
Heartfelt thanks to those Cats who wished the Memsahib well for the forthcoming Chemo and radiology.
One chemo down, four to go…
Yes best wishes ZKIIA
Looks like a couple of burglars got more than they bargained for when they broke into a farm in NZ.
Some rough justice administered by the farmer and son.
Burglar 1 is said to have weighed 140kg FFS.
ZK2A, hoping for the best for your wife and yourself.
I think in time learning about what happened in Mariupol will be instructive.
Labor should disendorse NSW Senate candidate Mich-Elle Myers after she tweeted anti-Catholic slurs and denied that the 2014 Lindt Siege was a terrorist attack, says Sky News host Chris Kenny.
Disendorse the bitch!? She should be stripped naked and thrown into the middle of the Simpson desert like every other leftie arsehole.
Missed it, best wishes Zulu to you and yours.
“Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 2, 2022 at 10:16 pm
Heartfelt thanks to those Cats who wished the Memsahib well for the forthcoming Chemo and radiology.
One chemo down, four to go…”
I hope all goes well, my thoughts are with you. Stay strong.
It is almost as if Boeing’s leadership wanted to avoid the risk and cost of engineering a new design, where Airbus went and did exactly that.
Failure to innovate, even in the well-settled short to medium-ranged widebody twinjet game, is dangerous.
Hopefully Boeing has absorbed this lesson, as military aircraft and equipment sales alone won’t sustain a company of their size indefinitely.
Tough time ZK2A.
The treatment is (almost) worse than the disease.
But the cure rates are getting better and better.
From memory there was a case in Australia – the “Shaw case” that went all the way to the High Court. A couple went onto a property, smashed the lock on the fuel tank, and were filling up their car, when an irate farmer shot at the car. The driver was skidding all over the place, and his passenger was thrown out, and broke an arm. She sued the farmer, alleging excessive use of force.
The case went all the way to the High Court, who ruled that even though they were on the property without the knowledge of the owner, even though they were there to commit an offense, they were still owed a duty of care, and shooting at the car was an excessive use of force..
Best wishes to you and your wife.
Thank you, Cassie.
FemLib has unfinished business, and that is based embryo pods.
seen via shoe0nhead
The medics make no bones, times will be tough, but they are quietly optimistic – the tumor is localized, and hasn’t spread.
Just started watching this, Severance. Corporate dystopian sci-fi. IMDB blurb:
It has Christopher Walken and thus far would recommend.
Best of luck to your both Zulu.
slow burnerer
gets betterer
The 737 M,AX series was an attempt by Boeing’s Chicago accountants to market a Holden Commodore of an airliner that could be operated by shitbucket Third Word airlines in countries like Indonesia and Ethiopia with minimal crew training.
Indonesia’s Lion Air, for example, is one of the fastest-growing airlines in the world and, because of a global pilot shortage, has been recruiting drivers straight off long-distance coachlines.
The idea with the MAX is that it can be flown by onboard computers with minimal pilot input.
Until it was modified following crashes in Ethiopia and Indonesia that killed nearly 350 people, the MAX was an accountant’s perfect sales pitch – even though the potential for disaster horrified engineers like Phil Condit, the last Boeing engineer-CEO (1996-2003).
The MAX has only produced operational problems in the Third World – not in jurisdictions with proper flight training regimes like the USA.
Moscow residents react to the West sending weapons to Ukraine
very interesting
Yes it is.
But according to the Ukrainian nuclear inspectorate:
In addition the external power supply to the plant was damaged.
It appears the damage to the reactor was not significant – and no radiation was released.
So, only gentle and well-considered shelling. Probably by highly trained artillery, thoroughly experienced in missing vital parts of a nuclear reactor during a night shoot.
Or, easily disproved misinformation.
Zulu Kilo Two Alphasays:
May 2, 2022 at 10:16 pm
Heartfelt thanks to those Cats who wished the Memsahib well for the forthcoming Chemo and radiology.
One chemo down, four to go…
Best wishes. Hope that, as sometimes happens, it isn’t too bad an experience, but more importantly that, as often happens, it’s a complete success.
‘The Supply Chain Does Not Exist’: Green Energy Industry Is In For A Rude Awakening
Jen Psaki Lied To DC Reporters About Covid Spending And Only One Of Them Called Her On It
The Great Reset … In Housing? Typical Buyer’s Monthly Payment Up 39.4%—The Biggest Annual Gain on Record (Mortgage Rates SOARING With Anticipated Fed Monetary Tightening)
Even if we accept the claims of the Ukrainians, a huge ‘if’ given their past dissembling, the tanks weren’t shelling the reactor core.
Something tells me (a little birdee) Bankers and stock traders will be going at knockdown prices – along with mule harness for the rotary tiller. You won’t need fuel for it, Humans in Harness will provide locomotion and be far cheaper too.
Sending our very warmest wishes for a completely successful treatment, mate. Very best to both of you.
“The idea that they would fire shells at the reactor building is preposterous.”
I suspect that the tank gunners had very little idea what they were firing at.
Sorry, Dr Faustus, my last comment was specifically to the author’s claim.
The report you link to refers to artillery fire.
dover0beach says:
May 3, 2022 at 12:02 am
I find that the losing side always has more incentive to hide the truth.
God-damn Clanners. First with their obsessions with honour, then their weird traditions and pseudo-communist culture and then their artificial wombs and elevation of gene-edited decanted folks as superior beings.
I’d normally leave this until May 20th, but everyone needs a timely reminder that these weirdos, for all their eugenics, martial prowess and superior technology, got vibe-checked by a godamn telecom company with guns…
Ok, to be very clear:
1) I strongly doubt that the journo would distinguish between core, containment, and reactor environmental building. Likely it would all be ‘shot up nuclear reactor’ to her.
2) I strongly doubt that the Ukrainian nuclear inspectorate would distinguish between artillery fire and tank fire. Likely it would all be incoming exploding (or not) shit to them.
It’s confusion in unfamiliar technical terms, used out of context, that leads to someone saying – ‘well we can safely assume that’s all bullshit, then’.
A translation of the video would be great.
20 year dudes hammed up in a fire fight would know the building structure they were shooting at it housed a reactor core?
But this wasn’t the crux of the story. They were shooting dud rounds, which suggests they’re a mess of a military. Time and time again this has been shown to be credible. The Russian military is only good for running a Harvey Norman used appliance store. It’s fucking useless.
If they were halfway decent, it would have been over by now.
I think the Russians will likely win, but it’s not a given even now.
Read the story again, the idiots were getting lost taking wrong roads. It’s a fucking shambles.
I bet if we were to check we’d find there are no Politicians kids involved.
Which would be why that particular school was chosen.
And Dover, nearly all your posts about the war are from Twitter. Why are your Twitter links accurate while everything else is bullshit? Is that because everything on Twitter is so honest?
Yes, because Russians have always been totally up front and honest about things -even through the Cold War.
The funniest thing I recall that came out after the Cold War was how Russian propaganda had totally hoodwinked the Americans to believe the Soviet economy was massive. It subsequently came out that if was on par with the Netherlands.
Yep, the Russians are honest brokers.
You appear to be stuck on this. It’s of no consequence to the integrity of the story if the firing was from artillery or tanks. It just doesn’t matter.
Sure, but there is also the matter about why there is incoming fire in that area. Were UKR forces situated at the nuclear plant? Where they firing on the advancing RUS? When you go and look at the paragraph it paints a picture of drunken Ruskies talking pot shots at the reactor like weekend hunters shooting the odd street sign of old. It’s not mere unfamiliarity with technical terms, it’s not mere embellishment, it’s tendentious rot. It’s akin to the following:
Tell Dover, would you know what a building housing a reactor core looks like?
Rex Anger:
From the other links, it would appear not.
A poisonous admin vs engineer culture, some dodgy business decisions backed up by help from maaaates in government – I’d sell now.
I can tell the difference between a tank and artillery.
I’d bet there was security forces of some sort or another around a nuclear reactor. There would be in peace time too.
Possibly. In fact most likely.
Here’s the paragraph:
Doesn’t sound as though they were drunk as you suggest. The paragraph doesn’t attempt to make the Russian solders sound stupid either. The central point of the para is that they were firing duds.
But seriously, I’d expect it to be one of the central buildings, close to cooling towers.
Great. But can you tell what houses a reactor or not?
If one was going to be charitable (or accurate to the weird and wonderful things that happen in combat), I would have assumed artillery overshoots from a fire mission on a target somewhere within the shells’ arc and the targeted location, but landing well outside it.
Overshoots are perfectly normal- Artillery is an area weapon, no matter how accurate the firing weapon is and what precision doo-hickery is strapped to the projectile.
That the shells shattered or failed to detonate on impact is a divine blessing. Or severely statistically unlikely but fortunate outcome, depending on how you swing. But perhaps not a very favourable assessment of the Russian logistics train to the point of firing, or its munitions manufacturers or the storage and handling procedures employed up to the moment the breechblock clanged shut and the primer ignited.
Hammed up 20 year olds would say the same thing, I’m sure.
We seem to have slipped away from correctly naming the parts of a nuclear reactor into whataboutism.
I really don’t know, but I’d guess that there was shellfire in the area because Russian troops were invading. Seems plausible, all things considered.
That, there, is tendentious rot. The piece quoted above doesn’t suggest any of those things – specifically not pissed Russians on a whoopie shoot.
The US 10 year bond is virtually at 3%.
Rita Panahi: Labor’s shared equity housing plan is diabolically dumb
There was a time when such ill-considered tomfoolery would only come from a minor party but Labor has launched a policy so harebrained that Adam Bandt must be feeling jealous.
Rita Panahi
Labor’s shared equity housing plan is such a thoroughly and diabolically dumb policy that one could be mistaken for thinking the Greens came up with it.
There was a time when such ill-considered tomfoolery would only come from a minor party with no chance of governing but Labor has launched a policy so harebrained that Adam Bandt must be feeling jealous.
There are of course concerns with such schemes only pushing up housing prices further but there are greater issues with sharing ownership of your home with the government.
It’s not a good idea when proposed by state or territory governments and it’s certainly not a good idea when pushed by the financially inept federal Labor Party which has not returned a surplus since 1989.
Yes, it’s been 33 years since Labor managed to deliver a federal budget surplus.
Labor’s key housing policy is scant on detail because the more you learn of the shared equity plan the more holes you can pick in the scheme.
Under the $329 million scheme qualifying home buyers would have up to 40 per cent of their home (for new property) or 30 per cent (for existing property) paid for and owned by the government.
Buyers would only have to contribute a two per cent minimum deposit and a cap of $850,000 would apply for Melbourne and major regional centres in Victoria, with a marginally higher cap for NSW.
Putting to one side the fact that there are sound reasons why financial institutions require prospective most home buyers to save at least five to 10 per cent deposit and think about the administrative nightmare Labor’s plan would unleash.
It’s one thing to have the bank own most of your house but something else for the government to own a percentage.
Unlike a mortgage the government’s ownership is calculated as a percentage of the home value, not the initial dollar amount invested plus interest, meaning when the property is sold, the government would take its portion of whatever capital gains have been made.
If the house is a sound investment which has been lovingly maintained the government stands to benefit but if the place is a dump in an area with little capital growth then the taxpayer’s investment will be questionable.
A massive bureaucratic mess awaits anyone involved in the scheme who renovates or extends the property.
A valuation must be performed if you renovate so the government doesn’t reap the benefits of your hard work and expenditure when you sell but anyone who understands the property market knows all too well a valuation performed when improvements are undertaken can be meaningless two years or twenty years later.
A pool may see your property increase 5% at the time it’s installed.
20 years later the impact of that pool may be a 15 per cent improvement or it may be negative five per cent if it makes a subdivision more difficult or more expensive.
How do we determine who gets what when a sale takes place years after capital improvements are undertaken?
How do we determine the value added by those who do not complete a large-scale renovation but maintain their property with regular painting, planting and loving care?
Or do homeowners have to complete a formal valuation after every single improvement whether it’s new carpets, a new fence, heating and cooling installations or other small upgrades?
The only redeeming feature of this policy is that it won’t be inflicted on every Australian unlike the monstrously stupid energy policies of Labor and their ideological bedfellows the Greens and the Climate 200 ‘independents’.
The policy gives voters an insight into the modern Labor Party.
They may be running a small target strategy by pretending they are fiscal conservatives who will mirror Coalition policies from border protection to economic management but once in power we can expect a very different beast.
Labor has learned well from losing the unlosable election in 2019; they know not to scare the electorate with a detailed policy platform but their shared equity plan gives a worrying insight into the hard Left values of modern Labor.
Does that qualify as good or bad, JC?
I.E. A good investment? Or avoid?
Sancho, I guess I was just intent on highlighting his charming descriptor for me.
Something has gone seriously wrong with his head, I think, to be so disgusting to a woman.
It is these times. No-one is totally sane, and it’s even worse in Britain.
On Ukraine, I just sympathise with the human side of it, and mostly keep quiet.
On matters Covid and Climate, well, it’s difficult at Hairy’s brother’s place with The Times and BBC around all the time. Hairy made a valiant effort to get his bro to change perspectives on the basis of known facts, and he finally did manage to persuade him that it was generally accepted that the virus was manipulated in a lab. For a while bro was holding the fort that no, that was all right-wing nonsense. He had to admit defeat to Hairy’s major barrage, especially when he was invited to check it on the internet even with his favoured own suppliers of information and found Hairy was right. Hairy crowing at him about you didn’t get any of that information from your usual sources did you?
Checkmate and he conceded defeat. Just on that matter though. CO2 is still killing us slowly and Covid will resurge to do so too. That’s the British way these days. I pour on peacemaking oils, because this is family and resentments are not good.
Sorry, blockquote fail there, RickW had added more to my original comment re the friend who is supplying Ukrainian fighters.
Anyway, I don’t pick sides in this war.
Speedbox in a main thread above provides an interesting Russian perspective.
I Wonder Why Hundreds of CDC Employees Aren’t Vaxxed
For the past two years now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has aggressively lectured us about wearing masks, social distancing, vaccination, and even boosters.
We’re told repeatedly that “the science” says masks work, that the virus can’t travel more than six feet or while you’re eating food, that the vaccines are completely safe, etc.
As of right now, they’re recommending boosters every few months until the end of the world.
But while the CDC officially recommends all of us to get jabbed for eternity, as of April 12, there are nearly 400 employees at the CDC who have refused to get vaccinated. According to a report from the Epoch Times, 382 workers at the CDC are unvaccinated. Another nine have only had one dose of Pfizer or Moderna, meaning they’re technically not “fully vaccinated.” These unvaxxed employees account for 3.2% of the CDC’s workforce.
Okay, one could argue that a 96.8% vaccination rate is pretty darn high—and sure it is—but this is the CDC we’re talking about here. These people are (in theory) experts in the field and have access to more information than most … so why doesn’t the CDC have 100% vaccination?
Curious, isn’t it?
John Spooner.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Steve Bright.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Bob Gorrell.
Tom Stiglich #2.
Al Goodwyn #2.
Ben Garrison.
Nothing wrong with my head Lizzie.
Having female genitalia does not prevent others losing respect for you ….. due to your own actions.
Everyone is due respect until they are proven to be unworthy of it.
And you know I used to show you respect.
I haven’t changed Lizzie.
My stance on this and my understanding of civic responsibility and duty to your fellow man have not changed.
So what’s changed Lizzie?
I’ve been watching the Space Station for the last few days – it visibly passes over here (Canberra region) for an hour or two before sunrise. It’s unmistakeable, a very bright, kind of log-shaped thing in the roughly north-eastern sky.
A couple of mornings ago I thought I was seeing double because there were two bright things close together. However, nothing else was being seen in duplicate so I went to the website. Nada.
I just went out and there it is again, two distinct objects, very bright, only further apart. So much so that it couldn’t be a blackout in the middle. Back to the website.
Whatever it is, since millions of people can see it just by looking up, secrecy is a bit pointless.
While I am here, I noted the discussion about flies and dung beetles yesterday. If you see footage of politicians being interviewed in front of OPH, or journalists pontificating there, during the 1960s and early 70s they are constantly being assailed by bushflies. It was a bad look, but it is understandable that having flies crawl into your eyes and up your nose required some sort of swatting/brushing reaction every few seconds.
Not a problem anywhere in the Parliamentary Triangle these days.
The CSIRO claimed credit for getting rid of them via the dung beetle program. I daresay it helped, but suspect that the ever-widening spread of suburbia and the decrease of livestock numbers in surrounding areas had a lot to do with it.
The surrounding areas of Canberra/Queanbeyan are now mostly hobby farms. Lots of smallholdings with a few Highland cattle or llamas or alpacas or rare breed sheep or free-range (insert creature here) – you get the idea – and many with just a few chooks and a pony for the kids, or no farm animals at all.
Not dissing the dung beetles, but there is a lot less dung anywhere near Parliament House these days. Of that kind, anyway.
While we’re on the subj. I would like to address the myth (IMO) that Canberra is the ruination of a good sheep farm. Having lived through two droughts in 25-odd years around here, my view is that while it is possible to raise sheep here in good years, it is impossible in bad ones, and bad ones are not rare, and come in succession.
Sheep farm? Yes. Good sheep farm? No.
Nevertheless, we have had day after day of magnificent Autumn weather – bright blue sunny skies, little or no breeze, and the trees colouring up. Almost reached zero the other night, won’t be long before the first frost.
Youse weaklings who need the ambient temperature to warm up your blood (looking at you, KD) need to be reminded by us descendants of the Norsemen that the history of civilisation does not favour those who loaf about the Equator chewing on mangoes, slurping coconut juice and hoping that a tropical storm will wash up some rum from a shipwreck. 🙂
Do some reading of early exploration and you’ll find descriptions of bush flies and natives long before a hoofed beast ever arrived here.
Seen that too the other night, johanna,
Thought is it a refection?
Bacon and eggs thanks Johanna.
On toast.
Mushrooms too if you have them.
INSTANT coffee..Nescafe gold…white and none.
Get to it.
Don’t remember flies being a problem in Canberra when I lived there.
Instead of just building a property portfolio, Mike Cannon-Brookes is agitating for coal to exit the scene asap.
Someone should point out to him that when the blackouts come, IT will be useless. And, someone should inform the general public that all their solar power systems that are grid connected will shut down as soon as there is a blackout. It’s a safety measure to protect power workers.
Just catching up on the ‘news’ and find an item about how ScoMo is supposed to have been served raw chicken at some ethnic do (no prizes for guessing the source.) There was a photo of a chicken dish where the meat had not been browned, but was boiled or poached. It was unquestionably cooked, as the PM said.
Leaving aside the lack of integrity by the ‘reporter’ – why on Earth would an ethnic group try to poison the PM with – drum roll – undercooked chicken?
Absurd and desperate.
‘Sh*t JUST got real’: Elon Musk swings back at ‘lovely people’ at MSNBC in a big way for calling all Republicans ‘Nazis’ and OH HELL YEAH
Left media just can’t help themselves. The NYT is going full retard by doing two 9000 word hit pieces on Tucker Carlson.
He’s the most-watched cable news commentator in the USA because he does a brilliant job of skewering the mad left and their destructive policies. He does it with a nice, measured delivery and dashes of humour.
Powerline has the story.
You’re kidding. It’s the start of The Dry, and it’s freezing up here.
24.5 degrees at present. Almost beanie time.
Best wishes for Mrs ZK2A. Tough times but the alternative doesn’t bare thinking about.
ABC News radio this morning had an item on Eid!
The announcer explained that Eid is the festive event marking the end of Ramadan, where muslims fast “from dusk to dawn”.
I look forward to their explanation of Yom Kippur being all about a war.
Not that the ABC is keen to publicise j-wish (pardon my tentative approch to a word banned at Old Cat site) religious days.
Amazon slaves….I mean workers on Staten Island vote no to unionise.
Seriously, if Bezos wasn’t such a huge donor to the DNC the DOJ would be all over his union busting.
Just like when Obama set the DOJ loose on companies that were moving to right to work states.
US 10 year hit 3%, now a tad under it.
From The Oz. I like Aussie Cossack, he’s a shit stirrer, and now he’s a “Putin Pest”. LOL. But interesting how a so called major newspaper uses a description “Putin Pest” to describe someone.
A few salient points. Fiona Martin is the lightweight Liberal member for Reid (which encompasses the inner west of Sydney and as far west as Auburn (near Parramatta). Martin won the seat by a tiny margin (a few votes) back in 2019. She’s one of the “moderates” who crossed the floor earlier this year. Apparently “trans rights” are more important to her than “religious freedom”. She’s gonski, such is the level of her in the electorate towards her (my sister lives in the electorate. The electorate of Reid is not like the electorates of Wentworth, Warringah and North Sydney. It has a strong religious element and high pockets of ethnic groups, Chinese, Koreans, Lebanese (both Muslim and Christian) and so on. Martin is not liked in the electorate.
She’s a this from the Oz. Natalie Baini is now an independent running for Reid (she’s not one of Simon’s babes).
“Putin ‘pest’ Simeon Boikov
A close ally and personal friend of Reid independent candidate Natalie Baini is a founding member of a Facebook page spreading misinformation about incumbent MP Fiona Martin.
The Concord News and Gossip page has repeatedly posted videos made by pro-Putin pest Simeon Boikov – known as the “Aussie Cossack” – who is campaigning against Ms Martin in the inner-west Sydney seat.
Strathfield women’s Liberal branch president Liana Allan, who also uses the surname Ross, declined to clarify her involvement with the page but managed it when it was established in 2012.
Under a post about an Anzac Day ceremony at the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway in Concord West, group members talked about how Ms Martin was late to the event, forgot her wreath and walked across the stage during a prayer. Concord News and Gossip said: “Fiona was seen walking up to men in uniform asking them if they would stand in a photo with her.”
This prompted another user to remark “shameless”.
It is understood the staffer tasked with organising Ms Martin’s wreath contracted Covid and the venue organised a replacement for the MP. Her office denied she was late to the ceremony.
In a post sharing a story where Ms Martin criticised Labor senator Kristina Keneally for running in the electorate of Fowler, the page said it was a case of “Pot. Kettle. Black given that Fiona wasn’t a local in her area either”.
The fight for Reid is becoming increasingly toxic and Ms Baini’s supporters believe she has been betrayed by both the party and former member Craig Laundy. Ms Baini’s supporters view Ms Martin – a Scott Morrison captain’s pick – as an interloper and a fake.
Ms Baini, a former vice-president of the Liberals’ Reid branch, has claimed Mr Laundy blocked her preselection after she ended a two-year affair with him on learning he remained with wife Suzie. Mr Laundy bankrolled and Ms Baini worked on Ms Martin’s campaign in the 2019 election.
Underneath one Aussie Cossack video on Concord News and Gossip, one member said the Facebook page clearly didn’t like the Liberals. “Since when is Concord News and Gossip a place for political campaigning.”
Ms Allan, who is not campaigning for Ms Martin due to her friendship with Ms Baini, has also tweeted at least three times the invitation Mr Boikov relied upon when he gatecrashed the incumbent Liberal MP’s campaign launch at the Drummoyne Sailing Club on April 20. A Liberal Party spokesman confirmed Mr Boikov was not invited to the event launch, attended by Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, by either the party or Ms Martin.
“Mr Boikov was not invited by the party or the member for Reid to the campaign event,” he said.
It is believed a local party member shared the event link with Mr Boikov, allowing him to automatically generate an invitation.
Mr Boikov has been encouraging his more than 155,000 followers to vote for Ms Baini instead of Ms Martin and claimed he is running a “counter campaign” in the Reid by-election.
He said he had never met and did not have any dealings with Ms Baini, did not know Ms Allan, and only wanted to question Ms Martin.
“Nothing should be interpreted as a threat or any sort of violence or intimidation against any candidate on my behalf,” he said.
He said he would share how he obtained the launch invitation during his court case against NSW Police for false arrest.
Mr Boikov said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was more of a “liberation” to “de-Nazify and demilitarise” that had evolved into a humanitarian catastrophe.
Ms Baini and Ms Allan did not return a request for comment.
On the St Kevins non event, the lefties are pissed coz the boys aren’t deviants, just normal. I was 12, my cousins friend was a student teacher, she was hot. First time I realised this is what girls turn into, at least some of them do.
File under durrrrrrrr….
From the WSJ.
Grindr User Data Has Been for Sale for Years
Millions of Grindr users had their location data collected from the gay-dating app and sold for years, people familiar with the matter say.
From Bespoke’s link.
Elon, you heavyweight champ.
It’s just possible Johanna that you’ve seen this happening live.
Russia Releases New Video Of Detachment From ISS, Blames The West For Aggravating Ties (7 Mar)
That was the threat a month ago. I wonder if the Poot has now told them to do it? I’m not seeing it in the news though.
That petulant and not so bright chap made himself a multi-billionaire by selling electric cars to hypocritical fantasists, and now a) runs a better space program than NASA, and b) just bought a closed-shop propaganda machine from the same people he squeezed for Tesla cash.
Define ‘not-so-bright’.
Worst bodyguard ever (the Hun):
Believe all women. Also, check your bodyguard’s CV before you sign him up.
I’d comment but
A bit more on the space station, from today:
Russia will reportedly ditch the International Space Station (2 May)
The other thing is they announced they would work with China on such things:
Snubbed by West, Russia to work with China on manned space missions (26 Apr)
China already has a space station in orbit. I wonder if the segment connections are compatible? That would be a neat trick: sail the Russian segment from the ISS over to the Chinese space station and connect it up.
The not so bright billionaire is a brilliant narrative isn’t it?
“Elon Musk
NBC basically saying Republicans are Nazis …
Elon Musk
Same org that covered up Hunter Biden laptop story, had Harvey Weinstein story early & killed it & built Matt Lauer his rape office. Lovely people.”
A Trumpian response. This is what you do with lying progressive hypocrites, you throw it back at them.
Australia News
Federal Election
Former Labor secretary Cameron Milner says a ‘rat in the rank’ spoiled Anthony Albanese’s campaign launch
Former Queensland Labor secretary Cameron Milner believes a “rat in the rank” tipped the Coalition off about Labor’s PBS pledge allowing them to make the announcement first.
how to get $250 from Dan Andrews oops taxpayers
ABC cries out on behalf of Australians caught up in Shanghai lockdown. As expected it’s all scomo’s fault. We want more repatriation flights!
Heart attacks don’t wait for you to turn 52, they can strike at any age, at any time
I favour the James Bond circa 1956 breakfast – bacon, eggs, toast, coffee and orange juice.
I’ve ordered it it many hotels without a flicker of recognition, I suppose that the Machine would crunch down on any joint that offered a ‘Bond Breakfast.’
Can’t say that any of them have been very good, generally passable to abysmal. Cold eggs, slimy undercooked bacon, orange cordial.
When I was staying at a hotel in Parramatta a few years ago, I went to the Maccas down the road for one of their bacon and egg thingies rather than face the rubber ‘scrambled’ eggs and cold plywood ‘toast’ on offer for breakfast downstairs. It was not a cheap hotel, either. Not at all.
That was before the council completely messed up the town and you could get bacon and eggs and a Bloody Mary for a late breakfast in the restaurant precinct. Very civilised.
Alas, since closing off one part of the town had turned it into a boarded-up wasteland inhabited by drug dealers and muggers, the council decided that this just proved that cars are evil. So they proceeded to devastate more of what was all the things they claim to support – a people friendly strip of restaurants and shops and bars and cafes with outdoor seating. It was humming, everyone was happy.
This could not be tolerated, so now it has been closed off to cars, and there are plans for a tram at humungous expense. Combined with COVID nonsense, this formerly enjoyable and thriving piece of Sydney is now almost dead. Pity the poor buggers who worked and put their savings into it.
Seriously, ten years ago you could wander along a couple of blocks and get six different cuisines including Assryian and Hmong, with outdoor seating, and you could smoke.
Oh, well.
Forget the Ghost of Kyyv.
The best fighter pilot with the best plane at the time was named DICK BONG – and he actually existed.
Maybe Cock Spliff wasn’t such a stupid name for my son – the ex wife ex GAA pro field hockey player, Miss Ireland, flautist, equestrian and PhD in mathematics ought to know that, after she split with the kid and Our Maserati.
“40 fit, smart and young Asian men were smoked by Dick Bong…”
Brilliant, swap in a croissant and add in a proper hot chocolate with a cigarillo, Monsieur Bond ala Riviera Francaise.
Amusing name, but his 40 kills were shaded by the WW2 Luftwaffe, which produced over 100 aces with 100 victories, and more than a dozen with over 200. Many survived the war, having flow more or less continuously in combat for years.
Seriously, ten years ago you could wander along a couple of blocks and get six different cuisines including Assryian and Hmong, with outdoor seating, and you could smoke.
have to agree a pleasant stroll down from the station to Wanderland/Parradise to games has has been turned into a drudge of “for sale/lease” signage/boarded up businesses and detouring around the, ever movin, construction barriers .. and when it is all finished no one will care cos most of the businesses will be long gone ..
Peter Wynn’s Score once a, must visit, shrine to fitba/footie fanatics on game days and always packed is now struggling for customers and opening on, severely, reduced hours ………
In Polltime for Allegra and Za-aleee news:
Guardian Essential poll: Labor maintains lead as major parties struggle to reach disengaged voters
So, a very similar result to the Newspoll and Resolve polls:
• a big chunk of the voteherd loathes the Uniparty and all who sail on her;
• nobody cares much for the minors;
• indies are in for a good showing;
• Labor’s campaign toppled off the launch pad;
• the question is, which Bradbury?
Small mercies: At least this poll isn’t showing 15% for the Greens.
* the calculated 2PP+ excludes the ‘undecided’ picked up in the poll.
This article explains that diesel will be expensive and in short supply for a long time, just wondering if you think he’s right.
Bill Gates Wants Global Surveillance Pact with W.H.O. to Forestall ‘Even More Fatal’ Coronavirus Variants (2 May)
Also Gates:
Bill Gates: ‘Huge Mistake’ to Meet With Jeffrey Epstein (2 May)
Multiple times eh? How interesting. Bill is increasingly sounding like exactly the sort of person who I would not like as a health nazi enforcing looney ideas from WHO on all of us.
cloud farms have ample backup generators
BoN, sailing the Russian Space Station modules over to the Chinese one has a major problem. Orbital inclination differs by 10 degrees or so. You need to find over 1 km/sec of Delta V. That would require a substantial rocket stage.
So, best case, either:
• A user;
• Sucked right in;
• Unbearably stupid;
• Young and naïve beyond his years.
performing teals ring master crying poor
Nigel Farage boaties doing what boaties do
Who are you?
I need to knoooow!
What time do we crack the first Dark ‘n Stormy today?
don’t worry taxpayers Federal Labor will be fiscally responsible, Elbow told me so, just yesterday.
They don’t sound much like independents based on Simon’s description. The sound more like a Holmes a Court Climate Party. Could it be they’re lying about their independent status? Perish the thought!
Lefties of course would never lie about anything, especially not rich ones.
Sometime before 5.11 am?
The AEC will be right onto it.
Is COVID vaccination associated with an increase in cardiac arrest 911 calls? There have been anecdotal reports in the media with athletes having cardiac arrests at sporting events but is there a connection? I discuss, without opinion, a peer-reviewed study in one of our premier medical journals, the journal Nature. It reviews the entire country of Israel’s experience with phone calls to emergency medical services. They looked at cardiac arrest phone calls as well as acute coronary syndrome (ACS) phone calls and the on scene paramedic assessment. They compared the frequency of these phone calls to COVID vaccination and COVID infection. In people over the age of 40 there was no association. But what about the younger age group 16-39? I review what the study found.
Please note again that this is peer-reviewed with the data being critically appraised and vetted before publication in the journal Nature. ASSOCIATIONS DO NOT IMPLY CAUSALITY.
Which worked so well in Sri Lanka recently:
“Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste” – Biden Official Says Fertilizer Shortage Will Spark Green Farming Transition (3 May)
Sri Lanka must’ve done it wrong. People just keep doing socialism the incorrect way. But Ms Power knows how to do it right!
Sri Lankan government going from strength to strength
Sri Lanka hikes price of medicines 40% amid economic crisis
Creating a great opportunity for Australian entrepreneurs though.
Hang about…the story I saw had the PM serving raw chicken up to his family.
timing is everything at the ABC
“As a result, we’re working with countries to think about natural solutions like manure and compost, and this may hasten transitions that would have been in the interest of farmers to make eventually, anyway. So, never let a crisis go to waste,” Power said.
There’s certainly no shortage of bullshit coming out of Washington.
I think numbers got a mention in the raw chicken story
Perhaps you’re not in the best position to judge.
I truly believe progressives do not know what the word ‘Nazi’ denotes, or even connotes. That they should be ignorant of history is no surprise. In fact they have striven to dissolve history in a bucket of epistemological solvent – class and gender privileged perspectives, there is no truth, only ‘truths’ (is that true?), everything is subjective, etc. And why not? The history of the left is disastrous: The eloquent inept duping a people and then rending them to pieces when it turns out eloquence is not enough.
They will know the name Hitler. They may know that of Goebbels. Perhaps also Eva Brown, and Adolf Walkmann who was involved with the horoscope or something. Maybe even the Red Baron and the Bits of London.
They won’t really know what they did. They are just abuse words. They are flags. They are decals to be attached to current political or social foes to signify they should be hated without the bother of working out why.
If they had the least introspection and knowledge they would at least speak in a slightly halting manner as they denounce people as Nazis for wanting to protect freedoms while they themselves want to empower the state to persecute its enemies.
Here is another German they might as well be ignorant of who has something to tell us censorship and controlling what can be said and thought:
I did not know Morrison was in the habit of sharing his culinary delights on social media.
He’s such a chump.
At least they know Australians volunteered in World War One to defeat Hitler and Nazism.
If you stopped people sharing photos of what they’re currently eating the entire internet would shrink noticeably.
‘Do some boxercise’: Bill Shorten’s on-air clash with Nine News journalist
Sulky retort serves to remind the electorate of his cup size by accident. Fine specimen.
“The more I hear about this Hitler fellow the less I like him”.
Norm Macdonald
If they could just get a picture of him biting into an onion they will have him!
Zulu. Just catching up. Very best wishes to Mrs Zulu and to yourself.
If anyone to boxercise, vat is sumfink Albo can tell vem about.
‘Cos he fights Tories. Vats what he does.
Seriously though – what sort of turd calls anyone in Australia ‘Tory’. Not even Pirate Pete would do that, and his histories are stuffed full of such caricatures as foils to his larrikan Aussie heroes.
You have to wonder…if Sri Lanka’s best and brightest hadn’t left the country – beginning with the Eurasians in the ’60s after the government took a decidedly socialist turn – would they be in this position now?
Someone who’s spent too much time with Jeremy Corbyn.
Once they’ve got rid of their climate destroying cattle.
ALPBC has again mistaken itself as at media arm of defunded climate loons Flim Flannery and the Climate Council.
SBS reporting the news
A day after Labor leader Anthony Albanese accused him of neglecting older Australians, Prime Minister Scott Morrison is set to announce an increase in the singles income test threshold from $57,761 to around $90,000 from 1 July this year to broaden access to the concession card.
It always makes me think of Rik from The Young Ones, whose political observations rarely went much further than blaming ‘Fatcher’.
Rik also had rhotacism – another quirk of pronunciation I subconsciously associate with Albo.
ndis story
From the Oz. Are we meant to believe that Albo has reinvented himself??????
Dick Bong wasn’t Werner Molders, but he flew a P-38.
If I was a Jap and knew who he was, I would bug out like the Communist Libyan F5 Tiger pilots in Men’s Beach Volleyball Fighter School, The Anime.
When you’ve lost Mavis …
Werner Mölders was no Hans-Joachim Marseille.
Unlike most of the kraut top scorers, HJM didn’t go seal clubbing in the east.
The last time the media and the “Independents” gave us a hard Left PM didn’t end well.
Dick Bong, Werner Mölders, Hans-Joachim Marseille.
Likely collection of namelike words that actually turn out to be true.
Likely collection of namelike words that actually turn out to be true.
Starting some kind of WWII fighter pilot brawl and here I am at work….
Many such cases.
Saburo Sakai tenno banzai!
If I was a Jap and knew who he was, I would bug out like the Communist Libyan F5 Tiger pilots in Men’s Beach Volleyball Fighter School, The Anime.
The thing about Dick was that he understood the P-38’s strengths and weaknesses.
Bong once attacked a flight of 7 zero’s by himself after having become separated from his wingman.
Dived in head on and smoked the flight leader. Started a turn to make another pass, dropped in behind one of the other zeros and smoked him. Then broke contact by diving straight away, lest the zeros start getting organised and draw him into a turning fight.
ELON MUSK: A Lost Boy in Post-Christian Neverland
Hans-Joachim Marseille was no Anakin Skywalker.
I don’t have a reference, but I’ve read an account of a USN carrier pilot, who set a record by shooting down five Zeros in one mission. That record lasted forty five minutes, before some spoilsport landed, having shot down seven Zeros..
The ‘Independents’ are financed by a billionaire, have a uniform policy re climate change, and probably every other liberal issue, have adopted as their brand, teal, and they’re only targeting Liberal inner suburban seats. And I see the Guardian gaslighting for them with a fact-check article. Just wow.
In Germany, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the press with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. PM Modi told reporters that there won’t be any winners in Ukraine war and everyone will lose. Palki Sharma Upadhyay tells you more.
The Privilege Party.
Blast from the past: Slow Bern aka Bernie Fraser on ALPBC radio Perth.
Teal is this season’s in colour for Karens.
I’m not sure Simon’s Girls are fooling anyone. Whether it makes any difference is a separate question.