One of the world’s most prominent transgender activists, Carlos Hernandez, who’s lobbied governments on self ID, been showcased in the New York Times, spoken at universities and run a political group, has been charged with 16 counts of child sexual abuse
Thanks Tom. A generous collection today, though not of the highest quality.
Ramirez and the poms look to have bought the propaganda. It wouldn’t be fair to call it Putin derangement syndrome, because Putin really is a nasty piece of work. But whether he’s nastier than those running Joe Biden is not so clear.
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 6:07 am
Thanks for the ‘toons, Tom. I skip over David Rowe every morning though.
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 6:13 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
Thanks for the ‘toons, Tom. I skip over David Rowe every morning though.
Yeah, I look at them when time permits but have to admit, without being full bottle of the background politics they are a mystery for me most of the time.
Spec the US and Brit ones, D R, I don’t even try to decipher.
May 10, 2022 6:32 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
And Scottish.
Something to enrage everyone.
May 10, 2022 6:32 am
All this talk of a hung parliament.
Save for Penny Wong, all other members in the three major parties do not possess a discernible set of testicles and phallus.
May 10, 2022 6:33 am
Good Garrison today (when is he not).
Great Dilbert today.
May 10, 2022 6:35 am
Ye olde BHP ADR is down about 2 bucks on yesterday’s close.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 6:47 am
So – just so I have this right – the new Dr. Who is a bleck Scottish poof with a Spanish nickname.
FMD. It’s sobering to realise that after all this time, the Daleks were right. The Doctor must die.
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 6:53 am
Going vegetarian, green and learning about sex consent: Revamped Aussie school curriculum is launched – so will they still do maths?
* Australian, Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority unveils changes
* Revamped national school curriculum will be implemented next year
* History, English, maths and physical education underwent massive overhauls
* Sexual consent, vegetarianism and ‘Deep Time’ indigenous history to be taught
* Sexual consent, vegetarianism and ‘Deep Time’ indigenous history to be taught
Really cool and useful stuff guys!
A gal from Iran was the year above me in high school – bit of a babe, too. Did some shared subjects at university with my sister (bio, med sci) – found maths (applied calculus & stats) easy as HSC level calculus is taught at the end of primary.
I have absolutely no idea why we struggle in league tables, maybe we need more money and social justice.
* Sexual consent, vegetarianism and ‘Deep Time’ indigenous history to be taught
I demand neanderthal equity now!
May 10, 2022 7:37 am
Gladys was questioned publicly (as she should have been).
Dan has been questioned in private – twice.
There’s the reason why there shouldn’t be a “federal ICAC” right there.
“One of the world’s most prominent transgender activists, Carlos Hernandez, who’s lobbied governments on self ID, been showcased in the New York Times, spoken at universities and run a political group, has been charged with 16 counts of child sexual abuse”
How unsurprising. Sexual access to children is a core tenet of queer theory.
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 7:41 am
It’s really sad when you see the last Nat with any gumption sell out like this.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce was asked how he plans to protect the coal and iron ore industries as the push for net zero emissions continues.
He addressed a live audience in Tamworth this evening for Paul Murray’s Pub Test, saying people will be given a choice to work in alternate industries or remain in their current job.
“If we set up an alternate industry – whether that’s hydrogen, whether that’s something else – then you can make a choice and say, ‘I can stay in this job in the coal industry or I can choose, if I wish to, to go to another job’ – on the same pay and same conditions,” he said.
Hydrogen is even stupider than stupid batteries, and any coal wukka who makes the mistake of going into that industry will be out on the street in a year or three. Same as the Flannery’s hot rocks workers and the wave energy workers doing those failed Rube Goldberg devices off Pt Kembla and in Port Phillip Bay.
Our pollies should be given a choice of exile locations: Yemen vs Macquarie Island.
Farmer Gez
May 10, 2022 7:41 am
MAFS Analysis as a Year 12 subject
Wouldn’t be allowed. Ze feminists would find the analysis of the female behaviour and psyche too triggering.
May 10, 2022 7:46 am
The State of Affairs according to two of my grand children , grand son is finding the girls drink too much and become aggressive and are sexually predatory . Grand daughter on the other hand thinks human sexuality can be controlled by written consent forms .
So visualise this both hot to trot but Wait first sign the form and then put on the condom . Passion like ? No wonder so many young men a suffering from ED.
May 10, 2022 7:49 am
It turns out the column that Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard over wasn’t written by her.
It was a collaboration between the Washington Post & ACLU.
The Federalist has the story.
“Gladys was questioned publicly (as she should have been).
Dan has been questioned in private – twice.
There’s the reason why there shouldn’t be a “federal ICAC” right there.”
Indeed. The only reason the left want a federal ICAC is so that they can use it as a weapon against right of centre politicians. The left love how NSW ICAC has only gone after Liberal and National politicians.
I’ll say it again and again and again, for sixteen years here in NSW, ICAC sat idly and quietly by and did nothing during one of the most incompetent and corrupt political eras in the state’s history, which was the premierships of Carr, Iemma, Rees and the Skank. Eddie Obeid, Joe Tripodi and others were running amok and having a great old time. But ICAC did nothing….and yet in 2011, upon the election of a Liberal government, ICAC found its oxygen tank again….and two year later O’Farrell was forced to resign over a bottle of wine.
Anyone who thinks a federal ICAC won’t be a tool used by the left to bludgeon those on the right is a fool.
Anchor What
May 10, 2022 8:01 am
Cassie is correct, as usual. The left are the zombie left and work implacably despite setbacks over whatever timeline it takes.
Here’s another story that might help explain why in the face of a disastrous half term round of elections, the current administration in the US is not looking too concerned. They continue to cook up controversies and emergencies. The electoral shenanigans are mostly still in place, and in Wisconsin a whole raft of voter records just disappeared due to a “technical glitch”.
But even more worrying, something that supposedly got its genesis in the first year of the Obama presidency: the admin wants and has put in place the ways and means of raising a civilian military style armed force.
I’d surmise that things will get ugly later this year. Apart from the cooked up emergencies, the continuing vision of Trump’s popularity will goad them into trying to put him away for good.
The ingredients of an armed civil war are in place.
I’m amazed they haven’t introduced MAFS Analysis as a Year 12 subject yet.
The year 8’s at St Kevins have already sorted it out Knuckles. Loser blokes trying to get a root, loser skanks splashing it around trying to get noticed and a bunch of losers watching it. No wonder this country is stuffed.
May 10, 2022 8:11 am
Fester you dickhead, you and your buddy have made a complete abortion on the subject of battery technology . Stop talking about this stuff. And by the way I’m not the only person who says this. STFU.
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
Thing is it is all so obvious that they are playing tick-a-box.
They have taken to this new argument that people can only relate to a character like them – and the only criterion are race and sexual orientation, and these are becoming increasingly bizarre renditions.
If you have a black gay character it will not appeal to blacks and gays (according to this theory) but only black gays. For straight blacks the homosexuality will alienate them and for white homosexuals the black thing will be a barrier to connection -remembering that the claim is that sexual orientation and race are supposed to be important and self-defining characteristics (otherwise the whole theory falls flat).
Any child who liked Charlottes Web, or the movie Babe? What about people who enjoyed Tolkien – the Hobbits were fair skinned but different in other ways. Can short people admire tall characters? Poor people rich characters (or vice versa – was it only cockneys who watched Eastenders)?
And all of this is without even going into personality traits.
It just makes you shake your head to see people who are so stupid strutting about convinced of their own superiority. I don’t care if people are not too bright but when they think they are brilliant and keep pointing at me to tell me to shut up because I am too stupid – and there is nothing you can say to prove to them that they are not that clever because they arrive at it through ego rather than proof, then there is nothing to do except watch themselves flail about increasingly desperately with their limbs tangling up while they try to keep their ego above water.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 8:26 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
It’s like winning the luvvie lottery of life.
May 10, 2022 8:28 am
Min @7.46:
Wow – that is interesting ! My grandson(19) & granddaughter (16) report exactly the same thing. Girls are all over him ( although he IS pretty cute!), & granddaughter complains about sexism amongst the boys!
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 8:31 am
How unsurprising. Sexual access to children is a core tenet of queer theory.
Omicron basically is the common cold. And this report also demonstrates why unvaccinated people tend not to get it: they’ve had common cold coronavirus infections in the past which protect against Covid, same as Covid protects against the common cold.
Except that when you strip out the T-cells which were primed by previous coronavirus infections, because the vaccine kills them, then you are vulnerable to both Omicron and the common cold once the antibodies have decayed. Which is why the number of Americans who’ve had Covid so far is similar to the number who have been vaccinated.
Mother Lode
May 10, 2022 8:40 am
Destroy men and masculine institutions, solve an artificial problem with Marxism.
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 10, 2022 at 6:47 am
So – just so I have this right – the new Dr. Who is a bleck Scottish poof with a Spanish nickname.
FMD. It’s sobering to realise that after all this time, the Daleks were right. The Doctor must die.
Bring back David Tennant! And Billie Piper and Kylie Minogue.
I just thought he was one of the best Drs there has been. I caught an episode with him on and watched the rest of his stint. Not interested in diversity hires.
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 8:47 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
Sounds eminently qualified to be the Director of the CIA. From Surber’s Highlights of the News today:
The Aspen Beat reported, “Biden’s nominee for Director of the CIA is an autistic, black, transsexual, cocaine addict.”
Unfortunately it looks like the job has already been given to an eminently qualified creature, so maybe Mr/Mz/Mx Coates could become the Director of the FBI instead.
Mother Lode
May 10, 2022 8:48 am
“One of the world’s most prominent transgender activists, Carlos Hernandez, who’s lobbied governments on self ID, been showcased in the New York Times, spoken at universities and run a political group, has been charged with 16 counts of child sexual abuse”
If only they could marry!
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 8:51 am
My prediction re the new Doctor is ratings will collapse even more than when Who became a woman.
If you want another example of “adolescent journalism” and just how discredited journalism now is, last night The Oz uploaded a story by “Remy Varga” (Melbourne based journo) titled “Parramatta Liberal candidate Maria Kovacic a long way from home”.
We all know how Albanese has parachuted in working class (sarcasm alert) spiv Andrew Charlton as the Labor candidate to represent the electorate of Parramatta, despite Charlton never having lived in the electorate and in fact residing in a multi-million dollar mansion in Bellevue Hill, located in the electorate of Wentworth. The distance between North Parramatta (where Charlton is apparently renting now) and Bellevue Hill is about 40 kilometres. Quite a long way….a real outsider.
Anyway, the Oz has a story about the Liberal candidate Maria Kovacic and how…..heaven forbid……golly gosh… God….she’s also an outsider because she lives in West Pennant Hills, which is a suburb slightly to the north of Parramatta. So Maria is, according to the adolescent Oz journalist, an outsider on a par with Andrew Charlton. LOL, you couldn’t make this shit up. I know the areas of Carlingford, Baulkham Hills, North Parramatta, North Rocks, Harris Park Oatlands, West Pennant Hills very well. They are all neighbouring suburbs and are usually in the same state and federal electorates. Maria Kovacic is no outsider, she’s a local.
I wonder, if Maria Kovacic loses on 21 May, whether in a six month’s time she’ll still be living in West Pennant Hills? My hunch is….YES.
I wonder, if Andrew Charlton loses on 21 May, whether in six month’s time he’ll still be living in his rented abode in North Parramatta? My hunch is….NO.
Wally Dali
May 10, 2022 8:59 am
Ranga demographic? That’s one identity group i can sympathise with. Remember, opting blonde or brunette is a preference… taking on a redhead is a fetish.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 9:00 am
And Amy Pond
Mmmmm. Pondy.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 9:02 am
Speaking of rangas – Grey, just now and apropos of MAFS:
and a bunch of losers watching it
Well, that’s the battleground for today sorted.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 9:05 am
Well, that’s the battleground for today sorted.
That and Fat Cloive’s call to put sitting members last, thus ending Craig Kelly’s career.
Anchor What
May 10, 2022 9:12 am
Media pack baying after Morrison and Deves, wanting to tar them as “transphobes”.
Is this where political discussion hits bottom of barrel or is there worse to come?
Liberals are preferencing Labor and vice Versa, in WA and six seats elsewhere, Sancho of the slip lane.
UAP are only putting sitting members Lib Lab members last only in WA and the seats where Liblab are doing it.
You’ve got a problem with that, Ms Liblab?
May 10, 2022 9:17 am
Any still not think that the meja is evil? Always been trash. Now evil trash.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 9:18 am
Is this where political discussion hits bottom of barrel or is there worse to come?
Nearly 2 weeks to go. Big call to make.
May 10, 2022 9:21 am
Media pack baying after Morrison and Deves, wanting to tar them as “transphobes”.
Is this where political discussion hits bottom of barrel or is there worse to come?
Discussion? A discussion will not be entered into.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 9:21 am
Makes you wonder why Fat Cloive would make such a sweeping statement.
May 10, 2022 9:22 am
Yes it sure does Sancho
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 9:23 am
Does Fat Cloive think Craig has got too big for his boots?
Trying to nobble him?
Anyone that votes for the uniparty is a traitor to our nation.
After the last two years, there is no excuse.
There can be no argument for doin so.
So your choice can only be one of the freedom parties.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 9:29 am
I will choose carefully from the candidates presented.
I have no need of a St Ruth HTV card.
“Vote the way I tell you! Anything else is TyRanNy!”
May 10, 2022 9:33 am
“If we set up an alternate industry – whether that’s hydrogen, whether that’s something else – then you can make a choice and say, ‘I can stay in this job in the coal industry or I can choose, if I wish to, to go to another job’ – on the same pay and same conditions,” [Barnaby Joyce] said.
Government setting up industries, eh?
While in the process of destroying another through government intervention.
What could possibly go wrong…
These people are incapable of learning.
May 10, 2022 9:33 am
That and Fat Cloive’s call to put sitting members last, thus ending Craig Kelly’s career.
Why in the hell would Palmer put the leader of his own party last, Sancho? You didn’t think that comment through before you hit “Post Comment” did you?
May 10, 2022 9:39 am
These people are incapable of learning.
And Barnaby Joyce is just a minor moonbeam from the larger lunacy.
It’s no wonder Xi and Putin thought they could unite and roll the West; we’ve never had a stupider and more ineffectual leaderhip.
May 10, 2022 9:45 am
Australia’s “best retail politician” is now repeating Bill Shorten’s lines from the 2019 campaign.
The difference between the LNP & the ALP?
Three years.
May 10, 2022 9:50 am
That and Fat Cloive’s call to put sitting members last, thus ending Craig Kelly’s career.
I have put up a very valid reason for not voting for the uniparty.
Do I need to got through what they have done to us in the last two years?
Here’s a fact.
Anyone who votes for more of that is a traitor.
I will choose carefully from the candidates presented.
I have no need of a St Ruth HTV card.
“Vote the way I tell you! Anything else is TyRanNy!”
Immediately the Liberal party troll tries to twist it to……”if you vote for a freedom party you are doing what struth tells you to do”.
Whereas I haven’t told anyone to do anything.
I just gave my opinion.
Based on the FACTS of the last two years, no sane person could come to any other conclusion that if you vated for these UNiparties, you must be a traitor.
And then ask yourself why anyone would oppose my conclusion.
One day a few more of you might actually wake up to the actual scum that Lying Sancho of the slip lane is.
As a liberal party troll he knows his party is so on the nose he can’t quite come out and support them, he can only rubbish the competition.
And, as I told you all from the very start, they haven’t sent their best to this blog.
Sancho gets excited and fucks up all the time.
Now, putting the UNiparty last on how to vote cards is putting Kelly out on his arse?!?
The total illogical emotional crap from this cock smoker knows no bounds.
Yes he’s a “piece of work” devoid of integrity.
But he’s also not very bright.
He’s just here a lot.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 10:00 am
And then ask yourself why anyone would oppose my conclusion.
I’m not sure anyone’s opposing it. In fact, this exact subject has – I believe – most here in furious agreement*.
It’s the suggestion of actual jail and/or execution^ for those who oppose the view of random imported barrel-stuffers that provides comedy value.
*Except for Neil, who pops in to remind everyone to vote Libs because Howard (and Joe Burns).
^Actual jail/execution is funny. If it’s something not really meant but said to ‘shock people into action’, then it’s even funnier.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 10:03 am
Now, putting the UNiparty last on how to vote cards is putting Kelly out on his arse?!?
Ah, but that is not what he said.
He said, “Put the sitting member last”.
Craig Kelly is a sitting member.
If we follow Fat Cloive’s direction, Kelly is gonski.
Farmer Gez
May 10, 2022 10:04 am
and a bunch of losers watching it
Well, that’s the battleground for today sorted.
Educational for the young bucks.
I remember taking a breather from dancing with my girlfriend at a footy club cabaret as a very young bloke. Two uni friends of my sister sat down either side of me and proceeded to check out my pockets for loose change.
I remember this educational experience fondly. God bless those girls.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 10:05 am
sat down either side of me and proceeded to check out my pockets for loose change
That old chestnut.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 10:06 am
May 10, 2022 at 9:33 am
That and Fat Cloive’s call to put sitting members last, thus ending Craig Kelly’s career.
Why in the hell would Palmer put the leader of his own party last, Sancho?
Who knows?
Has Craig been eating all the cold pizza out of the fridge at UAP HQ?
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 10:09 am
What am I thinking?
Would there ever be leftover pizza at UAP HQ?
Must be something else.
Ah, but that is not what he said.
He said, “Put the sitting member last”.
Craig Kelly is a sitting member.
If we follow Fat Cloive’s direction, Kelly is gonski.
No he didn’t, and that’s been explained already.
You are a liar, a political hack trying to muddy the waters and if a basic old tour driver mechanic, truckie type like me, singing Slim Dusty in me blue singlet in open air Queensland pubs can spot yer fer what yer is a mile orf, your minders must be starting to ask questions by now.
I’ll bet you make really good scones.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 10:17 am
No he didn’t
Yes he did. On the telly-o-vision, last night.
Backed up by the banner. It hasn’t been explained at all – ‘papering over’ is not explaining.
Go for the tape. It is what I heard and what I saw. Not necessarily what I wanted to hear, but what I heard. And saw.
I thought it was notable, so I mentioned it. Geez. Talk about defensive.
China, the world’s top greenhouse gas polluter ignores climate pledges as it tops the list in building new coal plants. It continues to lead all countries in the domestic development of new coal plants, commissioning more new coal capacity in 2021 than the rest of the world combined. China has just over half the number of coal plants in the world and relies on them to generate about 60 percent of its electricity.
Due to the Biden administration’s failure in energy leadership, the United States has never looked weaker and vulnerable to China, Russia, and OPEC which are savoring in their growing control of Americas’ energy demands.
Marles says he’s only met with the Chinese ambassador a few times. Maybe next time he does that he could get the plans for one of those hundreds of modern coal fired power plants they are building.
It seems that prayer and free speech are now forbidden by Groundhog Guy and the Victorian Liberals.
“Outspoken Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn, pictured above, has resigned from his role in the Upper House just days after posting controversial anti-abortion comments on social media.
In a letter sent to Liberal MPs on Monday evening, the Member for Western Metropolitan Region announced his resignation as Opposition Whip “effective immediately”.
Mr Finn accused the Liberal Party of disloyalty after members of his own party, including Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, lashed him for his controversial comments.
His resignation comes amid speculation his days at Spring Street could be numbered.
“For the past three and a half years, I have loyally served the Parliamentary Liberal Party as Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council. Sadly, that loyalty has not been returned,” his letter stated.
“For many months, I have been aware of separate moves by the Parliamentary leader and the leader in the Upper House to remove me at this coming round of preselections.
“I thought this part of the ‘game’ and continued on serving the party. Best these things be kept behind closed doors, I thought.
“Then, last Friday, the leader publicly attacked me at a media conference, issuing a threat to boot. This was the last straw – particularly when his bile-filled attack was on a policy stand that he as has long assured me he supports!!
“This latest outrage makes my continued role untenable. Enough!
“I hereby tender my resignation as Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council, effective immediately.”
Mr Finn posted last week posted on Facebook he was “praying” for abortion to “come here soon” and “killing babies is criminal”.
Following a Liberal Party meeting on Tuesday morning, Mr Guy said no decision had been made about Mr Finn’s future in the Party.
Mr Guy would not say if Mr Finn should be booted from the Party, adding his views on Mr Finn’s comments were already known
May 10, 2022 10:45 am
H B Bear says:
May 10, 2022 at 8:26 am Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
For a long time in the world, women’s undergarments served to cinch and boost in radically constrictive ways. Eventually, we (mostly) moved past that.
But now we’re back. Whereas underwear has contemporarily been sold based on claims of comfort, the West’s gender identity revolution brings throwback throbbing — and not just for birthing people.
Right on time for Pride Month (June), Target will be hawking harnesses to hide breasts and another “b” word I probably shouldn’t spell out.
Scrotums and sweater puppies? You’re being kenneled.
Penises and mammaries? You’ll soon be memories.
As reported by Bustle, America’s tenth largest retailer is releasing products by “two queer-owned, female-founded brands” that bind upper-body bumps and pack pelvic protrusions:
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 10:48 am
I think we can safely say that, as far as party-starter topics go, “Cloive Dumps Craig” wins hands down over “MAFs Revisited”.
Anyone for a date scone?
Mr Finn accused the Liberal Party of disloyalty after members of his own party, including Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, lashed him for his controversial comments.
birthing persons demand assassination rights on the unborn!!
16th – 22nd: No Name-Calling Week
27th: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
20th – 26th: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March – Bisexual Health Awareness Month
1st: Zero Discrimination Day
31st: International Transgender Day Of Visibility
6th: International Asexuality Day
8th: Day of Silence
26th – May 2nd: International Lesbian Visibility Week
17th: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
19th: Agender Pride Day
22nd: Harvey Milk Day
24th: Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day
June – Pride Month!
5th: HIV Long-Term Survivor’s Awareness Day
12th: Pulse Remembrance Day
28th: Stonewall Riots Anniversary
6th: Omnisexual Visibility Day
11th -17th: Non-Binary Awareness Week
14th: International Non-Binary Day
16th: International Drag Day
14th: Gay Uncle Day
16th – 22nd: Bisexual Awareness Week
23rd: Bisexual Visibility Day
October – LGBT History Month (USA and Canada)
11th: National Coming Out Day
19th: International Pronoun Day
21st: Spirit Day
24th: Asexual Awareness Week
26th: Intersex Awareness Day
November– Trans Awareness Month
6th: Transgender Parent Day
8th: Intersex Day of Solidarity
13th – 19th: Trans Awareness Week
20th: Transgender Day Of Remembrance
1st: World AIDS Day
8th: Pansexual Pride Day
10th: Human Rights Day
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 10:54 am
Putin will get very desperate before that happens.
His ailment, whatever it is, seems to be getting worse.
Vladimir Putin has fuelled speculation over his health by covering his legs with a blanket at Victory Day celebrations.
The Russian President was seen with a blanket over his lap at a military parade in Moscow today in stark contrast to the strongman image he has tried to project in the past. It comes as questions have been raised over Putin’s health in recent months.
Journalist John Sweeney, who is currently reporting from Ukraine, tweeted: “Vladimir Putin – a blanket on his knees, his cheeks full, a hamster stuffed with steroids – cuts a weak and enfeebled figure as Russian Army rolls past the Kremlin.
From the photo it looks like a blanket, but might be a coat like the general next to him is wearing. But it does look like he’s got it on his knees to prevent tremors from being obvious.
A desperate and dying dictator with nukes is not good thought for a Tuesday morning, nor any morning.
May 10, 2022 10:54 am
A list of “LGBTQIA+ Holidays & Remembrances,” per Seattle Pride:
The love that once dared not speak its name now won’t shut up.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 11:01 am
The closet door has certainly been thrown wide open.
This plaintive article of Naomi Wolf expresses perfectly how I feel as life seemingly “returns to normal” after Covid and the obscenities that authorities inflicted upon the rights of citizens in the last two years.
The feeling of loss, of betrayal, and the subsequent rage that follows….are all stages of the grief I have felt. And she is right….I want justice. While justice and acknowledgement may be some time in the future (if at all) … hell I will be at least inflicting some punishment on this miserable government in this election.
OK …. we will get worse with a Labor government…but just maybe the gods will smile on us and give us a government beholden to the likes of the UAP and One nation. What joy that would bring to our household after experiencing “cancellation” during the Covid autocracy.
May 10, 2022 11:05 am
Re target- looks like the old left was right about big business being evil. It sure isn’t apple pie and baseball.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 11:05 am
Still waiting for an explanation as to why Clive’s own words a) weren’t what he actually said, and/or b) what he actually meant if they were.
The Beer whisperer
May 10, 2022 11:07 am
Is this where political discussion hits bottom of barrel or is there worse to come?
Scraping the bottom of the barrel isn’t as low as they go.
Next starts the licking.
Mother Lode
May 10, 2022 11:11 am
Dover will be sneaking in a new fred at sometime today, I believe.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 11:11 am
“Hey, Where you puckin’ goin, KD, you bin owin me a plagon”
No no no no no. It’s all wrong.
No matter who you are, you have to finish each sentence with ‘ay’ or ‘but’.
Oh wait. Forget I said anything. That particular affectation is only mandatory in Quenthland.
May 10, 2022 at 10:49 am
I think we can safely say that, as far as party-starter topics go, “Cloive Dumps Craig” wins hands down over “MAFs Revisited”.
ok I give up, what the hell is MAFs, is the current thing? I thought thats Ukraine
Agreed what is MAFs – definitely not, I assume, Mission Aviation Fellowship: MAF
Putin will get very desperate before that happens.
Compared with the fixers of the US Democratic Party, Vlad has been the consummate election rigger for 20 years.
He would think nothing of nuking Stockholm or Riga or Tallinn on his way out. He would face no domestic opposition. He’s already jailed the political opposition in Moscow. In the absence of a free press, Russians still communicate in cryptic smoke signals like they did during the Soviet empire.
May 10, 2022 11:22 am
If Putin regards Ukraine is a fake nation you can imagine what he makes of Moldova, another former Soviet republic caught between East & West.
Yesterday, ethnic Russian Moldovans turned out in the capital to celebrate Victory Day…
“Yevgenny, 42, ponytailed and in a Stalin t-shirt, told me he hoped Putin will end the war in Ukraine soon – through total victory. “Moldova cannot live without Russia,” he said. “It has only been independent for 30 of the past 500 years, and already everything has collapsed. We should live closer to our neighbours, and not the West,” he added, as his teenage daughter in a Nirvana t-shirt stood beside him looking bored…
…Moldova’s liberal government may have set their country firmly on the Western path, but a significant proportion of its voters, and of Moldova’s elites, would rather take their chances with Russia. Small, weak and vulnerable, Moldova seems destined to be absorbed by one empire or another: the central challenge facing it is determining which one.”
nuckle Draggersays:
May 10, 2022 at 11:05 am
Still waiting for an explanation as to why Clive’s own words a) weren’t what he actually said, and/or b) what he actually meant if they were.
Coz I said. From the safety of the couch. I know best. I’m a dinkum Aussie Hero. Been on the couch for so long the King Gees are strangling the wedding tackle causing even more shrillness.
Will the voters channel their furor at this regime of lies into an unprecedented turnout at the polls in November?
By Victor Davis Hanson
The bullied people also know the Biden problem has no remedy. The 25th Amendment that Democrats and the Left raised nonstop in efforts to remove Trump—from the Rosenstein-McCabe wear-a-wire embarrassment and former Yale psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee’s congressional tomfoolery to the incessant Montreal Cognitive Assessment demands—won’t apply to Biden.
Either the media will continue to rebrand his incapacity as Ciceronian eloquence or it will privately gloat that Kamala Harris is so off-putting, so uninformed, so unpopular that the people would prefer an amnesiac Biden to a nonimpaired Harris. The truth is, the three doyens of Democratic progressivism—Joe Biden, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—all struggle with cognitive decline and rely heavily upon the media and the Democratic Party’s political attack machine to enjoy asymmetrical exemption. (Though, in Feinstein’s case, her support is wavering.)
Americans feel there is no remedy for this downward spiral until November. To get a sense of their dilemma, imagine a Richard Nixon in 1973 caught lying during Watergate but with Spiro Agnew waiting in the wings without a trace of scandal—except with one difference: the current media is now attacking not the president’s shortcomings, but the president’s critics who point them out.
Even if the Republicans were to win a 60-vote majority in the Senate, they would hesitate to impeach Biden simply because Harris is a more frightening prospect. And some Marquess of Queensberry centrist RINOs would not wish to codify the Democrats’ new standard of impeaching an opposition president the minute he loses the House of Representatives in his first midterm.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 11:31 am
In NT developments:
The Chief Minister, Michael Gunner has finally caved. Resigned in Parliament this morning.
He will not be the first scalp in this cavalcade of incompetence and/or malice.
May 10, 2022 11:33 am
“I want justice.”
Not me – it’s way too difficult, all those ethics and what not.
That’s what I want.
That gets rid of all the crap and lets you get down to individuals and cases, and simple yes/no answers.
Much simpler.
Farmer Gez
May 10, 2022 11:33 am
That’s lifted my spirits KD.
TaliDan next.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 11:35 am
Yevgenny knows what side his bread is not buttered.
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 11:36 am
A list of “LGBTQIA+ Holidays & Remembrances,” per Seattle Pride:
I’m starting the feel like the starship trooper in The Forever War.
He comes back home after many years – made longer by star jumps – to find that to control the population the United Nations, or whatever its become, has made being homosexuality the norm.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 11:37 am
The re-election of another Marcos suggests some nations (all?) aren’t ready for democracy.
Knuckle Dragger
May 10, 2022 11:42 am
That’s lifted my spirits KD.
Gunner sponsored a particular Commissioner of Police over the past couple of years. Sponsored him hard.
Without the Chief Minister’s active and continued support, the ice might be getting a bit thin.
One can only dare to dream.
Farmer Gez
May 10, 2022 11:42 am
I’d say it suggests the Phillipines see China coming and want a strong leader to challenge them.
Top Ender
May 10, 2022 11:43 am
MICHAEL Gunner has announced he is stepping down as the Territory’s Chief Minister, making his final act passing the 2022-23 Budget.
In a teary address Mr Gunner told the NT parliament on Tuesday he would be resigning, with his deputy Nichole Manison taking his place in an acting capacity.
“Handing down this budget is my final act as Treasurer, and my final act as Chief Minister,” Mr Gunner said.
He declared that after the birth of his second son Nash, his “head and my heart are no longer here – they are home”.
“There is never a perfect time to step back, to walk away, to give others a go,” Mr Gunner said.
“But for me, for my family, this feels like the right time.”
Be interesting to see if he’s on the old pension scheme, where you had to rack up 10 years. It was replaced some years ago, but not retrospectively.
Nothing to do with the fact the entire police force is trying to find jobs elsewhere. With the exception of the top cop of course.
H B Bear
May 10, 2022 11:44 am
Gez – let’s hope they’re right.
Bruce of Newcastle
May 10, 2022 11:47 am
Yevgenny, 42, ponytailed and in a Stalin t-shirt, told me he hoped Putin will end the war in Ukraine soon – through total victory. “Moldova cannot live without Russia,” he said.
I don’t think Yevgenny will be happy with this story then!
It’d be a neat way for Moldova to get into the EU without squawking from Frogs and Wogs and whoever.
May 10, 2022 11:51 am
What does it say about the Libs and Labor that most of the people who’d be worth voting for, who’ve actually stood up for their principles, have either resigned or been expelled?
I’d expect Bernie Finn will end up finding a home somewhere other than the Liberal party before the state election. There’s not really any difference between the Vic Liberals and Andrew’s Labor party, just different faces.
The Beer whisperer
May 10, 2022 11:53 am
A list of “LGBTQIA+ Holidays & Remembrances,” per Seattle Pride:
when they think they are brilliant and keep pointing at me to tell me to shut up because I am too stupid – and there is nothing you can say to prove to them that they are not that clever because they arrive at it through ego rather than proof, then there is nothing to do except watch themselves flail about increasingly desperately with their limbs tangling up while they try to keep their ego above water.
But enough about Maolcolm Turdballs.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 12:10 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 10, 2022 at 11:05 am
Still waiting for an explanation as to why Clive’s own words a) weren’t what he actually said, and/or b) what he actually meant if they were.
I know this one!
“Sinclair Davidson went back in and deleted Fat Cloive’s previous posts which explained that he was not including ‘good’ independents or Craig in the put everybody last directive.”
Hope this clears things up.
Sancho Panzer
May 10, 2022 12:31 pm
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 10, 2022 at 11:31 am
In NT developments:
The Chief Minister, Michael Gunner has finally caved. Resigned in Parliament this morning.
He will not be the first scalp in this cavalcade of incompetence and/or malice.
I happened to catch a snippet of 730 last night, on the Lingiari electorate:-
LNP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, and Albo will be more of the same.”
ALP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, but nothing to do with the Feds”.
Farmer Gez
May 10, 2022 1:47 pm
ABC dutifully shows a picture of Gunner holding his baby.
Gunner hopes the Chief Commissioner will be left holding the baby.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 10, 2022 8:55 pm
Pack, pack, pack, pack, gotta go do it. We are leaving in fifteen minutes and things are everywhere!!
Hollywood beckons. Absolute bullshit.
How to respond to this? Fuck you too, Armadillo?
No need to be nasty, just scroll. I rush in here to write something for friends here who have asked me to keep them updated on our travels, adding a line which indicates the hurried nature of my reflections here (never meant to be literary works of any sort). Surely this is something you could get over with a scroll rather than an attempt to bring me down?
Given what I read here of the Australian election (only on Catallaxy, nothing at all in the UK about it) then I am glad to be out of it and might too suspect that small insertions indicating that there is more to life than being miserable about it might be welcome here right now.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 10, 2022 9:23 pm
So, to continue. We side-stepped on our way from Saffron Walden to Colchester to visit something I had vaguely heard about but hardly believed: the Bartlow Mounds, a Romano-British set of seven burial mounds. We enter the village of Bartlow and all is sleepy Spring-day quiet. A few parked cars, and I spot a church entrance down a laneway. No signs to the mounds, nothing to see here etc. This is Hairy’s nightmare. He refused to use the GPS, got us here, and now no mounds to be seen. We will have to ask someone, I say, to his chagrin. But who? They are all off somewhere investigating the murders in which these villages abound, if you believe the TV shows, I jest. Ancient sacred sites often have churches located near them, I suggest. So we head down to the church, and true enough, there is a small path around the side with a worn-out wooden finger-post sign saying ‘to the mounds’.
The long bridle-path is lined with bracken and stinging nettles, so I am glad I am wearing jeans. We emerge to a most unusual sight – three very high constructed conical hills, the highest at fifteen metres and very wide around the base. We climb the steep vertigenous one hundred steps on the one-rack wooden stairway that leads to the top of the biggest mound and view the countryside around, to find that this group of seven mounds (four have been worn down to small hillocks) sits in a typical bronze age central sacred site surrounded by hills. More Ancient Britons than Romano I murmur, even though the grave goods found were Roman ones and a Roman villa stood nearby. This sort of mound was common enough in north-western Europe in Iron Age Roman-tinged areas, such as the Gallo-Roman villa from which the town of my ancestors in Northern France gained its name.
The area has recently come under control of a new County Council due to border changes and it is deserted and overgrown. It was a favoured picnic spot in the C18th, with antiquarian etchings made then showing seven mounds in a cleared area still available online. I am glad to see it like it is though, deserted, unobserved and overgrown, rather as I was glad to see Sutton Hoo in 2006 in the same sort of isolation. Sometime soon its amazing tourist potential will bring it into fashion, and its lonely splendour may be diminished. The villa dated from the early second century and was abandonned, as so many were, around 350AD when the Roman control of Britain was shakey at best.
Sadly, no traces of the Roman villa remain after inept excavations of it in the C19th. We explored the church, which has an interesting historical account of its times. And yes, I wasn’t wrong about the muthering. There was a famous murder in this village. In the 1200’s a Rector was murdered here, viciously knifed by some Lord’s men, who were never brought to account. Another lively incident is recorded in the 1400’s, where a ‘Merry Widow’ got into strife for scandalously refusing to attend church here while living in the village. Her sons rescued her reputation by saying she attended church when she visited them in a neighbouring village. A tale of local outrage long ago at a woman who had a mind of her own. As with everywhere in Britain, there are these little untold stories to be found.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
May 10, 2022 9:34 pm
Another account of the Bartlow Hills; they are more overgrown now and more desolate than ever.
One could almost call it unbelievable.
You’re only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
Not many people know that.
needs more trans-genders
Surprise, surprise.
Hmmm, a weekend open thread still going on Tuesday morning?
John Spooner.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
David Rowe.
Patrick Blower.
Patrick Blower #2.
Christian Adams.
Steve Bright.
Peter Schrank.
Morten Morland.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Bob Gorrell.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Tom Stiglich.
Al Goodwyn #2.
Patrick Cross.
Chip Bok.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks Tom. A generous collection today, though not of the highest quality.
Ramirez and the poms look to have bought the propaganda. It wouldn’t be fair to call it Putin derangement syndrome, because Putin really is a nasty piece of work. But whether he’s nastier than those running Joe Biden is not so clear.
Thanks for the ‘toons, Tom. I skip over David Rowe every morning though.
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
Top Ender says:
May 10, 2022 at 6:07 am
Yeah, I look at them when time permits but have to admit, without being full bottle of the background politics they are a mystery for me most of the time.
Spec the US and Brit ones, D R, I don’t even try to decipher.
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
And Scottish.
Something to enrage everyone.
All this talk of a hung parliament.
Save for Penny Wong, all other members in the three major parties do not possess a discernible set of testicles and phallus.
Good Garrison today (when is he not).
Great Dilbert today.
Ye olde BHP ADR is down about 2 bucks on yesterday’s close.
So – just so I have this right – the new Dr. Who is a bleck Scottish poof with a Spanish nickname.
FMD. It’s sobering to realise that after all this time, the Daleks were right. The Doctor must die.
Going vegetarian, green and learning about sex consent: Revamped Aussie school curriculum is launched – so will they still do maths?
* Australian, Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting Authority unveils changes
* Revamped national school curriculum will be implemented next year
* History, English, maths and physical education underwent massive overhauls
* Sexual consent, vegetarianism and ‘Deep Time’ indigenous history to be taught
Daily Mail
Really cool and useful stuff guys!
A gal from Iran was the year above me in high school – bit of a babe, too. Did some shared subjects at university with my sister (bio, med sci) – found maths (applied calculus & stats) easy as HSC level calculus is taught at the end of primary.
I have absolutely no idea why we struggle in league tables, maybe we need more money and social justice.
Better off learning about Terrence McKenna’s timewave zero.
As tachers get dumber, they drag the content down with them. I’m amazed they haven’t introduced MAFS Analysis as a Year 12 subject yet.
That’s the point of cultural Marxism.
Destroy men and masculine institutions, solve an artificial problem with Marxism.
I demand neanderthal equity now!
Gladys was questioned publicly (as she should have been).
Dan has been questioned in private – twice.
There’s the reason why there shouldn’t be a “federal ICAC” right there.
“One of the world’s most prominent transgender activists, Carlos Hernandez, who’s lobbied governments on self ID, been showcased in the New York Times, spoken at universities and run a political group, has been charged with 16 counts of child sexual abuse”
How unsurprising. Sexual access to children is a core tenet of queer theory.
It’s really sad when you see the last Nat with any gumption sell out like this.
Coal and iron ore industry workers will be given a ‘choice’: Joyce (9 May)
Hydrogen is even stupider than stupid batteries, and any coal wukka who makes the mistake of going into that industry will be out on the street in a year or three. Same as the Flannery’s hot rocks workers and the wave energy workers doing those failed Rube Goldberg devices off Pt Kembla and in Port Phillip Bay.
Our pollies should be given a choice of exile locations: Yemen vs Macquarie Island.
MAFS Analysis as a Year 12 subject
Wouldn’t be allowed. Ze feminists would find the analysis of the female behaviour and psyche too triggering.
The State of Affairs according to two of my grand children , grand son is finding the girls drink too much and become aggressive and are sexually predatory . Grand daughter on the other hand thinks human sexuality can be controlled by written consent forms .
So visualise this both hot to trot but Wait first sign the form and then put on the condom . Passion like ? No wonder so many young men a suffering from ED.
It turns out the column that Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard over wasn’t written by her.
It was a collaboration between the Washington Post & ACLU.
The Federalist has the story.
“Gladys was questioned publicly (as she should have been).
Dan has been questioned in private – twice.
There’s the reason why there shouldn’t be a “federal ICAC” right there.”
Indeed. The only reason the left want a federal ICAC is so that they can use it as a weapon against right of centre politicians. The left love how NSW ICAC has only gone after Liberal and National politicians.
I’ll say it again and again and again, for sixteen years here in NSW, ICAC sat idly and quietly by and did nothing during one of the most incompetent and corrupt political eras in the state’s history, which was the premierships of Carr, Iemma, Rees and the Skank. Eddie Obeid, Joe Tripodi and others were running amok and having a great old time. But ICAC did nothing….and yet in 2011, upon the election of a Liberal government, ICAC found its oxygen tank again….and two year later O’Farrell was forced to resign over a bottle of wine.
Anyone who thinks a federal ICAC won’t be a tool used by the left to bludgeon those on the right is a fool.
Cassie is correct, as usual. The left are the zombie left and work implacably despite setbacks over whatever timeline it takes.
Here’s another story that might help explain why in the face of a disastrous half term round of elections, the current administration in the US is not looking too concerned. They continue to cook up controversies and emergencies. The electoral shenanigans are mostly still in place, and in Wisconsin a whole raft of voter records just disappeared due to a “technical glitch”.
But even more worrying, something that supposedly got its genesis in the first year of the Obama presidency: the admin wants and has put in place the ways and means of raising a civilian military style armed force.
I’d surmise that things will get ugly later this year. Apart from the cooked up emergencies, the continuing vision of Trump’s popularity will goad them into trying to put him away for good.
The ingredients of an armed civil war are in place.
the admin wants and has put in place the ways and means of raising a civilian military style armed force.
The year 8’s at St Kevins have already sorted it out Knuckles. Loser blokes trying to get a root, loser skanks splashing it around trying to get noticed and a bunch of losers watching it. No wonder this country is stuffed.
Fester you dickhead, you and your buddy have made a complete abortion on the subject of battery technology . Stop talking about this stuff. And by the way I’m not the only person who says this. STFU.
Judge. jury and executioner fantasies by judges.
Don’t be a h8r, Cassie.
They’re trying to protect children.
Thing is it is all so obvious that they are playing tick-a-box.
They have taken to this new argument that people can only relate to a character like them – and the only criterion are race and sexual orientation, and these are becoming increasingly bizarre renditions.
If you have a black gay character it will not appeal to blacks and gays (according to this theory) but only black gays. For straight blacks the homosexuality will alienate them and for white homosexuals the black thing will be a barrier to connection -remembering that the claim is that sexual orientation and race are supposed to be important and self-defining characteristics (otherwise the whole theory falls flat).
Any child who liked Charlottes Web, or the movie Babe? What about people who enjoyed Tolkien – the Hobbits were fair skinned but different in other ways. Can short people admire tall characters? Poor people rich characters (or vice versa – was it only cockneys who watched Eastenders)?
And all of this is without even going into personality traits.
It just makes you shake your head to see people who are so stupid strutting about convinced of their own superiority. I don’t care if people are not too bright but when they think they are brilliant and keep pointing at me to tell me to shut up because I am too stupid – and there is nothing you can say to prove to them that they are not that clever because they arrive at it through ego rather than proof, then there is nothing to do except watch themselves flail about increasingly desperately with their limbs tangling up while they try to keep their ego above water.
It’s like winning the luvvie lottery of life.
Min @7.46:
Wow – that is interesting ! My grandson(19) & granddaughter (16) report exactly the same thing. Girls are all over him ( although he IS pretty cute!), & granddaughter complains about sexism amongst the boys!
Don’t tell David Marr.
That or fantasies of being Sir John Deed of the High Court of England and Wales.
Why are we using side-effect prone “vaccines” against the common cold? And forcing people to have them or lose their jobs?
COVID Infection May Help Protect Against the Common Cold (Newsmax, 9 May)
Omicron basically is the common cold. And this report also demonstrates why unvaccinated people tend not to get it: they’ve had common cold coronavirus infections in the past which protect against Covid, same as Covid protects against the common cold.
Except that when you strip out the T-cells which were primed by previous coronavirus infections, because the vaccine kills them, then you are vulnerable to both Omicron and the common cold once the antibodies have decayed. Which is why the number of Americans who’ve had Covid so far is similar to the number who have been vaccinated.
I like this.
Knuckle Draggersays:
May 10, 2022 at 6:47 am
So – just so I have this right – the new Dr. Who is a bleck Scottish poof with a Spanish nickname.
FMD. It’s sobering to realise that after all this time, the Daleks were right. The Doctor must die.
Bring back David Tennant! And Billie Piper and Kylie Minogue.
I just thought he was one of the best Drs there has been. I caught an episode with him on and watched the rest of his stint. Not interested in diversity hires.
Sounds eminently qualified to be the Director of the CIA. From Surber’s Highlights of the News today:
Unfortunately it looks like the job has already been given to an eminently qualified creature, so maybe Mr/Mz/Mx Coates could become the Director of the FBI instead.
If only they could marry!
My prediction re the new Doctor is ratings will collapse even more than when Who became a woman.
Doctor Who ratings plunge after Jodie Whittaker takes over with PC plots (2018)
And Amy Pond (whatever her real name was) for the sadly neglected ranga demographic!
If you want another example of “adolescent journalism” and just how discredited journalism now is, last night The Oz uploaded a story by “Remy Varga” (Melbourne based journo) titled “Parramatta Liberal candidate Maria Kovacic a long way from home”.
We all know how Albanese has parachuted in working class (sarcasm alert) spiv Andrew Charlton as the Labor candidate to represent the electorate of Parramatta, despite Charlton never having lived in the electorate and in fact residing in a multi-million dollar mansion in Bellevue Hill, located in the electorate of Wentworth. The distance between North Parramatta (where Charlton is apparently renting now) and Bellevue Hill is about 40 kilometres. Quite a long way….a real outsider.
Anyway, the Oz has a story about the Liberal candidate Maria Kovacic and how…..heaven forbid……golly gosh… God….she’s also an outsider because she lives in West Pennant Hills, which is a suburb slightly to the north of Parramatta. So Maria is, according to the adolescent Oz journalist, an outsider on a par with Andrew Charlton. LOL, you couldn’t make this shit up. I know the areas of Carlingford, Baulkham Hills, North Parramatta, North Rocks, Harris Park Oatlands, West Pennant Hills very well. They are all neighbouring suburbs and are usually in the same state and federal electorates. Maria Kovacic is no outsider, she’s a local.
I wonder, if Maria Kovacic loses on 21 May, whether in a six month’s time she’ll still be living in West Pennant Hills? My hunch is….YES.
I wonder, if Andrew Charlton loses on 21 May, whether in six month’s time he’ll still be living in his rented abode in North Parramatta? My hunch is….NO.
Ranga demographic? That’s one identity group i can sympathise with. Remember, opting blonde or brunette is a preference… taking on a redhead is a fetish.
Mmmmm. Pondy.
Speaking of rangas – Grey, just now and apropos of MAFS:
Well, that’s the battleground for today sorted.
That and Fat Cloive’s call to put sitting members last, thus ending Craig Kelly’s career.
Media pack baying after Morrison and Deves, wanting to tar them as “transphobes”.
Is this where political discussion hits bottom of barrel or is there worse to come?
Liberals are preferencing Labor and vice Versa, in WA and six seats elsewhere, Sancho of the slip lane.
UAP are only putting sitting members Lib Lab members last only in WA and the seats where Liblab are doing it.
You’ve got a problem with that, Ms Liblab?
Any still not think that the meja is evil? Always been trash. Now evil trash.
Nearly 2 weeks to go. Big call to make.
Discussion? A discussion will not be entered into.
Makes you wonder why Fat Cloive would make such a sweeping statement.
Yes it sure does Sancho
Does Fat Cloive think Craig has got too big for his boots?
Trying to nobble him?
Anyone that votes for the uniparty is a traitor to our nation.
After the last two years, there is no excuse.
There can be no argument for doin so.
So your choice can only be one of the freedom parties.
I will choose carefully from the candidates presented.
I have no need of a St Ruth HTV card.
Government setting up industries, eh?
While in the process of destroying another through government intervention.
What could possibly go wrong…
These people are incapable of learning.
Why in the hell would Palmer put the leader of his own party last, Sancho? You didn’t think that comment through before you hit “Post Comment” did you?
And Barnaby Joyce is just a minor moonbeam from the larger lunacy.
It’s no wonder Xi and Putin thought they could unite and roll the West; we’ve never had a stupider and more ineffectual leaderhip.
Australia’s “best retail politician” is now repeating Bill Shorten’s lines from the 2019 campaign.
The difference between the LNP & the ALP?
Three years.
The uniparty will win.
But not with my vote.
I have put up a very valid reason for not voting for the uniparty.
Do I need to got through what they have done to us in the last two years?
Here’s a fact.
Anyone who votes for more of that is a traitor.
Immediately the Liberal party troll tries to twist it to……”if you vote for a freedom party you are doing what struth tells you to do”.
Whereas I haven’t told anyone to do anything.
I just gave my opinion.
Based on the FACTS of the last two years, no sane person could come to any other conclusion that if you vated for these UNiparties, you must be a traitor.
And then ask yourself why anyone would oppose my conclusion.
Canadian fighting in Ukraine describes the ‘hell’ he witnessed
One day a few more of you might actually wake up to the actual scum that Lying Sancho of the slip lane is.
As a liberal party troll he knows his party is so on the nose he can’t quite come out and support them, he can only rubbish the competition.
And, as I told you all from the very start, they haven’t sent their best to this blog.
Sancho gets excited and fucks up all the time.
Now, putting the UNiparty last on how to vote cards is putting Kelly out on his arse?!?
The total illogical emotional crap from this cock smoker knows no bounds.
Yes he’s a “piece of work” devoid of integrity.
But he’s also not very bright.
He’s just here a lot.
I’m not sure anyone’s opposing it. In fact, this exact subject has – I believe – most here in furious agreement*.
It’s the suggestion of actual jail and/or execution^ for those who oppose the view of random imported barrel-stuffers that provides comedy value.
*Except for Neil, who pops in to remind everyone to vote Libs because Howard (and Joe Burns).
^Actual jail/execution is funny. If it’s something not really meant but said to ‘shock people into action’, then it’s even funnier.
Ah, but that is not what he said.
He said, “Put the sitting member last”.
Craig Kelly is a sitting member.
If we follow Fat Cloive’s direction, Kelly is gonski.
and a bunch of losers watching it
Well, that’s the battleground for today sorted.
Educational for the young bucks.
I remember taking a breather from dancing with my girlfriend at a footy club cabaret as a very young bloke. Two uni friends of my sister sat down either side of me and proceeded to check out my pockets for loose change.
I remember this educational experience fondly. God bless those girls.
That old chestnut.
Who knows?
Has Craig been eating all the cold pizza out of the fridge at UAP HQ?
What am I thinking?
Would there ever be leftover pizza at UAP HQ?
Must be something else.
No he didn’t, and that’s been explained already.
You are a liar, a political hack trying to muddy the waters and if a basic old tour driver mechanic, truckie type like me, singing Slim Dusty in me blue singlet in open air Queensland pubs can spot yer fer what yer is a mile orf, your minders must be starting to ask questions by now.
I’ll bet you make really good scones.
Yes he did. On the telly-o-vision, last night.
Backed up by the banner. It hasn’t been explained at all – ‘papering over’ is not explaining.
Go for the tape. It is what I heard and what I saw. Not necessarily what I wanted to hear, but what I heard. And saw.
I thought it was notable, so I mentioned it. Geez. Talk about defensive.
And here’s his ol’ Vicplod public service mate, crawling out from the long grass.
“See ya later Rosie”
“Hey, Where you puckin’ goin, KD, you bin owin me a plagon”
“I’ve got to go and put my words in other people’s mouths….it’s what I’m paid for”.
“Vicpol won’t let me go back, even just to do traffic”
China and Russia rejoice at America’s quest to go green (6 May)
Marles says he’s only met with the Chinese ambassador a few times. Maybe next time he does that he could get the plans for one of those hundreds of modern coal fired power plants they are building.
10% for the Big Guy
Seriously, the more this ‘everyman’ image is pumped up the more it fails.
I bet that was on the CV for your political career. You should have said:
Boat owner and aspiring revolutionary. Been to Canberra before. Drives (or used to) a half-million dollar vehicle.
You’d have been home and hosed by now.
Is that another gender?
I’m calling it.
Ukraine will win this war and expel Russia from most of it’s territory.
No wonder you never made a detective ol’ KD of the long grass.
Birds of a feather….
From the Comments
– And I have just read that these two shared a flat at some stage.
Gees, I’d rather live on a barbed wire fence, or under a clothes line.
– Two fine upstanding members of the liebor party!
Mister “creeping assumption” on the left and Mister “rub’n’tug’ on the right.
The Beetrooter is what you would end up with if RM Williams was doing costumes for a Punch and Judy show.
Arky says:
May 10, 2022 at 10:24 am
I’m calling it.
Ukraine will win this war and expel Russia from most of it’s territory.
I missed that. Did Jamie Kah get the ride?
Putin will get very desperate before that happens.
H B Bear says:
May 10, 2022 at 8:26 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
It’s like winning the luvvie lottery of life.
If he had a limp or some other physical deficiency, it would be the trifecta. Black, homosexual AND disabled.
It seems that prayer and free speech are now forbidden by Groundhog Guy and the Victorian Liberals.
“Outspoken Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn, pictured above, has resigned from his role in the Upper House just days after posting controversial anti-abortion comments on social media.
In a letter sent to Liberal MPs on Monday evening, the Member for Western Metropolitan Region announced his resignation as Opposition Whip “effective immediately”.
Mr Finn accused the Liberal Party of disloyalty after members of his own party, including Opposition Leader Matthew Guy, lashed him for his controversial comments.
His resignation comes amid speculation his days at Spring Street could be numbered.
“For the past three and a half years, I have loyally served the Parliamentary Liberal Party as Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council. Sadly, that loyalty has not been returned,” his letter stated.
“For many months, I have been aware of separate moves by the Parliamentary leader and the leader in the Upper House to remove me at this coming round of preselections.
“I thought this part of the ‘game’ and continued on serving the party. Best these things be kept behind closed doors, I thought.
“Then, last Friday, the leader publicly attacked me at a media conference, issuing a threat to boot. This was the last straw – particularly when his bile-filled attack was on a policy stand that he as has long assured me he supports!!
“This latest outrage makes my continued role untenable. Enough!
“I hereby tender my resignation as Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council, effective immediately.”
Mr Finn posted last week posted on Facebook he was “praying” for abortion to “come here soon” and “killing babies is criminal”.
Following a Liberal Party meeting on Tuesday morning, Mr Guy said no decision had been made about Mr Finn’s future in the Party.
Mr Guy would not say if Mr Finn should be booted from the Party, adding his views on Mr Finn’s comments were already known
H B Bear says:
May 10, 2022 at 8:26 am
Apparently the latest Dr Who is one “Gareth ‘Cortez’ Coates” who – of course – is black and homosexual.
would be interested in this
Pride Month Panties: Target Launches Chest Binders and ‘Packing Underwear’ for LGBTQIA+ Youth
For a long time in the world, women’s undergarments served to cinch and boost in radically constrictive ways. Eventually, we (mostly) moved past that.
But now we’re back. Whereas underwear has contemporarily been sold based on claims of comfort, the West’s gender identity revolution brings throwback throbbing — and not just for birthing people.
Right on time for Pride Month (June), Target will be hawking harnesses to hide breasts and another “b” word I probably shouldn’t spell out.
Scrotums and sweater puppies? You’re being kenneled.
Penises and mammaries? You’ll soon be memories.
As reported by Bustle, America’s tenth largest retailer is releasing products by “two queer-owned, female-founded brands” that bind upper-body bumps and pack pelvic protrusions:
I think we can safely say that, as far as party-starter topics go, “Cloive Dumps Craig” wins hands down over “MAFs Revisited”.
Anyone for a date scone?
birthing persons demand assassination rights on the unborn!!
ok I give up, what the hell is MAFs, is the current thing? I thought thats Ukraine
Guy is more fierce fighting his own party than the one his is nominally opposes.
What is the saying about how a fox knows many things but a hedgehog knows one big thing – and knows it very well.
Guy has mastered a technique of losing to Labor.
A list of “LGBTQIA+ Holidays & Remembrances,” per Seattle Pride:
January – National Mentoring Month
16th – 22nd: No Name-Calling Week
27th: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
20th – 26th: Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week
March – Bisexual Health Awareness Month
1st: Zero Discrimination Day
31st: International Transgender Day Of Visibility
6th: International Asexuality Day
8th: Day of Silence
26th – May 2nd: International Lesbian Visibility Week
17th: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia
19th: Agender Pride Day
22nd: Harvey Milk Day
24th: Pansexual & Panromantic Visibility Day
June – Pride Month!
5th: HIV Long-Term Survivor’s Awareness Day
12th: Pulse Remembrance Day
28th: Stonewall Riots Anniversary
6th: Omnisexual Visibility Day
11th -17th: Non-Binary Awareness Week
14th: International Non-Binary Day
16th: International Drag Day
14th: Gay Uncle Day
16th – 22nd: Bisexual Awareness Week
23rd: Bisexual Visibility Day
October – LGBT History Month (USA and Canada)
11th: National Coming Out Day
19th: International Pronoun Day
21st: Spirit Day
24th: Asexual Awareness Week
26th: Intersex Awareness Day
November– Trans Awareness Month
6th: Transgender Parent Day
8th: Intersex Day of Solidarity
13th – 19th: Trans Awareness Week
20th: Transgender Day Of Remembrance
1st: World AIDS Day
8th: Pansexual Pride Day
10th: Human Rights Day
His ailment, whatever it is, seems to be getting worse.
‘Hamster stuffed with steroids’ Putin health concerns as despot hides under blanket (9 May)
From the photo it looks like a blanket, but might be a coat like the general next to him is wearing. But it does look like he’s got it on his knees to prevent tremors from being obvious.
A desperate and dying dictator with nukes is not good thought for a Tuesday morning, nor any morning.
The love that once dared not speak its name now won’t shut up.
The closet door has certainly been thrown wide open.
This plaintive article of Naomi Wolf expresses perfectly how I feel as life seemingly “returns to normal” after Covid and the obscenities that authorities inflicted upon the rights of citizens in the last two years.
The feeling of loss, of betrayal, and the subsequent rage that follows….are all stages of the grief I have felt. And she is right….I want justice. While justice and acknowledgement may be some time in the future (if at all) … hell I will be at least inflicting some punishment on this miserable government in this election.
OK …. we will get worse with a Labor government…but just maybe the gods will smile on us and give us a government beholden to the likes of the UAP and One nation. What joy that would bring to our household after experiencing “cancellation” during the Covid autocracy.
Re target- looks like the old left was right about big business being evil. It sure isn’t apple pie and baseball.
Still waiting for an explanation as to why Clive’s own words a) weren’t what he actually said, and/or b) what he actually meant if they were.
Scraping the bottom of the barrel isn’t as low as they go.
Next starts the licking.
Dover will be sneaking in a new fred at sometime today, I believe.
No no no no no. It’s all wrong.
No matter who you are, you have to finish each sentence with ‘ay’ or ‘but’.
Oh wait. Forget I said anything. That particular affectation is only mandatory in Quenthland.
Vicki says:
May 10, 2022 at 11:03 am
there is more to come
Their ABC fighting hard to resuscitate Covid fear porn
May 10, 2022 at 10:49 am
I think we can safely say that, as far as party-starter topics go, “Cloive Dumps Craig” wins hands down over “MAFs Revisited”.
ok I give up, what the hell is MAFs, is the current thing? I thought thats Ukraine
Agreed what is MAFs – definitely not, I assume, Mission Aviation Fellowship: MAF
Watch out, Democrats. The abortion ruling may help Republicans.
The Washington Post
Marc A. Thiessen
Compared with the fixers of the US Democratic Party, Vlad has been the consummate election rigger for 20 years.
He would think nothing of nuking Stockholm or Riga or Tallinn on his way out. He would face no domestic opposition. He’s already jailed the political opposition in Moscow. In the absence of a free press, Russians still communicate in cryptic smoke signals like they did during the Soviet empire.
If Putin regards Ukraine is a fake nation you can imagine what he makes of Moldova, another former Soviet republic caught between East & West.
Yesterday, ethnic Russian Moldovans turned out in the capital to celebrate Victory Day…
“Yevgenny, 42, ponytailed and in a Stalin t-shirt, told me he hoped Putin will end the war in Ukraine soon – through total victory. “Moldova cannot live without Russia,” he said. “It has only been independent for 30 of the past 500 years, and already everything has collapsed. We should live closer to our neighbours, and not the West,” he added, as his teenage daughter in a Nirvana t-shirt stood beside him looking bored…
…Moldova’s liberal government may have set their country firmly on the Western path, but a significant proportion of its voters, and of Moldova’s elites, would rather take their chances with Russia. Small, weak and vulnerable, Moldova seems destined to be absorbed by one empire or another: the central challenge facing it is determining which one.”
Aris Roussinos, UnHerd
Coz I said. From the safety of the couch. I know best. I’m a dinkum Aussie Hero. Been on the couch for so long the King Gees are strangling the wedding tackle causing even more shrillness.
More bad news for Biden: More Americans are blaming him for the state of the economy
Analysis by Harry Enten, CNN
“Anyone for a
datepumpkin scone?”FIFY Sancho.
The Exasperated American
Will the voters channel their furor at this regime of lies into an unprecedented turnout at the polls in November?
By Victor Davis Hanson
The bullied people also know the Biden problem has no remedy. The 25th Amendment that Democrats and the Left raised nonstop in efforts to remove Trump—from the Rosenstein-McCabe wear-a-wire embarrassment and former Yale psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee’s congressional tomfoolery to the incessant Montreal Cognitive Assessment demands—won’t apply to Biden.
Either the media will continue to rebrand his incapacity as Ciceronian eloquence or it will privately gloat that Kamala Harris is so off-putting, so uninformed, so unpopular that the people would prefer an amnesiac Biden to a nonimpaired Harris. The truth is, the three doyens of Democratic progressivism—Joe Biden, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)—all struggle with cognitive decline and rely heavily upon the media and the Democratic Party’s political attack machine to enjoy asymmetrical exemption. (Though, in Feinstein’s case, her support is wavering.)
Americans feel there is no remedy for this downward spiral until November. To get a sense of their dilemma, imagine a Richard Nixon in 1973 caught lying during Watergate but with Spiro Agnew waiting in the wings without a trace of scandal—except with one difference: the current media is now attacking not the president’s shortcomings, but the president’s critics who point them out.
Even if the Republicans were to win a 60-vote majority in the Senate, they would hesitate to impeach Biden simply because Harris is a more frightening prospect. And some Marquess of Queensberry centrist RINOs would not wish to codify the Democrats’ new standard of impeaching an opposition president the minute he loses the House of Representatives in his first midterm.
In NT developments:
The Chief Minister, Michael Gunner has finally caved. Resigned in Parliament this morning.
He will not be the first scalp in this cavalcade of incompetence and/or malice.
“I want justice.”
Not me – it’s way too difficult, all those ethics and what not.
That’s what I want.
That gets rid of all the crap and lets you get down to individuals and cases, and simple yes/no answers.
Much simpler.
That’s lifted my spirits KD.
TaliDan next.
Yevgenny knows what side his bread is not buttered.
A list of “LGBTQIA+ Holidays & Remembrances,” per Seattle Pride:
I’m starting the feel like the starship trooper in The Forever War.
He comes back home after many years – made longer by star jumps – to find that to control the population the United Nations, or whatever its become, has made being homosexuality the norm.
The re-election of another Marcos suggests some nations (all?) aren’t ready for democracy.
Gunner sponsored a particular Commissioner of Police over the past couple of years. Sponsored him hard.
Without the Chief Minister’s active and continued support, the ice might be getting a bit thin.
One can only dare to dream.
I’d say it suggests the Phillipines see China coming and want a strong leader to challenge them.
MICHAEL Gunner has announced he is stepping down as the Territory’s Chief Minister, making his final act passing the 2022-23 Budget.
In a teary address Mr Gunner told the NT parliament on Tuesday he would be resigning, with his deputy Nichole Manison taking his place in an acting capacity.
“Handing down this budget is my final act as Treasurer, and my final act as Chief Minister,” Mr Gunner said.
He declared that after the birth of his second son Nash, his “head and my heart are no longer here – they are home”.
“There is never a perfect time to step back, to walk away, to give others a go,” Mr Gunner said.
“But for me, for my family, this feels like the right time.”
Be interesting to see if he’s on the old pension scheme, where you had to rack up 10 years. It was replaced some years ago, but not retrospectively.
Nothing to do with the fact the entire police force is trying to find jobs elsewhere. With the exception of the top cop of course.
Gez – let’s hope they’re right.
I don’t think Yevgenny will be happy with this story then!
Moldova President: Unification With Romania Depends On the People (Newsmax, 28 Apr)
It’d be a neat way for Moldova to get into the EU without squawking from Frogs and Wogs and whoever.
What does it say about the Libs and Labor that most of the people who’d be worth voting for, who’ve actually stood up for their principles, have either resigned or been expelled?
I’d expect Bernie Finn will end up finding a home somewhere other than the Liberal party before the state election. There’s not really any difference between the Vic Liberals and Andrew’s Labor party, just different faces.
What, nothing on August 27th?
Rookie numbers.
Yes GUT Microbiome Is Disrupted by SARS-COV-2 – Italian Study (Dr. Carlo Brogna)
Drbeen Medical Lectures
China Reveals 800m Rocket To Beat Elon Musk & USA!
self-i=mmolation with background fireworks?
New OT up.
Mother Lode
when they think they are brilliant and keep pointing at me to tell me to shut up because I am too stupid – and there is nothing you can say to prove to them that they are not that clever because they arrive at it through ego rather than proof, then there is nothing to do except watch themselves flail about increasingly desperately with their limbs tangling up while they try to keep their ego above water.
But enough about Maolcolm Turdballs.
I know this one!
“Sinclair Davidson went back in and deleted Fat Cloive’s previous posts which explained that he was not including ‘good’ independents or Craig in the put everybody last directive.”
Hope this clears things up.
I happened to catch a snippet of 730 last night, on the Lingiari electorate:-
LNP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, and Albo will be more of the same.”
ALP Candidate : “The NT Government is a shit-show, but nothing to do with the Feds”.
ABC dutifully shows a picture of Gunner holding his baby.
Gunner hopes the Chief Commissioner will be left holding the baby.
How to respond to this? Fuck you too, Armadillo?
No need to be nasty, just scroll. I rush in here to write something for friends here who have asked me to keep them updated on our travels, adding a line which indicates the hurried nature of my reflections here (never meant to be literary works of any sort). Surely this is something you could get over with a scroll rather than an attempt to bring me down?
Given what I read here of the Australian election (only on Catallaxy, nothing at all in the UK about it) then I am glad to be out of it and might too suspect that small insertions indicating that there is more to life than being miserable about it might be welcome here right now.
So, to continue. We side-stepped on our way from Saffron Walden to Colchester to visit something I had vaguely heard about but hardly believed: the Bartlow Mounds, a Romano-British set of seven burial mounds. We enter the village of Bartlow and all is sleepy Spring-day quiet. A few parked cars, and I spot a church entrance down a laneway. No signs to the mounds, nothing to see here etc. This is Hairy’s nightmare. He refused to use the GPS, got us here, and now no mounds to be seen. We will have to ask someone, I say, to his chagrin. But who? They are all off somewhere investigating the murders in which these villages abound, if you believe the TV shows, I jest. Ancient sacred sites often have churches located near them, I suggest. So we head down to the church, and true enough, there is a small path around the side with a worn-out wooden finger-post sign saying ‘to the mounds’.
The long bridle-path is lined with bracken and stinging nettles, so I am glad I am wearing jeans. We emerge to a most unusual sight – three very high constructed conical hills, the highest at fifteen metres and very wide around the base. We climb the steep vertigenous one hundred steps on the one-rack wooden stairway that leads to the top of the biggest mound and view the countryside around, to find that this group of seven mounds (four have been worn down to small hillocks) sits in a typical bronze age central sacred site surrounded by hills. More Ancient Britons than Romano I murmur, even though the grave goods found were Roman ones and a Roman villa stood nearby. This sort of mound was common enough in north-western Europe in Iron Age Roman-tinged areas, such as the Gallo-Roman villa from which the town of my ancestors in Northern France gained its name.
The area has recently come under control of a new County Council due to border changes and it is deserted and overgrown. It was a favoured picnic spot in the C18th, with antiquarian etchings made then showing seven mounds in a cleared area still available online. I am glad to see it like it is though, deserted, unobserved and overgrown, rather as I was glad to see Sutton Hoo in 2006 in the same sort of isolation. Sometime soon its amazing tourist potential will bring it into fashion, and its lonely splendour may be diminished. The villa dated from the early second century and was abandonned, as so many were, around 350AD when the Roman control of Britain was shakey at best.
Sadly, no traces of the Roman villa remain after inept excavations of it in the C19th. We explored the church, which has an interesting historical account of its times. And yes, I wasn’t wrong about the muthering. There was a famous murder in this village. In the 1200’s a Rector was murdered here, viciously knifed by some Lord’s men, who were never brought to account. Another lively incident is recorded in the 1400’s, where a ‘Merry Widow’ got into strife for scandalously refusing to attend church here while living in the village. Her sons rescued her reputation by saying she attended church when she visited them in a neighbouring village. A tale of local outrage long ago at a woman who had a mind of her own. As with everywhere in Britain, there are these little untold stories to be found.
Another account of the Bartlow Hills; they are more overgrown now and more desolate than ever.