Open Thread – Tuesday 17 May 2022

The Triumph of Christianity over Paganism, Gustave Dore, 1865

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May 19, 2022 7:11 pm

As I said, “delicioius”!


Delta A
Delta A
May 19, 2022 7:22 pm

Well, moving day has been brought forward to tomorrow.

First will be the family*, eight people in all. The tiler is frantically racing ahead**, trying to finish at least one bathroom, but so far he hasn’t been very inspiring and so contingencies are quietly in place.

Chickens will move next Thursday; last day on the lease which was their home. Kids will do a few trips, carrying the chickies on their laps in the back seat of the car to their new Taj Mahal quarters between the hot house and the vege garden.

Pups are already used to the new house, especially Dudley, who has set off with his dad to work*** every morning at 7:oo am every day since he arrived in our family. Otto, the prissy poodle, will manage the change… barely!

Best Man will shift the caravan onto the block tomorrow, just in case…

*BM and I will not move for another three or four weeks. My very frail, scrawny brother needs to go first.

**Son in Law had a tiler locked in weeks ago. He, the tiler, rang last Tuesday to say that the job was too big for him at this stage. Lucky to get this new guy at short notice… I guess.

Three month old border collie Dudley is a (naughty) sweetheart. Never misses a day of work. Always ready to lend a hand. Utterly adorable, annoying, exasperating, clever, stupid… depending on the situation.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 19, 2022 7:25 pm

Bruce of Newcastle says:
May 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm
Bank of England chief Andrew Bailey issues ‘apocalyptic’ warning about food prices

And here’s me with lots of food and no handmaids.
Soon my pretties-soon.

May 19, 2022 7:26 pm

Well, moving day has been brought forward to tomorrow.

Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.

Deuteronomy 28:6

May 19, 2022 7:27 pm

As I have mentioned before, the AEC is the place where people who are too dumb to make it in the AFP go when no other Department will have them.

Here is their latest brainwave:

People who tested positive for COVID-19 between Saturday and Tuesday are “angry” that the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) has said they “may not be able to vote” this election.
Key points:

People who test positive for COVID after Tuesday 6pm are eligible to vote over the phone
Those whose cases were confirmed before that deadline are unlikely to get their postal votes in time
The Human Rights Law Centre says the AEC’s position is “alarming” and could risk “disenfranchising tens of thousands of Australians”

Australians who tested positive after Tuesday at 6pm can apply to vote via phone, while those who tested positive between Saturday and Tuesday have been advised to apply for a postal vote.

But postal votes are unlikely to reach people like Melbourne’s Nicola Fry in time, according to the AEC website.

Ms Fry tested positive on Tuesday morning.

“I didn’t want to go through that avenue, because I wanted my vote to be counted,” she told ABC Radio Melbourne.

At the time, Ms Fry’s family said they were advised by an AEC representative that they could vote over the phone.

But Ms Fry later discovered that advice was incorrect and that she would only be eligible to vote over the phone if she tested positive after 6pm on Tuesday.

Unbelievable. Also illegal and unconstitutional.

But hey, that the AEC for you.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 7:31 pm

Simon Holmes a’Court has a tiny dick.

Simon Holmes a Court has a mother who is a true Socialist, and admitted that she struggled with the concept of inherited wealth.

May 19, 2022 7:33 pm


May 19, 2022 7:36 pm

the mongnitude of that


May 19, 2022 7:39 pm

Unbelievable. Also illegal and unconstitutional.

But hey, that the AEC for you.

Would be interesting to see how a legal challenge to this, erm… “ruling”, affects the election.

May 19, 2022 7:49 pm

Oh, my goodness! Dover, where is your *blush* emoji? 😀 Thanks guys – the comments are from the heart and off the top of the head.

The Isa pub – a snapshot.

Full by 6pm. Families, travellers, hi-viz guys just off shift. The best part of Australia because it’s the normal part, the bit I like.

Being a “traveller” here is fun – like the tide line on the shore, it’s changing daily…but one thing is a constant. People you have met, say a thousand kilometres away, finally wash up at the same time as you do. Tonight we re-met a guy who we first met at Katherine. It’s like a reunion. This has happened a few times over the trip.

The hi-viz guys reminded me that this is a productive, working town. That great hole and the massive stacks just on the edge of the highway trumpet “wealth”. The biggest stack dominates the town, unapologetic and all-seeing. Like a great emperor surveying its minions, it summons all to serve the mine. Its smaller stacks stand deferentially like concubines, admiring its magnificence. I believe the site is an attraction in itself at night – no doubt visible from Mars.

And so, as if attracted by a monstrous magnet, I have drifted from pub to pit.

May 19, 2022 7:51 pm
Ed Case
Ed Case
May 19, 2022 7:53 pm

Another spooky Biden/Zelenskyy connection:
h/t Unz Review.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 19, 2022 7:55 pm

The Boyd Hotel, Katter refers to it occasionally.
What’s it like?

May 19, 2022 7:57 pm
May 19, 2022 8:01 pm

Passed KrazyKatt’s offices on the way in. Tastefully painted taupe.

Delta A
Delta A
May 19, 2022 8:04 pm

Calli and Cassie, the two Cs, are among the best posters here.


Delta A
Delta A
May 19, 2022 8:12 pm

Calli and Cassie, the two Cs, are among the best posters here.

Callie, among her other wonderful qualities, posts down to earth, no nonsense commonsense.

Cassie is probably the most socially and politically informed person I’ve every come across. Both absolute treasures on this blog.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2022 8:15 pm

And so, as if attracted by a monstrous magnet, I have drifted from pub to pit.

Zinc, lead, copper and silver aren’t magnetic…

Been a while since I was last there, although my brother has been through Mt Isa airport FIFOing to site weekly for seven or eight years until fairly recently. Now has a great job in Brissie with his young family, which is a relief.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 8:17 pm

Election 2022: NT Labor smashed for ‘disgraceful’ bush booze laws

Amos Aikman
Northern Correspondent
28 minutes ago May 19, 2022
No Comments

A coalition of Aboriginal organisations, welfare and justice groups and the police union has condemned as “disgraceful” and “disgusting” the Northern Territory’s new alcohol laws that will let ­people in dry communities get back on the grog from July.

Alcohol is banned in more than 400 Territory outback towns, camps and other areas under measures introduced as part of the Howard government’s NT Emergency ­Response, which was extended by federal Labor’s Stronger Futures legislation.

But the Stronger Futures laws are due to expire on July 17, and Canberra and Darwin are at loggerheads over who is to blame for not preparing to replace them.

The NT government this week passed legislation requiring dry areas without pre-Stronger Futures restrictions to opt in to alcohol bans after July. Experts say most are unprepared to do so.

North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency CEO Priscilla ­Atkins accused the Labor government of “open(ing) up the floodgates” to drinkers.

“Our hospitals are full, our domestic violence rates are the highest in the nation and rising, and the justice system is clogging up,” she said. “What the NT government has done will add to that harm. It’s absolutely disgusting.”

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 19, 2022 8:22 pm

Simon Holmes a Court has a mother who is a true Socialist, and admitted that she struggled with the concept of inherited wealth.

Janet could ease her struggle by repaying all West Australians who paid the SGIC levy for years.

I won’t hold my breath.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 8:25 pm

Janet could ease her struggle by repaying all West Australians who paid the SGIC levy for years.

There’s an interesting account in Trevor Syke’s book “The Bold Riders” just how Papa Holmes a Court colluded with the West Australian Government, to breach the Corporations act over Bell Group shares…..

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2022 8:33 pm

A coalition of Aboriginal organisations, welfare and justice groups and the police union has condemned as “disgraceful” and “disgusting” the Northern Territory’s new alcohol laws that will let ­people in dry communities get back on the grog from July.

Saw that story yesterday and thought: there’re whole other icebergs worth of political stuff going on under the iceberg…the top of which we can only see. Subterranean to infinity and below. I have no idea what this is really about but the odours emanating are pungent.

Harlequin Decline
May 19, 2022 8:34 pm

I see Ms Peris is yawping about racism or something to do with a blackfella museum. I think they should build it and hang this touching picture of her done by the well known Renaissance painter Larry Pickering. BTW NSFW.

May 19, 2022 8:37 pm

The site needs more Australian contributors. So if you want to swap ideas with fellow deplorables do drop by.

The site requires an invitation from an existing member before you can even view it.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 19, 2022 8:49 pm

May 19, 2022 at 7:06 pm
Simon Holmes a’Court has a tiny dick.

He is funding the Teal “independents”, not out of a love for democracy, but to ensure the continuing flow of ruinable energy subsidies.

May 19, 2022 8:51 pm

The site requires an invitation from an existing member before you can even view it.

He’s a spook, collecting email addresses!


Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 8:57 pm

‘Over our dead bodies’: Environmental protesters demand vote against Woodside, BHP oil and gas merger
Headshot of Stuart McKinnon
Stuart McKinnon
The West Australian
Thu, 19 May 2022 10:20AM
Stuart McKinnon

Environmental protesters gathered in numbers ahead of Woodside’s annual general meeting at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre on Thursday morning amid a heavy security and police presence.

Groups including Greenpeace, the WA Conservation Council and Extinction Rebellion have joined forces to protest against Woodside’s proposed mega billion-dollar merger with BHP’s petroleum business and the company’s climate policy.

“If the BHP petroleum merger goes ahead, it’s going to increase Woodside’s assets, increase their ability to push forward projects like the Scarborough gas project, as well as other projects such as Browse Basin which we know they are aiming for next,” Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Kelly Hawes said.

“These projects absolutely cannot go ahead. Projects like this cannot keep happening and that’s why we’re here today, to try to remind people that they can’t just keep taking and taking from us and putting profits before planet.

“Over our dead bodies are we going to allow that to happen, essentially.”

Responding to a question from a shareholder, Woodside chairman Richard Goyder has told the AGM he didn’t believe the views of protesters outside the PCEC were that different from that of the company’s board.

“Over our dead bodies..” Don’t ever tempt me…”Front rank kneeling, rear rank standing, Rapid fire, go on!”

May 19, 2022 9:10 pm

treasonous filth
Rashida Tlaib introduces resolution for US to formally recognize Palestinian Nakba
Initiative backed by ‘Squad’ of progressive lawmakers, to mark ‘catastrophe’ of 1948, unlikely to receive a vote; represents latest broadening of Israel debate in Democratic par

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 19, 2022 9:16 pm

John H.

Do your remote amateur Internet psychoanalysis thing again.
Any target you like.
What say you now?

May 19, 2022 9:18 pm

Did someone mention lobotomy?

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 19, 2022 9:33 pm

‘Over our dead bodies’: Environmental protesters demand vote against Woodside, BHP oil and gas merger

Your proposal is acceptable

May 19, 2022 9:42 pm

Anything to avoid spending time with your children?

Rich’ women spend 100pc of pay on childcare

Pedro the Loafer
Pedro the Loafer
May 19, 2022 9:43 pm

Woodside chairman Richard Goyder has the patience of a saint, but even he lost his cool at the bevy of hairy hippies, ageing academic types and blue rinsed old boilers who bought one share of Woodside at $30 yesterday and then spent hours disrupting a serious shareholder meeting.

Next year should see an old fashioned muzzle loading cannon loaded with grapeshot in the foyer and a dozen savage dogs trained to go for the throat of anyone holding less than 1000 shares.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 9:47 pm

blue rinsed old boilers who bought one share of Woodside at $30 yesterday and then spent hours disrupting a serious shareholder meeting.

Wasn’t there a proposal to alter the Corporations act to prevent such a procedure?

May 19, 2022 10:08 pm

Jeez zip, that was one very highly intelligent conversation.

May 19, 2022 10:09 pm
May 19, 2022 10:10 pm

princess wag doesn;’t cook
what the hell does she do>?

Travelin' man
Travelin’ man
May 19, 2022 10:11 pm

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha says:
May 19, 2022 at 9:47 pm

blue rinsed old boilers who bought one share of Woodside at $30 yesterday and then spent hours disrupting a serious shareholder meeting.

Wasn’t there a proposal to alter the Corporations act to prevent such a procedure?

I think from memory there was, whether it happened or is being implemented I don’t know.
In this case obviously not.

May 19, 2022 10:12 pm

Jeez zip, that was one very highly intelligent conversation.

I am blown away by how far they have come in the last few years. Once they sort out the reasoning and logic, these things will be superhuman in capability.

What crap china will do with them is a concern.

May 19, 2022 10:21 pm

DrBeauGan says:
May 19, 2022 at 10:09 pm

just now watching series two.

May 19, 2022 10:25 pm

Just caught the final snippet of Q&A.
Gigi Foster really ripped into the way Covid has been managed and misrepresented as a success story. Claims for thousands of lives saved rest not on reality but computer simulations. A cost benefit analysis that talks only about benefits and ignores costs is propaganda. She talks a million miles an hour and the usual shills on the panel were flattened.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2022 10:26 pm

Though Bush alone could never have decided to attack Iraq. Congress and the UN were also involved.

Conversely, if Bush had said, “Yeah. But nah. Our boys ain’t going” the jig would have been up.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2022 10:36 pm

If the BHP petroleum merger goes ahead, it’s going to increase Woodside’s assets, increase their ability to push forward projects like the Scarborough gas project, as well as other projects such as Browse Basin which we know they are aiming for next

Thank you.
A very succinct summary of our strategy.

Over our dead bodies are we going to allow that to happen, essentially


Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 19, 2022 10:39 pm

I think that’s the final cockup of the week for the NT government.

Oh wait. There another one, and it’s a cracker too (the NT Indy):

The NT Government has passed extraordinary amendments in Parliament Thursday night to retrospectively “validate” the Chief Health Officer’s vaccine mandate directions, raising suspicions the government had not properly enacted the orders the first time, which one legal expert said has “demolished the rule of law in the NT” and would most likely draw the attention of the Federal Government.

The orders were used to mandate vaccines for working Territorians and resulted in hundreds of public servants being sacked for not complying.

The new amendments to retrospectively validate the directions will also have implications on legal action challenging the CHO’s vaccine mandate orders currently before the courts.

The Fyles Government circulated the surprise amendments to the Public and Environmental Health Legislation Act less than an hour before raising them in Parliament to pass.

Oh my wordy lordy.

Opposition Leader Lia Finocchiaro hammered the government over the move, demanding to know if the government had previously acted beyond its powers and why it would have to insert a new part of the legislation to validate the orders.

Health Minister and Chief Minister Natasha Fyles repeatedly refused to answer many of the Opposition’s questions about the amendments, including why they were brought forward at the last minute and who the government had consulted with.

Ms Fyles said the new amendments to retroactively validate the CHO’s directions would not affect people who have already been fined or charged or lost their jobs as a result of the vaccine mandate and enforcement laws.

Yes, well. Certain people might see about that.

Lawyer Danial Kelly, who is representing clients currently suing the NT Government over the vaccine mandate, called the government’s surprise move an abuse of power, after repeatedly delaying the legal action.

Mr Kelly would be correct.

Colonel Crispin Berka
Colonel Crispin Berka
May 19, 2022 10:40 pm


🌏📜🔐 Lib/Lab support WHO Pandemic Treaty 🔐🌏📜

ScoMo on video saying Liberal Party are supportive of it.
Three days (?) until lockdowns become a UN obligation instead of a State-parliament choice.

🖋 Write/Email all your electorate’s candidates telling them Australia must retain decision making power in health.

🖋 Vote the majors last!

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 19, 2022 10:43 pm

If the BHP petroleum merger goes ahead, it’s going to increase Woodside’s assets, increase their ability to push forward projects like the Scarborough gas project, as well as other projects such as Browse Basin which we know they are aiming for next

If this merger goes ahead, my family company, and I personally, will do rather well out of it.

Over our dead bodies are we going to allow that to happen, essentially

Oh, well, if you insist, that can be arranged.

May 19, 2022 10:44 pm

It’s a six minute watch.

May 19, 2022 10:45 pm

Oops, no worker.

May 19, 2022 10:49 pm

Jeez zip, that was one very highly intelligent conversation.

I am blown away by how far they have come in the last few years. Once they sort out the reasoning and logic, these things will be superhuman in capability.

I thought the discussion was purely linguistic, aka bullshit. It said nothing of any use.

All these AI know about the world is what human beings have written about it. Consequently it’s all shallow stuff. Until they have their own bodies and sensors, they won’t find out anything for themselves, they’re just a souped up version of the ancient Eliza program.

May 19, 2022 10:55 pm
May 19, 2022 11:22 pm

Zipster, watch Kamala Harris or the new press secretary answer a question. They behave rather like your AIs. They can string words together, but the strings don’t really make sense. The strings are content free. They convey a general emotional sense of virtue, and that’s all.

There’s something fundamentally wrong about how they use language. You see the same thing with much modern philosophy, particularly the French schools.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 19, 2022 11:37 pm

Calli and Cassie, the two Cs, are among the best posters here.

Undeniably true.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 20, 2022 12:10 am

KD at 10:39 on the previous page.
Exactly what sort of Keystone Cops shit-show are they running up in Darwin?

Wally Dalí
Wally Dalí
May 20, 2022 12:20 am

They convey a general emotional sense of virtue, and that’s all.

There’s something fundamentally wrong about how they use language.

Perceptive, BG. We’re living in a strange end-of-times, where a trendy neologism or yasss girl! sassy swipe can seem to win hearts and minds, dominate the debate and settle subjects outright. It’s enabled by twitter-length attention spans, by news makers and consumers alike.
The ADD switch is also triggered by expressions of outrage or a declaration of “unacceptable” by a listener.
A lot of fun can be had just by asking a lefty lecturer to define terms. Because, if you can disarm the nukular deterrent which protects a lot of neologisms, they often can’t even compose a single sentence which holds under its own internal gravity.
What is a Trans Child?
What is Climate Change?
What is a Voice To Parliament?
What is Regenerative Agriculture?
What is Economic Justice?
What is a Disability?

May 20, 2022 3:21 am
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May 20, 2022 4:16 am
Ed Case
Ed Case
May 20, 2022 4:44 am

? Vote the majors last!
Yeah, and get a Labor Government that will do everything the WHO and the UN tell it to do.

May 20, 2022 5:34 am

Last night on Q&A economist Gigi Foster really ripped into the govt over Covid. She listed a series of costs and how the govt only talks about benefits such as lives saved (based on computer simulations, not real figures).
Reaction on Twitter is outraged. A campaign to dox her partner, expose her private life and vilify her standing as an economist is under way.

Ed Case
Ed Case
May 20, 2022 5:40 am

Interesting nose on Albanese in the Mark Knight cartoon.
Is it a puppetry reference to Albanese’s alleged Italian ancestry.

May 20, 2022 5:49 am
May 20, 2022 6:12 am

Labor reckons it has got Chisholm.
Last time it was female Chinese candidate v female Chinese candidate because the 20% Chinese population was all that mattered.
Now it’s incumbent Chinese female v white female because climate changy and?
In Deakin Michael Sukkar beat a legally blind male candidate two elections ago, then they tried a middle class female Indian with ‘I worked at bilo after school’ cred, now it’s a barely visible young male candidate who might get an upset win.
I don’t know, doesn’t seem plausible to me.

May 20, 2022 6:15 am
May 20, 2022 6:20 am
May 20, 2022 6:43 am

Knight missed an opportunity there.. Albo’s archaic switchboard should have been manned by a phalanx of union officials protecting their jerbs.

May 20, 2022 6:44 am

Bob Moran for this morning.. I think he nails Fauci

May 20, 2022 6:47 am

? Vote the majors last!
Yeah, and get a Labor Government that will do everything the WHO and the UN tell it to do.

Actually, this is the only way to avoid a Labor government. Libs are losing 2PP to Labor. But UAP/PHON/LDP are winning 2PP against Labor. The only way to ensure that no UAP/PHON/LDP preferences spill to Labor – and Labor thereby wins – is to ensure they are not eliminated.

May 20, 2022 6:47 am

Gigi Foster is right.

This COVID stuff really is just a shit test for sheep.

We are possibly 38 months into a pandemic. It’s time to pack it in. Anyone who isn’t vaccinated yet has had their chance, if the vaccines work, the vaccination rates are well above herd immunity levels, let’s move on.

I would rather be free than safe from a virus that isn’t terminal. I don’t care if you think you saved life.

We literally ruined two years of everyone’s lives. There’s no justification for that.

May 20, 2022 6:50 am

May 20, 2022 at 5:34 am
Last night on Q&A economist Gigi Foster really ripped into the govt over Covid. She listed a series of costs and how the govt only talks about benefits such as lives saved (based on computer simulations, not real figures).
Reaction on Twitter is outraged. A campaign to dox her partner, expose her private life and vilify her standing as an economist is under way.

seems someone is taking things straight out of the democrats playbook – the question is who is funding this sort of shit in Oz ?

May 20, 2022 6:51 am

Morrison and Albanese support this stupid WHO Pandemic Treaty.

Put the majors last.

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 20, 2022 6:53 am

A question asked last night:

KD at 10:39 on the previous page.
Exactly what sort of Keystone Cops shit-show are they running up in Darwin?

Much like black holes – nobody knows, exactly. You just know that it is there.

I may have mentioned this previously – the Northern Territory Government is a collection of failed local businessmen and bored housewives, all with delusions of adequacy. Regardless of which version holds the reins, it’s an incompetent* shitfest – but one with plenty of forlorn ‘we’re trying really hard here’ moments, a la the NSW Health chick post-Ruby Princess.

Nominally in charge of boundless natural resources, proximity to Asia and with plenty of investor interest, they manage to cock all of this up time and again. Generally someone blames Canberra, then asks it for money.

Their public servants are the usual variety of hamster-wheelers permanently operating in neutral, albeit without the suit jackets – and this is why it is unsurprising in the least to find they have cocked up the CHO directions they thought would make it mandatory to be vaxxed before turning up to work.

Wait until July when the Federal Intervention legislation expires, and all the indig communities have their ‘dry’ status revoked. Hooo boy.

*A month or so ago the Opposition called somebody in government ‘incompetent’ in Parliament. Such was said (Labor) government’s outrage that they actually banned the use of that word so you couldn’t say ‘incompetent’ any more.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 6:54 am

Both the UK and USA seem to be working up a “return of the killer Covid” movie script. The BBC seem to be on board with this, and more disturbingly, onboard with the white supremacy and racism narrative, even mentioning Tucker Carlson.
Both topics are warm ups for more election fudging in November..

May 20, 2022 6:55 am

*A month or so ago the Opposition called somebody in government ‘incompetent’ in Parliament. Such was said (Labor) government’s outrage that they actually banned the use of that word so you couldn’t say ‘incompetent’ any more.


May 20, 2022 6:56 am

Just noticed twatter isn’t stopping me from seeing all the content. The left rabble must be frightened they’re going loose their jobs.

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 7:01 am

The “ruinable energy” killer chickens are coming home to roost. Jo Nova again has the big story, probably too late for this election, but in any event the majors would not know what to do with the subject since both are culpable.
“Shocking price rises so bad that some retailers are asking customers to go elsewhere.”

May 20, 2022 7:02 am

A lot of fun can be had just by asking a lefty lecturer to define terms. Because, if you can disarm the nukular deterrent which protects a lot of neologisms, they often can’t even compose a single sentence which holds under its own internal gravity.
What is a Trans Child?
What is Climate Change?
What is a Voice To Parliament?
What is Regenerative Agriculture?
What is Economic Justice?
What is a Disability?

And don’t forget the real brainbuster that gets them every time.

What is a woman?

Anchor What
Anchor What
May 20, 2022 7:14 am

The strenuous attempts at cover up in Oregon reveal something rotten in the state when it comes to auditing their 2020 ballots.
Voter Integrity group being sued to stop revelations.
File under “Today in No Evidence of Voter Fraud”.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 20, 2022 7:21 am

Ramzan Kadyrov.
Lovely guy. A flourish by trade and a devout Buddhist.

Farmer Gez
Farmer Gez
May 20, 2022 7:22 am

Bugger it all.
I’m off to deliver high priced killer gluten to a mill.

May 20, 2022 7:27 am

Since January my super has gone down by $25,000. At this rate I won’t be able to retire at all, ever. The loss is even worse when you factor in both mine and my employer’s contributions.

I would like to thank first the Biden regime which has resulted in such world uncertainty. Next, Fauci and his covid catastrophism that has given cover to every two bit dictator in formerly democratic countries and states. And last but not least, Putin and his imperial war and I mean, imperial. If he was really just concerned with the Russian population in Donbas why attack the whole of Ukraine?

Stock markets react to shocks and uncertainty by sell-offs and here we are, worth far less than when Trump was president. And there is every indication that we are heading for even leaner times. Goodbye cruises, hello staycations.

May 20, 2022 7:39 am

Anchor What – epidemiologist Geert Van Den Bossche is still convinced that the decision to vaccinate during a pandemic will drive the virus, through evolutionary pressure, to become not only more infectious, but more virulent. He says the repeated infections of the vaccinated is indicative.

Just listened yesterday to his most recent discussion and he is predicting new and deadly waves of the mutations. Will post later.

Hope he is wrong. But he had been right about the failure of the vaccines to stop infection & transmissibility.

May 20, 2022 7:48 am

Duncanm @6.50

Prof. Gigi Foster co-wrote the fantastic expose of Covid “The Great Covid Panic” which I have read. I missed Q&A last night (I hate the bias & don’t watch it to preserve my mental health) but I will try to see a repeat.

What an amazing person and scholar she is. Not surprised that she is being hunted by the evil bastards who supported the totalitarian response to Covid.

May 20, 2022 7:51 am

If he was really just concerned with the Russian population in Donbas why attack the whole of Ukraine?
Think about it and get back to us.

Cassie of Sydney
May 20, 2022 7:52 am

A Clayton’s apology from a despicable man.

Simon Holmes a Court’s apologises for poll booth spat with Liberal Senator Jane Hume

Millionaire political activist Simon Holmes a Court has apologised to a female government minister after confronting her at a polling station, sparking allegations of bullying as bewildered voters looked on.

Kooyong candidate Monique Ryan on Thursday distanced herself from her well-heeled climate donor, declaring his spat with Superannuation Minister Jane Hume had nothing to do with her campaign.

Ms Ryan spent an awkward day after Mr Holmes a Court ­reacted on Wednesday after being accused of bad taste and anti-Semitism over a tweet attacking former prime minister John Howard as the “angel of death” over his record on climate change.

Mr Holmes a Court was videoed confronting Senator Hume outside the polling station in Melbourne’s inner east, refusing to end the clash and later being ­described by an onlooker as a bully. “Bullying, bullying,” the woman can be heard to say on the video, which was released by the Liberal Party.

“Senator Hume has repeatedly used her position to spread lies and misinformation about me for several years,’’ he said. “Despite ­remaining calm throughout the conversation, it is clear that a public space was not the forum to ask her to retract her lies, and for that, I apologise to Senator Hume.”

Holmes a Court’s bullying of Senator Hume was not good optics and even he knows that. He was caught out and good on Josh for filming it. Holmes a Court is a repulsive human being but given his repulsive parentage, hardly surprising.

May 20, 2022 7:57 am

In other news, does Tom Cruise have an attic somewhere? And in that attic a portrait covered with a dust sheet? It’s either that, or tremendous amounts of “work” or he has remarkable anti-ageing genes.

If you pray to Xenu, he grants eternal life.

Klatu Barada Nektu!

Knuckle Dragger
Knuckle Dragger
May 20, 2022 8:02 am

If you pray to Xenu, he grants eternal life.

There’s no need to exfoliate in space.

May 20, 2022 8:07 am

Eyrie, I have thought about it. If Putin wanted the Donbas why not do a massive occupation, expel the Ukrainian population and open peace negotiations? There would then be no massive destruction to tug at the world’s heartstrings in favour of Ukraine and no Ukrainian refugees throughout Europe. Ukrainian rules from the Donbas would have been absorbed by otherwise unscathed Ukraine.

That’s why I think the whole of Ukraine was the goal and maximum destruction as a warning to other neighbours.

May 20, 2022 8:12 am

I suspect, like Ford and Eastwood and Heston, he has that lean, craggy type of face that ages slowly. He might have had something done around the eyes. Probably eats well, keeps fit and drinks moderately if at all.

On working out if we can get down to Birdsville, I accessed the Qld govt website that shows road conditions. It is a disgrace – impossible to operate on a tablet or phone. You need a full pc and mouse and fortunately we have one. Going to phone ahead to get the info from the hotels – knowing the glacial speed of government “updates” the roads may well be open.

So much for the rain never falling on the dusty Diamantina.

May 20, 2022 8:14 am

Trip to Emergency last night, a number of tests done, no signs of impending stroke but something is definitely wrong, more tests to follow.

The Emergency experience was similar to what you would expect at POM General. The main difference with POM General is that when you que outside, it isn’t 12’C.

Dropped something off to my daughter earlier in the evening. Ex missus is wearing a blood pressure monitor as part of ongoing research into her heart issues that followed her 2nd Pfizer jab.

You couldn’t make this shit up.

May 20, 2022 8:15 am

Eyrie, I have thought about it. If Putin wanted the Donbas why not do a massive occupation, expel the Ukrainian population and open peace negotiations?

because the vast majority of the donbas are basically russian

Real Deal
Real Deal
May 20, 2022 8:21 am

“Senator Hume has repeatedly used her position to spread lies and misinformation about me for several years,’’ he said. “Despite ­remaining calm throughout the conversation, it is clear that a public space was not the forum to ask her to retract her lies, and for that, I apologise to Senator Hume.”

I have seen some pathetic non-apologies in my time, that one takes the biscuit. The measure of a man is how he treats a women, particularly a women in some distress, as Senator Hume was. This man will have huge influence in the operation of government in the next 3 years. His character will be on display repeatedly. We are seeing the real Simon.

What a creep.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 20, 2022 8:22 am

It’s either that, or tremendous amounts of “work” or he has remarkable anti-ageing genes.

Dick Van Dyke is doing pretty well too.

Dick Van Dyke, 96, steps out in rare appearance with stunning young wife Arlene Silver, 50 (19 May)

Must be the magic of Mary Poppins since Julie Andrews also is extremely well preserved.

May 20, 2022 8:25 am

Rickw, so sorry to hear about all your health troubles. Makes mine pale into insignificance.

My take away from all the adverse reactions is that they are so varied but so widespread and persistent that the jokers will find ways to muddy the waters still further. I’ll be very surprised if it is ever pinned down to the inoculations.

May 20, 2022 8:27 am

In other news, does Tom Cruise have an attic somewhere? And in that attic a portrait covered with a dust sheet? It’s either that, or tremendous amounts of “work” or he has remarkable anti-ageing genes.
I was always being told I looked 10 years younger until I developed Cancer .. since having chemo that has changed to, at least, 5 years older and to make matters worse .. the hair never grew back .. I hatez being follically impaired .. duuuuuuuuuh!

May 20, 2022 8:30 am

Justine Castreau pooh poohs the notion that the left don’t do comedy.

May 20, 2022 8:31 am

Here’s a song for the road closures. Sung at Daly Waters the other night – I had no idea how appropriate it would be.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2022 8:33 am

From “The Age.”

Soldier allegedly bullied by Ben Roberts-Smith was below standard, court told
Michaela Whitbourn
By Michaela Whitbourn
May 19, 2022 — 5.27pm

A friend of Ben Roberts-Smith has defended the war veteran against accusations he bullied a comrade, telling the Federal Court he believed the soldier in question performed poorly during deployment in Afghanistan.

Person 36, a former SAS soldier who served alongside Roberts-Smith in Afghanistan in 2006, gave evidence on Thursday supporting the decorated former soldier in his defamation case against The Age, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Canberra Times.

He said he did not hear Roberts-Smith bully, threaten, assault or spread rumours about a serving SAS soldier dubbed Person 1 during 2006. He became aware in 2013 that Person 1 had made a bullying allegation against Roberts-Smith.

Person 36 told the court that Person 1, who was called to give evidence by the newspapers this year, performed in a manner that was “questionable and potentially below standard” in Afghanistan in 2006 and “appeared to need extra supervision”.

Person 36 said that at one time, Person 1 was very reluctant, slow and ineffective in using his specialist weapon on the thick walls of a mud compound that housed insurgents. On another occasion, Person 1 had to be ordered three times to discard his lunch to attend to a task, Person 36 said.

Person 36 said he ultimately put forward a recommendation in a performance review that Person 1 be reviewed for his suitability as an SAS soldier. He said this was based on his “inability to perform basic tasks” and to show progression or improvement.

Under cross-examination by the newspapers’ barrister, Nicholas Owens, SC, Person 36 did not agree that Person 1 was a young soldier who needed mentoring. He also disagreed he (Person 36) was an ineffective mentor of Person 1.

He denied that both he and Roberts-Smith had criticised Person 1 so relentlessly that he was unable to perform to standard in the men’s patrol.

“What I want to put to you is that once he was removed from an environment in which he was relentlessly criticised, Person 1 has gone on to have a very successful career in the SAS,” Owens suggested.

Person 36 replied: “I don’t believe that to be true.”

Person 1 has previously given evidence that Roberts-Smith told him in 2006 that “if your performance doesn’t improve on our next patrol, you’re going to get a bullet in the back of the head”.

He told the court he had interpreted the comment as a death threat and “it made me fearful for my own personal safety”. Person 1 alleged Roberts-Smith had bullied and undermined him for years, including pushing him in the chest during a later incident in 2010 and telling him to “get out of my way, c—, or I’ll kill you”.

Roberts-Smith alleges a series of articles published by the media outlets in 2018 portray him as a war criminal and a bully. He denies all wrongdoing and has said he had raised legitimate concerns about Person 1’s performance. The media outlets are seeking to rely on a defence of truth.

Person 1 has agreed he made a mistake during a mission in Afghanistan in June 2006, during which he failed to bring oil for his machine gun and the weapon jammed a number of times while he was firing it. He has agreed that this put the lives of fellow soldiers at risk.

May 20, 2022 8:44 am

NSWTF are striking again next Friday, WTF, NSW?

A non manager teacher can earn 117k p.a. with no additional duties or qualifications.

Um, eff off.

If it’s a cost of living issue, that touches everyone and should be addressed at the root causes.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 20, 2022 8:52 am

Devout devotees doing Davos.

Eve of Destruction: Klaus Schwab Pledges the World Can Find Salvation at Davos 2022 (19 May)

“The return of war, epidemics and the climate crisis, all those disruptive forces have derailed the global recovery,” Schwab, the forum’s executive chairman, told journalists in an almost biblical prognostication ahead of the convention’s start on Sunday.

Schwab warned anyone who sought to trivialise the event or hijack its key messages, including the often-mentioned Great Reset, will be treated with contempt.

All smells very religious. Maybe he should start wearing an alb and carry a staff with UN symbol on its top.

May 20, 2022 8:54 am
May 20, 2022 8:55 am

Trip to Emergency last night, a number of tests done, no signs of impending stroke but something is definitely wrong, more tests to follow.

The Emergency experience was similar to what you would expect at POM General. The main difference with POM General is that when you que outside, it isn’t 12’C.

Dropped something off to my daughter earlier in the evening. Ex missus is wearing a blood pressure monitor as part of ongoing research into her heart issues that followed her 2nd Pfizer jab.

You couldn’t make this shit up.

the health “authorities” are basically playing death, dumb and blind when it comes to vax injuries. can’t link spike protein to health issues under any circumstances.

not doctor, cant give medical advice but speaking from personal experience, S1 spike protein will cause an autoimmune cascade in some people that is easily stoppable with high dose prednisone or similar.

vax injuries and long covid are persistence of S1 spike protein

Dr Bruce Patterson Presentation at Georgetown University on Diagnosis and Treatment of Long COVID

the hospitals are quite capable of running tests to look for S1 induced micro-clots in blood, good luck convincing them to do their job.

feel free to ask dover for my email, can share experience with our useless health system and protocols that actually work

Winston Smith
May 20, 2022 8:56 am

Carpe Jugulum:

The “authorities” must have missed the part about monkey pox being a direct contact transmission virus

It’s fairly simple, Carpe – the authorities are trying to cover up bestiality among the freak spectrum.
All perversions are to be normalised.

May 20, 2022 9:06 am

Thunderbirds are go! Repeat Thunderbirds are go!

Just got a call from Boulia and the roads are open this morning, so it’s off to Birdsville. A big detour as Windorah is isolated and out, but so what. We were about to pull the pin.

Another lesson re-learned. Never rely on government – our information came from private enterprise (motel) who are now phoning customers as the info arrives. It will probably be on the website next week.

Outback Adventures even for glamping tenderfoots can be fraught. But lots of fun. 😀

May 20, 2022 9:07 am

May 20, 2022 at 8:12 am
On working out if we can get down to Birdsville

forget he grubbinment. Ring the diamantina shire council, or look at their website

May 20, 2022 9:14 am

May 20, 2022 at 8:27 am
In other news, does Tom Cruise have an attic somewhere? And in that attic a portrait covered with a dust sheet? It’s either that, or tremendous amounts of “work” or he has remarkable anti-ageing genes.
I was always being told I looked 10 years younger until I developed Cancer .. since having chemo that has changed to, at least, 5 years older and to make matters worse .. the hair never grew back .. I hatez being follically impaired .. duuuuuuuuuh!

It’s not follically impaired. You’re a solar powered love machine.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 20, 2022 9:15 am

The summary of yesterday’s proceedings in the Dawson trial:

Chris Dawson ‘groomed me and then made me his sex slave’

Former schoolteacher Christopher Dawson’s babysitter has declared that he groomed her when she was a child then turned her into his “sex slave” after allegedly murdering his wife, Lynette.

In a second dramatic day of evidence, JC, as she is called in court, said by the end of her stifling and at times violent relationship with Mr Dawson, she feared for her life.

She testified that he had moved her into the family home just days after Lyn went missing, and from that first night and onwards she slept in the marital bed.

Lyn’s underwear, clothing, diamond rings and other belongings were still in her bedroom, and JC was told she could keep anything she wanted.

On January 15, 1984, two years after Lyn vanished from Sydney’s northern beaches, JC married Mr Dawson, her former high school physical education teacher.

She said behind the smiles in the wedding photographs provided to Mr Dawson’s Supreme Court murder trial on Thursday was a far more sinister story.

As the guests were leaving, her brand new husband grabbed her around the neck with both hands, she said.

It was “frightening” and happened “for no good reason”.

Another photo of JC displayed on screens in the courtroom was taken on February 11, 1982, her 18th birthday.

It was a month after Lyn went missing, and JC was standing inside the home that Chris and Lyn built at Bayview in Sydney’s northern beaches.

“Could I just make a comment about that? Those clothes are Lyn’s clothes that I’m wearing,” she said.

A third photo was from December 23, 1981. It was the day she and Mr Dawson, who was twice her age, packed their belongings into his car and headed off “to start a new life” in Queensland.

They turned back when JC became sick and regretful. She didn’t want to run away and leave everything and everyone she knew.

She didn’t want to be with Mr Dawson at all, she told the court. “There was a lot of pressure to stay with him. I was just a child and I didn’t want that.”

In early January 1982, JC travelled to South West Rocks, 450km north of Sydney.

She called Mr Dawson every day because he asked her to. He “wanted to know exactly what I was doing” and said “he couldn’t live without me”.

Then he told her: “Lyn’s gone, she’s not coming back.”

The next day, he was at South West Rocks in his Toyota Corolla station wagon at dawn. She and her sister left in the car.

JC arrived back in Sydney around January 10 or 11.

Lyn was allegedly murdered on or around the night of January 8.

JC became “the live-in babysitter slash mother”, taking care of Chris and Lyn Dawson’s two young children, then four and two, she said.

“Having to learn to cook. Having to learn to clean. Having to learn to be the substitute housekeeper, sex slave, stepmother, babysitter. Slave. Just a slave,” she said.

In December 1984, they moved to a 3ha bush block in Yawalpah near Dreamworld on the northern Gold Coast.

JC called it “the compound”.

It had a 2m-high chain wire fence around it.

“I felt like a prisoner there,” she said.

Chris Dawson’s twin brother Paul moved to Queensland at the same time.

JC was by then 19 years old and heavily pregnant. She had her daughter on January 8, 1985.

She said she realised how different her feelings were for her baby from her feelings for Chris and Lyn’s two daughters.

Mr Dawson wanted her to be the mother for all three girls, and she didn’t feel that way.

She had never had a boyfriend before Mr Dawson, and hadn’t ­realised other women’s lives weren’t like hers until she met mothers at a playgroup.

When she came home and questioned Mr Dawson about it, “he forbade me going” and cut up the credit card.

She once bought a G-string and put it on for Mr Dawson, who told her she would only wear it for him. She told him she’d wear it whenever she saw fit.

“He got physically violent … and he ripped them off me. I was frightened,” she said.

Mr Dawson told her Lyn “went away with religious” ­people”.

When she pressed him, he said Lyn had been in Perth and was seen on the central coast.

As their marriage disinte­grated, she went to see a lawyer in 1989. Mr Dawson had always said “You won’t have anything if you leave me”, and she wanted to know for sure.

Around the same time, she confronted him.

“I said ‘You got rid of your first wife, you could easily get rid of me’,” she told the court.

“He stood completely still … and said ‘Don’t say things like that’.”

JC left Mr Dawson in 1990 and returned to Sydney with her daughter. The same year, she met up with Lyn’s brother Greg Simms and his wife Merilyn at their home on the NSW central coast.

JC said she told them about Mr Dawson trying to get a hitman.

She testified about the same incident in court, saying that in October or November 1981 Mr Dawson drove her across the Sydney Harbour Bridge to a ­location where she was told to stay in the car.

Mr Dawson returned after what could have been 15 or 20 minutes. “He said, ‘I went inside to get a hitman to kill Lyn. But then I ­decided I couldn’t do it because innocent people … could be hurt,’ ” she said.

Mr Dawson took notes across the other side of the courtroom as JC gave her evidence and faced extensive cross-examination.

She accepted there was an inconsistency – in a police statement in 1990, she had said Mr Dawson told her about the hitman two weeks after they went for the drive.

Defence barrister Pauline David repeatedly asked JC if she was lying as part of a mission to destroy Mr Dawson.

“He’ll destroy himself for what he’s done to people … to me … and to Lyn. I’m telling the truth,” JC said.

Mr Dawson had behaved ­“inappropriately by favouring me, by brushing up against me” in the classroom as he walked past when she was a student, JC said.

“To me, that’s grooming.”

Cross-examination of JC will continue on Friday.

Winston Smith
May 20, 2022 9:16 am

Dover Beach:

Someone asked, Winston IIRC, in another OT what was being retrieved from the field. Here is a vid about what the DPR are doing.

Yes. It were I.

Is that a T-34-85 in the background???

Appears so, except the turret doesn’t quite overlap the upper hull armour – apparently.

Winston Smith
May 20, 2022 9:18 am


A skin lession caused by the monkeypox virus is shown on the hand of a child infected with the virus in the US.

its a gay disease. how did a child get infected?

You’re not really asking for an explanation are you, Zipster?

May 20, 2022 9:22 am
May 20, 2022 9:22 am

Thanks duncanm. We’ve been watching that Council site like a hawk. That’s the source of our motelier’s info too. But full marks to her for phoning through.

Only one road (Windorah – Longreach) still closed so we must backtrack. No worries.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 20, 2022 9:29 am

Thousands of years of science development sacrificed for political correctness

Grave concerns raised on Mungo Man group’s impending reburial


The ancient remains of Mungo Man, Mungo Lady and 106 other individuals who roamed what is now the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area tens of thousands of years ago will be buried next week, in a move that has angered Indigenous groups and scientists opposed to the move.

Traditional owners have been advised that the reburials in unmarked graves will go ahead next Thursday, although opponents of the plan have flagged that they may seek a legal injunction to prevent the move.

The burial date of May 26 is just two days before elections are due to be held for the Willandra Lakes Aboriginal Advisory Group, a body representing traditional owner groups from across the ­region and which has strongly supported the burial plans.

Indigenous leaders opposed to the reburial believe the current AAG does not represent the true wishes of the community.

Three of those dissenting leaders this week wrote to NSW Environment Minister James Griffin expressing their “great concern” about the impending reburial and flagging potential legal action to stop the reburial.

The discovery of the 40,000-year-old skeletons of Mungo Man and Mungo Lady in the 1970s changed scientific understanding of how humans populated the earth and ultimately saw the Willandra Lakes region declared a world heritage area.

They represent some of the oldest human remains discovered outside Africa and are some of the earliest known examples of ritual cremation.

But the discovery also triggered a decades-long debate over their future, with Indigenous communities divided on whether they should be returned to the earth or interred in a specially built “keeping place”.

The scientific community has warned that reburying the remains would see their remaining scientific secrets lost forever and put the world heritage status of the area at risk.

Federal Environment Minister Sussan Ley in April formally ­approved a reburial plan. A spokeswoman for Heritage NSW confirmed the impending reburial of the remains.

The latest public consultation by the department, completed earlier this year, received 162 public submissions. Eleven of 15 submissions from traditional owners and First Nations people supported reburial, but the plan was endorsed by only 35 per cent of academics and 42.9 per cent of other individuals.

A report by the department following the consultation said reburial was the preferred option of the AAG and was consistent with the wishes expressed by many elders and representatives over the past 40 years.

The man who first discovered the Mungo remains, 92-year-old geologist Jim Bowler, said he was “greatly disturbed” by the news.

He said the remains were treasures of both First Nation Australians and world history. “My enduring commitment involves a promise to Mungo Man. In whatever remains of my life, I live to ensure his legacy is honoured, not just by fellow Australians but by the wider world community.”


May 20, 2022 9:31 am

Ecclesiastes 1.

Worth a look.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 9:37 am

Top Ender – truly a new Dark Ages.

May 20, 2022 9:37 am

Awesome, completely untraceable phone calls for votes.
What could go wrong?

Election rules to change to ensure all Australians with COVID-19 can vote

Changes to voting rules will be made to ensure all Australians with COVID-19 will be allowed to vote in the federal election.

The original legislation meant anyone who tested positive before Tuesday but did not apply for a postal ballot could not vote on the phone.

But the Australian electoral commissioner has requested changes which have been accepted by the government.

May 20, 2022 9:40 am

The ancient remains of Mungo Man, Mungo Lady and 106 other individuals who roamed what is now the Willandra Lakes World Heritage Area tens of thousands of years ago will be buried next week, in a move that has angered Indigenous groups and scientists opposed to the move.

This may sound silly – but I have always wondered why we don’t discover more skeletal remains of Aborigines. I mean – on our farms we are frequently turning over the earth, and often digging quite large excavations for various reasons. But you don’t hear of remains being unearthed. Now, this may be discreet landowners who don’t want to arouse unwanted attention. Fair enough. But I still think that it is odd.

I do recall a few years ago, down at Balmoral Beach (of all places) a police cordon being placed around some building work being done on a commercial building. Someone said they had unearthed human remains. I heard nothing more. But there is nearby a large sandstone overhang/rock shelter where anthropological excavations were done years ago.

Surely skeletal remains don’t disintegrate to that degree? Nor am I aware that cremation was universally practised. Maybe I am wrong.

May 20, 2022 9:45 am

Awesome little clip hugh.

May 20, 2022 9:49 am

Labour to hold onto NZud crims…
Valuable demographic there..
Labor would deport visa holders convicted of crimes but tweak rules to ease New Zealand tensions
The Guardian understands a Labor government would ensure decisions better take into account the time a person has been in Australia

Guardian Australia understands a Labor government would continue deportations under section 501 of the Migration Act as currently in force, but would be likely to adjust the ministerial direction to ensure decisions better take into account the time a person has been in Australia.
The proposal would aim to address the disproportionate impact of the policy on citizens from New Zealand, which has long argued it is “corrosive” to the relationship to deport people who have lived most of their lives in Australia.

New Zealand’s foreign minister, Nanaia Mahuta, said in February the country was “concerned that Australia continues to send people to New Zealand who have never lived here and have no family or support networks at all”.

The potential changes to the ministerial direction envisaged by the Labor party would not require legislation to go through parliament.

May 20, 2022 9:51 am

Just got a call from Boulia and the roads are open this morning, so it’s off to Birdsville

Hope you are in a good vehicle, Calli.

We did the stretch on the track from Birdsville to Maree after rain a few years ago. We were driving our last Landcruiser (the great 80 Series which had then cloaked up about 400,000km) & towing an Ultimate camper. My God, it was an experience!

Incidentally, our subsequent Landcruiser 200 Series is not a patch on the old one. The seats are nowhere near as comfortable, the SatNav is crap, the battery died last week….I could go on and on.

Old School Conservative
Old School Conservative
May 20, 2022 9:58 am

Thunderbirds are go! Repeat Thunderbirds are go!

Not too many other blogs where that phrase is widely understood.

May 20, 2022 10:00 am

Global banks and investment firms are bracing themselves for an “unprecedented” upsurge in civil unrest in the US, UK and Europe as energy and food price spikes are set to drive costs of living to astronomical levels, Byline Times can exclusively reveal.

The information comes from the head of a ‘financial institutions group’ – which provides expertise and advisory services to other banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions – at one of the largest investment firms in the US.

The senior investment executive, who spoke to Byline Times on condition of anonymity because the information he revealed is considered highly sensitive, said that contingency planners at top financial institutions believe “dangerous levels” of social breakdown in the West are now all but inevitable, and imminent. An outbreak of civil unrest is expected to occur anytime this year, but most likely in the coming months as the impact of the cost of living crisis begins to saturate the lives of “everyone”.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 10:03 am

Thunderbirds and World Series Cricket are my two earliest memories of colour TV.

Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
May 20, 2022 10:05 am

School closed as unrest continues in Wadeye, man arrested after police use pepper spray to disperse crowd armed with weapons
ABC Katherine
/ By Roxanne Fitzgerald
Posted 8m ago
8 minutes ago

Students in the remote community of Wadeye have been unable to attend school since Tuesday, after a riot between rival families broke out on the grounds, sending classrooms into lockdown.

Scott McIntyre, the chief executive of the local Thamarrurr Development Corporation, said a crowd armed with rocks was eventually dispersed by police, before a second fight broke out later in the day.

On Tuesday evening, a 29-year-old man was arrested by NT Police when they were called to a disturbance involving about 100 people wielding rocks and weapons.

The incident was the second time in three days police said they resorted to force, including the use of tear gas and pepper spray, to disperse the crowd.

NT cops using tear gas….

May 20, 2022 10:07 am

Global banks and investment firms are bracing themselves for an “unprecedented” upsurge in civil unrest in the US, UK and Europe as energy and food price spikes are set to drive costs of living to astronomical levels…

And just like that, nobody was concerned about global warming anymore.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 20, 2022 10:08 am

When does the next episode of “You Can’t Handle the Struth!” drop?

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 20, 2022 10:11 am

H B Bearsays:

May 20, 2022 at 10:03 am

Thunderbirds and World Series Cricket are my two earliest memories of colour TV.

Boonie, Dougie and Merv from Thunderbirds were tops.

May 20, 2022 10:11 am

This may sound silly – but I have always wondered why we don’t discover more skeletal remains of Aborigines.
And this will remain a mystery until CentreLink offices pass their use-by date and are demolished ..
few folk are aware that beneath each CL site are vast crypts where the remains of all 251s are stored so they can remain in touch wiv their “dreamtime” provider .. bit like the NDIS but far better funded .. LOL!

May 20, 2022 10:11 am
May 20, 2022 10:16 am

Vicki, I believe that many tribes ‘buried’ the remains in trees and they just rot away, even the bones eventually. You need fairly specific conditions for remains to last for thousands of years.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 20, 2022 10:16 am

Looks like the UAF is losing the ‘gains’ they made around Kharkov.

Col Girkin isn’t very sanguine about how things are going. He is worth reading as a guy who has a lot of inside intel, and he’s a heartfelt Russian patriot. Interesting comments about Ukrainian reserves which are now starting to be seen.

Dmityi the translator has posted the text here in much more legible form.

If you want the US perspective of how things are going here’s the latest from the Pentagon briefing overnight. I find these interesting also since they are saying what the US wants to say, but with reference to their own extensive intel resources.

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 10:17 am

Tony Grieg was the most likely crossover character.

May 20, 2022 10:19 am

So last night I decided to keep the evil Axis 7-West media, 6pm news propaganda on while we ate dinner for a last minute look at the lamestream media’s coverage of the election.

I can’t believe (and I don’t know if it was only last night) but Clive had his “make Australia great” song as an ad that went for about 5-7 minutes. Ugh! Save us!!!

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 10:19 am

When does the next episode of “You Can’t Handle the Struth!” drop?

As soon as he can find a truck bay in Davis.

Sancho Panzer
Sancho Panzer
May 20, 2022 10:23 am

H B Bearsays:

May 20, 2022 at 10:19 am

When does the next episode of “You Can’t Handle the Struth!” drop?

As soon as he can find a truck bay in Davis.

And not one next to the Indian delegation.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 20, 2022 10:26 am

Students in the remote community of Wadeye have been unable to attend school since Tuesday, after a riot between rival families broke out on the grounds, sending classrooms into lockdown.

Average attendance rate is about 30%

May 20, 2022 10:26 am

He said the remains were treasures of both First Nation Australians and world history.

How are “First Nation Australian’s” involved when there’s no clear genetic link?

May 20, 2022 10:28 am

…and for the record, whilst I worked in academia, for pollies and parliaments alike, my wife hates politics and even rang me from the booth line yesterday to ask how to fill in “the big form.” She remarks “do I put a tick or numbers?” LOL!

However, she is my true litmus test of public opinion; that’s fairly disinterested in politics and just gets on with life. She might catch the odd snippet on tellie every now and then. But, she has guessed the winner of each election correctly back to Kevin07.

I remember on election eve 2019 EVERYONE* was convinced Shitten was going to win. We were watching TV and she hadn’t seen a lot of him but she turns to me and goes “he’s a creep. Ugh, shivers.”

She’s seen a bit more of Albo than Shitten but she assures me he won’t win, at least, be popular: “He has a lisp, is aggro and very uncomfortable speaker in front of cameras.”

So, perhaps it’s all luck and she’s like that “predicting crocodile from the NT who eats the steak or the chicken in predicting an election outcome” but boy oh, do I hope she’s got her finger on the pulse again!


May 20, 2022 10:28 am

On the other thread about Russia and the possible effect of sanctions and a very old Dilbert sprang into my mind.

May 20, 2022 10:28 am

the McRuski

End of an era: McDonald’s strikes deal to sell Russia restaurants
The Chicago burger giant said its existing licensee Alexander Govor, who operates 25 restaurants in Siberia, has agreed to buy McDonald’s 850 Russian restaurants and operate them under a new name.

May 20, 2022 10:31 am

Good news.

The green loons are unhappy and topping themselves.

Bad news, not quickly enough.
Those who do speak out are often younger activists – research has shown that half of people between 16 and 25 years old believe the Earth may be doomed, while three-quarters feel anxiety when they think or hear about climate change. Some speak openly of not wanting to bring children into a hotter, harsher world.

“Living in climate truth is like living in a nightmare. It’s absolutely horrible and I can understand why the vast majority of Americans don’t do it,” said Margaret Klein Salamon, a clinical psychologist turned climate activist. “But the worst part is that everyone’s acting normal – it’s like we are zombies. The sense of helplessness and hopelessness is holding back conversations and political action.”

Salamon leads an organization, called the Climate Awakening, that facilitates “climate emotions conversations” both in-person and virtually that encourage people to open up about their climate fears. Salamon said that many describe living in a sort of waking, powerless nightmare where an obvious catastrophe is unfolding but society just blithely ignores it.

“Some people have described it as like they are at a funeral but everyone else is treating it like a party,” said Salamon. “People are still going to college, planning for retirement, doing all the things as if the future will look just like the past when we know that’s not true. There’s a delusion of normalcy.”

Thats a cult leader.
They are literally describing a person who is leading a cult

May 20, 2022 10:31 am

And in a final pre-election blitz this AM, Albanese did one 10 minute “interview” on ABC Drive.

Scomo did ten interviews over two hours.

Bruce of Newcastle
Bruce of Newcastle
May 20, 2022 10:35 am

Glenn, come on man, NBC had an election to ‘fortify’.

Daniel Greenfield is interested in this too.

The Mainstream Media is Suddenly Very Interested in Opposition Research on Hunter Biden (19 May)

First the New York Times and the Washington Post, now NBC News.

Before we dig into the details of the NBC News report, let me note that it is once again a mainstream media news report digging into a story that the media denied so vocally in 2020 that it was censored across social media platforms as disinformation.

Now suddenly. …

He thinks this is about the Dems getting Joe out of the WH. Which if true is for the Dems an insanely dangerous way of doing that, given what we know is in all those files.

With Kamala and Pelosi in the line of inheritance I really don’t know what the Dems are aiming at. They’re both as bad as Joe, and less malleable. Who are they trying to prepare? Hillary? Chelsea?

Winston Smith
May 20, 2022 10:36 am

Colonel Crispin Berka:

You think the Pandemic Treaty is bad?
Just wait until you see the Refugee Treaty!

May 20, 2022 10:39 am

This filthy kulak need to shut her rotten mouth.
The sacrifice for the carbon gods must go on despite the efforts of wreckers like her.
Forwards to a colder, hungrier proletariat brothers.

I can’t afford to heat a pizza for my son – this is the reality of Britain’s cost of living crisis
Jo Barker-Marsh
I’m a full-time carer on universal credit. While the government stands by, my bills have doubled, and I’m fearful for the future

Its incredibly strange.
Every country is being told renew-balls are ‘too cheap to meter”, yet all who are embracing the transition are facing ruinous price increases.

I have seen our gas and electricity charges double. We have just had our toughest winter yet as I couldn’t afford to turn on the heating. Instead, we bundled up in bed to stay warm. There is now a minimum of a third less in my shopping basket for the same money. It’s largely fresh food we are cutting back on, short shelf-life items, tiny luxuries and toiletries too, but even that won’t be enough soon. We are pretty savvy shoppers, people who are used to life on a low income, but this is absolutely impossible to manage and we cannot plan for this as costs continue to rise, and a terrifying winter comes into view.

Not a mention of green policies in the whole article.
Just a reference to “greedy energy companies” and the usual scarecrows thrown up to avoid reality.

Top Ender
Top Ender
May 20, 2022 10:41 am

Yay! When you phone Telstra faults, you are now informed there is a “dedicated First Nations team to help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders”.

There’s some sort of irony that when you connect with the normal teams, they’re always reasonably incompetent Indians or Filipinos, but I’m not sure what it is.

Winston Smith
May 20, 2022 10:42 am


the sort of thing that makes you think reintroducing ‘male’ conscription might be a good idea.

I’m all for conscription – both sexes, all disabilities.
Even a paraplegicic, while unable to do the fitness test can still do data processing and admin stuff.
18 years old, two intakes a year, segregated units, for two years.

May 20, 2022 10:42 am

Salamon said that many describe living in a sort of waking, powerless nightmare where an obvious catastrophe is unfolding but society just blithely ignores it.

Sort of like anticipating an Albanese government.

May 20, 2022 10:48 am

Students in the remote community of Wadeye have been unable to attend school since Tuesday, after a riot between rival families broke out on the grounds, sending classrooms into lockdown.

And as the 3 day news cycle pedals away the quest for relevance ramps up ..! LOL!

Thinking “relevance” has the “Benny Smith” thingy surpassed “Days of our Lives” longevity record yet? .. the legal folks wallets must be well past burstin’ point by now .. LOL!

May 20, 2022 10:48 am

Top Ender – truly a new Dark Ages.

Led by the diseducated 21st century barbarians in academia who our taxes are paying for.

May 20, 2022 10:50 am

There’s some sort of irony that when you connect with the normal teams, they’re always reasonably incompetent Indians or Filipinos…

There’s a German comedian based in the UK who makes a very good joke about the upside of Germany losing its empire after WWI: It means that whenever he calls his bank he gets to speak to a German.

May 20, 2022 10:51 am

Monkeypox Unexpectedly Emerges in UK, Portugal, Spain, US, and Canada

the question that has been asked has something weakened our immune systems to let these waves of rare events spread so easily now, or has someone been monkeying around with the viruses?

May 20, 2022 10:59 am

May 20, 2022 at 9:51 am
Just got a call from Boulia and the roads are open this morning, so it’s off to Birdsville

Hope you are in a good vehicle, Calli.

We did the stretch on the track from Birdsville to Maree after rain a few years ago. We were driving our last Landcruiser (the great 80 Series which had then cloaked up about 400,000km) & towing an Ultimate camper. My God, it was an experience!

Incidentally, our subsequent Landcruiser 200 Series is not a patch on the old one. The seats are nowhere near as comfortable, the SatNav is crap, the battery died last week….I could go on and on.

Road testing a New Mitsubishi Triton Ute towing Test Big Camper Trailer Winton to Boulia in pouring rain – called slip sliding all the way to Boulia and there for 4 days before Plenty to Alice due roads cut off.

We were driving our last Landcruiser (the great 80 Series which had then cloaked up about 400,000km) – Landcruiser 200 Series is not a patch on the old one. The seats are nowhere near as comfortable,

Solution on my Series 80 full Recaro Interior – Superb Front Seats

H B Bear
H B Bear
May 20, 2022 11:01 am

While I would like to see the Lieborals wiped out as much as the next bear, I want to see ScoMo win for an Albo concession speech and see the Liars punished for putting up such a rubbish candidate.

May 20, 2022 11:09 am

While I would like to see the Lieborals wiped out as much as the next bear, I want to see ScoMo win for an Albo concession speech and see the Liars punished for putting up such a rubbish candidate.

Sadly, Humphrey, the software allowed me to give that just one dickless uptick. I wanted to give it 1000.

May 20, 2022 11:11 am

What’s this monkeypox business about?

When a man and monkey love each other very much….

May 20, 2022 11:11 am

Concerning ‘China’s Master Plan to Destroy America’

by Lawrence Kadish
May 19, 2022 at 9:30 am

There seem to be so many policy decisions now that would appear to help America’s adversaries such as Russia and especially China, rather than what is best for America, that, on February 2, 2022, the Republican Leader of the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy — despite a disagreement with former President Donald Trump and a subsequent “genuflection” by way of apology — after mentioning the current administration’s “self-created crises,” noted that “Almost every page,” of the Biden Administration’s 3000 page America Competes Act “has a provision that helps China but hurts America.” McCarthy cited, among other matters:

May 20, 2022 11:11 am

Re Roger @10.07am :

Not surprised if unrest is expected overseas because of energy supply shortages. But – they are also going to happen here as well, given our determination to “kill the goose that laid the golden egg”:

This is from Jo Nova’s blog today:

Across Australia small power suppliers are sending emails to customers right now warning them that their rates are going up next week by eye-watering amounts. Wholesale electricity prices were at a record high in April this year, and it hasn’t improved in May. Prices are hitting $200-$300 per megawatt hour, not as a peak, but as a 24 hour average. In South Australia two days ago, the average for the full day was $1,141. Futures contracts are rapidly taking off and these rises are starting to flow through to customers. Already, the small retailers are bleeding cash, just as they did in the UK, and if wholesale prices don’t come back to Earth soon, they will go out of business.

May 20, 2022 11:13 am

What I want to know is why she is buying pizza.

May 20, 2022 11:16 am

Yes, nasty shocks coming, that’s for sure, Vicki.

As I jokingly alluded though, it may spell the end of the AGW scam.

Cost of living already features higher on the list of election issues that climate change.

The big problem is that the damage already done may take decades to undo.

May 20, 2022 11:17 am

It is interesting and frightening to be in the UK and watch a whole nation of intelligent people submit willingly, or perhaps without serious complaint, to utterly destructive policies peddled and implemented by marxist freak shows like Johnson and his floozie, and institutions of repression like the NHS.
The minor stuff is already implemented – restaurants ranting about their horrible vegan menus – local councils imposing idiot laws like total right of way for bikes – almost universal acceptance of EV’s including the idiotic belief that recharges will remain at fourteen pound fifty.
Of course this cosmetic idiocy sits on top of established lunacy like acceptance of Islamic terror and cops policing speech.
But it is acceptance of the latest final push for destruction of the nation that is so startling.
In the short months that I have been here food prices have gone through the roof while the enablers of destruction scream praise of rewilding, destocking, defarting, banning sprays and emasculation the transport and distribution system.
There was not a ripple when it was revealed that the head of the BBC climate department peddled lies during COP.
The people have just been told that the next energy cost increase will be 100%. Not a peep from talking heads, and nobody in the streets.
To complete the destruction, local councils are increasing council taxes at will and reducing services while hiring more and more enforcer thugs.
There is an almost complete unwillingness to blame Government for these disasters. The Brits are seemingly conditioned to submission by the Covid fascism.
I would like to believe that Oz will be different when armageddon arrives on Sunday, but Victoria tells me otherwise.

May 20, 2022 11:18 am

You should mention that TE.
I know someone that does something and there are indigenous customers who definitely need and benefit from dedicated services.
There are dedicated lines for DV victims, dedicated services for nesb and other minorities.
I love waiting on hold myself.

May 20, 2022 11:21 am

What I want this election.
KK to lose to an independent.
The Teals to fall flat on their smug self satisfied faces.
Labor to lose Chisholm.
Elbow or SoSo to end up with a ruly unmanageable upper house.

May 20, 2022 11:21 am

Event 202: What are Smallpox Pandemic Simulations Foreshadowing?

From Event 201 to the controversial decisions of the Obama and Trump Administrations to remove a moratorium placed on funding gain of function research, to the seemingly preemptive declaration of Anthony Fauci in 2017 that the US would soon face a pandemic, it seems like the writing was on the wall all along for the outbreak of COVID-19. Although hindsight is 20/20, it also imbues us with foresight in the atypical event that we actually learn from our mistakes. As the United States announces its first confirmed domestic cases of monkeypox in 2022, parallels between what led up to the COVID-19 pandemic appear to be eerily similar. That similarity is echoed in Europe, where the actions of public health bureaucracies appear every bit as analogous. To tie a bow around those developments, the emergence of an NGO-backed global narrative has been authored by a panel entrusted by the World Health Organization that may serve as the script for whatever stage has been set.

Just as Event 201 simulated the global response to a coronavirus pandemic just months before its actual onset, Germany has chosen to enact a similar exercise concerning an outbreak of smallpox, hosting health ministers from other G7 nations. This decision follows the release of a report from the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response (“IPPPR”). Despite issuing a report to the WHO last year titled “Making COVID-19 the Last Pandemic, the IPPPR report on the threat of a global monkeypox outbreak projects that the virus could kill as many as 250 million of the 3 billion infections it forecast over an 18 month period.

May 20, 2022 11:22 am

No-one owns a yellow jacket in the UK.

Boambee John
Boambee John
May 20, 2022 11:22 am

May 20, 2022 at 10:16 am
Vicki, I believe that many tribes ‘buried’ the remains in trees and they just rot away, even the bones eventually. You need fairly specific conditions for remains to last for thousands of years.

Passing carnivores might also contribute to the damage.

  1. Carryover question- why are the S.F. Liberals so unpopular in the West? -I don’t think they’re unpopular, just totally uninspiring.…

Oh, you think that, do you? Care to put it on record?x