Love you all. Sleep well.
Love you all. Sleep well.
Marianne Faithfull – The Ballade of Lucy Jordan (1980) 45 years.
Many have commented similar, regards his likely predilection.
FT: Sudan says it has agreed deal for Russian naval base
When the man comes around https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWTjZgNJOc0
I can’t believe the Army is not there’: Sources say people too scared to enter Wadeye fearing violence
The Wadeye clusterfuck is the culmination of 50 years of failed policy in Aboriginal Affairs.
They have been applying the same policies over this period with bigger and bigger budgets accompanying each “ reform”. All the reforms undertaken can be summed up as rebadging the name.
So we now have over 100 houses destroyed, at least 500 people homeless, one person dead after being speared through the head, multiple people injured, and front line service providers fleeing the community.
I haven’t heard a word about this from any of the major parties. If this occurred in a suburban city setting a state of emergency would have been called.
The NT police force appears to be powerless to intervene with these riots being going on for more than a month.
In other news, does Tom Cruise have an attic somewhere? And in that attic a portrait covered with a dust sheet?
Good one Calli.
I’m always tempted to retort, whenever people say I look younger than I should at my age, “thank you, but the most curious things are happening to my portrait in the attic.”
Which has robbed them of the “crushing mandate for sweeping change”
whether Labor win by 1 vote or 21 .. the “sweeping change” will be the same .. once the kiddies get behind the counter in thelolly shop it’ll be on .. I was gonna LOL but realised ……… duuuuuuh!
the war veteran punched a comrade who acted “jovial” after a bungled mission in Afghanistan.
According to books I’ve read those SAS types (or Seals) fight each other just for the hell of it, pretty much any time they aren’t actually in the field, but particularly when having a few sherbets later.
Cat Call for Election 22…
Predicted result out of 151 seats up for grabs. (76 to win)
Coalition to win:
Tom 86
Eyrie 81
Knuckle Dragger 80
Top Ender 79 (ineligible for prize)
Lizzie 78
Calli 77
Rosie LNP by one; nothing for teals, 1 green 2 independents.
Roger LNP to win 73 seats (ALP 72) & form government with support of independents
Fair Shake Scomo as a minority government…after two weeks of recounts. He takes it by 2
Chrisl Put me down for 3. ?????
Delta A Hung parliament – 74 seats each – with Greens and One nation voting each way. Rebekha Sharkie (Centre Alliance) going with LNP.
2dogs Hung parliament with about 65 each for the majors
Labor to win:
Sancho Labor – 76; LNP – 73; Greens – 1; Teal – 1; UAP – 0
I think most of us are wishful thinkers.
Top Ender, please amend my forecast to 80 LNP, 70 the rest (Liars-Filth). Simon’s leg-openers: ZERO.
FMD. Apparently my mother “volunteered” me to hand out HTV’s for Barney for a couple of hours tomorrow. Total waste of time as he will romp it in.
I’ve gotten an invite to the “after party”. It had better be free piss, otherwise I’m going to be a “no show”.
You have mail TE
If there is a weekend thread kicking off later tonight, no doubt it will become a defacto election one.
Roger at 6:21 – broadly in agreement. Inconceivable there won’t be a swing to the Liars, so LNP lose government at that point. Doesn’t feel like a baseball bat election, say 5-7% but Albo has been shithouse so knock 3% off for that. There will be wins/loses around that. I expect the Liars will pick up a couple in WA and Chaney to fall short in Curtin. My crystal ball is getting foggy ….
Top Ender:
I’m in for Conservative win of eight seats.
Functional acquaintance with the concept of indoor facilities would be nice.
In relation to the “Aboriginal bones” stuff, I’ve read John Oxley’s diaries in relation to his travels through these parts. He makes a “couple of references” to the local inhabitants funeral habits.
The first confirms that they used “wooden piers” in the area. The next was him coming across a badly deformed male, who appeared to have suffered some sort of injuries a year or so previously. He was all alone and stumbling about the place, but had somehow managed to survive on whatever he could. Oxley’s summation was that “the tribe” just left him there to die as he was probably a hindrance to the tribes nomadic movement. Not much of a burial in that case. Just left to die.
LNP 71
Crossbench 13
Liars 67
Perhaps the lack of enthusiasm is due to the clowns in Darwin charging NT police officer Zachary Rolfe with murder
Just looking at Brisbane, the ALP ran gays against Trevor Evans in ’16 and ’19, this time The Greens are running a gay.
If The Greens can run second, they might be a good chance of beating Evans due to the preference discipline of Labor voters.
Cassie is in Paddington, I am in Isa, Fair Shake.
Tomorrow I’ll be living it up in Boulia. Population 301.
Dr Dalrymple at Taki’s site:
Seems topical.
Perhaps the lack of enthusiasm is due to the clowns in Darwin charging NT police officer Zachary Rolfe with murder
Perhaps, but it might also be down to a Labor Government not wanting to be seen bashing up Aborigines during an Election campaign.
I’m expecting the bashings to resume after May 21.
Fair Shake:
We’re not sure.
There was mention of a Dirty Underwear Mortar – then silence.
Cat Call for Election 22…
Predicted result out of 151 seats up for grabs. (76 to win)
Coalition to win:
Winston Smith 84
Eyrie 81
Knuckle Dragger 80
Tom 80 LNP, 70 the rest (Liars-Filth). Simon’s leg-openers: ZERO.
Top Ender 79 (ineligible for prize)
Lizzie 78
Calli 77
Rosie LNP by one; nothing for teals, 1 green 2 independents.
Roger LNP to win 73 seats (ALP 72) & form government with support of independents
Fair Shake Scomo as a minority government…after two weeks of recounts. He takes it by 2
Chris Put me down for 3?????
Delta A Hung parliament – 74 seats each – with Greens and One nation voting each way. Rebekha Sharkie (Centre Alliance) going with LNP.
2dogs Hung parliament with about 65 each for the majors
Labor to win:
Sancho Labor – 76; LNP – 73; Greens – 1; Teal – 1; UAP – 0
MatrixTransform Liars 67; Crossbench 13; LNP 71
Recently sent a photo of a newspaper clipping to a mate about the early settlers (one bearing his family name). It basically said that this bloke came here from Germany as a shepherd for Goonoo Goonoo Station in the 1850’s.
No dingos in this area, and foxes were released in the Melbourne area in 1855. I ponder from what he was shepherding the sheep? Can’t think of too many predators (other than humans and possibly hawks/eagles perhaps).
It’s not as if there were filthy giraffes roaming the countryside, killing everything that crossed their path.
They dribble enough shit to fertilise a fair few paddocks. Maybe that’s their understanding…or not.
Sancho Panzer:
Yes – we’ve seen this movie too.
ALP + Greens + TEALS 90
LNP et al 61
Senate hopefully LNP/PHON/UAP/LD
Does it also come with an agonising 17 minute self justification?
Keep an eye out for the Min Min lights.
TE, put me in for a hung Parliament with one teal holding the balance of power.
Australia, you deserve it.
Big Sis is Big Sad ?
Paul Joseph Watson
Just got a text saying “Australia transferring all AU hospital & health to World Health Org immediately. Stop them. Vote 1 United Australia Party”
Salty Cracker.
Everyone Knows Bill Gates Is Behind The Monkeypox Outbreaks
Went to vote in my electorate of Reid where there is an invisible, risible MP, not one vote for the majors in the Senate and PML for me and my friend. He voted absentee and voted for Pauline and put the majors last, I voted for UAP and put the majors last
If corflutes were votes the scrub-faced one would be a shoe-in — all the AEC workers were lovely, my friend is a very disabled man and loves Pauline, I was his support worker for the day; we were both ushered in he to the absentee table, I was told I had to get back in the queue but the nice lady from AEC surreptitiously brought me my ballot and senate tablecloth so my friend and voted side by side to do our bit to save the nation.
And go to the lookout where you can see the curvature of the Earth – easy if you have a theodolite or a long straight edge ruler.
A bit of tightly strung fishing line between a couple of trees/cars is good, too.
I got that text, too, TE. It’s hysterical nonsense — WHO taking over Australia won’t happen ’til next year whoever’s in charge.
Snap Top Ender
Amanda Stoker on Bernardi bemoaning the fragmentation of the right.
Well Amanda, you reap what you sow.
I am basing my Coalition by 5 seats on the way the ASX has gone up this last week. Apart from Thursday’s hiccup but we didn’t get hit nearly as badly as the US which is somewhat unusual. So I think the smart money knows something.
This happened in 2019 when everyone thought the Liars were a shoo in.
. How’s that Senate censuring of a private citizen working out for you Amanda?
Just turned on the Rugby on Stan. Qld Reds vs a combined Pacific Islander team. All good.
But then we must have the ever present ‘Welcome to Country’ by a dear ‘elder’ and, for a change, a darker skinned aboriginal lady. And the Qld side have jerseys with the required dot painting all over it. Not the standard jersey, no, we must pay our respects, or submit in every way possible.
And for what I ask. What is meant by all this stuff. What is it meant to address, or have the spectators respond….
We either are one country or not. If not then what.
I am totally over it.
I haven’t received that text from Clive. Yet.
Raj, the local Indian social media maestro UAP candidate spoken of the other day had better get his skates on.
Just another political trollop — an unprincipled hack who’ll bend over for the party.
You know, whatever the outcome tomorrow night and I reckon Labor will win by a narrow margin, maybe two or three seats, it would be so delicious, so delectable and so divine to see Nobody’s Girl lose in Fowler.
I’m praying!
Oh and if she loses, you can bet your bottom dollar that Nobody’s Girl won’t hang around in Fowler, she’ll quickly vacate her rented lodgings in Cabramatta and scoot back to Scotland Island faster than a speeding train.
Looks like the Deep State is going after Elon. Via Seeking Alpha who got it from Business Insider.
Besides running Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA), SpaceX (SPACE), The Boring Company and Neuralink, as well as trying/not trying to take over Twitter (NYSE:TWTR), Elon Musk has a another thing to deal with. Insider has reported that SpaceX (SPACE) shelled out $250,000 in severance to a flight attendant who had accused the billionaire of sexual misconduct. The alleged incident occurred in Musk’s room aboard a SpaceX (SPACE) jet in late 2016 during an in-flight, full-body massage that is apparently not unusual among company executives.
The reports: In addition to exposing himself, Musk allegedly rubbed the flight attendant’s thigh and offered to buy her a horse if she would “do more” during the in-flight massage. She rejected his proposition and went on to file a complaint with SpaceX’s (SPACE) human resources department in 2018, claiming her career opportunities had been hurt by her refusal and she was being retaliated against when her shifts were cut back. SpaceX (SPACE) took the issue to a mediator, and the woman signed a restrictive non-disclosure and non-disparagement clause that included a promise to never discuss the severance payment or divulge any information of any kind about Musk and his businesses.
Insider said it contacted Musk for comment, but he emailed back to ask for more time to respond, saying there was “a lot more to this story.” “If I were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light,” he wrote, calling the story a “politically motivated hit piece.” The account was leaked by the flight attendant’s friend, who felt that “remaining silent would make her complicit.”
Response via Twitter: “For the record, those wild accusations are utterly untrue. I have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me “exposed” – describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, …) that isn’t known by the public. She won’t be able to do so, because it never happened. The attacks against me should be viewed through a political lens – this is their standard (despicable) playbook – but nothing will deter me from fighting for a good future and your right to free speech. Finally, we get to use Elongate as scandal name. It’s kinda perfect.”
I think Elon’s only sexual harassment problems would be from women wanting him to “grab them by the pussy”.
. And where did it get her? Obviously did bend over far enough- she was dropped down the ticket in favour of an ugly unprincipled hack, who bent just that bit deeper.
#MeToo, Cassie, let there be on foul Fowl of Fowler – that piece of work really is unworthy and Dai Le whom I’ve met is another woman scorned by the Liberals. She is the real deal, smart, principled and a local. Dai Le deserves to win for the people of that electorate, hard-working immigrants who are real success stories not the gum-chewing, grater-voiced POW Nobody’s girl
let there be NO foul fowl of Fowler
Foul fowl (or owl) of Fowler, or perhaps a foul powerful owl of Fowler.
If there was a foul powerful owl of Fowler, one could howl:
‘Ow! You foul powerful owl of Fowler, off my jowl…….’
God, the footy’s boring tonight.
Not one of the Teals wants to win. Stuck in Canberra for three years. Not bloody likely.
how suffocatingly tiresome, and the weather is just so climatey too — Allegra on the other hand is promising a better climate for Wentworth – so the good burgers of Double Pay will be sooooo grateful.
I am at my son’s house minding my little grandies and there is some Allegra festooning on his fence. It’s his birthday today he’s nearly 40 so what can I say other than he attended university.
That’s damning enough.
I can tell even from here, I am watching you tube videos of buttercream posies being composed. Delightful –
My hardworking illiterate papa and his nonno used to say that some people exited university knowing less than they went in — I think he was onto something there.
Winston Smithsays:
May 20, 2022 at 7:13 pm
Top Ender:
I’m in for Conservative win of eight seats.
Who are these “Conservatives” of whom you speak?
My apologies if this has already been posted:
‘Breach of his own law’: Jim’s Mowing founder takes lockdown legal battle to Supreme Court
Good on you Jim, these people have to be held to account for the damage they have done.
Academia, when you absolutely positively need to find a group of people that profess to be unable to tell the difference between men and women.
Apologies to Cassie and Calli for the Birdsville mixup.
I dropped in to the cinema to watch a movie called Mincemeat which I took for a cooking show. And cook up they did. Slow and dry. But a jolly good story. Im giving it 4 stars Margaret.
They don’t want your sex life to be better than theirs.
Interesting last interview of Leigh Sales of Albo before D Day. I thought she gave him a hard time in spite of letting him waffle on too much. But even that gave him enough rope to hang himself with.
Really……can’t the Labor Party do any better than this old Labor has been?
I don’t want Elbow to win.
Just being realistic about the way the cards will fall.
When are the testing centres for the Monkey virus opening up? I want to be first in the queue and line me up for at least quarterly jabs.
Bear at 7:13.
Things have improved greatly in the footy – if you’re about Nick, we’re in front!
Morrison is afraid of a hung Parliament next week?
You mean… it’s a possibility? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ⛳
Things are looking up already!
And if Musk buys Twitter, I’m fine with Parliament being run by Twitter.
Fat Cloive hasn’t sent me a text.
But John Howard called.
He’s a bit of a rude bastard.
Just kept talking over me when I asked him what the fuck he was thinking telling Trumble to stay on in the party.
In the end I told him to fuck off and hung up.
Do you think it is though? Apart from the cads that are into boinking the undergrads for improved marks most of them seem to lead a fairly staid existence with the same person and kids. Almost bourgeois even.
I’m hoping he manages to sink it somehow without having to buy it.
A feral erection is about to visited be upon us, Cats …
Sacré bleu! 😕
I think I’ll put up a dedicated Election thread around 6pm tomorrow. Leave the OT free of debauchery.
I feel your pain. My youngest, in a similar age group to yours, is the only one with a degree. He’s on Team Teal and handing out HTV cards for the excreble Dr Ryan (for a doctor she is) tomorrow.
I am deeply ashamed. Still love the little dum-dum though.
There is no bad outcome in Fowler.
.1 Nobody’s Girl loses. Begone! Good.
.2 Nobody’s Girl wins. She is now in the lower house and white-anting Elbow.
‘Sup bitches? This where the Cats hang out now? No pre-election Open Thread? I had to scroll to find this one.
Not sure how the Teal “independents” will do in general, but a lot of talking heads on the tele seem to think Tim Wilson is a goner. It’d be worth the laugh to see it happen, I guess.
Anyway, I find it hard to care who wins, as we don’t have a conservative party, and despite Paul Murray insisting the contrary, ScoMo’ll sign away our sovereignty to WHO. The fuck-knuckle was boasting about it before vehemently denying it.
Anyway… my prediction is still Coalition with an increased majority. Mostly because I like being contrarian… but here’s hoping parties like LDP and PHON cause havoc in the senate.
The most relevant feral erection thread in this country.
You want coverage, people?
We have the most cutting edge.
Beholden to none of them. 🙂
Ugh… been so long, I forgot how to do paragraphs.
this it?
Who the hell is in this National Security Committee and how much is the CCP paying them?
OTOH, this could be a sneaky move by ONA/BigDigger. If this pact allows Chinese weapons and defensive units out of China and into an environment where they are less secure, prying eyes might learn a thing or two about them.
h/t Big Lez
LOL, since when?
The fix is in
Yep, it’s The Great Preset.
Howard’s last day in Parliament.
I don’t see Albo as “old Labor” at all – he is very much “new Labor” along the example set by Bob Hawke, and followed by Paul Keating Kevin Rudd, Julia Gilliard, Bill Shorten et all.
“We live in waterfront mansions and have investment properties, and all the trappings of the rich for the goods of the wukkas. We wouldn’t know a worker if we fell over one in the street. We believe in the redistribution of wealth, as long as it’s someone else’s wealth and not ours. Anyone else is from “the big end of town.”
Those who haven’t yet ventured out – better lay off the monkey sex for a few weeks. Especially in Sydeney.
Aboriginal burial practises vary widely across Oz.
In the Kimberley I’ve seen rock covered graves a long way west of the Gibb River Road and an aboriginal skull in a rock niche in the eastern Leopold Ranges.
A farmer from Ivanhoe we met said when he was growing up the stock men told him the local blackfellas used to bury their dead vertically in graves.
And a pipeline welder , based in Darwin said when he was working in South Australia the excavator would be ahead cutting the trench and be accompanied by representatives of the local tribes, ostensibly to indicate where not to lay the route. In fact they had no idea where the sacred sites or burial locations where until the excavator dumped a load of soil with assorted bones and occasionally a skull. Work stopped followed by much swearing from the boss and long discussions with the tribal reps on how to proceed next.
Save the date, peoples – June 4 2022:
The Radio Show – “Seventies Rock 1969 – 1978”
Here’s a taster … 🙂
I assume goats are still OK?
Albonsleazey has done his best.
Staggeringly awful as it is. Dismissed for many, many ducks during his inglorious campaign. Innings: Many. Runs 1. Avg: 0.00001
The 2019 “upset” and the result(s) of tomorrow night’s counting may yet see the gliberals stagger over the line.
This election reminds me of Keato and “let them eat GST Cake” Hewson in 1993.
“What’s the unemployment rate?”
“Duuuuhhhhhh …”
Keating was all in favor of a GST as part of “Option C” as a tax reform package in 1989 – he was never asked why he had abandoned his support, during the 1993 election campaign.
We’ll post as though nothing could fall (Nothing could fall)
And the shame was on the other site.
Yep, just don’t get caught.
*Enquiring on behalf of this monstrous z grade imbecile.
“What can we do to help Prime Minister?”
The election will eventually be decided by one vote.
I’m holding onto my postal vote until they announce its a dead beat with only my electorate left. Also a dead heat.
Then Australia will beg for something as brief as the Oakshot/ Windsor announcement.
I don’t want them to buy me a pony, oh no, I want them to be the pony.
They will dance for my vote.
A preview of my announcement.
In the unlikely event I’m wrong then it’s Mr Thai rub and tugs party by 10.
I base that on 4000,000 early votes.
One trillion dollars debt and counting …
HOP Time.
You know it makes a lot more sense than than running up One trillion dollars debt on someone else’s (i.e you and me and many, many others’) credit card. 😡
‘Womxn’: Michelle Obama’s ‘mark of disrespect’ to ‘vast majority’ of women
Former first lady Michelle Obama’s new way of spelling the word “woman” does nothing but deride women and make a mockery of the trans cause, says Sky News Australia host Piers Morgan.
It comes as Ms Obama used the term “womxn” instead of “woman” in a recent Instagram post.
“Ironically to promote women’s rights over abortion,” Mr Morgan said.
“What makes this particularly absurd is that Ms Obama’s post was supposed to be supporting women’s rights.
“Instead she’s trampled on them by pandering to a tiny minority of people who get upset when they hear a word that’s been used for centuries to describe people who aren’t men.”
Mr Morgan said the term was a “mark of disrespect” to the vast majority who would just like to be called “women”.
Eyrie says:
May 20, 2022 at 7:52 pm
I am basing my Coalition by 5 seats on the way the ASX has gone up this last week. Apart from Thursday’s hiccup but we didn’t get hit nearly as badly as the US which is somewhat unusual. So I think the smart money knows something.
This happened in 2019 when everyone thought the Liars were a shoo in.
Shhh… If you go back 6 months and look at the bagging given to Morrison and the LNP in this blog you will be disappointing at least 50% of the posters here.
Their focus, drive and compulsion is for a Labor victory, but they have disguised that, by encouraging others to vote for anyone except the LNP or casting their vote for some obscure nobody who has as much chance of forming government as a blancmange…
Regarding my dIsInFoRmAtIoN that “the fix is in”, I quote the last step in AEC’s description of the phone voting process now available to covidiots:
You be the judge.
LOL – labore’s counter ads:
Unlike the Albansleazey who is one unrelenting incontinent irredeemably incorrect imbecile – born of a sleazey dagoe and an unwitting female personage on a post WW2 cruise to the new woild as the self parody was.
Section 44 suddenly rendered irrelevant as it is, for no good reason (again).
Someone over on Michael Smith has done some digging – it seems the relationship lasted past the cruise, to the point where Mary Anne Ellery took a flat in Southampton for six months, Albo’s father stopped by to discuss Ugandan affairs, between cruises, …she went home, three months pregnant, with a tale of being widowed as a result of a car accident…
Without full scrutineering of every telephone vote and every postal vote from the time it’s placed in the postbox, this election is wide open for tampering.
All the postal votes are being collected by Computershare, with nary a scrutineer in sight.
It might be convenient, but it’s not secure.
It’s all good – Albo has committed to leading a Government for women —–
The Airing of Grievances.
I genuinely believe there should be a Feats of Strength component in selecting Prime Ministers, or at the very least some form of pushup benchmark.
Nah. Fight to the death. Preferably both of them.
I favour the sublime Parkinson’s idea of compulsory dying for their country at the end of their reign.
Anyway, “Sliante” to all you horrible mob.
Out of the daily routine of chemotherapy, and radiation treatment, the Memsahib is doing her best to give up cigarettes – after sixty years…..
In the case of two blokes… tie them together by their weiners and the winner declared by tug-o-war
PMs need this treatment once they resign.
If they are booted then the same, but with the bees first.
Something tells me you don’t like the parasitic class.
Yeah, no.
Cast a valid vote in the lower house and you are of the problem and not of the solution.
You can cast a valid in the senate, if that’s any consolation.
Miss Ellie says: “Do not cast a valid vote in the lower house, people!” 🙂
Ah, the Cat, when one is up for some profound electoral comment … 🙂
I feel the same about this election as I do about the Russian/Ukraine brouhaha. It’s an absolute shame both sides can’t be thrown onto the electoral scrap heap by losing bigly. Boofhead v Useless.
That said, I will take the LNP limping to the line by one, in the TopEnder sweepstakes.
I pray for a Senate packed with sundry and various ratbag party chancers and grifters as opposed to Lib/Lab/Nat chancers and grifters. May they jointly and severally teach the idiots a lesson. Despite my gloomy observation that the current crop of politicians worldwide, with very few exceptions are ignorant to the point of being unteachable.
I’ve committed to putting the majors last. Not one of them is worthy of my $2.80 primary vote.
I hope against any real hope that I’m wrong … but I think it’s going to be ALP by 4 seats.
Dog bites man:
West Australians’ highly sensitive personal data put at risk as COVID-19 contact tracing system lacks security
We’re gonna need more lamp-posts (if this were a sane world).
Depends. Your first preference is worth a few bucks to its recipient. If said recipient is particularly deserving, and the ultimate destination of your ballot paper not particularly consequential, why not help them out?
Also, there’s a teal running in my electorate. I’m going to put that fucker last, and in ink.
Panic in Detroit – for those who might need some inspiration … 🙂
Annabel Crabb attempts humour again.
This kind of makes me want Morro to win. Crabb was so butthurt on election night 2019, making nasty comments about how Morro’s kids won’t have a father or some shit. Such delicious salt. I want more of it.
Senator Jane Caro.
I love this country.
Annabel Crabb
Rock ‘n’ Roll.
1972. 🙂
I might preference the Libs on the basis that doing so could result in an outcome that will piss off the likes of Annabel Crabb.
Yes, I am that petty.
Just going through the Victorian Senate paper.
Can I get to 6?
Gonna be hard.
The fuckers want a Federal IBAC.
But the one running in our seat has been shouting from the rooftops about “committing his own money to the campaign”.
Under pressure today he admits that his “own money” was previously owned by Holmes a Court.
AEC election monkeying:
An AEC voting assistant will record your vote onto hard copy ballot papers. The voting assistant will then place the ballot papers into an envelope and the envelope will be placed into a secure ballot box and then included in the count.
AEC Mule.
Yes, the ALPBC want you to take Annabel Crabb seriously. In literature this is called the willing suspension of disbelief.
Roger says:
May 20, 2022 at 5:23 pm
Albo just assured everyone he “had Integrity”.
Conversely, if you have to assure them, then you don’t have it.
WHO calls for global meetup on the monkeypox. If this thing is real, the world’s economic system will fall apart.
I don’t think it’s real though as in real scary.
A bunch of pox stocks have taken off in the US.
Boambee John:
I’m divvying up the seats into Left and Right and whoever sides with who in the washup.
Otherwise it’s Lefties 149 seats to 1 Rightie + Speaker.
This is what malignant stupidity looks like.
About the baby formula shortage in the US.
A demonrat.
Don’t forget Pelosi
Johannes Leak.
Mark Knight.
Warren Brown.
Peter Broelman.
David Rowe.
Bob Moran.
Dave Simonds.
Peter Brookes.
Michael Ramirez.
A.F. Branco.
Al Goodwyn.
Matt Margolis.
Lisa Benson.
Gary Varvel.
Ben Garrison.
Thanks, Tom. I liked them all. Except the Rowe, of course. But it’s useful to see how perverts think. If think is the right word.
That’d be right. Abbott want to produce but the Administration is preventing them from doing so. And they know it.
This will rebound on the Administration.
“Whatever the Left are accusing someone of doing, is something they are doing themselves.”
the ringingest endorsement that ever rang
Guys, stop rooting the monkeys.
I immediately suspected the gay network a couple of days ago when the ABC mentioned males in two unrelated cases and then started telling us how ‘rare’ and ‘insignificant’ it was.
…and there’s a treatment for it.
A Vaccine.
In the US Emergency Medical Stockpile. (Forgotten the name) Some 2 million doses.
So there’s enough for the the people who matter.
Museums R Us right now, as we are visiting some with regard to my family’s history in the seventeenth century involved as French Adventurers in draining the Fens. Thorney and its abbey, founded in the C7th as a series of wattle and daub huts but built in stone in the 12th century and later, proved interesting. The museum opened specially for us, by prearrangement, and I took pleasure in finding one of my named lineal ancestors owned land in a subdivision there before he moved down to coast to Essex. A tale that he insisted on firing his lands before plowing them formed his legacy there, for he was chased away because to fire lands in a peat region was a big no no. You set the peat fields one fire. These fires can even today only be put out by digging a deep channel around the fire area and filling it with water.
The kind lady who opened up the museum for us suggested we eat lunch at a local cafe as she locked up and departed for her home. Thorney is a village, and the village seemed deserted. Who would the cafe serve, we wondered, and how old would their food be? We entered to find the place roaring with locals, like some Agatha Chrisie mystery all in together, the food home made and famous for its home-baked cakes. We ordered and I reached for my handbag for my phone, for my phone, for my phone, where the hell was my phone? You had it in the museum showing her those photos of the family name writ large in the Church of Our Lady in Bruges (clearly before they turned Protestant) says my dearly beloved. I thought that was your phone, I reply to Hairy, for he was the one who decided to show those photos. It was on the table in the second room, surely you picked it up? he accuses, he who took it unbenowst to me out of my handbag. Marital recriminations aside, what to do without my lifeline to home and many friends here?
I had a brainwave and asked the waitress if she had a phone number for this lady from the museum, as I had done all my contacting via email and I needed my phone soonest. I was desperatly hoping she didn’t live out of town and had just gone on holidays and closed the place down for two weeks. Of course we do, she soothed me, and told the proprietor, who provided the very best solution. The Chairman of the Board of the Museum was sitting at a table opposite us. I have a key, he announced. She used two on the door to lock up, I wail. I have both of them, he says, producing them like some conjurer, big traditional keys. They sent a boy down at the run, and he returned with my phone. What are the odds of that? Overflowing relief and thanks and the whole cafe now had a further tale about the fecklessness of the latest generation of this family, for the village grapevine knew exactly who I was and when I was coming.
We are in Lincoln in a place right near the castle and the Cathedral, which has a view over the town area from a summery terrace. Apparently it is part of an old Vicarage, and we are in the Curate’s quarters. Like the Curate’s egg, it is good in parts. Well furnished and with a huge king bed but sadly also with a huge featherdown doona which I must grapple with when getting the sheets off for us later. Very modernised and with parking, so suits us well for three days here. We’ve just had a starter at the local up the road, a gastro pub serving a Stilton Souffle, which Hairy scoffed up before we came back here to cook our dinner and watch the BBC (erk). Their news on the Australian election was all about how Australians were turning towards matters climatic since our bushfires, droughts and floods had been our wake-up call, and the teal group of 20 women were being highly praised.
They have no idea, says Hairy in disgust, as he listened to what he now terms ‘pure narrative, absolutely no facts’ on these and other matters. We didn’t watch it at all in the Fenland cottage, and were far better off for that.
Zulu, my best wishes to Mme Zulu, she is lucky to have you by her side.
Rabz, after years of trashing the 70s, you do seem to be having a bit of fun doing research. 🙂
I like 70s music, probably an accident of birth, but there are exceptions.
Queen were and are an abomination. 🙁
Has enough been done to prevent a repeat of the 2020 steal this November?
The cover ups continue and all the evidence is being memory-holed.
Read all about it.
And: there’s a comment by URSA down the page which seems prescient. It forecasts a deferral due to civil unrest!
Bit of Mo McCackie about Warren Brown’s AEC?
Try listening to Coles musak Johanna. I’m often amused that supermarkets play stuff from the 70’s through 90’s and almost nothing newer…because if they did the complaints from sore-ear shoppers would be overwhelming. The Left has destroyed music as well as comedy and fillums.
Queen have been played to death. ABBA too. Never want to hear hotel California ever again either
Bruce of Newcastle says:
May 21, 2022 at 6:42 am
I like 70s music, probably an accident of birth
There is a good reason for it, once you start calling rap “music” you lost it.
Great euro disco from the 90s
Terrible statement.
Rap music is perhaps the sole reason stutterers are tolerated in our society.
Exhibit A – The Fresh Prince:
My friend and I both voted in biro – I specifically asked the lovely AEC lady if we could just to be sure they know we don’t trust them.
TE put me down for a landslide of 151 inexorable turds to be the most useless.
How did I get put down for 81 Coalition? I said Coalition wins by 5 seats which is 78, to 73 others.
Driving music – made the fatal mistake of not bringing enough. A trip of this length needs its own suitcase full.
I will have a Doobies earworm for the rest of my life.
Some rare candour in the MSM…
Monkeypox outbreak: Huge surge in cases linked to gay ‘sauna’ in Spain (20 May)
The qwerty mafia will be down on them like a tonne of KY jelly.
True, Bruce, they sometimes even play blanded out versions of songs from the 1960s. Since they do painstaking market research, we can only surmise that rap and hip hop and so on do not put people in the frame of mind (happy) that encourages them to buy.
Scrolling through TheirABC ‘news’ I have just come to a story in the hallowed tradition of impartiality, where the opening lines are:
I will skim through the rest, but it’s predictable. It’s the fault of evil landlords (how sexist!) and the gummint should do stuff.
Having rented in Sydney for a couple of decades, let me remind the goldfish brains at TheirABC of the reality of renting in a large city anywhere in the world.
1. It’s never ‘fair.’
2. The market fluctuates all the time.
3. There are good landlords and bad landlords and sort of OK landlords.
In my half a dozen or so rentals, I only struck one really crummy landlord. Cats and Kittehs will be amazed to hear that she was a lesbian from Leichhardt. Among other things, when rising damp destroyed the contents of a built in wardrobe via mould (I’m talking suede and leather coats and jackets and boots as well as other stuff) she basically told me to f off, and doubled the rent. I opened the sliding door as winter came on, and everything was covered in mould. Destroyed, unfixable.
The process for getting compensation was long and complicated, so I just wrote it off to experience. Bitch.
My other clothing destruction experience was not the landlord’s fault. I was living in a tiny terrace house in East Sydney, and the alleged second bedroom was about the size of a large cupboard. I chucked all my winter clothes in a heap in there and forgot about them – pure wool, cashmere, that kind of thing.
As you have probably guessed, when I went back in autumn to start retrieving them, the Mothras had struck. I had to throw out the lot.
One thing renting is good for – revitalising your wardrobe. 🙂
There’s a problem with TE’s election lotto parameters.
The original question was who will win and by how much? Not the composition of the new parliament. My “LNP to win by 1” could mean anything.
Anyone advocating a direct vote for the LNP can be assumed to have had no experience disciplining children.
Or are a LNP gimp.
It’s foolish advocating anyone vote in any particular way. We all live in different electorates with different candidates of varying ability. The Senate is a different kettle of sea lice.
Bruce reminded me of a song that I hear frequently in places where they play recorded music. Assuming she gets royalties, Annie Lennox is set for life with Sweet Dreams:
Scotland has produced many fine bands, singers, writers, actors etc. That redhead gene seems to help the creative arts. Not forgetting magnificent past performances in science, medicine and engineering. OK, and whisky.
Nowadays Scotland is broke, woke and only kept alive by transfusions of cash from people who work for a living elsewhere in the UK. But, they keep doubling down on woke.
Perhaps it is true that all the Scots with get up and go got up and went.
The demise of Scotland was accurately recorded in Trainspotting.
calli – rookie error not stocking up on music. However, in honour of Rabz’ upcoming event, here is one of the greatest driving songs of all time, recommended when you are feeling a bit drowsy.
PS. Adam has the preview function working.
Just sayin’.
Decoded … Someone junior reporterette at the ABC wants a fully renovated four bedroom three bathroom terrace in Paddo for $400 per week.
Except “put the sitting member last”.
We all support that.
A very high profile Australian businessman has gotten someone (other than his wife) pregnant.
The ABC news room has the story & is sitting on it until after the election.
Joe Hildebrand in the Tele – who, incidentally, is also running the poor-boy-single-mum-pension line:
You could write a thesis on all the things that are wrong in those two sentences.
The process of elimination begins:-
Alan Joyce.Nowadays Scotland is broke, woke and only kept alive by transfusions of cash from people who work for a living elsewhere in the UK. But, they keep doubling down on woke.
Lowlanders eventually ruined the place.
When I joined the Labor Party, it contained the cream of the working class. But as I look about me now, all I see are the dregs of the middle class. When will you middle class perverts stop using the Labor Party as a cultural spittoon? – Kim Beazley Snr to an ALP State Conference, circa 1970.
If there was a university degree for greed, you cunts would all get first-class honours. – Australian Treasurer Paul Keating in 1985 after backbenchers had complained about having to substantiate, for tax purposes, their electoral allowances.
Just a pity Elbow can never remember what they are.
I seem to recall Hildebrand’s columns on the Covid response and the overzealousness of government.
Oddly enough, the Leader of the Opposition was MIA as an advocate for workers across the spectrum.
Perhaps Hildebrand is experiencing a convenient amnesia.
Posted yesterday, but still in moderation. Admittedly, I did include a bit of swearing.
Not sure how the Teal “independents” will do in general, but a lot of talking heads on the telly seem to think Tim Wilson is a goner. It’d be worth the laugh to see it happen, I guess.
Anyway, I find it hard to care who wins, as we don’t have a conservative party, and despite Paul Murray insisting the contrary, ScoMo’ll sign away our sovereignty to WHO. The phuk-knuckle was boasting about it before vehemently denying it.
Anyway… my prediction is still Coalition with an increased majority. Mostly just because I like being contrarian… but here’s hoping parties like LDP and PHON cause havoc in the senate.
Well, not if they’re independent. Or the wrong sort of independent.
Or if they have brown hair. Or are too fat. Or if their eyes are too close together
What’s a pox stock? I’ve owned a few poxy stocks over the years. Shoulda held them.
Elbow was just on Seven rattling off all his “policies”, which were just a shopping list of fashionable causes into which government will dump money.
No one dared interrupt him with a question – we know why. He was like an automaton and any break to the flow would bring immediate dislocation and confusion.
I love put the sitting member last.
When everyone does it it makes election results perfectly predictable.
Which begs the question …
Mercifully I’ve avoided seeing any politicians talking for quite some time.
I think the last time was soso during lockdown in 2020 when I was trapped in the waiting room at the tyre shop.
Australia under Elbow to follow Dictator Dan in VictoriaStan and Mcgowan WA
Biden’s America Rots from the Head Down
When a man lacking the requisite character to hold great power is overwhelmed by his own moral turpitude, entire nations fall apart.
Perhaps no head of state before Joe Biden has so completely personified the maritime proverb that the fish rots from the head down. In both deed and physical decay, he is that putrefying rancidness wafting from where offal is tossed near the dock whose ability to trigger the gag reflexes of unsuspecting travelers seems the perfect metaphor for this nauseating moment in American history. Not only is Joe’s walking corpse a fitting symbol for a country that has never looked more debilitated, but the reality (ignored by the State’s slavishly devoted press corps) that his cognitive acuity is plummeting so fast that terminal velocity was reached long ago drives the point home that the head of our head of state is rotting, too.
When Biden’s handlers sent him to Buffalo, New York, to exploit a mass murder by blaming conservatives, liberty-lovers, Trump Republicans, Fox News, and just about anybody to the right of Karl Marx for a crime whose perpetrator didn’t even merit the faux-president’s direct condemnation, angry, spiteful Joe Biden showed just what a miserable, acidic, revolting excuse for a human being he’s always been.
A former Good Burgher of Griffith – other than one term of Kevni Fever,
the Lnp reliably bagged the FTP spot and LAB needed filth preferences to scrape through.
This year, Sportsbet has them at $51.00.
LAB $1.30.
Filth $3.25.
Now ensconced in a lNP seat:
lNP $1.01.
LAB $14.00.
Filfth $91.00.
Glorified Mummyblogger
No scoffing and sneering.
That was all fully explained in a post which Sinclair Davidson went back in and deleted.
I did try to PSML but my hand slipped and they went 2nd last and the Greens went last.
It’s like RoboCop’s hidden fourth prime directive.
I’m not even joking.
Talk about deadly obesity risks in America? Fat chance
Is it fun to be fat? That´s what Cosmopolitan magazine claimed in February 2021. That month’s cover was of a morbidly obese woman looking cheerful while attempting some acrobatics. The headline: “This is healthy! 11 women on why wellness doesn’t have to be one size fits all.”
The timing could hardly have been worse. After all, this was in a period when the Coronavirus was leading to lockdowns around the world. And one thing we knew very early about the virus was that one of the main factors that lead to hospitalizations and even death was if the patient was fat. Almost nothing in the often confusing COVID era was ever as clear as this. Nearly 80% of Americans who were hospitalized with COVID were obese. And just as being obese put you at special risk from the virus, so losing weight lessened your chances of being hospitalized.
But you can tell a lot about a society by what it will not say. And through the whole of the last two years almost nobody in any position of authority dared issue any public lessons about this.
By contrast, there was very scant evidence that a little cloth mask could save you from the virus. Yet we were all forced to wear them. There was no evidence that children were at any risk from the virus. Yet we shut all the schools. But when it came to the question of obesity and the virus nobody dared say anything.
Most likely because America is the fattest country in the western world.
The facts on that are also painfully plain. An estimated 40% of Americans — that is 138 million people — are overweight. The only country near us is New Zealand, where 30% of the population are overweight.
Sabrina Strings of the University of California explores “The racist roots of fatphobia.” And she has even managed to claim that this “phobia” goes back to — you’ll never guess — “slavery.”
“While many believe that fatphobia is a relatively recent invention” says Strings, “I will underscore the centrality of slavery and race science in its perpetuation throughout the western world.”
According to one reporter on the teev this morning, ScoMo will lose because women don’t like him.
A younger and more handsome LNP leader could have been a better bet. Josh with hair perhaps.
Women wouldn’t be that superficial, would they?
Probably today’s most important talking point – chick footy (the Tele):
Aspiring to mediocrity.
The Big Chick Bash is many things. ‘Comparative juggernaut’ is not one of them.
$8000? Why is that?
$100K. There you go. Equalidee for all.
There are chicks going around earning $100,000 for a five week season? $20K for 80 minutes’ ‘work’? Even the $8000 sooks are getting $1600 a game.
A five week season is not a full-time job. You cannot expect to be paid in the manner of blokes who are into it 48 weeks a year at least, for whom expectations and competition are through the roof and who are bigger, faster, stronger, more skilful and who draw crowds and sponsors to pay for it all. This is world-class sookage.
The motto of adult women’s sport: We’re trying really hard here.
Done distasteful deed of the day. Not raining, but grey and cold. It was fun though since a small cloud of noisy miners and magpies came along for the first few hundred metres on the way to the polling place. Fortunately they were wary of all the people approaching the booth so left off after that, saving me odd looks. Then on the way back after voting was bailed up around the corner by the booth pair of magpies. They’re on my normal walking route and are very tame.
Women wouldn’t be that superficial, would they?
One woman I knew wasn’t going to vote Labor because she didn’t like Anita Keating’s hairstyle.