This is 100% correct. He was on record from years earlier about chloroquine and there was no way he didn’t…
This is 100% correct. He was on record from years earlier about chloroquine and there was no way he didn’t…
Funny how I don’t remember previous elections same question asked of Shorten of Albo? Could be wrong but haven’t actually…
Premier league – no excitement – Chealski beat Leicster 1-0 Totenham drew wif Bourmouth while arsenal and Man U drew.…
ALL modern “mainstream” politics is totally grounded on FEARMONGERING. And, it is getting worse by the year. Per H. L.…
Sanchez Is the Eurofighter still around – as in, still in production?
Anthony Albanese: “Au contraire”.
. Very true Cassie, and actually adjustments have been made over the last two years with that in mind. Once more into the fray …… tomorrow awaits
The teev is telling me a Labor majority is the most likely outcome.
A different flavour of rage for the next three years then.
Michael P Senger
May 20
Michael P Senger
May 20
Yeah – but they take the rest of us with them.
May 21, 2022 at 8:08 pm
Simon Bermingham making a pitch for leadership.
thank goodness he’s in the Senate.
Potentially very good news.
From the ABC site.
The next parliament is going to be a doozy.
Best hope now is Labor can form government in their own right.
Kroger looking defeated. Trying to push the line of a majority is better than a minority government. LOL na I want absolute chaos…
John Gorton made the transition from the Senate to the House of Reps.
No wukkas, I’m off to Bunnings to buy an evil generator run on fossil fuels. Followed by barrels of oil in my backyard to laugh at Labor voters for voting away their energy independence.
Any numbers on informal votes? Are they up?
Hopefully a Labor government puts the bite on those inner city teals too.
I said hopefully. If VIC votes Andrews back in then they deserve everything they get. But even up here in Qld I can see the opposition in VIC is pathetic. Should have plenty of ammo to fire at Andrews but don’t seem to be able to get in serious hits.
“VIC a disaster for Coalition. Hopefully that means they go the other way in November.
Dude, are you freebasing on crack?”
Report comment
Amazing that Labor is set to win with 30% of primary vote.
The ABC staffers are almost in tears over Labor’s pissweak performance.
The Greens have won Griffith off Labor, in my opinion.
Wouldn’t it be frustrating for Labor if Morrison could make a deal with the Greens and the Teals to prove once and for all that he’s more red than Elbow.
Queersland, the Liberal Heartland, hey? LOl
Fowler lol. Keneally is the fowlest candidate in the land. Surely even her mum hates her guts.
It’s just incredible, but keep in mind that the Coalition % includes Liberal and National.
Gotta say – we have been preparing for that in any case.
I am disappointed that so many of my fellow Australians have learned nothing from the last two years. But then – whenever I get back to Sydney I am astonished at the continuing blind faith in what the government feeds them about Covid & vaccination.
What the results so far tend to indicate – is that the punters hate Morrison. Shame they don’t also recognise that Labor, the Greens & the Teals are just as bad.
Ed Casesays:
May 21, 2022 at 8:21 pm
At 8:18 on the ABC, Leigh Sales asked Plibersek a question and said “we” instead of “Labor”.
Echoing Red Kezza in a previous election? The tag ALPBC seems ever more accurate.
Fools learn by their own mistakes, the wise by the mistakes of others.
There are going to be plenty of other’s mistakes to learn from in the near future.
Doc Beaugan:
Sitting here dining on a meal of spaghetti and my own meat sauce – rescued from underneath 200 litres of beef and pork in the freezer. Indeterminate use by date.
Quaffing with lots’s of elegance a robust yet palatable Hardies late 2021 Cab Sav. That must mean it’s just past it’s use by date, but still OK if you’re a gamblin’ man.
Antony Green is not ready to call Wentworth for Allegra. He is waiting for the postal votes to come in which may favour Sharma.
Victorian immigrants.
Melbournites believed the state government kept them safe. Police brutality, corruption lockdowns and curfews make the Liars more popular.
Honestly Cassie.
I was in your neck of the woods earlier this year.
OK, this is only anecdotal evidence, but we met about a dozen people. Ranging from very comfortably off to filthy rich, but they all sang from the same hymn sheet.
A sample:-
“Biden is a true statesman and is playing a long game”
“Pell is as guilty as sin”
“NATO’s strategy to collapse Wussia politically and economically is bwilliant!”
“The pace to renewballs is frustratingly slow”
The most gentle prodding on any of these issues drew blank stares.
They are like the Fromage Coulommiers they buy from the Double Pay deli.
Thick and rich.
What’s the deal with Antony Green? He seems ill.
Lab 57 Coalition 45 so far according to Ch 9.
Antony Green predicting a hung parliament.
do you reckon Billy Shorten has a set of steak knives ready for Albo?
this is going to be one heck of a ride
how soon till Labor start in on each other?
what’s the bet that whatsisname, from the CFMEU, becomes a senator? big bloke who looks like a thug
Wouldn’t it be frustrating for Labor if Morrison could make a deal with the Greens and the Teals to prove once and for all that he’s more red than Elbow.
It would be a stupid thing for him to do, in my opinion.
Let Labor have them.
I would say that on these figures, M0orrison hasn’t been repudiated, candidates like Wilson, Falinski, Frydenburg and Zimmerman just don’t have electoral appeal.
Is Tim Wilson toast?
calli says: May 21, 2022 at 8:39 pm
No! Hand drawn willys are down 0.7% relative to last election.
NSW leads the nation in %informal.
Despite the gang of louts and loutesses at Casa Pedro being likkered up on cheap plonk and full of BBQ pork ribs the mood is a little sombre.
Most were hoping for a thin LNP margin, bolstered by some preferences from Our Pauline and the UAP, but that seems to have evaporated.
A long way to go yet, and the mystery of the enormous amount of postal votes to be taken into account, but it seems we are doomed to to have that gap toothed wog as our next PM.
Happily, most of the mob here are (legally) armed to the eyeballs, have filthy lucre stashed away in various bolt holes, could live off the land forever and have never willingly let .gov interfere in their lives.
Life goes on, but my faith in my fellow Aussies in the East is sorely tried.
The worst news of the night :
Zoe Daniel predicted to win Goldstein
No! No! No!
MSM is a huge contributor to this malaise.
Get back to us when you vote McGowan out.
Lol the ABC types are so much perkier tonight! They’re so pathetic. 2019 was brilliant entertainment. Tonight will be amusing for another reason.
Sancho Panzersays:
May 21, 2022 at 8:44 pm
Cassie of Sydneysays:
May 21, 2022 at 8:20 pm
I’m depressed….drinking lots of vino. I’m going to move from Wentworth….thinking of Reid.
Honestly Cassie.
I was in your neck of the woods earlier this year.
OK, this is only anecdotal evidence, but we met about a dozen people. Ranging from very comfortably off to filthy rich, but they all sang from the same hymn sheet.
A sample:-
“Biden is a true statesman and is playing a long game”
“Pell is as guilty as sin”
“NATO’s strategy to collapse Wussia politically and economically is bwilliant!”
“The pace to renewballs is frustratingly slow”
The most gentle prodding on any of these issues drew blank stares.
They are like the Fromage Coulommiers they buy from the Double Pay deli.
Thick and rich
Sounds very much like where I live, without the filthy richers.
Bad enough living under Anna but have to be grateful I don’t live in VIC.
“government kept them safe. Police brutality, corruption lockdowns and curfews make the Liars more popular”.
I think “home made meat sauce” might be clearer phrasing.
what’s the bet that whatsisname, from the CFMEU, becomes a senator? big bloke who looks like a thug
That description isn’t really narrowing the field much.
Shades of a thousand mules…..Clive has told Sky that he reckons they have footage of AEC with boxes of votes going somewhere…….
Or did I misunderstand?
The biggest loser here is the Catholic Church. The timid Bishops will be faced with a choice: bless gay marriages or have your Churches confiscated.
Senate is interesting. Labor lost 3% in NSW.
But honestly, the results just confirm our fears that the electorate is quite happy to get reamed and live in darkness, as long as they can feel good about it.
The Argentinian parallel is apt. We’re fucked. Let’s just hope that we can learn our lesson and unfuck ourselves within a decade or so.
John Gorton did make that move successfully.
But see Senator Lloyd Bentsen for the correct answer.
Looks like we got the good ones.
LAB and filth down for Noosa and points north.
Teals did way better than I expected/feared. Amazing.
And Libs will go further Left as a result. As always. Ugh.
How is Kate Chaney doing in Curtin? Badly, I hope. But I have little faith in the perspicacity of my fellow Australians. Too many young and brainwashed for my comfort.
Yea, a pox on both houses has a way of always ending up as a pox on the right.
There are a couple of Hard Ways:
Hard Way #1 = With pineapple.
Hard Way #2 + With Pineapple + lube.
Hard Way #3 + Pineapple, no lube.
…and Hard Way #4 Reverse pineapple, no lube, no local anaesthetic, no nose beers.
Choices to be made.
Best make that two decades.
A new power plant in Oz takes a decade from go to whoa.
Annabel [Crabb?] asked Birmo about losing the Chinese language Seats.
He answered well, i’d say the correct answer is:
“Chinese suck as Liberal voters”
ALP getting reamed in the senate in SA, Vic and Tas.
Maybe there’s hope the senate will clog up and slow the impending shit storm.
Dope party up 5% in QLD. Is there a sign in that?
Ch 9 just had a frosty moment between Simon Holmes A Court and Jane Hume with him asking for an apology and her saying Up your jumper.
Zoe Daniel predicted to win Goldstein.
No! No! No!
Looks like Greens won Griffiths. Don’t mind seeing Butler losing but not easy to stomach Green.
We are so screwed.
sorry Boambee John:
Johnny Setka
surely it’s his turn?
Buona notte gattoni e gattine
When I read that, I gave a snort of derision.
Suddenly there’s an oyster floating in my red wine.
Should I retrieve it or just assume it a gift from God?
The Teals were a shoe in for all the bored housewives with shallow, ‘the feels’ driven perspectives.
And KKK.
And Wilson and his gay colouring books.
Not all bad.
Amazing. People must be full of piss & wind when talking. From the conversations I had or was near so many were off the majors they were voting minor parties. Tonight’s results tell a different story, especially in seats like in NQ.
Looking forward to Senate results.
Gee, thanks Ozzies. The last one out, don’t bother to turn out the lights, they won’t be working anyway …
from Roger.
Sorry Roger, the blinding light from McGowan’s Mighty Codpiece will illuminate WA until he strangles a fluffy kitten on live TV, and even then it will be touch and go whether he is re-elected. Noting the quality of the opposition, I present —- Zac Kirkup!
State issues vs feds. No contest. Albo tried to bathe in McGowans shining light and ended up running away from a howling press pack.
This was completely predictable as soon as the libs went for zero by 2050 or whatever it was. And increasing ABC funding was the icing on the cake. I’m sorry I only predicted a 6 seat majority.
The libs deserve everything they got, and Scomo as Turdball’s pick was the one responsible. If he gets his seat back he needs to be relegated to backbencher’s coat minder.
We’re in for at least 6 years of misery and by then the country will be unrecognizable by anyone who can remember what it’s like now.
is it over yet?
Falinski is hard left- good to see him gone. It’s trash like Falinski and Birmingham that made me walk from the lieboral pardy.
Ch 9 just given Freydenburg seat to Teal.
Many of those on left side of Coalition have lost seats. If Dutton also loses Coalition going to be in a real mess.
Let’s give the Teals what they want. Remove all the petrol stations and put in lots of windmills.
Disagree. No one thinks they will be the ones affected. That is for others.
I await the yodels of dismay when the penny finally drops. For drop it will.
As for Zoe, has anyone approached her children for an opinion?
Celia Hammond in front by a whisker.
Not really, rockdoc.
Minor parties are doing well. It’s just the wrong ones. 🙂
Former Viclib president Michael Kroger having a bit of a hindsight moment on Skah.
He said the Federal Libs (ie, fucking Morrison) should have said everyone in the country would have the freedom to practice their religion – pandemic or no pandemic – and overruled the States and their CHOs to make it so.
That way, he reckons, people would have been energised because they had freedom of religion, one of the bedrocks of democracy.
No shit, Mr Kroger. No shit.
They’re only in trouble if the mid term elections are held.
VIC a disaster for Coalition. Hopefully that means they go the other way in November.
Unfuckingbelievable. If the punters keep voting for the liars after the hunchback we are really in the Twilight Zone.
Kroger is a fuckwit. I remember him coming to a Climate Sceptics rally in Sydney in 2010 where there were 10s of thousands and I spoke to him and he said this will go no where. It only won this fool’s feds a number of elections despite their prevarication. Now they’ve repudiated a reasonable approach to alarmism and the shit has finally caught up to them.
The liar’s trojans, the rich brat’s whores, have gone much better then the fat fool and PHON as the LNP’s trojans.
Bronwyn held Mackellar for 22yrs.
The division is named after Sir Charles Mackellar, a social reformer and surgeon who served in the Senate from October to November 1903, and his daughter Dorothea Mackellar, a 20th-century Australian poet.
It’s a pity that ‘I love A Sunburnt Country’ is not taught and memorised in primary schools throughout Australia as it was in the 40s and 50s.
It covers much of the Green rubbish we are confronted with today.
On the bright aside, so is a prospective PM Elbow.
ABC boosting Lib losses in Chisholm and Higgins. They have largely been Labor last two decades. Not surprised to see them switch.
Okey Dokey. I’ve watched enough coverage. I find it hard to care which party is in, given that Libs just move further left regardless. Win power? Appease the left. Lose power? Well, they must not have moved far enough left!
I’m hoping the senate results will be better, but looking at the initial results, they won’t be. Same Lib/Lab split with a couple Greens and Pauline.
They’re only in trouble if the mid term elections are held.
Correct. Or if they are held that the demorats don’t cheat even better then they did against Trump. One will happen and the only solution will be a civil war which won’t happen since the demorats now control all the public armed forces and rugged individuals could not organise a chook raffle.
Rise of the Karens.
A Liars clear majority would almost be worth it,
just to see them reduced to seat warmers.
In good news, nobody’s girl is getting pantsed in Fowler.
Every teal and green seat should have their electricity and gas cut immediately, with the offer of free windmills and solar panels as replacements. To be sited locality, of course.
Looking like Labor may form a minority government with just 30% of the primary vote. So, as they have said on Sky, 7 out 10 voters would not have voted for the government. However, postals and early voting not yet in.
But – for the future, the scary thing is how the Green vote is increasing with every election – especially when you factor in the Teals.
Time to read a good book and get some perspective.
‘night all.
Night all, school night for me. LOL wanting to see what carnage tomorrow brings…
Simon Birmingham is a turd. Good to see Trent Zimmerman lose.
Pray that Dutton gets in – so that he can challenge Morrison for the leadership.
Abc giving no senate wins to either UAP or LDP.
After the anti-alarmism vote in 2019 it looks as though the punters have reversed and gone zero emissions and brains with the rich brat’s whores and the filth the big winners.
I got 1o quick Schooners out of them. I’m counting this as a win.
🎶 🎶 Todavía llamo a Argenstralia “hogar”. 🎶 🎶
Chisholm was Anna Bourke/Burke forever.
Leftwits on their way to the controls. People get ready for WOKE-MANIA!
We’re overstocked in pro-nouns and must clear this week. Looking for a new virtue how about them, they, who, what, where, huh, doh ? then come on down to crazy Pennys Pronoun Bizarre! All prices as marked, cash only, no refunds!
It’s an issue that will have been organised already by those who have neighbours.
Neighbours with fences and dogs and other paraphernalia.
Which is why a community is needed.
You cannot be safe by yourself.
I preferenced a teal above the LNP hack. My desire to punish the Libs was too strong.
My goodness. Catherine Deves has caused all of the Liberal Party’s woes, according to the ABC.
Simon Birmingham is a fucking communist.
Looks like Higgins is gone to the liars. Good riddance to a useless Tesla driving virtue signaller.
Australia votes for communism
Has there been any reports yet?
People like Simon Birmingham will ensure that the LNP loses ground at the next election.
Remember Calli, that God is on the side of the Big Battalions.
The Teals are even more dependent on the civilisation they want to pull down.
Hairy, not a bad psephologist, was up early here looking at the counts. Tassie coming in well ahead for the Libs, he tells me as I surface at 11am here, nine hours behind Sydney. That’s a bellwether, he tells me, so it’s not going to be a Liberal slaughter. I almost hope he’s right, but if Labor get in and it’s not a Liberal slaughter then it just encourages them both down the Net Zero nightmare pathway. If Libs get in I am happier, for reasons Steve Kates says in his thread, but I hope that it is on preference which show that the base is sliding away from them.
I held my nose and put Sharma second in Wentworth though, after Daniel Lewkovic for the LDP, and Allegra Spender last, because I didn’t want to give that Stepford Wife of Holmes a Court any leeway to gain from my precious vote. Princess Allegra, as Cassie calls her. What an airhead.
If some here think I am an airhead, I plead that I am only so where it doesn’t matter or is fixable. I am up to three strikes, for instance, on losing things on this trip: one, my blood pressure tablets, two my phone, and just now three, my make up. I think I left my small travel kit on the sofa in the Fenland cottage with the mirror above it, where I took it because Hairy kicked me out of the bathroom for taking too long in my morning restoration applications. One bathroom can prove quite maritally disharmonious. The Curate’s Quarters obviates the problem, as they have a small make-up table and chair in the bedroom with eye-make up remover pads supplied. They hate it when it gets on the towels.
Don’t know what sort of Curate ever required a comfy king-sized bed and towels for three though!
Now, back to the race to the finish line in Oz. So glad the Cat is here to share with old mates & new.
It’s hard to reconcile the shambolic state of the collective Australian mind.
Our largest or second export is coal, yet we’re voting in political parties that want to eliminate coal use to produce energy for domestic consumption.
This is mental illness.
Labor on brink of forming majority Government according to Ch 9.
It just shows how the lefties in Coalition did not have genuine Coalition support as their electorates dumped them in a very clear manner.
Teals main policy seems to have been Climate Change and Integrity Commission which don’t rate for most people. Ch 9 said cost of living the number one concern for most and Climate change is not going to help with that. Between Labor, Greens and Teals on Climate Change we are going to be in deep poo and China going to be very happy supplying us with the windmills and solar panels created with our nasty coal power.
has McGowan built the wall already?
That way, he reckons, people would have been energised because they had freedom of religion, one of the bedrocks of democracy.
Throw in freedom to work unvaxxed and Monger might be onto something…
LOL – feeling like I did the night li’l Johnny HoWARd got punted.
The Teals be real.
Real by Reel …
We are entering an epoch of unprecedented idiocy, Cats.
Turn off your brain, relax, stuff your mattress full of $100 bills and hoover some OPM …
It is Xining … 😕
Labor on brink of forming majority Government according to Ch 9.
I can hear Albo’s whining victory speech now!
As was foretold (by prophet C.L.).
And the Libs will believe them, of course. Inner city subs are more Green than conservative nowadays. Problem with the Libs, is that most of them are inner city wankers themselves. They don’t represent their base any more than Labor hacks represent working class.
Good. That’s Katy Allen out of the Liberal court.
Right now, Hairy predicting a hung parliament.
Any calls? Lyons in Tassie coming down to Lambie preferences, reports my own psephologist.
WA big swing to Labor.
Ken Wyatt likely to lose. Curtin going Teal.
Some good news: nobody’s girl looks fucked.
When does Erarong close? I want the blackouts to start.
Ken Wyatt likely to lose.
No more dead possum skin suits! Poofie wilson gone too.
The worst female spiv .
She’s the turd who called me at the last election and and told me her father was ceo of Woodside and had now become an environmentalist. She hung up when I said to her that if her father wasn’t hypocritical Kunt, he should return every single cent he earned while working there. Click!
Oh, good. The Liberal Party is getting destroyed.
Raised in public housing by a single mum..
So how did giving the ABCcess more money rather than defunding them work out Lib-mongs?
Antony Green looks sick
Senate projections and results. PHON, UAP and LDP are ratshit.
anyways … nice try Mr P
was kinda cool seeing your name up there too.
Big Thumb
ABC projecting Albo’s going to be the next PM.
can Labor still win government on its own?
without having to deal with any of the indies or greenies?
Albo and Penny sitting in a tree
Doc Beaugan:
That’s very much what I believe, Doc, mainly because I know what these people do when there’s no one keeping an eye on them.
And I refuse to be nice to them so I can strut my “Tolerance” gene in public.
Some encouraging talk about the libs losses being an indication that the party, especially in Vic, need to honour their traditional base.
Free of charge, Rabz, but with a serving of flavour.
Pineapple flavour. sans cocaine.
If the federal integrity commission gets up I expect the SFLs will be be too stupid to clog it up with allegations about liars, teals and greens. It would be great to see the scum hoist on their own collective petards.
Yes. But the Climate Change Cult is bitingly deep. It’s even worse here in the UK.
Every single aspect of life is viewed through it in this green and pleasant and overpopulated island.
It is going to take a lot of ruin and pain and reconsideration to move people away from this apocalyptic panic. It is much worse than Covid ever was in terms of geeing the populace up to face armageddon.
Australia has a milder dose of it, but just as ruinous or more so, because of our geopolitical situation and because of our lack of home-based manufacturing industries. If we knock over our major resources exports we are history. Both parties seem oblivious to this under the climate obsession.
need to honour their traditional base.
They won’t.
Too stupid to be allowed out alone.
Chris Uhlmann just suggested VIC punishing Morrison for Covid policies. Don’t see how that works.
Constance looks like losing in Gilmore.
They weren’t really 35 years ahead of their time, it just took 35 years for the practice to be industrialised.
“And the Libs will believe them, of course. Inner city subs are more Green than conservative nowadays. Problem with the Libs, is that most of them are inner city wankers themselves. They don’t represent their base any more than Labor hacks represent working class.”
Just on my fourth glass of wine.
Oh and just wait for Andrew Blot on Monday night, I no longer watch the mediocrity, but just wait and see, Blot will fellate Albo and spin the bullshit that Albo is a good man and that Labor governing won’t be all that bad.
Anyway, I can’t wait to see Dave Sharma at the local IGA….
“how’s it going Dave?”
“”how did that net zero emissions work Dave?”
“what was that about being a “modern Liberal Dave?”
Sorry Australia, the electorate I live in has vomited up to to you an heiress, who doesn’t give a fuck about anyone west of Darlinghurst, as the member for Wentworth. After all, her election was “A better climate for Wentworth”……I already need a bucket and my hangover hasn’t even started yet.
Who’s this bald fat Liberal guy on the ABC? Somebody pass him a bottle of Xanax.
I am starting to believe this stuff you hear about decreasing IQ in the general population. Should the visible trend continue- Australia is starting to look a whole lot more fucked than it did when I got up this morning.
These four “Independents” that are winning seats in the Sydney area. They seem to have largely cut and pasted their policy goals from each other. Perhaps were assigned them. Though I am left to scratch my head about who were the policies assigned by, given the policies reflect those of the uniparty.
It is nice to see at this stage in counting that somewhere approaching twenty percent of the primary vote was to other than the uniparty and their proxies. But christ that is nowhere near what is required to derail this decarbonisation idiocy. This delusion about what an amazing job and money spinner embracing the electrified-“green” economy. All the other retardedness such as fake pandemics and androgyny for children until they “decide” otherwise….etc… After the last two and a half years any reasonable person could have thought they were less of a minority, than it outwardly seems they are.
Cassie O’Sydnee:
I suspect I agree with you, Cassie. Can you expand a little on your reasoning?
I can’t see what is going on in Oz
But has KK been kicked in the knut by Dai Le?
The ABC’s vote compass tool says climate change is the number one issue for WA voters. I’m sure that’s a representative sample.
Talk is cheap.
Watch the STUPID FKG LIBERALS go way left now, chasing the punters. Within a few years the Aussie Dollar will have a 5 in front of it, inflation will be double figures and the debt will be close to 200% of GDP. Albo’s crew will be clueless what to do other than squadrons of helicopter money. Just to get the votes and have the Treasury. As I said this morning, we’re fucked. I’m upping my gold investments.
In the senate PHON have elected 63% of Pauline.
We await confirmation of whether this will be the redder end or the smarter end.
Do you remember the influx of Democrat operatives during the waning years of the Victorian Election, and the sending of Victorian ‘influencers’ to the US to ‘observe’ the US elections?
Well, they came back with lots of suggestions….
LDP had it’s arse handed to it by the Marijuana party, FFS. Damn shame.
Alas, the only minor parties to be a success are either single issue parties, or personality driven parties.
Oh look …Trent baby…climate change, climate change, climate change, climate change, climate change.
Zimmerman refuses to give up on North Sydney
Incumbent North Sydney MP Trent Zimmerman has refused to concede defeat as he called on the Liberal Party to heed the lessons of the election result.
Mr Zimmerman said the early result was disappointing but said the path to victory, while narrow, is not impossible.
He said the strong pre-poll turnout needed to be factored in and flagged a long and stressful couple of days.
The moderate Liberal MP called on his party to heed the lessons of the election result.
“We have to learn from the results that we’ve seen tonight where undoubtedly our vote has been impacted,” he said.
“There is a driving desire on the part of the communities that I represent – that so many of my colleagues represent – for greater action in areas like climate change.
“For greater action in areas like ensuring that there are genuine and more opportunities for women within our communities.”
“These are substantive issues that need to be at the heart of our agenda as a party, which for so long, has represented areas like mine so successfully.
“We cannot ignore the lessons of an election result like tonight – if we do the pathway for us being in government, retaining government and winning government again will be impossibly narrow.”
Mr Zimmerman, the first openly gay MP elected to the lower house, hugged his partner Carlos Toledo at the conclusion of his speech.
Mr Zimmerman congratulated his opponents Climate-200 backed Independent Kylea Tink and the ALP’s Catherine Renshaw for their “formidable” campaigns.
What. A. Disaster.
The next three years will be absolute chaos. Examine what is happening in the US now and get ready for the worst parts to be visited upon us by many, many multiples.
Stock up on water, tinned food and misplaced optimism.
The ghost of Zac Kirkup looms large.
Leigh Sales is saying that Toowong [in Ryan] is affluent, but that’s wrong.
Brisbane doesn’t have affluent areas like Toorak, Malvern, and Deepdene.
I’m dreading Adam Bandt’s….
I’m no good at psephology but I always get the feeling there’s too much ‘we called it first’ going on in modern elections. It’s a pretty big spread between Nine calling a 13-seat Labor majority and Green talking about a hung Parliament.
Virtue signalling economics.
As I said on a previous Post at 2.38 am this morning –
Great Post, however, we are stuffed. As to how stuffed, we should know by Sunday……………………..
Now, I can see it late on a Saturday night. More red wine now methinks.
The teals aren’t pro business, Simon Birmingham, you useless cunt! They want to dump billions upon billions into renewballs. That’s their business model.
Not seen any updates on Dutton for a while. If Josh is gone plus many of the lefty moderates then surely Dutton will have the numbers to win leadership if he holds his seat.
Libs getting killed in the West. Good.
The ABC’s compass thing is frogshit.
I have played with it posting answers from both loony left and ratbag right and get the same result.
To quote notorious poof D. Marr; ” vaguely soft left”.
The part room won’t vote for Dutton. They’ll put a bird in the job.
I realise I’m belabouring a point, but we have just gone beyond the drunk finding himself at home, crashed on the lounge because he was too drunk to get to the bed, and hasn’t yet gone outside to inspect the car for dings/bloodstains.
But that’s the next phase.
After that comes the waking up in the gutter.
Decision time.
For the young and gullible that may be true.
Will Elbow become Mini Xi?
Policy preview, Argenstralia 2024:
Australians are about to get democracy good and hard.
The best lessons are from hardship. This will be the lesson of a generation.
Gee, who’da thunk it. A mediocrity vanquished by a mediocrity.
Liberal democracies. You’re now existing in one, Cats – when you aren’t scraping it interminably off the soles of your shoes.
I found some optimism in the back of the cupboard that must have been sitting there since about 2016.
… just finished the last of it about 5 minutes ago
Looks like I helped defeat Celia Hammond and install that Chaney twit. Good. I’m in an accelerationist mood.
I know Green is ABC but his analysis is solid.
The rest of it is wishful thinking and needing to be first.
When Richo says he is going with his gut feel, I think, “Well, they threw his guts in a bin in surgery ten years ago, so … “
Must remember to buy, cook and eat a steak tomorrow before Adam Bandt and crew bans it.
Doc BeauGan:
Good Lord!
Twins separated at birth!
I actually want Labor to win government in their own right
That’s not news, Cassie of Sydney.
Pedro pedro pedro:
Remember they are more dependent on the society they want to collapse than we are.
Ask the Dorpers.
Yep. The Libs are going to veer left and embrace its own dumbarse version of identity politics.
Ed Case says: May 21, 2022 at 9:42 pm
Check the Bulimba+Oxford area, downriver.
Green is reluctant to call Josh a goner, so perhaps he’s done a preference deal with Labor and The Greens?
Hasluck’s Lib man Ken Wyatt is a nice bloke, despite his appalling taste in ties
Sadly, being a nice bloke has nothing to do with Lib policy, back to the unemployment line, Ken.
One of the more reasonable voices in the debate over preferential treatment of aborigines, a bit sad to see him gone on the altar of climate change.
Precisely my thoughts.
As we walked out of the polling booth (safe Lib) I said to Mrs P, “I just hope it is a total clusterfuck of a log-jam for three years. Because when they have free rein to do stuff, they fuck it up.”
Up until now I would not have believed my average fellow Australian could be so f***ing STUPID!
I was wrong.
number all the boxes Ed
He is, but he lost a great deal of credibility when he said that, if Bruce Pascoe thought of himself as Aboriginal, that was all right by Ken.
The first election I can remember was in 1949. I was nine years of age. No TV in those days but we as a family all listened intently on our little bakelite Kreisler radio.
Not since then have I experienced an election as dynamic.
Simon Holmes ‘a Court says Zimmerman, Allen, Wilson, Sharma & c. are Fake Moderates.
I’d agree with what he’s saying as far as that goes.
I wonder if the targeted demise of the squish left of the Libs by the teals will teach them that parroting your opponents “ deep goncerns” and repeating their talking points while promising to do what they want but a bit slower may actually not be a winning move.
Pointing out EVERY country embracing renew- balls is on a power price spiral upwards and exporting our “ emissions” to China means we are doing it for nothing might be a valid strategy after all.
Looks a bit like the 10 seat prediction might be on the low side.
Not while Milquetoast Matty is the best the LNP can do.
Yes, I’ve known Ken and his wife Anna for near on 40 years. Nice bloke … but when it comes to the crunch, whiteys are an adversary.
Sounds like the opening scene from Evil Dead 2
He is, but he lost a great deal of credibility when he said that, if Bruce Pascoe thought of himself as Aboriginal, that was all right by Ken.
Perhaps, but he also called for a pay rise for Federal Members, citing the $418,000/year he earnt as a Head of Department before he went into Parliament.
That musta gone down well.
Out of touch.
Things aren’t looking too good at the moment.
Cool your jets.
Sadly my state of WA is key in the ruination of our country.
The majority of Australian voters clearly cannot see the obvious trajectory that is happening world wide in front of their very eyes. Because they are the dumb idiots who can only learn from hard experience and then wonder how it happened. They never manage to connect a singly dot in their mental battle to work it out.
You know, hats off to Slymon Simon. He targeted the libs most vulnerable seats or at least seats he thought could be taken away, chose candidates he thought could win and here we are. It was actually a masterful campaign.
You are so correct.
I blame the out of date vino…
I promise I’m not one the dumb idiots.
What I really need is the name and address of a farmer within driving distance of Perth who could feed and house me in exchange for a willingness to kill anyone who threatens them. Including the government. I am quite devoid of pity for dangerous fools.
Are we talking about Chile?
If that’s the case, buy shares in helicopter manufacturers.
Because Apple’s predictive text is far worse than Samsung’s. SINGLE, you digital AI clods!!!!
“The best lessons are from hardship. This will be the lesson of a generation.”
Liberty quote.
I think the young, fully indoctrinated into the “climate scam” need some hardship which is why I wrote above about bringing on the blackouts.
I am always amazed by the election commentators who say at the end of the day ‘the Australian voters never get it wrong’.
I’ll put that in the bucket containing the COVID restrictions’if it saves just one life …’
I can’t believe this is happening. This is how I felt x 100 when Biden “won”.
I seriously don’t know if I want to live under what’s coming to Australia.
May not be enough of them left to vote for.
Would anyone who watched Albo claiming victory, keep count of how many times he mentions being raised by a single mum, in public housing?
Doc Beaugan:
Life has a way of beating sense into their young and brainwashed lives.
The Hard, Cold, Brick Wall of Reality has multiple piles of bleached bones at its base…
This to the power of 10,000.
Anyone, relative or “friend”, who voted for this, is now dead to me.
How the price of export sheep going?
Still remember Monty thinks South Australia won’t miss the piddling $1.2 billion it gets in coal royalties.
Megan. There is no major party or segment of the media which isn’t fully on board with ruin-balls.
How would a normal person form an opinion it’s shit ?
I think I’m officially an accelerationist
there I said it