Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
Every Labor MP knows that a fourth term is very unlikely. The idea that the Stupid Frigging Liberals will win the…
When, as rumour has it, Anal decides a Vietnam conscription policy is a good idea, then we’ll see Labor tear…
Hopefully the rumour that Charles has converted to Islam is true and the whole rotten structure falls in a heap.
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Vote-Buying Scheme Exposed: Stacey Abrams Admits on MSNBC Biden EPA Handed Her $2 Billion to Buy New Home Appliances to…
May 21, 2022 at 11:47 pm
Encouraging to see Wong and Albo both leading up front with the mandate for change. You know what that means, Cats! Lots of stuff that you lot will hate with a passion.
Mandate? On 30 or so percent of the primary vote? Even more deluded than usual!
I know the unipartiy-sts don’t think so, but this is an absolute fucking disaster.
Australia is not a serious country when those people living in the most salubrious burbs have elected those stupid intellectually pretentious sheilas. Incredible.
Labor dominating in Perth and Melbourne certainly proved that strong COVID governance was popular with the public.
Albo on abos will be interesting. Gillard (like every other PM since Keating) was content to kick the can down the road. Albo has no political capital without going back to the electorate – and you wouldn’t want to test the Golden Rule. Which is why nobody will put up a referendum.
one of wife’s friends boasted she was going to vote for greens, today she is aghast labor won. too.stupid.for.words
Yup, ventilation is an issue in MDH, per BoN.
I’ve personally witnessed a building that was 27C/70% RH year round, only a few km from Sydney Harbour, even when it was 42C outdoors in a heat wave (shows the energy content of ‘teh latent heat of evaporation’) – i.e. the psychrometric equivalent of a 42C heat wave that is bone dry.
That’s so true, Fatboy. If the libs had won, you would have come on here ( after gulping down thirty donuts in one sitting) telling us the libs didn’t have a mandate to govern and implement right wing policies. Strong mandates only apply when the left wins narrowly.
BTW, re above, astounding that even with first past the post, Frydenburg would still have lost Kooyong. Same with Sharma. Unfortunately, Zimmerman would be retained and Kenneally would have won.
Man, there are a lot of very wrong takes by Cats this morning. Even in the face of a dose of electoral reality, you lot persist in being wrong.
A day like yesterday shows how out of touch the Cat is. Your opinions are so fringe, and becoming more so.
Eggly !!!
Yeah, right.
mutley’s another victim of mass formation psychosis
Might go through the results and do a post on this tomorrow.
geez you say some really stupid shit mUnty
Are they boarding Musk’s B-Ark for Mars?
Tickets selling fast!
For those excited by Rowan Dean punditry I suggest you review his earlier work. The man is a failed advertising exec with a limp wit and no brain. The situation we are in was created by “strategists” like him, who hang about all day in inner city pubs talking about their weird obsessions.
Electorate effectively protested all politics, sharply increased the protest primary vote and reduced the major parties. Labor will have to win votes of greens (!) or the independents to pass legislation and then deal with the senate thrown up by this election.
I’m keen to see whether the pork barrels go back into the store. Or simply to other places.
If you saw that reflection in the mirror, wouldn’t you neck yourself?
What was the site wrong about, Fatboy? Most people here predicted a Liar’s Party win. There were no ostentatious wrong predictions. Get back in the basement as you’re not allowed out.
I haven’t seen his victory speech, but it was reported that it was the first thing he mentioned after the usual “I will govern for all Australians”.
We have to remember he’s probably the most intellectually challenged man to ever offer himself up as PM in our history and he holds his position in the ALP courtesy the membership vote. He’ll be looking for something to pin his legacy on, regardless of the advice he’s given.
Eggly, what the fuck are you doing on the lolleypop site? There are what, three commenters there? You’re talking to mh, raghead and that’s about it.
You omitted the Grigbots.
Unlike politics, truth isn’t decided by popular vote, monty.
And Australians are going to come up against some pretty hard truths in the next three years.
It’ll be an education for many.
He was explicit. All for the Voice, which means a referendum and the key question: Are Australians one or are we a nation of jostling tribes who need legislative favours and protection from each other?
It’s a golden opportunity just so long as SFLs don’t further confirm the ‘S’ by choosing another supine pantywaist
Ed Casesays:
May 22, 2022 at 7:45 am
Menzies himself was a Moderate and he still had a few close calls.
Scotty came across as a flake.
But, but, but, you told us many times about his political skill, liking it to playing a Stradivarius. Turned out to be an out of tune banjo.
Grigbots don’t count, Eggles. In the immortal words of the US president when discussing his drug addict son’s computer… that’s , that’s just Russian disinformation
A lot is being made of the votes of women in this election, and rightly so I suppose, but a lot of Liberal men in leafy suburbs voted Teal as well. What motivates their votes going forward?
The Libs are basically dead in inner Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide. They can’t just give up. They have to change, lest the Teals become the actual opposition.
As another Humpy would say, “Courageous decision Prime Minister.”
The situation we are in was created by “strategists” like him, who hang about all day in inner city pubs talking about their weird obsessions.
Dean is as much an enclave person as most are in political punditry.
If you can’t get your message out to the disinterested voter then you’re stuffed.
The Liberal Democrats are a case in point. You would think their stand on covid lockdowns and freedom promoted by conservative media would attract the angry worker but from results they barely were worth a line on the ballot even in Dan’s dungeon.
The Lieborals have big problems in WA. They are about as cool as a Mambo T-shirt hanging in Big W.
It was popular and still is with easily scared, weird people.
The slymon’s harem are Greens is disguise, you fat donut eating weirdo.
Except Elbow wouldn’t get the joke!
And thanks for the confirmation, areff.
For those asking, Riccardo Bosi got 3.5% but his seat Greenway went further to Labor.
Haven’t the LNP become the sTeals?
Is that your fear?
Even Banarnabus put a “Nimbin windchime” windfarm in Glenn Innes.
Did Calli detour for a looksee?
No, shows the stupidity of mongs like yourself. I’m still glad the SFL got a caning.
Fifteen crossbenchers
Whoo-hoo !!
traffic jam
It becomes cover for the things they want to do but know are electoral poison to let the voters know beforehand.
“Oh no, to get the NDIS increase across the line we were forced, forced I say, to introduce their death duties/inheritance tax/meat tax/shut down all coal mines etc..etc…
The Teal’s policy platform brings to mind the old maxim.
For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.
H. L. Mencken
These people are your PEERS, JC, how come you are so out of step??
Yea, the Teals are half Green, it’s in the name.
Many supposedly rustadon Lib voters still voted for them. It’s not as if they were fooled.
JC I think everyone knew the teals were green without the need of disguise. No not really, after standing in line to vote the other day the gushyness of the mentally deranged in Canberra wouldn’t have a clue.
May 22, 2022 at 8:58 am
without dripping wets like Sharma, Wilson and Zimmerman wubverting them from within.
Im sure the ABC already has dressing rooms with the little gold stars already set aside for them to prognosticate how awful the Libs are now.
Hewson and Turdballs out of their jobs?
Love the Weather and Ice-Age watch on outsiders – Rowan just cherry-picking the graphs.
He should mention that the Sun rules our weather, and that Zali can’t control sun-spots, however hard she tries.
Especially after Scummo gifted them a few $Bil.
” Are Australians one or are we a nation of jostling tribes who need legislative favours and protection from each other?”
It is ALL about the “spillage”, and ALWAYS has been.
Doctor’s wives.
The Libs need to visit the hall of mirrors and figure out who they are. If they go further to the right, the Teals occupy their blue ribbon seats for a generation. They probably need to start looking more like the Teals than the front row at a Hillsong convention.
Advice from munty, no doubt given in the spirit of friendliness.
Wrong munts, the Liberals need to abandon the former “Blue Ribbon seats”, now held by rich entitled pseudo lefties, and look to the “forgotten people” in the outer suburbs These have been ignored by a Labor Party that looks more like the residents (not all of them) in the former “Blue Ribbon” seats, and by so-called “progressive” Liberals, many of whom are now, thankfully, out of Parliament, but unfortunately not gone from the party. The words of Kim Beazley Snr about “intellectual spittoons” come to mind.
I think you’ll find that title belongs to Gorton.
Many supposedly rustadon Lib voters still voted for them. It’s not as if they were fooled.
That they did and it says lots about that voter.
The Teals looked and sounded like their own pretentious elite tribe.
“The garden’s full of furniture and the house is full of plants.”
In a tight market with a 1% vacancy rate, there’s apparently a rush of applications for a flat in Fowler being sublet at a very generous rate.
H B Bearsays:
May 22, 2022 at 9:36 am
A hot summer of rolling brown outs should fix the Teal issue.
A cold winter of brown outs might do it first.
12% swing against the long-term Labor incumbent in my seat, by a Seikh LNP candidate representative of the Electorate.
Brown outs hit regional areas long before they would Teal electorates. The inner city people are more important.
This climate stuff is a fucking religion, Ranga. I mentioned it a few hours ago. We’re a huge energy exporter and we’re racing to install windmills and plastic panels. Just hard to believe.
“The man is a failed advertising exec with a limp wit and no brain.”
I don’t think so.
I shouldn’t even have to say the name. You’re all thinking it already.
Stockholm Syndrome!
The media euphoria reminds me of their adulation for Gough when he was elected. Instead of Kemlani running to the AArabs, Chyna will pre=empt the shit show with pallets of cash in aldi bags delivered to our betters. No questions asked.
I’ve heard this before. What policies would you peddle to these forgotten people? Would you strengthen Fairwork? The Liars will simply outbid you with a 5% wage increase every quarter.
May 22, 2022 at 9:57 am
Labor winning with 32% primary tells you that primary means bugger all in our system. They ran dead in Lib seats to elect the teals anyway. In actual Labor seats they did okay.
Is munty attempting to construct a “narrative”, or have the talking points already been sent out?
How long before prime minister Joe-An Bidanese announces men will be allowed in the female toilets?
Day 2 or day 3?
Rachel Weisz is pretty decent looking. Wifey is watching a movie with her in it.
May 22, 2022 at 10:07 am
Monty, less than a third primary means Labor can never be more than a minority government.
You are still thinking in Westminster bipolar terms. That model is old hat. We have moved to permanent coalition governments. Many pundits will lose their minds over this, but it is not such a bad system. You can still have mandates, they are just more complicated.
Looks like it is talking points.
PS, munty, coalition governments have been common in Australia, but the arrogant plicks (deliberate) in the Liars will choke on the idea of compromise with anone.
“A day like yesterday shows how out of touch the Cat is. Your opinions are so fringe, and becoming more so.”
Yet you love coming here. Strange. As for “fringe”, you’re not immune from liking some “fringe” opinions, in fact you give like to give them credibility. Who wrote these words a few days ago, “legitimate grievances”? Ah that’s right, it was you. And your rather benign description “legitimate grievances” gives respectability to anti-Semitic scum and so on. You’re a hypocrite Monty.
Thanks for that info “Wifey“, oops sorry, I meant JC .
Gummint – get out of our lives.
Thank you most kindly for that. Was a year or two before I was born, so missed it in the papers.
Eggles, we’re talking about Australia/ Australians.
Speaking of which, they’re in a bit of a pickle atm, in the midst of a US$5-7 trillion fiscal stimulus (depending on whose calculations you follow), with more to come if that doesn’t reanimate the corpse of their economy. The CCP’s agreement with the masses to deliver increasing prosperity in return for unquestioning political obedience may be fraying at the edges.
Thank you Cats for the entertainment!
Yesterday proved beyond any doubt that this country is well and truly fucked.
50+ years of leftard education finally, fully bearing fruit.
Now fully populated by an alternating 2PP majority of brain-dead, ignorant, parasitic, insufferable morons (BIPIMs).
How could anyone, with more than an amoeba’s brain, not realise that the freedom parties/candidates and majors-last were the only voting option, after what the UniPs did for the last 2 years, let alone the coming net-zero clusterfuck?
It was good while it lasted.. But BIPIMs know best. More-of-the-same, and worse, coming up!
A shithole country, indeed.
Izzat what the Ruskis are doing in Ukraine?
M0ntifa always picks a winner!
The Libs are basically dead in inner Perth, Melbourne and Adelaide. They can’t just give up. They have to change, lest the Teals become the actual opposition.
For that change, look to the outer suburbs, now effectively abandoned by the Liars, in favour of more salubrious upper middle class areas.
Housing. New housing estates vote liberal. Until they become high-density, then they too switch to Green like the inner city suburbs.
I’m talking privately owned housing, of course. Not to be confused with public housing, which are Labor strongholds.
All those who are thinking that Dutton will be the new leader need to remember that the Libs have an unlimited ability to f**k things up and will probably be thinking that they just need to be fairer, more inclusive and softer for the ladies. Do not underestimate them, they are champions at this.
I don’t know, maybe anyone who was overlord during lockdown is on the nose.
Could just as easily see Labor chucked out in Victoria if memories can last that long in November.
On the other hand, Matthew Guy.
Aspirational sh1tholers, who delivered your UberEATS during lockdown, likely do not like Big Govt:
– Lockdowns
– Mask mandates
– Vax mandates
It’s simple: Australia is sometime behind the Eurotrash and that fat, hirsute idiot in the UK plus biden’s US. All have experimented with green shit and got burnt or are getting burnt when the rubber hits the road and their hypocrisy in stopping fossils at home while continuing to import from hell holes like wussia and the ME gets revealed.
All have the natural fossil and nuclear reserves to ignore Ukraine/ME/wussia energy blackmail, Australia especially but lessons have to be learnt. The eurotrash/uk/US are learning theirs now. We’re just following. Blackouts, frantic attempts to cover energy shortfalls and sky-rocketing prices and general community uprising will be the order of the day as the alarmists have their way.
Our fossils and nuclear will continue to be dug up and exported; it’s just our internal use will plummet and possibly discontinue. I’m updating and expanding my panels and getting a battery and possibly a gas generator. I hate living without power; I did that shit for the first 12 years or so of my life. The lessons the inner city filth and luvvies will go through will not be illuminating because they will not learn but will blame others.
I expect their initial response to the first blackouts and maybe the surging power prices will be to demand more ruinables which will probably happen. After that fails some may see the sense of nuclear as has happened in the UK and Europe. But it will take some time, maybe in time for the next election which will give Dutton time to clean out the turdball/kean/poofta scum from the LNP. Matt Canavan is going to have a whale of a time.
Bourne at 10.07am, and areff – the lead up to the voice ref. will likely include changing the date and name of Australia Day. They’ve got eight months. Hacking away at everything that made this country splendid. It’s what they do.
I’ve heard this before. What policies would you peddle to these forgotten people? Would you strengthen Fairwork? The Liars will simply outbid you with a 5% wage increase every quarter.
Start with housing affordability. Open up more land, pressure the states (threaten to reduce their Commonwealth grant money) to reduce the taxes and development levies they place on new estates. Squeeze the local governments (same technique) to ease planning restrictions.
Hubris says:
May 22, 2022 at 10:31 am
For those excited by Rowan Dean punditry I suggest you review his earlier work. The man is a failed advertising exec with a limp wit and no brain. The situation we are in was created by “strategists” like him, who hang about all day in inner city pubs talking about their weird obsessions.
Electorate effectively protested all politics, sharply increased the protest primary vote and reduced the major parties. Labor will have to win votes of greens (!) or the independents to pass legislation and then deal with the senate thrown up by this election.
I’m keen to see whether the pork barrels go back into the store. Or simply to other places.
Bullshit, the situation was was created by the LNP becoming Labor Lite, and the electorate saying why vote for the copy cat when you can vote for the real thing!
This result is ENTIRELY a product of the LNP moving to the socialist left.
A genuine well organized conservative party would have romped in.
I note Andrew Charlton has won in Parramatta.
Now there is one to watch. Look out Albo and Labor of yesteryear. Charlton is smart (very smart!), personable and ambitious. New Labor… look out Mean Girls!
compromise with anyone …
Gilas Johnson is right!
Piccies please?
Brown outs.
Educumated people know how to make elecktrikery stuff, don’t they?
But it will take some time, maybe in time for the next election which will give Dutton time to clean out the turdball/kean/poofta scum from the LNP. Matt Canavan is going to have a whale of a time.
Great post Cohenite.
Make the LNP conservative again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
turdball/kean/poofta scum, couldn’t have said it better myself.
JC says: May 22, 2022 at 10:19 am
For the longest time JC didn’t believe there was a Uniparty.
Only now when the disparity is obvious does he admit to it.
That’s okay, everyone has their own standard of proof.
We just had m0nty try to convince us that (quote) “rustadon Lib voters” intentionally switched to vote teal. Okay, look at how teals were defined by the H-a-C purse$trings. So the federal ICAC that the LNP squibbed on and the climate con that the LNP have usually resisted were like WD40 for rusted-on Libs to suddenly vote for Labor and Green party policies with no other major point of difference detectable between teals and the LNP, not detectable even by rusted-on LNP voters? The only way that is possible is if the Liberal and Labor and Greens parties all have the same agenda. The Uniparty. Remember who introduced the renewable energy target, it was Howard. It’s been going on for a long time.
Barry says:
John Grey Gorton.
We already have a 10kw set up in the paddock which performs well – except for the blackouts when they are working on the grid. The system feeds back into the grid and we sell excess power. We negotiated a reasonable rate a few years back – but we need to relook at it, as they are sneaky bastards. We do have a generator for blackouts, but it is a pain to start & I am trying to persuade husband to finally investigate a battery, so that we can go off grid.
“For the longest time JC didn’t believe there was a Uniparty.
Only now when the disparity is obvious does he admit to it.”
I think you misread his comment. He didn’t say he believed in the uniparty. In fact, by referring to “uniparty-ists”, it seems pretty clear he doesn’t.
Still banned?
Morn all. OK my 2c worth, sandbagging the so called blue ribbon seats should have been abandoned a decade ago. They are heading towards Greens territory anyway and wouldn’t be surprised to see the Greens start to gain traction there. I know a few Howard battlers who did vote for the Liberals till 2007 in areas that have guys like Husic and now Charlton as a local member, quite a few of these guys are tradesman and would come back to the Liberal party if the Lib’s ditched policies that mouthbreathers like Kean are pushing.
Homes-a-Court’s troop, like Palmer a large amount was spent getting these people elected. Unlike Palmer however they had a massive force multiplier advantage with free media coverage. Add to that superficial analysis of their policies and backgrounds. I listened to Steggall last night and was gobsmacked at what an airhead she is. Apparently a Lawyer too, sorry the way she speaks I certainly wouldn’t want her in charge of my brief… How many others are like her?
Lastly, the Liberals let too many opportunities go to waste. Chalmers should have been hammered relentlessly about his Chinese links, Charlton about being part of Swan’s clownshow and the whole party relentlessly hammered about illegal immigration. We saw a very superficial attack on all three of these fronts. Not only that Tame should have been called out for the partisan hack she is and pursued for her hypocrisy (Kathy Sherriff anyone) every time she opened her gob, remembering the ALP have woman problems of their own.
That said, fun and games for at least the next 6 years as they won’t get turfed out in 3. Lib’s will also continue left IMO thus collapsing their primary further. Welcome to the long slow decline that Argentina has pioneered for us…
As the ex-Liberal official from Victoria observed, if people don’t feel they have a stake in society they won’t be inclined to vote conservative. To be conservative you have to have something you want to conserve!
So, how long until the coal fired power stations go? That’s going to crush pretty much everything, given there’s nothing to replace them not even “renewables”.
Given the flip flops and lack of clarity I guess this is where we find out what Labor actually has in mind for government.
Can’t say I’ll miss the Morrison clownshow, letting the Premiers run riot, signing up for net zero, etc. etc. Liberals have completely abandoned any principles that may have had. Did find it somewhat heartening Labor only got about 30% of the primary vote though, hardly a mandate even if they carry on like it is.
Growing up in the late 1960s/70s we never had air-conditioning at school (nor at home until the late 1990s), no computers and no mobile phones, obviously.
Young people take all these for granted these days, but they’ll be screaming when their solar and wind powered reliant modern conveniences don’t work.
cohenite at 11:34 – once current wholesale prices start feeding into retail rates you might see some change. Already some small retailers exiting the electricity market. Brownouts much more effective than price alone.
Steady on…it’s not as if they won in a landslide.
Elbow will only be PM because the electorate didn’t want anothre three years of smirking SloMo.
And if Labor govern in their own right they’ll be on the slimmest of margins.
And after three years of this circus the electorate “will be very volatile”.
Just moved on AAP. As expected:
The Liberal Party will need to embrace a more ambitious climate target and preselect more women in its efforts to rebuild, senior frontbencher Simon Birmingham says.
With Scott Morrison set to step down from the leadership following the coalition’s election loss on Saturday night, the top job will be spilled at the next partyroom meeting.
Outgoing defence minister Peter Dutton is widely expected to become opposition leader.
Senator Birmingham said one of the key tasks will be to review the “what, why and who” of the party.
“The what and the why are issues such as climate change,” he told the ABC on Sunday.
“We acknowledge the need for Australia to play a leading role in action around the world and that we get our language as well as our policies right in that space.”
He said given that Australia was well placed to exceed the coalition government’s 26 to 28 per cent by 2030 emission cut target “of course we should commit to being able to go further”.
“The what extends into other issues more broadly of equality and gender and, from there, the who in particular extends into ensuring that as a party, we go back and regroup around all of those who Menzies spoke about – the ‘forgotten people’,” he said.
“We need to make sure we win back many more of those professionals and especially Australian women who are much more highly educated.”
Senator Birmingham, who will be the leading moderate in the party, said he did not know who he would be supporting as leader.
But whoever took on the role would need to have a clear view of the task ahead, including preselecting more women.
One of the biggest likely losses for the coalition is Treasurer and Liberal deputy leader Josh Frydenberg, who is on track to cede his seat of Kooyong to independent Monique Ryan.
Mr Frydenberg said he would wait for postal votes to be counted but conceded it would be difficult to hold on.
He said climate change was the top issue for many voters in his seat, but leadership was another.
“People did share their views about the prime minister at the booths,” he said.
“At the end of the day that may have been one factor but there were others as well.”
Mr Frydenberg has written off a tilt at state politics in Victoria but says he still has fuel in the tank in terms of a federal political career.
Liberal frontbencher Karen Andrews said the election result was “disappointing”, but represented an opportunity to take a fresh look at the needs and expectations of voters.
“We need to go back to the values of the Liberal Party … (and that) we are properly representing the values of Australian people,” she said.
Zoe Daniel, an independent who felled Liberal frontbencher Tim Wilson in the Victorian seat of Goldstein, said the Liberal Party had “lost its centre”.
“The Liberal Party had drifted so far to the right that people didn’t feel represented,” she told the ABC.
Now that she has achieved her aims, I expect her criticism of the government to cease and she will be relegated to the dustbin of history, forgotten by everyone.
Her double standards over Sherriff and others are appalling.
The Libs have no policies to appeal to the outer suburbs, except racism. Their tax policy consists of giveaways to their corporate donors. Their social policy is Catherine Deves. Their policy on entitlements is die in a ditch you poor bastards.
A Liberal Party made up of Matt Canavans would be a joke. Everyone sees through his tradie cosplay.
The Libs are going to be playing defence this term when ICAC fires up anyway. So much Cabinet corruption to investigate.
They will never learn.
We don’t need a wages increase, you cretins. We need a taxation decrease.
May 22, 2022 at 11:49 am”
Methinks your 2c worth is 100% accurate. The Liberal Party under Morrison basically refused to fight the left, all Morrison did was to try to appease the progressive crocodile…be it over Porter, Tudge, the little slag Tame, net zero emissions and so on, yet whilst they were trying to appease the progressive crocodile, Scumbag and the Libs were more than happy to dump on their own…..Arndt, Kelly, Christensen and so on.
He will not be missed.
Rockdoctor says: May 22, 2022 at 11:49 am
Rockdoctor, she ain’t just a lawyer, Zali Steggall is a Barrister.
“The Libs have no policies to appeal to the outer suburbs, except racism.”
My oh my, are you saying that people who live in the outer suburbs are racists? What a disgraceful comment.
Piss off. You’ve outstayed your welcome here.
Pity Jim Molan looks like getting back up. Erin Molan didn’t like people being mean to her on the Internet. She’s a celebrity and her father’s a senator, and these nobodies should know their place and doff their caps, dammit.
She went crying to Daddy, and he said, “Don’t worry. Jim’ll fix it.” They drew up a policy against “online bullying.” It was sold as protecting the weak from the strong, but really, it’s about protecting cry baby celebrity bitches like Erin from random people on the Internet. They’ll respect their betters or end up in prison.
Fuck Erin, Fuck Jim, Fuck the Libs.
What a stupid comment.
When were you last in Rockhampton? (& for how long?)
When was your most recent visit to a mining town? To a mine site?
When was your most recent with a hi-viz FIFO?
Climate change will be flattened by the runaway train of cost of living, you Adelaidean nincompoop.
With such big ears you’d think he’d be able to hear it coming.
When was your most recent conversation with a hi-viz FIFO?
From Herald Sun. Not good if Pauline loses and we get two Green Senators from Qld.
“One Nation had polled just 7.8 per cent of the Senate vote as of Sunday morning, significantly trailing the Greens’ 14 per cent.
By comparison, the Legalise Cannabis Australian party had 6.7 per cent of the vote.
According to the Australian Electoral Commission, for Senator Hanson to retain her seat she would nee 154,761 votes to gain her seat.
As of Sunday morning, she had just 84,664 and had suffered a 2.45 per cent swing against her”.
Let’s just say the bar isn’t as high as it once was.
The election result was good for supporters of the uniparty – whether they realise there is a uniparty or not, and was a disaster for anyone opposed to the uniparty.
In the statement
the phrase unipartyists could only refer to either supporters of the uniparty or to anyone who believes such an entity exists. Based on the result it refers to the supporters because they did not have a disaster. Most of the people who recognise the bloc name has a reality to it are mainly not supporters of said bloc. JC also says the result is a disaster which is consistent with him not being a supporter of it himself but is referring to those who do, which implies he is grouping the real supporters of the election winners together in exactly the way the term ‘uniparty’ describes. In doing so he admits a reality to the term. That’s why I interpreted the statement the way I did, but happy to accept any clarification from JC as final.
Salvatore, today is not the day for you to start bleating about mines. The Green/Teals just took over Parliament.
Canavan was on one of the panels, Nine I think, and he sounded like yesterday’s man. He and Fitzgibbon can suck on a lump of coal.
The Cannabis party soaked up a huge number of votes. I guess it could just be disaffected voters who pick anything, but it seems to gel with the idea that minor parties either have to be personality driven (Hanson, Jacqui, etc) or single issue.
LDP was basically a no-show. They might want to revive the Outdoor Recreation Party again (they merged with NSW branch of LDP back in the day).
The wrongest take right now is “if the LNP was more rock-ribbed conservative they would win”. That is pitiful stuff on a day like today. If you find yourself thinking that, give yourself an uppercut.
Got to cry at the stupidity of the claims the Liberals went too far right, when they embraced pretty much everything Labor stood for. They just accepted everything the way the left framed it, and tried to pander. Was never going to work.
They will never accept they will be hated regarded what they do, simply because they’re painted as the enemy.
m0nty speaks the Struth.
Case in point to my above. Liberals could go full on commie, left of Labor and it wouldn’t be enough.
The “wrongest take” today is that the “Green/Teal take over of parliament” is permanent.
Most Australians can’t afford to be green, monty, and that will dawn on them over the next three years.
Idiotic rubbish.
How does she explain the ALP’s only getting 35% of the vote?
Moving too far to the right?
It will be fun watching the reactions of those who imagine Elbow is a champion of social justice as he is forced to adopt policies that mean the poor to middling (i.e. just getting by) will subsidise the well to do.
The LNP now are basically fkd. For decades they ran scared of challenging the socialists marching through the institutions. Never really fighting, never really challenging, happy to ignore the imperative of ensuring the history of the horrible economic failures of socialist ideals are taught and understood. No, much easier to just keep moving left. So this is the result. You cannot win if you depart the fight.
Well now they ARE well and truly ensconced on the left and the shit leftist sandwich on offer to the Australian electorate includes the LNP. So old mate will then simply look at where he gets the best handout. Hello Labor! After all, the punter knows the LNP don’t stand for anything so there’s no need to consider conviction in his choice of Govt. The Teals got the vote of the airheads who desperately need to “feel” they have done the right thing. Just like they were taught in our wonderful education system.
Hahaha. Laughed out loud.
That chick used to be a journalist. Wouldn’t know the public interest if it jumped up and bit her on the tit.
M0ntifa projecting, yet again – he has NFI.
We were all “in cheerful squalor” lined up in the rain to vote, like a UN committee in my electorate.
If these are indeed true Labor talking points, how misguided and out-of-touch they are.
When you’re Zoe Daniel, everyone is to your right.
She is an ex-ABC staffer, after all.
Fark – I thought she was a Barista!
Their social policy is Catherine Deves.
Since you are locked in your basement, you are probably unaware that many people in the outer suburbs are religiously conservative, and not at all keen on men playing as women, and other social issues.
Pseudo Catholics may not abound there.
Cassie of Sydney:
Same here.
The Cold, Hard, Brick Wall of Reality looms in our future.
The older generations that have been through harsh economic times have seen this all before and have a bit of an idea how to survive and what shocks will happen.
We haven’t seen a Depression, but our parents went through one and handed down the stories with the authenticity of truth. I haven’t forgotten them which is why on Monday I’ll be getting a gardener in to set up new garden beds and refurbishing the back fence line fruit trees.
Also had delivered a pressure cooker for preserves etc.
Battening down the hatches, so to speak.
We shall see. I would imagine those whose homes or livelihoods have been lost to fire, flood or other disasters influenced by climate change in recent years could have a different view.
Zoe Daniel blames the Lib loss on far right policy.
This Cisgender woman defeats an openly gay candidate who is a soft centre Lib and claims her win for the caring centre of politics.
Do you get a T shirt with that?
A reminder: Catherine Deves got spanked by 24 points with a 3.4% swing against.
Aren’t rangas naturally hi-viz: no need for fluorescent PPE?
Fire & flood are nothing compared to the havoc the Green/Teals will wreak on ordinary people’s lives, aided and abbetted by Elbow & Co.
The Liberal Party of Australia being close to losing for the first time the blue ribbon seat named after Robert Menzies… if that doesn’t signify an existential crisis in the Party then nothing will.
So what.
Seats named for Malcolm Fraser and John Gorton have never been held by anyone but Labor. The Seat named for Liberal Senator Annabelle Rankin has always been held by Labor.
Has the seat named for John Curtin been held by Labor in the last 60 years?
Teh Wrongologist-in-Chief hath sprech!
Does Bunnings have a special on rakes?
This should have been applied since Adam was a boy as it’s so obvious but it becomes vastly more important now as virtue signalling has reached fever pitch.
Every country’s constitution should be founded not on specific rights but on reciprocity. Anybody who publicly calls for other people’s rights (whatever they might be) to be curtailed should have those rights for themselves revoked.
If a Liberal government had switched off electricity to just a couple of climate change zealots 40 years ago we wouldn’t be in this mess.
If ScoMo had made 20 copies of the house keys of Julian Burnside and handed them to illegal immigrants then there would be zero people calling him “heartless”.
It’s nothing short of astonishing that right wing governments don’t requisition all funds from hard left parties. Such parties don’t believe in property rights and yet, bizarrely, right wing governments think they should be allowed to have them!
All of this gets around the problem that constitutions rarely survive mass formation hysteria because, as people would be too petrified to virtue signal (knowing they will probably be ruined), such hysteria never gets a foothold.
m0nty says:
May 22, 2022 at 12:34 pm
A reminder: Catherine Deves got spanked by 24 points with a 3.4% swing against.
The prettiest girl in the room.
Ducks don’t like swans.
Labor (75) currently 1 HoR seat away from being able to govern without the Greens’ help (76), and if swing continues for the rest of the count it could be the division of Moore (WA) they pick up next from the Gliberals.
Teh Man from UncleLady from Aunty felled the idiot Libertarian?A Socialist pineapple in the backdoor for Wilson!
The Frollicking Moll:
Simply delusional.
Abandoning the people they need to get voting for them, and chasing the ones who won’t vote for them in a pink fit.
Hopefully the cleaning out of the stables which started last night, continues apace.
LNP did well in Qld.
Longman was supposed to go Labor, didn’t.
Same for Leichhardt, Herbert, Bowman, Dawson.
Forde is named for the 9 day Wonder Labor P.M., wasn’t even in play, yet Labor held it until 2010.
Labor is the Party with the problem, they’ve got a superior ground game, unlimited funding, but The Greens are forcing them toward the Reactionary Right, dangerous territory in a Left of Centre Country.
fire, flood or other disasters influenced by climate change
Apart from dodgy computer models (GI-GO), and the babblings of the Flim Flanneries of this world, do you have any actual evidence to support this statement?
Shirley, this MUST be parody!
Nonsense from you Roger. You really look a bit silly today.
Wow Bosi got 3.5%
I thought he’d be lucky to get 100 votes, or is that 3.5%?
Amanda Stoker lost her seat in the Senate.
She’s another designer specs wearing blondie from a Labor background.
It’s as if someone in the LNP believes voters can’t get enough of these
“Gee, I can’t believe she’s a Liberal” types.
Voters didn’t believe it anyway, now she’s gone.
Monty can giggle because he’s a 1%er, small businessman*, working wife, one or I think two investment properties .
He’s no hard scrabbler wondering how to pay the next electricity bill and the mortgage.
*Remember the bleating because he was down 50k in 2020?
3.5% is 3,500 on a 95% turnout.
Beats the 154 he got at the Eden-Monaro ByElection.
So much for Right Wing Conservative candidates, the electorate doesn’t want them.
I would imagine those whose homes or livelihoods have been lost to fire, flood or other disasters influenced by climate change in recent years could have a different view.
You’re such a POS. The only consolation in the rub and tug years will be hearing useless fucks like you squeal when the lights go out.
He and Fitzgibbon can suck on a lump of coal.
Well South Australia wont be able to.
$1.2 billion in direct royalties gone.
WA would be western Tasmania.
And the feds would be a little unhappy as well.
Australia’s minerals industry paid record taxes and royalties to federal, state and territory governments in 2019-20 even as the COVID-19 pandemic started to push the economy into recession.
The record payments are highlighted in the latest Deloitte Access Economics report commissioned by the MCA which estimates company tax payments and royalties from the minerals sector at $39.3 billion in 2019-20; $24.1 billion in company tax – around half the annual Defence budget – and $15.2 billion in state and territory royalties, both record amounts.
Between 2010-11 and 2019-20, the minerals sector contributed $238.8 billion in taxes and royalties to federal, state and territory governments – $132.8 billion in tax and $106 billion in royalties.
The total amount of company tax paid by the minerals sector has grown from $14.5 billion in 2017-18 to $22.3 billion in 2018-19 and $24.1 billion in 2019-20.
Australia’s minerals sector contributes 30 per cent of all federal company tax payments, with strong production and commodity prices – particularly for iron ore amid strong Chinese demand and continued weakness in supply from our global competitors – boosting earnings from Australia’s mineral exports and increasing company tax payments.
But hey, Im sure the blowjob economy will step in to take up the slack.
Just saw some boomer retard wearing a teal shirt. FMD.
We shall see. I would imagine those whose homes or livelihoods have been lost to fire, flood or other disasters influenced by climate change in recent years could have a different view.
And yet the people who bear the brunt of such events continued to vote LNP and mostly anti climate change National.
Any Teal lady had their livelihoods or homes destroyed by flood or fire?
Is Monty promising three years of no fires and floods because we now have a laborish government with net zero by 2030?
Things we can look forward to.
He’s trolling.
He knows he can’t back any of that up with stats.
He and his ilk want to run society on “the feelz “.
It’s going to end up beautiful in its ugliness.
The Teals: all women, all white, all woke.
It’d be such great optics for those voted for Elbow’s Trotskyist circus to be reminded every sitting day of parliament for the next three years that the Elbonese gummint/ALP had a swing against it and needs the Filth and Simon’s leg-openers to have the numbers in the House to avoid being thrown out again.
Someone was blaming Scotty for something or other to do with Alan Tudge.
On these figures, The Tudgester has retained his Seat, no mean feat in Victoria.
I would imagine those whose homes or livelihoods have been lost to fire, flood or other disasters influenced by climate change in recent years could have a different view.
Wentworth and Kooyong, who could ever forget the decade of ” fire, flood or other disasters” those places experienced that Monty is talking about!
Zoe Daniel, an independent who felled Liberal frontbencher Tim Wilson in the Victorian seat of Goldstein, said the Liberal Party had “lost its centre”.
“The Liberal Party had drifted so far to the right that people didn’t feel represented,” she told the ABC.
FMD she is deluded. The Liberal Party has moved so far left that they are distinguishable from Labor or the CCP.
Not distinguished ………………………..
sTeals wymminses theme
Zoe Daniel blames the Lib loss on far right policy.
She’s sorta correct, even though she’s lying.
This Cisgender woman defeats an openly gay candidate who is a soft centre Lib and claims her win for the caring centre of politics.
Fucking some other fool up the arse isn’t a “soft centre Lib” value.
It’s actually quite vicious behaviour, Nazi-like would be closer to the truth.
Could be a whiplash hazard for Tits in Parliament?
The Liberal Party has moved so far left that they are distinguishable from Labor or the CCP.
JobSeeker and JobKeeper were Liberal [i.e. Left of Centre] Policies that succeeded.
Had Labor been the Government at the time, they woulda said
Good luck, it’s all the Big Enda Town’s fault, don’t forget to
His vote dropped 12 points on primaries and 7.3% on 2PP. His seat is now marginal. The Libs only hold two non-marginal seats in the whole of Victoria.
So much for you lot thinking Dan Andrews was on the nose.
m0nty says: May 22, 2022 at 12:12 pm
The soft-cock liberals lost their seats.
Without mines you’ll be freezing your fat tits off in the dark, down in that frozen-arse gloomville you choose to live in.
The Teal airheads ain’t yet taken over nuthin’. Those airheaded bimbos (assuming ALP doesn’t get a majority) will cause so much suffering & pain in the working class that they’ll be voted out Whitlam-style, in a landslide that’ll make the world history books.
The harder the rogering the normies get, the better. Then the Teals won’t just be voted out, they’ll be tarred & feathered & run out on a rail.
(Teals = a philosophy, not the actual vacuous harem of Slimon Holmes a Court. A few silvertail seats along the harbourfront in Sydney are neither here nor there)
In a federal election every box must be ticked for the house. So the 2% ers don’t matter, it’s the next box ticked which counts. I voted for the freedom independents in Wentworth but, reluctantly, put the Liberals next, so my vote would have ended up with them.
The scales will be falling like rain from the eyes of the ones who voted Teal, as the block votes with Labor.
Labor is the Party with the problem, they’ve got a superior ground game, unlimited funding, but The Greens are forcing them toward the Reactionary Right
Only on Planet Dickless!
So just the usual Saturday night then?
Labor (75) currently 1 HoR seat away from being able to govern without the Greens’ help (76)
Katter will step up.
May 22, 2022 at 12:52 pm
Monty can giggle because he’s a 1%er, small businessman*, working wife, one or I think two investment properties .
He’s no hard scrabbler wondering how to pay the next electricity bill and the mortgage.
*Remember the bleating because he was down 50k in 2020?
He’s a Kulak. Come the revolution, to the Gulag (if he is lucky).
cohenite says: May 22, 2022 at 1:24 pm
Not even a remote possibility. Give yourself an uppercut. Then another.
He’s a Kulak. Come the revolution, to the Gulag (if he is lucky).
The fat little turd will be eaten. It won’t just be energy blackouts but food shortages. Munt will have to step up for the general good.
Fucking some other fool up the arse isn’t a “soft centre Lib” value.
And that wasn’t the “soft centre Lib” values he was pursuing (or, at least, not exclusively).
Not even a remote possibility. Give yourself an uppercut. Then another.
You can’t see Bob getting an inducement to tip his hat.
So much for you lot thinking Dan Andrews was on the nose.
I never thought he was on the nose.
He’s a carbon copy of Forgan Smith, an Authoritarian Right Winger who
ran a successful Labor Government in Queensland for a then record 10 years.
Yeah, Forgan had unhappy socialists in his Caucus too, but he sidelined them just like Andrews is doing now.
JobSeeker and JobKeeper were Liberal [i.e. Left of Centre] Policies that succeeded.
Confirmed. Dickless is a “modern” so-called “progressive” liberal in the American style, totally unrelated to the philosophy of Menzies and the concerns of the “forgotten people”.
Heh heh. I don’t think the Mad Katter is going to do a Tony Windsor and give himself a $200k pay cut in 3 years time.
Windsor could afford to stand on principle against global warming because he literally sold the farm to coal miners.
As I just said, Zali Steggall increased her vote for a second term because the Libs put up a swivel-eyed loon running on anti-trans culture war rubbish.
The Libs just aren’t capable of running a campaign to appeal to the suburban working class. They are staffed almost exclusively by inner-city white collar elites.
Angus Taylor may be the new Malcolm “Where Are My Pants” Fraser, but Albo is not Whitlam and Taylor probably won’t get the leadership anyway.
The scales will be falling like rain from the eyes of the ones who voted Teal, as the block votes with Labor.
No, they’ve got a Mandate to Legislate Zero Emissions, on everything else, the 3 [possibly 5] Greens will step up.
Labor might run into problems with byelections in their seats
because The Greens will be competitive in any Labor Seat now.
I’ve only seen a short bit of her, but I predicted she’d play the Race Card on Day 2.
I was out by a day – she played the Race, Lezzo, and Sheila Card from the start of the first session.
Oh yea, because that malaria infested shithole you hail from doesn’t require something like A/C in the murderous wet months in order for people to survive. Come to think of it, hardly anyone lives in that humid, rat infested region.
You’ve not heard of the second part of that?
And if you want to redistribute wealth, first someone else has to create it. Then you can steal it.
I suspect there will be a lot of Teal “oncers” joining Tony Windsor in the former Members Bar in a few years time. Still, they did their job.
It’s very much looking like the Liberals are considering moving even further to the left.
I’m wondering if it’s time for the Nationals to consider cutting ties altogether, and bringing Conservative Liberals with them to stand as National Party candidates in city seats.
The “vibe” last night at the after party was that our Liberal Party city cousins pretty much fucked up by pandering to leftist ideology.
As some have commented above, why vote for a Liberal when you can get the genuine product by electing a Labor candidate.
Being “conservative” or a “nationalist” isn’t a dirty word.
This election seemed to offer no clear choice, other than Labor or Labor Lite. I can actually see why people were attracted to “The Independents”. Anything is better than the status quo.
cause when parents ceede your education to state bugmen, too much nanny state is barely enough
righto … as soon as you stop fellating yourself
let’s just see how well things go when the policies turn into outcomes
you can leave yr hand on it if you like
Just no stropping
asexual bugmen don’t create wealth, they print it! and when everyone is drowning in it they tax it back. so clever!@
I’m wondering if it’s time for the Nationals to consider cutting ties altogether, and bringing Conservative Liberals with them to stand as National Party candidates in city seats.
The Coalition Agreement lapses in Opposition anyway.
What Conservative Liberal did you have in mind?
Craig Kelly?
Tony Abbott?
Katherine Deves?
Trent Zimmerman?
Deves should have stood in a western Sydney seat.
Next time.
Nats running ex-Libs in city seats, LOL. That is a particularly dumb idea.
Cory Bernardi is tanned, rested and ready.
May 22, 2022 at 1:52 pm
So much for you lot thinking Dan Andrews was on the nose.
TaliDanistan is like white ants.
You can’t invite them to leave.
Fumigation is necessary as the colony infests and decays all sound structures.
Adem’s Bug Busters at call.
Monty obviously hasn’t read the cat for a long time.
He’s completely misread the room.
As for man made climate change either the theory is right or it’s wrong.
The third world will take its turn billowing out the carbon dioxide over the next couple of decades and we’ll see what happens.
I think,in the west in general, there will be a lot of pain for ‘zero’ gain.
Then the worm will turn.
Were you thinking about running a RockRibbed Liberal Conservative in rural Gilmore?
Good luck with that, Scotty tried it with Warren Mundine in 2019, fell flat on his arse.
On the other hand, genuine liberal Liberal Andrew Constance just won Gilmore off Labor yesterday.
How about that?
The Liberals got cocky and encroached on National Party territory by running in New England years ago. It split the vote, and ended up with Tony Windsor being elected.
I would like to think a lesson was learned from that. You need to take people with you. The right wing of the Liberal Party is much more suited to the Nationals, and the left wing are more suited to Labor/Greens.
At the moment, the Liberal Party stand for nothing. It’s a hodgepodge with a large splattering of CINO’s. You either have to stand as a true conservative, or just fuck off and join another party. A lot of these idiots should have been turfed years ago.
Who has called Gilmore Ed?