That is utter rubbish. You can quote people from the 1990s onwards saying precisely that.
Well isn’t it remarkable then, that after 5 years of de facto Russian invasion and occupation, Ukraine made the first moves to seek membership. They sought NATO. NATO had not sought them.
Think about it- Ukraine could have entered the EU in 2014 and never have changed its 2010 law forbidding NATO membership and maintaining its non-aligned status. But Vlad had to keep control.
Those poor Russians brought about their own ‘Red Line’ moment themselves by their own attitudes and behaviour.
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 6:25 pm
NATO had not sought them.
A George W. Bush- mediated attempt in 2008 was rebuffed and frozen in 2010 with the election of Pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovytch.
I share the sentiment, but she’d have been preferable to time server James McGrath.
June 17, 2022 6:29 pm
Looks like I won’t be going to Vladivostok next May.
Tough on all the locals utterly dependent on tourism.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 17, 2022 6:35 pm
Looks like the Ukies finally had a win.
Lots of tooing and froing around Snake Island in the last month or so. I know of about four Russian vessels sunk or heavily damaged (with video from drones). The Russians have been working very hard to get AA tracks in place and the Ukrainians have been working equally hard destroying them. The location is far enough from core Russian air assets that the Ukie air force has been doing missions, plus of course those Turkish stealth drones and ASMs.
It all suggests Russia has a serious strategy for which the island is a keystone. I don’t know what the strategy is, but the combat over it has been pretty intense.
“Sky News host Chris Kenny says rebranding the Cook Cup to the Ella-Mobbs Cup is “another manifestation of… cancel culture”. “Are we trying to write Captain James Cook out of history?”
In Paddington Sydney, right near Moore Park, there’s a hotel which was once called, until 2020, the Captain Cook Hotel. After the death of that all round sleaze bucket and porn star in Minneapolis back in 2020, when the whole world went barking mad, and there were BLM marches here in Sydney at the height of a so called Covid lockdown, and a so called Liberal government, NSW police and MSM all chose to look the other way….. because as you all know there’s one rule for the left and lots of rules for the rest of us, there was a lot of grotesque self flagellation about waaacism and statues, particularly of Captain James Cook and a statue of Cook in Sydney’s Hyde Park was subsequently vandalised by some Green staffers (who work for a rather nasty Greens politician by the name of David Shoebridge). These two Green staffers were, of course, given a slight slap on the hand by the judiciary for their vandalism but, I digress. The owners of the Captain Cook hotel in Paddington, who you’d think in a time of Covid lockdowns would have better things to concentrate on decided, in a touching display of anti-waaaacism, to rename their hotel to the “Captain’s Hotel”. LOL, anyway, you have to laugh because on one side of the hotel is a huge painted mural of Robert Hawke drinking beer, because as we know, Hawke loved a beer. So the proprietors of the hotel, in July 2020, due to hysteria about all things waaacist, removed the name of Captain James Cook, who was perhaps the world’s greatest mariner, and who was by all accounts a fundamentally decent and good man, yet they’ve left up a huge mural of Robert Hawke, serial adulterer and philanderer, serial sex addict, and who possessed a host of other unsavoury character defects.
“I share the sentiment, but she’d have been preferable to time server James McGrath.”
True, but I have no expectations of McGrath whereas I expected better of Stoker, particularly over the egregious Arndt episode. She should have walked rather than support that infamous motion.
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 6:44 pm
It all suggests Russia has a serious strategy for which the island is a keystone. I don’t know what the strategy is, but the combat over it has been pretty intense.
Snake Island is a strategically critical point for dominating the air and sea approaches to western Ukraine and the western half of the Black Sea. It allows them to interdict Ukrainian air operations where they hitherto have been untouchable, protect their naval assets (particularly important post-Moskva and easier to bombard Western Ukraine than at present.
June 17, 2022 6:44 pm
Yes Hawke was a loathsome little man and I don’t know why so many give him a free pass.
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 6:51 pm
Yes Hawke was a loathsome little man and I don’t know why so many give him a free pass.
Labor royalty.
If Captain James Cook had been a good Party man, all the excuses in the world would be made on his behalf…
June 17, 2022 6:53 pm
True, but I have no expectations of McGrath whereas I expected better of Stoker, particularly over the egregious Arndt episode. She should have walked rather than support that infamous motion.
The key with politicians is to keep your expectations low.
That way you’re pleasantly suprised when they do the right thing.
That being said, I hope she enjoys conveyancing, as it would appear to be her future.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 17, 2022 6:53 pm
Rex – I was surmising to myself it might be about supporting the three battalions in Transshitistan. You have to wonder when the Ukies and Moldova get fed up with that place and do something about it.
Regarding sea access to Odessa apparently the Turks have negotiated some sort of deal for grain shipments. I doubt it will happen, but the vibes and diplomatic wrangling are interesting.
Yes Hawke was a loathsome little man and I don’t know why so many give him a free pass.
I despised all the fake “Ocker” bullshit.
June 17, 2022 6:54 pm
Same for me Miltonf. The middle class welfare did it for me. I sill think he was best for the last 30 odd years but, and a Gillard size butt, the bar is so low a snakes belly is higher.
June 17, 2022 6:58 pm
Maybe the French supplied the technology to Taiwan.
It was a Saffa, Taiwan and Israeli effort.
June 17, 2022 6:59 pm
You have to go back a long way to find a UK Labour leader that didn’t go to a fancy pants school.
Saying they are the party of the working class is pure myth.
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 6:59 pm
Rex – I was surmising to myself it might be about supporting the three battalions in Transshitistan. You have to wonder when the Ukies and Moldova get fed up with that place and do something about it.
I suspect the best practice would be let them wither on the vine there.
But having a fortified island to protect ships supplying them from any conceivable Moldovan, Ukrainian or other threat would make sense.
June 17, 2022 6:59 pm
The key with politicians is to keep your expectations low.
I just assume they are all criminal psychopaths unless proven otherwise.
Ed Case
June 17, 2022 6:59 pm
Hawkie was faking being an Aussie?
I’m shocked!
Here’s Mike Tyson on smoking Toad Venom.
June 17, 2022 7:02 pm
This is different to the ALP…. how?
No different at all.
We are stuck in the least worst option loop.
Rex Anger
June 17, 2022 7:03 pm
I’m shocked!
That’s why you don’t put your fork in the powerpoint, Grigory…
June 17, 2022 7:12 pm
One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.
June 17, 2022 7:14 pm
One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.
June 17, 2022 7:15 pm
Today I learned that 65% of all gun deaths in the US are suicide.
haha, don’t be silly.
Anyhow, i’ve googoogoogled Lionel James Callaghan, who mighta gone fairly close, and found this on the Labour Party’s win at the 1964 Election after 13 years out of Office:
The new Labour government under Harold Wilson immediately faced economic problems; … and an immediate sterling crisis. Both Wilson and Callaghan took a strong stance against devaluation of sterling, partly due to the perception that the devaluation carried out by the previous Labour government in 1949 had contributed to that government’s downfall.
The alternative to devaluation, however, was a series of austerity measures designed to reduce demand in the economy in order to reduce imports, and to stabilise the balance of payments and the value of sterling.
Just ten days after taking up his post, Callaghan immediately introduced a 15% surcharge on imports, with the exception of foodstuffs and raw materials. This measure was intended to tackle the balance of payments deficit; however, it caused an uproar amongst Britain’s international trading partners.
The outcry was so intense that it caused the government to announce that the surcharge was a temporary measure. Callaghan later admitted in his autobiography that he could have handled the matter better, and in his haste to tackle the balance of payments problem, had failed to consult foreign governments.
On 11 November, Callaghan gave his first budget and announced increases in income tax, petrol tax and the introduction of a new capital gains tax, actions which most economists deemed necessary to take the heat out of the balance and sterling deficit. In line with Labour’s manifesto commitments, the budget also contained social measures to increase the state pension and the widows pension; measures which were disliked by the City and speculators, causing a run on the pound.
On 23 November, it was decided to increase the bank rate from 2% to 7%, which generated a large amount of criticism.
In other words, Britain went from stability to utter fucking chaos in ten days.
By the way, Callaghan’s story of his early life isn’t too different to Albanese’s.
“One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.”
Look, Russia attacked Ukraine as a massive land grab. No, I’m not sure we should stay out of it at all.
The Oligarch in chief needs to be taught a lesson as he’s making threats every day.
Ed Case
June 17, 2022 7:26 pm
On 11 November, Callaghan gave his first budget and announced increases in income tax, petrol tax and the introduction of a new capital gains tax, actions which most economists deemed necessary to take the heat out of the balance and sterling deficit.
Taking the heat out of the Economy by soaking the workers, eh?
Funny how the Coalition never has to take the heat out of the economy, just Labo[u]r Governments.
June 17, 2022 7:29 pm
I despised all the fake “Ocker” bullshit.
It’s depressing that he fooled so many. My grandfather called him ‘an egotistical rabble rouser’ . The proto uni-unionist too. Why get your hands dirty on the shop floor when you can slide in through a desk job. Destroyed so many forest and manufacturing jobs and only seemed concerned about himself by the time Keating was coming after him in 1991. Sickening is an understatement. At least the truth was finally fully on display.
“No, I’m not sure we should stay out of it at all.
The Oligarch in chief needs to be taught a lesson as he’s making threats every day.”
JC, what do you propose? I don’t condone the invasion, it’s a disaster for both Ukraine and Russia and particularly Ukraine. But I have been wondering, where’s the shuttle diplomacy? Where are the peacemakers trying to broker peace? Nothing. Why? There’s needs to be a cessation of hostilities and yet I’ve seen nothing, absolutely nothing in three months. Where is the UN passing motions? I don’t want this escalating and I think we should keep out of it.
First a caveat, I’m not accusing you of this because you’re not a moron but there’s this simplistic nonsense being parroted by morons that Putin should be gotten rid of. Apart from the fact that such nonsense is laughable, it’s also extremely dangerous. I know Russian history, what comes after bad is very bad and what comes after very bad is very, very bad. Macron knows this and despite his Napoleonic tendencies, he was right a week or two ago when he said that Europe needs to temper and fix this problem between Ukraine and Russia…in other words the USA and the corrupt Bidet administration need to stay out of it.
H B Bear
June 17, 2022 7:50 pm
Today I learned that 65% of all gun deaths in the US are suicide.
I expect there aren’t that many unsuccessful attempts either. An issue for farmers here and their families here.
June 17, 2022 7:52 pm
I’m sure she’s aware of the 4% largesse but I don’t think she’s a grifter. Her hearts in the right place but she’s not smart enough to be a grifter; and that’s not a bad thing for a pollie but her candidate selection is appalling. Roberts and Latham are the only decent ones.
Not just decent, they are both in their own way truly outstanding. Malcolm Roberts is like a breath of fresh air and Latham can show up the lies and hypocrisy we’re bombarded with like no other.
Judging by the number of staff you are employing, you must be running a Hilton on steroids.
Or the turnover is such that you spend most of the day interviewing new employees.
Umm.. … yeah.
To unpack that: Judging by the number of staff you are employing Do tell. How many staff am I employing?
you must be running a Hilton on steroids. Any reason I would not be?
Or the turnover is such that you spend most of the day interviewing new employees. Ah, the eternal quest.
This takes up probably 30% of the boss’ time, even though staff turnover here is considerably below (i.e. one-third of) industry average.
H B Bear
June 17, 2022 7:56 pm
Not sure what history will make of Hawke. He was a highly flawed man but lead a good, possibly great, government. The Lieborals may have done many of the same things, we will never know.
June 17, 2022 7:56 pm
But I have been wondering, where’s the shuttle diplomacy?
Good question. It’s almost is if these degenerates in Washington are rather pleased that this war is happening.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) Beare
June 17, 2022 7:57 pm
the rain doesn’t always fall either, but we manage to store the water
Actually, we don’t manage to store the water. It’s people like Bowen who try to stop the building of new dams to utilise the massive amounts of water that falls on Australia’s east coast – we are not short of water just the means to store it, which could be solved some investment in dams sans greenies.
We have a mouldering desalination plant in Sydney right now thanks to the green loonies who had convinced themselves the rain would never fall again.
Boambee John
June 17, 2022 7:59 pm
June 17, 2022 at 7:15 pm
Today I learned that 65% of all gun deaths in the US are suicide.
Take those away from the total, take away the very many gangbangers killed in inner-city stoushes, and what is the gun death rate in the US?
June 17, 2022 7:59 pm
a good, possibly great, government.
too bad about all the people who became unemployed in the early 90s
Take those away from the total, take away the very many gangbangers killed in inner-city stoushes, and what is the gun death rate in the US?
Even without doing that, just removing Four cities, Detroit, Chicago, DC, & New Orleans, (i.e. leaving NYC & LA still in the statistics) the USA moves up to roughly on a par with northern Europe.
H B Bear
June 17, 2022 8:04 pm
The business cycle was an accepted reality in the 80s. In Australia we have been spared by China, easy debt and weak monetary policy, each of which is about to go into reverse. Let’s have a look at unemployment at the end of this cycle.
Oops, I misspoke. Removing those four cities does not put USA on an average of Northern Europe.
It actually gives USA the 4th lowest gun murder rate in the world.
Source: The Guardian.
Gray Connolly
Russia will, at worst, come out of this War occupying large parts of resource & agriculture rich eastern Ukraine, even more of the Crimea, and now all the Azov coast …. in ~100 days … cf our 20+ years in the Middle East: all costs, very few benefits.
Quote Tweet
Daily Mail U.K.
· 13m
Russia has already ‘strategically lost’ the war for Ukraine, head of Britain’s Armed Forces insist
I can’t take the current leaders of the West seriously anymore. Sorry, I just can’t.
The Black Hole Information Paradox
The cosmos, empty space, is known to be full of virtual particles. They appear in pairs to conserve momentum and then recombine after a short while. In 1976 Hawking showed that black hole event horizons can separate these pairs by trapping the one on the wrong side of the horizon. The star-crossed lovers are unable to recombine, so one of them becomes real and is emitted as Hawking radiation. This means that whereas black holes can hoover up information-full objects such as flowers and manuscripts (see below left), they can only emit thermal, random, Hawking radiation (see below right). This means the information in the flower and the manuscripts has been lost.
Hawking, Kip Thorne and Roger Penrose were perfectly happy to have information destroyed, but Leonard Susskind and Gerard t’Hooft published a manuscript called The Black Hole War saying that Hawking was violating one of the laws of the universe: the conservation of information. Since when has that been a law? They argued that in quantum mechanics the wavefunction at any one time is supposed to be predictable from the wavefunction at any other time and if you lose information then you can’t do that. You lose what they call the unitarity of the wavefunction. They suggested that the information that goes into the black hole survives and proposed the holographic principle which says that information is stored in horizons (a nice idea). Hawking conceded he had lost but Penrose and Thorne did not concede. In my opinion, there may be some merit to both approaches, if combined right.
The debate is at the heart of physics, which has still not come to grips with the new concept of information, but let us see what empiricism and a little logic can offer. Landauer’s principle (reference 1) argues that when computer memory is erased say from the complex 11010 to the uniform 00000, then this is a loss of information, and a reduction of disorder or entropy, which cannot be allowed, so heat must be released. This heat has now been observed (ref 2) whereas the ‘unitarity of the wavefunction’ has not. One point for information loss. Another point is that quantised inertia (QI) and therefore the observed galaxy rotation without dark matter can be derived beautifully by assuming information loss (ref 3).
The picture is not complete though. In QI, if you accelerate, a horizon obscures your backwards view of the world, erasing information and providing, via Landauer, exactly the right amount of energy to fuel the inertial back-push (ref 3). However, if you stop accelerating, then that information comes back again. Where was it hiding in the meantime? The QI approach may offer a compromise here since accelerating objects see Unruh radiation that inertial (unaccelerating) observers do not. In QI information is in the eye of the beholder. Each object has its own informational universe, and what has been deleted in one may be retrieved by negotiation from another.
We have a mouldering desalination plant in Sydney right now thanks to the green loonies who had convinced themselves the rain would never fall again.
Just about everyone now is forecasting a third la Nina in a row. Children won’t know what dry weather is!
The La Niña conditions that have contributed to the ongoing drought in the southwest United States is likely to continue into a third year, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Our dams will never empty again, even if US ones will.
In other news my currawongs have been enthusiastically washing themselves in the water containers like dusty dogs. Having to refill the containers several times a day. The nice result of this is they no longer smell of mushrooms, which they did after months of dank autumn. Very strongly. It would really suck to have to fly around in mouldy feathers all day.
Galaxy rotations from quantised inertia and visible matter only
Astrophysics and Space Science – It is shown here that a model for inertial mass, called quantised inertia, or MiHsC (Modified inertia by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect) predicts the rotational…
Mike McCulloch
1h #Wokeism is like the old witch-trials. Question it & they come after you. Bravery is needed to put it back in the asylum where it belongs.
Mike McCulloch
The first person to directly observe Unruh radiation, Morgan H Lynch, has just been interviewed here:
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Douglas Karr
Today, under oath, the highest paid government employee refused to answer if the bureaucrats approving grants and purchasing #COVID19 #vaccines ever received compensation from the #bigpharma companies they approved and purchased from.
Moshe Schwartz
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Mike McCulloch
The period 1915 to now will be seen as anomalous in philosophy in that ‘curved space-time’ was dominant. This led to many similar invisible solutions like strings, dark matter, & fiction using time travel which is a consequence of the block universe. In #QI time is different.
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Mike McCulloch
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Instead of light following bent space to curve round the Sun, it is refracted just as light normally is by variations in the properties of the quantum background caused by the mass of the Sun.
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The Columbia Bugle ??
@RepMTG’s Full Speech At Capitol Hill Press Conference On The Horrible Treatment Of The January 6th Political Prisoners In DC Jail
“Their rights are being abused, their due process rights are being abused, their human rights are being abused, & their families are being abused.”
0:05 / 9:46
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Mike McCulloch
In science those organised enough to get lots of funding have no imagination, whereas those with imagination hate filling in the necessary forms 🙂
Mike McCulloch
Possibly the most obvious evidence for #QI is the peaks in the #CMB. The peaks are where you would expect them to be for the Cosmic Seiche of #QI – ie; only waves that fit exactly within the cosmos are allowed.
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Edward Dutton
Empiricists need to have legal protection of conscience. “I cannot do this or say this, it is contrary to the empirical evidence.”
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Mike McCulloch
· 16 Jun Society is trying to get me, a scientist, to agree w/ things against the evidence. To agree would be counter to my conscience as a scientist. It’s like asking a Christian to spit on the cross.
June 17, 2022 8:18 pm
I can’t take the current leaders of the West seriously anymore.
It’s not so much a case of being incompetent as being on the other side. Makes more sense at least if you look at it that way.
H B Bear
June 17, 2022 8:21 pm
Poor old Quentin Dumpster mauled by the Media Watchdog. Woof woof.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 17, 2022 8:22 pm
Russia has already ‘strategically lost’ the war for Ukraine, head of Britain’s Armed Forces insist
I can’t take the current leaders of the West seriously anymore. Sorry, I just can’t.
A Mr Pyrrhus would disagree with you Dover.
This is really looking like Iran-Iraq War, where both sides wouldn’t accept loss of face in a peace deal. So it dragged on for 8 long years.
Z is just reacting to polls and focus groups: the Ukrainian on the street is thinking like this.
June 17, 2022 8:26 pm
Instead, trunks and branches would fall on top of each other, and the weight of all that heavy wood would eventually compress those trees into peat and then, over time, into coal.
Hence my zeal for recycling them trees back into CO2, ready for the next go around.
June 17, 2022 8:27 pm
‘Crimea is our goal’ Zelensky sets sights on devastating turnaround with weapons from West (16 Jun)
Just like Hitlers ‘wunderwaffe’ – to turn defeat into victory at the last minute?
Mike McCulloch retweeting PJW and Tulsi, then throwing shade on dark matter.
June 17, 2022 8:38 pm
Eyrie my hypothesis has more basis than yours and mine is more likely than just saying Saffers, Israel and Taiwan. I don’t have a clue. Don’t tell me you do.
Worth the watch for a better understanding of what physically happens.
Some very informative comments as well.
Bruce of Newcastle
June 17, 2022 8:43 pm
Flyingduk – At the moment the war is a brutal stalemate, very nearly. The Russians have concentrated pretty much every BTG they can free up in the SD area to overwhelm the defenders on a narrow frontage, which massive artillery support. Yet the Ukrainians have fought the Russian offensive to a near standstill.
They will capture SD, since they’ve finally managed to destroy all the bridges to it, which means the Ukrainians are out of supply. But this is like taking Coogee. It’s a pyrrhic victory of a place no one heard of before a few weeks ago, which has almost no value except symbolically. And that’s required pretty much everything Russia has had (and it still hasn’t quite been taken).
I really don’t know what will happen with this stupid war. It’s egos at ten paces, no one wins.
A pyrrhic victory would be the position in Feb 24. As Gray says above, that is now a distant memory.
June 17, 2022 8:49 pm
Saffers had the bomb, Israeli has the bomb, Taiwan and South Africa had close co-operation at the time as “pariah” nations on the outer with the international community (from a friend who was a South African living there at the time) and Israel also was on the outer to some extent and was co-operating with both. The US carefully looked the other way as Israel acquired nuclear weapons and denied that the Vela (nuclear detection) satellites had seen a nuclear explosion south of South Africa. All three countries had good reason to get nukes. I do not believe the Israelis would rely on theory alone to get nukes.
June 17, 2022 8:53 pm
Bruce of Newcastlesays:
June 17, 2022 at 8:43 pm
Flyingduk – At the moment the war is a brutal stalemate, very nearly. The Russians have concentrated pretty much every BTG they can free up in the SD area to overwhelm the defenders on a narrow frontage, which massive artillery support. Yet the Ukrainians have fought the Russian offensive to a near standstill.
They will capture SD, since they’ve finally managed to destroy all the bridges to it, which means the Ukrainians are out of supply. But this is like taking Coogee. It’s a pyrrhic victory of a place no one heard of before a few weeks ago, which has almost no value except symbolically. And that’s required pretty much everything Russia has had (and it still hasn’t quite been taken).
I really don’t know what will happen with this stupid war. It’s egos at ten paces, no one wins.
From what I’ve read, the Russians are regularly rotating their troops, and generally keeping them mobile while artillery flattens any concentrations of Ukrainian troops. It looks a lot like they’ve opted to grind the military capacity of Ukraine to dust, rather than capture anything much beyond the separatist areas. But who knows, we don’t know the plans of the commanders of either side really.
I’ve still yet to get anyone tell me why there couldn’t have been a serious attempt at rapprochement with Russia in the last 30 years. You know, bring them into the fold like any number of other authoritarian and corrupt places across the world. Why the particular antagonistic attitude toward them? As far as I can tell the answer always ends up being some variant of “muh wussia bad”.
Although I suppose, like I said above, it’s too late now.
HOP Time™ will need a suitably dramatic and justifiable introduction.
This mighty, long overdue event will not be some spasmodic chaotic uprising of revolting peasants.
There will be evidence that precedes it.
Many many mountains of it. 🙂
June 17, 2022 8:55 pm
June 17, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Saffers had the bomb, Israeli has the bomb, Taiwan and South Africa had close co-operation at the time as “pariah” nations on the outer with the international community (from a friend who was a South African living there at the time) and Israel also was on the outer to some extent and was co-operating with both. The US carefully looked the other way as Israel acquired nuclear weapons and denied that the Vela (nuclear detection) satellites had seen a nuclear explosion south of South Africa. All three countries had good reason to get nukes. I do not believe the Israelis would rely on theory alone to get nukes.
South Africa was one of two or three nations who developed the bomb – they had six bombs and were working on the seventh – when they dismantled the programme, and put the genie back in the bottle.
This will be the soundtrack to the righteous removal from this planet of the hideous unspeakable criminals that presumed they could enslave us and get away with it.
A mighty melodrama, with their Shangri-la visible in the seemingly unreachable distance, ramped up to Eleventy.
when I was an apprentice in the mill there was a massive M-G set that we used to sync
just like that
same gauges
same blinking sync lights
and same arse puckering
Speaking of which, whatever happened to those biolabs?
The USA owned up to 40.
June 17, 2022 9:46 pm
Thankyou Eyrie I never recalled SA having the bomb. I must have slept in that day. You are most likely right. The more I think about it the more sense it makes.
The organizers of the “We Build The Wall” group raised more than $25m from thousands of donors as they repeatedly pledged that every dollar would be used for the project.
Asked to describe his crimes by the judge, Kolfage said the group had originally intended for all the raised money to be used to build a wall, but it “soon became apparent” that the plan to donate the money to the US government for the wall’s construction was not possible.
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 17, 2022 10:02 pm
Vladimir Putin’s sanctions list has one redeeming feature – Ita Buttrose is on it.
gas was cheap
but you got robbed when gas was diverted to elec gen
now you pay more
and instead of being metered for energy at yr gas meter, yr being metered via the electric smart meter
you’ve been stooged by the cartel
Zulu Kilo Two Alpha
June 17, 2022 10:12 pm
Pascoe has ‘no problem’ with critique of Dark Emu on history list
Angelica Snowden
27 minutes ago June 17, 2022
No Comments
Bruce Pascoe says he has no problem with a critique of his acclaimed book, Dark Emu, being added to a Victorian history resource list for students.
Professor Pascoe told The Weekend Australian he was not concerned the latest challenge to his work – Farmers or hunter-gatherers? The Dark Emu debate by anthropologist Peter Sutton and archaeologist Keryn Walshe – had been included as an optional resource for Victorian students studying Australian History alongside his own work.
“It’s a book and I don’t burn books. I have no problem with it,” he said. “The curriculum should be designed so it is open ended, especially in history. There shouldn’t be an accepted view. We should be asking kids to make up their own minds. That’s why I’m not afraid of Sutton’s book.
“It’s just an opinion. It’s just a book. I’m too old to take offence.
“I’m working with and for my Aboriginal community.”
It was revealed on Friday that Prof Sutton and Dr Walshe’s work was endorsed by Victoria’s curriculum chiefs and included on a list of resources for the VCE subject area “from custodianship to the Anthropocene (60,000 BCE-1901)”.
Dark Emu argues that the economy and culture of Indigenous Australians before European conquest has been undervalued, and that journals and diaries of explorers revealed “a much more complicated Aboriginal economy than the primitive hunter-gatherer lifestyle we had been told was the simple lot of Australia’s First People”.
Prof Sutton and Dr Walshe argue Prof Pascoe is “broadly wrong”, that pre-European conquest Indigenous Australians were “hunter-gatherers-plus”.
Prof Pascoe said he never claimed Aboriginal people were “absolutely” farmers, rather that they engaged in food gathering practices which were in some cases more like farming than hunter-gathering.
“(In the book) I was acknowledging the fact that Aboriginal people were harvesting grain, processing it, storing it and cooking with it,” he said.
Responding to the critique he over relied on journals by explorers, Prof Pascoe said Australians had used those documents for years to understand their history, but were “unaware of much of the content”. In Dark Emu, he said that content included references to Aboriginal people building dams and wells, irrigating, harvesting seed and preserving the surplus. He argues this demonstrates the “complicated Aboriginal economy” and shows Aboriginal people were not nomadic hunter-gatherers.
“(Dark Emu) was an exposition of what is already on the public record, but not included in our educational or public life,” he said.
“(Prof Sutton) thinks I’m relying on old fashioned ethnography but until Australia is aware of the true history of this country, the true nature of the Aboriginal economy, we have to make … broad brush comparisons.
“This is not a black or a white argument. This is an Australian argument.”
Of course, Bruce Pascoe has no problems with any critique of his book – how much would he have made so far?
June 17, 2022 10:16 pm
without wind, NEM states generation are damn near all 30% gas right now
Can’t keep that up forever and still hope to heat homes and cook dinners.
On board computer and satellite navigation and all..
June 17, 2022 10:46 pm
Royal Ascot carrying on despite extreme heat.
For just the second time ever dress rules are being loosened. Only after the Royal carriage has passed gentle people punters may remove ties, top hats and jackets. Nothing said about the girls though unlikely to turn into the Bacchanalian debauch such as Flemington produces in Cup week.
Rex Anger:
The RPG29 – I just looked it up and that was the munition I was referring to. We’ve come a long way from the original Panzerfaust/Panzerschreck models.
I’ve seen some relatively recent images of burnt-out Turkish Leo 2A4+ from northern Syria, but am pretty sure they weren’t killed by frontal penetrations.
Russia has been running around ridden grief stricken about having lost the old Soviet empire since the Union collapsed into a heap of its own incoherence. It’s true that the west gave certain undertakings that it would expand into the old Eastern bloc. However, over time these undertakings became redundant.
The Ukraine returned its nuclear arsenal on condition it was never going to be attacked by Russia. This invasion proved that no nation should ever get rid of its nuclear stocks.
Top Ender
June 17, 2022 11:39 pm
Speaking of tanks, Darwin Military Museum has just acquired a Centurion.
Some nice pix online of it reversing to its spot on the grounds under its own power.
I’ve just finished reading The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch. He reminds me of Bird. The stuff he writes is locally ok until the buzzing bees in his bonnet take over and he goes barking mad. He claims deep relationships between 1. QM, particularly the multiverse idea, 2. Evolution 3. Popper’s ideas on how science works and 4. computational complexity theory. The absence of detail in these claims is underwhelming. He claims that the existence of interference in the 2-slit experiment and the interferometer is compelling evidence for the multiverse, but doesn’t explain why multiple copies of the ‘same’ electrons from different universes should interfere with each other as if they are waves. Bits make sense, overall it looks nutty. Very birdlike.
I’ve just finished reading The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch. He reminds me of the Bird.
Beaugy – you don’t have to gloat about it.
June 18, 2022 12:48 am
Beaugy – you don’t have to gloat about it.
He’s more entertaining and much more intelligent than Bird, so it wasn’t too bad, rabz.
We both think that Kuhn’s stuff is crap, in fact we agree on a fair amount of the basic stuff. Up to the point where he goes off his head.
Well isn’t it remarkable then, that after 5 years of de facto Russian invasion and occupation, Ukraine made the first moves to seek membership. They sought NATO. NATO had not sought them.
Think about it- Ukraine could have entered the EU in 2014 and never have changed its 2010 law forbidding NATO membership and maintaining its non-aligned status. But Vlad had to keep control.
Those poor Russians brought about their own ‘Red Line’ moment themselves by their own attitudes and behaviour.
A George W. Bush- mediated attempt in 2008 was rebuffed and frozen in 2010 with the election of Pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovytch.
I share the sentiment, but she’d have been preferable to time server James McGrath.
Looks like I won’t be going to Vladivostok next May.
Tough on all the locals utterly dependent on tourism.
Lots of tooing and froing around Snake Island in the last month or so. I know of about four Russian vessels sunk or heavily damaged (with video from drones). The Russians have been working very hard to get AA tracks in place and the Ukrainians have been working equally hard destroying them. The location is far enough from core Russian air assets that the Ukie air force has been doing missions, plus of course those Turkish stealth drones and ASMs.
It all suggests Russia has a serious strategy for which the island is a keystone. I don’t know what the strategy is, but the combat over it has been pretty intense.
“Sky News host Chris Kenny says rebranding the Cook Cup to the Ella-Mobbs Cup is “another manifestation of… cancel culture”. “Are we trying to write Captain James Cook out of history?”
In Paddington Sydney, right near Moore Park, there’s a hotel which was once called, until 2020, the Captain Cook Hotel. After the death of that all round sleaze bucket and porn star in Minneapolis back in 2020, when the whole world went barking mad, and there were BLM marches here in Sydney at the height of a so called Covid lockdown, and a so called Liberal government, NSW police and MSM all chose to look the other way….. because as you all know there’s one rule for the left and lots of rules for the rest of us, there was a lot of grotesque self flagellation about waaacism and statues, particularly of Captain James Cook and a statue of Cook in Sydney’s Hyde Park was subsequently vandalised by some Green staffers (who work for a rather nasty Greens politician by the name of David Shoebridge). These two Green staffers were, of course, given a slight slap on the hand by the judiciary for their vandalism but, I digress. The owners of the Captain Cook hotel in Paddington, who you’d think in a time of Covid lockdowns would have better things to concentrate on decided, in a touching display of anti-waaaacism, to rename their hotel to the “Captain’s Hotel”. LOL, anyway, you have to laugh because on one side of the hotel is a huge painted mural of Robert Hawke drinking beer, because as we know, Hawke loved a beer. So the proprietors of the hotel, in July 2020, due to hysteria about all things waaacist, removed the name of Captain James Cook, who was perhaps the world’s greatest mariner, and who was by all accounts a fundamentally decent and good man, yet they’ve left up a huge mural of Robert Hawke, serial adulterer and philanderer, serial sex addict, and who possessed a host of other unsavoury character defects.
Captain James Cook = bad. Robert Hawke = good.
Clown world.
“I share the sentiment, but she’d have been preferable to time server James McGrath.”
True, but I have no expectations of McGrath whereas I expected better of Stoker, particularly over the egregious Arndt episode. She should have walked rather than support that infamous motion.
Snake Island is a strategically critical point for dominating the air and sea approaches to western Ukraine and the western half of the Black Sea. It allows them to interdict Ukrainian air operations where they hitherto have been untouchable, protect their naval assets (particularly important post-Moskva and easier to bombard Western Ukraine than at present.
Yes Hawke was a loathsome little man and I don’t know why so many give him a free pass.
Labor royalty.
If Captain James Cook had been a good Party man, all the excuses in the world would be made on his behalf…
The key with politicians is to keep your expectations low.
That way you’re pleasantly suprised when they do the right thing.
That being said, I hope she enjoys conveyancing, as it would appear to be her future.
Rex – I was surmising to myself it might be about supporting the three battalions in Transshitistan. You have to wonder when the Ukies and Moldova get fed up with that place and do something about it.
Regarding sea access to Odessa apparently the Turks have negotiated some sort of deal for grain shipments. I doubt it will happen, but the vibes and diplomatic wrangling are interesting.
Turkey says Ukraine grain ships could avoid mines, Russia offers safe passage (Reuters, 16 Jun)
I despised all the fake “Ocker” bullshit.
Same for me Miltonf. The middle class welfare did it for me. I sill think he was best for the last 30 odd years but, and a Gillard size butt, the bar is so low a snakes belly is higher.
Maybe the French supplied the technology to Taiwan.
It was a Saffa, Taiwan and Israeli effort.
You have to go back a long way to find a UK Labour leader that didn’t go to a fancy pants school.
Saying they are the party of the working class is pure myth.
I suspect the best practice would be let them wither on the vine there.
But having a fortified island to protect ships supplying them from any conceivable Moldovan, Ukrainian or other threat would make sense.
The key with politicians is to keep your expectations low.
I just assume they are all criminal psychopaths unless proven otherwise.
Hawkie was faking being an Aussie?
I’m shocked!
Here’s Mike Tyson on smoking Toad Venom.
This is different to the ALP…. how?
No different at all.
We are stuck in the least worst option loop.
That’s why you don’t put your fork in the powerpoint, Grigory…
One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.
One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.
Today I learned that 65% of all gun deaths in the US are suicide.
“One thing I do know about the conflict in Eastern Europe is that Australia should stay right out of it.”
Nice post at 5.29 pm Tim.
haha, don’t be silly.
Anyhow, i’ve googoogoogled Lionel James Callaghan, who mighta gone fairly close, and found this on the Labour Party’s win at the 1964 Election after 13 years out of Office:
In other words, Britain went from stability to utter fucking chaos in ten days.
By the way, Callaghan’s story of his early life isn’t too different to Albanese’s.
Look, Russia attacked Ukraine as a massive land grab. No, I’m not sure we should stay out of it at all.
The Oligarch in chief needs to be taught a lesson as he’s making threats every day.
Taking the heat out of the Economy by soaking the workers, eh?
Funny how the Coalition never has to take the heat out of the economy, just Labo[u]r Governments.
I despised all the fake “Ocker” bullshit.
It’s depressing that he fooled so many. My grandfather called him ‘an egotistical rabble rouser’ . The proto uni-unionist too. Why get your hands dirty on the shop floor when you can slide in through a desk job. Destroyed so many forest and manufacturing jobs and only seemed concerned about himself by the time Keating was coming after him in 1991. Sickening is an understatement. At least the truth was finally fully on display.
No, I’m not sure we should stay out of it at all.
I am.
Chinese army conducts live-fire shelling drill
The Democratic Party is more of a threat to us here in Oz than Putin.
“No, I’m not sure we should stay out of it at all.
The Oligarch in chief needs to be taught a lesson as he’s making threats every day.”
JC, what do you propose? I don’t condone the invasion, it’s a disaster for both Ukraine and Russia and particularly Ukraine. But I have been wondering, where’s the shuttle diplomacy? Where are the peacemakers trying to broker peace? Nothing. Why? There’s needs to be a cessation of hostilities and yet I’ve seen nothing, absolutely nothing in three months. Where is the UN passing motions? I don’t want this escalating and I think we should keep out of it.
First a caveat, I’m not accusing you of this because you’re not a moron but there’s this simplistic nonsense being parroted by morons that Putin should be gotten rid of. Apart from the fact that such nonsense is laughable, it’s also extremely dangerous. I know Russian history, what comes after bad is very bad and what comes after very bad is very, very bad. Macron knows this and despite his Napoleonic tendencies, he was right a week or two ago when he said that Europe needs to temper and fix this problem between Ukraine and Russia…in other words the USA and the corrupt Bidet administration need to stay out of it.
I expect there aren’t that many unsuccessful attempts either. An issue for farmers here and their families here.
Not just decent, they are both in their own way truly outstanding. Malcolm Roberts is like a breath of fresh air and Latham can show up the lies and hypocrisy we’re bombarded with like no other.
Manly has thrown away this game.
Gabor says: June 16, 2022 at 10:57 pm
Umm.. … yeah.
To unpack that:
Judging by the number of staff you are employing
Do tell. How many staff am I employing?
you must be running a Hilton on steroids.
Any reason I would not be?
Or the turnover is such that you spend most of the day interviewing new employees.
Ah, the eternal quest.
This takes up probably 30% of the boss’ time, even though staff turnover here is considerably below (i.e. one-third of) industry average.
Not sure what history will make of Hawke. He was a highly flawed man but lead a good, possibly great, government. The Lieborals may have done many of the same things, we will never know.
But I have been wondering, where’s the shuttle diplomacy?
Good question. It’s almost is if these degenerates in Washington are rather pleased that this war is happening.
Actually, we don’t manage to store the water. It’s people like Bowen who try to stop the building of new dams to utilise the massive amounts of water that falls on Australia’s east coast – we are not short of water just the means to store it, which could be solved some investment in dams sans greenies.
We have a mouldering desalination plant in Sydney right now thanks to the green loonies who had convinced themselves the rain would never fall again.
June 17, 2022 at 7:15 pm
Today I learned that 65% of all gun deaths in the US are suicide.
Take those away from the total, take away the very many gangbangers killed in inner-city stoushes, and what is the gun death rate in the US?
a good, possibly great, government.
too bad about all the people who became unemployed in the early 90s
It is almost incredible that the dickhead had a go at equating the two.
These idiots are dumber than we realised.
Even without doing that, just removing Four cities, Detroit, Chicago, DC, & New Orleans, (i.e. leaving NYC & LA still in the statistics) the USA moves up to roughly on a par with northern Europe.
The business cycle was an accepted reality in the 80s. In Australia we have been spared by China, easy debt and weak monetary policy, each of which is about to go into reverse. Let’s have a look at unemployment at the end of this cycle.
Why did the AEC able to finalise the QLD senate vote before WA? 5.2m vs 2.8m pop’n?
Oops, I misspoke. Removing those four cities does not put USA on an average of Northern Europe.
It actually gives USA the 4th lowest gun murder rate in the world.
Source: The Guardian.
I can’t take the current leaders of the West seriously anymore. Sorry, I just can’t.
Following Susskind.
Check it out.
Dr Mike McCulloch is based!
He’s actually quite a Greenie (and pro nuke), but he obviously actually believes in civil liberties.
His other website:
His latest blog post:
Pinned Tweet
Mike McCulloch
2 Oct 2019
Quantised inertia (#QI) rewrites physics so it’s simpler It gets rid of dark matter & predicts we can make an electric rocket & cheap energy
Just about everyone now is forecasting a third la Nina in a row. Children won’t know what dry weather is!
Our dams will never empty again, even if US ones will.
In other news my currawongs have been enthusiastically washing themselves in the water containers like dusty dogs. Having to refill the containers several times a day. The nice result of this is they no longer smell of mushrooms, which they did after months of dank autumn. Very strongly. It would really suck to have to fly around in mouldy feathers all day.
Galaxy rotations from quantised inertia and visible matter only
Astrophysics and Space Science – It is shown here that a model for inertial mass, called quantised inertia, or MiHsC (Modified inertia by a Hubble-scale Casimir effect) predicts the rotational…
Mike McCulloch
#Wokeism is like the old witch-trials. Question it & they come after you. Bravery is needed to put it back in the asylum where it belongs.
Mike McCulloch
The first person to directly observe Unruh radiation, Morgan H Lynch, has just been interviewed here:
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Douglas Karr
Today, under oath, the highest paid government employee refused to answer if the bureaucrats approving grants and purchasing #COVID19 #vaccines ever received compensation from the #bigpharma companies they approved and purchased from.
Moshe Schwartz
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Mike McCulloch
The period 1915 to now will be seen as anomalous in philosophy in that ‘curved space-time’ was dominant. This led to many similar invisible solutions like strings, dark matter, & fiction using time travel which is a consequence of the block universe. In #QI time is different.
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Mike McCulloch
Replying to
Instead of light following bent space to curve round the Sun, it is refracted just as light normally is by variations in the properties of the quantum background caused by the mass of the Sun.
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Mike McCulloch Retweeted
The Columbia Bugle ??
@RepMTG’s Full Speech At Capitol Hill Press Conference On The Horrible Treatment Of The January 6th Political Prisoners In DC Jail
“Their rights are being abused, their due process rights are being abused, their human rights are being abused, & their families are being abused.”
0:05 / 9:46
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Mike McCulloch
In science those organised enough to get lots of funding have no imagination, whereas those with imagination hate filling in the necessary forms 🙂
Mike McCulloch
Possibly the most obvious evidence for #QI is the peaks in the #CMB. The peaks are where you would expect them to be for the Cosmic Seiche of #QI – ie; only waves that fit exactly within the cosmos are allowed.
Mike McCulloch Retweeted
Edward Dutton
Empiricists need to have legal protection of conscience. “I cannot do this or say this, it is contrary to the empirical evidence.”
Quote Tweet
Mike McCulloch
· 16 Jun
Society is trying to get me, a scientist, to agree w/ things against the evidence. To agree would be counter to my conscience as a scientist. It’s like asking a Christian to spit on the cross.
It’s not so much a case of being incompetent as being on the other side. Makes more sense at least if you look at it that way.
Poor old Quentin Dumpster mauled by the Media Watchdog. Woof woof.
A Mr Pyrrhus would disagree with you Dover.
This is really looking like Iran-Iraq War, where both sides wouldn’t accept loss of face in a peace deal. So it dragged on for 8 long years.
‘Crimea is our goal’ Zelensky sets sights on devastating turnaround with weapons from West (16 Jun)
Z is just reacting to polls and focus groups: the Ukrainian on the street is thinking like this.
Hence my zeal for recycling them trees back into CO2, ready for the next go around.
Just like Hitlers ‘wunderwaffe’ – to turn defeat into victory at the last minute?
Complemented with the imminently arriving Steiner and his armee just around the nearest corner …
Mike McCulloch retweeting PJW and Tulsi, then throwing shade on dark matter.
Eyrie my hypothesis has more basis than yours and mine is more likely than just saying Saffers, Israel and Taiwan. I don’t have a clue. Don’t tell me you do.
Syncing a small hydro power station to the grid
Worth the watch for a better understanding of what physically happens.
Some very informative comments as well.
Flyingduk – At the moment the war is a brutal stalemate, very nearly. The Russians have concentrated pretty much every BTG they can free up in the SD area to overwhelm the defenders on a narrow frontage, which massive artillery support. Yet the Ukrainians have fought the Russian offensive to a near standstill.
They will capture SD, since they’ve finally managed to destroy all the bridges to it, which means the Ukrainians are out of supply. But this is like taking Coogee. It’s a pyrrhic victory of a place no one heard of before a few weeks ago, which has almost no value except symbolically. And that’s required pretty much everything Russia has had (and it still hasn’t quite been taken).
I really don’t know what will happen with this stupid war. It’s egos at ten paces, no one wins.
A pyrrhic victory would be the position in Feb 24. As Gray says above, that is now a distant memory.
Saffers had the bomb, Israeli has the bomb, Taiwan and South Africa had close co-operation at the time as “pariah” nations on the outer with the international community (from a friend who was a South African living there at the time) and Israel also was on the outer to some extent and was co-operating with both. The US carefully looked the other way as Israel acquired nuclear weapons and denied that the Vela (nuclear detection) satellites had seen a nuclear explosion south of South Africa. All three countries had good reason to get nukes. I do not believe the Israelis would rely on theory alone to get nukes.
From what I’ve read, the Russians are regularly rotating their troops, and generally keeping them mobile while artillery flattens any concentrations of Ukrainian troops. It looks a lot like they’ve opted to grind the military capacity of Ukraine to dust, rather than capture anything much beyond the separatist areas. But who knows, we don’t know the plans of the commanders of either side really.
I’ve still yet to get anyone tell me why there couldn’t have been a serious attempt at rapprochement with Russia in the last 30 years. You know, bring them into the fold like any number of other authoritarian and corrupt places across the world. Why the particular antagonistic attitude toward them? As far as I can tell the answer always ends up being some variant of “muh wussia bad”.
Although I suppose, like I said above, it’s too late now.
Show Trials.
HOP Time™ will need a suitably dramatic and justifiable introduction.
This mighty, long overdue event will not be some spasmodic chaotic uprising of revolting peasants.
There will be evidence that precedes it.
Many many mountains of it. 🙂
Meanwhile we can barely keep the lights on.
Trudeau urged to fire ‘lying’ minister as Freedom Convoy fallout continues
“Shacks” for sale in North Melbourne, Victoria.,+vic+3051/list-1?activeSort=price-desc
South Africa was one of two or three nations who developed the bomb – they had six bombs and were working on the seventh – when they dismantled the programme, and put the genie back in the bottle.
This will be the soundtrack to the righteous removal from this planet of the hideous unspeakable criminals that presumed they could enslave us and get away with it.
A mighty melodrama, with their Shangri-la visible in the seemingly unreachable distance, ramped up to Eleventy.
Enjoy hell, you monsters. 😡
when I was an apprentice in the mill there was a massive M-G set that we used to sync
just like that
same gauges
same blinking sync lights
and same arse puckering
slipping a pole
Speaking of which, whatever happened to those biolabs?
The USA owned up to 40.
Thankyou Eyrie I never recalled SA having the bomb. I must have slept in that day. You are most likely right. The more I think about it the more sense it makes.
Cats – I witnessed a televisual feast on Wednesday night.
Ingredients – one UHD TV and surround sound system, played at a very suitable volume.
Both are necessary if you want to truly experience the alluring beauty and sheer horror of encountering a Siren*.
*Don’t say you weren’t warned.
At least some wall building scammers will go to jail.
The co-founder of the “We Build The Wall” project aimed at raising money for a border wall pleaded guilty Thursday to charges …
The organizers of the “We Build The Wall” group raised more than $25m from thousands of donors as they repeatedly pledged that every dollar would be used for the project.
Asked to describe his crimes by the judge, Kolfage said the group had originally intended for all the raised money to be used to build a wall, but it “soon became apparent” that the plan to donate the money to the US government for the wall’s construction was not possible.
Vladimir Putin’s sanctions list has one redeeming feature – Ita Buttrose is on it.
without wind, NEM states generation are damn near all 30% gas right now
anybody still wondering why yr domestic gas price is high?
The Poot is not a fan of pre-historic Ozzie bimbos.
Colour me completely unsurprised. 😕
gas was cheap
but you got robbed when gas was diverted to elec gen
now you pay more
and instead of being metered for energy at yr gas meter, yr being metered via the electric smart meter
you’ve been stooged by the cartel
Of course, Bruce Pascoe has no problems with any critique of his book – how much would he have made so far?
Can’t keep that up forever and still hope to heat homes and cook dinners.
Bruce Pascoe syncs bullshit generators
I’ll bet good money that agricultural Cats didn’t know Aborigines invented broad-acre agriculture, minimum till, and the combine harvester.
wind powered
instantaneous cost per kwh for wind right now?
On board computer and satellite navigation and all..
Royal Ascot carrying on despite extreme heat.
For just the second time ever dress rules are being loosened.
Only after the Royal carriage has passed gentle people punters may remove ties, top hats and jackets. Nothing said about the girls though unlikely to turn into the Bacchanalian debauch such as Flemington produces in Cup week.
Rule of law.
The Pascoe is lining his bank account even as we bloviate.
German Official Warns Of Gas Shortages, Bankruptcies, Massive Price Hikes That Will Send “Shockwaves Throughout The Country”
Four to the floor, courtesy of the Spector*
*Thanks to Wally Dali for pointing this out … 🙂
Australia’s Energy Crisis Worsens As Gov’t Ask People To Keep Lights Off To Avert Blackouts
All the time she’s smiling …
“never raises her voice“
Speaking of the Spector:
When I was a li’l goil …
Rex Anger:
The RPG29 – I just looked it up and that was the munition I was referring to. We’ve come a long way from the original Panzerfaust/Panzerschreck models.
Yes – I’ve seen them too, and was surprised.
My beliefs..
Russia has been running around ridden grief stricken about having lost the old Soviet empire since the Union collapsed into a heap of its own incoherence. It’s true that the west gave certain undertakings that it would expand into the old Eastern bloc. However, over time these undertakings became redundant.
The Ukraine returned its nuclear arsenal on condition it was never going to be attacked by Russia. This invasion proved that no nation should ever get rid of its nuclear stocks.
Speaking of tanks, Darwin Military Museum has just acquired a Centurion.
Some nice pix online of it reversing to its spot on the grounds under its own power.
Miss Ellie
Miss Planet
Miss Charny
Very similar young women, figure wise.
Next Radio Show, Cats, Saturday 2 July – Motown and Soul.
The most joyous music you’ll hear in your lives.
Here’s some tasters:
My Goil …
My Goil…
Don’t be so sure about English ladies behaving better at the races
I’ve just finished reading The Fabric of Reality by David Deutsch. He reminds me of Bird. The stuff he writes is locally ok until the buzzing bees in his bonnet take over and he goes barking mad. He claims deep relationships between 1. QM, particularly the multiverse idea, 2. Evolution 3. Popper’s ideas on how science works and 4. computational complexity theory. The absence of detail in these claims is underwhelming. He claims that the existence of interference in the 2-slit experiment and the interferometer is compelling evidence for the multiverse, but doesn’t explain why multiple copies of the ‘same’ electrons from different universes should interfere with each other as if they are waves. Bits make sense, overall it looks nutty. Very birdlike.
areff – Nonetheless, English Roses remain the best.
Beaugy – you don’t have to gloat about it.
He’s more entertaining and much more intelligent than Bird, so it wasn’t too bad, rabz.
We both think that Kuhn’s stuff is crap, in fact we agree on a fair amount of the basic stuff. Up to the point where he goes off his head.
That’s precisely how I feel, DB.
Brave Girl.
BREAKING: SpaceX fires employees behind open-letter campaign against Musk
Free speech does not give you the right to other people’s podiums.